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The Cecil Whig from Elkton, Maryland • 2

The Cecil Whigi
Elkton, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Heal (Estate. QIIEAP! CHEAP MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE. J'w known property callo.l ROCK MILL, vpit Forty of good Lund, and Dwelling House and Stable, in niton township, Lancaster £OvJ iTa ty, Pennsylvania, is offered for sale. Kjlifl i'his Mill is in excellent order, and BfflglJ will make Aa good flour as any mill in the county. ottered for Kile because the ow ner is a widow and cannot attend to the business.

I Thousand Dollars. balance to suit purchaser. For further information, inquire of the -owner, PKALL, near (hostnut Level; or -M Kd CIS9EL. on the promises; or J. L.

DRAKE. Sept Elk ton, Md. VALUABLE PROPERTV IN TJIE TOWN of CECILTON, Maryland, AT PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber at Private Sale the well known JHIHK STORK, with Dwell- attached, situated in the center of Town of Cecilton, Cecil countv, Maryland. SSSIBI he Dwelling is large and wuh necessary outbuHdingM, consisting off 8 Meal-house, Mi U-hoiVe iiiftiiftiy, Ac.

A largo (iarden, latch 1 enclosed with a. new and substantial fence, adjoins the premiss. There is a Pump of yanl 11,0 to Dwelling have been recently papered and painted. Also. A LOT OF LAND, conveniently situated in aald town, peon desirous to engage in morcantdo business or make a good investment, this is a desirable property.

(. eciUou is surromukal by ari and tortile country, and the above the oldest business eland in the neighborhood, it being now, and mg been lor over twenty years, occupied by the Messrs. Crookshanks. For Terms apply to WILLIAM If. PEARCE, Cecilton, Maryland, or HYLAND It.

PENINOTON 7 Smyrna, Delaware. SALE! By virtue of a Decree of the Circuit Court for Cecil county, In chancery, the subscriber, Trustee, will oiler at Public Sale, at the Court House, in Elkton. ectl county, ou TUESDAY, the 15 th day of October, 1807, at ono o'clock r.M., ail that FARM, situate at Fair 11111, in said comity, and Ivina in the corner made by the road leading from Fair Hill to Hrlek Steeling House and the road leading from i'uir Hill (o Elk ton; being the same whieh-was mortgaged by William 11. Lawson ami wife, and Edwin and wife, to John (Jilpin, on the day ol April, isuu, and recorded in labor W. H.

R. -V 1 0 4,7 Ac on of the Land Accord Hook' ecu county, containing 7 1-4 ACHES, MORE OK LESS. The kind is of excellent quality and in fair condition. The improvements consist 6f a TWO- htokv sIoNK norms, wbhJnA, Frame IbVetlnig and mid with a Well of good Water near tlie (iiinilL door. Also, a frame Stable, and other outbuildings.

There is in addi- ras (ion to the above, a comfortable Tenant House on the premises. IHL 1 OF SALE require tlie purchase money to be paid in Cash on Hie day of sale. Possess ion can be given on the of March. 90HN A. J.CUESWELL, Elkton, Sept Trustee.

ALU ABLE FARM MILLS, AT SALE. ny Virtue Of a Decree of Hie Circuit Court for Cecil com, ehamuT.v, passed, by consent, in the ea-. oiorge levs. Eli CV.sgrove ami wife. H.e undersigned, lr sice, will offer nl Public at tin otirt House door, in the town of Elktoii.

Cecil county, Maryland, on Tl US DA I', the 22ml day of October, 1807, 111 II o'clock A.M., the interest of tlie above-named parties in and to all that TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, in ('ceil eoimty aforesaid, which is now occupied bv V. 1 140 ACRES, More or Less. T)tia Farm is cultivated on the tTuir ludd the is excellent, yielding abundant crons of wheat grass and fruit. About seven-tenths oi in-" ls i remaining pvirti-m is Wood ami limber, Ibe fencing is good, and there is snfchestnut nil the in repair. 1 lie land it Well watered bv pure springs, I two never failiiig slreams.

'I be iiiiprnvemcnts ou (In's Jinipertv, hich add greatly In ii value, consist 5f Va 'i vyii (Foodmid lii-ist, which well known as 'Tlie Fountain mills, They are fin nislied with (lie necessary Machinery. "id are of doing a large business. One of anl Mills is al.nni forty leet square, and is stilismntiany htnll of stone other is a frame building. Th 'Tater Power is ex. client, illi fall ol at least tiny feet.

These are located In a neighborhood noted for health, and convenient Kailro.vis, stoiv ami schools: Hiey are between two and lliree mites distant from Principal bemoeu three and fenr miles from Port lleoesji bout the same distance from ihev a. iiallinmremid Hhllndelplila from eiliiei tlie above-named points by Iliiilrond or vvatei 'J'he Other improvements on tJo above-described premises, consist of FIVE DWELLING DOUSES, W'hieh furnish ample accommodation for the operative of the Mills ami Farm. One of these Houses comparatively new, having been built about two years Tim main building is 2-1 feet ami the back building IS xIC foot. Toeaeh of Dwelling Houses there is atUvghed a good harden. The Farm produces nn abundance of peaches pears, apples, grapes and other fruits.

I he property will he shown to persons wishing to examine it, by Air. Eli Cosgruve. TERMS OF SALE, as prescribed by the Decree: iho whole of (lie purelmso money to be paid iu Cash on the day of sale. GKO lift Elkton, Sept 21. IG7-te Trustee.

