Daily Free Democrat from Milwaukee, Wisconsin • Page 2
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- Daily Free Democrati
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- Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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fails Jm $arotrat 8. i. "viUYtiU EdHor. CITY MILWAUKEE. 20.
Breadstuff Declined. iit arrived at New York, Tlll Foreign inia' I brings newn but mi rl iin tlie Missing I'aciftc. Wheat baa deciiueii dd, corn flur 2. via: ttcnATrORIlL UVESTIOS. Tut: Decision of the Supreme Court, yesterday, in ft Gubernatorial Cage, will satisfy all who de justice to prevail, and that fraud ami forgery be ferreted out and exposed.
We think the Court Ijmh acted wisely in requiring Mr. Bto.hford to prove his right to tho office, though it had the right to oust Burstow and in stall Buahfnril in office, without ftirth Tli but what ni tenths of the people of tho State feel morally certain that Bashford received a majority of the votes cost for Governor at the last election; still, they wish to seo the fact proved, bevond tho possibility of doubt, so th.it all iimy be sati fied, and none can say that Bnshfoi has been placed in the Gubernatorial Chnir, without it being clearly and conelusi' hhed that: he to the ollic If tii in submit tli" iin'il iiion of tho Sajtreme Court, ive abortive, but will recoil up will no: only on the hernia of the desperados and violator. or law aa'l order, and render their names a byword and reproach, throughout the length and broa.ltliof'tlie Statu. Let tho Democratic party to sustain Mr. Uarstow iu the hold, unsci ii and defiant course which he has ,1 to pu tho is ndn ton c.Hpoodence of (he Free Democrat.
Kenosha, March 18, 1856. Messp.s. Euitdks: Arriving in thia place a few days since, I was (juito surprised to find how much it hail changed since last I visited it Tl tmu inerensi.H in niro. heatltv and busi very perceptibly. And especially do I of the beau ty of Wisconsin, cities and villages, Konosha should not be overlooked.
It already has many fine residences, and many beautiful locatior.e for more, particularly iu the south part, in the vicinity of its spacious park. A material addition to tho beauty and comfort of the place, are tho numerous and thrifty shade trees, planted along the walks or nearly every street, many together with the "natives," planted by the Almighty sonio time figo having already attained a size to bo of valuable service iu hot weather. Kenosha, I should judge, will soon rejoico In an excellent harbor, especially if the plan on which it is commenced bo continued to completion, as 1 uuderstand it will. It is al ready deep enough to admit vessels of a light 9 the bndgi tho present si I am informed, rap ill be made toward completing it. pro; The Kenotiha A Beloit Railroad is anothe Important item of Konosha enterprise.
The Road is graded aa far west as Fox River. The President of the Company, Mr. Bond, is now in New York, on business connected with the Koad, and. though operations aro temporarily supeinted at present, I understand it is the intention of tho Company to resume the work soon, and prosecute it vigorously to an early completion. Among other institutions, tho Kenosha Wa ter Curo is not the least.
Here, all who wish to be 'put through" a course of Hydropathic treatment, can be accommodated on application to Dr. Sf.ki.fv. It is situated high and dry," commanding a fine view of the city and lake and although it has a peculiar affinity to water, I think particular care has been taken to prevent it from being flooded." The Lnko Shore Rail Road Company have constructed a neat and comfortable passenger depot the most commodious one on the Road at this place, on West Main which, together with the freight houses, give that street quite a busy aspect. In point of educational advantages, Kenosha lakes a place in the front rank. Although there aro no incorporated colleges and acade mies within her limits, she has a Public School, the best in the State, which is both a college and an academy in itself; and under the direc tion of its efficient and popular Principal' J.
G. Mt'KlNLEY, cannot fail to maintain its pant reputation, aud win fresh laurels Kenosha enjoy the religious influence of who ball dozen churches, of the various denominations, aud, judging from what I witness ed ou the Sabbath, the place possesses about as many, if not wore, church going inhabitants in proportiou to its population, than a city situated not a thousand miles from Milwaukee. Altogether, your correspondent was pleased with Kenosha, pleased with her people, pleased witu bunseii, ana tne rest ot orally; and, enjoying the generous hospitality of kind mends, spent tbe hours very pleasant ly. Vivian. Efpcbuuan Convention in Michigan.
