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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 5

Logansport, Indiana
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THE-fltST-EVEfl-PRODUCED-FoR THC-MONEY- PERFECT-FirriNG ONLY DEWENTER, The Hatter and Furnisher. Save This Coupon No extra charge for it, but it is valuable. It bares our names, and that will remind you the necessity of a New Spring Suit. Present this coupon with a nominal sum of 7m money at our store and we will make to your order the handsomest suit oi clothes that ever adorned your body. TUCKER YOUNG, THE, PEftRL 8TRBET TfULORS.

MONEY TOJLOAN! On MortgaKe Security at 0, 7 and per cent. MO.VKV TO LOAN. On I'ortwices Security anil us) 1 Monthly pay- ntn. Consult J. T.

COCKBURN. and 3 Spry fr ulldlnK. DAILY JOURNAL. SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH Smoke All Stock 5oent olgarg.

Motteen'e work Freih tub oysters received Rothermel. Fine gilt paper for 15c per double roll, at Wiler Co'a. For pure flttiofr aud Btylloh clothing. we Frank. Peck's Bad Boy makes fun for everybody tomorrow night.

CCall at too Trade Palace and see the new carpets tbis week. Think of It, white back paper lOo per double roll, at Wller Co'i. See Otto'e new advertisement, It Is a remarkable offer and merits attention. Once tried always used, Beu Fisher's baking powder and extract of vanilla Ben Fithor, the drufrglf, has the agency for Munyon'a A full line always on hand. If you nood money you can ffet it on personal or collateral security of E.

B. Overshlner, 327 Fourth St. To bavo perfout health you must have pure blood, and the beat way to have pure blood Is to take Hood's Saraaparlla. It acknowledged by all who have leen our HBO of spring capes that we are the leadere. Call and be convinced Palace.

Do not forget to see Strawbrldge Clotbur'fl Hoe Of spring capes, walats and next Tuesday, as prices are so low you cannot resist Trade Palace. Why is It some people always look shabby? Some Illustrations are the shadows of great truths. Just with people who nro always looking (or cheap furclehlng goods. They buy a semblance of something only to find It more cosily In the long run than good goods at a (air price Tbis la whv Dow-enter, the Hatter and Fur nisher, sails to all the best people. Awarded Highest Fair.

OR. iJL MOST PERFECT MADE. 4 pure Grape Cre.i mi' Tartar Powder. Free jom Ammonia, Alum o. other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD, Monday, cap day at and 48 cents.

Ben Fleher. the druggist, will save jou money on paints. See the funny antics of Peck's Bad Boy tomorrow night. None but competent paper hangers employed by Wller Co. The best baking powder tn the world at Ben Fisher's drug store.

Special rates to students entering' Hall's Business College, April 1st. We never misrepresent goods and the people know Frank, Elegant new spring shoes at Otto's are attracting attention and trade. For Scotch plaid ties and new shapes In collars, see Harry Frank's line. Our lace curtain stock Is complete; Monday will be lace curtain rlay In the annex. £Get your new dress goods for Easter now at the fcTrade at special prices.

Capes, waists and skirts, at lowest prices. Q-aallty Palace. Lice curtains will be the bargains In the annex Monday. We have pointers for you. Understand, those elegant spring suits at Otto's are Included In Otto's special sale.

Special sale at the Bee Hive Monday. Bargains and beauty will be the combination. Fancy lawn grass seed, fertilizers for lawns and Mfg. 414 Broadway, New. carpets, mattings draperies and curtains, are coming In dally at the Trade Palace.

Weather permitting, Otto will show a fine line of boys and girls caps in front of store Monday. "None such elsewhere," is the general verdict of the critics on Otto'e shoos and spring suits. See the beautiful line velvet and cloth capes at the Bee Hive Monday. We can give jou style and you money. A small gathering of friends was entertained very pleasantly Friday evening ft Mr.

and Mrs, Mel Castle of the West Side. Elegant re, freshments were served. Clo.Nlns.or CJluton School. Friday was the date for the closing of the Clinton schoolin the township of that name, tho six months' term having been completed. A program of mubical and literary features was hoard by a good audience In the afternoon, and at tho close an excellent dinner furnished by the patrons of the Clinton schoo 1 was enjoyed by all present.

George W. Wiley is the efficient teacher at the school. There, were 28 enrolled, and the average attendance for the term was IS. The Noiltni Commends Itself to the well Informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done In the crudest ner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the system break up colds headaches and fevers without after effects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs.

