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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • 6

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

AinuscmcnU. ACAoaarr or AL.UAMRRA 1 Ctrl of ilwttf 2:15 Vanflortllt CARNLuXi: HA 1.1. Conrrrt. Can and Vaf TO iflVnr PamaUnor. I sir nrry worti tn Bonbon.

OiRPES— orrKA nan are Jr. tA Society 6:15 7 IRVIKO JOE Htnuiua. Utw. tad ARE m. to II p.

Dor MUTCKKT KJCAKB THE VTT.E-* ljuaky Uttle O.ny lAir- Til Mil XCVV- AiIaTCKXXAai froai to sr VINOUS 6:20 I iveriisemrnU. TtaM to fi Help War.t#d 12 IS 13 V. 1, A 8 1 nfiltllMt 'SSMkam. 1 9 I Tl'utrf .13 MX ACM- 2' BSSJrnu! 11 Pub.crtptlcm rstar.rlal 13 Bates IJTrW CompanlM rirrawhed ir.r SStt teCrn. 5n wtettr i 3 Sriixntt THmSPAY.

FEBRUARY THf: "HIS CONGRESS. Senate: The Ship Subsidy bill was passed by a vote of 38 to 27. five Republicans voting with the Democrats in opposition. House: The Fortifications Appropriation bill was passed, an effort to strike lit the provirfOTj for Philippine defences being defeated. Mr.

Cor.ger. dM former American Hipster to China, expressed the opinion that a irreat rising in China was imminent, directed chiefly against the he favored a naval In Chinese waters. Letters exchanged between the leaders of the Unionist party were published. Ms. Chamberlain accepting Mr.

Baifour's intimations regarding- the nec-essity cf a tariff on manufactured goods and the imposition of a small duty on foreign corn. The British Parliament reassembled and the election of James ac Speaker was The American battlefield commission arrix'ed at Santiago and dedicated monuments; Cuban troops took part in the exercises, The French government has agreed to modify the law respecting foreign insurance companies so as to meet the American contention. A dispatch from Domingo said that quiet prevailed In all parts of the republic. Sir Francis Q. has resigned as Editor of Owen Seaman will succeed him.

President Roosevelt. It was said Is not committed to any particular railroad rate measure, but desires a law which shall be fair to railroads and shippers aiike. Serious charges against Metropolitan Street Railway Company, involving District Attorney Jerome, were made at a hearing at Albany. Two train employes were burned to death and a passenger dropped dead while aiding the injured in a 'Frisco wreck near Fort Soott. Kan.

Father Sherman, at Philadelphia, said that French Cathnhr-s would be Justified in armed resistance to the French goveniniwit. The Chicago Council passed the gas bill over Mayor Dunne's veto; re- Cerred the street railway question to the voters, and failed to pass the bill raising saloon licenses. Gas Commissioner Lucien L. Shedden, at Albany, defended the State Mas Board in' an interview. Honry C.

Henderson, at a hearm.v: at Albany, opposed division of 2d Judicial District; he said Judgfships were pnH i There was no meeting of the Financial Committee, Penaior llalby was ill. and it was said that consideration of the raaohaloa would go over ur.til next week. exeenthrc eommlttee the trariFit rerommpnded municipal ownership of subways. building and operatkm nf siibwsys. if Elsbers bill was heartily indorsed.

Stocks were weak. of the New-Tork issued a ior.g Ftifment. from what likely to be his death bfd.<-w Hamilton It ku that E. H.

Harriman whs tr, baSd an immense tcrmloal on Jamair-a Ea.y. Belmont-Ryaii interests that if the Qsberg bill was passed they "trould DOl bid on future subways. A ropplemei.tary rf-port of the committee of the Nfw-Tork Life rworr.mfnd^d the Srir.giTie of runs funds contributed to the Republican National Cnnniiupp -rvp of the Union Pacific Railroad Compar.y declared a dividend of rating the Mock em a six per cent basla Tv 00 1 1 ln that his Srahad any of th- raooey reoerred I in the suit of Mrs. PoOlot W. Gr, id nld that a combination of he popper would be formed THE for to-day: Fair and colder.

