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National Republican from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 3

Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rauutfwb II 12 glntiomil gtpnMicaaa. Gleanings from Our Kthi Tna Tho Vlcksburg JttrolA There Is at Davis1 Bend peat ci perl men In progress of whet the Iroeamen msy bo ez ported to do hereafter. There are about seventy are farraert working land on their own account, and making about 1,300 acres of cotton, beside aa much more corn. This trial of their capacity and readiness to work planned and encouraged by Col.

Eaton Is a saccess. They will make, on an arersge, from 13.000 to 15,000 each. There Is scarcely one failure among the seventy fire lessees. Some negroes this year will clear from (10,000 to 130,000, who wcro slaves thrco years ago. Commodobb Wikslow, being called out by a torch light procession of the friends of the Union In Rozbury, Mass on Tuesday, made a brief speech, In which he said that, though a Southern man, ho was convinced that tho emancipation policy of this Administration was right, and he had that day voted for Lincoln and Johnson.

lie had himself Inherited some thirty slaves, which he had long ago emancipated. Allusion having boon made to tho Kearsarge, ho described in animating worda tho effect upon loyal Americans of the sinking of the Alabama. In New York, In consequence of the appro priation oeing cxnauBioa, tne pay oi mo engineers In charge of tho city steam lira engines has been stopped. Some parties havo struck a rich vein of oro at Wcstfleld, Massachusetts, which yields about my per ccoi. oi icaa.

locajTnews. A UiLUiRD FxmniTiON Last nlcrht tho friends of the gentlemanly and healthful game of i unarm were grauneu wtin aa.exgiDiuon oi in kill of the beit players to, America at Geary's new billiard hall, situated over the entrance to Grover'a Theatre The principal gameof theeve- did- wii diiwnd aou rneian, wun in While. Blclc. rhelea. K.r.ash.

I 11 60 i Ill 10 II 10 11 1 a ii 10 10 ii 10 ft A siogular coincidence occurred lathe garnet Fh elan's highest run was lit, the same ae his highest in hie match game with seerleter, a few tears ago A splendid came wee also Dlaved bv Ed. Cahlll and Mr SI Geary, proprietor el the hall Cahltl won bv two Points. Gear? maklns- the hlehest run sixty six The hall, which ii furnished with eight of Die-Ian and Collender's best tables, lo spaoious, airy, and pleasant We hat gtven our friends the cue to patronize It. 8ad AcciuiifT. Last evening, while the I Incnln and Johnson Association of the fcixth ward was forming in line to attend the serenade to the President, a Mr James Rhodes, who wae engaged in firing a cannon, had hie hand terribly lacerated the discharge of the gtia His clothes were also very much burned He was taken to a neighboring home, and medical aid summoned.

Mr. wae severely injured eome years ago, by an explosion which occurred in the Navy Yard. (Juice Tims The new steamer Thomas Coli)cr, which hae lately taken the place of the Manhattan of the mall line between thle elty and city rolot, irglnle, made the trip from City Tolnt to Washington in seventeen hours, having Jelt city Point yesterday morning at to o'clock and arrive! here at o'clock this morning. UniaoONiwo tuzVzovv What blundering officer sent two or three mounted dragoons rldlrg through the densely packed crowd in front of the I resluential mansion at the serenade lastnlgbtt It was altogether about as stupid a piece of bus I Mm mm am (III ICCUi Minstrels appear to-night at Ibe Washington theatre, which, has been leased ly them for a abort season This troupe of fine facers and amusing performers are drawing large numcuvci uimi)i MS3SR3. 111 ELAN, KlVANAOn, AKD CiOILL will give an exhibition at Mr Flanagan's Saloon, No.

171 Pennsylvania avenue, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets, at 7tf o'clock this ALEXANPtllA NEWS. Tne following Items are taken from the Suit Journal of yesterday afternoon aptutxd Hiram Har rover, who says he was in the rebel clalme to have received his dlKbarge, wae captured Yesterday, In Prince Wll-1 am county, an 1 sent in to Col. Wells provost marshal general Ha has a. younger brother in Mosby's battalion, and aa older one in the 3d District of Columbia vnluntco.s Captain Hairover, of company L. Kllx Moore, captured by Gen Slough's forces, wae sent lo at the same time He is supposed to le a guerrilla or a member of someorganlted rebel regiment Both patties were sent to the slave pen to await a further dlSjtoaltlOD Accident A youth by the name of Wm Herring, clerk far Nr John Langd while handling a pistol crtlcssl, last evening, shot himself in the lelt leg, tut at ove the knee" He was Immediately convened to the Mansion House Host Ita', where medic! attendtnee was provided loung Herring Is doing well, not being seriously Injured.

Moral boys should not carry pistols. Ant one having occasion to visit a private rce-liJil institution, are advised to sail on Dr. wn or. A lai-RD and luecrsaful craatlaa here and ivbero en at lei him to guaranty a perfect sure In all aere AJlWslfsaad communications strictly private lodcouddcotiat. Persons sailing see no one but UU UIMIIUII 1C01 II 111 1 Tdk only place where yon can purchase India at A HALL'S India Rubber Warehouse, 110 i cuuijiiyai rviiquc, oeiwrca niam aoa leniQ irevu modioi nuooec gooas Deami-fully repaired at short uotlse.

marM-tf Niw Yoks BTTLM. QmtUmmft UloiMng Aiie and eiWMoi A large assortment for Dreea ca Builoess wear. Tha Lurllah Sack and Walk. lux t'oateexoellio beauty, grade and flalsh any wi uitvtvu tu uiia any. Il3 II ra.

bet. Ninth and Tenth sU. I 1 A War DciAiTifMT.i Adjutant Geikral Orrtcx, Washington, November 8, lMt The following orSeers, having been reported at the headquarters of the army for the oflences hereinafter si coined, are hereby notlHed that they will stand dismissed the service of tbe United States, unless, within fliteen days from this date, they appear before the military commission In session In this elty, I which Brigadier General Jobn Cal Iwcll, United states volunteers, Is president, and make satisfactory deftnoe to the charges against them 1 ibtftice without Itavty having failti toJU fa Ik cjftc turgton'i ccitlfcatti of iitablhty. if riqutrtd by th4 tegulattonicfthe It- ar Depart nunl First Lieutenant Charles C. Graham, 29th Mates volunteers vrithoiU leave, and conduct prejudicial good order and military ditchUmt captain Edward Williams 8th Maine volunteers.

