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The San Bernardino County Sun from San Bernardino, California • Page 12

San Bernardino, California
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PAGE TWELVE San Rriurtino Dallp San oxtxcxax. r.rxB or tee couhtt Publinhed by THE SUN COMPANY O. XAUIS05, Fr.sld.nt. gpecial Notices X. K.

CURTIS, Sixteenth Year. Office 46 Court San Hcrnardino, Cal. TELIPHOWES: HOME 33; SUHSET33. THE JA.IXY SUM" Is published every day except Monday. Entered at the San Bernardino rost-offlee tor transmission as second-class mall matter.

Btpcim.n Copies TrM at office AdvertiSLiig Kates on Application BUB8C1UFTX0H KATES. 1 Month by carrier Vn- cii rr if carrier Months by carrier Months by carrier 1 Month bv mail Months by mail 6 Months by mail 12 Months by mail ronnlreri. UDnoiBlfl 693. )ruggists 8-11-lm HEADQUARTERS for all kinds of DaUy air guns and shot for fame; guns shells, cartridges, leggins, coats, reloading tools. 436 Court St.

8--tr A LAW OF NATURE that helps those that are constipated better than drugs, write me, E. Vine, San Bernardino, CaL 8-8'lm LIST YOUR PROPERTY with Geo. F. Gillette, 430 Fourth St. RING AMERICAN TRUCK CO.

packing household" gooda. pne .4 Be B0 Subscribers failing to receive their copies of THE SUN will confer a great favor on the management if they will report everv failure promptly by sending notice of the fact to the business office Subscribers who order their paper discontinued must accompany their order with all arrearages due. All telegrams, communication, '-n-nrts. i money orders or 7. k.

to -THE il San Bernardino. California. They sh-nild not be addressed to anyone personally, as In the case of absence of that person, they nn nnened. When the wish of the writer that reject -om-munlcatlons should be returned, must be so stated, and stamps for pa-ment of postage enclosed. This paper la kept on file at the Pake Advertising Agency; Curtis Newhall Advertising company; ing company.

Los 'nlkeVs Dauchy Company, N. E. and P. Flsher-s Advertising Agencies. Kan Francisco.

California; Charless Fuller's and Lord and Thomas1. Chicago Agencies; N. W. Ayer Son's, rtila-delphla. '-i THE DAILY SUN Is for sale tt J.

Houghton's news stand, Stewart Hotel Arrowhead Cigar store; Bradley gar stand. Third and Webster cigar 608 Third street; F. Boesenberg Son's Employment otfiee. 654 Third K-ioirt's Redlands: K. J-- Rutherford, Colton; C.

A. Milter. lor REMINGTON TYPEWRITER AGENTS The Barnura Stationery Co. Typewriters of all makes bought fold, rented, repaired. 442 Third street WANTED Subscribers for all maga-slnes and periodicals published.

A full line of magazines and "-cent novels always on hand. L. D. -i tOALLINO CARDS correctly engraved, wedding invitations, at Barnum Book Store 442 Third street jyjoney to Loan TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS to loan in any amount from one to twenty thousand, at 7 per cent on real estate. J.

K- Barnes Realty Colton. 8-13-tf MONEY TO LOAN Blot out your small debts, borrow $10 to $100 on your salary or furniture, pay back in monthly or weekly Installments, all business strictly confidential. Call at room 2. 269 St "gusiness Chances GOOD OPPORTUNITY. FOR SALE A neat, clean, cash, retail business in Redlands.

Established over 20 years. Al location. Low expenses, Can be handled nicely by a man, man and wife or by two ladies. Stock and fixtures will Invoice about $1100. paying big dividends on the Investment.

For full information, address W. H. Bun office. 8-5-tf Jewele rs CARTER. THE JEWELER S34 Expert watch work All kinds jewelry repairing.

Prices right St. of WATCH CLEANING. $1.00. Jewelry repairing and all kinds engraving, very reasonable. The Davis Jewelry-Co, 879 Third St All work guaranteed sat elactory.

