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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 5

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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THUUSDAY, MARCH 13, 1947 rifish Register luch Surprise Rccorrftr.endcfion for U. S. Aid to Turkey Moro Thun Expected Ky EINVAKl) V. K011EKTS I United Press Stalf. Correspondent 1 LONDON, March 13.

govcrn- Inenl roiucc siiid today that President Truman's decision lo include' Turkey Greece in liis aid pro- liis jlan lo send military i to that area lock Britain (ARK.) COURIK1 MBW8 Fire Destroys Large Stores Of Chemicals NEW YORK, March 13, (U.P.) stubborn', rlve-nlnrm fire in 11 waterlront chemlcnl warehouse was brought under control after a three-hour battle today. Firemen WHO luul been unable lo get close to the blnxe earlier because of dense smoke finally managed to raise ladders Hie building and tons 01 water into it, A large part of Lower Manhattan was covered by dense doudt building and a pungent, gcior per- assembled and ly siirpri The government source said no lime asked the United oi smoke ol all colors that ncrltii lo assume the British in Greece. He said the British govcrn- lirnt made no suggestion thai the linked Stales send "military Iroops," "mmtaiy missions" or cm i'C tena- A foreign office spokesman said lcmcn lit views expressed by Mr. Truman "imposed governments" were house, in accordance with British on a iHiir.U^r of governments. expected swift and avt.rable reaction from the Soviet lovcinmeni lo tlie American plan.

Jvlr. Tinman's proposals were widely described liere as a direct chal- jr.uc lo Russia. There was considerable worry in I.Vliltchall about Ihe resulls. I '1'he President's proposal to send military personnel to! caused apprehension CINCINNATI, March 13 (UP) Because of- the tense situation ex- still dug here loday in between Turkey and Russia the piled debris of a five-story the Dardanelles. Au- building lhat almost certainly is of MIDDLE EAST Continued from Page 1.

were staggered by Ihe rcsponslbil- icnd-lense and (he drall. If Congress voles lo Intervene in Greece and Turkey a will be a clean break will, American isola- llouisl of Ihe but isolationism look a benllng in i lie Ho os eve 11 Since (he war we have been using as well n.s economic dol- Im-s abroad, and we have said as much. What hit congress hard in Mr. Tinman's message was that he pretty frank nbom the whole thing. He lliinks should step In fas: lo keep Communism out of certain areas, and he- snlcl so.

just like llial. He paid his respects to the United Nations but by-passed that body 011 grounds it is not cnpnMe of doing the job. Middle East Intervention In would put the merited (he area. Large crowds ambulances by as officials! untied Stales in a new recalled recent disastrous cncmf we have been practicing (he part some time now. By coincidence, it cal fires across the nation.

The heavy blanket of smoke prcventcc from getting in eloscr than 20 lo 30 yards of (he warehouse, hampering their efforts to bring the. blaze under control. David Don, owner of the warehouse, said the building contains chemicals and dyes stored tliert for exiwrt by Ihe Harris Warehouse, inc. Firemen Still Searching Debris for Man's Body Ihoritativc sources said Britain gave I'nly lukewarm approval to the to give Turkey economic at this time for Ihe same rai- staled authoritatively that in, while urging the United the tomb of Fred Elsaesser, year-old porter. Since the building collapsed at 9 iun.

Tuesday, rescue teams have ix men original- I Trapped 'LAWRENCE, Marcr fugitives from an 'Army I Test sending -American troops there. There were Indications that Brit- liin would support the Truman liroposal if it is approved by Con- since she is terminating her licoiio'iilc commitments lo Greece, stockade at Field III in- Government sources informally eluding Bsrt Slusser 28 of NasJi- I eared the "sweeping nature" of ville. were arraigned in Dis- Ihe American proposal. They be- trict Court on larceny charges ves- lieved wou.d lessen materially, terday after balng captured by'po- Secretary Ernest Kevin's lice who cornered them in a dead' rl 0CS negotiating a revised end street after a 10-mile chase is almost, a year, exactly, since the then I'rime Minister Winston Cliurchlll gave Big Four diplomacy and the United States Congress jltlers by denouncing the "Iron curtnln'- In furope and proposing a fraternal British American association lo stem "the expansive and paralyz- tendencies" of the Soviet That was in Fulton, March 5. 1046.

with Mr. Truman Lmiling on the platform. War warnings echoed on capitol hill as Mr. Truman concluded Ills address yesterday and hurried for a Florida-bound airplane. He will vacation for about a week.

