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Los Angeles Herald from Los Angeles, California • 1

Los Angeles, California
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VOL. IX. eveiy morning except Monday, BY .1 OMlfltMl LYNCH. TERMS FOR DAILY HERALD: annum, by mail or express 810 Six months I'bree months Delivered by carriers, per week 2.1 cents I OS ANUELES WEEKLY HERALD every Saturday morning. IKUMS.

yen r. met) or ...1 (Hi ttlvertteenteuii inserted reasonable I' tfl Ellii'U ol Job-Work ilonc to with FroMcHeo In I'rlccMtylc. mil ol Work" ItillUtalllp. Los Angeles Daily Herald. Morning Telegrams.

rnsMeiitft-rs taulntt' Sulilli. Mojavk, April Clark, 0 Mills, Benson, Buck- I Ingham, Mr, Davidson, i Calloway, Cunningham, Dixon, i Mrs Hamilton, Mrs Cobb, JS Sessions ami wife, A Hathaway, 15 Mooney, Mrs Rogers, Archibald, sn.ii I'mnclHeii San Francisco, April Joseph CAllabau was knocked down and run over liy a street car on the I corner of Sixth and Mission streets last evening, receiving injuries from which he died in a few mm I ules. Ho wns intoxicated at the limo of the accident. The driver of the car, George Popper, surrendered himself to the Police, pending the Coronet', inquest on lhe body. Tlio jury on the Chinaman who was killed by John Lorran, found a verdict exonerating Lorran on the ground of self-defense.

At Ihe meeting of the Workingmen's Club of the llth Ward last evening, the Committee appointed to wait upon Archbishop Aletnany to enquire whether he em ploy td Chinese or rented houses Io them and what he meant by his recent pastoral, reported the following effect: The Archbishop being absent from home at the time the Committee went to his residence, they were received hy Rev. rather Pendergast, Vicar General, who, speaking for tho Archbishop, said that he was opposed to the formation of military companies by tiie Workingmen; opposed to incendiary talk; to seditious meetings, ami to a Vigilance Committee. He believed tbat the wnrkingmen should uphold the constituted authority, and secure their rights hy the ballot; that they were living under the best government the world ever saw. To a remark by one of the committee, that military organizations might become necessary to free tbe country from bondage, the Father replied, Unit if it ever became necessary to raise troops for that purpose the Government con hi attend to it. He said th it the present leadeis of the Workiiiguien Would ruin Iheir party, and Hut men of a different stamp were needed to lead the movement.

As to the pastoral, Ihe Church diil not wish to meddle with politics but tbe Pastoral was Issued as theadvloo of the Father to his children. The Committee did not venture lo enquire as to tbe renting of buildings by the Archbishop to Chinamen, but were informed that no Chinamen wete employed by him, It was first proposed to furnish the ptess witli copies of the report, hut it was finally decided to reserve it. The weather has changed and the trade wind has been blowing today from the northwest bringing clear sky. The compositors in the olllce of tho Open Letter, the Workingmen's organ, attached the concern to-day for their wages. The Sheriff, took charge but the office was sub- sequently released, whether by the payment of the amount due or by fnnishing security is not useer-; tallied.

Merlti Is. San Fkancisco, April Wheat, good milling in demand; choice smutty and superfine I 1.90. Flour dull ami un-1 changed. Com active and linn; large yellow l.80®1.85; small $1.85 white $2.10. Oats quiet; leed $1 Sot" 1.40.

Parley dull and heavy at 1.15. Hay quiet ut Potatoes firm; Oregon and Puget Sou ml 2.90; Humboldt $3 00 Wool firm und unchanged, I lie SHU Mint Minna Hi, New Dullar. Ban Francisco, April The Mint commences lhe coinage of tbe ne dollar at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Superintendent Dodge has about $2,000,000 in bullion (o start on. nilfl San Fkancisco, April About 10 o'clock last night as L.

G. Deuiert, clerk Uotts, grocer-, comer Ellis and Larkin streets, had crossed Laguna on to Sutter, he was stopped by two men who ordered him tn throw up his hands. He did so, but in an attitude of defence, when oue of the robbers drew revolver and Hied at him. The ball entered Detnert's right side and he fell. The assassins lied.

