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The Evening Herald from Albuquerque, New Mexico • 15

Albuquerque, New Mexico
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Editorial Section Sfe fftettttll mm Editorial Section Vol. 10. No. 225. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Saturday, November 22, 1919 Section Threo BEAT THE AGGIES, Coach McGough Fears His Football Men Are Over-Confident HIlat ths AckIci" Is ths football that Is on th Hps of very stu-AtHll of ths University of New Mexico, nd la posted all over ths town, on automobile wind ah lei tin.

In store windows and on vary available atgn board and telethons pols. Although tha msnssrt'rs, tha student body and the team Itself art confident of vlnory tn the haul aim I nut tha Htate Agricultural College vhteh tnkea plat- here on Thanki vins; af. tsrnoon, tha roach la not ao hopeful. "Ths tesm Is over-confident." ssl.l roach John Motlough today, "per-sonally, 1 antirlpaia that our team will ha bentn by two or Ihrea touchdowns. The fallows are ao aua of themselves thnt when I hey buck up a an I nut anything uniiMiinl they go all to piecea.

That wn tha iron hie In the InatMuta frame, that kept ua from soorlnjt. trarna at El uo last PMurdiiy a good an me, We won ft Inst tha heavier team of the Texns rVhool of Min heeaua tha 1'rlver ity team was not so sura of conquer-Ins; tha miners." Photographs of tha team were taken on tha practice risld laat Thura day niirht for the prvtrami which tha manRtfera are Benin up for tha Aa gim rams. A twelve pav aouvenkr hnoktet la heina printed, giving a description of tha (WO teams, the results of previous gahiee, nnd atorle and pioturvs nf tha University. Intenrive prnettos will he held all neat wek while the Cnlveralty la rloHfd fur ih teachers' convention. Indoor algnul rru lir nnd hhn-k-tmsrd work will le given ev-ry morn-lug field pn-'iic.

will login nt I 0 clock In the nf rernonns Instead of at formerly. A pmctlt-e ame la l-elng played with Mm.iiil arho this Hflernonn on th ru'vitty n-ld hy the frewhman teiini. Th's Is a return game, the Mensilt eleven heutlng ihe acruli team 1 lo 0 on faturdiiy two wwki ago. WAR SUPERSTITIONS COMBATTED BY CHURCH Pr. Cyril Koraler llsr-hett, newty rnnaecnitcd toahnp of Honthwark, aa ihut KneUnd Is SMturaied with superntitlona nn un sf-terniHlh of wiir.

The efTUary of rtmruia la heltted in ly mmty persona or all cIh Ths church will tint ridicule thifte bfhwfa. hut will attempt to counteract thorn by teach-in H.C.L. Hits Him Hard 1 r1. i' HUGE SHIPMENT 07 SEALS RECEIVED HERE ftevan million ltd Croat Christmas seals, more than hava war bean In tha atato of New Wrxlco. will ba dla tiibutod from tha knul off lea throughout tha stnta.

Over 100 seal aala posters have already bean sent to tha outlylnf counties, laa. Pan Juan, Hidalgo and Co I ran, Han Jdimial and t'nlon. and tho entire shipment of ten thousands will ba out by tha nd of tha week. J. A.

Meyer of Mora, has haan appointed for tha western part of Mom county to asalet J. nuilt Currts In handltna; the seal ap. CORReIpONdIs YEARS, LEAP INTO MATRIMONY rKTM IT Hollft Itm-kmnn obtained lha addrem of Kay Har of 'hk'HSO frtrtn a matrimonial iiRency 13 yenrs iiffn. He then re-shied In Cumberland, Md. Tliey or npundrd fHlthfttlly and leaf aprlns; Mi ItuckmNn called on MlM liser.

Tln-y ht'cutne ensiaed and ently Miaa tsr i ma to Xtroii to tMR Oiite Mis. Hmkmnn. NEW PLAN FOB TAXI Dltl KltN vr AvT A IH-rTKCTIVi; HUAVOHAI A new city onlln-nni-n prnvldea th.t tuxhah driver miifit report prorittl to tha poiu-e nny auaplcioua aeii of thetr furea. 'I'll iiiiiiirH if all perauiis rcutinv cur rp lo he recorded. tires and dress them up so the ordinary man cun utuka hvuda and tails of them.

Homo people suy that sta tint lea are tm dry aa dust, but iJt. Hill hasn't found thara so. Anoiher thlnsT the urea will determine la: If a plntfirn wna built over the t'ntted Htate, and It tha peo- I pie would all stand still In their homes, nnd tha pit (form was raised up a few feet, wher would a pivot Iihvi lo be plc-d to balnnce Ciu 'pUitfnrm. Tha laet pivot wna placetl In HlonmliiKton, Indittna. The next 1 oihi wilt move south a wat, but rmtiln in Indiana.

