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Richmond Enquirer from Richmond, Virginia • 4

Richmond Enquireri
Richmond, Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

POETRY. MUCH VKT ItEMAINS FOX Tilt: Th( following Verses were written by a laihj uoic at the Hed Sulphur? (IS a Visiter. TO THE it El) SCLPHCR SPRING. Could oil! roseate, sparkling spring, il Perform tho I'll vied duly, 'J And with truth and fervor sing Tliy wotid'otis power and matchless beauty? Willi all a Poet's homage graced, Thy various virtues should appear, And fur beneath thee would be placed 0 The magic fountains of Cashmere. 10 (iiiuiiiisii With miracles wo class thee? I And ne'er can she a boon bestow Ju worth or hrightueiss, to surpass thee.

Coohl aught thy fairy charms improve? Itioh rnby tints thou dost display, Thro' diamond waves, that us they move, To the sun rentier ray for ray. Had thy bright colors met his eye, Plutarch had erased to pruuc Ciilusa? And iu the urt to beautify, Thou livulest famed Arclhusa. Thou trniu'st us not lite CoJophou, Events far distant to foretell? But thou canst bid us to live on I And sac them, which is just as well. For like tho Ethiop's oily fount, i Which life divested of its brevity, (So sage historians recount,) Thuti, also, dost bestow longevity. Then, when the Poet's tnslt wus said, I'd ask, as meed of its perfections, i To know whence that "mysterious red," foreign to most Thy hlitshcscall forth mucli surprise, 'l'heir cause weary us? For, Horner did not analyse, 1 Aud Xicklin savs it is "mysterious." But wilicethuu spread's! thy mystic dves On cheeks whose paleness pained before, AnJ shnrost thy hrilliaucy with eyes That else Imd never sparkled tuoro? Since sinking spirits to preserve, Thou dost thy buoyancy impart, Aud trnnquilise eurh harriissuil uervo 1 And rule utfections of the Thankless it wore, blost Spring! and vain I To tdx tliec more, anJ weak to cavil That thou in petto dost retain Tho mystery we would fain unravel.

I tho New Vork Rumored small stir was created II in Wall street this morning, by rumors irom mi the flight of the cashier of the Commercial Bank in that city, and the discovery of a large deficit in its funds. The rumors were in some degree confirmed by the fol- lowing brief paragraph from the Albany Daily Adveiti- I ser, bearing date of this morning, but published in anti- "It was reported yesterday that the Commercial Bank of Albany bad discovered that a portion of its funds, to a considerable amount, had been abstracted." The reports are numerous, and doubtless greatly exaggerated. We were told in Wall street of various sums having been abstracted from the bank, varying from to It was also reported that the Bank of America had been overdrawn by the absconding cashier of the Commercial Bartow. But such is not the fact. So far as the Bank of America is apprised of the facts of the case, the drafts upon them appear to have been i regular transactions; the checks having been received and paid through the regular channels, and in the ordinary course of wo may add, that, thus far, no fraud has been discovered by the officers of the last mentioned Bank.

If, then, there has been any fraud, in connexion with the business of the Bank of America and the Commercial Bank, the cashier of the latter must 1 have charged remittances to the former which he has pocketed instead of remitting. It is also rumored, that the Commercial Bank has stopped. Such could not have 1 been the fact until this morning; because, nothing wrong in the aft'airs ot the Bank was dreamed of, at Al- 8 bany, until yesterday morning; and the first symptom of distrust was occasioned, not by any by the I long and unaccounted-for absence of the cashier, fr. 1 event, the paper of the Commercial I taken at the Bank of America, as usual. The erroneous statements published in some of the i n.

1 OIK tu icittUMii uiwauuiovi cial Bank iu this city, have called out the following statement from the Directors, which we copy from the Eve. Journal of yesterday: siegus. The Commercial disappearance of Henry Bartow, late Cashier of the Commercial Bank of Albany, has naturally created much excitement, as it did the astonishment of the Directors and persons connected with that Institution, and given rise to various'rumors concerning its solvency. in consequence of the publication of an article in the Journal of Commerce, of New York, stating the capital of the Bank I at and an embezzlement of by the late Cashier, the Directors deem it proper to prise the public, that the capital of the bank actually paid in is $300,000, together with a nelt surplus of $70,203, a making the total amount of capital The rectors are not apprised of defalcations to the amount of which, if it should be that sum, will leave an unimpaired capital of $240,203. Although a partial loss I I is thus sustained by the stockholders, the directors are enabled, from the examinations made, to give the assur- in no event can injury or loss accrue toothers.

Besides, by the terms of the charter of this Bank, the stockholders are individually responsible to double the amount of the original capital, being $600,000. The business of the Bank will not be suspended, and all notes, drafts and depositee will be paid on demand. John Townsknd, President. 1 WlJ.f.iam W.m.ker, V. Prrs't.

George VV. Stanton, John L. Schoolcraft, Wji.I.JAM NEWTON, Lewis Bf.seuict, James Horneii, John (Jott, Seth Hastings, Directors. 1 Lj N. other are at present absent from the city.

Jllbany, October 13, 1833. Excitement in New Wall street, says the Commercial Advertiser of Tuesday, I I Was in an uproar utlei r.oori, caused by the uu- welcome discovery, lliat a jobber in fancy stocks had sud- denly ''evacuated Flanders," leaving certain checks up- on various banks, to the amount which he had given as so much cash, in the morning, utterly unprovided for. The individual is a young Englishman, cnlling him- aelf Wilding, who has figured to some extent in the stuck market lately, as well as in Broadway, where lie made tjuitc ashow'evcry day with green frock coat, red velvet waistcoat, low-crowned hat, and a great store of diamonds I u.nd safety chains. In thc-cfusrse of the woming, he purchased stocks oF one dealer to the amount and 11,000 of another, giving his checks in forgetting to make deposits to meet those checks, he made sale of the scrip without a moment's delay, fingered I the proceeds, amou-nt'mg to dollars, and instantly bolted. The roguery was discovered, of course, on pre- venting the myrmidons of the police wore roused to the at 11 o-'elook last night, the gentleman was civilly ushered into the presence of the magistrates, having been arrested somewhere in the up- per part of the city, lie had removed his lodgings, with bog and baggage, but his movements were neither rapid nor secret enough to evade the pursuit of the keen ministers of the law.

