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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • 3

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Women's Political Union Offers Optimistic Programme. CLOSES WITH A "VISION" "Woman Enfranchised" Ends Afternoon After "Bobbies" Invite All to Parade. London requesting suffragettes to march In a street parade'. This is the truth that is stranger than Action. The amazing deed really took place yesterday afternoon at the Republic tre between the acts of the matines given by the Women's Political Union, Yea.

the "bobbles" were converted by the suffrage oratory to such an extent that I tbeir enthusiasm had to find vent in I and they threw themselves upon the audl- demanding signatures to pledges to inarch in the suffrage parade. They must tase been extremely susceptible to reason. these John Bull "bobbles," because it could not have been the feminine charms and graces that converted them. The scene was Square during a militant meet? ing, nnd Mary Keegan. looking none the better for the rioting through which the had passed had harangued the hooting crowd.

Xo. with her hair in horrible wisps be? side her face, her hat askew, her ill fitting waist and bedraggled skirt hanging pre? carious iy hy two Bafetypins, she was obliged to have recourse to logic. The parts of th. policemen were taken by R. C.

Beadle and F. Friedman. Harold brown was an extremely irritating dude of the rnonocled type. He stood superciliously on the outskirts of the crowd, but all of a sudden be had a clever idea. "Oh.

I say. now!" he called to the suf? fragette 'Don't you wish you were a man?" "Yes, don't you wish you were?" was the awful retort. The dude slunk away crusied. p.rd he did r.ct appear later in the aisles soliciting parade pledges. H.

C. Jackson and O. A. Rogers were art stu? dents in the crowd, with flowing locks and hair and huge sketchbooks, upon which they record their impressions of the suf? fragettes, presumably for the edification of the London comic sheets. They were not popular with the "Honest Working Man in the Crowd" (Harold Herts), or with the "Suffragette Paper Sellers" (Rheta Childe Dorr and Anna Friedman).

In startling contrast to the London suf? fragettes were the tableau? in "The Vision of Brave Women," which followed, Mrs, Otis Skinner, wife of the actor, herself a star of no mean magnitude before her mar? riage, read the poetical devices wh'eh ac? companied the pictures. The poems were written by Mrs. Wilfred Mrs. James D. Livingston was Margaret Erert.

the first "brave woman" In'America to claim the vote, or, as the old Maryland record has It. "Came Mistress Margaret Brent and did demand both place and voyce." Mrs. John Rogers, sister-in-law of Secretary of War Stimson. represented Abigail Adams, the first woman who threat? ened militant methods, proving, as one suf? fragette hotly said to the. other, that there nothing new, by George, even in the methods of the modern suffragettes." Abigail was the good wife of John Adams.

lhe found time between darning his rocks and caring for his children while he was off making a government write him thas: have ro vole? in the law. you wonder If unjust law? we break Now look that you to our cause be Croe, Or we'll foment rebellion, too. But John (continuel the poet), who'd have died at Freedom's need, Just laughed at the letter and paid no bead. of the most charming pictures was of Deborah Logan, a Pennsylvania ne and model mistress of a Colonial household. She sat In the midst of her maids, with their spinning wheels n.edlework, around the great old fireplace.

They all wore real old heirlooms, full skirted gowns, and 'kerchiefs, with crisp white muslin caps on their curls, and they workei as they listened to fair Mistress Deborah reading aloud to them from an Instructive hook. "What a contrast," sighs the programme, "between these girls, workinz under the care of this gentle lady, and modern women tolling in swestt The climax of the tableaus was the vistos of "Woman Enfranchised." showing lilts Inez Milholland In a classic white robe and blue velvet cloak, with one arm around the little children at her and the other mercifully sheltering the "scarlet woman." The children were little Fre.ericka Watrous and lisster lam Chanler. the son of William Astor Chanler. Miss Vida Milholland, sistet of Miss Inez, was in the group. There were sixteen tableaus in all, show? ing Pocahontas, Prlscilla, Margaret Brent, Hannah Penn.

Abigail Adams, Lydia Dar? rach, Molly Pitcher, Deborah Logan, Eliza? beth Stanton. Suesan B. Anthony. Mott, Ida Lewis, a "Daughter of Confederacy." Julia Ward Howe. Clam Barton and "Woman Enfranchised." Among In the audience were Mrs.

