Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois • 2
- Publication:
- Chicago Tribunei
- Location:
- Chicago, Illinois
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 2
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20. isn. Tnz Chicago Tbibo-z has opened Ita offices at tfo. 15 South Canal atreet, West Division, and the poper will hereafter be regularly issued from thst place till further notice. To TYe devote all tbe space wo can possibly spare to advertisers in this morning's paper, and those who find that their advertisements are left cot will pardon it to the necessity of giving a lair portion of our columns to the reading public.
The demand for intelligence is not only eatiable, bat it is absolutely necessary to the welfare of tbe people and the city that much of that which wo publish should go to the public. We divide oar space between tbe reader and the and that Is tbe best wo can do for both classes. The advertiser will understand that the earlier in tbe day be gives ns what he wishes to have published, and the smaller tbe rpace into which he condenses it, the more likely it is to find place in bnr columns. To Our Country We have received many letters of inquiry from country subscribers desiring Information as the probable time when we shall be able to enpply them with The Tbibdke, as of old. We reply at the very earliest possible moment.
The principal diffienltyln the way now is the Chicago Post Office, which is unable to distribute ear paper for the malls, owing to the disarrangement of their system of doing that work. Another difficulty, which will cause some delay, is tbe destruction of the machinery used in oar office for matting tbe names of tbe subscribers upon the papers. These are the leading dif- Acuities, in the way; but we hope this will be'remodiod within a very few days, when we shall be in shape to resume our relations with oar subscribers. In tbe meantime, although ihd capacity of our power press is limited, we hope each day to send a few thousand copies of The Tribuke into tho country by train boys. Wo beg tbe indulgence of our country friends, assuring then tbatno effort within human power will bo spared to bring perfect order out of tbe present chaos.
have full and perfect copies of our scrlption TEE REAL ESTATE WRANGLERS. The better portion of the community will regret that all the wrangling real estate speculators who are pulling each others hair over the ashes of the best part of Chicago were uot incapacitated on that fatal Sunday night for the display of their peculiar qualities. We have refrained, up to this time, from alluding to them, because could not afford to let the outside world know that we hare Such base characters in our midst. The work of supplying the needy and destitute, the houseless and supperiess, must go on, and it must not be stopped or checked by the infuriate greed of a few miserable squabblers in acre property or corner lots. They had better betake themselves elsewhere, for the public can make better use of their room than of their company for some time to come.
The great strife now is to wrest from the South Division the prominence which it has heretofore enjoyed as a. centre. The thing cannot be not even though the owners of property in the burnt district should join in the effort. In the first place, the West Division is the same sort of a Undcr-box as the South Division was before the fire only more so. New builders and new owners of valuable goods will not put their property in such exposed places.
In truth, the burnt district is the only absolutely safe place in the city to-day. The North Division is in better shape to carry off the wholesale trade then the West Division. The West Division cannot make any impression on that trade till it has a great fire to sweep off existing buildings and make rqom for new ones of non-combustible And the same argument will govern the building of the great Union Depot Aside from this forces of geography and topography, and all the other natural forces, are working with silent might to rebuild the burnt district for the use and behoof of the same interests that were a few days since consumed. History does not furnish an instance where a burned district of a city has not been rebuilt in the same general way as before the fire. The same kind of business has returned to the old places, because these places were the natural and most convenient and most profitable places for it to go.
It is simply impossible to reverse this law. AP is not pleasant to record any evidence of thoughtless selfishness at a time of great public distress, and we are all glad to feel that thus far the Universal temper of the people, of all classes, has been one of public consideration and personal self-sacrifice. But we note an instance to the contrary which ought not to be passed over in silence. The welcome gurgle of the water in all our houses, two days ago, was a relief which can only be understood by those who suffered the deprivation and lived through the depressing anxiety, on that account, of the last ten days. The fresh and vivid remembrance of even that brief famine, which concerned not merely our comfort, but left us at the mercy of any fire that should break out would, one would think, have made everybody as careful of the returning water, and considerate of the necessity of not wasting It, as they were joyful at its return.
Those who were not thus mindful of an inestimable blessing, we trust, were the exception and not the rule; but nevertheless there was seen much oftener than was pleasant a reckless waste of that which only a few hours before was brought laboriously in buckets from the lake, which no human power could have given us in any useful or hardly appreciable quantity in case of fire, and which there was no certainty might not again be cut off in a few hours by trouble in the mains and the inevitable waste in the burnt district People brought out their hose to water their grass-plots, to wash their Louse-fronts and windows, to throw it with lavish hand, and were as jo.ligal in- its use as if they had never the want of it, or bad no fear of losing it again. It doubt, owing partly to this recklessness that water was jG; jarce on the West Side soon after v.iS in full bead on tbe South Side, crcat a general feeling of uneasiness, lesl another conflagration should break oul aud destroy what is left of that division. Now, if the individuals, many or few, who arc thus destitute of any sense of public cannot be shamed into consideration of public a proper necessity and public feeling, then theirs are call for the exercise oflegal coercion. The management of the water of the city is of vital importance; nor can there be too much vigilance, exercised, not only in providing a supply, but in guarding against waste. Within the houses it ig difficult to to do this, except by an appeal to he common sense and common humanity tof the people; but out of doors it should not be permitted for a moment whenever it is discovered.
It is not only the comfort of the the circumstances ilic least the safety of the city and the health of the inhabitants that arc concerned. Wholesome water is as absolutely essential as pure air, and the city cannot submit to any long de privation of it from any cause. While Chicago burned and the people New York were reading the account of the tempest of dames and work of devastation, they forgot their local grief over the huge robberies perpetrated by the (seizers), which had trebled the city debt; in two years, swelling from forty millings in 1869 to. one hundred and twenty millions in IB7L But they have again resumed the contemplation of the larceny, which is only exceeded in magnitude of loss by that suffered by this fire-swept city. The Investigation Committee bad, op to Saturday last, located more than fifteen millions of the stolen money in the possession of the following partners of Tweed, Sweeney, Connolly, and Hall, chiefly abstracted last year and the first half of this year: Keyier Co C.
D. Collar J. A. Smith A. G.
Miller Q. 8, Miller A. J. Garvey and other? G. L.
Schuyler. J. E. Jones C. H.
Archibald Hall, Jr. J. Smith New York Printing Company. Total The Committee are sanguine of tracing as much more of the'plunder into the dens of the Tammany beasts of prey. What became of the rest of the money may never be known.
Total, ABOUT RADIATING STREETS The New York World essays to show how we should rebuild Chicago so as to make It the idodel city of the world. Its intent is evidently good, but its advice is founded upon a misapprehension of present state of affairs in this city. The World tells ns that the New Chicago must have a system of radiating streets, like those of Washington, and of Paris since its reconstruction by Haussman. It remarks, in behalf of such a plan, that the rectangular plan not only substitutes the prosaic for the picturesque, but is really the most inconvenient plan upon which a city can be The Sordid takes up the same refrain, tells us how Washington is built, and adds: plan for the reconstruction of radiating, broad avenues and the open plazas which they create at tho points oj intersection with each other and tho regular streets. Thus, with those avenues, you-will have broad barriers of proteotion against the spreading of a fire in any direction, and in these open squares good points for groat reservoirs of water, and secure places for the storage of goods and household effects in tbejeventof a threatening fire in tbe One of these journals goes so far as to recommend that wo isolate all our buildings by surrounding eaoh of them with a neat, garden and other modern improvements too numerous to mention.
The radiating streets and three-cornered plazas, however, are the feature for which our Eastern friends stickle the most qua non, it seems, of their New Chicago. Now, fortunately (or these Haussmanitcs may esteem it a misfortune), streets arc not burned up. They stand, all through the devastated district, almost the only monument to remind us that there was once a great, city there. These streets have cost us many millions of dollars and they have not only proved worth the money, but bid fair to vindicate their value many times over before wc get the city built again. Supposing the wheel-spoke system of streets to bo the best one, and that our citizens would, have opportunity and grace, amidst alt their other cares of the next five years, to learn how to radiate successfully according to the proposed system, they have hot the money wherewith to put it in operation.
Every important street in the burnt district is well paved and curbed, and not destroyed, as our Eastern contemporaries ccem tollhink. Wc must thank God for this mercy, and proceed to improve it to the best advantage. Indeed, we arc proceeding in this way, for rows of permanent buildings are already rising up in rows, like warriors, all along the old streets. The hints for Haussmanizihg Chicago will, therefore, have to be postponed for the present, or passed along for the benefit of some of the new cities to the westward. Probably the only csseutlal alteration iu the plan of our city which is entirely practicable is that which pertains to the railroad system, and which contemplates a better centralizing of depot facilities.
ERRONEOUS IMPRESSIONS. The New York tribune enumerates, among the causes rendering Chicago an unsafe city tor insurance risks, the scarcity 'in the supply of water. This is erroneous. There was no watcr.on the occasion of the late fire until the pumping works were destroyed; and long before time the fire had passed beyond control, and had already business part of the city. rho fire took place on Sunday, op which day the supplv of water was equal to the capacity of a fire apparatus twice as extensive as our own.
That fire department, under ordinary circumstances, could have kept this fire within very small limits, but the gale and the dry condition of every exposed part of buildings incidental to a long drought defeated exertion. The gale carried the fire in some distances over balfa mile beyond where the firemen were bravely contend- I mg with it, and thus it was burning at several points at the same time, and from each point the wind was bearing.burning brands to cause new conflagrations. The Springfield Republican in an article on the fire, says have now data enough to form a pretty clear idea of how it happened. Given, a city for (he most part built of wood, its wooden pavements soaked with tar, a long drought, and a violent cale of wind." I The for the most part built of we must probably own up to; tbc drought and tbc gale of wind there is no disputing, for they have unfortunately left an indelible record behind them. But tho block pavement cannot reasonably be charged with any considerable measure of blame for the catastrophe of last week.
