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The Daily Courier from San Bernardino, California • Page 1

The Daily Courieri
San Bernardino, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ffe THE COURIER Is the) ist Paper in tin County. Subscribe, THE COURIER Is th.e best 'advertising ms diura in the County. VOLUME vni. SAN BERNABDINO CALIFORNIA. THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1890.

NO. 42. CITT OTFICEB8. Okv Newtranf.Pr.. i A.M.

Kennlston Board ot City Trustees: E. W. Lightfoot I Sydney Mee I H. O. Lesher City Trtuonr C.

K. Roe ultyJlerK a. d. nuni City Recorder 3. W.

Morein ritw Uinhil E. H. Thomu Street superintendent Joseh Bright John Brown, free W. A. Harris Board of education A.

W. Barn am I Leiaxe Alien J. C. King STAIR OmCIBS. QjTernor R- W.

Waterman Lieutenant-Governor Stephen If White Secretary of State W. C. Hendricks Controller Jno. P. Dunn Treaanrer Adam Herald itmnMitiMl G.

A. Johnson Barrey or-General Theodore Reichart Clerk of Supreme Court J. D. Spencer Bao't Public Instruction I. O.

Holtt State Librarian. T. H. Wallis Proiasslonal Garcia. ATTOBNXT AT LAW.

H. GOODCELL, J. Booms 12 and 14. ost ein ce 01OCK. THIBON B.

FIBBSOK, AtUrrney-at-Lav and Notary Public. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. Wlzom Block. Ban Bernardino, CaL CHARLES W. ALLEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W.

Rooms 6 and 7, Farmers Exchange Bank block, San Bernardino, California. A. J. FELTBK, A TTORNEY-A T-LA COLLECTOR, Room No. 4, New Rnffen Block.

Third Street, Ban Bernardino, California. Henry M. Willis. Geo. B.


Booms 10 and 11, PostofBoe Block, northwest eoraer of and Court Streets, San Bernardino, cawornia. OSCAR r. TATLOR. A Uomty-at-Lau. Room Farmers' Exchange building, San Bernardino, cam.

HKNRV W. KI8BKT, AUorney-at-Lav, Booms S3 and S4. Harris ock. Third Street, Ban tlerjiaraino. ZDK O.

PECK. Lawyer and Notary Public, Bait Bernardino. California. Brunn Block, street. Booms 4 and 5.

Byron Waters. William Gird. WATERS UIKD, Attorneys and Counselors at Lav. Offlce on street, between Third and Fourth. in waters a onatmejeri Duuaing.


Attorney and Counselor i at Lav, Office In the Cochran bunding. Third street. San Bernardino. Calif J. D.

BETHUNE, AUorney-at-Lav, Late Register TJ. S. Land Office), Booms 14 and joaes DUiiainK, ovnii opmiR uu Angeles, Cal Special attention curing mineral patents. given to pro- J. H.

LIOBTFOOT, Notary Public. At Waters A Gird's Law Office from 8 m. to 4.80 p. m. At COUBlBB omce xrom p.

m. to p. m. KDWARD M. ROOOS.

Civil and Hydraulic Engineer. Bocart Block. Court Street Sam Bkbkabdiko. Calif. A.

R. KOEBIO, Civil and Hydraulic Engineer. OFFICE Boom IS, Fqs toffies Block. P. O.

Box 882. Bast Bsaif abdino. Cal. T. C.

JINKLE, Hydraulic Engineer, Engineer and Super intendent City Water Works. Only Hydrulit EngiaMr ii tas City. 16, City Hall street. Ban Bernardino. Postomee box 596.

T. H. GOFF, ARCHITECT, BAM BIBHARDIKO, CAL. Destrner of the Postofflee Block, the Hotel StawarL. the residences oi Nr.

Byrne, as. W. Water. W. J.

WUklns and many other buildings. OFFICE IS POSTOFFICE BLOCK. DR. O. B.

