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Daily Free Democrat from Milwaukee, Wisconsin • Page 2

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

re's Slash, Miwuflplif ea4 Waal Want attests. allr. Trl.Whlr. Weakly. S.M BOOTS, mi.WAtJKBKi MwiucA Ticxrr.


TIIIRTI DISTRICT: sawAunt cowrtT jDPPincAJi ticket. FW Cfsr Af JBRRERT P. CABf. rr Kttitltr of DrrAi: LKWfM IS. OATIi.





O. Rl'DBBBO. FOR CORONER. ALBERT VRRDER, For Snntor Ninth Pittrirt: DEMMIMOM WORTniHOTIK. For Mrmker of AntmHf I J.

H. WATKR9IAN. For Memkor of AuemHf MTKBHBN WARREN. 7W 9 Vila its District tmnorttfnjt Tmnt of EfU, Muivm RLKCTIRR, TiMPAY, NOV. 9.

ipumcAir commrnoKi. Aaaesatly RLsrles CufnitH. Repuhli' an Elector of the Lake and Orel il Assembly District will inset at the I.aylon llowr, Town ol Lake, on Saturday Oetobar 39, at 1 o'clock to sominato a candidate lor the Assembly. M. 1..

hvbpiok, W. P. MKHRII.L, nut. WM. JOHNSON.

sTIflls WaN RaaaMltaa Caaeai OF" Will mM on Tuesday next, 7 o'clock P. at th RtaaaraHotal.lbrlfaaparpoaaof nomloatlnf a candidal! for ianaf of Assaasbly. 8. II. MARTIN, C.

E. WUNIJERLY, A milt Dittrict Com. Second Ward Commlltaa. OR ROOM. Tfce Stt asserts that the refusal Kef them Senators to agree to the line of 38 3D', end their declaration that the estebltan atent of that line would permit Slaver; south that Use, la proof that the Mlaaouri Coropro mm, by Implication, ealhoflieoj Slavery aouth 30 W.

The South proposed to organise Oregoo at a Territory with the prohibition of Slavery, on the esprets ground tbat it waa uortb af 36 30 whleh wauld have been admitting what the Afire and the South claim, that Sla very la permitted tenth of that line. Dut the North Indignantly rejected tbe propositi! Oregon waa organised without any auch provi so. When the Mlaaouri Compromise was adopted there was no unorganised territory south ef 36 30', except a portion or what waa called tbe Great American Desert. As to tbe declaratives of Hale, we are sot bound by his speeches. We call no man master.

When tbe New aootee our admissions, they will be perti nent, but we dont acknowledge the right of any one to dictate to us faith or login. Thr Caucus tn the First Ward, last night, BYasalnated WM. A. Frkhtiss for the Assembly. Thus far, all the nominations for the Legisla ture, In this County, are made from the old Whig parly.

All the Romiaalkons for County Offloere, are from the old Whig and Democratic parties, with the exception of the unimportant office of County Surveyor. And we and to nan mat as a special favor. The vote stood In this county, two years ago, for Parkec, rree Boll, Srx; for Duraau, Whig, In a few days the nominations will all be made, and we shall then be able to see how PowiBririBBAPOWa. The tTitcomxn trusts that the voters of the First Ward will elect Mr as. B.

Cross to the Legislature, because Mr. Koeejas defeated bit application (or the Post Ormsv and boeenso he hi opposed to Messrs. Podge, Walker and Wells. Aa Mr. Cms did hts boat, two years ago, so etee.

toon n. i wee dr. and defeat Wo. K. Wilson, friend Wilson will now have sn oppnrtulty of ezampUfylog the spirit af forgivsnees, bjr supporting Mr.

XBwaRD mm appeals to the independV eaAsleettrsef the Third Ward te vote far hiss. The affeeJ. seeena to n. should be addreeaed to thepwrvp, and net the tndipindil The atipwnwM iliKinefUAt Ward, we tmppeee, wUl veto tat Mr. ftaaugha.aasy, an la the In lasesi I.

Chawr. Tbe Galena Jeffertoniso speaks of Mr. Chase, who has been addressing tbe citisens of tbat city, as follows: We do not agree with Mr. Chase in many important particulars. We do not took or hope fur tbe restoration of tbe Missouri Compromise.