The block pavement still stands in good order throughout all its long accepting, in a few places, mostly onthe North Side, where it has bcen'scriouslyi injured (nol, by any means, destroyed) by the showers of brands and cinders and avalanches of red-hot bricks which fell upon it. It is doubtful, any stone pavement would have stood the siege better, The heaviest of atone side, walks have, for tho most part, yielded to tho calcining process, and arc total 1 ruins. Our plank sidewalks were simplj' damnable, and served their purpose of 1 trains to carry flames much better than they have ever served as footways for our surging population. These had not been entirely supplanted, even in the best business quarters, and more than one magnifi- cent building was set on fire, by them. It is not probable, however, that any fire was communicated by means of the block pavements.
They are probably the cheap- est pavements for Chicago, and have proved, when laid, decidedly durable through both wear and fire. The stroets composed of them now form a network of smooth thoroughfares through tho burnt district which will prove exceedingly valuable in rebuilding. A WOMAN'S COMMITTEE NEEDED It was inevitable that in the first con: fusion of distribution of supplies to the I sufferers by the late fire there should be a deal of waste, much given to thos.e who were not in need, and mauy whose cessities were the greatest should be left in want Happily, out of this confusion order has arisen, and, under the efficient and i energetic action of committees at head: quarters, these abuses are corrected, and those really in want are taken care of as far as possible. It is, nevertheless, certain that there are many, chiefly women of the better class, in great need both of clothing and food, and who are unable to struggle in the crowd asking for relief, and who shrink from the publicity of the necessary cross-questioning at the committee rooms, and from stating their wants to men. The demand for relief to this class is imperative, for there must be among, those -composing it much hidden Cases of this sort should go to teamen, and wo can conceive of no good reason why there should not be a Committee, acting in conjunction the General Committee, whom all cases of tins sort be referred, or to which ladies." con apply who -would rather sailer than go with a statement of their wants before gentlemen.
There are ladies in the southern section of the city perfectly capable of discharging duties of this sort, who are already devoting themselves to this work, but whose labors will be much more efficient under an official organization acting in conjunction ...8 1.561.619.42 5,006,391.72 951,911.84 809.298.96 626,895.74 1.563,447.62 3,112.590 34 463.039.27 494,317.72 341.882.18 164.923.17 349.062A5 53.852A3 2.042.798.99 with the General Relief Committee, To such a committee special duties may be assigned, as, for instance, the giving out of underclothing, and rules adopted to avoid the duplication of .815,457.063.65 A LAW LIBRARY. The lawyers, or some of them, of Missouri, have despatched to this city a quantity of flour for the benefit of; families of suffering members of the sion. No class is more prompt-to respond in any time great distress than are members of the bar Nearly every lawyer of the all the prominent firms and persons of the their offices in the burnt district of the South Side. Many of them had large and very valuable libraries, the accumulation of years, and all had books, many or few, in their shelves. And, with the Court House, was burned the library of the Law Institute, one of the largest and most valuable public law libraries in all the country.
Its doors were always open, and its books were always at the service of the many lawyers from abroad, who have occasion, almost constantly, to visit There Is probably.not a slngle.collectioh of law books, left in the has to bo called a library. It is doubtful if even in tbo whole city a comr plete set of the Illinois Reports could be gathered together. Wo have no doubt if the profession at largo utter and universal prostration of tho Chicago bar, in regard to: libraries, the bar of the country would only bo too willing to come to their relief, and contribute' dr money toward founding in our city a law library to'repair our loss. The Law Institute, an incorporation under the management of the most reputable and responsible members: of. our bar, would bo the means of making such liberality most secure! permanent, effective, and of the most immediate and general rvice.
Wc arc at a loss to understand what is meant by one of the city newspapers, which says that The Tribune is itself to a speculating scheme in Hyde Park We.suppose that this is a dodge to secure a notice, so that the public may be informed that the said newspaper has at last been resurrected, and is now ready to take a place in the rear of the Ecenuuj Mail in the. work of building up or pulling down Chicago, as the case may be. Remarkable Escape' from Fire. One of the most remarkable escapes from fire oa record is that of James Langworlb, who was overtaken hr the conflagration in tbs Michigan fit. Charles.
Saginaw County. As the flames approached his bouse be gathered together a few small articles of furniture and attempted; to get to.tho village by the regular road, lie bad proceeded but a short distance when the flames shot across tho road ahead of him. He then plunged into tho woods, hoping, by fanning, to bead off the fire. He speedily encountered an impamblebarrlcr, and was obliged to run back and across a burning swamp. Haring crossed this be lost bis way.
butagayi took to the woodz.with the fire following him so closely that bo bad to run at tho lop' of his speed. He finally got beyond tho flames again only to find them shooting across bis He kept on his way In this manner for several hours, almost blinded with'smoke, falling into holes and stumbling over logs, with tho fire so near to him at times that it scorched his face and stugedhis' hair untilho'fairly outran it, and gained the open country, and was safe. Messrs. Colbert and Chamberlin, of The Tnmune, have undertaken to write a full description of the great fire In Chicago, prefaced with a succinct historical sketch of the city. The book will be published by J.
S. Goodman of Cbicsg vand will, doubtless, have a world-wide circulation. Mr. Colbert's History of Chicago, published three ago, is now out of print, and, amid the general wreck of documents and he is, tho only man who can f-roish tho historical fads which Bato now become of intensified intoront to every one. The Price.of The rest magnitude of the work of clearing awry tho and rebuilding Chicago if, of itself, proving an important means of relief to the mechanics and laboring men.
who ace finding plenty of employment at remunerative wages. The average-rate for laborers'in tho ruins is 81.75 per day, there being very few wherein a larger sum is paid. For teams tho rate was advanced to per day. and carpenters, wjio. were receiving $2.50 before ihe fire, now find little difficulty in getting S3 00 or 83.50.
Tho wages of bricklayers remain at 83.00 to $3.25 per as the are stoutly resisting the action the, Chicago Union in demanding an increase. On yesterday many members of tbo Union struck nod left the walla on being refused any increase, but tbo contractors are not -seriously thereby, as there aro largo numbers of here from the surrounding towns and cities, willing and anxious to work at the prevailing that tho'efforls of the craft to organize a corner in Chicago scorn likely to: react against them. Brick has risen in prico from 86.50 per thousand before tbo fire, to sl2 and sls per thousand. The supply seems to be ample, a lot of'two million being offered, on yesterday, for 811 per thoasand.Taxd down in Chicago, but not in the wait." IVotlce to by tin- The committee appointed by tho pbyiieians of Chicago to rceelvo and dlsbuwo contributions forwarded by oar professional brethren for tbo relief of those members of tbo'profession who bare suffered by the organised, respectfully request all regular physicians in good standing who bare sustained losses in' calamity to present to the to any member of the written statements of the amount and character of their respective torses and of the present with their former and present addresses), in order that they may be relieved with the least possible delay, and that justice may bo done to all in the disbursement of this noble charily. DeLaskib Miller, M.
Iso. 018 Wabnsh avenue. Chairman. iV Davis, M. jyA -1 i 797 Wabash Ebkst Schmidt.
No; 385 Stgto Street T. D. Fitch, M. No. 296 W.
Monroe street. Walter Hav. M. No. 384 Michigan avenue, Secretary.
N. papers please copy. The Tribune Safe. Theiire-proof vault ia. Tue Tribusk Building was opened yesterday fjr the first time since tho fire.
Its contentr, even to a linen coat sod a box of matches, were found inloct. Tho U-ilI safe, a new and elegant piece of workmanship, was not injured in tbo slightest particular, and can now bo seen at our now office, No. 15 Canal street. TheUliuolMand ZHlclilgan Cnual. FromtheSpriogfiold-Registcr.
As all matterj connected with the operation ot tho Illinois and Michigan Canal are of interest to the public just now, we present tho following wo have obtained from an authcntic'sOUrce. The tolls received from the canal for. fire months ending September SO, 1571, are as lollows: May 521.755.2S June 21,190.65 July August 25,765.05 September 26.692,15 Total in five months X. Expenses for maintenance and repairs; May 1 June 15 496.15 July August. 11,321.79 V- 9:239.53 $56,302.27 Included in Una sum of.
5,077.99 1 For work done for the city of Chicago, and tho sum of For work for the- Kankakee Company, in $5 992.30 Cltyof Neww paid $2,000) in jiartof lb6 Kankakee Company has paid op in Thil sum of $5,922.30 to the above balance would leave $62,735.39 as not a i 0 tho aD al or five months. To add thousand dollars from 0 i' acth woric dtfne on tho P.Tbliil 0O tho rect of of 0 lc (amount not ascertained). of the ComtaiMr ers during this i ume has been direct from tho State Treasnrv 0 10 SJ 283 of nhich a ought to be charged acamsttbe canal; reducing 5 the net tolls to tuat extent. This is a favorable Ecou par which net earnings did not exceed 845,000. The Elections.
a Ohio, the result is as followa. Tho havo the- Treasurer Republicans have Director of Infirmary. A The jS-o iTml ol ll Common ne -rf tho Judges, Bur- iwere additional lowa, the Democrats have gained seven or eight members of tbc-Legiilaturc, on account Sf among Republicans. On Governor and the Stale Republicans have ih 40,000. Tho carried but firq counties the State.
Ladies were nominated in sir counties for Superintendent of Schools. Pour were elected and two defeatedthe latter being Miss Edna Snell, in Mahaska County, and Mrs, Peek, in Wapello County, SQUATTER RESTRAINED. An injunction was sued out by Lavan S. Major, lo restrain, as it Is alleged. William M.
Butler from somo inequitable acts. The states by his bill that since about the day of.March, 1867. he has owned tho oast 1 kll7. School Section Addition (Nos. 106 nnd-156 Monroo street), by lease from A.
