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Los Angeles Herald from Los Angeles, California • 3

Los Angeles, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Nature and Art. To bo disposed of by glass shades containing 65 rare and bright colored California birds; value at $40,535,525,520, $20 or 140 subscribers at oue dollar each They are now on exhibition at Then. Wolhvebers apothecary's) store, Main street. These birds havo been collected at great expense and are mounted and fitted up in tho most urtistic style Known to the art, representing the four seasons. They will make a pretty embellishment to a room.

Call and look at them. They were collected and mounted by It. I. BoUdaniore, collecting taxidermist. The drawing to take place at the raillinory store of the Misses Hammond, Spring street.

Gentlemen's California screw boots at S3 per pair, heavy Kip farmers' boots at S3 50 per pair, worth men's, youth's and boys' stiltH at very low prices, ut Isaac Norton corner Main und Requena streets, opposite tlio U. S. Hotel. We take pleasure lv announcing the arrival in Los Augeles of Mr. V.

Lindquist, who is connected in tbi oapacity of cutter with the es- I tat ihment of F. Veyessett, merciia tailor, No. 7 street. Mr. Lindquist has been employed fur many years as cutter In tbe first establishments of San Francisco, among others witli Messrs.

Burr Fink, which house during that time was considered tlie very best in the metropolis. Mr. Lindquist is welcomed by many people of our city who have hitherto hud tailoring work done iv Sau Fraut Isen, rbut who will not need to send henceforward to securo accommodation. Mr. Veyessett's establishment is iv receipt of a large assortment of French, Eitg' lish and American cloths, suitable for the winter seasou.

Here you will find the largest and li nest us well us the newest assortment of goods in Southern California. Broadcloths, beavers, doeskins, diagonals, funcy cassimeres, velvet I and Bilk velveting constantly ou hand. Mr. Veyessett will not fail to I give perfect satisfaction to his numerous customers, as well as reasonable prices. decs lm The Russian Electric Baths of It.

Hughes and Wife uro located ut No. 15 Main street, opposite tbe Pico House. Gentleman and ladies will be waited upon by persons their own sex. uovl ltf Spring c' needles (our own make) at Sutherland's gun store, 75 Main street. 2iuy7 At Pearson's Oriental saloon, Downey Block, you can Beta bottle of excellent champagne for $1, Hue whiskies, Imported direct from Kentucky, milk punches of a perfection which rellects unbounded honor on tholr compounders and capital Havana cigars, the latter for a bit.

s2O-lni Philadelphia Brewery. Beer has a Falstalliian effect, as Henry Weil, the brewer of tho Philadelphia Brewery, will testily. Good beer makes muscle and fat, and all the regular patrons of the Philadelphia Brewery aro strong and healthy. It makes tho sick well und the healthy stronger; physic is unnecessary and doctors are played out, if you uso tho Philadelphia beer. Leave orders at the brewery or send them by mail.

Delivered free to auy part of tho city. aug24-tf. Three button kid g'ovesat SI per pair, gooJ value al $1 50; lace ami silk ties, corsets and shawls; 125 pair 10-4 white family blankets at $2 50 per pair, at Isaac Norton corner Main and Requenu streets, opposite U. S. Hotel.

No. 130 Hill Street. Nicely furnished rooms with first Class board, use of parlor aud piano. Bestloculity in the city. Terms reasonable.

Mrs. J. M. Carey, No. 130 Hill street.

ocl2 Invalids who aro suffering il chronic kidney and liver diseases, rheumatism, dyspepsia, scrofula, ami all cutaneous affections, should gp to Kultou's Sulphur Wells, located thirteen miles from Los Angeles, on tb. Anaheim railroad, "ids water Is, (n-wond a question, One. Go to McKeuzies for Pure Old Bourbon and Kye Whiskies, French Brandies, Scotch and Irish Malt Whiskies by the Buttle ok Gallon. Goods delivered free of charge. Notice.