A large part of the money found upon his person. The strangest part of this affair is the reudiness of The ibrokors to suffer so large un amount of money to pass I out of their "hands, with no bettor security -for -repayment than the checks of an 'unknown daudv fo- i reigner without connexions, or guarantees of any kind for his integrity, and who has been known, even bv sight, only a few months in Wall street. In the card published in the morning papers announcing his fraud and offering a reward for his apprehension, he is repre- I aented as no more than "about twenty years old." October 2. Governor Horner bvrnt in Ernr.v.?We learn 1 that the new Governor of Michigan has not been very cordially received by the Wolverines, having been himt I in effigy in the streets cf Detroit a few nights after his ar- aival at that presume, having refused to enn- 1 I tinue the mad policy of the late -Secretary, ho 1 has incurred the displeasure of sovereign people. of 'Detroit.

We have no papers froiu that city since our Michigan.) Oct. John S. Horner, of Virginia, our new Secretary and Acting Governor, arrived in Detroit a few days since. He is said 1 to be a very gentlemanly man, antl determined to sns- 1 tain the interests of Michigan. Our citizens Ewt ap- pear wiijipg and sustain jh.Uv* We have always been prepossessed iu of the Virginia and (eel satisfied that Mr.

Horner will support himself and the integrity Michi- gin. We understand a committee waited Qc joa Tuesday last, for ttie jMirpose of ascertaining his views in regard to the rights and interests of Michigan, which we have no doubt they fo.tind to be.correct. Governor Lucas gained any thine bv the exchange He must jecqHect still have a Virginian for election in the Detroit Journojlj qf Pet. Stlij yve have returns from that city, which alow Gov. JVlason has been, in all probability, chosen Without opposition throughout the territory.

Whether bWiwe the territory Is as a Stale nto the Union, be illegal or not, we do not pretend to ay, though we are inclined to the opinion that it cannot ie considered valid. In any event, however, whatever nay be the feelings of the people towards Van liuren, we re certain that Mason will receive the gubernatorial ote, now or I b'tar. TEXAS IN REVOLUTION. It appears th it the citizens of Texas, who have etnirnted from the United States, will have lighting to do, nd that before very the contest is now goig defend their lives, liberty, and properly, from lie tyranny and oppression of a military uina. Such a tiling as a confederated Republic no longer xists in any part of whole power is ated in the hands of Santa Jinnti.

He has overrun the tepublican State ofZacatecas, which determined loiuainlin her separate existence, rights, and privileges, as a late, witli liis mercenary slaves of mitary despotism and misrule. The rest of Mexico has gierrllv given in passively to his domination, and consolidation of all power at the centre, in the amis of one tyrant, now prevails. The Governor of Texas lias been cast in piison by the soldiers of Sanla their Legislature dispersed by the bay Texas will resist the tyrant, however, with war to the One brave United States riHeman can put ten if the cowardly slaves of Mexico to lie can it with a Huieic knife. The last accounts represent, hat Suntu Anna is concentrating forces on the borders if Texas to make a descent upon the State. We also earn with pleasure, that the brave men of Texas are prewiring to meet they will meet him when he loines, we hope, as men who fight for their wives and hiidien, their altars and their tin sides Will not the friends, kinsmen, and countrymen of hose men who have to stand this perilous conflict for lilerly, and their rights, lly to their rescue from the Mississippi tin? whole Union? Here is a noble ield open for foituue, fame and generous daring.

Are here none to be found to fly to the aid of their own Jretliren in Texas, when threatened with desolation and leslructiou; none of the sons of those sires who now reuise in pence, prosperity anil liberty, for which the blood h'osewsko ami i-e and La FoijcUr, and housaiuls of other brave foreigners, who generously came the assistance of us in our revolutionary struggle, was died? It would be a lasliiigsligiuu upon the U. S. to sillier he tyrant Santa Anna to overrun with slaughter and ruin llieir brethren iu Texas. We do not mean that the Government need shouidcr your rifles and inarch to Texas men, who have an honorable fame to seek, and a duty to do. Liberty iu a foreign land demands martyrs, if need be, from Republican our men brethren in a neighboring count) surely will not be denied our help.

We are induced to make these remarks, by the reception of the following letter from a friend in Texas, a gen tieman of considerable prominence in that country, enclosing an account of the late proceedings thereat Y'aesco in the Jurisdiction of Columbia. The letter is post marked at Fort Jesup in Louisiana, Ifllii September, 1635. "Dear will perceive by the enclosed that tlexico is about to force us into a war, or what is worse, a submission to Military Government. Ours will not fa revolt or rebellion, but a brave struggle to maintain ur rights and liberties with the Constitution which we lave sworn to support upon our side. Let inc ask you use your tongue and pen in our behalf.

Call upon the euerous chivalry of our brethren and friends in our naive land, loeome and help 11s beat back the tyrant and lis millions. "Conquer we must, For our cause it is list." The God oF buttles and the Constitution are villi us, and we have no Fears For the issue. "In great Friend." Democrat. (From the Washington, C. Whig.) Issurkkction learn from the Elizabeth 'ity Herald of the Times, that the citizens of Pasquoank county were thrown into a considerable state of xcitcinent, a few days since, in consequence of the iscovery of an insurrectionary spirit among tfieir black lobulation.

A respectable planter of thai county havng overheard early on the morning of the Idlith the romen in his kitchen talking, and gained enough from hem to induce him to make further inquiries, lie afterranis asked a black boy, who was present at. the con ersalion, what it was. He hesitated to answer, but vhen told he should do so, said it was some good news, lis owner then told him if it was good news he wanted hoar it, and he must and should tell, fie then coinnenced by saying that next Tuesday night, ult.) vas the time the negroes intended to rise, kill the white eople, and get their he had heard the legro men talking about it. This boy was then taken villi one or two others he had implicated, and examined eparately by two or three gentlemen. The first, after orne hesitation, and not without some threats, concssed that there was an insurrection talked about? hat though no plan had been matured and no time fix for its commencement, yet the officers had been seeded, and gave their names.

Another was then exauined.i'nd without any threats being used, corroborated the testimony of the first, and both gave the names if those concerned, all of whom were immediately crested, and committed to the jail of that county. A "oinuiiltcc of twelve respectable planters was subsejuenlly appointed to examine the evidence which had previously taken place, and was conducted in a becoming manner, not in the least calculated to alarm or intimidate those who were brought before tlieiu anil sworn, die nature of an oath being first explained to them; but nstead giving the same evidence tliev had done when irsl arrested, either knew nothing about it. or were un.villinir to tell. One of them, who atmeared to be much ilarmed, when asked one of the committee why he lid not tell the same story he had told two days before, uiswercd, he had said more then than was true. The iepositiuiis of two white women were then read by the which stated that they had heard one of the irisoners say to another hut there was a man coming tcrc from (he to set them I rep, hut that if he did lotilo it, they would have their freedom any how.