A. Huestia, which lease was afterward extended to the term of thirty-five years from March 20, IS6T, the buildings upon which land bavo boon destroyed. Sinco tbe firo, however, the complainant bos been proceeding with all reasonable despatch to rebuild, but bo charges that the defendant, with a view to defraud him on tho loth instant, taking advantage of the unprecedented and insecure condition of tho tnct in which the premises are located, of the loss of th Cook County records wither n. cense entered upon tbp premises and to hold them as their lawful possessor, and has in commenced the erection of a board unstable tompgr ar character' being within the, fire limits ol tho city and without oven permit of the' Board of Public Tbq injunction restrains tha erection of tho board building by tho defendant Or6CUOO 01 DISPOSSESSING A TENANT. are 8 tho damages Sims 8 John J.
action of a 113 quiot posof the 0 i tor oom andsuveu rooms Mi 01 triet building No. 173 Icnso fro 10 (1111 same under a Seurne OTb.r.eimmodon the oth instant. Ith ScharKn oar 1 Cargos that on tho foSibl 01 11 111 nt of th enine to hilt? lnd his family, throatwhich Iml-at sralns5 ralns out wilh a revolver further nnlE ouit- It is sbtt lho 010 stood by to inrso TS a IKSCEASCX HONEY. tlisPiilnsm roaeht a Psit) aminst vls Company, of llartfonl, aiming 51,503 dnmsgos. Ins uraVi a 'ost tho Republic nrr Jo mRW Messrs.
Xloury W. McClsUan, and Denial K. Tonnoy (law firm), by which demand is made for StI.OOO. -ASSUMPSIT. A 0 0 3U was commenced by damn h.inJl 3 Hoary VanNnlto.
sSd iho Dd fi i dollars arc demanded. 1 1S brou -5t upon two promissory loodlnt io rh becn by tho indoSod Mwards. who from 1 i was commenced by or BT lda attainst S. H. Hariia.
by which demand is made for sj.ooj>. SUD-COJiMITTEB ON RESTORATION' OF RECORDS. A meeting of Jndses was bell yesterday, in pursuance ol the delegation by tho bar of Cook tpo suggesting legislation lb cu er seacy ot tbo of tho public records; There were present Judge Blodgett, of te? UQI la Os Strict Courts; Judges Booth. Rogers, and Farwell. of tbe Ciremt Court; of the Superior Court, Judges Jamo- Judge Farwell had oc- SSed iT Tr fo nf tUQ consultation was inaea.
li. Blodgett was tdsnt and Judss J. E. Gnra SecroUry i tcr tion il was resolved that 01 duporior Coart; Rovers of the Circuit Court, sod Wallses, oi tho Coilnlv Khl'r bo appolate a.sub-commiltoo to prepare tho restoration of tho county records, and to provide a scheme or sub-coihmitlccs to cover all the wSrk to bo firmed; and that all membars of the bar be invited to submit to this committoo suggestions ia regard to these These be addressed to Judge fht Clprkof.tbe-fiopecioeOourt,- care of the Judge Blodecttslatod that, owing to U3 A .9 lhe li I ra (il ,0 a thu Judicial Dopartmentpftheicderaf Government complete abstracts ol all proceedings in tho United States 1 o--incmorandum of every sail and judgment could be obtained, tho warrant ot an official act. As to.
the bankruptcy rcpUced th 7 ld probably fa in creat part. inri ion Jlld co Koiow. it was 'resolved lo vl bor of each abstraotfirm to meet the Judges on Tuesday, week next-COctober 31) at p. in consultation. statements and Affidavits as totheStart- ing Point of the Great Fire, 3o the hdUor of The Chicago Tribune: A groat deal has been pubirahodrespecting the origin of the groat fire, which all reports have i settled down on tho hoad of a woman, ora's the i Times has it, an Irish of 70 of age.
Admitting for a moment that an Irish hag of 70 years AS unforeseen tho cause, yet there great want'ofeharity in tho.y»/;jc* of. tho 18 th. following facts arc stubborn things, and.will cause tho public to look the cause in sources, and perbape attribute it to tho loro of plunder, Dmno wrath, I made my way to the H-Tn ai fi hou6e yot standing, and. there, at 1371)ekoroni street, on oast of Lot 12, in Block 33, School Section Addition to Chicago, oi No. 134.
and Dennis I both oflleKovon stioet Thoro and then I took the annexed parties have oocn known.tojne personally for several yours as of irreproachable Mrs. ,0 Leary isneilher haggard 1 Patrick 0 Leary.and Catherine, his wife, being sworn before mo, testify, that they live at No. 137 DoKoven street, and own the lot and bouse in which they live: they, had five cows, a horsoand wagon, on all pf which they had not ono cent of insurance. Sbo milked her Mrs. peddled the milk.
Mrs. fed the-horse ocsido the fence at about 7 o'clock p. and then pat him in the barn. She bad no lamp in the yard or barn that night or evening. Patrick testifies that ho was not in the barn during.that day or night loft tho feeding of- tho cows-and horse to his wife and daughter; that.both wore lii bod when awakened by Ilenis Ryan, of No, 112 DeKoven street; that tncy have lost-their horse and wagon.
Klre. Subscribed and sworn before mo this 15th day of October, IS J. his Patrick mark. Catsxsike mark. McDermott.
Notary Pubbcfor Chicago and City Surveyor. Dents Sullivan being duly sworn mo testifies ho was at house. No. 137 DeKoveh SundayuieJht IhoSth, of October, ISTl.from about S'A to 9 at night, during which time Mr. Lonry and wifo wore inbod; a fow east of 0 Leary on the opposite -side of'DeKnron street, until about half-past 9 when Ue saw.the fire, ilc went across the street and cried 4 "fire," and wont 'into barn, whore hofound the hayin the lot; on fire.
He. then attempted to'cut loosetha cowiaod horse, but failed to saro anything but a half burned half. Ho then came to and found them out of bed. Denis Ryan alarmed them during his time at the barn. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 15th day of October, 1671.
Michael McDermott, Notary Public for Chicago. and-City To the Editor, of The Chicago Sir: Wbilo ouc thoughts iro upon tho great conflagration of last week, perhaps the account of the first fire in Chicago may be of interested the readers of The Teibukb, cioccially as thoro ore quite a number of our cititens who saw fire, most of whom were hoary sufferers on Sunday ment and Monday. I copy from tbo Chicago Dtmocrut of October 35,1834 Saturday-Inst, about 10 n. a on tbe corner of fciko and La Salle fand tfao one attached, were discovered to bo in -ciligons repaired to Uie scene of conflagration with lirbmbtltudo worthy of ami. arresting-'its- progress after it had destroyed two ino wind bbittghUh at the time, threatened the destruction of a nmnbpr of surrounding' houses, but, by the exertions of-6ur they wore saved from destruction and: The loss of the sufferers trill be serirely felt, as some of them lost their all.
A building on the as a'dwelling; loss. S3OO. There was'iri the homes22oln i toned the rmns. rhoromaiader, lhe rageurrency, was wc 9 and bocupied and another building as a grocery: by If. ttbuios, together with furniture aad- tsols- losi, A building.bwnbd and bccdplod as dwelling, by James Spence: The by.a'<(oal dropped THE LAW COURTS.
Attachment Against Dispossessing Squatters. Meeting of the Judges-Eeoords Saved by a Cautious Clerk. Circuit Court, notice. It was understood last evening that the Judges of the Circuit Court, hayinc in chareo the common law business of this, court, would adopt an order In relation to the reinstatement of causes upon the law docket, similar in all respects to that intended to be entered in the Superior Court upon the first day of the November term (which was published yesterday), dates being, course, changed so aa to conform to, the, convenience of the terms which commence on the third Mondays instead of'the'first Mondays of each month. On this matfer, however, a determination was not arrived at by Judges Rogers and JJooth, each taking time to fully consider the matter.
An attachment wined at the suit of Philip and Julius Smith, co-partnera. against David and S. L. Ellis (Ellis Co.) who are charged ns residents and as absconding debtors. Plaintiffs allege that defendants are indebted to them in the sum of about $633, the amount of a check drawn upon tho Real Estate Loan and Trust Company of Chicago.
on the 7th day of October, payment for merchandise delivered, which check bns not been paid, -APPEAL FROM WRIT OP RESTITUTION. 4 appeal was-taben by Henry Cregar from -udsment of Smncvant, Jnstico. in favor of Nathan which restitution of tho possession of the dwelling house. No. 75 Won Washington street, was ordered to he made Superior Court.
NOTICE. last day of service in this court, for the flovcmbor term, will be one week from this day (r nuayj. -i tt HABEAa corpus. issued at the relation of Elisabeth Keene, against-George Hebloy. Ino wnt, issued upon the representation of the relator, that, upon the 10th day of Jane last.
wm lawfully divorced from George Hobloy, after they had been married ton years, of which marriage wore two children, Charles, now of tno ago of 9 years, and George of the age of years, By the decree of divorce tho relator wardecrcod the privilege of reasauming her maiden name, Elliott, the child Charles waa given for caro to its father, and the other one was to bo left with his aunt, one Mary Horton, until October 10, after which time, it was, for -the space of six months, t0 bo yielded over to relator, as its mother, thereafter being returned as a ward In chancery for the order of Court. It is charged that in violation of tho decree the defendont has possessed himself of the child George, wtm be detains at No; Dcpuystor street, refusing to yield him to tho mother, who av she abundantly able as well as willing to support him Meeting, HOW IT OBIttINATEU. big Dekis Sullivan. mark. The Firnt Flre in Chloaso, r0 while being carried from one building to tho other.
want of suitable officers to oversee and charge in cases of fire was maeb felt, and we understand the Trustees have made suitable regulations in respect to it." paragraph says: "Last week our a grand and beautiful spectaciowhich is to be seen at the season of the year iT en I pr 8 burn over. At night, just above the horizon, appears a continuous line of nre, here and there shooting up to a distance of from to thirty feet, and as the breeze passes over it-presentlngthoappearance of the heaving of the.ooesn." These prairies were on the West Side as far down as Desplainos or Jefferson streets. Airs. Chicago, Oct. 18,1871.
