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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 8

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 CPU RI Kit NHWS Here Are Fairest Buds in Hollywood's Spring Bouquet Day of Opuoitunity lias Nol Passed Bui Compcli- tion Is Much Slider. BY JI11.1A 1H.ANSIIAK1) NEA Writer NEW year'. 1 graduates arc iishiiic tlmii.vhT.s light "How 13 tills going to alloct, my chances ot ttng Joli In June?" i Ceit.ilnly the ykxit; iihini 1 this year no of Hut. i Rccoiding to current Xcrth American Hovloiv by 17 leaders in nancill fcclal uctivaies. are ceitain UIK-J of v.ork liiat svrm to he an oxcelleiit bi't.

tin' liolil forth hint nr that should IIL' fliunned. The men giving their experts in law, n- dio, untoniibilea, music, avi.i'.Ujn. scientific leaearcii. iho theater. journalism.

iiieilldii 1 farming, life inv.r the mlnlslry, nrchltcoline and nracc the tkty.s of opportunism In any Riven seem lo lie c-ntal find liuit su. cess in any field is n'jv; upon ihe efllclency of ttie person entering it, Slim Chnnci 1 in Mnvic J.fislc seem lo offer the fewest cliincrs. tn the verdict of Dr. Sitfimiiul Spaeth, re- music critic ami lecturer. He says: "My frank advice to the yoiins musical performer Is lo keep ou'- of the profession at The supply Is too much In excess of the demand, and for out of a hundred asplianls.

there cun hi? only henrtarlu 1 nnd tli.sllliiFioiimciH." Radio, Hie newest lislcl fur opportunities, eels from Mujnr General James G. llnrbard. oi the board, RaJio tills summary: "If college "radiinle asked me whether radio offered rjreat. chances for advancement, I should him that it did. if ho had something to offer to ra.Hn.

Never nut raclic seeking recruit? tlwn this year. But. undoubtedly, a from the collese classes of 1931 will their way in." Challenges lo Ncivcnnurs A gleam of hope for the college boy antl girls conie.s from five different lines of work. They ore. 11 seems, still opportunities hi ibinri- hient store work, in ihc stock brokerage business, in the minir.try.

In farming, nnd life insnrriiKv bus: ness. America's blr; department slor." olfer'n bigger challenge nnd er opportunity to grow than almost any other business, in th opinion of Samuel W. lleylnmi president, the Associated Dry Gco6 Corporation of New York. ''Given appreciation ci rural values, and'the ability to cnpy them good farming, in a good farniim district, is sufficiently profitable financially to support, goon home life and provide for the csv-nlla' amtnllies." in the opinion P. 1) Farrell.

president. Kansas Slat- Agricultural College. UejwnJs on Ability L. St-ton Lindsay, seconrt vio fEessifnt, NtT York Life tfcnpanj. points out Die advantage goinz into this profession: insurance companies college Krafiiiatis ai to win their way ficn; solely on their ov.n abil.

ding to Alfred P. Sloan. Jr. oi" General Motors Cor there are far fewer op- r.ov in the acornob: 1 But. jraniod a man har tnoii-ledge ot the I munujcricm.

h- inake a plarc for him- the aiitorr.otiv; ir.aus- Lrr i'; fundjtr.ental. it sr.d because it Is -i-rrii' manuficturing industry lr Rad Xcwi for Doctors Certain professions Just natural- rj a long time to suc- c-B-i. apparently. no; fee counted 0:1 to be loo remunerative. Lay and medicine come in th-j category.

Dr. Samuel Lambert. of the College of cians and Surgeons. Columbia University, asserts: "N'o one should profes sion of wllh becoming rich." Certain fields are tromen-JoasV P3NCK of BUCK-DRAUGHT after meals "I had three spella of indigestion, oce after another," writes Mr. John M.

Crops, 502 Charles X. N. C. "I a lot of rain. My b.ick aehc.l anil I hail In my storr.nrh frniuer.ll>-.