BOWILL, RADUATE OFMcGILL tTHIVERStTT, MON- tnal: member ot the Boyal oouece of our nana. London. Encland. Office, rooms 11 and 13, Occideatal Building, Third street, opposite Stewart Hof-tf, Ban Bernardino, Calif. Hours, 10 a.

sa. to 4 p. and 7 to p. m. Residence, northeast eoraer of Fifth and areata.

Telephone. SO. K. K. BIOFOKD, D.

D. Dentist, P.O. Block, Copbt Stkxkt, GROTTSia FLOOR SPECIALIST. MS. JOSES, V.

D. Eye. ear, nose and throat diseases a specialty. (2S years experience). Santa Ana, CaL.

Reference: F. M. Towns. DBS. DICEvBT.

0. D. DicaBT, D. R- Dicmt. County Fhyalcfan.

Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. O. B. Dickey makes diseases ef tas sye, ear and throat a specialty.

OFFICE Rooms and 11. First National lank Rnildlnv. eoraer Third and streeta. Residence, No. 3S Fifth street.

Telephone No. omes ana resiaeaoe. EerHALD K. MeDeiVAU), Physician and Surgeon. OWea and Residence corner and Court streeta tV-Somes hoars: HMUi.

xsv. so p. as. Residence Telephone No. 28.

XXK BBACBIOAKD, ComelisU Lata of Grand Onera House. Del noines. Is. sr-vlvenon Van a instruments, special tention to iv-cnlle classes. Address, Seml- tplo Hotel.

RlsuZ. SOUTHERN HOTEL, Cox. Fourth a FaTSt-elasa In Every Respect. frT-lm tmrpOsA with the heat Um Baarki myicti C. KUIXTS, Proi.

BANKS. BANE OF SAN BERNARDINO, Bah Bbbhabdibo, Caubobitia. LEWIS JACOBS. MANAGER. Oldest Bank In the County, and the largest paid Dp capital of any Bank in the County.

General banking business transacted; highest prlee paid for gold dust, silTer bars, county scrip and United States bonds; exchange bought and sold; money loaned on good security deposits taken: collections promptly attended to in all parts of the United States and Europe. Drafts drawn on London. Paris and American Banks L'd 8. Lasard Prerea. San Pranelsoo; Farmers A Merchant's Bank of Los Angelas; Consolidated National Bank of San Disco: Kounts Bros, of New York: Lasard Prerea A of Pads; William Rosenheim A of Berlin; Oebrndsc Schuster, of Prank- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Redlands, California.

Subscribed capital Paid no caoi ital surplus rTRTtmYRi 3.S00 Geo. H. Crafts. A. L.

Park. Frank Hinckley, Geo. A. Cook a. wrew, J.

8. Edwards Jf. F. Morrison. A general commercial banking business trans acted.

ion W. Wilson. f. P. Wilson.

Cashier. Mobbison, President NOTICQ Deposits will be received and a en imiaing; oa-mess iransactea. john w. Wilson, cashixb. Farmers' Exchange Bank SAN BERNARDINO.

CALIFORNIA. Paid up capital. 150,000 Surplus, J100.000, DIRECTORS: Richard Gibd, John Akdbxsok, H. l. DeiW, WATIB8, rUHI ttlKCUIT Christian Kdbtz.

Deposits received subject to check. Loan made on real and personal security. Highest price paia ior eoia ana silver Damon, ana county warrants. Taxes paid for non-residents. Collections made on all accessible points and proceeds remitted the day of collection, and a general legitimate Dusiness transacted.

o. IT. zumuko. Cashier. H.

L. DREW, President. San Bernardino National Bank OF SAN BERNARDINO. CAL. Capital, Surplus, $100 000 13,000 15.SO0 Undivided profits, JOHN W.

DAVIS, Pres't, B. is. A. PA1.MJCK, vice-Pres't, W. S.