THE MISSING. lost of Persons Eeported Lost and Found Since Our Last Issue. Information concerning the families of Mrs. Stone and-Mrs. Gaylord, who lived on North Clark street, beyond Lincoln Park, is wonted by C.
Story, 252 West Lake street, or Caleb Story, Quincy. 111. who tend the name of tho family living at 102 Last Madison street, with whom boarded Miss Nellie Stevens, will confer a lasting favor the ancle of that young, lady; Louis 0. Lepage, by addressing him at No. 219 Thompson street.
Now York. -Mr. E. H. Gray was last week lying sick at Boardstown, Cass County.
111., and is anxious to hear from bis brother. E. Gray, of tho firm of Gray Barton, late of No. 13 LaSalle street. KeUey, formerly ot Mohawk street, is inquired for by Mrs.
Oberne. The following is. the list supplied from tho telhjrence office at the corner of State and McCoy; inquired for by her husband, J. McCoy, 45 West street. for by HenrrMalt, at intetligonco office edroer bf.Stato and Twelfth streets.
little boy, 7 years old, called (Peter Thies): send him to the Newbery school house. Has light nair, slenderly built. Hferrmanr. will find George Schleiffarth at 592 Wabash avenue. Swan, a child, can bo found nt 412 State street, Payne, Mrs.
Beals, and Mrs. D. Goodwin are inquired for by Miss L. E. Stearns, 345 Cottage Grove P-Scallyiiniiairod for by his lister, l.
Scanlon, 69 South -Sheldon strcict, or 41 Hubbard coart. H. Sampson; plonso report to R. R. London, No.
8 Block, Randolph street bridge. Beyer; inquired for by her father, A. Beyer, 519 Jefferson street. B. Lawler; had bat one leg; inquired for by his mother, Mary South Clark street.
Annie Upson; occupation nurse: inquired, for-by her siitex, Mrs. M. H. Cosoltoo, Bellevue, Eaton County, Mich. -Louis Nelke, wborllved- at 470 North Clark, inquires for his servant girl, Otolio.
Now at 434 Chicago 13 ywars old, lived on Bremer street; inquired for by his mother, Kato Kogan, at Carpenter School. M. Mitten. Inquired for by Mr. Pride, attorney at law, 583 State street.
Benjamin.worked at livery stable on North Chirk street. Frank Adams, 389 Clark street. 16 years old, lived with Mrs. Daily. Address Mrs.
Scandlan, 393 Wabash avenue. Maia i A. Hoffman, inquired for by 11. Harrison, 14QSUnton arcane. Infant about 10.months old can be found at tao -Sistess of Morey Hospital, corner of Caluojet yjjd Twenty-sixth street.
Edward Brsdrifab and George Leach, Engb fttneo. roomed together in tbs Donogana on South Clark Tfao lator is a Mason in good standing. They are earnestly requested to address Mrs. E. li.
Tibbetts. No. 1018. corner of and Eleventh streets. Washington, I).
C. Johnson: inquired for by Louisa Petcrson.No. 32 Wentworth nronuc. Haven, and his wife Eliza P. Haven, Geo.
J. Haven and bis wife N- llie, and Eviline L. Johnson, her sister. If in the city, will please address J. it.
Sparks. Wasbingtooviiie, Orange County, K. Y. C. Smith, a money broker, wbn was in the daw' office of C.
S. Bates and S. S. Hodges, address his son. C.
B. Smith, St. Ontario, Canada. Will either of the above parties report to Intelligence Office corner State apdTwellth streets. Hi is will please call upon Lindauor.
Lovi CS Eighteenth street. E. In a saloon on Monroe please address his mother. Frances B. Metrics, 37 Bartlett street, Lowell.
Mors. inquired for by his daughter, Catherine Arnojd, of Lyons. Riverside. Mary Lockhart, dressmaker: lived corner Wells Division streets. Send to Mrs.
Jones, 1030 Indiana avenue. 11, McKay, lived with Mr. Chappell, 366 Ohio street; inquired for by her son, T. I). McKay, m-w at the Sherman House.
Tobey. lived on Dearborn street near Erie; will please address Mrs. Dr. Wabash avenue. M.
Clark and family, and R. Burdott and family: inquired for by Emma Anderson, 100 Wentworth avenue. McNnny; inquired for by her brother. John McNnny, corner of Evans and Laflin streets. Weal Side.
Kegan and Bridget Kogan: inquired for by William Kegan, Mo. 15 Groce street. Pendogast; inquired by S. B. Linde.
14 Peck court, lato of New York. Oabriisoa will please call at 575 Fulton street. Francis will find Charles Kelly at 413 Mitchell street. Murphy, inquired for by his wife, Bridget Murphy, at Si. Church, on the Wostbulc.
mothegji anxious to boar from her. Please address' or call upon Mr. Lockc. at Grace Church, Wabash avenue. Julcsun, inquired for by John Jule- I son.
his brother, now at No. BS7 State street, Briggs and wife will please address h. L. Suffcrn, No. 61 Fourth avenue, Pitts- burgh, Pa.
i mXRESTING TO THE BAB Buies Adopted by the Supreme Court of Illinois. On Wednesday, the 17th instant, the Supremo Court of Illinois, in session nt jOltawa, adopted the following orders relative to. the admission of attorneys; the Chicago term, nod tbp filing of 1 briefs anil'petitions for reboaring: Ordered, That Rulo 76 of ibis court from and the entry of this order bo rescinded. further, that- Kule 69 heretofore rescinded be and the same is hereby revived in tho form: Hereafter every applicant for license to practice law in the courts ot this State will bo required to appear before the Supreme Court at one of its regular terms in any of the grand divisions, and then and therein open court bo examined by the Court touching his qualifications as an attorney and counsollot-aulaw, and shall also and there present to tbe court a certificate from some court of record of tbe county in which such applicant resides of good mural character. Provided.
however, it shall be a requisite of such examination tbatsudh applicant shall bavo pursued a regular course of law studies in the office lawvcr in general practice tor at least two years, of which tact bo shall satisfy the court by the, certificate of suoh lawyer and bis own affidavit. 'Provided, further, that tho timo employed at any law school as a law student shall be oonsideredas part of the two years, of which, tbe court shall be satisfied in tho manner above' specified. Ordered, That Thursday and Friday of the first, week of each tirm shall be tho days on which' suob examination shall bo bad. Ordered That tbe recent order ot this court i appointing a term in the city of Chicago 'on the 3lst day ot October, be and the same is hereby i rescinded on aocouutof tho burning of tbo oourt rooms and the library appropriated for tbe use of tbn court. i Ordered That in all cases brought by appeal or writ of error from Cook county, entitled to bo i heard at this term, and not now in readiness for- decision, the appellant or plaintiff in error shall have until the lOlh day of December next in wnicb to file abstracts and briefs; tho appellee or defendant in error until the 2Uth to file briefs, and tho appellant or plaintiff in error until 'the 30th -of tbo month in which to reply.
In nil oases from said county wherein opinions have been filed nt this term either party may have until the ISihof I November next-In wlitch to giro notice of Application for until the 25th of comber next to file the petition. Counsel rcsid- login tbe city of-Chicago having been heretolore employed in cpscs not brought from Cook County may bo entitled to the bedefitof this order upon special This order shall apply to tho present term of ibis court only. BELIEF. Tho Duties of Supervisors in the Outside Towns. Supervisor Holland.
Chairman of the Committee on Poor Houses and Paupers of tho Board of Supervisors of Cook County, has addressed the following letter to the Supervisors of the ontsido towns of'this comity To the of Oultide Toient of Cook County: As you aro aware, the Board of at Us session on Saturday last, adopted a resolution instructing you and each of you to onco upon tho discharge of your duties as overseers of tho poor in your several towns, as by law you aro compelled to do. This special action was had by tho, board, in view of. tho that thousands of tho unfortunate onos wore driven by the laic conflagration in this city to the outside towns, and humanity-demands that their necessities are promptly and generously met; nod. to save the county unnecessary expanse, tho undersigned was directed to secure the cooperation of tho City Belief Society, if possible. and obtain supplies their depots to be sent to tho Supervisors lor
I.have endeavored to acc mplish this, but without success, and (hero is now no alternative but lor you to purchase, ou be, half of the eouuty, such supplies as the poor of your several towns may need, and such articles of clothing as may bo absolutely necessary, and attend to its distribution; and to avoid unnecessary expense to the county, and deal justly by all. yon will please visit all tamthes who apply tor aid immediately, to inform yourself correctly as to their necessities, and keep a correct record of the names of applicants and amount of supplies furnished, reporting tho same from time to time in writing, together with a duplicate- copy of all bills of goods purchased to tho Committee on Poor Houso anq Paupers. Holland, Chairman. of Committee on Poor and Paupers of tbo Board of Supervisors of Cook County: Aimoauecmeuta. 'The Relief Committee of tho Chicago Society of tho Now Jerusalem desire all the members who suffered from the late fire to report to them at No.
281 Cottage Grovo avenue, and their necessities wilt bo attended to. Illinois Association of tho New Church will meet at to-day, at the Temple, corner of Thirty-third street and South'park atooqp. Ail interested aye requested to 1 homeopathic physicians burned out in the jate fire are requested to report A-'E. M. member of tho Rqliof Committee, at N-u 583 Wabash avenue, Crowe, of the Christian Association Library, desires that nil parties having books belonging to that.
library shall seed the same to No. 68 South Oanal streot. or leave tboir addresses, so that the books may be sent The Young Christian Associoiion has located in the South Division at tbe First Baptist Chaxoh, corner Wabash nvenuoiand Hubbard court. A will be held to-morrow nltoroooa, led by Subject; Bons.M hundred servant -girls can find omnloyraent at. In Adrian.
