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The Manitowoc Herald from Manitowoc, Wisconsin • Page 4

Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Kotiee of Foreclosure oT Mortlase toy Advertisement and Sle ntrrji on tto ssd iy sj 157. Vvaaa Marriy lb. village of: if ml ami delivered SlSTb ofcS5icbt lb. county of Hampshire and State of Massachusetts, arty of the second pari nnu nwiij. u.

Todrntare ol 1 inccn that day to thepaifl mortgagee, of the mm of three hundred nd eighty dollars 'and sisty cigb I cent. est at the rate of'twclvc per coriC per annum till according lo the conditions of ft. certain LJu t.m rf crn date therewith execu ted by Wyman Murphy, one of (he said, morl gagors to tbe said mortgagee, which aW tort he ertitled to record and was and f.r the county of Manilowoo or. the 2M day of September 'A 1SoT, ij cloel: P. in Tolnme ii.ot And wbtr i) rm bcd.incaseodlio non payment ol tbe mm oftrnoney Htfuretl to ue paul mcreoy or ADd whereas in and by said monpigc.

Hi And'wbcrcas default lw occurred i conditions of said mart pigc tlK.ieof: And of the said mirn of money, 'by laid tnortsafJC to I terms thirst 1 thereby, nnd claims tlmt 1 i tTI 1 the ail Solicitor's fees creed in tald mortise to be paid in ci'f or tb r. 1 fnat eloor of tb Court i le villa i alunitowoc, in said county miw dayol December A. I). ISW I The foltowirg is a description of much of Hit nrcm'iw described 1,0 now rt. irrlea cd fmm il it' of said mortgiv ft i 1 I 1 to wit The south cast quarter ol iho veil quarter, and the si (22) ill towiitlbr no.

niaetecn (10), north of 1 2) b'nt in county of Manitowoc and Stale of in, t.d e' it i ij ty acres nfland more or less eccordic" to ibe Oovvrnm iil mirvey Uttrvaf. LAI3AN MAltC'V, Morrgiytt. A. WOOD rued Notice of rorcclosure ori j3lortgagc by Advertisement dud sale. ii i i i i i i Dollar Emily S.

Li wltec the i Itcwoc nod State of Wi cobi, to tb, first part, and inorfgngoi rcd lo Laban Wui'cy of Greenwich, in the of Hnmpsbire ntid ol n. tMi i i I 1 lin 1 id' uln of martaaie I i 'ran olVea' i'. l'" I' 1,1 of ()c Oundrc 1 and evenly deli nk, on or fore the 21 .1 ry of June A. D. .11, intcr at tin rate ofy twelve per cent nnauia til! paid, i led nad ackuowb 'il 0 a lobe to record, and v.

a ord 1 i (I II. I ruarv A. P. ISLS' at i o'elock I. in volnm oi Mortgages, on nherea I i .1 11 1 i and convey the premi.

os therein described, of tbo non pnymcnt of tl.e Mint of money red to Irt! paid thereby, or. stny pnrt Ihet Abd wlicroas in and by Paul ja.a ic'nc'c ibe Solid catiditioiie o. i uiil niortsait by non pny ini'nt of tbe said ton oi paired by inoxtttnc lo be 1 aid aecorduir; to tbe tcrm i thereof i Aad whereas the raid J.aban Mnrcyjs Mill the lawful liolder and owner ol tbe raid and ol the Indebtedness reenred there bv. nial claims tint I here in now duo to hit" tl'icrciil. tbe and lull uln ol Two hundred and twenty six (lollari and f.rlyioui' cenl And rm action or proccrd lin i been inf.iitiled allawlo recover the thibt DOW n'maininf; icenred by wild iimttcasio, or nr.y part ibereot Now tiiorebirc.

