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Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois • 1

Chicago Tribunei
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FIRE! Destruction of Chicago! 2,600 Acres Destroyed. Eighty Thiusaad People Burned Out. All the Hotels, Banks, Public Buildings, Newspaper Offices and Great Business Blocks Swept Away. Over a Hundred Dead Bodies Recovered from the Debris. Tens of Thousands of Citizens Without Home, Food, Fuel or Clothing.

Eighteen Thousand Buildings Destroyed. Incendiaries and Ruffians Shot and by Citizens. Fatalities by Fire, Suffocation, and Crushed by Palling Walls. Relief Arriving from Other Cities Hourly. Organization of a Local Relief Committee.

ILtSt of Names bfpver Two Hundred Missing: Men, Women, and Chid- dren. Tub City WifeOQt or Water. Hoolej's Opera Houses, and the Dearborn Theatres, Wood's Museum, and all the Art Gatleiies During Sunday night, Tuesday, this city has been swept by a conflagration which hat no parallel in the annals of history, for the quantity of property destroyed, and the utter and almost irremediable ruin which it wrought. A fire in a bam on the West Side was the insignificant cause of a conflagration which hat swept out of existence hundreds of millions of property, lias reduced to poverty who, the dx, before, were in a state of opulence, coveted the prairies, now swept by the cold southwest wind, with thousands of homeless unfortunates, which 3,600 acres of buildings, which destroyed public that it taken of patient labor to build up, and which set bade years the. progress of the city, diminished her population, and crushed her resources.

Butto a blow, no tetri- We, Chicago will not Tsate it in the as the ruin is, the spirit, of her citiieus has not given way, and before the smoke has cleared away, and the ruins are cold, they are beginning to plan for the future. Though so many have been deprived of and sustcnance aid iu money and "provisions is flowing in from all quan tv, antl-inuch'df 'the present dUtresk'will be -alleviated fccfoi-e unotlicr day gone by i It Is'at this moiqeut VOLUME 2 give a full account of the losses by the tire, or to state the number of fatal accidents which have occurred. So much confusion prevails, and people are so widely scattered, that we are unable for a day to give absolutely accurate information concerning them. We have, however, given a full account of the fire, from me time of its beginning, reserving- for a future day a detailed statement of losses. AVfc would be exceedingly obliged if nil persons having any knowledge of accidents, or the names of persons who died during the fire, would report them at this office.

We also hope that all will leave with, or at No. 15 South Canal street, a memorandum of their losses and their insurance, giving the names of the companies. THE WEST SIDE. AIICSO a aDjall cow-barn attached to a hoiirv on Lhe corner of DtsKovvn and Jeflersou streets, one block north of Twefth emitted a bright light, followed by a blaze, and in moment the building was hopelessly on ftre. Before any aid could be extended the fire had communicated to number of adjoining sheds, and dwellings, and was rapidly earned north and east, despite tho eflorta of the firemen.

The fire suenied to leap over the engines, and commenced far beyond them.and, working to the east and west, either surrounded the apparatus or couponed it to move away. Jn levs than ten minntes the fire embraced the area between Jefferson and Clinton lor two north, aud rapidly pushed eastward to Canal When the fire first eutrulphed thu two blocks, and ibu of the undaunted became palpably ahoriive to quench a single building, an i-ifort was made to head it off from the north, but ao great wna tbe area that it already covered at llh3o o'clock, and rapidly did it march forward, that by the lime the engines were at work the weie ahead of them, and again they moved ou north. From the west side of Jefferson street, far the eye could roach, in an eiustcrJy that apace was bounded by the perfect sea of leaping flames covered the ground. The wind increased in fldreonesa as the flames rose. and Ike wailed more hungrily for their prey the angry Impelled them onward.

Successively the wooden on Tay.or, Korquer. Ewing, aud Polk became the northern boundary, and then fell back to tbc place. Meanwhile, the people in the mote bomhuru localities bent all their energies to the recovery of such property they could. With ample time to niovo all that was movable, and with a forebod- ing viut was coming. in their neighborhood.

HI lon6t, they were oot and In safety long before the daraea reached their They wuro nearly all poor people, tho savings of whoso lifetime wore represented in tho lifcle of furniture which blocked the streets, and ini- prded the firemen. Thuv were principally labor ort, jmost of them Germane or Scandinavians. Though the gaunt phantom ot starvation and homelessness, for the night. at leant, pasted over them, it waa singular to observe the not to say merriment, that prevailed. Though hugged their little to their brunets and shivered with alarm, yot, strange to they talked freely and laughed it rcalizlug the utter uselessness of expressing more dolefully their consciousnevi of ram.

There wero many owners of the bal.dingß who gave themselves up to the consolation of insurance. But even that appeared to weaken the flames spread, and they gate themselves up to their fate. Many of tho victims wore stowed away in the houses on tho west side of Jefferson streef, while those on Clinton. between two lire-, had rushod away, losing all bat their ami little How many of latter onus were abandoned, cither from terror or in the confusion, it Impossible to guess, but every sow and then a woman wild with grief would run lu and out amoug the alleys and cry aloud bar loss. The lire turn wore working with extraordinary perseverance.

Where It seemed impossible lor a man to stand without suffocation they carried their huie. thu houses opposite and endeavoring to atop Its spread lu a westerly direction. But it was evldvut by miduight that human ingenuity could not stem that fiery lido. At the same time, burdened wore the minds of thu citizens with the conflagration that the question of where it would end never entered their minds. Engine No.

which hud retreated gradually north on Canal street to lumber yard, or rather where that yard had hern two days "before, was suddenly hunouuded in belt of flame, and abandoned toils fate. At that time ttalire running almost entirely north, two aolitTcolumus. One was between Clinton mid Jefferson, the other between Clinton and Canal ju that tearful advance, the flury cohons 'of tho southern column led, ami While they made their. upon Ibe barrier of lumber and frtfno on Van borderingus the blackened alto of iba preceding uicbj'a conflagration, tbe advance on the went reached Wen Hbrriaoa. Before the of the lu that lombur yard Hu? crowd stood In awe, though eu-t jetwlthotua' thought of the jniril to como.

It was row about 13 Bat, while 11 seemed if the demon of flame had desert and needs must die. a new danger appeared to threaten the city. the South Slue, in the neighborhood of Adams street, whereabout no uue ou the West Side could guess with any degree of certainty, rose a column of not large, but horribly sngpeallte. S--n engines as could be moved were called from the Weil to protect AiV- jvoperiy. and left to die of Inanition.

TOK KIBE AS HKKX ntON THE ffIXDWXBD. The Are of Saturday burned tty; region in the West Division from siren uqrthward to and all east of Clinton street to Umrive.r, Murry elevator alone standing. Thu light from burning remnants of these eighteen acres of ruins illummrd the heavens on Sunday evening. Precisely nt half-past the lire bslls sounded an ana a fresh light, distinct from the other only to those living west of the tire, sprung np. The wind at the time, as It bad been for the preceding forty-eight hours, was strong from ihe southwest.

This Are commenced on DeKovt-Ji street, at the corner of Jctlerson. and one block north of Twelfth street. The wind carried this Are straight before It, through ihp block to the next block, and ao on northward, until reached Van Bureu street, whgjv slrucfc the south line of the district burnt tlu; night before. Derr Are ought to have ftopjwu, and hero, under ordinary would have stopped. But thu wind though fierce and direct, carried the dimes before tt.cultiug clean and as well detinrd a awath as does tbe reaper in the Held, the fire gradually but extended laterally, ami, hi liie very teeth of wind, worked backward nearly to Twelfth street, and Uirucu extended iho river.

ll worked against the wbid al nip the weft line of Jefferson street to Vanburen, North of Twelfth atrCcl it caet he burning brands across the river, firing the tan yard of the Chicago Hide Mtul Leather Company. As the lire widened at its base direct Hue to the northeast was alr-o widened, and many after tho sheet of dame had reached Vanburen street, other Hues coming rrom the would reach the rHuie jKilut. Hot the work of the fire ou Ibp West Side, alter the first through rush, wan slow, jjyO lain as ID on Monday, many hbijeeb within tho area Ignited for the flri-t mne. The route of the flro was OHJlnrHy visible, It) Arc minutes after the first dame had reached Van Buret: airuet from the wr could the incipient fire in the Mouth Ulrisma at a point thtce bloeis to the north- The blazing borne before it had talleo iutu tho and shanties near the Armory, and nl once the blaze mounted high. The food here was lu abundance.