HOOPER, Cashier. DIRECTORS. John W. Davis. J.

G. Bubt, A. Palmer, I. Brunn, H. L.

Dbbw, W. 3. Hoopxb, Richard Giro. S. A reneral banklns bnsiness transacted.

Ex- change on all commercial centers. First National Bank, SAN BERNARDINO, Cajjforjoa. Paid-up Capital $100,000 Surplus 15,500 BOABD OF DIRECTORS; M. B. Garner, Joseph Brown L.

D. Crandall. H. Brinkmerer, W. J.

Curtis, J. W. Hall, O. H. Kohl.

j. 11. bmitn. John H. James.

OFFICERS: Joseph Brown. President: M. B. Gabnib. Vice-President; O.

H. Kohl, Cashier. A General Bankina Business Transacted. SAN BERNARDINO DYE WORKS 297 Third street. (Opposite Varley Evans' Stable.) Ladies' and Gents Cleaned A Dyed.

NO Diamond Dyes used here. All work guaranteed as good as Los Angeles work. GEO. BOEKHOrr, Prop. Win.

McDonald, UNDERTAKER akd EMBALMES, 120, 22, 124. Third Sam Bernardino, California. French-American Restaurant. 208 Third Street, near SAN BERNARDINO CALIFORNIA The only first-class restanranf in the city French meals a specialty. Oysters in every style.

Open day and night The best brands of wines ano champagne always on hand. J. STJZZALLO. Proprietor. FRENCH RESTAURANT OYSTER SALOON.

Open Night and Day and kept as a first-class house only. Street, Opposite Opera House, 8KB van a akt sttle aki at ALL HOCKS. Private Dining Boom For -Ladies. TOMICICB, SAN BERNARDINO CHOP HOUSE Between Kennlston A Braileton's live stable and McOonald's furniture store, Tl hirdSt. Oven at All Honrs oi the Day Night 1).

DEDACK CO. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Ratas $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 per Day -ML A IS 23 CENTS- SINGLE BOOMS 50 CENTS. OH- ANDRISON, Proprietor. Orange Packers, Attention! ORANGE WRAPPERS, Bed, whits and Bine Tisane.

alO. lSxlt, lexis. FOB SAU BT eio. w. cooks X.

Los Angeles SC. Los Angelas, eax RAILROADS. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Railroad Company. PACIFIC SYSTEM.) TUESDAY, JANUARY 14. 1890.

Trains leave and are due to arrive at COLTON as follows Leare I for: Destination. I Arrive from: 7:43 pm! Iteming, El Paso and East Banning, Los Angeles do 2:35 do 7:40 ml do 7:10 a mi Santa Barbara 8 :30 a mi San Francisco, Sacramento 7:40 pm! do do 7:40 ml Ogden and East Ogden and East. 7-40 pmj Portland, Or. 7:40 pm 8:15 am 10:50 a 5:30 7:40 pm 10:50 a 7:40 10:50 am 7:30 a Passengers en route for Santa Monica, Santa Ana, San Pedro, Long Beach, Whlttieror TusOn mnst change cars at Los Angeles. Ttxcept suncisys LOI cal and through tickets sold, 'bagcage checked, Pullman Sleeping Car re serrations made, and general inform isuon given upor on given upon ap- C.

