New-York Tribune from New York, New York • 14
- Publication:
- New-York Tribunei
- Location:
- New York, New York
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- Page:
- 14
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
NEW YORK TRIBUNE. SUNDAY, APRIL 25, 1920 Miss Hammond Feted at Dance Of Debutantes Many Informal Dinners Are Given in Connection With Affair That Proves Event of Late Spring Season C. Vanderbilt Jr. Attends Weddings Continue to Hold as Main Attraction of New York's Social Set Mrs. James A.
Burden, gave a dance last night in her East Ninetyfirst Street, for Miss Emily S. Hammond, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Hammond. Several dinners connection with the affair, diving them being Mrs.
Hammond in their ponded Last Hammond. The Ninety-first guests Street, were for mostly young people, the "buds" of the last season, a few of the older girls and the young men. Cornelius Vanderbilt jr. gave his farewell bachelor dinner at the home of his parents, Brigadier General and Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt, 640 Fifth Avenue, and afterward took his guests to the Burden dance.
Mrs. Walter Lester Carr, of 68 West Fifty-first Street, gave a small dinner dance last evening for Miss Elmendorf Richards and her Eugene V. C. Lucas, who are to be married on May 20. The guests included the bridal party.
A dance was given last evening, at the by the the benefit of the Darrach Home for Crippled Children. Several dinners were given in connection with the affair. The patronesses included Mrs. M. Henry B.
Slayback, Mrs. Christopher Lowther, Mrs. Charles Henry Guye, Mrs. Edwin W. Lancaster, Mrs.
Frank Milton Black, Mrs. James Reginald Foster, Mrs. Walter Wood Parson, Mrs. James Reginald Foster, Mrs. Montague Howard, and Mrs.
E. Wyckoff Harris. The marriage of Miss Eleanor Rockof hill, 390 daughter West of Mrs. Clayton Rockhill, End Avenue, to Loren Francis Collins, took place yesterday afternoon in the Church of the Heavenly Rest. The ceremony was performed by the rector, the Rev.
Herbert Shipman, and a reception followed at the Hotel St. Regis. The bride, who was given away by her brother, Robeson Rockhill, wore a gown of silver, brocade draped with lace, a tulle arranged with orange blossoms, and carried sweetpeas and lilies-valley. Her attendants were Miss Mary W. Hebert, who wag the maid of honor, and Mrs.
Edward Gilbert Miss Katherine, Bulkley and Miss Alouise Boker. The maid of honor was in choral in flame colored chiffon satin. chiffon and satin, and the were They carried snapdragon and sunset Roger M. Thompson was best man, and the ushers were Robson Greer, Charles Vogel, Oliver Morris, Frederick Sheattler, George Middleton Rose and Jerome B. Rockhill, a brother of the bride.
Mr. Collins and his bride will live at 7321 Oglesby Avenue, Chicago. In the First Congregational Church, Montclair, N. at 8 o'clock last evening, Miss Eleanor B. Rudloff, daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Frederick Rudloff, became the bride of Louis Branch Harding, of Chestnut Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Harding, of that place.
The bride was given away by her brother, J. in. Rudloff, and was attendMarion Harding, sister of the bridegroom, as maid of honor, and by Selina Whitla, Sharon, Miss Laura Wright, of Centrebrook, Miss Madeline Gilmore and Marion Eaton, of East Orange, and Miss Nanette Harding. Lawrence J. Harding served as his brother's best man, and the ushers were S.
W. Gifford of Duxbury, Gilbert and Rodney W. Brown, of Boston; E. W. Fay, of Southboro, Marcien Jenckes, of Worcester, and Albert Rudloff; of Montclair.
The ceremony was followed by a reception at the home of the bride's aunt, Miss Ida A. Brave, of 54 Myrtle Avenue, Montclair. Mr. and Mrs. Harding, after a month's motor trip in will live in Brookline, Mass.
The wedding of Mrs. Gertrude Bovee were present. Mrs. Elsa Carroll Rowland, of 50 Mackay, to John Lo Boutillier took place at noon yesterday in the Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas.