DOWN WITH HIGH PRICES! Katz Greenblatt, Opposite Court House, Elkton, HAVE JUST OPENED THEIII COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL KINDS OP CLOTHING, Famishing Goods, (HOME MADE,) HATS AND CAPS, Hosiery and Gloves, Shirts, Collars and Suspenders, And arc prepared to sell for CASH lower Vian any other house in the county. We have also on hand a choice slock of TRUNKS, CARPET RAGS, VIOLINS, GERMAN ACCORDEONS, COLD AND, SILVER WATCHES, CHOICE JEWELRY, PISTOLS and POCKET KNIVES, COMBS and BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, Amt a larga variety of FANCY ARTICLES. OUR PRINCIPLE IS: Dealing with "Which we trust will meet the mpjiroval of llio public, KATZ A GREENBLATT, (Opposite tlie Court Hoime,) Hepi 21,167 The Cecil Whig. ELKTON, SEPTEMBER CALL. The Republican votcra of Cecil county arc requested to assemble in Primary Meetings, nt the usual places of holding such meetings in the several Districts of the county, on SATURDAY, sth day of October next, at 3 o'clock p.m., and select live Delegates in each District, to assemble in Convention, nt Elkton, on the following Tuesday, at 11 a.m., for the purpose of nominating County Officers, anti transacting such other business aa may he brought before it.

By order of THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. The The rebel party have done a great deal of cheering over their recently, but still they foot up two members less iu. the 40th Congress than they did in the While their gains amount to nothing ns far as the national control is concerned, yet they arc legitimate causes for rejoicing in the ranks of treason. Andy Johnson is taking fresh courage, and is more bent on mischief than ever. Every report from the lute House goes to strengthen the conviction that, backed by the worst spirits of the Copperhead parly, ho is seriously meditating a forcible resistance to the authority of Congress, with Maryland for his arsenal, which has now organized a standing army of 30,000, mainly officered by rebels who have been trained in army.

But who is to blame for this state of affairs for the increased vote of the Copperhead party iu the States that have held elections, and the threatening attitude of the worst man that ever tilled the Presidential chair? Wo point to the trilling, ami unparalled course which Congress pursued at its regular and extra sessions of last winter and summer. The people placed full power in their hands to take charge of the nation and sot Andy Johnson aside forever, but, like McClellan, they (littered away time and (lie means so bountifully supplied by a loyal and magnanimous peojde. The arms must tire of constantly holding up those of their public servants, when those servants seem to wholly misunderstand, or entirely disregard, the duties their constituents require of them. The enthusiasm of the Republican masses euimotAtUiud without intermission, that tension which it has been subjected to, to sustain the cause of freedom, by their incompetent or faithless public It was the duly of Congress to have impeached and deposed the President. Thu Republican party fully expected this at their hands, and had a right to expect But in place ol thus proceeding like sensible men and legislators, to give quiet and security to tlie Chantry, they attempt to bind him with pack thread, and dissolving, leave the country at his mercy its purse and its sword in his hands, to use them at his will on the nation.

Is it any wonder that (ho people lire, lose enthusiasm and become disgusted, when they behold, acted over again, the Ponibsulur campaign ol McClellan in the civil management ot affairs, by their chosen representatives in Congress? As the rebels took heart and gained strength from Mc- inaction, tardiness, caution, and cowardice, so Andy Johnson, encouraged by tlie same party that supported Lee, is strengthened and encouraged in his aggressions mid acts of despotism, by a policy similar on the part of Congress. No general ever had a finer army and better opportunity to have ended a civil war at a blow, than McClellan, and lost all, and well-nigh ruined the country by incoinpetency and cowardice. And no representatives of the popular will ever had such a glorious chance to hurl from power a false and ambitious demagogue, anti traitor to liberty, restore peace and prosperity to the country, and the rebel States on an enduring foundation, as the 4(1lh Congress, and yet their halting policy has threatened the nation with a now war and a new upheaval of the elements of prosperity and government. As the rebels with qtiakcr guns frightened McClellan, so Johnson has kept the national Congress at bay with a violent flourish in their faces of the Constitution. What arc all the constitutions in the world for, but to protect liberty yet, Johnson has used the Constitution wholly in the interest of slavery, while Congress, cowards that they arc, have stood back and allowed him to work his will.

Had Congress enfranchised the loyal millions of black men in llio rebel anti Border Stales, and deposed Andy Johnson for obstructing its action, the Constitution would have been vindicated, the cause of liberty advanced, and the chief end of nil written Constitutions gained. One more chance remains to the 40th Congress to retrieve its blunders and the guilty forsaking of its post in the hour of greatest peri I. When it again assembles, it it will act as brave men act in the hour of danger, and lay a strong hand on the recreant Chief Magistrate, enfranchise the oppressed legions of freed men, and at the sumo time visit with righteous judgment, the desecrations of their flag, peace and prosperity will return to the land, and the Republican party will pul till its foes under its feet. The Lord fights on the side of justice aud freedom, but.ho never lulls to rebuke selfishness, cowardice, and inefficiency, with overwhelming disaster. The present leaders of the Republican parly have one more chance to redeem their trust, save the nation and themselves, by executing boldly the will of the loyal people.

