The Crowley Post-Signal from Crowley, Louisiana • 2
- Publication:
- The Crowley Post-Signali
- Location:
- Crowley, Louisiana
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 2
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
2 The Crow If Post Signal Tornado Rips Arcadia Clly Pcl" LA. WivVMIKR CITY POLICE Here's the Louisiana tended weather forecast from the National Weather Service for Friday through Sunday: Arcadia residents got their first daylight glimpse today of the damage caused by one of several tornados that dipped into north Louisiana on Tuesday shattering windows, turning over airplanes and knocking down power lines. There were no injuries but there was widespread damage from the twister, which gouged a trail a half-mile wide and 3V4 miles long through downtown Arcadia, horrifying residents in an area where Depression-era gangsters Bonnie and Clyde were slain. "I was at home when it came right over my house. Gosh, it was scary to see that kind of debris flying in the air," said Juliannc Cole, president of the Bienville Depot Museum.
The museum contains, among Wednesday, November 4, 1992 "dp by loud and indecent Ms. Spivey was booked, processed and bonded. Randall C. Kibodeaux, 38, of Crowley was arrested on a warrant issued by Judge Barrett Harrington for "simple Kibodeaux was booked, processed and bonded. Chief of Police Harry L.
Courville reports the arrest of Kernel Williams, 30, of Crowley. Williams was arrested on a warrant issued by Judge Barrett Harrington for "simple Williams was booked, processed and bonded. Alcthea L. Cain. 29, of Crowley was arrested on a warrant issued by Judge Barrett Harrington for "contempt of court failure to appear for Ms.
Cain was booked, processed and bonded. John A. Cobom, 31, of Crowley was arrested on a warrant issued by Judge Barrett Harrington for "simple Cobom was booked, processed and bonded. Nancy A. Gaspard, 27, of Crow-Icy was arrested on a warrant issued by Judge Barrett Harrington for "contempt of court failure to appear for Ms.
Gaspard was booked, processed and bonded. Friday: Mostly sunny und cool. Highs mid 50m north to low 60s south, Saturday: tulr and cool. Lows in the 40s, Highs mid 50s north to low ftfls south Sunday: Increasing cloudiness with a chance of rain. Lows In the ranging from the 40s north to the low 50s southeast.
Highs mid 50s north to mid 60s southeast. Aviation Weather Ilricfings I'ilot ii i.itlim weather briefings 24 hours a day from DeRidder FA A AFSS, In DeRidder 462-6101 or Chief of Police I lurry L. Courville reports the arrest of Rodney C. Rutherford, 37, of Lake Charles, La. Rutherford was arrested and charged with "DP by intoxication and dp by loud and derisive Rutherford was booked, processed and jailed.
A juvenile was arrested and charged with "child in need of The juvenile was booked, processed and released to a guardian pending juvenile court A 13 year old juvenile was arrested and charged with "child in need of supervision, attempted burglary and curfew The juvenile was booked, processed and released to a guardian pending juvenile court Lester Jay Hcbert, 57, of Crowley was arrested and charged with Hcbert was booked, processed and jailed. Valencia S. Spivey, 30, of Crowley was arrested and charged with wm Mini '(wni i'H 1 presidential returns State-by -state presidential returns ssmm dfMft4 An of V30 a EST VOTED, From Pg. 1 In the controversial proposition by the Rayne-Branch Hospital District to sell the hospital to the American Legion Hospital voters okayed the sale by a margin of almost 3-1 Voters in favor of selling the hospital numbered 3,752 while those against were listed at 1,725. POPULAR ELECTORAL PERCENT VOTE 91 precmcts The power outage at the courthouse interrupted the vote-counting later that evening.
Shreveport and Bossier City felt the itorm first before it tracked Interstate 20 across Louisiana's northernmost tier of parishes. Winds were reported at 90 mph at the Downtown Airport, damaging more than 13 aircraft. "Some were turned over. A hangar blew down on one," said airport policeman Doyle Walker. Two hangars were destroyed by the severe wind.
Three aircraft sustained minor damage at Barksdale Air Force Base two B-52 bombers and a KC-1 35 tanker, said Senior Master Sgt. George Prince, a public affairs spokesman. "A number of buildings had minor damage, like windows blown out. Several trees were blown down in the housing area and golf course. Some cars had denting from hail windows cracked," Prince said.
POWELL, From Pg. 1 "I'm not conceding," he said. "It's not going to be certified until Thursday. We're going to wait until the vote's official. When the machines are opened Thursday, we will be at every parish.
An error one way or another may change things." Powell, who has served on the utility-regulating panel for the past 16 years, led a four-candidate field in the Oct. 3 primary. The 21 -parish district sweeps from Lake Charles through Alexandria to the Mississippi River at Natchez. Sittig, of Eunice, was trying to become the second state House member to be elevated to the PSC this year. State Rep.