A Mass Republican Convention for the State of Michigan is to be held at Aun Arbor on tbe 26th inst, for tbe purpose of electing Delegates to the National Convention whiou will ble at Philadelphia, on 17th of June next. The call states that each Congressional District will be entitled to three delegates, and that will be chosen from the State at large. fT Judge Peabody baa resigned hit disputed functions upon the beneh of the New York Supreme Court until a deeUloiinipoa tbe title, is declared by lie Coari the it, Special Crrtipidw of Madison, March 19th. The reflation to purchase 3,000 copies of the report of the ouoeinwit p1 ve.terdsy, by Mr. Hadley, was taken up the Senate.
An amendment was offered by Mr. Cobb, increasing the number to 5.WJ0. The amendment, however, was lost, and the question recurred upon the original resolution, which was finally to a select committee of three, consisting of Meesrt Sboles, Harvey and Barber. The Senate spent Most of the morning in snepending tho rules, and passing hills under suspension. There is a good deal of feeling concerning (J I the Dodge Co.
division bill, and there is some questioB about its passage, as those who oppose though in tno minority, are ueic. resolute, and will leave no sionn that will tend to defeat the measure, or at leant postpone its passage during the present session. My sympathies are with the opponents of the II. Tho Assembly spent most of the morning in passing I biils, on the general hie, to a intra Hull nvived to take up tne Lu natic Asylum bill, ami thought two tHirds oi the Assembly would concur in the motion. Remarks were made, vro and con, Dy varioue members, and the motion was finally lost.
A motion to adjourn was made, when Speaker Hull statod that thi.i was no way to do business, and moved that the general file be refer red to a select committee of five with instructions to report all bills of general ititerest. No vote, however, is takcu on tho motion which was only made i'or the purpose of killing tho motion to adjourn. The Assembly have puRsed a resolution aim thoriziug tho purchase of 5,000 copies of the Gubernatorial Contest Report, to be published, as I havo stated, by tho proprietors of the Journal and Democrat. The report will certainly be one of groat interest and should be generally circulated throughout tho State. The Fred Horn" appropriation bill (alias swindle) was discussed in the Assembly, yesterday afternoon, and met with more of fin opposition than I bad been led to expect, especially as the committee to whom the matter had been referred, reported in favor of tho measure.
The bill is amended and will consequently bo returned to the Senato, where I hope to see it defeated. The measure wan ably opposed by Messrs. Mills, Newell and others, and was finally ordered to a third reading by the following vote. Republicans in Italics AYES Messrs. Anuuson, Beger, Bird, Brigga.I.
Brown, Cameron, Catlin, Chapp. ll, iGrtlV, Malm. Hatelnm. James. Jn.on.
K.l 12 Knowltun, J. II. Knowton, Me Mite.hol. Murphr. Palmer, Potter, Sell, Smith, Stark, Thompson, ogeuitz.
Wng nor. Walker, Weaver, Wippermati, Wood. NOES Messrs. A'den, Bostedo, Brazilian, J. T.
Brown, Burchanl, Chnpia, Checcs, Chihls, Chiuman, CMadag, Davis, Drake, Evans, Fletcher, llawlcy. Had, Huntington, II Jolin son, Lauderdale, Mills. Murray Ncicetl, Noon, lioyes. Earlier, Reed, Seymour, Taylor, H. S.
Thomas. Tobin. Townseud aud Woodman Durinc the discussion upon the motion of tho Attorney General, in the Supreme Court, yesterday the venerable antediluvian took umbrage at some remarks, made by Judge Howe, which hu characterized as a gross personal attack, although he wa only person that en tertained such an idea. He dwelt upon his long practice at the bar, (what "bar" thought I), and referred piteously to his old ago. Judge Howe, in reoly, very cuttingly stated, after disclaiming having made a personal at tack.thut sensible of the priv ileges Mr.
Smith enjoyed from his age.tlianthi gentleman mmseit, anu tuai uu sentible of it The Supreme Court did not ing, as was generally expected. C. V. "Tnr. Nkpiikw of Ills This wt mis Nanoleon boast.