J. JONES, Ticket Agent, Ban Hern amino, A. N. TOWNS. General Manaeer.

T. H. GOODMAN, Gen. Pass. A Tkt.

8. F. E. E. HEWITT.Supt., Los Angeles.

J. M. CRAWLEY. Asst. G.

P. and Fit. Agt. L. A.


1890. trains will leave and arrive at San Bernardino (Third street uepotj, as iouows: LEAVB FOB STATIONS. ARRIVB FBOM 7:30 a 4:00 1:50 7 30a 2:00 Los Angeles via Pasadena See foot-note. Los Angeles via Orange 110 a 6:30 JSIS :1 9: 40 Dm 7:30 a 2:00 ni 11:25 a 2:00 San Diego Via Orange I 9:40 San Diego A Escon-(dido via Temecula i 6:10 12:20 12:20 pm 6:55 9.40 9:45 a 12:20 pm 3:55 6:40 6:55 7: 40 9:40 7:25 am Escondldo via Orange Santa Ana Riverside Riverside Riverside Riverside Riverside Riverside Redlands Redlands Redlands I 7:30 a mia 2:00 a 7:30 a mL 8:35 a a 12:50 a 2:00 a 4:05 6:35 I 9:50 a 11:05 a in a 2:50 6:57 a 12:10 pm a r. Redlands San Jacinto Redondo Beach via Pasadena Redondo Beach via Orange Barstow and East 3:55 6:35 ta 7:30 a ni a I 1:50 7:30 a a I 2:00 a mU 2:40 6.30 6:55 9:40 1:30 dally dally except Sundays Sundays only.

sEisT-Spkci al Notice. Trains for Los Angeles leaving at 1:50 p. m. stop only at Pssadeca Raymond, North Ontario and North Pomona. Tickets for other way stations good only on 7:30 a.

m. and 4 p. m. trains. Ticket offices in St wart Hotel block and at Third-street and -street depots.

W. E. DAMON, Aaont. K. H.

WADE, Gen Manager, 8. B. HTNESi Gen, Pas. Agt! I Angeles. TIME-TABLE OF THE Redlands Motor Road Company, WEST BOTTJTD.

EAST BOUND. Leaves Redlands: No. 1 7.30 a No. 8 9.25 a No. 12.55 No.

7 8.80 No. 9 6.10 Leaves San Bernardino: No. 2 8.25 a No. 4 11.10 a No. 6 L45 No.

8 4.10 No 10 6.50 "Tickets for sale at Roll's dras- unm. mr. ner of Third and streets. W. H.HALE, (S0CCBSSOB TO N.

B. Ha LB A Sox) THE ORIGINAL. PIONEER JEWELERS, Makes a specialty of all kinds of dlffi- cult work and repairing. STEWART HOTEL BLOCK. HOTEL STEWART, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.

Finest Hotel in Southern California. Firat-Class in All its Appointments. Table supplied with the best the market affords. Rooms lance, well liehted. and elegantly furnished.

AS. G. BURT, Proprietor. F. R.

CALDWELL, Manager EINTRACHT SALOON. Iee-cold Lager on Draught. WINES, LJQU0BS and CIGAES Erorjthlag First Class. GROVE YAGER, Proprietors. If Ton Want the Best Square Meal Bet before yon in the city for ascents, try the California RestaiiranL Court BUsst.

Hextto the Courier Office. CHAD. KTiHTII, Proprietor. SJ I Highest of all in Learening Power Li NX J. W.


Are the Sole Agents for San Bernardino County for the elebrated JOHN WIELANI) LAGER BEER. The finest beer brewed on the Pacific EVERYBODY DRINKS WIELAND We hare the lanraBt sndW avw owuu aememoer uie place Corner of First Anheiiser-Buscli Brewing. Association (ST. LOUIS KEG AND BOTTIED BEER). TTRNT? WPlTTi Aent of Anheaser-Busch Brewing Associa J-LAJ11XIJ.

O. TVllilAi tion, has stiU for sale the world-renowned TONY FAUST BEER, bSJvs Anheuser-Busch draught beer, per barrel Frederickabure Bottled beer, per dozen quarts, bottles to be returned 1 50 Bottled beer, pints, on Bottled porter, 150 All orders promptly filled and delivered free of charge "to any part of the city. HENRY T. M-M'-l- AV A Urn SOUTH BEARING ORCHARDS VINEYARDS TTOT? LTD ftN-4 rr -r-, rnUIVI VplUU Une-tHira Lash. Good Orange Lands, Good Apricot Ana Jttaisin vineyards.

