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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • 8

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LOCAL MISOKLLANY. TESTIFYING FOB BRBSIDAM, A WIMMA hm ik lin: WASMtN OOVSI WW THINKS QBB-BAl WU Ki i -l-l IM SW HOT. At titi-Waitt ti Oonrl nf 1'iij'inv yost cr.I ty tin c-nlv witness i timiu-ed wsa irvdcrbili Alien, win) b-donged to the Corps ol Enid ooria, snd tu. tim ('av ni the ti ittlc ol Five na attached st iff (i nt rsl Sn- i Maj.ii II oi E. I kl Weale.

Merit--, Hod I wi I testify Bl tin tr. Major? al? univ nm a rs Itu Ou Hersh 31.1 -v si be tdqiiar i nit) h. ib il -cl sod mw i rh i in lu Bl ttl (A I. Ol Hu- i- Ct 'lui --li- ru! in i- i IB 'ls ll- I I- I. ,1 ii tl ii lillies.

(il tl i e. were la gel titi kill al toe nu i' "I I i- --I of I in tbe luci mos, bu lei the tit lien ere I Avrer, I sion torana inliic rd rs wa ti thew tu ooaie ap by 18ur 1 eh I mis arr-l Warren itunsuo a lug for hs troops to rome up, mil na in in rooipant vein Bijoridun i lac it'll seen a-I iii tc i ta c. I cannot real toy of the tooverra lon. tit a'l uihi- -a io General Werren; ii il. ii tn Inc mil lu- WU 'I Ipi i tho ni- i betnra by eoi StM.

Burps tai -cl and adv-a-ts i ijr-uusi tin vina reso '-I Iii" aTMie Oak road I saw Avre-a'a divisive oeme tu ihl unlit os ice li'i. As lbei boras io they til being BO rcMl'i HM re ii a. red I nei si i rM to I Ibc Hut ns iroopa eeouna-Ni to advance a beovj fl" fmni the iv i theta, os uk len lin Ibu ti cn-tai rjuendsa natl lbs bend sf tbe division ssiS baaa the Mae vt- sitbered ap Tue eu ind wsa i nt inui--i across tbe eaeaar'a Bsd Ayres in laking Buss BBoaber priaoaers. Aitei on ibe ium a ni t'i" ensuy's works General Hil dnu sent au ia ie-rSh ol Ueneral Warrea. 1 went Shoat halt OS Ihfat gamers el tBroash v.

bx ds Barta aslerly dlreetiaa, lau did nut timi Wi. Tbs ea val vi lian 1 ina ni aver iiu- were rtsat ea wttheot watties for aa lu ai tu Unknit- nf the Ilea! Ill lae uar if tn Se l.ol lelia- uliri- it mn urn crt fie sf Ihe enemy tu our savaaee. I slid But ace fieueral CtswihIiI ct um BBS ut lils d.inion le -BOS ld ibc Cenrt adQenrned until li a. m. to-day, A DELINOUEKT LAWYER PUNISHED.

Antoni tin- recent i.ct isiciis banded down by the Coori ol Appeals is thal ia cum'nf Titus B. EMrtdge, a Lawyer of Kew-York, against whom eharsBBsl uiiaroaducl iucounecUon with live pro imiu ul' ibo willoi lin-lan- Alfred Bsrmorv were Basds l'V ilir Kai Assoc at um and Breseatssd to the Suj'i'cnu- Coori sitting at Ueueral Term In New York. Alioilt ii fear Ibe Gillern 1 Te I ill tl inlet cd ius dawaioB ita lbs case, suspending Ur. Idridge Irena usa practice sf lits hts fer three years Ile luau tared ul proceedings, sud lo iiii-Court ni Ailina'-, ii-t decision aaetaini thc (lilli ol lin' iwl) i.ilii'li Alfred liaitiituc vvas known as tin- proai td of the RuK-ltrrbocker Ice C-onipany, and as a man nf lortnue, Mr Eldridge contested the will sa beaall ol ins arlfe.wbo is a danshter ol Mr. liiiiiin re.

and Ibe will was rejected by Barrogats rn loni Mid rt unii.ut Alter the decision hv thu Surrogate it was discovered bj the stael heirs to the estate thal inany oi tba wini liu'i given evidence for the contcat nnt bsd been boiiLltt with money.bim! h.t.I 'fm gailty ol pennry. A new trial was ordered, which o.i before Surrogate Calvin, abo snrcceded Surrogate -yu huck, is-I. Mr. Eldridge'e opposition be ceased, and thc vvill was admitted to probate, bal tuc Har Aasoci it ion woubl nol allow the Blatter lo n-t there, snd appointed i tuiiiiiitiee. of which 1.ea i- I I mic Ul waB eba ir man, take action for the disbarment ai Mr.

i.lif nlirc lt is for tin- i-oiiits perma? nently to disbar lawyers practising before them; ami while it waa claimed that this severe punish? ment should be inui ted upon Mr. Eldridge, tho deemed tbe Bospension for three yeera a bbBclenl penalty nnder tbe i-ireumatances ol the iiu'. Owiug to tbs stay ol proceodinga obtained l.y Mr. Eldndse, Ins acntenee will (late from Hie ladgBMBl of tlf Supreme oort, entered on thc UBBBBslaaiiiB toltol tie decision of tbs Conti of Apuc-ils. PS0T1DING WATCH FOB BROOKLYN Thc Committee oo' sud Drainage, to which va- referred tba vat mus ai'heniea for Incrcasinff The water anpplj ol Brooklyn, which is -t in ba al.ui: im iy abort, reported to tbe Board ol Ahlcrin.

in favor ol aceepting the plan by Edward plau is to build a well twelve feel In diameter, twenty-live feel dees niar li.e poi ol where tbe conduit cxossob BpriBgHeld Brook, and pumpina works with ti capacity of "1,000,000 gsUoBS a tia v. anti al Watt's Creek ai mil ar we'll, capable of aupplyum gallons a ilav. ol a of Hie wells to be ni operation in fifteen ila vs. Alderman 1 linton, of the Ward, saul thal ibe Dos ni ciuil.l imf reci inui'ml plans, and could only make un appropriation of money. Hs moved that lie appropriated and the Commissioner ol City Winks be authorized to advertise for pro im-a is ti ir the work.

After an interchange of cour ti-Mies between Ahlciniati iii.nun and Alderman O'Connell, chairman of the Water ami Drainage Committee, in which the one wa- called a "intu sad tbe other au engiueer of a scheme," the luiiiiou tu ba former as voted doa and the reporl ol tbe Committee was adopted with thu proviso that tbe lie Buhiaitted lo Commis aioner ihe City Worka, and he i- io report to a apeeial meeting of tbe Board this after Boon. ('t)iiuiii--: ui lt. it-h reported yestcrdav that ft.00O.000 gallona nu.ic is used than the con duit (tm ainl Biked immediate at Hon, lilli UOKsS-aS NOT eo SICK A general improvement was noted yesterdny In thc eonditK.l tbe horsca employed on the princi? pal itago and car linea tbe eu v. In ituist nf the nearly every horse bsa been aaon or leas by the oickn as, bot rxcepl in eompara tivelv few tn nits have not bren li oa eil lin wotk. 8 El ar- I nei i ned to be? lieve that, with favorable weather, by snot ber week tlie u- timi will have entirely disapi.e-arcd.

