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Abilene Reporter-News from Abilene, Texas • Page 77

Abilene, Texas
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12 THK ABILENE RKPUKTKK NKWS Abilene, if jus, Tuesday Morula April 17, im Deaths and Funerals Abilene Wofter Cloyton Waller Hex Clayton. 17, uf Earth, ralhrr of Mrs. Edward p. Fourlnn nf Abilene, died Ml 12.15 a.m. Monday al SL.

Mary's HiispiliiJ in Lubbock after a short illness. Funeral will be ill p.m. Tuesday al thr Firsl Jiaplisl Churrlun Earth. Survivors include his wife, Hlo dene nf Earlh; Ihree flncchU'iH. Mrs.

Edward J'. Foill'lon of 1833 Anderson, Rhonda Clayton, a studc nl al Hai'din Simmons Vnivprsily, and Mrs. fill! Nichols Dallas; one son, Hanilv Clayton of Lubbock. Mrs. Eula Lloyd Funeral ftir Mrs.

Kula Eunice Lloyd, 72. of 1643 Poplar, who died at 4 p.m. Sunday in Hondrick Memorial Ho.spilal. will be al 2 p.m. Tuesday in Klliolt Hamil Chapel of Memu he Rev.

Oland Buller. pas 1nr nf Fairmont Unilcd Mclh nrtisl Church, will officiate. Bur ial will he in Elmwiiod Me mortal Park. Douglass Infant a I for the Infant of Air. nan and Mrs.

I'errv ff. Poiielass, who was stillborn Saturday l.akeli a loo. England, is pending with North's Funeral Home. Survivors include the parents: nalcrnal grandmnih er. Mrs.

vV. E. Taylor of A li lone; Iht: palcmal grandi'alh cr, Mr. (if Ml Paso; the maternal gianrtparenls, Mr. and Mrs.

Daniel W. Holmes and malerna! grcal grardlather. J). Holmes, all of 1290 Poplar. Big Country Robinson Infant BIG SPRING (HNS) Craig Robinson, infant son of Sjri.

and Mrs. Torn Robinson or Big died shortly a.f ler birth at B.aa p.m. Sunday in a local hospital. Graveside service will be al 2 pin. Wednesday in Trinity Memorial Park in Big Spring.

J. E. Parker BUS SFR1MG iRNKi J. E. Parker, Big Spring carpenter, died at 11:15 p.m Sunday in a local hospital.

Funeial will be at 4 p.m. Tutsday in the Nalley Pickle Rosewond Chapel. Mrs. Yirgie Rumph RIK1XG STAR (HNS) Mrs. Virgie Hill Rumph, 72, of Mesquite, former Rising Slat resident, died at fi.ii a.m.

Monday in Twilight Acres Nursing Rome In Rising star. Func will be al 1: am e. ri a in Higginbotham Chapel. Zennie Kirkland SWEETWATF.H (R.VS) Zeanif Kii'kland. U7.

a former ot the lavn roiiiniur.ity, died at 3:45 Monday in Simmons Memorial Hospital ai'er a short illness. Funeral js pending with McCoy Funeral Home in Sweetwater. Wallace Stockton BIG SPRING i HNS'. Wallace E.

Stockton. 77, retired Big Spring rancher, died at Si.Kl a.m. Monday in a Lubbock hospital alter a lore; ness. Funeral will be al 2 p.m. Wednesday in I lie Pic Kit Rosewood Chapel.

Mrs. Janie Miller STEPHENVILLE iRNSl Mrs. l.yln Miller, 58, of siepher.vilie died al a. 311 1:1. Monday In a local nursing home fter long s.

I''u neral will be al 2 p.m. Wednesday in the I nst Unilcd Melhodisl Church. Clyde Wright ANSON' 'RMS: Clyde UTighl, fin, Anson farmer. Hied al 3 p.m. follow big an apparcnl iieait allaek while being adoulled lo Anson General Funeral Lawrence Funcr al home Anson.

Mrs. Annie Belcher Mis. Annie Belcher. 72. "1 died a ai.

Sir d. a ken vile lul lowing an illness of cora; necks. Funeral will he al 2 al Tuesday in I'Ii. iiiIkt I'is au Iloinc at II. kr.i.