Mich. J. 11. McCarty, pastor of the Methodist Church, may be addressed on tbo snhJeot. the geoeral wrcck pfeily insurance I companies it Is pleasant to notice.that boo.has 1 1 come to the surface.
The Great Western Insurance Company bos- made an examination of its resources, and its Executive Committee announce that they will pay all its losses in and preserve its pai.i-uncapital intact. All sons having claims are requested to presont thorn at once. Building Prospects in the Burnt District of the City. A Large dumber of Elegant Edifices Under Contract. Building prospects in the city look moro encouraging than ever.
The prediction would rise again is beingverified more rapidly than any one could hare ventured to anticipate. Every day the aspect of the ruined districts seems, to undergo a change. The meuse piles of debris which, a week ogo. seated such a hopeless, look, are being transformed into regular piles of brick, ready for tho mason's hand. In fact, a large portion of the burned district already begins to look less liko tho mins of a than tho foundations of a now one.
la some places the foundations were being put in, literally before the bricks were oold, and in ono instance whore workmen building a wall, tho flames wore still seen coming 'up from the cellars. We published, a few days since, apartial statement relative the new buildings already commenced. In the old business portion of- the city. Many Important items are yet to be added to tho list. Mr.
JohnM. Von Oidoll. who has now removed his office to- Nixon's corner of LaSallo and Monroe streets, has received, or-' ders for the immediate erection, ot a 1 number of substantialbuildings, ol which tho following'are the most prominent; has ordered tho rebuilding ot the Drake Bl on Wabash avenue; which is to bo completed in a style similar to tbe'old building. It is characteristic of the courage and energy Mr. Drake that the order for, the re-' Construction of this twice-demolished structure was given the next day after the fire.
Cyrus IT. McCormick has commenced the erection of tbreo storcs, 40 feet front by 180 feet deep, on Michigan avenue, south ol Madison street, the site of the old Burcn dwelling. The building will be five stories high, or iron front. has also commenced to build, at the north-west corner ofLako street and Michigan avonuo, a five-story block, oiA by 120 feet, for stores; stone nr iron front. Ttie same gentleman bos also ordered for immediate erection: two stores.
30 by ISO foet, five atones high, at Nos. 19 and 21 Lake street; a five story building, SO by 100 feet, for banks, on.tho site of the.old McCormick building, corner of Dtjarborn "and Washington streets; a fire story building, 80. by 100.feet, for banks, offices, at the corner of Clark and Washington streets. Tho heirs of the Couch estate have ordered tho erection of a fivo story building. 80 by 100 loot, ot tho corner of Water and La Sallo streets.
It will bo a handsome brick front with stone will ba occupied by five stores. The Couch estate is also building a lour story bnck by 150 foot, Water street, between Clark and La Salle streets. The old Tremnnt Block is to bo rebuilt, with a frontage of 160 feet on Dearborn street and 180 feet on Luke street. It will bo five stories in height; as formerly, and tho exterior will bo brick, with et-mo architectural trimmings. The lower part of the block on Dearborn street will bo finished lor offices.
Lake street there will bo two handsome stores. 40 by ISO loot. The work will bo proceeded with at once. Halo Ayro have ordered the erection of a fivo story building, 73 by ISO feet, at the corner Michigan avenue and Lake street, similar in plan to tho one destroyed on tho same site. The Oriental Building LaSallo street is to' bo rebuilt at oneo by Mr.
Walker, of af-. ter tho samo plan os the old one. The dimensions aro 75 by 120 feet. It will-bo occupied as offices. Some improvements will bo made on thf old buiMing, and vaults will, bb'constructed, Johtl Farwol) Co.
aro building, on Mon-, roe strect, between Pilth avenuo and Franklin street, a four-alory brick building, 135 foot. Tho Insurance Exchange building, on LaSalle street, between Monroe and Madison ls to be rebuilt by tbe Republic'lnsurance Company. The. work will be proceeded with itUmodiately. It is.
83 90 feet, fivo stories high, with handsome stone front. The French roof will bo omitted. Frederick Tuttle commences tho erection of a fivo story building, US by ,150 feet, at tho northeast corner of State and Lake streets. It will bo. in every respect, equal lo tbd building which was destroyed, and will have an iron front op Lake Potter Palmer resumes at once the erection of his grand betel, at the- corner, of Mpnroe and Stato streets.
No chtnge has been made in the general plan. Mr. Van Osdell wasfortunate enough to save all the drawings 1 and pUos, wnielt were worth about Ho was driven from one office to another.several times, and finally he buried in a cellar all his drawings, and a number of valuable architectural books and papers, which were found to have escaped tbe general wreck. The first real estate transaction of any importance since tbe fire was made yesterday morning in the ruins of the Fidelity Sale Depository, opposite the Court Houso. H.
W. Hinsdale sold to I. B. Bryan the lot corner of Randolph street and Dearborn place, forty-eight feot on Dearborn place by olghty-two foot on Randolph street, for $50,000. equivalent to cash.
The lot was formerly occupied by Gore and was bougbf by Mr. Hinsdale a year for Its estimated value before tne firo was $60,003. THE CITY IN BRIEF. Killed. Konniff Wrighf, of Company Fifth Infantry, was killed yesterday morning.
He had becn on duty at tho Custom House, aod with a companion, started to tbe lake shore fa washl In returning they found a train of cars on tho track at the foot of Madison street, and Wright stooped down to crawl under a box car and reach the opposite side. While beneath the cars tbe locomotive attached to-them commenced moving, and tho wheels caught tbe unfortunate soldier and crashed him. so that be died in a few moments. He was about 36 years of age, and has a sister who lives near Quincy, Ml. Bestoration of Writing, Tbero are now in the city many very valuable account books vthich' are estoeroed.wartbless because of their exposure to tbe fire in defective safes.
An Instance has come to light where a book of groat importaoeo to a business man of this city was restored after being badly oharred. Persons who have hooks in this condition should address Prof. C. Gilbert Wheoler, of tbo Chicago University, who bus boon successful in all the cases fib has trioJl' Storm Warnings, Tho Signal Service, Corps of tho United States army have adopted a pian forsignalUog the approach of clangeroniStorms, for tho use of mariners and others. The signal Is uiually displayed from building In which the government moiorological observations are taken in the several cities.
The Chicago located at No. 10 West Randolph the. signal will probably be displayed from thotop ofLind s. Blook. near Lake street bridge.
append tho following explanations of tho signal and its' cantlonarysigoa! red' flag with black. Suggestions. Tho Board oI Health -recommends of carbolic; add. snip halo of i foil ehlorfd of tine, as, catch basins. Thfc usd of only purify the hboro-mbnlion'ed'placos' bntTilso savomuch water that is now being used to flush' them, a oiattor of tho greatest importance.
By so rioiog.ficknoss!niay also bo Voccloo virus may be obtained at tho office of the bnnrd. physicians are requested to call of the offioe of the Board of of Washington-' and Ann and tegistit their names and V-" rc Tho University i Tho action of tho University of Chicago during tho Into disaster is worthy- of notice. We learn that tho classes met as usual on Tuesday morning after lire, and, although the attendance upon'them was somewhat diminished in-conscquenco or.thejgreat of ail idlercits interruption that pomtihas'been suffered to occurs Ifcis one of- the signs public feeling that at present' very Tow stndenls who commenced the year at tho university absent from th eir places. Tho attendance thisyear has been Mnoy-peraons who have Jest their homes. Id tho Joto cbnflasratioo it tbair.
send theirsons to this institution, where they can obtain rooms and.board at rate, and; be making Margaret Sullivan, who lives In Waukegan, fell on of Bjisabhih Tnd Fulton streets, on Thursday afternoon, '-and injured her right leg so badly that it had amputated. She was sent to tho. County Hospital. United Stoics Sub-Treasury has secured the safe which was at tho Cincinnati Exposition. It cost $7,300, and is a marvel of workmanship; Boston, hare sent receipted bills to lull parlies indebted to them THE SOtJTH DIVISION.
Civilization. Hapid 1 South Side is becominrtiayby dayamoro civilized arc getting reaceustomed to all tbo modern Without gas; or with Soldi inhabitants hardly recognized themselves and sfuck religionsly by their, owu after candle-lighting" fear certain stoppage by guards. Nbw the exigencies'of the service have been relaxed so-far as to- permit uninterrupted travel during the ddy.and street car locomotion at any hour of the night. The renewal of the water supply is a sparer of comfort ia that it removes depsndiwfoo. upon the watering-carts, and like sources.
The gas company of and North Sides insist are not asleep, i They state that their" North Side work? are in good condition, ready to run nt any time, and that theyhavp half a million feet of now bn" hand. The troublo- 'li now, i and for some timala oome. that 'flu) service pipes In tbo burnt diitnct'cdnobcdjh'-idt "at to shut off the'escape. (dales' through which tbo supply must come from the North Side rani directly through the section traversed ancL. U.
at each twenty-five front a soryicb bo hunted masi, dug out) and This is- the --more -difficult the. sidewalk "Is, in most-casts, filled witb-thowreckofJbe fallen baUdingi and often, lei addition to inis, there Is a fire still burning among the coal stored there. The company state'that-if each older had cleared away nis front immediately after the Side within- two i Sbrgd of the mains of the optdpipy 414 ft hurst.during tae-firb, thus adding Ito the troubles be oxercome, This latter the difficulty however, overcome. Jioqkiog at tljo.praspcct la the light of experience alrondy gaihcd, tbe'gas company think they are safe iq.promising resume service in 'a week They aro not willing to Pledge themselves to any annouqco.that they will light up. all tbo street lamps as a signal whenever the burners'in'tbo houses are feaoyibr Ji3e.