Notice ir that ill par aaaee of tbe power ol lute contained in morl i nml of tbe ttulutein Mich ease mad; and provided, the mid niortcnge will be iorccloml liy a sale ol till) prcliliMjJ tie.rein de eiaacd, or IhUfcnr as may ntcesary aai unt due on Faid tcrenl and the cot and puttier vv.tit th. n.d; i ri cln aire tin not ub lie vendue, by the Sberitfof tnid count of Uowoc. at the front oi flic Court IJouo: in Ibe vdla of JIanilowoc in paid comity, on Saturday the 2'Jih d.iv of A. 1 ISoO nflO'o ciock in the b.rcnaou of tbat day to tbe higliCJt bidder, dd.o lo loaiiia a denci cf tb" yireini.c in raid mor aaam lu The north cart quai'mr ibe routb ivt. tfuoxlcror vcctioii no.

Twenty two (22J in town, tiuino. nineteen lib) noun i aacc 1:0. twrnly nvo'C 'C). f. nrt.Fituntcd in the county of Main towoc aiatState of.

IVipcourin ami Forty ncrei land more or hs, nccordii t' to tbe Oovernincilt FUrv. ilifrcof. LAI! AN JIAltCV, S. A. WOOD, Attoriint for Iht ifo.

tutr, Paled NoTenilierlStb A.D. M0. Cw Sheriff's Sale. Slate of Witconi Manitowoc County Cir Frederick Hobinson. ClnrlO" lleinr 1 ea John Gremman and H.

l'la't, udtTTletit ol rorccl of ure and ale. Ts' pur mane? ora judgment of and rendered la the ubovc Ciititled action on the 23.1 day ol October. A. l. 1 GO.

1 hhall roll nt puhli ii Ii ,1 I nrf Ho iu tbe village of Maui; ori oe tl.e 71b dav of March A.D. 1SCI. lit He Pour ol 10 o'kick'A ofthnt day, the incne premi irs tavtcb fliet r. iv Lu ee i ry to raic tbo. amount ol faid judgment and cols and cxpcnBL'K of rate, to iril All of tbe followiug.dencribcd real rnlntc and bcio ltuat(! in Ihe.County nl M.aaiimaoc.

In Ilie Stai o( IViicoiisia, tov. it 'I be undivided two thirds I a I i.or.lh of. ranjjo twtnt bfld2 a UlVln Kl Uaied iiliTllfs O.llce, Mauitowoc County tale th VAfii of Foreclosure jMortfjrnge Auvcruseiiitut nnd.Sale. To whom It may concern Whvpkh on the 27th day nt June. A.

V. Co 1 minH. Oooper, snJ ('f tyol 1 3 1 5Mu 1 Mortmi eirlaiu Ji.d.ntc.rr mm. m' i I I 1 'it of the sum oi nf Virelinse 1 nl i r. ,1 i to the conditions of a certain, promism.

martgngee, bcaiinf; imtgrrg. ful bolder and And whereas no aclicu lia? been tbat i dnllAvrto rccorer tbe deb: now re and rul. or any putt dollars thereof: Now t'ler ihut In nee )' tb I I i In r.aid mortgage a'l oS ibe i t.uule m.ii case made and provided, tbe tnrr Wforo lod tl described, no remainiiiK unreal on Ue dlMl of raid mortgage, or mncit mav be necessary to be no Id to amount clue on said mortgage. the costs and espen which said mortgage nd tiekoov. tedness I 1 mil ib'bal 2 lj in iownt.ii ronrirdcd of 'in an rr'r more i).

a Mortgages, wiierea by o'clock T. M. urges of 0 ins of aid b. ir enly loo and intcnift orined i uved du 1 mtide anil tirovidcd, 1.0 il eel! ed by a ol acre. Tbe noilb liaifrd 1 i id lobe refill iii toe.u bia no tl.

raaae twenty on" BO All ffti I real C'ta' situate in ol Man nf con ia, abieb Kii 1 rial riiljeet to fain and tell at public auc 3 i ol ownrhip no. north fra duly oflicc of i convey a bed, in 1 i i 1 I of Uii no 1 Id i I It lia eeonri oi.m: ol by non I pan or tbe v'l i nneiev e.i by M'nl nnnt.oteJ 1 eordiuK to tin I il A wlicrcftK. the s.iUl I aban ivey i lnl 11 proccedint; hai beet) said inonnase. or any part hcrtfore Notice be mi lie nad I with Hie said fum of; LAIiAN JAIJ S. A.