The has made ila appearance on StaU-n Island. N-'ii' al vain.tile borscainthe stables ai? ta, bed tolk i's browi i ii s. al Sta? pleton, sre Mitti rinir from tho disesss Horses ina number ol private stables at (stapleton awl I I 'tu ara Bick. Thc bones on Ibe fal ma in Interior ut tim island as far as known, have not lit-ni by the di- sse. lt is believed thal inmost rases borsea contracted the disease in New-York, Williuin Kobo, the count) veterinary Burgeon, yes 11niav visited iiu- atalilea al Kxlein'a brewerj il i i ur Corucra ami found twelve Itorses sick.

'Mr, Robb Baye that the disease in case baa been in a mild lunn. mCW DEVICE THK IsOTTERY men. Thc letter) dealers are -till carryiug on I heir lui-im but they conduct it in a cautious manu r. An applic ml for a ti I for the ni xi Loui drawing, who call nt uni ol the principal otliccs thecompanj iii Hroodway, yesterday, was told: We sre nat allowed toefl! any ink. is.

sn-. We have not any for live ac ka. We arc dy till ing we ii i iva- tu suite crowd el spplic-nta, sud mist of tbetn were Bresented a form ol application for tickets a-t I im addressed and (tamped euvelope; so that they lin.d BOtbiig tu do inn io pol their Mom-y luswkt iiii'l drop Un- BBvelops uiiu thc nearest letter-box. lu bobic instances tbe forms of application were tilled ap by tin clerks, lt Isuow known the transaction ol lottery lui si ners hv mail is illegal, and therefore few will bo found vent ills tu li.uistuit innate lui a purpose. Those who do are engaging in an illegal dumb rsa, and stand about as much chance of Bettine, a ticket for their oney as they used to dc of getting a prise for their ticket.

THE BERNHARDT 8EA805 Thc sale of tickets fm Bingle nights for tbe en aageinenl ol Mlle, bernhardt was begun tit llootb'a I'hca rs yesterday muralug. The tleiuai waa fairly lor lbs entire aeavon. Mani Ind a wore an.uni; the barara, and were eager sjcl rmol wufs, probably iti oilier to examine closely de iitt-onal appearance and apparel of the great actress, Tbe speculators seem to havi lt ul tiiiin demand i foi tbe seseon than for aingli nights. Biz seats Here sold for the aeon exclusive ol the Inst sight, l.eiiic deducted fimii the aub (irii-e. These were fsken hv ladies.

(liesiats upon the Hrst and seconrl floors nml four rows inion the third wera aold fur tbs timi night, when Mlle. Ilfrnhsrdl will sppeor as Adi'u-nne. I nillir. Thc entire Bret Hour was bIki wild fur the Oral matinee, whi tbe play will be r'rou i Tbe tale waa so gi-cai as was fact is. that ai'tt-r the first night the majority of thc best iii tb-- Loose sre still for sale.

Tin: OCEAN (i.MMi.i.'i CONl ENTION. Tin- following Nev. iiii. nrgaui-itioiM will ba represented by ilub-gatoi tbe National I unven tiuii of ship-ownlug sod othei immcri ial bodie for lin- enconragemcul ol tbe oem i in merci of tin- liuii i in i in to-morrow in the Board ol Trade rooina. Boston: Hoard ol TrsoHporlatioB, Chamlier of Couiaierce, Prod ti re Excliaugc, Maritime Assoclaton, Hardware Hoard of siiitioii-rs' lit ar I ot Trade, and BU im lioat Union Issocistioo.

TIio delegations front New-York will take the a. st. irnin today from Ute Central 1.t. isaas ll. Reid, ol the Produce Ex ebsnge, bas been aildod to Hie deb nation from thal lindy, and A ll.

Ml Ucl amt John 1'. Henry go BB eiilistiiiitcs to Sun.m rtU-rne sud B. (sutton, to se-preaeat the Board of Trade sud Trsnsportstioa, CONTI-tl'KH EM PORK. Thc fi.ectilatnrs Oetober pork contiuacd to bold the trade in chook by asking Idgb prices jrss tirooiy, aud lhere wtic no tSPOatsd. At thc first rall for Inner-' options barrel was Ind with 11 ni i (lori ii bs.

At Ihe second call fin advsnce of cents was in the bide, bnl this advance waa lost at ino thir.f cull, the markel closing a- ii opened, with not a Bale reported, The settling pin as established at The dispntches from Chicago quote tbs Burkel the bids being s-i- with no There wu a little flurry In tbe lard saarket. a io it i- believed that aa Hort is lo he made lo advance pi it cs RILLED WITH A BILLIARD CUR in DBI liuvuhi a-sai rr in BBOOSXTB BBOIXO in Mt i H- A peenlisrly anprovokerl aaaanlt, resulting munli ocenrred nomi yesterday In a lic-oor ni A tl Brooklyn. Thomas loins, eiity-onc. whose berne was ia York, iuui George age twenty, sistate Im! in playing pool io the billiard room attached to the rum nt Henty in No. and Biter finishing a gama they walked to Ihe liar, I -mia water.

While they were drink? ing, John I. Dwvor, nlasteier by trade, age vi n. of NO. 337 De Granw en eic I the iiui ami called lor whiskey. He made nome re? mark to the others, who paid no attention to li i.n.

bul weil back to the billiard room. Dwverfol lowed them, endeavored pick a quarrel. ii close to Jones ami Welt, I'm a sue's r. ant 1 ivins no replj be Baized a lu ll mid ene by thc sinai let i ii 11 i.i ul struck Jones a bios with the hutt. hit upon Ihe bark of tho head, close tie- rt.

lit ear. Ile stagg) red few steps and fell to Ibe floor. His eompauioii. Sm un ran lori police? man. In a few nunn' ni ss dead.

The blow hid fractured hie skull. The billiard cse wss also rred from end to eud. Officers McCormick, of i First Precise and Riley, of the Tbinl, wera on the after a desperate resist c. I 'w i was aile til. Hs hud made lin BOTt to escape fiom the pla.

e. He a brawny, nansen lar man, pl great strength, and heirs tba reputation ut a lu awl-r. A lew minutes before toe anray he was ti to a with two tuen rn the street. Ile wan linked up iii Hie First Precinct Btatioa. Th" body 'if thc desd mun was taken to the Morgue.