The temperature yesterday: Highest, a 55. Tin: POSTAL FRAUD COSVICTIOSB. After a iepal fight extending through more thin rtrn para another prfadpal in the postal frauds has beea lodged George W. Errors, the head of the ana bureau in the Postcffice pleaded ruilty on Tuesday to charge of to defraud th" Breenmtoxt. and was to join the convicted grafters' Ht MouadsviliH.

w. I vpts and Macbeu wpiv founders beneficlariw of a FystP-i br bid- an-i Hie profits on dJ Tided I betveea tbe inside and outside j.artiiors in the tnsStttfoa. in-onious and for yean they<> ia as petty department officials they gradually fathered power into their liauds anil ihe dcmlaaCas in the Makusc exttvmrly Bervlceable to Ilepresectiitives and Seuatoix'who Lad favors iv the way of and promotions to ast. they remarkable in ConsresK so remarkable that oa one occasion they got their salaries liberally increased without the iuterveatiou or recwatueudatiou of the Posuuaster General. When of were first made acatost lUeai; 1002.

the of s.itndaloiis raised. were tbeir political friends to smother an The u-as kfd an iQQuiry would oreate tbe party in power. irmskiett QooseVelt was Dot lr HophUtry. and be iv tben lourth aad toU him probe the and to the bottom that their was up a only tUe law's htood theiu laapriaoooiem. It has tuore then two jeani io brtec two chief coMjdjratnw to Justice.

The govornment hais put to rtlituirT effort nitd i considertWe in prrillVllltnc varioup. itf.rf.n-l«ar< in -rooked postal But and the money have been invested. admicistration ham a yotslile one in many hnt in no re- tborv notable than in its attitude towart! WToncdoeTH. Tbf par- UAi-i lii our ha-s too often led aa I administration to close Its to offences com- IroirtfHl by its own agents and supporters. "Which is onr hlanked rascal?" was the Illui minatinjr question Thadrteus Stevens once asked when the roll was about to be called on a con- I tested election case In the House of Represontni lives.

Many an administration has been od to shield its own rascals for the sake of avoiding scandal and injury to its pood name I or the good name of the party. President Roosevelt pees dearly that such an attitude sacrifices the greater good to the He has no tenderness for officials who misuse their powers and then claim protection on the ground of party service. Political presstire was brought to bear to head off the Postoffice investigation, Jnst as it was brought to bear to quash the prosecution of land entry conspirators and on the public domain. Three United States Senators Republicansand two Representatives in Republicans have been indicted in the two years, and the administration bas shown an absolute impartiality and lack of political bias in pursuing lawbreakers, whether inside or outside the public service. This is great and lasting gain for the cause of honest government.

The President has served country best and his party best by "lifting: every lid" suspected of concealing corruption and by allowing no political considerations whatsoever to interfere with the detection and punishment of the guilty. SVPERTISIXG SEWAGE DISPOSAL. Dr. Eugene H. Porter, Commissioner of Health for New-York state, finds in the mortality from Typhoid fever last year an extremely suggestive text.

In his annual report he attrib- nearly all of the deaths from that disease which were reported In 190f, to Impure drinking water, and hence to an Imperfect prohibition of the discharge of sewage into streams. Dr. Porter then asks that larger Bums of money than have been at his disposal hitherto be appropriated to enable him more satisfactorily to perform the duties which have been or may be imposed on him by law. Furthermore, he expresses the conviction that no new plant for the disjwsal of sewage should be established until the plans for it have been considered and approved by the State Commissioner, and also that all such systems in the state should be examined once a year, as to insure the utaintenance of the safeguards adopted for the protection of public water supplies. To give to the State Commissioner of Health the powers here referred to new legislation is necessary, and Dr.

Porter explicitly asks that they be intrusted to him. The request Is one which the legislature should grant without delay. At present this official is authorized only to "collect information" about disease, to investigate the causes of epidemics within his jurisdiction, and then file the facts away as material for reports. That is not enough. In many cases an inquiry by the State Board will lead local authorities to initiate sanitary reforms in the Interest of their constituents, but such action would be purely voluntary.

If there should be any hesitation about remedying an evil when once it bad been pointed out. it should be possible to exert a little pressure. It is hardly conceivable that so intelligent and energetic an official as Or Darlington would ever need any such stimulus, but the occasion for It might arise in the smaller and towns of the State. In public as well as in private hygiene the watchword of modern scien'-e is prevention. The sources of dancer from, tuberculosis, typhoid fever and some other diseases are now so distinctly recognized that successful warfare against them is entirely practicable.

Failure to employ the proper means of averting these human afflictions muy justly he regarded as a crime. The time Ims come when the toleration of practices which imperil the health of communities in looked by well informed and virtuous people as a disgrace to any commonwealth. Already Massachusetts has gone further than New- York in the enactment of laws of the kind Dr. asks for. Is tlie Empire State willing to allow its neighbor lone to en- Joy this pre-eminence? THE ART OF UGHTIXG.

It would bave been safe to predict that Mr. Louis B. Marks, in his presidentia 1 address to t-be Engineering Society in this cit.v on Tuesday evening, would speak about recent advances in the art of lighting, supply statistics showing the extent of the industry. and. inasmuch as the organization which he is the bead is new one.

make Rome statement of Its and plans. All of these things he did with nn ability which revealed his fitness for the office That he now But be did something besides, and this is the more notable because it was not, strictly within his and hence betrayed an exceptionally humane spirit. Theoretically, the engineer limits his endeavor to the accomplishment of irfven results with the least material and expense. Taking a narrow view of his functions, the illuminating engineer might say: "I only to show you how to generate a amount of light at the lowest attainable am not responsible for any consequences which may attend its use "when you have rot it." Mr. Marks does not at that iMiinr.