Hatters nt the" military tteadquaftefs are in much the same condition aw on yesterday. In addition to the of the Phmnix'Club -now fflSl.Wabasb aventie occupied, and will hereafter be used by clerks and attaches of the headquarters. Temple of Sfusip. This well the public, was burned, with its stock, wo aro fully insured best Extern companies. -They have secured two entire floors of the largest brick business olocks left in tho city.
at No. 81 Hast Sixteenth Wabash They have a stock 100 Chickering pianos now arriving, and offer a splendid assortment to buyers. They continue to iurnisb instruments at the same low prices, and time payments os before tbe fire. All sons wanting pianos that have been used but tlo can secure bargains, as many people leaving the city aro placing their pianos on salo at tbe Temple of Music. All friends and ances of the house aro cordially invited to call at their new place of business.
ISCIDOIS OP THE KIBE The Xiate John from as a Hotel Extraordinary Impudence. Tho Chicago of the Boston Pott says it is believed that John McDevitt, tb billiard player and ex-champion of the United Slates, perished in the flames. Mr. McDevitt was asleep in Thomas billiard room. He was last seen on tho steps of The Tribune office.
the fire on Sunday morning; on Sunday evening ho took passage to Chicago to succor the family of hit son, who was living here. At a wayside station not far from Chicago ho heard that tho Water Works were burned, and that there was a scarcity of water. Not being familiar with our geographical posttion.ho pnrehnsed cask and brought it fall of water to Chicago. A philanthropic expressman charged him fifty dollars for carting that barrel to bis son's residence. It was certainly a cue of well-meant! but misapplied benevolence.
Sf. Paul paper of the 17th says; store is related of tho proprietor of St. Caroline's' Court, a hotel on tho West Side, of Chicago, illustrative of General idea of the eternal fitness ofthings. The General called at tho hotel and inquired the price of board. Six dollars per was the reply.
The Price before the inquired tho General. dollars and a General Sheridan replied that ho would ran that hotel himself and per day. Ho placed an orderly in charge, and at put a stop of the most impudent of all tho. actions Berformed8 erformed during tho fire was related rriogton Loot, one of our oldest and best citizens, had dragged his' piano from bis Michigan avenue, and was toiling along with it. when two men with adroy accosted bim and asked him to whom it belonged, ilo replied it was his own.
and received the ostoundingioformation tfant they would like him to prove it. Without another word they placed tho instrument on thoir vehicle and drove -off. Of course remonstrance He has not seen tho piano since. following curious incident is well au-1 thenticated: Mrsi tho housekeeper of a prominent hotel, bad made np her mind to leave (be oily a few days before tho fire. She bad not drawn her salary for somo time, and it amounted to 61.000.
On Saturday this amount was handed to her by tho proprietor. Tho boarders, at tho samo time, got up a testimonial, amounting to $l5O, and presented her with tbe money that evening. She deposited, tbe greenbacks under tho oirpet in a corner of her room. When the sro was Mrs; rushed into her room, aqd succeeded in saving a favorite Canary bird. Bat sho forgot all about the money.
son of Mayor Mason of Chicago is worthy of Chicago and of bis large-hearted sire. On Saturday ho was in -Troy, this State, buying stoves, lie is a young says the Troy Timet, juafeomtnonoed business life. Married a little over ago, he was established in a prosperous stove trade, and hud just completed -now house for himself and wife. Everything was swept- except bis wedding presents, which were at tbe house of bis father. house was saved.
Tho fires were, hardly extinguished before young Mason gathered those prevents together and started with them (or New York. Ho them to Tiffany Co. lor $5,000. With this money ho will now re-establish himself, opening a stove store for tho timo being in.the basoment of his elegant residence. A bar load of was.
shipped to him on Saturday. Tho young man shows tho real Chicago Gilvio, of Decatur, was yesterday helping to get a safe but of tbe rains on South Water street, near the Depot. The men bad got tho nearly on sidewalk, it. back on them." This man came along and asked wfaat was tho matter with tbe safe; and one of them said it had slipped off the rollers and gono book on Ho said, Got out of and seizing on it like Samson, lifted it up. to tho wagon with it, ten or twelve feet, and tnrewitou the wagon.
Bo caught it on tbe bottom.odges/raised it up with the force levered against his'breast, and walked off wttn it. The said it weighed 2,464 pounds. The man thou offered to hot SSOO that be could HA and carry 3,000 pounds. HoisaboutS feet ten ur eleven inches high, weighs, perhaps, 260 pounds, built like, and about 38 years old. a boss bricklayer In Macon.
TILE JAIL How Vicious Characters were Taken from the ail Murderers Still in Custody. 1 As was stated in yesterday's Tribune, the jail tho East Wing of tho Court House is in good condition. Only the wooden window frames were burned out, tho colls and everything else remaining intact. The Gilbert Library was destroyed, and tho flooring of the rooms on tho ground floor, facing street. was considerably warped, but has since boon straightened.
Sheriff office Is located hero. All tbn records of but office, up to 1370, were in the fire-proof, vaults in Court Haase, and are sale. of 1871, including bis fee execution and other were destroyed. Jailor Foltz has onargo of the jail, and ho has now locked np forty When it became evident that tbe Court House was. going ta bo burned, about fifty of tbe worst characters in tho jail wore given in charge of policemen, who took them to tbe Huron Street Station.
flames reached that part of the North Division, the prisoners had to no removed to tho North Avenno Station, end during tho about twenty of thorn mede their escape. The also drove them from North avenno, aud when the officers bad reached tho Madison Street Station they bad bat fourteen of tbe criminals remaining. Among those now in custody are five murderers. Dresser, who shored tho old man off the Bridewell gallery, was released, but gave himself up lo Captain Miller half an hour afterward, and is now locked up. THE OBPHMVSi Aid Bendored Destitute by Hundred Orphans Takeh; to that City.
One the moat tender and touching exhibit tiona of theprevailing- impulse to unirersal charity is -found in the -prempfaid which has been extended to the orphan, dud children of this city by neighboring, places, notably Cincinnati. In the' of first portion of relief work Mayor Mason telegraphed to' Murray. Shipley, a well-known philanthropist of Cincinnati, requesting him'to take charge of a number made orphans by the fire. 3lr. SniFlpyjjama immediately to this city but found Mayor Mason so totally mixed thathagotno satisfaction from did a great kindness to tbe Asylum by pro- TidiogU with paltrcssos of different kinds.
For tho present the expenses oftba Halfv Orphan Asylum will by tho Cincinnati Home. Throe ladies who accompanied J- a work iu fitting up a lying-in hoj.pitat for the relief of women who, were destitute. Another manifestation of cho same spirit was noticeable in tho reception of a hundred cbilopen by the Oatholio institutions of Cincinnati. Ihc children were among those rendered-homeless by tho fire. NEW IOBK, THE" BOTTH TRIAL.
RK testimony in the trial closed at noon. Mr. Sponcersmnmea op lor defence; contendlnc that tho prisoner did not desperately bo. was irresponsible and Irenzied by Jove and jealousy; that tho accidentally discharged In the scuffle who criminally connected with Mrs. Wilson, and more responsible for hia own death than Botts.
personal. Bartlojtr, of Chicago, will speak an Saturday night, at Cooper Institute, stating how he left the people and what of the future I Vico Consul General of the Netherlands lot the United' States, appeals for contribution far the saffsringojmmunity ofHollandors in Mlhfijgan. At, a meetrog-ol the members of tho Produce Exchange this afternoon, a commilt'eo-wua appointed to raise funds for Michigan and Wisconsin sufferers; ATP FOB CHICAGO, Iho agents of the Anchor' lino of steamers thrCLSi fa nd £3 oo Sttr ne for iho Livonia won thoyacht raceonLong Island Sound yesterday. An injunction 1 has been granted against the Irving Insurance and M. J.
Crow appointed receiver. RAGS. The Sanitary Committee of the Board of Health has reported ogainst allowing any cargoes of rags from countries where the cholera prevails to bo landed without disinfection. STREET CLEAXIXCI EXPENSES. Too contrncior for cleaning cub streets has presoated a bill 'tp'the city lor 5142,000 for work froarSaptemberl to'Octobor 16.
LIBERAL Bandmncn. tbo actor, bad given the proceeds of his benefit on. Tuesday night. $2.370 0 Chicago Tlic Mormon Trials at Sait Lake. Salt La'sb, Oct.
the cue of Uawklnr, i polygamist, charged by his first wife with adultery, thojury was.finally einpannelled this 0 oa, OQt trial commenced. Tom bjtcfa, lor the defence, occupied all the morn! argument' that ho had United Stales law, to ten peremptory challenges, while the prosecution bad only tbo rieht to.two. Judge McKean, op the ground that this a matter of the 0 0 lu cd t. al in the. Territory of United States, decided against thoopooingof tho trial tho first witnM, called was the Sha tcutifirdpojiliro' Ir to tho cohabitation of her husband with two other women-in-her house continuously Tomorrow the dauKhtor, now married, will take iho witness stand.
Ag i 2 etm 1 1 tb brought under the Utah statute relation to crime and punishment, approred March Ererytbinj is pcaooublo. Weather delightful. WINNIPEG. Gold of a Fenlau Zicader, St. Paul.
Leman, arriving from.Fort Garry evening, reports intense excitement prevailing at Winnipeg on account reoent -Id discovery at JmkeShabordawiru Specimens of the dust, nnigets and qnartz.hare been brought to Wtnmpog.and hundreds were rushing to tho new gold fields. Lake Shalwrdatrin -Ip a short distance from' Silver Islet, General of the leaders of tho late Foman arrived hero yesterday. and was immediately arrested. General Curley, like who was arrested here on Monday, declares that tho Fewiaa raid was no raid ntall; but merely a colonization scheme, could have successfully resisted Colonel Wheaton, if so disposed. Relief from England, JE'havo'jast received advices from the resident manager in' New York London offlco, by cable Have.authorized-a subscription of to the Chicago, relief fund, Joa.v, Asst.
Manager Imperial Ins, Co. of --The Emperor William bos approved the ty with France; and ratifications will bcffbrmaJly exchanged on Saturday; ILLINOIS LEGISLATURE. Final Passage of the lien. Bill in Both Houses. Chicago Tax Belief taut Amendment.
