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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • 10

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

HOLIDAY BOOKiS. ILLUSTRATED TALES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. The books prepared this season for young reader? are not of striking re are no Jungle Stories nor anything them In the candidates for examination. But is may bo aald that they are. with few exceptions, excellent In tone and evenly entertaining, and that the average of Is high.

In "The Beach Patro." (W. A. Wilde Col Mr. William Prysdale escorts a manly yount, hero through various thrilling episodes of the mainly concerned with the United States Life-Saving: Sen-ice. Perhaps Tern Is a little too high-minded and otherwise perfect to be quite natural In modern America; but it won't hurt the average boy to be reminded that high standard? of a simple kind are thoroughly pos? sible as well aa extremely desirable.

Is one of the most attractive of the book? com? bining romance with valuable information con? cerning unfamiliar phases of life. Mr. Drys dale's ptudy of the life-saver's work Is thor? oughly Interesting. Mr. Fred A.

Oberes "Under the Cuban Flagf (Estes Laurlat) Is an exalting romance of the Cuban Insurrection. The author frankly glorifie? the cause of the insurgents ar.d describes battles and eklrmlshes with a gor-d deal of enthusiasm. Adventures among sequestered de? scendante of the original Inhabitants of Cuba, and the finding In a cave a great golden treas? ure belonging to the last Caci.jue. diversify the gory course of the tale. The sentimental ran of the book Is badly done and the characters are rather wooden; but the reader is unquestionably beguiled to the last page.

"A Successful Venture" A. Wilde Is In Itself not unsuccessful. It la a lively story of the efforts to maintain themse'vee of a group of orphaned young people. In real life struggles to keep school and to grow mushrooms violets for market wo jld probably be at? tended by more vicissitudes than mark those of the Starr family, and the results might not be so fortunate: but the bo.k teaches some use? ful lessons, and holds a really clever portrait of boy character In young Peter Starr. "The King of the Fark" T.

Crowell 8k Co.1 Is a conventional story with an impossible hero Perhaps the youthful scion of an French family would naturally be a dreadful little prig with manners seventy years too old for him; but we take leave to doubt the vrai? semblance of his story. The whole thing 1s art! flclaJ and forced. A tinge of artificiality and more than a little go near to spoil Barbara Tech ton's "Derlck" Mead Co). The young hero is somewhat "too sweet" for human nature's food, and the lost child "business" of the story Is grievously hackneyed. Nevertheless, there la a gentle spirit In the book that makos It not unimproving to the young mlrd Podsnan plan and other.

Even so much of praise cannot be given to "Queer Janet" (Lee by Grace Le Baron. It Is a goody book of the much diluted food-for-babes and its literary Style Is sadly faulty In "Ole Mammy's Tor? ment" fL. C. Page Co.) Annie Fellows John aton has set forth with much piquancy the quaint Individuality of a little darky. His naughtiness is truly funny, and has the atmos? phere of life itself.

The serious part of the tale is less convincing. "Rich Enough" (Roberts. Brothers), by LHch Webster. Is an uncommonly wholesome, fresh and animated little story of young American life. The family of selfish and extravagent boys and airls who suddenly become cot that their demands on their tired and anxious father are weighing him to the earth and who Immedi? ately proceed to reform their ways are winnlrp in spite of their thoughtlessness, and all the good fortune that comes In the end seems the eminently proper reward of their growth In grace.

It Is a simple story, but one that Is no? where dull; and of the characteristic of modern American youth are hit off in a very improving faahlon. Mr. book. Spite of Fate" (Frederick Warne CO. is modelled on the old-fashioned lines.

Lost children, an unjust Imprisonment, the abduction of a little heiress by gypsies, the attempted murder of her res? cuer and the struggles of an heroic youth against the evils originating in a forlorn and Ignorant childhood are herein welded Into a tale which commands the reader's Interest to the last sentence. There are a tenderness and a strength of fconest feeling In the book that make him forget that Its Incidents are hackneyed The young hero of "Paul Travers's Adven? tures" (Way A William?) Is a "smart" Ameri? can boy In his teens, wno leaves Chicago with $50 in his pocket ar.d works his way around the world with much Industry, not much suffering and a great deal of gallantry and stubborn Mr. S. T. Clover narrate? Paul's ad? ventures In a vigorous fashion which possibly Indicates that some of them are personal experi? ences.

Those lucky youngsters who have read that book, "Jolly Good or, Child Life on a Farm," will expect to find aa much pleasure In Mrs. new book. "The Young Puritans of Old Hadley" (Roberts Brother?) Child nature waa much the same In the strait laced days of Cotton Mather that it is at the end of the nineteenth century, and boyish naughti? ness and girlish eoft-heartedness against a back? ground of FUrltan hardness and narrowness provide for plenty of interesting Incidents. No book by this author can be quite without and this is no exception to the rule, Mr. R.

D. Chetwode's tale. "Th" Lord of Lowe dale" (Estes Laurlat). concerns itself with the desperate adventures of a young English noble In the Franc? of the sixteenth century. Here bo hairbreadth acapes and clash of arms, spirited rescues, adroit subterfuges and noble oocriflces? all the paraphernalia.

In short, of a romance of th? time of the St Bartholomew. Of course the young hero Is quite a miracle of wisdom and force of character and carrlea his part bravely throughout the volume. Mr. Stanley J. Weyman need not look to h's laurels; nevertheless th? is an entertaining one enough.