Tho Ladies' Oyster Booms, Requeua street, near Main, opposite Co United States Hotel, aro ogam opened to the ladies aud will be oarriei respectable way, with or witho' eel at ease and re i respectful attent tvery style, constantly on ha Bayek. Fis cutlery at Sutht 75 Main etreei 2my7 Jot sss Hall, has just ignmeut ol hoca It is a superb be excelled 33 r. Oysters, stiri iiiii-lics of all kill' hand. Give him aiu and Reque te the U. S.

Hot o9 pest clothing aud can always be fou Quiiiey Hall oln' umun Block. i shly and with ec 2 your goods '11. OCt3l-tf old clothes fo Aliso street, 21. 1878 Herald Steam Printing House. Tho luolllties of the Hkrald Steam Printing House tor dotngjob work are not inrpaased in California outside ot San Frunclsco aud Sacramento.

All work entrusted to us will be executed with nentness and dispatch nt tho lowest living rates. NOTICK. Hereafter notices of compaules, socleties, churches, will only be inserted lv the llKRAl.l) as paid advertisements. We reserve, for Places of Worship, a gratis directory, which will appear every Sunday morning. WAR DEPARTMENT, SIGNAL SERVICE, U.S.

ARMY. Division of Telegrams antl Heports for tho bencutof Commerce and Agriculture. Report or observations taken at Los Doc. 20. 1878.

LOCAL BREVITIES. Lots of thread, nt the IXL for 25e ndnzen. The cily schools closed yesterday for the holiday vacaliou. An experienced woman advertises for a situation in this morning's Herald. All tlio city officers-elect will assume their official duties on New Year's Day.

Street sprinkling was resumed yesterday anil as a result our merchants wear smiling faces. Mr. John Goldsworthy is tho new City Surveyor, vice Capt. Kellehor, who will retire January Ist. Mr.

E. F. Speooe, of tho Commercial ink, got home hy yesterday's overland train from Sun Francisco. The first annual message of orTebsrman will be found on the fourth page of ihis morning's Hun- ALD. Mr.

Henry King was elected Chief of Polios on tbe second ballot, hy Council yesterday nfternoaUi A serenading parly visited Mayor Tobermsu nnd tho other recently elected city officers last night. Before you buy your Christmas shoes be sure uud call at Slaney's, lot) Main street. He is offering ills goods at unheard-of low prices for the holidays. The Hkkald office acknowledges the compliment of a delightful serenade from Professors Couteruo and Kutharu aud the Messrs. Wangeman, Dobs and others, last night.

Wo tender our thanks for the exquisite music rendered nnd trust the gentlemen may Hud it convenient to visit us often. Two-buttoned kid gloves are in style. Tho IXL sells them at A rare opportunity will ho forded tbe ladies of this cily to supply themselves with millinery and fancy goods at their own prices, at the auction sale of Mrs, I'onet's large anil varied stook, which commences on Monday next ami will ho continued from day to day until all the goods are disposed of. Meantime bargnius can be obtained at private sale. Tiie Christmas display of The Queen's show window presents the prettiest array of ladies', gentlotlemen's and missses' slippers, which, for style, beauty and variety of color, surpass anything yet exhibited, und would be a credit to Broadway, New York, or Chestnut street, Philadelphia.

Don't forget the place, 104 Main street. In Judge Trafford's Court yesterday morning, P. H. Nowblll aud William Near, (an account of their difficulty appeared In yesterday's Herald) wero arraigned on the chargo of disturbing the peace. Newoill plead guilty and was lined 10.

Near asked for a continuance till 2 o'clock P. 31., at which time ho proved that he had simply acted on the defeiislvo und bo was, consequently, discharged. At the IXL tiey give 12 neckties for 25c; elsewhere 2 only. At a meeting held on Wcduesdav mo of organizing an Olympis Club, Charles E. Miles was chosen Chairman and S.

W. Sutherland Secretary. The Chair nppointeil Messrs. Eckert, DuFlon and Lucas a committee to draft a Constitution ami By-Laws, saiil committee to report to a meeting to be held this (Saturday) evening, at the County Court room, at 8 o'oloek. The club will be known as the Athletic Club of Los Angeles.