1' or a long time tie assumed no other merit. It proved effective; not only the "Ulo guard, out very many ho had oulv tradition to awaken their venera on, were attracted to Louis because be was in" nephew of his uncle." "The "Hindoos" imported the idea, and put j), as their Vice President, a gentleman whom iey represent aa the "Nephew of hi.s Uncle." Old Hickory" to the electors of tbe nion what the Little Corporal" was to the Army of Franco an idol and aB the charm of his name was equal to ten thousand men in the field, so was that of "Old Hickory" of equal the hustings. hero is a difference between the two. the real "nephew of his uncle," while Donolson is but the nephew of his uncle's bet its application emboiiiee a "Yankee trick." ii. On tins 15th inst.
a passenger named J. B. Jones, residing in Mississippi, boarded tbe Ohio Belle at Smithland, the boat arrived at the foot of Cash Island, he offered Stevens (tho first clerk) counterfeit money for his passage. Stevens refused it. Jones then commenced cursing him, when Ste ordered him out of the cabin, and opened the door for him.
Jones walked out, deliber tely turned around and shot Stevens immedi ately under the left arui. Stevens fell and ex pired iu ten minutes, without uttering a word. His remains were forwarded by Auams' im press to his friends in Cincinnati. The murderer was immediately arrested and lodged in Seneca Lake Fkozen Over. The New York Trionne of tho lath inst, says: were told yesterday that on the 9th of March, the first time within the memory of man, Seneca Lake was frozen over so solid that the steamboat could not make her usual trip.
We beli ke moat of our readers are aware that the weatfc er was decidedly cool about that time." The 9th of March was a very cold day here. Racine and Mississippi Railroad. The Racine Advocate gives the following statistics of the business on the R. A M. R.
during the second week of March the road being now open toDelevan, 45 miles: Pmfuvngen enrtied West, S73t, receipt! 380 60 ut, 2SDV4, 173 15 3tl M5 HIJ 75 rge No. of pancagm dally, 91 New JebsbtLeoislatueb Adjourned. The New Jersey Legislature adjonrsed tint iu on the 14th inst ple P. Y. nti BanUw Haw fleetlnc at Waakcifca.
Bcttlalioai Uphaldiaa; Supreme Court. A large and enthusiastic meeting of the peo of Waukesha county, was hold at the Court House in the villaee of Waukesha yesterday Hon. Andrew Elmore waa called to the chair and Hon.JohnU. Hilliard and William N. Lan nier, were elected secretaries.
At an early hour the Court room was densely filled, and many were unable to gain admit Tbe following Vice Presidents were then ap pointed: Ira Rowo, Brooaheld Joseph iCay.lJelaheiil; V. Bovee, Eagle William Kendriek, Gen esee Eliaka Pearl. Lisbon: Edward Hi Melton; Patrick Higgius, Menomonee Reynolds Muekego; James Stuart, Muk go; Andrew Schneider, New Berlin Richard M. Meigs, Ottowa; D. H.
Koekw. G. Heath, Pewaukee; Jam Summit; Findley MoNaugkton, Yern Watson, Waukeshii. Messrs. Baron Bovee and Cainc appointed a committee on i ported tho following, which but one dissenting voice Hesul Th.it we deem i vere adopted the duty of ev good citizen, to ind constitution of the tire confidence in the i the present Supreme of tho Constitution and lor dot mill re.
of citi confidence, and the if Snpri Court under the t. hit most implicit obedien Rnxolcr.d. i hat we baa full and cinnpVr. iced by Cole" lia.h hick God and nature hav of Waukesha Co on assembled here, take ihi '88 their disapprobation of tli d. conduct of tho Board who l.avo by the most outr: i appears from the light thu matter given William j1 tion of an outraged people, and the brand disgrace, they the fooUtep of their U.i Chief Clerk, to join the army of General Will ker, in Nicaragua.
Resolved, That each and every tivo and Senator in the State Legislature, froi: thin county be, and they are hereby rcqueste, and instructed to aid, by their votes and and that they propria! mieh de. Addresa were then made by Hon. A. W. Ran dall, of Mr.