Gf T. P. A. Xotea Remember the meeting at tho T. P.

A. next Saturday night. A large attecd- ance is expected aa there is some important business to transact which should interest every traveling maa. Attention is called to a certain railroad that seems to bs the last (so to speak) favoring tbe commercial traveler. In other words, the pal agents along their Una will not check baggage over other lines, even where there Is no trausfer.

Each and every traveling tales- man should try to favor the railroads that favor them, and we hope to see all the T. P. A boys investigate this subject and see that It is positively the ease In checking baggage. Boys, It Is not a good idea where there are competing HneB In a town to transact your business with the one that favors tbe T. P.

A. Members should not forget the prizes offered by the National Association to those who secure the la'g- eat, second largest and third largest number of members. The conditions are as follows, First prize, transportation and sleeping oar fare to and from our next national confection, June, 1892. Second prlza, transportation and sleeping car fare to and from our national convention. Third prize, transportation and sleeping oar fare IB to be from any point in the United Slates where the winner resides, ao cording to hla residence as recorded In the national headquarters.

On the Mick blmi. Jaeob Lee is reported ill. Mre. S. C.

Barnett IB reported sick. Mrs. Ford Ctmpbell is reported better. J. D.

Allison is ill with pneumonia. Mrs. James Farlow of Noble township, is seriously ill. Patrolmen Graham and John Baker are reported sick. A little child of Lou Williams of the West Side is reported quite sick.

Mrs. Mary Louthaln is sick with erysipelas at the home of a relative in Benton county. The Rev. and Mrs. Wlnegardner ava sick with lagrippe at their home on tbe West Side.

Mrs. Robert Foust is afflicted by a disease of the eye and the optic maybe totally destroyed. Mrs. L. W.

Smith of Adams township is said to be slowly improving after a three week's illness. W. M. Graffls, the shoe man, who has been suffering from an attack of erysipelas is elowly Improving. Webster McMillen Is said to be very sick at Chicago.

His grandfather, J. P. Webster has gone to that city. Waldo, a son of Mrs. Will Bishop of the West Sloe, who has had a siege of the whooping cough, ia just recover.

Inp from the attack. Tuckor-TMbott. The ceremony that joined A. W. Tucker and Miss Emma A.

Talbott in marriage, was Friday evening pro. nounced at tbe parsonage of the Christian church by Rev. T. S. Freeman, The young people left tho Talbott home in the evening, ostensibly for a "walk," and when they returned a short time later they announced that they were Mr, and Mrs.

A.W. Tucker. The marriage was no less a surprise to the relatives than it was to the many friends of the young people The groom it the well known special. 1st, and the bride Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

N. Talbott. who Will be State Commander? There are a number of candidates for the office of State commander of Indiana, G. A. R.

There will probably be a spirited contest for the position of honor at the encampment ai Muncie next week. The following are some of the candidates: J. S. Dodge, of Elkhart; H. M.

Caylor of Nobiesvllle: H. B. Shirley of Wabaab: W. Elam of Valparaiso: P. D.

Harris of Shelbyviile, and Andrew Fite of New Albany. R. I. Patterson of Muncie has been put up by Williams post of that city, for vice commander. Tite It In Tinn.

jg; Catarrh starts in tte nasal passages, affecting eyes, ears and throat, and is in fact, the great enemy of the mucous membrane. colds in the head almost invariably precede tarrh, causing an excessive flow of mucus, nnd if the mucous discharge becomes interrupted the disagreable results of catarrh will follow, such as breath, severe pains across fore head and about the- eyes, a roaring and buzzing sound in the ears and oftentimes a very offensive discharge Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowleged cure for these troubles. Slate Keplinger will hang paper at 15 cents a double roll. Give him a call over Lelnenoman's tailor shop, 504 Broadway. THE WILL BROKEN.

The last Testament lot Oeorite P. Kunt.e JIM Set by a SIC.OUO Involved. By the decision of the Miami circuit court, rccs-otjy l.fae will of the late George- P. aside, and the estate, amounting to $16.000, will be divided the law The in the celtbrait-d were Mary Ann Bell and John C. Bell ve.

Winnie Kunse et al. Fred and George GLveos of this city are among the heirs. The jury fouod ibat, the decedent was cut possessed of his reason when he made the wi'l. BncklenV Arnica Salve. The beet salve in the world for cuts bruises eores, ulcerf, salt rheum lever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin erup tions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required.

It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bo7. For aale by B. F. Keeeling.