We do not believe, with him, that tbe day of the deliverance of the country from the domination of the slaveocracy Is near at band; but to the purity of his motives, to the loftiness of his patriotism, the genuineness of his democracy, to bis commanding talent and undoubted aincerity. we vield iuinlicit credence. Would to God that more of the public men of the country could command from ua the aameeulogium wouiu mat ine graauni encroaenments or na very upon the Integrity of the democratic sentiment, had not seduced to nianr from allegi ance to the true faith would that the rewarda for tubserviency, offered by the three hundred thousond slaveholders, had not diverted the originnl policy of tbe Government from the ez tt nnion of freedom to tbe extenaion nnd per pctuntion of the cursed inatitution. We should not then mourn over (acred righta trampled under foot should not then be called upon to wit nets the daily outrage perpetrated, in tbe naino of democracy, upon the commonest and most obvious claims of huuitiiiity we should have no occasion to regret the demngogueis tbat All moat of the public placet in the nation, and that ha prostituted the most perfect Government known in the hiatorv of the world, to a depth of degradation that despotisms rarely lanting efficacy of the present movement, tliut obliterates nil party lines and seeks the attain nent ot a tingle object ouly. We look forward the re organizntion of the Democracy, on the democratic basis a Democracy that bear i loft banner unsullied by any insignia of ser itude alike the hone andrallvina noint of the frienda of freedom throughout the world.

The nuclei of that party are now scattered through many organization. Democratic, Whig, Republican, Abolition. The aggregation will soon begin; nnd out of the toil and turmoil of the present will be born a faith, will be enliated an rmy, mat win ncnieve we political regenera ion of mankind Aa a antiulcer. Mr. Chase comes uo fullv to the expectations of those who, like us, have never heard him before.

Deliberate and method ical, logical in tbe arrangement ot ma argument, with a fine person and agreeable voice. be make an impression the bearer carries away with him to become the baaia of action hereafter. Above all, hi aincerity and singleness of purpose the nbaeuco of all fustian and bombast commend bun to a warm placo in the estimation of all who are ablo to discriminate between sense and sound, action and argu ment. We trust he has not spoken hero for the last time Albany District. It seems by late advi cea from Albany, N.

that tbe reason Mr. Ru fus W. Peckham roiued tbe nomination was, because tbe Convention passed Nebraska reso lutions. We honor bun lor bis stand. Tbe resolution was as follows Retailed.

That while the Convention feels it self constrained to express its regret that our ttepresentative in congress, ttie JIou. Kulus W. Peckham, opposed the Kansas Nebraska bill, and to disapprove of his vote iu opposition to that measure, yet We fully sustain his general course of action in Congress, and especially we render him our warmest thanks for his bold. manlv and defiant onDotition to the imbecile. 'futthlet and disgraceful Administration of A First Rate Puff.

The Wiseonsin of last evening bad a nice puff for Mr. Macy, copied from the Washington Union. It however looked the terminating paragraph; HE IS THE FIRM AND ZEALOUS FRIEND OF TH PRESENT NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION." Does, or does not the editor of the Wisconsin desire the election of Mr. Macy We pause. Gref.x County.

The hunker of Green have nominated tho following ticket: Member of Assembly Samuel Thompson. Sheriff Abner Long. Register of Deeds Caleb Morse. Treasurer Alfred Wrisberg. Clerk of Circuit Court Noah Phelpt.

Clerk of Board of Supervisors Daniel B. Priest. District Att'y E. L. Warner.

District Surveyor Hiram Brown. oronor James Groen. Democratic Nominations Marquette Co. The Democratic County Convention which met at Princeton on Saturday last, nominated the following County Ticket: Register J. E.

Millard. Treasurer J. H. Turner. Sheriff E.

Stevent. Clerk of the Board J. S. Ward. County Surveyor G.

W. Robinson. Coroner J. Parker. Mass Meeting at Manitowoc.

A Republican Mass Meeting of the County of Mani towoc, was held at the school house in the vil lage of Manitowoc on Monday, October 33d, pursuant to notice, and organised by appoint ing una, tssnnger President; H. Bates, A. xJeidger, Torrison.ldell and Philips vice Prei Idents and Wm. Atdrich, Ch. Roster Secreta ries.