"Bu? Oreutt" (W. A. Wilde A by Charlotte M. Valle, le the tale of a young girl who has literary aspirations. There la but little Incident and much preaching of the commonplace sort In Ita pages.

It? greatest virtue is the atmos? phere of family affection that pervades It One of the pleaaantest of all the holiday Juv? nilea is Mrs. Molesworth's little book, "Miss Mouse and Her Boys" (Macmillan A It la charming in every' way and calculated to do a great deal of quiet good to the amali hoys and girl? who are sure to devour Its pages. Its dainty little heroine Is among the most lovable of romance children. In most of Moles worth'? work there are a refinement and a poetry that place It high on the list of literature for young people. It la in writing for children nut yet nearlng their teens that is most suc? cessful; in attempting tu th? Ii oidora sh? is apt to tread In paths that are much to? well worn.

Her new novel for "Mag Langholme" (J. B. Llpplncoit largely eompcoed of trivial twaddle, and the sensational of abduction of the heroine Is as ill to th? rest of the eiory aa a flaming red feather would in hroad-hrlmmtd ha? of a venerable Quaker. On? of th? moet delightful the books Is Weeeelboeft'? story, "Torpea-Nui? tii? Tomboy" (Roberts JSrrHhera). It Is full of spirit of loving kind nema, it sparkles with fun, and It has sotip amusing sk-tehes of animal character Of th" harms nf Isabellas, the Sran ish donkey that enlivens its chapters, it would t.e hard to say and there Is a puppy who, seen at Intervale, fills the heart of the log-lover with Mrs.

Laura B. Rieh? Si ry, "Three Marear? ts" (Estes at Lau rlati. deals with thr cousins ens of whom a half-Spanish pier? of tempestuous beauty, one a pretty hut Ill-trained from a far-Western prairie, and one a gvr.tle, reflned and ttneelfish Child of the The author cleverly shows the moral consequences of this triple compati? lonshlp, each t-iri feeling the beneficent effeet the others' good qualities and each helping to cure or modify traits not so (food. It not a probable bul It reasonably suRxestlve to the modern young plrl of average "Pontine" P. Dutton Oo.) is a story of tha siege of Detroit, by Colonel II.

K. Uordon. The greal chief of the Ottawas vho gives, a name to the hook la shown forth as a most crafty and warrior, and in the course of the rathe there many moments of suspense while the fate of divers palefaces hangs in th? balance. The mosl exciting part of It Is devoted to th" escape of the beautiful white trirl whom Pontine determines to make his wife. bo.ik 1s not badly done is decidedly entertaining.

Mr. Charles Ledyard Norton's "Midshipman Jack" A. Wilde Co.) is the third volume In his series of "Flithttns: for the Flap." It takes Ins sailor boy, Jack Benson, through some par? ticularly active service under Farragut service in which the fellow always shows himself as brave, devoted nnd resourceful the Juvenil? hero Is "obliged" to be. Boys, no doubt, will like this boy's adventure; aa a piece of literary work the book Is of no Mr. W.

"Lost Gold of the Montesumas" (J. Llpplncotl Company) less careful work then we have been accustomed to fr un this author's pen. The story somewhat ramb.lng. snd haphasard In effect, and the account of the defence of the Alamo unworthy of thai tragic affair and is sadly Inferior to Mr. Kirk Monn e's recent description.

few word? concerning Farrow'? book, "The Prince" Mead A Co). It a study ifter Lewis Carroll, and far Indeed docs it lag the marvel? lous advei'tures of the Immortal "Alice." two famous books by Mr Dodgson filled and exhausted that particular field, and it Is Idle to attempt rivalry in the same direction It only Invites which Is the credit Imitator "Three Pretty Ma'ds" (J. Com? by Amy Blanchard. Is a spirited story of home life. It has not much humor, but It has exe, lient morals for the girl of portoti The auihor tells In "A Dear Little Olrl" W.

Jacob? Co.) a pretty story In? tended for readeri very tender ycara. Oliver Optic's book takes his young ad? mirers to "Paclflc Shores" (Lee It is the twelfth and last book of the "All-Over the-World Library," and in it completed the story of the travelling education of million airs hero, a young gentleman regarded by the author as a model. The is a Judicious rn.xt ure of the real and the Imaginary, being set within a well-managed frame of in the East. not dissimilar tale of travel and adventures, combining quantities of useful infor? mation with pleasing fiction, Is to he found in Mr. Hezeklah Rutterworth's "Over the Ar.dSS (W.

A. Wilde Co). Uncle Henry rather sententious, but he means well, and the young travellers he escorts South America are certainly left with an excellent idea of coun? try. The medicine is remarkably well coated with augar. THE KEY OF THE SITUATION.

