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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • 14

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PROD L'TILITIES BODY. SIXGLE TAX OHJTIOXS. fc Police Have to Quell Wrangles at Cooper Union Mceting. Juet to speak a "Step llvely, there!" to the of Public LTtiljtles Comi to biJ them get btisy aubways the varioue boi Manhattan Sirigie Club plani a big mass i.ting last n. Thi cted a blg rowd and lure it on hot into 1 Iltorium, bul al ugl th IVhy hali" a I rators, of Mr.

tl of Mr. SI a iy ..1 just rious I -a Mr. Sh ls, and wants it I. i built in of Trad pro Bro i up a a poKcei Mr. Coler flnished his Bpeech, r.

mnr. na. Th tugb Mr. Bl ision it a i ex-Congi a. who before a Ford, and wrangler, by Mr.

I waa ntment a violation of I prlnciples of bome rulo. that, llke all adsted do nothlng. With all that the om gjnlBg) dng of blds for ibways approved by tbe late Rar-iii Trtu ission, for which trust i s. rved tl Mr. in ller Metx'a Bop the subway as I far'y conatrui aial aulcki I would be i I give $150,000,000 more, nty to al rnor Hughi and ariess, rhat, he added, could nut Republican Governor ir.

be A. Boulton. Charlea Fti Presa misslon get to work at bulldini ibways B. Q. EONTJS T0 GREAT N0RTHERN.

Northern. Pacific Not Expected to Buy St. Paul with Proceeds. r.f the t'hi iny to i last week, be a pre Hmli tion by the of tho Northern Pa ilty 1 Int i per i nt a Iflc'a equ rj for the 'Ir. at I I aald ihed without gtated that Jn Pacific go far aylng vf-ri that in i a would be ta 1901 by tock for i purcbau li ONLY LOST A STEAMSHlP TICKET.

Ive aad is ahort wearing appareL were over t-. (Vhite Stai arblcfa stordav tt.o White tiikot. GEORGIA WHITE MAN LYNCHED. Ii.M.ilr. a from noraing lo a raili ol I reair.

ACCIDENT TIES UP BROOKLYN I a1 Ihe Brook? lyn. at on the line I rnirwt. Tt.o traln i arben tbe track on Myrtle arere ild reach al aa APPOINTED BY COLONEL 14th of Brooklyn, haa i H. In il- ppointed Fli U. itenar.l I to be ittalli ti adjutanl to ceed Bi Ifei tahl, who d. will have tht rank of cap? tain ii. taifl a. Nelaon, arho haa reaagiM NEW HEAD FOR DRAPER COMPANY. Hop4 tele, Maan I mei ting of the la ld here to-day, j. Bancroft, of elected prealdent nempany, and Frani Dutcher, Hop aice-preaidenl Both men havt been coc wrth ompaay practlcally all theli It gffttt uniininiiiu-.

Tbe other maln uochamged. Mr. Ban eda General WiUiata Draper, aho reaigued on accounl of<rtnct-h of oplnloa aa t', U. Uclea to be pur aufcd tl-fc By. Y.

Commuters Say There Is, Qwing to High Rates -Appeal to Mellcn. An " Of th? New York Central Railroad rday that, deaplte tho threat made by commutera f-. the that they on account of tho in r. ln the monthly romrautatlon ratea, there waa a large Increase in the number of commuta tlon ricketa aold compared with the sama period year. Thls Increase, he sald, might in part be attrlbuted to the growlng populatlon of Moiml Vernon.

bul lt alao Bhowed thki tho boy not nrx.ountcd to much. Tho number of carrled on the early morning trains. ac? cording to the offlclal. was as large as usuaL Oi other liand, commutera said thal tha early iraina from Mount Vernon to this elty. which are usuallv heavlly patronlzed, carrled hardly baker'8 dozen, and thal the boycott waa heavlly foll bv the road.

It Ib certain that a larse number of the commutera patronlzed trol ears from West Mount Vernon to Bodford Park. and there took thi elevated Unea to thelr wer part of Manhattan. New Haven also received fares from a large number who found lt just as easy to po road as to come down to by the Central. been aenl to Presldent New Haven. asklng hlm to make a eommutera' rate rrom Mounl Vernon to.thia nd promlalng a good patronage it ho should ild 1 mnd yeaterday at tho would talk about tho matter.

