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The Sun from New York, New York • 7

The Suni
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SUNDAY'S CONCERTS OF VARIED KINDS Krci'lor mul Philhnrmotiic II en i ly Largo nnd Conlinl Audience. KAN WILLIAMS SINUS Thi vine of concerts on Sunday -oro -f be nnc nf tlio chief Indus if musicians. Thnt attending them i one of the chief pleasures nf ni persons Is quite ccrtnln. i iv found for nil th) entertain m.n's In many Instances innn.iRers lo they contrmplato "fold out cj. i Let us nil rejoice nt tin jirei if 'me sort of prosperity which -in sere nnd not merely felt.

Mu ncns iinot thrive on psycholm-lcal;-. any better than thp rest of us, their art Is In Itself largely M.r.i Hid a beautiful product of t.ip -n lunation. I.v.111 Williams, the popular Welsh unor, fur example, faced nn nudienei nli rii tii-dm! every neat in Apotlan Hull afternoon. As Is the custom at sin-ter's entertainments, some era-or airs opened the proirrnmms. I After these ramp two groups of mlsttl! Irpu soiiks.

rnnKliiK from Schubert and llruno lluliti. and ut the. erl i Mr Williams's old time battln hi-e. Summer, I Pepnrt," from OorlnK Th mass "The Swan nnd the The linor was in poor vocal condition yst. rd.iy at times, while occasion voice clearpd up and the tonjsl nrnmcd their wonted quality.

Hut the r. suts were not always hnppy. Mr. Is, however, nno of tho most, 'it rest sitmers to be heard In re i "il. 11.

personality Is forceful and his -ti'e is Idiosyncrasies, but his manner fervent and he radlntis faith In his own art Htg enunciation Is so Rood that audlenre can understand every word ef li snugs, and this Is one of the most mfi.Tutr facers in the cieatlon of his public favor Ho jlngs everything Ihisish. For those who wish to an lull to large numbers thero should bo nons in tho public lolngs of Mr Will i.i m. The appearance of Frit a Krelsler as so'olst ins the leading feature at the inneert of the Philharmonic Society In Me afternoon nt Carnegie. Hall. Tho i i fence tilled the house to Its utmost eating ami standing capacity, nnd fol intng the distinguished violinist's of his number, which was the net-to in (7 minor by Max Hruch, the rose to su nn extent us i'l tn resolve Itself Into what seemed iiTio't a countless number of recalls for i lie artist Tie lioue of a concerto so familiar as It'ii a's in (i minor for the afternoon i ilmiM had bearing upon the popular of the entertainment, and, too, M' Kieisler Is a player of such a doml ig poier that he Is able to in! new life Into a composition, be It e.en hackneyed through repeated hear- c.

Ill playing yesterday of Hrurh's "i wis of ureal beauty. Its style of line dignity throughout and In chi il brllllaii' of a dazzling ilnlh. 'J fie applause it earned was well merl'ed For his Sunday programmes Mr. S' nrK is wont to draw from hi" i rtoire of composition as more te. heaid at tho society's concerts mi.

during the week. Yesterday i dons fourth symphony was bronchi 'd again as the chief orchestral and It came the sym poem "Tasso" of Liszt. Of the m-liony a dlsca (initiating rending was i' and technically the performance a lino tonal display. Tho same m.t) bn made of the pla)tng llie l.iszt numlie.r, which was very i ii liked. Sinetatia's overture "The I irwred Hrlde" was the closing num May Mukle, cellist, and Herbert l' pianist, Knvo the first of two Is ut the liaudhox Theatre in the rii' The proKtamme had llach's in at the befrlnnlnK and i iss's in at the end.

Between two Mr. Fryer played Debussy'ei i.i i de l.unc" nnd Chopin's variations, opus 12 The Ilandbox Theatre, though ri moved from the familiar haunts i. nils. well suited to the purposes a i liamber concert, and In It tho art 'lie two players was advantageoUHly own forth. fs Mukle has a very larco tone il Mr Fryer showed no disposition force that of the piano.

The bal-i was Kcnerally very irood, but curl-sj' enough it was disturbed at cer- moment in the Hach number by preponderance of cello sound. Hut eanty of the musi1 was not ob-- ured, and while neither player disposed Impressive warmth of style, both med with taste and appreciation. HAMMERSTEIN DEAL CLOSED. lluycr of l.exltmtnn A en tic Huns. to lie A it noil tired Tii-tliiy.

Am utii-ement will be made tu-ilay of of ll.tmmerst' in I.exliiKtun ei ip 'ncMtre Tho houte lit undergo ite uf mauiiRemeut, but 'V II to its present policy of and mot on pletun's. 1 Kceney was said to be trying inr i ate the thiiatte weeks VI i inch the name, of the pur-' iv is not mentioned last nlKht r.i ii ijiKcd that no opra company 1 of buylnB. PAINTING FOR VEST POINT. IIIIO rii'turt nf WnsliliiKtoii Will Mi- MiitiK To-dii). A' i ii cnent was made yesterday Uilliert Stuart luilntiliK of i if ton will he hum? In the head 1 building at West l'nlnt to-day.

v.i.t li.irtlett Warner of Con-i iHl.ind, who illcd last year, the palntlliK to tho Coris i' 1 i' li.iwson, In cliarse nf palntlims considers the orttalt i -Euan's best works. The iialnt-v I at Ill Nn, VnrU 'I'ii-iIm. in. Itevolullon, WashliiKton's 1 iiitiirtalnmcnt, Ki'lmonlcn's, 1. of WiihlilnKton's nil's lli'iidiiuarterf.