Henry Domhrowftkl, proprietor of the liiiuor store, bia wife, and Ut-or-ge gi comb were ar? ie--ted i'm I ld to t' Btify ks fora the ('ok nu r's tu ry. which last evening, l'r. Shephard, the County Phvsicisn, wm directed tu jiakc i post? mortem examination. MEETING OP THE BRIDGE TRUSTEES. The Brooklyn Bridge Trustees held tbs fits' itigtilar monthly meeting July, yesterday afternoon, in the office in Brooklyn.

Eleven members were present, ami thc meeting in exeestive sesetoa. 1 resident; Henry L-. Muiphv siiid sfterwsnl lo mt' reporter thal Nir. Sellers, Prcaidenl nf the Edgemoor Iron tompany. which hastie cunt rael for supplying the non for tin- Buperatrnctnre of tbe bridge, had ap? peared itefnn ile- trustees and answered the qnes timis asked hun in regard to the delay in carrying ont the fenns of the ton tract.

Mr. Murphy In ti iiuiftd that tlu- explanations of Mr. were BAtisfartorr, mit dui nol state whal they wen-. i iv in in ii, nt Mr. Roosevelt, there was un nu'iiui a to transact rou! inc business, inn I an? other meeting will be In ld next Monday.

THE PANAMA CANAL BYNDICATE. No particulars of Ihe formation of aavadirateof roreiin end Anuri' sn bankets Inr building the mro po-ei Panama Canal have lu en received tn this city. Tiic American bankcra wheeo names have tuen mentioned members of the syndicate, said yesterday thal they bnduotlteen informed ol'thc completion of the arrangements. Negotiation! hud been in proirress for aotuc time, bul whethcrthey wn't'd be sin -ci ssfnl ur nol ssa BBcertsin. Adis natch was Beni to I'uris vesterdar bjp A W.

ht ligman A inquiring tn regard to Ihe entre, a Karla dispatch published yesterday. Al a late lunn nu reply had been received, ano ai the office of tbe finn the aiisenee ol a ri ply waebe lievi-d to indi an- iluit the arrangement! had not been perfected. Mr. sdi-niau considered tbean iiouiuctneiit premature. CHARGED ROBBERT.

oiliter Lawler, of tbs Eighth Precinct, took before Stint li. al Ihe JefTersnn Mirket I Police ('tint, yeatcrday, Thomas Smith, of No. I Minth I tn snawerachargoof high? way robbery made bv Minafur, ol No. 11 i Snllivan-st. In Sept, mtier Mr.

Minafur was on lits way li i un at nigh! abeu Sm nh and two men namer! Huiiint'toii and King him, knocked him down, iimi roldnal hun "I his gold watch and i lunn. Harrington and Kine were arrrsteil at the lime. Smith succeeded in rinding the police anti! Sunday nigbt. soon after their arrest llsrringlon and King were tried tn the Con rt of Geticral Ses? sions wini) the I onncr v. a- eiitenccd lo live years in the Stste Prison, uti to three years.

Juftice Smith committed Smith tor trial in default ol ball. A MISSING LONG ISLAND FARMER. Great ans leti is foll amoug the reaidenta of Cold Spring. I iivt-i tbs strange disappearance of William Yoong, a wealthy tanner, ano om-of the oldest the town, who hit his borne on Wediirsdav morning, taking the train from Hunt? ington Station foi New York, where hs came lor iiu- of cuHecting -sun from persona ti whom le- hud shipped bay and other pr nee. He iul uded to return home the same evening.

He im- not -nice ic heard from or of. lt ia feared ne lia- lieen tho victim of foul play. When he left I) tint- be wa- du a bine Runnel mit, blai soft bat, and mitton gal i rs. He i- llfty-live vin- old, of alight build, sandy complexion, ami winn last seen wore a full beard at rea ked w.tii gray. DIAMOND THIEVES ARRESTED.

Nettie tuderson, woman who -titi ii lay ci. ii chi si ol steal in it io dlntnouds from the house of a Mrs. Haskins, in Philadelphia, waa taken to Phil-del lt yeelcrday by a detective. Detective Wein bera, of the (' tm.11 'iii i -t i nina I raced Clara Mi i ria, the girl wboui Nellie Anderson charged with the tinit, to a lodging-house in then arrested her in company v. ith Chester i ll ipp, a young ii ui bo act on pa; i il hi to Nev, Tho prisoners were cln tl np ii Police Headquarters I I li- wi in ui iidttufted to tin- detective liol slie lind stolen the jewelry, i nd bail ir.v i it to Clapp, who had disposed ol lt, lt ls believed tbal all of the stolen jewi iv will be recovered.

A I HICK OFFN KU DISMISSED. (lem isl .1 1 in has ii-it-osed linea amounting to al.niit ff on the Brooklyn polii fi i the last month, The to bc polici Pension Fund. Ve; lei i er Edward Fi I simmons, of the Third Precinct, who wasondtty mi ibe niKiii ut Se pit nt" i J1, on I lu j-o-t it. re the Kightb Ward Hoya in Blue were attacked while man jon iu tbe Rcpuhlican toi I i gi it pro? cession, waa di missel from tin force. Hecla hued in- nothing thc attick when it occurre aud found i pi i nu on he poa! bo dui I ku bo ol course could liol report, aptalu Kea ev neill tiiat ii the a lair ti pro re? ported tbe naen.iff, cottld have been I ITO ted.

BROTHER INFORMING AGAINSI BROTHER. While the expre wac on ofJaraosM Govern, of No. 230 I--'1 stand? ing Ul flPOUl ll' Ni. 117 Kit on October 1, trunk containing articles vi lilted al SCO waa stolen from it, I brough i rina ion obtained iroin Richard Roach, of No. UO i I tbe trunk wa i ovei .1.

ai Philip Roach, sire twenty-two, the brother of Richard, was arrested ns ihe thief, rrdnv. tn ibo York1 Ile Police Court, he waa held in $1,000 ball Ric jard was pm under ball to appeal a v., st the triaL CONFERENCE OF BAPriST MINISTERS. Tbe na'. Moi.n..

Morning Conference of the I. ipi il Min ii- i li an I in tgriborhot held 'a- i.i'.iii, al No. 9 Murrav-bI. lt wan deter tn; (loufei nc ul Ni inbej ih ll ut voted to prsyer thal the election ol the following day may result in the choice of he candidnti di beal forward the inti i. ne discue io i ls lori this di ci i i as i i A report on tbe death ol Hm Kev.Dr, William Adam with rtsoluiiona in ol bia life, I tin- Rev, Dr.

Ai tn A BILLY AND CRUEL HOAX. Msnv nersons wore induced to visit the r's th. City Hall I yean ll authorised advertisement in a morning paper that aevcuty-ttre person could had einplnvinenl there in sddressing political docnm ila. i is? i to npply in Deputy Rt giater Dochartv, I be pei 11 trafi i ol this cruel noaa i- ju- .1 sidy the same p-i-rson wbo baa sent telegrams to employes in tlii various pubin departments, ini ninia' ibom that tiu-v bi re in tiiiiiiit.ti, hut without mentioning tbs office. PATING MONEY K) A RECEIVER.

