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The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio • Page 8

Piqua, Ohio
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AT THE GIFT STORE OF PIQUA i When You Sec Our Line When You Gel Our Prices Missionary yej. The annual TlKinSioITerhis and Missionary Tea or the Woman's jAti'elsii no defy or Greene street M. H. OuneJi vv.n held vcstciday ar Loraomi and lsi evening tin soiiagc with the Rev. anil Mis.

Shori luu W. nell. Tile president A. G. Snyder ure.sidod, ami Inici program was rendered.

The opening, number vims hvmn 'Xiuin iSi ci nluiiili Willi Mm. J. I'jJmer tli0 accompan si. Hihle rendtns followed by Mis. 'J.

Hsnl Iwniia Slicpard. Kaehael' Mill! vf 'Pi ol Ihc mp' Urn. J5. M. Ijrfl read a poem The Masters Work, Alva.

TI. ficuuelt llion most sweetly Siinf, "Echoes of eld Jlvmns'' Willi liss Florence pi ngi, nceomiinnist. This was rnlltiv. iil In a vers intere st infr address on China iiy the Hov Kliei idnii V. Bell, who aaj(l mean f.e'.d open Mm stonayles to christianize, anil that if China pcie biggest part of the world would chilsliani? 0.1.

There are four liunrtred and dm millions or people in China and its big ncss makes important riouarv field The whole world must be cliris. Uuiilzed ( Christ. Thr resources of China wore alluded to and wore a big pan in revolution China. Tho. Chinese live hv amicni iiit mid there is enough coal found 1.0 furnish eoai tor the whole human race In America, ia being discussen "flat can lie done for fuel.

The' resources or chin ire or a higher order Hian Africa. Confucians is the great teacher i china timl Hi iioint or religion mere are un niaselieii by any neoplc in Uw v. oriil it, then zealous untie, i0 their Coils young generailcn, however is nicer Tor and nnicklv lelialoita leachinsE ami eiluonUo.i. In colleges in America li.ey are so jii'r sislant in asking mtestlons rea. answer j.h not nl.rj.vs Thc norners nave soniethitiK te Hie Chmese as it i6 shown hir 10 receiyc knowlenge os Inougln from mjv iiTOjern orld.

China hroken history or yPiiI.s in unbroken splendor aiul orleaial worship. They believe nicre are three spirits an.l ihe inte. liscnt Clilndmen believe. Supers, it ion Is vers srenr i China the customs Jre lianl 10 overcome. One hiiudr.i.l anil fifty millLons or vvomeu are suffer.

uiB in China from cusionis run! kiril piijr, there to a 'illy to eel the inside 8lner fior. uprising there is an ageresssvr en, ChriRtianlty appeal to them mnltlns .1 marked ehanKe in China A icriM.l.nlj;,. of "'roe when the Viceroy issued a decree and "i.i, men mat me leaders who tmisht Confiislnn f0. tlvo years not know every ihinj; hat they could set lunch from 1 elirrsltaii Ribie ami orilereil the ta.lBhl to "nr.s of pcoiile in his COtlflKlfHM. Ur lall.

tetieil to with Blest Interest ami A i (he elo.e a vote or 1 hanks was given, a nuei fn'lcv. ed when Mrs. iil, i'tvh read secretary's report and Jt, C. w. neiineii (rewnrcrs report, fiss Wood, reail a leuoi fr un Miss AubusIu llrnnililff, 0f Washinj; at' You Get the Lowest When You Buy Our Goods You Buy the Best The UkNhM toil.

U. U. I v. 1 I re also received from Mrs. Mury Yager and Mr.

Mr. Smith, who is visiting in tlie Is uf fH'iii were also jriven. After the sinning of IJio liyiin, "Crown Hiui Lord of A31" the rualiM the Thaiikofrerl.iB would Coyer rendered a piano solo "Aiitumii" lifter wiiicli unuiial ThaiikoElerho. were collecietl by Miss (iat Ciliv am, in is si, 11 The meeting elnsed with the Dnvoi. tJI.r ami the benediction bv The social part of the i.rourain ti.n followed when ih me for the elegant supper sntTOtl o'clock will, ihe following nieini Oyster I'nuies Hum H'liiie bread hr.i Sahm Cranberry jelly Ice cream Cake Cofi'ee.