E. TOWNSLND, Assistant Adjutant Genaral TTOWARD DINING ROOMS J-X AMU LADIES' OHDINARY, No 411 II street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets lng been enlarged and thoroughly renovated, will reopen on MONDAl MORNING, Nov It Those wishing to engage Uiard, by the day, week, or month, can do so by calliog at the rooms Traosl nt customers serted at all hours HENRY B1TTLLSTON, noli 2t Proprietor, rpillb ia fI 1 sons from pure! House and Lot FOREWARN ALL 1'ER a nurchasloc. without mv consent. 1 Lut slluated on street, between sixth and seventh, the joint property of my son, Jeremlsh Hurley, deceased, and myself My son died on the 1st ur April last Pat Hurley, his wife, and tho witowof the deceased, could do me no other favor than to put me in the poor-bouse, de-1 eodent upon the Corporation nell ll MRS RY HURLEY. BEATON HALL, CORNER OF NINTH AND STREETS.

This Large and Handsome Hall Is now for rent fur Balls, Concerts, Ae It Is finely frescoed, and flolshed In the most substantial manner, with large and convenient dressing rooms, and gallery at 1 he south end for speotatois The Hall Is the best ventilated room In the city, with twenty windows on the seuth and east and west side, with a large ventilator in the centre of tbe Hall It Is admirably adapted tor Concerts. being built with especial attention to that oljectt and for Balls the greatest care has been taken to have tbe best floor that could be procured the Hall will be rented (or Balls, Concerts Minstrels, Fairs, He Inquire of o. sUECKEL'i on street, third door Irom tho Hall. nol0ur CERTIFICATE OF Are shares In tha tfh1n rinld ami Silver MTolo Ins? ComoanT." which th owner nan havn bv calling at this office, proving property and paying for this advertisement noil it TAKEN BORHETj HORSE, about fourteen bands and seven veara old, with mane cropped short Had bo a Government saddle, bridle, hal'er, and an artillery blanket. Koquireof II 8CHENCK, Cleric at Central Guard house, novt 81 Oaa BEVENTII B' BEVENTII STREET.

369 HIGH AWNING FURNITURE, unnii FUtlNITUBF Walnut and Mahogany Sofas, Chairs, hockers, DresstosT Bureaus. Bedsteads. Sideboards. Wash- stands Marble-tep Tailes Whatnots, and te largest and reatest variety obCommon Furniture In the District, which we are determined to sell at prleec that defy competition TENSION TABLES, at lots than present wholesale prleec GILT riUMKMlRROMATLKSS THAN COST OF IMPORTATION Housekeepers and those who contemplate to keep house will find It treat)? to their interest to call and examine our stock previouc to making their purchases They can save at least flfteeu peretnt. We allow lea per cent, oa all bills of s)ftO and upwards DONTA noMSt 160 Seventh street, oearl M.1 IMTcob WILLIAN, IMPORTER ave Waih-1 (7.

CDs Trcvlse. mgion. rani. Is receiving new goods by almoit every steamer, and has always a large stock of the finest and most faihlenable goodc on hand His stock Is eompoied of Ladles and Children's Cloaks, Ladies Undergarment, Lace Goods, a large and Dna scire Ion of Mllllnerv Goods, as Bonnets Hate, Flowcre, Feathers, SllksCrepes, Velvets. Ribbons, etc Dreee and Cloak Trimmings, VeWet Ribbons, Nett.

Fancy Combs, Perfumery from the celebrated llouee Detnerson. Chetelat h. Co FeMe WILLIAN being the only merchant In thti elty who imports goods, goes for selections himself to Europe, and baa Ma Agent resiling la Paris who sends him Nouveautes as soon as they make their appearance. Is therefore prepared to please the most fastidious tastes. no! Sm M-ATIONAL BANK OF THE METROPOLIS.

UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY AND LOAN 4 FIFTEENTH STREET, Opposite the Treasury Department This Rank Is bow authorised by tke Secretary of tU 1IIHKI IV RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS to the leans new being oOered by the Government THE NEW 7-13 NOTES 10-40 BONDS. The former notes bear date Auiust 18th. IBM. and are issued in denominations of SM. aioo.

isoo. 11,000, and go ooo, payable to bearer, cr order, three vears after date, with interest, parable semi annually, at 10 per centum per annum, and are convertible, at Maturity, at toe holder's optlen, into av popular v-sa six per ceai gam interest-bearing bonds The Interest on these notes Is two cents per day, for every gioo. THE 140 BONDS are Issued to date Iron September 1, 1664. and bear Interest at 5 per cent per annum, payable IN GOLD, semi annually, on all denominations over aioo, which, at the present rate of premium for gold, Is equivalent to ao annual interest of ILUEN OK TVELL TKR CENT. Any Information respecting theUNITLD STATES LOANS will be cheerfully given, on application We receive Deposits, buy and sell Coin, Currency, and Licbenge.

and all classes nf Govern-ment SecurltlestpurchaseCertincate hceks, and Government ouchers, and transact a general Sinking buslaess. oolT-U HUTCHINSON, Cashier. I UNITED STATE8 7 S-10 LOAN. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WASH INGTON nas how on itahd. READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, a full supply of these new Bonds.

Subicribtri ere rrfftirttW fa promt their cetHJIcalil at one tmi reevtt Bondi. Those having money to Invest should not lose eight of the fact that, by Investing in this Loaa, they not only receive interest at the high rate of 7 s-io per cent but secure to themselves the tetf Important advents ge of obtaining, at the end of tb ree years, SIX PERCENT fi- TEAR BONDS AT PAR, whleh are now worth over 13 percent premium, and which after the war must necessarily advance to a much aUher rate tf JAY COOKE CO BANKERS, FIFTEENTH 8TBKET, OrrOBlTC UlflTKD STATES Tai-ASVAY, Receive subscriptions for the NEW U. B. 8KVKN-TRIKTT LOAN, Authorised by the act of June lo, lSdt The notes will be Issued under date of August 13, In denominations of $50, tl00t 1300, $1000 inn 15000, Payable to bearer or order, bearing interest at 7 MO per eeat per annum, payable semi annually and will be convertible at the option of the holder at maturity into six per cent. Five-Tweuty Bonds We buy and sell GOVERNMENT BONDS OT ALL ISSUES TREASURY NOTES, CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS, AND COIN 1 And pay the highest prlee a rter hi aster's ce CERTIFICATE CHECKS jynOU JAY COUKK OBERT LEEOU, Solicitor at the Office of the Auditor of the 1 iisiuij i( turn ua uuiuv vi ki iiucui.) SOLICITOR ab Wm tlMatf HA hlHimt n.