'Bullish' Traffic iliuig.uv i.AP liuffir al the Unilaprsi i 'ii I w. halted for 1 Iwo Ame; hulls llial 1 1 li. whi'r ii tin i ril Im a lie kI'I plain Lewis Smith UN iltN.S) Funeral for Lewis Slewail Smilh, 43. a Sweol water oil Held worker v. lio died Salurdny in Ihc 'J em pie Administration Hnspilal will be at I p.m.

Tuesday in the McCoy Chapel of Memories. Mrs. B. Close CULEMAN Mrs. 15.

Close. CI. or Coleman died at 7:30 a in. Sunday in CJver all Mun is Memorial Hospilal ia Coleman. Itinera) will be al 2 p.m.

Tuesday in Stevens Memorial Chapel in Coleman. Toorsie Whirmire HORY (HNS) TiKilsle Whilmre. 40. nf Hohy, died al 3 p.m. Monday in Callan ilos pilal in Holan after a lon Illness.

Funeral will be al 3 p.m. Tuesday in Ihe First Baplisl Church at Itubv. Watergate Panel Wants No Private Testimony WASHINGTON (API The Senale Watergate investigating ciCTimillee Monday backed its chairman insislenee that all wilnessps. Including While House aides, give swia.1 public teslimony. Chairaan Sen.

J. Ervin. li C. said there have been reien: 'feelers' from Ihe While House a possible com)romlse bill that "no deals" have been worked out. I'fie committee volcd to be hearings about May iii, oper them to public and press and have all witnesses testifv urder oath.

Frun said llic member panel also approved a set of guidelines governing the hearings. They will be issued publicly said. "The committee Is agreed on these guidelines so the While House aides will know exactly how to testify if they elect 1o come down to testify, or if the President permits Frvin said. Hi.3 statement appeared to dash persislenl rumors that niircemcnl was close between Ihe White House and ihe committee on an "arrangement' allowing those aides lo ap pear. Kevin has said he is prepared to ask lor the arrest of any person who refuses to testify, including high ranking White House staff meinhers.

U.S. Ally. Gen. Richard Kleincicnst recently declared Ihe rlnclrine of executive privilege permits Nixim In forbid any of the nation's million federal workers from testifying before Congress. Ervin said of the While House aides: "We've been lie again rejected a While Civic Rallies Urge Tax Reform Laws WASHINGTON i.Pi Cjli zeus groups r.nsed toe banror of lax reform in major cities Ikroiighoiit Ihe ration Monday and drew an immediate salule lillle prospect of ticn from svnipalliiaes on Capitol Hill.

Though the demo: str.u ions, Funerals Today BIG SPH'NG Mrs. Joe It. (Slellal king. VI ol Big Spring al 2 3J p.m. in Nalley Pi.

k'e HosovvoikI bin: al ii: Trinity Mennnial Park. ASPERMONT Mrs. Iltiol sie Marie I'ullpr. 3ll. Seini nolo, tonnertv nf A.

periiinnl. 3:30 in in Kosl Baalist C'uircl: AsK'i iiuinl burial in Asnermort Ceuicl rv under lincchiin oi Mclov Im al iiome. NY I) Ml! ll.M. Mr atilev 0.. ol Snvdcr al 2 i.n.

ii llei! Scale Funeral Chapel i burial in Snyder Crr.icU it I'lv FON Mrs. I lev arler. 74. of I.eoi; III a.m. in N.ihor.s Mcinorial in lie U'ini: burial a l.aurc: Cemetery In Dal API! AN': Mrs.

Minnie lilsse.v. loruicr rcs ilenl. at in in dnn Mi lhoi'i I ii Mb. rv burial in Mb, on Ceinrlirv in .1. I dill'.

III. ol IhiiP'i I'll ii. llomi Albany. Joe Albro WINTERS (RNS) Funeral for Joe Frank Albro. 32.

assislanl cliiel of Miliee at Tvlu leshoe and formerly of Winters, will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday in the First Baptist Church in WinLcrs. Mr. Albro died about 7 p.m. Sunday in a motorcycle wreck Ihree miles west of Sweelwa ler on Inlerstale 20.

Investigating officers said the accident appurently e. when he lost' control uf his motorcycle while trying lo pass a 'truck. Justice of the Peace F. Hose of Roscoe pronounced him dead al the scene. Survivors are his wife, Rita: a son, 'Tony of Lafayette, two daughters, Melissa and liraiidye, both of the home; his parents.

