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The Washington Herald from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 10

Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JJ 1U I 10 THE WASHINGTON HERALD WEDNESDAY WED liES DAY OCTOBER 30 1907 1907t 1907I I 1 1RELIABLE I RELIABLE RELIABLE HELP IS QUICKLY SECURED THROUGH THE WANT AD COLUMNS DF THE HERALD HERALDPHONE PHONE HO MAIN MA IN 3300 OR LEA VE YOUR YO UR AD A A A IIERALD HE RA LD BRANCH BRA NCH OFFICE ONE CENT A WORD WANT ADVERTISEMENTS ADVERTISEMENTSONE ONE CENT A WORD WORDLntt Lntt ro and Foand Real Estate EstateHrip EstateH EteHp Hrip Wanted Prnnnalf PrnnnalfSituations rf11IfIIWSituatiODS LerILSttutous Situations Wanted Buainew flune OpportnaJUes OpportnaJUesRooms OpportaDIUesRooau OppOCtItnWeSflooins Rooms for Rent For Sale SaleApartments SawAp SIep Apartments rtmg tnt3 Automobiles AutomobilesAdTeni AutomobUesAdtertiaaDeata Automobfle6Atheytnt AdTeni AdtertiaaDeata em nta accepted a at the main office er at atany at11l atany any 11l of I tb th following followingHerald fo110WlDgHerald followrngHerald Herald Branch Offices Officesend end nd forwarded promptly to the mate ottee otteeWOODWARD oIictWOODWARD ooeWOODWARD WOODWARD LOTJIROPInfoonattom LOTJlROJI ttoB Bnreav BnreavGOLDENBEROSInformatmi nGOLDENBERGSIDfonaatinn BGOLDENBERGSInlonnatin GOLDENBEROSInformatmi Borean BoreanHEC3HT naHEOHT DeuHEOIIT HEC3HT A COOwhiers Office OfficePALAIS otIkePALAIS OflcePALAI8 PALAIS ROYALBoram of Inlonaatiaa InlonaatiaaSIMPSONS I IBUiPSONS ItikratsSIMP8ON8 SIMPSONS PHARMACY comer ftk I I st It I Iaie IUfO IIT UfO IT aDd st rt nw nwCYCLE DIICYCLE 11WCYCY1E CYCLE COMPANY lPA Ith and I sto nw nwBONN 1 1DOXX wDONN BONN BANFORDS PORDS PHARMACY lHAKMA aumuc sc Yate YUfo Yau ate and otth tb Oapitol Opitallit st at nw nwJOHNSTONS D1IJOIlXSTOXS awZIOIINSTOX JOHNSTONS PHARMACY MB I Me nw awIS wb 8 KAXN SONS COInformaUoH COInf COInfCHAS llnttaii llnttaiiCHAS It ItCHAS CHAS FUHRMANS lUJlH PHARMACY nth and andEit udEat aatLisit Eat Capital CapitolPAXLLER iA Ao AoF 1 PWBLLERS WLLEWS PHARMACY 3 31M 4 it it itATJiINSOcS nw nwATKINSONS 1nIATKINSOS ATKINSONS PHARMACY llth and al 94 nw nwASTORIA JIWASTORIA 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hotsework 813 llth st at nw nwTHOROUGHLY JIWTHOROUGHLY awTHOROUilLY THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED COAT COA SKIRT SKIRTand SKutTaDd SKIJITand and waist bands on womens anrmants Apary JULIUS GARFINKLE CO 1231 i st at nw nwoc 811ocItt woc9tf oc ocItt ocIttWHITE oc9tfWHITE tf tfWHITE WHITE GIRL WANTED AS NURSE NUKS FOR KORchild 10RdWd FORiId child iId a aced ed three years bring lri references reenee FI 1 FLAT FLAT4t1 1 AT 401 1 The RodwsBbean IediabeuWHITE tu aefB aefBWHITE kWJIlT WHITE GIRL WANTED A GENERAL HOUSE HOUSEwork nOUSEwort JIOUSEwcrk work family of three adnlts Apply AppIJ1 Mil st nw nwWHITE DlrodI83t nwWHITE odI83t odI83tWHITE WHITE EARLY CLEAXEit CLJCA APPLY HOUSE HOUSEKEEPER nOUSEKEEIER MOUSEKgEIEX KEEPER St St JYOUNG Je Hotel HotelYOrNt odftf odftfYOUSt YOUNG LADY EXPERIENCED EXIEIUE CED IN SOUVENIR SOUVENIRand SQUENIRaad SOUVENIRand and novelty business state experience and salary salaryexpected ularJexpected salaryexpected expected Address Herald office oe oc29 oc2zt oc2ztHELP oc2tHELP 2t 2tHELP HELP WANTED WANTEDMALE WANTEDMALEA MALE MALEA A GOOD PRESSER HIGH WAGES WAGESj STEADY STEADYwork STEADY1m STEADYwWt work 1m Aiiply to FRENCH It CJI CLEANING CLKANI CO 718 71813th m13tA fl fl13th 13th tt nw D1IEIGHT iiwEIGHT ncMat ncMatEIGHT EIGHT FIRSTCLASS FlRSTCI ELECTRICAL WIRE WIREmen WIR WIRmei IRE IREmen men 8 months tha work guaranteed to rinht rilllbta men menwages menwage wages a a 450 50 a day for I hours open shop Ad Address Addrtll Address dress BOX 32 3Z Herald aAee o4ceA oc3 3t 3tA 3tA A A COMPETENT OFFICE BOY B0 WRITE STAT STATing STATinc STATing ing ate a references ref and salary earpected pectI Address AddressItOX AddMIslJOX AddressBOX BOX 211 Herald office omcrBOYAT oe odIJt odIJt1OYAT X1JOYAT 1JOYAT ONCE COLORED ABOUT 14 OR 0R31 0R31years Myean Ifftn yean old to look Ioo after stock only ly those with best bestreference 1IeItnfen beatytferenen reference ce need apply JULIUS GARFINKLE GARFINKLEqo St StCO CO qo 0 K7 i 13th stnw It at mr UWBUTLER 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octIMESSENGER MESSENGER BOY WITH WHEEL FOR DAY DAYwork DAYWOIt DAYwoet work good chance than for bright boy must bat ha have good goodreference aoocIref goodrefezenct reference ref Apply WASHINGTON HERALD HERALDPAGE JlEJULlJlAGE JIERAW1AGE PAGE BOYS WANTED WA1 lJ PLEASE BRING RKF RKFcrenees RIIi RIIienuen tSierenoeL crenees Apply at THE RALEIGH oettSt oettStTAILOR odtIt1AILOlt odZtTAILOR TAILOR AD A BUSHELHAN APPLY 1315 1315llth 131511th 131511th 11th st at aw ocSMt ocSMtTHOROUGHLY odf3tTHOROUGHLY od odThOROUGHLY THOROUGHLY COMPETENT COAT HANDS HANDSfor HAXDfot HANDStot for 1 womens ganaents armenta Apply JULIUS JULIUSGARFINKLK JULIUSGARlIINKLIC JULIUSCARYINELE GARFINKLK CO i 1W I st at nw oe oeftf oeftfTWO odtfrWo tf tfTWO TWO MEN WANTED TO DRIVE COAL CARTS CARTSSteady CARTSwd1 ARTS ARTSsteady Steady work IM 14th st at nw td92t od92ttION 3Mt 3MtUNION UNION 110 JOB PRESS FEEDERS WAITED A TJD LIFt LIPPMAN LUllAX LIFtMAN MAN PRINTING CO OS 36 st at nw 11 ocJ odI2t odI2tSITUATIONS oc2IRSITUATIONS 3t 3tSITUATIONS SITUATIONS WANTED WANTEDFE1rrALE WANTEDFE1rrALEWA WANTEDFEMALEWANTEDBY FEJIALE FEJIALEVVAXTEDBY VVAXTEDBY WA TEDBY A STENOGRAPHER PERMA PERMAneet PEIUl PEIUlt IEk IEkneat neat posittou Will start at small 1 salary Ad Address Addre Addie dress die BOX 9 Herald office officeSITUATIONS IceSITUATIONS odl4eSITUATIONS SITUATIONS WANTED WANTEDMALE WANTEDMALEl WANTEDTTALEPOSITION MALE MALEPOSITION POSITION AS TUTORCOLLEGE ELEMENT ELEMENTary ary brand 1nDdIt JAMES XIiS XASON general delivery deliveryoc MltfltJoe3O2t dalirerySITUATION oe3O2t oe3O2tSITlATlON oc 2t 2tSITUATION SITUATION WANTED NIGHTS CLERICAL CLERICALany OLEJtICLADY LEKICALaLy any line or watchman Address A BOX 21 Herald Heraldoffice HaldodIoe I4ealdcoe office coe OCSTSWSX OCSTSWSXTIME odf81ItHtTIKJII oSwS3TDLE TIME CLERK IN I DEPARTXBNT DEI ItTXK STORE OR ORwtth ORw Oftwith with aocMtrootiea eoaspany Address F35M 1M Fx 35M st nw ocS3t ocS3tSITUATION odS2t61TC1TION oc2tSITUATiON SITUATION WANTED 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FLOORaefuensi nnfamMknl or partly furnfchol oeSMt oeSMtIM 411 MASS AK NWNBATLY NWXBA TLY VOIUCIS1TBD VOIUCIS1TBDfront PURISU1Dfnt FUIGiSffEDfront front pnoms ree second and third floors suitable We fee feetwo I ItWOj tsrtwo two tWOj with 4tb or without beard beardFURNISIIE octtfe octtfeFURNISHED ocItStPUKNISUEI FURNISHED ROOM AOO FOR RENTNEWLY WLY PA PAperrd IAJfd PApeerd perrd and painted lilted in a a qiet neJidbborHoed rsalaborhoedo near neartoo JMBrgo too go car JiM rent reasonable 605 9st st nw nwoctttt nwod octttt octtttW od 1 1III odC ST 8 VSUVAL HOUSE 1I0USEWKLL WELL FUR FURnisbed PURJaiIbed FURniabad nisbed roonst xoo new MWj steam Mea heat bath 1JUj phone boReMa MR MRfm 5N Ma fm fmm 3 8T BNEAR CAPITOL AND LI LIferny L1lInK1 LISissy ferny 1st hat aad 3d noon loon oors Those LincalB Lb la SIT 2S1TTHE 2511TlIJ SITThE THE TTEVIK Transients aecomsMdated aecc lMdated MCDU MCDUFUKXISI1BD MOOlfFunNISIlED salttIFUIINISIIED FUKXISI1BD OR UNFUnNISHED UNFUnNISHEDMTH UNFURNISIIEDlATH lIS 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CAPITAL HOTEf JftD AND PA AyE A NW NWEnrotMaB NWJCaaooper NWuupen EnrotMaB