Oa tbs books ol the First National Beak ol New? ark, v- iii 'i tbal ti atituti i h.I,, luci vei liol irf, lound un account creditin Ja I- Heddiu with eighty-live shares ol the honda as ti ustee, ii stated that I Bndiug thal thesi ld in tm i for he directors, soul notices lo tba directors to pay over the share On Saturday tbs amount ol the raine of tba abares, rsa paid ovei ti tl eeiv sr. Kt Mi i INO A POLICEMAN. Policeman Lawlor, of the Tweuti first Prcemel wbo on nlgbl ol Sept em tx 20 wasssasulti ano! nearly killed by ruffians, appeared ferd nv at iiu YorkviUe Police (nun aga! ost inn Kelly, aga iweuty-tbreo, ol No, Eiflt li rai it? thc chief ol bia lasallaots i ms was il- Iii nt time -nice i tbi't 11 Lawlor bul boen able to leave ubi bed, Relit held oi vi b-iL HOMK NEWa PROMIN1 .1 VV KI VAL Prcroirt tiamat rgo B. Hih baid. ol dirt If-iuv i- i i nw nat a i t.

'ic (lot i. 1 la I i tn1- lor ll. Vi. cm nett, of i Psi irtreciorJ.U. m.

lbs Ber. ur. Jaaaea Illa T. vs Ciutii'v. nf wu -u ooverti 11 ri ii ii i iel mail r- Leoos Banka of tat it liiiiu ti.

of lexes i wi lassa I I i Ka i- tote Kt i ii narri is i.roi la- tl nt ll No. X. V.i.i tr Ol. Mclmls nf i un- iliad Ito tl tv Colonel Hen igloo, V. S. //lui.r-Wllllaui H. of alu. NEW-YORK CITY. Autumn ha I au ininti-' iterdsjr. and mosqaitoa are beoomiBg rheumatie, Dr.

Bociety hsi a branch In the annexed district. The Harlem Court House li nnoersjofng lit-t d' icu.ors. Central Park ts bow visited hy ninny women gntb autnmB leaves. Chinese and Hindoo deagni ure seen onon roany Ol the USW 'Irt-Hs lnatci lal-. The new ptBT at th" foot Of North River, ts completed.

The Harlem Dispensary is doing gi ml work tor I lie sn punt. Milliners say timi tms -e ison's bonnets aro to lie llgfal in poler, even for thc street. Dssd esta sod dom are frequent sidita in East Hi. a av ami tiic adj near streets Large numbers of persona visit Washington Heights daily, seeking bona te tent. Fire Comsanji No.

20 ia bow living in a wooden sin- 1 which has h-en creeled in Klui-st. A large onnstgntaonl second crop raspberries wasruid in wasBington Market recently. lin free baths were visit Inst week by (50,237 tuen and boya and 23,879 wiiuu-n mid girls. Rinir Ho has a Chinese laundry in Tlnrd avc. is letSing Ho, the merry maideu.

War has bees declared upon the seen in the nexed district. Astagla polios ofH-cr marched no lest than lui) to the pound ti lew days ago. Vendiirs ofSBMtU articles have taken pSBBBMiSn of the iron tailing in front of Cnstom House. A denier in old coins has e-tahlishcd a stand thrrc. AMKItlCAN Al'l'laV-i (iOINO AIHOAH.

The six Europe a esaaships which sailed from this pori Sstardsi a total 15,260 barrell 11 in addi- ii to ether freight. Slanting 4TCABTLB Carl Steane Andersen Bille, tbs new Dnnish Min iatt-rto the United States, and Bscretsry Thomaa Schmidt, cf the misti ComMilste in tins city, paid vt-it io Cast ic Qardefl yostentay. BOT WrXOOMB IB BBOADWAT. The dog fancier With two miserable, little Mira, which be drags by a long roi-e, tripping np pedestrian baa again appeared Ib He is not tiic oi.jec; ol good wishes frmn passers-by, BOSIBBBS iRuIlir.m. Tba failure ni H.ivi.i I) i.ti'iast a.

importers if linens, si No. 91 one of the oldest i-t lin- I rai lc. ts ic. ii yest er. a v.

The llnbilii es are shoal $100,000. snd the good assets 170,01 lor $80,000. Ml vi it too oi ru win. President Morna, of lha Board of Aldermen, erday united in Wedlock Willam 0, Hooker, BXS iixty-one. to Julia UrUBi Tbs iriifegrnom has three times before been ind lbs urdu twice itb are fruin Bolton.

LAWTRBSA1 WORK AQAIM. a lawyers' and the Judges' rssstiona were inti .1 an 1 Kn- ri -s were opened fol lu- vcu. N-inly all tbs court-rooms were well illed in the morning with bosy Iswyera or their I. rk-. snd fbi rs wes much bustle before tho courts iel lt tl Mown to work.

BOBOSIfl I IAI. Thc lir-t boc ie I meetios ol tl Mason was held hy 'urns- al licltn Muid tv. Ammig fin. ia rited guests were Mrs. Balls N.

Chandler. Brisbl Byee," tbs wornt and tbs Ber. laisa Anna Tho company was with music, mnKH ami recital mus. nu 0RHBRA- cuNvr.snov. The opening services of tbe General Convention sill take place ib St.

Ueorge'a Charoh to bmmtbw norning, Al lOo'clock the church will be opened i. those holdina snd al HfcSO to pablic. If ter 10:30 no acata will be reserved ezeept those ippropi lati-'l to thc deputies sndckOrgy. SHIM. HON Of A l-l lilli: oki ICI H.

Anthony Allaire, more than four years Soper ntc of the VVoi House on Bl i. kwell'-, Island. aa resigned bia position. He has bees in tbe Ber ic ni thc Deptiiiiu-iit nf Public Chanties mid lorrectton since August 1873, wheo In-was ap. ion ted Warden ol the City Asi lum lor the Insane.

TUB BYARD (lill. A corporation known aa tbe Harvard (-lob has foi med mum ibe plan of tbe London Coopera? ge A asocial ion. lt expects to bo situated Lib i tv in provide cbeei ro ms i ibe use of ita ii mbers and furnish tbe very best el food at the iwst possible prices. Toe pp'tits of the enterprise ill shared hv tie- members. IAI.R Og rOKattTURR AM) ART O-JKCTS.

A saie of rich Oriental russ sud carpets, objects art In a c. ii farnttnre sad npriolstory, rill taki place nt No. 843 Broadway oo Tuesday I Vi ny, tots 0 and 0, ut 9 p. Thomas l'i. iV Co, bi illg I auclliiiieeis.