An ur CLaiPis, VTlBIIIKOTON ClTT, Will practice la the Courts ol the District of Columbia, the Court of Claims, and the Supremo Court of the United States, and will give prompt attention to the prosecution or clalme and tha adjustment of accounts la all the Departments of the Government. Offlee, Seventh street, opposite Tost OTlce Department. aull sni W. h. WALL A 00 AUCTIONEERS.


S.U. W. L. WALL fc Aunt rilANB' oounT. DlSTR STRICT OF COLUMBIA, WASHINGTON WIT I November A lfiJ In the case of George Fletcher, administrator of Elisabeth A.

W. Briscoe, deceased, the administrator aforesaid has, with the ai probation of the Orphans' Court of Wash Ion ton county aforesaid, appointed Tuesday, the SSth instant for the final settlement and distribution of the personal estate of the said deceased, and of the assets la hand, as far as the same have been col lected and turned Into money, when and where all the creditors and heirs of said ds ceased are no tided to attend, (at the Orphans' Court of Washington county aforesaid,) with their claims properly YDuoaeo, or ny may omerwisflJ vj iaw ie ea ciuaea irom an oeneni in saia aeeeasea estate provided a copy of this order be published onoe a week for three weeks la the National Vepublican previous to the said sothdayof November tact Test! BOBBINS, Register of Wills noS-wlw M. CORDELL May now be found with PRTTUS A. CO MERCHANT TAILORS. Hi Broadway.

Mew I oik When he will be happy to see his old friends and all others In want of superior and LtASHlOVApi.1 OaJJfMtTS Of TTI LATEST STTLIS urersTopnOTs. wtmniu FOE SALE OE RENT. THE I'ARTVIN BALTIMORE WTII whnmllidft firivdnllar U. 8 IOUO Bond for security, on the Ulhof October, will please send his ad iress to me at tbe Republican offlee, Washington, DC. low i tiAPHLiiu rAnnnibui OR NO.

3M AND 122 on street nortb. under "Seaton House Also, Basement Rooms under Nos i and 3J Louisiana avenue. JHO SKMEUKSai UU, 62) Ninth street west, nolO-eoSt oer. Louisiana ave. OSMNO HOUSE FOR SALE THE nrnnrlatar of thle rODular and well known Hotel ntrl nJ litftiirant Intends to retire from bull.

ncss, nd offers his well known house ror sale Any one wishing to engage In a LUCIlATIVr BUSINESS can call tfQ the prnprletor. 247 Pennsylvania avenue, between TwellU and Thirteenth streets no7-iw 170R BALEONE STEAM ENGINE OH HALE- and HOI LEI l1 and BOILER, twenty horse power. Also, three run of stone, for grinding orn, compactly built, can be easily removed. Enqulieof G. L.

PAGE, street south, bet een Slatn and Seventh streets no4lw IOII RENT, IN 'iUE LAUOE I1UILD-I1 lng earner of Louisiana avenue and Tenth street, two large halls and fo rooms of convenient size, suitable for associations, Insurance offices, law offices, ave The rooms have lately been renovated ao I fitted up for the purpose. Apply at GKORGF HILL'S warehouse Louisiana aienue, near Tenth street. Jell tf () HALE 160 eases Drake's Plantation Bitters W.J House Gin. IMbb's Oil Rye Whiskey ery uw nye wnisxey. too half chests Tea of various kinds loo boxes Old mentation Codee loo kits Mess Mackerel 100 half kits Mess Maekerel 100 kits No.

1 dov No. a do.7 Ko riokled Kalmon. 60 bags Old Java Coffee And a general assortment of Wines, Liquors, hararMuee, Havana Cigars, at market rates. W. COHWIN BURGY, No 14 North Charles street.

m13ly Baltimore, Md WANTS. ri AH ENTERS WANTED HCADQ'eS DtrAltTMCNT OF WAUIIHaTOH, Ornccor Cnicr UOABTiasiASTKa, Nos 134, US Fourteenth it near New Tork Avenue, ITAIIIinWlUK, PTICIHUK IOV1 I Wanted Immediately, Fifty Good CARPENTERS to go to Point Lookout, Maryland. Wages $70 per month, and a ratten Each workman will r-rlog his own kit of tools Transportation will be furnished by the Government for the workmen ana mcir won irom inis ouy roini 100 eoui. JOHN A ELISON, Co'onel and Chief Quartermaster, se30-t( Department of Washington. I BURNISHED HOUSE WANTED.

A eomfortablv furnished House, of moderate ze, Is wanted immediately, In this elty or George- lown, inirai location preierrea. Auaress vox No 309, Washington City sell "lirAN TED-THREE COPIES OF tho National RErvBLtcAit of July IS, and and six copies of July SO, 184 Persons having copies of the above will confer a great favor by Dnnsjing mem 10 tots omoe. auavu "lirANTED MEN FOR THE ARMY VV AND NAVY. LARGF BOUNTIES Ap ply to the Recruiting Offlee. 609 New Jersey avenue, and the office, Powhatan Hotel, foot of sevrniu succi.

iUAini.n a. oulli. JHWI WANTED STOUT AULE-BOUIED MEN rortbRiiUrArmir. Larr. boun ties Arpl; to tho oOoe, 6o Ntw Jttitj JJIMI AND WARRANTS WAMTKD.

T1FTY LAND WARRANTS SO, ISO inj 1M wuited lmaedlKtl7 bv CLARK tt OATLORD DOI-tt Room t. oorner EntaU mat ita. ANY I COLOI PERSON BRINGING A COLORED RECRUIT to nr offlte trill b. p.m S100 loon .1 muttered lo the ferric A. MOLLY, JylMf soft New Jerter Are.ue SUBSTITUTES.

ARTHUR SIIErUERD, AUTHORISED RECRUITING AND SUD3TITUTE AGENT, (Second floor,) 303 Street, ict Thirteenth and TniRTESit AJD-AIlALr StAEETIi Fronting Pennsylvania avenue, south si te, NEXT TO STEAM LAUNDRY. SUBSTITUTES ALWAYS ON HAND. oc3fttf pOLOKED VOLUNTEEHB WANTED ISO CASH DOWN, I-AID IN ADVANCE. Apply tb RECRUITING OFFICE, 609 New Jeriey pereon brUglur RECHUIT or RECRUITS lo my office will be neld Uber.lly OLUNTEER AND SAVE YOURSELF FROM utinu UHAriLU. ni I)AUTIEB WI8UINO BUB8TITVTE8 will cell .1 the offloe, 609 New Jeriey I eubilltulei lu.r.oteeJ A HULLY, JylMf 609 New Jeriey Avenue.