uupen He We SI 1 AmericM JtB9 Llt per I8rU I8rUXPUnSISlIBD day dayUXPURXISHBD day51u 51u UXPURXISHBD UXPURXISHBDSIM I SIM ST NWBBAUTIFOL NW BUTIFUL LARGE ROOMS ROOMSfor 110045Sm I for I a heat Mat ea psi hot water waterj borne privttona privttonal pnvIkpestosaL stosaL to ocO oaJtiL oaJtiL11M at atU04 U04 ITH8T mr ST NW2 NW LARGE UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHEDrooms UXPUK UXFIJItNIS1IEIrons ISUKD ISUKDroc rooms prirate rivnt hath steam ket tSECOND oe3Mt oe3MtSECOND 0CZWtSJCOND SECOND FLOOR FOUR ROOMS AND BATH IIATILIMIte AlJI AlJIX I IMIte IMIteAPARTMENTS st se oeja3t oeja3tAPARTMENTS oeSJtAPARTMENTS APARTMENTS TO LET LETFOR LETFOK LETFOR FOR REYTSIXROOM APARTMENT WITH WITHbath 1TH 1THbatJa TH THbath bath huge back porch and store roam all Ught Ughtrooms IIIbtaDd l1sss rooms aDd all 11 modem improvements tS janitor uItor smtee smteehot 1PrYkehot serelehot hot water heM Matj rent leajonabk from fr owner ow owet owneriIdren no noehfldNn ehfldNn iIdren under 12 yrs The Folsjer Ill st ItH MW a aW McCRAY Bond BMg 1414gFINEST odMt odMtFINEST odHtPUET FINEST LARGEST ALLOUTSDB FLOOR 4 new ew flat fat ia 1city city not bo water heat hot hotwater Iaotwatn hotwater water year around inspection ecttUm will reveal reItaIN advan advantages adaulagea tages st st ne ocIMt ocIMt15ft 511 5 ST NWVERY DESIRABLE nJ8IJtA I4X i ROOMS ROOMSand JWO8aDd 00118aM 15ft and bath per mo LOUIS SHOE SHOEMAKER SHOEKAKU SHOEMAKER MAKER OS 14th MtJa1 MtJa1IflOIl 4iL st nw uwPolL oc 4t 4tKOR PolL RBXT ItRSfJU lly UllcrNun Wemplc WemplcW Wcrnplc111k empie empieMIla ttfji it itThe It ItThe s4me The Fairfax corner 14th ass sauL sU Mr lib nkehousekeepiaf libt niceheqe1epsic housekeepiaf apartments CB aDd JJtSO IU6to ftIiO ftIiOto eauresrient eauresrientto to Dept AgrkMltnre Bnrean of Engraving Engravingoc2 KBlrariDco Esiiravlngo3t oc2 J1t J1tsm 7t 7t3S 3S sm 2 ST NHFIVE ROOMS AND A JUTH JUTHlarae RATHlarge I large yards and a closets ebltJj II I IFOR oca73t oca73tFOR cdiaFOK FOR RENTA FINE LIGHT FLAT IN DKSIR DKSIRable DalKable DESIXable able neighborhood boGd comer Hth mad I nr nerros Avc Avcrooms 4wnau rooms SUM Apply INTERCONTINENTAL I TJItCO T1 LTL UM UMVERS1TY UMEMSI UMVERSITY VERS1TY EMSI Mth and nw nwTHE uHI tf tfTHE THE SARANAC kANC 18 12 CAPITOL 8TELB 8TELBoclStf ftapat STELSanat pat 1 4room aputmeat aputmeatoc15tf ameates15U oclStf JOHN MORRIS Ml 41 st ItmE aw awTHE awrilE THE ROYALTOX ROYALTOXMS RoY JIOYAITONH ALTON ALTONIII MS st nw nwHandsoms awn awIaIJIII uwIISMeS Handsoms apartments eentatelns MiosatiOnilly MiosatiOnillylarge e4ieuftylarge large rosm ta thai th modern nrepmof bufldtot sId1a ac actanee eot accesalbie to all IJC 1m and III IIItaMe meg wasg dlane taMe of aU ovemnMat departmcnu departmcnumvtted de 1 1ill Impsie Impsienielted mvtted ill ritfd Apply to toARTHUR toAItTHUIto toAWTBUJtJI ARTHUR AItTHUIto AWTBUJtJI PLANT PLANToetM II PLANToct41 Toe14l oetM Tenders NrtaMwl aIioset Bank BankOFFICES BatikOFFICES SankOFFICES OFFICES FOR RENT RENTFOR RENTOR RENTFOR FOR OR RENTDESlRABIl OFFICE SUITE SPE SPEcially SIEciaJll SPEdaily daily soluble for doctor dod or dentist two rows rowsground ro roIJOQDd ground floor two out outll Nek entrances in handsome handsomebuilding ba babuildiD handsometildiI building tildiI due location Apply INTERCONTINEN INTERCONTINENTAL ITERCOXT1XtTAL TAL TA UNIVERSITY UI ITY 14th aDd nv ocStf ocStfloR odl4fFOR 9Stf 9StfFOR FOR RENTM RKT 17TH ITT ST TWO LARGE COM COMmunieatteg 001uaicatlDr COMmunisetlug munieatteg secondstory front office ce rooms roo heat heat heatflt Hgnt flt and service Apply on paeafces ocstf ocstfLARGE ocitfLAkGE odtlLARGE LARGE MODERN ODEJt OFFICES IN THE Tn MET METaerott StErient lT lTaerott aerott BUg llllia ll st St nir WM per month monthinctoding acathincluding th thindudlnr including beat heat light riwaJor and janitor service serviceno RrrieeDO sereleDo DO extras ochVtf ochVtfFLEMING odttfl cr14tiFLEMING FLEMING BUILDING Kl 1411 ST NW RENO RENOrated JtLOyated RENtvaled rated throughout lit floor suitable table for stock broker brokeror or real estate also excellent omee cdee rooms with wit beat bsstof tof beatof of janitor serrice no extras extrasMISCELLANEOUSFOR jy jJtttf jJtttfMISCELLANEOUSFOR tf tfMISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUSFOR FOR SALE SALEFOR SALEFOR SALEFog FOR SALEA BARGAIN ONE 1SFT COUN COUNter OOCOtel COUNt tel with walnut top suitable 5114 for taarh room roomoyster or oroyster 010Jr oyster house also one oyster bar 7 ft ftlOUod ft long Hround tjround round lOUod tinned Bated 1IMd soluble for barroom for raw rawbox rawbox rawbox box Apply FINLEY SON 286 4 Mass ave aveoc anodt3c seoe33t oc odt3c odt3cO oe33tIIONAFIDX 3t 3tBOXAFIDE BOXAFIDE AFIDE FURNITURE SAW CLOSING CLOSINGOUT CI08IO0T CIOSINGOCT OUT MY ENTIRE STOCK OF NEW XX FURNI FURNITURE JlUKNITUR FIJXNITUXE TURE TUR AT ACTUAL COST LOUIS NOTES NOTESCOR NOTESCOR OES OESCOk COR STH AND ST8 NW NWHIGHGRADE ocM3at ocM3atHIGHGRADE odI odIHIGHGRADE HIGHGRADE UPRIGHT PIANOS IN I FINE FINEcondition FINEconditloa lINEoonditiosi condition at extraordinarily enraoniinaril small prices Easy Easypaymenta Eu1pJ1DGtta Easypjmenta paymenta Here Tier are a a few of the many piano bar bargains barpins bargains gains were offering now Stieff SUB 114 Gabler 1SO 1SOStuIa 150Stuka 150 150Stuttz Stuttz Bauer S1A 159 Gordon SIS 125 i Emerson Jlai JlaiKimball aIKimball I5 I5Kimball Kimball P5 1M 114 Bailey 178 Weber 110 Kranich KranichBach Krai4 kBadl AHerb Bach Badl J250 0 Bradbury JZS and Sohmer SohwrO 534 3N 3NO DeMOLL CO 1231 st at atFOR nw nwFOR D1IFOR FOR SALEONE CHARLES DALY HAMMER HAMMERless UAX1UGttJell 1IAMMSRlee less shotgun single trigger gger genuine Knapp fluid fluidsteel tuiclItee1 duMisteel steel barrel 31 inches long cost SUG 134 will salt for forI12S for12S I12S 125 SHAPPIRIOS SflB st at nw ocnVtl ocnVtlFOR oeIftfFOR cr14tiFOR FOR SALEL SALE SMITH UAMMERLES UAMMERLESejector lIAXlXltr lIAXlXltreedor 1IAMMERLESStiw ejector tiw shotgun bot single Ii trigger trigerbarrel ICgange 34lack 34lackbared ineh inehbarrel barrel cost so will W1I 11 for J1S9 J1S9oehVtf U3oelItf 151 151cr14U oehVtf SHAPPIRIOS 90S st ItMISCELLANEOUSWANTED at nw nwMISCELLANEOUS awMISCELLANEOUSWANTED MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUSWANTED MISCELLANEOUSWANTEDWATIDL WANTED WANTEDWANTEDIN WANTEDIN GOOD CONDITION A WALL WALLcase WALLcue WALLease case counter and writing desk Address BOX BOX9t 9t Herald office ocM2t ocM2tWANTEDA odftWA cr30ItWANTEDA WANTEDA WA TEDA ROLL OR FLAT TOP OAK DESK DESKcheap lJJCSKe DESKcheap cheap for cash DAVID DA YID I GITT CO No NoF 0 0F IDpo st Phone PIt MaIn aln MMf 0 0C oe odI3t odI3tSAFE XSAFE SAFE A 1I EXPERT IVDTDr GItB GREEG GIlBBegf GItBII LL LkL LvL 4 Nw NwHAVE NWA NWHAVE HAVE A YOUR UPHOLSTERING UPHOLSTERI DONE BY AN ANexpert A ANexpert expert at moderate cost BOX Herald omce omceWALL oGke oGkeWALL othesWALL WALL PAPER PAPERPAINTING PAPERAINTING PAPERFAINTING PAINTING DECORATING DJICOJUTI PAPERHANGING PAPBRHANGINOWIM APKR ANGlNO ANGlNOWOI Win bring samples ples to your borne borneNATIONAL hoBHNATIO hcmeNATIONAL NATIONAL NATIO AL DECORATING DECOItATI CO CO7th COftk 7th and Its Phone Phd BUS I3 Male Maiso3t MaleROOMS alL alLocJ3k o3t o3tROOMS ocJ3kROO ROOMS ROO SPA PAPERED I It fl 2 UP SAMPLES SAMPLESbrooght SAPLWbIougbt SA34PLI SA34PLIbouht brooght latest Iat fall designs paiaOBg LE PREUX PREUXUW pnxux15I1lth UW 15I1lth Kb it i lbou hone JMm JaMtf JaMtfPOR ja8tfFOR jailIfFOR FOR SALE