The following tract is located on the line of the Harlem Springs Motor road is a section noted for its choice fruits. Sonu tha l.nH and ing orchards, and a Dortion ia not nlRntd acre lots, and these will be sold to suit purchasers, either Five, Ten, Twenty, lhirty or Forty acres to each purchaser, or the entire tract will be sold in a lump BASE LINK i 10 11 l5 13 S4 WE HAVE ALSO SOME CHOICE ORANGE ORCHARDS In Highland, which we can offer those in search of property. Also some bearing vineyards and other choice fruit property, located in the best portions of the valley. Call on or address CUNNINGHAM Street, Opposite Stewart Hotel, San Bernardino. sranii U.

S. GoVt Report, Aug. 17, 18S9. THODE Coast and second to none in the wotld. BEER.

rates to reiau aeaiers. and Streets. San Bernardino, Cal. KTCTSS THODE. tio nn YV Corner of Third and Streets.

Xilli, Ban Bernardino. California. HARLEM. A aj tx a a-. VpOUU AIN AU Kt.

lonsr tUlie. at 8 Der Milt. Peach Orchards. 1i Tha fN.r aaa AVENUE. 17 16 15 14 IS 19 30 21 33 23 24 25 S3 80 as 26 S3 Si 29 27 For the L2EICI COUR THE GOULDS BEATEN Huntington's Faction Secures Control of Pacific Mail.

G1S TRUST UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Wisconsin Catholics to Take Part In Polities A Murdered Man's Body Found in a Reservoir. New York, May 28. At the annual meeting of the Pacific Mail the follow ing board of directors was elected Col-lis P. Huntington, Henry Hart, Isaac E.

Gates, Calvin S. Brice, Samuel Thomas, Oliver H.Payne, Edward Lauterback, Chas. W. McGee and James B. Houston.

Tl. net earnings exceed those of last year's $15,000. The cash on hand is $235,000. Gould said: "Our relations with the Occidental and Oriental Steamship Company, owned by the Central and Union Pacific railroads, hare been somewhat strained under present ar- i4euieniH. joint agencies are maintained at Yokohama and Hongkong.

Figures of the past year show that the Occidental and Oriental boats carried nearly one-third more cargo than this company's ehipa, although your steam ers did not all come fully loaded," President Gould recommends that the trans-Pacific business be pooled, or, failing in this, that the Pacific establish separate agencies. Total earnings, expenses, net earnings, $510,000: cash assets April 30th, liabilities, $178,000. President George J. Gould, in a statement for the year ending April 30th. shows the net earnings 24 per cent after deducting extraordinary expenses of $250,000 repairs on the steamers City of New York and City of Sidney.

The business of the Atlantic and' China line shows a falling off, which, however, is more than offset by the gains on the Panama line and reduction of expenses. At the meeting of the board of directors J. B. Houston was elected president and Edward Lauterbach vice-president. The other officers hold over until next meeting.

Wisconsin Polities. Milwaukee, May 28. The convention of German Catholic Societies this morn-adopted additional resolutions declaring it was the sense of the convention that the Bennett law and the special paternal spirit in legislation infringes upon our consciences and it would be wrong to our children not to take an active part in opposing such measures. Resolved, therefore, that the German Catholic Societies take an active part in the coming State campaign, and will organize for that purpose. A committee will be appointed to watch carefully that no friend of the paternal measures is elected to either branch of the Legislature.

A resolution was adopted calling for appointment of a committee to look closely after all bills that come before the Legislature and report promptly any measures that appear antagonistic to Catholics. A Mystery Cleared Up. Montreal, May 28. The Kimber mystery was cleared up this morning by the finding of the unfortunate young Englishman's body in a large reservoir. nivn uuuva iuuuucai a i sa rv aiCl His throat was cut.