I near iivenue, Mininliil lllfltn, annual 1 ii'l dinner, Hotel St. Denis, lewish llistntical Society. Hotel Alc.MplM, Hlrihilay reli ln atlon and 'i oewslioys lirai'o Memoi il N. I'hiiiiibcis stnit, 2 M. ii I'lH'imn's levlow s.ij,iif, 2 I'.

M. I i' i.i IllUrlctiry League, New il'iry So' lity, npenliiK house 'I rti iity-Ilfth street, 11 A. M. ilt I'liiversallst meetltiK Mt, Hotel Antoinette, i- AHoi'lnllon for tho Kit ml. 132 II Ith Ktn ot, 1 ii l.ii iili iiaulH Menevolent and 1 Ahsoi latlon, illlilier, WaldorK i I'.

1 'ii- oiial I'nloii for Woman Huf CiHtp-ir t'niun, I', M. I iiit ii im ntuU-Utils, Inc-' Mont St, Michel," Kmlle Vlllo-i iJ as' I'oityrfct street, i V. It. LAKEWOOD FILLED FOR HOLIDAY FETES Hundreds Find Hotels Cnn't Take Tn More in Hush of Visitors. MANY MOTOH THERE N.

Feb. 21. The winter senson reached Its height to-day, when hundreds of visitors cams here to spend Washington's lllrthday. Trains for the past two days have been tnxed to handle the crowds nnd there has been a constant stream of motor cars. Many of the nrrlvals were compelled to return to their homes because of lack of accommodations.

The, Laurel In the Fines nnd laurcl House were com pelled lo turn awny nbout 300 persons. Ninety rolfers, the largest number of the season, were out on the Country Club golf links. Karly morning found the enthusiasts making the rounds, ri.ivlng were A. J. Drexel, Leavltt Hunt.

Maruuand Walker. Phil Han dolph. M. K. Waters, Cnrmen Messmore, Parish Watson, It, Patrldge.

O. I'pshaw, Charles Farrcll. J. Todd, Miss C. Perkins and others.

The clubhouse was erowdpj lo capacity with golfing parlies. II. C. Cllhson of New York Is entertnlnlng his parents nd Mr nnd Mrs. K.

II. McKane of New York. WnrfleM has Mr. nd Mrs. Harter.

Mr and Mrs. H. J. Fuller and .1. Warneld of New York nt the club, while Robert N.

Miles Is enter talulng Herman S. drove. J. Law tence Pool nnd llenjamln Laurence of New York. II.

S. Hedlleld. It. P. Lyon nnd ltnbert C.

Morris of New York form nnother party. Mr. and Mrs. Frank n. Hall of New York nve a luncheon at the club for their house guests.

Mr. and Mrs. deorge Gould have a house party nt deorglan Court for Washington's Hlrthdny. To-morrow evening there will be a Colonial costume ball at the Iaurel Houe and there will be a lUnco at laurel In the Pines. In motor parties from New York today were A.

H. Hunt, Mr, and Mrs. Itoy Prawning, S. Thompson, Ar i thur Hnmmersteln, Miss Waters. Miss F.

Wheeland and Mrs. Frank Dodd. Charles Iteutter, Miss Lylo and Miss Kelsey, HOLIDAY THRONG AT TUXEDO. Fin Wmtlirr Altrnet len- the Trxiino Park. Feb.

21. An Ideal day and numerous social attractions brought a large gathering lo Tuxedo to-day for tho holiday Hesldes, most of thoso who, attended the fancy dress dunce Inst night I at the club remained over Tuxedo Lako was crowded with skaters nnd the court tennis match nt the tennis club was i well attended. Mrs. V. 11.

Harrlman and Miss Harrl man passed tho day at Arden House. Other arrivals were Charles I.anler, Lloyd Warren, Forsyth Wlekes, W. Stet-, sun, It, Wrenn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Slade, A.

It. Jone, Mrs. Prescott Slade. deorge H. Hull, J.

Ingcrsoll, Will- lam Hare, Mr. and Mrs. John 11 Auer-1 bach. Ciould Jennings, How land Pell, Howard Dickinson, Miss Margery I Clinton, deorge St. deorgp.

Mr. and Mrs. William Haylls. Miss Wlthor-bee and Charlps D. Miller.

$1,000,000 GIFT TO COLLEGE. 1 A iiiiiiMiieeinent In Thnt snirp Wilt (irt It. Wii.MiNdTON'. Feb. 21 Dela ware C'olli'Ke at Newnrk will soon have an endowment fund of fl.OUO.000.

An announcement to this effect was mad here last nifiht by Henry 11. Thompson, trustee of the Institution, at the annual dinner of the Alumni Association. Mr. Thompson, who Is also a trustee of I'rlnceton and a friend of President I Wilson, Is president of the I'nited States l'inlshlnfr Company, New York, but llvej near Wilmington, lie spoke of Improvements to "Old Delaware" that are projected and re ferred to the activity of the alumni In startlnR camp.iiKn last year for an endowment of $100,000. "We will now raise this fund to a round million," he said.

"I will not say i where the money is comlnK from, but It I Is comlnK nil rlRht, and that veiy soon" I Mr. Thompson refused to commit himself on particulars, but It Is understood here that Henry du I'ont and himself and perhaps other wealthy Delawaieans have decided to contribute the fund. AFRICAN PICTURES SHOWN. Iliirnes-Krnrlon llxlillill Inn for llrnellt of I'liiKiimera l.enuin'. James It.irnes's remaikalile motion lilctures of the irnes-Kearton throiiKh Afrlcu a trip of more than 4,000 miles and lastlni; i vwir served as a benefit entertainment I at the 1onnacre Theatre last nlRht for the Consumem I.cauue, ilr.