Von Deutach, Judg Hubbelland Gen. Paine, of Milwaukee, nn Ou motion, it waa Resolved. That the press of the State bo re quested to the proc: dings of this meet iup, and that tho officers thereof transmit copy of the last resolution to each Senator Representative from this county. ruin the Racine Advocate I received from tho Pon Washington.two land wai Cad well, of Kill acrei var of 1770, and the othe Bon Kbenezer S. Cadwei var of I8ia.
In eompati of Yorkvilie, in this cnui iving together, I called A visit A few days inc ion Department, i much entertained, that I jotted down facts for your paper. Passed his ninty nitieth birth tne i Ii day oi lasi eui til of ago. His oldest living child, is Mrs. Polly Ann Castle, ol Medina, Uhio, agee. neventv nvo.
uiuesi gi eoini, widow Betsey Pratt, of Columbia aged fifty two. Oldest great grand child.Ver non Carr, of Onondago, aed thirty six. Oldest, gi eat. great graniUchild, Laura Augusta Utley, of Elkhorn, aged two years. The old gentleman gave us the following, as the origin of tho term Yankee.
When the whites first settled New England, they found there a powerful tribe of Indians, called Yons 14008 conquerors so named from the fact of their having compiered and driven out the other tribes. In their turn, the Yrnkoos were overcome and dispersed by tho Colonists, and then tho Indians named tho whites Yonkous In the timo of the revolutionary war, the British having possession of the fact, nicknamed t.lmKpw V.ni'landors Yankees. He also said that when the British inarched to tho battle of Lexington, they were strong, and played Yankee Doodle but that when they left the battle field they danced Yankee Doodle Dandy and when they reached Boston a few days and after the roll was called, only 400 answered, bo euro bad been the aim of the Yankees from behind stono walla and other plices, whence they sent forth their deadly balls. Mr. Citdwell served in the revolutionary war from the time he was eighteen, until its close.
Except that tho old gentleman tJ blind, and has been for more than thirty years, powers seemen to oo toiei amy goon. guage was distinct, an pronounced. May he i plete representative of ords verv corroctl live to bo tho ooii S. CHASE. Racine, March 10185 ET The lower House of the New Jersey Legislature has voted to every member a gold tn nnid directlv nut of the State Treasury, but indirectly by a tax levied upon all persons who are obliged, for their sins, to travel through that enlightened State.
If the monopoly is to be continued, we do not Bee why hm allies to cold watches, aold headed canes, diamond breast pins, and other articles of a like ornamental but expensive nature. Perhaps they can ev afford to build a monument to the memory of the unhappy way mr hnnnen to ho killed while flvios throuah New Jeraey, towards the regions of civilization beyond. Kansas Mef.tiisg at Rosendale. anthimiiutic Kansas meeting waa held at andale. Fond du Lac County, on the 12th inst.
Strong Resolutions were adopted.among which was one to organize an Association to be called the Rosendale Republican Clnb. Seventy dol in aid Mr. Bashford it prosecuting his scit before the Supreme Court. OTArrangementa are being made to esttb iisb gas worts in uioomiogton, mws. CONGRESSIONAL.
1 1 the Senate on the 18th Mr. Iverson, rr oruia. cave notice of his intention to in uce a bill to increase the compensation of ie nbers of Congress, ana to nx ine tinie iur le annual meeting. 1 Er. Houston, of Teias, introduced a memo a signed by the Legislature of Mary land, en oi sing the resolutions of the Virginia Legis it i re, and condemnatory of the action of the a al Board.
He rejoiced that the Old Do li lion had spoken, aa her position in the oi federacy gave great weight to her utterance. fi qr nlmdinu to the uneenerous tuauner in Lieut. Maury had been treated, ho said was because of insufficiency that officers has Btricken down, but a system of espionagi 1: ck conspiracy, crushing gallant men, an hing position and promotion to those whi eping the sceptre, wielded it with despoti ly. Mr. Houston's remarks abounded in sonality.