SALELOTS SALELOTSTWO IOTS IOTSTWO TWO FINK FIX LOTS AT WOODMONT ODlO MD ID AP APply AIJIIr Alply ply Mrs NOLAN 5 st at nw oeZ75t oeZ75tREAI oe24StREAL oe25tREAL REAL ESTATE ESTATEFOR ESTATEFOR ESTATEFOIl FOR SALXIF SA IF YOU WANT WA ANYTHING A TllING ALONG ALONGtae 1LONGftocAmUe ALONGthe tae Koekrille road from one to 300 acne either eitherfcaproved oilhtruaiaproyed eitherlmpseesd fcaproved or unimproved nuim come to see BM If If7Ol1 If7Ol1ft you youbaf yoqtha baf ha ft any laud Dd for sale Ie come to see ae aeJ JMI meT MILLER 1301 ocSWt ocSWtREAL ocitltEAL ocxItJLEAL REAL ESTATE ESTATELOADS ESTATELO ESTATELOANS LOADS LO YS AND IITVBSTMENTS IITVBSTMENTSTERRELL JrESTIErTITERRELL I1VESTMENT3TERRELL TERRELL LITTLE 713 13 14th Hf nU nirCLEANING nUCLEANING nuCLEANING CLEANING AND REPAIRING REPAIRINGFUR FUR RUGS CLEANED RELINED AND ND TRIM TRIMmed TRDalll TRIMmed med anew low prices riom good workmanship workman hlp 913 Fst FD Fat st at nw oeWtf pchltISTORAGE oeWtfSTORAGE USTORAGE STORAGE STORAGEWHY WHY PAY MORE WE STORE FOR RO 0 A Aload AUXITED AIsed load UNITED STATES STORAGE CO iUOt iUOt4tt JiIIttI 4tt 4 Mth st nw Phone Main 1223 4t oc9Jfc oc9JfcBUSINESS ocJatBUSINESS eellitBUSINESS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIESGLEANING OPPORTUNITIESCLBANING OPPORTUNITIESCLEANING GLEANING DYEING DY I AND A TAILORING TAILORINGfo14ichmeut BS BStaalMimeat BStaWilinMat taalMimeat dote doIng HI 5 JW bostnesc monthb JDODthiJ wHls withell withellerr ilIaeltvery HTery very err reasonably Apply 1118 111 29th st aw oc30Jt HOUSES FOR RENT RENTA A A FURNISHED HOUSE LOW RENT UNTIL UNTILApril UNrILprtl UNTILAliaS April prtl lit isunedtate poawwlon 1 31 IX IoW IoWLubaIR LOVl LOVlAnhIn WK WKLanham Lanham Wd oeIOtt oeIOtt11Qlt oeJO4tFOlt 9Mt 9MtTOR TOR RENTUNFURNISHEU RENTUNFURNISHEU12a TUFummUIl11m 12a Mass ate 17 1 rooea roc I baths batM20000 f20000 f20000M9 M9 II are 11111 IB 1 roome 2 baths 200CO 20000IUS 1 IUS Maw aw lIz aM hotair beat 7575 7575M 15nc 7573A A at 12 1 rcfl nOllll aid bath 5175 517513W Jr1311I 5075I 13W I Cetacean It at nw 7 rooms and bath 3550 3550Ct 3550at 50 50lit Ct I HVT 9 rooms ad bath bathS 355J 355J3K 1550II 3K le i 8 rooBia and bath 3550 3553M4 3550K M4 It at nw 9 rooB rooms and bath 2SS 13 135 Itth se a I room nNMBt batb 1850 1850Stwe 1850Stere 1350Stere Stere Z3W Pa la ae ve aw 11 1099 1099APARTMENTS 1051AI 1R51APAItTI1ENT3 APARTMENTS APARTMENTSThe AI ART GNTS GNTSTIM The Tb TItans 17SJ aw 5r aDd 4000 4000The 4000The 00 00TbeVifaas The TbeVifaas Yh Yluas 4r aad 3500 3500The 3500The 3500The The Viraaa i int st aw 4r aDd 38JM 38JMThe 3fJTIle 1 1The The Narane Ii 10 at Jr aad 2750 2750The 21 21The 2750Tile The Arkwright JW aw a 4r and SOM SOMThe 30 30The 3000The The Navarre 21S nw and 2SM 2SMH87 2561K 21003001Enekaadb H87 3001Enekaadb ae 9r and SM SMM05 I 3500I0f M05 ne lit deer ST aHd 300 300The ZLOOTbe 2000Tue The WnJililnertou hlngt Ioaa on1 and Trust TrustCo TrnatCo TrustCo Co Ilcul Btttatc tntc Department DepartmentauHiexSU DepnrtmcotauUexSU DepartmcntaultdeiSt auHiexSU auHiexSUJ auUexSUU aultdeiStJ BRADLEY CO Inc IncReal IncReal IncReal Real Estate Loans Insurance 1104 St new lail AVl VIconln con In ATC ATCPhone ATCPIIoIHI AvePhone Phone Main Ml Phone hone Welt WeltAlAItTlIETS MT MTAPARTMENTS WAIAJITMENTS APARTMENTS FOR RENT RENTThe ItROTTh IUINTThe The Th Shnmton und Tl Tb The AwUcntoii AwUcntoii3Ka AHItcntol31th Aa1reatn34th 3Ka and ata WI wS egos and bath 1t each tHIIW50 K50 te 15 15Ih 10The STlie The Ih Dnynril DnynrilUN IJnRrc11M UN tt It a a4roeieandbatb51400 at 4 4roeieandbatb51400 4roeieandbatb51400HOUSES romw aad hath 1Iatb1II 1Iatb1II1I0U85 MM MMHOUSES HOUSES FOR RENT RNTNe RS RSNe RENTN Ne Mat ttth tC nw 9 raoMa tw baU baUN baths sfI 11 11U 10N3Uaiaw N3Uaiaw N3UaiawNer 13M at nw JaTSS JaTSSNoi 51 51It Noi OH MM at at nw a mm and a batM500Th batM500ThNeI14NaLawllroeeadktk teat II IIfe 9111 9111X fe NeI14NaLawllroeeadktk NeI14NaLawllroeeadktkSTORES INI ak nw 12 room and bath Ulr UlrSlORSS JSTORES STORES FOR RUNT RUNTX 1t1L TP MaT 0 lit it nw IO per aMM aMMN a aN ansase ansaseN ME 34 Mth 00 it at 1t1I 91 per aMHth aMHthFOR JBeIMwf sasuthdmwf4K dmwf4K wf FOR RENT RENTMipat RENTDIe DIe IIIIIMItJ at attC sehoesst cser cserIt tC Sirenik atsact siad KMIt WNII WNIILerwew laloudsessee sessee me Lerwew urns am w34II Mipat 34II Jooatton for tratefcii retell retellM rsM rsMtsnki 1 tsnki Stfen Naiejatiar 1 As AsT Ait AitJIIrie JIIrie to 0 toGOLDENBERGS GOLDENBERGS GOLDENBERGSSeventh GOLDENBERGSSeventh COLDEN13ERCSSeveuith Seventh and 1K KOaVe KDIke Ko OaVe DIke St eao tc7t Floe FloeAX PIo PIoCIdt7 CIdt7 CIdt7AN c7tAN AN OPPORTUKTTY TO To i OWX YOUR oont HdMS HdMSand JI JIt iff iffand and to atdiit a perfectly pafccttrI eafe hneatannKi hneatannKiM 1Mni 1Mnini I it at ML 1ni UN eneh awl 11IIII117 0JI III NM NM4tt 4tt 4 41 it at ae HIM lni NI each and IT BJI per peeat perni nw nwfll fll it 1 1151 73 ON ouh and a tlIJi 111 111as 1700 par psrK aw awJB JB rt ac I Itni IM 00 eaam cult tank and a4 Hill 140 per perMI peeK ap MI 1 ft 1 1 1W 111 HI eaih euIt and U1H Jt JtK per anx anxm at at ae 1 I 100 rack eaIIa and JI4II 14 140 per perCkar IIrC1rac as asClear Clear of mcwnbrancea tide liii perfect pe Apply to toR toIt toX A PHILLIPS IHILLII Ml Mil II It at aw odMt odMtFOR eeSItFOR e3tFOR FOR RENTIB8B RE PER MO tR It BRICK BKIOKCroIiDe 1MB 1MBCaroline 1400Caroline Caroline it at between 13th aDd Mtb and atm ttonw atmnw nw all conrenhneea and hnproveaaenU pmeents Apply to 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balance balanceon on tnne CHESLEY A CHESLEY Hood BuDdIng BuBdtococ2t3t BaDctiDcJt BuDdIngFOIL oc2t3t oc2t3tFOR Jt JtOR FOR 8ALE38TORY AND BASEMENT DWELL DWSUinf Dinjr DWELLtug tug at Dr ear of 0 ttth and Lejnont eta at nw nwelectric uwe1ezIc electric light aprakinc tnbea tiled baths tlta and aU aUmodern mUmederu modern convennmoMk COI1ft11 A reasonable ble oOer will be beconeidered beCOIIIIdmd 1 1considered considered Apply to OSCAR os UI VOGT OGT Room mCorcoran 400ssctia Corcoran ftOIaD Hide ocS30nol ocS30nolTRUSTEE odI3IDOlTltUSTZK o3inolTRUSTEE TRUSTEE SALE all XW THRBBSiTORY THRBBSiTORYand4waeeaent THItICI9fORYndaaent THREESTORYandbasement and4waeeaent uPtodat iodnle Apartment A Home lIoaIej lot lot25toM loto lot54il00 25toM Hoodrenting 3g property Abo AJ M7 lii nw nwU rooaM ru bath a a Lj lot BKxMI 2iz to alley sIk Will Willen WUIwn Willsell wn en the pronertk at a whole or atn slade Call be between bet betue tween tue a a and 3 Po VICTOR ANDERSON ANDERSONtrustee ADXltliONtnIItee ANDERSONtrustee trustee M7 11 nw oett3H oett3HSPECIAL celllitSPECIAL SPECIAL IN 1 INVESTMENTS BaTMEKTB IN NORTHWEST OF OFresidential 01residelltial OFresidential residential and bnnineo property Do you want wantto wtto wentto to we so theIR theaitodJ theIRoc9ttf themcr34ti odJ oc9ttf tr IL JOHNSON CO III 11 7th at at nw nwTHREBROOM BWOTHRIJtOOK nwTHRESROOM THREBROOM FRAME AND FOUR LOTS 2teM8 2teM8each 5dIIprice duS duSeach each price J8M on ra easy terms REALTY REALTYBROKERS IlIMLTYBMOKERS ItBALTYBROKERS BROKERS U7 17 Itth at at eettf eettfHOUSES eeltfHOUSES eeltiHOUSES HOUSES WANTED WANTEDWANTED WANTEDWANTEDT WANTEDWANTEDtT WANTED WANTEDT AT ONCE A HOUSE WITH 7 OR ORBMJTF ORlOOIDS Ottmme mme rooms a a 1 I northwest or Cannot apnol UiR UiRta UUIto 1451to to coat from 340 to WOflW 10 Addrcea with loon toeation IoeaCIQ loonlice lice and full deaoiptioD BOX 31 Herald I oence oenceDO oekIe oekIeDO atlceDO DO YOU WANT GOOD TENANTS TL FOR 1OR 1ORniehed