It fell like my t-rcntli was cm otr In my clK-si. I was bollu-rcJ llila way for about a year. A frlunil pc le try Btnck-Diiuclit. I Umn liy tnktiiB plrch nfUT c.icli mial nr.J round Ilia I soon col rc- f. keep Black-OralLEilt i IV.e (l tht-y won ht-r cf nut tin c.yes lu lie roli' ill a nim stcirhv; No.

1 imi (1. Kiibiiison of "Mttli- Turn coinrs hn-ath-lalilns piclnrr nf Pelly of Cohimlms. wln-Ati biii-nlna desire foi; caixfr uill lie fullilli-d if our vote ounls fur itiiythlng. You'll probably jve more of HiLs young cliarincr. Julielto Comptmi, third from thi( left, unco mm ihe (Itlc of the girl International a Bank of El.

Louts. Smile After Hormnn and Henry! Brenner, Trustees fcr International I Brink of St. Louis, The Electric! Paint nnd Vnrnlsh Company, a corporation, Federal Inlermeiliate Credit Bank of St Louis, a corporation, Larayclle South Side Bank and Trust Company, a 'coriwra- tlon, Hankers' Mortgage Company, a corporation, C. C. Campbell, Ad- of the estate of M.

McRes, deceased, Clyde T. Don- Ion. Trustee, K. li. Nolen.

am Guaranty Bank and Trust Company, a corporation, are warned t. appear In the Chancery Court ol Mississippi Count y. Arkansas Chickasawua Dist'ricl. within thirl) flays to answer complaint of Ihe Prudential Insurance Company of America, a corporation, in the above cause. Wiiuess my hand as the clerk of snid nnd Ihc thereof on 18th day of May, 1031.

(Seal) R. L. C.AINK3, Clerk By Harvey Morris. U. C.

Ceo. W. Uarham, Atty. ad Litem. 10-215-2-9.

TT .1 ft I 1 Mail (I HllMflVPrl XAali rt AHIIiUiLU f.lin 1'ltM. al tho left. ho jui Is cue of lo nir-h a piiir of ovoi at lloitywtwl's ni- No-1 b.iii:|i!c uf spring -liivcll- 1 newcomor. vamplnjesi sli-cns movie hero. HITS vcrcrowdrd nnu-.

irchilec'Uin', the.iti'ic:i] enliru- ri'sraicli and Jnl, riKcinl nixitudt' should bo Hie leternnnlri'j in picking a ca- eer. ncvritiiflrs.s. 'Ltio Many L.uvycis Silas II. Slrawn. fonm-r presl- lent ot the Aini'rlciui Bar raid ot (lip law: "It is cs- limaied thai are ahoiil 150000 lawyers In caunlry.

vonld rwiuiie -1 50J recruit; In re- ulace wh'j drop out each year, yel we are lurninj out ahnui fl.SM lawyers nially. is a question of Ihe suv- I vival of tin; fillcs! Hie lust i live years uf the practice of l.iw." All of lhi-se K'udcri Unit jcaminile crauiitlons have leminr- arlly Hie yrospecls of ISWl's of ijrsiliiates. lint since iiiinibrTs must work. It probably do Mircceit will iiavc tu bi'iu! more effort than llK'lr IN THE CJIANCKIIY COUIIT Ol' MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. AU- KANSAS.

CillCKAKAWIJA D1S- TKICT. Tli'. Prixlontinl Insitrance Com- pr.ny of America, a corporation, vs. of shrjMnrvIn If. nnd Ellmbeth W.

UculUHMi, tils wife. Edna Por- due. and Mcr.ry i'crfhie, her husband. Ur.nk of St. Louis, A.

Moyer, Chnrlis M. Rice, Ciiis nj'lsnicyi r. Kdward Iloi'inan and Henry Urenner, 'lYustcc. 1 of flank uf SI. Ixiuis, Klenlrlc Pahu nnd Varnish Eight Fast 88c SdJing Day May 30 June 8 SUtrliiu; Sutunliiv.