The Los Angeles Guards last night, at tho conclusion of the Philharmonio Conoert, accompanied by Conterno's band, visited the resiilenceof their comrade, Mr. Henry King, ami gave him a serenade iv honor of his election to the position of Chief of Police. The company wero invited into the house, where they partook of a delicious lunch and drank the health of tbe now Chief in brimming bumpers of champagne. Arrived at Wilmington, Dec. 20, schooner Courser, Lovedale master, from Port Blakely, with 511,000 feet of lumber for tho Western Development Company; schooner Eclipse, Chester master, 'from Humboldt, with 275,000 feet of lumber for J.

M. Griffith barkeutiiie Melanchton, Mason master, from Knapptown, with 338,000 feet of lumber for A. Lothian schooner Little River, Anderson muster, from Humboldt, with 1 0 000 feet of lumoer for A. Guy Smith Anaheim. Ladies shoes at SI.OO a pair at tba IXL.

THE FINAL CONCERT. A Musical Buccisi aud a Financial Failure. The mntluce yesterday afternoon concert last night completed tlio Philharmonic season. We do not know tbat we are under obligation to mince matters. In nearly every detail the musical features of the series of concerts were artistic and thorough.

Musicians from nearly all parts of Southern California participated iv the exercises. They wero drawn here by a genuine devotion to a beautiful art, and they comprised an amount of musical skill and culture remarkable under the circumstances. Our own very large local uiusicul constituency adopted the idea of a series of general concerts with enthusiasm. The Horticultural Pavilion has the area of a large cathedral and admirable acoustio characteristics. Our poople should have warmed up to the enterprise en masse and tliey simply failed to do so.

This is the truth of the matter arrayed in the Geurgiu costume of a shirt collar and a pair of spurs. (We hate to use that indelicate phrase, the naked truth.) The matinee was not extravagantly attended yesterday afternoon, nor was Ihe attendance iv the evening, although much larger, what it should have been. The loiiowiug programme was rendered lust ni with some transposition in its order, but iv lull. pakt I. 1.

Grand Uossiol Oroueaira. J. tho Mart Men-ielsultn 3. Serwoaoe Gounod Madame Marru. 1.

ol Descending Night" Emerson 5. Millard Dr. Corbett and Plot. Burke. G.

Kinani" Verdi Orchestra. 7. Dnot. nnd waited for Ihe Lord" Mendelsohn Madrono Mairauud Nuntiie While. PAHT I (.

1. Anvil Chorus Verdi your stiver books were Gold" Arranged orchestra. G. Solo Meyerbeer Miss Mamie Perry. 4.

to ttto Forest" Mendelsohn 6. Quartette and Humming Chorus Knot Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Bowly, Messrs. Carter and Locke.

Duot Arranged by Conierno Orchestra. 7. Soto und Work" Haydn Mrs. Cutrweli. This time the full complement of tbe Los Angeles Guards was on hand and the Anvil Chorus came off according to programme.

The moat marked event of tbe evening was a double encore which the audienc insisted upon tendering to Miss Perry. If wo bad the space, there are many features of this charming series of concerts which we would liko to dwell upon. Wo trust tbat the next time our Philharmonic friends exert themselves to ploase tho public the latter will be in a more responsive mood than during tli3 present season. Session. Council met at 3 P.

If, yesterday, pursuant to adjournment, President lieck in the Chair. Full Council present. On motion, it was resolved to reopen nominations for Chief of Police. A communication was received from Mr. Francis Baker, announcing hiui9elf as a oandidate for the position.

Mr. Lawlor nominated Mr. D. V. Waldron.

Mr. Vail nominated Mr. 8. Moran. On moti in, nominations were doclared closed.

On motion, it was decided that the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes be dropped after eaoh ballot. On motion, it was resolvod that blanks should uot be counted as votes. First Oerkins, Waldron, King, 4. Seoond ballot Oerkins, 7. Mr.

King was declared elected Chief of Police. Messrs. H. J. Stevenson, John Goldsworthy, K.

Wright, Geo. Hanson, Geo. M. Woodward and M. Kelleher were nominated for City Surveyor.