Dated IioveivdierlSth A.D. Sheriff's State of Wisconsin, Ma: George C.Colo linra'b. Chase. 'p virtue of and nrii IJ. rait on reel in i no.

C.v boo (2f) noilbol kiii l. situiiteil in the a a a 1 cording to the Govcrnmaii otr, ry at the lion 1 11 at be: r' i'" "J': i'oI'i 1 i ni bhn Km Coa.m I. 1'. A. clitablt'.

Ollie a l'rceiiinrr. Ill Sheriff' Stnto of iVitCOiiili be. levied tipon nll i It aiut Execution, t. Chase. rlnc Of and to mi cvcntl ml out of the Circuit Courl of e.l'l bm the above i.dit'itled cause.

1 have thin a all rb bt title and inPie of WI C. Chase, in uud t( a 1 ols lie real estate i.nlcon (17; i iiiuire In the village of amtmi 1 I i J.OUS KEMi'EK. Slteriif. Smiu. recwEi.r,.

I', A. Dated SlicriifH Oflrce, Docinber Id IhoO. Judgment of forcclofitrc and inlc. r.o r. apiin't Cathnrlua linker 1 linker, decenrd I.

almlla 11,1 linker, wl.ofe cbrbtirm ntmie I hem of faid Michael linker. IN pursuance of a judpmrdit of forcloMirc it sale rend red in ibe above entitled nciioii the 31st dav of October A. D. 1 SCO. I jhall of Manitowoc on ibe 21ft dav of March A.

I). 1HG1. at the hour of H) o'clock" A. ft! al day, the loimmmg dmerm. rrmrt prei i thereof aa may be and cod ami cfpmrom of rale, to wit: All of the following de cribed Ir.rctf.

parcels or o. brad, iy i up andl iag rltuafcr; in ibe (bmuly of Manitowoc and State ol M'irtonsin. In wit Tim tifiliirr. quarter of the tim tl. caf quart wc.ty tl J.ROBINSON, IViioleialenad tail deal Paints Oils, Ferfamcry, WINDOW CLASS AND l'UTTl" Vnvnishes.

jLye sums, J3nrniiJfr Kerosene 3Juchincry OiJ, YORK 5TISEET, MANITOWOC WI, KEDWOOD, CAaHVOOD, Sicarafe'iia, INDIGO. ATA'M, COl'I'EfiAS, BLUB VITRIOL, And every other article for dying. Itniu, Gin, French Erasiflj', rnltT VKHEIUA. EIiERHV. CLAHE1 all Pure for aiedical purposes.

WlllTl LEAD, ZINC, rUTTV. OILS 1 OV Horse Cuttle Medicines. v'ofMauitOwot at Ibe li nt vf. AK KVKKY i I'tH 'n Ibe 99th i'e at Hi' o'clock in lb" on I i ae oaa. aa.a PEliFUJIEllY, TOILET, SHAVINC ANI 1ANCY SOAPS or alt hi Hair, Tooth, SIIWIVG.

CLOTIi! SI1MK. SCRUBBING, 1'AINT AND Ol Jill USE I' S. Ilntiia Unbbcr, Ivory, llovii, miE SlNC; AND POCKET COMUS SIicriff'K Sttle. oof Wis ua. Manitowoc i Ul t.lO tOOVC i nail to ibe day of October A.

So wit lie aaifott 1 cart, at iowm bip a the vtib' yX' KMIll liltl 'o 'I lie n'orlb Va'il 1 1 A. t.flSiat the loilowil '(am no twenty one 2 in toivn biii no. aaiil a'. 'C a i i crwlP mid. All of ilie lolb.

a air do;: ntnl be tv r.f Maadna. aad St, La it. lb: Yna.e 1 Us ncistli v. eM fbd)' LOUri KEMrER, Sheriff. BnvTi.r.