From the river to Market streetthence to Franklin and Wells, in a northeast direction. It made nay as If directed by an engineer, in an air line, striking Madison raster Wells, and near LaSalle. But. preceding the actual blare was the shower of hlarmir brawls, falling upon roofs, breaking through windows, falling Into ami each brand startlag anew tire. The are was lu full blast in the rear of the Uolan Bank and Oriental before the actual fire had reached Wells street, three block? to the aouthwest.

In like manner the Chamber of Commerce building was lu dames, roof ot the Court House was ablare. the old TUIBUNK ofilce half destroyed dUllncl Fora loug time the Sherman Home retUted dcilructlou. aud before it was abandoned the fire bad commenced lu dozen places on the i North Division. Any one Mho will Isku a map will aeo that the line from the.poiut whore the lire be- ruu. to the Waterworks, was the exact line of the i wind.

The fire was not continuous. Standing to the windward we could see latj fire raging at various along at the same time. The Intervening idly overwhelmed by the flames, aud I Lit brewery aud the Waterworks I Thaw was one continuous sheet of blgli-imurtMwjg I flamo from DeKnven street ou the southwest the lake shore at Chicago avenno. So obstacle aaetued to Interrupt the progress of the fire, Stone walla crumbled before it. It reached the highest roots, aud awept the earth of everything combustible.

gain Intense Ui severity. Having reached the lake.we ou the west had high hopes that the destructive Work Would be confined to the direct path mown through the very heart of the cliy. But the same extraordinary fact that had marked Unoarthe place of beginning, followed to tho end. It worked to the oast, and, even more strangely, the west. Its progress west ou Madison 1 street was slow, and It was put until broad daylight that it attacked the of Myers Co.

ana Plows, at MadUun street bridge, i The that, the fire hud extended to the lake at Cuicspo areuue and the wind was blowing fiercely from ibu west ami south, that part of the North HtvMuu westward of the Hue of the fire would escape. au idle one. Gradually all Clark was included, nud thence to the west until tnecoal beds atttij river were reached. The scene about daylight was terrific. Tho entire North Jftvislou.

Irom the rlvnr iu iho lake, aud as far north as North atomic, was seething mass of blaze. The roar of vuu appalling. It proclaimed tbrfury vf'lbc ties; ruction, the meantime nilcotsmitulcalUni from the West Division to the any point north of Twelfth street, was suspended, and we lo that division usd look with idgks and at the awfi vl ic tn-fore us. of Iron: the mber divisions I thronged tho atroela, waking shelter. before daylight Chore owe continuous sheet ol fUjqp from Twelfth and Jefferson alroeia ou thu south.

g', eastward and northward, and thence back again awards the northwest as faajia Rallied atrool. i making a semicircle, the of which was abont seven long. coat of was a perfect ocean of blaze. THE GREAT CONFLAGRATION. thk hoctu bkgia- At about twenty minutes past midnight the work of destruction began In the South Division.

While the were nearing the South Branch, at Harrlton street, wull mi sweeping northward toward the burnt district of Saturday night, and before any communication of fire had been haaxlwL across to the east sidu of the river, a blazlhguieasenger-stileil on the of the hurricane, overleaping a distanceoffully a quarter a mile, end lodged agalm-1 the dry clipboards of a three-storr tenement bouse. situated near abotn midway between and Monroe, and and Market streets. The momentary contact of the fire-brand with the ride of the building was sufficient to frightful carnival of destruction. The dry riding took tire a liuifcrmatch. and before there was time to turn around the -uliru structure was unvelojied in flame.

At time the neighborhood known as Conley's and most squalid, poverty-stricken, crime-stained jwflion of Chicagocontained hut few people awake or close at hand, the gtcater part botug absent at the scene of the fire across the river, while the women and children were In bed and asleep. A cry of horror and alarm was at once raised, but not soon it is almost certain, to enable the sleeping inhabitants to save themselves. The frightened wretches came crowding out of the blazing tenement, but, sooner than we can wnte It, all oscapo from the lower part ent there Is every rent-on to-oppose that from dvy to ten human beings iieilshed In the flames ni this TKiiut. HI GUT AND LEFT the flro sproad, tnivelling among the dry tenements, thickly distributed, at a rate of speed fester than a man could walk. Within the space of one block hail been traversed, and the south Hue of Mourou street was reached for nearly the entire distance between Wells and Market streets.

A lurid mass of flames was hflriod bodily across Monroe street toward the nonh. lapping up the of John V. Harwell Jc run the American Union Kxnress Comp. before more than bnlfa dozen of tno hundred odd magnificent burses could be rescued, the remainder of the noble nod valuable animals lie lug ait nor burned or sit (located within two minutes. ACROSS WELLS STREET.

Bv this time the fire hud crowed to the oast sido of Welle street, and was rapidly working eastward, swooping everytidng In eourve. it impossible to usiliualc the number of loot iu locality, the area of which wna wholly covered with wooden frame structures. all of them crowded to the utmost with poor In the terror uud confusion which prevailed of women, with their uf children, were seen wandering about in a state of hopeless bewilderment, many of them doomed, beyond ft doubt, to Ik: overtaken ami surrounded and lost in thu wilderness of flame. NORTHWARD AND EASTWARD the flaim-s progressed, crossing Madison street.and extending east to LaSalle street ut thu same time, Stone, brick, or wooden structures tell alike, and with almost the same degree of rapidity, and It SM now' become apparent (hat tho outlre iHirtlou, to the lake shore, hid doomed. No one could doubt this bckiu fresh display of light further south annouucod thu fearful fact that the Weal Hide fire had LEAPED THE RIVER.

At about a quarter to I o'clock thu regular chain of lire from west to east was establUbro. the junction beiugeffecled across the river at or near Van P.uren street bridge, wheto (lie rows of Wooden buildings Market street, and the remaining portion of Conley's Patch south of Adams street, formed a rapid route for the progress of tho devastating element. What the first Are ou tho South Side had left behind the second one look up, and, working eastward even more rapidly than the other had dune, so (hat by 1 it also bad reached LaSalle street. A coalition wus effected between the twu of flame at about this lime, and there the awful work went ou more furlouslv than ever. faster than it could bk traced, or.

at least, faster than, from any position observation. the looker-on could accurately note the preoc buildings which were overtaken In their order, the Haines now raged toward the river and the lake. The finest of Chicago's business the marvel of nil included In the ravages of the fire. At 4 o'clock iu the morning (bn line of flame and ruin in the South Division extended from above Harrison street northward to the main branch of the river, a distance of about one mile. To the eastward It bad reached Dearborn street, having included the Michigan Southern Depot, the mammoth Ogdeu Jluttsc.

covering an entire block of ground; the new and unoccupied Bigelow both uf JJonore Blocks. Lombard and UeyT.ojd*' Blocks. Harwell Rail, all the line cf sevvu-stonr ninrblo buildings op ktSalle the Chamber of Commerce. Conn House. Sherman House, Briggs House.

Tremoiit House, Crosby's Opera House, Museum. Houloy's Opera House. The Dearborn Theatre, the Pagt, Slail, Tivits. ftqniblicou. and Journal offices, so that THE TRIBUNE was the onlv daily newspaper In Chicago left untouched, the only the theatre, and the Palmer Jlouic the only.first-class hotel.

The Ore had not crossed DEARBORN BTRECT, SOUTH OK MADISON, confidentlytoped that the cufl of the destruction could winy prmjlPicd. People began to HR tbinr and thank something be Jult of Chicago, and at halfpast o'clock In tho mornlnff there was good reason to believe that the spent Itself. Thankful and rn 'dKF. vr went to their bad got a little fowl and rest. It was as well ifiat they went, for they were spared the fearful renewal which occurred so soon afterward.