First Hanson, Kelleher, lj Woodward, Wright, 2. Second worthy, 8, Stevenson, Wright, 2. Mr. John Goldsworthy was declared e'soted City Surveyor. The were Messrs.

Henry Cuddy, Frank C. Indart, J. G. Niohols, H. C.

Thomas, C. Agull lar, W. H. K. Moutaguo aud W.

P. Meinzer. A motion to postpone tho election of tnjero was defeated. First Ballot Cuddy, Montague, Meinzer, Aguillar, 3. Second Campbell, Meinzer, Aguillar, If Montague, 3.

Third Meinzer, Montague, Fourth Ballot Meinzer, blank, 1. Mr. Meinzer wasdeolared elected. The eleotlon of other officers was postponed until the uozt meeting of the Couuoil. On motion, the offices of Chief of I'olnv, Zmjero anil City Surveyor were declared vacant, to take effect ou January 1, 1879.

On motion, (he Deputy Zmjeros are to be appointed hy the Zmjero and the Committee on Zanjas, to be ratified by the Council. Tho City Attorney was instructed to inform the Council of the State the proceedings for opening Seventh street, from Main street to the river. Adjourned. Mr. It.

Deakers, who is engaged in business at Sau Fraucisco, came down by yesterday's overland train to spend the holidays at home. The IXL has tbe biggest rush in town at all times, because they are the cheapest. Bargains in holiday goods at the Crystal Palace. A CAJON SIMOOM. A Eemarkabls Railway Track With Baad-Tbe- Train Deayed Fifteen Honra.

Day before yesterday aftoruoou the out-going Yuma tralu left Los Augeles on time. Everything went ou as usual ttnlil it approached Cucatnouga Station. At this point a sand storm of extraordinary violouce was encountered. The train was soon obliged to stop. Superintendent Hewitt was at once communicated with hy telegraph and men were dispatched from all quarters to clear the truck, but utterly without avail.

The train was delayed solus fifteen hours. When we state that the rails for a distance of three or four miles were covered with sand to depths ranging from one to ihrte feet the forco of tho wind may be conjectured. The simoom, or sirocuo, or whatever it may to called, cuius whistling through the in Puss as though it were discharged from a funnel. The incisming Yuma train was delayed for an hour and a hall through the storm. Some seven yoars ago a whirlwind poured out of the C'ajon Pasi which took sub stantlally the same course as the wind day before yesterday.

The line of plain traversed by it was about three miles wide, but it fortunately stopped right at the edge of the celebrated Cucamoiiga vineyard. For much of this width the soil was shaved off as with a knife, being carried resistlessly over the Cacamonga plains. Sand was pileil to a height of several feet over the roof of the station of the old stage company, making a total sand drift of over twenty feet lilgb. Tbe storm of the other day must have been twin brother of that. COURT REPORTS.

UiaiiKu curt SfiintviDi, J. Fkiday, Deo. 20, 1878. Goethals vs. to amended oomplaiut overruled; ten days to answer.

Fletcher vs. informally; ten days given plaintiff iv addition to reply to amended cross complaint. Elisha Archer vs. Co-Operalive Nursery and Fruit till 10 a to-morrow. Levy vs.

submitted; two days to Hie points. Barrows, Furrey Co. vs. action. Jueoby vs.

action. Sebastian v-3. action deferred the term ou payment of costs of continuance by defendant. Labourde vs. for plaintiff) ten days stay, Long vs.

set for trial January 20lh. Banning vs. overruled; ten days to answer. Leouis vs.Lazarovich— Re-set for trial to-morrow, at SJ A. H.

County Court, STEPHENS, J. Fkiday, Dec. 20th. People VS. John McCorinack and 0.

H. Dennis, alias Frank ou motion of District Attorney. SET FOB TO-DAY (SATURDAY.) Smith vs. creditors. Probate Court Stepjiens, J.

Friday, Dec. 20th. Estate of Jose D. Msehado, by consent until Jan. (th, at 10 A.

M. Estate of Moses Nathan, deceased to set aside estate for widow granted. Estate of J. H. Lander, deceased that sale of real esiate to Jonathan Bixhy be confirmed.