Harnes supplemented tile pictures with a lecture. He was Introduced by Henry 'airfield Osborn of the Museum of Natural HItoty and W. T. llornaday of the Ilronx ZooIokIchI l'ark. The expedition plcturm were taken from April, 1913, to May, 1H, durlnii the exploration which for 1.400 miles followed tho route of Henrv M.

Htnnl-''. They are said to be tho llrst motion pictures of this purt of the Park Continent, The expedition was under the auspices of the Ametlcan Museum of Natural History, ulthousrh a private enterprise. Pictures of Intimate animal and lisi'it life, made more remarkable been use, of the daiiRer Involved In oh-talnlni; them, were features of the exhibition. H.iboons, lions, zebras, hippopotami, (tlraffes. crocodiles am? I many other species were shown In their native haunts.

Mr. Harms told or several narrow es. apes from lions and soma other rather unpleasant but absnrbliiBly In-terestlnc adventures In a nay which held the cIomi attention of his listeners. The ye.u's trip, starting In llrltlsh Mast and liu'liidini? a two months halt near the Abyssinian border, ended with ii Iiiiik Journey down th Coiiko lo Us liiouth and the Atlantic on the west. Tho pictures will IickIii a limited run at the Princess Thmtrn to-day, with performances mice dally.

NOTES OF THE SOCIAL WORLD. Mr. Mis. William Salomon c.ivo a illnii'T last evenlim at their home, li)2U Klftli avenue, nfler which them was music by P'rank I'ollock and llruno llnliii. Mr.

and Mrs, IhiKiuie, Van Nest will Kive a the iliinsaut this iifleiinviu at the Democratic Club, til 7 l''iflh avenue, A d.inee fot the bcnellt of the American lied Cross Model)' will he ulven to nlKht at Castlu Douse, 21 Kast Forty sixth street. Mis. Hobeit Applfton savo a reception jestetday afternoon at her home, ftTl I'aik avenue, for Miss KII.abeth Jieath of I'hllndeltihla, of her son, John A. Applelon, Martin Itloh-ardsoti s.ini;. AIKEN'S GAY SEASON NOW AT ITS HEIGHT Dinners, Dances and Other Parties Numerous, Willi Many Arrivals.

Aikkn. C. IVb. 21 Numerous dinners, -nces and chullni; dish parties made last niRht the K.iyet of the season far the winter colony hire at the New Ills-bland l'ark Hotel. Anion those entertalnlni wen Mr nnd Mrs Hayw.ird Perry, Mrs M.

L. Akers, Mr and Mrs. K. ltushmore, and Mrs Thomas Simpson, Mr and Mrs. II.

Anthony and DeVereux Jr Mrs. Francis Dana Winslow and Miss Marmiret Winslow trive a farewell supper ut Wlllcox's in compliment to Mr and Mrs. MontaKUe Flags 2d. whn stinted later for New York. Mr and Mrs.

(leorKe llird suv a dlnnei, the company IiicIuiIIiik Mr. and Mrs. liuy Norman. Dr. and Mrs.

Alexander M. Utdille, Miss Mary S. Ames, Mrs. J. Mullery.

(ieorKe I. Scott. William Vanderhllt, Mrs. French Vanderbllt nnd the Misses Hope Norman and Christine Middle. Uiter there was daii'-lnii, In which others Joined.

I.e (Irand C. (Irlswold arrived here to-day to Join Mrs, (Irlswold, who Is with Mr and Mrs Clifford A. Cochran at the llarnard vllln. Victor Sotohen and liordon Fellowes, who came in on the New York train to-day. are at the Aiken Club for the season.

Mrs. Julian 1.. Peabody have arrived to visit the latter's put en In, Mr and Mis. Thomas Hitchcock at Villa Moll Itepos. where Mrs Hltehcoik, Mlm iviestino DuMIh and Pealiody were at home this afternoon, Mrs John Sanlord and her children arrived here from Florida and Joined Mr S.ilifoid at their cottage BREEDEN INGRAHAM.

WimIiIIiik Net for Miirrli nt lileii ltlde, .1, ItiPOK, l'eb 21. On Tiles-day, March 2, at the i of Mr. ali i Mrs. Henry Chapman llldKewood avenue tholr niece, Miss MarJoile InKral'iam, will be married to William Harris Ilreeden of (lien Willie. The Itov.

Pr. II. ill Wilson, pastor of tho (lien ltlduii Church, will ollldate. Miss Mentha Hacon of New York will bo the maid of honor and Charles Drowsier Chapman of (ilen HldRe will be best man. M0NTCLALR MAN TO WED.

I.l-miicl llHlilllster HiiKKKeil lo M1 I'll ion of (tnliic), lnss, (it'lNcr, 1'Vh. 21. The en KaKemeut Is announced of Mlsi Mary Fuxnn, daiiKliter of Air. and llenr) Milliroe, Faxon nf this i'lt and lamuol ll.innlsler of Montclalr, J. Miss Fax.iii Is a KiMliddaiiKhler of the late Henry II.

Faxon, temper.ince advocate, and of the late Kliuer Morrison, a llraintree hnel-ui'Ss man mul imisldau, Mr. Ilantusler Is a graduate of lliuvanl I'nlverMly and of the llarvanl law ndiool lie 's a prnrtisltiB allorney in Now York oil GALLATIN EXHIBITION CLOSES. Ilenefll Slioivlii In Mrs. SVhlliie-' Mnillo U70. The exhlblllon of Albert KiiRene (1 tl -hinwa and palr.tin.rn was broiiKht to a i lom yesleril.iy nt tho studio of Mrs.