HAimES WISHING BUBSTITUTE8 I OR RkrnESLNTATIVE RECRUITS will iitply to tao office, 609 New Jeriey Jyis-tl A HOLLY. PAHTIE8 WIBIIINQ ItEPHEBENTA-Tl CRU1TS. ei oer Clrcul.r No 36, Inued by Trovoit elarib.l Generel rry, e.n ibem luraunea ei con Dy ineom.e, 69 New Jeriey A. HOLLY JylMI ALEXANDRIA, VA. NKWBPArERB AND CALS EDWIN HALLENBECK, dealer in Newspapers, Periodicals, Novels, Stationery, Prints, Tobacco, Segars, Flags and Tlaylng Cardst also, a large assortment of Tlaln and Colored Photographs, 116 King street, four doors below Provost manual souicv, aicxbuuiib, Subscriptions and advertisements for the Washington Daily Natiohal RErusLicAH received, ap20-tf D.

E. SOMEB SOLICITOUS OF PATENTS, COLLECTORS OF CLAIMS AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT, AND NEGOTIATORS OF CONTRAC18, 478 SKYEXTH STREET, Oppoclte tbe Foit Offloe, WASHINGTON CITY, C. we nriLn ev rERMllllon TO Hon Il.nnlbel tl.rallu, Woe rreillent, lie. jonnuooiwin, Iw.rJ II Kolllne, Alei II nice, Jobn Alley, 11 AlireJ A Burnbem, Dwlcbt Lootnli, J.mei Aililey, Jobn Lovole, Robert MoKnijht, Junto Morrill, Jobo Potter, Z. cb.niller, J.inCB II Lune, tjrue AI Irlcb, JobaT Nlxoo, I IllAlr.

Jr, LllrltleeU Snenldlar. Me H. 11 Cono Oblo. Pa. tt Wll 1).

3, Mkh 11 Kadiai Minn Mo Y. Mriin Jey LookeetCo WAiblneton Ana 1 bllAdelphlA, Ta JyliMf IV ALL A FLETCHER, CLAIM AQFNTS, AG NTS FOR THE SfTTLLMKNT OF nVPK 1-US' ACCOUNTS Hiving Wad long experience as Clerks In the Ordnance UrtUt and In the Office of the Quarter master General, we are prepared to assist OHl-ORS la making out RFTURNS, and In settling their accounts with those officers and with the Treasury Deiartmcnt sto, pages ol pay removed Certificates of oon Indebtedness ottalneJ etc ALL CLilMS AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT CULLLC1LD WITH DISPATCH Post Offlee Address, Box IW, Washington, Office UK 1-lfteenth street, Just above oorner of New York avenue and fifteenth street EDWARD HALL, oci ii vv. a ru ACAHI) Aorncr and C0MrAv, uriaL Amehitam TELEORarn Comtahv, Hi Pennsylvania avenue For the beneHt of the traveling nubile, natlce Is hereby elven that this day, the t8th Instant, the sale of tickets wl 1 be resumed over this roa 1 for all parts of the West, Including St. Joseph and LritTrnwuriu tn Tickets can also be had at this office for Phlla delphla, New York, and Boston, and for Albany, Itochestert Buffalo, and NUgsra trails, via Now York. Baggage chceke through to all points, i AMUSEMENTS.

FORD'S NEW THEATRE, TENTH ST ADOVE rtrlNA. A E. frioay ffnino, NoFMnrn Second pic oi tbo Lmlnent I DglUli Co medlas, MR WM OOMFRSAL, And tti. Demtlful oun Kotllih ComedUonf, MRS. WM OOMKRSAt.

Flnt tlm. bei. of th. new nl iiioocilful rlftf of MIRIAM'S CRIME loconcliil with DLUN UIM Ufl THE LUW RUl'Ut GrB LSON ROVER'S NEW THEATRE, renna Avenue, near wiuaras' itoici LEONARD GRUVER Director CD HESS Acting Manager FRIDAY EMNG, NO EMDER II, Benefit of the accomplished American Actor, MR. E.

L. DAVLNFORT The nerformance wl I commence with the excel lent Historical Urama, WILLIAM TKLL. William Tell, the Hero of Switzerland, Mr W. Wallack To conclule with the exciting Drama upen Western Ule.termtd Till, SCALP HUNTERSi Ue. A SISTERS LOE Seguln.

the Scaip Mr. K. L. Davenport Aaeie, ire t-osi unim Gazul, the Mfstcry Queen Miss Susan Denin SATURDAY The Great Comhlnaton will appear, for the only time positively, in Shakspcare RICHARD III Important Notice Owlnr to tha limit of this engagement, bo pint wilt be tf prated WASHINGTON THEATRE, Eleventh street, near Pennsylvania ave Oc jlar demembration the surest proof, and roruLi pronounce that SANDERSONS MINSTRLLS are NE PLUS ULTRA, and they have sucetoJcd, for a limited number of nights, in seeurlog the above plce, commencing FRIDAi ELNINU, NO. 11, FNTIRE NEW PROGRAMME, latroduclne all the favorites MORTIMER AND EDWARDS, the cccentrlo sons of Momus, foaming a comblav tlon unsurpassable.



WRAY, WRAY, WRAT, WRAY, URAY, WRAT, WRAT, WRAY, WRAY, The Moit eriAtlle Actor on the Steve Promi nent Amo.v hll numrroui Acte In hli KreAt feet of perlormmg on luiriy iiuerent muiicai io.iiu meoti Flnt AprcAt Ante In Aibloetoa of tbe fjeAteit 11 VIDE au ahui ai MONS. DHFVLRNrY, MUNS DRVfHNKY, MONS DHt VERNKY, MOSS. UKiVt.HN Whole extrAorainAryi erformAnoei been ro. nnnnpAil bv ttrei. nubile IHE MAHELor Till AOK.