lUnJIiIbed lUttnicked nicked hon oaMt aDd apartaentsf apartaentsfGRACE apsitmentsGRACE patDlellt5 patDlellt5GRACE GRACE THOMAS THOMASocMK TIIOJrASoc5Jk ThOMASodiit ocMK Corcoran DuiltliiiKT DuiltliiiKTPOR nullUu nullUuFOR BuilhIigFOR FOR SALE SALESUBURBAN SALESUBURBANIrOll SUBURBAN SUBURBANFOR FOR SA11S SLELAUGE LAllGK BUILDING LOTS LOTSMltU JOTSUll LOTStItli MltU tItli Ull licnutlful sluulo trees in inRADNOR illItADXOIl InIIADNOII RADNOR HEIGHTS HEIGHTSOnly IJ HEIGhTSOnly lUG IIrs Only i cents per square foot or 150 pee lot cash cubor ceshor cashor or per ier lot on time that is 55 5 down and I 5 per permonth permoGUl permosathb moGUl month without 1thOUt interest until paid This IlNWirllioa IlNWirllioais subdivision subdivisionU esbIJITIIIOis is onlf 2 miles es west of the Presidents Pres deets house be between be betweea between tween the Aqueduct KrMa BrWe aad Fort Slyer Jft Two Twoelectric Tworledr1c Twoelectric electric Aittfoads run through it to WaeamgtM WaeamgtMfare Wa Vamis1gtefate dltp jfaM fare only cents Call for large map and lid foil foilparticulars aUpartieulara 111particulars particulars Parties taken to see property free ocharge ot otrwe ciJAMES charge rwe rweJAXJCS JAMBS CLEMENTS CLEMENTSOHiee CIIWE1S0Ike CLEMIINTS051cc OHiee I 14 16 st at nw nwPhone JIWPiaoM awPhone Phone Mate Mat Ml oaIlilt oaIlilt1UOOnIG o4ti1GO4HIG 7tt 1UOOnIG 1000 BIG BARGAIN BARGAINNfee nUtGAINXb BARGAINNice Nice 7room bowse with acre of grtiuad MUmfld MUmfldmgs stbf1Ilegs ufld ufldmgs mgs legs feace Small cash JlA1BMIDt ymei baJctoe 1MJc lIke Ifkewnt meNAto lIkerent NAto CHARLES To JOHNSON Jr Review RcrltMYOIIAt Eoie alice ofiteeMount aliceMount Mount Ramier er Md oeSwltf oce ldU 100 Down 100 Per Month MonthBUYS MonthBUYS Ionth IonthBUYS BUYS A HOME AT BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFULCAPITOL BEAUTIFULCAPIfOL BEAUTIFULCAPITOL CAPITOL HEIGHTS HEIGHTSNe Ne interest BO taxes BO landlord lasdtenLNo laadlerdNo landlordN No bvSdtag bSIl restrictaoas ratric 0D8 BO permits required requiredLOTS leI1UIredL01 requiredLOTS LOTS L01 20 UP UPOne UPGne UPOne One Car Fare FareS Ticketa Th etll for 25c 25cTske 2icTake 23cTake Take st to ear earj get off at GIlt st ne neAg De DeA neAgents Ag A Agents nts on ground datty dattyOFFICES lInyOFFICES 4altyOFFICES OFFICES OFFICESDOS DOS St 1 Gist and Central ATC ATCCnpltol ATeCnpltol AveCapitol Cnpltol HelghtM 100 Down 100 Per Month MonthCAX MonthCAX MonthCAN CAX YOU DO BETTER BETTERMO DETTERMO MO MO 00 PER ACRE FOR NICE PROPERTY ON ONGREAT OXGltXAT ONG1tEAT GREAT FALI FALLS RAILWAY RAILWAYD YD JOHNSON JO XSOX ttl 11 7TII II ST WIF WJlt WIF IF you want to buy a Maryland farm or oracbur oracburborne suburban suburbanborne suburbanhome borne see ua or send for latest bulletin bulletinMnrlon buUeUnlUnrlon belletinMarion Marion Duckctt Son 035 63iF 63 NV NVFOIl NWFOR WFOR FOR SALE AT KEXILWORTH I XILORTI1 CN CNw CNew Nw te your time to secure on easy monthly roy roymt yraeata ymeets meets mt one of these attractire cottages orchoice or choke lots lotsin lotsil lotsIn in Kea Wasbingtoas Waill 1 giwriag suburb suburbALIEX 1IburbALIEN suburbALIEN ALIEN aiALLERY 141T St nw nwTODAY nnTODAY nuTODAY TODAY IS A GOOD DAY TO GO OUT AND ANDinspect AND1D ANIinepeet inspect 1D et Silver Spring Park immediately on Bright Brightwood Drislatwood Brightwood wood car line KASLEY A HILL Inc Inc 1301 ii Ust Glit U11W st nw Phone Main 6631 001PRETTY se27tf se27tfPRETTY seZ1UPRETTY PRETTY HOMES LARGE LOTS 3 TO GC scti sctifoot PER PERfoot PElt PEltfoot foot at Mt Rainier Md Id on 23th and 29th 2115near Its stsnear Itsnear near It I ate te District Line Lt Sta 1 fare high aai aaibealthy a ahealth1 ant antbealthy bealthy small 1 monthly payments ROGERS ROJERSPOB ROf ROGERSFOR EltS EltSFOR FOR BENT ltENTSUBURBAN ltENTSUBURBANAT STTBUEBAN STTBUEBANAT AT BRIGHTWOOD ON PINEY BRANCH BRA CH ROAD ROADrooms ROADi i 4 rooms and lath 1858 LOUIS SHOE SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER MAKER S12 llth st at nw nwFOR II ocSWt ocSWtPOE od33tFOR FOR EXCHANGE EXCHANGEWILL WILL TRADE A PRETTY SUBURBAN RESI RESIdence RESIdence HESIdetce dence all city conmrfencee furaaoe heat eat north oortbwet northwCl northwet wet wCl located on a eorner one square from cars carswffl carswH1 carswill will take a dear Jot vaSe JSOO in th the northeast nortbeastGoatheast northeastyith st Goatheast yith at or mar the Urteatwood cars balance bc1Janro 2750 750 ro month iaeivam laciudheg aH interest Address BOX BOS2T 2T Herald oflke mee ocSMt PERSONAL PERSONALTHE PERSONALTHE8PLUTTE1IE THE THE8PLUTTE1IE SPLUTTER SPLUTrEIt8 SPLURGES WOWS AND ANDwhose 4tNDwhsei ND NDw whose Nothing can a compare OlD with our Rtaat tffor ewh ewhexchange 4nkenDp exchange enDp for mens mae Awarded wearier apparel a hats hatsshtrta IIata IIatatrta bat batshirts shirts trta SSMWS ees Call any old boor yon say JUBTH8 JUBTH8OLD JU8lUSOrD J1j8FhtSOLD OLD STAND Hi 10 I IHIUHE8T 1 1IUGlIBIfr II11011344T HIUHE8T CASH PRICES PAID FOR WORN WOKNgarments WOIt WOItIadiea WORNgarments garments ladies or Rents enta send postal wffl 411 call ealtL eaILI callId I TARanKS Urn 7th aw Phoas 1 teeth 4unIJlOXK 499lhlOXE ISMh ISMhPHONE PHONE piOTOWOs BOPULAR RAND AND ANDOrchestra AXJJ0IdIeItra ANDOrtbMrn Orchestra far rate rat rates a se dances Mid eatertoiamem eatertoiamemoca eldertabNMtltSodII eInrtInNSIII1crit oca odIIFAmAI crit critFACIAL ocaFACIAL FACIAL MASSAGE MANICURING AND CHI CHIropody CIIIesy I IrotlOllJ ropody for ladies Mid gentlemen KISS MORAN MORANRoom MORANRoom OJLN OJLNROOM Room 34 lIst I lit at see Jordan Bide octtm octtmMISS aCIIat118H lk MISS 118H BOYD EXPERT MARCEL JoIAM K1 WAVER WAVERand WAYKUhaintNller and 14 hairdresser shampooing NuuucnrtaK aanicsula chimp chimpodr cbbmpall kOp kOpodJ all facial and scalp le treatment Work urlt done at athotels atbo411 atIxtrb hotels and residence Phone Mate II 3s 3500 tli Git GIt Uat it at aw feMtf feMtfSupfrfiiiouM fdltSU1trftunu SupfrfiiiouM llnlr I Inir AViirlw nrH Mole Molehlh4h lolcH lolcHDlrtheub Birthmark Dlrtheub hlh4h Madeade Wa aad aD 0 facial blemfebM blemfebMpermanently bIeWMIneatl bkINMbIperinsuenfly permanently neatl removed by eleetrolyaiB Lady operator operatorRoam open opsntaw140am rHooItt Roam a Metavrott JUdg 11M 1118o st ItIe at nw nwi a i Ie 11TH ST NWMANICURIXG AND ND SCALP SCALPtreatment SCLltretItamt SCALPtreatment treatment e7t e7t3lndninc It ItlUuclume Madame Verncr VerncrPahaist Veruer111jut crncr crncrP Pahaist fete te of Chesapeake esac Beach Beada BeadatdI by heyaetbeth selenitic seleniticmethods methods tens part irsent erasut and future futm beat beatU rem twatioa remties ties in life advice in in business buai Ac parties Ides air airtended a ateDIW attended tended Studio udo Itt 11 Ilk It st at aw WKIDEIUJOW odHM odHMEIDERDOWA oclllltELDERDOWI EIDERDOWA QUILTS COVERED WITH ITY NEW NBWatta NEWestlu WtIII atta tIII or lUkaHne 9U it at alit eJItfPARTIES alitIARTIES tt ttlKTIES PARTIES CONTEMPLATING CONTJWIL TlNG HAVING TIIBIH TIIBIHfaw llIKIltr Tilgiltfat fat changed will 51 do wn to call at PECKS IU IUp 003F 3 3F 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acecIl cecIl AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILESNEW I NEW Xw TIRES TIlt LES8 IES THAN TB RECDVERIKU OLD OLDdoable OLDdnobIe 010dec51 doable MTTHX Joan Auto Tin Work WorkFOR WaRe X1101l SllOll FOR II IlIltD IlIltDJIwr 115113Pbar 1KB 1KBWfcfc JIwr sad mtMt aiirr tcce1 en enWick Wick that privat appfaiano appfaianoV arenVy