Hairy Wlillu), HiKhth slleel. Aside from lis artistic hoi Mi tho exhibition, which has been held for Hie In petit of tho I'rateinilii lies Attlelei nt France, has been financially shitchs-ful, havltiK netted J70, Almiit u.Kiit hundred persons viewed tho collect Ion. THE SEAG0ERS. Arrivals jeslerday by the While Star liner Cymric, num Kdmiril .1 AlUop II 11 1'iilmer i.uitiiity iiiiiisiiM. I Druper.

lliinwoodla. A 11 Simpson Irwin. (1. II Muora, A Irving Clisiles S. Mrs II punt en P.

A Win 1 i n-ton William P. Ware. THE SUN, MONDAY, 1732-1915. PLANS TO REVISE HISTORIES. oi'linnl will ru I.c.

of H'nr mul I'lillllc, The Amer.i an Sihool IVaee l.urue. of wi" e-1 'resident Taft is the honorary hiad. will is.sue to-day Its yearbook ut work anioni; school children to inipreni on them a belief 111 International aiiiii.ibillty William 11. Maxwell, Miper-intendent of New York city's schools. Is un otllcer of the leaisue.

What the leaKile doe Is tn preach peace to the youngsters by sjieakers und pauiih lets, conduct an contest, help or KKIlIZe peace i.ur.-.l III Bet schools tu Mi, 1 "Pea Da Nuw t' lciiciie plans to revise the histoiv Im as many sdiools as vvih lit it on the ground that "many ediii have bun felt that our histories id. far too mu. emidiasls upon th political and milltarv phases of history." It has alui dcvise.1 a "courie in citUen shn which it holies will tench children, nmone; oih.r tlunits. "to understand tho special ninilon of thu United States In world JEWISH HISTORIANS MEET. Tueuty I'lipers Iteinl nt An mini Cim entliiii uf Sorlel).

Jewish leaders In literature from all parts of the country Kathered yestei-day in the Hotel McAlpIn at the twenty-thud annual meet mi; of the American Jewish II Socuty. The sessions will cunt ime until to-day noon, when the executive council will meet. Dr. Cris AiHer of Philadelphia proelded yi sterday. Twenty papers were read before the eodet.v all relation to the part played Jews In American history.

Albert M. Friileiibel if lead two letters dated which were written by Aaron nnd Muses Dopcr. of Ithode. Island. Pr.

Adler niinounced that the two volumes tellim; of the twenty-three, years work nf the soviet) weie now read) for dlft-li lOiition Speakers al the sesion to-day will Include Albert Dudley of P.altlmore. Dr. Henri l.eon of NottliiKhain, Kuk-Iand. J. I Inn for.

I of Philadelphia. Alvm T. S.inti.kv of New York and It.ibbl Martin Zielnnka of Kl l'ai. "THE BIRTH OF A NATION." Soled ill II uf see Prltnle Hi I III Ion lirenl Picture, lir tilth, vthoso Hlioctacle, Hull of a Nation 'oniee, to the trty Tin itre mxi week, ri turned Tim teiiliv from where he Went mi I i Ida) to take private exlilbliion active charKe of tho this Kieat picture before the National Prms Club, Chief Justice White of the Slims Supri me Court was the Rtnst of honor at the exhibition, Other KUests were Secret, iiy of the Nav) Daniels, thlrty-dulil 1 'tilted States Senators and about llfty tneinb. rs of the Douse of lb pntsi ni.itlvi s.

Many of the Kllcu wi aei onipanled by Ihelr wives. Al the ilnish of tho plciure Mr. Crlf-Hill was showered with coiiKratuliitlnnt by the newspaper in, and many of tin illKllnullli-llCil Kiiest.s will he the Kin si of honor of the National Piess Club next Thursday nlKhl, when he will respond tn a sipeclal Invitation for "In nuln Dope NiKhl." his tuple beliiK the lnsdn facts i dative tn the devilop nietn nt the ati or motion pictures Aiiiein a. Orchids tn tic Mu, tv T'eiiliire, One of Hie creates! displays nn bids ever seen in tills, cllv will of HhoHti at the Hind annual international llower show lo be held In the liriind Centra! Palace Man 17 In M.ucli Meconium to tuiiiln )esiei-dav by the 1 lol I illioi il Society of Yink mid the New Yoi l'iotsn 'Ittlt Prizes aKKicK.ituiK ha mi been orieri'il all e. nly lot displays, and aiinini: I hose who will ho JudKi'H ale Mrs.

Arlliur Si nil llurden, Mrs Viui-ileilnlt, Mis Flank StlliKes and Mrs. Lewis Slii) cant (lelrlchs nli (iilisteiied, l''nh. 21. The infant iliuiKhler of Mr. mid Mrs.

Henry H. Oelrich't wan liirisleiied Mlancho llcti- i licllc Oeliichs tins afli rno iti by tho I licv IMwunl A. IMltney of SI. Joseph's 'Church ut the home of Mr and Mrs. Chillies OelridiH.

Mrs, Leonard i iioiiiiin nun nni ni no i.oosey tji.iricus, nu'm und undo of tho baby, ucted im tho irodpartnta. FEBRUARY 22, 1915. CYRIL MAUDE TO PLAY AT EMPIRE THEATRE Charles I'rohnian Annniinees t'niMinl Feature fnr Next Season Other Plans. Cmrles Frohmnn returned Inst niRht f- ni nn extended Wi "tern tilp an pounce an ambitious set of plans for the i emaliider of his ptee-nt hi in New Yoik and for the llrst part of next has arranced for Cyril Maude to appear at the lhnplie Theatre i.evt season. This will be the tlrM time for any ac.or who has not been known as a star to appear at this theatre.