Tue Bale will ni reserve. 1'he articles to be sold are now in-" xbil ition al the ro AN ul IH 'Kit (ALI. TO ACCOUNT. Recotder Smyth yesterday issued aaiibposni to Swazey to ar before bim 'I bundey next bIiow cause wh) he should not be tined and im T-iiuid for con tempi of Court allowing Isaac (scape fmm his custodt while on the way iu.idis. I bis action ol ibe Recorder does not mr proceedings Bgainsl the officer ny thc Grand ii ry.

t-AtuMi TO ham; BIMSRLP, A mau named Olt, wbo keep, a bier shop at No. 10 Green wu took ins sou Ail mu, sse twenty i ure Justice Smith, at the JefTsraon Market ve-ti ul-v, and asked thal lie ne Kal nr-d by a medical commi sion aa to bis sanity, Mr. Ht hal cati' in tbe morning he found Ins sun tim preparing to nong himself. The yoong san waa commito foi i immation, A -ciiiiif KB WBI CS I TOR hay. '11.

Bcbooner John K. li im Georaetown, D. with cargool ton of coal, while corni og nto the harbor on Siuid.ij night, wanta tore on mk mid ini yesl "ic morn tig. She was nani ai'-ii Pull and, with theexeep i.iii of I lie i.n lg, WI I. m- a total loss.

bc sei was ls! i is icgi built 1801, an it ail bj Rob i I na-' and nth is. ul -t. ii Maui'-. tiivf-o a Woman imh rm: b-tbbrt. Jame Marl tl.

age t.iirty, a prisouer In tbe url rillePohoi! Coori yesterday, aud was charge I breaking imo the room Mis. Eltub in No 327 Eu Foi and of at nckini ind driving the woman into the street. Ira. I ir ii. ai ed thal ihe ned never asea tba risoner before, and tbal while sba was in ber n.i td struck ber with a eli.ur.

Mailed'was COtU ntted exam nai I i BROOKLYN. Tbe vent- of tbe taxahii property in Kings in tins year is 1,160, sgainst 1.537 "77 1870, lin Brooklyn, Board of k'esterdav-a lo 'I. -ci ooo the I ax I il 8S0, buopi i v. i. is rctoforo pnn i d.

TheRer. Pr.Itonben II. pas! the Im Av- nu Ciiurch Brooklyn, offered i ri .1 the cl.f the morning sitvico i hiscbnrnh Sunday, 1 no reason assigned isiiu I heall ii nf Ins wife. Tbs body of man waa found at the foot of North n-i lu tue poeket was a note Iii" ual -II, ci n. 7 Warrell fork, lh- l-ooy a I til i.n at tue Nosncii name i sdi i aa ts fa tad in tbe Ni Iforb direetory, JERSEY CITY.

11 Jerhold, seven years old, Ho, 210 South wsi rim over by a train on the MidlsHd Rail i an al Jereel it) il igbl ct. rda) and was I ni m. J.l'.lll Ml (J nilli il. Ilf Hi litl-'V ililli Killin i iskev, i v.u i Bore hold rester sj li, Poln Ju il icc I c' -in ti, on charge si I bi bwaj lobts ms by John Itel ly, memb Lincoln Lodge, Ko.80E.ofP., ive ini- i-i i 'jd ni raise lora too omen I in honor ol Petor Woodland, Hie ino wbo wss killi i in Hw Hudson Rivei Rillroad l.Ui.t I. ii Condon, tbs contractor who -ned tbs 1..

sud Heard ol Aldermen ol Jersey City foi it e.vii i work on lbs bird Polio. incl i nei sta I i ti, v. is uousoited yesterdaj by Kier iif Knapp. NEW-JERS-T. BriixiBI rhe snuusl session of tbe Synad of Jersey, wbioh oompriseaall the Presbyterian Inti in.

ti thu State, niU bi held al Bridg-ton mi in a il 21. i sion f.inti.i's juiy tba ease of a oh i i iH-iai, bree i at I nu.ii Iii il, itt I 11vi lai thai i' tlotie without provocai ni, behm der is in in Coaatj Jail awaiting tho lion oS Uie lory, l.11/vt-.: i MorchoBse, of i- etbport, a lueinau ii i tlc a i i BBtral i iiad, was ndi a ii, net dog three ibo, lin rai i ken vi entry lil on rridsy. Subsequoiitly in, and tbi i uftt ur ba nol eaton I sid ut The un i symptoms oi iiydropholits, v'isiti, to water, ia itrouglj narked, ich i nm h.etc is it suv bim, and in il, is i. Ml A I ISLAND. Kin.I.Vi Al I.B.--A A tin I Of thu Hoard of imifi of Edgewater nm Dcmociota, with the Michael Tynan.

For some tune the ll Ima contemplated tba removal of Adrian i-k, wini is a Republican, sa Yillega Treaanrer. a meeting of Ihe trustees yesterdiy lin Hiiiwn was appointtd to buccc Mr. MAMINE) (NTHbblQBNOB. mini ni sa ronAR fl-no I snn rIoctl uni unoi -inui. u.

Seae'a lays, 1 OB tVMi'ii i IL! A. M. satin, ftOSllMV. lt: ut H41 li i ni wah.ii run. -PK.

Mi H.O'J i il.tll Hilo.10:18 passes or ns ai: hiv ed. anon sTUAMsim- arizova. Triv-rrs, vv a Bflhaaa O'CewaSLMlssJ Travers, Miss Pl larawa, 'I. Itu anim, Miss ra, De Wilt, Mr. De Barry i i it nc i.

the Uer JO De llarry.B ri Mri two Husoes, So t. li i li itu ti -ml sr Mnri an. Molt, Mn, and van IS. luvi 1 ilil.l". Mrtl.S Williamson, lim.a.

Hi- Hiv L'tul np, A William Mrs Ul i ont kl rea iitm Bei blanch. Captala Tititw, A ll vu ut. lu (J A 'Iii uv. rViii'eit. Miss Pi-i.

Pint Sawyer, BA Pun le Mlaa Little, las sawyer, PesriBg.Mrfl liiiliiitiliiitt, sa Msincy, Jil Ale. r. anil l.uiil.-tiinn. A li Bimi iiliursi, Mr, and servant lirii.ullie.,,1, Williamson, Miss ah. rs iinsli, Mr and Mrs It Mr ii iui I SM a' I Pr li llml r.

Mrs ll Ml-11 l.i'iin-I, Mrs Mull -nu, 8 kV II Hau-fl l.l.VV H.itllel-I. in I Louis. m. Ium iiuinper, Kev Hoyle, Wiliions. Kantian, lin.

ll Kelly. Rbrman. Btaeter Boj i ii gt nj Ileuiy Killers'ii. Mrs Bsvstior. Miss Anet, uw limn.