Caroline B. Alexander, Mrs. Wlnthrop Burr, Mrs. Herbert S. Carpenter, Mrs.

Lewis L. Delafle'd. Mrs. John Dewey. Mrs.

Magee Ellsworth, Mrs. Cyrus W. Field, Mrs. Albert Herter, Mrs. Wallace Irwin.

Mr-a. Ethslbsit and Mrs. Ansel The affair was under the direction of Mrs. Raymond Brown.

JERSEY WOMEN CAN'T VOTE B-prerc. Court Decision Against Female Franchise. Trenton, X. April in Jersey cannot vote at the state election or register at ttu polling places In the state, to a dad-ion of the Supreme filed here to-day. The decision was written by Justice Kalisch.

It holds female Is entitled to vote at the state in this state, and dismisses the for a writ of mandamus compel an election in Morris County retfster a woman of that rlace. case was virtually a test, and tbou? of women all over the state were awaiting the deckten anxiously. Miss Harriet F. Carpenter, a resident cf Ln Wtct t0 lhe Supreme Court for a of t0 too thst tCJLUnty to rsTJter her. so yit fan Thl ln lhe is that Court decision to OPEN MISSION HEADQUARTERS Methodist Women Interested in For? eign Work at Dedication.

Between one and two hundred women at the! of th? new headquarters of the Fore-Kn Missionary Society of EPtocopsl Church at No I tth avenue. W'r? PMOOauSal eve by Mrs. winum I. Haven, president of the Tork branch, snd were par? ticipated in by Addlson W. IS.

r0'' John the Rev. Dr. r. North Brief addresses were made by the Rex. and Bishop John F.

Wfmsm. of Ionia. who arr)ved from his week. At the close of the me afternoon tes was served. A-mcns those present was the Rev.

T. 8. a missionary to India snd son w-tew of J. F.d?at- Leayera.t. of this city, with Bishop Robinson.

MABEL LEE vniinc Chinese woman who a vote. CHINESE GIRL WANTS VOTE Miss ee Ready to Enter Barnard, to Ride in Suffrage Parade. Regarding her as the symbol of the new era, when all their women will be free and unhampered, all Chinatown is proud of little Miss Mabel Lee. daughter of the mis? sion pastor, Dr. Lee Towe, and her brilliant accomplishments.

Her parents brought her to this country seven years ago, and she learned quickly so much of English, Latin and mathematics that she is now prepared to enter Barnard College. Miss Lee inherits from her father a strong mind and an admiration for Ameri? can institutions. The mind is. indeed, so strong that it compels her to look through what she considers the one defect in the the limited She thinks that should be extended to women. Therefore she intends to march in the suffrage parade on Mav 4 Xo, not march, but ride on horseback, in Miss Annie R.

Tinker's brigade of horsewomen who will head tr.e procession. She will be clad, like the rich and fashionable suf? fragettes around her, in a tight nttinic black broadcloth habit and a tri-cornered black hat. with the green, purple and whi'e cockade of the Woman's PolPlcat Union. When the Tribune reporter saw her yes- terday at her home, Xo. 53 Bayard however, she was in her school plain Chinese Jumper, similar to the Amer- lean middv blouse, a blue serge skirt and very American hlack patent leather pumps Clinging to her skirt was a baby sister ln a red Chinese Jacket, and the long straight pantaloons which most Chinese wear In their homes, in New York.

Miss Lee's mother Is the link that holds her and her missionary father bound to the eld era. Mrs. Lee Tnwe has feet about two Inches long, in red suppers, she seldcm goc-s out of the house would have to descend four flights of stairs tc- do so, but it Is not a question of om fort only. She Is high caste, and It frould not be seemly for her to walk in the streets, observed of men. Miss Lee means to learn .11 she can of American ways and to go baek to China to teach her sisters there.

She believes that woman's rla'-e In ln the heme, and that her education should prt-rarll-- the satisfaction Of 1er husband. "How can a marriage l.e she asked, "anlese th? wife ennueh to understand and sympathize with her husband in his business and Intellectual in? terests" Thp.t seems to be the great differ? ence between the American and the Chinese Ideals of education. The Chinese Ideal Is to mike the trlrl a comfort and delight to her and later to her husband The American Ideal is to help the girl toward wn improvement own pleasure. "It serns to me that each nation has something to (nm the other" A MAI ANTOINETTE FEIE Dancers Transported to Garden of Versailles in Sherry's. DINNER SERVED ON LAWN Mrs.