The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Malcolm McLeod, and a breakfast followed at the home of the bride's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand Le Roy Taylor 168 East SevStreet.
enthe bride, who was given away by Mr. Taylor had no attendants. Philip and Thomas Le Boutillier, brothers of the bridegroom, served as ushers. Owing ent death of the bride's mother, Mrs. Christian Nestelle Bovee, only relatives and intimate friends East Fifty-eighth Street, became the bride at noon yesterday of Foster Milliken son of Foster Milliken, of this city.
ushers There were no. bridal attendants, or man. The ceremony was best performed at home of the bride's mother, Mrs. William Carroll, 86 Riverside, Drive. and Mrs.
Milliken will live at 50 East a Street. Another wedding, yesterday was that of Miss Chipman, daughter of Mrs. E. V. Parker, 1 West Sixty-eighth Street, to John A.
Korschen, at the Hotel Gotham. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Archibald Bradshaw, of Easton, Pa. The bride, who was Charles given away by her grandfather, Chipman, was attended by Mrs. Edwin Beecham.
was John best Morrison, of Middletown, N. man, and the ushers were also Frank of Soete and Oliver Rockefeller, of this city, Middletown; Edwin Beacham, and Raphael Egan Newburgh. day Mrs. at her Parker gave a luncheon ding. home previous to the wedyester- At the home of Mrs.
219 Park Avenue, Allan W. Paige, beth yesterday afternoon Miss Aline ElizaBridgeport, Hill, also Paige of was married to John Walker M. 'Cornwall was Bridgeport. the Mrs. Laurence and the matron of honor Curtis, bridesmaids were Miss Alice Louise Miss Atwater Helen Henshaw, Miss Armstrong.
Paul and Blackburn Miss Margaret best man and the ushers served as Cooke, Everett Cooke and were John Donald Whitney. R. The bride 18 a daughter of Senator Allan W. Paige. the late Dr.
and Mrs. George Sumner ington, of 116 Sixty-third Street, Huntter, announce Miss the marriage of their daughtain Louis Le Frances Huntington, to CapBouvier on March 16 In the Constantinople. chapel of the British Embassy, Miss Jeanne D'Alton, daughter of Mrs. Frank M. Dalton, of Petersburg, linger.
was married to Kurt Joseph Huttof Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Circus Day at Bellevue Bring Joy to Little Ones Cripples Forget Their Crutches and Childish Faces Lose the Lines Pain Has Printed as Annual Spring Tonic Demonstrates Its Efficacy Father Ringling's spring tonic--it tastes like peanuts and makes children laugh--was administered to 3,000 little patients at Bellevue Hospital yesterday morning. Every father of small boys has been familiar with this remedy for many years, and many 8 precocious youngster hag prescribed it for himself on sunny days when his throat was too sore to allow him to go to school. It never fails to cure.
Its use in hospitals, however, is limited to Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, where for sixteen years the circus never has failed to make little cripples forget their iron braces, while tiny sufferers from tuberculogis have no time to cough while the clowns and a elephants are performing in the oval space under the elm tree in Bellevue's front yard. At yesterday's performance there were many children from other hospitals where the circus tradition has not been the common talk of the wards for the last three weeks. Some of the wan-faced little strangers who were brought to Bellevue all wrapped up in steamer rugs had never seen an elephant at close range before, and when Jocko the monk, in his friendly way, stretched out a glad hand to five-yearold Angelica Testa there was a terrific shriek. Katie Shy's Hour of Pride Then came the proudest hour in the entire hospital career of Katie Shy, a six-year-old sufferer from infantile paralysison't hurt you, baby," she reassurel the howling visitor, while Jocko transferred his attentions to some groups of safely grown-up boys. Katie's confident manner and the way she limped after Jocko on her agile little crutches and brought him back to shake hands with now hilarious Angelica made her the most admired personage in all hospital society.