TAKE EVERYTHING In the Jewelry line that to broken to N. B. Hale Son. 310 mfg. Jewelers 1-26-tf physicians J.

R. LIVERMAN Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Eyes examined. Glasses fitted. Home Tel Bldg.

Phones: Office, Home 446. Home 446; Main 951. CLAUDE H. LASHLEE. M.

Physi cian and Surgeon, 418-411 Kats Bldg. Ofnce hours, 2:30 to 6 p. m. Phone Home 02. Office practice exclusively.

Diseases of women and children a F. STANLET WH1TLOCK Prescription druggist Chemicals, toilet articles, soda water, cigars, 1026 Third St. Opp Santa F. Sunset 627. Home 260.

jyjotocycles CHAMBERS MclNTYRE New and m1 hand motocycles, supplies. 647 rd tt Home 893. Expert repairing and adjustment. Flying Merkel agency. FOR SALE Cheap.

$4 P. Yale moto. cycle. See Reltx, 630 Third St Vulcanizing fcAV BD'NO RT'HbKK AND VULCANIZING WORKS Best and largest im plaot repair of auto tires. Nt Urea.

X6I bt Horn $63. jyiscellaneous BAN BERNARDINO DAILY SUN- SUNDAY, AUGUST 20, mi. ClassifiedAds por Sale, Real Estate FOR PALE 3.10.00, $50 down and IS per month, small house, and lot Box 1SR to alley. Cltv water, 5 chicken corral, 28 nice trees of different varieties, most of them hearing plenty of grapes and berries: 10 blocks from postofflce. Call 996 white people only.

8-19-tf. FOR SALE OR RENT room modern bungalow, furnished; piano, ms, gas stove, incubator, brooders. .100 chick ens. All new; 124 Orange St. 8-lS-3t.

BEST BUTS IN LOTS, HOUSES, GROVES and ACREAGE ACKLEY MORROW, Stocks, Real Estate, Bonds. Agents for Associated Realty Company. HIGHLANDS HEIGHTS TRACT Court St. Phone Sunset 286. l-29-tf IF YOU want anything in orange grove or any other property, see T.

H. Lackey, Rial to. Phone Main 60. FOR SALE Navel orange grove In Highland. All healthy trees and in nn condition.

North Fork water right. Good bouse and barn. Contingent to scnooi. trice a.

A. True. Highland. Cal. Home phone 1502.

por Exchange FOR TRADE Automobile, and rig. or Motocycle. Works, 135 Arrowhead. for Ellis horse Iron EXCHANGE Tw0 clear lots In Red-lands for team or cows. R.

F. D. No. 1. box 5.

S-3-lm WANTED To exchange a good residence In Redlands. near University, for house with large lot in city limits of San Bernardino. Swlsher-Rodgera Anaerson tsiK. WANTED Seed potatoes at C. Meyer's.

I ww y'1 1 1 iui guvu, renaoie seea. Both phones 2S4. 8-2-tf WANTED $10,000 worth of second hand goods at once. Highest price paid. People's Furniture Store, $77 to 383 street.

Phones: Home 1061. Sunset 142. 6-23-tf FOR PACKING, crating ana shipping or storage call American Truck Co Automobiles For Sale SAFETY bring Tr FOR SALE-Packard machl or all Kinas id i Co 654 3rd and have them made good as new. Single edge blades 25c, double edge 35c doz. 8-16 2w.

MILLINERY Hate remodeled. 50c, hats blocked, hats made to order Spears Millinery Parlor, 467 St. Home 455. HYGIENIC MATTRESS Ca-Furniture ne. 7 pas senger, top, glass front speedometer.

Prest-O-Lite tank, demountable rims. This car has been thoroughly overhauled and painted and Is in A-l condition. Will be seen on the streets or at Draper's garaee. in the city of San Bernardino, on Monday and Tuesday, August 21 and 22. Mr.

H. B. Pattison. 8-19-2t. FOR SALE OR TRADE for real estate, one Maxwell touring car; also one Tourist, 4-seater.

Address W. H. Rogers, 312 St 8-10-tf THE CENTRAL GARAGE 428-430 dl. jubi norm or rosiornce. expert machinists.