Rodman Wanamaker Sur? prises Her Friends by Won? derful Scenic Effect. Mrs IWman took her guests last night to the garden of the of Versailles, where they danced surrounded by floral effects and the scenery which Queen In? totoatta was wont to prora? antury and a half rico The ballroom at Sherry's was trans? formed into a perfect replica of Preach garden, and the one of Mrs. Wanamaker there lu moonllaht, served by men liveried aa the royal aarrltsura of Louia XVI, while men in uniform of the famous Bwlsa Guard stood around the gardsn as If lng watch the safety of ths gussta The arrangement waa brought to th? Kuests as a BUrprtsa. They recf-lvcd In the Marie Antoinette dranln--; room, and when Mrs. Wariamnkf-r into the supposed dtninpr room the tlon of the gorgaotu aeena waa not poAed by any one.

There was ths Palao ol Vsrsalllss, tits painted baekcroond ths rear facade of the famous structure Tttore tbs tall boxwood separating the from the thera mere the ras of nymphs ai aoddassas, and above than all th? high Mor? mandie poplars. Over gravelled paths the guests were led to the tablis that had been placed on the grass plots, and here they sat and dined and admired the. famous tapis vert, and away beyond Grands E'aux, on which trie lights flarhed illusions of the rain? bow. The fleur da iys reigned In the corners of the garden plots the lilies of France were reproduced in white pansies, the intertwined so familiar to visitors of Ver-at'les were outlined with pansies of a deep purple hue. and above thera rested the crown of violets.

The menu was consistent with the milieu. There were dishes a la Trianon, a la Marie Antoinette, and in everything, najne, time or manner of service, the age of Louis Seize was recalled. And when the dinner was over and colored attendants In blue liveries had served cigars and cigarettes, a pierrot and pierrette danced Into the garden, and, to the accompaniment of a guitar, sang "Au claire de la lune, mon ami Pierrot." Then came Marie Antoinette herself. Four Swlts guards the huge sedan chair, from which she alighted to execute her "Danse des fleurs." The minuet, too. came into lta glory, danced by ala Utile court ladies and two Imposing courtiers, to be followed by Rus? sian dancers.

Then the guests themselves sought the ballroom in the chateau be? yond, and here they danced, interrupting their pleasure only for a short time for siipper. RICHESON COST STATE $7,030. Boston. Apr? cost Suffolk County 91,030 to investigate and prosecute Clarence V. T.

Rlcbeson, the slayer of Miss Avis Llnnell. according to bills made public by the clerk of the Superior Court to-day. Governor Foss will give a hearing next wetk on a to commute the sen. tence of death to imprisonment for life, i DIVORCES HALF-SISTER Couple Wedded in Ignorance Blood Relationship. THEIR MOTHER KEPT SECRE Children Born to Them Be? fore They Are Told by Court That They Are Kin.

Cincinnati, April Mrange stnr which in John Ruch. age twentjr-tWO, being from his Helen Hoffmann Roch taren! I old is related In th? Th" ebrother nnd list? were married on IS, ndthf Si eth? til 1- i of lite l.le-eexl relatlor shije between th The th- retetioashlp wi a tew ago. an-l tli? aetion fo dlvorc. followed, ti" Innhsad slteains negli decree r.n that pr'i'mrt for purpose proteci th? Miple in far a ible. N'.

itti'-r thflr moth? was In court It was explained te the that mistake bail been possible because the mother hidden front the children th? fad that th--? half brother sllowins them to th" rlri onljr f-n adopted child The relationship the oung ht snd wife was to" them of the Probats Court, i few weeks fo in presence of I mother, Mrs. John NHghl.or.-- A the Ruch f.iini'v Informed Judge Loedsti that they believed IN couple were half brothrr end learned SftSI Investigation th.t the two had grown ur together under the belief th.t the girl only an adopted daugh'er of Mrs. Ruch The youngest of their children is only t. weeks old. In the llcense Ruch gave the young woman's name I as Helen Hoffmann.

"This young in.n came to the Probate I Court ln 1.10 and secured a license to marry this young woman, who, it since has been discovered, 1s his half-sister." said 1 Judge Lueders to the court. "That was be I for? tho recent law wss passed requiring both applicants for a marriage license to appear personally. The young man gave his name, age and address properly. He gave the young woman's name as Helen Hoffmenn and told her age and address. "I am fact, I have gated the matter carefully and feel certain he did not know at that time that this young woman was his half-sister.