The wound is pronounced probably fatal by the physicians. Itutilile Hlisliway Munll-v ut-av ll Ikersllehl. Bakukskield, April On Saturday last Hamilton Tucker and William Johnson were killed near Dong Tom in this couuty. Tucker was riding with his wife iv one wagon, and Johnson in another with Mrs. Burdett, a sister of Tucker.

When half mile Ibis side of Long Tom, on the Glenville road, two men stepped irom behind the rocks on the hillside, 50 yards aw ay, I and fired. Johnson fell and cried out, "I am shot." Another shot was lired aud Tucker fell out of his wagon, a bull having passed near his heart, killing him instantly. Mrs.Tucker recognized William and Thomas Yookum, sous of the late Isaac Yoakum, of Alamedaoounty, as the persons who fired the shots. Johnson died iv a few moments. On the evidence of Mrs.

Tucker the Yoakums were arrested antl are now hero in jail. The murdered men were buried at Glenville Monday. The difficulty which led to tlio shooting grew out of a mine dispute of long stnuding. Great excitement exists in the neighborhood. Alexander Campbell, senior, is here to defend the Yoakums, who are to have an examination to-morrow, Orfjcou KclilibllcitH I'liitveiilliin.

Salem, April Republican State Convention met at II a.m. J.C.Peebles was elected temporary Chairman ami H. H. Harris Secretary. Committees on LOS ANGELES, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 18.

1878 Platform ami Order of Business were appointed and the Convention took a recess until 2 P.M. D. P. Thompson, of Portland, is the most spoken of for Governor, though others are also named. Harmony prevails antl there is little doubt that a ticket will bo nominated which will have the unted support of the Republicans or the State.

Wliiil fteuouor roMklltttf of llio Ureal t'rnnil. New Youk, April World will to-morrow publish an interview of its Ulica correspondent With Conkllng. The Senator thinks the alleged bargain between friends of Hayes and Nicholls, of Louisiana, is sure to come out some djy and the whole country will be appalled hy tbe dishonor of the administration. Reviewing the history of the Electoral Commission, he says that tho country was in imminent peril. The danger was not from the South but the West.

General Steadman had seventy thousand men enrolled and assigned to recimentl for the purpose of seating Tilden in case tlio Republican programme, to have Vice President Ferry count the votes and declare Hayes elected, had been carried out. President Grant was at his wits' ends; be confessed to me lie did not Know what to do. 11. rein r-Tlhou In Vie w. New Yoke, April is generally conceded that some litigation will follow the confession of Mrs.

Tilton, probably in the shape of a charge of slander brought against Mrs. Tilton, Plymouth Church Is likely to open the fight, Tilton refuses lo be interviewed. 9 line nl Auri'i it 1 Wash inoton, April Senate has agreed to adjourn on tho tenth of May The House will lake the same action. Will Alteitil Hie LONDON, April Paris dispatch says Ihut Greece has accepted tbe invitation of the United States to the International Hi-metallic Conference. KtIWMH Willing In IllkVe t'raee.

Vienna, April correspondent Hays that the prevailing idea is that Russia seems to favor the renewal of effort, for an understanding with Austria. Austria, however, steadfastly adheres (o a solution by the Congress. A Berlin dispatoh says that, it is understood tbat, In consequence of tlio slow progress of attempted mediation, Prince Bismarck lias recommended fresh negotiations between tbe Powers themselves. 1 IVrlluu; of 111 Aft, I'l- IMIWfi St, Petersburg, April There is a vague feeling of uneasiness among well-informed people to-day, but no reasou can be discovered therefor, except the prolonged suspense. nrkluli It emu.

RAQUBA, April troops in Bosnia anil Herzegovina are retiring to Constantinople. Bucharest, Aprii Government will endeavor to prevent Russian occupation. London, April I'all Mall Gazette intimates tbat there is uo occasion for England to declare war. She can simply keep up her armament and occupy certain points until the strain on Russia's financial resources, by persevering in her present position, brings her to her senses. Bucharest, April entire Roumanlau militia has been called out.

