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The San Bernardino County Sun from San Bernardino, California • Page 7

San Bernardino, California
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Ad Talks SUN "Ad" Talks SAN BERNARDINO DAILY SUN XI flmt aim of all adTartlainf should to inzplxa oonfldenc In tha buslntae adTarUaed. Caah aavar foci ahaad of conAuanca, HE dm who Uke bis work will ncmrh to kp trltlacly at It and Uki paine at ry tan la a aafa aoit of a (anlaa to ti to. VOL. XXX. SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 14, 1909.


COSTUMES. A STKLLAH ATTKACTION. 8UPEUH ACTING. See the- Famous Balcony Scene; the Realistic "Doublo Duel Scene. Beautiful Masque Scene; the Intense Potion Scene.

Prices 11.00. 5c. 50c and 25c. Seats con's Drug Store Saturday morning. Theatre Phones: Sunset Kea ion; TNIQUE 7.

W. IiEOVABS Week of May 10, 1909 MOVING PICTURES ILLUSTRATED SONGS 'jACK ATKINS Man of Many Travels THE ASPIRIL9 Knockabout Comedy Acrobats TRIXEDO ROBINSON Watch the Quick Changes UNIQUE ORCHESTRA- Popular Prices, 10c, 20c. Boxes 25c Home 48. Order Seati by Phone. Amateur Night Tuesday.

Save Money by Using 75 cent Gas 33 1-3 per cent cheaper than any other fuel. Free Connections. San Bernardino Gas Electric Co. 420-424 Fourth Street WANTED TO BUY Fat Chickens, Turkeys and Ducks. Can handle all San Bernardino County can raise Top market prices.

Julius Oehl, Wholesale and Retail Butcher OIHL'S MARKET, ST BEET. Branch, City Market, Third Street Come to Our House You are always welcome here and the longer you stay the better you will like It at the KING EDWARD HOTEL Centrally Located. Fifth just east of Main, Los Angeles. DUNHAM SMITH, PROPRIETORS. Phones: BlacK 313; JoliLnon successor to Pure Iiquores We DELIVER THE QOOD8.

LIVERY AND HAY AND GRAIN BAXTER'S Third Street, Near F. AMERICAN TRUCK COMPANY W. E. Coomes, Prop. Baggage Transferred to Any Part of the City, Day or Night Bui to All Trains.

Agent for American Forwarding Co. and Judson Forwarding Co. Storage Main Office Stewart Hotel. Both Phones 127. Branch Office Opp.

Santa Fe Depot Both phones 277. All we ask of you is fair treatment. That's what we are giving you. Lytle Creek Power Co. Home 651; Main 97.

MEMBER CHAMBER Arrowhead Hot Mrs. Martha U. Kipllnger, Mgr. Lnder direction of H. C.

Wyatt Evening, May 19 the on Bale at Towne. Seceombe Alll Phones: Sanset, Main 1U0; Home 116 tiome 6t2. THEATRE Lenta and Maaarat Red 1151 Both Phone 7. Home 28, SEE JMcRae R. for 821 8TREET FEED STABLES WOOD AND COAL STABLES Phone 1291.

OF COMMERCE 365 Street Springs Resort Situated In the midst of enchanting mountain and valley scenery. Hot mln-eral, ateam and mud baths, fine table, beautifut hotel and delightful surroundings. naturally heated water on the globe issues from prlngs at tht foot of the wonderful arrowhead pictured on the mountainside. NEWS NOTES FROM NEARBY TOWNS HIGHLAND WATER IS AGAIN TO fLOOD DITCHES Pleasant Luncheon Gathering at the Allen Home. That Stork Again.

HIGHLAND, May 13. (Staff correspondence of THE SUN.) Tomorrow morning the water will be roaring down the ditches and laterals cf the North Fork system as of old. For 10 days It has been turned out at the Santa Ana river, while the big Inverted syphon, that Is to carry It under Plunge creek, was being constructed. Tuesday this work was completed, so far as the actual pipe line and connections are concerned, and the cement work has been found to be thor oughly hard. There still remains some work to be done In the bed of the stream, to protect the huge pipe from damage In time of flood water, when boulders weighing tons are swept down the canyon like marbles.

The Lewellyn Iron works, of Los An geles, has been doing the work, which will cost in the neighborhood of 1,500. Guests Entertained. A charming luncheon was given to day at 1 o'clock by Mrs. J. Eihan Al len at her home on East Pacific ave nue.

Mrs. Allen holds an enviable reputation for her hospitable entertaining, and today's gathering was no exception. The long dining table was decorated with pink and white I carnations, a huge bunch of them falling gracefully from a glass vase In the center of the table. A long stemmed inn i-iiiucii urn serveu as a iavor at every lady's place. Nothing Is more condusive to sociability than the pleasant hour spent around a luncheon table, and the delicious menu completed the perfect appointments.