This Is thu center of population. City Issuing Assessment Certificates; Can Be Converted into Bonds Albuquerque's plan of flrmnclna; tha pavlnsr of ths city streets Is new in New Mexico. This city is Wis first In ths stats that the pa Ins oompany to a-et city bonds Instead of certmcatea of Indebtedness In pay-j ment for Ita work. The plsn la this: The psvlnsT company submits state- ment -r "enUmate' of ths work 't hiia completed on a certain data. Thai city fherks up thes sUitetiicnta and If i found correct ineuea to tho psvlnaT cumpnny a crtiM-ie tnnt la entitled "Mt'lM I Aaaf iMiiicnt AeMlfrnnble (sr- tlllrsts" aKninat the property a-htlttlns; th atret-ia that have ben pavfd.

Thla rilth'ite at ii tea bow much la naera- I eed SK'lnKt the priperly. It snahlea ibf properly owner to pay tho entire MMt.ttrtinnt within thirty dava or In ten anniinl lntnllnienta. with Inter- cot at per (fnt for unpaid arnuunta. The- pa vt tiff ronipHny exchansea theao cerllti-ita for clly hunda at 9 per rem, un4 evrythlns; la lovely. The first NpeiMuI Anaewamant AS' i aiirnahle Ortlhratea" are twins: pre-j pured, and will ba Inaued In an amount to approximately ttO.Ofiu.

The I laat etHte lesialHture refused to enact luw thnt would enable cities to pay for such Improvements tbs work was dono, so tha city of AlbiNuerue i made this special contract with the paving1 company for thla "aaslffnahls 'orHlh-ate" ayaiem. Hstnn. 1'lovla. (lallup and other citlea of tils stats Mr saktnar how thla system of flnano-IriK th Improvement rk Is dons. Thi Evening Henld ti th Nw Mexioo paper that put tha "Olua" in Clauiflrd dvrtiilnj.

But a Step From the Bank Book to That "Home of Your Own "8iirW in won through doing the wise tiling OTrr ami, over khui. Th mn who provide Hifniim the fiilur do-iiib th wine thinic ail.l the tint wise Mtvp in tlia a HAVIXUH If you'd like to win "fripndu," "liiipiiin-s" and "homo of your LIVE a CLEAN LIKE and SAVE Atf VOL (JO! A DOLLAR'S DEPOSIT, nmull tliimirli it he, is enough upon an nc.ninl Hiid nwnr- a Irnnk book, fall and OUT YOUM TtUJAV I Atnsrican Trust and Savings Bank We Pay 4 Per Cent on Deposit. All live Drug Stores are Herald Want Ad Stations Wins Two Medals COULTER MCiASrOAf IHI-T Tt. I 'miller MH'tihl(oti, an nr-'-M iMdilkT it lid cltT. Iiom hf'ii ni'tajtifiMtHlril for (mo imUls f.r Itru, dtirt9iaT llio rtiviit tntplfiil hiirrtt-Aiie, oim! front thrt I'stlMdii t'lttm aiw vtwl frmn tlio stitr tlitiiitiiiit.

i iiiNthm -ariil ititi from fktmlitt tMni' In aah'ty on th bluff. Thrfli Ih kmhiii a'rieui HjiH'n Imijou Ut tarry rt'fuinvw In tin hsMin nJtiiliartnm anil Hit I nltt-d htti 1'iihlli-'iwllll li-alutl. OTP OF FIGS' CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poisoni from itomach, liver aud bowel l.l'.H'l:sTl:l. I iur toimh In Im IIh- nnriil'a fiillnM hny In Ihrxr ilf ol II. I Itiiny Htm wi'IkIik mnl omI Ift, Imn lo limi iHm Mto-li hi iiiimI, 'imI- fr lihil.

Goodness Sakes, Nearly All Girls Are Eighteen Years Old! Tut! Tut! That's What They Tell the Census Taker, But They Needn't Fib, 'Cause He Won't TeU WASIITVGTOV. TV r--'Thnii ahnlt hits a ran nest from a ma sail na for a not tn-itr fain witness. buvb the Mlbts trersy human Interest" story a lit tit, nH'JiniiifC, dun He. ilhe i-iiniis mid he hns nt-eii no'KiiiK I'nrlo Ham kitowtns; the prrlh I- I hla brant fr somettilnir to write. Ilea of hia IiI'tci nnd Mfpht-Mi to fib) "H'm llt ure." the mnifsxtnfj idi-wlien ti m.iltiTa in ln hits tor utid.

Iluiniium fouinl jont four mitde an Iron-t-lud luw thnt notliinn ph-turea svuiluhle for inihhrttln In In Ihe t'cnrtiiM rvcoriln r.ui he um-d the whole bunau nnd not Mlnslo SoloMt snyhudv. i tht noae- or-rati wna hIiowii In any of thein. counters cull just nflrr J'nnnry 2, The tmlv photus wer thoito of itm-p Mhould it ihrm tlo rut It. hltu a uptd fur sui ting und luUulul-Thdr Klntani'tit will bu b.u red lo thu inn run la. tux iiiuiMiior.