The characters of Captain Sbub i( and Dupont were commented on, as were hose of other members of tho retiring board. J. alluded to the observations of Mr. Mallory, if Florida, that there aro cases of hardship and no of tbe hardest cases remain in tho navy. i S8ail no man's character in the navy I do ic; say they are not gentlemen, but I may have opinion.
Mr. Bayard in reply said that the latter geu man could not sustain tho assertions by the licumenta adduced. He posseeod a power of it rverBioD greater tU.au had been shown to Mr. rcsu th cutting 5 itead of the i protective charged the aval board bs, being improved the volunteer f' iu favor of wipi tin th ong by repealing tho act under which tli 1 urd acted, as partiality and selfishness wer I id only things for which tho Board could minendcd. lie spoke for more that) thre The iii vindicated ing his mc Bayard i in deferiso of Of uld in future e.p ofthe Senator i dipt.
ston rejoined, saying he hat were not sustained by official Me should wait for the printed renlv aa they deserved. Mallory defended tho Board individually eolle ely. Mr. Claytoti gave that he mid reply Smith of the end to Kansas fur persons and tho Kansas election case, of New York eaid Governor he higher and lower law, i and self del Messrs. Hall, Tierce dem.
of Iowa, spoke a nn Mr. Barbour of Ohio in favor of anting the committee the authority asked. Mr. Dnmrell defending the Massachusetts P. id Society, said that it was never intended a the capital ui of i host; ies nor any unconstitutional acts lcd, id anything eaid to the contrary was false.
Mr. English of Indiana said no vote could vo tbe committee the unlimited power asked, strongly suspected that the meeting would food for agitati ammunition to be ployed against tho Kansas Nebraska bill. On the 10th the Senate took up and issed the Military Academy appropriation bill. Mr. Clayton then proceeded to finish his ro lurks ou Central American affairs.
He stated a the authority of Mr, Vanderbilt, President the Transit Company, that there had never jon any aet on the part of that Company hich in any manner encouraged Walker's in ision of Nicaragua. He referred to Walker's izure of the property of tho Transit Company, jiiiunting to nearly a million of dollars, and ad a letter from Mr. Vanderbilt to Mr. Mnrcy, i which the former askR the interference of ie Government for redress. The seizure was made on the ground that the 'otiipany was indebted to Nicarngua, and de ired such indebtedness, and refused to submit matters to the award of arbitrators.
'hcBe charges are utterly falso. In the House on the same day, Mr. Bowio poke against Boeder's position in the Kansas Rse, and against granting Ihe committee pow to send for persons and papers. Mr. Ackerman then proceeded to close the lobate oil the resolution.
The Wikter at the Kor' Opening THE Sth.uts. The Chicago Pri ss of the 8th says: Wo stated a few days since, the authority of a letter in a Detroit paper, hat the winter had boon an iinnsunlly mild one Mackinaw, and that the Straits would probv be free from ice earlier than usual. The nnoimeeraent wbb unexpected, and some citi are not quite satisfied of its correctness. have good reason for believing that this kepticism will have to give place to belief have had adviceB from different points on jake Superior, and they alt concur in rcpre winter just passed as having boon a noet delightful one. Indeed, from recorded ibservations wo feel justified in stating, that vinter hae been colder in Kansas than in the ntitude of Mackinaw.
From the Lake Supe Wnter has been comparatively mild at Mar jnette. The editor remarks that it has been of the most pleasant ne nas ever passea invwhere. There had been no storms of ir snow at that place since the middle of last December, and communication with Green Hay had been uninterupted. Rail Koad Smash up. Tbe train bound west from Pittsburgh, on the 18th inBt came collision with a freight train, ten miles from Barrisbur on the Pennsylvania road, smashing both engines, one baggage car and one passen jer car.
No person waa seriously injured. Cold At Delhi, Delaware County N. Sunday morning the 9th of March, the thermometer stood at 23 degrees below zero; and it 5 o'clock on Monday morning following, it marked as low as 33 degrees below zero, which waa ten degrees lower than it had been in that village at any time before, thia season. 911 snowed at Washington and Baltimore, and rained in New York, yesterday, Mr. Macaulav, in his new volumes, is severer than ever upon tho broadbrim hero, William Perm.
