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The Weekly Sun from San Bernardino, California • Page 7

The Weekly Suni
San Bernardino, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1905. The chime of marriage bells, scattering of rice and old shoes, is to be the happy issue out of the troubles which involve Lorenz Barracas and pretty Mercedes Hernandez. It is a peculiar difficulty which confronts a Mexican couple. Barracas is in jail awaiting trial before the Superior Court charged wiiu child stealing. The winsome Mercedes is the child who "got herself stolon." When the youth made advances to the mother of the girl to be permitted to bo her son-in-iaw she gave him the "marble heart," and he deliberately kidnaped the girl, who is only a few months over 15 years of age.

The Sheriff was appealed to and Deputy Sheriff Charles Ward took up the returning with the lovers after a race across two counties. 1 The mother was implacable. Then the daughter threw her arms about the mother's neck, and pleaded that "her man" be liberated, and they be allowed to marry. The mother had given the child's age as 16, and the stern interpretation of the law meant a long term of Imprisonment In the penitentiary for the young man. But time changes affairs, and now the mother has sought the authorities, imploring that Barracas be given his liberty and allowed to beconra her son-in-law, as the daughter is pining away, and the mother would rather put up with a son-in-law even such as Barracas and "save her daughter" than otherwise, and so it has been about arranged.

Bar.racas will have to be taken before the Superior Court to have the complaint against him dismissed), and from the court room he will be accompanied to the home of the bride at Colton, where the marriage will be performed, and high jinks will hold the 'boards for the next few hoiws, for the mother and the youth's friends declare that the circumstances justify more than ordinary wedding festivities. The trial trip, or rather the trip of Inspection, by automobile to the new Arrowhead hotel, was made yesterday as contemplaed, and the automobile line to the new hostelry ls now an assured fact. 0. C. Grider, the Los Angeles man who will install the line, went ovov the route, accompanied by Soth Marshall and Dr.

G. W. Tape, and after the trip had been completed he expressed himself as perfectly satisfies that the automobile line could be made a success, hence be will enter into definite arrangements with the hotel peopie at once. It had been expected that Mr. Glider would make his maiden trip over the proposed automobile line with a big machine designed to carry 18 persons, and of the type which will be used when the line is finally installed to carry the guests from this city to the hotel, but he came to this city with a smaller machine and it was in it that the run was made.

No time was taken nor did the occupants of tne auto Intend to establish a record fun, but the Los Angeles man expressed himself as assured that ho would have on trouble in run ning the larger cars over the road in tho tithe desired by the hotel trOLTON1. Sent. 8. (Staff Corre- nf TI1H S1TN.1 The citi- of th ace are consiueramj stunned at the sudden change which has come over the projected electric railway from Rialto to Colton, owing to Seth Hartley's unexpected raise of $5000 in the amount of bonus he will expect the people of Rialto to raise. Rut though the demand of Mr.

Hartley was unexpected and stinging In its disappointment, yet tho people of this community have not despaired, for Jhov exnrict. to see the road built, even tley does not figure in it at an. Citizen Talks. le have recovered from our sur- nnil disnnnointment at the un fed, announcement made to us at rviitnn-Rialto meeting by Mr. ey last night," exclaimed a load- cltlzen today.

And naving the matter over have come to inclusion that the building ot the u-nntit mean a successful busl- vmitnro fcr-any company of cap- ts to go into it, and you know Mr. Hartley is not the onty one can explain the advantages ot a line to the big financiers of the Intry. If such a railway as pro- won ui be a good tiling ior me; -Southern Pacific or 'Salt LaUe, I'on't you think for a moment that hey will hesitate to see me ion In tho proper ngm. anu win lie road without a bonus, far that atter." "There Are Others." i nun tn sav ls that there are others besides Mr. Hartley and hose others do not need mucn to be found.

Ave win nave u. lid built. The temperament oi tvia this proposition a m.tDr of tnOOO will not licit the road, but the outlook is that r. Hartley win prouuu.j liv flo propositions It the two commiiiuuea ho who shall Interest capl- L. -i'.

in ilia nroiect." iicic- niD tho ii'i. nno Pd JUi i niimoni here, though many Wrsons- state their views in terms de- cididly mere strong, or' co.ton to bea last night mad, the i anr increased when the town woke morning and the Intelligence of at occurred at the close of the Rialto-Colton love feast spread. There will be another meeting between mo Rialto and Colton citUens. probably held here, early next week when committees wilt be appointed to Wtematlze the communities, and i oia now iho next meeting tne -tin the field will have some important nformation to impart. Look Out, Saloon i airninst the ir-esent tU ttllMC Lloon here is to be at the ncx etlng of the Board of City 1 iin he bdged by Cll "JllllJitttu.