The Russians have prevented a train with ammunition for the Roumanian army from leaving Bucharest. There are constant quarrels between Russian and Roumanian soldiers. London, April Vienna political correspondent states that the Roumanian Government has been informed that one huudreu aud twenty thousand Russians would occupy tbat principality. A Vienna dispatch says that trustworthy advices indicate that the Russians, although endeavoring to conclude a convention with Roumania, are taking all measures to secure their communications by fortifying positions around Bucharest und Plojesti, and towards the Danube. A special from Bucharest says that uticoulirmed rumors are current that the Roumanian Government is about to retire to Krajova.

A special from Widden says an Imperial ukase has beeu issued which directs the speedy reorganization of tho Bulgarian Assembly meet June fifteenth if possible. A correspondent at Berlin learns on most trusworthy authority, that Prince Bismarck bus offered bis good office, with a view to bringing about an understanding between England, Austria and Russia. It is untrue that he suggested a preliminary conference at Berlin. It Is hoped that tho result of his efforts for mediation Will be known on Thursday. If they are successful he will probably suggest the holding of the Congress there shortly.

A Vienna correspondent says, that according to well founded report, Prince Bismarck is endeavoring to obtain the simultaneous withdrawal of tho British tleet from the Se a of Marmora and the Russians from tho neighborhood of Constantinople. NO. 121 LAWYERS. V. E.


BIIOS-IKAU. Howard, Urosseau Howard, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. and 68Ternplu Block, third floor, I.os Angeles. leu 3 If HENRY TT HAZARD, A TTOHNEY AT LAM' COLLECTION DEPARTMENT, Q. A.

Doblnson, Manager. OFFICE oms una 9 Downey Block. ia3l-if S. C. HUBBELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Uooms 3 and 4 Duconiinuns lilock, corner Main Commercial streets, Los Angeles, may7-tf A.tJI.AS.SKI.I., O.

H. SMITH A. li. CHAPMAN, 11. M.


2 and 3, Allen's Building, corner of Spring and Temple aioif PHYSICIANS. Dr. Kirkpatrlck. Office and FRANKLIN BrHEET. feis-liu IMijKioifiii nnd 6 a Residence, Fort Hill, I Office, No.


Ueeldenoo Downey Avenue, East Los Angeles, near the end ol" street rail" way. Office hours from 10 to 12 a. from I to I i. if. np'Ju tl k.

dT I). OFFICE IN OARDONA BLOCK, LOS Augeles, ne irlv opposite Court House, ok KaXAX.SB A BPBOIAX.TT. OUIS 08. L. HcOUIBE, I'lij'flllolail suicl Rooms No.

0 and 7, 00 Block, Mall) street. i Main street, l.os Ollice I-jom 9 Lo 12a It. anil 2 lo and 7to9p. m. J.

Kpclitingor, M. i (OF VIENNA,) IN TO THE ITALIAN IN- dependent und French H. Kocie- lies. Oculist Oi the French Hospital In Han Frunotaoo, All chronic obstinate casos anil on tbe eyes attend- ed to, OKFICE No, 701 H.tcramonlo street, corner of Keurny. Residence ncr Mason and Pncltle streets, San Francisco.

oc3 ly HUGHES' Russian and Electric Baths, i SIGNOUET'S BUILDING. Qftpoal Merced Theater. It. HUGHES, In returning thanks to the public for tlielr liberal patronage, can with confidence recommend his I 33 EC As tho great PURIFIER end EQUAL- IZtfiKof the haman hody, enabling the I system to throw oIT its Impurities and giving to lhe lungs one-sixth more ratio.i of air than can baontalnej by 1 breathing, hy opening the pores of the i skin and giving full play to the insensi- ble respiration so necessary to physical health. ear A female const an! ly ou band lo Walton ladies.

Open from 8 a. m. to 7 v. m. aSStf BREWERY PHIL.

