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Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois • 4

Chicago Tribunei
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Chicago Cribtmc. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER THE CITY. Gen. Smith D. Atkins, of Freeport, was at the Briggs Bouse yesterday.

Ekqusb Cooke, having entirely recovered from her recent hoarseness, will positively be given to-nlghL holding tickets for the past two can have Uinow Stock learn that the of the Colon Stock Yard now in course of erection, has been leased to Wm. F. Tucker, of tbe Briggs House, for per annum fora term of five Mcktikg or will be of the Association of 1861 and at Bryan Hall this evening at 6 o'clock, for the purpose of signing a memorial to Congress In regard to botmtiee. All soldiers are earnestly Invited to attend. Tub Buxxabd a typographical substitution ol 8 for 8, the greatest ran made at the billiard match of Thursday evening was mlsreprel eented in onr columns, Coon'made nmi of 143,122, nnl 88.

greatest ran was 91: his next best was SB. Hospital tob Woxeh Aim will be a meeting of the Trustees of this institntlon at the Hospital, Iso. 49 Koch street, at 3 p. on Monday next. All are roooestel to be punctual In attendance, as there Is basin css of Importance to be transacted.

A Laxoe largest number of students In attendance at any educational Uon of the West, outside our thronged public schools. Is beyond all question that which fills dally the and lecture rooms of Bryant Strattons Business College. correspondent from Coldwater, Michigan, informs us that onr report of premiums, awarded at the Michigan State Fair, omits to give the first premium in the class of three year old geldings to a colt, the sire being owned by U. H. Crosby, Ksq of onr dry.

Reel's Tevtli or 31 Inthedty will not fall to be repaid by a visit to the great triple salesroom of the Reeds, now being filled with their great stock ofpianoe and organa for the fall It will surprise many of these visitors to be told how constantly fresh most be urged forward to take the place of instruments sold. win be gratifying to many of out readers to learn that Rev. E. N. Kirk, D.

pastor of the ML Vernon Church, Boston, win he tn this city to-morrow. Dr. Kirk Is well known as one ot the ablest and most earnest preachers of the present day. Be will preach at the Illinois SL Chapel to-morrow morning. National Exhibition or sixth exhibition of horses will be madeot Goshen, on the 13th to the 141b of October, Indafdve.ln connection with the annual Fair of the Elkhart County Agricultural Society.

The exhibit la expected to be a grand one, embracing representative hones from every part of the Onion. Last Sale or Houses and bonce and will be sold on Saturday morning, -commendngat 9 In tbe Government corral on State street, just sooth of SSd street. This me last sale of the scries, and offers, therefore, the last chance to those wishing to purchase. See advertisement. Packing Bouse Fob notice that the large and well appointed Packing Boose of V.

A. Ttupin on Grove street near 22d street. Is for sale. It has a capacity for killing and picking 1,000 hogs per day, and offera a fine opportunity to any one wishing fo engage In the packing business the coming season. Messrs.

Turpin maybe treated with at No. 16 Chamber of Commerce building. Labgb Amount or 14 Cff city railway companies have Jost received throe exprers loads of one. two and three cent coins, for the use of their conductors when the charge shall go Into practice. For persons who are willing to purchase tickets the recent alteration to the rate of fare is really a decrease, as twenty-ride tickets can hereafter be pnrebifeed for ninety-five deduction of five cents on the dollar.

Seizcbe or Di ffefcp, one of the leading Revenue agents tn Washington, has Just returned from Keokuk, lowa, where the legality of seizures made of distilleries for infractions of the Internal Revenue law has been fully tested belore Judge Love, who. after alengthy exhaustive argument, has pronounced the absolute legality of seizures thns made by the officers of the Got eminent. Tax Ixavotbal Exebcibes of Eastman National Business College, will take place at Open House on Tuesday evening. Among the distinguished gentlemen who will be present, are Gen. Sherman, Bon.

Bonce Greeley, Bon. Mark D. Wilber, Gen. KctChsm and the Poet, Geo. W.

Bungay. The will be of the most interesting aeler. Mr. Greeley will deliver the inaugural address, and Mr. Bungay ihe poem.

The splendid band of Ihe College will furnish the music. Axibbose Keboszne call attention to the advertisement in thfefeeneof the Ambrose Patent Kerosene Stove, which took the first premium at the Illinois and Michigan Stale Fairs the present year. Its great recommendatory qualities are that It emits no smoke or odor, and fe perfectly safe from dancer by explosion. We notice that the sole agent In this B. Ambrose.

No. 150 South Clark street, fe taking In orders rapidly. Ct-mw or the Black lecture on this subject'will be delivered on Monday evening next In Smith A Bail, by Rev. Henry Highland Comet, himself colored man. Mr.

Garnet fe an accomplished man and polished speaker. He waa for a long time pastor ofa church In Jamaica, hnt te now a resident of New York, whence he has travelled to lecture at different times in the principal oties of the Union. We mar expect an entertaining discourse, one in which the subject win be ably handled, and convincingly argued. Hicitwat Thursday night about 11 o'clock, as a young man employed a dry goods clerk was passing np Wabash Avenue, he was stopped near the corner of Madison street by three ruffians, one of whom presented a pistol and cned to shoot him if be lined, while the other two robbed Mm of his watch, money and other valuables. Being unarmed and no assistance at hand, he bad to submit as gracefully as was possible under the circumstances.

Toxsobiax. Delight, the proprietor of the world renowned Lostral for the hair, is rapidly preparing lor his removal to the new establishment on Washington street, near the Chamber of Commerce. The designs for the fitting op include a style of elegance and a completness of arrangement which in its amplitude trill eclipse even the leading establishments ol Loudon and Faris; they are being faithfully carried out. II will be a fit palace from which to issue the beauty restoring Lnstral, whose use is now so widespread, and excellence so universally acknowledged, that none dispute Ita virtues. iKTStPED PIIEBESTATION TO GkX.

It is the intention of our merchants, on Gen, Sherman's return to our city, to present him with some appropriate token of their esteem, and as nothing onbe more suitable a commemoration ot his own they have decided to purchase great painting of Advance on a Plantation," and make it the medium of dlsplayiqijtheir good will. It was exhibited at the Baird ofTrado rooms yesterday morning for subscription, where It was much admired, and the necessary amount for lit nodoubt be forthcoming. Subscriptions will be taken at Giles' Art Gallery, on Lake street. MiwnnfTST Sletpixo beautiful sleeping can, containing all the latest improvements, brought out in the combined patenta of Woodruff; Knight and others, have just arrived at the depot of the Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne Railroad, for nsc on that always well appointed line. They are splendid specimens ol artLuc skill In design and workmanship, being -light, roomy, well ventilated, and In winter thoroughly wanned, and contain every convenience which the most luxurious tastceonld demand on the road rooms in which a family of any size not immoderately large, may be secluded as effectually as in the chamber at home, yet sutler no inconvenience.

The curtains. are all of the very best. Indeed one can scarcely diinV- an improvement possible, much less sng-est one. These were built by Bolton, Dykctsan A of Ittiladelphla, and belong to the Central Transportation another, on a similar model, will soon follow. Mr.

Jonas Woodruff, the pioneer of sleeping cir bonders, has bestowed every personal attention on them which could iu any way tend to add to their convenience for pnhllc use. Sold mis' regular weekly meeting of the Board of Managers of the Home was held yesterday afternoon, in Room No. IS, Methodist Church Block, Mrs. E. F.

Dickinson presiding. On motion, a committee of three was appointed to vnak-n out a correct statement of all moneys received from various sources, together with expenditures, and have the same published. The regular wnekiy mtundUee of two on the Home was also appealed. She last weekly Committee on Home reported that the same waa overcrowded, even to the bam and outhouse, and extra accommodations would be secretary. It was decided that hereafter bills be contracted for the month Instead of the week, and that the same be paid by the Superintendent, Mr.

£. A. Walker. Mrs. E.

Gaylord, Secretary of the Sewing Women's Assoriat ton, presented a resolution from that body, requesting as many as could find it convenient tonnile with them in their work. A number responded. The resignations of Mrs. C. C.

Long and Mrs. Dr. Burnham being read, the former, on account of Mgvices heretofore rendered, was not accepted the latter, wishing to leave tie city, was placed on the honorary list. A of twelve pounds of cotton hatting and half barrel of pickles, no account of Mrs. Wm.

H. was acknowledged; also the regular monthly pair of sockv, by kn. C. W. Andrews.

It was agreed to hold a forte! gfatly sewing circle at the Home, the first to take place on October 13. As business hereafter is likely to be leas pressing, it was decided to bold monthly instead of weekly meetings, to convene at the Home, the first to take place on the fourth Friday in October. The meeting then adjourned. thz For some time past frequent complaints have been made to tbe Poet Office department in this city, that letters, which bad been mailed at Falrvicw, Fulton comity, bad been opened on tbeir way hither and money abstracted therefrom. Harrison'Park, special agent of the Post office department, having his attention called to tbe determined on ferreting out the matter, and accordingly started for Falrvicw bun day evening.

Alter some Investigation he came to the oondusioD that tbe depredations were being mm. ynttted at JCarrmstationon theLewlstownbranch of tbe Chimgo, Burlington Quincy JL and about semi mlleebom Ftirvlew. Having determined on hie plan of action, he took Into hia confidence the Postmaster of Kalnlew, and the two set about wiiiim. decoy letters to respectively io Kidder, Bovey Evening Journal, they, also noda-d two other letters supposed to contain money, directed to Hnbliard Spenoerand tbe Chicago Tuibuxc. -After the mail bad been safely deposited io the Nome stage, the nearest railroad point, Mr.

Pfcrk took a smtheside the driver, keeping his feet on tbe mad bag to sure It was not molested transit to Norris. aaw the rnali-Toag eafeiy deposited In the Post Office at this point, where it lays over till the next morning. Here ue took the cars for Yates City, the junction of the branch with tbe main road, keeping a sharp eye on the mall-bag so as to be sure of its not being molested on the road. At Yates City be took mail-bag in charge, and on opening it found all the money leUere opened and the lands abstracted therefrom. He now.

In company with detective Galesburg, went back to Norris and arrested Frank Banka, the dak, bat upon search nothing was found to implicate tbit gentleman. Mr. Moore tbeu Frank N. Boss, a gedtleznan who had frequently officiated in tbe Post, Office, but was not a sworn of the department, and on Ida petvon was found some of the minting money. Mr.

Park bod both conveyed to Chicago, and yesterday forenoon they were arraigned before D. S. Commli-aioner llovne on a charge in accordance with the above fuctoT No evidence was adduced to prove that Mr. Hanker was In the degree implicated in the robberv, and be was consequently discharged, onlv rood ring a reprimand for nis carelessness lu allowing persona not sworn In the service to handle The money found on the paion oi hill, but as mere le a slight dlecn-pMCT 1" Identification, nod ae Ibo SSrdSini lint he ran prove tint he received the Hit In I the ckk nostjKjned for Mo wecln, the prironcr leitc placed under jI.tXIO foTuta for hia appearance at that time. THE WAOREOMI MURDER.

Xtc Trial of White of Intimate Medical Eridencc. ThcFriPonerls Declared to bare been Insane When Be Committed Clio Course of Ills Since 1846. Despatch to the Chicago WacKEoax, lake Sept. 29,1885. The trial of White still continues, and itexerdsea day hy day to a great extent the good people of the comity of lake.

They flock into the court room in large numbers, and daring the many hours of the session they all or stand, detouring every word that the examination of the witnesses developes. A more orderly concourse never was witnessed cadi seeming to be intent, there Is scarcely a whisper heard among the bystanders, excepting, perhaps, an occasional eotto voce upon the benches devoted to the ladies who occupy, almost exclusively, one side of the room. Thcexamlnaucoofilr. Brown- who was In most Intimate association with the prisoner and hie family, was interesting and 1 famish a very fall summary of his testimony. Another intimate Mend was also produced whose testimony I have largely drawn upon.

The examination of the medical men, so to as ll has proceeded, was listened to with great attention. As to the, bystander there seems, perhaps, to be a solution or great difficulties In tbe opinion of the science exploring man. This branch of the testimony not now complete, two other physicians having tobe examined on the part of tbe defence. After the proceedings of the day had terminated, according to the several impulses which animate the lookers-on, expressions were used in relation to the ease such as casemicht as well be abandoned" or, nnlD the other evidence for tbe people is In." The fact is that the trial bus come to tne turning point of Its career, when it dcvelopcs its greatest interest In the community. patkick a mown.

Patrick A. Brown, the Intimate friend of the prisoner, being examined, testified ea follows: I reside In TVsiren, In this county, and have for twenty-one years lai-t spring, excepting two yean 1 waa at California. 1 nave known prisoner eighteen or nineteen years. Am a tanner, and have been, except two years when 1 was Shemff of the county. By the road my place is nearly three miles from hot straight it only two miles; he has resided on his farm two different times, coming to it last when I was away at from which place 1 returned in 185 T.

1 recollect the death of his wife In 1882. I was at his house several times within a month of that day; I was there the Sabbath morning preceding her death, and on the morning of her death. White complained considerably of dyspepsia the season preceding his death; his health waa not as good as nsnaL Saturday night I went down with my wife, as wc were both sent for. and when I cot there 1 expected to find White very sick, as the messenger told me that they expected be was dying. 1 found him alive and rather better than 1 anticipated, he was able to converse freely, and was In the kitchen.

1 asked him bow be got along. He said he waa better. He had been bad, ana had thought be could not live until the morning. Be said he had taken some lobelia for his disease of the stomach, and it bad produced spasms of the stomach, ana be was prostrated. 1 staid with him until morning, about nine, 1 think, when I went home, leaving him up, and ont of doors, sitting ont In the wood-shed, where he talked to me of his pecuniary matters.