Tho discovery was not made until a compara? tively short time ago. I had them in my office, and we tried to arrive at some eaolu tlon for the problem presented. They have two children They still love each other and love their children. "I explained to them that, although they might be able to keep the secret for there would come a time, as surely as any? thing human can be certain, when some one would discover it, and It would be ex? posed, possibly in their declining years. Or.

If the disclosure were not to come until 1 after their death, it would be left as a heritage to their children. Now they can come into court honistly, to explain an honest mistake and do the only thing In their power to rectify that mistake." SUNDAY'S NEW-YORK TRIBUNE Mailed anywhsrs in ths United Ststes 1 for 12 50 year. mm PLAYERS Says She Found Them Charming and Made Them Work. AND THEY LIKED IT. TOO Despite Belasco, Actress Says American Plays and Actors Are Sail To-day.

With a'l the it snUraslasn cf thoroughly Parisian Mm--. an a- tress who his i giv? ing York ,1 taste of mercilessly arn naturalistic an the last se-i son. demolished past hope the nounceni-nr of David that ths A-tmrtean dldp'l bia Job, What didn't care to. The demolition came on ths ara of for London, where she pla? Frou" and Return from until the summer puta dramatic work The rtracloua was sitting i on a throne in studio ol Mrs Benjamin Outnntsa painter of portraits, clothed In a Iuiir and envsloplng fur coal an i spa? doua Wach from under which a like polished gold osped hero arid there.

An ancient tapestry and a cardhoard behind her torn to ness ci studio "Do fgjf our younger aetot do not know was "Mais, non; mais, she responded "You must not complain about your actors. In the way of my rompan-' vrre the most and delicious people imaginable. And work? I thr-m harder than ever I tasds them to niy hotel and re me. They told me that tiv-y I were not accustomed to work like that, but they were willing. I found them en? chanted with their work.

"The book they gave should have seen the wonderful book with ths sllror on It upon which they all anararsd their names and presented it to me at Ihe fiftieth performance of "The Return from Jerusalem." That play was played just the same as in Paris. I staged it myself, and there was not a particle of difference." The tain turned to American auilU-nces. "They like comedy," said trena, "They don't care to see a woman her heart Strings through four nets un.I a man dying at the end. 1 think I gave them the wrong plays at rlrM. "But they have great possibilities of at? tention, much more the French peo? ple.

The French like quick action, as In 'The They say the a will teil us what kipd of character the heroin? But you Amerfcana like character developed, lour critica declare that a play like 'The Whirlwind' is not aincero, though the French conalder it the most sincere of Bernstein's Mme. Simone was asked whether she thought America na? tional drama. "How can you say the American drama not she exclaimed. "I have seen The The Return of Pete? Grimm." 'The Bird of Paradise. Bought and Paid For." They are all typically Ameri? can.

And how do you know they will not he pla ved a hundred-years now? which Fren? prople now consider the greatest of Ra? cine's works, was taken off aifr a run fourteen rights. I.eca'i??? your these are only of the hour, dots not an anvthtng." All the plays which had seen Muk charming, but she apealad to her most it was against the ethics of profession, ehe maintained Henrv Miller, she her forcibly of Un, but of the other actors she no commenta to make, they wars ail deiiirhtfui In speaking of school of acting, she was not new She DMrelj tri-d. she explained, to be as true as poseible to make people fot Ket thai eh? was acting, ihe ha.i onfuaed. she ob? they Bomethinf differenl i arrisad They re? ferred her us a second Bsrnhardt i ro? Bernhardt, she said, was Sarah Bernhardt BhS was a gi end eh? BCl.I acting, be one COXtld ev-r hi- t0 be her httrseR with everything in New York ex-ept the and said she would be In tiie fall "1 have bscotae tborougrhlj Amertean," she la'ighlng. '1 forgolt-n I shall play hi SVTFRAGF, COMEDY FLAYED Given at Lyreiim Theatre Benefit for Magdalen Home "The.

and the Lan fhe them-? of was based "ti 'he pos sihllitles that lie nn-re dormant In the question, a single perfonnaracc ai the Lyceum Theatre ves. terilav afternoon for th? h.n.-tit the nursery of the Bterhng was th? author of th? comedy, which well with yesterday's audl? thai Miss Bterltng war- called for sistenii? hi the tinai curtain, but unlike most playwrights ran sway. answer to ths proposition, Could the without lambe? distinctly given by littl- Ii was. So! Those who a-U-d vv-l! In smusing were Joseph J. Malcolm Dunn, Wecito, Qeorta Kelly, St Bayneld, Vloletta Klraball, Ruth Holt Bou clcttult.

