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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • 7

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

fp MORGAN MEMf COMNG UP 6AY Pirst Trains His Heavy Guns on Mosquito Fleet of Hapless Scribes. ARMOR SHEDS QUESTrONS Occan-Ooing Reporters Finally j0Uy Him Into Amiability, but He Wouldn't Talk on Roosevelt. jn altcrnatlng moods, one cheerful and 0lle which smacked of annoyance, J. P. Morgan arrlved here yesterday on tho Wlilte Star liner Olymplc from Sotith gnrpton.

The cheerful mood provallod throughout hla stay aboard. but on the way UP tbe Bay from Cnarantlne the pfovlsh dlaposltion aeemed to prodoml nate, for Mr. Morgan was "annoyed by raporters." The flnea apreeeed a dia aiite for publicity. and when a striinr of queatlons heglnnlng with the "Bull jlooae" ano" ending with the German Em Mror was daagled beforo him yesterday ht aought refuge ln gruff or whlmalcal repllea The heppy and playful aide of Mr. Mor nature aaaerted itself yesterday at breakfast, when hla aon, J.

P. Morgan. met him at Quarantine. Hls face Ughted up when "Jack" greoted him, and father and aon chatted amiably for a euarter ef an hour. All would have gone trtl) wlth Monrajia had not the inter lopara from the preaa found thelr way to flnancler.

Antlcipatlng a flood of (Mjeatlons. he exclalmed: "Not a word! Ket a word! Co you underatand? Not a werd!" Tban hia aon faoed tha reportera wlth a you tell ua," aaked one of them, afldrawlrig the younger Mr. Morgan, "where your father ia golng?" haven't the sllshtest idea." he re pllad, laughing. "No one ever knows where father ls golng." the Olymplc had made faat to her plar Henry P. Darison.

one of Mr. Mor gan'a partnera, came aboard, and recelved a hearty Kreetlng. Looklng over Mr. Davlaon from foot to crown, Mr. Mor jan aeemod to take an intoregt in the Panama hat which Mr.

Davlson wore, and putllng lt off hls head examtned lt. With a half smile he said. did you get that hat?" Mr. Davlaon explained in low tonea that he bought lt, whercupon Mr. Morgan aaked the price.

Mr. Davison narnod tha Igure ln a tone etlll lower, and wlth a look of rnock dtsdaln Mr. Morgan re? marked that he had been ewindled. The fir.anclor was now ln morry mood, and the roporters agaln went to him, one of them locularly explaining that bo would get ar. Inniaaea in salary If Mr.

Morgan VOUld glve an intorvlew. intorvlew," aald Mr. Morgan, ro laxlng a blt. "I'd rather' make up tho Jtfterence In salary my-clf." Then all hand" laughed as Mr. Morgan made a Jtase play for his ln.lde pocket.

'What do you think of the Bull Moose don't know ar.ytbing about a Bull Moose party. What la lt?" party." Wl do I know about Rooaeveit?" do you think of Mr. Churehill's autspoken demand for an Increaee In ton Uga for the navy and hls frank remarke about Oermany?" Mr Morgan. apparently Btruggllng be? tween hla two moods. aaked for furthor lnforn.atlon on the subjeet.

and when tt had been aupplhd he anewercd, have not ing to "Well, vou invited to the German EmrieroV-a palace to viait hlrn and might aometblng aboul Oenaaag'a eel llgerent feollng for Fn-land." "Yes I met the Kaleer, but he dldn't to ma about It. Ho dldn't tell me he waa to make war on England." A passenger on tbe Olymplc aald that Mr. Morgan waa agreeable during the voyaga, although he kept much to him? self On Saturday evsnlng they aaid he waa one of the flrat to take hla aoat ou dock. tho passengers had planned tn dance. Growing Irnpatlent becauae the dance did not begin pffOUBPtly, ho.

aald: "Why don't tha mualc begln?" That waa Woid carried to the leader. and Instantly the orcheatra atarted playing a walta The couploa were aoon awtrllng paet the flnancler, who watched them wltb dt llght. Mlaa Rlta Stanwood, an actrens. who haa a part ln the new play, "My Beat t.lrl," was aelccted tp taka up a collection for the mualclans. and tht last person she approached waa Mr.

Morgan, whom ahe halted the atalrway. Taking tbe list, hc looked lt over fully and, handlng It back te her, aald: "lil attend to thls myaelf." Later hla check waa sent to tho leadtx. Aftar hls baggage had been Inapocted Mr. Morgan and the party if who ware on the pler to meet him boarded Coratir. off tho Whlta Star pler, went up tha North Jllvor.

a FAILED AT MT. M'KINLEY Parker and Browne Again Un able to Reach Summit. Falrbanka. Alaaka. July Herachell Parker, of Columbba Unlveraity, and Belmore Browne, of Taooma, at Tolvlna, on tho Tanana River, late laat nlght and reported that they failed to the aummlt of Mount McKlnley.