1 was sent for about two Thursday morning, and got to his boose about three. Ifouud him sitting in front of the stove, with bis teet in warm water, and withapipelnhlsband, the tobacco which be kept lighting, holding it before him nntil the light expired, when be would puff at It and light It again, and repeat the same operation, meantime looking all the time as at something on the floor. 1 said good morning, and be answered In the usual way. Then I asked him what was the matter; he made no reply. 1 went to the aide ol him and eat beside Mm.

I ppor hand on his head. I think it was the holiestbead 1 ever pnt my hand on In my life. I suggested (to him to nave it bathed with water. I bathed It, Whim getting water end towels. In about fifteen or twentv minutes he seemed to be mere rational.

I got him to bed and laid down In the adjoining room. Shortly after, his wife came out and asked me to watch him, as she was sick. 1 went Into the bed room and induced berto go to bed. 1 did not sleep, although I was very tired, but walked about the room. White snored very loudly and be seemed to sleep quietly.

1 went ont at abont daylight and saw Daniel Brewster coming, Lstemr" up and asked me how he was. 1 describee the case to him as briefly as 1 could, requesting him not to go near him as he was asleep. He stayed there a few minutes and went under the woodsoed when Mrs. White stepped out and talked with him a little while. Be then went away.

I went into the house and pretty soon prisoner woke up. 1 went to him and found ne was very cold, and be seemed languid. 1 went to the aide of the bed and eat down on the front aide of the bed, and presently he sprang up and brought hU right arm over my shoulder with his fingers extended, and the left hand near my throat, and cried ont very loud, 1 Brown I you never failed me. You are all Bis fingers were nearing my throat, and something told me to push him away. 1 knew the power of the man.

1 lifted up my left arm and threw him on to the bed and said: down, be qnleLcontentyonrfiell, and not get np this Said 1: yon want to be abont your work pretty soon, and belaid down on to his hack, and the tears began to run down his face, and he spoke in a kind of moaning tone these words: poor This be repeated throe times, and his wife came in and began crying. To padfr oim, I told him cot to be alarmed abont the children, they were all right. I will take care of them. I then got some water and a towel, and bis wife bathed him. I left the house abont nine that morning, and sent for my wife to come and slay with Mrs.

bite. Intoned according to promise that night. When 1 left in the morning prisoner was in bed. Be had cot np once, hnt bad returned again, complaining he was not able to sit np. Be appeared weak.

I got to the bouse abont dark, been there abont ten minutes when Mr. Simmons, the Sheriff, came np. We went ona search for the body. Subsequently I went down with the parly to the Jail. 1 recollect Us being ont to (he buggy to go np and help the search.

He was aasixted ont by Evans and Simmens. While in Jail I asked White some questions. did not know hnt what Mrs. While might be ahvc yet, and that perhaps her life might be saved, and I asked him what ns killed her for. I asked him If he had killed her, and he eaid he had.

1 asked how ha killed her, and he eaid he strangled her to death with his bands. I asked him uhe struck or hurt her otherwise- He said tasked what he struck her with. He said, took a stick or a thing, and struck her on the Said you break her skull He said, Did you knock He said, Said Perhaps she may be alive somewhere. Con von describe the place where she said he, know where she is. Yonknowwbere that slough We went back again; hnt when the body was found.

It was lying further off the slough than he bad said. I also asked him what he had done It fer, and said he, I bad to do lu lie repeated this several 1 asked him if any altercation occurred between them and I don't know that he said there was, bat beeaid be had to do it; I think both of ns asked him why be did it and he said, I had to do ft. Oh, Ood bated to doit; Juried not to do it." Wncnhe said this, be seemed to be verv, very nervous and considerably cxdlcd: he looked very feeble and haggard ana bis eyes looked bad; they looked to me as it be bad been asleep they were somewhat red or hlood-chot, but there was a vivid, flerv, classy appearance to them. I had been familiar wiih him before this and have seen this expression of the eye before, but never quite so red as at this time. I have seen this appearance a great many times, hot can not specify the times.

I have noticed this appearance when he has been in conversation, very loud. He drank sometimes, tnd I was familiar enough with him lobe able to know when he was under the influence of liquor. liquor seemed to bare a speedy effect upon him. Onibe Thursday! have referral to he was not under the influence ot liquor, nor was there any Indication of it when I saw him In Jail. The appearance of the eye I have described 1 have noticed noth when be had drank liquor, and when be bad not touched it.

The first time i noticed this In him was when be was sick, after color to Dr. Evans' room as testified to (by Hutch Insont and occasionally ever since, but not so much then, for during two years of toe time be never touched liquor. Since 1658, however, I bare seen it more frequently. I know I have seen It when be bad no liquor in him, as well as when be had. 1 knew prisoner wbed be was a merchant and have traded with him; be was an active man.

and very gentlemanly, I considered him a first class man. Iheflrvl change! noticed was when he was sick with delirium uemens after being at He recommenced drinking, 1 think, in 165G, and it then crew upon him, and about ISSS he drank to excess, and continued to grow upon him gradually until be was put In jail. In Ifun, 'CO and I think be drank deepest. He wonld of late years talk about almost thcobligatians that one man was under to another; to be tair, honest and of that kind, and sometimes be would talk with great force and energy, and get excited and nsc bis hands with a great deal of rim. 1 should say he was trying to drive those ideas of his into me, and I used to say but little to him when he was arguing.

He would commence a subject, run on It a while, and change off on to another, and before he would get through, in almost every case, he wonld get his eye and huger pointing op to heaven, and stand and talk in that way. This he would do when he seemed to be excited, and be would sit at the table while eating bia dinner, with his knife in his band, and strike It down on the table by way of gesticulation, and jar the whole table. 1 used to leave disgusted with his conversation; be would seem to drive It so hard 1 could not frequently enjoy a meal of victuals in consequence of his conversation there was much of ft and such things as I knew nothing about and as I don't know anybody else ever did. This occurred when be was under the influence of liquor and when he was not, bat he was more earnest when in liquor. There were intervals of time when be was not so bolsitroar, perhaps be would be so to-day and perhaps not so to-morrow, and sometime be would be to for sevetal days.

The burden of bis disco one was debt and wrong; that seemed to be bis hobby. Ue used to roeak of his own matters in the same way, and wiud up by saying he would leave the events with God. Before 1854,1 never beard each views trom him have lived In this county twenty-one yean, and was living here when prisoner came here, i came in 1811, and be, I ttdtiV-, 1846, hut am not positive as to the year. Our families have been in the habit ol frequent intercourse, meeting at each other's wife being as familiar with and as frequent a visitor of than as She has as good opportunity ot Judging of him ns I had. Iwss at hishonseSatnrday night before be killed his wtie or Sunday morning.

When 1 got there be was the middle room, sitting towardibenortheldeoftbcroom. He spoke to me as I came in, asked me how 1 did; be told me he was better but be had had a pretty hard time of it. lie said he had taken Lobelia pills. I have taken such pills and found them oifect the stomach It has a tendency to prostrate. That morning he spoke of an execution which had been served upon lum; he had told me of a good deal of embarrassment be was laboring under, and that continued to tbe of the killing; he claimed lint some of it was nacrous.

I Saw him next 1 burr day morning. 1 have seen old persons smoking, but I never saw one do as I have saldhe aid. On the last vMt tbe bead was extremely hot, and when I left him extremely cotd. I have seen perrons fever, but never saw tbe extremes of beat and cold so developed in their cates. Ido not think Ifbe had been dreaming over the contemplation of murdering bis write he would have expressed himself in the ay poor as he did.

lie would not give that evidence against himsclL 1 should not. 1 had never tailed mm. in (hat remark to me he told tbe truth. I have stated to you that when lacked him why he lulled her, he said: had to kill her; would not leave the Adds when I told her, and 1 must be lie was generally vehement In cate of opposition being offered to his opinions; be was vehement and terrible. This war not universal but or very occasional, more so nt some than at outer times, lie was in old times a Whig, and he was very venomous toward the party opposed to him.

I have seen frtm much excited upon such occasions. Yoahadbelter ask my wife what she thought of him. 1 believe her feelings agree vdin mine, if she tells what she feels in regard to It. 1 tell what she will sav. Sb; can can answer for b-TsciC.

6, You think she will tell anything hot the truth? A. I don't believe she will. Q. Yon have a good deal oi confidence in Mrs. Brown? A.

Don't quiz me too close on that I don't think a flashing and a glassy eye are the same. HU eye would flash end pierce sometimes, and at be glassy. I have seen itloggy when he was under the influence of liquor. I have supnosed that the appearance was produced by liquor, because I had seen it when he was in liquor. I can tell what be Is in liquor, and be was not on the referred to.

1 bad seen him dnnk io his store early aficr he camckbere. Only saw him twlci in a aaloon in my life, but have sometimes, but not often, drunk with him at our houses. In hia con vereatlons he did not confine himself to any given subject. I avoided conversations us much at possible, because he was In the habit of tolling so four and of expressing himself so lovably by punching. Ido not think It strange fora person to sav be will leave any one who has wronged, him to God, but I thought it so in his case.

1 never bald he should nor be hung, but hare convened of this case frequently to persons, and have said be oughtnot to because be was Insane, I have had many and long conversation? on this subject, especially while I was Shenfll 1 took him at that time from the jail one night to see Ur. Adams, who was dying, and one other night to see bis sister, Mrs. who was aL-o dying. Ido not know what have become of the clubs. I suppose the large one was burned for firewood by some gilrilnaliris.

who held i meeting here in the Court ouee, and the other one 1 know nothing about L. Williams was then sworn. He testified that he was an attorney, residing here since 1831. Be further raid: 1 have known defendant since I tint resided in the county. My first real acquaintance was in 1854.

I think about business, we had a note of over a hundred dollars to collect from hrm with ten per cent interest. He refused to pay more than six per cent because the power which controlled him bad refused to allow him to pay more. 1 called attention to the agreement to nay ten per cent, when be raid be was under a different influence when be gave It. He was earnest In argumentation, and be suffered the note to go into execution, sod would not pay it even when he sold his real properly for by the description, nor when all hie personal estate was seized and advertised. Flnally I gortbe pay from Mr.

Hutchinson, who was a friend of his. This was in 1833 or ISM. Afterward, while I was a Justice of the Peace, a ten dollar claim was sued before me, and he refused to pay it on tbe ground that It was not according to his understanding of the contract, and be bad to oppose it in order to maintain his position before the community and with Qod as not submitting to or countenancing wrong. To get rid of him I paid the claim. His manner and his conversation waa such I did not want to have anything to do with him.

On these occasions be was exceedingly earnest. On neither of them did be claim to have any defence, but while he acknowledged that according to law they were correct he refused, to meddle with them by an action of hu, lest be should be compromised with the spirit or the power that controlled him. Bis gesticulations would exceed tbe power of any buta theatrical actorto describe. I saw him upon a somewhat alsular occasion In Justice Clarkson's office, where his conduct, manner and conversation waa similar to that which took biace in my office except that he was more boisterous and walked across tbe office qnlckcr. During the week or so before the homicide freunently saw him riding with his wife.

I bad never seen him accompanied by her before. On these occasions be drove about as without any aim. Be would drive one war and then return, and perhaps go back again. Tbits became eo noticable to me that 1 mentioned it to others as a remarkable drenm-tanee concerning him. This took place immediately alter the service ot the Carman judgment, which was for about S2OO.

Vrott-Eaanination. lama partner of the defendant's counsel, but have bad no part la the preparation of the case. I declined to ao so, for I never liked (he man, I have never had consultations as to the manner of the defense, but In the office have spoken of the case. D. C.

Hutchinson was then sworn; be testified as follows: I have been Intimate with the prisoner since 1834, when 1 assumed the business ol my brother, and then he came to me, and from that time I assisted him in his business. I beard be was sick about the lima 1 him, hnt did cot know him then. 1 cannot describe his mental condition or actions. Be seemed to me to act like any other erary man. Be had a great many peculiarities.

Bis general appearance was different com other men. Ills mode and manner of doing anything was different from other men. Be waa tenacious of long talk. 1 remember one conversation he forced upon me which fasted two days day I could not get away even to my dinner, and I could not find ont what It waa all abont until at last beahowedmealelter asking him to boy a certain quantity of wheat fora firm in Buffalo, and he wanted to ask me whether he should do it. I think the peculiarities I have referred to were general in him, bet not always exhibited.

When I finst knew Mm be was peculiar. I bare seen him frequently in tears abcut trivial matters, and abont fancied wrongs bo deemed reaL In settling some accounts that! bad computed the Interest on, in my store, he paid them under protest, as he called it, because ol the Interest, although the accounts were £nde on life own contracts. The effect of Uqnor upon him was not such as to change hfe Ideas, and when he was intoxicated he wonldnot be so solemn in bis earnestness. Be deemed hfe conversation 1 being specially appointed by God to procure the proper punishment of criminals, and be need in his conversation to speak of the case with which criminals escaped. Upon cross examination the only material fact developed was that the prisoner hod not since hfe confinement In fell to the witness manifested any anxiety In regard to his fate, other than to want bis trial to come off speedily.

On one occasion, upon visiting him in Jail he mm asked why be was confined to this witness replied, he be.ievcd the coroner had issued hu warrant Prisoner then asked when he was to have his trial, and upon witness remarking be supposed he would be tried when the witnesses could be obtained, be remarked that there would be no need of witnesses or lawyers as be could go and tellbls case to the Jury himself. He refused to employ attorneys became be said he saw no necessity or them, as he wanted to tell the case to the jury himself. In 1851 defendant owed $3,000 and had 410 acres of land, worth from to he then sold off for fT.OCO a part of hfe land and had only $2,000 of debt and property valued at to $7,000 beside personal property. Dr. Evans waa recalled by the prosecuting attornev and asked whether he had or had not sworn at Chicago In this case; that he had not seen the prisoner on the morning alter the killing, bat had not seen him until the afternoon.