Mr. and Mrs. E.F. Albro of Winters: and brolher, Sammy of Abilene. House snidest' rn Ilia! the aides he questioned long distance thrnnjjh a sei ics of witter.

vue.slior:S and answers. i ne iloitse has made tiffers all," F.n ii pl od to question, put our The White House hi teeters He said he will i rest unions on Ihe (liies.ioniat; exec a I Ihuse which limit Ike cominitlee lo invcslialc I lie co'ideci of the tsM eleclious. praying lo the good Lord they will come and testify" will'. Environment Panel Discusses Hearing By liRljt'F. Bt'AL Iteporter News Stuff Writer Mcoibcrs uf ll.e city Kovi ronmental Coiiunittee Tdonday talked about holding a public hearing lo eel sugges lions on possible environmental 'oals, but look no formal action lo sc! a hearing.

City Planning Dirccor Up Roy George mentioned the possibility of a hearing when the members iliscussed ways lo publicize ihe couimlUee's long range goals. "II would be one way of et lint; some feed back Iron: interested groups." George sug ge stecl. Committeeman Troy Powell snir! he fell it might be a goad idea if il could be controlled" through a moderator. Committee chairman Earl Harrison said he wanled to avoid get ting people al a hearing "with axes In rallies, picketing and ppliiion signings in some 31 localities a i I produced small turnouts, organizers vowed it was nst Ihe beginning in a grass roots show ot force aimed at clOjitig loopholes loi the wealthy and reducing the burden of the average In York, nalinnal dircc 'or Fred Harris told a "lax Avion Dav" crowd of about 1,000 that "we will luni this country aid. We nil.

lake the rich olf welfare." Th. former Osiahoma tor. al a raliv site near li New York Slock Km change, attacked capital gams "one of Hie biggest loop holes" and named several coi poi atiors as Tax who force the nurki.ii; man Into paving an unfair share of Hie cnsl nf government. In Washington. Sen.

George S. Mi Govern. IKS. IX. the House Ways am! Means Committee in attach lax reforms lo lie Iradc bill soughl In Pies.aenl Nison.

ainn.ia Wilbei iii'licaled lhal a lax bill would have la avvail clearance of liic i.viie. Analysis Classes Begin Tonight Traiisactienai analysis lasses sponsored by li Abilene Assn. (or Menial lleallh begin al 7 p.m, in Ihe Board Room of Citizens Nalinnal Bans. The classes will el al 7 p.m. each Tue.Ml.iy fin five oo.secolive Ttiodavs'.

i I bniiled to 211 p. isoir, A luil'iill lei ol $20 vviil hi Edward Mueller BRFCKKNHIDGE iBNS) F.dward .1. Mueller, 74. or Brcckenridge, a retired Lnne Star Gas Co. employe, was dead on arrival al Stephens Memorial Hospital al 0:40 a.m.

Monday arict an apparent heart allack. Funeral will be al 2:30 p.m. Wednesday in First ti i Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Boorsie Fuller ASPEHMUXT (RNS) Funeral for Mrs.

Boolsie Marie Fuller. 38, of Seminole, former Aspermont resident, who died Saturday in Memorial Hospital in Seininnle after long illness, will be al 1:30 p.m. Monday in the Singleton Funeral Home Chapel in Seminole. A service will also be held at 4 p.m. Tuesday in the First Baptist Church hi out a Halation with the Congress.

Frvie said live television would he allowed to cover he hearings except fur passible "exli aordinarv" i in stances which he said he can'l foresee. He commealed al a i.cvv.s lonlerence following a closed committee session. Spokesmen Im Ikree a jor networks expressed inters', in live coverage of rap hearings, but all three said thev had reached r.n decision vet COMMITTEE MEMBERS. also lalked about what Harri son called Ihe "need to ge a true perspective on environmental problems" by pnbliciz ihc work being done to salve pollution problems. "We should move away 1 1 run fault finding," commltte ttieu Powell said.

''Our message jhould include what is being done about problems." "We have to educate people that research needs to be done or it i solving pollulion proh iirided comnillleiiian rjrmaii Fanner. Harrison said the commillee should also publicize the need tor conset valinn of ener ry and natural resources as well pollution ecntrol. Committee membei also decided tentatively to cencer. irate some education efforts on school age children, GETTING YOUNG people educated may be more lasting than trying to change already 1 0 me ol" opinions," Farmer said. The members talked abnul promo nig mere classes or.