mlnent citizens that the proprietor continued to sell llnnor to -Inks ln spite of repeated requests latievs and friends or me aiu.c- nics to refuse them nq'ioi. going to be a warm already numerous () persons have taken up the matter, and by Romo's friends mat a quarrel over have been sold at prices that have net- to grant an order directing Notary day, dicing all that time he saw the it Se lit-alv that thj tnictpce will set tlio mnnpv i.i tlio rpnl cansA u-niph tpd a nrnfit nut the i 1 TJo-iip1 7nhr of Soft blue CV09 of a Winsonifl Eirl, and aside a special night to hear the com- led to the tragedy. These friends ture, which among other ad- Jimenez, Chihuahua. Mexico, to take drawn by the mysterious influence A 11. r.

KM anil dolA ctmnmict fllW St.rinn- A 1 1 r.r. A A I T7li; 11 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 whip)) II II IH ill pi( lllsl thft P.llild pialula, auu lu iur.c chucuvc yiw oiaio mat, iui? i'i mvj awvuoi. "-'i'. ouvi ti uiuuiina; uie ueposiliuno UI mi-a nvunum con. sous for their belief in ElJridge's to the San Bernardino map.

ann- Licenciado Asianlan. had bound him, straight to her house Miss Hanna Is Graceful Hostess. guilt is based on the fact that the bul- This lot was owned by II. E. Har- just what the nature of the testl- he went the foal to the sham-Last evening Miss Tacie Hanna en- let which penetrated Romo's 6kull ris and was sold to J.

"Wilder, being mony 0f these persons will be and hies. tertained the class of '05 in honor was from a 41-calibre six-shooter, 43.5x113, on the east side of Spring now wm affect the case against the He Sobs. Mrs. B. Chaplin, formerly Miss Louise while Romo's pistol was a 44-calibte street, for $450.

The company has the nttornevs refuse to stato Down by the tree where Constable Creal of this city. Mrs. Chaplin was Celts'. already contracted with Mr. Wilder at timG but eay iu their notico to Sawyer had first him fiO days a member of the class of '05 before For This Afternoon.

Airs Tt. H. Sheulev has issued a mimlior r.f vl fill tfl llttlfi fl'ieildS being Thelma's fifth birthday. Little News Budget. C.

M. Knox, after a short stay in Colton, left for his home in Santa Ana mii-n In cr Lino Miao niip Atolntosh has returned from a several days' visit in Riverside. rim a Several Uliys VISIL 111 uiii a oc'cia Eldridge's she moved to Imperial, where she has j. la furluer BtateJ that 1 ncy nlso sold tor tho com pa- 'd ct Uvo mon ls material to sossed man yesterday.

As li oin.a roKi.iori ny to C. It. brown, a lot. 50x134. on the inii h.

nlond. atuv. was iuu uur ui a. sun ueienco. 1 ae prisoners The evening was enjoyed by most jn calibra with the size of tne bMct north side of First, west of Mt.

er- IltM, t0 come into colirt today and it. I knew it. And now I must go "sedate" games, for the dignified sen- whjcll nat fatal work. iu tho subdivision, lor thQ Rom0 o( nie nia. baek jall( bllt if I had cauglu bul iors were present.

ln view of all tho circumstances, terialltv of the evidence sought, but one glimpse of her then would 1 have Among the guests invited were the th bad for the mau wUo haa r.nVh hev overlooked the fact that today Is been satisfied." He that ho awsjslr. rs sgsgwssKw: s-anst swriSf SrasM. hLSL iSSSS liumu iiicj iiiusL iitfc. Mnaii rutiiim', in iyiiiuiuhh, wesi ui auu nnvCdllt llnnp U'llon IllO SIKH. WMb nrniltl hu'lini IV a Mn cpi.

Nl (1 IJMl 111 lie WHS Olmi'll 111 m-- urate. t.i.. Enloyable games whiled away the fired. However, bom or tneso men man, lor no sterns 10 nae iujuittu iha i 11 Unhllt vi-stenav had a msn niizzlins the afternoon Hours, ann late in ine anei- were very inutu "iv mv- numt; urcm, mi. divhuh mc v-mm, 1 i noon's pleasures dainty refreshments evidence which they will be aolo to the firm also has one other deal on birthday anniversary and of course who believe that while lie is thr IViml will rionlit.

tlio wav. Mr. Stewart linvlnn- nut lniuo onouch to be sent, to Hie WflC BC1CU UJ 111V 0.4.1..., fellli luiiviiuing UlU PIOUCU UUllg -1 I 1 less be of uncertain value. nume a onei nr a vaiuauie fl (K.casim, he did by asylum tnai ir- Still Affirms Innocence. Eldrldse still clings to the of Thehna Muschewske, who will Whlch he told to the officers at the ply is awaited Ol ineiiua.