THE MARVEL OF Till A 1.1. LaiI week oftbe Teleutr I Actrrii, Mile lilt RRY 11KLL1-, OirilRY UI1.LLI, CllhllUV UtLLf. Wheo ike will nppeAr in two Lome ly chUActen, CHMROLOGY tllAIR-OLOGY. CHAIR ULOI.l rrAneipennl Ftlipoodle, a Felt loutk, Cbrrry Belle And In tbe SaieAmlnv Fxrce of HAVF YOU SFIN IIKRI IIAV1 YOU SLEN III Rt CubAi(ln a Horn) Cherry Eclle Flnt AppcArenee of MI11 JENNIF WALTON, JKNNII. WALTON, JINNIE WALTON, JENME WALTON, VOCALIST, DANSEUSE, AND COMLD1ENM.

Flnt llmeof the BcAntlful Btllet PAntomlRe, Ar. ADied by Moal Lout. Szolloey, entitle 1 THt, INTKK.UkS OI SPAIN THE 1NTRIUUES OF SPAIN Hllilvo Ponchorlno Joib H.rt lernendo lerez Mom Lnuil Irolloiy MerleultA Urn Mirf Wuntt Donne IdefoniA Mill Jennie Jobmon FRIDlY lFNKQ, NOIMBER 11, IAKEWLLL BLHLFIT CHIRHY BILLk, ken A mAenlbcent bill will be preienle I Inelu line Tllk IHENCH 3PT, 1th Cherry Belle In Three Greet ChArActen LADIFS AND LIIILDHLN must bear In tuinj our regular HUUKDA AFrKllSUON MATINEE. when all the bemsol the Lvenlng fcctcrtalament will be given PRICES Or ADMISSION. Parquette, Balcony, and Gllcry 26 cents Orchestra Chairs Ouoents Reserved Orchestra Ssats 70 cents Lower Private Boies.

holJinc six persons 00 Upper Balcony Boxes l)S0O toloreJ Boxes 00 cents FiiTate boxes ana reserved seats can be scoirei from 10 a till 3 NOTICE An Katlre New Company Is engaged lor the Canterbury, embracing Some of the Greatest Wonders and most talented Artistes In the Profession. Tbe Canterbury will shortly I enlarge 1, tbe en-tire bnlldlog having been lease I for that purpose KW OAMK OF Ntw Musical Cards (tmtronltedbvthe Roval amilvof Koiland) are seat by post for Three Dollars Tney are a most amusing pastime, and teach Musical Time quicker than other met bod A most interesting and slaver game Tlrtwi drali ably adapted for teaching Musical Time Conaon svs Address A JOYCR. smT4m Qj Weil ThUty-sUth stM Mew rbrlc. PKOrOSAJiS. 1ROPOSALB FOR BUl'I'LIKS.

QvAKTEMf aster's Orrtcc, V. 9. WAiniKOTON, October 97, 18M SttAled Pronn.tila fAi onoh i1r avtiArtiti! will be received at this office until o'clock, of the 3d day of December next, for furnishing to the uoiku Biairw iuarins iorps, during in year moo, the followlnr sunt lies, to than Dice of the Assistant Uuartrrraasterof the Corps, Phll ni.e,,Jo.i, anjiTiain, ires oi expensa tocj United stats, In such quantities as may from time to time be required! Class Na 1. 11,000 yards of Sky Bine Kersey, all wool, free from nair, incurs wiuc, to weign ri ouncrs 10 the yard. (Indigo wool-dyed 6 000 yarde Park Blue Kersey, all wool free from hair, 4 locbes wide, to welih 23 ounces to tbe yard (Indigo wool-dyed 1,600 yards Dark Dlue Twilled Cloth, all wool for uniform wool-dyed )S4 Inches wide, to weigh 72 ounces per yard 1M yards of Searlft Cloth, all wool, (eochlocal dyed 04 lnobes wide, to weigh If ouacts per yard.

CLASS No 3. yards of -4 Dark Blue Flannel, for oversacks, all wool, (Indigo Inches wi If, to weigh II ounces per yard. 13,000 yards of -4 Dark Blue Flannel, ror shirts, all wool, (indigo wool-dyed,) 27 inches wide, ia weign ounces per yarn 1,209 Grey Blankets all wool, to weigh 4 pounds cacti, to be 7 feet long and feet wide, and free from grease 7,60 pairs of Woolen Socks, three sties, properly made of good fleece wool, with double and twisted yarn, weigh three pounds per doiea pairs, free from grease Class No. 7 KM yards White Linen, for pants. 80 inches wide, to welsh so ounces per yard ll.o-Miards white Linen, for shirts.

BO Inches wide, to weigh II ounces per yard. 17,000 yarde Canton Flannel, for drawers, 37 Inches wide, to weigh 7 ounces per yard 4 soo yards Cotton licking, for bed-sacks. Class No 4 I ooo Uniform Caps complete, (except pompons 1,200 Tompoos, red were ted, ball shape, and Ave Ibclss in olrcumferenee 4,500 Fatigue Caps, with eovere, to be made of blue cloth, indigo wool-dyed 1,400 Stocks. Class No. 5 fino gross Coat Buttons, (Eagle JM gross Jaeket Buttons (Eagle) 100 gross est Buttons, (Eagle 1,000 pairs elIow Metal Crescents and Scale Straps.

190 sets Kpaulet Bullion for sergeants and corporals 1.400 sets Fpaulet Bullion for privates 7ft Red Worsted Sashes. 6 ooe yards Yellow Binding. 4 oos yards of Red Cord loo Swords for sergeants tt Swords for musicians 40 Drums (tenor) complete 40 Drum slings ISO Batter Drum Heads 100 Snare Drum Heads. 100 Drum Cords 60 sets of Drum Snares so Boxwood Fifes 60 pairs Drum Sticks Class No 10 ooo Army Boots (Infantrle pattern Class No 7. 1 200 Cartridge Boxes, without Msgatlaes.