The committee decided that these negroes should be iept in confinement until Monday, nth that those vho are free be ordered to leave the State previous to lie first of November, and that, the owners of the slaves requested to send them out of the State, which rejuest will be generally complied with. P11E NT A TIO.N CJF THE A E. Boston, Oct. to the arrangement of he committee of the subscribers, the magnificent Vase, irdered by a large number of the citizens of Boston, ind designed as a taint tribute of respect to the ul at it. talents and political virtue ol DANIEL WLBSTEK, was piesented last evening, in due form.

The rcrvuiotiial was at ihe Odeon. It had been previously iiinoiiiieed in the pajieis, that the doors would he openrd at 7 o'clock, for subscribers to the fund and invited quests bearing tickets of admission, including ladies. Long before the hour, the doors were beset by a douse row of people, a large proportion of whom were ladies. crowd extended all round the building, and tar ihmg Federal strict, in a lew minutes alter the doors were opened, it became impossible to arrest the throng hat pressed forward for entrance, and the crow rushed poll mell: hundreds, nay, thousands, including a large iroportioii who iiad tickets, were compelled to go away or want of room. '1 lie House is capable of accommodating more people, with seals, than any other building in the city.

When ive at length got inside (soon utter o'clock) the House was crow ded to i xeess in every part, the second tier of joxes beiusr oceunii-d exclusively bv Indies. We learn that the Hon. Francis I'. (1 ray, in behalf of the Uoiiimi-Hee, presenting the Vase, addressed Mr. Webster his usual sU le el eloquence lor about half an On concluding Ins re i uar lis, Mr.

Webster rose to reply, and to address the meeting. We did not have an opportunity to heai the remarks of Mr. (May, the e.xerilitun of Mr. Webster: at tlse moment we entered lie was treating on the principles of our glorious Constitution and the powers of Uovcriiiiienl. lie continued lor about an hour on these great and momentous topics, enchaining the attention of his vast audience, in strains of that trunscendant and masterly eloquence, for which lie has long been It would be impossible to-do justice to the powers ol eloquence and of on this occasion.

It contained no-rant, no laboring of words, nothing trivial, nothing Jot auerc effect and ostentatious display it was fruin beginning to end. a full stream of patnotic and lofty sentiment, couched in the most simple ind soul-stirring language of truth, reason, and sterling sense in short, to apply the possible encomium, I was Mr. Webster's sentiments, expressed in Mr. Webster's happiest style and manner. Alter liiis, it would be needless to add, that.the matchless orator carded his ivholeuudiettce.wilhhiuij-aiid whilst, in speaking, was so still a whisper could be heard tar die close of his thrilling periods, the ample walls would ling- with shouts of applause.

iXo orator of ancient modern could have been more eloquent, or ivas ever listeaed to with more profound attention or dciglit. Could his words been heard by the whole American people, they would with one voice, and proclaim hint the greatest of orators, and the most sinicrc. and iinrhrht. unit nairioli-c. of We Irust that this address, together with that Mr.

Gray, will tie published without delay. The Vase was a magnificent specimen of American m. will remain for few days at store of Messrs. fjWashington street, for lite inspection of those who wish to n'-jc lor themselves. After the close, of the interesting ceremonials, the roininitlee ol arrangements, and their guest, Mr.

Webster, together several other partook an elegant suppei at the Treuiont Thk numbers Jiave to see tlie Vase at Jones', Washington street. is after the model jftlie mammoth Vase at Warwick Castle, in It cqytaius tile following inscription: hkesksteu to WEBSTER, TH? HF.FfuYlJKR OF THK CUXSTJT.CTIO.\"t citizens of boston, Oct 12, 535. A letter of the Llth August, from -an officer of the ViuerLcan Squadron, in the Mediterranean, mentions a luel having taken place at Goigente, in Sicily, on the ilh August, between Lt. David R. Stewart and acting A.

Turner. The former received a wound in his body, vhiclt occasioned his latter also was woundd in the leg. -w Washington Oct. 15. THE FRENCH QUESTION.

The Courier and Enquirer of the 12th instant, has the following paragraph: Wo have also been informed on what we believe lo be good authority, that M. Pageot, the French Charge 1 d'Alfaires at Washington, had caused an imitation to Le made to the by direction of his a simple official communication of the President's approval of the last letter of Mr. Livingston to the French Government, would be received by them as a sufficient compliance with the conditions on which the money is to be paid; but that the President, with bis usual emphasis of language, had positively refused to allow this to be done." There is not the slightest foundation for any portion of this statement. Mr. Pageot "caused No intimation lo be made to the President, that a simple official communication of the President's approval of the lost letter of Mr.

Lirinirston to the. French (Joccrnmcut, would br. re.cciccd as a sufficient compliance, with the conditions on irliirh the moncij is to be paid;" and so far from the President's giving a direct refusal, liwith his usual emphasis," or even closing the door to a call for the "oliicial communication to the French Government" of Ins approval of Mr. Livingston's last letter, by an intimation of unwillingness to furnish it in the most authentic form to that Uovernmeni, v.e leci aumonsuu in saying, that if it had been desired, either by the Representative of the Frencii Government here, or by the French Government from our Representative in Paris, it would have been promptly and cheerfully (Jloie. Of it Rki.v no.vs with New York American of Wednesday says, We believe there is no doubt that a demand has been made on the French Government by an authorised American Mr.

the money." We presume our coleuiporary, in speaking of an authorised American functionary, alludes to Mr. Vail, our Ciiargeat London. On the subject of this gentleman's journey, we also find the following in the London Times of the 3d ultimo: The American Charge d'AfFairs' (Mr. Vail's) visit to Paris was on a diplomatic mission from his Government, there not being at present an American Knvoy, since Mr. Livingston's departure at the Tuilicries.

Mr. Vail, on his departure from Dover for London, received the salute as Ambassador. Now, we will not undertake to say that the demand has not been made as staled by the American, for we knownot the source from which that journal has derived its information, neither will we deny the statement of the London Times, that Mr. Vail's visit to Paris was a diplomatic mission, but we do say, there is no good reason to be assigned for selecting Mr. Vail to make the demand whilst Mr.