The read at the preaent tlme has a al thU la tne majorlty mters. Oito Hufeland. who ls presldent of the BTxta ers- Association of Mount i th it commuters are Indlgnant tlon ih, Central offlcials In thal the matter will he to the He aaid that lt would ho 0f the new Publlc tllltlea II fo md that the had ln the matti r. ihe road when aaked about ttter a I yeaterday: controveray aa Vork ntra' road la -om ned me of the ry pi ople that are now ar-1 the very ones that came montha ago aaked if we would re as they paased they complain abo the aervlce Ves, there la a delay of ten red with tha former acheduli please the very people thal are the kick. Our engineers have ordera .1 of forty mllea an hour on i bj I thlrty-flve mllea an hour on iunced at the Now York Central lay that the 'trlc aervice i the tunnel ne Into effi tralns will now be takr-n motor cara as far aa Wakefield and Hlgh i be ibatltuted.

lalure calla for tho eli trls by July 1908, and the road ia just a year All of ih- Central trniris the new order, Includlng the llmlted The rush by trolley waa so at that Union Rallway found lt neceasary to put rs. oxtr i eare were put on the Bronx River diviaion at Weal Mount Vernon. Al I be strjk-- la by i tlck? agenta at "tt'hlt-. Plains and Mount Vernon irt i ptlble falllng off ln the aale of monthly tlckets new rate. In yeara gone bj i has alwaye been a ur'-at rush of commtitera to ly tlckets at dlfferent Btatlona, hut there were no algna ac tivity mi the part of the aellera.

Only jolutely obllged to travel by the Har Ihi rate, bj I ej to ho idgtngly "Th.mpany ly rubblng it In on us ted thelr tlckets for this month in "Th'-lr gei nt ought to have groa another, "ln la what we gel for havlng ha I I wlnt Imt better aervlce," sai.i a thlrd. West Vernon Taxpaj ra' rd tlu mpany with a of lettera. Secretary John H. thi toln is and thelr mperature is very blgh. The Ni Tork ntral put 11 effeet thi dlvl Getty 11:11.

Lowerre and Caryl, ln Yonkers, to be the flrst fare i made by the New York aa a reault of the perslstent flght waged by Mayor Coyne. ln farea is from i 25 r. nts for round trip tlcketa and from li centa for Blngli the Com etlng laat i I Mayor 'oyne a clal measaae calllng for a pul et i ommuti rs to rganizi a I behlnd st io the Publc Utllltlea Commlaalon againat farea, a inju HIGHER STEAMBOAT RATE TO ALBANY Line Advances Price of One Way Ticket from $1 50 to $2. The fare to Albany by boat this summer wtll be $2 Inatead of H50. aa last year.

New ratea were I went Into i on May' l. Tbe round fare advanced cents, to N. E. Campbell. secretary-treasurer of the Peo ple'a Line, sald yesterday that the batter aervlce immer and the Incrcaaed prlce of rlea to tranaportation, Justi i as- Line to Troy, whi-'h ls under the nt, haa not advanced Ha ratea, to one i'f the company'a offlcials, thero la no Intentlon of Increaalng them.

jbe plJing between New Tork and Nea England polnta will contlnue the a. The New York agent of tho Fhll River would i- no Increaaed fare over that line. BARS WINKING IN EXCISE CASES. Magistrate Whitman Wili Stop Policemen from Adjusting Charges for Cost. Magistrate Whitman, ln the ten daya In which to In th- Harlem urt, says that he la golng to make eaclae prlaonora atop wlnklng at tho ih- aaya be la nelther a fanatlc nor a re but tbo wlnklng muat Btop.