1 soo Bayonet scabbards, with frogs attached. 1 200 Percussion Cap Pouches 200 Cartridge Box Belts. 1 300 Waist Belts 1,200 Waist Plates Sword Frogs Class No 8 1 200 Tin Magazines for Cartridges Boxes, as per sample Class Ne t. I 400 Knapsaeks en Haversacks, ooo Canteens Boo Musket Slings Class fco II For making and trimming the following articles, vlti Watch i Uniform Coats frr Sergeants, Corporals, Musicians and Privates Fatigue Coats for sergeants, Corporals, Musicians and Privates oolen Pants for Sergeants, Corporals, Musicians and Privates Linen Pants for Sergeants, Corporals, Musicians and Privates Manuel Hitsu Linen Shirts Drawers Flannel Sacks Red and Blue Jackets for Beys. Be! sacks The aboe mentioned articles must conform, in ell retpedi, to the sealed stan lard patterns la the office of tbe Quartermaster, Marine Carps, Marine Barracks, Washington, Ct Assistant Quartermaster office Marine Corps, 1230 Spruce street, PhtirnieiDhiai ana at tne Marine aiaiions uroon- Ivn, New ork, and Boston, Massachusetts, where And whenever the articles named above, or any portion Ol inem, snail da coosiatroa ni noi iun: tinnrnrmtn lo until An.

the will he frfected. am tie contractor will be bound to furnish others of the required kind at once, or tne uuariermasier will supply the deficiency at the expense of the contractor layuentwill DO maae upon me acccpieu ae-livery of the whole quantity which may from time to tlma be ordered, wlthhol line ten rer cent Irom the payment of account rendered under first order until second order is filled, and ten per cent from aocount rendered under second order until third order Is niied, and so on until contract is completed Jiaco propositi must vv netuuiLiaiitcu uj iiiv juj- lowing guarantee! rORM Or OUAHArTTEE. The undersigned, of In the State of and In the State of hereby guaranty that In ease the foregoing btl of --for sunnlles. as above dcicr bed. be accepted, he or they will, within ten days after the receipt ef the Contract at tne post omen uninrie.rjircuio mo contract for the same, with good and sufficient sureties, and In ease the said- shall fall to entsr into contract ae aforesaid, we guaranty to make good the difference between the oiler of the said and that wh ch may be acerptcd A Guarantor Guarantor Witness 1 1M I hereby certify that the above named are known to me as men of property, and able to make goot their guarantee To be slgued by the United States District Judge, Bolted States DUtrlet Attorney, or Collector.

No proposal will be considered unless hv ttm bnve auarantee Newspapers autharliedte publish the above will send tbe paper containing tbe first Insertion to the office for examination Tbe bidder place of business, or manufacturing establishment, must be specifically stated in the proposal Proposal to be endorsed en the envelope ''Pro posal for Supplies for the Marine Corps for 1603, and addressed to quarter master oc23-law4w Washington, C. pnor03AL3 FOR HATIONS. ttUARTEIlMASTER OtHCK, Coarj, WASHtNUTON, Oct ill. 18W Ssmld rrouniali will reseire 1 at this oraee until 3 o'clock, of t) 35th day of November next, for furnishing flATIONS to the United States Marines, at the following stations during the year i860, vis rorisinouii.) new Lharlestown, Massachusetts Brooklyn, New ork I hiladeli hie, Pennsylvania Washington City, District cf Columbia r.n.nnrt KnrfnWt. Irxlnla Efteh mtioD to constst ol three fourths of a sound of i ork or bacon, or one and a fourth pound of i rem or sail dcci, cigmrcu uuu.ti wi u.cau on p.

nr twdri ounces of hsrd bread, or one and a fourth pound of oorn meali and at the rate to one hunoreo rations OI eigm quins oi ueanai ur, In lieu thereof, ten pounds of rlcrj or, in lieu thereof, twice per wtek, one hundred and filly ounces of desiccate! potatoes, and one hundred ounces of miied vegetables, len pounds of coffee or, In lieu thereof, one and a half pound of tea; tlfteen pounds of sugar) four quarts of vinegar) one pound of sperm candles, or one and ooe fourth nttUQI, UI tUKOIItUIIUIl HKUiMBer, ue view rawu h. nound of tallow, four pounds of soap, and two quarts of salt no (IIUIIS iviiiviai 'v" w.w. Commanding Offleer of each station fresh beef, either in bulk or by the single ration, of good quality, with an equal proportion of tbe fore and hind quarters, necks and kilney, tallow excluded) tbe pork, No 1 prime mess pork the Hour, extra superfine the cottec, good Rio the sugar, good New Orleans or Its equivalent) and the beans, vinegar, candles, soap, salt, (no, to be of good quality All inject to inspection All bl Is must be by the following larautee QUAUANTV The un lerslgncd, in the State of and of In the State of berebj guarantee that In case the toregolug bid ol fir rations, as aboTe described, be accepted. ha nr th will, within ten des after the recelut of the contract at the post office named, execute the contraot for the same with good and sufficient tn I to case the satd shall fall to enter late contract as aforesaid, we guarantee to make gooa the uinerenee Detwcen tne oner oi me laid and that which may be accepted Witness AD, Guarantor i is C. Guarantor I harabv certify that the above-named are known to ueas men of property, and able to tuakti good their gusrantse 10 re signet, or umiru oimb unintuu United States District Attorney, or Collector No proposal will be considered unlsis accom panied by the alove guarantee Newspapers authorised to publish tbe above will send the paper containing the tint Insertion to this oHoe for examlnat on Proposals to be sadorsed Proposals for Rtlons lor 16W," and oJdiatjJ the undersigned SLACKi octta-rviw Msjor sad ituaiteruMter, AUCTION SALES.

QUARTERMASTER OENERAI8 OFFICF, FIHST DIVISION, WASI1tnaTO, IITY, nOVEMSEft IBM Will he sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the high est bidder, at the time and places named below, Till lORK, TFNNSYLVANIA.THURSDW, Novem- LANCASTER, rFNNSYLVANtA. FRIDAY, November 20, IW4 EASTON, PENNSYLVAVNIA, THURSDAV. De-eember 1. 1M4 TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES AT EACH feLAlK These horses have been condemned as unfit for the cavalry service or the army For road an 1 farming purposes many good bargains may he had iiorses so in singly. Kales to commence at 10 a Terms cash, In United states currency JAMFS A.

EKIN, Colonel In charge First Division, 6.0 no I o-i 8 1 ALK 0 CONDEMNED HORSES. Ql ARTE It HASTEN GENEltAl'S OfriCI, rinsT ui vision, WAiKIHIITftM PlTV. tVftrfTihP T. IftEJ Will be sold at public auction, to the highest ciuueji, t.ieiimrn, (,, on FRIDAY, November II, 1861. ONE HUNURLD AND FIFTY CAVALRY HORSES These Horses have been condemned as unlit for the cavalrv servlee of the arm For road and farming purposes many good bar getlBel Uimj I Hi II Hi Horses sold singly Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a Terms: Cash In United states currency JAMES A KKIN, Colonel In charge First Division Quartermaster General Office no4 W.