Two attempts were made, one on the north peak and tho other on the aouth peak. An altitudo of 20.200 foet reached on tho south peak end lft.OOO feet the north peak. Mount McKlnley tefminatea In twin each approxlmately 20,500 fee? hlgh. Several bil.xards about the aummlt prevented ocallng them. Profeaaor Parker aald a haa.y earth waa felt while tbe party was on ihe mountaln.

Excellent pbotograpbl were Uken. Thla waa the thlrd effort made hy Pro f-aaor Parker and Belmore Browne to r-ach the aummlt of Mount McKlnley. They were accompunled hy I-r Frcderlck Cook on tlrat trlp. ln 190G. Tho second attemf.t waa made two yeara ago.

Rumora were clnulat'-d o-t month Parker-Browne expedltlon had auo ln gaintng the point of Wount McKlnley. the hlgheat ln North Anwrtca. Ba-foro donlala of Ihe report aent out the mother cf Mr. Brouma declared lt could not he trw, bocauga ahe would be notlfied by ber the been auooeaaftil. Profeaaor Parker will find awaltlng him in hle homo a ntih daagbter, who waa h-orn after be atarted for tin aViaaka wLWrntsa.

LEAVES MONEY TO CHARITY Dr. and Mrs. Waahlngton Get $10,000 in Woman's Will. Numeroua publlc bequeata and legaciea to friends were made in the wiU of Ellor. ColUaa, who dled on July 8 at No.

4t llth atreet Among the personal bequesta was one of $5,000 ro Dr. Bookoi T. Waahlngton, the negro educator. and another of 16,000 to hia wlfe, Mra. Maign ret M.

Waahlngton. Tho public bequeats were: Lebanon Hospltal for the Inaana, ln Syria, New York Colortd Mlesion, 15.000; Re ligious Society of mlsslon purposea, Llncoln Hoapltal and Homo. Now Tork Blble bociety. 11.000; American Seamen's Friend clety, 11.10a, and the Hoclety of Now Vork, Tho baqueata to frienda ln the will of the teetatrla ranga from $500 to the 000 left to Ellon C. Wood, of N.

who recolvea a bond and mortgag'' on property at Water and Roosevelt atreetg valued at $32,000 and ln The wlll dlnposea of more than $150,000. MILLI0N FOR DR. B0RDEN Denies He Was Disinherited by His Father. A raproscntntive of the Borden family uled yesterdav thnt Dr. Matthew BL Borden had beon cut off from bls share ln tho estate of hla father.

M. C. D. Borden settled nn osiato of $1,000,000 cn Matthew aeveral weeks beforo his death. The elder Mr.

Bordon became to hla son marriage before hls death. and tho famllles of tha fathor and aon wore Intimate aoclally. The son nlwo assoclatod wlth hla fathor ln the firm cf M. Borden Sons at the tlme of Mr. Bordon death.

Mr. Borden, lt ia said. contemplated drawing a new will when hla laat tllneaa ovortook him. The report that Mrs. 11 3.

Borden waa an actresa la not truo. Mra. Bordon haa never been on the atage. KLEIN BACK FROM EUROPE. Saya There Is Plenty of Room in London for American Playa.

Charles Kloln. the playwripht, who bas been ln London for sevt-ml months on buslness with tho Fngllsh pro ductlon of hia plav, "The Thlrd Degreo." returned yeaterday on the White Btar llror Olymplc from Southampton. He sshl he would go to Furopa with another play, and declared that thero was p'enty of room In I.ondon tor good American playg. Among others on beard wae Blan'he llner. who will (ippeur next season ln a mu.iloal comody called "Tbl Wall Street Girl," and Orville Harrold, the tenor, "ho haa been f-inplnif; with Oecar Hammer.teln In I.ondon.

DEFENDS OHORUS GIRL SUIT Felix Isman's Counsel Says She Had Been in Refonnatory. Kelix Is-man, thaatrlcal man and realty operator, waa discharged ln Special slons yesterday on a oomplumt brought against hln by McManus, a choru. girl ln the "Never ilomea" conpany. Tba young womnn loft a baby two months oid ln the arma of a friend while ah? took ih- witness atand. Mr.

took the stand ln hlr oum deft-nce. Four other men testlfled for hln. Mr. Ipman ho had obtalnod a pla'-e ln the chorus for Mlsx HcMaaua arhen sh-: was ln hard luott, and had given money two or three tlnu-a. On croaa by Max D.

Steu.T, counni for Mr Jsman, the young said that al.e had been sent to a reformat once, but that It was becauae her mother waa too poor to support ber, nnd not for any offi-nco. Mr. Bteuer offered the eommitmc-nt ja P-th on whlch she wa? to the re fornatory to eontradlel i or. a THEATRICAL NOTES. reporta aanounce trat Mlaa gerguaoa.

w-ho for the hist five yeara ha, been starrlng ln dramatio rolen, has been selocted to i-iay tho part of iu th." new Frajiz optm. Wblcb Klaw and have aacured for thia country. Thla part araa created In the origlnal Vlenna productlon hy Mitzi Uunthor, orlyirifil "Merry Wldow." Mlss Fcrgutum araa peonlaed tho part lf she conld alng the nualo. Sho at oioe ft for Iterlln to and he pronounced I qualinod ln every way for the role. Wllllum Faveraham hat, eimaged Jalo.nel Helmore aa bUko manager to aaall I him in hls all-atar productlon of Caeear," to bo produced ii, the autunut ewuon Mr.