Autos for hire, day or night Best place in city for storage. Sale agents for E-M-F 30 and Flanders 20. Both phones 651. (Contractors T. P.

MINOR, CONTRACTOR "AND BUILDER Estimates furnished and strict attention paid to all dealers. 716 Third St Phone Home 661. peed and Fuel OAT AND BARLEY HAY FOR SALE Mrs. Tompkins. Phone 761 Home 1220.

ALFALFA KAY, barley and wheat In any quantity. My prices are the lowest because my goods are the best Aflolph Inhruaon. 24f Third 81 gusiness Colleges LONGMIRE'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Corner Fourth and streets. Home phone 407. Tuition $8 per month.

Fall term opens September 4. poultry FOR SALE Some extra fine Rhode Island Rds; also fine White Rocks, and a bunch of common hens. Phone Sunset 803R. Residence Urbita depot James Baird. 8-20-2t.

FOR SALE Three-months old pullets, R. I. Red, and white leghorns; also pure bred and common hens. 306 Waterman between 1st and Mill Sts. 8-19-2t FOR SALE Indian Runner and Mam-month Peking ducks, three will supply you with eggs.

Not subject to disease, mites or lice. All ages can be had at 335 W. St, Colton. Sunset phone 1096. FOR SALE: Thoroughbred Buff Orpington pullets, incubators and everything needed for an up-to-date chicken ranch.

J. M. Chickner. Sunset Black 194, Rialto. 8-15-lw.

Qivil Engineer YOUNG, Room 15 Old Postiffics bulVlng. Sunset 940. Desert wark a fcaccialty. 7-2-tf. Jnsurance FIRE, Life, Surety Bonds, Accidents.

Sickness. Notary public. Money to loan. 6 per cent C. Monahan.

433 3rd SUN Want Ads Will Enable You To SELL Automobiles Book-Cases Carriages Desks Encyclopedias Fishing-Tackle Gas Fixtures Horses Ice Boxes Jewelery Kilts Lum-i Machinery Needletwork Office-Fixtures Phonographs Quilts Real Estate Securities Tablc-Ware Umbrellas Vacuum Cleaner Watches Xmas Goods Yachts Zithers And you may extend the list to Include all "worth-while" or useful articles or things. ClassifiedAds por Sale, Miscellaneous FOR SALE N'ew Velvet cheap; 665 Arrowhead. Rug. 9-12, 8-20-3t. FOR SALE LiRht rubber tired buggy ind harness cheap.

Call State Hospt. dairy barn. 8-20-3t FOR SALE Xice free-stone peaches, i tnr canning. 643 Vernon: Sunset phone 603 Jt. S-19-SL FOR SALE Fine yellow peaches for canning.

P. J. Clevenger, Tippecanoe ranch. Home phone S673. 8-19-St FOR SALE Several nice new rugs, all sizes; also one 4-cylinder Ford auto.

792 Mt. Vernon. 8-1S 3t FOR SALE My piano. Will sacrifice for almost half price. Small payments if desired, or rent $3.50.

Apply 755 Fifth St. 8-lG-tf. FOR MILK that Is pure and clean phone 10.1 noma, uienrs jersey uairy. 7-29-lm FOR SALE Cheap, the furniture of a 16-room rooming house. Snap if taken at once.

Ward, Alexander Ward, $77 St. FOR SALE Fruit Jars, 40 cents a dozen and up, at People Furniture Store, 381 street. por Rent, Rooms NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS-or light housekeeping, close In. Myrtle Lodge, 424 8-20-tf. FOR RENT House-keeping suite, half cottage.

Three rooms and toilet. Quiet, pleasant. Rent 597, Fourth St. 8-20-6t. FOR RENT Three rooms for light housekeeping.

Plenty of shade, lawn, all furnished. Rooms are as cool as any In city. 459 St 8-11-tf PRIVATE BOARD, large rooms, with bath, home cooking. 838 Fourth St. 8-9-2W FOR RENT Two nice outside rooms, up stairs over Boyd, Scott Lothrop's.