Dotectlve of the 29th Preclnct, brought Hurley Van a baxtender, employed in a aaloon at No 1244 Lexlngton avenue, He sald there had mi an.l two womon tho Sun daj r.n.r-riin,.'. each with a half-emptlod Klaas. While he was thcra tha bartender brougbt ln two i fllled witii a whlte Uquid, waa did not taate the llquld. "Why notT' aaked the maglatrate. "WelL I waa alone," sald Vcaa, "and I wasn't taknirr any i hani ea." Tni to be here ten daya," the rnaKistrato ex.

lalmed anarrily, 1 want yau to know that A-iil nol Btand for any more 'fake' arresta llko Thia caae la i.r- of the diagraceful which hne come under my obaorvatlon. I want you to t' II your captaln, and have hlm tell your ln r.thai If neceasary 1 will po out and get myaelf againat auch vlolatora of the ex ia law, and show you policemen now to your work. Thf- Ia dlacharged." Whon waa adjourned ftfaglatrata Whitman v. igaln. Ho aaid: want lt underatood that am not going to theso graftlng arreata.

Why, i I policemen and prlaonera at each rtgUt ii front when have been hear Ing When niea make exclae ar have got to glva m.i the cvidenco. Thia bualneaa doean't go- 1 know how pollio and thelr prlaonora K-'-t togetber after a caae haa diapoacd of aad everythlng la lovely. KOt to stop." ENSIGN CASE COIATS TJP TO-BAY. Hearing in Suit for Separation Against Eng lishman ou Ground of Cruelty. A motlon t.i frame lssues for a jury wtll he hear.l to-day by Juatlca Dayton ln the suit of Mm.

E. Bnalgn for separation the ground of cruelty and non-aupporl aKuiiift her huaband, Harry Aaher Bnaiim. of the firm Bhepard bank rs. of Naaaau-atreet. In Mr.

Bnatgn'a aaawer his wife's aull he aaked for an abaolute dlvorcc Juatlca Oreenbiuun re granted Mrs. Bnalgn a week allmony anil for counael Mr Enalgn appealed to tha Appellate nivlslon on the ground thal he was an Bngllahman aad the court bad no lurtadlotton Justlce Greenbaum'a declslon. however, waa unanimouslv affirmed by the Appellate Diviaion. Mrs. Enaign'a counael then made motloa to frame Isauea fnr a jury, Tl re many ajuestlona desired by the plalntlff of tbesa la whether the jiiaintiff nt the tlme of her marriage to tbe defendant was already the arifi nf Ramsey Kennedy of Qlaagow, Bcotland Another la whether Mr.

Rnsicn called his wife vllc namea nr.i hit knocked ror down a balf Oosen ottn tjaeatloca of a almlltdr Jl? WA I I i rllaV, 'Wi tr a. temvlb roruT. Bouthweat aorrtT of Prckman nnd Xasaaa atreets, lt lo to whlch wns tranaferred yesterdaj to a corporatlon for $1,325,000 COLBY BOOMS SOMMERS. Shcriff's Campaign for Republican Nomination Launched. Ii lo Tl Tr ige, July Sheriff Frank H.

boom i Republican nomination for Go lnjr in Commonwi Hall, East Orange. Al ndtdacj of thi Eaaex 'ounty nator tl of the New Idea I daj ago, tl the hall waa rowded lo-nlght. Addltlonal Interest waa lent to rneetli B. I lalrymple, 01 I llean County tee, that noniinai Justlce Franklln Port, of the rt, whosi onie la in East On I princlple, ai the i Mr. "olby sai I "As the candld the ernor, what ti- Bplrlt that tha fence for the last a to jump, prevented hlm ri nn pi I aa iln it the mi nagei the last two leads hlm to 1 fet-1, with syi enough lo underai to analyze and i ahould ire, i hlm Bf a man I ZIONISTS PLAN BANK Profits Wdt Bc Devoted to the Developjnent of Palcstine.