Monday Jimp 8 Tn slmw ntir ttppriTiation for tho wtniih'rful patronage we received our 'i'tittle Expansion Sale will linisli this snk- 1151 (jo one hell IT. Jusl a Fnv 1'Voin Our We Have To Ot'lVt- SMS" Money Saving Event Jk-n's liroatlclnlli. Soliil Cnliirs. 'i for and 88 TENNIS SIM All lirown and While. 2 Pairs for 88 SHOES C'hildron'y Slippors All Si and Oxfords 1'iiir 88 SANDALS Or (iailtirs for Mon.

Tun 0rly S2.50 kind. 1'air I.itilies Wash Krotlss, Sheer and ('mil. ilSir value. 2 fur Sandals. Tlic New Fad rls.

All Sliiidcs. I'air for Home Wash value. Krnrks OOC Silk Step-ins, liloonu'rs and Slips. vulucs. 2 fur OOC 00 DRFSSFS liltl I'air Dross Stip- I'n--'.

I'air Shiintiius. Kind. Dig Assortment $1,75 HOSE Kilk. Knll Fashioned. New Summer Shndrs.

Pair Ready-to-Wear with "the txsl llsjure in the Brillsli Isles," although she was born America, and it's not the. leiist dltl'icult to figure out why she has won place In Hollywood. She has been in talkleland fgr some time, but only recently hnve sludio executives their intention of slHiTlni; her. Ne.xt Is Pegyy Slinnnon. New York actress, who stopped into Clara Bow's famous shoos when the "If girl retired to a sanitarium re- renlly.

Pcjgy, red-haired and Indeiwiiilent, strikingly resembles the Girl she succeeded. The little girl on the right, if you mast know, is one of Flo Zieg- leld's glorious girlies, Claire Dodd, shown here introducing Hollywosd's newest novelty, bicycle polo, to celebrate: the signing of a new contract. Company, n'corporation. The Federal JnUrmedlale Credit IJnnk uf Ht. l.onis, LI corporation, LaFay- ctle Sonlh Side Bunk nnd Trusl Company, corporation.

Bankers' Mortgage Company, n. corporal ion. C. C. Campbell, Administrator uf the Estate of W.

M. McKea, deceased, Mrs. Mary E. Glenn, R. B.

Nolen, Trustee, F. WARNING OltDEIl CHANCERY COURT. CHICKA' SAWUA DISTRICT. MISSISSIPPI COUNTY, ARKANSAS. Equitable Building Loan Association, Plaintiff, vs.

W. L. Cunningham et al. No. Defendant.

The defendants, A. Harrison and Mrs. A. Harrison, are warned to appear within thirty days in the court named In the cnptlon hetcof inswer the ol the plain- till Equitable DuMdlng St 1.0:111 As- Dated May 22, 1931. R.

L. A INKS. Clerk. By Harvey Morris. D.

C. Jesse Taylor Atty Ad Litem. 22-29-5-12. Hy NKA Service BEIDAIHE. still eeltlng breaks, lint not the vighi kind," says Smiling uilly Nciihart, 14, Ihe most successful and most cheerful ban-breaker in with 52 fractures in his record.

He has hcon breaking one 1 Iwie alter mother since he was a baby. This brave youngster has ijiiit anesthetic and Jus', grits Ills teeth when Ms broken bones are set "because it costs tco much to go to the lie came into -national prominence two rears ago his 30th tone was broken and the Newspaper Enterprise Association Service sent out tn its clients all over the country a little story aboul Billy. That story brought Billv 50000 letters and postcards. Including a treasured from John Cool- Idge, son of the former pre.siilem. Trouble seems to Jusi keep on troubling Billy.

Two months ago he bumped Into a table. Presto! Broken leg. Then another was crushed as Billy was being carried home from 1 school. And now Billy faces anotlv-r bad "break." He may he forccil lo give up his education because his big sister, who in the past has carried him to his fifth grade classes, enters high school next fall. Physicians are at a lass to determine the reason for Billy's brittleness, except that they know his' bones do not have sufficient lime.

"I've (juii taking anything when I get 'em set," Billy informed his 1 CCKt aml polity visitcr. Takes too much money toi monc as it is. So I just grit my go to the hospital for ether. 1 have teeth and (ell 'cm to go to it." Robinran. dolly business Robinson Packing Company, Clyde T.