Belnora ssith tho Uranitt Players Conpany Of Chl cago. present he in conferftng Wtth Faveraham at th, liom. In Chiddingford, Burrey, Baglaad. Mlsa Eunlce Mackoy, the dancer who left the statre for a home in Loa Angelea early' 'aat aeason, baa been added to the eaat of "A Wlneome Wldow," at tho StOgfOM Moulln Itouge. Th? havo addod Mifn Ide Bchnell, w-ho holda the world'a champlon Bblp for hlgh and fancy dlvlng, to tba eaat of "Tho Paeaing Hhow of al tba (larrien Hho appeara ln the haroin acone and do.a a numbor of un usiial dlvea.

Proctor a Fifth Theatre wlll havo for tho aensatlonal faature next week "Tho Plylns Plano," an actual con eert Inatrunanl manlpulated ln mldalr Volant, d'jsciibi-d aa Kuropo'a ah o.ute I maater of gravlty. Othera on the blll will irnr ard Walter Lawrenca, John T. Hnd company, ln "Puttlng Over." nnd will Oakland, j. jone'a euoeeaaor ns a contra-tonor. After carefully oonskloring the catlons of more than a cat.didatea for tho part.

Henry W. lavago yeaterday that Mlaa Ixittlo Kondall would do the honor lo tba Iradltlone of the ebaracter of Mrs. I'rockT, "the dty wldow," In tho "Prlnc- of Pllsen." Biie waa engaged on three yeara' tract Mlas Kendall aaug tho leadlng iii -'The (Jay Muakian" for two yeara. A. il.

Wooda has changed tba openlng date of tba Eltinge, on 421 atrt-ot, to Monday, geptenber 9. Tba originni Ing waa aohoduled for geptenber While the theatre will be ready on the ear ller datt. Mr. Wooda tho latei so that overytiilng will bc ln flrat phape Jeni Cowl, in "Within tha will be the tirHt attruotlon at the Flltingo. Thls play wlll uppear tor on the road oofore comln? Into Now York.

Ollve lirlch ia the lateat au'lition to tba eaat of Beat OM," tbe Cbannlna Polwcb tnuatcal play, ln svhi'ii (ilfton Crawford Btara aad whlch at tho Park Ttaeati earlv ln Septomber, Keh-nraala ure now being tv'id for the prlnolpala at lha Hud son Tha-atf widlc the chorua are being drllled at the Park Theatre ihe di? rection of Sldney Elllson. the Jmgllnh producer of nuatcal playa Tho Bhuhcrta announco the ongagement th. l'olly slatera for thelr productton of "The Merry Oountaaa," openlng at tho Caaino Theatre Auguat i-. Meiviiu iJllin la now nrianging a apadal punber to ba dona by Martin Brown and the alatara, tne mualc Uiln; oy Johunn au-auaa AN EDEN OP 10 DA1E No Adam and Two Eves In? eluded in This Garden. VERMONT IS THE ADDRESS Other Spots with Greater Ca pacity Accoramodate Other Fresh Airs.

The recaii to Edcn baa 88898. Thers'a no cause for cverybody to heava of aattafacttoa. though, fur avcrybody lsn't Ineluded ln tho aummons. Which att lt ahould be, too. for, by tha data at our conimand, the plnce has not a large capaclty.

It hns been to follow the prece dent and try tho latter day sxpsrtUMnt with two. Well-read prople wlll that thia was the orlglnal' and as ur ls the records go the only -populatlon of the infested land ln daya gone by. Of eourse when an experlment fails under carlaln even an BUiateur adantlst knowa en.jugh to ehaaga condi tions Before trying agaln. Katurally tha soundern of the reca.ll golng to aaa ta thla. iematbteg had to he changed and something bcaa.

Bome paopls may think tha cbanga ls aimoat a ravolutlon. Xo Ailaiu tbla tlmo. the odli no waakneaa that can't atand tba stght of un Bfjpla are lt ba two Bvea, of whom may call herseif OretChen for purPOaMa of IdentlfloHtlon if aha v.i 88. This i-eerns liko a clever nOVS ori part of the reeall4nra frotn'a paycnologlcal polnt of vltw. They have relleved young woman ln the eaao of the real tatlon, whh wasa'l to find out what an apple tastad hut to he able to say "Huh! I wlnd 'hlm' around my cny time." The ganien haa r-een moved too wan only to be expected thnt it WOUM follow the course of empire westward.

lt now neBtlefl BBUgly among the iJrcen tafns. and you'U havo to wrlte "Vermont" Into the address lf you want your letters to get Judglng from the season. lt might he auspected that the loeallty had been ae ted because fruit rlpena late up there. It wlll bo a good thlng to let the new ln babttanta aedbaatad heforo appVaa get that red anil ternptlng look. Another precautlon has heen taken.