Covers were laid for Mrs. G. W. Parsons, Mrs. C.

L. Frazer. Mrs. G. Mrs.

Frank Wood, Mrs. F. H. Welton, Mrs. Samuel Hunt Parrel Mrs.

Charles La Follette, Mrs. C. A. Sher-rod, Mrs. W.

E. Nye, Mrs. M. M. Randall, Mrs.

J. II. Bagwill and the hostess. Funeral Notice. The funeral of Ruth Mitchell, who met such a tragic death yesterday afternoon, will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock from the family home on Orange street.

The service will be conducted by Rev. George R. Graff, nf the Methodist church, and the little body will be laid to rest In beautiful Mountain View cemetery, on Highland avenue. Stork Visits Home. Dr.

E. W. Burke reports the arrival yesterday of an eight pound girl, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wess-ler, who reside on the old Sutherland place, south of City creek.

HighPnind Flings. William T. Dunn, of Brawley, left here today, after a short visit with his old-time friends, Captain and Mrs. Robert Bosworth. Mr.

Dunn Is one of the men who helped pioneer Braw-ley, and he Is at present the president of the Brawley bank. Miss Mayme Seely and Miss Beatrice Wllkins spent this afternoon in Redlands. Miss Rodgers, of Des Moines, Iowa, who Is making a trip through California, arrived in Highland today, and will visit until Saturday with Dr. and Mrs. Rohrer, at their home on East Atlantic avenue.

Coroner Van Wie was In town this morning for a short time, holding an Inquest over the body of little Ruth Mitchell, who was accidentally killed yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Jennie Coy, Pierce Coy, of S'an Bernardino, and guest, L. C. Warner, of New York, and Mr.

and Mrs. John Coy, were dinner guests this noon of Mr. and Mrs. R. E.

Longmire, at their home on East Highland avenue. F. H. Cole returned today from a two days' stay in Los Angeles. Mr, and Mrs.

Will Jewett have returned from a short honeymoon in Riverside, where they visited relatives. O. G. Crawford, of Colton, was here today on business. C.

S. Mathews, who resided in this place six years ago, spent today renewing acquaintance and incidentally Interviewing the school trustees about the purchase of dissected maps of the State and nation. Mr. Mathews now lives at Santa Barbara. Rev.

Goff, of Pomona college, was in town today, presumably on business connected with that institution. A Warning to leel tire uerore exertion is not laziness It's a sign that the system lacks vitality, and needs the tonic effect of Hood's Sarsaparllla. Sufferers should not delay. Get rid of that tired feeling by beginning to take Hood's Sarsaparllla today. Carriage and house painting shop cor.

2nd and E. Joe Freund. Carnation plants Redondo variety, for ont-door growing. 50c dozen, at Mrs. Hurtt's, opp.

Farmers' Bank. See Newman for Cement Sidewalks. FRANK PER DEW, THE PAINTER. Is now located In his new shop on street, north of the postoffice. COLTON DINNER PARTY AT THE ANDERSON Memorial Services to Be Held at Hermosa Cemetery Decoration Day.

COLTO.V. May 1.1. (Starr correspon dence or tiik SSUN.) Mr. mid Mm It. H.

Sutherland entertained several guests at an 7 o'clock dinner at The Anderson this evening. Deep red. velvety rosea were the flower used for the table decorations and the place-cards were nand-palnted in a variety of blossoms. It was a x-course dinner, and very pretty Individual salted almond dishes were, used at each plate. After dinner the party endued at whist, the prizes being framed pictures, for both lady and gentleman, while the consolation was a brush (brush up).

The Invited guests for the evening ware Mr. and Mrs. M. iutt-rflcld, and Mrs. II.

C. Knnpp. Mr. and Mrs. W.

J. Montgomery, Mrs. I. O. Mean, Daisy Davenport, George Baker, ('.

W. Curtis, Max Zempleburg, and Master Joseph Montgomery, who was also Included as a guest In the pleasures of the evening. Memorial Services. Memorial services will be held at Hermosa cemetery, Suday afternoon May 3(1. The G.

A. It. men here are arranging a program for the Lloyd A. Wade and Miss Corinne Brock, of Santa Ana, were married yesterday, at the horne of the bride's parents, in that city. Mr.

Wade held a position with the Wells-Fnrgo express company here for some time, and will receive congrtulations 'from a circle of fiieneVs made here during his stay. The young couple exwect to locate in Santa Ana, where he is now with the express company, Spokea. At a meeting of the Ladles' Aid society of the Methodist Episcopal church th aftecnon it was decided to give a taniale supper Friday evening of next week. The Santa Fe Railroad company has Just completed a large addition to their freight depot. Harry Lahamer, colored, picked up west of tun yesterday, was allowed bis liberty today by the pollen officials.