A. Office, MmilOTOt fJc unl. 111 MiV.ll laic 'ul' I I I in I dock ro 2 1 t.l ddeeuco inlteritcd said e.staf rpinrteroi mciioit to I no (iower lttti 1 01 i in,i ical i Mac ROBINSON, I a ar'; 'af a tl in Ibe vl'd Mi bicf; mamullaK lo: laactofere 0 d.d byild liaaicl Snbbi Itill, of 1 It, leaf lit 1 ,1 I 1, ,1 :,1 11..) Ill f. Smltb: 1 inn fuciiiv one 1 en lad lb ml: i mid tale be i 1 'V ft Tlmoiml Pair at no: lit eal oil to ucr. It i ordorf that mid poll erection no.

ta nty nine C'J u. l.c rd bofore tim Ju.l'c oftinS tnrt i.lla, cuteet, 17J liorl'i ef tv. tb" 17:1: ty baa a' A b. on LIT eiml, rm. SC ma ill said Oj la id; A 1 Im village I MaatfjAVue in arab rdbrlmu ml twin (loanly Maaifocae, ii, the State of rale and public nuctin: I rum, ia llm vlllac" nf Mambawr tv on the 2itli day or J.tnuary the hour of icn o'clock in the fo: blpT I rlfficr trT I.OUIS KEMPER, tiu.

V. i Maniu WhoU talo ind Kelnil Djalers in ENGLISH, I KENCH, GERMAN" AND AMERICAN DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Oils, Paints, Glass, VOHK STREET, MANITOWOC. WIS. PHISICIAKS1 PRESCRIPTIONS, FAMILY I1ECEIPTS, .0. aid a lb" Which fliid light, title ami hitmen 1 shad ollor lo, odd vrabaw aml lael.

eira rr i jlii bv ill 1.1 1 biay a en of rm' ivc pb 1" fa" Ha Maauo o.e ll iabla weeM no ia rrod CHAKLIii? II. WAI.KP.K, Counly Judge. Hat No: ember ftn if ox State of 'A SheriJTi A. I.

ISGO win? eiib A teal e. i ty.ti r.a o3b in llioki i Accurately prepared and of ilie purest drugs. PATENT ME DlCIXESt Iking agent for most of the POPULAR MEDICI Of Iay' COU3STEIIFEIT AltTTCLK. Cough aictlicirscs. 11, Kerosene.

Sheriff's Sale. iVcVnriVui" abi vo cn'i. i ri i be i nam 'd ib foi.di ii1' ib. a Abn Cl'irk 11. Collin Villi! ebb Tlio State of Wisconsin, Manitowoc Cohnl? Circuit Court.

JnbcU Wheeler, "1 ngainsi Jamea P. Aldrieh Joan jijccuiiou. I) Die above i nlilled eelion te. ted tlicclev il, 1SS0. I 1 i 1 1 i lull 1 hr i iiite la (be "anion. town of Ftaal 11 1 v. i nncl ivi'll) all lit 1 and lieb Lber. to couiib tin tr of leant bodea insttn ii i.ivj jouei. pulley, belts, faws and nil other loo.s nf 'ened and thereto Alfo lots iinnibei one, two, three nub lour in bkiel uatnher ciiih two (82) and low number one. two, IhfUi'aiid ii iv 11! I cam boileit.

lnfti i "Il tivi. and sil i. all U.e lnt vt uei i IbtfollowiHS L'oiieriy. lu.wi: i.oti four and fivo bi 1 tl lo plat ami vtl.njre 01 two llltIJ auaui. loll Ibe tiuUdingi and bin: Ihirly'bee.

ilie anrllt east quarter of seclb.n quartet of section thiity fo Jouniy otMatikow, a aid right, title and intet T. i. tec p. i Tarn" fipern.

in.ed at.d appoii mil uppv.rtetin jalfof lbe fouth adl oti cr lerl tiidne at tin; Con liOib of.Jaitaury A. lb1 at ton oV.ocl: A. I thai cay to sali: ulcrcst and cost. LOUIS KEMTEII Dated, i 'liorin Oflicc of Manitow Dec.