Special Despatch' to The Chicago Tribune. Oct. Senate net at 10 a. m. CONTINGENT FUND The bill pending for a contingent fund of to' be at the disposal of the Governor, was passed.
SALARY. The bill for the poyment'of $1,500 to the tenant Governor was CANAL HXJf BILL PASSED. House bill No.l,being tbeiCanal ed by" tho Senate; passed by a unanimous vote of Senators, as follows: Beveridge, Boyd. Crawford. Donohue, Do Daily, Eddy, Edsall Fuller, Hampton, ilcomb.
Jackson; Jewett, Langley. Little. Marsh. Mc- Nulta; Nicholson, Reddick. RicbnJdion.
Senior, Srtophvrj, Snapp. Salomon. Starne. Strovell. TincherH Underwood, Vaughn, Voris, Whuneyv Wilkinsons Williams.t BELIEF BILL.
Tho Committee save an opinion the other day thftt no legislation was necessary tn vacate the Common Council ordinance of Juno 30th last, andAhe Affairs, to which Che ros'olntion on the subject was referred, inclined to let it default. Yesterday, however. Bent a despatch to Mr. Stiles, tolling bun that was necessary, and a few of he Cook Cosnty members cot together 'andvpreparod following amendment tb'ilouieSlll Jno. 5, now on its Insert "That fn any incorporated city in this State, anyHaree portion of the taxable properly of sncb'cHy shall be destroyed by fire, so as to seriooslyimpair or affect the ability of the property owners of sneh city to pay taxes or special- assessments thereon, aud an appropriation bill bos'', boon made or passed, or special improvements ed before such fire, aodthe tax or assessment for the.
payment or raising of tfao same has not been levied or collected, it may bo lawful for the City Connell of any such city to alter, revise, ebanee, reduce, vacate or repeal such approprialionbill, oc any part of the 'to order the discontinuance of said special improvements, or any of' the same, or to reduce the- amount of taxes or special assessments, ordered to be levied or assessed or collected for any general or special to pass a now. appropriation bilr, appropriation bill shall have the and effect os if thwaarac had been passed.within the lime prescribed by the charter of any snob HOUSE DOINGS. Tbollputo met at 10 a. tni Prayer was made; and the journal read and approved, RKKOBIX SCHOOL DILL. Thenilljroyiding for the removal of the Reform School inmates from Chicago to Pontiac slightly amended, and was lobe engrossed third BILUJ tfEPOETED RACK AND ACTED OK.
back House bill No 6 slightly amended, audit, was ordered to a third reading. Mr. from the Committao on Municipal Affairs, reportol back House bill No. 5, with tho ameadmiiDt given above, recommending its adoption. The amendment was adopted, and tho bill was ordered to be engrossed a third reading -JUDICIAL EXPENSES.
A bill to. pay some ot tho Twentyseventh General Assembly was referred to the Committee on Contingent Expenses. CANAL; UE.V RILL. Mr. Turner moved to suspend.the rules and take up House Bill, 1 os amended by the senate, lie.
explained the position of the Chicago delegation who wore prepared to accept the bwt they could get, and be hoped tho unanimity with which tho Senate-passed the bill Would induce the House to endorse its action, Barnes spoke strongly in, lavor of the senate that he approved of it orpreferred it to. the, House bill, bat that object for which they.met might notbe defeated and that relief to Chicago might bo. sure and speedy. nincncliffb'. gave that the ae ta amendment was by far.
the bolter prop-' oaition. 1 Tho bill, aspassed, provides for. the rebuilding ofthe on its old rpa COUNTY INSANE Abe bill for. the purchase of the Insane Asylum of Cook County will be.amendedby the Senate the Siate. may lease and cun thoiuatitution.
At some future time, when the State has money the the purchase may be made. RELIEF BILL PASSED. House Bill lor an act to prevent the unjun collections by incorporated cities and towns ot taxes levied-upon property destroyed by fire nod to authorize tho Common Council of such cities, or Board of Trustees of such to change or amend appropriation bills, to pass new appropriation, to reduce taxes, and. special assessments' in ccriam and to discontinue special improvements, was passed by a two-thirds vote. Ims bill provides for tho vacating of thoordinanco of the Chicago Common Council passed lost.
Senate bill for tbu running by the Suto of Cook County ilnaano Asylum was read onca'in the it -P 00 COUNTY TITLES. Inc ilonso.Jndioiary Committee will recommend to-morrow the. appointment bribe Governor of a Commission ol -Soven io inquire into titles in Cook County, and report at the adjourned session. THE EPISCOPILUXS, In the mpre Convention. Baltimore.
tho Episcopal Convention tbo Committee onCanons reported it Inexpedient to amend the. canon. in relation to raarnage and divorce; also- inexpedient toe offies ot Suffragan Bishop. Tho minority report favors a noiv canon on.tho latter subject, Both were tabled. Bey, ilead, of Connecticut, from the Commu tea on.
Ritual, reported a canon recognizing on the part of this Church no other law of. the ritual than it lias itself accepted and provided, Firet, the Book of Common iPrayer, with the offices and orijjnant appended as constitutionally amended. canons of the Church of-Bngland' in in the American provinces not sabsequentlr superscded. altorcd, or repealed bv general or diocesan Third canonical or other legislativojor judicial action or diocesan of this inJconvontiOof, general -or diocesan, or py duly constituted, provided, that. all questions aristae, concerning ritual observance administration of lair appertain? to an ordinary, whoso decision is to bo hold to bo the the qaeation, except that contradictory, too decision lo bo subject to ro-' vision by tho House of Bishops.
A resolution also presented providing for a joint comoultea of three Bishops, tbroo pres-'' by tors, and three. laymen, to thflnoxt General C-nvenlion what portions oftho-canons of the Church of. England of 1603 in tho American provinces in 178U: how they havo been modified or repealed, and. whether any portion such action. An amendment was offered that -the, above canon shall not into operation until after said Jf port i acted upon by the General Convention.
Tho whole subject was assigned to tormorrow. The canon, it is written By Bishop ham, and adopted by tho entire joint committee, A message was received from. ihftHoasd of Bishop? that thoy.badutmended Canon sby to the organisation and discipline of; churches congregations'' that bad the JTair. Society's of the: Common Prayer Book as a standard edition, and providod fur the custody of tho stereotype plate thereof: bad aiao adopted a resolution that a fund-fop-the reliefer tho widows and orphans of deceased clergymen, and of tho aged, infirm; or disabled clergymen bo recommended to -the generous sympathy qftho whole Church, and naming tho Bishop of. of Rev.
1 Henry, C. Rev. Morgan I)ix. Mr. James.
i-; Dopejrsltr. II- Hash; Mr. Alexander Smith inis tees of. tho fund Jor tho three years ensu ng. Dr-Paddock, fn.jn thftCdmmitteo'ron Coaohs submitted a report; -with amendment, to canon 21, Title.
so to. prevent the' auenation.of.ehuroh bdu grounds to' parties or bodies no-longer in accordance wuhithe doctrine, worship of tho Protestant Episcopat.Ohurob. amendments out of, matter at Cnicago. Haight, of Hew York, presented the report of. Itev.
B.V. jievip. rector of- Grace Church. Rome. which be seta forth tho-disad-' vantages ot oharobef- worshipping.
in foreign countries, and asks thatsuch iegislationrbo made by the General Convention: as- wilf give to these congregations parochial and bring them into closer relation wiib the church athume, and requests that they be allowcd-rcprosentation the General resolution: providing for tho holding of evening adopted: also arcsolntion that after Saturday no-new subject be entertained by thi? Tno order ofthe amended canon ro- 1 latmg to tho admission of persons as oandidato? tor holy -taken up. and discussed unUi nearly 4 clock, when an adjournment Xdcffraplxlc Brevities. There are that Hall and Streenoy nre ready to make Important concessions to the Reform Party, and are anxious to drop Tweed Insurance of Now ork. has boenoompeJled to susponil. by reason of its losses the Chicago fire.
The assets ot the company are a million and three qnartersliabilities unknown. The Atlantic and tan Companies have also to Oiday rjisat the subscriptions -at Oio Mansion House, for amounted to ot Klddermmster, £3OCT on tbe spot. jjoriaon' jjishop of Spriogrr Utah, has been arrested at that place by United SiatoiAUrabal Patrick, under an indictment found a year ago os accessory, to- the murder of a prisoner taken to Provo, and will have a bearing before Judge Strickland in the first District Court. Quito a severe shock of. earthquake was felt In several localities ip; yesterday, At Augusta- the vibration lasted tea or twelve made nomiaatione' for tho State Senate last night, M.
Tweed, Michael John Uradiey, and Henry W. Genet. has prooared an injunction-from Judge Pratt, of Brooklyn, prohibiting tho use any way of certain nud-papere possessed by Helen Joaephinc.Mansfield,:wbich wbrq ten by risk, and. the pablieatioa'of which, be expose him to' publics criticism. A receiver has boon appointed tatage charge of the papers.
The which is sought to be 1 oxornifiod tho vJerel fraUis almost unpre- I cedontedm such casus, vr 7 tlun ll Insurance Convention In New £nKtXi ed a largely attended. PrQ-u, dent MilUf stated that the subject of the Chioa. go fire will bo brought before the iho York CooKs! ho ballCTed Ihoy wiU bo trfpay ot'lcasi nmoty per cent, bat umo should Wallowed to collect jojourcoji. Jt u.helioy.dlho, the Bio ia Chicoto ww result of. haJly-conjtrucled as ia Pons acil Lopdun fire would uaro itself oat in oqd block, le journals the Tecent legislative on tho-subject ol emancipation: One of the- bills which met with IhO' opposition-appropriated $3,000,000.
to be used to ireo about; a million and a half of slaves. The ground of opposition was the fact that this sum of money was too small, ono ol the that. by this bill only 10,000 slaves per annum could be freed, bin as anally passed appropriates a mdob larger whlle oa is put at a.very ".7, fi re Pin? will be gradual, onlychlJdren tora afler the'passage of the aot.oo the ftth oflast monlhio be At ouoa lib- is the whole number of slaves in the empirovjUl not exceed a million and a Amajohty of are', la 'iho southern part of the; country, ThA. sugar interest will not suffer'from' change; It is doubtful about the resnlta where the are more eJS? Emperor feverj emenciMlie? hmeroos. A.
the pr. C.m.;„ 7 deliver,, cxHcd in' 1 008 State to mako eon in -A wagon load of tS Orleans jestordaT rp driver instantly. The driveff aeveral hundred feet. WI ity were by the wl FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. mojjetabt.