WHICH ne 'IOIU LO liie Ulliwis a. uiv make merry with her tomorrow after- time of his arrest, and he declares imill tha nppnclnn n.wl 2 until 5, the occasion nnHntfll and noon from for Los Angeles this morning. The rr -r ui k. warn, auuuion, sixtn street 0f TllK BUis.i ituuio goi mi Welbomes expect to visit the various as mu uiuni.n t. u- aml L-( t0llay alKl Witn grim uciei mum- beaches before returning.

4. to expect. K. (1. Chappie, porch, corner ot tion nt that.

t) J- A lninut ovorv nirencv has the mii Aim. A. l). nn.7. and Aiargnrei vau.n 1 1 1 111111 iiiimuh, reiving six iiioiiiur.

i' serving six months donald of Phoenix, Arizona, were Col- i mmQ st(I-y reln, e' vv- Withers, for O. K. company, i. Martin, of the Kialto citi- lull C()llllty uihoritics are anxlolis ton visitors mciory ui 1 iiiru aim 1 succib, -iuu. coniinlltee, went vuuou t() KCt rid of him.

town nn business vesterday. valnus 10 Martin of Province, Iowa, I enfldent that they want to was in Colton for the past week and be holding so.neth ng when the with Colton advance comes. However, this lo J. advance comes. nom 2 aim viuiiiuj'.

R. C. Woodburn, of Riverside, was vas in rnltnn vesterday visiting friends, Is. Miss Stella Reeves was in San IJer lor. niece of tv rea tv.

which has been timnirh he seems ui ue iiunu story submitted to the owner, and his re- in lower ly rational ou eviv-ything but the sub Building Permits. a narnino on uusiuM' liuo mummis. 1 1 oolkin of Urn Angeles, was ln the week having been larK0 money chost8 belonging to tho eck having been moncy chests belonging innldmr after business provoiungiy large, iroii. u.e arge, from the 1. .1 kits HiuuuiHiiui.

inu lnieithlS. C. A. Johnson, of Riverside, was up yesterday to visit nis oaugnter, iurs. a lwi lOVC the strange street during the aftoinoon.

sir it. inn i iiK i.v: iu 1.1 'ii i 1 to comer Willi 1 me mmni LOS ANGELES, Seat. 8. Investlga. committee of that plnce tion proves the Goldfleiu story regard- vnCi to the ing Walter Scott and "treasure box- iar from being with roier- mil ject which Involves lovej thtk ivnmhor nr mriv i mm- r---- t) une Hie list tor the week Is Kept up to- ca c7by th VhTw of a pistol -rd the average by the application a Harry Ward will face charge of Rmo Jjnr, STiS ffilSi chrd1 and was bMs ja Kediands Thl i.i n'li nl tnoi win lm niifrli.i rt 11 ir.

ll.W 11 1 I 1 1 1 LT Lilt 111. illlll "I- 11-n l- lll.l 1111 UI iU 1IU1IL Wll I' BUUlli JUI11II1S llll1 lll.llll io to iront on street, joining tne main mis miiuij t-T lix i riiori 1 inereweu building at the rear. The list fol- invited to partake freely, Mt0 yesterday, 1 complaint hand to lows: also liquid refreshments on iiu iiiiu.i The faith of the men who buy pniov nnench tho thirst 5 v' -i uneXaill- 11 0n, ci.Mli am- 1.,.,,, otnro in i ni 11 si root ennlli nf snL'it4. U. A.

Mulienex nas reiuruuu noiii u. -4 Ti, 1 11 1 LJ r.n.i i JIS .,,1 vesterday. ml. llnH In 1 IlllJIlt'V Willi Ult 1J. J.

WOOll. Ol IV iiaa 111 ..1. Iumiii nmwn and enliven tho containing me iiunm- na3 ..1. and Is now awaiting the sigtnture tivnu.iu r. week's vacation at Santa Ana.

i P'd activity mat sua i ci.uruc- j. Third Harrls Pralt ai.ciliu.(.ts, A couple of hours were speiu a me cnj JSh Andrews wn spend the terlze the fall and winter, has i. u0(, jl)Uy glM)(1 m0 by the bunch of jovial that Ward will he 1 com ns week with ber daughter, Mrs. been borne out during the week To cmu. cottage for Mrs.

spirits and nil departed wishing mine plead guilty, and fae lilmsi.t lion McC'ullv of Dloomington. I bv tllc number of inquiries for Fannio Sl)nlre between host Uublltz many hapi'y returns or the possibility of a long sentence in IV. iYH.lUiiJ Ji 1. lirnlv KtlOPllln- r. i-.