Ihe environment in the school sys tern and sponsoring a poster contest with an environmental theme. Thev also iligge. led Ihe pos siliihty be explored of gelling public service time on adio and television, along with a regular environmental newspaper feature. A' so discussed was Ike en of environment tor civic clubs, ttic P' inllnt; of a pamphlet or l'onmenlal goals, a slide pres cr.lation and r. public synipos ium ou the cnnmiitep's work.

THE COMMITTEE has lea iatively adotiled general goais on lam! dewlopn e. il. vvaler. air energy, recycling ol male rials, beaulificatioii, leisure facililies. cjiliual inpi ave me.

il anil nistoriiai pieseiva lion Mcmhnrs deciiied lo discuss how spend S300. earmarked for a ntiblicitv campaign al Iheir next meeting. 'World Oil' Editor Don Kliewer Dies HOUSTON lAI'i Diioalil Kliewer. editorial liireclor OP maeazine. ilied id heiiil allack ash.uglor, slate Stlndav while vaiation inu Klirvver also wvs a iliiei 'or of Gulf Piibbsliing Co.

He joined Ihe World Oil stafi ihtil and lH iame editor of ihc in Hi.iV. Aflor 1 1 i ii utiblic Siamford and ln view and Ike niver.sity of Vesa. Kliewer worked 'with newspaper in Texas Citv. Hi il si; oro. (iaivc.Man.

aiiil loi st'iu prior 111 iotring Ihc :al.lis.'i:n;. Siuvnoi luili widow am! two Airport after Several planes at were damaged alter a tornado struck the Texans Regroup Itv Till ASSOCIATED PRESS I'eople in three 'Texas com totaled up their losses as the picked a way through, the debris of Iheir homes in the v.ake of Suoday's killer lornadocs. The storms ami the Hooding lhal followed bit almosl even sccti if the state and claimed a tolal of 12 lives. Al least 34 pei sons were injured, some of (hem seriously. Damage was estimated at several million dollars.

Socio saw almost cv erylhing they owned swept away in a mailer of seconds. Pal Mc Ninley of Pearsall. near San Antonio, lisled losses his trilled home and his horse. But l.c still has his jackass. 1 don't know how it survived thai he said.

'The first tornado liil before dawn in Plainvlevv. a city ol 20.0011. in the Texas Panhandle li claimed Iwo victims David Itryant, ISO. a newspaper reporter or. the Pl.iinview Daily He.iild.

and 2 year old Kevin I nil by lying bricks as his parents rushed him la a neighbor's storm cellar. Three Dallas Boy Scouts Sccill Slephens, Cris Phillips and Sieve Webster, ali IS were killed when a pine tree toppled on their lent during a weekend outing by the Davy Crockett National Forest in Southeast Texas. Two were drowned in flash flooding caused by the lorren tinl rains i San Antonio Roy Guerrero. was swepl away in swollen creek. Dew Werlheim.

described r.s in 20s, was ill owned when a pickup stalled or. a vvaler crossing. II was mire than 12 hours Carnegie Commission Report Colleges Financially ISv CAROLE MARTIN Associated Press M'rilcr NEW YORK (AP) American colleges and universities have reached a pleateau n( fragile" financial stability, the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education said Monday The canarissiiin reported that a second look al 41 institutions firsl surveyed in 10V1 mdicaled thai most had neld oit a (inancial condition ot sleady erosion. "The over all reduction of He rate cl increase of cosls has been alums' said C.ark Kerr, coii.iiiissiun president. "The institutions in this study have made heroic ett'irls io I the costs Ken and Carl F.

Chcit, who v. role the new reoorl as well as II 1071 I'limnus sion inxut. "The New Depression in Hmh er Education." presented the fiidii g.s al a lows eooleriuice. They said the findings could be applied lo higher education in general, although liKhca lions at inilivitltnil colleges varied. Cbeit.

a prolessor of brsi ness adniinislratioo a' Ihe i i i oi C.difornia. Hei keli y. emphasized thai the improved financial situation was de.irate because it was Ihe product .4 unusual ills in expenditure growth. lie said cosl reductions were achieved generally by Ireezing salaries, pes inainU iiiiiice or i eplaciiig ol i men! ami facilities, im reusing lass size aril disconlimiing departments researcl: units oven ail enli caiepus. "All of these induce lhal lecliug of living on burrowed time." Chcil said, noting dial savings cmild no! be siislaioed lor long or duplicated ii the future.