LAUTH 1 (HucceHsor to Chris. Henne) Proprietor. The CLEAREST, PUREST and MOST HUILLIANT LAGER BEER South of San Francisco, Orders for DRAUGHT or TOTTLED li- promptly attended to. The celebrated Beer from this Brewery dr-ftes competition in tbe State. FASHION jfH Livery and Sale Stable, WILSON YOUNC, MAIN Opposite Arcadia St.

Horses and Carriages, Single or Double, and Saddle Horses kept constantly ou hand for the accommodation of the public. Horses Boarded by the day, week or month at reasonable rates. Conveyances lurnlshed for private or public occasions at the shortest notice and upon as reasonable terms as at any First Class Establishment In Southern California. Ja24tf WILSON A YOUNG, Prop's. Burncll liebbeck, Landscape Gardeners and Garden Contractors, JSlf No.

195-SPRINQ BT. LOS ANCELEB Exotic Gardens Nursery LOS ANGELES STREET, In Scf rear of cathedral. I would respectfully nnnounco lo my old customers and llie public generally lull I biivoou band and shall keep eve rylhing In my lino of KIIHUIIiS, PLANTS, wholesale and at LOWEST PRICKS. Orders rrom abroad promptly executed and ftnllsractlon guaranteed. Plants delivered freo or charge In tho city.

LOUIS J. STENGEL, mr2-2m Formerly Bhaeffor A Stengel. MISCELLANEOUS. Lots for Sale! ON Tt! ft INSTALLMENT PLAN CHEAP FOR CASH. West Los Angeles Offers the best opportunity for delightful homesteads of any that has ever been offered for sale to lhe public.

THE WHOLE TRACT IS LEVEL. Only sufficient for good drainage THE SOIL EXCELLEN And ol suck character that it never cakes and is neither muddy in Winternordusty in Bummer. IT II AS A DITCH OF WATER RUNNING THROUGH IT. THE MAIN STKKET AND AGRICULTURAL PARK RAILROAD Ik completed and running through the entire land and 1 now operated successfully through Park A venue, 100 feet wide, cd Ing Into ihe Agricultural Grounds, A DEPOT OF THE LOS ANGELES AND INDEPENDENCE RAILROAD IS LOCATED ON THE GROUNDS. This is really tbe West End ol our beautiful city, with (he benefit of FRESH, PURE BREEZES FROM THE OCEAN, contaminated by gas or sewer effluvia, A glance at the elegant mansions and fashionable residences now e.cctod nod In course of erection must satisfy any desiring ahomethat this is the Place THE TERMS WILL BE MADE EASY AND PRICES MODERATE.

WILL BE FOUND At the office of the Farmers' A chants' Bank. Also, al the office of the Main Stre nnd Park Railroad. O. W. CHILDB and JOHN O.

DOWNEY will give special attention to those seeking information. scpllGtf Notice of Removal, Monday or Tuesday Next i wii.r. r.KMuvi: my HOOT AND SHOE STORE From 101 Main street, To No. 28 Central Block, Spring Street- I shall beglail to welcome my customers at my new quarters. a.

B. Mcdonald. ft'2l tf FREE LECTURES. MRS. Hill Will glra FKF.E LECTURES for one moillli W'UDNEiDAV ANDHATUHD VY AFTKKNOONa, nt 2 o'olock, ON HEALTH, At her rooms, at southeast corner of Sco 1 oud aud Olive fel7-lm MISCELLANEOUS.

Largest Auction House In the City! H. R. BROWN, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Two do.irs East of Old Stand, on COURT opposite Court Bouse, fife- REGULAR sale on Saturdays from 9 o'clock A. m.

till -I P.M. Special Sales made at any time, HOKHKs. WAGONS, and all kinds nf goods bought and sold. Reference flt K. Hyde.

Pros Visalia by perfnls'n t. F. Com B'k Jalfltf H. R. BROWN.

Auctioneer. OLDEST AUCTION HOUSE IN HOUiIIF.UN CALIFORNIA. 2L, IsTOTES Has opened out at No. I MARKET opposite tlie Court House, and will be pleased to serve his old friends and the public. Particular attention paid to Real Estate sales.