Barton was at Paris, and further, thai if his visit to Paris was diplomatic, it was also matrimonial, it may he, that the successor of Mr. Van Bnron at the Court of St. James has, to use a homely saying, "killed two birds with one stone," or that, failing to obtain indemnity in his public character, he has sought and obtained it in his individual capacity, lint until our cotemporary throws more light on the matter, we shall incline to believe that Hymen and not General Jackson, directed Mr. Vail's steps towards the French metropolis. Y.

Courier. We learn that the Commissioners appointed to treat with the Western Indians have returned to Fort Gibson, alter having successfully acomplished the object of their I mission. A treaty of amity was concluded by them, between the United States and the CJierokees, Creeks, Choetaws, Osages, Senecas and occurred to interrupt the general harmony, and all parties separated with good feelings. There is no doubt but that this arrangment will be productive of happy effects, it is the lirst time these wild Indians have met upon such an occasion. They have hcrctofoie kept the frontier in a stale of alarm, and have attacked with equal impartiality, citizens of the United Slates and the Indians.

We learn that there are three families or divisions of those Indians, who inhabit the great Western Those are the Camanches, who are the most numerous, but who have no fixed or permanent villages, and follow the herds of buffaloes, with their moveable lodges, sometimes North and sometimes South of Red River. The Wilchelus, consisting of several bands, some liv- ing North, and others South of Red River. Those North are the Tuwecash and Wachos. They have fixed villages, and raise corn and vegetables. The Kicawavs are the third family.

They have no fixed residences, but wander froin the Cross Timbers on the Arkansas, Canadian, and Red River, to the Rocky Mountains; and are sometimes, though not often, found South of Red River. As many di tie rent terms have been i used in designating these Indians, we have thought it would be acceptable to remove the confusion occasioned by an imperfect knowledge of them, and give their di- visions as reported by the Commissioners. From some cause not known, the ion ways did not tend; but we learn that a deputation of their Chiefs was 1 expected at Fort Gibson, to give their concurrence to the arrangement made. We further learn, that the Commissioners have very judiciously inserted a provision in the treaty, iuculcut- ing the dcsiic of the United States upon the Indians, that they remain at peace with Statement of the balance of Gold remaining at the Mint uncoined 011 the 3Jsl of August. with the i umounl deposited for coinage within the mouth of September; together with the amount of gold coinage executed within the same period: Remaining at the Mint uncoined, August 31st, Ie.kt, Deposited for coinage within the month of September, viz Uncoined Gold Bullion of the United Stales, do.

do. Foreign, United States Coins of the former standard, l.Ofi.) Foreign Coins, 1.790 Amount coined within the month of Sepetnbcr, (of which was in Quarter Eagles.) Remaining at the Mint uncoined, September The following letter from Mr. Or.iiF.N, communicates some particulars of Mr. Karri's last moments. It will be read with melancholy interest by all who enjoyed the acquaintance of the Co.NSfl ATE OK THE UnITKH STATES, Liverpool, Augusl30th, 1 cSii.

jMv De ar Sir: I have this morning performed the melancholy duty of communicating to the Secretary of Stale, the painful news of the death of Major Harry; and as I know it will be gratifying to you to hear from a friend some particulars of his last moments, 1 take the liberty of relating iheni to you. lie landed here on the Kith instant, in a state of great debility, which was in some measure ascribed by his physician, and believed by mo, to have been increased by his sufferings during the voyage. 1 lis revival for a few days inspired the hope that ibis was the case, and that change of air and scene, nnd skilful treatment, might restore him to sufficient strength to undertake his journey; the moderate exercise from which 1 felt sanguine would prove beneficial. Our hopes, however, were of short duration he soon relapsed, and for the last week has been gradually sinking. Three days since, he calmly informed me that he was quite aware of, and perfectly prepared for the result; and wished only to make a few arrangements as to his affairs here, to sol his mind quite at every tiling at home was left as lie desired.

This was very soon effected, and he bade me farewell with the same composure that he would have done in taking an ordinary journey. On tl.c succeeding day. and snTce that time, except at short intervals, lie lay insensible, entirely free from pain or suffering of any kind. He yesterday showed some scinusiu'ss of the presence of a clergyman, by apparently responding to his prayer; and this morning, at 11 o'clock, lie breathed his last, without a struggle; so gradually, indeed, that it was hardly perceptible when lite became extinct. 1 have undertaken that all proper respect shall he paid to his remains, and shall do every tiling in my power to alleviate the distress of his alllicted widow and son.

1 ain, my dear sir, with the greatest respect and sincere affection, your obedient servant, FRAS. B. OGDEN. Nation at. Mo mm Board of Managers of the Washington National Monument Society lias appointed the following gentlemen collectors of contributions for the erection of the National Monument to the memory of Washington, viz: For the Stale of Light Horton of Boston.

For Ebenezer Burrill. of New York. For Hinman, Esq. of New Haven. For Mitchell, Esq.

of Washington. For S. Lansdale, Esq. For Wilson Bowling Green. for Chas.

McLean. For U. Hyde and G. W. Watterston.

For JWjp H. F. Condict. We regret to liear tlial the jail at Halifax Court-house, together with a quantity of muskets, swords, deposited in the upper story, fur safe keeping, were consumed hy fire, on Saturday night last. There were only two prisoners, a black and a white man.

neither of whom escaped. It is supposed that the fire was the work of an incendiary, though suspicion has fixed upon no pat- ticular individual. Kfiorts were making, however, to i discover the Lynchburg Virginian. More Boundary the New Hampshire Statesman, we learn that the Canadian government have intimated their intention of taking possession of the Indian Stream Territory, on the Northern confines of New Hampshire, though that tract has been under the jurisdiction of that State for twenty years, and was agreed to be left so until the Madawasca question is adjusted. Much ill blood and excitement exist.

The inhabitants have rebelled against New Hampshire. and the British authorities sustain them in it. Rail-Road Convention is to assemat Tuscaloosa, (Alabama,) on the 4th Monday in No. vember next, the object of which is to deliberate on mat. ters, and to oiiginate measures, in reference to the great Southern which has been projected kon Nash.

villa to New meeting of the citizens of Mobile, wft9 held on the 28lh ot which delegutes were appointed to attend said Convention. Hubert G. H'ifliams, publisher of the Emancipator," one of the principal Abolitionist papers at the North, has been indicted by the Grand Jury of Tuscaloosa county, Alabama, for circulating in that Slate, contrary to her laws, pamphlets and papers of a seditious and incendiary character, tending to excite the slaves to insurrection and murder. And the Flag" understands that a demand will be tnade by the Governor of Alabama on the Executive of New York, for the delivery of Williams to the authorities of the former State. LIVE OAK TIMBERNavy Commissjo.s'krs' OrncK,) 111th September, IStln.