JIP JIPVtK7 VtK7 qr atyllaV sy hot xniee iee iee0IHfId poprtai prfaa palemcbedl prfaaOMtfal OMtfal 0IHfIdOrnox and ooMpateot Mes MesCLAYTON cawrtkM cawrtkMOLAIfTOX CLAYTON 01UFT GLU Mp torn Ion tads CbdaPlMMi CIfdLf PlMMi I Bestk tk TMav TMavIOll tt IOll 10 It SA1U SA1UVOU SAIUPOX 1B 1Bro POX ro SA1COLP8MOHILC suOID tfBIL IN PERFKT COlt COKdfcioa COlta CONdillon dillon a bviate iaIn CaB at Hth and TOR tt ma nw nwoeflMt a aFOR oeflMt oeflMtTOR FOR OR SALSt C7L FL TALK AL TOCKINO CAR DK DKtachaUe DKWe 11 11teehable tachaUe We tonneau food ranniac lIID1Jiqorder order new thee tfawprice tpriae theew4a price w4a liii KAIXSFORD FRENCH rear 13 7 7t1a at atMONEY It ItIe 3 3U Ie city orJt orJtMONEY cr30H cr30HMONEY MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN LOANMONEY LOAN1IIo LOANMONET MONEY 1IIo TO IX LOAN AK IN ANY AMOUNTS FROM FROMf i par oral to I per cent on Cte17 real ornate otataEtery ornateEasay Etery eoauderatioai ihoura IhowwThe bortowen bortowenThe benoseeThe The Harrison Realty Company Companyia Phase Mate 3ML tMH est Xu XJilOEY Xm1t13tf WMONEY m1t13tf m1t13tf11ONEY MONEY TO LOAN LOL ON I REAL ESTATE ESTATElowtat DTATEIowat ESTATEkowern lowtat rates 1 of intcrrat pimtenu pa em on ODaJDOUftts priacnpal In InamonnU 1ameunts amonnU of UN or am acre reecivcd e4 at any intetcet intetcetpertod iateeatpniod inteesatprebid pertod THE SMITH CO Bond BUR Bid ItK ItKX I IX liiiN are amsMONEY iy iJMO wf tMONEY MONEY MO EY TO LOAN OX APPROVED CITY REAL REALestate RLUat REALestate estate at lowest cnrrrat ratra of lateral laecial laecialvrMl Ipfdalwith ectsl ectslprtv vrMl prtv with rwreet rsspe to prior payment TYLER TYLKKRDTHERVORD lYIUI I RUTHERFORD l1Ie Inc TJI JI1StIa 7 ISth at at aw a oottf oottfMOXKT OIIItflO odtfMONEY MONEY lO ET to lou on real ctUI wtthfa the Oiatriet Oiatrietof Dijci of ColombIa CoI at kmeat rats of interest bltdeILGco interestGet Get AV IV IiMkhiN SOO UHk St SttfUttt StwUa StMONEY tfUttt tfUtttMONEY wUalOliEY MONEY TO LOAXLET lS MAKE TOUR NEW XEWtereat NhIouI NEWloan loan or replace old ones at InoeIt rates of ill illmt Intereat tereat All transaction rondoetrd with etonoaaieal etonoaaiealooaeioVntiun a aiuD ceoaahealeniNieration ooaeioVntiun iuD for borrowers WM SAUNDEKS SAUNDEKSCO 1MtDE 1MtDEIe AUND ES ESA Ie CO 117 I rt It nw 1111ELECTRICAL owELECTRICAL oettf oettfELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES SUPPLIESAVITOLKSAII5HS SUPPLIESIrolJiSAIICnS SUPPLIESVIflIgSAIItItS AVITOLKSAII5HS ASH RETAILERS RICTAILBRSEleetrteal RICTILRRSo RETAILERSEloctaical Eleetrteal Supplies AotaeaobUe A Al SvppUe SvppUeDynanwa MoeiDyuamce Dynanwa and Motor Machinery SQpptka SQpptkaAVirlHsr tappUlr1RJ LiupplimWIrIn AVirlHsr WIrIn lr1RJ Contractors CoHlractortiWe Co tractor tractorhaft We haw coeapetent men to plan oat oattbe and paoe paoethe urn flat flatthe the special revolt always eeeential in the inataQatkM inataQatkMof ttaDat taflflaIn taflflaInof of electrical i iATIOXJ apparatna apparatnaNATIONAL 544atuaNATI NATIONAL NATI ATIOXJ ONA I I5M3CTRICAI I EIltCFitI I CAL SUPPLY CO COIIWU CO1XM CoIRO IIWU New York ork rk Ave AvcPLACES AvePLACES ePLACES PLACES TO DINE DINETUB DINETIIR DINErilE TUB DBLPT DRll INS I Sill Conn Ave AveBREAKFASTS AeDRLUCI AveIIREAKVASTS BREAKFASTS DRLUCI 8TS LUNCHEONS Lt CHEON8 DINNERS XEltS HOME HOMEeeoknvj H03Ue HOMEceuking eeoknvj Sunday dinners a mcrialty mcrialtyDENTISTRY pectaItJDENTISTRY aperlaltyDENTISTRY DENTISTRY DENTISTRYIJICXTAI DENTISTRYDZXIAI DENTISTRYDICNIAl IJICXTAI WORK WORKS WORKSet OIU OIUIt It of Teeth and Gold Crowns S3 3 np Gold Fill Kflltnsx 1111a Filltam tam a 1 np Silver su Fillings SIc Work guaranteed fnaranteedNo saa guaranteedNo No NoIUD pain pain Dr GEO EDMONDS EDO D8 lit st at nw nwJaMtf 8111JallU awjailti JaMtf JaMtfTEETH JallUTELTII jailtiTEITI TEETH WITHOUT PLATES NO 0 EXTRACTING EXTRACTINGno no pain Iu look look feel act and last loafer than thaDraI net netarM I arM raI teeth shrunken face faeM made normal 1IOnM1AU animal50mg pslaJes pslaJesfilling filling AU Dr I WILSON ON 13C 130 st 1ttW nw a mrltU mrltUMOVING my3tlMOVING uMOVING MOVING PACKING SHIPPING SHIPPINGCOLUMBIA SHIPPINGCorrlRU SHIPPINGCOLUMHIA COLUMBIA TRANSFER CO NOW LOCATED LOCATEDat LOCATEIat at 96 New York ace large padded van TaD 1 load load2horse 1oacIsIIoIw load2bore 2horse wagon 3 3 load mh7 mhITeodU mhITeodUFURNITURE 1dtf 1dtfPUJt odtt odttFURNITURE FURNITURE PUJt ITrRE BAGGAGE PIANOS MOVED MOVEDwith MOTElwith 01 01whh with cane packing and shippins shippi a specialty specialtyKREIGS 1JIeda1tfKItEICS specialtyKItElOS KREIGS EXPRESS 1224 st at nw Phone Main Main20ML 1Ia 1IaaaStf Hahn1t 20ML 1t auS aaStf aaStfTYPEWRITERS au35tiTYPEWRITERS tf tfTYPEWEITERS TYPEWRITERS TYPEWEITERSIT TYPEWRITERSii IT RUNS JtU LIKE LIKEIT LIKEIT IT SELLS LIKE LIKEIT LIKB60 LtKXIT LiKEIT IT SELLS LLS FOR FORHeats lIOltHeBts FORRents ii Heats for uOO 100 a aoth aothTHE IMnthTnB Yto THE WELLINGTON WELLINGTONStandard WKLLI WELLINGTONStandard GTON GTONSbadud Standard Visible ViM Writer WriterOmce WrltuOlIN Writera OlIN 689 11th st stDOGS atDOGS dlDOGS a DOGS CATS BIRDS ETC ETCJUST ETCJUST ETCJUST JUST RECEIVED LOT OF I1ARTZ MOUN MOUNtaia MOUNtam 0 UN UNtam tam tam Canaries from 100 up also have ha goal Scotch ScotchCollie Seotc SeotcCollie ScotchCollie 1 Collie and other dogs Goldfishes Parrots Rabbits RabbitsIncubators RabbitsllICObaton Rabbitshncubtcra Incubators Chickens Ch dea and fall bulbs bulbi SCHMIDS SCHMIDSBIRD SCHMIDSmRD SCIIMIDSBIhtD BIRD STORE 7M 1 11th st at nw nwMILLINERY DWMILLINERY auMILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERYLAURA MILLINERYLACltA MILLINERYLAURA LAURA ANDREBEN MILLINERY ILLI JtY HAS RK RKmored UEred REacted acted red teem BX Setenth st It nw a to UK Sereath Sereathnw Sef th thDW nw tEnet Side 500 500FURS octM octMFURS oarwet oarwetFURS FURS REMODELED TO LOOK LIKE NBW NBWm NBWtIS st odU odUlIATS ceOtiHATS tf tfUAT5 HATS STYLISHLY MADE TRIMMED AND RK RKawdekd RBmodeled REmodeled modeled faabionaMe mUUnery extremely tnmI low lewprtees lowprlee lowprIces prIces FOEllTSCHE H3 13 Itth st at nw ocSJtt ocSJttDANCING oc33ItDANCING eellitDANCING DANCING DANCINGHALLUQOM DANCINGnALLROOM DANCINGBALLROOM BALLROOM AND A FANCY DANCING LATEST LATESTaetaods LATESTmetbcd LATESTraethoda i aetaods private or class clsi toaaoos NATIONAL NATIONALCONSBllVATORY NATIONALCOXSIUtVATOftY NATIONALCONSIIItVATORY CONSBllVATORY 111 East Capital st at Hwao HwaoLtecola 1JNIBoLIDcoIa IheeoLIncoln LIncoln WE WEDANCING ZDANCIXG I IDANCING DANCING STUDIO I1Z BYE ST NWCLASS NWCLASSTuesday NWCLASSTaelclay NWCLASSTuesday i Tuesday and Saturday turdar evenings at 8 oclock clock Com Competent Competent Coonpetent petent instructors Private lessons by appointtoast appoint appointment DtineRt ineRt Ballroom for rent to select ct partfcf Phone PhoneM PhoneM PhoneIf 3L 31 oc339t oc339tHORSES ocilltHORSES tHORSES HORSES AND CARRIAGES CARRIAGESWANTEDSEVERAL CARRIAGESWATEDSEYRlUL CARRIAGESWANTEDSEVEJIAI WANTEDSEVERAL HORSES SUITABLE FOR FORdelivery FOItdeJjye1 FOILdelivery delivery wagoas wage Tsust wt welsh about 1130 lbs IbsApply 1b5AJtIII1 lbsApply Apply to BALDERSTON Mgr Palais PalaisRoyal PaJaisUonl PAIBISItoyal Royal A LISNKR LI5XI Jt ocSMt ocSMtWANTED fJclIHtW ordl4tWANTED WANTED TED TO BUYTEN Bl TES SEASONED HORSES HORSESfor I10ItSESI hORSESfor for I carriage we DOt under jjer he years of age from fnMtlto fromis 1 is to MV4 I bands high weight from 1000 to 1JB8ponads 1X 1Xpounds pounds DOWNEYS STABLES 1652 1 14 st staw