The meeting passed a good series of ret oiutiont, and tne Dost ot teellng prevailed. Henry 8. Mott, (Democrat,) who hat just been chosen Canal Commissioner In Pennsylvania by the Know come out with a letter in which he repela the Imputation that be is associated or has the least sympathy with that party, and takes occasion to express himself aa decidedly opposed to Its notions In regard to political and religious liberty, and alto to all secret political societies. Here is another instance of the danger of making nominations in As Mr. Mott had no public notice of.

his nomination by that order, be it not at all to blame for not informing them of bis sentiments beforo eleetion. A Walworth County correspondent says "Well will ran better in thia county. I he did two years ago." Dsntm Mies. The interest of the above paragraph would be deoldedly enhanced by Informing as ttrt tbe people will ran Mr. Wells.

Thr Retmbllcan of tbe sooth east Assembly District, of Dane County, have nominated Jonathan Mother for the Assembly. Thw fat hall ebrontelRRis election with pleasure. He It a straight forward, independent man, and a Thr Htm, of last evening, aayt, "the Fret smtMMl. batta the nomination Goodaxl, in the 4tk Ward." Will the Jsm finite aatarity for tksistote twtf Let aa have the proof. Wi woald Hatted tbe Whitewater Oaaitei attar The work of bringing forward candidates for popular suSragee, la generally left to few.

Take the Firtt Ward for instance, which casts over 1,200 votes. Yet, at the caucus last night, bat 63 votes were caet. And 44 votea in tbat Ward, determine whom the Republicans shall vote for. And so of the other Wards. We agree with the Betoit Journal in the following article Strictly party nominations have been usually misrepresentations of public sentiment, and have not indicated the choice of tbe people for public officers.

Partv drill haa tyrannized over popular sovereignty. Personal maneuvering lor office aud wire pulling have bean the prominent features of nominating conventions. The claims of individuals upon party, rather man iiieir nines or umce, nave oeeo mainly influential in securing nartv nominations To such a wanton degree ofimpunity has thia abuse and fraud upon the people been carried, that not even the most blindly obedient to the behests of Dartv need be deceived. It needs but the excercise of the most ordinary degree of every honest voter is plain. Let no support be party grounds.

The very fact of its being a vartu ticket is sufficient for itt entire condem nation. What Dolitical nrinciote. we ask can possibly be affected by the administration of! county anair vy ny cling to old party organizations with all their corruptions, In the election of county officers Who doubts but that the spontaneous nomination of the people are truer representations of public sentiment than the bargain and sale arrangements of an old organ ized political party 1 The matter is so plain that Taken Up. The Louisville Weekly Jour nal of Sept. the following advertisement: TAKEN I I Limrg.

jnurKla. Hwinu' ut 1 in yi rt ptjje, ot'a durk coppei ciilurlia scar um m' hat the apiwaniuu itotliiuf on but check thirt ti.l irk evened pant. Kvr liirtlM'i Cll AS. HAMILTON, Hardlusbure, Ky. Taken up in tbe State of Indiana, a man, and Taken up, why 7 For crime Not alleged.

For vagrancy? Not hinted at. For novertv, Derhnns 1 "But blested poor," says tbe Old Book, and here, in the year a. iooi, we imve una iiience oi mo practical working of that doctrine ripened by age The imprisoned wretch cau "read print tol erablv well." Iu tbat particular he is much in advance of 80,000 white inhabitants ofVirginia, the 'impersonatisn of the high born and perhaps his literature was the main cause of his arrest. Who can say what may not be uone unuer ueiuocvacy ot tne uougias cut But we may ask, by whom was the "Negro man taaen up i aa it toe majesnc autnori tie of the State, or waa it some mainifico of kidnapper acting on its own account This part of the business is aa mysterious aa sybiline leaves. That it should be recorded in an American journal that a Man waa taken up without even a technical cause and turned in the twink nug ot an eye from a Man before the laws beast before the laws i "When will the next Kossuth come to this country for material aid to the cause ot liberty? If the ownor of the above piece of property ing him ofthe chattel' whereabouts supposing the description is a clue.

"Said Negro man." however, is ao in love with the natriarch ical inatitution.that he holds his peace and gives not his name. Perhaps, after all, he Is not a a slave, but a kidnapped freeman. Is there no Ingraham to rescue such a Koszta N. Y. Trwune.

Judge Royce, of Vt, in hit message saya i the Nebraska bill, An Act of of Congress, pasted at the last session, annuueu tnat part oi ine Act oi a. v. 1820, commonly called the Missouri Compromise, which restricted the spread of Slavery in a vast region of country acauired bv tbe Louisia na purchase of A. D. 1803.