Tannersville, of the Liegislaturi tate ol New York th? ta will have a blll pn e8tabll8hment of a bank ln New York Cll and all Jewl will be devoted to the development of A commltt -i I chant of ir iokl yn; 11 on, of Plt and I B. i ii rdon, of PI Beaelon ol tl here that atock to I he ami unt of been aubacrtbed i wlt lai sum aa the blll authorizlng the bank ment becomca law. mo bank will I a Bteamahlp tli ket bn ment, which will aerve to prote the ponr aad lg norant Jewa of thi East Slde of New York City from the fra Ihem bj Irrespi ini Ible men. Ah aoon up the bank In New York City ha i hed branchea will be opened In I I Baltlmore, Plttsburg, Cleveland, Chl cago and Clnclnnatl ahd ln other citiea where there ar- large Jewlsh Bettlements. lt ls antlcipated that the proflta of thia enter liripn will be bo large that mntiy projecta for de? velopment of the Induatrlal and agricultural poa albilltlea of Palestlne which are now In abeyance will be aui ci asfully carried out and the way for the Bettllng there of a large Jewlsh pi opulation.

After an extended dl cusalon the delegatea to the convention adopted resolutlona that tho tranafer Palestlne aoll to the Jewa be has ten ed with all tha meana at the diapoaal of the Zloniats organl zntlon. lt la hoped that tha proflta from the bank which it has been decided to eatabliah will ma terlally ald In the development of the trade end In duatrlea of Palestlne. The resolutlona urge that efforta be pul forth from the Sultan of Turkey as many conceBBlona as posslble, The or ganlzatJon pfoponea graduaily tr, revolutlontaa tho Induatrlal, commerclal and agricultural llfa of Palestlne, with tha ultimate hope of nhtalning from the Sultan a charter grantlng autonomy to the Jews. WANTS SEWERS DEFLECTED. Jersey Commission Working to Pnrify Rari tan River and Bay.

Telsgraph to The Trlbune Bomcrvllle, July 1. Tbe state Bewer Coramia sion opened Its campaign here to-day againat the iiiillutlnn of the Rarltan River and Hay. The commlsslon witb Colonel Cbarlea W. Fuller, of Jersey city, presiding, summoned before it tbe offlcials of tbe auburban towna of Bound Brook, Lincoln, New Bound Brook, Somerville and Rarltan to ahow cauae why an ordea ahould not Le laaued compelllng these towna to tuko thelr reaoectlve Bewera from the Rarltan River and Hs trlbutariea, The commlsslon announced Ita detertnlnatlon to rid the Rarltan River and Hay of aewera and other aoarcee of poiiution. and recemmended that the towna affected uae aewer diapoaal planta and (Utratlon t.i dlspoae of thelr crude aewage.

ROBBERY IN REVOLVING DOOR. Montreal, July A gang of plckpocketa which haa been ratlng in Montreal for the last few weeka on Baturday Btole O.G00 an.l eacaped. Qer nld Murray. a tnesaenger of tha AJlan Bteamahlp Une, was aent a bank to draw out tbe wei k's pay for the employes. On returnlng to tha offlcea and entering through a revolvtng door, Murray and man accompanylng bim found tiair way blocked by two w-ii dressed men attecnptlng to leava thi- offlce through tha compaxtment bjr which Murray was enterinc.

There waa aome jostiinK. whii-ii ended by tbe two men backlng oul and apologiatng for their miatake. Murray went to deliver tbe money to the casbler, bul found ihut the envalope cuutululng the uiuney was uiisjlng. BOYLAX CASE ARREST. Girl's Father Dischargcd, Iloieever, for Laek of Evidenee.

4 ta Boylan, father oi elght-yeai it. a.a am stt .1 in conm th of hla dcred by the i Detectivea Snmmera md OTm r- st ln the nv everal daya and I ictloi taken before Captain him. I t. where Maglatrate raa slt Aa ind failed to of the Mrs. tt the I Igtl s.

1 hi lp atlck uaed by detec vtnga were Ich Boylan Invalid I ta; tly had I GANG ATTACKS TWO YOUNG WOMEN. Bunday ilted by a Ictima wan irj I So. 416 East atreet, ave ln a precarloua nd City. were wen i on Iday. They ire of No.

90 Grove treel tn Moravli of Xn. 86 Grove atreet al xteen yeai t. orge Ri I nlnet. old, and all of Infleld, Long ASBURY PARK HOTELS IN QUANDERY. Piaza Anti-Liquor Decision Applies to All on "Restricted Property." rk, July to gc-n ri-al expertatlon, the antl-llquor forcea hava won lti tr.rir Chancery Court flght to reatraln Colonel Henry J.