Regular sale days for Horses und rolling stock, WEDNESDAYS it SATURDAYS. As I bave no part ners and do my own work, I intend to make my charges less than those of anybody else in the business, charging on real estate two per cent, for the first and one percent, on all sums above tnat amount. Will buy FURNITURE, HOUSES, WAGONS and all kinds of property, and pay casta, N. sales commence at 10 A. If, and close at 1 x.

E. W. NO YES, Oldest Auctioneer in Southern California. nv2l AN OLD AUCTIONEER IN A NEW PLACE. ALFRED MOORE, (from St.

Paul, Minnesota,) Is now to be found al 29 Spring street, Next the Dollar Store, sea along your stoves, Bedding, Horses, gles, Wagons and otliei-merchandiso you may to dispose of. Auction every Saturday morning at ll o'clock ly. Ileal Estate sales also attended to. mio-Um TO LEASE. " Farm." For business and educational reasons, desiring to remove into Loi Angeles, 1 will base RL 310 LINO FARM," Including residence and out-buildings horses, inulos, wagon, harness, agricultural Implements, for the term of TWO Oil THREE YEARS.

The farm consists of 201 acres, on which are grape vines, over 2,000 orange trees, 700 English walnut trees, 000 lemon and lime trees; also a nam be? of black walnut, pecan, almond, fig. apricot, plum, peach, apple, pear trees, bananas, two or three acres of alfalfa, lifty acres vacant arable land, aud THE WHOLE TRACT ABUNDANTLY WATERED. Attached to the residence is a spacious bath-room, supplying hot. col i and shower baths. There is also a HI LLI A ROOM, lable and appurtenances.

The farm Is most eligibly situated in the FRUIT BELT of the San Gabriel Mission Valley About eight miles east of Los Angeles city, and near the Railroad Station of Sau Gabriel Mission. If not leased, I WILL SELL THE ENTIRE PROPERTY On advantageous terms, to-wlti Onet bird cash, tlie balance In oue, two, three ami tour years, at 10 percent, interest per annum interest, payable semi-annually. K. C. KEWEN, Nos, 10 A 11 Btrellts Building, Spring nt.

S. F. Bulletin aud Chronicle copy. FOR SALE I LOTS TO SUIT. 5000 Acres of the Lake Vineyard Land and Water Association Lands.

The best orange and semi-tropical fruit, laud in the Slate; located in the heart of the San Gabriel valley, and in Ihe midst ot the oldest and largest vineyards and orange groves of Los Angeles county. No water rates charged. Tlio purchaser of land Irom this Association receives not only ills land but also A proportionateshare of an Inexhaustible water supply, ihe most complete Irrlgal lon system In Ihe State, which has cost the Association already over pipes and reservoirs alone. Water in iront of every lot. Churches aud school houses on tbe tracts.

Tho s. p. H. R. passes through the lands.

The orange orchards ami vineyards on these lands and in the vicinity test their capability for this culture. The title Is perfect. Grant bargain and sale deeds given. Prices reduced to suit tiie times. A map of the Tract may ho seen at (he Office of P.

Heaudry, No. SI Now High street, opposite Pico House. All communications addressed to the Secretary will receive prompt attention. F. W.

WOOD, Secy. nUtf Los Angeles, Cal. CIGARS! HUGO It It E3l S3 Et, PiiOI'MFTOIt OK TIIK KEY WEST CIGAR STORE, CAN NOW HE PfO. SPRING At tlio Key West Clsnr Factory. Mr.

Hugo Kremer manufactures HAVANA TOBACCO Into clgurs ol upproved brands. Ho alio deals In fill lines ol Articles. Give him a call. mrls tf BUSINESS CARDS. 1 JUDSON, GILLETTE GIBSON." EXAMINERS OF TITLE AND CONVEYANCERS, 13 nnd 14.

McDonald Mock, Halo LOS ANGELES, Cal. sepltltf John Jackson, I CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Room 11 Temple Block. slBtf Wm. 11.