Durlni; the next season the time of ths Umpire will lie divided 1-tween offerings with Maude Adams. Cyril Manila nnd John Drew. Mr. Frohman and David Helai-co will to-day decide uion the play and c.i for their combined production to ike plate here In the early eprini. which the company will bo on Western tour, to Include a lorm eiiKaise Mini at San l''rauclsco utlier plans as announced lat night it elude the extension of the Chic iro of William dinette, it and Math porn In "Diplomat') the licKinnlnK il ('1m Skinner tour In 'The Sib nt Voice." on March 1, and rancements for the New York pin-diiction of Porter F.merson Urowne't play.

"A (llrl of To-day." with Ann Mur-dock In the liadlin; part llv le.iMin of tho suspension of travl to IhiKland ftoni the Continent i'loliuian'e prodiicllon of M. Harriet's levue, plauind for the Duke of Yoik's Tin aire, with (laby has been postponed until Mit-M Deslys can reach llntish soil ('tis Skinner lias s.uned a new inn ti.ict for live years with Mr. Kiohman, to hcciiini. opi'iatlve next sciikoii, when ho 111 etar In a new play. I l'lu mul Pint it, Th Silk leOlh performance of "A Pair March ti.

SlockliiKh" will tako pLico to. mot row ii I ti I.lttio The Itle at Winthrop Ann A feature of the bill at merstein's Victoria Theitre next week will be the appearani of Mine Walsk.i, tho PetroKrad prim i donna, who will be seen in a musical coinedlette. "Mu- 1 fore the Play Anions tho selections to be simp by Mine Calve at the Palace Theatre this wiuk will Im the "Habanera" fiom' "Carmen," "Ia Myellt" from the opera' "Peilo du Mresit" and "I.e Clalmn" with trumpi obltKato ThW evcnliiK at the NelRhborhood 1 Playhouse a special performance of1 D.iUKhter" will be Kl.eti as a bcnellt for the Iti'llef Society for the Politic i Victims of llie Ittlssl.lll Revolution, All elaborate pi eduction of "The I Peasant tilrl," in which Hiniua Trentlnl will appear next week, im IioIiik mule lor the Shiiberts by II Menrlmo. who slaKcd "Thu Viilow Jacket.

1 In' Tom i'enfold Is telle iisIiik an en-scinblc slnmnK number for the i I'tiiul vauilevilln beniilt a. thn 1'entnrv op, ra House, March 7 I'criie lloiri'isi also has Joined the volunlier fones I i'hero will bo three performances of "Kxperlenco" at the Casino Thealie today, the Ills! M.irtlllK nt 10 110 as I a liolid i) nlli'itctliiii and because of Hie Kle it detiiand for scuts. Ml tiod Mre. Yiiiioo C.ietoi ,11 be a movement for a national dame, whli hope lo present for thn approval of the public at an eativ of "Watch Your Step" at Hie New Amsterdam Thoatro. I nf I', Illlilier Snlurilil), tirndtmtCH uf tho I'luvcrslty of Penn- sylvanla lire lookliiK forward lo an an niiiincemont of dellnlle plans for a new liiibliiiusii In this city at their annil il dinner next Saturday nlKht nt the lintel McAliiln The speakers will bo Mavnr Fiiiciiei or" ii leiicrenaui, lormer Allotney-deneral, Frederick C.

Tanner, impuuin mi ni.uu num iii.tu; nr. rtiex i under Abltott, Dr Josluh Pennlmnn and Dr. Talt Mackenzie of the university, ARTISTS' DESIGNS FOR STAGE SHOWN I The To I lee (Ion Con a ins Draw ings Made for Oranville IJarher's l'lays. KXIIIHITS AT OAIiLKIllKS The employment of well known nr lists as designers of stagp scenery and emiuniej is noi a new tiling, ior A. Abbey and Hume-Jones within the memory nf man have been associate 1 with sevpral notable and memorable st.igo productions, but the reliance of flranvllle Parker, the Hngllsh theatrical producer, upon nrtlsts of modern ten dencles Is likely to cause, local producers to look Into the possibilities of what Is roughly onlhd "futuristic" art.

Those that wish to keep up to date and even get a trills In advanco of th" dale may see th" oilglnnl designs that Mr. Harlier's nrtlnls made fur his "An-drocles nnd the "Midsummer Night's Dream" nnd his promised "Winter's Tale" In an exhibition that has been nrranged In the Print dallery. 70" Fifth aenue. fur the bcnellt of the Arts Fund of 1 Mr. Wilkinson's drawings for the "MldflUmmer Nlght'n Dream" seem palnd and thin, faint echoes of the wotsl manner of Hakst Albert ItothrnsMn rather, I carries off the honois of the show Hi i drawings fnr the "Winter's Tale" have a great deal more to them than th" mere Mlggetlnn for the dpsigner Hp hns cnrefully drawn his characters nnd I while being as up to date the most i modern of tage lnan.igf-i" could wish' has nlso preserved a distinct Shake- I spe i Han llnvor.

I The e.xhlbltkin Is a decidedly Interest-. Ing one nnd ought to sure of Its public It has In fact two publics tn appeal tn, ihoe who follow the event) of the 1 modern theatre and tlimp who are rest ixely tugging ut tho chains of modern I art. I Andre Smith made so good an Impression with his exhibition of etching" In the Ilnhlo dallerles last all loers of etching" would rejoice if a great ndv.m. In iitnllty cnuld signalled in hl exhibition thl year In th- same galleries This Is hardly to lp Slid of the pew etchings, however A Is a short time, and not every vear maiks an advance In style for an irtlt If his etchings arp about the same, hl diawlrgs nn the other hand, hip 'riii Impnned. Thy are lmpr, i freer, hluner In every way th.n those he phowed us a yi ar Ite is added touch of rolnr to many of them In the n' ilef and discrent fashion.