Katie has seen the circus three times and she and Jocko were old friends. Huttlinger, of Brooklyn, at 11 o'clock yesterday morning in the Lady Chapel of St. Patrick's Cathedral. Mrs. Joseph D.
Sweeney was the matron of honor and Miss Jeanne Simon, a cousin of the bride, the maid of honor. Carl Huttlinger served as his brother's best man and the ushers were Ernest Huttlinger, Lawrence Sawyer, William Handy and Dr. Francis Noelting. The ceremony was followed by a reception and wedding breakfast at the Hotel Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Ruxton gave a dinner last evening at the Hotel Chatham at which they announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Frances Ruxton, to William C. Heppenheimer son of General William C. New Jersey. Miss Ruxton Heppenheimiticated at Farmington School, Connecticut and abroad. She is a member of the Junior League.
Mr. Heppenheimer is a graduate of Harvard, class '19, and served during the war in the transport service. The wedding will take place October. Mrs. Frank Van Kleeck, of Poughkeepsic, N.
has announced the engagement of her daughter, Miss Mary: S. Van Kleeck, to Theodore V. K. Swift, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles W. Swift, also of Poughkeepsic. Miss Van Kleeck is a graduate of Dana Hall School and is of the Junior League. Mr. sumember, graduate of Yale, class '08, and is a member of the Yale Club.
Another engagement just announced is that Miss Virginia H. Housman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence James Housman of York and West End, N. to Frederick Spiegelberg of 36 West Seventy-sixth Street.
Miss Housman graduate of Miss Tewksbury's School, White Plains. Mr. Spiegelberg graduate of Cornell, class '16. When this country entered the war he went to Plattsburg and joined the Ninth Aero Squadron in France, where he won the Croix de Guerre. Mrs.
John Hamilton, of 622 West 115th Street, has announced the engagen.ent of her sister, Miss Helen Wall, to Stuart Peabody, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Peabody, of New York.
Fewer Ex-Soldiers Idle Unemployment Problem Settled, Except in Eastern States From The Tribune's Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, April among former service men is gradually decreasing, a survey by the War Department discloses. Lieutenant Colonel Mathew C. Smith, head of the Service and Information branch of the War Department, who has been aiding "I fink dat monkey remember me," she confided proudly to her nurse. "Come again next year, Jocko." "You don't expect to be here to see Jocko next year, do you Katie?" the nurse gasped, "You've been here three years. That's enough for one little girl." Katie looked sober.
"I'd like to see again," she said, "but if I was and went packer home maybe my papa would take me to the real circus? Do you s'pose he would, Miss Mary?" Discussion of this joyous prospect was interrupted by more howls from Henrietta, who was having spasms all over again at the sight of the big elephant sitting on his trainer. After that Katie Shy constituted herself the official comforter to the younger children, and in a loud tone of voice introduced each act with a statement of reassurance, such as: "No, that doggie won't bite you. "No, that man didn't hurt himself. He likes to fall down." All Patients Feeling Better The administration of the circus tonic took more than two hours, and at the end of that time, what with all the spring sunshine pouring down on their little white faces, and the lines from eyes, every one of laughter that" had driven the pain the 3,000 patients was pronounced much improved. There were a good many doctors in white coats and nurses blue dresses, who had taken their own medicine, too, the verandas overlooking the circus.
The circus folks themselves said there was nothing like a visit to Bellevue to brighten the dull monotony of their lives, so that made it unanimous. In addition to Jocko the monkey, circus program, included clowns, elephant actors, lariat manipulators, a troupe of trained pigs seals, perch performers, comedy acrobats and gymnasts. soldiers, said to-day that in the last four weeks 22,589 former soldiers and sailors were registered for work and 19,170 were placed. cities the employment bureaus many. been discontinued as the need or them no longer.
exists. In the Eastern states and New England, however, there is something. of a problem. Four weeks' this section show 10,030 men registered at thirty bureaus and 7,088 placed at work. Going On To-day Avenue, p.
m. NIGHT Conference of Publishers and Advertisers, DAY American Museum of Natural History; admission free. Metropolitan Museum of Art; free. Van Cortlandt Park Museum; admission free. The Aquarium; admission free.