(glEALE!) PROPOSALS will be received at this office until three o'clock, P. of the sixteenth day of November next, for the supply of Live Oak Timber, as follows No. I. For the frame timber, beam and keelson pieces, and for the promiscuous timber for one ship of the line, one frigate, one sloop of war, and one schooner; to be delivered at the Yard, near Portsmouth, No. 2.

For the frame timber, beam and keelson pieces, and for the promiscuous timber for one ship of the line, one sloop of war, and one schooner to be delivered at the Yard, Charttstoicn, Massachusetts No. 3. For the frame timber, beam and keelson pieces, and for the promiscuous timber for two frigates and one steamer; to be delivered at the Yatd. (Jhi I vl CSIO if 11.,. No.

1. For llif frame li.ubcr, beam and keelson pieces, anil tlio promiscuous timber fine ship the line, one frigate, a nil one sloop ot" war; to be delivered at tlic 1 'aril, Ilrooklya, jYcic 1 urk. No. 5. For the frame timber, beam and keelson pieces, and for the promiscuous timber for one ship of the line, one frigate, one sloop of war, and one schooner; to be delivered at the Yard, Hroukhjn, JYtn: Work.

No. For the frame timber, beam and keelson pieces, and for the promiscuous timber for one steamer and one schooner; to be delivered at the Yard, in. No. 7. For the frame timber, beam and keelson pieces, and for the promiscuous timber for one ship of the line, and one sloop of war; to be delivered at the Yard, Virginia.

No. 8. For the frame timber, beam and keelson pieces, and for the promiscuous timber for one frigate, one steamer, and one schooner; to be delivered at the JYucy Virginia. The quantity and dimensions of the promiscuous timber fur each vessel, of each class, is as follows: For ship of the line, cubic feet, which must be sided inches, and be from I'd to 80 feet in length; six of the longest pieces to side 2d inches. For each frigate, 3,000 cubic feet, which must he sided lo inches, and be from Id to dU feet long; six of the long est pieces to side inches.

For inch sloop of war, 1,000 cubic feet, which must be sided Id inches, and be from Id to 18 feet long; six oflhc longest pieces to side 10 inches. Fur cuch steamer, 1,000 cubic feet, which must he sided 13 inches, and he from Id to Id feet long; six of the longest pieces to side 10 inches. Fur cadi schooner, M00 cubic feet, which must be sided 8 inches, and be from It) to JO feet long; six of the longest pieces lo side id 1-d inches. A part of the promiscuous timber may be got lo larger dimensions, provided the pieces will answer for replacing defective hawse pieces, transoms, breast hooks, or other valuable pieces. Stjiurutc offers must be made for cuch of the preceding numbers, and eaeii oiler must embrace all Lite limber that is called for by the number to which it refers; the prices asked per cubic foot must be stated fur cuch and crcry class of vessels embraced in the oiler and fur lite promiscuous timber of each class, separulcly from the other, which is considered moulded timber.

At least one fourth of the whole quantity of timber embraced in each offer, comprising a fair proportion of most valuable pieces, must be delivered on or before lirst of Juno, 1837; one half of the remainder on or before tiie first of June, 183d, and the whole on or before the first day of June. 183ft; mid if the above proportions shall not be delivered at the respective times above specifii the Commissioners of the Navy reserve to themselves the right of cancelling any contract in the execution of which such failure may occur, and of entering into new contracts, holding the original liable fur anv excess of cost and other damages which may he thus incurred. The said Live Oak Timber must have grown within twenty-five miles of the seaboard, (which must be proven lo the satisfaction of the respective Commandants,) must be got out by the moulds and written directions, and specifications of dimensions. which will be furnished to the contractors for their government, and must he free from all injuries and defects which may impair the good quality of the said limber for the purposes for which tt is required by contract, and be in all respects satisfactory to the Commandants of the respective Navy Yards where it is delivered. Bonds, with two good and responsible sureties, (whose names must he forwarded with the offers.) in the amount of one third the estimated value of the timber to be furnished under the respective contracts, will be required and, as collateral security for the faithful compliance with the terms, stipulations, and conditions, of the said contracts, ten per centum will be reserved from the actual amount of each payment which may be made from time to time, until the said contracts are completed and closed, which reservations, respectively, will be forfeited to the use and benefit of the United Stales, in the event i of failures to deliver the timber within the respective periods prescribed.

The will be furnished lo the contractors at one of the Navy Yards, Brooklyn or Gosport. September A NEGROES, to be snhl on a en dit of sir. 3. are at Tye River, Rack Island, and Rockey Point Farms, anil at Kanawha Salt Works. On Monday, the Oth day of November next, at Tye River Farm, within II miles of New Glasgow, and 'J-l miles from Lynchburg, I will sell Foutv-Nhk Nkguoks; consisting of men, women, boys and girls; with from 600 to 1000 barrels corn, a line stock of horses, cattle and lings, plantation tools, a large quantity of sheave oats, and fodder, two new wagons and harness, just bought.

On tbe Kith November next, at Hack Island Farm, 14 miles below Lynchburg and four miles of James River, Forty-two Negroes; consisting of men, women, I boys and girls; a large quantity of corn, sheave oats, with stock of horses, cattle, hogs, and sheep: plan- tatinn tools, with a set of blacksmith's tools. On Monday, 23d November next, at Rockey Point i Farm, on James River, five miles below Pattonsburg. Itnuhj-lhrcr. ncgrnrs; consisting of men, women, boys and girls; a quantity of corn, stock of horses, cattle and hogs, plantation tools, with new wagon and harness, just 1 bought. WJLLIAM MORGAN.

Lynchburg, Oct. 5. TT A Es IIIV It A iT ANA IIA COM PA Ai a stated monthly meeting of the President and Directors of the James River and Kanawha Company, held at the oliice of the Company, in the City of Richmond, on Thursday the 24th day of Spteiuber, llrstilrrd, That the of the James River and Kanawha Company, oilier than the State, be, and they are hereby required to pay to the Dank of Virginia, or one of its Branches, the sum of Five. Doi.i.aiis, on each share of stock held by tliem in the said Coin- puny, on or lieloie the day of November next. By order of the President and Directors, W.

It. CHITTENDEN, Secretary Of the James llirrr and R'aninrha Company. Any Stockholder depositing the amount of the reqni- si lion upon liini, in the Dank of Virginia, or any of its Branches, and producing a certificate of such deposits to the Secretary of the Company, will receive a credit on the books of the N. D. Olfiee of the Company, two doors below the Bank of Virginia, Main st.