Amine tie su'ijei that have been most effective under his rayon nrc these: "Stret In Caen." "Canal Hotives," "Amiens," "Cntt.iK' nt Ahheville." "I.uduate Hill." with St Paul's shoivitn; faintly. "Church of St Cement Danes, London." and "Saint Ma. Ion" A mom the attractive eti hltiirs "l.a l.leutenanee. Ilontleur" and " (liraiil'o, Itlva Molo," In par should be seen. Six aitlsts, all women, combine In an iX'ilhitlon of palntiiies.

In the Arllncton iSalle-ies. I.ucy llairen Is tho tnot rnptess niiistic of the pioup and shows rie st II lifes in vivfd color Mabel II S'lil'li. Anne (treci ry Hitler, Ida iltecrdeaf and Julia Dewey send tonne and portraits One of Mrs. portraits is of Mls (lenevleve c.ark. Isibe u.

Uotitiltler and Hush are lanriscaplst" and Mrs ieorKe I.e Itoutillier contributes eolidlv painted still life" I Harriet Harnes Thayer hns travelled In China and Japan and wnter 1 colors record her impressions of the Orient. She saw the unuual "Precession to Avert Pl.iBue" in P-kin. whlcn. is to was sin- esfu Slip spe. trd the creat Itlver at miny lnte-etiiB po nts.

'ind s'ie dtew i'i "Mannci. of Wrestl rs II. cte, from a river bank into the waters, at Kioto, Japan. Al, tlico water colors and nil psint will bo on view until 2T In the croup of pnlnttncs bv "de. cased American." now nt Maol-tli'it is a particularly forceful and lively inintltiK of a locuvte" hv Winslow Homer This Is ev'dsntly a "study" in which rhe trreat nrtls: took mucJi pleasiitc, for the iialntinK In his 1 most robust manner Mr Macbeth was sinll'mt the other day at the slKi.ittire, which is much hirer and more con-splcuoun than upon most Winslow Homer ptTiliictn.ns, iiidlcatinc.

Mr. M.icbiith thouirht. some pardonable lu'iiie in tne perrorm.incei on iho part if the ait. st. The Leonard M.

D.uis palntlncs of Maskan scenerv will arouse to those who have already trnvdlcd in the most northern America and perhaps Instil the ileslie In otiiets to in-veetiiiato the pute colot'M and apparent pure nils of that renlmi Mr Davis Kites freshness of the country adminibh and ibes fall vvin'n In. comes t. tender. in; suimetst nnd even the annua tsvealls Mr Davis p-iive that his pictures t. Ixitn of personal investigations bv pa nlinit a "Se'p ntlne Aiitnia that no Southertur "Mild have iiivented He intuitu the inajesticninl vii'Kin moun-tiilns in w.

titer and burled iindet rain mid tni-t One of his hist his "Forest I'ire at SknKwa.v The) maj he, seen ut tin, llraiiilus L-alloiiis until The Arden suidlns. Mi? Fifth av. niie, have been in wnniyi and are to be conducted under the personal dir. ctlon of Mrs John Alexander and Miss Kl'i'ileth Averell They have be. established for the pti'iKisc of foster ItiK tho best interests of American art Th" matiaitetnenl proposes frexuent exhibitions iiies.e to hold will not tiecessarllv be contlnid to the product of nrtlste.

but vvil iiclild" forelifti art of a sulllc'etitly hlKh standard to be to tint public nnd to artists AtuntiK other thlnrrs tJi Aril en stn I dios proioe with the -operation of the live iiinltituT Mce. lo revive a iniin-te of old and InterestltiK Colon'nl Industries i he Arden callc rv Is partlciil.iilv 1 fm-tiiunte in IiiivIiik hecuied fop tjt opeiiuiK exhibition tile wotidcrful col leiiinu of mudl.ev'iil and loniilssntii art be'oni-lnn to Mis Chimin cv .1 Mlatr of' ChlciKo, to which, lluoiich hr Inter- i est of sevotal colleciors. have been it some line evaino'is of Hotlfto and which extend Us intenst Mi's Ml lir's lollecllnu Imm a i in lilvt Ide rnpulatnn and is paitlcu-i l.ulv rich In notalile spis'imens of I plone. mat ble and wood ss'iilptllie This fxhib.tion is to be opened to the pub. lie on Feliruaiy 2il Hubert Wnller Ileinl, llobcil W.ilbr, fin met lv a iiieiuher of the New York Slock MxciiatiKe inil a p.llllli't' in the ImiiUiiik thai of William I Salomon Co of llroad stieel, illcd I it his lioine, liasl Fift).

ellilllll street, at Hie a Co ot III', Mr. Waller vtas the son nf Itobctt Wall, who also wa a member of the New York Slock He cimie In this I'ountr) from IhiKlnnd in X7i ami latei- was ciadualcil liniu Columbia I'niter. I -it) Mr Waller I business as a lea ineieluini lie Inlet beivimn a In oker In this city and about fourteen yeats Joined the Hint of illiam S.ilniiioii Co In ItiflS he ietlre.1 Ills eon. soewint aller. hilceeeilliiK him as 1 a nartuet Mr.

Waller mariled MUs1 1 anil) iitevvart, nauKntfr or Jiilui Stewart. Ho was a member of the Union, I'nlverslty nnd Kt, Anthony clubs, American Art Galleries maimson sut'Aiti: sotriti, khik ON FREE VIEW 9 A. M. TO 6 P. M.

THIS WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY and continuing until the date of the sale Oil Paintings and Water Colors Original Drawings, Etchings. Engravings, Braun Carbon Prints Old Delft, Inrce number of Fine Seventeenth Century llispnno-Morrsquc Plates, Antique Majolica, Old Chinese Porcelains, Japanese Ceramics nnd Curios, Important Jades, and Japanese Rock Crystal Halls, Greek Terra Cottas, Venetian Glass, Oriental Rugs, Miscellaneous Objects and Furniture by Cottier Co. Belonging to the Estate of the Late Ichabod T. Williams, Esq. And to Be Sold by Order of the Trustees of His Estate at 2:30 o'clock on Thursday, Friday Saturday Afternoons of This Week, Feb.