Furnished or unfurnished. Apply 632 St Home 1050. 7-9-tf FOR RENT Housekeeping and rooms, close In. 340 Fourth St FOR RENT-two rooms. ingle -A housekeeping suite of 670 St 3-23-tf por Rent, Houses FOR RENT Modern six room cottage at 146 St FOR RENT Close in house keeping rooms; also single rooms.

640 Court bet. and G. 8-20-3t. FOR RENT Furnished cottage, five rooms and bath, lawn, shade, close hi; no children; call 440 St 8-16-tf. FORRENT A five room house near Santa Fe shops.

Inquire Frank Flrke, 1023 Third St. 8-17-tf. FOR RENT 5-room cottage furnished, etrictly modern. Shade trees 930 Sixth street Inquire 146 St. 8-19-tf.

FOR RENT Six-room house, unfurnished, modern conveniences, 146 inquire there. 8-19-tf. FOR RENT Three-room cottage close in. furnished or partly furnished. Adults only.

Call 490 St 8-18-tf. FOR RENT Six-room and a two-room furnished house. Five-acre fully eaulUDed chicken ranch, on car line. Call 103 East Fourth St 8-18-3t FOR RENT OR SALE Furnished cot tage. Shade and fruit trees, uooa location for Santa Fe employee.

Phone Home 1054.. 8-10-3t WARE HOUSE space for rent lean Truck Co. anted Houses Amer- WANTED By married couple (no 'chil dren) neatly furnished cottage in gooa location. Best of references. Address P.

O. Box 501. WANTED To rent for one year, Sept. 1, a strictly modern, unfurnished house of 5 or 6 moras, between 3rd and 6th and and Sts. See Sams 49 Court St, home phone 468.

WANTED To rent with the privilege of buying, a 6 or 7 room nouse ciose in. Adults only. W. H. Roberts Co, Chamber of Commerce Bldg.

8-19-3t ost and Found LOST Fountain pen, gold casing, with inmais i. r. -r. rinuer reium iu SUN office. 8-20-tf.

LOST Thursday, ladies hunting case gold watch, with small heart shaped pin, email rhlnestone and Imitation ruby. Return to C. M. Hanf. Reward.

8-19-3t LOST Gold watch and fob chain. Finder please leave at SUN office. Reward. 8-19-3t. Jive Stock FOR SALE Good gentle reliable all-round family home.

In good condition, cheap. Price 140.00. Marion, Base Line and Muscott. 8-20-3L FOR SALE Large, sound harness. Inquire 269 horse with 8-20-3t FOR SALE A team of light mules, 5 years old; City Water Department.

8-19-6t FOR SALE Three year old burro; free traveler; buggy, harness and saddle. Bargain If eold at once. Apply 687 Third St. 8-18-tf. FOR SALE Horse, harness and buggy.

205 Base Line. 8-17 6t. FOR SALE One-horse surrey In good condition, or will trade for horse or cow. Home 187, Sunset 174. FOR SALE OR TRADE One fine mare, cheap; piano player, second hand sur-ry second hand sewing machine.

Mua-chewske White, Colton. FOR SALE Good young Idaho work horses, 1360 to 1600 4 and 6 years old. Well broke. 1S20 Seventh St, San Bernardino. Home 10093.

7-2-tf (groceries HOME GROCERY Fourth and Home 222, Main' 151. Staple and fancy groceries, provisions, canned goods. ClassifiedAds Tanted Help WANTED Lady cashier and bookkeeper permanent position In dry goods store. State experience and rulary wanted- Address A care SU.N office. 8-20-tf.

MEN WANTED, age 18-35, for firemen, $100 monthly, brakemen, $80, on nearby railroads. Experience upnecessary; no strike. Positions guaranteed competent men. Promotion. Itnilroad Employing Headquarters 289 men sent to positions in July.