Miss PsIbms, Miss I Iain--. I t-t'lllDrtui, MiksH Alice Mt Mis Col ll Mi and Mrs wi-nm-r, White. Miss Bad ehnurea Bender, White, Mis. neap', Beaner, hfra AaaWTale, BBaS Hornley. Thoa BeaUey, aIih-iI sadCe-tiori ulssH vv White, ta.

v. tl Hell, Alfred liiill.c'ln-r. tu II cliiiiuiiv. lt I Ki-i'Dsii. Mictiet Ml? Waru, i l'ail.

iv John -V I st -IT ll U-mow. Mn Walsh. MissH Manar, Kn a Baenoa. Ilia. i.

int ric, Airs I'ovreni. h. Hr. Kilza Miss ll A --nus M.a-I CtiUtir, Mut; i -ii, vi vi Julius Ms If. undi ii- Karil's Ml-sS Ihreo tltllirrril mis.

r. Miss tiermaasoa Miss a ola baa miss fmitb. finaal oHHg-itiri. miss ii H- is- I Waist), Mn l' mu. tl, Hi MUa Mrs Cooper, Ms Mus vf 1'ar Mr.

I HUM UVSSrOOL UV (JALMA. Adams. II 0BBllBS, I'ottor. Hie llev Aii-nis. Mra aiel laiiuly lu .1 Pallor.

Mrs (lotd.l. tim ru-v Hali. KM I I'ltirell. Miss na i. Craver, BreT Bath, li- Ii ililli' Its wm.

ll Hat Pl l. Mrs 8 A Hal'. In ni. Um Rev Hattlt.JO M-U, WO lu-yimi'ls, is Itmt ri vt Hu ultim, Mr and uti! illus-laii Mislsl'-ri Ms lui nt-on. Dr Bait lu il'tuiel.

Mino Harman, lt ana Hut Milt) il lira Miss Haskell.B_aa Boobina, Mn Itav Uss, I. Ha Runqnette, Hu Hrs WC li i. sad ll Rankle, Mrs Ulai kimmi. A in tuc I. I) macklinra.

Mn BBI Hersng, Banda Ur i.vne ndi ni ijnv Ba 'ls. (J Hive Mis, ii cannie HsrgiinLHO iifii't, HniiuiK-i. Jo and linn.I, Mia Hui crt. ll rjcluff.

.1 ll Ba sa, Hint, a au i fsnlty la llt'illlttlrr, H.titi Bi I La tt'iiuiiil'-r. Sf arel tinnily Booti Mis De Bow, Miss A Isliam. I Beoll, Huai rs, MIhhL'wisl. Mr Beellgni-n. Jt Hr.ii'.ie.

ll ami arel Jan. s. lld Kt iiitiic, tl rs lint (oil. Mist il tsnllly amt I. Hiuwit.

uliasM Mrs a. Mn los Mi' and Mis Boeill-vI BraIO. J.u ni. JW A Until. Mrs i riit'T' lair, a Buckmaster.

If isa ioS famliv n.i itt. Miss Kirk, Mr and Mn BanUi, Mn lal ci, I riiiuili. Mis Halpin, -BBB Mrs St Jr Borrows, OH Lau i ta.e Ur Mair. I Haswell, ll sud Mrs (stun lill. Butt crick, i- -a i-- ami lustily I.

i hui tk, MUS ly. lt LflWlfl Mr- I httrii, iir Ucaiieasudtan Mr Httuison.J WC tai'i'i a tl Miine. and Mrs ni. Mrs it Ltviusfltoa, Taylor, the Rev Craw nil. ll Lowry, Bias hu! family crui-i.

Mrs lnun-i-ii, MilB Tltorn, Mn Mai koot, kater, I'lliillln. ha il I) alni t.llllily V. ashing -I ri ii--- a. Wallace, i-ii11i-r Mrs Mayalare. Mn CosbiofcUM in Coshiag, Miss Mrs citttuiK, M'Ker.

i Wellman. Csptala Davies MrsC Alt McP ann Mrs Davis iii. ii While, Col lu IS, li ll family Ul hui. I.lcllt-Col Davis, MlSt Minite Inliner, 0 WIUBkO-k, DaviaMnll iiii'l ia.nd.' Win tiii-tnii, ii I'eiiinsmi.

Mixter.MU-M ll 8 DiusweU, Ui" Ri Moner. win ai. 1 nuk wurt ti, li Wimpole, Mlaa Hm m. ui tn, Mrs Morsaustern, A Wolcott, OH am! ta i itv fll l.iuu.y Woo ls, ll Mrs Myers, (J ami i-miiv and rs atm f.iiiiily ant El Vi '-h. Mts Koe.fterat Dr Windit.

Miai niel ila. anti (JU P-utkoer, Mlaa Palmer, if rs Lo tit-, in li wcks, A i' Psi ser, r. I i ins, Kraut -kc. Mi I Miss N. NV in, Oensnl Mis or, Mis Alias Pen ballow, Mr Eves, kin flute---, a it r.

Hr Peters, Mn (t i.c nt. Minn ami sun liana i l'ruf SHIP SE iVS. POST OP t. BU Slr Kris i nr AJtkSnws, Llvsrpeet Beat 33, UL v. Horst.

sn c.ii La i ru Llvsrpoot -opt ii, 36, to ri nun ll Crow ii. BU Kcisbarsb Castle (Br), Turplo, NewossUa sept 17, and Da I. iml-e Buwrlog it Archibald. -it iiuii in i nr, McDonald, (icu ia An- Q. Leghorn SO, Ba plesHvp ilesMOB Pal.rmi ti, Malaga IO and nu Di lo i IfiiUi: ilma.

Creseeat City, Porter, asoiiiwjII 7 ian to Pacific Muli Si Ca -tr-ua Hatnr.II, Mlddlsboro Srjit 12, witn Irun I'lurii-i re wi tow ii I'liiitnps'i-i it cu. sn ll el a na, ll ii vie. s.n.i.,otb ilay.t. with niibo t.i cc f-tr tjtliii. Oreoawo i.

n.ilUmore, witt coal. Bblp Dsulscliisn-1 lOrri.Kopsr. Antwerp30days, with uidao tn i.i.lei. ISC I to ile; nain OOO A CO. nuk Amor tAuat), it eminia.

Si ii i ti iii daja, in ual Iii -ea roi1 lims. II I.euae ll l.l. Kspn.itn, t. wit ti nhl Irun an i ern pt tisrrcla IO eraSI "--el lo inns'er. Usrk Uepobbk (der), Portiosun, lt dara, wltb emptv barrell loonier; itu iicnuaiui Kuop Co.

Uara Bcbamyl tot Rostoo), HaTimood, salt ld Vi i.e i uni r. en. willi i-all tn IB ll I verts''I IO Veli. il Bsrk -ti. dwi Han Iberg, Llmerlok vis Del swats i i ii, a i i-i to ilea ii.mi.

pic kerina; Co. Bark oil ai im 11 lal san 11 -a. I tad ia id sys, lb to ut.ic -M" -i i u. I i 11 with titilso loordur to li ulina. A Co liars (Ulead (Nor), Hansen, Uandslk 33, co i i a (of St John.

it. De innp. Lonsh wilie Kepi 8, io ballast to li Wiuehester a Coi inchond in ui ls ni Ray fo'orden Bark Um de Pl ia ot lld.Reed, Picton 8 days, ta bat Usi tu vt i sr Houghton. nu tv milla "ii in. Bishop, IO tinvs, in,?t io i- I Sr.

iii. a don. r.u. Idea (Ital), I reparn, Uioaceater ko dava, lo to S- BJ Ilsa 11 tl.tii- -lei'ivi Dae, 11 n't if.) ilavs, tn tialla.1t lu lim Kaia.i 'fl Bara Sebo sori.Jobanm YatrtlfTTtlsys.Inhsllaattn Pane iva I' nark Walker A mlogton. lr (of Ho.r.