Tha Evos aeteeted aro Fresh Alrs and nVn't know what an BBfSS tT88 llke. They may even thlnk applea grow on push carts. It may be that wlth all these prerau tton.i taken the Bppls won't be such a atumbllng block In 19i: aa tt waa tn what ye-ir was it" Th- moal pronatstna, thlng about the whole antsrprlse, how ever, UJ the amounl of Trlb? une Freah Alr can retaln In bla la' expresalon when he BUapeirtad of Ing several green apples aomewhert hia anatomy. The recal! to Bdea Is only a aampls of what ls happenlng oil over Only the other places. betnf ibject to r.o such restrloilons ai ara Inh-ent Eden's name, are not llmltlng to InvltntloriB for two Fresh bul asklng th- Trlbune Pund 10 aand I of them ta thelr pieusunt mounts a valleya.

Two eoaeb ioad8 ot New Tork urchli were to-day aimrng Toweoda, I'lBter, AthoriB and whlle one roa'h load run nent off lo Coitland, N. and the rUlagCB bi IU Inlty. j. w. Moooo Alftf! Kuhard H.

Mra. Ilooert W. riieemaaer. I N. V.

Hrr.rna nhporl. IOOO Deiherly 4k i'o-. 1 V. U. )'.

Ilelen I'erd. gaataort Wa. Sanford Dansvllle. N. kUkwall atoataga Bpriags, y.

Mr and H. Bt. A J. 35 00 V. W08 PraStrleh n.

Carttr, Waathampton i v. aa Mra ii a'asBoa, N'Tiii Baai Hartx Me. A. D. imi-ne, J.

E. A. nol i anu a II IM. 100 M. Mra.

A Conn From KathiTltic and IOOO hinii- aama i- i. lyn.f. Montclatr, S. Henrv Mlddrn-Lirf A W. I iUUi N.

I Mountain fcundav Behooi, Il Ihreugtl Mr? I I. Hvusion Mra. vi- Dea IttvlMa, lt. Througri Misa N-rtiiop Igll K. "Anonyn ona" I'aual Hull.roiiU, Conn.

'il er oi dn I'ilmaii. a m. i-ifi 'A? PrrsbrtarUn Cn ir Ki l.lly, tlirougli L. II W. A I'-' Mra.

Wllllarr II. Bmllta. tarut-B S. Hiri.iiB. nui.for'l, Conn.

m. t. lt 11 Doyle Kaat Orange. 2 u. omll (D it -j'?) Aniui Palmar, narr.n, JitooWljn.

188 No Ituiavla, I rtavlaaalr Total July 24, Ceettfjutapna, by ebsak, r.T mono, order I addreaaed te lh? Trlbune Air IMnd, Kew York Cltj TURKS HERE CELEBRATE Fourth Anniversaly of the Otto? man Constitution. Wltb TOUBSOUi Ba ha. TorliUn Am bassador to Um Unlted Htati-s, aad Oncar S. Btrau.s, former Aaab8888dor to Turkey. as gueBtB of honor, u.

dlnner lo celabrata the fourth iinnlvcrHary of the of Turklsh was held laal night at tba Hotel Aalor by promlnoi.i Ottomans at thls city and country. Basldsa thu gucKts of honor them wera aaatad at guaataf Uibla Vaban CardaahlfiP. Tiirblsb bkrtoiian; Rear AOmlrai Colby M. Chester, U. H.

Dr. Tulcutt WIlMams. dlre-tor of tho hool of Journallsm, ColumMa I'nlver i-llv; Oeneral: ai-Cenaflraasanan wuiiam a. Bannet; Dr. aiagnus, prealdent of the leWaSb communlty.

and DJelal Bey, Turklsh Consul Ooneriil. Djplal Bey and Vahaa Cbr ihishUn was The latterpro-. the tonrt ..1 "The S'lltan and iho and nis EhMellmcy gous aouf bf wanoraded. Tha teaal ol I'rcBident ol tba L'nlted Itatee" wuh proposed by UJelal lley, aicl lll reapondad. Dr wiuiams apiike on Opportunlty," an.l Admlral Cbaa i.r took for hls Bubjcct "The Young TurkB ln Power." In the BOuraa hls toaat lo "The Bul tan and the I'onatitutlon." Vahan Car (i.i.-.hlan.

who wa? the tlrsi speaker, said ti.e conHtitutional bi tba otto? man Kmplre to-day, In Ita fourth year, leflecfed credit upon th" pairiotlam and grit of the men who made It peaalbla BUd upon the intelllgence und ity of tha ln general. OBITUARY. THOMAS ALEXANDER. Thomaa Alexand- Statee Com and clark tho Dlatrlet court. dled yeaterday at Harrimun, as tho result of Injuries whi'h he r.o.'iwd July tiy falllng Into a areQ near hls oountry bona A plank lald the under btr.