Two Yarfrs forMoMH. Emery Moss, the no'ored man who was on trin.1 for conspiracy against Milton G.krrlgu*, uia aik-ged agent for the notorious Kansas City Sunday Sun atKokomo, has been given two years In the penitentiary in the Grant circuit court, tbe case having been taken there from Howard county. There were a number nf witnesses summoned from this cliy on the case, which has been for saseral months la tbe courts. "me STew Buy." "What's the good of anything? Nothing!" With Bert Coote tbe eu pretre comedian in the title role Thursday, March 28.h and Mrs. Will Rosier onter- a small party tff friends last night at their resldenca on North sireet.

Ligh; refreshments were served. house of nine rooms and bath room. Hot and cold water in house. Al-o one house of eight N- Crawford. Call and see our line of carpets, mattings linoleums, and letun prices before purchasing.

We cm save you money at the Trade Palace. Try Rothermel, Mocha and a coffee. A M(75t5 WANTED. The Discredited Democracy in Scorch of .1 Leader. Tbe memory oi the oldest inhabitant runneth not, back the time when, within a year of the time for selecting delegates to a national convention, the democratic party was talking of no candidate.

Do you realize the fact that there are no bids as yet for the democratic presidential nomination next year? Strange it is, but there is not a'solitary aspirant who commands any following'whatever. Cleveland is.retired in disgrace, even did not tbe third term objection run against him. Prof. Vt'ilson is discredited, defeated in his own district, rejected by the people, and not a voice is raised to speak of him even as a possibility. Ex-Gov.

Pattison, of Pennsylvania, went down into oblivion when he attempted to ran for mayor oi Philadelphia, and met such a signal and stunning- defeat, A man who turned down by his state and then by his city is discredited politically. Gorman is out of the question. Hill has the ambition, but half his party is ready to knife and ho could EO more prot the nomination than he eould fly to the moon. Gray is dead, Voorhccs out of the line. Vest and Bland defeated and retired to private life, with none so low as to do them reverence.

Stevenson, the only Adlai, really hankers after the nomination, but liis aspirations only make people smile- He is too lij-ht a vccisht. cvenfor the democratic dojikcy. suprosc a "Wall -street i-ajnatc and a Standard Oil ehiej cs well, could be nominated, or elected if nominate; 1 of Massacbu- dropped out of sight. He was at best' but a nicwor flashing athwart the political sky." Verily the democratic there is left of like the Israelites in the wilderness, only without a 11 OSes. no available Moses is in sifi-ht to )ead them over the desert they must Blndc.

Tue lonfr-laceci tnnstion' otves most of Ms misery to the fear that he may po to Heaven before it is strictly necessary. For Men's Shoes SEE OUR Spring Goods! Prices are advancing: but we hold them down. RttUGH 420 Broadway. NEED OF EXERCISE. of the Edncallomil nnd UciUth- Clvlne Vulue of Athletics.

Civilized man who will not exercise as an average docs not live out half the term of his allotted throe-score years and ten. Lack of exercise is not the sole cause of this degenerative tendency, of course, but it is one important cause. Hence, recognizing this, it becomes the duty of man, in virtue of Ins boasted rationality, to dispel this cause, and by giving proper attention to his body to prepare his mind for further conquests. The necessity for this forces itself upon him in a way that leaves no ground for question. The only things to be determined are of development that is to be desired and the methods by which it may best be secured.

As to the decree of development that will tend to preserve the health of the muscles and other organs, it is, of course, says a writer in Harper's Weekly, impossible to speak except in general terms. Everyone -secures some measure of exercise in the routine of his ordinary life. But very few vocations are calculated to give the various muscles of the body symmetrical exercise. The rational thing, of course, is for any individual to exercise perfunctorily those sets of muscles that are not exercised naturally in his ordinary manner of living. For the vast majority of people under ordinary conditions of living the muscles that are most slighted are those of the chest and upper extremities.

Nearly everyone is obliged to walk enough in a day to keep his leg- and thigh muscles in a condition of reasonable tonicity. But the average individual has chest and upper-arm muscles that are flabby and undeveloped to the last degree. Measurement of the few average arms will at once satisfy anyone of this. There was a time, doubtless, when our ancestors had arms as large as their legs, perhaps even larger. Our remote tree-dwelling relatives have such arms now.