Tho following is the great historian's racy description of George Fox, the man with the leather breeches, who was one of tho founders of Quakerism. It is in Macaulay's happiest veiu While Londivi was agitated by the news that a plot had discovered, George Fox, the founder of tho sect of Quakers, died. More than forty yeara had elapsed siuce Fox had begun to see visions and to cast out devils. He waa theu a youth of pure morals and grave deportment, with a perverse temper, with the r.e a liihnrinsr man. and with an in gpmm A.lllCMTKK, DENTIST.
r. Blck. UJr25 waokic, Wisconsin ILBnVKKHAM, ApK DENTIST. UBBb A JQ ib. VVl) Miiw.Mk mtfSm 3 AJBI UfeS? A larnel.
s.rtinei.f, sn.l wsrs.at 11S tlx same 1 1T i ii, sin'e. at WILSON m. dotIS tellect in the mott unhappy of all states tbat not sufficiently disordered for Bedlam. Iho circumstances in which ho was placed were eueh as could scarcelv fail to bring out in the ngest torm tli.) constitutional uimre At tbe tii io when bis laculties were ri Presbyterians, Indepen dents, Baptists, were striving for masteiy, and reviling each other. He wandered from rogation to congregation; he heard priests harangue against Puritans he hoard i'ui itiius harangue against priests aud ho in vain applied tor spiritual direction and consolation to doctors of botii pirties.
One jolly old clorgy moko tobacco and sing psalms another ad Ued him to co and lose some blood. The young inquirer turned in disgust lrom these ad blind guides. Alcer sometime, ne came io uio that no human beiugwaa competent to instruct him in divine things, and that the truth had beon communicated to him by direct inspiration from heaven. He argued that, as tho di of laiiguai Greek Latin', Greek nud Hebre any liinyiiages, that ho 1 uiii.te.ligible 'to the i earned his Liiglish ofteL p. rso.
I Mat i thir. tv gel MaiK. and that nd iy was to pay iduhitroits liotn )oi: To say Good morniug or was lii iily reprehensible, for 'evidently thiportud that God had ud bad nights. A Ghristi face death itself rather th to the greatest of mankind. i challenged to produce li.it ere thro Meshecli aud Abed lierv furnace with iri.
ir lints on and, own narrative may be trusted, the Chief ce of England was altogether unable to er this argument except by crying out, him awai i insisted much on the not less weighty ittl.e Turks never show their bare iperiors and he asked, with I rued lit i.lhiin those rhetor. cnl express, eh the duty of patience under injU' ineil, he deduced the doctrine tha i against pirates ar.J assassins is uie enji sell mundsto baptiso with water, and to partake ot bread and wine in commemoration ot the redemption of mankind, lie pronotiuced to be al Ho lot red from place to place, ology, shaking liko an of fsna'lcol ex jiie to churches, which ho uic ises, interrupting prayers a nor and scurrility, and pesti slices with epistles much r. les ofthuao sublime odes prophets foretold tm ii and Tyre. He red oteriety bv tbese her breeches were li and he boasts that, is heard 'The Man in Hi reling pri ot his He ed am pubic worship of ntto sometimes unjustly, an ine tiilliimr iiunseiise. He soon gathered rc biui alioilv of disciples, some of whom went beyond himself in absurdity.
Ho has told that one of his friends walked naked through likipton declaring thot during several to market places and to the houses ofgentlemen and clergymen. Fox complains bittei lv that these pious acts, promp ted by the Holy Spirit, were requited ny an untoward generation viiui iiookiiiu, imping, coach whipping and horse But, though he apph tided the zeal of the sufferers, he did not go quite to their lengths. Hesome i limes, inilped. was imDelled to i in hiin elt imr tially. Thus be pulled off hie Rhoes and walked barofoot through Litchfield, crying 'Woe to tho bloody But it does not appear that ho ever though it his duty to appear before tho puplic without hat decent garment from which his popular appellation was derived." FKOM Cuba.