Bly, owner of Plasa Hotel, from llquor under Uci itly Kfatited liim by the local Exclae Board. The declalon timt the Plaza Hotel ls bullt on restricted prop? erty, th orlginal deed provldlng thi I property Bhall reveri to "Founder" Jamea A. Bradley ln case llquor la aold thereon. Vlce-Chancellor Bergen alao declded that thera wns no general reatrlctlve piun adopted by Mr. Bradley when he founded Aabury Park.

The men Inalat that thla portloh of the declalon wlll permit Itcenaea to be lasued to men whoae property ls not reatrlcted. Ucenaea have been i to the ownera of Bunaet Hall, the Hotel Brunawlck and tl li in Houae, but ho tela are bulU on restricted lms, so tho Ucenaea wlll be vold. BELLEVILLE SUICIDE IDENTIFTED. Not R. C.

H. Adams, as at First Supposed, but B. S. Neumann, of West Orange. The body erroneoualy tdentlfled early yeaterday mornlng In BellevUle, N.

as that of R. BL Adams. uf Nn. 148 Bightb avenue, was inter found to be thnt of n. s.

Neumann, of Weat Orange, X. j. The mtatake In tdenttty cauaed much confualon and dlatresa to the famlly of air. Adama Neumann oammltted early Bunday morn Ing. A frlend and a stater of Adama wenl to Belle? vUle, where body had been but dld not gee lt, real Identlty having been establlahed by Neumann'a lytcle.

Neumann had been broodlng aome time over domestic and buaineaa troublea waa a graduate Annapolla and held a Iteu t- nant'a commiaaion aome time. In tho Spanlah War he dld aecret service work for Rear Adralra) Bampson. ATE FARMER'S CHERRIES. WAS SHOT. Bloomfleld, x.

July Charlea Unge mah, of No. 17 Almlra atreet, was taken the Mountaln Hoapltal to-day with a Mutusiiot wound ln the right knee. He bad been, with othera, lag oherriea on farm of Andreai Wettlch, Franklln avenue. The latter, who had been annoyed by boys, among tbe cherry eaters, aad Cnge mah'a knee waa ghattered. lt will be aeveral weeka before tbe boy will lio able to walk again.

UMBRELLA FRAME TRUST INDICTED. Philadelphia, July lndlctment waa returned by tho Unlted Urand Jury bere to-day nimlnst the ao-caUed umbreUa frame trust. Tbe lndlctment contains three counta and obargee the Natlonal Umbrella Frame Company of this city, the Newark Rlvet Worka and tha Newark Tube and Metal Worka with enterlng Into a consplracy to form a comblnation ln reatratot of trade, Tbe cusc prohuhly wlll be caUed for trlal ln October. CHICAGO BANK MERGER ABANDONED. Chicago, July i -lt was forraally announced to day that tho proposed merger of tbe Commerclal Natlonal Hnnk and tho Bank, ot ttiis city, had been abandoned.

dtrectora of both instituttona held the matter under advlaement aeveral days, but rinnliy declded that a consolida tlon waa not LEBARTON A TRADE AMOCNT INVOLVED New Owner for House in Long Acre Square Section. Several Importani realty tr.insnctions were ported yesterday. W. E. PreWe sold for E.

Finn to S. L. Pakaa a nine story elevator arart ment house. Noa 308 and 310 West street. known aa Le Barton.

It occupies a 42x184 feet It is leased for flfteen yeara al an annual net rentil of $20,000. in part payment Mr. Kinn takea a tracl 177, acrea at ln the Catsklils. Th- total value the property in the dea! was about 1350,000, A dea! In the Lrng Ac-e Square section wns the sale hy John P. Kirwan fur I W.

K. Full- r. of No. 133 Weat streets three story and basemenl dweiiins house, 20x55xlxtfi5 feet. The Temple Couri Bulldlng, oi Beekman and Nassau atreeta, was transferred yeaterday to the Temple Courl Bulldlng Company, a new corpor? ation.

for $1.325,. It was a quiet dav in the aoctfon There were only two offeringB, one by Joseph P. Day and the other by Bryan Kentu The Bhakeapeare avenue parcel, acheduled Jo be aoW by Mr. Day, waa wlthdrawn. For No.