Be said that he hxd, but subsequent events had made him recollect an earlier visit at the JaiL The counsel for the defense then called for a further examination as to the indida of the insanity, to which Mr. Reed objected on the ground that this would a recapitulation ot testimony heretofore drawn out, contending the whole ot the testimony being in writing, it would be unfair to present to experts a reconsidered statement of medical testimony. The court ruled ont such a continued examination. not being stated that any material point of the examination had been omitted, hot rather that they bad gone over the particular ground now eongbt to be re-introduced. SB.

ISHAX. B. N. Isham, M. was next called, and testified: I reside In Chicago; have been practicing eleven years.

I have practised as house physician at Bolevne Hospital, New York. 1 have not made insanity a tpedalitv, but my general experience as a medical rnsti has, 1 think, qualified me to judge of the sanity of apatlent by the recital of the history of bis case. Based upon the bets as staled to me, I have so doubt that man at the time he committed the act was insane. I find the history of this man radically changed. Previous to 18381 fled him predisposed to losanllv, and 1 find the existing and exciting cause.

1 find a remarkably small brain; there Is a who is, a a you might say, predisposed to Intemperance, of peculiarly nervous organism, who Is irasdble, and with a feeble dcvelopcmcntof the intellectual faculties, without much control. Tbe manifestations In the testimony arc in the comae of intemperance, which probably produced organic changes, so that upon the least exciting cause. It would bunt into insanity. 1 find also an halludnation as to tbe Illy defined control of a superior power, but there seem to have bear lucid Intervals, when he appeared to be comparatively rational. I fall to find a motive for need, and tbe absence of an attempted concealment of the crime is an index of tbe mental debility.

A frequent cause of insanity is mental anxiety arising from business complication. One or more severe attack of delirium tremens might leave a man perhaps with impaired health, bat a sound mind, out pursued beyond that tne patient may die, frequently bv suicide, but I believe each attack leaves tne patient a little below In hb mental capacity. In many cases of habitual drinkers there is produced a vitiated condition of appetite, bringing on dvsrepsla, and It is followedbyan appetite for simulants; In that condition 1 consider a nun tcarcely responsible, and that it te Important to ferre food upon him. bach, I should calLan exciting cause of insanity. 1 should not be willing to answer for tbe bead or special form under which this Insanity Is to be brought; it does not seem to come under these especial heads.

Tbe sympathy between the stomach and bniu is very great, and we see the effect In impairing the brain In the dyspeptic, one of the results oi that disease being to produce melancholy, and this without reference to what bos produced the dyspepsia. 1 do sot mean that all dvspop-ia leads to insanity, but frequently tbe patient tabes on a gloominess, sometimes running into melancholy. Ardent spirits have an cxdting effect upon the brain. There Is not modi difficulty In distinguishing between intoxication and insanity, and intoxication and delirium tremens. Tbe incident relerred to.

when the patient left his boose and went to Dr. Evans, is characteristic of delirium tremens fancied himself pursued- There Is a speacs ol insanity called busy delirium, where if opposed he will become violent. None of these are exhibited in intoxication. 1 sec no evidence of Intoxication in his case; I understand be bad been drinking at tlat time. 1 see no evidence of delirium tremens at all; in deletium tremens insanity is present.

are different manifestations of Insanity in different individuals, and names are given to the several types. Tbe books enter fully into cases of insanity, and many of them cover just such a case as this, I think. I don't apply any name to this case because I tnlnk nose of the names apply. This is Insanity. 1 cannot tell what kind of insanity he has got.

It Is not possible to do it. I mean that he has aklndoflueanlty the books don't speak of. I could only repeat that every case of insanity is different, and any attempt at nomenclature would be to name each case, wo give this under general bead of insanity. I have not examined the prisoner's head, bat upon looking at him 1 thought I noticed that uls brain was small. Tbe evidence of Lis sharpness in business would onlv prove that be was keen is a certain direction, tvhfc another faculty might be wanting.

Irascibility seems to be on evidence of Jnsaniry, according to the history of bis case. It is not necessarily In insanity, but it would probably be Increased. Men embarrassed who become insane manifest the Insanity in different ways. The manifestation of the effect of delirium tremens might be latent for four vean. I fancy, though, his family could have discovered the evidences of coming insanity.

1 think it often occurs that the set of killing is without motive. I think there Is generally a motive which may not be developed by the testimony. I couple with that seeming absence of motive the fact that he delivered himself np and detailed the facts connected with tbe killing. 1 rhtwb this would be affected by a small quantity of liquor, and if he bad drank of outers just before the occurrence, I do not think it would have operated to result in tne murder, because it would have some time to develop the insanity, yet a little liquor in bis then condition might throw him over. 1 think this man would be safe to run at large, became be might indulge in drluks, and be brought up to ex a ting causes.

I should judge from the history of the case, as 1 have been made familiar with It, that tbe prisoner is insane to-day. He-trcminotion should not think that the taking of liquor by him immediately preceding the act, would have changed my views as to insanity, but a little might have overset his mind, not dunging the degree of moral insanity. un. J. Adamn Allen, M.

testified. I reside at Chicago. Am a practitioner of medidne for twenty years or more. I have resided in Chicago six years. 1 have devoted much attention to the subject of insanity.

From the history of the case as read by and to me, and from the testimony 1 have read, supposing the statements to be true, 1 have no hesitation in pronoundog him insane at the time be commuted the homicide. The character of the act, the brutality in it, the absence of motive, the self giving up of tho prisoner, the appearance of and the bead, the history of the case, and me change in him, the constant disturbance In the dlgestiveorgane, io brief go to form my opinion. The absence of row and contrition, concurring with the othersymptoms, go to show the insanity, no single symptom being reliable as indicating the state ot mind of the patient. The presence ot intemperance the rent would perhaps predispose to insanity. In this man's should say this man's immediate cause of insanity was continued derangement of the digestion of the brain, aided by toe use of alcoholic liquors and the effect of embarrassing circumstances.

This mr.n is of the melancholic mcnr, as described by writers of insanity, strongly predisposed to mc'ancholia, although 1 may say that the nomenclature is but thr convenience. The disease having a form named to-day, and shortly assume another form. When be expressed the opinion that be would die at a certain hour, be was laboring unda melancholia, but he may have been a maniac a few menu. The beat of the sun in walking was perhaps an active cause even in bringing about a change bis then condition. A characteristic of Icsanlfyis that the delusions or emotions control the will, and the execution of tbe purpose is with greater intensity that tbe same would be In the normal condition ofthe patient.

Brutality Is not invariably, bnt is generally a characteristic of one tfaatis insane. have heard of cases of crest brutality in cases of murder by some men. Ibis ease was marked strongly by melancholia, and think from the lime be left the house to the sitting on the log it was such, but that in a moment it was charged to frenzy, lx it be true that he killed ha because she would not obey him by leaving tbe field. Is tbe link in my mind that shows the change from melancholia to frenzy. This man has a small brain, but this docs not indicate a weak Intellect, being only a single symptom.

Pecuniary arc one of the most common causes of Insanity, and intemperance has a concurring effect. His constant reference to the moral doty of min, by theevidence, seems to be an hallucination. Tbe case is as positive a one to my mind as any 1 ever knew ot where there was col positive mania. There Is nothing in tbe facts io give the idea of simulated mania. Ills taking a moderate quantify of sllmulant'jmmedlatelv preceding the act would not change my new ibis case.

There Is nothing in the case to show that be as intoxicated or laboring tmdadclirinm tremens. I do not know If bo Is now insane; I see the predisposition to insanity existing. DU. k. s.

DAVIS. A. P. Dev is, if. Dotting sworn, UtUJled-I reside In Chicago, and have since ISI9.

1 practise medicine. attention bos been called to insanity somewhat, end 1 think 1 am able to give an opinion in such a case. Judging from tho testimony as I Lave been made acquainted with it, 1 should be compelled to regard tbe prisoner as insane at that time. The Ikcte that lead me lotliat conclusion are that he manifested certain peculiar mental characteristics exaggerated beyond a healthy cause, which, when excited, were carried to insanity, and that tho use Intoxicating liquors, tbe defective operations of the digestive organs and pecuniary emharrasinent furthermore excited this. I think to fbrm verv reliable opinions upon the appearance of IncUrlduals.

At the present time 1 should sar be bore the appearance of a melancholic strongly disposed to A hlgtlEtate ot tamp ratura might largely hare affected man. The manner of the act, the condition of the prisoner Immediately preceding, and bla subsequent cour-e, arc strong indicia of insanity. If ae went out with the fixed delusion that he was to die, as an insane one, and made an effort to dear that from bla mini, that effort would probably find him In the condition to meet the opposition by any force. A person of Inedble temper would be more likely to manifest Insamtr In acts of violence, so much so that this veir Irascibility is sometimes only a minor manifestation of insanity. should call this if I must define it, a combination of moral and intellectual derangement I have not enough of tbe facts of bis man's history once the homicide to cay that he is now Insane, but I should think that he is not sound in mind.

His brain, I should judge, is bdow the average a little. 1 should sot think the animal propensities unduly developed. I should think that ices liquor would affect him than many other men. The nss of a email amount of liquor in his case might have carried him over the bounds of reason, but this is not the kind of act that manifests itself in the case of Intoxication. If it be proved in this case that the prisoner has exhibited a revengeful spirit, I should consider it an additional evidence of inanity.

If be had committed a murder upon an enemy, and been prosecuted for it, and be should manifest a revengeful spirit, I should not consider it positive evidence of insanity. If there is an absence of motive, it is a strong index looking toward an opinion of his insanity. J. A. Allen, 31.

was recalled, when he further eaid: The expression of revengeful feelings by the prisoner while In lull would, with concurrent circumstances. be evidence of continued Insanity. Rorenge standing alone proves nothing. As both sane and insane men are capable of revenge, no Inference can be drawn from it. B.N.lsham, 31.

was recalled, and made a similar statement. mHEKCBTO COKE. The court then aaionrned. The case Is not near its coodoafon yet, the defence having seven or eight witnesses yet to examine, after which the rebutting testimony, to give which some twenty witnesses are in attendance, will occupy some time. All of tomorrow, it has been announced, will be swallowed up by the reception of testimony for the defence.

DESTRUCTIVE CONFLAGRATION. The Bmgr Establishment of Smith Dwyer a Total Dc- Touring: Element in Fall Career. Lois At half past three o'clock yesterday afternoon, a fire of the most destructive character broke oat in the wholesale and retail drug store df Mcasra. Smith A Dwyer, Nos. 93 sod 94 Lake street, opposite the Tiemoat House.

The flames were first discovered hoisting through the Dearborn street sidewalk, under which, and that of lake street, were stored between three and four hundred barrels of kerosene oIL linseed on, whale oil. and Tarnish. Within half a minute after the first discovery of the fire under the sidewalk the flames commenced issuing through the floor of the retail store. No. on the corner.

They came like a flash by the most dense and stuffing smoke, which filled the room and drove its occupants into the street before they could imagine wnat was the matter. The contents of the retail establishment being of the lightest and most inflammable became ignited almost instantly. and in much less time than is required to write ibis sentence, the entire interior was one mass of living flame. It was with the utmost difficulty that the firm succeeded in rescuing their books and papers from destruction. From the retail department the flames extended into the rear rooms of the second story, where Messrs.

bmlih A Dwyer bad stored a large quantity of patent medicines. These, too, were entirely deetroved, when the flames took another ascent into the third floor, where were stored corks, gums, patent medicines, sponges, window glass, in immense quantities, which burnt like Under, and gave out the roost intolerable beat. For some reason, at present nnexpliluable, the alarm was not given till seven or eight minutes after the flames were and 11 required at least ten or twelve mlnntcsmore for the nearest located steamer to get ready for operation, thus giving the fire a twenty minutes'start. By the time the engines were reedy to commence work, the entire Interior and a large portion of the exterior of the building was one red mass of flame. As the staves of the oil barrels burned through, the flames from the ignited oil would ascend through the sidewalk with the fury ofa volcano, causing a hasty retreat of hundreds of curious spectators who crowded about.

Through the indomitable efforts of Marshal Harris and bis assistants, the fire was confined to the drug establishment alone. The office of M. T. QnhnbyA Co wholesale jewelers, over No. 99, and the rooms occupied by the Travellers Insurance Company, directly above the retail department, were kept clear of fire, though thoroughly drenched with water.

The contents of the wholesale salesroom, and the cellar below, were saved from bclngburned by the thickness of the partition walk The cellar was chiefly filled with costly wines, whlskcps and brandies. These, of course, were not injured by the water, but the goods above were almost totally destroyed by that element. Messrs. Smith tc Dwyer had just received one ot the largest and costliest stocks ofgoods ever brought into the Western country. Their retail store was probabtv the most complete in the dty, containing over worth ofgoods.

In tbU department was a stock of Havana cigars alone valued at $5,000, which were either burned by Are or rmnod by cellar under No. contained over 100 barrels of whale and linseed oils, besides white lead, dry paints, dye stuffs, jrlcdow glass, varnishes, etr, which were completely destroyed, not an article being left untouched either by fire or water. This was deluged with watei to the depth of several fteet, over which swam about two inches ihc oils under the Dearborn street sidewalk continued to burn for several boors slier the fire was 2 Benched the other portions of the building. In ict the flames were not pet out ra this place until there remained nothing more upon which to feed. A more complete wreck than that presented in the retail department after the flames were quenched.

could not be Imagined. The floorjwas strewn with cigars, bottles, brushes, combe, surgical Instruments, broken statuettes, plaster, pictures, soaps, etc. Show smashed to pieces, and contents irretrievably ruined. Shelves charred and blackened, barren of all the rich and valuable articles that stood upon them an hour before. Everything was ruin and devastation.