The steamship Cahatcba arrived at New York on tho 18th with Hs vanna dates to the 13th but brought no political news of importance. The British of war Fowerlul and Aral) were in port the Engli.h Admiral was expected, I Rah.roadCollision Ttro lives lost freight trail Oberlin.near Havre de Grace, Maryland, on the Baltimore Railroad, smashing several cars and killing George Godwin, Conducter, and Win. Todd Brakem m. Steam boat Demtroybd. On tbe 19th the steamboat Alabama, on Red River, burst her boile took fire and was burned up.
Several persons on board were injured and some missing. i The British Board of Admiralty bare tided our Government that they hare adopted Dr. Kane cherts, thus throwing overboard the charts of Capt. Englefield, and othr Arctic navinatora belonaine to the British Navy, well as the works of all of Dr. Kane'a prede cessors on the coast of Greenland.
X3T A collection of human heads of various types, has been made at the French Hospitals nickeled down io solohunc acid and color. forn. and sent to ParU for pre servation, in tne munition whether tb.me who bore the noble ni.me of Christian ought not to surpass the Turks in vir ue. ho strictly pro bibiteii, mid. ni'leed, seemed to consider it as tho effect of Satanict.l inilueiice, for, as he ob served, the woiiii in the Gospel, while she had a spirit of ii.li nnative, was bowed together, ami ceased to an i.
a power hud rat from the tyranny of tl livil nc. His expositions the hat red wn.u.gs "tie Oi a very peculiar i.imt. Passages had been in the apprehension of all the readers of the Gospels during sixteen centuries, liguiative, ho eonstrued literally. Psssium whirl, no hu i. him had ever understood in iit her tt un a literal sense, he construed lie 1 less i far ths 'tJ I SPECIAL NOTICES.
Kansas Aid meeting TIIK RK WILL BE A COUNT MAM MEKTIKO, at Yovnc's Hll, Milwnukec, on TcilBil Next, Mnrch 53th, at 1 P.M., for thepurpone of organ izlng County or Auxiliary Emigrant AM Society, toi P.nEH OF THE COMMITTEE. WISCONSIN STATE KANSAS EMIGRANT AID ASSOCIATION. C. T. HOTCHKIS3, BR.lDGi.r BROTHERS EXCHASGE AND BAHKINfl OFFICE 22S E.
Water doors sottth of Walker IlouM HSri.WAI'tilCV, WiJttwriMi. l.nml Warraula bought. S. t. 1U11BC1S.
Rrf. Ptmh Jli rrcs't I'iki'i iiomas Mrl.i.iiATir, Ki. Pro mk, N. T. 1.
V. .1, N. V. iiaivic (Of towkskkp INKI.El: Si CO.) tVo.SOS EautfTa. BROWN'S iUGCKIlREAN (JALIERT, MAUTiK'S BI.OCK II Unit lVnlct Hlrcat ITIilMrnulirr.
r1. I I I 1 minenr. 1, r.m ito xl that thin book will ectfully oliciled. he li'tt tlicllou.eFur ALBERT WOOD, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, NO. 88, iSPRISO ST 8 1 ET, i i HILWAIUK nu, President Atlantic Bank, 1 GROCERIES, EM rmn'isioj nvm it fjrmd.
WRAPPING AND PRINTING PAPERS Att Stylet m. 1 Corner Spring md Water Strata, MIIAVATJKjSE, WISCONSIN' CT Cnali piild fi.r all kind of Protfuce E. D. CIIAPIN. (octlldly) W.
OREGORT ifttL ounahiexts. IN FlorenUne ai Vcnirisn Mjrlfl. diened and drmwt on ttone. for I lie ue of rc'jitect nd artil.U)l Wil ifcr, marlO A. WHiTTEMORE CO a.
ALBERT WOOD'. Bprlai But. BINDER will SSftSi iJ.mn.t' oiit.on Km anvsu.s. Al.ay 1 rntrroft paiilon 1 cuit the rati Six ifBri an rAi.ic iiiai. camus.
I 8. AI.1. VltrK as'ij'i' CTctallc Hnrlnl 'fiV'V hch. A new benutilnl style imitation v.o.,,1 ooBiiis of all g' kinds. 8priiiS stre.it, upp.witc the Anarl.
the forest Home Cemetrry. 33TAI1 orders nti.endd lo. J.CHOVCIi. Kllt. T.C1.A.PICTl'K).
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