At about 7 lu the morning a sudden gust of wind. A PERFECT WHIRLPOOL. swept ami eddied through Dearborn street, Wgioning at Jackeonstreel. where, at that time, the dre had died down to umbers. Beds of livid were caught tip bodily by the hurricane anhurled against and upon the wooden the street, and in a moment the fire btj paiijed a fpothoold.

and swept on once more to thu m.rijm.irri and eastward. All tliat had been left and Mrdlson streets, and between Dearborn street and lake shore, was now doomed to destruction, ami no the Jury of the flrt-t hurricane of wind rubelded, there entue almost A lull, that the fire began to work.southward and westward. IV Alt ASH AVEME AXI) STATE STREET. the fire progressed up Wabash avomm and State street. It seemed us if it would be impossible to stop it.

Only two engines were in that section of the city, and these were powerless Irom want of wfiter. After the conflagration had successfully passed Adams, Jackson, and Van Unrep, and had arrived at Congress street. determined and vigorous effort was made at Harrison street ou the west Urn-. Leaving the bhK-k between Congress. Harrison, rotate.

and Wahnsh avenue, as certain prey for the flatnea, eifort was concontratod on the line of on the north side of Harrisou. On the coruerof Stale was a wooden building which was inflaumuble to allowed to stand. The method of stopping here adopted, and the principal actor in the contest was thereafter a redcapped chan in square-box wagoo in which were also placed several hundred jhiuiuls of The wooden building, on the northeast corner of State and Harrison was first to go, and was laid flat by two charges of powder. Next to thif on ibe cast was thrcc-i-lory double brick which met tbe haute fate kh lie neighbor, and in a moment onlj the front walte remuitu d. The cflVct of this wah aceu lu moment, and the lire was effectually checked, at as far the liitrhrr aching dangerous flames were concerned.

Between the brick bouse, last mentioned, and the church, which occupied the comer of was a small frame building, which was an extremely dangerous cuKtomcr. and partook of the came treatment whlph cured the next bonus but not until after it had hi far been enveloped in flames as to sonon-Iy endanger the church. This hut building wan In reality THE HOPE OF THE FIHEMKN. ami it moo 1 Ita'grouud nobly. It was commonly called the Wabuidi Avenue Methodist Church, one of the oldest in the city, having been dedicated in 1857.

The blowing up of the building ou the proved Hie salvation of that end. and the church resisted the attach from that ride. On the north ride of the church was the real danger, ihougn, fortunately, there war a vacant lot between the nearest hoiw and the church. The heavy, honestly-built walls of the latter and the In tervcuing distance so far protected It that nothing took lire except the ornamental lower on the northeast comer. Thin was extinguished by a citizen volunteer, who sbovren most wonderful Indifference to dancer ami marvellous efllclency Id work.

Here then was the mal turning polntoftho disaster over ihe barrier formed by the church and the Overthrown hotm-s the not succeed lu itwecn Wabash avenue and the lako the firemet wvro even more fortunate. An attempt was made to arrest progress on tbo ilne of Congrcas street, atullc was parilally successful. The east three buildings were protected by the vacant ground between Terfacc Kow ami the street, and did not Ignite. On the Wabash avenue corner the tire succeeded in passing the boundary of Congress street atid attacked the brick block on the southwest corner. Here again gunpowder was used to good effect flghiing the flames, and bv iU aid No.

Wabash was redu-cd to a heap of a moment. By this moans the flns was checked at this point, and the end id iho devastation Send at Inst reached. SIDB sTBIXTUKES. The prominent buildings destroyed in the South Division, an? r.s follows; Block, Michigan Central Depot. Adams House.

Trumont House, St. James' Hotel. House, pacific Hotel. Bigelow House. Sherman House, Martcaou House, Hotel.

Arouse, Court House, Has Works. Croshy a Open House, Theatre, llooley'v Opera House. Wood's Museum. Dearborn Theatre. Spe- 1 Block.

Jlonore Block. Post Ortlce and Block, Keynolds'Block. McCormick's Block.the Western News Company's. S. 0.

llpggs Co. nud B. Keen Book. Houses. Manufacturer's National.

German National, Mechanic National, First National, Second National. Thtnl Nattoual. Fourth Nainmal. Fifth National. I mercial National.

National Bank v-T Oomtnciju. liu- I tioia Nattodal.CookCounty Nallonal.l-nloi^NaUou-1 al. A lifers l-atn nod 'Jrmd, Bank, HllnoU WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 11. 1871.

Institution. City National Fire aud Marloc, Telcgrapn Office, of Commerce, Insurance Block. MstatAl Block. Insurance Block. First MeTuodist Church.

St. (Catuollci. First. Presbyterian, Second Presbyterian. Trinity (Episcopal), St Paul Uuivorsslistj.

Swcdenborgian Church. about Avenue Methodist (partiallv), Birch Block. Palmer Block. Michigan Depot. Academy of Design, Chicago Academy of Music, Bryant Commercial College, Jewish Synagogue.

Phtfulz Clnb House, Mavo Block, Drake-Farwcll BIoCk.TRIBUNE Block, Journal and offices of the Tost, Mail, and siaata Republican Office, Lombard Block. Slurgeas Farwell Hall. Morrison Block, Arcade Building. Stone's Block, Arraorv, Hubbard Block, den Building. Root Lyon Smith Nixon's.

Bauer 1 stores. Metropolitan Hall end Music Hall. list, of course, includes only a very few of the business blocks of the Month Division, but such prominently occur to in recalling the former 'Condition of these once streets. SCENE FROMTHETiUBUNE Tbe eight from the of THE TRIBUNE Building was one tbe like of which few have ever I acta. At fifteen minutes lu i o'clock tbe vtgw was like this: To the southwest ruse a cloud of black smoke, which, colored with the lurid glare of the I flames which caused It, presented a remarkable picture.

Due west another column of smoke and i fire while the north was lighted with the ing cinders aud destructive brands, in leu win-, more the whole horizon to the west, could be seen from the windows, was a fiery cloud, with flumes leaping irjralong the whole Hue, Just showing their heads ami subulding from view i Uku of snakes. wrougut a change. Peal after jkuil whs sounded from the Court lloqm bell. The lire on LaSalle street, hud swept north, sud the Clumber of Commerce began to belch forth stroke and flame from windows and ventilators. The east wing of the Court House was alight; then the west wing, the tower wus blazing on i the South Side, ami at tb'.

whole ing was in a sheet-of flame. Tne Chamber of Com merco burned with a bright steady flame. The smoke In front grew denser for a minute or two, and then, bursting into a blaze from Monroe to Madison sheets, proclaimed that Farwell Hall and the north and south of it were on fire. At iu pnst i o'clock the Court Housu lower glorious sight. It stood a glowing, almost dazzling trellis-work, around which was wrapped winding flame.

At a quarter past two, the tower fell, and In two tumulus more a crash announced the fall of the building. The of the office were hot, and the flames gave a light almost dazzling in Its Intensity. It became evident that the whole block frpm Clark to Dearborn and from Monroe to Madison must go; that the block from Madison to Washington must follow; Pmlland Block ablaze, while everything from Llark to Dearborn op Washington street uu fire. At the Are.was half way down Madison street; the wind blew a'hurricane the worehurled alongthc ground with incredible force against everything that Blood In their way. Then the flames shut up in the rear of Block, and then THE TRIBUNE Building seemed doomed.

Au effort was nude to the flies, and other valuables, which were moved Into the combing room, but the building stood like a rock, lashed on two raging waves of iUnie, and ll abandoned. It a fire-proof building, aud them ere not a few who expected to see It stand the shock. The greatest anxiety was felt for it, it the key to the whole block, including Theatre, and protecting Stare atreer, and Waliash and Michigan avenues north of street. When tho of Reynolds' Block fell.and Cobb's Building waa no mom, the ofjts standing were good, Several persons wont tip stairs and louud it cool aud refreshing haven from the hurricane of smoke, dust, and that assailed the Meanwhile tbe fire had along northward and eastward. The Briggs House, me Sherman House, the Tremunt Uoiue, had fallen in a few The from to Rush were burning; the Northwestern Depot was in a blaze, and ftom Tan Bureustreet on the south.

far over into the North Side, from to Deartyorn street, the whole country mass of I smoke, flame and ruin. It seemed an If the city east of Dearborn street and to the river would bC navud. The hope was strengthened wboti the i fell of Uunorv's noble block, without Igniting that standing opposite. Tuo vacant lot to the south seemed to protect at 7 o'clock on Monday morning the whole of the reitfou designated was considered saved, no Are being visible except a smouldering firo in the shop under THE which, being confined to brick walls, not considered dangeruns. Every made to quench it, but tbe Water had gone up.and the absence of water, while It announced how far north tho flames had reached, forbade airy of quenching tho fire below.