Not a pane of glass remained In the windows. Messrs. Smith A Dwyer's loss on stock will amount to not less than $150,000, while the damage they will sustain by being torced to discontinue business at this season of the year, cannot be estimated. Tbev are Insured to me extent of about thlrly-ouo different companies, as fol- Fire and Inland Insurance N. Fire and Marino Insuwrco Albany.N.

Knickerbocker, N. $3,500. Home, N. Y. $3,000.

Providence, Providence, R. $5,000. Hartford. $7,500 New England, Hartford, Co nm, The Mutual Security, Chicago, $5,000. Illinois Mutual, Chicago, $5,00.

Charter Oak, Hartford, $5,000 Manhattan, N.Y., $3,500. Brevoort, N. rkStO. Hope, Providence, B. Mosiaioit, Springfield, Fiscal anna.

South Berwick, Maine, $3,500. GlrardTPiitiadelpliia, JiTOO. Hartford, Hartford, $5,000. N'orth American, Hartford, Conm, Citj Fire Insurance New Haven, New Haven, $3,500. Peoria Marine A File Insurance Hartford, Cornu, $2.500.

Western Masschusetts, Pittsfield, $2,500. Cit fire Iterance Hartford. $5,000. Chicago Chicago, $2,500. Thames, Norwich, $2,600.

Belief, £ew York, Messrs. M. T. Qulmby A Co. loss will be between $2,000 and $3,000.

Immediately upon perceiving the flames, Mr. Charles Stark commenced removing the goods in this establishment, audio so doing a great many articles of jewelry were lost In ihe street, or stolen by those persons who volunteered their assistance. The Travellers' insurance Company toss will be very slight, S2OO being sufficient to cover all All the books and valuable papers were op In the safe, and only a few primed and cards were reached by the water. The railroad furnishing establishment of C. S.

niee 4 Ov, Nos. 19 and 21 Dearborn street, though at times In imminent danger of being burned, escaped without damage. The building Is a eiorv structure, erected over fifteen rears ago, and at pfecent owned by J. K. Botsford, Esq.

It Is valued at ISO.GOO, and is damaged to the amount o. about Mr. Boteford is folly The fire was caused by the bursting of a large demijohn of vitriol, which communicated with a barm of oil, and in an instant Ihe whole cellar was The second alarm of fire, rung for the Sixth District about eight was for the purpose of recalling three engines which Chief Hams bad orderednome about fire At the time of their recall there were apprehensions that the fire would get the better of the small engines, but for. innately these apprehensions proved groundless, and the fire succumbed to the deluge of water a short tune alter ten o'clock. A CEtESTIAIi SENSATION How a Chicago Neighborhood Got Astronomy Ulghor Than A On Thursday evening about nine several hundred residents of this city, in the vicinity of Twelfth near the Lake have been seen Imitating thp men or Galilee in steadily up into One and another joined the street groups.

Parties Juvenile or senile or valid, sent early to bed, caught the emotion and crept hastily out Into the night air In such dishabille as the gray moonlight sufficiently cloaked. All were awe struck, serious, and with heads thrown back gazed into the empyrean at apolntalltUcsoalhcast of-the zenith. Firstly, there were mysterious sounds that chained those gazers, a sound of tog and fluttering and pattering or crackling, al) and either. deceit. So will scattered; grains of So will nut cakes in hot tat So will pop corfa.

Sowill the laundry lines in a smacking breeze on a day. Combine these sources of sound and you have the result But stand In moonlight and firmly believe these founds to come from among the store, because you have no means of disproving It I And then use your eyes. There, don't yon see that flash of light cgalnst the cloudless sky? that darling flame! that meteor? andanotber.andauother? Connect these audit Is a dropping, crackling shower play of crisp, crackling electric fires on a new principle. It Uan omen, and now the women turn and tbe Irreverenlfesters, who will have their little jokes, are frowned down. Tbe suggestion that these falling stare are those of brigadiers and major gcncralsjust being mustered out: that tbe celestial oodles from late drought have fallen to rattling like dry peas; that tbe Seven Sisters are playing at Castanets, or running Sewing Machines, not the noiseless kind; all these woe Inc suggestions of tbe jocose.

And then, such science as was hastily unto ded and shaken out; such accountings for the sound and the sight; such sage remembrances of having seen the thing before, whereat tbe women grew more cheerful again. And still the cracking and rattling kept on overhead. It Is easy to get up an olta laugh declare (he case and the crowd very simple. It was not so easy to read the route of these several hnsdredastonlsbcd sky gazers out of the mystery that kept them in tbe streets for a good half hour, as earnestly stretching their necks and visions as If they knew that all their fellow inbabitantsof tins part of the hemisphere were gazing in wonder or kneeling in terror before the apparition of terror In the aky. The number of the domestic sufferers frem this celestial visitation makes our Item respectable among sensations.

What was it? Simply a kite, surreptitious-, ly sent up after A huge, scrawny, baggy kite, of wnite papa, against its sticks, that it flapped and clattered as papa will do. An Uly balanced kite, crazy-headed, with a tail at odds with Itself. A beetle-headed Idle, that for all these reasons, having cot well Into the air, rode uneasily at its twine letba, andswung and whirled In great circles, and as whirled flashed clatteriogly Its white broadside In the the flashes of light and the clatter of small sounds. But tbe meteors Nothing unusual at this season. Gazing upward as steadily as did these street gazers, on any starlit night about this time, you.would be sure to sec them, and With this flapping and crackling sound and white flashes out of more natural than tobelicve, all fearfully, a new eorctaclc come to light in the heavens? The unconscious boy took In bis Idle and went to bed, and then the wonders In heaven ceased.

Gradually tbe groups dispensed. Clergymen, lawyers and doctors, matrons and maid.6 ana shall no find a boo or daughter of them who did not all the time ctupcct there was nothing in it course I The Late William S. McCormick. Something more is doe the memoir of the late W. S.

McCormick than the brief obituary mention it was only in oar limits to give in oar last issue. As the leading and active resident partner in the Keeper Man nurturing firm of C. H. McCormick deceased was well known to all citizens and throughout the world wide circle of tie business of Ms house, and everywhere for the qualities of enterprise and Integrity largely Identified with tbe prosperity of his company. Mr.

McCormick, like nls brothers, was Virginian bora, and passed tbe earlier portions of bis life under the circumstances of narrow fortune in a slave State. Coming to the Northwoet, where a better system of labor waited to reward their Industry and aspirations, a colossal fortune was won by them and not fortuitously, but coined by elnct business tact and sacacity In which tbe brother sow deceased iras the principal agent. He was public emlritcd In the employment of his wealth, and had Inancontod or already completed several notable city improvements, when his health succumbed to bis too rigid devotion to business caret, taking tbe form of inch mental disease, a few weeks since, as induced bis removal to tbe State Asylum at Jacksonville. In the hope and prospect of a speedy recovery. Until a week since this hope grew, when his physical malady assumed a dangerous type and be breathed his last on Wednesday night.

His funeral will take place from bis late residence. No. 53 Huron street to-day. He will be missed from among tbe number of oar stirring and active business men, and our entire community whom hetaogbU if not by bis precepts, even more powerfully by the lesson of hfs later life, tbe better rewards toe dignity of Free Lobcr bestows on a career of Industry. The sympathy of many sorrowing friends will be with Us bereaved family.

Charles Paine, eldest son of Seth Paine, of this city, late sergeant in the 13th Illinois volunteers, and, at the time of his death, clerk in tbe Ordnance Bureau of tbe War Dqiarlmcnt, died at his residence in Washington, Sunday, Sept. 31th, aged 31 years. He enlisted from the office ot tbe Tribune, and entered the service as a private at the very outset- of the war. He was soon elected sergeant, and for soldierly conduct was recommended lor a commlsion by Co). McArthur and tbe officers of his company.

Under Grant be participated Is the bloody battles of Doneleon and Sbiiob, on which Litter field he fell severely wounded, from the effect of which bo never recovered. lie returned from Washington to cast his first vole for Abraham Lincoln, for which great man he possessed the most ardent devotion. His remains have been brought to this city and will be taken far burial to Lake Zorich, where the funeral will take place Monday next, at 3 p. a special car having been provided lor all friends of the family, to leave by 9s. m.

train, Monday, and return same evening from Barrington. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, Adjourned Boamlnr Meeting, 29th, ISOS. IOFFICIAL la Honor the Mayor, and Aid. Oagc, Knickerbocker, Carter. Barrett, Wicker, Moure, Woodard, Talcott, Kuapell, Prondfoot, llottiocer, Lawson, Shackford and Woodman.

Aid. Sblmp, Wlbnarth. Sheridan. Kann, Wallwork, Hatch, Shenrin, Rafferty, Prtabee, Holden, Buby, Bond, Huntley, Outfltm, Frantcr, Rnhand Clark. There being so qnoram.

Aid. Lawson moved to adjourn. The motion prevailed, and the Council stood adjourned. A. it BODMAN, City Clerk.

Police Chicago, Sept. 29, 1865. 1L 8. Wilson, John V. Farwell Bassett A Hammond, Bowen Bros- Jones A small, J.

K. Botsford, J. W. Hooker, N. A.

Jonea, IL Somers, F. F. spencer, Wm. u. Hibbard.

L. G. Tuttle, Fargo, Bill 4 Wm. L. Pearce, Hinsdale, Sibley Rndlcot, E.

K. Brace, J. C. Nyman, Joo. Irving Pearce, Bennett, Pieters A Ladd, Williams A Young; T.

a. Kirk 4 Jones 4 LanghUu, B. P. ifentefaman, E. V.

Robbins, 21. Bouforu, F. Sherwood, James H. Dole. Hubbard A Hunt; Norton A J.

K. Pollard, and others: Gentlshtw: Your communication requesting me to become a candidate for the office of Police Commissioner at the coming election has been received. I have not desired this or any other office, believing, as 1 do, that there are many persona in South Chicago belter qualified, and with more Idsnnf to attend to the responsible dntles of this office. Nevertheless, at your earnest solicitation, and that of other Wends, I consent (o become a candidate, subject to the decision of the Republican Convention. A.

1). Tirswonm Funeral Notice. Funeral services over the remains of Wm. Mo- Comtek will take place at the North Presbyterian Church, comer Cons and Indiana rtreets. to-day (Saturday, Sept 30th), at 2 p.

m. Friends, employes, all, are Invited to attend. LOCAL MATTERS. Our country are Informed that the best way to obtain goods of any kind from Chicago is to send to A. L.

Sltmsoo. the Express Agent. He charges no commission. pt24 Thirty Reward If the Indian herb doctor tails to describe and tell his patients tbe nature ot their complaints or Illness without receiving any Information from them. No charge for Information or advice.

Office 88 Monroe street. We nsc such balms as have no strife. With nature or the laws ot life; With blood our hands we never slain. Nor poison men to ease their pain. Onr all goodness fills.

Provides the means to core all Ills; The simple herbs beneath onr feet. Well used, relieve our pains complete. A simple herb, a simple flower, Cullea from tbe dewy These, these shall speak with touching power Of change and health to thee. Office 83 Monroe street, Chicago, opposite the Post Office. p530 Furniture of the mouth, Is far preferable to any that art caq tnpidy.

Therefore, keep your teeth dean, and Id good repair with that toilet gem. Fragrant SozodonL Brush them dally with this delicious vegetable preparation, and they will not be likely to crumble or decay. oBCI ts Dr. C. L.

Frarrmnt Ouilouwe- Uioe for the Teeth. It Is one of the very but articles forclcnslng and preserving the Teclh. ever offered to the public, and ts warranted to contain no add or any ottier Ingredient In the least Injurious to the teetn. A cake of superior tooth paste accompanies each bottle. The Ondonieloine can be found at wholesale or retail, by Druggists generally.

C. Spencer Proprietors, Providence, R- I. Messrs. DurnhanTa Van tfrhaack, Chicago, Illinois, Agents for the Northwest. Cornelia Balm and Bloom of Uic Damask Rose, lor beantUVlng and radiating the complexion.

A superlatively elcgaatprcpanUou. For sale everywhere. to ax TO Diarrhea, Dmnlrrrt Sommer plaint, speedily cored by mlog Maguire a 1 Sold by all Druggists. 11. SCO7IL, 77 Randolph street.

Wholesale Agent. anl-g24S-30t-TO ni ax Hotel for Sale In Springfield, Illinois. We wish to notify our reader? that Messrs. Hill ot Springfield, Illinois, offbr for sale the that dly, which trill beeold at accUon, Oct. 10th, unless sooner sold at private sale.

The hotel has a splendid established business. catb, balance easy gaymeats. Tlie Illinois Sclioot of evening session at thla Business College opens os usual tbs nnsr Mokuat is Octodcb, and continues seven months, from 7to 10 p.m. A f'zminn Schoot for yoing mm is permanently connected with the Institution. For evenlan apply 192 Lake, cor.

Wells street. oBQ3 The why Unrivaled. Tooth Fhete is a rare remedy for decaying teeth, tainted breath, and diseased gums. Is because II removes tartar, the prime cause of these prevents accumulation. oaCI Glut Fall stock Is now ou, and embrace? the latent and richest patterns In the market.

Persons desirous of purchasing will consult their own Interest? in examining our goods before parthasing elsewhere. J. Wtsnnivt, No. 64 Randolph street. eeKJ-neW 2w Go to llto Brtt-co to Bryant it Stratton's Chicago Commercial College to pci a thorough, practical business education, or to come a rood Telegraph Operator.

Address (enclosing stamps) lor circulars, JJuvant Stratton, Chicago, ni. Markets by Telegraph. OCR MIDNIGHT MARKET REPORT. I Special Despatch to the Western Associated Press New Toss, Sept.2o. The stock market continues hesitating and tied.