Having recognized the existence of a grave evil, he frankly points it out. The public may well thank him for doing so. Though much attention has already been given to suitable shades for electric lights. Mr. Marks declares that the great majority of lights are still without them.

If either an arc or incandescent lamp is so place.l thnt people will not be obliged to look directly at It. no harm can ensue and shades are not required. When, on the other hnnd. such lights remain in the field of vision, the eyesight of those who are obliged to face them likely to suffer. Mr.

Marks lielieves that unshielded power Edison lamps in streetcars threaten more than discomfort to passengers. When a man makes use of those on one side of a car in reading and holds his paper so to hide ihosc opposite him he no inconvenience, lint if he lays down the paper or is without one he is often exposed to a glare that may prove positively injurious to his eyes. Ground glass bulbs would diffuse the anil make less painful. Their use might possibly discourage reading, but we doubt it. The managers of electric railways may with profit consider what the president Illuminating Engineering Society on this subject.

The painful intensity of the arc n-ht seems to require something ground glass iv some situations. The beKt results are undoubtedly t-ecurert when the lamps are so disposed that they cannot be porn, but so that their is distributed by reflectors. A few vearv ago an experiment was made In an English workshop which promised to be a eonspic! improvement on the common are light I practice. The were susjjeuded near a ueaiJy whitewashed celling, which threw down- I ward large proportion of the radiance, but small screens were arranged directly under the I to render them Invisible. In details a wide departure from this plan be permissible, and even advantageous, but the principle undoubtedly a sound one to follow The height of a room, the nature of the work conducted in It and I nuinlxr of other things should have in suiting appliances to a partlralar great benefits ought invariably to attend the Judicious diffusion of light and concealment of its source, and among These advantage! an appreciable economy should be In pertain situations an arrangement fntaible that permit a diminished eonwimptlon or current and yet would yield au aqnaJ or in- NEW-YOEK DICTLY TRTBTNTS.

THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 18. creased practical efficiency. A dim light properly placed Is better than a stroncr put where It doesn't bolonp. RELAX AT WESTMINSTER.

The suggestive remark is made In the news dispatches describing tho gathering of new Imperial Parliament at Westminster that In the aspect of the House of Commons everything had changed since tiie last Parliament "except the group of Nationalist members. That is quite true. The political complexion of the House has changed as It has seldom done before in all the history of that "Mother of Parliaments." Nearly one-half the members are new men who never sat in Parliament before. Well known faces, oldtlme leaders, are missing. The government bench Is occupied largely by strangers.

But one part of the House unchanged, almost precisely as it was and as it has been for a score of years. The Irish contingent below the gangway has scarcely been affected in numbers or in personality by a revolution otherwise one of the most sweeping the United Kingdom has ever known. In that fact there is food for thought. The question arises, however, and Is, Indeed, raised by MM of the Irish leaders themselves, whether there has been a change in the Nationalist spirit. Does Nationalism mean what It has hitherto secession from the United Kingdom? A little time ago Mr.

Redmond, perhaps the most authoritative of the Irish leaders, was earnestly declaring that Ireland would not abate one Jot or tittle of her that is, in Parnell's historic words, that she Old not be content until she had broken the last link that bound her to and it was confidently predicted that, -however much the Liberals might put Home Rule In abeyance for campaign purposes, it would promptly be forced to the front as soon as Parliament assembled. Yet, en the other hand, here Is Mr. O'Brien, who is second only to Mr. Redmond in technical authority, and who is, perhaps, unrivalled as an exponent of tho real sentiment of Ireland, declaring that the Nationalists have assumed a new attitude, have adopted a policy of conciliation, and have Joined forces with the Protestants and Orangemen In the promotion of that new policy snoot uoubt Mr. knowledge or ocerity.

If Ws statement is true. then. been as profound a change in the and purpose of the Irish section of the as there has been The political comnnd the personal composition of the that body. Such a change must be regarded as most significant. The cause of it may be matter of speculation.

Not improbably it to be Found the sweeping character the Liberal victory. The Irish may realize mpotence in the face of, a clear Liberal ncore ovmt all, and therefore the best of the situation with, a r. But whether that or somabe cause of it the change dls- Mr. O'Brien, If made effective, will ispickHM of ease and facility for the real adrantage for Ireland. COTTOX IX GERM AS EAST AFRICA.

One effect of the high prices -which resulted from the smaJlness of th. American cotton crop of 1903 v. La to revive and Intensify the wish of European manufacturers to achieve independence of this country. at their instigation the governments of Great Britain, Germany and France made elaborate inquiries into the possibility of increasing preatly the supply of cotton from their colonies in Africa and the "West Indies. Fome of the work thus inspired has been abandoned for one cause or another, but some of it has been pushed with sustained determination.