Let them read their doom, in the boast of the party of treason, who point cxullingly at what they interpret as the omen of their returning power. It is the wrath of God threatening to execute vengeance on the faithless and halting leaders of Israel. Gorky's Book for principal attractions of the number arc summed up as follows by its embellishments for this month cowmericc with a handsome steel plate entitled 1 A Passing An interesting The fashion-plate comes next. Six figures, handsomely colored, and true Ono of those beautiful tinted plates that no other magazine furnishes its subscribers. The next etv- i graving is the -picture of a young girl, who has, in the words of the title, become A Credit to her Two fancy halt dresses, representing a milkmaid and a gardener; fall promenade suit, and nine fall styles of dresses for children.

The stories in this number have been selected from the contributions of our best writers. Bale Marion Harland, is ft story of full interest, anti a lesson for all, i The Tote of Cecil. in thi county on the Constitution fools np 2085, while the registered vote is Kill, showing nn absence from the polls of JO2O votes. The refistery shows something in excess of the entire voting population of the county, on account of deaths, removals, which were not brought to the notice of the registering officers, and hence not taken the lists. Three hundred votes will certainly cover this deficit, which being deducted will leave 1320 voters in the comity who did not turn out to the last election.

That the great majority of these were Republicans, there can be no reasonable doubt. In one of tlie districts where the voters were all known, a careful count proved that but tl of the party absented themselves from the polls, while 33 Republican voters remained away from the election. It is scarcely possible to vote a district closer than within nine votes ot its party registry; and it is safe to conclude that the rebel party at the late election had out their whole strength. Taking the facts and figures in the case as revealed by the election of Wed uesday week, there is not a doubt that the Republican parly have a majority of voters in this county, and nothing is needed but a thorough organization, and the proper effort at the November election, to carry thecounty by a safe Republican majority. In view of these facts, which must be evident to every man who will take the trouble to study the returns, our duty is plain.

We owe it to the country, we owe it to ourselves individually, and the Republican party, to go forward. Nominate the- best men for all offices to be filled at the coming election and rest not till every Republican voter is brought out that is able to go to tlie polls in Novein ber, and the victory is ours. The Republican party must not despair because nn apathy has been allowed to settle upon it, and we find a full thousand of our voters absenting themselves from the polls at the late election. Victory is within our grasp and we will be recreant to our duty if we do not seize it. Up and at them Rads, and the day is ours.

Democratic Nominations. The American gives account of the nominations by tlie Rebel party of Baltimore. The same policy, we doubt not, will be pursued throughout the State. Let those who called themselves and left the Union party in the hope of getting oiliec by helping the enemies of their Slate and country into power, read The nominations for city judicial officers, mode by the Democratic Convention on Tuesday, demonstrate that the party of which tlie Convention was the organ is fully prepared to place itself upon the platform of pro-Rebel, Slate Rights There was not a nomination made in which this fact was not distinctly anti boldly assorted. Secession antecedents, sympathy with the Rebellion, or service in the Rebel army were emphatically marked as the claims which the Convention was prepared to promptly appreciate.

Of tlie Judges nominated two were imprisoned during the war for ailedged treasonable practices; another was the chief legal adviser of the Bolicc Commissioners and of commanding General Trimble in tlie attempt to bar the way to the National Capital in 18(11; another is the brother of a noted guerrilla lender, and still another is reported to have been on Stall' during some part of the rebellion. The same rule was followed in the distribution of the Clerkships and Courts Judgeships. Not a man against whom it could be alleged that he ever had an aspiration for the success of the Union arms, or who cherished a feeling of loyalty for the Government, secured the approval of the Convention. The suspicion of such a feeling was political death to any nominee. The so-called Conservative section of the party was slaughtered unmercifully, and scarcely found any one to mourn its relentless taking off.

Ex-Postmaster anil ami ex-Revenue Collector Purnell received more Itisses than votes, though he preceded Mr. Swann in his betrayal of tlie Union party, and fondly supposed that ho had claims that could not be disregarded. -4 Tuk Atlantic Monthly for The following are the contents. The Guardian Angel; Part Dy Oliver Wendell Holmes. Thcmistoclcs A poem, by Win.

Everett. Ben Jenson A biographical and critical sketch, by the essayist, E. P. Whipple. Uncharitableness.

The Rose Rollins; The first section of a New England seaport life, by Alice Cary. The Flight of the Goddess; A poem, by T. H. The Throne of the Golden Foot; By J. W.

Palmer. The Autobiography of a Quack Part 1. Writings of T. Adolphus Trollope; By H. T.

Tttckermnn. A Native ofliornoo; A sketch of a colored linguist found in South Carolina by a Massachusetts ollieer. By-Ways of Europe; From Perpignan to Montserrat; By Bayard Taylor. Dinner Speaking; By Edward Everett Hale, author of Man without a Mr. Frye would have preached etc.

Reviews and Literary Notices. Terms, $4.00 per annum. TicknorA Fields, Publishers, Boston. i- i The Republican Executive Committee publish the call for Primary Meetings, in The Whig to-day. The meetings arc railed for Satciimay, next, and it is the duty of all Republicans, who can do so, to attended, and select their very best men as delegates.

Lot the Republican party place a ticket in tlie field composed of sterling, influential, intelligent men, and light onr way to victory in this county like a Greek phalanx, or Roman legion. Let the Republican party contend, this fall, not for office, but for tincause of justice and humanity. The Question Those eminent men, Dr. James Clark, Physician to Queen Victoria, and Dr. Hughes Bennett, say that consumption can he cured.