For nom'nal there are more and buyers and consequently weaker. This, however, is only a temporary condition of things, and appears likely to be succeeded by another upward tom. Stocks were hammered at the Second Board by the Bears, but refused to yield, and the market closed firm. After tall Reading suddenly rose. For all coal clocks at the last board tbc market was generally better, with more demand for stock! at the close.

On tbe street Beading further advanced, and tbe whole market closed strong. The following were the closing prices at 4:30: N. T. Hudson, Beading, M.C„115*0110; M. 8., 69; 8.1.,116*0 N.

12? Ft. Canton, SO Gold at Thera will probably be some gold bars shipped to-morrow. WUUUi. Etcrllng quiet and firm. There Is tfct very little business doing.

Money very easy at the close. Freely offered at 5 cent on call. Discount to 10 cent. Compound notes In advance. Petrol cum stocks generally to-day.

The only marked changes were'a sharp rise in Buchanan and Germania and a large fall In Oil Buchanan Farm Company has declared a dividend of 3 cent. Ist National 2c; Montana Sc; Southard 6c; Buchanan Farm Excelsior 14X3; Oil Creek 9145; U. S. 911X3; Germania 86c; Public Boaad, Bennehoff Ron, Germania 4Cc; 00 Creek 9 IXS; Fit Hole Byhde H3c; T7. S.

27.25; Webster Buchanan Germania and Southard 60c; Cherry Bun 27c. Albany Cattle Market. Dll patch to the Chicago Amu sr, Sept. 29. CATTiiE-Our Cattle market has been reasonably active, although tbe New Yorkers have not taken their usual complement, owing to the decline In their last market Tbe demand on Eastern account, however, has been good, especially for the best Qualities and these being comparatively scarce on them remain about the same as last week, while Inferior grades are down shout XC 6 Coon A Losburg sold 20 extra Kentucky, averaging LWOttl, at 10c; 90 extra as, at ft 100 as; 103 Ken lucky, averaging U270 Ds, at per head, delivered In New York, and 32 bead, averaging I.SSO as at 133.00 per bead.

A. GUlople told 63 Kentucky, averaging two, at HISS: Cot Wilson sold 101 Kentucky, arte aging 1.400 per head. Clark sold SI Ohio, averaging 63 Illinois, 49 Ohio, avenging 115 Illinois, avenging Tots, neglected. Nominally KecripU, 5,500. quick demand at MKSUJfc.

Receipts, 12,000. Shipped to New lork, 10,500. Cincinnati Market. Despatch to the Chicago lribnse.l CracntWATi, Sept. 23.

at for superfine. 93.003 9XO for extra, and for family. Grain-Wheat active and higher, with sales of old red at 93X3. white at and new at $1.70. Corn firm, at (S3 65c.

Oats Ingood demand, at43s43c. Bye. new meets with ready sale at 75c. Barley nominal, with no demand. lUT-Balei at 913X0011X0 for prime timothy, seed active, at 92X3.

Timothy doll, at 94XCQL25. at 9128. Gbocxeies-D whanged. Butler weaker, at iSSSOo. Eggs active, at 14325 c.

PcovisioNfr-Market unsettled and prices higher. Mess pork, WixsasLM. Bulk meats are held it 17xd lsXeforsboulders and sides. Bacon was held at 193 clear sides. Larddoil at Hogs, sales at IHXOgrou, for November delivery.

Tallow, sales of 100X00 as at declining. Linseed oil declined Milytnkee Market. Despatch to tbe Chicago Milwauer, Sept. 39. active and higher.

Sales of SOObrlj city winter at WO; and higher. Sales, on change, 64,000 bn 20,000 bn seller next week at 5 5,000 bn No 3 at 11.51. 9 P. M. Spot Wheat firm.

Sales of 20.000 bn al SL44 tor No 1(0 seller next week.ll bits Floor; 80,000 bn Wheat. brls Floor; 10400 bn Wheat. Teasels Passed Detroit. Despatch to the Chicago Sept. 29.

Morey, Milan, Maple. Kimball, Favorite, Molt. TV Illinois and Michigan Canal, (Special Despatch to the Chicago Budoxpobt, Sept. 39,1985. Ottawa, 6,000 ba oats; Drll Joliet; Mound, 331,171 drain rile; E.

G. Loomis, Lemoot, 90 yds rubble etone: C. Norton, Lemont, 90 ydsmbblestone; Lady Franklin, yds rubble stone Rescue, Lemont, yds rabble stone, and S3 dlmenslonstone; Atlantic, Morris, 4,200 bn com and bncorn; ILMcLen. nun, Ottawa, SiOObo'eorn; Ora Morris, La Salle, bn 208 bn Utica, 5400 bn corntprop Salle, 435 bbls ood 300 lbs furniture; J. P.

Preston, Morris, corn; EUzaoeth, Lockport, 4.900 bn com, 200 bbls floor; Pocket, Lockport, 5400 bn com; Prairie Bose, La Salle, 56 bn com; Lemont, corn, 50 bn barley, 5,170 lbs seeds; Peter and Paul, Utica. 5400 bo com; prop Whale, La Salle, 320 bbls and 500 lbs seeds. Ottawa, Ottawa, 52441 feet lumber Union. Pekin, £0413 feet lumber and 4,650 lath; Republic, Morris; Polar Star, Morris; Tobacco Plant KalFeeder, 4Sm ffeet lumber; North Branch, Peking 81401 feet lumber and 13400 lath; Time, Morris, 9.013 feet lumber and 75 shingles; E. 8.

Carpenter, Joliet, 43,299 feetlnmber.UO.'lSO shingles and 6,300 lath; It. K. GooddUOttawa, empty pounds; Oneida, Ottawa, 50 barrels salt and 40 barrels lime; Olive Branch, St. Louis, 77,774 feet lumber; Contest, Morris, 317 bushels wheat; Curlew, Ottawa, 81,198 feet lumber; Rescue. Lemont; E.G.

Loomis, Lemont; D.C.Norton, Lemont. New York Market, New Yobe. Sept. 89. More active and steady; prices are 45c.

better; 17.90a8.10 for extra State; 88.65A9J0 for It. H. $9.8501140 for trade brands, market closing quiet and firm. tare better; for Milwaukceclub; f1.0A1.70 for amber Milwaukee, the latter an extreme; 5843532.1S for old winter red Western, and t2.16A3.20 for new amber State. Bye, firm; Western.

t1.02. Barley, qnite firm. Barley malt, quite firm. Sound Com. firmer, while nnsound Is heavy and declining; tuft Me for damaged nod unsound: for Bound mixed Western, and astfc for high mixed nearly yellow.

Oats, firmer for sound, and lower for unsound: for nnsound. and 62c for sound. quiet. Sugar active; Cnba Havana, Molasses doll. SSA39c for crude; for refined In bond: tltofte for free.

pEOTieioNe-Pork firmer; fU4AH4A3I.37y for new mess, closing at cash; Wl.oftaSl.3o for and do; f43.00A28.30 for prime; for prime mess; also new mesa for October, option, Beef active and firmer; 49 00A13.50 for plain mess; 15.23 for extra mesa, reefnams qalet. for hams. Bacon doll. Lard dnll and latterprice an extreme. Butter quiet and steady; lor Ohio; 40354 for State, cheese firmer, at Oswego Market.

Oswioo. Sept. and advanced 25050 per brf. Bales LSOObrla at for No. 1 spring; for red winter: fIC.SOdU.OO for white, and 12X0 for double extra.

scarce and quiet. Sales were: 3.000 bu Chicago spring, hy sample, at Corn scarce and nominal. Barley buoyant and in good demand. Bales were: SXOObu Canada at 11.25; last night, 18,000 Rye Is held at 87c for Canada.

Unchanged; flour, wheat ttc: corn, 10vc; barley. I0c: rye, lie; oats, 7c to New York: to loc; corn. 9c; barley. SKc. lJtpoffrsi-900 brls flour; 27,000 bu wheat; U.OOO bn com; 25,000 bnoats; barley; rye.

Canal MO brls Horn; 27,000 bn corn; 88,000 bo barley, SimrrD nr brls flour. The arnotmt of floor and grain ou the canal for tide water from Jtaflhlo and Oswego vesicular noon, as near as can be ascertained, was IvtObrls flonr; (00 bo Wheat; bn com; 479,000 bu oats; COO bn barley; 41,000 bn rye. New York Stock and Money Market. NrwYous, Sept. 29.

Steady at 556 per cent. Stkbuwo Steady at Opening at 143)4, advancing to IMX. to Liverpool dull and nominally decided change. dnU. Teoo.

6b. S2V; Mo. 6s, 77; O. M. certs-Martnoaa.

13 Quicksilver. 19; Central Coal.lS; AetfleMail KrIe.HTX; Hodeon. ItOlV; heading. M. it.

8.. N. W. pfd 30. oy; ILL.

Ill; FLW-WK. Toledo Market. Toltdo. Sept. 39.

less active; old Sc better; new le better; old amber Michigan at 12.10: new at Cora dull and held at CSc. Oats le bolter; sates at 37c. Philadelphia Market. PmLADKLnoA. Sept.

29. FLom-Oclet but Arm at extra, 53.033 8.50; western, f9.U09.50. Arm. New red, mixed. 12.20; old red.

(white. Com qnlet. yellow, 92c; white. 91c. Oats steady.

Prime, 53kc. rxoTEc at Hnflhlo Market. Buffalo, Sept 39. flno. No.

1 Milwaukee Spring 11.53; Ke.Solcfl.47. Cora quiet. No. i No. I.7SKC hid.

77c asked- OaU nominal. BarlevqnleL No rye here. Lard 50c. Canal New York: wheat ICc, com ,4 limmiK-Flonr brls. wheat 313,706 bu.

com 500023bn.oats 100.770bn. barleyN3H. 1.960 brls, wheat 13330 bo, com 75,065 bn. oats bn. barley 6.970 bu.

Baltimore Market. BaLtdiobx, Sept. 29. WJ.B—yoio. scarce; no prime In market- Corn firm, at Ke fbr white, and 97c for yellow.

Receipts at for Rio, In gold. firm, at 17.31 for prime. BIiQBIED In thisfttr. at the residence of the father, by Rev. Mr.

Looker, Mr. CHARI.KS 11. PUILBRICK and Miss MARY EMMA HORTON, all of Chicago. At N. on the InsU, by the Rev.

Edwin Coar. Mr. F. D.OERTEL, of Chicago- HI-, EUNICE McOMHER, of Gaines. No cards.

DI In this city on the ot the 531h hut- JOHN IV FOSS, aged 17 years.son of John P. Foss. Ksg. TJie time of Ms funeral will be announced hereafter. Inporehestcr.

on the 21st SALLTS ATKIKH-dansMer of Isaac F. and Kltcn M. Dobson. rn PL Anthonr on fho tost, Mra. O.

W. MAY. daughter ot tbe late John 11. Lainrop, of Syracuse. X.T.

(general 'Notcies, THE COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL CHRONICLE, The most comprehensive and valuable Business Paper yet issued, is published Weekly in the City of New York. Every Number or this Journal Contains (ftcsldcsTSlnabtc articles oa subjects of greatest tercst to business men.) Commercial and ITHucellanoouss Contelnloc. among other the total Imports and eipoiti at New lork and other ports for tho week and year. Forcipi IVctth, Of latest dates, from Loudon and Paris. A Gazette, Giving a complete review of the money, stock, etchange and gold markets for the week, state of National Hanks, Foreign Banks, and a Dunk Stock List.

Sale at V. Stock Ex- clmncc, Of alt Stocks, Bonds and Securities sold on each of the six days of the week. national, State and municipal SecuriiDa, Giving amount outstanding, rate of interest and wht payable, when principal due, and market price. A Commercial Times Ccntalnlng an epitome of all commeiclal movements for the week, complete taMcs of domestic receipts, and of exports and imports, special and full reports on BreadstuuS, Cotton, Dry Goods and other trades: with a full list of wholesale prices current In tboNcwYork Railway Including the most reliable tables now published of Railway A Giving the amount outstanding, rate of Interest and when payable, when principal Is payable, aud market price. Railway miscellaneous Slocks Giving the per value, amount outstanding, dividends when payable and last paid, and market price.

Railroad monthly Earnings, For three years, giving leuctb of road. Insurance and Mining Journal, Giving amount ofospltal of Companies, net assets, dividends when payable end hist ptld, and price of last talcs: nlSo, prices of petrolcnm slocks. The CnKoSlCfiC nled by a Bulletin, Published and mailed or delivered every morning, containing all the Commercial and Financial news of cadi day, up to tbe boor of publication. The CMKOKICt.F- Is in form suitable tor Binding, Bdne a 10110 of 31 paces, and therefore becomes Invaluable. not only as a present record, bat also for future reference, containing as It deem conplcte history of all financial and commercial movements.

XT Terms cf subscription per year for The CtntosirLr, with Dally Bulletin, without Dolly Bulletin, 110.00; for Dally Bulletin alone, 93.00. IV3L B. DANA A Publishers, 60 William street. New York. L.

11. BRIGGS, AGENT AT CHICAGO. No. 17 LaSalle street, Boom 13, piTMtbp CTORAGE, A NO. 1, AT J.

B. Inspection Warehouse, 140 by SCO thro story bnefc. OiSce, 31 Chamber of Commerce. P457 IP A RARE sale tbe good will and fixtures of an old established L. BARBER SHOP, 'Wfew doing a fine business.

Proprietor going South. Beni very low. Address FRANK FOURNIER, Onarga Post Ottlce, Illinois. BeCopt263ts-TaT4p New Gift Sale Bazaar 183 Dearborn Street, CORSER OF MADISON. Open from 8 m.

to 10 p. Forget I Beware of Humbug Imitators! THREE DEPARTMENTS. BED, 81. WHITE, 83. Every fl Gift Warranted worth S3.