(U to 68 East 128th street, -i ata atory brich tenement bouae, wRh store, on a plol feet, Mr. K. gol $63,700. The buyer was the plain tlff in the fon closure action. The auction offertnga al Noa.

11 and IB Veeey street to-day should attract many prospectlve buyers. Josepb P. Day has ntnf parcele, and D. Phoenta Inarraham Co. and Herbert A.

Hh.eritian. one to sell. Included ln Auc? tioneer Day'a liat are No. 53 Roae street. a five story brich lofl and store bulldlng.

23x92.fix2fi.3a feet; No Weat 125tb atreet, a six story brick flathouse, an 1 atore, on a plot 25x100.11 feet- No. 90 Broome atreet, a three story frame tene'mi nt and a one atory bullding; No. 21? Weat UNth street. a three atory brick tenement house and a two story brick tenemenl house. a ra ai i i ol feet, on the west alde of Edge combe avenue, 344 feet ol Ft.

Nlchotei ria-e- a vacant plol In Edgecombe avenue, 129x100x Irregular. and an Edgecomba are -ue plot 100x100 feet; slx atory brick ftathouaea at the northweat corner of atreet and Fifth avenue. and No. 522 to B28 Weat IJWth Mreet, IWO six story brtrt. 10Ax9ftll ft Phoenlx Ingraham Co wffl otTet Xel 1057 and 1059 Prospect avenue.

twa flte brich nathouaes. and Herbert No.610 Water atreet. a alx atory brich otable. KELLT HE1RSTAKE TITLE. Plan to Ereet Skyseraper in Memory of Father.

Eugene Kelly and certain other pataona, as exeo the Btfgene Kelly trmnaferred lltle Temple Court Bulkttng at the aouthwesi corner ol Nasaaa and Beekaaaa atreeta. extendtng to Theatra Alley. The ronsideratlon The title to th- premlsea is now hetd (e court Bulldlng Company, a corpora io cjrar tbe prop. which ls enrnposfi of halra ol the Keuy. th.

wall hnowa benher tn intenda to erect on ln about four or frve years. or at the ex leasea the site. a twepty story which wUl pi al ly ba called tbe Bulldlng, to perpetuata the oi and merchant. it la sald thal before tl tha mtereata ln th- of helra ol tha eatate whose namea ara nol wlH i helra who still anawer i name Kelly. With this purchase of lnt provement is mada to the i of tha late Eui would done excluslvely by the Kelly braneh of Mra Frank Jay Qould (nee Helen M.

itate B4.11 the projeel Ar.d. because ol are nol llvlr.c tip li" tradltlona of the family. A feud batween two the family aroew tbe reinn ol Quean declded against the and, aa a. reault of that dectaton, i property of 'i waa conflscated The Boyle -f Mullaghmnre. Ireland.

In 179a r. Eugei the dls i Kelly hh-h. araa to upon hia lombat Impoatng atructure. On tha it atanda a theatra was bulll tn pavld Douglasa. On November that year resented, lt ls sald.

for tl city. Although the plaiyhousa was 825. Tbe theatre was by a. uvb which asaemblad to ax thelr dlsapproval the Btamp In 17-U. park Theatre waa Parb Row, at whal la now No 21 to 25.

There ls a ol the ancienl playhousa ta Theatre narrow passagea ty which extenda from t. rha weal wall of the Temple irt Bulldlng extenda atong tha alley. WOMAN FINDS MARKET FOR FLATHOUSE. Matthaw Barnhalna has aold nnd 811 BOth ava atory 13 feal to Oaors? store ln No nti the broker ln tha tloa a SALE OF UPTOWN BLOCK FRONT.

The Realty I'ampanv haa aold the bloeal fri on lh? of r.imar. as-. batwaan Urace .1 laon avoi -i plol 189x80 feet. CHICAGO FIRM IN L. I.