Miss Hlll.c!,, or fireeue street church. nrruni and fiom out or jfrs. Blizubclli Diefeahai.gli, of Koliomo, 1ml. and jr, H. Wiles, of Dayton.

AH.mfti,,,,. n'sssi bundled wore nrcseni. rown Hill Wedding. The liiiUTiiiEc of MisH I. lore.nco solemnized last ev'enins at o'clock home of the bride's Mr Mir.

Ibc t'ailiienuu'k nike TI.a for, ued by Dr. cmntu me par lor ami took place berme an PTOVised altar of palms, ferns doc wood ar.d po.nse::in 1 olieiifi in eddiIls ntareh was played by Miss Katlierine Hill. Mis5 E(na 'wis matt honor, sisi Hill, brother of the room. 1 anme Fink was Ihe. bridesmaid Mr.

ri.ii.Ii of ili iev, Die groos 111 mi. The hildr. was "Hie over while silk Irish lace. Her boum.ct wars a shower or lillies of the valley. Miss Hunter was gowned" in white 1'i'tiste fth rlsh Ire trimmings ami MiBS wore I silU trimmed in white me dal'i ms can led ink Aftcr cnngral.ilations a two course supper w.if.

served In the diuitis room by Thc umm oyslers Pickles While bread brown brenil sandwiclir Tee cream Angel food cake' fruit ealiB CorTeo Minis The talik was adorned will, a or tulipS ffrus semen ju. hCK(let. the )(riial art.v irere the i. irents of tho bride ami ttroow Jr Mont isonicry. The hililo ami room commence ekeemn.

at onc, "'r nontieiist ol the On 1 or town siiWilR Included Mr. anil Mrs. b.o,, Walter. Troy; Tom tel. il.sburg; dcnigc.

miBh and Sfss ih. Sidney; Ml.s Kir. Zanesville, ,) Mrt.r0;.,!v. Caille lud. Four Step a I IC shlleighi nples lance given by ttr; Aeolian Trio, new Tour step dnneo lhat Has re.

inttuflncon Is proving verv bop THE PTQUff DAILY) CALL. FRIDAY MARCH nlur mid was ju by last eveitdiir. ti was played twice rece.vM seven encores tn one lime, made a Jill. Guests were present from Troy, St Paris, CMviiiftluu mm Sidney Eighty Tliree The vcnerablo David Statler reach eil tile oiahty third tuilestono or hi, life hist week. 1( was the wish Ids family to ecupbi atc tho event with a birtliday bin on iiecouut of oj Mr.

uiailet.ii was hj; poned, Mr. liiailer'j's iVmy ioeling Bumlile Bee Dance The Rumble club have sent put jp. vltations for a dance to lie Ivou next Tuesday evening, at fleil Hal), Mnsfv tiv re Aim. linu Trio. Dsnce at Covington Armory niviL imii no dance at ihe Coving Arniorv.

S.ihu'dnv nhni win, music by ulano. Awm cvmiials. TDo D. ail 1'. will run a special car at 12:20 a.

111. 10 Plcma. 11 is ev peeled a number of IMoua nemiin in District Convention litre I UP iinlus, of the soeiely 6'i" the Metbo lureli will 1 ihe second day of Apill, at Greaiie street jr. E. eli.ircli.

The convention will last one day. Tlicfe. will be 11 joiuL meollng of lbc creeno street eiiu si, a. ml rae.e pext. Monday aricintion at in the ladles parlor of Greene street church to make arrangemenis.for the coming convention, The nible Study "class or Grace M.

f'htircb held' its regular meeting beis nro sludylnn the Life of Chrlsl. Ihe Personal Mention "ullmletli Fiefenbangli. of Ko lOIUO. iho i 1 net tteit'cr. Helen Herbert, will" go to Cincinnati oiiuday t0 spend a week with iholr mother Mrs.

Louis Herbert, at Fiice Hill. MrS. Itln M. Water srreet Ik in ilck friend. Irs.

W. p. Cray mid Mrs. Slirreve C. Neth relurned this moruhi Jl linOSS irin .1.,,.

tl)) oi'Ji Ohin mil! Cullilli.i. Mis. Caroline Mott, of Spring streel and Mrs. "It. C.

Ijindis. Coilege 'ireei, iius nuirahiK Mr.rion. to aUeiul Hie oC ikeir sis' tor, Mrs. Margaret Wood. Mrs.