J. BROOKS, Searcher of Records and Examiner of Titles. ABSTACTS OF every transaction from the earliest dates to the present time, made with and dispatch. MB hi TOTH BUlnlNa. comer Spring and Temple streets.

James C. Kays, NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER. Block (part or old Bank Building). Commissioner of Deeds ror lhe State of Indiana. lOitn REMOVAL- I have removed my office lo No.

10, MO I T'S BUILDING, Adjoining the now PostoiTice. MOTT. d23-lm J. A. OARBT.

Tlios. A. F'AQAN. DOWNEY CITY DEAL ESTATE AGENCY. Ranches, Houses, tiots and o.her Property Bought and Bold on com mission, By Carey Fagan, DOWNEY CITY, CALIFORNIA.

Mr. PAGAN is also an Atterney-at-Law. tin 10 HOTELS. ST, CHARLES HOTEL, LOS ANGELES, S. W.

CRAICUE Proprietors, The St. Charles Is located In the business centre of the city, and is the largest, moat elegant and completely organised Hotel In Southern California. Free coach to the house. J. A.

GORDON, Manager. B'B-W'eslern Union Telegraph In Hotel otllce. Jylltf MOJAVE HOTEL, Mojuvo JunotioD Otil. nrtHK ixms is now pepa red Jgk JL to receive Its numerous psAronsJjflp. ami the traveling public in general.

Being entirely new and splendidly furnished, it eObrds superior noeommodatlons, ITS TABLE 1 HOTE is second to none in Southern California Till'; bau Issupplied with the choicest hramis of wines, liquors and cigars. An elegant BILLIARD ROOM is ulso attached to tho house. All trains stop here for breakfast sn.l supper, it Is tlie polutof departure for the celebrated Inyo county mines, viz. Darwin, Pine, Ccrro Gordo and lanamlnt The office of the LONE PINE STAGE CO. la at this hotel, Tho patronage of traveling public is respectfully solicited.

MATTHEWS UOYD, fe2M Proprietors. THE Commercial Restaurant DOWNEY BLOCK, Formerly Hotel Dcs Princes, IS THE ONLY FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN THE CITY. V. UOL, Proprietor. NOW OPEN.

SIERRA KADBE VILLA, A Private Hotel on the mesa or table lands of the Sierra If ad re Mountains, rlimate unsurpassed for Summer or Winter Residence. Commands a charming view of valley ami mountain, overlooking the Han Gabriel orange groves; is four miles from railroad antl telegraph station; house entirely new, lighted by gas, and contains all modern conveniences. A School tor children on thopjemlses. For particulars addiess proprietor, O. liox 1141, Los Angeles.

A PHYSIOLOGICAL ITiew of Marriage tl gi untldiiiihiU TrratiM on thf eLCJLTJ lif SJ 111 marriage and 1 It llif so- AND Hcprfidiictinn am (iriaMMMMBMi Disenaea of Women, A PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER! On all dnnrdrrf ol a Privata Naturo UUfiu RVM Sell Abuse, or Secret Diaeasci, witli bci' of cure, 224 lirgjiMMfc prloafiO A NIC 41, LECTURE on the diicain and Jhnti'ot'the Throat aml Idinun, Catarrh, Rupture. Ihf Opium Habit.Ac, price 10eta. l.Uhur hook MM poitpoitlnn receipt ol price: or all three, Comniuintt Iwaiititullv illustrated, tur 73 Addrcw DHL BUTTS, So. 12 St. fit.

Louia. HI MISCELLANEOUS. MERCHANT TAILOR. J. STRELITZ, Fashionble Merchant Tailor, No.

12 TEMPLE Block, Spring street, Los Angeles. He has the LARGEST, FINEST AND BEST STOCKED TAILORINS ESTABLISHMENT In Southern California. His old customers and the public will And It Ihe place to get BEST STYLES and FITTING obtainable. NEWEST BROADCLOTHS, BEAVERS, DOESKINS, DIAGONALS, FANCY CAS3IMERES, VELVET SILK VELVETING, Constantly on hand. Refers to the prln.

cipal gentlemen of the city, lor whom he lias made clothing. necessity to send to San Francisco for good fitting suits. BA NX FARMERS' MERCHANTS' HAN I-C Of Los Angeles. CAPITAL 500,000 OO ISAIAS W. lIELLMAN President Cashier BOARD OF DIRECTORS.