Estate of Charles F. Lehman, of flual accouut set for Jan. 2, at 10 A. M. SBT FOB TO DAY (SATURDAY.) Guardianship of Esperideon Estate of Estate of Honry Guardianship of Maria Guardianship of Josefa Moreno- Same.

Guardianship of Wm. H. Nixon Estate of Luolnda Guardianship of Hampton Owons. Guardianship of Carlos Ortega. A Modern Diogenes.

Tlio following letter was received by County Clerk Potts a few days ago, anil speaks for Itself: San Dieoo, Nov. '20, '78. Andrew Potls, Los Angeles: Dear Sir: I would bo very much pleased if you could iiiumo toll mo I lie matter that did not succeed in matter, about In tbe mouth of October 77. Please let me know has set tbe judgment aside. 1 cannot understand such swindel business.

It looked as if not would bo one honest man iv the whole city of Los Angeles. Please are you knowing one honest lawyer there. Please writs soon. Yours very truly, Property Transfers. rK') DHON, QI IjLRTTK A OTHHON'S fIORII'T OK UKUOKDS, DEC.

20, 1878. CONVEYANCES. A Cnapmnu Mary Hort'tt In Chapman Tract, Santiago de santa Ana KftQOho; 84U0. antl Milium Clark to Jordan NtS of of Of 'a hoc 10 4 a a 10 VV it Pendleton and Mary A Pendleton to Samuel acres aud acres In MtOtoi township; FP lomaren to Load 80sVS ft of lot blk 3S, Ord'l sarvey; $1. Smi Gabriel limvo Association to Geo Dana tract, iv Kancho Hun fSQO.

Gto Long Uenjumln tincr; fIOOO. A Loon Is and Bon I RebbOOk to Mao lot 1, block 77, Ord'l survey; United states to Mlnhnel 2 3 and nf NX Sec 2D aud MW II Mil 145.44 acres. BOiiJ Rebneck. to ARLnonaJs and a lot 1, blk 77, Ord'l survey; il Gibson to A Peck-MI Interest In lota 0 and 7, range 4, Temple Gibson tract, Han Pedro Kuncho; SJOO. Gen Long, assignee, to a Above lands, by order of Court.

HalberNiiult and Curola A Hal be r-t'ult Hnd Schubert, by Hherltl, to Alex lots and 55, Anaheim, and 80 aoren In Chapman tract; $4217, Michael and Lutnena Wuisler to am'l --42 71 acres of lands desorlbed in above patent from the Unltod States; 20. STOCK REPORT. HAN FIIANCISCO STOCK ANP KXOHANGE BOARr. mobnino SESSION. sau Fuasoiioo, Pec.

SO. Ophlr Mexican Exchequer 3 60 3 0 Bullion 00 California overman KflfliOS -svagp histior 4 16 Con Va. Obollar Lady Bryan lfii, 10 lulls 2 a Point 3 66 Caledonia 'i no neket I Challenge SI Alpha Hill 1 30 imperial Leviathan 30 Rolrher 3 7ilffl3 60 Con Vu 434 0 9 Onion fiefc -1 Nova-la K-ntu-lt 3 80 AmtiNous session. Han FiiAnci-co, Doc. 2) A Hum a Eureka 4 -i, S'-i Summit 1 IS3II 10 Jackson vy, Bulwer UKAU Leopard 1 1031 Hodle 10 Belle 10 BynUleste 2 Manhattan ...1 15 Con Pan 2 40 I'rlzo Dudley I SMI IW Argents 2y, White 4 Indepeud'e 1 3n Leeds IHtjll 2t HUH rip-Top 1 40,31 231 9S Caledonia Buck Del Monte 3 Hills IJ4 Cart-Loads of Medicinal Rubbish Ara swallowed by Invalids und their lysleal troubks thus kept alive for years, when that peerless tonic, stimulant and eorreciive, Hosteller's Stomach Itiltors would speedily set Ihodls-ir.

tiered und worn-out mechanism of Iho system lv active and healthful operation ugaia. It has been demonstrated over aud over ugaln that the requirements of tho sick aro a-swered fur belter by ihe HI iters than by a majority of the misc -lied remedies of the phurmacoprela. Tiie stomach is strengthened, the llvor rotulated, the bowels put In proper oeper, lha blood enriched and purinod and tho nervous system rendered tranquil and vigorous by this Inestimable lamlly medicine and leguurd ugalnst dlseu-c, which is, moreover, a most agreeable and effective appetizer and a cordial peculiarly adapted to the wants of iho aged and infirm, delicuto females, and convalescing patients. It is, besides, immensely popular us an antidote to malaria. Holiday Opening.