and he rceelwl i oncuni-lon of the braln and fnieture of four Hba rornml.ixlonfr waa born ln tbla elty ffty-elKht yeara ago. He a wlfe. two t-ons. Arthur ar.d ifl and a daughter. Mlss Marlon Alexander.

alaq lare brotbere, Peter and James. He bad In the government service for over thlrty-flve and eonmiaaloner twenty-dve years ago. He had been rk of Ihe Matrlct Court foi tbe last fiftoen yrars. The work of Mr. Ahxander, both eoninileslouei and aa clerk of tho ojurt, brought hlrn tlie hlghest regard and ap predatioa of tho federal Judges dlatrlet of the lawyera ing ln the fadaral courta gbiea jeauary i Mr.

Altxandar. dutlea were ex tended througli the aholltion of tho OUlt I'ourt. threugb which ho wan mndo th? fole clrrk of the fodoral court ln this dty. PATRICK M'GUIRE. Patrlok llcOulra y.ura old, the oldeat nenber Of Tammany Hall, well known ln the polltlca of tho cltv and alao putnam County, iute on Tues day night home of hls aon, Janr-s MeGulre, wlth whom he lived.

He rani fron founty aiarautfh, ire laad, aeventy-flve yeara ago. ani settled in Manhattan. Later be arent to putnam County and renalned there untll ifftf. when cane to Manhattan and jolned the Tammany Mail oiganizatlon. He rt tlred a few years ago, und his spn suc 'led hln ln polltli I Mr.

ilre i at No. OU .1, xand'T avenue. Tho funoial will place from bt. Jiruino's Cbureb en I'rlday at 10 tn. Murial wlll be ln St Raymond's Cenetery.

For more than half a century Mr. McOuln had a rcnuuruiit in HarLem. neur the old Thlrd avenue bridge. Hls lace tan a rend.zvoua for the Demo? cratlc poiiticians of lower Weatcbeeter now Tho Bronx, and th" Tam? many lead. rs of Vorkvlll-, Harlem and Manhattanvllle.

LAWRENCE T. PARRY Lawrenca T. Parry, for fouiteen years I manog'-r of World." tfh-graph dv i for th" Wratern L'nioti Tele graph Oonpany, dled auddenly yeaterday at hls homo, N'o. S3 I.anioiit avenue, hurst. aged fli'ty-two jearn.

Mr. I was natlve of Charleaton, tf. Ha earlj Intereated hlmaelf In telearaphy ann i. lephony, nanaalaa differenl panlea li Bouth Carollna aad later Ing blmeelf to work. ln ha OperatOf for "The liintii Coaatltutlon," wbera bla onmin, iiank i- Btanton, the poat, cmployed.

After wlth Cbrenlcle," of I Auguata be was trlegraph manag. I for "The Shw Vork Journal" durlna tho Spanlah Wai FoUowlne a minor eper i atlon four yeara tba njvaa ot Ifr, been bacaaaa affectM. was ut nurk up to twehe bOUlU 1" fora hla death Mr. Parry leavea a wif. and aix chll Irci JOHN ALSOP PAINE.

Jphn Alaop Palne, ae Orlental and dae yeaterday at hla in Noperan Read, He bt iii ln Newark yeara -on cf Hr John aad A Kalleag Palne He araa a graduaie of iiuniiiton Ctotleae, In tba elaae of nmi fron Thaolealeal gemtnarv in w. in be w-HB erdalaad le tba ChufVb. Later Profeeaot Palae araa amplajrad In rrh WOTk fOT the New Board n. lara of iii. atate Foi rk, he wa" ln College, Coaatantlnoptai untll Prnm itn Profi Palne i Independent'1 and tin loi focfc ty fron Mo vm eurator of th- Uetn un of Iri from lo IMI, i iIm pb tbi atafl of the 'eni iry i.

Sucted "1' a Jouri ii of rlattan for a-time, and many treattsoa en erehaeoloalcal nnd rotl The funeral alll be he: i ai hli bona, Tan Read, to-morrow aften o'clock Tha burial a Ul ba In tbe! Hural Canatery, Albany, oa Baturday. ALPHONSE WEINEH. Alphonai Welaer. a aebool aloner of Tha Broni, dled yeaterday at the home of bla deuabter, Xo Houlovard. wiis Kixiy-mo yeara old.

Mr, Welaer in. tba North Mde Board il Trade, araa one of the oldeat lewellera In tba borough. gervleea win ni bome daughter to inorroW evening llt HENRY CLARK HARDY. Henry Hardy, for manj yeara a New York Mtoek l.ioket aad banker, dled yeaterday al Hanllton, W. at tba ago He had Hvei in Hanllton I tmenl from buataeaa many Mr Hardy W9t turlea mai By tba firsi marvtafe there were alne chlldren, aii of whom aurviva Mr.