Dcnton. Trustee, and Guaranty Bank and Trust Company, a corporation, S. J. Mc- Deainion, Trustee, and P. A Hoblnson.

Defendants. WARNING OKDKK The defendants, Edna Perdue, and Henry Perdue, her husband, It seems cooler under your OLAR TRAW you're smarter for wlio look rmii np- siiKirl, loo! This yenr's "Solars" are the piamli -I nf all. HHTC'S swagger Milan, for instance or a youthful Optimo 1'utuima or I'asy, clean cut Srtinit Sailor. Also, there are others each fcalher-liglil each at record low price! J.98 2- 98 3 .98 J. C.

PENNEY COMPANY, Inc. 220-222 Slain SI. Blytntville, Ark. INSIST on the INSIDE FACTS For Your Protection Make These Comparisons Before You Buy Your Tires the surface is wtivris you gel the cold about lire values. It's the iiuitte.

oj the tire method of construction and the quality and quantity of materials thai determines its Stamina, Performance, Safely, VALUE. You can no more tell the quality of tire by its outside appearance than you can tetl the character of a man by the kind of clothes he wears. We have arranged to show you cross src- lions of Firestone and special brand mail or- iler You can come here anil make your own comparisons, uninfluenced by any Bales propaganda. urge you to thoroughly check every vital point rubber volume, weight, width, nets, nnd plies under iha trend. Then buy ON FACTS AND FACTS ALONE.

Against the various claims presented about different lires, isn't this the mosl logical suggcstiou ever made to you? Could there be nny more positive way to definitely determine which lirca offer you thn most for your Thnrc ran bf ijiipstion or roiUroreray when you gel the FACTS yourself. MOST MILKS per DOLLAR COMPARE THESE PRICES A UTOlfOBIl.EX«Ti*firt«rtnil>n>t tile rhino. with lirw. Wk? llioald Ton lake tlte rUk rcm MTV bUTinr FirdTona UEtfleJd Trent in addition eel Mrvrct. tin bdotr the Itcding rcplarrmrnt ji HAKE Of CAR Ford 1 Cbrrroler Oierrolet Ford Ford V' Enkme I Clindltr.

1 Dodge Pontiac. UixweTell Vilirt-Knlihtj Mirqncttc Buick JonUo i Reo Cardaer O.kJan.l I Chrrslcr 1 Yiki 3 1 FrmUm -j Hadson Ciditlae 1 Mncntn Tine (I2E t.40-21 1. 50-20 i.50-21 4.75-19 t.75-20 5.00-19 5.00-20 5.25-18 5J5-21 5.50-18 S.50-19 6.00-18 6.00-19 6.00.20 6.00-21 6.50-20 7.00-20 Cull f-H 7.1« Xl.f« arand Millar. J4.98 5.60 5.69 C.C5 6.7S 6.9S 7.10 7.90 8.57 8.75 8.90 ll.ZO 11.40 11.50 11.63 13.10 1S.3S OM- PlKt. Ptr Pair ii.

ia 1J.1O If.3* I7.M 17.J» st.7* COMPARE Construction and Quality 4.f*-Xl TIRE Rubber Vol. MmWiilth Hun Thickness Flics at Tri-aJ 4-75 in. In. plica Special llnnd Mail OrdtrTfre 15-731U.

4.74 In. titles Double Cuarmtee-Evrry lirc a lu a( lurcii br lirnlDtir. lirars llie nnmc "FIRESTOXE" rarncs Firestone's unlimilcil sunranlcc nnil oiirj. You arc dmililr prnkclrd. A Special lirnnd lire 7 a rnnmifdc- tliwr for Mail OrU.r oft rompames and olherj, un.lcr name thai not ih rc mam lo itic public, usually l)ceouw ho liuilils "first line'' nrcs unilcr LI, OMI nnme.

Firestone pals his name, on retry tire he All -we ask is this: Come in to our Service Stores and sec for yonrself vnt from various tires. Quality Construction and 777 TIRE BATTERY STATION.

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