SCENES ON WAIt.VHU AVUM E. The scene presented on Wabash avenue on fora period extending from o'clock a. m. lilt lute in the day, was a most extraordinary calling to miud moat vividly ihe retreat touted army. The lower part of the sveuue tad.

ut an early hour, been occupied by residents of burning who rarely for themaelyes and their by depositing them oil the grass plats tkirting Ihu sidewalks. For along distance these plats were occupied by families, mostly of the lower classes, with their household goods. Tbcv that they had discovered r. uktee of security, hut their confidence in tills regard proved Ah llio Qm commenced spreading up the avenge a scepe' of confusion ensueu. The -tryv-t pas crowded vehicles of all dntwii by men found it impossible to procure draught The sidewalks were filled with a hurrying crowd, bearing in their arms, and upon their buckannd heads, articles clothing, furniture, Arc.

lutdles dressed th elegant costumes, put on with the vicwofprveerviug tnem, and with costly apparel of all kinds thrown over their arms and staggered along under tho unwonted burden. Poor mattresses upon their heads or down with furulttinj, tottered with weary np tho sirreu Nearly everyone warn a fieri) expression, and moved Op Without 9 word, as If they had Viced op their minds the worst without manifesting any 4 javtma XGVffyiiT, the wail of women and children rent the air. liflszisglesrp to ihe eyes of those who witnessed the sad manifestations. Pour little children thlverod lu tb4 cold night uir, and looked with wildly-opcn eyes upon the scenes they could not Ludicrous were of occasional occurrenof, lighting up with a sort of horrible humor tue terrible realities of the situation. Women would go by with in their pets being alt that they bad saved from the of their homes.

An octogenarian mi In a yard, with a large cat enfolded in his embrace. Men dragging wagons wore green vails over their faces to protect their eyes from the blinding dust. Drunken men staggered among the crowds, of tho idea that the whole was a grand municipal sprue. In which they were taking part as duty that should be discharged by all good cltlxeus. Trucks passed up the streets, loaded with on which sat ladies in costly garb, and with diamonds In their and on their fingers.

But one before they would have scorned the idea of riding in anything less imposing than a luxurious laudau or coape; but their pride was levelled in the inesencu of the universal Imminent danger, nud they were thoroughly glad to get the humblest cart iu which to place 'themselves and their valuables. Tho great portion of the )tenplc knew not whither they were going. All they knew was that the horrible dre was Iwlitud them, and they muat move on. The stream poured southward for hours bread avenue being tilled from house to bouse with men, children, horses, mules, vehicles, that copld move, or that conld he moved. Truckmen and cxpreas.drlvcrs were hailed from the steps of houses, or eageily pursued bv tho occupant's with the view of securing their aid In removing household goods to places of safety.

In mauy Instances the were their having been previously engaged by other parties; bat, when they were disengaged, they charged the most exorbitant prices, ranging from, $5 to SIOO for a load, and turning np their noises at ofl'eriVMjf amounts less than they demanded. This of made great profit out ot the calamities of their Their may be heavy to-day, but their consciences. If they hare any, should be still heavier. The of generosity vtero, however, far in excels of of greed and I'eople from which had not already been hnrtied. or who bad secured their, turned in with a will, and worked to at-eiiu their friends, and frequently rendercu persona whom they did not oven know.

Good the shape of women, distributed foot! among tho nullerers; and spoke kind words to those who appeared toJabor undor the severest affliction. Homauuature.God be thankud. has its bright as well, as its dark sides. In addition to the crowds pressing southward, throngs of people moved northward to sen what they could see. Awl these cotiulor-cum-uis Irequently caused jata that was almost Inextricable.

Hut, after great efiort, Interspersed with considerable loud talking and small degree of profanity, the dend-lock would be removed, and the opposing surges would again make slow progress. When the church ou the corner of avenue an Harrison street took Are, Jl seemed a's if no limit could be placed to the southward mutch of the mobster. An immense throng waa collected in the vicinity of HarrUon street and Hubbard court, and word was passed among them that Laird church waa about to be blown up. The intelligence spread with the rapidity of lightning, and then ensued a terrible race for life. The mssws fled with precipitancy up the avenue, hellcr-sksJtef, pell-mell.

was everyone for himself, mil devil lake the hindmost. Utile turn was had to or Fortt- 1 nstelr, however, uoimewas seriously injured it. the tearful tush, and the people poured in disjoint-1 ed masfiwa down the various side Streets, many nut deeming themselves safe till they had placed several blocks between themselves and the point from which tbo danger was expected to proceed. And so the day wore ou. the hvlug kaleidoscope making constant changes, bat ever presenting the same sad aspect.

Hicilumoul, nohow, griaf. ter. 1 tor, colored everything, relieved simptv by A lew that were absolutely grotesque Ip iholr relation to the all-pcrvudiup horror. The team loaded wit' I'-nr ton Mrs. Kdsjdi fr- house inabnlf Instnaible ir the monilng.

THKWJS 1 Dlvitltm nirny i-: l.cs Wtwrcn the Nyrdi au.l I When the nwvvd hey fovtvd their war blocked the cr she Uaad, wiiicb bad rat shv I fire, and people wait rami-; to dj Umg cc- 1 toarsto get r.y, amble their way through the r.i DM street. which wsp to ibat the crceaing of and I', nr 10 North Ifridjje, where they werr cut difficulty, trough hurnp.Tf, iL? railroad aiu-mbey 70' only teams, but foot rh-u children and sum- 01 fiirmtura I weidcd iboirw trj same direction. worrnu had 1 1. 1 and anotherwas by '1 1 ho bad In arnu a of and r. and crying om.

cry. masaia. After yeti thejirairio. thry could And room, i and others ujKin ou 1 Nontof them said her si: lentlr at the fire which them; Many who’ treat rtUeJrtesUq where tU-y around NORTH DIVISION. Aacarlv as In the morning of Monday.

the iK-ople the North Side, ur many of them, bo- tho warn cill lu "eta Tbcv hoard the ivo the Tvtrrin 4 could eve uhL the noise LVI ON MONDAY EVUNXNtI ill, Slitl they did cot, at tLat ceriy entertain any aeriona appreheual feul-ln; tje tie-r. It liitii cunlldenl 'tltal tint river would an tmpin.a.aWe at of barrier, amply to picrenl any xvem 7- of the conflagration. J)J daybr.alc. i ll.o\il,ie,t conruiio? 'r' 10 however, thing, were In a po- i Weri. Tbe Sre, moving unnliea.tward, had cuiwu Kv eoklb Ko.h.tteet bridge, which waa -wowdid with three Vl.

people. In order to prevent Ihic Are in A been l-vat croa-iue It waa tamed, V'no. the .7., lbt war r.o d-e in tho ItlEU'ihV REdUt-T WAS THE DESTRCCTIOS bank iherocive. 4 OF TUB PEOPLE WUO WERE UPON IT. alt jr, old tbe beat they Tho flrn croaaed then without paying aor at-1 fctdL.

Jtlaylag on the hart Wet Uutlou to tbe removal the bridge, mi went m-thor and Ktiher north, Inking, upon the frame buildings, the warehouses, and tbe moved rapidly northward toward the Tbj that 6ectloh, and north of that the best nlaco for them to reek -belter was on-the Jake and they rushed that way. carrying with theta what theyconld. They wrr found that they were therfr BETWEEN TWO DEATHS. ahe fire on tide of them, and (tie wider on the Into which tho Intense heat of tbe, fire was driving them. Many lav there half iu the water and half In the down in order to air as thev could.

smoko driving from the made it almost impossible to live, but. as. they were surrounded on three and there were no they remained where they were, and suffered as patiently us postlble. -j THE FIRE REACHED THE WATERWORKS, at nu early hour, and the wooden roof was In a llaroc. The men staved there as long as they could, but were compelled to retreat and made theirescapfraJong the-lake shore." It had been honed that this would escape, but the roof or.

wood," and the coal near It, destroyed any such expectation. GREAT LOSS OF LIFE-HORRIBLE OCCUR: RENTE. So little Idea bad the jwoplu living near Iho Historical Society Building on Ontario street, txitween Dearborn and Clark, the terrible and utter ruin which the tire would work, hot snatching tip what they could, they sought rhelier in its cellar, which was fortuuately tilled to a great extern, with inflammable material. According to the statement of the of the Historical Society, William Corknin, who waa there at the time, the following uer.vms certainly bought refuge there. Old Colonel Stone and wife, Mr.

and Able and their daughters. Mrs. Do Pelgrom, teacher of French, Mr. ami Mrs. Carpenter, musical-people, Dr.