He professed to be sick, and was advised to report at the County hospital. Mrs. lhuiry Campbell, of Oakland, is vlsit'ng her sister, Mrs. J. J.

Maloney. Mr. Campbell, who is a contractor and builder, expects to join his wife here shortly, and they may decide to locate In this city. The proprietors of the Mission drug store have encaged Wlter MeNalr. of Monterey, as clerk in their store.

Ashlar Lodge. F. and A. conferred the second degree on two candidates th's evening. Rev.

Jesse Hungate, who lias been confined to his home by illness for a couple of weeks, has so far recovered as to get down town. Ray Deaklns Is up from Los Angeles for a brief stay at his parents' home. n. F. Southworth, of Banning is in Colton today.

Mrs. E. D. Ballard and children, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs.

W. G. Humphries for the past six weeks, left yesterday for their home in Clyde, Michigan. M. A.

Baiisch has a new auto. It Is a. Cndllliac this time. Oman Oak, of Covina, was a geust of his brother, Om Oak, yesterday. K.

Snrlnir and little son were down from Lytle creek today. Ladles' Ox Blood Shoes, turn sole, at Fogg's. welt or CHI NO TROUBLE OVER STOCK MUDDLE Man Accused of Impersonating an Officer Gets Free With His Fists. riltVfl 1t r3lnff rnrrnannml. nee of TUB SUN.) Tuesday afternoon, Constable J.

Tebo. or this place, and Dr. L. II. M.

DeBlron, of ..4 Kir llllAi III tt I.Ul'i iwuniu IIIG latter not submit ting to arrest. DeBiron 1ms been in the vicinity for several days, claiming to be an oiTicer. Ilo arrested Mexican named Relna on a charge of working horses that were not fit to work Judge Uoag ordered Constable Teho to inspect the and on making the Inspection the constable found that the horses were in fairly good condition, there being nothing the matter with them that would cause them to be condemned. Later Constable Tebo met PeBiron In the office of Judge Hoag and asked to see credentials showing him to bo an officer. "You go to hell," replied ne utron.

"You are under arrest for ini personating an o(Tlcn" replied Tebo. At this DeBiron dealt Teho a heavy blow in the mouth, cutting his lip and causing it to bleed freely. The con- stable then proceeded to beat up DeBiron in a proper fashion until the two were separated by two Chlno citizens. Tebo bad three Mexicans under ar rest In' TTic office at ttie time, and as soon as lie could get away, he went out on tho street to hunt up DeBiron, but found that the latter had secured a livery rig from a local stable and lied across the lino into Los Angeles county. An officer of the Southern Auxiliary of tho California Veterinary association was In Chlno today, and stated that DeBiron has no license to practice vet erinary medicine in this State, as his license has been taken from him The published l'eport that DeBiron took Tebo's billy club to Los Angeles with him is untrue at least a man took the club out.

of Tebo's hand. and if DeBiron 1ms It lie got it from the third party. I RIALTO TROLLEY FRIENDS VIEWJIIE LAND Proposed Traction Route Is Gone Over and Business Interests Shown. RIALTO. May IS (Staff corre spondence of THE SUN.) Prelimlna-i ry to the meeting of citizens to bej held this evening, a party of San Ber-; nardino men visited town this after-! noon in the Interests of the 'rolley line proposed for that city and Rialto.) The gentlemen were two representa-j tives of the promoting company, J.

W.i Catick and John Morris, Manager A. B. Merrihew of the San Bernardino Valley Traction company, and M. V. Donaldson, of the San Bernardino SUN.

The trip was made for the purpose of showing Manager Merrihew the proposed route, for that gentleman ls; much Interested In the project andj will go to Log Angeles tomorrow to: take the matter up with Mr. Hunting ton. This does not mean that the fate of the proposed road hangs on the decision of the Traction people. This statement la emphasized by the boosters of the enterprise, who state that if the trolley people do not want to put In the line, the newly-formed private stock company will do so. Therefore, If assurances stand for anything, Rialto really stands in the way of having trolley service at last.

In fact, this assertion might be made for In case the San uer- nardino line should fail to materialize at this time, the project of Riverside trolley connection will be pushed without delay, and the enterprise undoubtedly landed. The visiting committee met but one or two townspeople and that Informally. William Buxton and Kenneth Mac-Rae being the only available mem bers of the Chamber of Commerce at the hour of the guests' arrival. After the discussion of the business in hand, these gentlemen did the honors of the town, and a half hour was spent by the visitors In the Rialto Orange company's packing house, watching the latest up-to-date electric machinery dispose of Rialto a product, The gentlemen, some of whom have not watched the fruit packing pro- cess before, were Intensely Interested and were enthusiastic in their expressions of praise of the colony and its resources, as observed on the trip. A Little One Gone.