inber 13ih C9. 111 Probate. Iter ol the estate of ii'ruuii! to hlslia ihennio William estate T. Slid proper blaadior a aiu ra'nt ed. ami aib: ol idl lea rein title ol raid d.

renal die! reiaal, tbe eoialita and oca ol I be me and ariivin tbat lictnc be to bun errti.t .,.,.1.1,1 adl rbe aa'd al catat a aa.l it C. 0, ..,0,1 vaieau, I': ,1 is'llal Sitl ni la'o at be 1 iir.d said ad a. said dehl. that it in are nay 'tb, aiue. fell lite whole of real i stale, il there l'r icd Ibtil c.l! th, nil no ol Cmivi on Monday the Mia lav ul at ten ockek A.M.

nl ll.c bbia' ol lll.5M.vlir. mat lo tn.jaov caase il any ic 1 1, 1 CO O'lUKPt'i forti" tani. id I si S'rohate. late of the tjctitittii oi ObisS p. 'ibaub j'i 1 1 ooutity ni owoc.

mid tt 'n. A.Cnrip i biji lint ii I. appointed Tui li nrl 'i''i'h li.itai.r liitifO ea ydoar a 1 (1 o'eieek A. An.l it ii" 1'ilflln Iv'n" and 1 a Oliar a l.o So ml neb ad, dan eobaal vd nop. eat vll tb Stat.

din: wb'cb li i.iin, he trie ly a cpy ol file a. .1 iut i 1 fhi.ll ntl'or r.l.'r tbvi i e.ccaf.dve ivk ki. oueeiu cr.e.i i'. f.rt Ibal a. ai 1 a I 1 'a a im a I nr .1 I'.

1. .0. tl a A aa'v lb 'o lab! hrnfillS. i.ri;rs Manitowoc, October I lli! matter of the e.stat"; el Herman it rich c'un" of Ad in rni' ri I tan nvin? horn i.i dn'y i to Curt Meyer, nod fix mouth fr i'. bm onHmbm alloa.d aad Iliad.

el creditor. their ela urn im ti dream od fee i a mi dm, boa and a Puatment it la ul let'. rd 111 al all il lf a.mbmt the rs. r.c ,1 a mmlimil am! a ij par mil n't bi HI tbe milage of Manilownc on the lir ly 01 eaen mon during faid six. months, ami oil the day tl xp ralioo of said 'i month, at Wo anil il i l.irlh ordered, that said admi itrator, uitltout d.

lny, enu a copy of tins dec paid um. an Obi; nl May Ul CI I A Ki" I 1 A 1 bi V. lb" in Prohate. ci.n in.M.:nilcwacr'mi: i of tbe c. lale ol Mich lin? and filing thonelilion ol F.

Wi I dm nmmm older tblimr, that Mich.rei tion thereof be ran ted ichacl Kuhl ted that ap; 1 lion heard ore me, at inv ofiice. in the village of Jlan nroc. on the 3d due of A. II. 188J 10 o'clock A.

M. And it it in further order that or FmJ npplt given by publishing a i Iier Ima of this order fo i each week, ii vspaper printed ii CHAF.LbS IL WALKER. Conlily Juuyc. Dated Nov. 12.

ISGO. Artminjstratcrs Sale In Probate. Manitowoc Counly ConrV lo the matter cf tbe estate of Fanny McCirly, XTOT1CE islmrel given, that by rirlue and in puriuance ol mi older of bemme ai "fill dav Of fiearl a it If o'clock in lilic'e of J. D. lly ol Mani Mam.

oiler ofj.iid Counly, the X' J'd d.y of Drceml er 1 SCO Viib.g publb bli i al li.a aaami oi hi i fid npiii lniidy li i'd nl said tli, a nt' i. tlm .1 uecea entii'iil. (lit. as and bv f. iid lull thereof," and jway i hvar.l before me.

my oilier, in tli villa si. nan: ol Mnnitow e. on the 2 day of tuber A. Coiiniy Jud ber2l. 1350.