But centuries of biped use have developed our lower extremities disproportionately, until now the most fully developed human arm bears no comparison in size to tire thigh of the same individual (if normal). It is held by anatomists that the fully developed upper arm at the present stage of our racial evolution should be of the same size as the calf of the leg. and this size, it may be' added, the same as that of the neck. These measurements being taken as the criteria of perfectly symmetrical development, anyone may easily find out for himself how far he falls short of such As a rule, the tapeline will show at once that it is the upper extremity which needs attention. It is not to be expected that the person who is merely exercising for health will ever develop his arm till it meets the standard of symmetrical development, nor is it necessary that ho should do so.

So long as he in that direction he is on the right track, and if he keeps the muscles of the arms, chest and shoulders in "tone," so that they tend to keep him erect, and arc sufficiently firm to give support to the blood vessels that penetrate them, lie will accomplish all that is absolutely necessary. THE FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Pnxninc of the Worm Body In the Hlstorr of the Nation. The Fifty-third congress is ended. In its passing republicans and democrats alike rejoice.

It has done little that is good and much that is bad. It has plunged the country into depression without reason, and has shown itself unwilling to take action everywhere recognized as necessary and wise. For two years it has kept the country in a' fever of apprehension, simply" because it had theories which, it desired to exploit, and which the plain sense of the people repudiated. It upset a tariff law under -which American industries were prospering as never before, and substituted one framed under conditions full of scandal. Even the democratic president felt impelled to denounce the dickering with the sugar trust, but he had not the courage to veto the result of the deal.

For the Srsl; time in a generation, the democrats held full control of all departments of the government, and it was expected that they would develop a consistent policy. In anticipation of the changes business halted and panic came. The administration said the silver purchase law was and the republicans humored it to the extent of assisting in its repeal. Matters did not mend, and then it was said that only tar SI reform could bring prosperity. That was on- actcd, and still depression lingered.

So the administration turned to the currcncv as the root of all the evil, and called for legislation reviving- wildcat banking and generally revolutionizing currency matters. Before that meas- I ure could be acted upon a modification came from the Then came another and still another, and it I became evident that if the democratic leaders knew what was the trouble i they were determined not to admit it. I The juggling and jombling went on -until the climax was reached in n. secret bond contract which will cost the I country from ten to sixteen million dollars. THE FINEST TINE SPRING SUITINGS To be Found in the i City at CRAIG'S 428 BROADWAY 2nd Floor Justice Block.

NEW HARNESS SHOP. I have moved inv harness and saddlery shop to 630 Twelfth street, where 1 will turn out the best, for the least money. GEO. W. FOSTER, OPRRA HOC8B 8.

B. PATTERSON, MARA ONE OXfcY. Monday, March 25 THJ5NBW Peck's Bad Boy. Introducing all the Latent DAXCKM. MEIH.KV*.

ETC. EverjthUigNew and Cp-To-Dnte, Advance SaJe'open Saturday. 1 Floor 50e 75e PRICES Balcony OLA.NW OPEHA HOCSE. B. Patterson, Manager.

Thursday, March 28-j WDera can yon find a play so tanny. THE NEW BY ABTHCR LAW, i Direction of GustiiveFrotman. The King of Comedies, Mr S. Berw Coote, sorrounded by a suiwrb Cast of Frohman's Select players. ItsR rlp-ronrliif, lin-de-stccle.

Are you coins: 10 miss it? Not on your life: Seats on sale Tuesday morning. fJD-rrc (1st floor tK'i'k-. Balcony 60c, '1 Tiat is the record oi the democratic Fifty-third a record of plctc nod disastrous failure, a record marked with accompanying- business disaster and general industrial depression, a record which must forever stand as proof that the party has not the intelligence to under- stand the needs of a great government or the good sense to accept wise counsel when it is offered. It is a costly lesson tbe people have learned, but they have learned it thoroughly. Not all democrats are of this incap- able kind, but the domination influV cnce in their party is ignoranL-of thing's and unsound on all the sub- jects it, pretends to strong- is tbe proof of tbis thai democrats the country over are re joicing to-day that the democratic cor press is no more, and that its will be under the control of the part: which carried the government through the trials of a great ciril war vanced it to a k-ading place among- the prosperous aL-d happy nations of the earth.

The Fifty-third congress is.dccwi- have been millions in the pock-' ctspf the American people if it nev' had' Times. AViisoa has been faithful tar; the president, and he has his reward- His appointment will delight his' friends, and even the other democrats who fell outside the works last November and have yet se-' cured nothing- will scarcely envy hitrt-. bis good Y. Tribune. Value oi The lam- of this coniitry estimated to be.

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