tmI alass aw assiir oc387t oc387tMUST tmsr MUST iir BE SOLD SOLOli HORSES SUITABLE FOR FORaH FORaU FOIlalt aH purpwae basin baileaa or dran tlrar1tt also trap thi gen gentlemans ienUemaas penilomans tlemans becpy rr ixfid haraes Rear 172 47 Pa Pa at atoca308 ATo aee aeecr12SO oca308 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICESB 11 THOMAS aDd lAb Ab iflUVNCIS 1tNCl8UTlI 1tNCl8UTlIAUonae SMITH SMITHAttorneys 5M1T11Attocurys Attorneys AttorneysIX AUonaeIX IX THE SUPREME COURT irr OF TUB DISTRICT DISTRICTof of Ootamma holding bot4b a 1rooale Oaart la I I1M IDties re reUw Uw opewhtR of Warren and Forty FortyMath un1 sixth street north northwent IIOIthWftt Dethwod went ta the District of Columbia District Court ConrtNo CourtNo CourtNo No iNotbil ifi Notice is hereby given that the Commis Commissiomrw eof Comalealonesi siomrw al the District trict of Columbia pursuant to totb totJM tothe tb the provisions of the act of Congress approved Feb Febmary IebNIl Feb1iary mary NIl Si BIT entitled An act for the openias 01 ofWarren 01Waflft 01Warren Warren BAd Fortysixth Itreell street northwest hi the theDistrict tbeDlllitrid IhiD1rkt District of CMambh have ha tied a petition petitloaWI to tothis isathis this court praying 1ft UM oondemaatiow of the lb na nadiriurd Mdhidfd W5lIvhicd diriurd parceU reek of tend la lying within the lines linesof lianat linesci of Warren street formerly Xenta between bet Forty Fortyf FottiIetth Ietth tith ith and FoHyttftb streets and within the tbeHues theIhte8 thehues Hues of Fortysixth street between bel Alton pIstIl ptacoformerly plaOJIlanllerlr pIstIlfceiaerly formerly Lyles strteO aad larded IliO IliOroad lIillJmd 11111road road according to the permanent highway highwayplaas lIjpWpiau hlgIawaNplasia plaas for the I liatrict istrict tJombia for the opening openingof OIID OIIDol oVeIua4of of Warren and Fortystith streets at Neb in the District Districtof of ColumbIa as shown own on a plat or map fifed with withthe 1ritJtUIe withthe the mM petition peOtiI as part thereof and prayina aaxt aaxtthat alao alaothat ali alithat that a jury of nve lYe Jadicions icioua experieeced dtunter dtunterested di Dter Dternted ested men menU who shall be freeholders within th thseIMa thseIMabeet Dis Distriet Dtatriet triet of Coinable not related to any person inter interested mtnaed hatersated sated lit these proceedings and not in the service serviceor aeivl aeivlor or employment lMllt of tit District of Columbia or of ofthe oltIae 01the the United Htates tatn be summoned by the United UnitedStates UnitedStaten Ditfd DitfdStates States msnbal for the District rirt of Columbia to toMBWS tot toaso MBWS the be damages e1agea eaca each owner of land to be taken takenmay taRDllllltAia takenany may sustain by reason of the openur 0SJeDiIIc openhi of UK aid streets streetsinnpuse IItrema streetsand a and the eondemaatkj tioa vi the leal assi for the thetherol tiseluapeem innpuse thereof and to assess as a benefits reaaltsns reaaltsnstfecnfroM emiltia emiltiatheufro ltiDc ltiDctJM tfecnfroM the entire amount af the mid aidu damages damagesabuttteg deasanesthe CQIIt et of thIn prooesdh4 upon the land landatUB landabetting abuttteg upon the said street to be opened and andbo andaloe aloe bo anon tIpOII all ether pircea aad parcels of mad which whichopenuw 1ItakiltlM whichthe the JurJ ay may lad win be bmetltANI UN aid aidaptt saidopening openuw opening of the mid street It is by the court this this2vth thisday thIs20th 2vth day of Oetber A I hR 7 ordered that all allpersons anpeIIOIII altlawiosa persons having any interest these proceedings proceedingsbe JIvoeediapUId be and they are hereby warned lid commanded to toappear tothis toappear appear hi this court on or before the 2TTH DAY DAYOP DAYOF DAYOF OF NOVEMBER em Dill ER A A Ii 7 at It 1 oclock a a maad IL ILco aand and continue te atteadaace until the court shall shallhave shalllie nttI lie have made its final otder rattfyiag and aDdtile confirminc confirminctbe tile award of damagei sad the smuasaunt of benefits benefitst bmefttsOle benetttsef ef the jary jary to he hnfmaeled and sworn heremaadit heremaaditsi Sissies ad it itill ItIs ill si farther ordered that a copy of thai nodes and order orderbe 4lie eiderlie lie published one 0D in the Washington WuIt Law Reporter Reporteraad Reporterand nlid lid on sit secular day te the Washington Evening EveningWar EYD EveningStar IIIC IIICmar War The Washington Herald lIna1d MId the Washington WashingtonTinea Wasbhagtouml II WTIIIMa Tinea ml newspapers pm paMiabed te the said id idtuScan District Districtbefore DiltrictWON before the said ini 2Tth th day JL November A I nIt MW MWIt 1001It It is further ordered that thai a copy of this notice and andorder andorckt andorder order IeIWd rv by tbe Unfe Uuhted MIst aursbal ur his hisdcpntm hitdrp hisdeputa I dcpntm drp upon such of the owners of the mad to be beitid beIMftia becandemned candemned itid mned herein a may be foaad 1 by the said saidmarshal saidwshal marshal 1 or his deputies within tile District of ofIlia Co Columbia Cehnetda lumbia Ilia and upon the tenants and oeenpaats of tile tbesame tilee thee same before befte the said hit th day of November A DIW DMr IW By the court JOB BARXAKO Justice JusticeA lA A true copyTesC Seat YOUXG Clerk ClerkHy CIfttBJ CicitBy Hy IL CUNNINGHAM CUXX1SOHAMIX CUN SGH uat A ak akU tushucli31aoiJj5 ucli31aoiJj5 ucli31aoiJj5IN aDOUU aDOUUIN IN TH THE SUPREME 8UlJt COURT OF 0 THE DISTRICT DI8TRKTrf rf Colombia holding a Probate Conrt la re The Tatestate Theerate Theetate estate of Trrreace McGee Adm A No IfillAp IfillAppticaUon ICDApplieatioB 4100AppItcetiost pticaUon having been made herein nereta for letters of ofsdministratioa ofIIdaiaiatntIOA ofsalmisshetintiom sdministratioa oa the estate of said deceased decraatdJGIIeI bbar bleeIih JGIIeI Gawler kr it ill tl 21th day 01 09k 09kdial Optobig bar BW lN that the uaknvwn helen at law mar NIl ant antaf antel swatat af km and all others toneerntd appear in said court courton eouItTUESDY canten on TUESDAY THE TENTH DAY OF DECEIt DECEMMEK DECDsO MEK OK hl0 to show cause if any they have why whysack 1Ibyapp whysuck sack application app should not be granted Let notice noticehereof DOticebmQ noticehereof hereof be published Ih te the Washington Washiatoa ICtGB Law He Heporter ReP liejansar porter lid The Washmgtoo Herald once te each eachof rachci of three successive weeks before the return day davharem daytile daymentioned harem mentioned the 1k fast pnbtteation 4Ies to be not notIns DOtUaaa notliii Ins than thirty days before said return day ASH ASHLEY ASHLEY ASHLEY LEY GOULD justice A trae tan copyAttest copyAttestSeaL repsARMSal SeaL JAMES TAXXEft Kegister of WiBs COt COLDREX corDItD COtlIKEN lIKEN It VENXIXG NI Attorneys ocM odIU odIUK otU otUE THOMAS and JAS FRANCIS Clii SMITH SMITHAttorneys lIMIT lIMITAUoraeJS SMTHAWraye Attorneys AttorneysIX AUoraeJSUf AWrayeIX IX THE SUPREME COURT OF 0 THE DISTRICT DiSTXICTof of Columbia holding a District Court cent la re rethe ntile rethe the extension uIn of Xortyflflh yortJ street te the District Districtof DIatrieCof of Columbia District Court No 7 lbLNodca XSotto a is ishereby IsIha Ishereby hereby glvea Te1 that the CnsnasiNicacn 01 the District DistrictU 4 Colombia rwnaat I the provisions of the theAct tINAct lbsAnt Act of Coaajess approved February Februa 27 Jill fa fatitled fatitled entitled titled An Act for the lb extension of Fortyfifth Fortyfifthstreet