1 nnh.nur 1 I i tv l.llt 111 II 11 CVOnl IlO H. P. Welborne, wile anu tnree uiirnir aim iu. lemon, tne day. nan uouuuu imw.

mo i ai.o i live uasiti. ami uy inu th xv Ku-imr fur i v. 7J vi in iroui; 10 iiinwu Phelps who have spent the summer offers that have called lor in- Clemens, front for store building in 1 r. l.pnnun.1 HI'Iro Oil tllP lllirt. Ol A 1 t.

1 tt or.t...u l.ltl months at the Weiuorne nome, icii Ui, i)L-iuiii nun hial.hi. nepi. Kiiiii'ilor Court as soon as possvMi ami if convicted the doors of stale's prison will BWing wide to receive him. There is no absolute hurry to dispose of ills case, as ho is now for petty lawny Waid Is the man who stole a purs1' from a carriage al Recllunils recently ected railroad. ant, was after an exciting ig discouraged at the by ()f )h(l plirsCi Wrg.

rise to which Seth tliat projected rallroiu discouragi to winch hem clllinis tliat l's" recently lound near Scott linpk.asllnt surprise feature is not more marked than or hldlnK laC0i to hBVC tw, the at the "'l, fnim the city jail at is tho other one, that ol owners toW by a man lialno(, Hoo, to bc )t 10 lv a hobo lov lnit 1 110 olll- refusing offers of the very flK- a fabrication of whole cloth. Poe are than ever to see Kedlanils a hobo 11 urcs at which property had been ho had discovered in the 'all be built and the result aocuiod Mh he n. JL listed, the number of such cases of Scott's camp several meting at Colton today was 'y prying off the r.x lie bull iiifc. bro- Wells-Pargo Express company, miut. For when ()f their contents" and hidden l.iii-or nt tllf nrice 1 1.

.1.. Co. It'll 1 .11, i 01 ineir contents ana niuueii nt iha tirlxn J. ikj uu.i uninii. rrom statements 10 xna ou 4- asked, it does not add to their Tbs story Was crude and ridiculous, here late today after the J.

peaco of mind to see a few him- 4. anil 'ells-Fargo olllcials laugh at it. Yvnvn the committeemen from Col- dred dollars added, Instead of a TlPy declare that had any money 1. mav bp Klated that the result ol orus hnn aim ni-un-rnit," uiuuiaia i n. rctlirll Ot 1110 COI1 Ulllfflliril in.ui v.m- aHrlo.l iiRtpncI of A'"'1 i.

mil, may Will MrK ttriCk Of tills City. MU Ailiuuiun, ui iu in so en from Red Mrs. A. Mcuean aim uausiuci, nml Cili'norl ......1,1 lm mnllnr ilo. on, la iwnr 1' fnur VpnTS 0KO, null issa.

were San jj(naruino viwiiuia .1 lno coniereuce ui i ot record, and tne secret service men that the railway will do num. were never ix-covcum, nm IMMl. LVllllllb. i.i 1... ,1,, l.i IS.n i Ill Ihlo llw.ll.rll Wn Til WtlS WMfcKt IU dUI, oiiii hoiiiu iiiiiiLiiiH uiciii.

to that town, lllll tne iuuiuiiuih i uu inn ii mm. wncnt iw r. 10 mill io ii, ran ti W. otOCK, Wlie anil niiiu sun, tft i Amnion this morning. to be upon entirely new probably operating as a petty i.nt The uncertainty with reference to as bcott explained, mo noxes con- Tim uncertainty with reference to As Scott explained, tho boxes con- Thev pxnect to "take in" the beaches Btreot car developments ls one of the tained provisions purchased in Uts than those contemplated during al Redlandg at the time.

before returning. tilings aneciing me mmm. jiiihi-iif. 1...,.... t(10 pasl Iew nays.

jui nn.n. Aiioc Fnnnin Teiwiler lpaves for where Wi Thev Run? start a huociui nam ior isew ioru. 1llu. Los Angeles tomorrow morning. The latest rumors on tho street car The next time he intends lo smash his Scoff the $10,000 Demand.

1 I'ron 1. .1 In 1 1, iitllinnr In TO- lll'I'V 11114 rpl'llH L.eeiIOIll IIHS Mlll.tLIUIl 111 1 1... vr mnnntain trin wllh his automobile. Ho vivn some of the stories with refer- Has He Gone? lories with refer- Has He Gone? brought Dr. J.

Francis uavies iiuiuu ence 10 tne ir.icuou km with him. into the northwest part i nlun tilled nll.nru U' 1 part rs ,1. rt. .1 nuiii; ui. Florence Holt, returned in the auto- believe that when tho franchise now ley mine.