In lerois of rising cost per slndenl per y. ai above lh. rale oi inllalion. Cheil renin I nl, IL i i i ol Miciise fie rro.ip of II i I i I I i on dtoppei! Iioin I II in tornado the Frio County Airport afler the slorm bclore the live peinons killed al Pealsali could ail be identified. Officers said they were Ilerlinda IS.

of San Anlonio, Ruber'. Sandoval. 48. Sandoval. II.

Lucy I lei nil Rodriguez. 30, and Arisema Rodriguez, ID, all from Monterrey. Mexico. Police said Hie slallon iva gon in which Ihcy were Irav elliug was shredded so badly by Hie lorado lhal it would have been iiupossiiile lo identify the metal scraps as eum ii from a car if they hadn't Pearsall Man Loses Home, Horse; But Jackass Lives PEARSALL. Tex.

(API Pal McKinley lists among his lasses in the' l'pjrsai; ornado the house he was renting near the airport and his horse. "Ha: I've still got my jackass, de i know7 how il survived Hat vviril" IVY Kiniey in li aflermath of the weekend dev astation. Doi YUKinlcy, Me kiniey's brother, said he, his wile and daughter Melanie widened from a window of theii karr.e as Ihe twister approached Sunday evening. D.n Mckinley's hau.e is also near Hie airport, which he owns and which caught Ihc full force of die South Texas turbulence. As the lornadc ueaicil.

Duo Ihc ta.iuly re Irea'ed into a hallway. "11 was a lerrible no ring." Mckinley said. "Il tin al the earlier period to 0.5 per cent His coire.spor.iLs v.ilh Ihe long term rate of 2.5 per cent, which is also Ihe rale tor the future recommended hj the commission as hoirg ore at which cuali'y could maintained. But Cheil said the per cent rale could not be sustained without a lo ss in quality. In general, private Institutions appeared to have adjust ed more ipjickly and more adequately lhan inslilu lions, ard research univcrs: have been alfceted mosl adversely, Cheil said.

The new coituiared Ihe c. in em financial i "i dilion to that oi live years ago. Of those found tu ae in financial dilticUily 1371. Sliirriird Cniversity. P.e loi Cu'ilcge, Tulann ly San Dieeo State College, Fisk Cniversity and Huston T'lllolson College now are in heller condition Tougaloo College liostou College am: St.

Louis Cuiverslly are in op proximalely the same situa lioo and the Cniversity ol California and New York University appear 10 be in nol as good eond'lion. Antong those which had appeared headed fie rouble in 1071. Ihc llmvcisilv ol Michigan and knox College leinani Ihe same, while College. Cerlral Michigan Um versitv. Carlelon College.

Ah hiou College. Pomona College, Syracuse University. Allegheny College and Harvard University air be" or. Mesa College, Portland State University. Cilv Colleges of Chnago.

Ohio University and the duvets ties of Missouri. Ch i agn. Oregon and Minnesota aie nol in as good i onli'ioo Of Ihc sllliitioi i. i mil in Ironble south Texas trovn of Pearsall Sunday night, killing al least five persons. (AP Wirephotoj After Tornadoes had prior knowledge Two cropouster.pil'ils managed lo land their light plane just ahead of the rna'ing twistei ..1 pe.nsall Airport.

A woman said sac saw them run for Iheir pickup and drive 'like hell" down the runway, bill ihe twister outpaced them. Thev i i a dilch and were lossed around. One, Wal er Pilch. was in critical condition al Bexar Counly Hospital in San Ar.lo he Department of Public Safely reported HI aircraft and about li s'' p.m." Den Mckinley's home in cia reii heavy damage bul he. his vviie his daughter were uiil.urt.

Mckinley's son ami (laugh Icr in laiv also tode mil the Iwlster in their hanie, near a Mckinley's home. The son. Mm i was healed (or niTiir i 'iui es Sunday night. Mckinley and lis wife took refuge in the balh looir. and were spared, a': fiioi.iih poiliun of Ihe wall on iheni, they sird.

L. Carroll, a land survey, or from who owed half irtcres't in oro of the planes desl roved al lUc Kin ey t. peinled out a Hal near 'he airport lo a rem. iter. "There was a l.igc barn nod a lieiulifii' revv home over there." he said, gazing al Stable Morgan State, Whitman College, ll.e isity Norlh Carolina, Gull Coast Junior College.