Dr. Wisler knew this when ho discovered his now widely known Balsam of Wild Cherry, and experience has proved the correctness of his opinion. Reception of Sheridan. J'resa of Thursday says: The welcome to last evening was the most fervent reception ever extended to any public man with the exception of Abraham Linqpin. The people greeted him with electric enthusiasm.

The Copperhead friends of the' soldiers were only recognized during the evening by thior wretched abuse oflhccolored Union soldiers iu the parade. Our Yof.No Folks for October hits been received. It is an excellent juvenile monthly, its pages always containing that which will servo to Instruct and entertain the young. Ticknor and Fields, Boston. We publish the rebel programme for the new rebellion on page of The Whig this week.

Let eyory reader ponder focal Jlflalro. 1 The first heavy frost of the season appeared on Thursday morning last. Contract Awarded. Perry berg, of Elkton, has been awarded the cons tract for painting the new hull. I General Sheridan passed Elkton in a special train for Philadelphia on Wednesday afternoon, where a grand reception from the Ilepublicans awaited him.

The County Statement. of onr space is occupied this week, by the pnblica-1 tion of the statement of county expenses, which will he interesting to every taxpayer, and which we offer as an excuse for lack 1 of our usual variety on first page. I Contract Awarded. contract tor building a bridge over Plum Creek, in Elk Neck, was awarded, by the County Commisi sioners, to D. McHugh and S.

F. Fuller. The bridge is to be constructed on the How Truss plan, which is used by the Railroad company. This plan of bridge is without i roof and is considered superior and cheaper to the old arch and roofed plan. Hail Storm.

was visited on Wed) nesday afternoon by a severe hail The hail fell for a few minutes in a shower as large as walnuts. A strong wind accompanied the icy shower. Beyond the smashtug of some glass, wo heard of no material I damage. The new colored church seems to have suffered most from the storm, some forty or fifty lights having been broken out of the windows. A number or Men met up stairs, i in the Court House, last Monday evening, in i reference to the cal! for the organization of 5 a Young Christian Committees on permanent organization were formed, and if our citizens will lend a ing hand, the movement promises to bo very successful.

Let llug young men of the town take hold of this matter vigorously, and let the fathers and mothers, and all good citizens aid the enterprise by substantial con-1 tribulions. Larue Wheat Crop. MeKatie, of 4th District, this county, raised the pie. sent season 33 bushels of wheat per acre on leu acres, weighing til pounds to the bushel, 1 his field was stubble turned in. On another lot of ten acres seeded after removing a crop of corn last fall, be raised 25 bushels per acre weighing pounds to the bushel, the latter lot having been stacked out and was damp, which accounts for the light weight.

This wheat was clear of cockle, cheat, and all other kinds of trash. The first lot was sold at $2.50 per bushel, for seed, the purchasers taking it as fast as it ran through the fan. These crops will I challenge Maryland for their equal. Deceased. John P.

Dennett, a citizen ot Elktop, and well-known throughout the county, died, after a long illness, on Tuesday morning last. Mr. Dennett was twice elected County Commissioner from the 3d district, by the old Whig party, and during the war he was Provost Marshal for this county. Information has reached here to the that Thos. J.

Kurtz, sou of Rev. M. D. Kurtz, (who was pastor of the Elklon M. E.

Church, last year,) has died of yellow fever, at Galveston, Texas. In March last ho received a clerkship, under Oon. Griffin, his former commander, and left early in April for his destination, little dreaming that he would again return alive. Mr. Kurtz had scarcely, if at all, reached Ids majority, was a very intelligent and clever young man, and it is with sorrow wo have to record his mclancholly fate.

Patent A. 11. Pond, who is pretty generally known to the people of Cecil county, ns an itenerant, clock cleaner, is now agent for the sale of this broom. For cheapness, durability, elasticity and lightness it is superior to any broom ever manufactured. The fixtures consist of a brass cap and handle (the latter wood) and a wood screw which is inserted in the end of the handle.

This screw is provided with an eye into which the ends of the corn are inserted. When foil the brush is drawn into the cap and the handle screwed on when the broom is complete. One bundle and fixtures will, with ordinary ogre, last a generation, nnd with the cap and screw any person can make a broom. The price of handle nnd fixture is $1.50. Mr.

post ollico is Principle, in this dounty. One of those brooms can be seen at The Whig ollico. The American Agriculturist says Patent Droom. is a novelty, certainly. Dy menus of a cap and screw the brush can be removed at any time.

Wo have no broom-corn at hand to test the removal of the old brush and the putting in of new, but we do not see why it cannot bo readily done by any one, nnd farmers thus raise a little plat of broom-cotn and make their own brooms after buying patent handle. The one we arc ns a superior Assault with intent to Saturday afternoon last, Mr. Jesse Vickers, a very respectable farmer, of Elk Neck, was attacked and badly beaten, by a ruffiian, by the name of Zeb. Short, who appeared to have been lying in wait for him. Mr.

Vickers had been in town and was on his way home, and ns he drove into the bridge at Mill he passed Short, to whom he spoke as he drove by. When the vchicblo had passed him, Short sprang in behind, and seizing Mr. Vickers, jerked him back over a plow that was in the wagon and commenced beating him. violently in the The cries of some women at the opposite end of the bridge, brought to the rescue, a man by the name of Thomas who released Mr. Vickers from the hands of the highwayman, who was afterward arrested by Constable Denny, assisted by (woof Vickers' sons.