Mrs. Scott remained at mobile after a three weeks' vacation asked for by Seth Hartley, running Kan llornardino and returned to Los 1,., now miiu. Mrs Senlt nt at Long Ilcach. west on First street, conies to no sold, Angeles today. M.

V. Ryan leaves tomorrow morn- the Traction representatives win go jmiuiiiiu ii.hih;, uu- jiim- Inc for a short vacation at Los Ange- the limit in bidding for it. Anil un- cue Indian, wno was retained ny .1. m. for a short vacation at Los Ange- the limit in bidding for it.

And un- die Indian, who was retained by .1. M. les. Recuperation i nere is inn In the ordinary vacation as there Is in a single bottle or Hood's Sarsnparllla. rt.rricii.ia tho i rod blood, sharp- 1 IU 1 1 i i.

k.j i o. are kHM)inK tlmir own counsel cna tlio dilkH appllc, restores tne fpi. tLnwCa R-irHnn. Hood's gtUII lllb ijiiviwvw In accordance with the resolution in iinn. a.

lost courage. Take arllla this siiniiuer. adopted at the n.oeting. last night the 't An Invc company going Word comes from San Ifornardlno announces that, the rail- U)MK. hou a of the city, that Scott arrived there yesterday and WHV a certainty, and its f.Tinlnus tigation Is being made heir) limn who profess to left in the evening for his Heath val- but the bonus will not direction of the Treasury nepartine i linn ivlileh if iilleireil flat dllll'llt illllinft at iollS Ill of 15.IMI0.

which of allpgcil f.ardulent inpo. lai.ous I )()VC ()f nadalla 's pa- 'outing at the mountains. lower sales than several that have cuscs tho Indian of haying engaged a ll(ri(, alKO (MUirig. for two had passed minder I Mrs W. Pumphry and daughter, jst preceded it, although there is the pack of thugs to trail him to his camp, IoIli, lu county jail have fail- hasty examination.

Hi PS- (' lit pvppp.1 the amount has already been about subscribed, olive oil. During the last wpok i.i.i.-Kenneth MaeRap and William Huxlon emus cases stated lo have announce this piece of news, and imin roiindi ot nnporiers auegiMi i 'n nro enthuslasfc. over the out- KWmI' In receiving an inferior grade Its terms, nobody can afford to (lirard of New York to protect his al- roturniiif? from the meeting ()f edible olive oil under the guise ot U. 1 l.nn from i.i.i 1. 1 if ii.n.u not pximct to lesTpd Interest III Scott's mining liv Koine cases several jnomas una i.ii.

urn i v.uiiiiii a several weeks' stav at Fresno. se it. claims, has said that he will bother p. Martin. hundred! barrels of this olive oil was Miss Nettie Hearing, of ncclez.

is week has brought no new an- Scott no more unless Instructed to do Mr Martn had little to say concern- )mmn )Ver at a time. These Im- visiting for several days with Colton nouncemcnls with reference to the so by Girard. ing tn(; project, but it Is easy to see are Raid to either sell Iho oil friends possible line toward Arrowhead The latter claimed to have staked U)nl ne shares the faith of his asocla- niix It with cotton- Dutterfleld has returned irom springs, ami A. v. uenman, dimi m-u uu i.ur....iiiiB 1(S anil aU deplore tne, niiseruoie mm- 1(l it.

as (nivo on. 01 a Is Angeles business trip. Inquired of as to the route, declared extent of several thousand dollars. take I)ia(lo iiattHy In not having so mix it and sell II. V).

Johnston has returned trom jis that aB yet no did noi nnusuu ium oil taken the coininitteo into ins disguise the olive oil the ins- Aniroi what nart of the northern tusirict peien mat uiraru oecume hiuuimi before tho inei'ling nt uiaiio n. mntod lo have Percy' Hamilton leaves tomorrow nilght bo traversed. nnd "laid down," leaving the miner to instead of waiting i "mugh, dirty bar for Huntington Beach, where no win Whether the proposed ou iwhmi, untn tho close of tne entnusiasi gum- 1II1L1I 111.7 L.O.. rels, and took loin his parents. 'bus line may postpone the liusliing ot poet 01 laiiure and pernaps (icain.

to iake his unexpected an- ering to make his unexpected ininiiiltlPK or i 1.......... vi ui ulorn r.illlunu Til IKTI.TI Kiley, ol san isprniinuuu, tne electric project, i iiiu was' in town, on business today. those directly connected with these to the "sweet words" of tnoso who Ratliff and daughter, Bessie, associated enterprises. deserted him and would enjoy the a a ik. nirc frnltn nf hi ileKiK'rate labors.