Freer family, the former hating with him worth-uf personal property belonging-iu Itiisb College, two patients from the nospllal in Mr. Hlcharda' place, and John It. Girard and family. Mr. Corkran had bold of one end of trank, and Gebler of tho other.

Her dress took fire, and be left her and ran for the stairs, leading from the cellar up stairs. Ho certain that old Colonel stone suffocated, and, from the sodden Inrush of dense smoke, there is Jbr fear that nearly all'the others who wore In shared the same late, bewildered by the and tumble to fiud their way out uf building with which they were unacquainted, Mr. Corkran ran np the collar stains and weut into the reading-room on the ground lloor. and thence hurried up into I lie library room. At that time mere did not seem to be any symptoms of the in the roof.

Then, going downstairs again Into tho lectnre and pamphlet room, he saw the rushing up stairs, and made his exit as hurriedly as possible. Nothing was saved from the building, not even the Emancipation it is now au titter aud hopeless wreck. AT CHICAGO AVENUE. It was 10 o'clock when the lire got -Chicago avenno. and all down Clark aud Weis streets was in a state of terrible excltennnt.

The Arc hud grossed the river at another or, rather, the Hying sparks had set fire up near Ontario street. Encouraged by the absence of jwllcemen, the roughs along on Knuie street broke into the saloons there, and began seizing and drinking the Many others, at tho very nuviusnt when they needed all thc'self-poasusslrn they had, fuddled themeelvos, and, in many cases, wore SUUUOUNDED THE FLAMES AND STIFLED MY THE Sonic were found lying on the tidewalk, and, since no one paid auv particular attention to they met their there. Some women, and their children, lingered too long, and were either lost lit tho houses, or compelled tojump out.of the windows. and receiving injuries, remainedrrhcnj they were. The incredible rapidity of the passed aUcoinpreheusion.

They sprung from tide to aide of tho street, and.skipping extensive returned to 'tomplclo their work. Often More tho flames bad reached a bouse, the black amuko began to roll out of tho chimneys, thu of the action of the intense heat oa the pine woodwork within. The Church of the Holy Name, which haa a slate especially noticeable. From the crevices of lire slates pourecuot eddying whirls of black smoke which, after rlsliigashori height, burned for a moment withun intense dame, and then went out. At.uu early hour Ic Urn tuorulug.

It possible to got teams, I uiit was not long before they wofo all occupied. ItisrejKiried, but not on ihJ.bcst authority, that FIFTEEN MEN WEEK LOST At a blacksmith's shop on Rush street. All thesu tires. ill whatever point they crochet! the river, soon Ignited, nml swept on uuobstructedlvtiorthwarU. ACROSS CHICAGO A The people HUug north of Chicago avenue and rather west of LaSalle street, were exceedingly hopeful that -they would escape, and that ibo dre would drift steadily eastward, not expecting that would make any progress against the steady and furious west wind.

They also had great hopes, in Chicago avenue, which is a street, llul the flames, running np C.lark street, and catching 'furrier riall and the building north of It, worked west, and got into the brick the cast side of LaSaUtvaud then Jumped that street uud got Into the blocks on the west side. At about the same lime It crossed Chicago avenue and caught VcEwepa planing uijll, on Wells, near Pearsom-swl then rushed on northward afllotig )be wooden holdings blowing them flows almost before they were on lire. of tho eltlxcua aclzud what, properly they could, piling It on drays, which they tiimctlmesidraggcd themselves, ami took the goods thus temporarily received over to a vacant iol Franklin where'lherc waa nothing "but earth and green celerv, and then bestowed their la little heaps, with which ibo aurface of 'the ground was Bwt this, material; with which the earth was cumbered was of the most Incongruous and often nature. women brought beds, and piled un bureaus, fK'fX, cimcwivalde arrive, It very Jong before tie falling In tion-c began to make iV'tlic Eitrface of fills lot a succession of small bou.Area, and the and no meara of covering with earth what they had, were either compelled to stamp ant or to lot their staff go. and confine themselves to regretting the waste of time, or to pick op the most portable article and march offwith it.

One man was sfen marching off with a class aVor ho had carried it about a block, be met a friend, who asked him what was the of carrviig a thing like that any further. He looked at ft, ovorvud that there did nut scorn lobeauchnse irrit, andloaaed it away. Another man had fecur ecu rickety and tremulous cart, to which was a rickety and tremulous horse, sudiu It he a safe, which, with great regard for the -property others, he wbh carrying out of the prairte or elsewhere. Giber men look up to Lincoln Burk, hoping that there, at lean, they wonld be safe. But there, as elsewhen, the fury of the flames passed their comprehension.

and everything stored there, as well as lots trees, waro swept away. escape of people into the west division. So soon r.n the people west of Clark began to i-o-i that there was no hope, and that the fire was reallv bound to go northward to an indefinite point. they turned all their minds getting over In the DirMvti. there was comparative safety from the flames, and plenty of vacant ground bn which to encamp.

So. since Chicago avenue bridge was useless. the whole tide turned toward Division, wblcb. Horn Grove Jo llalsted, untouched, and promised to remain no. It was many minutes before a steady stream of drays, express wagons, and of every description were rushing pell-mell bridge.

Interlocking and breaking, while tbe southern." streets loading up to -Division' jammed with wagons, which occasionally caught fire. Tbe expressmen and draymen, stimulated by the'immense prices they were to 553 a their heavy reckU-ely forward, breaking down the weaker teams, and forcing their way lire dor to return as soon as for load. Sometimes they tf.rtmelve- came to grief then, anfkateiilng tbclr horses- Inen to other wagon. TUB ROADS WERE FILLED 'Mi ll craxed by excitement nud or s.npef.ed hf mioko.and no nil was paid to thorn thf drivers, so that at all those pouua mimcnap w.irs constantly whs driving np Clark.street Mtli a boat le nd when bo i-ll from hi- AKD INSTANTLY HIM MMR I both rides of North avenue, sod continuing beyond TILL IT REACHED WRIGHTS GROVE, and Grove, where it did not s-o easily amid the wet Umber. The rniu which began falling on Monday evening dampened the grass', and sensibly.retarded.

It. -Then It worked back again aud got hold of the coal heaps and lumber yards Tying south of Chicago avenue, and made a clean sweep of all that was left, there. brilliant was the light on Monday evening that it was feared by aome-nf those on the West Mde that It would cross over there and obliterate what was left of the city. WHAT. REMAINS.

From Klutle street to Fullerton avenue is three At Chicago avenue, the North is a oycra mile. wide. and. is still wider further nodi -at avenue, it ls-nearly two- 1 niHcs- wide. This vast extent of terzitorv Is nearly as desolate and cmpiy ago.

only houses remaThtng arc tne'ordluwH elevator, which fronts on the basin at the.Junction of the branches; and feomo of the low and insignificant frames on Kinzio down iu that quarter. The width of the river at that point, and tbe direction of the wind, saved them. Hr. McCagg's bouse was burned, but his greenhouse was uninjured. The hutir-e uf Mr.

MahbmD. Ogden, ou Dearborn street and te place, was not even scorched. The tower at the Waterworks remains, do the waltsof the main building, but it la minus a roof. At uue time It was hoped Unity Church, which ata.d* comparatively itolattd. would escape, but the hope did not last long.

A few houses were left on Division street near the river.and one block on Sophia street near the park. All the rest has disappeared. The block pavements; on which so much moony had been expended, and so much of which had been laid on that side of the river, has become honeycombed charcoal, and utterly useless. The double engine at the Water Works is not seriously Injured iu Itself, but the foundations are in such condition as to render running it dangerous. The smaller single engine will require extensive repairs.