FortrMhItIWt FortyIRkstrict street aarthwot have lied a uetition te this Uuscourt tJuIeourt thiscourt court praying the ooademaatioa of the land landaccessary JaaIoIr landomesasey accessary for the extension of Fortyfifth street streetnorthwest ItIftt1IOrtht streetaorthwoot northwest from it its present terminus tenaia te Wesley WesleyHeights WesleyJiftIdIU WalerHeights Heights to Nebraska stamp with a width cf cfninety fi8dJ ciniudy ninety i8dJ feet Iwt te the District at cC Ciilimliii as asa shown shownoa shownUm oa a plat or anas filed with the said petition petitioepart a apefl part threat and imytaf also that a Jury of five tItdiIriIIt fleejudldsqis jiadfcfouB iadfcfouB aprtieBced dsstteterestcd diIriIIt ed men Jaea who shall shallbe Ihallbe shallbe be freeholders within the District of Cotambm Cotambmand CoIaIIto C4asbhnneat neat istated to any per lutemeed ed ill ue uedte go goradle00 radle00 i4 not ha dte emulne or Rasst Rasstot tof of te DIItrIct oC eoaQ6 ce 01 tile eDited eDitedbit UnitedStates States bit is sosed by 1M United States liar liarabel a aIIIaI IIIaI for tile DIstrict el Cotrabla to rara the theeaeb thedM dM each owner of lad to be eeIIJIItaia i iacatain IIJIItaia b7 meson of tile of said street ItIfttaDd streetand and th tile coademaatJan to of the land necessary for forthe forthe forthe the purposes thereof and to todimagci rara as benefits benefitsresulting tmult mult resulting IC theftfraa Ole the mire aOIIIIt ol aiel aieldaaa edddsasri dimagci plus pI the costs of this procwdrng upon upontbe upontIw uponthe the land abetting bat upon the said street to be ex extended extndecI cxtended tended tendederts ad ahs upon all other pIeces and par parft pareels eels of mad which the Jury may find will willbeDeeted be bebenefited bebenefited benefited by the said id extension of the and street streetU 1 to by the court this Od day of Qetafcar A UcII4Ie I IIIR 87 ordetid cII4Ie that all persons baTIng any Interest tetcNttm uttIane in these proceedings be sad they are hereby herebywarned bershywarned 11 warned and rnaaaiiifrd to appear PMI te this court courton urtoa usarton on or before tbe 9Kb day of November A DMaT Dat UIi MaT at 1 oclock a a and contxane te attend attendaace muendsafe Ddgee gee until Use court shall have made aile Its final finalorder IIonIft finalorder order ratifying and confirming the award of dam damages damaDd dama a ages aDd the asstnaatnt of benefits of tilt jury juryio jaryo juryto io be empaneled and a sworn herein and it is isfarther ISfurtINr ISfurther farther ordered that a copy of this wtie lOt mAice ot and aadorder udonIu andwdsr order be publIshed once te the Washington Law LawReporter 111Jeportft LawReporter Reporter and on six secular days te the Wash Washmfton WailsItUm MII MII1IIIt 1IIIt mfton Evening Star The Washington Herald and aadthe udtile andthe the Washington Post newspapers published te the thesaid tMDiItrict said District oaameacfe ueciay at toast twenty days daysbefore daJIWeft daysbefore before Use said 2fch day of November A DIt 1 017 017It 11gIt It is sa further twt ordered that a copy of this tbiahd notice noticeaad noticeand and order be aided by the United States Muahal Muahalor or his hi deputies upon a suet of the owners ol the tbelaad fto theland land to be condemned hereIn as may be found fuoadby fuIIDc1lis foundby by the said Marshal or his deputies within the theDistrict die1JIiItrkt theDIstrIct District of Colombia and upon the tenants ad aadoccupants adCICCIIItB andceenimati occupants of tat man baton the said alt die davof cia of 1 November A MaT By the court toar JOB JOBRAKNARD JOBJUJtNAItD JOIsI4ARNARD RAKNARD Justice A true copyTest Seal SealJ SolJ SealJ It YOUNG Clerk My CUNNINGHAM CUNNINGHAMi CCNXI CUNNINGHAMAIstaM GHI GHIA i Assistant A Clerk tuerkIzvI oeM odtIE JS Ja JaLEVI LEVI IE DAVID DA YID Attorney for Complainants ComplainantsIN t1IIIp IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT DISTRICTof I of CVhtmbu hnD holdfns an Equity Court CamIlle CarnOkJacobs cmcJaa CamIlleJaeoi Jacobs et aL vs Irving Jacobs Docket Equity EquityH Xo SC5o 4eitksa tIaa at the report of LevI i iII Dand trustee ated herein that he has sold soldto IOIdto soldto to Wakes JI Booth the west 4 feet of lot 1 aDd aadthe aDdthe andthe the fast ast wet led front or lot 7 in block Columbia ColumbiaHeight CnlaatllaJlftcht ColumbIaHeight Height anpnwed by premises Xo 190 fiarvarU fiarvarUstreet BanarItrlet Hareazatroet street atroet for 5U SUR 51 In cash subject to a trait of ofJM ofS5IIt JM S5IIt 50 at 5 it te by the court tate 9th day of ofOctober ofOctober ofOctober October MaT adjudged ordered and decreed that thatmid thataid thatsaid mid ale be and the same is hereby ratified aDd aadcaemrmed aDdUDINa sadconfirmed confirmed unless canes to the contrary be shown shownon abowDQ shownem on or before NOVEMBER a MfrT prortded a copy copyof espyof of this th 41 order be published in the Washington teD lAW IAWReporter lAWJtepartft lAwlieporter Reporter and Tbe Tb Washington HrraW once 0Dlefor a weak weakfor westfor for three successive weeks before said last mentioned meatfcmeddate JDe8doMdelatr mentioneddate date ASHLEY ASIILEYL GOULD Justice A true copy copyTrst copyTest Trst Seal YOUNG Clerk By It PRELEW 1 1BELEW PBELEW BELEW Assistant Clerk ocSSnSU ocSSnSUSUPREME oeID5u oeID5uSrlR odinLI3SUIRhLME SUPREME SrlR COURT OF THE DISTRICT I OF 00 COtombw 00lDmb 00losable losable lDmb a holding Probate Court Estate of Mary MaryJ YrJJ Steven deceased No MW3 1 AdmmfetTation AdmmfetTationDocket AdseinIetratlonDocktAppllcaton dadldtltatioaDodetpplkaUon Docket DodetpplkaUon AppooUJce baring bean i made herein for forletters foroC forleteeta letters of administration on said estate by Alberta AlbertaA A Uothery it is ordered onI ed this 291 day of October OctoberA Oct OctA A UK hiS that the unknown heirs lid aext of oCaDd kin kinand kinasd and asd all others concerned appvar in said court ouartTU on onTUESDAY enTUESDAY TUESDAY TU SDAY the atta day of yt November A Dat BW BWat Sitat at tt oclock a a to show cause ure why suds appri application aggltcallers cation should not be granted Let notice tj hereof jn be bepubttshd beP bepisbihibed pubttshd in the Washington Wa Law La Reporter and The TheWashington TIMWubtn TheWashIngton Washington toa Herald once te each of three tbftemeb soccMsrve soccMsrveweeks nceeaij nceeaijweeks weeks before the return day herein mentionedthe mentionedthefirst JlteDtioa mentIoupfoot tte tteIrst first publication to be not leas than thirty days 11 be before before before fore said return day ASHLEY GOULD Jus Jti Jnitier Justice tier Attest Seal JAMBS TANNER TANEKof Register RogMcrof of Wills Will for the th District of Colombia Clerk of the theProbate Utelroblte theProbate Probate Court 1 STEPHENS Attorney Attorneyoet338noG AttorDtyecd33IBOG ittorayoeti30at6 oet338noG oet338noGSUPREME ecd33IBOGSUPRE oeti30at6SUPREME SUPREME SUPRE IK COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF 0 CO COrambia COhlMbia CUhumble humble holding a Probate Court No lfl Iml Ad AdmiflUrtration AdMial AdsahaststratlonThs miflUrtration Mial sahaststratlonThs tntionTbis This is to give aoticV DOt nctl that UM UMsubscriber UwMIb8cribet thissobecribef subscriber Of the District of Columbia has ob obtained obWIMId ohtamed tamed from the Probate Court of the District of ofColumbia ofColuabia ofColumbia Columbia letters of adminIstration adll on the estate estateof esaaef saintsof of Ghariea Laberge