Sheriff's Sale. W. W.dbid' A Da enth day.d Doce allvilu, t'itie, au to wit I.ut in block number in the vill.ipj in ibe Kc jitters Oflicc ol Maui loftctlier with (In; Ftcnm mill; bitlta saws and al! other tools nllnch. il and i eto bi. bm gbig: al lot niinil.i one, bo.

c.i and lour in block an in her e'glity two lots imrnber one. two, three, and fu tr ii M.iel; number oigjuy niiu; in said village of T. Rie. rd.ii mleil libit thereof 1 ii 1 II i am helonglutt tbercM also all be of (he dePimbvii in and (be folio' described propi lo vlt i.o 's four and ia block Cizh'y llmee ill ('lie (mvll of vdai of Tr, Aiv, afmo abl. Vf lh (Im la iegfl and b.Mure,, ami a uPirnr, ealmn lliufy llff ta etmrmi ol saem.

a lo a itu aa a of bum. id die e. ball ufrbc omli v. inio.r of mcf.mi ly IVmr. all an.

bio mi'v em: neril, of.ii.oi. me flir ii t'Mn 1 i V' fin, which Mil righf. (ale and iidermd 1 fee far sale and "roll a public vendue rj the Court lionise in rim village ami Coimy of ll.ini towco on ihe ZWli day ol' January A.D iddt, a( Sue I oar of lev, o'clecle A. ofbadny 1 11 is kV; i i rvx. P.

Sherlflfn Office of Mauilowtic Con.i.'y cei.ibr 12(h ItiCQ. Jsmml of forcolo ITrtarles Fr. Ebcrtf. ture and TXY virtue of and piirf mnt to a jiidpmer.l of Oelob. 19511 alm (i a.

tain, 1 shall selljoll.tbc bl day rd March. A. D. 1801. at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon that day at die Court llmma in Ibe viHam, mie a iho following' describe)' marigagcd promises, or so much Ihsrcof a may a.a.rb: ol tim west ouari.

(lb in tl.e vill gc and Cceedity of (c, north ol laagr tivrmty twn (2f) ea Manitowoc. Wisconsin. Tli tr 1 1 ,11 bounty of Wani uadt knowo at the time arid place of towoc in the State of ttV M.1 I XEJII'EB, Sheriff. aloraf Iht tiialt rmny bmiasmrrt, 1' f. TVi.


orti llnti wat ii wl CoiiiiilulnUjlu.l'S Kl. i an. til A ''I'lld AllSTUCT OF TDK 1llty i3l.tliS;(.l.t Kt.le.mi C'tRTFORD EIRE "iSSGRAK CS CO'. MAillllUIW. Fmiiii is rc Ware Hoom.

MNUFACTURY, MA NI TO WO 0 WI SCO pT ouimtantly ninbie.g mmd mid Ftib tanb ri.Aiti rvi yr a cm ,1 ni) tion, ai well us Fancy and ORNIMEN 1'AE. WOHK. 1 ill! ii tbtitp 1 ivV' di'iiU loo ha id I llo has On hand and is cnnslauMy wfoctnring juniin Him BREAK A ST TA LE 1VOBK STANDS. Trendi Plain Bedsteads, A Ii. 0 I.

11 TEA 0 BOOR "OA S15S Sidc lioartU ami Bureaus, Wrash SlaiHls, At. SO lichen tebb. and dressers. vruy article ia his line will be well made ai it nriem a cm, pm mmv al lorded. Old furniture repaired and re M'oliee in Crfitlilors.

In Probate. Slate of WiscoitBin, County .1 ol til cttato' of John Wagner. deceased. 1, tl i date nl beine allowed and limited creditors: to present llieir claims aaiust said de ceased for exami li' and adjustment i ibe cHat 1 of aid deceased be i a ined mid, adjusted belore Ihe Jjsdge of cad for that nuruose he rvil, be at bin in Ibe vil lage of en Ihe first Monday nl each and it is further ordered. Ihat and rul minb iralor, without delay, cause copy order to be niiblisbed lour succesyive in the Manit.tweoc llmab.l.