Isaiah W. Ecqbne Meyer, O. W. rii 11.ns, L. C.

Goodwin, Dtjcommcn, Jose John s. Griffin, C.E.Tuom, Frank Lecouvreur. Exchange for sale on NEW YORK, LONDON, DUBLIN, FRANKFORT, PARIS, BERLIN and HAMBURG. Receive Deposits and Issue Their Certificates. Buy and Hell LEGAL TENDERS, GOVERNMENT, STATE, COUNTY, AND CITY BONDS.

Will also pay the highest price for Gold and Silver Bullion. From and afterthis all moneys liiit as Term Deposits, interest will be allowed. Commercial Bank Of Loi Angeles. Authorized Capital 300,000 M.S. PATRICK President E.

F. SPENCE Caahie.T DIRECTORS. M. S. Patkick, S.

Ha Mott. A. A. Wilcox, H. Mabury, Me Wood worth, Lankersuim O.

H. WITUEKBY, O. CAI'HON, J. E. IIOLLENJIECK, This Bank Is prepared to receive deposits on open account, Issue Certificates of Deposit, nnd transact a general Ranking Dullness.

Collections made and proccods remitted at entreat rates ot' exchange. LOS ANGELES COUNTY BANK. MAIN STREET, Los Angeles Cal Capital Stock (paid up), 300,000 J. S. SLAUSON R.

S. BAKER Vice-Pn sidcnt J. M. ELLIOTT Cashier DIRECTORS. J.

S. Si.Arson, P. Beau dry, V. A. HOuVEIt, ROB BUT S.

IS.WfTTK, J. Bixhy, a so. A. W. BoWKAK.

Receive Savings Bank deposits. Buy and exobaiigeon San Francisco, "New York, Loudon, I'uris, Berlin and Frankftiit. Buj on all parts or Ihe United aod Europe. Receive money on open account and Certificate of Deposit, and do a general bauklngaud exchange business. M.


Caramerelal Ki.llroad J. G. JACKSON Lumber Dealer Corner Alameda and First Slreeli DRAI.I.K IN DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, POSTS, SHINGLES, LATHS, SHAKES, PLASTER OF PARIS, CEMENT AND HAIR. Morpliln. stmhsklr wl iru 1 myU-flin SOCIETY NOTICES.

Masonic Notice. Lodge K0.43. slated meetings jr of tills Lodge aie held on the first MONDAY of each moot i al 7:30 l. m. Members of l'vuiui.

pha, No. 202, and all Master Masons lv i good standing are cordially Invited Byorderoftbe Chas. Smith, Secretary. I. is Annelcs Chapter No.

33, R- Stated convocations on 2. MONDAY of each month. at Ma Han. UA Sojourning In JtCil "landing cordially In. vl ted.

By order of 8. C. FOY, H. 1 Sau. Praoer, tssssssssT Secretary.

Los Angeles Council No. It, novel and Select Misters, F. ft A. Holds Its stated assemblies on the 4lh Monday of each month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 P. Sojourning Companions la good Btandlng are fraternally Invited to attend.

By order of the ThHi It. P. CUNNINGHAM. Recorder. TEMPLAR Holds its stated conclaves at the Asylum In Masonic Hall, on the Thtvd TH URSDAY of ea 1, 7W p.

H. Sojourning Knights Templar In good standing are cordially Invited to attend. By order of the O. J. C.

I.rrTi.KKiKi.ii, Recorder. I. O. O. fT kgSsaHl meetings TsaRP ol llils Lodge aro held evory MONDAY evening at 8 o'cloct at Odd Fel Hall, Downey Blocs.

Malt ns; and sojo brothers In good standing are iuvltcd to attend. M. LEHMAN, N. O. Fred.