State age; send stamp. Railway Association. Box 100, Sun office. 8-6-13-20-27 LADIES may earn good Pay at home cutting news papers. Send 10c for "Guide." NEW PROCESS Dept.

A 45, Chicago. 8-20-lL WANTED Boy about 16 to usher at Temple theater. Apply this afternoon. 8-19-tf. WANTED Man or boy to sell "Vulca-tine" self-vulcanizing tire cement to bicycle, motocycle.

and automobile owners. Will pay commission or four dollars daily. Address at once for particulars; Box 425 Pomona. Calif. 8-19-5t.

WANTED Two or three good finishing carpenters; good wages. Karl Foster, Etlwanda, Cal. 8-19-3t. WANTED A No. 1 Dresser.

Eeonon.v 6-20-tf Dye Works 505 Third. Apply at once. STEAMSHIP TICKETS To Europe. I v. Hawaii, Japan, China or any part of ANTKD Timber man, the Globe.

Special tours, southern Pacific city ticket. office. 60 Third St. mine. JS.50: electric hoist engineer, farm hands, $40 found; miners teamsters $45 found: ranch carpenter, $2 room, Jxiard; carpenter muckers, girls, housework, $25.00, room, board; boiler hand $2.00 found.

I v. BOESENBERG SON, employment agents, 656 Thjrd; phones 417. Situations Wanted WANTED Two or three children to board and care for; beat of references. 1560 Home. 8-19-6t.

DRESSMAKING of all Kinds, shirt waists a specialty. Mrs. G'baons, 461 Baldrldga Ave. Sunset phone '872R. 1 i 1 Employment Agencies COLTON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY All kinds of help furnished promptly.

160 North Eighth street Phonea 1201, Home 44. GARCIA EMP. AGENCY Waitresses. $30, board and room; railroad construction men, $2.25 and up; ranch hands, $46, found; chamber maids, $25 up, board and room; pruners, $2.60. 378 Third St.

Home 277, Pacific 931. PRECIADO'S EMPLOYMENT CO. Teamsters, $2 and up: muckers, $2 per day. Farmers' Exch. Nat'l.

Bank Bldg. Home 224. Pacific 678. gakeries RICHARDS' BAKERY Bakery gools delivered to any part of the city. 160 Fifth street.

Home phone 207, Sunset Main 120. ursery Stock FOR SALE Eucalyptus trees, many varieties and sizes, all at proper rrtcep. I can fill large orders. C. Meyer.

JJorseshoeing PRACTICAL HORSE SHOER. Defective feet and faulty galted horses a specialty. Roy Edwards. 628 Court St Jivery Stables ARROWHEAD STABLES 880 Third St. Flrst-claee turnouts ambulance and hack service; day or night Phones Hnm Main 47.

Harrv Mead Prop Undertaking Firms of San Bernardino J. W. Barton Co. UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS Open Day and Night 457 Fourth Street Both Phones 80. SHAW DEAN, Undertaking Company.

We are prepared to render perfect service in all departments of. our business. Parlors Corner of Fifth and Sts. Both Phones 509. j.

d. Mcdonald co. Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Ambulance Service Night and Day 455 Fourth St, bet and E. Main 231.

Home 225. STEPHENS SON Funeral Directors and Licensed Embalmers. 420 Street Phones Home 112, Sunset Main 52. Residence, Home 614. For San Francisco, Puget Sound Points and Alaska II10UOH TICXZTI ZAVT By Sea and Rail at same fares as all rail, via San Francisco, Victoria, or Seattle and Direct routes to Chicago, New York, Denver, Salt Lake City and all points In U.

a and Canada. Berth and meals oa steamers la-eluded la far. Leave San Pedro a. Re- dondo noon. teamers Governor or rresldeat Zvary Thursday teaser State of California erary ftmnday Daylight ocean excursions for San Diego.

Leave ban Pedro 10:10 every VXDIII91T AJTD SAT17B9AT For Mexican ports: Mazatlan, La-Pax, Ouaymas and points in Lower California: S. S. Curacao Aug. Sth. Rates, folders and full particulars furnished on application.