Phil. Hlrsohfeld, 71 Main street, Downey Block, lias made extensive preparations for the holiday season. He exhibits at his spacious store (lately enlarged) the most magnificent stock of holiday goods, both useful and ornamental, suitable for old and young; a splendid display of superb gilt books, comprising lino editions of the great historians, poets, essayists, novelists anil classical writers; an infinite variety of juvenile toy books, toys and line fancy articles. Tho most fastidious cannot fail to fiuil something to please their taste or fancy. A grand hall will be given at Turn-Verein Hall, on New Year's eve, uuder the auspices ol theTui ti- Verein Germuuia.

Make no other engagement for that evening. Tho American Bakeiy, corner Main and First streets, is the place to get ornamented cakes from SI.OO to $5.00. Those wishing to make Christinas presents or decorate thuir tables should not neglect this chance. Leave orders ou Saturduy for Boston brown bread and baked beans ou Sunday morning. Razors of every make at Sutherland's gun store, 75 Main street.

2 Second hand clothing bought and sold at No. 8 Aliso street. n7tf Fine New York cigars nt Mc- Kenzie's, only oue hit each. For your holiday presents go to tho Bazaar. You will get better value for your money than at any other house in this city.

Main street, opposite the U. S. Hotel. Tho linest line of ladies' cloak" from SO to S4O, ladies' ready-made wrappers, a nice present for the h-didays, at the Biziar, corner uf Main and Requena streets, opposite the U. 8.

Hotel. Get your old clothes cleaned and dyed at No. 8 Aliso street. n7tf Carving knives at Sutherland's, 75 Maiu street. 3my7 Bargains In holiday goods at the Crystal Palace.

Old hats re-made at No. 8 Aliso street. n7tf Cheap prioes at Sutherland's mm store, 75 Main street. 2my7 Bargains in holiday goods at the Crystal Palace. BORN.

AOOKERBLUM-ln this city, Dec. l'Jih, lotb. wiloof Fr. Aookerhtuin, a soa. ENTERPRISE.

BUY an old, good-for-nothing PIANO, when you can get a good new ono for $360, on the Installment Flan, at tho Music Store, 4G Spring St. dlo-lm The Herald Steam Printing lloush makes a specialty of Legal Printing. Briefs, Transcripts, printed at low ratea. t3 a i i a A. V.

I M. P. M. Mnximum Minimum rheruio 07.0 Frantz, Corps IT. 8 A.

J. Don't Frown, if You Can Help It, But don't smile more than you are obliged to, It you huve a mouthful of discolored teeth. 11 such is the case procure tind use ut least once every day, delightful which will remove the uu besoming spots and specks thut disfigure your teeth, rooder th -to pearly whlte, muke the gums hard and rosy end Impui-L trugrsnce to your broulh. wOZOUONT, moreover, no corrosive acl-ls or gritty p.i Holts, which is tbe case with some denMlrio-s, btit is eminently safe as well us thoroughly etlectlve. Sold by all druggists.



ia coauaerelal itrnt, new Depot. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE CITY OF PARIS IS NOW OFFERING FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE AN ELEGANT STOCK OF Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloaks, BLACK and COLORED SILKS, BRBSS GOODS, OP EVERY GRADE, IN ALI. THE FASHIONABLE COLORS AND SHADES, LADIES' NECK-WEAR, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, for Ladies and Gentlemen. Fancy Goods! Fancy Goods! Fancy Goods! RUSSIA LEATHER and IVORY GOODS, consisting of Purses.