That great adjust ment nau tne moral atirioutes oi a solemn ana valid compact; and had therefore been recognized and respected for more than thirty a final and unalterable Act of the Government, settling forever a great and dangerous controversy. The Act repealing the restriction clause of the Compromise, was suppoi ted and urged forward in itt passage, with almost unbroken unauimitv. bv the delegations of almost every tlaveholdinir States. It has naturally, and verv justly, excited a sentiment of intense dislike States. notwithstanding the glosses and palliation nut forth in defense of that measure, it anoeara to furnish palpable evidence of its great purpose; and this would seem to be nothing less than secure to the slave Interest an indefinite extension ot Slavery a perpetual ascendancy and control in the government of the nation.

And hence, it should not be a matter of ur prise, that so general a determination exist in the free State to counteract and resist, in all peaceablyjand constitutional modes, such a spirit of unscrupulous aggression. This course has become manifestly expedient and necessary as tbe only resource for the protection and advancement of the caute of freedom and, aa an omen of Its ultimate success, I may allude to the concentration of feeling and effort which is suspkioo to tbe harmony and strength of An Absconding Banker. P. B. Manchester, banker, fled from Cincinnati, on last Saturday uigut.

was arrested ai xawreuceourg, on Monday, at the instance of one of hit de Hit trunk waa opened, down river boat. He had on deposit at hi of fice in Cincinnati, about 70,000, chiefly the property of widows and other needy persons, and the amount he has assigned ftr their ben ent win not pay more man ten cents on tne dollar. Chicago Trii. Decusrs. We are glad to notice the fol lowing card la the Berlin Conrant Friekd Smith: I tee by the last Freeman tbat several individuals have announced me as their Candidate for Conn ess.

I cheerfully ac knowledge the right of minorities though ever ao small to nominate for themselves, and their ciaim upon tne xreta mat makes any pretentions to being a free one for publicity. I also claim the right for mvself solemnly to mratett against beta made a sarta to any schism in tho Martin Mitcbil. a Peansyl antUdmin vanta legislature elect, eouktt of ta that State be the qaetti an the aaat in the TJ. S. 8e by Hon.

James Cooper, or tbe 4th af March AmawxIr tha Crystal PalaoaBihfbBatja i ravatni far tab a fsVBO. The Children'a Aid Society af New Tori, la very anxious at thia time to procure comfortable hornet for a number of boya and girls, the children of poor parents, and they have Isamed the following circular which we gladly transfer to oar columns for the benefit of all whom it may concern. To Farmers and Mechanics And ufacturtrs in tie Country, rem Me JVsae York CkUdrtn't Aid Soetetj." The greatest charity usually, which can be done to the poor in a city is to get them into the country. We, as a Society, have devoted ourselves to the aid of the poor children of New York; and we feel it onr first duty to put them, wherever possible, in the way of an honest living oat of the city. Every occupation here is thronged and with the poor, nothing so leads to idlenett and crime, as thit overcrowding of population.

We call upon every man in tbe country wbo hat the opportunities for it, and who would do a Christian charity assist us in getting these children, work. There would be no lost in the charity. These boy are, many of them, handy and active, and would learn toon any common trade or labor. They could be employed on farma, in trades, in manufacturing and many an Intelligent lad might be saved to tociety from a life of theft or vagrancy. The girls could be used for the common kinds of housp work.

They are the children of parents coarse and very poor, with many bab habits, but kindness has a wonderful effect on the young girl and of thit, the vagrant child In onr great city gets little. A charity at this time of life, would do what no Reform or good influence can do afterwards. These children are not those whom Asytumt or our other institutions can help. They are not, according to any legal definition, vagrant, though they are growing up, often, to crime and poverty. We want to apply the remedy to the source of these vast evils and suffering! in onr city, and bring good influence to bear on cMdhoad.

If the children are not satisfactory, they can be returned to our hand. We confidently call on those through the country, who recognize it as a duty never to be avoided, to help the suffering and poor; those who practically believe in Christ's words and teachings, to aid ua in this effort and to aid nt in the way most efficient, by draining the crowd It is hoped, that farmers will be found, wbo wm taae ainau numoer ot ooys on trial, receiving a fair compensation for their board, and then distribute them to those in want of such. through the neighborhood or country. Good references ot character are In all manded. All communication on this subject, will be addressed to the office of the Children Aid society, uiinton nail.

Aitor lace, New York. vtiAKLKa Li. uraoe, secretary. Murderer Hung by a MOB. Dave Thomas, who murdered Mr.