Iii born ln Horfolk, and North after the Civil War. The butlal will there. CHARLES P. VAN AL8TYNE. Brfdgeport lu'y Charlee P.

Van Alatyne. many ya eonneeted with tbe Houaatonle I Haven run-; road untll hls retlrt-nu-iit four years ago, dled at bla hom? here to-day after a lom; lllaeai Ha waa slxty ohi aVbout twenty yeara ag? beeaaaa Ifbl aad aaeaengor of tha tonlC Hno nnd on it? aaalmllntlon by the New Haven eyeton waa madi? commcrcliU of tho Uerkshlre dlvlalon. E. P. GOODMAN.

Teleamph te Tha. Trlbun- I Phlladelphla, July P. Ooodman, i author of Pbnadelphla." and pubiiahar of dlrecterlea. nis hom, tarday. Ho born ln vork in ma Ba wbh tba pnbUaber of jtbe "Direetory of Wreetertee" and other elmllar works.

Bla aifa and two smis aurvive him. a WILLIAM M. HOPKING. caldwell, N- Julv Ho iklna, Bftytbree old. ono of tba moal pronlnem naembera of tba Haaoale frat.rnlty in KeW latwat, formerly Ofl Bevrarb was atricken with beaaerrbaaea at home ln Oonld avenue to-day and dled in a hours.

Mr. HopklnK' WMJ caablar for a i-'ge cemioercUl ment ln Newark. Hls wlfe and three william F. Mlldred and Olivo Hopktnv, OBITUARY N0TE3. tfiA lleHOra, oldeat letlr.u: IB Pefinaylvaula dled at Ma WITH ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1 When tlic gambler isn't gambiing, When tlic cutihroat itn't occupicd with crime.

He loves to watch tlie foolish "cups" a-ramMing And li.sten to their feet a-beating time home Koadlng yesterday. Ha 1 iii. it) old. I T'iJ. THBODOltl WATK1NH.

who waa overcom- by tba heat two weeka ago and fell from tlie BtOffy window of hia daad la Phlladelphia, Hu 81 borfl in Kingaton. N. ln 1833. and ua grudwated from the New York Med llcaj Collaga 18 WL Ho praottr-cd Phll i adelphla for many yeara. Mltrf CAMTOELL IDKH.

ainy-iwo yaara old. wlfo of Ifutrii Ak-xander. Ib dead at tha homo of her d.iughter. Mrs. WIIMbm lUtpSS, a prom Inent mer-ber of tho New Jeraey Kedera I don of Womea's Chres, MeatcaaJr.

Bidaa bar Imaband and I Alaaander laavei one goe, Caoil E. Aiex ui ler, alao of MoBtrfalr. RO0WKi.L ot Brook long prominent Iu wnnllen maaufaetatinaj irelea ln Wea Bngland and leader in tho work of tho odlai Church, rt um oma in Pbrmoutb, yeaterday, at thu me- MRJ I I1ANIA 8MJTH, tha old ot WOOian around Ithaca, N. died h.nilrcl and one yeara V4 8S born a few mlles from where dled. i a DIES WHILE AT PRAYER.

Ilaekeneack, iulj 24 Manrla u. Kllby, yaara oM, araa found from hoart dlaaaaa prayor boteh hia bad, In tho hotna ot bla In-law, Abram Daraareat, en by Mra. Damarast, tnis Yettvrda) ba made a trlp to Urooklyn, ra he apant tho day arlth bla dmigh Mrs F. Qlorer. When ha arrlvni nomi ha Bld ha had a shght attack of i fallure In New York, but Ihewght littla of NEW YORKER DEAD IN LONDON.

London, July 2i -The body of a man twllaved to ba C. M. Coea, Ol New York, was found daad thla nwrntag ln a room in Irterdtng houae ln tha Bloomabury dlatrict Tho ladlcatloaa potatad to death from natural causes. A coroner's tmjueat 1m lo TABLEAUS FOR NEWPORT St. John'a Ohurcfc to Eenefit by Socl? ety August 18.

TBlaarapk Newport, July 1'ommlt has seleeted August 13 rh the data for tal.leaux vivaitta to held at the afltno for tha of Ht. Johu'8 I'tiun h. Tbees who have been to poae ure Arthur Iaelln, Mr. and Mra. Mewton Adeins.

Misa Hoho Orosvenor. Margaret V. Andrev.b, Mlua Kather iiu- Lawreaoa, Mlaa Bugeala Ladenberg, Mlaa Mltdrad Rlvea and Mrs. Roy Vrvtinnv. I a PAYS $30,000 FOR VIEW Oeorge W.

Vanderbilt to Raze House at Biltmors. TVioBTariii Taa Aahnvlllo N. C. July it-A dwelllng i tbraa BtorleH high nnd having thlrty rooms, whl'h coat 1b to bo torn I down by Oeorge W. Vanderbllt because it laterfarss sllghtly wlth the view from BUtraorS Houso of hia weatern moun Tho houaa WSS bvllt fiftnen years at'o by Mra Mltchell, sluter-ln-Iaw of Mar tihall lt W88 bengbt by Mr.