25, 26 27, and on Friday Evening of This Week, at 8 o'clock I lie tale will be conducted hr Mil. 1IIOMAS KlltllV ml his Mr. Ottn Kernel, of the AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers 4 ami (I "I'M Street, Msdltou Mi. South. urk.

i WANTS BRYN MOT'S HEAD PROSECUTED Lniintlcrcis' Assoriiitinn Snys Woman's Kiiiploynient Is Hcinir Violated. 21 P' lnrlD that the wnmans employment law Is openly vlolnted by the persons most active In secitrlnc Its enactment Labor Commissioner Jackson Is called upon by the State l.Mindcrers Association to prosecute Miss M. Crey Thomas, pres 1 lent or Hryn Mnwr ColIeKe. anil a nf the ronsiimers I.oiKiie, which nushed tho bill. William Drap-r l.ewls, formerly dean of the I'nlverslty of Pennsylvania's law school, the trustees of those educational Institutions and T.

Henry Walnut, sponsor for the law In the last session of the l.eclslature. These pet sons are persistently vlolat ItiK th law. nc orditiK to William F. chMirman id the Daundeiers Association's leKielatlve committee, vyho has sent Commlseloner Jntion a letter settltiK ftirth his iliarircs.

The nrsoclatlou rhnrRes also thit thi Consiiniers I.eacue Is vlolallnK the law in Its own oifnus in this city and that the Pentis)lvanla Child Labor Association, which woikid with the Consumers l.eiiifue to piss the law, Is dolnR like ise. Women Ir these olflces arc work- ItiK lonper hours thnn the law permits, It is while no attempt to com-ply with the ine.istiie Is made at the Fnlverslty of Pcnnsvlvanla or at Hryn Mawr. "our In lodclnB with you these charfies Is not captious," the Inter continues. "It Is nf tho utmost Importance tn the blunderers of this Stale, whese worklnc forces are, nf course, Inrselv mule up of women, that If such a live Is to remain upon the statute books It be tiudersluod prnmptlv and that all those to vv it app les i'i compelled to ob-cive e.o and evi ry one of its provisions and that no favoritism will inter Into the administration of tin. law SIR CHARLES HARTLEY.

11 I neer nf Dies nf VV orliltt Lie till' nf till. I 'll Mil If 'eawfrA lu Till: St eNlsiN, Pel. 21 Sll Charles llart-! i me, is dead, lie was but ll 1.X2N Chillies AuKiistus tie) was eiiitlneer in mef i onsiiltlni; engineer In the P.uropt-an Cutiimissloii of the Danube lloin tn He airved III the frlim.iii In ls17 lie i important iiuolioiis of etui'iieei in connection With the ItlVer Scheldt fol tile I'oieiun i llllce In the ime vi he wt the I'zar'h tirir.e nf rubles Willi Ins plans I'm the nil, truculent or tHe putt of Odessa lie is appointed bv President of the I'tuii'ii States a men U-r if llie bond of en-' tleefs to l.t,ll the llll- proveuient of the Mississippi In in IsTil was a no uiber (lie Pans olKtesS In decide the route for 11 Ship Cllltl il, Isthmus; of P.m. una. l'toin Ml to as a iiieinbei of the li.i.-n.ili nil i'ech-v in, CotlllllUsior of the WINFRED ROBERT MARTIN.

1,1 brnrlii ii Wlls II I ii Ic Dies Noted Wllifled Hubert Mm, ii. Ph. LL. l. litu of Histian Society of Anii'i'ii a since Maiih.

i 7. d.ed hr.o last miflil Ins lioine. West litis' sllect. He 'ae born al N.iikiio. Ctuna, on March 22.

1 2 and was ttraduiiled Hum Priiiicton in 1 7 lie was made 'a cheval'ei of the Hoval Order of I Isabel the Catholic in pill. Pr. Martin was pro issor of Oriental lamiuaunt In TimiiI) ColleKc. 1 antl Instruiior of SaiiMlttit In mission courses lit Hartford Theological Seni- ilniiry, I In was a member of the American Orental Society, thn Anieiienn Phlloloirical Assoclat'on, tho Socleiv of Liieiature and HxeKesLs. the Aineiicaii Ninnlsniatle Societv nnd the Society of Attn i lea Dr Mat tin never mairied.

Arthur lluttee, MiiI'vt VrtiNox', Y. Feb 21 rthiir Mowei who was one of the lalKi'Sl woo) (iiowirs Hie Wiwt dlir-Itu the 'vs died of heart disease at is home, mi Primrose avenue. He is six trills old He rt I led Iroiit husitiess in lflS ii'i'l then ciine to Mount Vernon lo live lie loaves a wile llenr) I lent May, a leMieil who.esnlo jolt. Il I', died at Ins Iioiiih in Aivirue, I He tt xs He Ml! born Mi 1 See. i jetteliy business in HaltiiiiMio huf ore the civil ir.