Belfast SJ days, sim Iron ore te vv Marvel; vessel to Load. Bari w'liuin Wii oe, Lo Uso, of il dara, froo: wiiite h.iV'-ii vis I'd -ii ia bal asl to 1'real ia nark gaetH-e Windsor, rt). Dexter, ll ilavs. In o.u a tisn.i.i nark eli. sinai, tie uni i.

f-illott, 7 ilavs. 11 ti liimifi-r loonier; vease, io Parsons A i.uiti. Ung Dtlnii (of Uiver, S), Dell, Hariaam ul ilavs. wita 11 at nail aagu te i. vv veeisl io Parker i a Ung 11 um ii.

ia mt fernandina 16 dara, arith lamber to John i ton's nc. VV I.I ui ll A I c. i in a cc ii i la dal 30 oat a ena tagar, wu. il ci io Malt lind. Phelps vessel io swab son.

iuil' UaoioB, ''iii'lnc. hi dayl, anti lumber to DodgaA iir-. il v. Loan A Ce, Itt Itu.limul i nf I Ki inniiiulmfl ll 'lavs, with lani ber to Jehu lajyotoa'flrtoo; vessol t-, i-m I. iui.

Bets i lin a lu roi -t John, m. Ueosen, BUbes ii) dara, wi ur si ore i. se. I kV ki i -t 'o. ling i.

rec' i of I'liiiicv i' a uv ii ni, Bath 7 itsya, with teeto ult! loJiiUOISlO r.lan et Co, i hi Allina Heath lot PTovideBCC). Baa Oe iniicut'i v.Vu; ill uni ll, null inn wood. etc. lo IC 'Bia- iti Hill 0 i. i v.

i niiu.v Port Royal im tiurs. willi hun it i ut il rr, V. sr I IO ll sill ult 4 I si In liar ti, Jacksonville lu ilavs, wlib iu-iiin-r ssl to Berni Ulblenleove ACa -i 'ii i rufu. Caril, nu, i wita poialoes, I u. uWa uv-, naval Mn.

11 i h. -s-i pi Uurlbui un I it.Uti. l.t. i.i mi i. pl tu- iioi rn-lu Will lu l.

si, i ,1 Os ll VM 10 day a With ltlKW'iMld iii tann Cu vc in I.c Wanbi tl iran luy. ul lu u.n -t wita iiiuiin-r to -jims rossel to A I nae Star Br), inflon, st Manr-irvl nay NB, 10 dara iiinlici to ol.I vase, to 1- VVh.lii,)cv Co, tsbi a Drarv, i j-c, Kcaacbec uiver, wlthlaa to order. in Irs ltMtsrges. Jehaaoa, geaaahae River, witiiim to ot m. i ur Munt ma.

Beana, Kt i.nil,ne River, with iee to Scott Co. lotiowins vessels arnvoS lha mst, loo lats for In-' tl un iii Bes Huh a Hods, Pieelweod BS dsvs, witheesl to Pl I I III- In li -ill, i n. I ii ii.u? iel Picton MiQiisrrle. Portlaad Hi pt 'J Iii li.iliast tu omi iou iiutetl lu Ursvssead Hay for ol tels. nu, i- It flatt, mn r.

liiltuiiuu, win nuosel vi Maadi moderate, WsWi cloudy kuti hssy, At nv iii.iui. itieagai aieady. SUS WMit-onslii din. Ilrntlev. I.

ViT.mel Qaesiuiowa. win. iii, etrvsiis West la.mi. Vs, O.U li Brun ls. Mans i lot tsitd, lg Druin k'osier' Inn.

I.UIII.-. hiddle, si Wm a i. Luster, L'bari nun -hips ll fill. f. I li 1) .1 I inui Urtriiiii i Nm li ired oil.

lu liatlloa St I t.I le I i nil.mi" iii ii.ii sell, i ort I i a. i ii i Ulnl, ililli il.I i.elt/.li'. VV Illili. 'en i aye i. o.

md iii a i Alta mt i i Krlinu: Skis a. Sui lu us I tm nut im, 1 hui ii. I i 'V Vil.nn -ii. kildseii. rk.

rkeulism. fuaonns I i.n.' 'I" lev. aa i let-ui. Clapp 4 i I ic i Ho isa. in Hillel tales Pf! -I'-'! Li ll A WI, ii v.

t. au ah. i in- ci. i sa. Hen tum nt, sm vv la-d a wai.

Parser, Pets) Nor rx. Issue ta p.o.. -UvarSpsay, iiostou, havens a io, nu over'. ton, Newark, rt Pl turin; Msry nradtord, oliver, St John Antlgns, t'n. f.ARNR.

Ort. 1 ti SiAl'. of from O'sseos for Yolk. Wflshlngtoo, lim i from Ul IH If gX if Paje. I Atiou it rini-ii's.

Asirio from Its niniri quain, -inn nfalltfl food over ut hr ute fur fl motin Mellin'fl f.f has ser-n an-ri Um lt Ifl preps Milln irt min i wsrmly Indon sad Hm an.I u-rrrywbi elli fi! Mill it Hilt ti cenls. T. MaTOALS AO Oo.tut). Mass. Hov wntitrd in oAlee ni manafactnnr.

abont lOvrti'rs. mn-t finn-h i reference sn to ehanwtei td ilrrss. In lam IvTtltuiK of Bppib ut Vi.vl.fH fl BBS, -ts. on H. Y.

o. Jilt) TOO ItT Pome people stiff yean from weah sod tefjdd inw-r ati'l ll-, er. If .11 kBOWflSeh nerflOB fell them fist inti 1 a tl 1 ll cue. lt 01 11 ul- 1 III l-l- lunn or as a dry powder, lae earn aUit way. Evkbt Dat Adm Jew testimony fn J-BBS Prig.

PEAHI.LM: PB ll unit clean Bins ti pei DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. The of Cu svittom. its power over lifo, nd the il pvt ll lias 1 lunn-ia napplm-ss, ls henaghty leeegmae-1 lleasaa ami the doa gar atsrsrlaa na it. uti 1 "a Isantit mental ape) eabaa or hv Beeamvfl rndalgeiiee ol Ibo sapeBtea and are Kiper silij.its for 1 our'diiatfnn. Wiitin thfl IK-rVu-u, 1 it'-r koged, it ls Bbflotsteil naeeiaary to proutptly seek ad ice limn an exH-tt arho, 'or a kn serli fl ol baa ds Ids wliole lune ulld t-Htjuii to (O'S study aili', sin), rsm his eipeneaes aad practice, hus ted to al.r.'iver at tha esaas aad as proamtfy -inply maesy, thus avotd ie tin- I rtnfaltv sc -king foi Hie lill' ap i ouimon tn tho ami so to rho infletu.