Irma Muse Dixon, D-New Orleans, won after all of her opponents dropped out before the first primary. During the campaign, Sittig accused Powell of voting for rate hikes virtually every time he had a chance. "He has voted 545 limes out of 550 for rate increases," Sittig said. "I don't think he can say he's voting to protect the working man His record clearly shows he has voted for the big utilities and against the working man." Powell countered that in the House, Sittig voted for sales taxes and against the homestead exemption. "If he's going to protect the consumer, he didn't protect it too good in the Legislature," Powell said.
How the candidates scored against each other in each I HELD OVER The Mighty Ducks 1 Missouri Bush 7 'Of. J4 contest: POPULAR PEPCLNT 915 929 44', mummm if 454 780 Clmton Perot ELECTORAL VOTE 73 precincts Montana Alabama I I 89 rennets Bush Clinton 651.8-T6 41 Perot 1 -3 -3 11' 2 HELD OVER Under Siege tttJU7lf 10C 367 36 110 662 38 74 639 26 Bush Clinton Perot Now Open Wednesday thru Friday 95 precincts Nebraska 0i oi'Ttnctt Alaska 310 537 47 196 6 73 30 56 694 24 0 Seafood Bush Clinton Perot Nevada Bush Clinton Perot Arizona NOW SHOWING Honeymoon in Vegas other things, a book about Billy the Kid, found in a car used by Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow to elude police who chased down and killed the pair about IS miles west of here in 1934. "It just lifted the roof, rafters and all," Cole said of the damage caused to the museum. The museum, one of several downtown buildings caught in the tornado's path, is under renovation. The twister, accompanying a storm that quickly swept into Mississippi, could be considered one of the worst tornado 10 hit the town since the 1930s.
"It hit the golf course first, then moved eastward through residential areas, then right through the heart of Arcadia," said Wayne Dring, publisher of the Bienville Democrat. At least 75 homes sustained moderate to severe damage, Dring said. He said about 3,000 Louisiana Power Light customers were without electricity including all 1,200 residents in Arcadia, scat of Bienville Parish. The storm hit the area about 3:20 p.m. in the middle of the voting.
VOTERS, From Pg. 1 the amendment, said Davis wasn't surprised by the outcome. "The defeat just gives us more argument for what we're asking for a special legislative session dealing with funding for higher education," said Davis special assistant. Sonny DeViUier. DeVillier said higher education officials statewide were to present the governor with petitions Wednesday, urging him to call the Legislature into session to deal with the problem.
The amendment, which did not carry a number on the ballot, also 33 precincts I606 3 19 precmcts Platter AIM 62 999 36 65 124 37 i 45.690 26 Bush Clinton Perot Bush 100 910 39 Clinton 105 796 40 Perot 54 638 PCtm-M7tt ktttaUMf Other Seafood Specials 79 precincts pi euncls Arkansas New Hampshire Bush 153 644 Clinton 156.782 39 Perot 91 454 23 i Bush 250.643 36 Clinton 428.462 53 Perot 86,8013 11 4 NOW SHOWING Candyman 0tta.7lt MltaU'tf JIhiiiiyfs 94 precincts 21 precincts New Jersey California 15 786-1230 tHwy 13 Crowley No Tuetaoy Night Dtscounti 54 Bush 841.925 37. Clinton 45 Perot 412 617 18 Johnny Bonrte Foreman. Owner 414 Pqtrenon Crowley to Bush 1 245.365 41i Clinton 1,302 34 7 43 1 Perot 483.855 16i New Mexico 95 precincts 70 precmcts Colorado 189 057 37i 232 677 46' 64 093 17i Bush Clmton Perot 97 IJ-fJIIul New fork Bush 3 7 0 611 36- Clinton 423 566 41" i Perot 241.734 23 Connecticut 95 Bush 555.621 36 ClWtbn 6:1 234 Perot 22 BENO liHttNt BUUUTaiuriuncLLi a ri)i2-cKrtr'C HI.AfMT. 4 33 Bush 2,193,257 34 1 Clinton 3,189 942 50 1 Perot 1,009,250 16' North Carolina 94 precincts DefSware 160X' precincts Bush 102.436 36 1 Clinton 125,997 44i Perot 59,061 21 Bush 1,033,939 44 Clinton 1,015,281 43i Perot 323,406 14i North Dakota Hwy. 35 South Of Kaplan WE WILL BUY STRAIGHT RUN NOW AND START GRADING ON FEBRUARY 1st.
WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL KINDS OF BAITS SACKS COME SEE US OR CALL: 643-7670 74 precincts 100 precincts D.C. 86,035 44 1 63 457 32i 46.74 1 24 19,813 9" 186.301 86" 9,234 4 Bush Clinton Perot Ohio Bush Clinton Perot Florida 94 precmcts SS precmcts 21 Bush 1,702.697 41 Clinton 1.668,63 1 40 Perot 815,511 19 Bush 1,757.062 38 1 Clinton 1,861.642 41i Perot 962,883 21i Oklahoma 99 precmcts 85 preanas Georgia Bush Clinton Perot 582,991 43 465,747 34 1 315,650 23: Bush 768,556 43 Clinton 779.971 43 Perot 245,703 14i 41 precincts 53 precincts Oregon Hawaii Bush Clinton Perot 160,692 33 207,194 43 113,343 24 Bush 64,332 36 i Clinton 90.241 50 1 Perot 24,390 14i Mo) Ofe QDLTQiir?) lyjfs) Mj 97 preanas 63 precmcts Pennsylvania Idaho 23 120,095 45 73.806 28 73.663 26 Bush 1,677.641 36 1 Clinton 2,137.933 46 Perot 847,356 18' Rhode Island Bush Clinton Perot Illinois 99 precmcts 85 precincts 121.864 29 1 198,877 48i 94,717 23 Bush Clinton Perot 22 Bush 1,381.0 74 34i Clinton 1,993.932 49 Perot 666,638 16 South Carolina 86 precincts 99 precmcts Indiana 12 544.881 48 454 538 40 130,077 12i Bush Clinton Perot Bush 963.929 43 1 Clinton 823,990 37i Perot 445.888 20 82 precincts 95 precincts South Dakota Iowa Bush 4 79.951 38 Clinton 551.110 43 Perot 237,430 19 Bush 108,873 41i Clinton 96,206 37 1 Perot 58.373 22 1 Tennessee 99 precmcts 88 preanas Kansas 832,891 43 1 925,203 47 1 198,264 10i 11 Bush 389,041 39 Clinton 345,359 34 Perot 272.317 27 1 Bush Clinton Perot Texas 87 precincts 100 precmcts Kentucky 32 Bush 6 1 5,753 42t Clinton 6 59,706 45 Perot 202,689 14i would have limited the issuance of general obligation bonds, used to finance state construction projects, for five years; restrict the use of one-lime funds; and require a two-thirds vote of the Legislature to dedicate state money for a specific purpose. The other six proposed amendments generated little controversy, but were defeated as well. They were; No. 1, which would allow the state treasurer to invest a portion of the Education Quality Trust Fund in stocks, which is currently banned.
Late, unofficial returns snowed 54 percent or 671,175 against and 46 percent or 569.063 voting for it No. 2, which would authorize the use of public funds for economic development programs in the state. Returns showed 57 percent or 716,454 against and 43 percent or 536327 for it No. 3, which would authorize the Legislature to call a convention for the purpose of revising a limited portion of the state constitution. Unofficial late returns showed 61 percent or 736,062 against and 39 percent or 471,655 for it No.
4, which would send $5 million in annual lottery proceeds to a new program to provide health insurance for high-risk buyers. Nearly complete returns showed 56 percent or 695308 against and 44 percent or 556,629 for it No. 5, which would reduce the number of members of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education from 11 to 9. An elected member would come from each of the seven congressional districts; the governor would appoint two others. Late returns showed 58 percent or 703,460 against and 42 percent or 516,588 for it No.
6, which would give family courts the jurisdiction to handle property claims stemming from divorce suits. The only family courts in the state currently are in East Baton Rouge Parish. Returns showed 34 percent or 634,740 against and 46 percent or 547,867 for iL Bush 2,205,251 41i Clinton 2,037,523 38' Perot 1,179,070 22' Utah 47 precmcts 99 precincts Louisiana Bush 9 Clinton Perot 123,011 45 1 73,974 27 74,031 27i Bush 722,997 42 Clinton 809.912 47i Perot 208.287 12i 69 precincts Vermont 78 precmcts Maine Bush 4 Clinton Perot 60,848 31 93,782 47 1 44,429 22 Bush 133.648 30 Clinton 174.642 40i Perot 30i 99 preanas Virginia 99 precincts Maryland 13 Bush Clinton Perot 10 1,110,295 45i 999,137 41i Bush 656,827 36 Clinton 927,063 50 Perot 263.881 14 Massachusetts 80 precmcts Washington 46 preanas 12 Bush Clinton Perot 250,175 32 359.988 46i 180,569 23i 11 Bush 635.085 29 1 Clinton 1,046.141 48 Perot 491,178 23i 51 precmcts West Virginia 69 preanas Michigan Bush 798.003 37 1 18 Bush Clinton Perot 141,462 34i 214 633 51i 64.895 15i For every gallon of Diamond Shamrock gasoline or diesel fuel you buy during the month of November, we'll donate one penny to the American Red Cross. Every cent will be used right here in Louisiana to make a brighter holiday for the victims of Hurricane Andrew and other disasters. So please help the Red Cross.
Fill your tank with performance tested Diamond Shamrock motor fuels. Each gallon goes a long way towards helping your neighbors. Not to mention your car. Clinton 899.660 4Zi Perot 434.356 20 1 75 precmcts 63 precmcts Wisconsin Minnesota Bush 471.380 31! Clinton i 678.711 45 Bush Clinton Perot 681,832 36 810,620 43 399,115 21i 11 10 Perot 350,330 23i 86 precmcts ge preanas Wyoming Mississippi Diamond Shamrock o1 Bush Clinton Perot 62.848 40 53,011 34 1 40,807 26! Bush 466.109 50 1 Clinton 380,803 41i Perot 81.929 9i.
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