John Forgy anil Mrs. Amut irechiii. T.oy. were iooi' tJMtlo. flt 1,1 yeslerday nfier Tom Hunter, who hero to al tenrl tho nmwn IIlll wedriimr.

retmiied to riiKdjurg icnlay. wi'ildlng ria. fts It is CDiisb.enil that sly biet" blia A singular cRlnm prevails Yort sblrt Kiighiiid. I parts of the West IMdiiiij it is for vbitur to a house in wbicli a new appeared to carry with ihoiu iis an otieruie (, tifl rnf. ncu jiiLT.

1,: eases a licmiy. 1 SOI 1,1 In our Dress finoda and Sim yf, wjl Ji)( nvei.y(Jil that Is now dcsirnble at prices lo suit from mic up. Yon ward now tttmils ol tk(, them. S'KW vmn. 1 Jtoa't Mil to 'gei nUXKECtrrf ore purebasliig.

Ms Hnrhau Eb for real estate. An iisteiislve line of beat makes of Druggets Get our ices STOfiK. MISS LYDIA GOULD WELD. ft Boston Girl Will Vtiy Likely Plan Our Bluest Eattlcship, There is one girl who may lonl; llio 1'nrt of a BfTerelary fur soiue liuine for tnim.v cilia, but Jio is building ballie She is Miss Lydki Couhl Weld, or 11 rtunoiis nml oh! iW Kngiain! funiily. Rhe Is employed by the Newport News ul'nl llry.ljeli ('(iiisti'uetimi Wlien Jusl bud.liug Into w.iiiianlinoil Miss.

Weld concluded lo be of some use In (lie world. A Utile sbny is told eimeeriilng Veld and Mrs. l.nela Allies Mead, sum el i lues termed "a temporal vicegerent of Ihe prhite or renoo." Miss Weld bud animiii) 1 her Inlention of icirnlug to build bat llesliips. Jfrs. Mead was hoiiilieil.

1le.11 Weld," deehi iined "oiil. ImUlesIiip eosls 11s mile) us 1111 entire nuiversily. One is educational, and the oilier is totally ilostruelive! 1 am astoiiiiilesl." My doni' Mrs. Mead." responded the girl, "your iiiailioiiiiitl.s mc, eorreel. Misa or her oinss.

self or I.VUIA fiOULU WELU. lml. (juestion yum logic. I'loaueiitlv here are a in the ouivard inr. of elvlliv.aiion when one nttleship properly lianilled is worth more to fitnl oiul Immunity than forty average universities." So Miss Weld fitted foe teehuylugv id inuirieubleil.

Himuliiir lair leullier ajirou. baring her well hnid arnis, greasing and blaeUeiilng her pretty lingers, she at ike Ueiuli, ihe forge the nml at 'her books. Unee of savage nlugyieg liuva, arrhitc. 11s il lis Issn! AVeld fiiie day ainnzeil the mil liouairo "owner or a hi" steam vaeht I'll: ins' spil i.n; loom in on a cruise 111 lieavy sen. I'reslikut Creutt of the lag Newport News company is very proud, of Ida fair employee, who helps him bulk! fail! of tho htittfi'Sl battle; Ttle Wife's Allowanco.

Klioi)ld the married woman have an nil own lire': Well, ralher. The husband vrho will make his wire run lo hint lieloi'e lie nil! give her SI, to lie sent to the ror.i pile. sis 1.1 mie mam tyife 'Sts pel. rh'r Ui Ijurk sire, gives bin: c. iml.v, train her Ilie way." it is the old, 11 rem idea In ought down to ime.

ilnny" man will write nut checks to imy a $100 bill mid 11,11 give the miter a but watch bin. grunt heitliis wife usks liim for a iilMe piece. '1'ho renlly iiideppiidfiiit w.niiau now. miays Is not ivlfe lb ons hierchant nor tho petted duugliier of Hie real estale 111:111 110, iadred. The woman who fun nffoi'd to buy wo twu well er leiiioiimlcs uuil not have to give an account for the Hem is the women ivlioiis ont in the iraiid eavu itig ber own living: U'licii men growl because the girls' nowadays want to Set way from home to earn a living.

And rvoiy once in awhile seme fellow rises up before the world to hare 'lis suy nbuul. woman' i liifl ways, who teaches her lo do this ir not the 111:1 ei who Iralus her to go on her pretty every time winds to have two bils of her own? Js al my credit good;" asks her lord nrd inasler pijiiipoiisly. How would he like lo be lled t'l elmrge every ten cent i iar and Hie lirlnks rr himself ami O11 allowance? Well jest ask unv inairii'd woman. man who has the ast resi.e. for will foree her lo nog lor money or even bU 'aiiiaK' bet hi TOiniielliiig bev to ask for it.