-hu. very alnraily wants to know willmot delay what, ta Ute u.atter, lie extent of tin-ile atiK'tte ut, the probabilities of reoapSBB. nil), soil the nmr isgairad If th" brain hus became ash-Bated hy mt-nae menial ap 'lt al un. depriving lt nf ihe po tat nf eon Hefted rb-siirtit, tl an uily recover Hs Itreogth SS being nruperly fed anil nour t'n tl liv thc ase nf cert un ipstematlo methods. It ts pp-, ise.v lin- flssuewttb Hm Barvaa that pessMa fe.

The value of this branch of iii. al pr tn a e.m overrated, ii reaches ms ihe perpetoaiion ur iriill inns the seem nu; or lier slit try titles, aud tte. reteu on nf aatatea In the saut- family Kunu a loinr ami I il are 'Ills direction. I hav? Ben able to eommaae by niy sueeess tte appiaelB oe of some of thr llrst IStulltos Ihe div ami Natwiu. and I in stn li U'Mt ii itu tn Hu- over exert lite of rory ol ihi.rosa aystesi ami ttm bosas a jr it.

powers, a bethel of bi alu. appetite, prupeuaity passion. IENRY A. DANIELS, M. 144 near KM lt-.

8 to I aad to 7. Nt'W-VOItM. IPI-. RADWUS Tilt. GREAT BLOOD PtRIFIGR, ron tui-: ut- all chroxic diskasbb, 2RUFULA OE SYPHILITIC, HEBEDITAUY OR CONTAGIOUS.

BM 1 IN rut-: I.lings or Stniiiac'i, Mun or linties, Klcsh nr nerves. hiv: sui.ids and vitiatino THU I Ll IDS. Rheqiastlsm, s( rofnls, Qlandolar Bwetnag i Ut Dry 1'ouifii, Affections ci tic Complaints Bedlog of Ute linne, in Water Brash, Tlc Dolor. X. i 1 i'll-n.

tra l-l I Hip Dis? ses Mere aria I ini im plat ots. Ooo-Dropsy, Hall 11baum, Bro lumptlon. Kt.In.-v. adder, Uvei 1 ot Ac. PRICE, fl t'KU iiuTi'LK.

aa l-c ladway's Ready Relief. IB tiKAi'K-T AND BKST MEDICINE POB Ii-AM. n.v sk ls itu: WORLD. om: 50 CENT in'TTM: ri.r, ct'HK (XV-Plaints and PREVENT l.sYsllcI AOAIN8T stJDDF.N ATTACKf OP RPI .1 ii AND CONTAGIOUS nt is ks rHA.N OXB DOLLARsj KXrENDEOCOR OTHER MED 1 mt MEUlO VL A I PE n.v iii. 'MiiNl' t.vnw.Ws RK A DY RRLIKP I- .1.1) INTER (ALLY AC I HUI Mi ru HI ins PAIN, PROM WHATEVER il ct- vs i.s.

to BX 1 sr. a all 1 as 1 where pain or di la e-pe-rlenced. or if with 1. nulli sno. Hors throat, Maoins.

natl II tr fis 1111.11 1 inns Colic, the Bowels, lattiir-. 1.Iver. Kldoevs, or willi croup. Quinsy. vet nu I Aga or wit ti Neiii.ii'ri 1.

Ilea lac be, 1 lc i.n.iie Nsrvous'iass, Bleeplesaoasa, or with mini-ii. ni Un- lt tc linciiii ui-m. vvllJi DUkr ca, Cholera kforbua or Dysentery, or with Horus la Bruises with Htraios. C'rajnps, or upasma, tha sppilesB KADWAY'S READY UELIKF will euro you of the irst of ihcar complaints In a few ii, MDWirs phis. rfi-r-tlv tastelesa, elegantly eoatel, for the een of nil icttc kidu rs, bladder, nervooa ll euli-t illua, -s, ol tho il viscera.

per box. iii i.v ali Iraggtsta DR. KADWAY ah WARREH-8T. na-e. li sdi)die, enlist 1, oostlveuese, Its bliiiousness, nil taus fever; si plea, and sli um-no ts ol tbe loterual ranted lo effect a positive cure.


HTJMPBREYS1 HOMROPATH1C VETKRLNARY BPRCIF1C sure ami safe trme.llra foi thu dl-e tan -I aslly .,1.1 'lint tffrttlve pomit I'hc Sp, ill this ills A. A at tlrst tn he follow -it hy or with c. nt 1 i Um -I" C. ia tha tin-out; the 1:. it dm sass baa ettaaded la Mw uraga fun dUssMsaa witti sash Hie.

fire aililn-its 111' I'll lt 11 1 s' ROMEO, in'! ritituii st maa gfafm, V. lin I'alluus ot KaiaillUK'. uso Hiuiiplircv's Juarvel. SUTER PLATED WARE MADE BY TUE Q-ll BRITANNIA Ci 'ANY, 46 EM 1 UNION SQUAB FALL r's i PAMS BONNETS, ROUND HATS, IHF0RT-DC03TDME i AND CLOAKS, Wraps and Walking A I. Hf I OP OWN MANUFACTURE.

Tuesday, Oct. 5, Wednesday, Oct. 6, Thursday, Oct. 7. SUM ATTRACTIONS' EACB OF 52 DEPARTMENTS.

A PERSONAL turi ta lion is extruded to our Patrons anti Ihe i'ablie. EDW. RIDLEY SONS, 309. 311,311 1-3 Groat, rb, na. od.

m. Mk a AI.I.KN Silver Opening. GORHAM MFG. (Ol- PKOVIULM uro an nett Ilse nt" Stolid Piilvcr fully during' i-Iil itittnilis, to iiK'i't of il'iir eily patrons, many ol' a Ililli orJir ol' ikia nu I lu I li I- round ol M. IH1V .1 Hand I KM I Ml.

md a uren! ol'thc I. I.l*all Ih l.t-'iitii--- and pitt l.iiir.K-. Silo iii iii: iou thone) tiiill nol aro moil tho be iii; hu nd-ii bul may noir Iii- dolivory al tho ri oar -xhihition. Thia rollr.tion Hill ho lound lu I.ooiu, 37 UNION SQUARE. SHuckins' Toristo.

Mui.i I'uril? Ol I all. nilenaa Pea. Mararoa I Vi i mn till. Consomm-'-. Iilrken.

Matias Urotb. Hoof. Okra or iluinlio. leap Mulla (ilCell luiue. T.

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