Tho larger engine Is apparently uninjured. Whether any of the engines can run depends upon the cylinders, which may have been sufficiently heated to put them out of truth. It appears that the readiest secure a renewal of water supply la to connect everything that tho town affords In the way of steam pumping machinery with tho boilers, wldcU are uninjured, and the mates. A large horizontal engine, which formerly supplied the city, lies In tbe Water Works yard, and could probably render service. There are abundance of pipe aud fillings In the city, and Uis possible to secure a limited supply of water within three days, if the matter is pushed.

WHAT WAS DESTROYED. Among the of note on the North Side which were destroyed were the Franklin, Mutely, Lincoln, Plenum Street Primary, Elm Street Primary, and other school buildings; the Clarendon Hotel on Clark street, the North Side Stables, from which nearly all the horses were saved, reaper factory, the Chicago sugar refinery, the Galena house, Galena elevator, LUl'a and the tanneries along the North Branch. the German Theatre at the corner of Indiana and Wells street, Unity, Now England, and Westminster the Church of the Holy Nome, the Cathedral, the Hospital of the Alexian Brothers, the Jewish Hospital on LaSalle street, the new Catholic one on 'the corner of Sedgwick and Elm. with the convent of (be Sisters of Chicago Historical Society, the Huron Street Station. the Bethel, Galena'depot, the Revere Hotel, Uhlich's Block, Block, the Hatch House, (he Humboldt House.

Illinois Street Church. Armour, Hole Hiram Wheeler's elevator, the private residences of William B. Ogden, J. L. Stark, Isaac Arnold, J.

K. Rice, George L. Hnnlap. W.B. Houghtallug, Sam Johnson, K.

1. Tinkbam, Tom Macktu. the contractor, whose loss is from four to five hundred thousand dollars; George F. and Julian Burling, A. 11.

Burley. O. F. Fuller, Dr, C. V.

Dyer. W. G. Goody, Jackson, General Rucker, the new Hlveri-ev Block, bear the Water E. B.

Mo F. Smnhi and Phil. Huyne Were burned. The Division £ltcet Substation, as well an the One ou North avenue, the engine the fine blocks on LaSalle street, anil the new buildings which have recently gone np ou Division street, have also disappeared. No bridges remain except at Division street and North avenue.

WHAT IS LEFT. Tltc-oulyJ houses or In tlic Suutli Division of Harrison street are the Avenue House, on Michigan avenue, and Lind's Block, corner ol Market mid Randolph four dwellings on Harrison street, ana two or three adjoining the Avenue House. All else is in ruins. Considering the number of largo buildings, it Is remarkable how few them preserve uuy share of their original proportions. The rule is tbatlhe walls have tallcu.

The noted exceptions to this are the new unfinished building ou the no rtheaH corner of Mouroe and LaSalle streets. This building seems to nave escaped the conflagration. Another exception is Tile TRIBUNE OFFICE. It survived all its for hours after the buildings fronting it had fallen, and the fire had extended to other parts of the city, it was attacked by a fresh current coming in the rear from Slate and Monroo The lire then took possession and did its work of deatenettau, TUo oast, and west walls arc standing, a section of (he north wall had fallen out, thereby impairing, possibly, die valnc of the oihcrwalls. The vaults and the press-room, perhaps, have escaped destruction.

The thlro case la that of the Vailed Fust. 1 Office, Court room, and Custom House. Of this building tbo four exterior walls are landing, and seemingly uninjured. The interior wholly etroyed. Inpnrance building, 1 the Uoiou Bank bonding.

Iho Urleulal building, Chamber of the Opera lionae, Palmer store, the First National building, nicr Theatre," Farwull Halt, Statu Savings Institution, the various SutJTSt havo but broken tell where existed. la a majority of arc within thvhosetnent excavations. fcw cases did the walls ftll tunic down and full Invert. The speed wl the buildings were destroyed wars surprising. Uf 1 the Sherman House then a yofttfft of tbte wall ten feet above the aWt-miik.

A result that locomotion through the Sotrh Division is easy, even for IN THE NORTH DIVISION there hot one hofite Except fragmentary portions of the walls of a few churches there If hardly anything Ifcft. no gnldo the visitor. Tho streets hare hnl little JQbhbb on them, the walls having fallen la. Tlae streets sire all elevated above the-mint, rs la the case throughout the whulc'brfhe'Ro'nth Division wherethe fire raged. ON tue west side.

ifany of the people on the West Side, especially at a distance from river, had gone to bed early on Monday night, and kgew nothing of what bad transpired until soma put irate them tbe news. In many cases flm flret thing known waa that the water would not run, and for that there were at first many explanations, and true one. Before lung, however, the trucks and other teams, with fugitives and goods reached even Western avenue, and they began to get on Idea of tbe calamity. most Immediate and pressing way In wblcb they felt It was In the utter lack-of water. Neatly tbe wdU were and there had been nb rain fur weefff and the were almost all empty.

Therefore the people In the centre of tbe West Side, north of Montoe street, went with wash-bolters, palls, buckets, and to the pond in Union Park, while those further west bitched np- and went to tbe artesian well. A wow branch of Industry created, and drove up and down the dlted with casks of water. minute, wne I had vr on the West 1 bide suelier ami. every vacant bouse was "iu immediate demand. Tbe order having been is-ued that there -huuld bo no ib an Immcdbds domard tic milk, and crackerf.

and tbe snnpiy pretty grti-tm. doubled their prices ami oilier whilt* i civkck men Tii-rv otic noMl 1 li. Nt th-? corneroor. and f.nsctp rtbcimt lo jiiM out ft lead i atml Loir jk.l)’c prairie. and to to-j to In).

in rk Ulii iTyswjofr Cf tnppden la fto.n ak could te wrc men j-ti ctnu .1 ill!" utti if -(Mjfcthc luii.r. -k- od all the Wt oi.i i Wohiopj awnm. wbUc rotu- mi liarleui. the ftcUiiLrot I or. very crijal.

lilijh h. j. lihoogb IrlfcJ tors tfcrT yroMHiiwl I iLai bo f-t nthrr pp.c I vtic or i flnrnrcd r- ft nuit'oid hi men rtscs, uui prou oveert up tlio YmotdiKa- ii paitltif out he occurtyata vd a. itbuicut o- hi of inline tern were untrue. lire to mi indi irho Uie; coiner diepored -t jcKLTrlflj d.if in ord INGEN KILLBu Tbe dawosWjr depraved characv: tiif ibc city wa.l pcnVcilj tturfratiSiV i Monday and the ensuing tu lev airjc.

I to promoto pillage by lire- fn cibercut cUy. To crtfdii Jibe it U. p-r. 1 eff.lly with the fate they iVu lowing are pooie nmuvy'd ir.t’!.: bey Hiti-mpii'd mnrVujn i.Mjil.t;;; 1 li.row jin: it into TJuriT- strveu II- received Uv- Mali-. cf who 'be and: ji.

iDnn, r.i-. jowiyf fbot lit a the cor- ..1 an i utTcrci- mV i bet Ie oMu-rtm itJes Bridge: uickc lot viru 1 turn in the rear jI. bat; r-ti ItjrnsV By mlrtakv, idclt -n th. i bsiLjred. meu, jo wi the JctuUcb arch.

were, pieattd p. cor yett HijrtJaldpjflW Cwcct etneht. io set 2rc the Wvet ivr-rnory, end flervc-d t-mrifilf ferdnyv a he vo. nor of i cqtJvts vu- NUMBER 66. on firo.

Knowing that it have-boon the wurkof an incundiarv, the neighbors united to extinguish it, Ailing their coals and hats and everything they could gel hold of with rand. Thc.Aru was extinguished in good time, and mau'fottnd in there captured. It hi stated that lie was shot. Whether the reinirt is or la pot correql is npj known. about 11 o'clock yesterday forerfeon, also residing on caught a man in the basement or bis house, number armed with hay and matchc--.

He. iC alarm and the incendiary was caught and signed and battered to He lies on the avenue yet, near Fourteenth street. Commissioner T. B. Brown the following incident, woa learned.