Some administration supporters conceded that to oppose communism in Greece and Turkey with American money nnd technical advisers involved a "calculated risk." There was immediate bitter minority protests in Congress and equally enthusiastic minority approval. A majority of congressmen appar- i ently was too startled by the scope I of the program lo reach a sion immcdialely. Bui Democrats were rallying to Hie aumlnlstrallou. Tlu-rr was rowci fin liepiibllcm support spearheaded Chairman Arlluir H. of Iho Senate I'm-dgn iirlnlloiis Coinmltlw.

House Sni'iiki'r Jnsepb Martin, and House Majority Leader C'liiulcs H. 'llnllerk, however, refused lo cnmmll themselves. Sen. Uobi'rt A. Tuft, who Is, in effect, co-leader with Vim- tlcnberg of their puny In tin' Ken- ate, also refused ID take stund on Middle East Intervention against the smviui of Communism, lioth parties are split and Hie President must depend on coalition lo votn him tby money and authority he seeks.

Typical comment: Vaiulcnberg: "Tlie President's messiisju faces the fuels and so must We are at odds with Communism on many fronts. Now, ever, we nnisl sny what we mean and mean what we say. We cannot lo back up the President, at such mi hour. We must either take or surrender leadership." Tuft: "I do not want war with Rvssia.

Whether our intervention In Greece tends to make more probable or less probable depends on many clrciimstiinces rcanrdltid which I am not yet fully and. therefore, I do not I care make re.vp:il tmio." Martin: "Tin 1 request must be. great care and ilililirr.ilhin There is no bill it for heavier burdens mum llio 'people American people Htillcrk: American people are cmiilal to know all lhat Is L-V may be involved in the slep they have asked lo take. The pni- posni lllos( inu st tl j. sat, mil only JV Conere.w but by every uxpayer," Hep.

iinrriiun, Mlch.r Jt Is nu invitation lo wai, 1 'flu- pu-cipiluted (k'biite nu the Senate floor lust nlKht ttiih sen. Wayhind Hrooks. III. nikliiB Democrats why they refused say rlally ihnl 11 means war. lie snUI this counlry, with Its icnd-lonse aid had tilo- il.led 1111,1 stii'iiijtlit'iK-d utissla anil now found nseir In a position where it mlBhl have to fight the liiis- 6 lulls.

If the Hoimblloaiis had prevnIH'd In prewar foreign policy decisions "nitjt Ii't lilt' Germans eat liiis- Hiooks suld, the I'resldcnfs cinei-Ki'iicy proiinini to check coin- tt mve ru csMiry. Sen. chnide Pepper, told Drooks I had "no Hint Ihe senator ready to war with Hussln." "He didn't seem so anxious lo a decision at the lo war ulnst I inter," 1'cpper said. There worn rank a nil file Dem- (irralir but Ihe ilenio- ttrntlc liMdtT.shlp, Including Sen. Tom cuiinully, former eliiiliman uf the Porrljtn Itolii- llons Com ml (tee, grin-rally wlimijii'd 1( ii i inlfrvenlloii.

Tlie summons lo Bppnd money and possibly risk men In opposl- lion lo Communism outside Ihe'Sn- Mc't Union had a powerful appeal Ui some Republicans and nc-ino- crnl.s ullke. sen. styles Urldges, N. put (his lie rcpresetils (he position a ninny of Ills col- Icngiif.s will lake: "The iilllmale llireal of Com- iminLst dcimlnntioi, world should make It understandable lo nil IhlukhiK dlliceiis lhat If we ''vcr are going lo try nnd the Kprrnil of Communism, now I'l Ihe lime lo do II," Tliero ivuij miu'h chain reai'llons rroin ,,111 Intcrvrnlloii In llm AlliliIlK Coi'-rossmell askcil hiil llial would lead lo In China. Grrnmiiy and Smith Amei Nobody biioir.s' (lie answer i lllat one, not Mr.