Every Gift Warranted worth Eveyy IS Gift Warranted worth 923. A fine Gold Kins worth 95 Is the amallest Gut in tbe Stock. The best Gifts are Pianos, worth from 9150 to each. A heavy plated Stiver Cake Banket tecrtA given on any Certificate. Envelopes are sold at 25 either department urc glven to auv envelopes will be sent by mall fbr 81.

eleven for 9-. buys an Envelope is sure to 1 tHv monev and has the chance to get A SPLENDID GOLD WATCH OB GRAND PIANO, gy Call this Day or Evening, at BURSTS, 133 Dearborn selSaQB-Stwsanip Ment. TX7ANTED Rent If Tonne man a room famished or unfurnished on the North Side. Address, stating terms, to Tribune office. p3W TXTANTED Rent fury Dished house, in a good locality.

South Side preferred, will pay a good liberal rent, and return the furniture tn as good condition as when 0 small children. 'Will hire for a lons or short time, wot cive all the references required. Address P. o. Pot 1590- pin TXT firsty dais family, without children, wish to rest a furnished bouse tn a pleaant locality, good reformccs.

Addresi Tribune office. pill Wf by a small family, a first-class famished house. Andress P.0.80x pm TXT small IT bouse with about 5 rooms, la a good neighborhood; rent not exceeding per year; would boy furniture cccewary for housekeeping at a fair price. Address Tribune office. pJ7O TXT Stable IT or two Stalls In Harrison 12th streets, and east of State street.

Address 40 State street. pgq Rent House Tv containing ten or twelve rooms, located on North Side, east of Clark street, sonth of Chicago avenue. Would bnv part of furniture. Address A P. O.

Box 5537- small home or three or four rooms suitable for honse-kceplng, located within a mile of the Court House or convenient to street cars. Any person hiring such accommodations can hear of a desirable tenant by addressing Tribune office. for three days. p135 WANTED good sized house on tbe North Side, east of Clark preferred, will buy the furniture if desired. Apply at 136 Kluzle-st.

PU3 TXT'ANTED a lady, an unfurnished room, without board. In a good reliable fnmllv. The best of references given. Address 70 South Morgaa-at. p2IS Rent comv fortablo boose In good neighborhood, containing 10 or 12 rooms.

South Side preferred, up to 12th street, or North Side, not beyond Chicago avenue. Best given. Address P. O. Box 148 Stale street.

oSI3 ISent. TD small office room on one of the bestbnslness corners tn tbe city. Inquire at 136 Clark street, comer of Madison, up stairs. Room No. 1.

pkU TO large famished front room. Apply at 137 South Dearborn street. pM7 TO mill 5 rooms In the rear of IfOH fonih Clark street. Inquire In the teller, oral 145 Wells street. pU3 TO RENT A nice famished room suitable for two gentlemen, at per week.

Apply at Boom No, 1.87 Sooth Clark-su pjfo T3 over store 284 South Clark street, or Apply toJ. M.MARSHALL, lloom 8 np-stairs at 97 Booth Clark-Bt. T'O a terra of years from and after MarchLst. 13M, theCrlggs House, situated on the North comer of Randolph and Wells streets, Chicago. HI.

For terms apply to A. GIUBS. Boom No. a Court House. ptS3 TD cottage with five rooms.

No. 6-1 North Bncter street, per month. Apply to C.J.HAMBLETON, 99 Booth Cfark-st. PM6 TO good-sized the comer of Ohio and North Dearborn streets. Apply on the premises, 233 Ohio street.

TO RENT- Sleeping Rooms in Building 38 and 40 LaSalle street, fifth story. Apply to NUTT 4 BROOKS, Beal Estate Brokers. 55 Clark-st. p3W TO very pleasant unfurnished front parlor, with bedroom and clothes-press attached, at 112 Cottage Grove Avenue. Possession given Immediately.

State Street earn run by the door. plsl TO Office, or Desk Boom, at 196 South Vater street Apply on premises. TD new tliree-story marble-front house, 511 Carroll street two blocks north of Helen rare- BAIRD 4 BRADLEY. Loan Agency and Real Estate Office, comer Lake aiU LaSalle streets. TO Grove Hotel, with the furniture.

For further Information apply to 146 and 148 Elnzle street, from 8 to vs a. m. C. r. LOOMIS 4 CO.

pso TO Rooms in Building 38 and 40, LaSalle street. Apply to NUTT 4 BROOKS. Beal Estate Broken, 55 Clark BU paa TO RENT Furnished sleeping at 399 South Hahtead-SL p3OO fttatrimonial. 11V Husbands, by two young widows of 35 and 33 yean. Must be over 23yeare, and no mtsers need renlv.

Address Mrs. and Sirs. P. O. Drawer 6799.

young gen- ItX UemanofrespcctabUlty.good address.and personnel. wishes correspondence from an accomplished. Intelligent and ref ned young lady, pretty enough to command the admiration of a husband, and sensible enough to become a good and true wife. Address Indlana-st. pi's amusements.

A CADEMY OF MUSIC. X3L between Clark and Dcarbom-ats, THIS EVENING, The Campbell Castle ENGLISH OPERA TROUPE. Ihe Opera Troupe Numbering- oOArilsts of Acknowledged Ability, PRICES OF ADMISSION: reserved Seats 000 Dollar. Parqoellc and Orchestra Scats One Dollar. Callcry Fifty Cents.

Cram! operatic Matinee Saturday jifteoioon. Doors to open Overture to commence ai 3 precisely. fir Reserved Seats can be secured at HOOT CADY'S Store, without eura chante. Doors open at 7 o'clock. The overture will commence punctually at 8 Books of the for sale at the door.

BENJAMIN L. Business Asent. ED. FISUEU, Ticket Agent. selooOll Tt VICK THEATRE, IT.I between Dearborn and Slate.

MrVICKER MVEDS Managers Doors open at 7 Pcnormaace to commenct at half-past seven. Last night of the eo Easement of UR. Zi. P. BARRSTT.

SATURDAY, Sept. COlh, Tragedy of MAOBBTB. MACBETH MB. BARRETT MACDUFF MB. LEVICK The entire company In the east.


QOL. MUSEUM, COL. J. n. WOOD Proprietor and Manager.

MB. A. D. BRADLEY Director of Amusements. MG.

THOS. BARRY Stage Manager. This (SATURDAY) Afternoon. Sept. 30th, at tbo Grand Matinee at 2)f by special request, the Tnsearot HAMET, So Irlunphantly played at this establishment.

In the evening, nt 8 SWEETHEARTS AND WIVES, with, for the first time, LITTLE GAME. J-jENRY HIGHLAND GARNET Ths Eloquent Colored Divine, It will be remembered, delivered a discourse In the iloaic of Representatives, nt Washington, last February, which wnsbishly commrnled upon by the Sms of the country, trill deliver on address at Smith Hall, on MONDAY EVENING, Oct. 3d, The Claims ol the Black Man In the Reconstruction of the plst tp GYMNASIUM HEOPENS MONDAY EVENING, Oct. 2d, At 116 118 Randolph Street. No more profitable amusement for gentlemen and ladles can be found.

Terms for the 115: Ladles, £lO. Pisa E. M. BOOTH, Conductor. 111 CA GRAND GIFT CONCERT! WILL BE HELD AT BRYAN HALL, Tuesdays, Nov.

7th and 14tk, 7,000 VALUABLE GIFTS Will be distributed, worth from 50 cents to 23,100 each Every ticket draws a smallest a niece of Sheet Music. 501 Gifts worth from 1250 to each. OncGlftavaloable Residence, worth I6.10j; one set of Diamond Jewelry, 11.200; one, a Diamond King, one, P.C. Square Grand Ptano.lMO; Fine Gold Watch, foOO: one Gift, II.COO Grecnbicks. All the Gifts arc genuine goods acd warranted.

TICKETS 82.00 EACH. For sale at John B. comer Madison and Dearborn streets; 142 Lake street; W. W. 67 Opera BulldLig, Chicago.

NopostpouemcnL All orders must be addressed to GEO. C. LEMON, 144 Dearborn street, Chicago. XST This Is no horn bag. se3Sp3CO-2t CHICAGO CING ACADEMY, comer of aark and Monroe streets.

ATI late and iasblonable dances systematically taught, SCHOOL SOIREES, TDKSDAT EVENINGS. Lizzie Bonrolene, ClautUne A. Movers, Mary A. Dorvml. Lad; Teachers.

J. EDWIN MARTIN PrlnT. piil-tp MR. DYE will commmce the Fall and Winter Terms of his BINGING SCHOOLS, In the Lecture Boom of the Methodist Episcopal Church, on tbe comer of Clark and Washington streets. Adult Class every Thursday evening, from 7to 10 o'clock, commencing next Thursday even lug.

Sept. 23. Juvenile class every Saturday morning, from 9 to 10 commencing next Saturday morning. Sept. 30.

Trusts for Twulti ssjjo Ladles, Juvenile Class, Pihdo Scholars can be waited on at their residences. auction Sales, EE6X7LAR SALE. Household Furniture, AT AUCTION, On SATURDAY, Sept. rath. at at Auction Booms, comer Dearborn and 0771 WM.

A. BUTTERS A Auctioneers. Tie entire furniture of a genteel On SATURDAY, Anctlon Booms, comer ot Dearborn and Washington streets. Also, a nearly new Slachlne, in perfect order. WM.


4th, at 9K at Auction Booms, comer of Dearborn and, ton streets. W3I. A. BUTTERS A Auctioneers. in ILBERT SAMPSON, VJT 44,46 and 48 Dearborn street SOFEBIOB FURNITURE, CABFST9, AT AUCTION.

On TDF.SDAV, October 3d, at at oar Salesrooms, consisting of elegant Rosewood. OU Walnut and Mahogany Chamber Suita, fine Parlor Suits, in Ucdds and flair Cloth; Oil, Walnut and Rosewood Tables, Secretaries, Whatnots, Easy and Rocking Chairs, Brackets and Book Shelves, Marble-Top Sideboard, Extentlon Dialog Table. Dining and Chamber Cbalrsjiouages. Spring Reds, Ac. Also, several fine Brussels ana Velvet Carpets and i of Linen Table Clothi-Towels.

Ae with a general assortment of Household Goods, pio GILBERT A SAMPSON, Auctioneers. grip TTTANTED Two good, smart VV Intelligent boys about II or Uyeanof be paid. Apply bet wean nine sod bn this men to work in VV sawmSlsln HWilzwi. Good GIVESSI CO, 101 Room 1, up 15. t0 17 years nH NonemedspplTbnt those well recommlnded.

Dearborn-et. the Miiraftcnnwtf MTgjniiw igJtbS 0 TTTANTED -Book-keepers, Trav- cling agents, hotel clerks, porters, drivers, carpenters, truakmakCT. pamtres, boot makers, ora, waiters, cooks, farmers, mlUervbrakrat'O, oremen, upholsterers, and all others desiring situations to apply at 101 Washington street. Boom Merchants, manufacturers, hotel era, railroad men and others supplied with reliable male help free of charge. Applicants by mall enclose ten cats.

GIVENS A CO, 101 Washington stmt. Boom No. 1, op stairs. TXT'AN young man who writes a neat and expeditions band, and ts quick and correct at figures, to act as entry clerk, make Invoices and assist generally In an office. dress In own hand-writing with references, F.

O. Cox 1276. ANTED A good pattern maker, one who understands alt hnocha of pattenrmsklag. esneclilly building work. Apply to 8.

BOUTON 711 SoaUTaark-st. pSTI W' ANTED Order Clerk the wholesale Drag business. Apply to HARRIS 6t TV ANTED A Teacher One who can come to the house from two to three hours each day nod Is thoroughly competent to teach music, both vocal nod instrumental. Apply immediately at 397 Michigan street, comer of Pine. psll TTTANTED Immediately, Boot and Shoe by the subscriber, for wulch the highest price will be paid and steady employment given.

R. A. DUNLAP 4 Valparaiso, Indians, psn TV ANTEI) otm man to act Porter and to do general work about the store, Pscldng goods. 4c. To a good hand that can attend promptly to and do such work, a permanent situation and good pay will be given.

References qntred Call at MATSON Jewelers, 117 Lake street. pW4 TTTANTED Four first class Joiners to work on Sash, Doors, Blinds, 4c. Also, one good machine hard. Good wages and steady employment. Inquire at 33 and 31 Clinton street, oiy Bakery.

pSW TVANTED poods Pattern TV Maker at FULLER 4FORD3. 283 and 384 Madlson-st. p2M TV good brick layers at per day. Constant employment will be given. Inquire at Commercial avenue, Cairo.

ID.T at RANKIN 4 Only good workmen need apply. TTTANTED for tin and sheet Iron work, by H. C. VAN SUAACK. Jth, 48 State street.

TIT girls for general housework. diningroom and chamber work. In hotels and families. Those coming well recommended can bare situations furnished them free of charce, by applying at IIS South Oarkstreer, Room 21. TXT girl to polish jew- elry In a factory.

Apply to A. H. MILLER, comer Randolph and Clark-sts. pIS 3 ANTED girl to do general housework. Apply Immediately at 31 Jackson street.

piss Girls ft Those who understand the business, at COX ft DONOHUE'S Book Bindery. Nos. 31 ft 33 La galle street. pIW Wf wet nurse, English or German. Call at 993 West Taylor-st.

pS2B first-class din- log room girls and one cbamber-mald-that can furnish rood references. Apply at Dr.J. STITCTE.S-iandß6 State-eUup stairs. jfox Sale. TTOR known as 1 Orient House good will alone or with fixtures.