Zoological Park; admission free. Annual meeting of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum, Amsterdam Avenue, between 136th and 138th streets, 10:30 a. m. Services of the First Church of Divine Science. Waldorf-Astoria, 11 a.
m. Story hour at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 3:45 p. m. Talo of an Olden by Anna C. Chandler.
Meeting In memory of Andrew Carnegie, under the auspices of the Authors' Club, New York Public Library et AI, at the Engineering Society Building, 29 Wegt Thirty -ninth Street, 3:30 m. Discussion, led by Rev. Dr. 'S. Parkes Cadman, on "The Next President's Bedford Branch, Y.
M. C. Bedford Avenue and Monroe Street, 3:30 p. m. Lecture, by William Beebe, on "Jungle New York Botonical Garden, Bronk Park, 4 p.
m. "American Art Through English Eyes," by Ambrose McEvoy, St. Mark's in the Bouwerle. Tenth Street, west of Second Arst Street and Lexington Avenue, 8:30 p. m.
BOARD OF EDUCATION LECTURES "Peace and Reconstruction in Europe," by Hotel Astor, 6. p. m. -Canadian folk -lore and folk- songs, by Miss Loraine Wyman, Cosmopolitan Club, 135 East Fortieth Street, 8:30 p. m.
Lecture. by Rev. Dr. John A. Ryan, on Social Reform, Not under auspices of Brooklyn Civic Forum, Public School 84, Glenmore and Stone nues, Brooklyn, 8 p.
m. Community Forum, Ethical Culture Meeting House, Central Park West and Sixtyfourth Street, 8:15 p. m. Speaker. Mr.
Francis Neilson, subject: "Art and Life. Dramatic reading, by Miss Jane Manner, of "The Melting Pot," Straus Auditorium, Educational Alliance, 8 p. m. Meeting of the Eclectic Society, Knights of Pythias Building, 149th Street and Walton Avenue, Bronx. Discussion on 'The American Press and Its Good and Bad Influence Upon Our National Life," led by Philip Francis.
Mass meeting to urge lifting of Russian blockade, Lexington Opera House, Fifty- Dr. Peter MacQueen, F. R. G. Public School 101, 111th Street, near Lexington Avenue, public forum; special French war motion pictures.
Organ recital, by Edward Shippen Barnes, accompanied by soloists of the Rutgers Presbyterian Church and a. choir of twenty-one voices, Washington Irving High School, Irving Place and Sixteenth Street. 2:30 p. m. Queen, REG.
US. PAT.OFF BOOT SHOP Footwear of Elegance Specially Priced For Monday and Tuesday Only. $8.75 Two' charming models developed in novel combinations and made doubly attractive by an unusually low price The smart Oxford shown The made with self-covered Louis built graceful Colonial pump, illustrated XV heel and hand-turned sole. is ornamented with and on lines, It may be had in the fashion- tons. It is be had pearl butto in comable combinations of Satin bination effect of Satin Back Back and Vamp of Patent Vamp of either Patent Coltskin or Dull Kid.
Coltskin or Dull Kid. Queen Quality Boot Shop 32-34 West 34th Street Wins Art Honors L'. Branchard Coliver' An American artist, of Boston, whose large painting "Fevrier au Luxembourg" has been accepted for the spring Paris Salon. American Woman Artist Wins Place in Paris Salon Mrs. Collver's Painting Will Be on Exhibition During the Spring Session An honor seldom won by an American woman has fallen to Ethel Blanchard of Boston, who has had a picture painted by her selected for exhibition in the Spring Paris Salon.
Mrs. Collver's painting is called "Fevrier au Luxembourg," and it is one of 300 canvases selected by the art jury of the Nationale des Beaux Arts out of 'a total of 3,000. Spring Salon is the great event of the year in art in the French capital, Mrs. Collver, who is the wife of Leon L. Collver, has been in Paris this year studying under Naudin and Morisset, of Calorossi's Academy, and she is occupying the same studio which Mrs.