Van? derbllt flv. yearu afc) for tlie land sur roundlng 't. and haa been occupled by rent FAILS TO SWIM THE CHANNEL. KVance, July Kred Racord, of Rochester, Unglan-L who atarted from Cape Olbanaa thla morning to awlm ucroaH the L-'ngltah channel, ahundonfd attempt The weather condltlons were oxeellent when he Into water. Thla la hl? aecond attempt to tha feat, the other belng on Auguat '20, last year.

SUFFERS FOR HIS FAITH Christian Scientiat in Navy Won't Be Vaccinated. July The tria! and victtoi. ol a gunner'a mato In tba becauae of hls belief In Christian ienee baa brought about a cate bl American hlatory. Benator Worka, of Oallfornla, who la a Chrlatlan Sclcntlat. I haa lntereeteil himself in the caae and 1 claraa ho hopea to brlng it before the Navy Departaaenl ln peraon.

I Joseph J. Kapau. onca a gunner's mate on the battleahlp Delaware, deBod official ordera and rafused to be vaCvinatM ea a protection againat typhold fever. Ae a Chrlatlan Hclentlst. he Bald.

hla rellgion I taught hlrn that vacclnatlon was wrong. I He contended tbat never was Ul anO did not nead the treatment. Th. vaorlnatlon order was laaued on UU. ertille the Deiewarawaa at Ouantanemo.

Captain John Hood told at tho court martlal of hla relucunce to punlsh Kapsa on account of hla ten years' Boivi.e wlth an lear record" and the rellgloua acruplea lnvolved. It waa not untll the ahip waa In Hamr t. on April 14. that the mate wub callod up before the maat, whera 'ap taln Hood that the order muat be Kapaa pcralsted ln hla refusal und was put ln the biig. f'harges were made aKainst hlrn on Aprll 13.

and he was court martlallad ln the New York Navy Tard on May 20 By thls tlme Kapsa frtenaa on nhora had rallled to hla aad at tbe t.iartlal ho was ropresented by own attorm "Thls la not a leKtd order. in that it Vtolated the oonatltutlonal rlghts of tha dcfeodaat, becauae it reatrlcta tbe prac of hls rellgion. Whlch that of a hrlaHaii geUnttat," was the plea ln de fence of Ivapsa. Technleal were also made, but the cuirt overrulad of tht-m. Kapba waa reduced to the rank of man without pay, and la aervlng a senten.

of or.e nt hard labor ln the Dl.clpllnary lUrraek- of Port Hoyal, H. C. lt theaentence of the court martlal la car ile.l out he will be dlshonorably dla liharged nt the or.d of that tlme. TAFT AT CHURCH WEDDING Attenda the Charaberlain-Crarlii-gton Nuptials. 'Vrftn Trlhun- WuahlnKton, July only did the Prestdent attend the weddlng at Ht.

John'a fhurch. thla afternoon, of Mlaa Baliy Oarllngton and Lleutenant Harry Pwlght t'hamberlaln, 8. but tha brldesmalds carried the blg, new yellow rosea called after tha roaea. Major Rhodea, the Prealdant'a uld. and (K-neral "inrence 11.

Klwarda, eaeorted tha President. fiavaral hundred other guests also witneased the ceremony. whlch conductad the Kev. Edward Uunlap, asalstant rectflr. Prlgadler Oeneral Erneat A Onrltngton gava hls dauahtar'a hand ln and ha as woll aa tho brldegroom and other men attendanfa wore full dreaa tinlforms.

ln compllment to the brldegroorn's branch of the aervlce, the ehurvh dtcora'cd in yellow and whlto. and tho brldesmaida' cofitunioe further carrlod the suggostlon. i I. MEEHAN-GILROY. Mlss Madelelno daughter of tho late Thomaa F.

Gllroy, and Theodoelua Meehan, of thla city, were marrled yaaterday mornlng at 11 o'clock. at St. Aguea'a Church, 43d atreet near laextngton avenuo. Tha Itav. Fathar Hrann performed the ceremony.

Mla- Gllroy, w-ho waa attended by her alater, t'orothy Gllroy, known during her fa'tier's Hdmlntatratlon as "the llttle girl of the Hall," becauae ahe waa hla constant companlon Hall. Mr. Meehan ta a aon of Jamea Meehan. of No. 881 Went End avenue Paul Meehan, a brother of the bridegroem, was beat man.

There were to uahera. Only the family and Intlmate frienda were at tho weddlng. At the Ollroy home it waa aald the oouplo had not dlvulged the name of tho plnce whero they wore golng on thelr lioneynioen. reltgraph to Tribune Wilminlton, -4-Miaa AngT i linjti Jline Margarot Maxham. daughter of Mr.

jrnu Mrs. Artbur 0. Maxli.un, I rled thia at Ecrlawood, tho hon.o I of her parentu, in thla city, to George G. laobdell, 2d. The bride'a father i ed ln tho Du Pont Powder Company anU other corperatlona WEOS MRS.