There mnv not be tminy henrt- Incume lax dodirra nt-e not tho i thioba In thcau tncirblti' a. Hut tlo-y only ons who pL-rTt th trullinre wondoru jtu-cea of mechrtntain reniua-tHkera env. In 1HI1 lnoo thnt me len dciMpt'd In tin c'H-ftlrls were 1 I linn nnv othir iiko sua bureau. To K. M.

liHottnu tibiae There were 1. nintu uiul Kilwnrd Nt laon. who lii(e been Klrla that sue thun lh-rt wife the bureau 12 nnd 10 ynrs re-There wen more iiai inrls Hei'tt el h'iona thu cretin for de-M In 1310 tluin thi'te wert tt In ll'-'O. eluping ilitm. which hi linposHihlUiy, ienau-! to throiiRh th-a ninrbines that t.tkors any.

pcraona who iIIvuIku m- A Bill In ttikliir one clmnco In letl- furnuitlon lose their bbntuy nfier Ins: lo riRhi age thnt In, if ahii I the returns sheetn ro.i' the "litruru ahouhl wnnt to inn' rv the ritiaia- I fnetor." It ot il of ImlK hlu.itM. laker. II inisht be a handunn. "h-: furtories iiunm. o.urtriea una orwlH.

the tiuth will not hint, its the lh like are firwt tnkcn on eeneiis Veiiaiia-laker la aw urn to olt-edal bhinka. mMed sheet a. When one of everything. I thee ah ft-1 a la fetl Into the flKuru All that stuff told before tho draft I factory. It becomes a curd, immcleea.

restalrntion ubout the cenai.s bureau lth a bunch nf holes punched In It. fiirnlfhtttii Information about draft-j These cords conatllute the raw ma 4 i. mi I lm. Tho t'TLH III liiNiK li it I ttt aret il necii at the records, but there wan nothing tloimr. And If the weci etnry nt lw Irrnmin' mIiuiiIi! Il to liacei tain the amount of Muneoue's in-, Hut the eetiaus Ih not all tnarhlno cunip, he would bo lurmd uwty.

iwotk. The nt i turm-d out by the nintlilitcs have to ho aililid and Tit I Ihe cenmia Ik prions mat- Interpreted. Dr. J' wo pit A. Hill, chief ter.

In fio t. thu bureau Irt emli Mtaliata ian of re imn und reuliM. is nerioua pi. ti til it oi ta nnd humor-: Wllh flKorea. That In hy Ihin here n'rer diy 01 it.

Miller llutii- has httyei) In he drparinient lllon, puUlli lt ituin for the bureau. 1 eai m. HIn job In In take thewc li Ha scoTid stair- Tln-y lire the sorter and tabu In tunc niaehlniH mid Hie, finished product Iher- litincd out 1m called eta Unlit a. i Accept "fallfoi ni Hvriip nf FiR onl -look tor the nunc i on thr paikuir', then ton ate mire your child In (vim; the h-l ami luosl hrtitulc-Mi lHMine or plixalc for tho Unle atoniai h. Inei and bowels.

ClulditMi love He delit lous rrullv ttiMts. Full tlli ecllonn lor rhild a doae on each bolllt. liive it without feu r. Mother! You ni'iat aiy "t'allfor. i WE SELL Goodyear Tires Because we can soil them absolutely on their own merits.

When we eell you a Good-j'ear tire we sell you the highest grade materials money can buy, expert workmanship and thorough dependability. We sell tires not promises, mileage books but TIRES! REMEMBER US FOR EXPERT VULCANIZING AND RETREADING Our service car always at your service. Every piece of work we turn out is backed by our guarantee. WE HANDLE NO SECONDS The Dodrill Tire Co. AL.

MATHIEU, ft, 120-122 N. 4th Phone 468 Your Money Buys Greatest Clothes Values Here Real Value Is What You Get When You Buy Society Brand Clothes Value that counts not only from a pecuniary point of view, but also for the man who wishes style along with money value. It is easy to find quality alone. Also, you may find style in a garment of inferior value. But in SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES you find both quality and style.

Suits from 50 to $85 Overcoats from M5 to $75 The Hat That Never Wears Out Imported BORSALINO Hats in tke most attractive shapes. Easy to fit easy to wear. Every Man Needs a Traveling Bag The most useful article to be given as a gift. We have a full line of Belber Bags and English Kits I I -'V I i 'v-; ft ft. X' '-'A varying tn price From $25 to $50 HAYDEN KELEHEIZ I 17 I i till OK MEN ZIPW1NG CO.

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