Lot ta Helen Orn and Henrietta Frank Vfotlta, of Lewis Waller'a "Mon-1 -riera Besueali company, staaed the pl? re PURSE ATTACHMENT FOR HOSE Bachelor Gets Patent for Woman's Pocketbook To Be Worn on Stocking. Philadelphia, April 12 If. Pres mont, a student of law at the University of Pennsylvania, has obtained a patent upon a purse or pocketbook attachment for women's stockings. The pocket is about six inches deep and four inches wide. A long flap coverlni? the top fastens securely outside the king, and the wearer mav put a little jewelled lock on It if she wishes.

It is to be worn at the top of the stocking. The new pocket is Intended to be the temporary repository of such valuables as a woman may not desire to leave at home and which may not be safe In a handbag. I The inventor is a I-achulo:" twentv-three years old. HEBREW WOMEN RAISE FUNDS. The committee in charge of the work of raising for a new home for the Young Women's Hebrew Association report? ed yesterday that up to noon they had raised $74,215.

The receipts tor the twenty four hours from Thursday to Friday amounted to K615. The committee expect? to collect the full amount needed by April 2C Of the amount received yesterday JJ.000 came from Henry Dix, of No. I6tf West Htb street R. Fulton Cutting and Miss Grace Dodge, who is interested in the Young I Women's Christian Association, were also among the contributors. IN-ER-SEAL EMPLOYES DANfcE.

The In-er-seal Association, which ts com? posed of employes of the various depart? ments of the National Biscuit Company, celebrated Its twelfth annl versai labt night. After witnessing a performance of Twist" at the Empire Theatre, which was decorated for the occasion, a reception, and short musical concert took place Louis Martin's, the entire fourth floor being rcserv-d for the associa? tion. Theodore E. Belts is the of the association. W.

J. SLOANE WASHINGTON SAN FRANCISCO A Superb Collection of Floor Coverings and Fine Furniture We take pleasure in announcing that we are now occu? pying our new building, which exclusively devoted to the purpose, of our own business. We are showing a remarkable col'ection of Oriental Rugs which has tiken u. several year, to gather together. These rugs have never before been displayed to our patrons.

The second and fl.ors of our building contain a collection of Fin. Furniture such as has never been seen in this city. We have prepared a large njmocr of new patterns in Carpets of all qua'ities, while the of co'ors in the Pain Carpets has been greatly augmeoted Our stocks or Domestic Rugs, Summer Porch Rugs and Linoleum are unusually complete. Prices remain the same. Inspection of the merchandise and premises if cordially invited.

New Address FIFTH AVENUE AND FORTY-SEVENTH STREET. MRS. GAGE ADMITS ERROR "Threat" Against Banker Not Justified, She Says. BELL IN COURT. SMILING Woman Tells Jury She Took Mrs.

Grade's Remarks About Daughter Too Seriously. (From The Tribune Bureau. 1 Washington. April social lines closely drawn and a breach In strictly local I society, 'he lunacy proceedings against Mrs. ti the widow charged with threatening the life of Charles J.

Bell, a prominent banker and clubman. I are likely to prove sensational If th? au? thorities in compelling Mrs. Archi? Orad-, of New York and Washing ton. to testify against the woman, who claimed that a plot existed bar her from I socl-ty. I lira, Qrad? 1- sought to break down th? Mrs.

Gage that she based her threat? to horeewhlp Mr. Bell on informa Itton given her by Mrs. Oracle and that she BO "delusions" on the subject. but rather wae mistaken. She was sub? poenaed to refute Mr? Gage's testimony that she had said Mr.