L. WALL, A AUCTIONEERS, South tide Ten Avenue and hM Street UNITED STATU MARSHAL'S OF prize schooner COUUETTr. her Tackle and Cars In virtue of a decree Issued from the Clerk a Crtlce of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, and to ma directed I will sell, for sash, at the Bnaar of W. L. Wall A Co Louisiana ave nue, betwe-in ninth and Tenth streets wesr, on SATURDAY, the 12th day or November, Inst 1884, commencing at 10 clock a the followiog goods and chattels, to wit, being part of the oargo Ol tie aoovc-name-u en on oer i 3 boxes or Lyncnourg Tobacco, Lot Smoking do 10 bags Wool, 1 barrel Brown Sugar, 11 bags Flour, 10 Plough Shares, 1 Chair, 2 bags Beans, 1 package.

Tea, 3 barrels Flour, I bsg Salt. barrel Whisk), 1 bag Guano, 6 Brooms, 1 bsrrel Siup, 3 Brushes. 1 barrel old Iron. Also, at 4 o'olock. on the same day.

I will sell, at the root of sixth street wharf, on the To-tomae river, The schooner Coquette and her Tackle, 13 hogsheads of Leaf Tobacco, Large lot of Wheat, I-urnlture In cabin, and 6 Chlakens WARD LAMON, Marshal District of Columbia By W. L. WALL fc CO, no7-td Chroo Auctioneers. 2ALEOFCONDEMNEDORDNANCE STORKS WasnttOTON Ausenal. Washington, Novembers, IM4 Will be sold at nubile auotlon.

at the Arsenal. on the 19th of NOVEMBER, 10 clock, a a lot of ORDNANCE STORE, condemned as unfit for use, vin 1 fleam Bil'er and Pump, 1 Double Lathe, 6 Grindstones, 741 Gray ankets, IftoS Blue flankets, 1901 Re 1 Blankets, 17 Pole Pads, rutta ere ha, allis eavalry round, 2117 Nose Bags, 28)1 Surcingles, 1631 Blankets, 633 MoCIcllan Saddle Ticce, 1 10 yards Silk Serge, 40 pounds Woollen arna, 1000 pounds do Rags, i pounds Shoo Thread, 8A Bands, 6 Jugs, 7 Bottles, 3 Water Cans, ill Watering Buckets, gutta percha, 10 do do leather AL0, A Urge lot of ROCGHT AND CAST IRON. Successful bldlerswlll be required to remove tho stores within fivedtys from the date of sale. Terms i Cash, in Government funds noS lit Major Commanding ALE OF CONDEMNED OATS ClltCr QrARTEKMAITER'l OrilCt, I ucroT or waihi.oton, Waiiiih.ton, November IbM Ulll be inlj At nuhllu AUfltion At Seventh afreet WriArr. WAiMneton.

on SATURDA1. No vember 12, IS6I, el 11 eloeli, a a quAntlly of condemned ai unfit (or uie Suoeeitlul MdJeri will be rrrjuireil lo re move the OAti nlthtn he (6) 1aji Irom ilAte of tele rermi cein, in liovrrnment moa. II MUCKER, Crleedler UenerAl And Chiel (tuertermAiter, no3-llt Depot of VS Aihlocton L. LYONS'S 1'UItE OHIO CATAW01 BRANDT! The undorsixned have been duly appointed the ooly and sole agent for the sale el this truly Pure Medlolnal Brandy lor the city of ashlngton, D. (,, and the District of CoIumBla This Brandy has been thorouajMr analvted by the State As saycr, Dr.

A A Hayes, Chemist, and Prof Upham Shetmard.ol Charleston. Prof R. Chilton. ofNework) Prof Pratt, of Savannah) Prof L-moni, Nichols, and pronounced by them to be strictly pur, and an excellent stimulant In alt cases where pure oranaies are inaieaieu The manufacturer of this floe Brandy guarantees (or will refund the money) that It will cure Cholera Infantum, Summer Complaint with Children Dlanhxa and Bowel Complaint, Physicians are now describing it In place ol paregoric, not hat lng the dea lenlng effect of that medicine unontbe Drain Tne want oi pure meui clnalJBrandy has long been felt in this com. try.

The properties contained in tms uranuy am mum strioeent than trench Brandies This the manu facturers claims are the merits, and challenge the world to disprove these facts Z. Drupglst, Pennsylvania avenue, ocMdi Agent for District of Columbia CUIEF OF. I ICE, DiroT or WAiuiMOToa.WAiiuiieTOif, I) (1. Jknuarvi. 1BW All dealers in Drugs, Hardware, Lumber, Leather, Offlee furniture, Harness, and Saddlery, are requested to seed to this office, on the MONDA ol each week, a sealed proposal or list, in duplicate, ol the articles they are prepared to furnish to this epol ai snort notice, wiiu iuo pnov vi rtwu arkodtn tlain ngures, so that, la case the exi-nir tha afrrlea rauuire tt.

the article or ivr tides can be obtains! without delay, and at the lowest price. Lalersvishlng to sell to this Depot will be re-autre 1 to furnish the list unetually every Monday II If I IT If II irning i.uvnc sriRSUier oeacnu nm ua-t, W.ahlnetn. rpiIIS TO GIVE NOTICE, THAT I th iihscrlbcr has obtained from the On bans' Court of asl ington county, in tke District of Co lunibla, letters testamentary on the 1 ersonal estate otf At oer Brush, late of Washington city, District of Columbia, deceased All persons having claims against the said deceased arc hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vo lehers thereof, to the subscriber, on or be Tore the SJth day ol October netj they may otherwise by law be excluded from all Dtnecu 01 me saiu estate Given under my hand this 25th day of Ooteber, I60I TLATT BRUSH, Ur ooJA-wlw SMITH A FAWfl, FiU.NCHCONECTIONk.RY And LADIKS' RhSTA RANT, No. US est Baltimore street, BALTIMORE. ino rarrsi uBucasiri rtuiis, vnjm, muuu, Sjionge and roeted Cakes supplleU to families at shortest notice MUAL9 AT ALL HOURS Ok THK DAY.

rTbe choicest Wines constantly on hand. fell 1UK UELMOISIOO LUNOHi 333 PENNSILVVNIA AENUK Opposite Wlllards' Hotel Choicest Wines, Liquor Champagnes, Ales, Clears Sala Is and Dell caotei sel-tf EDWARD liYCETT, BOOKB1NDLR. So 311 PstH Avr Washihutoii. Books bound 14 e.sry style larkey orowo, inlssDd Call ew roroLAn loan. FIRST NATIOSAL BANK, Fifteenth posits United states Ttevurr.