Short had a hearing before Justice Howard and was committed to Jail to await the action of tho Grand Jury. Mr. Vickers, we learn had a considerable snm of money about his person, and it is believed that it was the intention of Short to rob him, The ruffian is lately from Delaware where ho had been confined in Jail it is reported. The attempt to murder and rob or. the highway in broad day light, and in a place so public, has but few parallels in audacity.

We hope the viluin will get his deserts. There are a number of worthless characters who live in the barrens near Elkton, that should be made examples of. They frequently assemble in oor streets on Saturday nights and bolt) drunken carnivals, Religious Rev. Alfred Cookman, ofPhilndelphia, will preach next Sabbath, morning nnd evening, hi the Methodist Church of Elkton. Recently, a minister from Baltimore exchanged pulpits with Mr.

Matlack. lie said to his city church, en returning, that if they wanted a model to build from, they would do well to visit Elkton first. Mr. Matlack will bo absent at the West, 1 for three Sabbaths following. Rev.

Thos. Meyers, of Baltimore, nnd Rev. Mr. Mclntire, 1 of Elkton, will supply the pulpit. National Council Order or United American Body was in session in Baltimore on Tuesday last.

A 1 considerable amount ofdmsiness was acted of importance to the Order generally. The following officers were elected and installed for the ensuing Joseph 11. Shinn, of New Jersey; Vico. Councillor, John Perkins, of retary, Amor S. Redstreako, of urer, John Walker, of Marshal, Joseph Mancel, of Protector, Win, Hasson, ot Doorkeeper, Edward S.

I Andrews, of N.J. The national councillor appointed the following deputies and installing officers: George E. Harris, E. S. Andrews, John W.

Holden, Joshua Finance committee, John Perkins, Christian Sharer, Franklin Supplee. On Appeals, John W. Holden, James N. Caleby, James C. Pierson, George Fry, Wm.

B. On Constitution, A. S. Rcdstrenke, Abner 1 Sparks, George VV. Bain.

On Printing, m. Niclmals, A. S. Hedstrcakc, E. L.

Seely. On Ritual, Samuel Oliver, A. Sparks. Recollections or Army The lecture by Rev. L.

C. Matlack, on Tuesday i evening last, at the M. E. Church, in this town, was numerously attended, and the subject was bandied by the lecturer in a manner which presented the varying scenes of camp and field life, most vividly before the audience. Starling with the raw cavalry i recruit, on the prniries of Illinois, every step of tho soldier of tho Republic was traced to the Gliickahominy, and that miserable, morlifting (to every loyal heart) Peninsular campaign of McClellan displayed to the audience, in a series of the most striking like pictures, both grave and gay.

The horrible drilling, and camping, and wearywaiting on the Potomac through that long Autumn ot 01, which every loyal heart now remembers with a sigh, terminating in the wet winter, with our 150,000 soldiers lying in tho mud, nnd dying by thousands, while an enemy of 37,000, at Manassas, looked on witl amazement, was described, as none but a master can describe it. have not space to review the lecture, even to present some of the life-like pictures drawn with such beauty and power, I speaker. The subject, of Army comprises three lectures, that delivered on Tuesday evening being the first of the series, leaving the and Army of the Potomac, after the battle i of Williamsburg, looking across the Chicki at the rebels. Every one who pnl 'd t' lo lecture on Tuesday evening will be anxious to hear the whole series, when the more stirring events of subsequent battles and campaigns will be described. 1 lie choir lent much to tho entertainment by the fine musical treat they had prepared for the evening.

PORT DEPOSIT ITEMS. REPORTED FOR THE CECIL WHIG. Port Deposit, Rnpt. 25, ISO7. Ihe Old Papaw Academy is now open for pupils.

The old and middle aged well remember when tli oAcailemir Groce of tins institution, consisting of birch and ce; dnr, although affording no protection from Ihc sun. produced abundant shade upon the countenances of wayward urchins. From Ihc savage Hawkins to the obstreperous ban lord, and down to the firm, but mild, Uoath, the birchen sceptre coerced Hie rebellions, Unvaried the canning, punished the had, rewarded the good, enlightened the understanding and made every boy smart in the seat of the Old It is now in charge of Mr. Charles G. Kingman.

1 Messrs. Davis A Pugh have purchased (rnin Mr. J. J. Hecknrt the wharf long used 1 ns a landing for Captain VanneOlan's steam terry boats, and have already improved the water (rout of the property.

Meetings Imvf been bold for the pur pose of organizing liternry societies. The movement deserves success. Unfortunately, all such organizations formed here, hitherto have had but a brief existence. This morning, Cant. Vanneman took the Dublin Sunday-school on an excursion to Havre do Grace, returning at 5 p.m.— I he noticeable fact was that some had never before seen cither a or cars.

A lew wild pigeons have been shot, and sportsmen are looking for tho northwest winds to increase the sport. Squirrels aie reported plentiful in tho woods; hut the prospect for partridges is very slim. The farmers are busy cutting corn and seed clover, and sowing wheat. Some wheat the vicinity is four inches high, nnd some fields are not yet plowed for striking contrast ot opinions as to the proper lime for seeding. Our town greatly excited for a week past because of the disappearance of a young lady.