Ladd, the American sculptor, used when she was ministering to maimed soldiers during the war. The canvas of Mrs. Collver's selected for the salon is a scene Luxembourg gardens, in which a number of French types are portrayed. American and European Paintings on Exhibition Among Sales This Week Will Be Auction of Works by Noted Artists at Keeler's Paintings by well known American and distinguished European artists are on exhibition in the Keeler Art Calleries, 12 Vesey Street, prior to their sale at auction Thursday and Friday, each session beginning at 3 p. m.
Contemporary American painters represented are George H. Bogert, W. A. Coffin, E. Irving Couse, Emil Carlsen, Carlton Wigging and Ballard Williams.
while of the older men there are representative examples by Albert Bierstadt, A. T. Bricher, George Smillie, J. G. Brown and Frederic Remington.
Foreign artsts represented exhibition, comes from former Fifth Avenue galleries of the Schultheis Company, are Hans Makart, A. Pasini and Gabriel Max. Art objects and articles of utility and sport, collected by Colonel Albert B. Hilton, will be placed on exhibition in Silo's Fifth Avenue Art Galleries beginning to-morrow. They include antique and modern furniture, rare rugs, silver, a library of standard authors in fine bindings, household linens and El fine collection of sporting guns, rifles and fishing tackle.
The entire collection will be sold Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, each session beginning at 2:30 o'clock. Paintings, furniture, art objects and Persian and Chinese rugs from two city homes at 121 East Sixty-fifth Street and 160 East Eighty-first Street will be sold in the Old Galleries Thursday to Saturday inclusive, the sessions beginning at 2:30 p. m. The continuation of the auction sale of the effects of Amelita Galli-Curci and Sasha Votichenko will be held at Smith's Knickerbocker Sales Rooms, 825 Seventh Avenue, Monday and Tuesday at 2 o'clock. A large collection of goods still is left and includes early Italian, Flemish, English, Teakwood and Louis XV and Louis 180 in Overall Parade Until Animals, Back Out Circus Giant First to Lose Heart as Handful of Denim Disciples Appear Instead of Heralded Throng Spectators Are 1,000 to 1 "Are You Sure This Is a Parade?" Asks Patched Exponent of Savannah XVI furniture in great variety.
riedly reduced their advertised prices OP Orr ON DOBBS PO The Saunter illustration Coat of light suggests weight a Dobbs imported Tweed in exclusive mixtures The hat pictured is the new Dobbs silk-overlaid Sailor. A Dobbs Shirt and a Dobbs Skirt complete a correct costume. for outing. Six- twenty, Fifth Avenue Aftieth Street 00.00 020 The widely heralded parade of the devotees of denim fizzled out with a sickly sputter half an hour after it had been scheduled to start from Columbus Circle yesterday morning. The procession was then three blocks south of the circle in Seventh Avenue.
At that point the detachment of household economists sent over by the circus developed a severe case of temperament and left the parade, flat on its overalls at the corner of Fifty-fifth Street. When it started the parade was almost 175 persons and five animals strong. It took two minutes to pass a given point was greatly admired by all who could find it. The circus detachment was an imposing, and feature. the Three giant comprised elephants, two the delegation." In order to had avoid mistakes elephants blue denim pants on his front legs and in his eyes was the look of baffled rage worn by a man who has paid his income tax.
Giant Gazes Into Vacancy. The giant was the first one to the awful, utter hopelessness of it grasp all. eight or nine or ten or something feet tall, and from his elevation in the rear he was able to observe the tremendous spectacle in its entirety. It was spread out before his gaze in all its majesty and might. Giants are ing sight too much for the big notoriously soft and the amazfellow.
At the corner of Street the climax came. A little man, who was dragging behind him a "Down With the Profiteers" sign around" the cubic corner area, and ran accosted breathlessly. the "Hey, big boy," he said, "where's this here parade?" The giant waved an all-embracing fist almost as large as the Grand Central Station in the general direction of South Ferry. "This," he said, "is it." Then and there he resigned. "Get me two taxis," he said to his valet.