Card Cases, Ladies' Companions, Gentlemen's Traveling Cases, Suitable for CHRISTMAS AM) NEW YEAR PRESENTS. FANS I FANS FANS 250 dozen Kid Gloves of the Celebrated Angele Make; also, a view and Elegant Assortment of GENTS', BOY'S AND YOUTH'S SUITS, Comprising the LATEST STYLES, ali of which we Offer at GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Eugene Meyer 53 Main St. 2 2w LAST CHANCE. GRAND ADIEU SALE OF THE IXL AUCTION CO.

"Fare thee well, Los Angeles." "Fare thee well, California." Telegraphic Dispatch to THEODORE MELLIS, Manager of the IXL Auction "Close Los Angeles IXL immediately. Sell regardless of cost." In accordance with above instructions, A FAREWELL SLAUGHTER in DRY GOODS, MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING, BOOTS and ADIEU CRUSH in prices of EVERY ARTICLE now on hand at the be inaugurated THIS DAY. THEODORE MELLIS, hereby jjersonally guarantee to carry out this programme; so, therefore, I have marked down the goods AT COST and many things BELOW COST. This last price list of ours will convince you to your satisfaction. READ, FOIi THE LAST TIME: 150 pieces of Latest Styles Dress Oooils we reduced from 25 to cts.

per yard 262 pieces of Latest Styles Dross Goods wo li ivo reduced from 37J to 16J cts. per yard 320 pieces of French Percales we have reduced from 25 to 8 cts. per yard 150 pieces of Fancy Colored Piques wo have reduced from 30 to 15 cts. per yard 240 pieces of Scotch Plaids we have reduced from 65 to 25 cts. per yard 310 pieces of Camel's hair Cloth we have reduced from 50 to 22J cts.

per yard 150 pieces of Snowflako Dress Ooods we have reduced from to 12 ats. per yard The balance of our SHAWLS, BLACK OOODS ami SILK VELVETS at ONE-HALF the former prices. The Last Price List of Our Clothing Department Has been reduced so low that people hardly can believe II: We have to 01090 out 957 Diagonal Suits ats6.oo; former price, $14.00 We havo to close out 733 Mission Wool Soils at 8 50; former price, 16.60 We have to close out 840 Scotch Plaid All-wool Suits at 12.00; former price, 20.00 We have to close out 873 Black Beaver Suits at 16.00; former price, 28 00 We have to closo out, 600 dozen White Linen-Bosom Shirts at GOcts; former prloe, 160 We have to close out 1000 dozen Overalls at 45 former prloe, 75 cts. We have to close out 007 dozen Heavy Undershirts and Drawers at 35 cts; former price, 05 els. The Very Last Price List of Our Boot and Shoe Department Is very nstoiilsuiug and will please you all.

4000 pairs of Ladies' Congresi Gaiters, hand-sewed at real value, $2.75 3755 pairs of Ladies' Balmoral Siloes, kid fox at 1.00; real value, 2.00 3975 pairs of Ladles' Kid Oxford Ties at 1.25; real value, 260 1200 pairs of Lidles' Burt's French Kid Buttoned Shoes at 2.75; real value, 800 4520 pairs of Misses' Calf Shoes at 1.00; real value, 1.76 53U9 pairs of Misses' Pebble Goat Shoes at 1.25; real value, 2.26 -7HO pairs of Misses' Slde-Laoe Shoes at 75; real value, 2.80 6570 pairs of Men's Congress Gaiters at 2 00; real value, 3.75 4540 pairs of Men's Buokle Gaiters at 2.00; real value, 4.26 2480 pairs of Men's Boots at 1.75; real value, S5O 3333 pairs of Men's French Glove Kid Low Shoes at 2.25; real value, 4.50 This is positively your LAST CHANCE AT THK JXL AUCTION COMPANY, No. 9 Commercial street. There is a very good opportunity for Hetel Keepers xiid Boarding Houses, as we have a big line of BLANKETS, whioh we are selling at $1.60 a pair, worlh $3 50, aud other DOMESTICS accordingly. GOING! GOING! GOING! GOING! GONE FOREVFI.i Only THREE WEEKS MORE will the XL be in Los Augeles. BO.

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