From The Kfework Advertiser. The Stair? has away? prominently In Sta'e In yenr? a tature to be elected to choose Benaior, it It has never figured so prominenti)? Il will next when It Will be the key of situa? tion. Fourteen rr.embe??? of the r.ext Senate will vote fcr l'nlted States Senator In In the fall of ISM leven more are to i. and it Is not im? probable that and idson will Tnere likely, anyhow, to be a puMl 'an Supposi then loca of one. That will leave a Repubil an Benate majority of five The Aaaemb.y nexi winter will be thirty-seven Repubil? ans and twenty-three Democrat! Tak? the eleven rotei Essex frcm this majority, snd only twenty-seven eft, which, with ihe four? teen Reniti! an votei In the nau la bar? ma Jouit or one or joint ballot The los? of el or Capi May, or on? vote in Union, or Mercer or Berg will reverse the majorit) In Joint meeting Except the on? voti obtained In Posai 1c th? ocrati are llkelj I November, every Assembly vote elected Ii year, snd the? ha rlsrl.t ti look for Rain? In Bergen, Morris dti'i Somerset Thei will make a batf.e royal in and if the eleven votea of thli county eau be won, on two additional votea need lo be ob? tained ir, counties that thli year ele, I publl an Assemblymen to give ihem control of the election of a United Biatei Senator, Such la the Interest attached to the Senatorial that the Governorship is of secondary Im? portance and the Congressional election? virtually side lasuM.

all the Assembly men m'jre or lesa may decid? Ihe Benatorshlp, and with It even th? control of the Senate ai Washington, Assembly wil be Invested with extra rdinary In? terest And the eleven Assembly votea In ex will be the factor In legUlatlve elec? tion. For Young BERKELEY WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Hall, Weal 57th St. Spasola! Ottif, Fenclra? I "INGUSH AND GERMAN SCHOOL, 811 Waal 'or. LITT ALLEN.

He 27'h r-napernriis; frr special pupils. IKS WATSON MISS POHBES 'Hay Jl'UA A W1LLE7 me Befool) I'rlmary. CMleajUte. for little boy? 138 W. rpitK VELTIN SCHOOL (URLS.


Waal Head Mas? ter? offlo? to 12 Attention called to the Preparatory Osan UmlieJ to 16, for boy? to SV? tan, Ud. For Both BFRLTT7. ci (2Sth Rt. TV N. os? Court Kt In ether mod LAM.v Clae? or privet? less as.


For Boys and Toung FA1RKIKLD Hen? Bfeaeel foe Hoya At? tractive, hea'thful and Individual ritANCIS BREWER A MAJH.EWOOD INST fal en? of to with t. hoy? to of ilf? 13 Ilsrt. Itaalthr BHORTUDOg fTale), A Pria. KOCKI.aNI? ffjrae? im-tms Hui.on.? Puprrt). hlrh ivy'? hom? lift! CAPT WIUSON.

A. Pria. Tounit I.ndtes?Country. THE OSflMlJCO MOOL Kon rjini.4 Blna-Slns-en ilw Hjduoa Prin? cipal. tepir.

Si pi, rnbrr For Roth IIKNMNOToN te York, i'h'. Bait Both HMlthfu', Beautiful, 12 courtm' year, THOMAS BANIAN. AN AM. IMA? U.M. r.

o.l?K?S, School? uni 11m to it J. yt-'LTON. 23 Squ.r?. AUCXANUER lus rais la asas tally; waits th louanly ally BeaS lor circular. OEOROE POOWORTH.

4 EAST BT eral primate Men'? Date. 8tb. new Minuet. KEAL ESTATE. VALUABLE downtown BUILDING BAC RIFICF.D AT AUCTION.

GOOD PRICE? FOR NEW RIYXSglDg DRIVI fWFLLLV.S OP.TAINED AT PRIVATE Bt'SY DAY IN THE MARKET. Two of 'he valuable of downtown property offered at auction in thai last year were knocked down by Peter F. Meyer, In tho Broad? way auction rooms jreaterday, after a brief nnd spiritless competition, at ridiculously low? prleoa. There wore only Bra 4 Dow ling. I.

s. M. Kom. HoStnan Brothers, represent? ativo of rick O. Bourne, president of the Blnger Msnufacturing Company, nnd A.

E. star? Ung, of H. B. Bly It is the general opinion that both bujrers great The tiret parcel offered was Nos. stv, sdj sg Llberty-BL, three marble, hrirk and buildings, with frontage of aboul IB feel and a depth of about 100 feet, adjoining the Singer building, now In course of erection at the north west corner of Broadway und Liberty-st The tiret bid arse 12.00,000, and this aras foUowed by a couple ot ids ol The prop ri- wue finally dovvti to Bourne representative lor heirs received sn offer at private contract ol and refused it.

The next parcel, Nos. 15 and IT Cortlandt-sC, a i-and-8-haif-siory stone troni structure, known as Bmtiti has a frontage of 89 feet by about luf? ieet in iTepih and Jolna the Liberty ircel in ih? rear A bid of was heard from Hoffman Brot here and mmedlstely the compf Itlon began between ihem, Klake Dow? llng and B. M. Korn After the blddtni had the b.ds grew lower until in isc! were reached. bids tested for a ihon between ha? Messrs.