"I wish to return to the Garden." The defection of the giant from the cause was followed by the withdrawal of the elephants and the camels, after which practically all there was to the parade was the chorus lady who wore an evening gown of calico designed to demonstrate the possibilities of econin regard to quantity of material used. It is doubtful if ever before a demonstration so elaborately advertised has achieved so complete a fluff. Instead of six bands there was one, and it was silent, possibly through a fitting sense of respect for the sombreness of the occasion. School and college delegations where they could be identified were composed of one or two individuals. The rest was a quartet of automobiles almost obscured by flapping signs, advertising this or that theatrical attraction or film corporation.
A few children in their play clothes filled in the odd corners. A patched party who bore a sign reading "The beautiful city of Savannah, Georgia with you all," appeared to be uncertain of his exact whereabouts. "Are you sure this is the parade?" he asked from time to time after the fashion of who expects to wake up almost one, minute and find that it was all a dream. A Conscientious Parade It was a conscientious parade. In no single detail did it adhere to the advance notices, not even in the detail of routing.
It had been announced that the route would be down Broadway to Thirty-fourth Street, to Fifth Avenue, to Central Park. Instead the marchers assembled in Eighth Avenue, walked down Eighth Avenue for a while and then crossed over and walked up Broadway for a period. The spectators outnumbered the paraders would-be by spectators about 1,000 searched to 1. Manhat- Many tan for hours went home without seeing andhthen Many more who watched the little group pass stood around for half the day waiting for the real parade to come along. Tailors on the route who had hur- Opera Season Ends In Applause and Floral Tributes Matinee Devoted to "Tosca" and Farewell Demonstration for, Miss "Oberon" in the Evening Farrar; This Denim Parade Was a Real Success Rachmaninoff plays exclusively, for the AMPICO DO Reproducing Piano Hear the Ampico in our studios Fifth Avenue at 59th thAt DON Levitzki plays exclusively for the 8 AMPICO Reproducing Piano Hear the Ampico in our studios Warerooms Fifth Avenue at 39thSt 2 Kreisler plays exclusively for the AMPICO Reproducing Piano Hear the Ampico in our studios Warerooms Fifth Avenue at 39thSt Ornstein plays exclusively for the AMPICO Reproducing Piano Hear the Ampico in our studios Fifth Roenue at 39 th5t A Moiseiwitsch plays exclusively for the AMPICO Reproducing Piano Hear the Aarpico in our studios Rich Pnenne at 39th thft Thomas E.
Rush, Surveyor of the Port, ordered several customs inspectors into overalls yesterday to parade without ostentation to the foot of Montague Street, Brooklyn, and search the Ward liner Monterey for contraband liquor and drugs. The disguised inspectors searched the vessel from bilge to bridge, even shifting the coal in the, bunkers, and paraded back to the Surveyor's office with 200 bottles of whiskey and 75 boxes believed to contain morphine and cocaine. for clothes took one gasping look at the show and dashed back into their stores shouting for Jake, the window dresser, to come quick. By noon Broadway was full of perspiring card writers hastily readjusting prices upward before some customer should take mean advantage of them. Workers who had feared that the overall boom would boost the price of jeans returned to their homes serene and content.
an inspiring display for the garment trade. No New Clothes Club Seeks Smith as Member ALBANY, April Smith is to be asked next Tuesday to sign a pledge. The No New Clothes Club of Albany, with a membership of more than 3,000 men and women of this city, including thirty or more members of the Legislature, has designated a committee to meet the Governor next week to urge him to become a member. The object of the club is to drive down the high cost of clothing. Miss Marguerite L.