She visited Baltimore, was not heard from lor some all kinds of rumors wore rife. The mystery was exploded by her safe return on Tuesday, when her visit was completed. Hereafter, let young ladies notify their friends of their destination, their whereabouts, and tho time their return it may prevent kind hearts from i -i a Gen. Sheridan, in conversation with Messrs. Evans and Henszoy, ot tho Philadelphia Committee of reception, speaking of the correct policy to ho pursued by tho country, said is but one policy to pursue, and that is to carry out the measures of Congress, according to the interpretation which that body has given to those He also said that every one of his official acts, in his late position, had been endorsed by Grant, and were virtually the acts of that general.

Referring to tho probable dangers ol the present situation, General Sheridan used the following language If the rebels get in power through the policy of Andrew Johnson, the rebellion is made honorable and Unionism dishonorable and so many soldiers have been sacrificed in the suppression of the rebellion, lam in favor Of depriving the rebels of their political power by giving tho colored Unionists tho right of WHITE HAVTU). The highest Cush Price paid for White Corn, 1 at Hootfe Mill, 4th District. 1 jVu 10, 17 MILLED B. BARTON. Double Beflned Lodi Pondrette.

SALE BY May 4, 1807. JOHN PARTRIDGE. Prevention Better than S. Liver I Pills will prevent tho Ague and all Bilious I Depot, 200 Dock street, Philadelphia. Hold by Ir.

oitmao, L. Jtuwar, Depwit, THE MABK.ETB. Corrected Friday, Sept. 27, 1807. EI.KTON MARKET Wheat, choice 2 30 Corn, White 1 20 Cous, Yellow 1 00 Oats Cloverseed 9 00 BALTIMORE MARKET White Wheat, new $2 50 Red 2 35f02 50 White Corn 1 27 Yellow 1 1 30 Oats Timothy Hat pi ton 23 23 00 MILLS MARKET.

REPORTED IIY D. SCOTT. Black Oak Bark, per ton, 522 00 WILMINGTON MARKET. Wheat $2 40 Corn i yo Oats 00 SPECIAL NOTICES. BIMUiIA SIMILIBUS CURANTUR HOMOEOPATHIC SPECIFICS, Have proved from the most ample experience, an entiye Hucrefs; and Reliable.

They are the only Medic lues perfectly adapted to popular sinipfe that mistakes cannot he mule, in Uoinjf them so harmless us to be free from danger, and ho efficient its to be always reliable. They have raised the idghest commendation from all, and will always i render nathfaetion. i Nos. Cents. 1 Cures FEVERS.

Congestion, Inflammation 25 2 WOHMS, Worm-Fever, Worm-folic 25 3 CIIYINCt-Colic, or Teething of infants 25 4 1 IAUKIDEA of children or adults 25 5 DYSKNTEHV, Griping, UiHotts Colic 25 0 GiIOLERA-IVIORBUS. Vomiting 25 7 COUGHS, Colds, Bronchitis 25 A NKVHAIaOIA, Toothache, Facenclie 25 0 'll KS, Sick-lleadaeho, 25 i 10 DYSPEPSIA, Bilious Stomach i 25 li SUPPRESSED, or painful Periods 2ft WHITKd. too profuse Periods 25 13 CROUP, Cough, dillicull Breathing 25 l4 SALT RHEUM, Erysipelas. 25 15 KIIdUMATLSM, RiiennmtK' Pains 25 1C FEVER AGUE, Chill Fever, Agues 50 17 PI LKB, blind or bleeding ftn OPT 11A LMY, and sore or weak eyes 50 l9 CATARRH, acute or chronic. Inti 50 20 WHOOPING COUGH, violent Coughs 50 I 21 A STUM oppressed 50 22 EAR DISCHARGES, impaired 50 5 23 SCROFULA, enlarged Glands, 5o 24 GENERAL Delniity, Physical 50 25 DROPSY, and scant Boc ret ions 50 20 SKA SICKNESS, sickness from riding 50 27 i Oiuvel Go 28 NERVOUS DEBILITY, SEMINAL 50 EMISSIONS, Involuntary 1 00 29 SORE MOUTH, Canker 50 30 URINARY WEAKNESS, wetting bed 50 PAINFUL PERIODS, with Spasms 50 32 SUFFERINGS at change of life, 100 33 KPILKPSV, Spasms, St.

Dance low 31 DIPHTHERIA, ulcoruied Sore Throat 50 FAMILY CASKS Of .1 6 Larue Vials, Morocco ('tine, contain a Specific for c.n rp ordinhrp Disease a is subject to, and Book of Directions i ....110 00 Smaller FAMILY and TRAVELING cases, with -0 to 2S vials from $5 to for all PRIVATE DISEASES, Iwth for CURING ami for PREVENTIVE treatment, in vials and pocket cases, 2 to $5 IFS Remedies, by the case or single box, 5 sent to any part of the country, by or Express, free of charge, on receipt of ihc price. Address Specific Homoeopathic Medicine Company, Oflice and Depot, No. 562 Broadway, Nxw-York. Dr. JiuMPHRtYd Is consulted daily at his office, personally or by letter, as above, for all forms of disease.

FOR SALK BV ALL DRUGGISTS. Sept 14,1867 Balsam of Wild Cherry. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Whoopiny Cough Quinsy, and the numerous ns well as dangerous diseases of the Throat Chest and Lungs, pervail in our changeable climate at all seasons of the year; few are furumate enough to escape their baneful influence. How important then to have at hand a certain antidote to all these Experience proves that tills exists in IVistar's Balsam to an extent not found in nny other remedy: however severe the suffering, the application of this soothing, healing and wonderful Balsam at oucp vanquishes the disease and restores the sufferer to wonted health. MR.