This is especially true of the campaign begun under German auspices. A consular report recently received at Washington uives an indication of the progress made in the last two years in Africa. Judged only by statistics of production, the movement does not yet seem formidable. About one thousand bales hundred pounds were exported 1901. and a larger quantity was expected last year, though it has not vet been practicable to estimate the pain.

But, even if as much as two thousand bales had been shipped, the amount would have been insipnifirant. Acain. the means for transporting the cotton from the interior to the coast are inadeqtiato. and their imperfections add to the cost of the fibre. Still another the most serious one is the fact that the natives do not yet betray much adaptability to agricultural pursuits.

There Is another eide to the case, however. A commission representing the imperial authorities and the cotton spinners of Germany bas established permanent headquarters in the colony. From that centre several distinct kinds of enterprise are conducted. Immense quantities of are procured for those who are willing to plant it. New varieties as -well as old are bointr tested, in order to ascertain which is best suited to particular soils.

Arrangements are being made for a judicious distribution of frinnin? stations, and business firms in German East Africa have been urged to buy the local product. Finally, a school has been opened to train farm laborers and plantation bosses In the art of cultivating cotton, and it has fully one hundred pupils. These are humble beginnings, but. if the forces now at work continue In operation for ten years, what will be the result? German persistence and organization achieve wonders. They promise to the present difficulties hi prowinn cotton.

It Is already beyond doubt that fibre of pood quality can be had in that quarter of the world, and when a number of incidental questions that now require consideration are nettled the output oucht to Increase rapidly The principal uncertainty to-day relates to the extent of fresh territory in Africa that can be utilized for tins purpose. Besides the one colony Just mentioned. Germany has; three others there, ench of enormous proportions, and In Togo- and the Cameroons experiments have been made, with equally pratifyins results. The same preliminary work has also been undertaken by British and French njrents on the same continent. These experiments encourage the belief that within a few years the new area devoted to cotton prowl ni; may be made to yield as much as does now.

and perhnps deal more. HOW ONE CITY MAY -GET CHEAP Indianapolis won a lrg-a! victory last week when Judpe Feaman. in the United Stares Circuit Court of Appeals, handed down an opinion affirming; the city's right to buy the plant of the Consumers" Trust Company and sell it to the Citizens 1 Gas Company. As a result of the decision the people of Indianapolis expect within a fear to have cheap gas. cheaper gas.

in fact, than any other city in this country The Consumers' Trust Company had been a Heller nt nntural gas. Its supply failed a year ago. and by a provision in its c-harter the city was permitted buy at its appraised valuation the company's plant. As is the way with cities, Indianapolis neither had nor could borrow if it wished the wherewithal to purchase the works. It paid fur an option on them and promptly sold this option the Citizens' Gas Company, organized tor the emergency under a charter which restricted its prospective charge to ttO cents a thousand feet.

The officers of the moribund company were and facilitated the hale of the option, but a large interest of stockholders, perhaps a majority interest, brought in during the dying moments of the natural gas probably for the Indianapolis Oas Company, visitant i-. itself a ruwh-d the rourti tt. prevent lisa tttuutfiT. VCcy cvijteTideii licit the city could buy the plant in preference over any other prospective buyer; that, having, no money to pay for It. the city could not buy an option on the plant, and that, even if It could do things, it could not dispose of such an option to a private concern.

Some recondite consideration of "vested rights" led the trial Judge to sustain the contending stockholders. On appeal his web of learning has been brushed aside, and the present decision is not ordinarily appealable. Some new legal point of attack may be discovered, but the right of Indianapolis to buy Its emancipation on a margin seems secure. Municipal poverty Is put In an unusually strong position- But the legal decision alone will not cheapen gas. Many things remain to do.

First and most Important, capital must bo made to Interest Itself in the opportunity of supplying Indianapolis at 00 cents a thousand feet. "Will It? If so. a striking commentary will be available for all who run and read upon expert figures relating to the cost of making and selling 1 gas. The name of the sew concern, the company, seems to Indicate a tendency to lean rather heavily on civic sentiment, and not to rely too entirely On capital In Its unsentimental seeking of Investment. Householders at some distance from the existing mains of the old company may pay for extending those mainland making connections -with their houses and receive stock In the new company to the amount of their inducement that hints the same way as the company's name.

But it would be injudicious to predict. Perhaps capital, with its unprejudiced eye, will an opportunity in a properly and economically conducted company, unwatered as to its stock, selling gas at so low a price. The air Is full of confusion, intentionally and energetically diffused, regarding the cost of gas making. All we know is that Cleveland, with a 75-cent rate, gets Its gas cheaper than any other city In this country. In England, however, rates are much lower.