On his authority it is correct doubt: At about 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon a colored unknown, observed a while man sneaking round- his house ou Fourth avenue. He fired the in the of the house, and was instantly shot dead. the special policemen sworn liiAmlhe South Side yesterday was a negro named "Hick" Costello, who was assigned to a bent on Wabash Hubbard court. About 4 o'clock ip the afternoon, a white man, whose name is unknown, was looking upou the ruins, when Costello warned him off. He answered that he was only a spectator and was doing no harm, when the negro raised piece of lead pipe, with which he smashed in the man's skull, killing, him on the spot.

The crowd followed the negro and would have hanged him but for the interven lion of a couple of policemen wbo rescued him and locked him. up in the Cottage drove Station'. 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon residents on the South Side were alarmed by a cry of Are. Which Increased when they saw smoke aeceudiug from Mr. store, corner Jf State and Thtrly-tirstalrects.

It was evidently the-work of an incendiary, and, owing to the used by the scoundrel wbo did the work, much difficulty was found iu extinguishing the tire, cr Sheridan happened hear the place, and.4<s{arod to put out the blaze. A meeting of over citizens waa held immediately, and Mr. Sberiduu empowered the Chairman to swear in all he thought At as special policemen. There was indtl'nation enough to have put a summary end to the be been caught, and a determination to -treat all such as dogs unworthy of life. man was idiot last evening by a police delected him In the act of attempting to Are the Jesuit Church, on Twelfth street.

excited crowd gathered round the West Division Police Station, about 5 o'clock yesterdayafternoon, intent upon making an application of lynch law to a man who was alleged to have tried to set Are to a limtso on Milwaukee avenue. Three or fonr ropes were nourished vigorously in the crowd, and several speeches were made by parties, urging them to rescue the incendiary from the bauds of the police, hut the latter were Arm, and ok the last accounts the man was still a thu cell. FATAL INCIDENTS. DEAKBOKN STREET, While Madison street, west of Dearborn, and the west ride of Dearborn wetv all ablaze, the spectators saw the lurid IMbl appear in the rear windows of Block. Presently a man, who had apparently takeiMimo to dress himself leisurely, appeared on the extension built up to the second story of two of the stores.

lie coolly looked downthe thirty fuel between him aud the ground, while -the excited crowd first cried jump! nml then some of iheoi more Considerately looked for a ladder. A long plank was presently found usd answered the same as a ladder, aud was placed at ooce against the building, down which the man soon after slid. But white those, preparations ou there suddenly appeared, anutltcg at a fourth story window- qf The building rielow, which-bad no projection, but was Hush frofij thu top to the Aiorles and a by the evidently and he looked despairingly down the fifty feet tween him ground. The crowd gre almost frontthe sight, for it was only acholmiofdmubbifore fire or by bolug crushed to death by the. fall.

Senseless cries of-jnmp! jump! from the crowd.senseless* but full of fur the sight was absolutely agonizing. for a minute or two perhaps even less, but it seemed so long a time supposition was that he haa fallen, sutfocateifrSnia the vmoko and heat. But, no; he appears First be throws udt a bed; then some bed clothes. -appartUillyi-why; probably even he does not Again tic looks dow'n the dead, sheer wall of fifty leet boiou 1 atid well he uiay, as be again and looks behind him. Then he mounts to tho window-sill.

Ills whole form naked to the shirt, and his white limbs gleam against the dark wall in the bright light aa he swings himself below the window. Somehow can nml catches upon the top of the windows below nim. of the third story. lie Ploops and again, ami seizes the frame with his hands, and his gleaming uudy once more eiraighten-and hangs prune dowuwtnd. and lltcn drops (uettmtlv and accurately upon the window-rill of the third story.

A shout joy than applause goes up from the crowd, and those who had turned away their beads, not bearing to look upon him ns he seemed about to drop to sudden and certain denib, glauced up at, him once more, with- a ray of hope, this daring and skillful feat. luto this window he crept to look, probably, for a stairway, but appeared again sently, for hero only was the only avenue of escape, desperate and hopeless as it was. Once mure he dropjted hU body. hanging by hls hands. The crowd screamed, aud waved to him to pwiug himself over the projection from which the other man had Justbeen weened.

Ho tried to do ibis, cod vibrated like a pendulum Irom side to side, but could not reach lar enough to throw himself upon roof. Then he hung by one hand and looked down; raising tho other hand, be took a wwung from side to ride once mure 16 ruflclt l)se roof. In vatu: again he hung muiloulesH by one band, and eluwly turned his head over his fhotrlder and gazed into the abyss below him. Then, gathering himself up. be let go hlc hold, amt for a second a gleam of white shot down falhforfy feet, foundation of the basement.

OC.cotttß«i it killed him. Ho was taken to a drugstore pear by, aud died in ten minutes. SIX MEN LOST. Sis men went on of Clark and Madison streets, top of J. U.

store, and when firv caught the lower part of the building Were unable to get down, and equally mfeAUe to ad They fell through ilia and were totally conth'nicVn FIVE MEN CRUSHED. After the. flames bad consumed the store of J. Slate.near the corner of Washington, the wails were left partially standing. An express wagon war passing a short time after The flsgnxtlon ittul reached the front of the-building la lltuu to recc the billing wall.

Five metiwerein the the time all were 4 A WOMAN PERISHES. An unknown woman was caugut in a building on State street; near Taylor, and was unable to get out In time. Shu had no chance ol escape. and fell back into the bnllding, where she was. of course, cownnted.

CUET MOREUEAD wm last seen maufully with a large box containing the books ol Reyburn, Hamer Co. The and smoke overpowered Mu, and he Is certainly lost. Tito crowd oil called atoud tor him to come away, but to no two; the brave fuopnr stood and struggled until all had lot Imnlo Cght the flames. A DRUNKEN MAN tried to run Bomb from the Base Bali grounds on Michigan avenue, and was caught ami killed by tDe JACOB WOLF war routed to death In his boose, No. h3 West Uarrltou street.

POUND. A TRIBUNE reporter wandenug the along Ontario street, dU-mverod, in the rear cellar of the dwelling east of tbc Historical building, the charred trunk of body, lying amid ruins of many whir mid tbc apparatus of a roasted flash SiT nocluc to U.e ideD- lily, the of .1 obtainable, hoesa liSii by a the Historical ilttUdiug-t-v ibatof Ulcn. the upor- I UAT All 1 ft Julies car? mother a I tf.r at Mipt.a;, oruer J. lia? -i Sor 3 74 averne.haa two a uanterf L.xucord:* cud S. ii cao ker ir at Ihc corner of i- to nvjmie.

i jttlea Jcnpic te ic-uud nt t. SlUcfc'ftjfft. i Auia 4 old. TUc jiijjliit Nil Erie tfanjcr ia at IlalMed i (Jcbbsrt rt Bethel 1 'Ellen and "Kale lledenu.mii. The te nt SaituMmon Chicago a'vuuc.

HenJ. Ht. J.oui*. jjc five ciuldrcu fHit rtml Chcrrlj. Turee jutnitd lufor- I tnatiou to bo Mri.

Flynu, IWJ Alonn-e. A child, unmet! Uorih, Inronufltlon lo I ii- li.dlxna avenue. I Loal? mlrrintr. lufonuation to be sentto Meildiau ptrt-ct. i.

H.UonalckV xrire and child can find UcTal 318 Wes! Lnka. William Sanger's wife and children are at Wells School, corner Kenbencnd Cornelia. Hounds, of 21.1U South Franklin street, is at Hotert Laird Church. Katie mother, alTunwrllall, West Twelfth street. has flve children missing.

to to Turner Hall, West Twelfth streof. Annie Miderhatlor, missing. Information tube sent to Katrina Keller, Tamer Hall, West Twelfthstreet. Mary 6J years old, missing': re-ward (orluCormailon, to be scut to (J. A.

Hartman, 155 Ponrlh avenue. JtjoiWffs, named Leonard, are at SUS Fnlum street. Tommy Jackson. 30 years i-kl, information to be sent to Centenary Church. The family of Mitchell Curtis missing; miJtion to be sent to the Centenary Church.

A. Lomi baa and two chih.reu missing. jftjhnajiou to btr sent to South Park avenue. Maria ami JuIU Bresiin are at -Hi Ann streer. Matilda Itifonuatioti be j-eiit to W.

W. 155 Walnut street. Thomas O'iirieit. 7years old, missing. Information to be sent to Mrs.

Keen, opposite Hotel. Henry Leary is First Congregational Mrs. .1. O'Neill and three children, Mrs. 11.