Apply to-day, ou the promises. 283 Slate street. pill 17OR old established JL 1 Grocery, 134 State afreet, cheap for cash. Reason for selling, going into the wholesale. pIDO FOR SALE sold the lease and fixtures of the Drug store, 87 Washington street, the stock, consisting of patent medl does, fancy articles, wines and liquors will be sold at Gust.

Show bottles, cases, drawers, far sale. pill FOR Piano. Also a store with good dry cellar to rent. Apply at No. 13-1 North Jefferson street, a few doors North of Klazle-at.

pUO Sec- A 1 ond-hand Pianos and cue Uelodeon. -Ml kinds of musical Instruments repaired 0.133 Clark street. Room 10- pWB One second hand. 10 bone. In excellent condition, with trucks If desired.

Also two 8-hone and one 11- hone. new. Corn Shelter Works, 190 and 109 Washington street, ptit XT OR and Silver 1 Mines. 10,000 shares of the stock In the Cocrolldsted Mining Co." embracing sixty-oce mines ofgold.sUTerondcoppernearthacapttal of ofuDEurpaMfd richness and profitable yield, are offered for sale. Price JlO per share.

For full information of the solidity and value of the enterprise Inquire of O. b. POSTON, No. 9 Smith ft Block, pta FDR SALE first-das'! saloon newly fitted up. Apply t.

ptD T7OR interest in a Steam Tank tor rendering creese, with the building It occupies, situated at tbe eastern tenninnaofibeli.itSt,Jo,lt IL.ln West Quincy, the Mississippi river. Sold property Is In perfect nlng order, is a desirable Investment, and will be sold nt a bargain, as tbe owner la coins Sontb. Address Fred. S. Weeks, Box No.

13-1, Quincy, 111. piSJ FOR of the test pay- Inc drag stores la tbe city. Inquire at room No. 135 South Clart street. psit good foot lathe, at 180 Washington street, third story.

pS34 F)R first-class photograph culleryon Lake street, at half Us value. Address. P.O. Box 3095. p3M FDR fixtures and lease of fruit and confectionery store, 144 State street.

psn FDR will sell or exchange tor Chicago city property my place of 530 acres of cotton land, situated In North Louisiana, 38 miles west of Vicksburg, and adjacent to tbe Vicksburg and Shrevesport Railroad. To those desiring to settle South, this is to bay cotton land very cheap. Anplybylctter to AW. Tribuneoffice. ream FDR Brick Brewery in City, Wls- with arch cellars, sad to perfect running order.

Will be sold cheap. For farther particulars address T. HO FFMAN, KUbuni City, Wls. pia T7OR standing crop of a Vegetable Garden, within the city limits, consilting of com, cabbages, squashes, tomatoes, all ready for marketing. Also, a horse, wagon, garden tools, hot-bods, etc.

Will be sold low tor cash. Cause of sate, decease of owner, inquire at 130 Milwaukee avenae. pliS FDR with stock, fixtures and West Randolph street. Apply on the premises. pIE 6 FDR old-established Clothing Douse, with heavy stock of clothing, to be sold, as the owner Is about retiring from business.

Inquire at £3l South Clark street, Immediately. pliiT FDR fresh lot of Groceries and Notions, together with fixtures and lease. Amount of goods on hand about f1.200. In a fianrlshmg tillage, twenty-Uvc miles from Chicago. Call at 161 Sonth Water street, np stairs.

plod FOR Pork House at Fort Madison, lowa, In complete running order; has two of Patent Steam Tanks, and all dxtores, pens, smoke-house, necessary tor the business. Has room for slaughtering and packing WO per dav (SCO has been done.) Is near a Railroad running 130 miles Into the Interior, and Is situate on tha bankof tbe Mississippi River, trill he rented If not soon sold. Inquire of W. BUCKINGHAM, with S. S.

Sons, Rankers, or address J. M. RECK, Fort Madison, lowa. pUO PDR and Rendering Establishment on the South Branch. Forparllcularvrail at LoSnlla street.

A. J. UOAGLAND. OR Allen 1 Stable, on alley wcst of Court House, one matched pair of young bay horses, gentle, kind, and accustomed to city. XT'OR SALE established and 1 good paving manufacturing only one of the kino In Chicago, easily managed, and to an energetic party with capital of about 21,000, a better opportunity is seldom offered.

Apply from 9 to 10 a. m. and i to 1 p. nu. Room 35, Block.

Siftera. $25 to S3O per day. Every man that wants to make money should secure a county. Good men are making from 13 to SSO per dav. For foil particulars call on or address W.

W. WOODRUFF Room 16 Me- Comtek's Building. pHi F3R Distillery built of Stour. Id Milwaukee, In running order, together with comfortable dwell Ins bouse. substantial and acres of well Improved land.

Machinery new, complete and of superior quality; springs on the premises ntnlaba never-foiling supply orrery cold water. For particulars apply to A. Siller, 49 LaSalle street. Chicago, or addreot O. Box 194, P.

Milwaukee. F3R of the best Grocery businesses In the city, with a long tease and cheap rent: established over Are years, cm one of the best streets in the 433 State street. Satisfactory reason given why a change of business Is cessar). PtSS F)R first-class Saloon and Restaurant, to he sold Immediately, now do Ingagood business, recently fitted out In the most approved style. The above will be sold cheap, as the Rroprlclerls about leaving for England.

Most bo sola vt he end of thopresent month. Situated In the best business part of Sooth Clark street. Address for four days, Tribune office. XT'OR SALE saloons, 4 saloons and restaurants, boarding 3 fruit stores; 3 billiard tables. Apply at 111 South Water-st.

o3H F)R SALE Young Hyson Oolong. at THOMPSON, BILLINGS GO'S Tea Store. 171 Dearborn street, opposite oSH SALE propeller Tonawanda, S2J tons burthffl. now tying moored In Chicago River, Is offered for sale, together with her tackle, apparel, furniture, span, machinery and boiler, with or without her and chains. Her hull la sound, and In good shape to be fitted up as a propeller or sailing Teasel, In time to meet the foil business.

For particulars and terms apply to J. W. TUTTLLd Agent Western TransportattOQ py, Chicago. lical TTOR a Bargain Jl Improved fiumlying adjacent to covered by the town of Buckler, contalnlnq 133 acres, Including 8 acres timber. Tbe Improvements are a good bouse and bam, young bearing orchard, acres timothy and clover.

Artesian water can be obtained ou the farm. Price per acre. Also iff other Improved with flowing Artesian Wells. Well adapted for stock farms price to per Buckley la located In tbe great Arlesian Well region. In Iroquois County, on the I.

R- 1U IB miles south of Chicago- Apple to JOHN A. KOPLIN.BeaI Estate AgL Buckler £ll. F)R neat Cottage bMumnit, 23-1 North tdotag 5 rooms, pmnry mid clowu. kitchen txta ter lo basement. F3R Farm of 4 1-2 acres, (Icclndjnc taai fenced, has a new bnlldifljrs, small bearing doo, and i or H-e ANTED manufac! tnrers and hotel to.know that they ctSi cn short, notice, proems reliableclerks, coprfts.

porters. will come well recoin at AuTcrUilnc Anscy. S7 Washington street, Boom 3. W. CLAllb.

cu. manutt factnrera, corporations, merchants, bobd keepers, prtrato families and all others In class help, can be promptly supplied, by ealllsgat or addrerelrg the We-tem Employment Agency, Booma 33 and 34 block, next to the Tost Office, pra in the city and others In need of employment, to call and procure pood situations at the Western Employment Agency, Rooms 33 and 34 Reynolds' block, aaxtto the Post Office. Mason out of employment, and an actlre agents and those seeking business should at once address with stamp, the Great Western Publishing Masonic Temple, Chicago. 111. pHS with small capital that wish to make money can do so by calllcgat Rocm4.No, 75 SontbClarksmiet.

Wo will satisfy any one per month can ho made. ptS, TXT to ten thousand Dollars to use In manufacturing an article which sells well, and pays large Call at room 44 Reynolds block, or address Box 0339. Chicago. Wf ANTED advertiser, poa- sesslog I2JXO to (2400 cash, desires to Invest it. with Ms sendees.

In some profitable business. Adfirwf Tribune office. pW9 yonng man would live a situation as book-keeper or salesman. Hm bad experience, and can fhrnlsh good references. Address this office.

pMfi. TTTANTED Purchasers for our VV Excelsior Seal Presses, ennal to Also two amartagents wanted. NEWPORT Monroe doerwest of ike Post Office. 10 TTTANTED Sore VV THe excerlecce. both In Europe and America, wishing to .5.

tU valuable recipes, from the use of which any Industrious young man or woman with Utile no capital can make from the first day. not only an but In a very short time reallrea moderate fortune. Address, with two for fetjm 3. CHESTERFIELD, Chamist, Box RMaadlphU Office. aiCUpsolV6aa-gaw TTTANTED Brewers and If experienced Brewei and Maltster open to an engagement.

Uaa first class testimonials. Address care J. B. HULL 4 Water persons wishing ft to purchase, sell or exchange second-hand furniture, or second-hand property of any description, will find It for their Interest to apply at 101 Washington sh. Room 1, up GIVENS 4 CO.

pJCS TTTANTED For sale, a half interest in a set of Photograph Booms, In Monmouth, 111-, doing a good business. Address Box 559, Monmouth. 111. P'33 start a Brewery Ti In some country town where there Is a good stream of water and to other brewiry. Parties knowing of a good site for a brewery will address JOHN J.

LOIM. at this Office. pm TVANTED exchange a one- quarter Section of timbered land In Michigan for unimproved city property, or for any kind of available personal property. Address, for one month. P-O.

Box 1239. TIT and Rooms, famished or unfarntsbed, for three gentlemen Sliio preferred. Reference! given. Call st or address 96 west Lake afreet. p319 house with eight to twelve rooms, on West Side, east of the Park, for a family without children.

Adtlreaa Box 47. Chicago. Owner for some Iron B.R. Chairs. Applyat Central Follee Station.

pSI3 TXT" AN and Mas- tacho In fonr mil. Send fifty cents and stamp to DR. ANTHONY, Box 197, Kankakee City, 111. P2T3 Wf to SSO per day. Every man who wants to make money ahonid call on or address W.

W. WOODRUFF ft Room 16 McCormick's Building, southeast ooruer Randolph and Dcarborn-sts. pill TXT AN furnished house TT soon. Inquire of BATES STONE ft 919 South Water street. TXT AN to know that we wIQ scud for 30 cents that which la worth a year to any family.

It la no humbug, and parlies uol satisfied can have their money refunded by addressing P. O. Drawer 6U89, Chicago, 111., encloelug stamp far return postage. cBM "Wf having sa- loons, boarding houses, fruit stores, grocery stores, will find a purchaser by calling at lit South Water street. oOii WANTED buy ft i second-hand Lock-up Book Case, capable of bolding ICO volumes.

For one that Is In good condition a fair price will be paid. Address Tribune nSM Sorac- I thing new. I win send by man. post-paid, a beautlfal Military Album, with twenty-four plctnres ol our Union Generals, for 50 cents. Agents wanted Immediately.

Price per dozen to Agents, CAO, or It AO per half dozer. Send all orders to C.L. DRIGG9.I4-I Dearborn street. Chicago. HI.

ileal F)R house and lot at (lACO. two at each, four at ILSTO each, oca onesawo, two each. three at each, hotel two farms each. and (ASOO win tony property that rents for Wanted, several pieces of choice Inside property worth from no.cco to TU.QOO each. E.

H. Cuiouaas, 139 Bomb Clark street. ptM thOR very fine, large 1 and substantially built frame dwelling, located in one ofthe best localities lathe city. Inquire on the premises. No.

594 West Washington street. ptM FOR Property. Rouse and Lot No. Michigan avenue. House and Lot No BW Wabash avenue, House and Lot No.

SIS Wabash avenue, SRAM. Homo and Lot No. CM Wabash avenue, fIT.CCO. Also Ist class House with Furniture. A.

J. AVERILL. Real Estate Olfice, No. 7 Metropolitan Block. jvU3 XT'OR long or short JC time, with or without furniture, tbe residence No.

137 Bash street corner of Snpcrto- street. Apply to Dr. BRAiyAED.No.IS South Claris FDR 'Washington itreet.near sale low fora few days. A. J.

Avmzx. Veal Estate Office. No. 7 Metropolitan Block. pin 'C'OR feet- on Canal street, near Madison street, running through to West Water street, with brick stores an tbe samecheap for a few days.

Lot 13x110 on earner of van Burtn and Ttarocp streets, at A. 33 West Randolph street. psol lots in West Division (half mile from the limits), on blob ground and near hone can. for f135 each. J.

STARK, 134 Randolph street. Room No. p333 FOR Acres of Land In the Grove, on the Vlaceaaea rood, Inst south of the City chcao. Also. 100 feet on Indiana and Michigan avenne.

corner of 31st Apply to CLEAVER Washington street. 1 p2s7 17 OR SALE Two-story house and the lot tor sale, on Wright street for a great hors ala, J. W. WAUOHOP, No. 03 Clark street up stairs.

SALE with 1 or 100 feet of ground, on Indiana avenue, for at yiVCO. with 50 feet. Very desirable. J. W.

WAIGHOP, 63 Clark street, np stairs. pSS9 FDR and lot on West Lake near Robey street. House Is new twelve rooms; possession given. Pale withdrawn after this week. Price, SPRINGER MOUET, No.

Metropolitan Block. p32fi FDR Five Acre Lots. Four more of those beautiful Five Acre Lots In the Grove, one mile sonth of Douglas University, oc the Vlicennes road, for sale by CLEAVER ii TAV LER, 70 Washington street. p37 FOR Street Property, opposite the Court Honse, tor sale or lease. I will self, or lease for a long term, 20, to or CO feet fronton Randolph street, commencing 20 feet west of tbe proposed extension of the Sherman House.