Meredith College and Flint Community Junior College lemam Ihe samp, while ihe College of San Mateo has improved. There was a delen oration, however, in Ihe financial condition of Mills College. Howard Da Hamilton College, the University of Tex as and St. Clnud Slide' College. 'Cottonpatch' Group To Hear Bar President BA1XINGKK Jail D.

Bonnier of Temple, pres denl .4 Ihe Slide Hal' of Texas, will address the "cottonpalch ciin ference" of lawyers In ger Mav 4 Hiivvnicr will spi'ak in a hmcheoi; n.erling al l.owake Steak House. Lawyers Irom 30 I'. xas counties are cs ji cted to attend Ihe one day coiifereiu e. The meeting is being sponsored by the bar's cnnmlltee on local bar services. Weslbrock ol Waco, committee ihairnuin, whn will preside over toe 111 a.

in. sc. sinn, saiii Ihc mceling will provide an opporlunily for lawyers and inrices to 1' Iirought up lo dale on Ihe Int. i. si developments in areas ol law.

JIMMY RRII.l. of Houston wil; discuss p'obale manual, ol whii he is nulhor. Prank Abraham of Housloti will speak on i cinparative uegligciue in Texas. Howmer will address Ihe luncheon. Tom Davis ol Austin will opei Ihe atlernonn sessam uiiii discussion of Ihe new roles ef civil procedure which became efleelive Fob.

I. Tech law professor hiligene Smill nil. ie.ii; a panel ills, llssion mi pi'opiisrd new l.muly A li pin nine homes destroyed around the airport. A I larnado, winch touched down Sunday night at Corsicana, miles snolh of Dallas, mused extensive dam are lo homes, felled power anil lelepininr cable and ruptured gas lines. Police Chief Don MasFoy reported window.

were smashed on more than SO cars ll a hosp lal oarkine loi. Gog bib Briscoe Hew from Austin to lake a firsthand loal; al Ihe lorodo dam age atlernonn. whal now was only bare ground. A iTop.lusler nihil. Walter Fitch, It.

Pei i sail, was in critical condition Monday in liexar Counly Hospital in San wijh chest inju Filch a.iil anolher pilot, Corky Collins, landed .1 Mi Kin ey aliiort as ihc tornado bore down on 'heir small plane. Ihcy jumped Into a pickup inn's driven by a Iriend and ied lo escape. Don Mckinley's daughter in law, Melanie. described what she saw liappen lo ll.e trio: "Thev stalled driving like hell down Ihe runway hut the twister caughl up with them. I could see at ipas: Iwo mn jump oiil and dive for a dilch.

one of Iheni was picked up and carried through the air. It all happened su fast" Onlv 'i'ih was hurt seriously. Little was known al midday Monday about Ihe five derd persons, low perhaps wore thrown from a car traveling along U.S. 2.SI. The Texas De panmenl of Public Saiety took lingerprir.ts and of ixicies.

The DPS idpnli'ied onp ef Ihe dead persons as Ilerlinda Aguirre. ill of San Antonio. They did mil lis' a strep address ine her. The braying ot Pat Mckinley's jackass could he heard as the search was pressed in the darkness late Sunday and early Monday for a or's. "dutch tie: dinner will con elude Hie one day pnigiam.

l.owake Steak House is la miles soulhwesl of here on U.S. i V. Slide Rar du el bu who fig tlicil ii: helping plan thp i on ferencr ie Everett .1. Grind slaff nf Hallinger and Charles E. Chties I Krwin ol Abilene.

Probation Officer Named SWEETWATER I RNS I Dislncl Judge Weldon kirk Monday imnuutioed the ap xi.oli;ieo' of Noel Wofford ol Cleburne as Adull Probalinn (KfKcr the Judicial wh eb coniprises Fislicr. Milchell and Nolan counties kirk is replacing Howard Itour.lrec who resigned become ciiicf si eority officer for in Huuslon. A na live nf Jnbr.son County, Kirk has il; years experience as a probation officer. He has alsn served as depuly sherirf and sherill ol Johnson Counly. Kirk will move to with bis wile, l.ovie, about Mav I.

"hen ho will assume If. new dlllies. Thev air members of the Haplisl cilirch..

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