Bell, who Is the lent of the American Security and v.l.- the head of the in bet ostracism," but failed cnn 1 tOOfe Mrs. Grades remarks too I really there wa? for them." testified Mrs. tO-day Mr. Bell never took the mind that was not peraecuting me and my daughter, but; hatj told me half much as he has ,.,,1 you, i-ntl-men ol the jury, i would i not finger. I what reallsi now that I was mis- I i never did say I would kill him bacauM under no drcumataacea would 1 do that Th? only I made that i would horaewhlp him In publlo 1f did no! Injuring Daughter Told Same Story.

week the daughter. Mt.s Margaret i tlcollj mme to the declared that had I rnlahed the again? Mr. Bell end that her feeling toward th? banker datad from, thai which wae lu? It ttrancth -f tbU teatlmony that wae mad? to locati Oracle, as it WM reported that she did not make attributed to her. Mrs Oage Bleo told the jury that i made "an unpleaaanl about her daughter being end no attach? th? embaw rumor thai wm wholly unfounded, accord-, inK the wltnoM. "I PU the love light, to tout eyes." was the playful taunt di? rected at the daughter, testltled Mrs.

(Jage. The report Of the engagement had been nrtnted to society pap? in Washington, she said, and it had operated against her daughter. praetM statement of Mrs. Grade on i which Gage says she based all her animosity against Mr Bell Gage, it is a sin and a shame for vou to keep that girl in Washington as will have an awful time getting along any other way with Mr. Bell 1' 8 vou as he does.

You should take Zr back to Sew keeo her here." Mr- Se said It was "a terrible blow" to her and she pondered over It for more than a month before mentioning the matter any one. She stated that she then told i of Mr. Bell "to frighten him. per- haps that she would horsewhip him if hluirMrTGage's recital the hanker 7 only a few feet from her. occasionally although in the main sitting with his eyes riveted on the witness.

v'r Bell represented by counsel In nroceedings over the vigorous orotests Mnrnevs for Mrs. Gage, the claim be lawyer. A 8. Worthing of the leading members of the local Dar' should not take part In the i the witnesses. The court permitted Mr" worthlngton to take an active part In nroceedlngs.

I An adjournment was taken this Wednesday morning, and In Toite of efforts to obtain her release on bond the the Mrs. Gage was sent back to the gov? ernment hospital for the Insane. SUNDAY'S NEW-YORK TRIBUNE Mailed anywhere the United States 50 a GATINS WEDJVIISS WATEI 1 Couple Eloped While Her Fam: Was Denying Engagement. No time was lost by Miss Dorothy I ters in marrying Benjamin Gatins af she got home last on the German Lloyd liner Kronprinz Wilhel The next day Miss Waters left the ho: of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

G. Jason ters, at No. 274 Madison avenue, and to the Citv Hall with her wh? they described themselves as: Dorothy Philips Waters, twenty-c years old. of No. 274 Madison aven born in Atlantic City, daughter of Geor Jason Waters and Bertha Fox.

Benjamin Kiely Gatins. twenty-thi years old. of No 71 Central Park We occupation, gentleman; horn In Atlan son of Joseph Francis Gatins and Kai erlne Thomas The record In the City Hall shows th they had Intended to be married ne Monday In the Church of the Blessed Si rament, in West "1st street, but on Thui day and Mrs. Waters received a ter in which their daughter inform I them she was Mrs. Gatins.

It was wrltte on Hotel Manhattan stationery. Mr. i tins is a Roman Catholic, and It Is unde i stood the pair were married by a prie I after obtaining their license. The Waters family had opposed tl marriage, and even denied the engagemer I although It had been rumored for a ye? In sodety. FINDS LOVE IN STEERAG! Italian Count Goes to Ellis Islan with Girl of His Choice.

The CoiAt Gustavo had no Ide of takir.g unto himself a wife when left Naples, two weeks ago. on the Italia liner San Giorgio. But when the vessel ai rived here ye. terday I was head heels In love with a younsr girl of th steerage, and went to Ellis Icland with vext. rlay, when he found that she woul have to pass through the lrr.m gra'i' channels with all other lecond ane steerage aliens.

Th? San Glorslo had only a handful saloon passengers, and the count grer. before reaching mid-Atlantic. On according to one of the dozen version of his he met his futur, by chance as she stood on the forecastle head looking at the spray thrown up stem as It cut the water. A euddei gust of wind blew her shawl aft. and sN hurried after It.

Th? count saw it an caught It first, and rafter that he wasn't long in catching i heart the youn? woman. egtgnorlna Elvira Plnanl is the haprj girl's name. She was tr.mMllng to this eountry with her mother, and. according to the Immigration officials, Is of the high type of peasant. She was not allowed to visit the count on the sah on deck, but, having the freedom of the ship, the count was free to visit her In the steerage quar? ters.