Right reserved to change schedule, IL BRANDT, Dlst. Pas. Aft, M0 Bo. 8prlng 8t, Los Angeles Real Estate Firms tnqnlrUs concerning Ian Bernardino Rel Estate will be giTaa prompt attention by addressing' any of the following! Here's a List Worth Reading- 91800 N'ew 5-room modern bungalow, una spruce. S23O0 Five-room modern cottage, close in.

$900 Five-room plastered house, barn. $500 will handle it. $1000 Eight good level lots; a good investment. 1500 Thirteen lots. (2800 Fine corner, 4 rooms and barn, lot 90x170, four blocks from postofflce.

93500 Three acres, chicken ranch, six-room house; $1000 down. $4500 Seven acres, six-room house. Inside city limits. $3500 Five-room bungalow, Los Angeles. Would exchange for San Bernar- dlno property.

$1800 Five-room modern concrete blocks. Baldrldge $650 down; $20 per month. $1700 Five-room modern bungalow; $700 down; $12 per month. M. C.

BARNES 418 Court St. Home phone 1B8, Residence 1227. Amos Bros. Both Phones. Home Sunset 5.

560 Third. Real Estate Loans Rentals Insurance A Snap Highland Lemon Groves and Orange Groves for sale. Paying 12 per cent on Investment Bes. Fadflo 967, Faoiflo 310. Home 738 J.

W. BISHOP The Real Estate Man Real Estate, Fire Insurance, Loans and Rentals. 432 Court St. San Bernardino. 8ECURITY INVESTMENT COMPANY Home 1096; Sunset 159.

512 Third St H. E. Harris, Pres. W. H.

Swan, M. C. McKenney, Sec. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE, Loans, Rentals. Boyd, Scott Lothrop.

467 Third St. Both Phones. Draper Dubbell General Insurance Agents, Real Estate, Loans, 308 Street Across From Old Location. Main 116 Telephones Home 294. SAN BERNARDINO ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated.) Issues Certificates and Compiles Abstracts of Title and Acts as Escrow Agent THERk'S MONEY in raising APPLES especially In the Yucalpa valley.

Literature for the asking, and Free Trips to the valley at any time. LEON A. ATWOOD. 467 Third St Phones 49, Main 467. ARTHUR PALMER Insurance and Loans.

FARMERS' EXCHANGE BANK BUI LDING Agt. Provident Mutual B. L. Assn Stocks Bonds W. W.

Brison, Jr. Moved to 312 St Home 641; 8unset 455. San Francisco $7.00 From San Pedro on the S. S. ROSE CITY; Strs.


and Portland 8. 8. Co. 517 So. Spring St.

Los Angeles, Cal. Tel. Sunset Main 1904; Home A3751 Sporting Circles MAIDS MISFITS TO FRAZZLE Glenn Ranch Has Its First Baseball Game Women Worst Men Lytle Creek Mermaids 36 ana then some. Glenn Misfits 7. Clad In natty divided skirts, wielding the willows In a manner that would make Tyrus Raymond Cobb rubber twice, running" the cushions like the proverbial deer, fielding faultlessly and finally forcing the umpire to get a riffle to keep the peace In the family, the girls put It all over the boys last Wednesday in what was probably the first game of baseball ever played in the mountains.

Stared at Olenn Xanch. It came off at the Glenn Ranch resort. The giris organized the Lytle Creek Mermaids and challenged the boys to mortal combat. The latter organized the Olenn Ranch Misfits, and with many misgivings prepared to "loose the dawgs of w-u-ur! The Lochlnvars responded nobly, however, and all the chivalry of the camp was mustered In the ranks. When time for the game came around, 9 o'clock In the morning, the MLsfiU were nowhere to be een.

Nevertheless, as the multitude was getting impatient. the' girls went through a lively five or ten minutes of practice. And then came the team that represented the male Oh, Ton Beribboned Beauties! Oh, if Perclval, Chichester Chichester Jones, Clarence Fltzroy Montmorency or Chauncey St. John WInderforce could only have been there to see the sight. It would have done their little hearts good, and they would have so forgotten their dignity as to have wanted to play In that "howwld wude" pastime them selves.