50 cents being common, while a private company supplies Sheffield at 36 cents. The attitude of capital toward a GO-cent rate, therefore, will be the most valuable Instruction that the development of the Indianapolis gas situation will afford the rest of the country- The city itself Is to be congratulated in all respects. It escapes the pitfalls of municipal ownership and erects a muniment against rapacity. "Whether or not the simple expedient of buying salvation on an option will be of use to any other city we do not know. The case of Indianapolis may have been a special one.

The Ohio legislature wants Congress to pass a railroad bill carrying into effect ''the Presidents ideas." That is a programme on the country Is practically unanimous. The House of Representatives has just defeated a Wife Beaters' Whipping Post bill, intended to apply to the federal district. Our lawmakers probably realize as well as any other body of competent observers how few inalienable privileges are left to the once rampant but now subjugated and docile "stronger sex." The order for 4.000.000 ball cartridges received from the Ordnance Department at the Frankford Arsenal. Philadelphia, recalls the old saying, "Every bullet has a billet." The query naturally suggested is. Where are the billets in this ase? As raa conference draws to a close President Castro manifests a disposition to arbitrate with Fr.

Notwithstanding the statement made a year or more ago that British forces in the West Indies to be the government has decided to maintain a white force of artillery and engineers in Jamaica. H. M. S. Indefatigable, a specially- large complement of marines, will be an additional safeguard of "West Indian peace.

It will cruise about and be ready to land anywhere at short notice. There are only police in the other islands, but the fact that within three days a naval brigade can be landed on any island of the group gives a feeling of security. So far not even Mr. Jerome's most enthusiastic friends have found It necessary to caution him against undue haste in several matters relating to his duty as the Nemesis of leaden footed Justice. THE TALK OF THE DAY The committees, otherwise known as "development leagues," keep busy sustaining the credit and advertising the charms of Western States.

The use of the term "'Webfoot State" is now as bad form in Oregon as that of "Frisco" Is In San Francisco. The Oregon Development League and the State Press Association have solemnly decided that henceforth Oregonlans are "Beavers." not "Tebfoofrs." Had Not Observed Upjohn (at the colonel Is a pood after dinner speaker, but did you notice how queerly he mix his metaphors? Mr. no: he's been taking I think, so (Chicago Tribune. Montagu Brown was full of military ardor, and he was endeavoring to enlist In the London Scottish Volunteers. Of course, he was asked If he- were a Scotchman, according; to "Answers." "No; not much." he replied.

"Parents asked staff sergeant. "No: Bethnal Green." said Montagu. "Well, unless you have some connection with Scotland you can't Join." he was told. And he pondered for a moment. "I've got some property- In Scotland," he said, at last.

"Ah. that Will be all right!" said the sergeant. and proceeded to enlist him. Before he left, however, the sergeant turned to htm. "Would you mind informing me in what rart Scotland your property is situated?" he asked.

"Oh. yes." said the recruit. "I've pot a football Jersey In the Perth Dye Works!" Among "Whew! What. Lottie Brown engaged? That proves what I've always that no matter how plain and badly tempered a rtrl may be. there's always a fool ready to marry her Who's the poor man?" "I (Life.

In an East Indian newspaper appeared an advertisement: "How to Cure Red Noses permanently; absolute secrecy: send 2a, Sd. and stamped envelope." Many ladies, thinking their noses pinker than was becoming, wrote, and on opening their stamped envelope read: on drinking until it becomes purple." The ambitious country lad had been reading the town papers. "Dad." he said at breakfast one momluK. "I'm tired of this here farm life. 1 warn to go to town and a corporation lawyer or frenzied financier, or something of the kind" The old man frowned.

"Don! talk such nonsense." he remonstrated "If you really have a atrong ambition to co to iaii you 'an steal somebody's pig- right around here without poms to all the expense of going to town News. The Chinese Minister at Washington tells this dog story: Than was a who bad dogs. When he came home one evening he found them asleep on couch of teakwood and He whipped and drove them forth. The night, when ho rame home, dogs were lyinc on the, floor. But he.

placed his hand on the conch and found It warm from their bodies. Therefore he gave them another whipping. The third night re turning earlier than usual, he found doss' sitting before the much, blowing on It to cool It. Here is a pood atorv of Andrew well known Lord rW of had pa me from Andrew, and a "1 at 1 7 in Tl.ere wan in the morning a Hahl the ground, and putting was I 8 dimcult. aa the ball in tAt i irreen gathered mow it "1 3 tn wtrh dl.mi and muUle About People and Social MISS UOOSEVEUTS GIFTS Many 'More Rich and Rare Ones The Wedding Plans.