Smith, Republican member of the Assembly from New York, became a member to-day. Farrar Is Bombarded With Floral Bouquets Prima Donna in Last Appearance of Season Receives Numerous Tributes Geraldine Farrar was bombarded with flowers yesterday afternoon when she appeared for the last time this season at the Metropolitan Opera House. Mme. Farrar, who sang the title in "Tosca," was pelted with about ten bouquets at the end of the first act, and a similar number at the end of the second act. The appearance of the handsome call after the first act the prima donna in response wise a curtain for the shower of flowers to begin.
signal Scotti, who appeared in his familiar of Scarpia, and Lazaro, who the part of Cavaradossi, were kept sang busy gathering in the bouquets, which appeared to come from all directions and all altitudes. After the second act, when the task picking up the bouquets fell to Scotti alone, he was kept very much on the go seeing that they were all D'Angelo sang the of Angelotti, and remainder of the cast was: Malatesta, as the Sacristan; Bada, as Spoletta; Reschiglian, as Scianrone; Laurenti, as the jailer, and Arden the shepherd. Moranzoni, as conductor. was called before the curtain with the principals after the second act. The twelfth 'season of opera under Mr.
Gatti-Casazza and the thirty-fifth season at the Metropolitan Opera House came to an end yesterday. The last subscription was devoted to a performance of "Tosca" and a farewell demonstration for Miss Farrar, the latter being as obviously prearranged as the former, though less triumphantly carried out. Bouquets were thrown over the footlights when the prima donna showed herself, but thriftily so as to make as many calls as possible, and diligent effort raised the number of calls to eighteen twenty, which, we believe, was somewhat less than the desired though all the familiar devices were number, resorted to, a patter of gloved hands and hands unaccustomed to and the cheers the innocent devgloves to the was of the trained tees. At length came the also familiar scene of the lady appearing in her. dressing robe and, since it had to be, making a speech of gratitude for the past and hope of the future, with modest appreciation of the encouraging approbation, "Official during thanksgiving," the she season remarked, "comes in November, but the thanksgiving at the opera house at the end of April." came more applause, scription the curtain flickered fell and the subseason out.
In the evening there was nothing to stir amicably excitable natures except a good opera, "Oberon," well performed, by good artists, headed by Miss Easton in the part of Rezia, which has generally belonged to Miss Ponselle, of Mr. Martinelli, who has never sung and Mr. Kingston as Sir Huron in place the music with either the heroic style or voice which the Englishman put at the service of the opera cast last night. There was also an unexpected substitution of Giovanni Martino for Mr. Rothier as Charlemagne, and En unexpected substitution, an extremely feeble one, of Miss Edna Kellogg for Miss Delaunois as Puck.
climax of the evening WAS reached by Miss Easton's singing of "Ocean, thou mighty monster," which a splendid piece of vocalism, thrilling in its breadth and intensity, perfect in declamation and diction, the work of an intelligent, gifted and devoted artist. -Galli-Curci Sale Ends Sale of the effects of Amelita GalliCurci, prima donna of the Chicago Opera Company, which has been running for three days, was concluded yes. terdav afternoon at the Smith Knickerbocker Salesrooms, Fifty-third Street and Seventh Avenue. The outstanding features of yesterday's sale were, a Queen Anne bedroom suite, sold Dr. Carlton Simons for $450, and a Sultanabad rug, which went for $370.
Among the buyers at the sale were Judge William M. K. Olcott, Mrs. Gitz-Rice and Bessie Clayton. The total for yesterday's sale was $4, 250.75.
The total for the entire sale was $11,220. Jacobi and Penha in Recital Irene. Schwarez Jacobi, pianist, and Michel Penha, 'cellist, gave a recital at Aeolian Hall yesterday afternoon. They played in an agreeable if conventional manner, a program which included Handel's Sonata in minor, Bee. thoven's Sonata in A major, a Rhapsody by Goossens and Schumann's Adagio and Allegro, Op.
70. WE have a collection of chiffon frocks. Simple--yet, so wonderfully spirited. To see them is to know that Miss E. M.
A. Steinmetz originated them, paying an artist's and a woman's attention to every daytime need. Stein Blaine 13 and 15 West 57th Street, New York.
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