a mkly 'iievrspapt County Jude. Dalcd December. i860. Blanks I Blanks I Blanks arcs Cbatiel Satisfiiction Mortgages, Dccdf, Section Plato, c. Ac.

ft mle at tl.t nEKAl.D OFFICE em xt rlfV TO is prepared to Myl alalia in Oie' beat. wlnatesMO. PNKf hanging, plazing. and 0fJO0blng Jan. NEW A Il6; FBASKLlSflALX jVj OU IS E'Hrf HAS opened nhop nn! looir''to ViimMm ,,1 i ,1 1 liiJctmtf ot i i i i 1 i dl il l'idob hi he' to a i er yhody.

ivill b1 'j u1 fiueftdi r. inct iully veiiue lcel not to lelhtm wait lMiM ii sbaioa. 1 Clinic one, come nil 1 U.d.iii".: Poncl'ts rnm a al l.t.W Ilea bite.l ill.bti.l tb er kind of liui.lers,belb great mid Sntall. New Flouring Mill SOITII SIDE OF THE ItlVERT xv FULL OPERATION! TU Hlglieit lnrfcet Price pld for In Ail custom Wort Done JaT. TRUMAN.

Maiiitovric.Feb. 1, ISBfr S. H. SEAMAN'S ai ANUEACTURERS OK. TC15S, FA1L9, Chui tis, tap.Uitohets.

ic 'J tab and 0 Hie e. Franklin Slrttt. okth ff ii Drv Dock, South Br.m,, Cbicnqo. lb V. U' b.

JU64. i. H. SliAMANS, mmhM luMl iiiir II fXil. COM.

Cask Capital It, lKl.I.OUf.. S. It. n. Sc 11.

MAG.ILL.' CINCINNATI. ImiI on to ill. u.ii.eis ot Fire In.uir.ur, (Ui iu free tout tiled parleir tlei.di.l mm Ib" Malice it sad a a t.l ul SUU.UOO, C'a ii Slit 1 Kdjird Ai.ldieKti' iT.iicIt.d. ndn Losses jiaiil at ihis AffBcy, by i OnS!) T. SEIOVK, Jynl.

North of' F. KEAUSE'S 1 Two Rivers, JS. eriiSS uma ami plm.did Hall Till opn.r,t i i. the be kind Cheer tld. trill kept "d( tap.

riicr i a i i EXTJ5JVSI VB STOCK. Mibrciber. ha jttst opened. In.tha "'i Quay et, W.illin. rs UnnkiiiK and ear image office, this largi St mid bnsl slock ol Wiwcs and ii" wani am "included tome i boi mt Cerinaii and French llehu al.

of tlm unrest and bet quality Scotch Whi. li. every variety of 1 ,1,4, called for in tin market, which he will Mil by the caak, package of pan on UICSIAIID KUNCUOJiZv. Djc.7 DRUGSTOBE, PATENT AIJSDIC'JB PEPO'I 4 An. WiTTa.iN rcsncctfnlly nnnounceo he "ii I eons of Ihe Vallagu and County of Manitowoc, I ha I be lurn purchased the cntir nick ol lung ami Mciljoiucra lotmeriy Win, bodiidi.

nai! tiii.t he.ivill keep constanl on band at ibe old stand; nil the rarieries of aliciaec usually kept at in a drug olorc, to Painty Oilfv Varnish, ALCOHOL AINU SPIRITS OP TDBPIiXTISE, (CJAlso a pod ftssorttueni oljj STAT 1 0 jVERV QI.OAKS:, All Hie popular Patent Medicincpwill bw kept, ham An cxpoi ie jeetl.Dcil'ggist.tvill alwaj in altcadancm Vfbo will curel'ully. tlltlti to I 1 of icripti nr the post office. Manitowoc may 10 USi IS BtjHsgiiSEsssKsasastaa I BREWERY At, Itaf. End of EljthtU it. :0: I JOIIN ROEFFSy Si ray Heifer.

'CAMS fo lie' enclosure of he sulwerlber while spot on he belly. The owner 1 required nrove nropcry. lnr charro and take her no prove pi iiW.Fr.AXil SRiKDI.".

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