The I Washington. Feb. President Roosevelt attend the ante-nuptial dinner to-morrow night of prospective son-in-law. Representative Nicholas Lonjrworth. and.

with Secretary Tart and Speaker Cannon there. It will be one of the most "stag" dinners ever given by a bridegroom. The party, consisting of President Roosevelt. Secretary Taft. Speaker Cannon.

Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Nelson Perkins, of Boston. the best man: Quinry Adams Shaw. Francis R. Baf.g". Csuy Norman.

Larz Anderson. Viscount de t'bambrun. Frederick Wlnthrop and others. fill pledge the bridegroom's health, and there will undoubtedly be nome brilliant toasts. Notwithstanding the fart that Representative Longworth Is to the President's son-in-law within two more days, he win a great point in having the Chief Executive break the ironbound rule that the President should not dine outside the White House.

Another delightfully planned dinner party for Mr. Long-worth la that arranged by Major McCawley and the other aids of the White House, who have him. with his beat man and ushers, to a dinner at the Alibi Club on Friday night. Senator Kean. of New-Jersey, will Rive reception on Friday nlpht In compliment to out of town guests here to attend the wedding and hati Invited to meet them the New-Jersey delegation In Congress and a number of other official people.

Miss Roosevelt took Mr. Lonsrworth to the Capitol this morning, and. on her return to the White House, stopped at her milliner's to have a final adjustment of several of her hats. Her trousseau la now practically finished, and she is devoting herself to planning the decorations and arrangements for the wllfllflnj Mrs. Roosevelt has actually done all the preliminary work herself, and so skilfully has she thought the -whole project out that she might well be called the first decorator In the land.

Her ideas and plans are excellent and artistic in the extreme. Seven hundred guests out of the- one thousand Invited to the weddins have accented, and already nearly five hundred presents have arrived, with, as many more yet to come. The basement of the "White Hcuae presents Oka appearance of a packing house, so filled are some of the lower with boxes, paper, excelsior and other packing materials. No woman, perhaps. In this country ever received so many or such gifts Naturally enough, far more interest attaches to the gitta sent by foreign powers than to others, and from that source up to date the presents have been particularly rich.

The sift of the Enrperor of, Austria arrived to-day. It is a Jewelled pendant and chain of great beauty. Joy reigned In Roosevelt's part of the White House to-day -when the huge silver loving cup presented by the New-York delegation was It was selected some days ago and sent to New- Tork to be engraved. It has been decided that the Hay: San Minister and Mac. L4ger will adopt theplan of many of the other diplomats, and send flowers on Saturday their selection being: white roses.

So far Miss Roosevelt Is said to have received in the collection of five hundred gifts twenty fans. twelve necklaces and chains, twenty-two brooches. twenty vases, ten loving 1 cups and punch bowls, one hundred yards of lace, one thousand pieces of line china, fifteen rings, ten bracelets, eighteen watches, and docks, four full sets or asses and hundreds of other articles not duplicates, i There are no finder bowls, few lamps, no andirons, only a few pictures and no books. Of the fans presented. of the handsomest was pent to-day by the French Ambassador and lime.

Jusserand. It la of sweeping ostrich plumes of white, mounted on tortoiaeshel! sticks and bearing the monogram of Roosevelt in gold. Viscount sent a beautiful painted fan. and Jean Reid another, while that sent by Senator and Mrs. Spooner to-day a jewelled fan from TtfTa.ny'3 one of the prettiest of the collection.

Some of the notable foreign gifts Include the now well known tapestry from the French Republic. the silver repoussg bowl and embroideries from the Emperor of Japan, the necklace and pendant from the Emperor of Austria, the dower chest. filled with rare gifts, from the Empress of China, the valuable gold arid inlaid tar from the Kin? of Italy, a splendid mosaic from Pope Pius X. taken from a famous paintliig in the Vatican; two Sevres from the President of France, a bracelet from the Emperor of Germany, and antique pieces of Jewelry from the King of Spain. Others are yet to be heard from.

Among- the gifts which might be termed political is that from the Ohio delegation in the Hous-, while the New-York delegation, not to be outdone. an equally handsome silver offering, theirs being a lovinx cup instead of a punch bowl. The Foreign Affairs Committee of the thinking two loving cups might be acceptable, also selected of the most generous size, for presentation. The crowning gift of however, was the necklace and pendant from, the party that accompanied Secretary Taft to the Philippines. AT THE WHITE HOUSE.

The Tribune Washington. Feb. President Roosevelt this afternoon received a delegation of pupils of the Industrial Colored School, -who were Introduced by Booker T. Washington. children sang several songs and were treated to a little speech by the President.

The President went horseback riding with Secretary Root this afternoon. Before leaving his offlce he had a consultation with Secretary Bonaparte, who called to discuss a depart matter. A delegation from the American Civic Association and the Merchants' Association, of New- York called on President this morning to hand him a petition asking for the negotiation of a treaty with the British government which shall pledge the two nations to the preservation of Niagara Falls. J. Horace McFarland.

of Harrisbursr and Clinton R. Woodruff, of Philadelphia, were the representatives of the Civic Association, and Frederick B. De Berard. of New- York, spoke for merchants. President Roosevelt was obliged to decline two invitations this morning.