I'uay up. Mr, liushiiiid. Treat her as on would like trr.uod 1007: ONLY TWO WEEKS TILL ASTER 'TlS Time to think hm.f ir Uvwait the cream ofthe assortment arid et Jl Wf' We are read you i every epart ment with latest Easter, Spring and Summer style! Your inspection cordially solicited. Easter Dress Goods and SilKs All "rL 7 weaves are here selected personal bKrVr' erKert Ncw York. Pretty new shades in the rndlSSrlSk fabfricS a Suitings in the Hght check? 1S varied to give description and prices much better come and see them.

EASTER SALE NEW SHIRT WAISTS The prettiest White Waists you ever saw and the prices so inexpensive too See window disylay, SPECIAL VALUES 69c, 98c, $1.69, $1.98, $2.48 AND UP. AS TER GLOVES Avoid the usual rush the week before Easter and have scarce and when our present stock is exhausted we will be unable to replenish same. LONG KID GLOVES White at $1.50, S3. Black $22b, S3, $3,50. Colors $2.25, 53, $3.50 LONG SILK GLOVES LHBCiIfe5te' ZTe2n Pik Blue' Lavender P3 values $1.25, $L50 and $1.98 a pair.

i resfi new stock, made of good quality serviceable Kid latest style stitching every pair fitted and guaranteed AH new spring shades and Black. Gloves ladles $1.25 a pair. Misses $1 a pair. 1 two jsjibiTi fecials line Patent Colt ami in iint.ioi, am! New Spiinc, ss.y r.s. pair.

SATURDAY AND MONDAY I $198 T.rmiicrs or Kid, well worth ss'ou CM OA I Kover Aijain. nrmM "ess wos I'll elji ber if you tliai to he Tho Useful Broom Covtr, Xot imlil she has uae.1 it does limisi'lus'pei' lenliv.e wiiai a time, lir and KirrNiglh saver ia UiG broom cjv II should lie ma le c't of the eolt llaiimd or llniinclelto lo lit the bro and sbart r.s of lie It when 11 i put It ran be used on lb. ii.cj'clr tiff ainl baset Took Stdveuion Far Frenchman. Aw ebiJd uoberf Slevensou was nuii li will, his mother in southern trance mid aciuirru sarh I'nmeh irc. (cut (hat passed for a Frenchman.

Once in after life be slopped Inlo a low oKiiery at Nice, and a nt IJI.nlitotK LjolthiR fellows stoppeil their to his order. The, weiii ou with tlieir plans for dn.Kug and rnldinij the lirst linsliimainvlio 'il Ills Fancy Malaya Grapes, Osanycs, Apples, Bananas, Grape I'rult, Pineapples, Cucumbers, Fancy Florida Celery, Radishes BiCiluce, Cabbage and Sweet Potatoes at HAUSCHILDT BROS. Willis, plclUK to Mot Heavenly. i for use. "My dear." the sick man walls, his I pear sirnliiK of swedest 1 Mobil.

sun his hear is a pnoei.u iaiih in lb, MM I "Ho iL is. iw how. fr their nciKh iu tin and stop thai ie I I' i I l. el OIICC." Cles Ohl till I'beve never yet was ,111 an el who Charleston. was at lirst ealieil wouhlii't lake oh" her whips, nml cook Kio; t'liailea fort in hoiisr ol" rhailes for (lie limit she hunl.

New Orleaim I aaricsioii sis si.hHuiiit,.a for tho fioj vuiin enrlier (losiiiimllou lit 1783. Tomorrow Follow the Crowd Follow thc Big Parade of Happy Shoppers to ti 'J mntis. Iti tlie days of William the Conqueror leixes lor cariyini; and valoa iilr.s were made in very primitive fashion, the I ils belns siaiply half the Iriink of a tree hollowed out; heuco Ihe name (runt. Jn ohl Kendsii lone', ia tliere is ho soea siieh Iviitik, whieh is said In he tho one In wiiMl (be foaqneior kept lint n.m.ey with wlileb he paid bis KoldioM. Hall.

Cash Credit Clothing Co's Grand Spring Opening.

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