also iiessie huh huuisu lurnpd last evening, after a week's The week has been productive of Moreover, the Heath valley man ac- turned last evening, after a week's The week has been productive of Moreover, the Death valley man ac- announcement, in which lie demanded a bonus or to assure the success of the enterprise. no pains to rid it- of ls ranch nimiiues u'lul l.n.i it Hip cuslonis officials. As the pure olive oil Is carcfuly filtered and' put Into nicely painted barrels, surrounded with straw me iiecepnon surrounded with straw lany limes under nder the present oillcial from, were San liernardnio visitors usual list of incomplete ue.n, its ardor, and no is now yesterday. cess of adjustment. Ho declared tha he had a company II1Rrtyr Vl the oil was f.

nd to be i.i- inwiltrlnir tln nf fpil men ulni won I (111 Hi i s- inu.iius nn. wi ll DlUPer IreiltlllPlll I. UostwicK and wne uuu u-ubuiu, mo sine in'e .1. t(, eonsiiming love, 1.. mau Hint nf iinw.

nf Hie I ml an am II lis aides if ..1.. 1 .,,1 fur vv 1 ir.V consumi'- Annie, returned iasi eriiiiiK a mrgest mini been in a cnesi 11 ja 1 101 ma miif, 1. 1, Mi.invn river, dared to fn low. It is reported that i coiiks in with two WOt'KS ouiiiiK ai. ne- 1iKm.11.

rauuii mu n-i 1 muni -r. 1 a miirnlnir In Ti 13 Scott eft San Bernardino with live moniis. but as edible olive r. jxjonim 1 Hilda I bl WSS COmniliion mini Los Angeles, where ho has been look- SUN. in the sale of Ilieronyinous men, all heavily armed.

land. Several months ago he became oil a dnMy of cents a gallon cm be ing after business interests. liartmans in mies, of a nrcttv child of hat imposed. rPtnriiP.lA P.i.iio npcotittted through .1. I.

Ad mission Day odny wll 1 be goner- enamored of a i i of tb customs from a short stay with San Bernardl- Scott who have handled all of ally observed throughout the city as a aco an. ins a up fc with the sei.ure of mi river lands that Poo has legal holiday, wnicn manes tne second sisie.u. 111..1, Mr. and Mrs. E.

Van Iuvcn nnd The brokers declined to imliday this week There will be lit- peace XTrrZ for not ex cdlng in each caK. two sons. Joel and Donald, returned mke public the consideration until tie In the way of celebration In th eace an I). issu a mprisonn.enf of not more than i.i. oi oriin-tn fiPPd have tv bevond the Pioneer basket picnic Badallas airest, on which no wa ur aim iuipui Sheriff J.

C. Kaiphs and Deputy District. Attorney H. M. Willis re- llartman mai tie staiemeni imu iiu meic mu uv i.nnet nun ,,11 una pons lined to had "old for and the day will bo an enjoyable one lho of the child, gazing long- who re tl bh, Neff Ham Neff.

for all who go that way. a hank without name of tl. a nont A pun sldernblp of tho Na- had been kept, a forceH ponfiigiiee aineannn. turned from tho mountains last night ln Ninth street, this firm tlve Sons will go to Im Angelps tins pris0Ileri hcr parents fearing that his 11 in a miirnitii; to take nart in the Admission i)iinn i affection to eiiltles o-f the gopiniiuin 1;q r. tti tt'i it. niiw a. iiuil aiitni, nt GPiirtui iiiiiiiill i ur. wvun. iitii ai i. rr i search for evidence which might tend several peculiar features with refer- Day celebration to be Held under tne to explain the death of Ernest itomo, to the deal, which all go to show auspices of the Native Sons of Los An- .1 1 (....111....

UQ Tlio members of Arrowhead wnicn occurred at van ius tn umn, pnw inueii iiumihik near Squirrel Inn. Into Wednesday will develop. The bungalow, which Parlor will scud down a tug of war evening, and the officers tire now more was built less than a year ago, was team cnptained by in Andrcwin i w.nil nml lii inept team Hcleeted from the IvOS strongly convinces man, ever inai iw onneu ny mo was murdered. was sold to Mrs. Anna Ilylcs, the Angeles parlor.

bit nn bp Manv of be I ks win go ti) im 116 MPr I UFPII lO 111': UUUMJ IM llIb 1......1.. 1 II, i-n of evidence which his trip re- north side N.n.h stree bo-ween ge es vealed, but hn liar, no nesiiancy in ann i. -m stating that damaging ut wTT uSi pub.ic on.cen w. be now point very strong to Ked Eld- ail(1 as will also the banks. Tlio him Into Koine rash act.