Korn and Hoff? man The latter ti'a-ame the purchasers it In great contrast to this poor in the auction yesterday was business done at contract larence True sold No. so River sldi Drive handsome five-story atone houae st the northessl corner of Etghtleth-eL, uti a ploi ilx4i for and similar recently erected by him, nearer Klghty-flrat-BL, for Mr, True ha? also Id this areek to a Mr.'n No v. Riverside Drive, the flfh bouse of for about luO.OOU. 1: ilao rumored yeeterdsy that negotiations were practically compi, by which the alx-aton apartment-house at the northeaat corner of Eflghty-third-st.

and Riverside Drive, erected by Lowen spring on plot 57.8x8S.SxS2.2x be sold for between COO.OOO and and that the contracts would be In few daya. Th? Uve-story fireproof building No. 14.1 Broad adjoining the Empire and re enti) rm of ten to Browne'? ehop house, bns been sold by Daniel MeElror, who bough! it in The paid Ii reported be the rhborhood of 1175.0?, Th? building occu? pie? lot The is not to inrik? any difieren to th? rhoi? lease. Qoldlng 1 for Mvrr t. Blre to phy for his own ocrupam the four-story brown fro I dwelling No 21xOxlofl Mr.

Holding and Teylor 'lave also Jame? A Gerland private No, rtteth-st, 25x100, to Claren M. Hyde On pr ivate Ranald II Msedonald sold for Pr J. F. Rtiliwell (hi lx-atory IS1 Elast Twer ne 26x98.9, an ln for SI In? Co Im for ft Ol I ml to IV? ngton Johnson So Bas? a four-atory browmtone Iweillng-house with butler' pantr) extension, for nbout ttf.flffl Mr Olyphanl hai reientlv moved irto a new da irc-ho at I East Blxty-flrst-et. len A Clarkson Btrni lei Mo Or? tone? brirk and lofi bullding, MxMxlflO, on privat? Hiram Rimilo A ltro for Lewlne to Kid I So 221 Broome-et, a (52.

and 11 and Kl Lud ow-ai pora a the northwest eorner of Broome and 1 purchasers Int? tr? modern tan? pio? am Jone? Son bevo for II? to hi I rj Weel Pi rtj third I emen! around itory tenement-house In roer. 2M i. for 1 C. R. Orci let the wnstone Uni 1.142 be'ween Nlneiv-flrsi Ninety? to William on t.r-n?.

II Ounnlng for Mr? F'len r. SI rhth-et four-stoi lu lllnx-l private terra? Mr? nie Lever) haa sold No Eait Sereni ri-st 20x.15x10? TI Mie? Wltbl d. Iway Brm two wi i fth ai neef Nineteenth Ihe itei of a flfteen-etory bullding si the a the firm i l'ani A Ce. Tb? nr perty will not r. before IM Ih? existing exptro At the Broadwaj Bi il iroom rester? rlay Peter Meyer lo'd In foreclosure ndred-and-i Irteenl story bri IxKO, to th" pHlntlff for 'i n'i'ium In No 127 Weel Nlnet) flftl Ihr it? r' veiling? ihe pi? In tiff for 1 Ingrshan forecloeura Eait ftl of Park-ave flve-s'ory itonefronl meni house, nit-i to the plaintiff, for 17,000 over mori Ingrnham also In foreejosure No r- hundred three-slnry I I ng-house, Ktx100.11.

the plslntiff. for ar a an! loi on the of On? ly.f? urth-al I Eighth to piali for IH It 1 li Ri hang? and Auktion ird Hai No 228 Weil hui 1 thirty thlrd-ai rhree-itory fram? and bri ng-nouae, 10x99.11, lo A. Burnhara, for By order of the esecutore Mr Harriett a varani plot in tVadaworth-av? eaet Ide, flfti feat south of One-hundred-and nlnth-ai to stein for and at Invoun'ary sale No Manhattan-at a two story ind ment frame dwelling-house, 25x100, a. Hurn foi The Real Batata cf Broker? mcetlnir ele ted Ham Henry Foltsora, II Walter S-aMrr, All-it I. Da Sander D.

I. iff. Samuel and Ri gov? ernors for ng y. ir, tiia? clause In Bob requiring four govei members of thi r.x hange Hour.I signifying II leni to cut from all entsngllni es Po-ird also paaaed a resolution it. of rapid tra? on the ground thai It would a Injustice "to ba deprived of lieneflts of this ment because other sections Oraatei New overloaded with REAL TRANHFEKt? Ma M.

17 10x82.8s l-renilar Julius aJ to M'- hael Kay an Mhai aag Rlvingti Si SO 21 Samuel bourgei to Adolph gebleelnger and 1 property, Adolph Bchlasitnawr to Karnuel Btrasbourger 4 it, eorner Sheriff-art, 28x78; iam and to V'alenai? r. an Esa and 1 ava, 25x102; Walter to Kteltihart. 100 o-ave Ski tSHh st, lOSs VletaM Rsthacblld wife lo lidward LsaeoB Mil 82.2 ft 771 et. rVmloO. Isa-i Cntetmyer wife to .1 aad 1 108th St, 241 't or 8Ul 88x100.8: A D'ertier te Mirri? hinge aad 1 lOSth-et, So? is atta) SO 80t.100.ll: wlfa il? No 164 Eaat, 27x100.11; Dayman and aaother te Caenoa Im tall M.H0 13? si, s.

'-'Ti. ft v. Lsnos 24 11x98.11; Ri.b:r.?on OUI and wir? io Bins 1 lAVii-et. t. SB0 or Lanos 28aSS.ll; Robinson Oll and wit? Btnawangei ft of Richard and wife to John 0 Majore and another MO ft of Am-terdarn-a tVH 11; John at io Hears auid at.

trier 1 I I88i st. 878 rt of itouievard. and lo 1 eradahl. loi? 4 to 7. map I-uac Dyckman, 100x433.7; Edward II arifa to Isaac I'ntertnyer.