Wm. H. Butler, in Carolina county, on the 27tb was taken out of inn at xenion on tne tn at midnight, and hung. He had been convicted of murder in the second degree but the mob thought he ought to have been convicted of murder in the first de gree, ana threatened to innict summary punishment upon him at the time the iurv brought In their verdict, but were prevented by the officer of the law. They also released two other pri.

t7Our forwarder are just now doing a pretty extensive business in the way of shipping pro duce, ivory vessel bound below, takes off arse lot of all kinds ofirrain. flour nntntnu butter, and tbe quantity it accumulating faster than it can be htpped. Raetne Advocate. OTMeiRr. Webster and Herrick nominees on tne iteptioncan county ticket, having failed to comply with the requisition ofthe convention which nominated them, the County Central Committee have no discretion left but to nil their place.

Ktnosha Telegraph. The valuation of Real Ettate in La Crosse County, at reported by the State Board, it 8525.000; valuation ofvillaso lota RRo.flflfi valuation of personal property amount ui dime inx aasesaeu Sfxjcai iu. lie amount of State tax assessed unon Jackson count la 315 73. Monroe county B227 50. La Crosse Republican.

THK Land Office orn nn of thia villa Washburn gave us forty dollars. We regret gave ut forty dollars, nor any other valuable consideration, to advocate hit election. Our beet Judgement tell at we are doing right to in mm we aaa no pay, nor ao we expect But we exenae the orran. for it la tnlora. bly hard run for argument.

Cress Rtpub ONtbe 24th Anril. 1854 I Drafted a wild Dlum stalk 1 IS inches In diamater. with one scion trom a green gauge pium, ana on uezatn unv oi Ausuat. i meaaurea tne wooa at 4 montna growth from the one tcion and it waa 33 1 3 xne tree grows in a gravel bank near ryjudffe Knowlton. after tha ndtnurnmont of the Circuit Court here last week, proceeded to Buffalo County, where be holds a Court for the first time in that county.

There is some vaiuame mnu in mat county, ana it is a aesira ble plsoe for early settlers. La Cross jfeaauY nraa. The Lumber Business is evidently on the increase at this place. On Friday last, oa our return from Cereeco, we met no less than seventeen teams in one enmnanv. heavily lnajtad with lumber.

We can hardly look into tha street without teeing toads of lumber passing out of Berlin. BeWia Conrant. raised away up north, "You can all beat that Wll we were shown one the other day. raited by Mr. Gllkiotoo.ofthls place, which weighed 664 puuuua.

xryegain eignoor. Borttn ca rant. MOM. 41. M.

C.WJMMCM OrWUl address the tW The Colored Champion of Freedom, wfli addnaa DRY GOODS! YANKEE NOTIONS! AT WHOLBSAUt BXTOM, 14 Rant iiiiiciii, mnu km www mm Wsbwrs saw haaaoastsa JLsWRaet assA saaas Katastsaie tMaah avaa laaRai.amk.teRHasr.Rat. i fsk sot ofwtaRRs sVpsjrataalxaalAaa Wears BtoaSslaaTet Jan5' vine November Mineral Point BBtIBBttCBL OVCIAM, peopie ot MUwaakee, on Tvjaaaay evening in ciUxen of Madison, oa Wednesday art mam hub cilmeb wool ruins UO PLAID An PLAnr bzlzbi Xanrta. French Hstri.a. Fiftr DiflSarttt Stedn All Woot fie Ltiics XUtSAHT LT0H1 ILLX TILTH! Wets Kattak aTlamatela, Faster sad Trimming in great abundance, are ottered at th frBW.YOKK. CHAP CASK MORI, Bo.

194 West Water Bt, Milwaukee. ALL THE ABOVE are of recent importation, mortlr made to our own express order, and will be void it New York price, in any quantity, mure or 1cm. Hlch Lustred All BcUed Black Silks, style atclnatMly old in at pric dsTSwoo Our Plaidsln Wool Silkt, Merinoe. Do Laii lag notwe, Baring been selc tnTby our cnlor partner, atr. M.

SUCK, from among the best Hocks and manufactories in Europe, expressly for our own retail sale. iBwavric goods: Sheeting, Shirtinga, Flanneli, Tick, Irith I.lncn, Dia. per and Window Draperies. Wa are enabled to eU much lower than before. On Dtfaxtmant te Man and Boys' Wear, Is full of every article, from a tine cloth to a i.iiumon Jean.