For the Miafits created an innovation in baseball costumes that marked an epoch In the game's history, and will stand as a monument In both baseball and the burlesque world for ages to come. That Kimono Brigade. Kimonos they wore, and silk shirtwaists, some even having donned the short skirt of the kind generally on tap In the front row of a beauty broiler brigade. Rats in their hair was also part of the program, while some who hadn't made the acquaintance of a barber since their vacation started had locks long enough to lirald. And they sure braided them.

But tho get-up of the lower limbs! Mercy on us, If they didn't encase their varied assortment of fat legs, skinny legs and bow legs Into the tightest-fitting etocklnge, of 'color and pattern that would make Joseph's coat look like the proverbial thirty centavos. That wasn't all. They bound them on by winding pink and blue ribbons about them, much after the style of the noble Romans of Julius Sneezer's time. And the catcher wore corsets for a protector! Powder and Paint. They didn't forget the powder puffs.

Each was feiven a supply of talcum before the game, with which countenances were to bo liberally besprinkled after each ptuy. The umpire was to call time for the manicuring of nails and such like stunts. After the hilarity had subsided Umpire Dick Curtis-called play. The girls had previously been instructed to by all means hold the men to the bases while the ball was being fielded, this advice to be carried out either with the aid of an embrace or a pot of glue. Wasted words! You couldn't budge the beribboned Misfits from the sacks with a Gatllng- gun.

They had to be pried off. The InfleldresBes had a great time moving them up to make room for the next. Some even fell as' they reached the bases hoping to be picked up by feminine hands. Umpire Starts Klot Here's where the umpire cut in with a ruling. Curtis opined that only the arbitrator could "fuss around" the pillows for longer than ten minutes, hand-running.

This brought forth a howl of protest, in which the arbitrator was chased to the club house, only to return with a rifle to preserve order. He went home afterward flashing his deputy sheriffs badge prominently, while a po lice escort walked before and behind. The latest wireless is that they're still hunting for him. The Mermaids, however, were sure there with the stick. They collected a total of forty-'leven blngles for a total of 26 runs and could still have been coring had they wanted to.

Their base, running was superb. Every time the boys stopped to apply a curry comb to their nails or adjust rats, the Maids would make a run. Miss Andre, who pitched for the girls, had things her own way. 'The gallants were like putty in her hands. She kept them down to about a dozen safeties and seven runs.

Barn Up Box Boor. The box score of this classic was to have been sent east for publication in the baseball guides, together with photographs of the teams but the men swiped the record and consigned it to the sulphurous flames. The pictures are the only relics of what transpired. The line-ups of the teams were as follows: Lytle Creek Mermaids. Mrs.

Damerell, Mrs. Black, 2b; Viola Ernsting, 8b; Miss Itrown, ss; Mrs. Humphrey, If; Edyth Lee, cf; Miss Ratchen, rf; Miss Andre, Miss Murray, It. C. Wall, coach (with towel and talcum.) Olenn Ranch Misfits.

Mac Rae, lb; Humphrey, 2b; Fish-burn, 3b; Long, Damerell, Nason, sa; Emerson, If; Judson, rf; Boyd, cf. 10W STARS HIT! AND PICKt EM UP I KJI IILC.I IUUIULIL UUI ALII LtZLLLLS n-j; fiH Fielders Well, here's the dope; spread out before you. Now, smoke up. S0 many have been wondering how Urlbta Stars were battin and flold- 'ng lately, with reference-to the percent- iHo column, that the back scores have een dug up, polished, brought down to the minute, and some Interesting in- ormation they furnish for the dope-' ster. i Only three games are missing since April 1, when official record commenced t0 be kept.