Richmond. Oct. 2. Jin the (Jurcrnnr of tin: of A PROCLAMATION. II ERE AS, a vacancy hath occurred in the Senate VV of this State, in the District composed of the counties of Charlotte, Lunoiiburg.

Nottowayjand Prince Edward, by the resignation of Henry Watkins. F.sq I Now, therefore. 1, Littleton Waller Tazewell. Li over- i nor of the said Commonwealth, have thought proper to direct the Sheriffs of the several counties aforesaid, to i hold an election on the Court days thereof, in the month of November next, for a member of the Senate of this State, to fill the vacancy aforesaid. Given under my hand as Governor, and under the lesser seal of the Commonwealth, at Richmond.

thisGth day of October, 1835. LITTN W. TAZEWELL. Oct. 0.

co-parlnerslrp heretofore existing at this place, under the style of Moon Adams, was dissolved on the 1st of September last, by mutual consent. All persons having claims against said firm will present them for payment; and those indebted to the same will please make payment to cither of us, without delay, as are desirous of closing up the business of the late concern. E. H. MOON.

WM. C. ADAMS. Scottsville, Oct 'ber 1G. Weeach continue to do business in Scottsville, on scpaiatc account, where we will gladly serve our respective friends.

E. II. MOON, October Hi. WM. C.

A DA MS. AL away from the subjp scriber, in Madison county, in the month of September, 1833, a negro man, about til years old, yellow complected, with a heavy, dull look, and iown cast when spoken to; about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, heavy, well set himself Smith. I purchased said negro from Wui. Bell, of Culpcpcr county, Va. lie was raised by a gentleman of King George county, by the name of Smith.

Any person taking up said negro, and confining him in some jail, so that 1 get him, or delivering him to Humphrey Taylor, of Madison county, or giving mc information of the same, at Mesopotamia, Green county. Alabama, shall receive the above reward. ASA WHITE. Aug. to Virjiisfo Fanners.

fl, subscriber, one of the paten- i tees of Fox and Borland's Staple- i Tooth, Spring-Bed Thrashing Ma- i would hereby give notice to i the Virginia Farmers and Machinists, i I that I have sold and transferred to Mr. JaLez Patkcrof Richmond, the exclu- i ive right of making, using, and vend- ing to others to be used, Fox and Bor- i land's improvements in a Thrashing i Macliine, (secured to them by letters patent, bearing dale of February Sth, IS31,) in the conn- ties of Ohio and Brooke, and all of the counties in Virginia hast of the Alleghany Mountains, except the counties of Loudoun. JeliVrson, Berkeley and Fauquier. I have lately visited Richmond, and examined the above I 1 named Miichines made by Mr. Parker, and witnessed the performance c.f one of them, propelled by one of', Fmuions' Patent Chain-Band Horse-powers, also inadc i by Mr.

Parker, and 1 can truly say, that 1 never saw 1 better; the Machines being made in the best manner: and feeling an interest as patentee in the credit of those Tin ashing Machines, 1 derive much satisfaction from having conveyed the patent right into so good and faithful hands, as I feel confident that he will make them in a'tfijfnpfinn In mir- sticIi a faithful manner as win chasers, ami support in Virginia the high reputation they I have gained in other Slates. There is now over fifteen hundred of those Thrashing Machines in use, and in every place where they arc known, they stand unrivalled. TRUKMAN FOX. Little Falls, Stale of N. York, July 17lh, Although so many of Fox and Borland's Latent Thrash- ing Machines are in use in the Northern and Western Slates, yet they are hut little known in thrash- ing machines are expensive, and with many, indispensa- hie articles, it is therefore of importance to those who may he in need of them, to know what kind among the many in use is thrashes the cleanest, fastest, and with the least that is least expensive? i and as the experienced farmers are the proper judges, and best calculated to give this information to those I not so much experienced, for the character of Fox Borland's Machine, the subscriber would (in ad- ditiun to the published certificates of the last sea- i son.) refer those who may be in want of machines, to the following gentlemen, to whom he has sold them the present year, (and to the most of them Kiiinioiis' l'atent Chain-band Messrs.

John Gilliam, B. li. Hughes and Robert I Wren, of Lowhatan; Messrs. John Ambler, Win. 11, I Randolph, Byrd George, and II.

L. Car- ter. of Henrico; Messrs. Hill Carter, Robeit Lickeil, Thomas (J. West, H.

Willcnx, JO. Willcox and Wm. A. I Seidell, of Charles City; Richard Coke, of James i City; Messrs. L.

George Cocke, R. H. Kd wards arid Tims. Rullin.of Surry; Messrs. Carter II.

Edlocand If. i 11. Lrinee George; Messrs. A. F.

Goodw in and Thomas Whitworth, of Dinwidilie; Dr. C. Bowers, of Southampton; Thomas Smith, of Gloucester; Thomas R. Joy lies, of Accomack; Captain Ran- dnlph Harrison, of Goochland; John M. Warwick, of Campbell, and Ryland Roads, of Nelson, The subscriber is now well prepared for building those Machines, or any other kinds iliai may be wanted, having a good stock of seasoned timber on hand, and he believes as good, faithful workmen in his employ as are to be found in any shop.

But as it is expensive building those and they requiring much room to store them, he only makes them to he would therefore thank those that may wish to obtain those Machines from him for the next season, to favor him with their orders as early as possible, that lie may make iiis arrangements accordingly. Ail orders for those Machines will he filled in rotation as received; and, judgi i O.r i ln-5 troll i llltf uoiiuiiki iihtjc una mi sniit season, (when they were hut little known, and the wheat crop small.) and the general satisfaction they have given, he has teason to expect more orders for them for the next season than he will he able to till: and if so, it will be to the interest of those who may want those machines to order them as early as possible; and he promises to use his best endeavors (as heretofore) to give satisfaction, lie keeps constantly on hand a stock of Patent straw-cutting uud cnrn-sheliing Machines of the best and most approved kinds, ami would sell distant county rights in any of the above machines at moderate prices. lie has also, for sale, a few of Word's Cotton Gins, Wheat Fans, and many other articles, which lie would sell low at his agricultural machine shop, first door below the Union Hotel. PARKER. September PEA FN FSS York paper sayclli.

that a remedy for the restoration of hearing and eyesight is to be had of Doctor Green, Reading, Pa. It proves eik'Otual when the affliction is caused by ner- vous weakness, as the remedy gives health and strength to the whole nervous system. to the Doctor's practice and princi I pies, that ml'cii or the Aivr or I'llvsic consists; in knowing when, nor to give it, The restoration of hearing is brought about without giv- ing any giving any medicine! as liuth been experienced in the editor's own family, as well as in the families of many of his neighbors also. Therefore, and in part return such great benefits received, we make the above known for the good of our fellow-creatures in similar distress. For a lee of Five Dollars, assistance is sent for one a fee of Ten Dollars, assistance is sent for four or five mail, free of Postage.