JOHN Of Baldwin, Cm emu no County, N. was urged by a neighbor to get one bottle of the lialsamTor my wife, being assured by him that in ease it did not produce good would pv for the bottle himself. On the strength of such practical idenee of i(s merits, I procured bottle. My wife at this time was so low witli what the physi mans ho med Skated Uumsumftion as to be unable Ui herself from the bed, coughing constantly and raising more or less blood. I eomineiired giving the Balsam as directed, and Was so milch pleased with its operation that i obtained another Ik.tile, and eoiv imind giving it.

Before. (his bottle was entirely used, she ceased Coughing and Was strong enough to sit up. The fifth bottle entirely restored ulii to HLii.Tii, doing that which several Physicians had tried to do hut had Prepared LySKTII W. FOWLE4 SON, 18'Fremont lio-ton, and for sale by Druggists generally. AIItONTIC.

ently it penetrates through every pore, It elieviug siiifeivrs from each anyrp sore A II iionnds'it with certainty ami speed; uts, Burns, from inflammation soon are freed; i options, at its presence disappear; Kins lose each stain, and the complexioVs clear! alvk, such as every one should buy, A II to its wondrous merits testily, el those who doubt, a siniftc box but try, erily, that its true doaeils (would have; JO unbelievers would laud Bauvx! Bept ITCH I SCRATCH SCRATCH 1 ITCH! ITCH SCRATCH I Celebrated Golden Itch, Ointment Will gnro, with one or two applications, the Army Itch, and all Diseases of the Skin. It contains no Mercury or other injurious ingredients, and is ple.a*ant in Us smell, can be kept for years without getting rancid, retaining all of its medicinal virtues. Thu cures which this Ointment lias effected within the la-t four ye ns is truly wonderful. No family should he without this valuable Ointment, which can be hml at tlie Drug and Country everywhere. Price 50 cents a box.

By mail, 80 cents. Prepared only by L. M. ENGLAND A SON, ft Piiarmackutwts, S. W.

cor. sth and Market Wilmington, Del. Sold Retail In Elkton by Dr. H. H.

Wholesale in Philadelphia by Johnston, Hoilaowav A Cowden. 23 N. 6th street. Deafness, 61 and Catarrh. ISAACS, M.

Oculist and Auiitt, Pioloasor of the Eye and Ear, loiiucrly of Leyden, Holland, located at No. Pine street, Philadelphia, wlicre persous afflicted with diseases of the Eye, Ear or Catarrh will bo scientifically treated and cured. If curable. The Medical Utility is invited, as he lias no secrets in his mode of treatment. tryArtilicial Eyes inserted without pain.

No charges made (or examination. Jan 37, ERRORS YOUTH. A Gentleman who miflcrod for years from Nervous Debility, Decay, and till tlie diems of omhi'n I nidNcretlou, will, for Hie sake of luiiiiiinity, send tree to nil who need it. the recipe and directions for making tho simple remedy hv which lie was cured, SnHerors wishing to profit by the advertiser experience, can do so liy iidUrcsslng in perfect conlidencc, JOHN 11. OGDEN May 18, 1C Cedar Street, New York.

TO CONSUMPTIVES. The REV. EDWARD A. WILSON will send (fred ol charge) to all who desire it, tho nrescrtplli.n idth the dlrccllous for making and using tlie simple remedy hy ho was cured of a lung llu dread disease Consumption. Hia only oQect is to bwielt the 1 afflicted, and he hopes oiory snfforor will try this proscfiptlou, as it Wll ihtiai notkiiig.

aiiU may uravs a blossiug. Please auurCM Uev. EDWARD A. WILSON, si uni 166 South SooouU Street, sept Wiliiaouburgh, New-York. IXFOUMATIOW.

Informetlon eimrauteed to urodnee a luxuriant growth of hair upon a Laid bead or beardler. face, also a recipe I tor the removal of Plmplea, Blethea, Krupllens. on 8 the skin, leaving the me heft, clear, and beautiful, can be obtained without charge by Cmmar, 17, Irvtaway, Mew-Vert. TO LOAM. ONE TUOrHAM) DOLLARS.

Apply to W. J. JON EH. Sept TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS i TO LOAN ON -MORTGAGE, i Apply to HAMUEL Attobnkv at I.iw, Sept IH, lf.7—3w Elkton, Md. There will be a Special Meeting of the Court, on TUfiHDAV, tho Ist of next, in onler toaaeommoUutc per ons atu inlini im Court.

By order. C. 15. ci Tf.DH. Sept IW Beglater.

Notue. Having inquiries constantly aeut iu reference to our mode of doing we Leivl.v give notieo that we warrant all our work for tlie full term of five (5) years; obligating ourself keep Hftid work in thorough order for said term, without I extra charge. Dr. J. E.

UEttISTER, Desm t. Elkton, Md. GERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH, Tile best and Asrieiiltnrol Newspaper pulilialied; issued every Wednoadav: thoroughly loyal and independent. Price 52.50 ea.ih, per annum. Every family should have it.

numbers sent. As an advertising medium, especially for Real and Personal Estate, It Address PHILIP K. KREAH, Sept 28, 1807 Germantown, reat Hie lusiiramo Co- OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. I one of the host and most reliable Insurance Com-1 panics in the United Slates, is tlie well-known ot Hartford, Conn, its assets present not p. iMvided FIFTY PER cent to policy It Insures lives on the Half Note and Half Cash plan, which is the host in all respect-.