Exrhanee. corner Br? th? Oiuren BI Ferdinand Poraeh 11 son Teller eve, 88 I ft I84th-ti wii Molirl.Je. Mary PasraaM 1 64.3 of 8H a-harle? referee, la Leopold 7.000 ft of Cadar-et Charle? Meyer wlf? Teller 71? of 71.Ox Irregular; Ephraim li Levy to Mary Staates Teller ft of 'jexllO, II referee, to Mary Pea 8.000 Oai ino QalBBberg US and anoih.r... pell HUB .1 -n't As? elation Ulrk Cordova l'larr. its.4 ft of 80x101 Iiurt end tf Hail Cliiiion-uve.

loi 17. rr.ap village Mount Hofss, ISS nsvll Wo.lall to Maltha an.l another. Panfleld-ave, 14" and ufi map south Mount Vetniin. IVlixlial, fl'-M property, Mount Vernon, William to A Nolan Part map sreparty; Cawrlai la ISO tt 11 1 liai les Clio Snili 100 ft 20xSS.S; ('liai I. Hiynutii No 44G, Neljon Stlllwell to (iHllaBtier BOth-at, s.

Xi? ft of Ht 20x100.8; Hertha l.yi.n? LIIII? Cil.1?tiesr 14hUi St, NoSSJ ieSsSS.ll; Ktnma isan Sehneider lOth-Sve, IMd 100x100; Stil? well to Jenkins ISOlh-et, Wsat. interest; Panar 1 Thetn (Vallar llflili ft. No MA WtM. Joaaph Mur 1 Jr. and wife Kllia Murphy.

Weal Broadway, So r.9? 4xino; ai-o alley Andre? l'oiiid? al lohn al. Hlsliiand aentr? line, rno.j ft of a line atnds esteti: Abraham Sohertnerhorn, rua? 461 la to rentr? Uiie Palisade-av? th eeeiire pleee 1 100: also lot map villa ette? adjoining Delia simons.n another to Hvmnn ft g. ft of 2d? avo. 30x100.6; Delta and enoihur Hyman Stern. RKCOFUiHl? Louise It.

to Harriet p-irrel of (H.I 1.000 in 2lth Ward, Itrcnx wool Park land? of IVllliim A Spender, eir. year S09 Ccrfien. David, and to lunar Besck-Ove, 175 ft of oM line runs to IfrfVth 300 ft to I'nlon ave. 1 year Kiv. Alben n.

the Ooaramee and Trust Company, No 47 itSttt-SI 30.010 Emily Miry I. of and 4.1.1 year Qocdmaa, l'rry. and wire to Emit? Murray, rt of year. ade, "liarle? wire to Harkm pern Uve Hull.Unit and Uoan Pleas? ant ave, ft of Fi Instalment? Id Hti-lem Saving? Hank, ft of 2.7G? Bam? nrae, ava ft of lOftfe hi. to 1 year.

Same to l.oM.2 ft ISSth laaazzs to ete. i.ono 0 Idherg. and Katharine smith. No Ml Monroe-art 8 rear? HilTO? Moiri? H. to rondelle Mil 80th ft .1 TOO liei rk, Willard tr Rosewell Rolitoo, 1.1;? m.

rears. Barney, and Mntrti te Sarah it Powell, rnrner Delencey and CMuabla 10.00? to ludfOB il. Ittd it, I AniF'erdani-ave. year. Same to Ar ave.

fi of 1 12 109 Surne Mroe. 28 ft of 1 12.tV*> Sem? lo fini', Amsterdam-ave, T8 ft of 138 1 Ht. 1 year. Sam? to ram? Ittd It.

ft of Amrerlam year. Nelson Stilwell, correr Amster? dam- ive ani 1.111 un. 1 year. 2o.o?V? Pam? to 1 Oallaclier, William w. Nelson Btllwvll, 21 278 ft nve.

or 1 year. rturaee? llbMI Jenktn? Thomas J. A Haaren. er per ani secures J.VO PraBk. to No SSI Ft Ni-t, 2 2.oo? Kaiif.nnn to VVeker, raeelver, et-, and earn Koacherak, Emanuel, w.fe to 1 John? son, Su M.

939.1 fl Columbus ave, 4 I.anion Edward le fntermyer. Mu? eve. of IW yerrre. Fame to Vlrtor flothsrhlld. No HV? ave, 1 yar Moore, Hiid Samuel .1 Ashley tr, ft of a year? RO.iViO Meilulre.

J. lo CTarle? MafJfXKh, lS3d st. fi of West End-ave, 1 vear. 10 000 MeLaufhHl li tie Bmlgnal Industrial Hank, 109 ft of Amster BOxlOOt, 2 in? 1 year. R2O00 r.lmari C.

to Mary Hoyt If all vari Publie Drive, ft r. If 1 1 Max. to Katherine Hth-st. gSJ ft of 1 i.e. P.