And, in case other sickness besides deafness and loss of eyesight happening, help is sent for such sickness without any cliaige. The fee pays lor all and every help sent to families, I from time to time. This is considered a praiseworthy plan. And, in uMiUHirliire fur oeoiile Clliniujj, it win. ir; uuuui, 4 to know that the assistance to he sent is not to be appli- cd to the the eyes.

NOT AT ALL. Consequently, no danger whatever, can happen to whatever. 15. It may not be improper to state, that during the time people are using his assistance and helping themselves to restore and to recover their heating, their eyesight, and their health again, They can follow their customary business; They can live as usual; And tliey can also cat and drink what tastes best. Sept.

11. nsnO ALL YVHO.Vl MAY AppliU. cation will he made to the next Congress of the United States, to prolong the term of my Patent, for certain improvements therein mentioned, granted on day of January, JfJti; lint in consequence of defects in the specifications, was cancelled, returned to the Patent Ollicc, and the seal broken, and was re-patented on the 22d day of October, STEPHEN McCORMICK. Auburn, Fauquier county, Oct. 2.

hi I'jiHCt'r, AND Till' ART OF IIKA LINO ft EX BR ALLY. To thr. F.ilitor of the $. li. Telegraph.

Mil. have noticed, in your paper an advertisement by Dr. Marshall, proposing to cure Cancerous diseases, Fistula, YY'e have been accustomed to believe that these diseases were, for the most part, incurable; hut having had an opportunity of witnessing some of the practice of Dr. we really think it would he serving the cause of humanity to say, that we have been astonished at the success attending his efforts. YY'e have seen some cases, the appearance of which, drew from all around, expressions of hopeless despair, and seemed to defy human skill; and yet, after a few weeks under the treatment of Dr.

the disease, to all appearance, is effectually removed. YY'e lake pleasure in calling the attention of any your readers, who may be stitiering from these distressing diseases, to the advertisement referred to. AS. C. CRANE, ARCH I).


VV. W. MARSHALL'S REMEDY FORTrIE PILES. An infallible remedy for the Piles, (which has been tested by various persons in this city and elsewhere,) may he had by applying to W. W.

Marshall, at the Mansion House. If satisfaction is not given, the money will be returned. Reference to persons cured of Cancer William Petitt, Fluvanna county; Mr. Hncket, Caroline county; Edward Haas, Colesville; Ich'd Johnson, Cumberland county; Tlios. Skinner, E.

City county; Sam'l Mathews, Rrunswick county; Mr. Noble, Prince Edward county; Mr. Miller, Goochland county; Mr. Janney, Alexandria; William P. Wychc, Petersburg.

pt. "HT AND tOil will sell to the highest! bidder, on the premises, on Friday, the Icth of Do- ceniber next, 7.79 acres of Land, lying in the county of Mecklenburg, one mile West of Christiansvillc, with good buildings, well watered, and about one half in woods, and good tobacco land. Col. A. Burwcll is our authorized person wanting information, will apply to him.

Terms made known on the day of sale. JOHN TABJ1, THOS. TABB, 1 October 2. Ec'ors of E. R.

1 WOTICE persons having claims against the tale of Anne H. W. Ilairis, deceased, are hereby required to produce them, with the proofs thereot, on the 18th day of December next, at the residence of Edward H. Moseley, in Chesterfield, before Abram Wool- 4 dridge, Samuel Hancock, George W.Cole and Edmund A. Lockett, Commissioners appointed to audit the same, by a decree of the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for the county of Chesterfield, in a suit there- in pending, in which Tom and others arc plaintiffs, and Edward H.

Moseley, Executor of Anne H. W. Harris, is pain of being barred from all benefit under the said decree. i BY THE COMMISSIONERS. October A FIRST-RATE TANNERY FOR 0R incapable of carrying on the I nintr Business, under my own immediate direction fl having been unable to procure a suitable superintend" I of the establishment, I am desirous ofrcntin-r or sell jut my Tan Yard, its location is an excellent one 0 the business.

The neighbourhood around it is settled, and it is not more than a mile distant from I thumberland Court-house, now a very prosperous and Hourishinjj village. A large (Hound Mit.i. stands on the same spot; also a Blacksmith's Shop. Belonging to the establishment are twenty-seven Vats, a Bark House. House, He.

A stream of never-failing water passes through the yard and empties itself into the pools. Jn short, nothing is wanting to render it a first-rate establishmerit of its size. I have on hand a considerable supply of Bark, which will be disposed of at a fair price. session may be had at any moment. 1 take this opportunity of inviting public attention, at the same time, to the stream on which the Mill is situated.

The water power which it atfords 1 believe to be amply sufficient for a Factory of some kind, and I have no doliL't that a suitable capital invested in that way would yield a liberal return. JAMES M. SMITH. Mantua, nrar Court th us-, ur HEWLETT JONES, Uatiimorr. October 9.

MEClfl'NK LANDS" FOR reasons, in no way connected with any public ni. trrest, and lherefoic not necessary to be made known to the public. 1 am very much disposed to my I'lanu. lion and Farm, ly iii? on Mechunk creek, in Fluvanna therefore, will sell a bargain in it. Tract, including two small pieces uppurtenant.

valuable -r cliielly fur limber, consists of about JUOd I wiiicii, or upwards, are bottom land, a good part of hiei, is in good heart, and equal to liver bottom. ly, this is a valuable Plantation and Farm, an its n. trinsic, or local advantages, situated as it is, within a half ffi mile of the llivanna river, now rendered navigable by improvement throughout the year, and contiguously In the place called the Mills, where there is a Cnitua Factory, Flour Mill, and a variety of other machinery lr useful to the public, in operation; and withal, being, as I believed, as healthy a spot as any in combined, are calculated to render it a very desirable proper, ly. If not sold before, it will be ofFeied at auction, oil the premises, on the IOth day of November next. If sold before, or on that day, I will then oiler at auction all the crops on hand, stocks.