We have every variety, and in tin nil kiuda Baaey anta Staple Dry 0mU, And foreseeing a great fall in the price ot liuwU, delayed our purchase and bare now bought largely (W ch, at lower rale tfan Good hare ever been aold. nnd are therefore prepared to offer our cuMomcr some ol the Greatest Bargains they have ever found. We Knew Urn Casaallltaa, sell a low aatttlaser sV Ca. Merchants, Milliner and Pedlar, will nnd at Oil eatnoHsbing an extensive and well selected stock ofGood at N. Jobbing Price, and would do well to call befor.

purchaing elsewhere. epl9 HARDWARE! HABDWABE! K. WILLIAMS MPI.ETE ASSORT vy aaa Shelf Harsware. Selected forthe RETAIL THDE, includini a complete Slraar Cattle r. C'orai Shellera, Tl ter SJhuraa, yoarvelves, at Ms.

Bprlaia; Htrf 1854. 1854. DICKINSON dc FB0BVCE ARB C0BQDMI0B aTEBCBAHTS, Bariaan's New Brick Warehouse, Watrr 4lh Wari, nilwaabee. D. O.

DICKINSON, Waukeyal BARLEY, RYE, CO F. HIBBARD, WHEAT, FLOUR, Boughi price paid for produce. 13.04M ACRES OV LAND sTOsR SAL St. TO COLONISTS. A Tract of Acres in Calumet county, near Lake 34M Acre in Outagamie county, 1 AppUt, Sheboygan A Tract of SOOOAcr Sheboygan Plunk road.

in Sheboygan county, near es, and a Tract of 900 Acres, rown county, near Gre Title direct from the United States to the uuderl ned. Milwnuk'ee, Ave. 39, 1354. autattttm MOTICK. AT A MEETING of tbe Barber of this city, hcM Frl.

rlclng ot our Shops earlier on the Sablmtb. tbe toll resolution wa unanimously adopted derigned, Barber of Milwaukee, will, ioi the aicom dation of our A W. GOETZ. GEO. Cl.ARK, C.

H. GRUNDMAN, Milwaukee, October 13, II JJACB S3. BCKIDAHL. Ctrriage Trinnter and Haraeu laiifaetonr, "frtmm wnvi, iratlwaakea, band Saddle, Trunks, Whips, Carpet Bagi X3TT he plflilic invited to call and examine hi BtSJ A NEW SUPPLY. Whateteys Elements of Loiie, Elements of Rhetoric, Emerson's r.rmjr Second Serifs, Autnbioemphy of ai A.

WHITTEMOl mt'tTco PARLOR HTOVKS. COTTAGE PARLOR, a. I.r KEaULATIXQ. and man i HENHY NAZRO It Ft iprletors. DRY GOODS, FALL TRADE! OhR and extensive the facllltte.

for we bay evsrv dollar for Cash, and flUeh Rich Plata Bferiaaaa, Car tea All Waal Shclalstta, KLBOAMT RROCHA SHAWLS, New a atat Navel Brm 4Y Blrtlaaaa aa ursai vavtetlea. In a word, a fnll and complete atoek of Foreign and Do esnc Hoose Kseolnr snTflbnla n. rt. wllk a fall stock of To which we lnve attention. We can particular BLACK SILKS.

Bafievsd tobetbe Ive In Milwaukee, eompri fromSOcenta tn90per buaa endre Hne ol "SroZl mtim'i Water itcomtnc surwaaaaa, vxtaner ibm. ootu iDotrim luninni! SHINGLE MACHINE, TliJi SRa aasy anaxaof the Mini HoaaL Waa Watar St. rR BUTTBRR, MSBATIN4B, At faBNTBN0 SHINGLES! capable RAKore rarr PER RAT! paaaca SPECIAL NOTICEsT vtoGonm BiiJssiAtniMiAlj LIFE, FIRE AHD MARWE RISKS eOLlCtTTn inanrofloefoUowiiujeoaapaniea ritbure, Pena. Fi" "I hu Kew v. rente S.rmlor.

Spno Wtkimfton Union Ixwanct Co CAerrt.mA rL, QTOrriCB Fi aLoxo Btocs. Ent door head of the Stall Milwaukee pM'y J.8.BOISE,GerlA MILWAUKEE XBBUBABCB ABKBCT tPIre, iflariae aaa Lire laarM ie followinc companies a COMMERCIAL FIRE INSURANCE CO K. Cit. Prwilent. Henry B.