Fhidat Eygyisa, Oct, 19 Bcamiss at the bases to-dny wu email. ordinary rontin. has bean completely dia-nraoiiTd thaltb! mejonty of the banks fmnd but litUe to do They are, of ooorse. dieeoootloE no cil. probably will notsaUl they cm find out who Are solvent A not.
The was necessanlyvery the dom.nd.’f depositors on tbo banks for the proieat are oVt for small to pay living expenses until they I clear to a start in trade again. The point most; immediate importance In Uto raorgamution of tho trade the oily SIS raoTo the Brain and prodneo forward to the East If tbit is promptly and effectually done, place a balance in toe East to tho -red of The Northwest, which will be capital to had ness on. ffe aro ttlad to And that ifil important purpose of moring the crons forward, ions of the railroade are lend- Ime tho aid of their snrnltn fL The by at least one company, is t. nso bank balenco in thi? city to advance in payments for while carries are made op. The money is made,- bio by the railroad company one or two responsible shippers to draw on its bank balance in this city to pey for cargoes, the i railroad company also agreeing with the bank to 1 A Unc mi epeeis-d amount.
either by Iko deposit of He money reooiycd for -Iroigbt nod passengers, or by checks on its Sow York aosnnnt. the present emerreney no belter use cohid bo made by a railroad company of its bank balance than make it aid in re-establishingthe business which sustains tbo rail, road, and it is to bo hoped that every company comes to Chicago will see the propriety of tbispolioy. Exchange on Sew York is taken by the banks at from to I percent, discount. Ajmjo amount of currency was ordered hero from Now York during the last three days, and tho stock ol currency here now is ample for all present purposes of the banks. bank exglaxo bate op discount.
There was a rumor on tno streets to-day that tho Bank of England had raised its minimum rate of discount to per cent, and that tho Bank of Montreal had raised its rata to 9 per cent. Bight-per cent for money in London is equivalent to at 12 or 15 per cent New York, and it is to be hoped this report may not prove entirely correct. But it could not be expected that the enormous losses or Eastern and foreign insurance companies in tho pro in this city would fail to cause convulsions mall the money markets of both America and Europe. The demands upon the insurance companies to pay their 1-sses obliges them to tbnw vast amounts of their seenrities upon the market. Their stockholders also having, in many instances, bat their entire stock the companies.
and having no more income from those sources, aro obliged to sell othor stocks and securities to- ready money. bese amounts precipitated anon the market wipo out the margins ol speculators in stocks and securities, and aggravate tho decline of nnoes, not only of stocks and securities, but of most othcrkinds of property, and large schemes hko that of the syndicate to negotiate tho new 5 per cent loan, will necessarily fail under such rates of interest as are now rumored in London. Tbo scarcity of raooev i London does not result entirely from tho Chicago that event has unquestionably had a great effect in that owing to the flowof tpecio from the Bank of England to tho Continent. Tho Bank of England had Increased its rat" of discount twice during the three weeks preceding the firo, and tbo latter event has only increased tho former tendency of tho London market toward stringency. NEW MERCHANTS IK CHICAGO.
hear of number of wholesale coming from St. Cincinnati, and other cities, to locate in regular business in groceries hardware, dry Mods. in Chicago. One grocery hoos from St. Louis, and a hardware firm from Cincinnati, were looking around today for lots the burnt district, where they propose to buy ground and build, with the purpose of making permanent establishments In lines of trade.
These gentlemen nrsno that many of the mordants of Chicago will not ha able to tro on, that many who will continue will not hare adequate capital to control their former trade, and that consequently the trade of Chicago will to a great extent fall into the hands of firms, composed partly of the members of the ones, who bare lost a great portion of their capital, and partly of new members from other cities with additional capital. It is obvious that there was scarcely ever soch an opportunity for capitalists from abroad to Inrest in established business, and many of them will doubtless arail themselves of the opportunity. BANK LOCATIONS. German National, 633 Wabash avenue. Mutual Trust Company.
56 mi ial i Loan CflmD ony. formerly at No. 60 North Clark street, will open for business at J. the'-corner of Archer avenue and Twenty-iecond street on Monday. NEW TORE STOCK AND BOND MARKET.
Opening pnees, Oct. 19: 1 New York Central 88 W.U.T. Co 0. A Uj' Rock Island Northwestern Union Pacific Lake Shore Gold Pacific Mail CLOSING PRICK, loCT. 9.
gr Northwestern 55 Sr, Ccntr 54 Gold GOVERNMENTS. P'iS 00 S1 H4U 5-20 i. '67, natr '64 5-20s. '67 dd REAL ESTATE. -v? 0 Wllowuig wore filed for record id tho Recorder a office on Thursday.
October 19 -Warrantee 58. Block 62, See. cration i)X 2 feet dated October consid- Lots 29 and 30 in Raymond's S. E. of See.
oct consideration, SS.OOO.* aT near Eighteenth west front. Sl6 ated ctobcr 16; consideration, sonTir OP CITY LIMITS. Lots 43 in Block 5 ot cp OP CITY limits. k29 Addition to aik dateti October consideration. 13 in Block 16 of S.
W. Sec. 12. 38.13, dated October 29; consideration, 8300. ttolposes and quit claim deeds, five mortgages covering real estate, one chattel mortgage Oireo together, with lorty-elght deede.
wcretc-recordodby reason of tbo fire. Lake Freights, We note the following engagements: To W. Bowers, corn, at corn, at bta 9 rye 1 Mootaak and XL Walkor. corn, at Hot schrs Frank Perew. and Chenango, woeat, 12c; achn G.
J. Whitney and T. Parsons, oats, at 3 Balms, oats st a B. J. King and U.
Howard, wheat at 13c. To Maine, corn, on p. t. Money and Stocks lu Jew York, New York, Oct. gold market was alternately heavy ami firm daring the day, and nugtd from 113 to closing at Loaos wore from 3 per coat per annum to 1-lfl ner dav for use.
Clearings. $43,000,009. Awards thl soldMle were 82.000,009 at from 112 53-100 112 The givernment bond market was gensrally I aa l7eak being unfavorably affeetod by tbe-dooUne in gold and some further failures of insurance companies. market improvement in stocks to-day. tarly dealings showed an advanea to ttie general marker, but the improvement was lost when It was anoounced that the Treasury had sold 82,000.000 in tbo sentiment was decidedly bullish, and pneos wero carried higher than had previously boon reached.
The upward 0 led by Heading shares, which; advanoed 4 per cent from the lowest point of ibo day. This buoyant condition of affairs was Drought about by some prominent boars covering their shorts and turning balls eo loney waj easier, and thisassuted the nse. The market at the ologe was strong and generally up to the highest point of the day Tho only reaction was Heading. Western Union lelegrapb, and Rock Island. Cash stocki of iteadmewero soaroe this afternoon, and 1-1G to per cent was paid for tho use of It until to-morrow.
aw Tho demand for money was quite sharp during fc4 a -f. hOQ fl a7 bQ I ia 'afternoon i.J® WM aa owter feeling and. loaos ware made at i per cent on stocks, and 7to 5 per cant on government bonds. as a Stale dull'and heavy. New York Dry Goods Market.
New Oct. dry goods was steady lur all staple fabrics. t- 0 excessive supply but abundant for taut purposes. The supply burvioJ cago and oihep Western Jl? a tbidemand woollen goods. fits te otne steady and in limited lc nes ar makes printing cloths, 0r best good and for common to SmtSJS brown 0 New York Live Stock 3farket Oct.
IXOO aftor SCO yosicrde? from the over snuDlir.ii edelpblu market. Trade Jitalleeld Pnces were no bolter, batchers holding back for' 4fo to-morrow. foiaoa of tO CWt, thin, sold St nrimae to oky Ule at 6 flSilfiiofV Very ftw cattle bare CMo Cf fw-u Chicago since the fire. latfcaghd 1,800. Market fmn? 1 Xor thin "01b 50 The Produce ST.
LOUIS. IOCa 13 at grades firm; superlmo winter, 55.00545 65: doable extra, ar prices have at.Sl.Si Corndull. and hare 3l 5 mixed on track. jSI jll ae 2 I market unsettled fcnd tho Burley dull at 7V a track. Minnesota.
Byo oaaiar; fc 7 prim i-S at bl(a xlC Ia lllir at lauio for coed to. nn n'Sjfe npp l3r J4330 for Tom and for good to choice steers. T3 99obf flour. 13,000 bu wheat UMbM a tlm oat 3 UCI. 19, wi a 1 l6a iV beiil finjiur, A 151,17 for lio.
rpmUva forseller November; cash. Oats dull aod lower, at Corn qmet. at 46a for ko, Sy. lower. Vt lor No.
1. Saney weak, alSSofor No. 2. ba flour. SW.OOO ba wheat.
ba flour, 242,000 bu wheat. ISoloOawcgo. October IS. IS7I, at the roa- Idenco of tbu pareula. 6CO iliehigao by -tier.
B. Pntterson, Cbarloa L. Pag. and Kiln A. Colima.
all of tbia dly. A DIED. Wroibwonb October 18. ISII. John of j.
c. and B. Vucaral oa Oct. 2a, by care to. Calrarr iutlon,.
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