A c. October 'J. JOHN TiMBERLAlCK. St. HE 111 LI.YE OF I'OS I' CU.lClll~; Full RICHMOND.

THE subscribers beg leave to inform liie public, tlmt they have this day extended their Mail Line Coaches from Louisa Court-House to Charlottesville, making it a direct tri-weekly line from Richmond to Charlottesville on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays, at 1 o'clock, I'. M. Leaving Richmond same tljys. at 7 o'clock, A. in They pledge themselves to run it as quick, ami in as good style, as any other horses and coaches being of the first order, their drivers skilful arid they promise unremitted attenti to it.

Fare through For seats, apply at the Bar of Air. Miller's Hotel, Charlottesville? Hell. Richmond. Oct. Hi.

R. M. KIR CO. TO THE subscriber having re. turned to the city, In? will therefore continue the Comb making and repairing business at his same stand, a lew doots bebuv the old where he will repair and alter old shell combs superior to any done in the State or elsewhere.

Having served a regular apprenticeship at the above business, lie justifies hiinseh'ui presenting his claim to this community for patronage. Mv brother, George Potlus, who advertised in the Compiler a few days since, has declined carrying mi tinabove business, though ull those having combs io cut, alter or repair, can, by leaving them at uiv simp, have them made so us to look equal to will trrant llieni to he as durable wheie mended as any pari the comb, and lie will polish them in a handsome II. PETTIS. October 10. fTNIVEHSITV OF ANIA Lectures will as uj-ii- I al on tlie tirst Monday of' November, ami be continued un- til the tirst day of the ensuing March.

Theory and Practice of Medicine, by Nathaniel Chap- man, U. of Medicine, by Samuel Jackson. M. 1). Special and General Anatomv.

by Win. K. Horner, M. Materia Medic.i and Pharmacy, by Geo. B.

Wood. Chemistry, by Robert Jiare, AI. J). Surgery, by Win. Gibson, M.

D. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Cliildren, by Win. Dewecs. M. D.

Clinical Medicine and Surgery taught by the Prescribing Medical Officers at the block ley Hospital, under tlie Guardians of the Poor, and at the Pennsylvania Hospital. W. E. HORNER. M.

I), of the Medical faculty. 9 18. tfh out of the county of Plu- be given for the apprehension, and to my Overseer, at Gary's 13rook, of my man SA.M, commonly called SA.Yi lodged in any jail, or taken in the county, and delivered as above. 9am eloped about the 1st of June, and if not in the neighborhood of my Fat in, lias probably taken a Boat on tint Kivanna or James River. He is 2d or 21 years old, black, and of rather slender teeth unusually white and conspicuous, when spoken to; about feel IU inches high, a field hand, and wore his workintr clothes when he left here.

July 10. A. M. HARRISON. "J5YH F89R9.

Hi Hi am J. fret-land and Don on hi Shu. not being inhabitants of this Commonwealth, we take this method of giving you notice that we shall, on Monday, the second day of November, at the office of John W. Haskins, in the town of Maysville, in the county of Buckingham, and Stale ut Virginia, take the depositions of George W. Kvie and others, to be read as evidence in a suit now depending in the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for said county, in which are plaintiffs, and you and others are defendants.

LEWIS WEBB CO. September 21' 42 w-lw' A THE COURT OF CHANCERY of the Slate of Delaware, for New Castle County, of the September Term. 18:35: Robert White, Administrator of 1 Sophia A. Laurence and others, I 1 1 John Goodwin Jidin Bullock. Arid now, to wit, this HUli day of September, A I).

1831: On motion of James A. Bayard, of Counsel for the Complainants, and allidavit made to the satisfaction of the Court, that John Goodwin, one of the defendants named in the above cause, is out of the State of Delaware, and resides in the State of is ordered by the Chancellor, that the said John Goodwin appear in this Court, to the said suit, on Monday. tie' fifteenth day of February. A. D.

otherwise the Ihll of Complaint will be taken pro it further ordered, that a copy of this Order shall, within thirty days, be published in the Richmond Kiirjuio r. a Newspaper published semi-weekly in the State of Virginia, and in the Delaware Gazette, and American Watchman, a Newspaper published in the City of Wilmington, and be continued in said papers for the space of three months next after its first publication; and also a copy of said Order sball within thirty days be posted up in the ollico of the Register of the Court of Chance- ry for New Castle County, and at the Court House door at New Castle, in said county. A etc Viistlc County, ss. I do certify that the foregoing is truly copied from the testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and allixed the seal of said Court, at New Castle, the iMth day of September, A. D.

I "ill. JOHN GORDON, lieg'r in Ch'iiumj. Oct. 0. White and Hungarian or Sapling Orchard.

Herds, Highland, Meadow-Oat. and Velvet Grass Seeds. An assortment of genuine Gahukn Skkds, including the Winter Kale, an excellent vegetable, thai will stand the severest weather uncovered. lc iJrivis. Karshare and Freeborn I'LOl G1IS and Plough Castings.

Wheat Fans, Straw Cutters, Harrows, Cultivators, Apply tn Sept. 11. WM. PALMKK. rsiwkntv-Vivk away from the subscriber, living in Lunenburg, on the day of July a dark mulatto man, named Fleming, of the connnon size, about It) years old; he has a small scar on one side of his chin.

It is unnecessary Sf to describe his clothing, as he will no doubt change it- 1 purchased him in the city of Richmond, in May last. 1 and he has a wife at Win. F. Walthall's, in Chesterfield, I and it is probable lie is lurking in that county, as lie well acquainted at the different Coal Pits. 1 will the above reward, if delivered to inc near Pleasant Grove.

Lunenburg, or if secured in any jail so that a get him again. p. FOWLKl? Pleasant Grove, Lunenburg County, Va. a 01 petition will be presented to the jL xi General Assembly, ptayiug the passage of a law ncorporate a company for the construction of a rail road from the town ot Lynchburg, bv Beforri in ti.o Blue Ridge of mountains, to the 'Pcnneasee line. Oct.

'I MT EGROES FOR subscriber wishes 1 sell 612 from 50 to 60 years of age, 3 from 10 from 30 to 40, 11 from 120 to 30, 30 trom 1" 20, 4 from to 10. and 9 from 1 to (i, as near as lie can some at their ages. They are all likely for their ages? the most of them raised by himself, and nearly all ot them in families. Application to be made to the subscre ber, at his residence in Middlesex county, near yille, until the 1st December next. He will be willing to sell upon a credit of from one to five years, the inter- being annually paid, and the principal being torily secured.

WM. October 2..

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