Tru- llui (he did lell Con- BIVSS frnnkly ihul lliiam eorn- iminlst mlmirlties were exploiting Kutope's miseries for political ualn. He snlcl we long had protested cocrcliin. Intimidation and violation Intel nallonul aiireeuuinls In I'o- 'and. liomanla and llulgnrla. And lie wild he wnnted inoro Rffrellvc Mum prolesi miles lo pre- veni Greece and Turkey yolng the snme way.

warned in circcce would spread clsewhmj and lhal lo aid Greece and Turkey "the cltect will be far reaching lo Ihe i us well a-i'to the ensl," Is up lo Congress now. inrin Charles A. Kalon, of uieliljuse Affairs Commltlce, said lie rxiicclcd lo be ready to Inlro- duce the Oreco-TiirklsJi i(l bill In Iwo or three days. Enlon Is fnvor- nlilf! lo Die iidmlnlslratlon plan but dues not greatly Influence parly strategy. The MOO.OoO.Oim muy be cither Hwn or gift, it will life divided lo circcce and $150,000,000 lo Turkey.

will be In addition lo $50,000,000 already car- the 104U butluet for Orrck mid such. 'I'he new money now sought not only will hulp feed the Greeks but will provide other economic assistance and, presumiibly. support small occupallonary lorre which Ihe lirltlsh empire nays it longer can afford lo maintain. American mllllnry action In Oi'fi'ce Is uneharled. At Ihe outside no more (han mllllnry supervisor nnd Instructors arc contemplated.

Chest Colds To Relieve Misery IA on Tested VJgSfg The itish press in general ap- lirovcd Truman's speech. for Lilienthal WAEHIXGTON, March 13. (UP) I-David E. Lilienthal. whose ap- as chairman of Ihc l-lloniic Enerev Commission is a- Senate confirmation got endorsement today from M.

Barucli. who helped liraft the U. S. plan for interna- conlol of atomic energy. PILES Hurt Like Sin! But New I Grin "or' 1 Rectal Ointment or Rectal Sup- suorJca today.

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Attention! Our Signature was erroneously omitted in the Hudson Advertisement appearing in Wednesday's issue of the Courier News. We Are Your Exclusive Agent for HUDSON In Mississippi County Oiin Harrison Motor Co. 517 W. Ash St. Phone 2552 -RALPH NICHOLS ALL 50c TALCUM THEV NEED YOUR HELP Richard Hudnut Elino and Aycrs GEM BLADES MILES COLGATE SLOAN'S IOO BAYER KSPIR.IN IOO A-B-Dti VJTAMINS POLIOENT POWDER 49 DEXTRI MALTOSE DO YOU NEED A ANACIN PACQUIN'S ST.

JOSEPH DR. SCHOLL'5 i-Y Tablets 1.00 size 89c SHAMPOO ALKA SELTZER Tablets 49c G0c jscorrs Special of the Month FRESH FRUIT STRAWBERRY PAGE FIVE Secretary or War Robert p. Patterson said lie would not know the na- inro and extent of Army aid precco until congress acts and''he' Has a the President. Hmt Is what he said, taut It Is a practical certainty thai, the ministration has worked out pl.ins In detail. Many Never Suspect Cause Of Backaches ft" OtdTrutnnt Brm 'yoUonoiid iimltt-r U) romnln In your Wood, It IW I'nlllH, tow Uf 1111(1 trierKV.

Ki.ltlnz tlri imnincu under Ihe lirndnrlio l-'rcnucnt or wllli ilnnrdna onj Lurnlng i liT Open 6:30 p.m.: Show Starts 7 p.m. Lnsl Time Today "SPELLBOUND" with Iiiisrlil llerKiiuin, Grcfory Peck Ncivs nf Hie Day Also Shorts Friday nnd Siiturdny "Two Fisted Sfrangor" with Hlnrrcll Smiley nurncile "Son uf the Guardsman" Also Shorts RITZ THEATRE Manila, Ark. Kast 'Time Today 'Sweetheart of Sigma Chi' nllh Elysc Kuiix uiKl Phil llcRim I'ariiUKiiint News and Comedy Friday and Saturday, "Rainbow Over the Rockies" willi Wukcly C'iirtnnn 2nd Oluijitcr "I'eilcnil Operator 89" New Theater Manila's Finest Shows EVERT NIGHT Matinee Saturday Sunday Box Opens Week Days 1-M p.m. Sat-Sun. 1 p.m.

eont. Bhowtni I-iist Time Today 'Magnificent DoJI' with OJnper Itojcrs Sclcclccl Sliorls Friday '30 Seconds Over Tokyo" wilh Spencer Tracv Also Short Subjects CHICK THEATRE "Where Happiness So Little" WEEKDATB Box Office Optns 6:45 p.m. Show oUrU p.m. Time Today 'Swing In the Saddle' Gwynn "Big Ho.v" Williams, Hoosier Hot Sliols Serial: "I'haiitom Riiler" Chapt, 7 Also Hhorls Fridny and Saturday "Cheyenne Wildcat" Wild Mil! Flliolt as Ileil Ryder Serial: "Black Arrow" Cliapler 8 Also Carloon.

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