Faith and two children, lumping, luiortuatiou to besom to Fitiff Congregational "Church. Ityun and flx cl.ildren, missing. Informdflbutu be sent to 15a North street, a Mra. W. 11.

Clay, missing. lufotmatlou to be rtnt to Fir-I Congregat tonal CJinrch. Kudie Simpson arid Manny Bullock. Infurmatlonto be sent to Frank Muuroe, corner Eldridge court and Wabash avenue. A girl two or three years old, lound on Indiana street, is at the hotel Drsplaincs.

John Daly's wife and six children, Information to be sent to Eighteenth street, corner Caual. i iMary Ellen Baijibildge, misting. Information to Jje to TG Mdimi Peoria street. Cast. Johnson's wife and child, missing.

Information to be sent to First Congregational Church. Three children of missing. be sent to the Centenary clmrcn. WiJh and child.of Henry Schneider. years old, missing.

lutornulion to Iw sent to Centenary Church. Joseph Mommtlu, of North avenue, corner ii st-llte Mn-et Church. Itiohard Walsh is at Mr. corner Muddon and Like streets. The wife and nvu children of Chas.

Herzog information to be sem to Milwaukee aveutfb. Mrs. Brown and four children missing. Informatiou lobe sent to First Congregational VhurCh. S.

Clarke missing, import Lake street, or at Tribune office. ITEMS IN GENERA: fate of tlur poor picture of the Battle lyaburg was asthaf of ncarlv it was tnm from the wall by D.m St who had it in charge at the Academy of 1) and who could not detach it legitimate i add wrapped carefully in an ml-skiu cmrrii party cl men here it south us fast ns thev anil it was left opposite Trinity Kpt-copal Chur Jackson street, tho so great. ttmlera to numerous. that tno keepers quished Ir.and* ran. Nothing has been lu-an! since.

men all day yesterday were Ini round Air the recovery of their safes and uhai contained. The hanks, or rather their ruins, surrounded all day'. Of the hanks which cia liavo recovered their saff-s in good condition ai Commercial National, the Hirst. Fourth, and uractnretV Banks. Tlie Union Bank was fortunate.

The papers weie mi lire probably everything is.lost there. The Lea Trust Company, it L- suited, removed the part of their treasure before the building tire. Mr. 11. N.

F. Lewis, of the UVrfeivi 1. removed all his books nod papers from the sn readiness and rapidity with winch of shelter and rations of luodhavv 1-eeti sjij tolho homeless and hungry are rentsukabic. doors ol the and thrown wide open, both in the South and Divisions, and yesterday they 'were thronged the poor victim's of tome of whom their way dtbefs were brougl people ungagedln the mission ot lug them up. Food abundance was sup and watering-carts brought water trem tlu and dlstrihutrd it in to bucket-, uher was coineyed into the churches and dealt ou boundaries of lire in the Unison struct on auuli Imtu rlvfer nveutiurlhe fire stepping at grues street on Michigan the lake east, and ibc river on the West and north.

If any of the pictures in the Design saved. Kotlienuel Uctty-dimgb picture ua- taken out bv cuiti Ol the pictures in the Opera HutiseAtt ll.i, Bierstadt's Yoscmitc. Deiteubuch's hrist a few small pieces were saved. Vl'lie Opdra ftbuje auditorium hud been pbddy renovated, and it was intention to if with the Tuoti us Orchestfa-ou Monday occupied the inn Boot A and Kimball's stotvs, restaurant. The second third were, occupied bv insurance.

the upper tloor An Caller? anil studio-. Among then; Hmu, and Ibw, wfa) all ilietr picture-. Most of the In tlfe clfyWefC tocaieo in the Academv or De and they lose everything. in the South aud West Division- tvi of citizens word organized In everv Mock, cfllcipuily guarded priu danger lay. the Bu6til Djyfslyn several ar of auspicious persoud tferu ntadr.

It i- repi that nil attempt was made to lire SelppA Ikitir iHumhatlhe incendiary was arrested sikall stable oh the corner of Burnside aud first fstreels was fired on Monday evening, aud it was reported the perpetrator was -hot, hut we cannot trao rnmor to any reliable source. The of Comm have derided to rebuild at once outlie old They will begin Jo clear oif td-day. ot bankers and railroad MlTi called for to-day, to take measures for u-iabha basis of trade. city of Lcvcmvorlh has voted offered homes for 100 families. slock of grain rity hasprohablv diminished to the extent of bushels here.

About flour is burned, leaving lu.utu barren', Near! the pork and uk-au burned. largo number of fugitives from Division landed their effects on a tract ol a acres or the rolling 1 mills, where passed the night without food or shelter. la reported that the govermneir has rvre J.OOU.UW) army rations to be sent here, from Lc; worth tud other places; also tens froiti iogton. --The Aurora Arc with engines arrived here nearly on Sntdny, themselves to The tnajju- 1 jeatcitrjry a section of aj-lnch xtt pipCj lying neat the Water Work-. Anc similar fragment of humanity waa found liUersectioD of Clark and Randolph streets.

I.gmlon-* iflverpool ompanv will. -ritailvcly stated, pay SJ.iwo.tU) in cn djn A re at 8 on Mo; morning, reached Weedon Station and tele fact of the destruction to all the nod stations. incio was a rumor orphans in the asylum, corner of and snii street, had been The children were duriug the night to a point limhernorth. ami aflcrdayllgbl were carried to the College lloib west pf Blue Island avenue on Twelfth street. are destitute of clothing, nave what they escape and of that kind and ol loud nil gratefully received.

Uage Brothers have- re tire new biick building on the northeast Madison and Clinton street, and will open Mbc Sbormun UO ont ten days. Tney fortunate In finding St specially built for hotel poses, and expect to sluml- mnhc vv man House nearly equal to the old one. Dommenco furnishing their house to-day. Putt will be issued, until fit notice, The ntsmesS office will, lor ibxir. lion.

I. N. Arnold anti bis family err uninjured, awl are at Mrs. corner of Calumet avenue and sixteenth sired the only fnigme-nlof In all the desolate waste of the North side at the corner ol Kush and Eri- streets, a I post, with lamp and lettering in gnud order Uke a graveyard rmtrv' two Ueauiifnl fliHl't 1 t. 11 i POE hli I.l;niv 1 Oclinu.

1 IT. Uu .1. N. Muarf. IV Mtlk-r, a Vm fj.

C. 11. MIIKT. il- m. J.

A. .1. s. -u-u ErHi. J.

if! VV. 'm 11.11. Whr.riiy. .1. A.

W. IV. ciiU, i. T. Juno, Asa Diav, T.

11. Si- Huaitcr-hect Mason. J. D. K.

-I. Gnrl tud D. W'. Baker. M.

Uary, A. W. Munch. K. Ehavu.r.

rf. rimk M. siuV.h, S. jl- kl. T.

Uurus. It raw. W. A. Shc.uwm, M-A-im.

A. .7. 1 IV. 11. Slukos.

K.E. Tucker, J. Armour, ir. 51 .1.11. T.

Hat-back. E. Hall. kcr. Geo-1 lister.

IV H. (j. Tirkcor. V. A.

Turpin. T. (iuh.v I films J. is .1. U.

-n, ij. M. A. Arr.isnnm-'.ti. Met: Myers.

G. U. Walkers, S. T. We-i-er .1 C.

Clarke. 1.. Tickuor. G. C.

11. M. K. 11. Dmce.

are Fin I children arc at. the The Proeldvijiwc- appohited to head Ou tiou, J. L. ir. svcici- Executive Cotmniltct! a i.pi okttei lows; Frcaidviil, J.

s. Prcmm: Secrtl 0 V. A. Turpin. 51.Jouts Am n-tt, JI- 11.

mi nr. O. Claim. 'Fuc Ctiimuittec ttj'! directed jo j.t o't to liiu.noiuucr iu uhich the coramiv set. Tho abo.

that Stnurtlay l-o Via- of eiiiTcm fot tai- seiei il pa Saturday ui of comntitco of nfae-hu-appoiuied l.v Prei detersifue vaJuus.fofsucli seitle Gcorso to lay ou ite -r- LHK i 'X' if. 11,.

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