Around the neck a towel was tied. Kimber came to this country in February. He was known to have been in possession of considerable money. He suddenly disappeared. A razor covered with blood, stains on the floor, and other evidences of foul play were found in his room.

The hotel-keeper obliterated them and said nothing about them until a renorter un earthed the fact. Decision Against the Gas Trust. Chicago, May 28. In the case of Charlton against the Chicago Gas Trust, Judge Collins this morning issued an injunction restraining the trust or companies composing it from transferring any of their stock or assetts to the Fidelitv Trust Company of Philadelphia; a I bo decided to appoint a receiver for the trust whom he will name to-morrow. A year or so ago, Philadelphia, New York and Chicago capitalists obtained control of all the gas companies of Chicago and formed a gas trust.

School Report. Following is a list of those making an average of 90 per cent or above at the eighth monthly examination in the High land Schools' Grammar Department: Jas. McGregor. .9 Florence Corwin.95 Bama God 95 John Coy 95 Mary Stiffler 94 Maud Jones 94 Ruby Lindsay. .93 Howard Wallace.93 Kittie Longuire.93 Pearl Hill 91 Frank Ada McGregor.

.90 Maggie Longuire.90 Frank Cunning- bam 9o Pearl God 94 Willie Bertha Jordan. .93 Flossie Seely .93 Laura Corwin. .91 Jas. Roddick 91 Ida Miller 90 Number enrolled, 23; average daily attendance, 18. J.

Griffith, Teacher. Hotel Arrivals. STEWART. H. B.

Hnthineton. Bnrlineton J. F. Fie vers!) am, Geo. Rockers, W.

W. Carter, W. A. Robinson, J. A.

Ingraham, It. -bngel. San Francisco: H. C. Hib- berd, Riverside E.L.

May bury, Alham-bra; ELM. Jones, Highland; Merick Reynolds, San Pedro; Cbas. D. Willard, Shirley C. Ward, H.

Wickixin, Los Angeles; R. J. Eilbrick, Kingston, Canada; R. B. Disbrow.

New York. ST. CHARLES. Thos. Andre.

M. Keller. J. F. Jenkins.

J. P. Grey. J. H.

Watson. Los Angeles F. Gil liland, P. Phillips, Escondido; W. H.

Wheeler, N. Vader, Victor; W.J. Waddingham. J. Waddinzham.

Ontario: C. F. Meadows and wife. Banning J. Langsdale, Center Point, Iowa M.

R. Vanderkloot, Coronado; C. A. Bates. Pomona J.

G. Pierce, Riverside Harry Moore, Dagget; G. W. Cutler, Cnca- monga J. K.

Uoyd, Plymontb. BOTJTHERbT. E. S. Bovd.

Tncson. Aria. C. J. Spragne.

J. L. Snlcoan, New York G. S- Sim peon, Milpitas A. Diaa, San Tim-oteo; Miss Clara Hayes, Portland, Or.

Loaisa Coleman, San Francisco; James 1 Jurd, San Diego; August Werner, Fred it of 1st in is in Mr. s1 violr! Linda Loant, Reno, Nev. SHORT LOCALS. C. F.

Roe, Insurance Agent. A Warner excursion will go East day. 0. Chandler, men's furnisher, has the celebrated Guver hat. Stewart block.

The fire department will make a good showing to-morrow afternoon, in the Memorial parade. Jerry Smith says he will give the man $10 who came to him with the Colton petition and had him sign it. Mrs. Hyland W. Rice will entertain a party of friends at her home on Waterman avenue to-morrow night.

Dan O'Connor has money to loan in any quantity as will be seen by his advertisement in another column. There will be few names on the petition next Monday, when the Supervisors meet ana reconsider the matter. The Mentone stone used in the new Hall of Records attracts much favorable attention from San Bernardino citizens. The Native Sons will give an open meeting on the 4th of Jnne at their hall to which a number of their friends will be invited. Two vags were brought over from Colton yesterday and locked up for five davs each also, for disturbing the peace, one prisoner was brought from the same place for 10 days.