CITY DEAL. J. Kall-y p.Mi solrl a plot of at Ling 'Klanil fp-ntlns ahout fret on Narwtowa Creek. Tha plot haa a pth of abOUt 800 feet. The buyer ls so eoa em, which will erect a manufaeturlng tha eite SALE OF SITE HELD SIXTY YEARS.

Arthur Ftseher BoM foi the Ammon to a ellent the foui atory builrims. No 81t ave adjolntag northwoat corner of 4tlth t' Thia property has not chaaged ownerahlp lot yeara. a MAY SELL 13TH ST. HOUSE. McCalt, of tho BupraOM (V-urt.

ye-iterrtay rrante.l juita R. Wood, IndlvMaally an.l aa tmatoa ol BMsa Rudd, ponntaalon to i-eli No. 10S 13th ldl te. t. 820.00O TO REBUILD CANAL ST.

STRUCTURE. Plana havo be. Uad with Puildlnirs Superlnten-Vnt Murpl for niBKins a fIx atory butMlna- of the tlve atory loft and bull.llna at th? BOOthaaal ol I'anal st nnd. Cortlandl Alley, was ilaniaKed by flre A new wttb Ftorlea of baya will ere. t--I The lmi-r-vements will eost according to the er.tlinate of Jaraela the archl te.ta.

REALTY NOTES. The branch offli-o of io. ia now at 409 IjEXliiKton rians hava been flled for enlurtrlna an.1 remodelling tne three at.iry an.l baeement boBHM at No. 136 East Srith et The Improvamaaita are batag maflo for tK-rdon W-nd-'U, aa at a eont of 918.888 Altmajer haa leaaed a rllent for a long t.rm Of yeara tn lCmll the bulldlng No. 7 Hon dara -n riaor TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY.

Co Ine have sold for a cltent the tlve atorv il.iuble tenement tvuse No 302 East 10'id Ht en a plot -SrtxlOO faet. Qaorge Strlcbai .4 aeld for Mrs B. Ooldsmlth No "77 Eagle ave a thrue-famlly frame dwelllng houao, on lot Ztnzer t. -i? sold for a rllent No. 1130 Kox st a thrie family house, on 'Ji'xlOO feet Wat'st has s.d.l th- of y.irru ava unil ITU.t st a Mr Btobarl Joaapb haa aold Noa.

B42 and R44 W'eat R7tti IWO rlvo story flathouaes, on plot 0 feet. to a Mr Sihl-slnger YV 8 nnd J. Von Sant have sold Nos and 111 Eaet 28th st twe three story brl.k dwelltnit on a Olbbona Young have for Emll Stork No. 988 Nlnth a tlve story flatliouse. with atores.

on a lot SxTH feet. adjolnlng the northeuat corner of st Wllllam I.lndner has aold No 177 Eaat a five story flatlfiiae. -ui a 1-d 11X188.1] feet. I.oula has sold Nos 304 and 988 East 8th tWC six atory tenement houaea. on plot 411 rtxOtt feet.

to Jaeob Riia J. Rosea hiia bought No Eaat 3d a three atory dwelllng honaa, on 20x88 TO FORCE MEXICAN BEGGARS TO WORK San Antonlo, July 1. A dlsp.tteh to "The KxprtsB" from Salttllo. Mexioo. says that a plan to rld the sidowalka and puhlle gardMHM of beR garp ls under advlsement hy the federul authorltles ol Haadee, A eoaaaataataai will be appolnted to in vestlgate the matter.

It Is the intentlon to compel iiu ablebodnad men who are found begging to learn pome trad? by whleh they caa make a llvlng. There ls law ln Mexioo restrlctlng begglng to coitiiin Real Estate. If you rather have a norrrMl ln retmn opop your mpital instead if dlvfdtag it with a muldle-man. or want itroney in a MiiulSj whose value dkaea nol ftortoaia and i.s not t.i nritiitnila'ioti or lt w.ui'.l beworth your while tocogaaider thearlvan tagea adTorded by A-R-K Six's Conpoa Doada ol this Coaaaaaaary. They romblne stal.iiity.

seourity. earning and They are tly aa bnbcmj g-'ld. principal and Interesi from date afl Isansa to date of maturlty; issuo.i ln multii.u-s ol $10'). If you don't trr-t em it Is not becauee it i art't earn it with perfect safety. Wrlte us to-day aml le: na telt you h.uv.