E. BUCKLEY, Agent, Sept 28, Port Deposit. I FOR The undersigned, as Attorney for the at Private Sale, a VERY RESIDENCE, in the east end of Elkton and possession can he had about the die ol October. The Dwelling is Brick i and in good repair; and tho Lot is i proved with e.onvenieni ami outhiiiidings. 1 For further particulars, apply to the umlcrsieneil.

1 Bept2B. 1i1.7-tf MoUULLOUqH. FOR RENT. 1 NKW 1 in tJmrchville, Harford county, IMd. possession given.

A Shop and i'weluT- atlaciieii. A very superior slmul for business in 1 tloiiiislimu post town of hiirehvillr. Thine nn ejntrolies, 2 stores, 1 limd, inilnr. harness in 1 HeTrnU er Ue l0 inenlnanies mo clcsiroil. LAVIIi HARLAN Sept UChVillC fo a mmny PUBLIC Sle Will be offered nt Public Hale, at the Howard House, in Elkton, on Tuesday, October the Ut, 1807, 85 Acres of Valuable Woodland, covered with Chestnut and Oak, situated between the Elk ami North East Riv is, distance 1 of a mile from each, and good Landings.

made known ut sale. J. 15. ASH Sept Auctioneer. Qarpeting I J.

T. DELACROIX, No. South SECOND Street, I'HIL ADELPHI HAS received, per lute a large and varied ii.sortmunt of .1. CKOSSLEV mid si BRUSSELS CARPETINGS, New Designs. Also, a large lino of Three-Plv Extra 1 Super and Fine Ingrain Carpeting-, i Oarpcta, Oil Olothv, Shades, whieh ill he at greatly reduced prices.

Wholesale Retail. South SECOND Street, hetw. Chesmnl Sept 28,18 ti 1 pUBLIC SALE VALUABLE FARM, On Saturday, the VMh day of October, next, AT 2 The undersigned will oll.n Pnl.lie Sale, at Buckley Hotel, in Port Deposit, FARM containing 150 Acres and 10 Perches of Land. More or less, whieh was formerly owned ami oeenpied by James Way, and is exiled Desire.

Flic said farm i-t situated in Ceeii Maryland, about 2 miles from port road leading from thenee to Luiea-ter conn ties, in Pemisylvaniu, and about 2 mile- miles from the IS in one of tlie tnoet delighllnl ami h. althv 1... alums in the eon id ry. Said Farm is In a iiigii stale of i-nltivalion; and the loads leading to ami IV.mii the Ihe ami Baltimore Central id passing within hull a mile 01-aid farm will n-n eoilVeyaiiee of and Baltimore and Philadelphia market-. is well watered, and is near ehurelief), sellout mills amt mechanic shops.

2o ACUIOS OF TIM HKIt HAND, most I) Hickory and Chestnut. Th- an- 1 reen, in th riving f-nndii imi, ni'nlnii. i on mild farm; tin- li in-im- is Buildings, alihongh not 'jj, repair, and will looavi-r i.ivsonl TER MS. Hah payal.lo tho Imlanot- la two will, ini. Hiinnallyj to ho l.y Mepl 28, ARG AKET C.

1, iA C.molii Wv-i i ami fielair, eopv twlee aiui 1 bill to (his oilier. kl 11 JIST RECEIVED PROM NEW YORK A PHILADELPHIA, ONE OF THE LARGEST AND BKHT FKI.IiI i STOCKS OF DRV GOODS That ha. over bean received In Elkton, part an and Wear. hTIIHT.II AND PLAID POFUXH, FHKNCII, all cl.n O.IUUKGS, all Widths and colom. DEI.A IN Ed, do ALPACAS, do do PLAID and PLAIN CLOTHS FOR LADIES, all color, and Wear.

CLOTHS CA SI EUES and Ilomly-Mado Clollihm HA IS, OAFS, ROUTS AND SHOPS WHITE nntl COLORED BLANKETS At Hudui-ed COMPARE The very best makes of Prints, such as Memnincks, Cncheeo ami Sprague, only 1G cents Best styles and quality of Black Prints 10 Arnold Prints 1 EBIES. Be Wkto Sugar, in Bmwn uTo Coffee Prime Rio Cutie, Best Coal Oil, 55 cunts per gaffou! dry goods. New-York Mills Bleached 44 Muslins 37 cents WlAllMlttA 18 Wniiamsville 2,000 yarils of 4-4 Dle.Ached and Unbleuehud Muslins From Auction. Ladies' Very Heavy Hose. i.

Very Heavy Hose i 2' terms posTtTvely CASH, And no Giaala dolivertil paid for oppoailv Fuat Ollier, Main Street, Klklon. Brpt 28, 1807 D. E. BUItTON. JON w.

r. rwi.No. JOKES EWU, ORN evs ati: bilsiiiena placed in uiir Wo will ra.ti'v h. Iho Coc Harford, and -he Con Olltoe-On NORTH 1 STREET, Oio BOUNTIES AND PENSIONS. oounty.and the widows, minor cliildreii or nn routs of nil who enlisted for throe years and died iu the aervioe, arc entitled, under tlie uew law, to jlou nmro nr Ar ft or arm iX sssa to assjKisiias wel W'ot further pwilailfuw apply ip 18 W.

e. EWINO, 18M-IX.

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