The first was tendered hy Representative Taylor and H. M. Dougherty of Columbus. Ohio, who asked him to attend the dedication of a memorial arch in honor of President McKinley some Time In next May. The aecond Invitation was presented hy Representative of Maryland, and a delegation of the cC he Grove Association Chautauqua, who asked Mm to speak before the organization at Cumberland 'any day next summer he may be pleased to Among the callers at the White House "to-day ware Professor George R.

Lawrence, of who came to tell the President about his aerial photographic apparatus for i warfare- th members of the Dawea Indian Commiasion who discussod the needs of the tribes in art Alaska: Senators Klttredge. liver La Bevertrfge. Ankeny. Piles. (Ulw and Brandegee; Speaker Cannon.

Representatives I ittauer. Curtis. Chapman. Sperry. Rodenburg Reedcr and ald and Shaw aadIMMJ THE DIPLOMATIC CORPS.

Tho Trtt.un* Washinpton. Feb. The Ann ador and HentrtmtOter were ho t- dinner, ff the of merce ami Labor and Mrs. Metcalf s-r Mr. N.

th. Minister from Cuba and Countess xr Hurh are. Mr and Mr, oSbS Sf and Boardman. Shertdan Mia, StW Cotowl MorreM. Mr.

Smoll.y and Mr D. of the Austrian Embassy. The Frvneh Ambassador and Jusstranrt tertair.od a dinner party to-nUht. in NOTES OF SOCIETY IN WASHINGTON. Tni.u i Washington.

and Mr trained at dinner Ju tlr lan. Senator and Clark. sJr, Senator Danfl. Mr, Sanoris. ex-3ena SIS Faulkner.

ex-Senator Davts. Mr and Mrl x. Min.r. General Laushhn. Judge

of Un nd )V and Root. th. Attorney Holmes. Senator ta Mm. IVetmore.

Senator Kean. Lucy Senator Crane. Senator Warren. AdairaJ auy the Assistant Secretary of aal Bacon. Mr.

and Mrs. William SUter. Wayne MarVeach. Mr. and Pinchot U- "IZI Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs." 87.3^ Mr. and Mm. Mr. and Mrs.

Hasne. Mrs, Bayard of Philadelphia: Mm. and Mm. Storey. Mm.

Mrs. Warder. Mrs. Mm. Hobart.

Mr. and Mm. MUis Mian Governor Admiral O'Nwl. Mr. and CrozJ.7 charity ball at TVHlard for of Chinese Hospitaj by the majority of in Amonc sixty jj, of CftMavt and of the Th- wan Mm.

Mm Mrm. Bradley and Mrs. Alexander man r.l the floor committee, was by hunttrefl- yourg men. Amnn? the dinner hosts of to-nfeht courrsellor of British Emhaasy and tAdy Sato Townley. and Mrs.

Fleming. Mr. Mrs, Arthur Lee. Mr. and Mm.

Horace Gsa. eral and Mm. Alien ar.d Justi--e and Mra. NEW-YORK SOCIETY, Araatfur theatrical performances, of which will found In this given by- Miss Dorothy Whitney, ill3s ITlsls Sleek Miss Katherine Atterbury. Ethel Miss Lorraine and other forminic part of the Junior League, at Lyceum Theatre, yesterday afteraoon sad for the beneflt of School i will be another jx-rformaace this of in were Hr.

Robert Endlcott. Miss Gladys Eadlcoti. Mrm. Jala E. Cowdln.

Mrs. Jaaes Gerarl. Sedirwicic. Mrs. Henry S.

Redmond, itrs. M. Oelrlchs. Mrs. John H.

Prer.tice. Mrs. H. Bead. Mrs.

Charles Boi r-acraar more. Miss Mary Cross. Miss bury. Mrs. J.

Nelaoc Borland. Mrs. W. Webb. Mrs.

Ralph Pulitzer. Mrs. W. K. Buries.

Mrs. William Douglas Sloaaft. Mrs. SchieZelin. Mrs.

A. Lanfeor Norrle, Mrs. Delano, the Laura and Ellen Delaaa, Ural Frederick 133 Evelya Parsoas, Preacott Lawrence. Miss Lawrsnca. JCsa Therese Isella.

John H. McCaHcugh. jtjj. lea RiTi-es. Miaa Cyathia Mrs.

and Miss Allcs Van Rensselaer. The marriage of Ralph of the bocker Club, and former master of Healer Brook Club housds. to illas Czabeth "Wardar take place at Washington to-iay ths Mrs. Benjamin F. Warder, the bride's was ar.r-o-ine»d at last Friday, and if the has folio-wed quickly It is in order to adsrit of the at the ceremony of ths bride's lister, Mrs.