Title warranted. TIIQ3. R. BRYAN. pIU FOR neat and desirahie Cottage, with lot 50 by 125 feet, on the corner of Adams and Peoria streets.

HENRY OSBORN. Real Estate Agent, 61 Park street. plSl FDR Michigan avenae. 10 feet between Van Boren street and Harmon Court, toll depth, nt 1.1J5 per foot, for a few days. A.

J. AVERILL, Real Estate Office No. 7 Metropolltan Block. p2TI T7OR Frame House, 1 corner of Hnrlbnt and Bel den streets. Lot SOx Possession given at once.

W. 11. SAMPSON, Beat EstataAgcnt, Room 3. Metropolitan HaD. oSU SALE Two-fltory and brick basement, nn North LaSalle street, containing 12 rooms, bath-room, gas and water; also, barn.

The boose now, and In a flm-clasaceighborbood. Possession given at once. W. H. SAMPSON.

Real Estate Broker, Boom 3, Metropolitan Hall. o6U XT'OR Thos. B. Bryan A Rea! Estate Office. WABASH AVENUE, south ofHaven School, a desirable residence, with stone cellar, east front; built only a few years ago.

Lot TKxDO feet, to alley. MADISON STREET. West of two-store frame boose, containing 9 rooms and kitchen, with all modern Improvements. Lot 25x200 feet, to alley. WASHINGTON A valuable lot, just west of Franklin street.

WENTWORTH pleasant and cheap suburban home, near Junction Station. Lot 100x150 tret, to allev. close fence on three sides. In front pickets and shade trees, with good two-story frame honse containing 7 large rooms, pat h-ronm and back kitchen, barn, well, cistern, grape vines, fruit trees, Constant access to city oy accommodation ana other trains- Price only 2 L.9CO. Coaching.

TJOARDING of rooms for gentlemen aud their wives, or single gentlemen at 140 Fourth avenae. pMO furnished or un- fnmlshed front parlor, and otherplevaat rooms to let with beard: also day board era taken, at Fast Monroe-su, formerly known as Hotel. O. BRIGGS. Pjfll In a private family.

We have two rooms which we will rent, with or without board, at 371 West Lake street, between Ann and Elizabeth pi 33 TJOARDING rooms, farij nlshcd or unfurnished, with excellent board, for gentlemen and their wives. In a quiet and comfortable place. Inquire at 79 Adams street. A gentleman and II wife wishing a quiet and pleasant home, can have one or two front rooms, unfurnished, in a private family of two persona and servant, and where only two boarders are token. Location and near two llnea of street Unexceptionable required.

Apply at 193 S. street. "DOARDING handsome suit ot rooms, furnished or unfurnished. for a gentleman and wife or single gentlemen- Appir as 12UT Michigan street, corner of Fine. rroCTred on north of by addressing P- u.

p899 TJOARDING Waverly nonse, Jjplcassut nlte aost. oc'T big white Newfoundthe ear Is black, tbe tall has a car has a UtUe black spot also, lbe dog 1 131 West Randolph reward from JOSEPHHAXI3U. On Thursday evening at Museum, a lace handkerchief, the clft of a friend. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving 101IIallied street corner of Monroe. $5.00 Reward will be paid for a portmononale I oat veaterday afternoon, "betwera the uyds Park train and Lake ttreat, contents aLlnrary ticket, and a Hyde Park Eallroad ticket.

Tke finder will It at 97 VTashlnjrtoa street, or irUk ike conductor of tkc llyde Park train, pisi Life of Aiuau Lotoou. Henry J- rnond, Editor otihoNew YorfcTtoosU AH reading men know that this the most complete. wlUble sod authentic me of president Lincoln that been wruieo. aO hU letters and to which xi? personal of cln Frank B. Carpenter.

Also the bUtory isw rac Coufrewsce. otA, disclosing before known to the public. It pnateoon tne paper and new type, will bo the Uncom! and scry valuable Aaentswfllflad It the the Burr Book. It la rrfflMis 0., Chicago, ill. pjjj TXT AN every Comity In the T.

to sell SHERMAN Hl9 by Rev. P. 9enonr. i ToWms, 13 in pages, with splendid steel portraits, cloth X3T Sold only by canvassing agittts, to whom w.r. txdu and exclusive territory will be firm.

Agents will forward T3 cents for sample order hook, naming townships and counties In the order of preferrecce-and the first la the list not already taken will bo asslned to them. HENRY M. SUaKV.OOi> 41 Lombard Block, Chicago. DL tUT 2 TV IT Agata to tell oar sample. Wmted to notify smart talesmen having from to fICO cspltal, that tney can learn of a very profitable baslnm by calling at our office.

No. 87 Sooth Clark street. Boom No, I. P6U and female, to take orders for the Lsnne SxTta; apatcat article that every ftmCy wants, wilt save ten times its cost yearly. Agents are making from to $35 per any.

Only to capital requlren. Tull of the buatacaa sat to any address on recelptofS cents, for circulars and return postage. Address WAV ELL, Pox 4781, Chicago, pMUt TV and lemale, to tell a new article In great demand that every family wants. per day made vtthoas leaving home. agents can make from S3 to 0 per day without intencrcncv with other bostaesa.

The article shows for samples, with terms owl of the btulocM sent for 35 cents. Addresa SIIELDEN, Drawer6s33, Chlcajj. tho Tv Standard History of the War. complete la one very large volume of over paries; spiodldlv IDuatraied with over 135 fine portraits or Generals and battle and with noneroasmaps and diagrams. The most candid, lucid, complete, authentic and reliable history published.

It contains reading matter, ennal to three Urge octavo volumes. just what the peor la want, and therefore a dance foragents. Re turned officers and soldiers and all energetic youog men In want of prefitable.employment should send fur ana tee oar terms. Address ZEIGLEB, MeCUUDT 4 Chicago. St, Louis Mo.

TV engage Tv In a pleasant, bonorahlfi and profitable bsilnass. rpco the receipt of one dollar wo will scud any one foil directions for manufacturing an-article that will pay tin times Its cost, and will sell la every family. Young men Uut are willing to work coo make from to per day. will store the badness; positively no humbug. DR.

WM. KILBORN, P. O. Drawer 269. Cleveland, Ohio.

WANTED the fol lownsr popular works: sold only by subscrip Hou: Life of Lincoln, by Dr. J. O. Holland; History of the Bcbelllbo, byllev.John 8. C.

Abbott, Ist vof. now ready. vol. will be ready about the 13th Oct. Agents having for 2nd vol.

will please forward their orders early. O. F.GIBBS, Publisher. 13-1 South Clark-sL, Chicago. p2Ki TVANTED to S2OO per where, male and female, sell the celebrated COMMON 6EN3E FAMILY SEWING MACHINE.

Improved and perfected. It will hem. fell, stitch, tuck. bind, braid, cord) qulU aac cmhrolderbeantlftilly. PriceordrSW.

Warranted three years. Address KING, Chlcago.Ul. our highly popular and fast selling nnhllca'injis. Nurse auu of A. Lincoln," 'Llienf Gen.

"Idle of A. Potter I and." Heroes and Leaders of the War, Photographs. Maps. Charts. Albums, ftc.

Allihemost desirable works and the largest possible offered. Exclusive territory given. Send for circulars. J. A.

STODDARD ft 162 Lake street. Chicago, Box 3939. pM XIT'ANTED Agents-The Aulmrr Publishing Company will insure agents is per day prod; In selling a COMPLETE HISTORY OF TOK GREAT AMERICAN REBELLION. pages, with splendid steel surravlnga, also other fast selling works. Exclusive territory given.

Send stamp for circular to JAS. L. WEBSTER, Room 43, Lombard Plock, Chicago, Ul. oCS gent the GLOBE SEWING MACHINE. new Patent, with Celebrated Patent Looper Movement.

Just tbc machine that everybody wants. Price SzT and fSS according to style. ATKINSON ft CALDWELL, 161 Randolph street. Room 6, Chicago, mmole. otdo (Fa rra rs preferred) to earn fcM per month.

Come to Room 14, No. 1-17 South Clark street. Capital from f2S to KCO. We never charge for to sell fl New Maps and Publications Issued every week at the Largest Depot In the United Sendscampfornewclrcular. K.B.LANDON.

Agent, 38 Michigan avenne. Chicago. eel3o3frJH Tl7 ANTED Agents lmmedi TT ately.tosell TEARS IN SBCESSIA. Adventures within and beyond the Union Lines." By Junius Henri Browne, special war correspondent of the N. T.

Tribune. Aim, Agents to sell "THff OBKAT By Horace Greeley. VoL lis now ready for delivery. Vol. U.

will be Issued scones practicable. Address GEO. ft C. W. BHEBWOOD.

118 Lake street. Chicago. scl7o2S-lm AN a day. Agents wasted to sell a new and wotxlcrfal Sewing Machine, the only cheap one licensed. Address BtLkW ft CLARK.

Bladeford, Maine. sOnll-tm a TT month. Agents wanted for Six Entirely Now out. Address O.T. CARET.

City Buildlag. Blddeford. Maine. WrANTED per month, to sell the IMPROVED NEW ENGLAND FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Pries, fli.

This Machine will stitch, hem, fell, rack, cord, braid, bind, gather.quilt ssd embroider. Every Machine Is warractid five years. 39, Chicago, 111., or call at Room No. 8. Post OtUcc Block, corner of Monroe sad Dearborn Chicago.

seCtuAKWWt YY 7 gent where, to sell our Groat Unequalled Metropolitan Gift Sale Stationery Packages, contain lug elegant stattooery In almost eucOese variety and a ticket for some elegant prize. Agents aremaktngftJ per uay, easy, selling these wonderful packages. Send for droolers. Enclose 93 cents (tor sample ticket. C.

M. DUNN ft 189 Clark street. sent per per mouth. every County and State, to sell tbe Bar tlett Sewing Machine, price fully licensed tinder patents ot Dove, Wheeler Wilson, Grover Baker, sod Singer A Co. We will pay a monthly salary and expenses or allow a large commission on sales.

For particulars. Illustrated catalogues territory. inclose a stamp and address PAGE BROTHERS, Sole Agents far Called States, 33t Summit street. Toledo. Ohio- aulihtsi-Sw a young man In a wholesale Corbt tend his employer from fkKOto IWOO.

Oran Interest In seme legitimate business. Best of references given. Address Tribune office. WANTED a young gentleman os clerk or traveller, tins experience In the Commission sad Cigar btularin and knows German and French, Best of references given. Address Tribune ofllde.

pin ad- veruscr, having had some experience In that line, desires a situation with some wholesale boose, to sell goods by grocery preferred. Could loan his employers if desirable. Address, stating probable salary. care tribune office. pHQ a young a good mathematician and fair writer.

rest or references given. Address fur three days 8." Chicago. DL firstv class Book-keeper desires a position. Has over ten years experience. Beat of city and New York references.

Address Tribune oUlcu. pUJ itnation Coachman by a young man who Is willing to make himself generally useml. Good riven. piil a fr drv goods store by ft man of several experience. 'References from a mun whom he fiai been with for the last two years.

Address Tribune office. ptf- a wholesale dry goods or grocery home, hr middle aged man. htdamng business for himself. Could take charge of a coimir. store.

Best of reference given. Address Box 334, Chicago. pt-d A lad wishes a situation to learn a good trade. Apply at 505 Stale sueet. WANTED any kind of light work, by a roan just returned from theanoy.

after eight servitude. Can mow the best of reference from ms former officers. ages not so mneb an obfect as present employment. necessary can place In the hands or hi ctnplover as seem tty for bis honesty. Address If.

office. Wf a young man as coachman and gardener hi private totally. Understands taking care of hortes and driving. Good references given. Address 3, Tribune office.

TT7ANTEDSituation a Tv young man as coachman In a private tunily: understands taklngcare of horses and driving. Good, references given. Address Tribune office. pSTI ANTED a young American, 20 years of been nearly foor years In the army ami montn la rebel prisons. Is temperate, strong, and can give references.

Any honest employment would bo hie. Any one desiring help will do me a Civor bv addressing "ffM Trtbnne Office. run a stationary engine, in either clrv or eunr.try, by a reinraed soldier. care of Railroad House, comer North Water it I streeta. TlTANTED A gentlev mao of business habits and experience, havlUit a few hundred at his disposal,* to as partner or act as manngwr of a mining company.

The best of reference rctcUhtd Address r. 3. ANDREWS. Chicago. TXT User desires to obtain partner with a capital from 9XO to 1300, for the purpose of Increasing i mechanical by reestablished In this city.

Address bo P. O. With a IXO a month, ivtnff A. ST.UTTtOPR.XO- giaiantcfl assCorrcsponoence THAN TED who travels great deal and In to make Chicago UU home soon, would like cot rMWdfflcewlth acme lady fo Chicago or vicinity WSI. d.

nAJULroX, enro Bu. LockporL BOARDING For gentleman and wife, on Side. Rcfe cnceaglvno. Address Drawer6oll. young gentlemen where there are few ornootl er boarders.

In a good location. Reference location and price, P. tvr JIJ respectable young men, a fu nlahed room, with or without board, in a private far Uy, where there are few or no other boaruem Won prefer the Weal elde.eentraUy located. Cncxceptio able given. Address Box staling terma and location.

a i.r theWct side gentleman, wife ana child three old. Will fi nish rooms. Address P. O. 739, or call at South Canal street.

BO ARDEN anted gentleman and wifr. la a private famlly.onSon Side. pjj Boarding for two lady on the West nearthe city Address. O. Box HO.

pJS BOARDING a tleman and wtta, ft tarnished room with in ft private OuqUt. oo the North Elde.tna good at. bocbood. Beet of given and required, i' dress Post OOce Box 1077.

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