W. A. VV. LAWSON. London, Ju'y Hamilton of i and Mra.

William A. VY. Law aon wen qtilatly marrled ln laondon to day. Mrs. Laween ts the dlvorced I of Ucutenaat Colonel wniiam a.

W. T-awaon, D. S. aecond fon of Hurnham. prindgal proprietor of TM Dally The de ree of dlvorre, u-hlch araa granted pn January 15, waa made abaolute yeaterday, after the lap.o of the legal aix monthe.

i 01 ED. Comitoc- W. Klr.f, John J. rMvl.ton, Moud H. Wllllam J.

Detptut. Francle ti. Ovkurahaiiaen. A. W.

ftfott, Abram TX Palae. John A. Ua Ut. Martha A. Sackett, Kattrrteb, U.ln.r, Alphonaa Orlfttn, Omllna.

VMIard, Mary Hardy, Henry Tueaday, July 23. Danlel of Ella Brunr. Com. Funeral at hla late No. 310 nitmaa on Thure e-enlng.

at o'clock. IdAVRMOM At Kt l-u-ee Hoepltal, Tueaday. li ttejei wldow ef Pavld B. Davf4anei, da'nrliier of tba ThemAJ A. Ftin-riil servlcaa at tbe reeldenre Ot htr John M.

Klder. No 1 8th Thureday. IS'h, at a'docft a. m. DB TT, aaddtely.

on Monday. July 2J. of tha Abram 9. and Itarearel A Mott. I rleea No.

Atlantle naar gertotll ave. Brooklyn. on Thured-X ai p. r.i. Vi: Tueaday.

faly 23. ItUk Kartha witt. tn or y-ar ru om afternoon. at 1 o'clo-'k. at her late rtaldan.e, Be 11 ave.

Brooklyn. rgraeaa 'Tanetery. KKTTK -Suiidenly, on Julv 24 Joeepa -h, uaband of Emm- I.eal Kotlce of fuaerat iat-r. iiiHIKKlV Al Cltr. cn Tuesday, July 1011 of tha lata and ISIUa.eili i.rlflin Funeral private.

Cataklll i.V. oopy. I HAitriY Benry c. ai BanlHea. at y.

en July 24, 11112, at UA. IniTment at Beeroik. va. fTaaneaeay, laly 24, toia. ern et Thomaa nnti tha late Mary Klna Fur.aral hla reetnVnce.

No 1117 1 FaHfle at, Brooklyn, on Frlday. July 20. Io 0 80 m. I.D-Wedneaday. July 21.

at hla reeldena-, 429 Weat 2let Wllllam .1 McDonald, ugaA y-ar. Notlee of ninaral beraafter. ocBBBaHAUaBB- Wedaaaday, lair 24, her raaldanre. No Weat Adalalda dauBhtar lata Adolrli and Mary Ocfcaiahuuaen. Noilca of run-ral PVl.Vfc.

At Tarrvtown, N. Julr 34. letf, John Pnint. agtA tn yagra. -ervlcaa at hla late realdenca.

tti Road Vrlday aft, rnoon, July 2(1 at o'-lock. Intarmenf Rural tary. Atany, N. Haturday. Ithaca, N.

Tueaday. July tau. Hackett. wldow of I)r. 8olin Backatf.

In her year. WKINICK -On July 1913. Alphoraia Wal after a ahor: illneea. at tha homo of h'a daurhtcr. runeral eervlcea et hla lata realdenoe.

No. B-dford Tark Bou.e PVtdsy, at p. m. Funeral at con vealeaca of tno family. WII.laAKD?At her raaldenee, No.

f5e Weat 7th I'laloflahl, Ttieaday, July 2.1, 101.. Mary. daurhtar of the lata Mar tin and BUM M. ln her 71at year. yuneral private.

DBIaPRAT of Ktate, Wtahlnf. n. XTtv. July haa recelved -t thla Department from Mr Wllliam Huatar, American Cenaul St Mee, Franca, ot the death on tha 33th of June. at Nlce.

of Francla Morrie Deiprat, en American The repreaentatlvea of the can ebtaln further Information by applylnf te thla lyepartment Ter de.pat.'h 189. Da'ed July 3, 191U CKMgTBBiag. THB CKMIT.KV, Hy Uarlem Traln and by Ttoilaf. Offlce, 20 Eaat 2-d N. Y.

cMpyaTAaaRg. FRANK K. 241 Waat St. Diapela, Roemi. Prlvata Tel.

13-4 rhelaea. M.MN 154 Nasaau atreet. l.VTOWN Ob'FlCB -No. Broadway, or any American Platilct Telegrapb Offlce. HARl.EM OFFICUH -No IflT Eaat llfttk atreet.

No. Weet 123.U etrett a-it 311 West 129th itrceU.

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