Mi Ma) soon tianslennd Ipi business lo vv York, hi ro tin lucapii pailuei' in llie lirm nf May ti Sielu in Maiden lane. Mr ly letirrd aboiil twenty yi are inn. lie is mrv iv ed Ins wilt, tun ilauKhlirs and one run, CliarliK II Ueu Iniiiln 'lit II I i 1 1 1 1 ll wlio was tor manv head of the thin of Tnth. im Mtos, iiianuf icliin is of siheel lead and shot died on al Ins, I I in Sixlt fourth slrei" lie was 11 llmoklwi SlVll -ll t. r-u i I retired trntu bun, n.

is about elpht yearn jro. lie ia bv lis 4-f MARRIED COUPLES TO ARGUE FOR SUFFRAGE List of Spenkers for Week Includes Nantes of Well Known People. To prove that suffrnRo iIoch rot disrupt families the Womoi's Political 1'nlon will open the eutTrnite shop ou Widnesday nnd Saturday to liushand.v nnd wives who wish to nrtruo for the, cause tORether. l'ollowin Is a list of speikers for the week: Monday Women's Political Union Day Mrs. Nora Mlatch DoForrst, Mr.

John IlOKem, Jr, Miss Kllzubeth Freeman, Min. John W. tn the. chair Tuesday Margery Benton Cook, anther of William llennet. former Conpressman Mrs.

II. O. Haver nieyer In the chair. Wednesday First married couple day Mr nnd Mrs. F.ucene llnlnsevnln, Mr and Mrs.

James la'es l.alillaw, Mr. and Mrs. William Demarest. Mr. and Mrs.

Kverett Colby. Mrs Inez Mllhollund Ho'ssevam In the rh.itr Thursday Mrs Mcitrlce lVrhesTtob-ertson Hale. Alfred Harnes Itoardmnn; Mrs flertrude Athertou In the chair. Friday Mrs. Mabel Powers, Mist Mary' Nuttlnc of Columbia I'nlverslty, Hamilton Mis.

Norman White house In the chair. Sattinlay married roiipln dav Mr and Mrs Matrut Matks, Dr and Mrs. John Winters llrnnnan, Mr and Mrs. John ItiKcrs. Dr.

and Mrs. Henry Moskowitz, Mr. and Mrs. lhnjamin Paskus, Dr Menjamlii S. ItarrliiKer and Dr Kmily Dunning MirrlUKer, Mrs.

Marcua Marks In the chair. WORKING GIRLS TO SPEAK. Will Tell of iiielr Problems lit Sollrime Vleellou. W. k'llK K't' themselves.

Hose tderman ami Dniolht Miller will tell about Bnls pioblems at the seisind of the sei ies of sufiraK' ItleetlllKS lit Cooper 1'nlon under thn illris-tion of the lsor-oiich division of the Woman SuffraKM imily and the People's Institute, wnlch will be In Id to-inotiow nlBht. The topic Is "Women and Wanes" Mary Dren r. fnriner president of the Women's Tiade I'nmii I.eaBUe, will preside Prof llowaid Woolston. wti heaileil the vv.ikc invi stic.illon made for the New York St Fttetoi) Commission, Cit i' llfii. and Flon nee Kel-lev, ire net.

1 1 e. i.ii-v of the National C'tisutnei 1.. airue, will discuss ei o-tiotnle anil a-pects of th" vvumun In indust iiuisiion WOMEN VOTERS A PUZZLE. lillcimo Prlmiirles Perplev the I'o- lltli'lil Vs.eiicres. IVb 2t With the primaries IKi tol Tllesdav next till) end virtuallv has been mm lied o' the in the tn st Mayoralty c.lllip.ilitn pa 'ii, it, i'i bv women is cans-political The ill cM.illitv tl.elf Vote Iiib nun rpb xitv In the wiseacres It admitted to ulil that to Indication has hi en shown as to how thn womi feci in the matter, and thin- Is belief that th, muni of ballots will deve'op a surprise 1 1 is conceded thai the women's voln will hi, I.iiko elloilRh decide the If It tlirowu In "lie Hon, but thu Just what is botherlnvt the ntaiuiKers of the vailiuis say women not ilomn ureat amount uf talk inn but ai etubntly iloinie a lot cf IlllukUlst.

I.ndles' I lot r). I'lnli, ss Phadi.rf -t i 1 1 si, rdi afi i i hooii In- ladlls ibtv I t. "t.lllllni lit It I Me It the 'e York pies. It-it Is Of Un, Others whii I It. Wolf, llll H.llll!.

lull L'e it lish armv t.i, lame. ei i inl it'st. and Mis of Dl Kl). IIA 1.1, It It im s.iiniii (i, Pebruary .0. in 1 1 r., slvty tlret ,11 Pun.MHl vert lee will I.e Ij, In hit in His I'hurrli a' ihe lle.enii ltM Fifth steint. und Pent urn, I enri.irv sa, HI IS'Sfl VI I mem prlvan Kindly eiull Hewers I II I IT I int dul lenlt, 111 Vtaslunmnn II I III the lesi of hri lil.lllir.l I II idhlttin. Kiln daiuh' I lor ol lh.i hoiiK nd Ani.nid.i II. fort. uroiil ertiie.

ut nl hr 1 iior. irsiiitiiii 1 West Knd synue. un Tiies.lii)-, Fein I I I I art hi 111 11, 1 I MtTIN -1 ill Pclii intry 1st ft. Ilnh'rt Jliiriln. 11, intny ,1 In Winded fnr Trui it iiuii'ge, ii.iitimi, er pi.

th 1. 11 Hispanic Null' 11 of fin "i il i TATllAM 11 da K. hrtiai "fl ilm 1)1 ir'l si till reset, tie 1 in lii.i Sinn un- i'aihani. I III llie ill. I'll ,1 II I ulniin I I'lll 1 I ll.l'e mil In sen.

I II et 1 vvai.i nn nn 1 1 1 f. I en VV ll Ho tl If I'm 1 1 I 1 1 VV 1 VI 1 rt ru. 1. 1 UMM.K I AM. U.S.

EfeANKE.CAI'iPBLL 24KJW 5 1 i.tMtiMSi,,l,; litTi)' 1. -a. w'MJtw I loaa; nx.

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