Willim. to M'llff. No 1.71S Mor 1 a yesr? 1,099 L'ut? le rhe SavtMl Bank of KS ft of 121 11 to ave x2T 3 1 year 't Welter SM 400 't CVMI EOd ave 1 Abraham, ro Intiman, loi M. map Metropolitan rt. ai Aranetatloo, T'irdtvam Ward, 3 vrirs.

l'twllk? nie f'iud te Medili. 20 lOSth-et, te Pata Furhev. property. fsat 1.009 PLANS FILF.IX. Plans for Building? have et -t Departmeai of Building? halldlnss olirei: I.VI, ft of rear basement bri dwelling? IP 4.

John 1 lendahl. ef No Ml Wert owner: Min Lao Ko 14.1 t3.h arrblteol 238 ft of Ttii for two-storr 26x60; Mari Plnkr.ey. 17 archlteart. 2 fino eerna listi f. Ova seary tenement, arttii re Laure No 141 lITth

ava m.nrv? Al'-r Ittons ffW. EU Me 1ST East la f'-ir br.k building and Btavraas; Henry Steetxer, Se 148 ilet-rt 7i a Slnwtnsam, 158 Ml Eas? a a ihre- bSM mani la ta bIb rie isti Baal 2Sd hit? fe if sat, Ta'ero I 118 owner. No I. or. Mew building? bra-fh MB ft of tv-r Farms ft for iwexstajr'j fram? dwelling.

20sBB v. of East ler-L hertana SO tvalkley for a ry S8a42; 0 OrtearbJA Laarraaea hlteet? Klrkdd? im ef xv.ii??>?-.??. for iw. si rs ani Bitte dwelllag A -f No 800 Klngshrldg? Road, arehllaan. Alterati iis brand SI St Jailin'? af tw.v itaary dwelling Mar? Smith, A II F-nith.

of 711 IM of Walton a two frsm? It Real Citate. $20,000,000 LOANED ON MORTGAGE in TEN months of 1807. SMALL EXPENSES. LOW INTEREST RATE.

EVERY GOOD MORTGAGE PROMPTLY ACCEPTED. TiTlE GUARANTEE and TRUST COMPANY. 14(1 Broadway, New Retnaeil Si Brooklyn. Capitai, and Surplus. $4.500.000 MONFY TO LOAN ON BOND AND MORTGAGE BT The Lawvers' Title Insurance Co.

AND The Lawyers' Mortgage Insurance Co. AT (XRRENT RATF.8. IN S1TM8 TO gl'IT. APPLICATIONS IPON PROMPTLT. APPLT TO RURF.AU of investment or THE Lawyers' Title Insurance Company, 87 and 89 UBERTY STREET.

-tor SthAlOEAraST. Choice 25-foot Lot, 125 FEET DEEP. A GREAT BARGAIN. JOHN N. COLDINC, IS Hth Are.

(Co Crt for Unoiiuee OFFICES MODERATE HE.NT8 In th? Market and Fulton National Bank Building RULAND WHITING. ST. Suburban Krai (Estate. real all ('LJLRtNCE B. TUBBH.

BMkdSlv-St, Citn fiotcls. co dD ir EiTW? od Broadway end 41st Street. TlnJE fMMSPUM Broadway and 36th Street fiist ousti-FAin nisss. UrnOti LU Grand Boulevard Weit St. AMERICAN PLXS.

Strictly a family OOtti, furniaticd or ur. furnished eulsln? of the or 1er. Location to all parts of the city by or turfae? rali Central 1'ark ani Qrant'i two distant. WALTER LAWRENCE BOTEL 4TH and isth sr.

R. T. family Spcela! Resorte. TUE EQUABLE at ATLANTIC CITY. N.


THE FINt-al iioiir-U Most modern electric an i all notll for oltllt. JA.MK? B. REII.L.Y. Owner and Prop'r. THE SHELBURNE.

G3a oD. Directly on beach. Oaaa pggg ATLArr RITlf, BU. J. FALL AND WINTER RJ9BOBT BT THE BEA.

HOTEL BRIGHTON, OPEN THE TEAR. w. I BOS. LAUREL in the PINES, MOW OPEN PORTER. Manager Open trom October let to me 1st.

DAVID u. Manager (BAU PINEY WOODS HOTEL. Ar.r.ei for guest? I li. ROTEL OPENS EARLT IN AN L'ART All veniente; good ruad? ar.djtriv??. soif "nk? bleycl? s.

Eor I reu lai r. formation, addreaa Deelsoa, Plaza T. Clt) WM DAVIES, THOR 48? tt? WOT OPEN THE TEAR .11 III? KAlLWAT woi ful waters America ih-umatum. ir libias. Puliti ir rapai meat Cai 4 Pennsylvania R.

R. rhursda and tjaturd? O. 1 128 Bree it Addreaa BTERRy, Manag.r. li (ID OPKN DECBMBBR TIL MAT. it HAI? A Hit Mr Sill al 3 I'ark to "dally.

Nov. to Da? 12 nn 8AMITASIUM SARATOOA SPIUNOe. V. rn? h.stri or The app.ilnlm-nta of a oe.l?. prom lee of.

dy; rurkleA, RuBSlaa and Natural a iDhur Bath? Dry Sir. whtellBa Oolf. etc Own all lb. Send for Illustrated ORCHESTER INN Miid ellssate b. leraie term? MOORE.

PALMER ROtSE VOW OPEN. Th? only ln el lerate pri tea, PALMER Marug-r meat? ind ehergea CTlre ilare. PAMPEN. S. C.