Greenwood', Secretsiy11 WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS INS. CO VtttiJi Mi Capital, aiw.noil. G.tu. C. Bur.sp.

rVSJS! J. C. Goodrich. Secretary. rIl.

KNICKERBOCKER INSURANCE CO W.terfori NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE New Yrl Cbi UNION MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE rn oa M. upiti1ax fclKhaB.l' Dui President. ttyPolick tbe auorenamed Cosnpanirtstj oac settled at my Offlce, Ma. 3, Bank, corner East Water and Huron Street.

iygad'y a. wheeler. life inarRANra. Berksnire County Xntud life Ii iof riTrsriKLD. aassacHCSKTTS.) CaaltaJ.

BIOOJMO. Ex Got. Gbo. N. Baioos, Presid t.

B. Johmsok fw. JOHN C. SMITH, GeaT Western aeat ilwaakec OtRce Ma. A JJaaaaa atlaek JOHN SMITH.

Jyaidtf ANDREW J.AIKENS. H0IT0H Al KTLLRRTt IAM AMD COI.LKCTINS AOKMTtj. bought and sold on commission, and collection made KOnVvIAW A. lIIE.t.EBIP, racy aaa CaaaMrllwr a Law, sad Me. B.

H. WALDO'S SKY LIGHT DAGDEUEAN aiUEIT, Me. 11 Kaat Water msgea, BUtwaafce. CiJUST OPENED and supplied with KEW and SUPERIOR APPARATUS. Piccltire taken in erery variety of Style, aaa FOWLER'S EINBE BICDEBBEIH S1UIBT 931 Baas Water MUwaahea.

IRS fLASS PICriR ES TAKEN aood Uke. sVwInstrnmci Golrl Lockets foi Cy TLATES, CASES. CHEMICALS tad fehiTillv BROWS'S BISl'EKKEIN (1LLEIT. Ml East Water Mrni, ke RSiTARLSMRRR IsiyT 1 FIRST CLASS PICTURES TAKEN Gold Lek et for Operator furnished with stock of .11 a. ATKMT ITfLI OR sRATS.

4 FALL STYLE, BESBE 4 TALL STYLE tit BATS; jcst airfiviD ivp ros u.i aT J. H. SILKMAN. RMWtBTK As MMM, WHOLESALE ARB BETAJL BBVwQIBTS. SBRa HAVING BEEN BURNED OUT AT THE I A.TE FiRE, mT be fuond sttbe store of asKo A if tgrnrnt Water Uum where ihcy are attending to business for the present.

RR ss. g. vruK, reet. Walker's U. RS.RMSRAJR, SB.

R. BBBTTIST. ty ARCADE BUILD1KO. API (4 EarWater.treet.....lUwaeJieer 9IINRB VARIES, FBACTICAL BEBTISTS, Office 13 Wiseaasht streel. BatRAT RRStB73f BOTES, av CO.

SIB A 'HI East Wster Street, wbo receive the fast ily Diploma from the last State Fair, tor tm seat public generally, to examine their large Stock, eosjtaiawa their fire newly enlarged Ware Rooaae, which cover 8O0sruare of wkirk ksOes! H. H. RBXPtrEsVI AWEBTCSB 4V B0SXM Mass Forte as) litis ftnlssBM. NR. STB AST WATRR ITRBBT.

laCsBsaxBal EXCLUSIVE AGENCY fur salt FIRTH. POND A and fomr other wvA knows Aaasr ican and German Makers. These lailininaass sand a For sale al Mjjvor acrtiaxas' Paicxs, aaat wamaasw eign SHEET MUSIC, inclaatiu all a new pa Instruction Books. Masse for Brass assaasajaaf sad Musical MetcksadisTTf every XCCTLBRTI CSTTLRSSxTt Ws save on hand the largest and haasSeva ta tfcscky. cocaprisiog fall setts ef S3 aaacas JjajsaissA AassaW knives and forks i fob sstts of S3 sssca scysldted "ktMeS sUsTtnbH game carver.

flUted steels, sat fscks, Ac oMj(t foigasuDKtareas? have fak Mock of knlvea aaafaorks wkhkvjcfc. escaa. ebcay and bone kaadVat prum, styles aaa kksAst tUttrtmnt otlmw ami MisxsilSails 1 1 siliRsai.

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