He ex- ferreting out vio aim that his love for the child customs law. 'I b. ran mastered mm, and in tears lu- pleaded ni.dilo rs II L-mitv to vmrancy The coni't iiucstioii sponsible loi SS'hini Z7d rlum jail for 3. nnl-ss they give thr "-ncs id the perpetrators cf the Djt" A Y1 Id. Is the set in.i cnrvn I rn iiin tiiii' expiration of Ms lime he was released.

Store MA h. m.M to Million the jailer wiviiiug blm not to return Stale Hunk. citron Sh Tir. J. rZ- Third and ridge.

ii.v.t.iitip.. uill lu. mien from 8 to for ino cnim sun w.i As reported In THE SUN yesterday Mr' artl t0 W. H. 0:30 in all dopart.imn.s.

but there as ever, and he "boaid at The ers at the various mountain camps I to drink during all those two Dead. and at the LTTle Bear valley const rue- on the Felix Fernandez, the Mexican Again ho was a iee -s- Rf tiiksi'N (Ton camp of Bright ft, who are a burglar, who on the claim that he Is the coiv-t him to 1'aj Sepl. dispatch to building the big -dam in that valley ror ()uri wpek llas aa autocrat from Mexico an-? mini- jail, nfu-r die pris uicr nun fl, -Tribune" from San i-ranc sco the Arrowhead Keservoir company. an offer of $4r, per foot for hers among the friends of his family, plcad-d guilty, and he conipleteM i nys. Polll(t from Honolulu Division of Money.

property on the north -side of Third, ir not himself, such men as the Prcsl- second term of ()ip f)1 From vr.rious sources it has been Cl anrt if, which marks an ad- dent of Mexico, ls going to make a back to Upland." again cam ion i1()rso which won the loopnoil flinl' RldrtiLire nnd Riimo had n.i.. ni. r.n ncn In nn nfr.irl Cane "for if VOII do nun Unrim linnilieail ill vhiii i. ill niiinei niiiK ne it. sold a quantity of fruit and the moncy over accppted in that block a to escape punishment from the charge Kuicly be sent lu-re again.

nn to escape punishment from the charge Kurely lie sent lu-re mi. the "''a1 H-I4-Hn-l'f IiIk head, saying that, ne Mil tfnr Hulnrr in thn child netted by these sales must nave ncen fcw months ago. of having burglarized the residence of streaming oown ins in or having burglarized the residence of streaming wn his face considerable. The division of mis Insurance, Loan Land Co. money might have lurniiiiied tno mo- money niignt nave lurnisncn tno mo- .1...

of lllS .1.. -t. The 'key people closed out tne last Through his attorneys, r. U. lwes- could not resiKi i i' 11 of thoiiglit trained mc Di.ii.-y.

-i- tlve that caused the killing, and while out of the middle of the roll ad night llclit, he has nerved love. All those BO days which He of experience; tho masters Sheriff Ralphs refused to discuss any block bounded by Second and District Attorney's office with no- spent on the rock pile had not dnnin- name ls evidence on this point, it is believed Third, during the week, all ol which tIce that today he will movt the court ied his conjumln0' love. Mnt ana -H-TTVTT rive THE WAY EAST i) Personally Conducted. 1 OVERLAND EXCURSIONS 2 vi 1 LI.IN0IS CENTRAL RAILROA i TUESDAYS a1 To Chicago and Boston via Den- ver and Rio Grande "Sceulo Line." 1 WEDNESDAYS Tn Iiulsvllle. Cincinnati and 1 hnvrmrl vln New OrliuiTia.

"RjmiIi il Winter Route." FRIDAYS 5 Momphis, St. LouiB and Cht- 1 cago through New Orleans and 1 tlio Old South. 0 Full man service daily via Nen 1 Orloans, Omaha or St. Paul tc all points East Ask ay ticket 1 agent or C. HATDOCK, 238 S.

Spring Street, LO(t AJlgelM. June 4, 100.1. 'Pniilna lri.m np'lva nf TM.J 1 a j.ii.i Btruet Depot, us follows: Arrives from tho cost p. Tuos duy and Friday. CALIFORNIA' I.IMITRD.

I.rnvos fur tho cust il.Oi p. ni. MondaJI 11 ml Thursday. OVKltl.AND KXPfiESS. Throiigh to lonvcr, Kansi'S City, Chi aiKo, St.

I.niils and I lie cum. I.i'avos for tliu vuut a.m., 10:25 p.m., daily. Arrives from the east 4:25 a. 5:45 tu jliilly. LOS ANllELKB TRAINS.

Leave 4:35 a. n. 7:56 a. 12:25 p. Tuemlay and Ji'riduy; p.

in. 1' Arrive, iimo n. W-vi a. p. p.

ni, Mimiluy mid TliuruUa); p. ni. U- Lonvb 8:02 n. 3.37 it. m.