AMERICAN REAL ESTATE COMPANY Fotinded 1KKS. S9.I1?.095.H?. 508 Night Day Bank 44th St. Fifth Avenue. New York.

Telephone Real Estate Titles are insured by this Company expeditiously and reasonably. Its con tract of Insurancc is broad and liberal and absolutely protects the insured against all loss by reason of Taxes, Assessments, defects and incurabrances, as well as the expense of litigation. Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Company $9,500,000 CAPITAL A SURPLU3 gT Ltbertr "9 Ltopti Bji 1SS Brvofelym. (Tltle Daot. aad Troit Baoklog Dcst.1 WHITING COMPANY.

TriT ESTATE oaat 5 Beekman Street, N. Y. 3 City Property for Sale. AT $23,000. An te i WEST ST BETWEEN ENTP.AL I'aRX WEST ANO IBVS AVE.

four hlgh at honae: brownatone tn.l pantry lot tw.8ailS&2; oneta pliunbtng; ttnly poa aatan or L. OTTIN i'-R. Kaaaau st. To Lct for Business Purposes. SUBLET AT CONCESSION Very Desirable Light Offices Br.wlnav.

fi, Ing nn Bmad -ar la ault t- aat loejulra Real Fumished Houses to GR0VESM0NT C0TTAGE. KAATSmLS! feet! rniartlnga Ekivtroa a 44 Court Rklyn. (tATSKJLXS Ta rant fumlehad eottagaa gaa water. Ai'KLEY. K-r-.

s. st TJIOK KENT In Stor.lngton. i- rr.odcrn 12 rooma. atabla. and flrat olaat, ln SPAl.DI.Na.

Agent. Country Property for Sale FOR Flneat i alx fcouaa iCetaaUal), bam flah c. wants a flna will Itke thta. For partlculars a.tdr?a* P. Box 009.

Maven. tjViRM FOR SAI.E. S8. large i high all f.r*t a butldlnga irtl S2O.0O0, one-half 1 fiMini. Ctol ia VFEW BBOIUI i.ots.

8-WO: "Blosaom aa rlght 8a? a gulcli proflts. TAYMON a FOYD. 220 Marr.aron*ck N. KOCKTI1X1 -FNTRK 170 tfft frr-nt aa Mtrhk minuta." drlr. Lm Itaarh.

free and clear. Addraaa) Roa 3A. I.ynbraak. "tlOR Rarawln. Mnuntuln Park Farrot aummaa iaxg? an.1


Hailt. Na 2. lakewond. N. tl.

i Country Property to LeL RED RANK. N. iVttagra far rent, furnlahed. Vaaaaal far W. A.

HOPPIN-1. flatata Fumished Apartments to Lei. TO for 3 month. or rooma no board: oommuttng dlatanc. to cltyi trrmi reaaonablo A B.

Bardonla. Apartment HOTET. NAKRAOANSETT. Md St, 1 Btoona furntahail or CONNING TOWERS FOR San Antonio. July cllanatoh to Bapaaaaa" from PallHatn.

aaya that t.iin t'entral Kallroail. aeoordtng to an by will aiM oupolaa to aU VaKgiige rars runnlna; paaaenttor tho termlnala. Thla la to ln ordaf to enaMe the oomluotor to watch htg traln out experlenclna; the Inconvenlence of looking oa? of the wirnlow or stancllng; on the rlatft rm. MAMMOTH ICEHOU9E BURNS. Southwlck.

July largest loaliOwSw In New Enirland. i-ontalnlna; about 78.000 tona ot together with a large quontlty of forty was burned hore to-day. loss eatlmated at HOO.000. The waa ltawraas as the fongamona; house of the Berkshlre Ice Qaasr pany. a New York corporatlon.

and altaaSSal on th? shorea of Lake Congamong. in thls town. The rause of the flre ia not known. but thought that tramps smoklng ln a have been reaponsible. The flre waa a boxear on a aldlng.

but before flaraes coua? be checked the houae, machlnery and cars atroyed and tona of ruinaA -r.

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