The Courier publishes a list of Red-lands men whose names appear on the Colton petition to remove the county-seat. Remember that the Board of Supervisors meet next Monday. There are plenty of San Bernardino names on the Colten petition and it would be well for their owners to have -them on the withdrawal list which can be found at the Clerk's office. Bank Commissioners A. W.

Potts of Los Angeles, A. Gerberding of San Francisco and W. II. Knight of Oakland who have been examining the banks here for several days past left yesterday for San Diego and intermediate points. The blacksmiths of this city are patriotic and have all agreed to close their shops at noon to-morrow in honor of Memorial Day.

It is right and just, and the observation of this day is a fitting token of respect to the country's dead heroes. Invitations are out for the last erand ball of the season, to be given by the Razzle Dazzle Club, on Thursday even- -ing, June 5th, at Jackson Hall. This will probably be the last dance of the season and promises to be largely attended. Sarah Butler of Beaumont yesterday filed papers of divorce from ner husband, John Butler, on grounds of desertion. John Butler, or "Johnie" as he was fa miliarly called, will be remembered by many ban Bernardino people as the years at Colton.

The Courier office yesterday was the recipient of a magnificent bouquet of beautiful pinks, which came from the garden of Mrs. A. D. Boren, on Fifth street. Mrs.

Boren has over 100 varieties of these-delicate flowers, which attract universal attention from pass ers-by. Mr. John W. Downs of this city wishes understood that he is not the J. A.

Downs who is alleged to have signed the petition for the removal oi the county-seat to Colton. It was a mtstake in stating in yesterday morning's issue that the register number of Mr. John W. Downs was the one belonging to the name signed to the Colton petition, it was the number of Mr. J.

A. Downs, who is a contractor and does not live in San Bernardino. The railroad meeting at Highland yes terday was well attended by the citizens that community, and a new line was submitted by Engineer Penis, which runs about 40 rods above the store at Messina, instead of below Base Line at that point. The line then crosses Base, Line a little this side of the church and continues almost due east across the Ely and Cram places and reaches a point nearer to the East Highland people, suiting them a great deal better. The matter was left in the hands of the committee.

The impression prevails that the necessary funds will be raised so that the road will be in operation by the of FEKSONAL. Col. T. J. Wilson went to Los Angeles yesterday.

N. Vader, a prominent citizen of Victor, is in the city. Frank Daley went to Los Angeles yes terday on business. Harry Moore, a well-known citizen of Daggett, is in the city. Sheriff Seymour went to Ontario yesterday on official business.

E. Mayberry of Alhambra, a property owner in this valley, is in the city. Charles D. Willard of the Los Angeles Herald is in the city yisiting friends. George Hidden, who has been visiting Los Angeles for the past week, has returned.

Miss Dilla Bone, the yoang lady who taught the Victor school the past year, leaves to-day for Montezuma, Iowa, where she will spend her summer vacation. Mr. J. P. Jones, a prosperous and popular business man of Oro Grande, is in town, where he is quite at home and among friends.

Mr. Jones is one of Oro Grande's soliel citizens. E. A. Nickerson leaves to-day for Boston, where he will visit for several months.

Mr. Nickerson is an old pioneer of this county, and his many friends will wish him a pleasant visit. Mr. H. W.

Timmons, the leading merchant of the Middle Mojave and a deservedly-popular and influential citizen, in town, accompanied by his estimable wife. They have many warm friends San Bernardino, who. invariably accord them the pleasantest of welcomes. Timmons baa large interests at Oro Grande. Xotleo.

Our store will be closed Friday afier-non. Decoration Day. m29t2 Gbeksb Wastell. Upholstering a specialty at E. J.

Leeds, 104 street. 5-16 Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, in large variety, at Livingstons'. Awning and tents at E. J. Leeds', 104 street.

fc-lo to-.

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