Wheeling. Mod TV Pros. from Cherleiton. -harmlns unk, fin? I ng. imuae I Cil tMPLIN rh (Tounttn LIKUTV.

with excel snd cari RVKE3, -A few per? ean aateom Ile half fr. Foi parti tara, Mr? 1. li COMMISSIONERS OFTHE SINKING FI ND. fer bull th? 'rr" Hous? eaet of Hadlnon avenue Twenty fifth To Contractor? Besled pr posai? fot furnlihing inH'-r'sl? til Ihe I of ihe Men Court for thi th? Bupreni? Court, the First in ths Ty of on tl rner et Had ion and 2Bth lini th? pimi end un the eon? rari, to Chap? ter of the Of will received hy ih? Fund ni of Ih? City if N-w at offlce the Cos trollet In th? Stewart 380 in -he Mid until ember Vi -w on whleh lime ani th? bldl he publicly Il the work be a Sepolti Ove per cent, of th? amount the bid required. The util tsj required tr? furnlih bond or si curtty fer the faithful t-rt- rr.

hls contrae! a forrr to ipproved by insel tbe Corporati In a penalty CommlMi ners of the Fund, at 26 im tl int of th? with laro or mire whose lubtect lo the approval of the mptroller ot Tork. Th? pi Ir full nnd forni oontract IO ba exe euted bj al the ofllee Compir-Her. pies can also be btalnett can Kimlned the otiw-e Jnmcj Brown iA.rd. N- Fifth tn in? City New York. architect will ale? furnuih of the am on? al hl? fl N-w Tork nrh.


JOHN OAKLET, Chairman Oinmittee on of Al.1*rm?-n PROPOSALS Provisions. of the Ptnktrrfc? und. nil opened ut th? otri Mo lis loth Bl Fer pai ti l'ir It Ih? of Dee. SI, pBOPOSALS for 7.800 bbls. Flour will be ipened at th No 149 BaM 'J'th 9r Por parti, ulare if the of Correction, on idajr, Dec.

21. City Record Uflicpono r. IG win apeak la Lafsyett? Ave Preebyierlaa Brook lm David oa Thureday evening December Oth. In I half of 'ne rk of furn pe(? oner? with suitable leasing AUTHOR'S t'nder th? of Ih? and Stat. Prev, Asa's af II.

6., CHICKER1NC1 HALL, US PlttS IHth Prtdal t'? etnt.r 10th, I P. M. MR. BRANDER MATTHEWS will preside. The BttUsrrB read ihflr iifti Wasli Mitchell Peal Payed, shik-i-i-, fatui Kendrlek Bag? Richardson, Henry Van I': ib ley, Ua rga Smalla) Including rea read Beat.

11.80, 81 00. and Eoi by E. P. Dutton Cb, .11 G. Putnam's Boss, ill Si Charle? Ba-rtbnatr'i 156 Kifth -U Union Thomas Whlltaker, 2 and 3 BlblS use.

und other ACADIIMV OP mi sic. mu. bl Irvtag pi. The large grandes! of matlodrumaa, WHITE II? KR." in: mit. Mata I 8 18.

BUOI B'WAT AM? la but an III.I01, BOTH STREET. Irwin Mats. Wed. A Sat Bv? sir. Worte MAY iffi IN HU FI.I, MISS MAY THE Cjotele and ttcetanrante.

Tiii? list every Hunday. Tuesday and Thursday. WHERE TO DINE. l'or Information, of Hotel or Restau? rant call or address stamp) HOTEL TARIFF BUREAU, 03 New-York. Ale.

means A la Carte. Table d'Hot? Dianes. PKLMOXICO'S. cor. A la carte.

HKSTAl KArVT tl UMIVaUBMTI PLACE AND OTH STREET. Fl.Ol ltET.Sth-av?.*lSti,.AIc..Tdh..|l MOKFI.LO'S.4-? West Ale. THF. w. Ak? It carte Dinners.

snth-st. After Theatre Suppen SIIAM.EVS.?Itti-ave. A- Full Orchestra. Till; MAHI.nOROtntl.B'way 4t 37th Ala. Th dinner, fL RUSTA! HA.VT.No.

22 West Ale MOI 1 2(? Ann FttRoB at, la MOI IH dUi-ave. A 28th. MOI tu IVS. I Foreign a OJIIISSMf. 1 a.

BAilOEHEKPf .17 E. Hi St 11. with wtna HK HeotHiirnnt. I BottM K-lIcr. 76t.h-it.

I ribu sud liter Boa lo 12.39 s. CAFF. BOI I.KVARD.15? 2d-ave. Qypay Band Cr.ton So Rut. Tdh 7Sc LI? MOWS GBKBfATI RKST.alHA\T 110 H.

and AB CHAT BOW.JM W. Broadway. Tdh. il BOSt Tdh. and A la CAFE MAM! 21 cor Ale.

T.ll.. Gvrsy Band. Club a HIVl.ltMDi; (HOP IKHSE Boule? vard Private dlning-roon? for select parties Ale. Broad Newark. N.

J. W. jOth-st. Ale, RFVl'NT Mur. ty P.

Alc.Thd.50c. rain al un 8:16 Mat. Sac. 2. FR.WK CVE.