WASftiMOToa- inly 8S, II 4. UNDER AUTHORITY StcnETARY OF THE TREASURY, this Bank. Is now prepared torecotveeubeetli Uom for the NEW 7- LOAN, advertised bySeeteUry 30th lost. The notes will be Issued hearing date August tS4t, In denominations ol s)B0, tioo, gwo, and 95,000, payable to bearer or order, hearing In terest at 7 1 16 per centum per unum, payable semi annually, and convertible, at tho option of tho holder, at maturity, Into Five-Twenty I ear Six Ter Cent Gold-Dearlog Bonds. The Interest on a note Is I eeatjona O0 note, 2 centsi on a 500 note, 10 eentsi on a note, 20 centsi end on a note, I for each day.

Full Information furnished by applying personally or by letter to this bank We sell Exchange on mil the prlnsi. 'leeol tho United States, loan money, recelv uipoelta, purchase Government cheeks and voushets, and transact a general banking business OCJ WM 8. HUNTJNOTON, Cashier. 500 HKMOVAL 5()0 TO NETW BUILT MO, 3:500 SEVENTH STCEET. OINMO ODD FELLOWS1 UAL-L; JAMBS S.

TOPHAU A HAVE KEMOVXD Their Well Known, Old EeLbllihed TRUNE, BADL.ERY, HARNESS, AID MILITARY EQUIPMENT MANUTACTOBT, TO THBIA NEW BUILDINO, 3 500 SEENTH STREET, DIRECTLV orroSITE THE OLD STAND, her. mi b. found, of our own m.nuf Aetare. molt eomplete Aieortment of etrt. And prie.

of nllUUrr And eltueae, AUULM AOU DlllVUW, BREAST COLLARS. AND MARTINOALES. riNESWURD fAtent sllee. Sol. UAQUlAatorere ol iinuiiuLA-s r.iiiii iruna, AlAnufAotureri of LA.NOHOLZ rATENT CURB And NOSE STRAP FOR SALE! EWBANK'S PATENT SPUR, STEEL.



lAth.r, CAOTAie BAa, LAdlee rreoeti SeUheli, Toy Tranke end Sebool S.lenell, end ererr utlili ueir Un. of MiaUimi. 3: 500 SEVENTH STREET. pnorosALs ron mail-baqb. rosT urrits ui htm WASIUNOTOIf, ISO Sealed Fronosals will be received al this Depart ment until o'clock, the X3d day of NoTem-ber next, for furnishing, during the period from tna 1st aay or veeemoer.

iot, 10 am mna oi juaw, 1M0, suoh quantities of tbe following kind o4 MAIL-BAGS as may irom time 10 time requires and ordered, to wlti JilTk. CANVAS MATL-SACKS Of sixe No. I (M inches In length ends Inches lo circumference;) 01 Slie HO (II lOiara in kurim uu iuhum ih circumference aid of else No I (S3 Inches In length and SS Inches In circumference The sacks of sue No. 1 are to be make of closely-woven Jute Canvas, weighing not less than It ounces to the yard of UX Inches In wldtnt the yarns of the warp to be each doubled and twisted and to weigh one ounce to about fifty jar as, and of the tilling or weft, tf not like those of the warp, to weigh one ounce to about eight-five yards The sacks of sire No are to be made of Jute Canvas, weighing not less than 11 ounces to the yard of WX inches width; the warp and weft tu be nearly as above described. The sacks or site No 1 are to be made or thinner Jute canvas, weighing not less than 4 ounces to the yard of lltf Inches width.

Those of sites Nos and 3 are to bo made with a tabling or hem at tha top, two Inches wide, upon which a sufficient number oreyeletholes atleasl ten to the former and eight to the latter are to be well wrought 1 and they are each to be provided with a good and sufficient hemp cord to lace and tie them thoroughly and strongly. Unless seamless, tbey are to be made with two seams, secured, each with two rows or sswlog All are to be marked, lnsUe and outside, 8. MAIL, la large and distinct tetters Any proposed improvement that may be desirable ia the tallty of materials or manner ol construction will be considered, relatively to price, in deciding tbe lowest and best bids, Nn nrnnniti will aonsldered if not accompa nted with specimens showing the senstrustlon and quality of materials and workmanship or each size of the seeks bid fori and Also a written guar anty from tne persons propoivu aurvuua uuh responsibility must be certified by the postmas er of the place where they reside! that they will become responsible, on sufficient bond, for tbe due performance ol tbe 00 a tract in case such prepoiei Yutifo sacks contracted for are to be delivered, at the expense of the eontraetor, at Boston, New ork. Philadelphia. Baltimore, and Washington, D.

in such quantities and at such times as may TbeVftimated quantity required will probably not exceed thirty thousand sacks, noludlng aft sliesl but the Postmaster General will resarvsj the rixbt to order and receive more or lees than such quantity, during the term of the contrast, ae the wants and Interests of the service may seeiu to him to demand Ihe specimens must be delivered nt this Depart-mentonor before the 33d of November next) and every ooe submitted should ho well and distinctly marked with tbe number denoting Its slie, ant have attached to tt a sample of the cloth or csovae six Inches square) of which tt Is made Such as can, with safety and convenience, be used In tb sen lee will be paid for at the prices specified In the proposals relating thereto A decision on the bids will be mad on or before the 3Jd of November next, and the ascep ted bidder tn inlar intn CODtraet. With BUtTl- dent bond end security, on or before th 1st of ueeemoer, io. The proposal should be transmitted In mM envelope, endorsed Proposals for Mall-Bags anu oe auarewsea 10 master Gensral, Coutreot OBts, Washington, 1 tt DHNNIJOn. ool9wlt rostmaitar General OUN WShOKBlPB SUULKA SUeTIAUAJUiAt i Li MauiMa natrad. I IM TENNSYLVANIA AVKJiUfc blnm Ninth ud Tenth WmU, (up itAirl Th.proprl.lor ol Ihle oilM p.reinopAlMto mAk.tlu.

WAAnlnirtoni u. n. poUU with pie 1w.11 a and li. UmmojI 1 rsoxred al tt "ii'iSilSS'iwMooa. -ww.

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