W. Wood, kcc. yep. l.os A iik No. 35,1.

O. O.f. Sfsf'- Regular meeting held on tsjCssfIsfeWEDNESDAY EVENING week ai o'clock. Solournlug brethren lv good stauding nru cordially Invited. J.

W. BAUD, N. A. Frank, R. S.

Orange Grove Encampment, No. 31,1.0. 0. F. REGULAR MEETINGS held the Second t.nd Fourth of each month at ourulug potrlarchs In good are cordially Invited to attend.

C. Lirs, C. P. B. Marxsen.

Scribe. Knights of Pythias. OLIVE LODCE, No. 20, meets every j'hurKdav' evening, at 7 o'clock, at lhe Castle Hall, Downey Block. All sojourning Knlghls In good standing are Invited.

A. C. C. E. of R.

a. Confidence Engine Company No. 2. REGULAR MEETINGS ol Company will take place 00 nr Wednesday eve- nlng each month, at o'clock. Hy unicr, 1 IM W.

S. MOORE, Secretary. SIR ASTLEY COOPER'S VITAL RESTORATIVE I The great English remedy for Nervous Debility, Spermatorrhea and it mature Decline of Physical Force. The Vital Restorative Will positively cure, thoroughly and permaneutly, any case of EXHAUSTED VITALITY or Nervous Debility, either acute or of long standing, and in either sex, no matter from what cause produced. The Vital Restorative Is a thoroughly scientific prescription, Is not a quack imstrum, benoe perfectly safe to take; Is pleasant to tbe taste, supplies to the cerebro-splnal and sympathetic system of nerves new force, Purifies and Enriches The blood, rejuvenating and relnvigorat- Ingboth mind and body.

Thousands, both in this country and in Europe, can testify to the great restorative properties of this really great medicine. Price, $3 per bottle, or four limes tbe quantity lor $10. Sent to any address secure irom observation. Address all letters to A. K.

MIN TIE, M. D. (Graduate of the Univeisity of vaniH and late Resident Surgeon to the onhoptedic Hospital of Phi No. 722 Montgomery San Francisco, Solo Agent. P.

MINTIE can be consulted In reference to tbe abovecomplalnls during office hours from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. dally, and from 6 to 8 in 1 lie evening.

SundaysjlO a. m. to 1 p. if. Consultation FREE.

Thorough examination and advice, $5. Full directions and advice Irce with every package of medicine. lyUitf The Steams Ranchos, ALFKED 543 Market Nnu Irnuriavo, t'ul. ACRES OF LAND FOR OvFj sale, lv lots to salt, suitable for the culture of Oranges, Lemons, Limes, Figs, Almonds, Walnuts, Peaches, Apples, Pears, Alfalfa, Corn, Rye, Barley, Flax, Ramie, Cotton, and also many thousand acres of Natural Evergreen Pastures, Suitable for Dairying. Good water Is abundant at an average depth of six feel from the surface.

On almost every acre of this land FLOWINU ARTESIAN WELLS cuu be the more elevated portions can be Irrigated by the water ol tbe Santa Ana river. Most of these lauds are naturally moist, requiring only good cultivation to product crops. Cash; bnlance In one, two and three years, with 10 per cent Interest. I will take pleasure in showing these lands to parties seeking land, who are Invited to come and see this extensive I tract before purchasing elsewhere. WM.

R. OLDEN, Agent. Anaheim, Los Angeles county, 1 87 I Carriage Manufactory, Nos. and H5 Main Street, Los Angeles. L.

LICHTENBERfiER Having resumed tbe business of carriage making In all Its branches, is prepared to Oil orders lv that tine. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES WAGONS Of eve description constantly on band i and mude to order. With fltst-class woi kmen of twenty years'experience In tbe trade of this lection of the Stale and using none other than the best of materials, the public are assured of thorough satisfaction at lowest poislble rates. Tbe patronage of former customers Is spect fully Follclted. "Quick Sales and Small Profile." "A Nimble Sixpence is better than II Slow shilling 1 mrotf LICHTKNBERGF.iI.

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