Fil DANIELS? IDOL'S F.YE. Laet week: Frlaliiy F. 10. Next i. ijt ven and (smith's new Romantic Oj 'THE society ll 4VIOV SFMiL.G???? l'iihlia- Hali.n Friday, Dee.

10, BI 2 P.M. Oiira-rl, turai it Dec, 11, a'- 8:16 V. M. M. RAOUL PUGNO, PIANI Beethoven Concerto fot Plano, a op.

11. Or teg BlegfTted'a passing tan igl the Majrnlag Dawn, fried? from "Siegfried" I r. mmerung Ollla-f from ft 16 cents 12 81- Admission, 11. 111.. sierra? y.

Lai Reviled Editi Hi songs imic Opera Hai Sai DALY'S Every Evening This 814. MATINEES Wedneeday BatardaV at 2 Th? Net? Comedy, NUMBER 9. Most amusing -f the day. sii -e Twenty-Cu "8 XtgBt Oft." MMil Or. Ih? Is OatMSS.

tv I Hit CIRCl'S. WINTER CIRCI (JREAT ii! SL'C Ea? near way. 2 6 8:16 P.M. I e-? WORLD IN WAX. KIIH.V GHASr? Ml I CINBMATOtSRAPas Sj Everv tr sj 1 to te fi hi-: in? i ind tota su Matin.

In? Ja) ind Saturday JOHN A Mtiiiini.i: kimkmkmu. DREW, 940 Mitinees. Sili. MM A Mr OPER? l'BAM'h W1LSOB. HOISE.

a Happy Uttl? IIOIDKV THEATRF Ot. 4k Madison Ave. A lits Mat. liniiV. SlMMBoV Madie FAC8T I.AIIItKK THBATRB.

near B'way. I Wednesday and Bat, MAI THF. LITT IF. MIMSTF.R. I THF LITTLE MINISTER.

1.30 2 IIAHLEM MREHLAXD '61. J1AHI.KII Cl MIIFHLAM. Ml. OPERA HOI'SB. OlgtmU Scenery i.nd Dec IStb? Empira stock Herald So.


Mats 1 uni .2 15 HOYT? A BEW VORHL IIOIT'S A BTRAMGBH IN Olili. tioth l'erf. Handsome S.uv?n;r?. IRVIBG PLACE THEATRE. SS? LeeautlfUl Sat.


I.l?l I CROWDED MR. C. I.OOIIW IN-tV I. f.OlltlW IN li SPECIAL Der sharp, BENEFIT PERFORMANCE NEW TORK IM ItMAItY HEN CHILDREN The aitl.ta atpeai Mr. Nut od Utas Max.

tt, ir and M.s? May haiie? iValootl and Whinsa, Semi i iba Rubinstein and Miss AJri.nn? 1106, 1666, KOSTER A Aalui. KOSTER A MAT. IIFl.n?? BIO NOVELTY. Nightly li CAICEDO. LsM 1 foreign stars MNiiw.

im'ii. -in concert. LYCEI THEATRE, av. A 1 -t. Beg'ns 18? LYI'EI THEATRE? Denial Fr LICEI Hallo lay 6 Sat III- I'll INI THE III I TFItFI.Y.

THE PRINCESS 4N? THE III ITEKFLY. By the author "The Amasene." "Sweel La.en.i?:,' eto. OPERA HOI THIRD GRAND CONCERT, MMMY. DEC. BEIDL.


WALTER DAMROBCH and C. A. ELLIS. MOW oven ar lite Meiroi Ulan reduo tlon tlfteen per cent will te na t. for the OPERI special.

Tbursdk) evening. Pec. id, at 8:15. BOLOIBT, BJOBTOB nR. FRANZ KNEISFX.

BYMPHOB1 BEETHOA EM room Symph ny No. Concerto for Violin time); Bymph nie ivem. spak? Zar Mr. EMIL PAusV nt -a (first 'Ime Nerv WEBER nuartrer. Invltatloa to Dance: Al'RER.

Overture, -Vario H- AT sfETROPOLTTAH Mats Wat MAX RICHARDS CAXFIELO IN VMM I I IN MV S3J HI HOI Pr.vlu.-t HALLET GIRL NATIONAL EXHIBITION. ACAIIEMY fiow Olty Evening. Qp 'JfJc. SI Ava Klee of Pl.t"? of Building. PLEATliE PU.ACE.

Atra A 7 p. m. 1 Davenport Fuller. nce Blndley Cutir a 7. I Ko klSa I.V., 25c.

I'ROt Contlntinus rHOFTOR'9. Perf mance Soon 60s. Bennett (Jui't Evening a' I TII Mirale PRESS CLDRIDOE, IIVIN1 PICTPBES: l'UAVIs. Puntuta; CARLETON, Travesty; SB tier COBTIBUOUi Pl.RFOHMA.YCle. Fillio to II P.


at 1 Jl LIA Alt Mil II. Suppuiti b) Mi KDAA IN In A LADY OP qi A I.ITY. Next Week WARP PJRLDB'B All BIC HALL. WEHER A NDAY CONCERT. "AA'ebei i Fields snln." 11, raid.

PIH CAPEl "THB BORK." v'i'iii iu-s-l: CLATTOK. NIOHT? BESSIE AVE. THEATRE. and St "TH WE. EVO? 9:89 Ma'.


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