The ll-to-9 affair with the Chicago Bloomer Girls, who went to smash shortly afterward In El Paso with an awful thud and three of their members In jail charged with swiping glad rags" of three others, was not set down simply because it wasn't deemed worth while. The Stars won, so that's sufficient. This game was played April 8. The other ones missing are the engagements with the BUnns, April IS, and with the Goldsmiths July 2. The game with the BUnns was omitted from the record for some unknown reason, while the only excuse for the July 2 session not being recorded was because the scorekeeper went off on a va-; cation without notifying the manage-" ment trying to make a triple play unassisted In another sort of game than.

baseball. The Stars took both theso affairs. Borsch Iads Batters. Despite tho fact that he quit early in the season, Bill Dorsch, former captain and manager of the club, still holds down the honor of champion batsman, with a trand average of .487. He even tops all the short-timers on the team.

The next regular is Pace, with .361 for 16 games, and Teck, with .311 for 14 games. All told, eight men are now batting .300 or better. Leo Wolfe, In nine games, shows a clean fielding record, accepting IS chances without an error. Five others, playing in two or three games, also show a perfect average; Waters, Hoffman, Cummlngs and Jess Wilson. Dorsch made but one error while he played the short stop's position, and has an average of .983.

Pace is close be hind him, and has the honor of having accepted more chances than any other man on the club, 126 all told, and only four errors. Teck, Johndrew, Lindner and McMullen all fielded over .050. "Smoke House" On Job. Johnson has played In more games than any other tosser and earned the title of "Harley-on-the-Spot." He worked In eighteen contests. With regard to the number of games played.

Face comes next, followed by Teck and Dorsch in order. From time to time, whenever the compiler happens to kick up an inspiration, other effusions will be forthcoming, substantiated by a few facts and figures, on what the boys are doing in the way of extra base clouting, pil-' low-pllferlng, run-recording and pitching records, with the whiff-outs and all. As the seaoson rolls along the additional batting and fielding records will also be on tap. There are many good games in store for this winter, so therj will be plenty to keep the bee In the bonnet. Following are the complete records of all plnyfrs, 24 of them, who have participated in two games or more with, the Stars.

They Include the T. M. C. A. exhibition game and the three innings of that Rialto affair.

Batting- Areragts, Player Games AB Dorsch 12 41 9 Stone 5 Cohen 2 7 Waters 3 10 Pace .18 61 Jake Wilson 9 32 Teck 14 45 Johndrew 6 20 Lillard 3 7. McMulle.i 11 40 Blankenshlp 3 11 Blake 2 4 Johnson 18 67 Simon 10, 36 Wolfe 10 28 Lindner 10 35 Smith 4 15 Fisher 10 32 Olsen 20 Cummlngs 2 7 Tortes 10 29 Ardery io 31 Hoffman 2 8 Jess Wilson 2 6 Player Fielding- ATeragei, Games. PO A wiife 9 17 Waters 3 3 Hoffman 2 17 Cummlngs 2 1 Jess Wilson 2 5 Dorsch 12 28 Pace Teck Johndrew 6 Lindner 10 McMullen Stor.e Olsen Jake Wilson Smith Fisher Cohen Lillard 16 118 14 17 ..11 5 ...6 9 4 ..10 2 3 Simon 10 Ardery i .10 Johnson 18 Tortes 10 Blankenshlp 3 Bloke 2 48 E6 16 9 7 18 6 E6 5 2 10 6 20 15 4 2 4 2 2 14 3 13 2 0 40 2 0 10 5 2 5 2 6 2 1 5 4 0 0 1 0 0 4 31 8 11 6 13 24 3 15 24 8 11 7 4 1 20 2 14 4 0 20 7 3 4 22 10 14 6 2 11 3 1 13 8 6 7 3. 6 3 1 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 1 2 3 2 1 2 6 2 11 2 1 2 6 5 7 3 1 Pet. .487 .437 .428 .400 .361 .312 .311 .300 .285 .275 .272 .250 .228 .222 .214 .200 .200 :187 .150 .143 .137 .097 .000 .000 Pot.

.1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 .983 .969 .965 .964 .9 58 .952 .923 .916 .875 .875 .859 .857 .857 .846 .815 .305 .727 .666 I..

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