Tul Thoraa. who Is obliged to sail far to-narrow. Mrs. Zbea "Wright entertained at dinzar last visit at her housa. in "West Jor tie who will attend Miss Gertrude Pell at her to Fraacls Bishop, la CalTir? CharcX next part 7 Cynthia Roche.

Miss 3wa-, Bbt- and M'ss Mar.a iloran. Miss Furslas also says last rJSiKattor house In sth-aTe. Mr. Hi Mrs. Georgs W.

Folaora wHI day after to-racrrow for Floriia. where tier wJU remain until the end of March. -al sailed yesterday on beard tie Baltis ftr wiih her aunt. Mrs. Joseph "SVhistler.

who to ta deep inoumin? her htisbaad. Trto lut autumn. Amonsr who wQ rsnra to-morrow isr "Washington to attend Treddtnj at House on Saturday are Mr. and Sirs. Robert Gotlet.

Mr. ar.d Mrs. Robert Fultaa Cutting. Ml airs. Paul ilcrton and Miss Morten.

Mills. tha Misses Gladys a2.1l Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Harry TVfcitser; it.

at Mrs. James a Burden and Mr. and Mrs. E. H.

wtth the Ha Cornelia and Mary man. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Robinson, -wtzh Him Cartnoa Douglas Robinson. Mr and Mrs.

Frederick- Roosevelt. Mr. and Mrs. W. F.r^len Hllborne L.

Roosevelt and Miss Dcrotny as well as several other tie rsla.ttv«» at President and Mrs. Roosevelt, left for tte national capital yesterday. Sherry's will be zhi scene Mi afteraoca at musical under the direction of Victor Harris Jor of the Hospital for Scarlet Terrvr asi Diphtheria Patients, at East ISth-st. asd tiis SUB River Mrs. John TV.

Mlnttrra. Mrs. J. Morgan. Mrs.

Mrs. Zlbriisre T. 09777. Mrs. William Douglas and Mrs.

the committee of patronesses Irs charge of affair. The marriage of Clark Potter Read Miss Esarietta taoxhtar of M-. and Edwin 11. will ttks this afternoon at Church of the Incamaticn. Tire ceremony will be performed by Bishop Coadjutor 3a7ld H.

Tne bride liave her aister. 31139 May A. "U'eathertee. her rr.aii of mt Elsie Ijidi. Miss Mar Hyde ar.d the illsaes Helen and Edith Read as bridesmaids.

The will have Arnold horses as bis man. Sewai: Boardman, Stephen Barker. Harold H. Oddie. TTiimiTl Cartfr.

Morris Groves. Charles 3- Bulkley. James H. McLean ar.d Iler.ry GrusaeririU act as ushers. The eeremonj- will be followed by a reception given by the parents of fcrtds as house, in STGRO PUPILS PHZPAHZ GIFT.

Industrial School Embroidery Class Table Centrepiece for Miss EocsevelJ. The puyils of the colored tadostrtsl school of Public School- No. SO. in V.Vst -Uat-su. have prepared a weddirsr StJt for Alice Roomvett.

It is a tabla centreaiece cf Irish bordered with Ctaxj Ever siaca Miss Roosevelt's to Ccsgressman Nicholas Lor.gworth was ar.nour.cad forty pupils in the embroidery xm on the gift, and fntadtj they In When the final touch was'eiven the ft was pror.ouneed ready to be sent to The afe? or the pupils rasff" thirty years. The was made by Miss mayer. who the work. NAMED FOR MISS ROOSEVELT. Francesco Fancmlli.

posed the ode. "One FUiff. One Countrr." wslcs was sung a chorus of ftve hsiadred voices the, of Presuient Roosevelt. coaspose.l a wedding march which he has narr.ed to: Miss Alice Roosevelt. She has expressed in a letter to the etniposer her appreciation oi the dedication, and he will lirr a nwv ur tfte morciJ.

printed In gold, us a weddins present. MISS ROOSEVELT SENDS THANKS tEy to The 1 Cleveland. VVb. t'orr. a operator.

rect-iveU a letter of thar.Ws Miss for a letter of con grit uiation had sent. The letter was la handwriting, and said: -Many thanks for yoar mish-s." APPLES FOR MISS ROOSEVELT. IBj Trlrgraph Thp Trthuar. i atchmond. U.

rl rfynitir Ca terclTtd .1 telesraphiv- from iconutts to forward immediately to Miss RiKweveU a of 3 AN ADDRESS BY WILLIAM WINTER. in Philadelphia. William Wtntsr. of Tribune, will teiov Art of tha: on the of tne -UQericaa CRACKER BARREL PHILOSOPHY..

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