Little Fayne Farmer, the two years and seven months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farmer, died this mnrnintr at 3:55 a. after an illness; of three weeks. The litle suffered from tubercular meningitis, and his case appeared desperate from the first.

He was the only child of the family, who have- the sincere sympathy of their friends in the heivy sorrow. Owing to the character of the malady the little one was buried this afternoon. The funeral service was held at the Congregational church, T.nsVi nf Pasadena, former- fvyndnctinir the serv- IV UL I 11 1 J' i 1 1. ice. The choir consisted of Mrs.

C. PbPlns. Mrs. B. S.

Casey, C. H. iMcGaughey, H. P. Welborn, and very beautifully rendered "in neavu.j Love Abiding," "Lead Kindly Llgnt, "Asleep in Jesus," and "Rock of Ages," the latter at the grave.

Four young boys, Ray Kingman, Earl Needham, Paul Wellor and Roy Page, bore the little white casket. Beautiful floral tokens from mony friends spoke of the sympathy of the community in the parents' deep affliction. The interment was made the Rialto cemetery. Stanford Students Return. Mrs.

M. E. Wallace, of Ferris avenue will go down to Redondo tomor- rnV In meet, ner nUUglliei, HMDS u' trude Wallace, who will arrive with IOrU. Southern students from Stan The steamer Santa Rosa, which, 1. leaves San Krancisco ior mmm, on Thursday mornings ot eacn weeK, postponed its time of departure yes-j terday until afternoon, orucr i accommodate tne students gums home for the summer among whom are many San Bernar-j dino college men and women.

Mrs. Wallace and Miss Wallace will re-; turn to Rialto the first of the week. Choir Entertained. Mr. and Mrs.

O. W. Dalgleish entertained tho members of the Congregational choir this evening at their home on Riverside avenue, Mr. Palcleish being chorister. The im- medite families of the members were also included among the guests, and a goodly company enjoyed the pleasant, evening.

A party of Tasadena visitors, friends of Jay Buxton, spent the day In Rialto. They were Mrs. Jennie iv Albert, C. E. Qulnn and H.

w. Misner. Mrs. E. Lester, Mrs.

B. E. Sib lov Mrs. Norman L. May.

returned toilav from Los Angeles, where they attended the convention of the Wo man's Missionary society of tho Epis copal churches of California. Secretary Edwards, ot tne aioaesto Land and Water company, spent the dav looking into Rialto's resources. Frank Bear, of Redlands, was a visitor in town today. Willard Wright, of San Bernardino. 13 employed in' the Taylor bakery for a few weeks.

I. 10 Per Cent Discount on all trunks and suit cases from now until Saturday night. MILLINERY SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Saturday only, Handsomely Trimmed Hats, $5.00. Children's Hats, $3.50. A New Line of Sailor Hats Just In.


HIGHLAND Green True. REDLANDS Casa Loma Garage. RIVERSIDE COUNTY O. A. Huxsaw, Riverside.

Leon T. Shettler LOS ANGELES Member Automobile Dealers' Dr. E. H. Pease Is In Los Angeles, where he will spend several weeks on matters of business Mrs.

Walter II. Oliver and little son, George Jayne Oliver, of Needles, and Miss Louise Oliver, of San Bernardino, spent the day at. the home of their aunt, Mrs. Lizzie Oliver, Perris avenue. In WANTED.

To purchase a ten or twenty acre grove in Rialto. Address, C. A. Forrester, Highland. 5-13-Ct Dr.

Levengood, Center Rialto. Hours until 11, 3 to 5 and 7 to 8. Christopher's Ice Cream at Rialto Pharmacy. Clothes Economy $15.00 1 Here's your opportunity a chance to get an $18 or $20 suit for $15. As a trade stimulant we have taken 200 of our most exclusive new spring fabrics and marked them $15.

The regular price on these suits has always been $18 to $20. Come in today select a nobby up-to-date suit. We guarantee the best workmanship and a perfect fit. St, Opposite Court House i wan uciuaiuuiU Vai. Baby REO $550 Home 10167; Sunset Main 7034 Association of Southern California, Two or three 10-acre Orange Groves in bearing, cheap II taken soon.

Good water right. Lackey Dunlap Main street, Rialto. Scott's Santai-Pepsia capsules a positive; cure Vnrlnflmmiillnn nr('trrhnf th Blariili-rtml Moaned Kid. 'V. ROCuRlFOril.

I uri iil'-kly nd rrmnnMir tb nirtt rnwn of WoaorrbnaM nd l--t, of how nn mumlinir. Absolutely iftrmleM. KnM hr dnniritta. Frlrn li on, or hr mull, raid, (i.iM.I boioa, jTHE SANTAL-PEPSIN cq.

BclldoaUlM, Obi. Towns, teoaomk A rfwn nvrrnr.

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