Arrive p. 7:45 m. i RKnoxno TRAIN3- Infave a. m. i Arrive i.

in. SANTA NA AND ORANOR TRAINS. I.eiivo u. 337 p. in.

Arrive p. 7:45 p. in. COLTON AND HI VKRSIPE TRAINS. I 6 n.

a. 9:45 a. m4 p. 3:37 p. m.

Arrive a. p. m. i 3.30 p. 7:45 i.

in. 1 SAN DIF.fiO AND CORONADO TRAINS ll. ill. AitIvo 1:30 p. 7:15 p.

m. 1...... ..11,1 nnl I lil.lno. v. "i.iii.

in irt until Sept. 2nd, a Hii'hil tntln will Kiin nt p. m. n.r Han DiiTu ami Ciiroiiiuio. Jtotiirnliii? Iwivo Kan IJIpkh p.

in. uihihh, reaching Sun ili rnardiim ut p. in. rOUONA TKAIN3. I.pnvn a.

8:02 a. m. 3.37 p. in. Arrlvo 7:53 a.

p. p. nu RK1 H.ANPS AND Ilif.llI.AND TRAINS ll l.eilVH lii.T. ii in. 11-Airlvo 11:15 u.

p. 7:40 V-m. l.cavo .0:43 a. p. v.t p.

in. II Arrlvo 7:50 a. 3:32 p. m. PFRR1S TRAINS.

Leave a. 3:37 p. in. Arrlvo 'SO a. p.

m. BAN JACINTO TRAINS. T.p.ivi. 0:15 a. in.

P. in. Airlvn a. 3:30 n. m.

But.) BT.SINORK AND MURJKTTA TRAINS. J.eave a. in. uun. -i a.

in. Arrive a. 3: 30 n. in. Frl.) TRAINS.

I.cavo u. a. ni. 4 Arrive a. in.

fi Tralns for Redlnnds direct lenvo tho Strei't depnt (cnrni and Flint StractH) ut n. 'IMS p. and (1.10 p. in. 'i'rnliiH from RoiIIiiikIh dlreet puns thia station at 7:47 n.

in. utul p. in. fur. I.uh Angeles uml S.ui Diego.

via I'lisadena. 11 VllL 11111111.0. via lllnlilimil. R-vIa Itedlands. Dully txceiit iinday; all other tralni dully.

Fur rates, ticket. Hlceplng ear berths cull un aililrPHM, W. It. Dowi.KIt. Clonornl Aprpnt, Btewart lintel San lierniirdlno.

J. 13. MUI.I.liN. Depot. San llernardlno.

SOUTHERN PACIFIC 10:05 am :33 pm 6:5 am am 10:05 am pm nni uin Dm hid nm nni mn 13:. pm fi .25 li in fl.liti inn 1 nm nm 10:05 nm 1 nm 1:411 plill 10:05 am 1:8 pm 6:06 pm 8:55 am 10:05 am 4:00 pm li5 am 7:40 pin 10:115 uin inn 1:48 pm' 8:15 pm 4:35 pm pm 7:40 pm tioa. (rnclllc System.) 8. Ogden K. S.

OBdon E. s. ugden k. h. A.

Ac liiturmcdlnte h. A. Intcrmcdiiite A. Interir.edluto Ij. A.

Intrn.icdlate A. ti luli-rmcdliito 1-ortlund, Tacuina Heattlo N. via Coast linn Santa Rn hara Int rhino At Cnvlnii Clilnn t'nvllia Co vln a. Pniila Monica Hnila Mniilra Monica 1 lleiieli K- P. Reiieh H.

P. I 11.. A'. 1- 110:48 ant 110:48 am 2:30 pm 6:40 pm 8:12 pm 10:48 am pm 3:30 pin 2) nm 10:48 an pnt 10:48 am' 2:30 pm 8:12 pm 10:48 am 2:30 pm Ilpauiiiniit. 1 10:48 am pninifl cam Redlnnds via Onltnti Keillumls via Colton Kedlamls via Colton Redlanda direct Rod lands via Colton Redlunds direct Colton Riverside Cnllon At Rlversldi) Cnltoii MlVPfHlde Ciillun Ai UlvershlP Cullim Cnllon At Rlverslda Cnltoii Riversldo Colton RiversidA Colton Ac R-versido Colton At Rlversldi) :30 pm 8:15 am nm 2:30 put 8:45 am 5:08 pm 3:45 pm 7:00 am 8:15 am 10:48 am 110:48 urn 1:20 pm 2:30 pm pm 5:08 pm 6:40 pm 8:12 pui In addition to tho above, Train No.

7 from Kl Tnso and points east arrive Colton 8:37 pm; no Motor connection. Train No. 8 for Kl i-aBO and points eaot vrrivM Colton 11:14 pm; no Motor conn-.

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