By the time the count made up his mind that SlKiiorlna Fizzrmi would turely be one the Countess Bursot I he asked ptrml son to have her receive the freedom of the sa locn deck, and thereafte- the eignorlna an.l her mother were much in the count's com? pany. The count, who is twenty-two years old, said he had come here to study Am lean business methods, and would be with a company at No. 10 Broadway. It la he will meet his on her rehas. fr in IslantJ tc-day, and the maniage wnl be celebrated on Sunday.

DIVORCE FOR FORMER MODEL. Red Bank. N. April 12 Mrs. Vlila Schenck Meeker, a former artists' model, received an absolute di? vorce from her husband.

Jesse T. Meeker, a real estate broker, of No. 1170 Broadway, New York City to-day. The divorce was granted by Chancellor Walker on the grounds of desertion. There was no det fence to the suit.

Mrs. Meeker has the custody of her four-year-old son. Jesse T. Meeker, Jr. Mr.

Meeker had not lived with his wife for about three GOING 10 SCHOOL AT Baltimore Wcman to Take Course at Cambridge. i PASSION FOR LITERATUR Mastery of the English Classit the Aim of Widow of Former Financier. Telegraph to Th? Tribune Baltimore. April been out school more than half a century. Mr Francis White, of No.

1114 North Calve street, who is nearly eighty years old. planning to go to Lngland in June to ent? I Cambridge University for a course in Em tish literature. A frequent visitor to Europe and to th Sienes in England around which clust? the lives of so many masters of literatui whose works she has learned to love In I lifetime of study, Mrs. Wh'te has decide that no means of spending her lumrn? would be quite so pleasant as a course a the ancient university. Mrs.

White is the widow of Franei White, a financier. She has three sen; Richard Francis A. and Miles Whit? and three grandchildren, the oldest whom Is nearly twenty-one years old. her trip this summer she will be accompa nied by several friends, cne of whom wl enter Cambridge with her. Mrs.

White's iamily on both sidee cam from Virginia, although she was born an I has lived all her life in Baltimore. 8h i was a pupil at Miss Henderson's School fo I Girls. This institution passed away, to by the Misses Halls' School which in turn is no more, but Mrs. White' I studies have kept on. She took a proml nent part in Baltimore society at one tim? I but since the death of her husband eh i has lived In retirement.

I "I can't see why so much should be msA of my little resolution to take i summa i course at Cambridge," said Mrs. Whit i to-night. Her hair is silver7 white, bu I otherwise her nearly fourscore years res i lightly on her shoulders. She smiled whei I asked if she expected her teachers to severe with her, and declared that she wa? not going to school unless she could plaj truant when she pleased. "I have visited the scenes In old land where so many people lived and 1 have to luve them," Mrs.

White. "In Scotland and the North ol England are many beautiful spots immor? talized in the lore of great men. "Several years ago I went to Oxford to see the university buildlncs. The old walla and structures, treasured so that they never will be changed they stand. always had a peculiar fascination for me.

The queer old benches on which are carved many illustrious names I remember still. I am sorry the summer school is not Oxford this year, but it alternates with Cambridge and this is a Cambridge While she will not go until June. Mrg. White already is beginning to make preparations. She expects to spend about six weeks at the university and thsa am return at once to Baltimore.

HELD FOR POISONING MOTHER Inquiry Started by Half-Brother Leads to Daughter's Arrest. McAlerter. April '2 -Mrs. Jul'a O. Martin, of Evanston, 111 was brought here to-day and placed In Jail on the'chirge of ravins- caused the death of her mother by administering rois Mrs.

Sophronia A. Moore became seriously 111 at her home here recently, and Mrs. Martin, summoned by telegraph, arrived three wetks ago. The mother, whose age was seventy-tight years, declined rapidly and died yesterday. J.

W. lisr.ord, a half bn tht-r Mrs. Martin, causea an investi? gation to be made, with the nsult Mrs. Martin was arrested. Bel! and Wing By FREDERICK FANNIN? AYER Absorbing, astounding, inspiring, Academy, Power and Examiner.

A greet Herald. Marks of genius Record. A wealth of Transcript. Genuine aspiration and Review, England. Near the Portland Oregonian, Astounding Times.

A striking 090k of Post. 0. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, N. Y.

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