late of the District of Co Cohuabio eo1umbia Cohumble humble deceased All persons baTIng ha claims agaInst agaiasttbe agaHllittM agaInstthe the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the thesaaM tile581D thesame same with the TOUCDMS roudMrs thereof legally antasaU aatheaUeatlJd antheetisated sated at to tae s4 cdbcr rIbc on or before the 21ST 21STDAY WTDAY zwrDAY DAY OF OCTOBER A 41 MM otherwise otben Uwy Uwym Uteraa1 thsymay may by law be excluded from all benefit of said saidestate soldestate 611 611eltate estate Given under my hand this 21st day of ofOctober ofOctober ofOctober October 1W FREDERICK A PENNING Con Contsiry Rturr a tury BuildiaK Attest Sral JAMBS TANNBK TANNBKRegister TNNImRedllter NNEE NNEERegIster Register of Will for the District of Columbia ColumbiaClerk ColuabiaClerk Colombia1lerk Clerk of the Probate Court COLDREN FEN FENNINO FXNLO PENNING NINO Attorneys oca oeD3Old oeD3OldSUPREME ociiodSUPREME no noSUPREME SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF CO COlorabia coJIIBIbia Culumbia lorabia holdIng bo a Probate Court No HS3I Ad AdmlnfatraUon dmh AdmlnhtratiotsThle mlnfatraUon mh JtraUonThIs Tab is to glee notice that the sub subscriber MIbICribor subscriber scriber of the District ct of Cob has obtained obtainedfrom 00ta1Dfdfrom UbtaRMfrom from the Probate Court of the District of Co eoJumbla Cclumbla iHfflbte lMt buttes testamentary on the estate of John JohnHayes JobaH8II JolsiHayes Hayes late of the Dispkt D4silct of Columbia bia deceased deceasedJ deceasedAU All A 11 porsans hating harl elates against agai the deceased are arehereby arehereby arehereby hereby warned t3 exhibit the tis same with the tbeTonctaers therottdJe therondsere Tonctaers thereof legally authenticated to the sub subscriber 1lUbscriber subicriber scriber on or before the 2LST lST DAY OF OCTOBER OCTOBERA A I K08 310 otherwise they way by law be1 be excluded excludedfrom excludedflOlR excludedfrom from all benefit of said estate te Given 01 wader my mytend auaDd myhand tend this list day of October M7 MICHAEL MICHAELP SULLIVAN SULLI Li mi 314 Thirteenth street streetAtt aorthwMt methwsotAttest Attest Att CSeaI Seal JAMES TANNER NBIt Register of ofWflb olWills ofWills Wills for the Distriot of Columbia Clerk of tae taeProbata tINProBate theProbate ProBate Court 0 DOWNING Attorney Attorneyoc233lDc6 A Aoc233I006 ltaraeyocB34no6 oc233lDc6 RAILROADS RAILROADSBALTIMORE RAILROADSBALTIMORE RAILROADSBALTIMORE BALTIMORE OHIO RAILROAD RAILROADROYAL RAILROADROYAL RAILROADROYAL ROYAL BLUE LINE LINELEAVE LINELEA LINELEAVE LEAVE LEA YE NEW UNION STATION STATIONEVERY STTIOJJIlY STATIONEVEKY EVERY OTHER 11OUK ON TilE ODD HOUR HOURTO HOURTO TO PirADELPIlIA AND OD NEW YORK YOItKNIiW YORKNEW OK1C OK1CNSW NSW TERMl TER31IiY 3D ST NEW YORK YORKa 1 741 a a III Diner I iIWr Pullman Parlor Parlortl Parlor1I rUII tl UII a Iluslet Uldl Parlor uklr Mw iiepourIraht iiepourIrahtR br Trat TratD a Ill a Dinn aDd Pullman Lance CtUOI Ar ArIII tUOI III 00 a as Diner aDd IDI Pullman IJrI c1 sr 1 JL a Diner and Petunia Parlor cr crp ear 3 a Hani United All AI11u AI11uHIt PH lwhlesan lwhlesant4 HIt Coaches to PhPsdelpbiSj PhPsdelpbiSjp 11a0ade 11a0adea 1hDedea 5 a Ja Dlntrnd DiDrr and lnltawBlarte IuIlmaR arltr arltrIf 19 PL IlL Coaches to Philadelphia I2dladeltlaua listledehithIsl1li 11 ua 31 IL Sleeper ijleepeili 232 a 81eei 81eeiWeekdays ili i 1ifi t7f geo tl1OO th1f a lB ci tIm tImJrN 3 a aANNAPOLIS JrN ANNAPOLIS ftorIS west days 00 a IL 11 IISI neeD neon400liiua 445 400liiua SUIIIII Swslaya030aa i31 a 5J1 iiPtU iiPtUEVEItY mCXlty CXlty 1l0 flOUR 1t ON Till hOUR hOURWeet 100CRVeekdays7SdaM Weekdays Weet Veekdays7SdaM dalll 7 a Hl to tn3p 8Jm 8 mTO a aTO aTO TO BALTIMORE BALTIMOREJlSt BLTIlORKOO 200 OO 55 fl 155 OO 131 J5 1355 20 20tli tli i I11S OI a JIL a fit tilli aceil 11 el 311 3 JS tI35 g3l t4 tIll I it 355 15 5 1UD 131 ja f71S 1 1 iii 135 JlSt 1434 Ml Ml 11a iik JI I mWESTWARD IIIWESI mWESTWARD WESTWARD WESTWARDCHICAGO WESI WESTWARDCIIICQO ARD ARDCIUCLOO CHICAGO IM a a 122 531 531CINCINNATI JJIJk JJIJkGINCIXXAT1 a aCINCINNATI CINCINNATI GINCIXXAT1 ST LOUIS and LOUISVILLES LOUISVILLE LOUIS ILLE 110 JO a BL is Mj6 au tta night nightP1TT8BURG DtalttPITJSBVICG nIghtPflFSKCItG P1TT8BURG fl0 1t a I 1a 1 114 II mCLEVELAND 111 111EL 1255 1255iIsht iIsht iIshtCLEVZLiND CLEVELAND EL tM mCOLUMBUS a aCOLUMBUS COLUMBUS JI PL MWHEELING aWHEELDG WHEELING WHEELI Eli ai a IlL S9I 11 ts rIUGERHTOWN IlL IlLWLiCIlE8TEn ILWLNCIIESTbL WLiCIlE8TEn 1041 It a wLN a ilL tsMProDt1t 1055 jFRKIEKICK joItEUEkJCK 1SJt 94 11 Iis 15 a a a 11 11tUlSp 5033 5033tS tUlSp tS a aJIAGERSTOWN IUGERHTOWN OEJUJTOWN t9M 1 a a JUt 1i PDailj pti a aDhi1y Dailj Except I Sunday ftjanday only onlyR ontyReservatioa Reservatioa servatim ti tiI vt ptD Sl SleepIne prae or Parlor Car space apace tfrTELY tfrTELYIJlOsk mIss ratoof ralesof mIssof of fare 4c will be aoickly furnished lIT TELE TELEPHONk TELEIIIONk PHONk at all of the blowing Ticket Oes 0tIIcei1 Mli MliG 14 14o 1417U st it nw Telephone Main laIR lilt PesMwlvania PesMwlvaniaavr IteDM1I IteDM1ITeJepbObC ace Tefepboue Mate ain 278 New Union UnionMaasaehiuetts StatiOll StatiOllta StaticeMameckusetti Maasaehiuetts ta and Delaware av ayes Ticket Offlee OffleeTelephane OlieTelephics lee leeTdqIbqae Telephane East 8 1iIIi 7 Infcrtaation IolG 1atioa Bureau East TSt TStSOUTHERN mSOUTHERN 721SOUTHERN SOUTHERN RAILWAY RAILWAYN BFoUowinc BloUowiD schedule agures published plblllh cell as asinformation asiDf ISiufcraaUOiI information iDf and are nut guaranteed guaraatHdT1J guaranteedf 70 55 a aDanrfle DanTiH and way stations stations8jB tatioDLa stationsa 8jB a a aMarrIaooburg Harriaooburg and way stations stationsNew stationsL ssIeeprra aSleepers sIeeprra aDd coaches I AUata aDd aDdX andNew New Orleans Sleeper to Columbus Ga Dtmve tar 11 a aSavannah a IL aSleepers SIeepen and coaches 0 Cotunibi CotunibiSssaiasb tt ttII Savannah II and JaeksonTille Dining I Car CarT4JI Carftll CorN T4JI ati aHarrhsosltsrg Harrisonburff and way stations stationsMan RationsI daM Man 111 I jsuCbariottesnlk Wsrrcatoa and way waystattons wIlYItattoDl wayatstloe stattons 115 05 Po aSleepers Shavers and coaches to Atlanta AU a S5tt Socset a aset set Route Tourist Sleeper to San Francaseo lII tri triand triUt tn tnweekly weekly Ut is8leepera Iftpn md reaches te Chamtte Chamtteand UharlotteCeslusabIs CeslusabIs and Augusta A Dining Car CarMJ5 CnIS MJ5 IS Po m8kpa and coaches Cm tIc Lynchbnrs rck rckUId Lyscisboegand and Bristol to Chattanooga ttaiisoa Memphte and New NewOrleans NewOdeata ew ew0rIeana Orleans Dining Car CaelI1t Ca 11 lI1t aNew IL ew York and New Orleans Limited LimitedSolid LimItedSolid Solid PnHmen I to Asheville A Atlanta tJaDta Btomincaam Btomincaamand Blamlaghamand Kw Kwand and New Orlnat flab and Observation Cara Din Dining Di1lin lIlalag lag Car CarNoteDally CarNoteDshIy NoteDally CIeD arCIeD tWeet tl tlTbrousb days daysThroofh daysTh Throofh Th trains from the South arrive WaaUagtan 7 135 A US and a IlL 234 3I 535 55 gs 211 112B Il aM amiIliM aMUM IliM daily Local train from Uarrtamimrg 1I h1arrIusuIfgU 129 JL week days and tIt daily free freeCharlotUsrflle freCllarlattariDe ireneebarkteidlle CharlotUsrflle SM JII a a daily FRquent tmins III to is aad from frwaTkut Bhiunoat BhiunoatTkket thsemestTittet Tkket Omens 74B ttth st Ml 18 1 ave aDd Pans PansvlTWM pIOIYall PennqIvaxsim vlTWM IOIYall A Station autionC tkatioDC ACKKRT HARDWICK HARDWICKV A Gen Gm 1 up paw Traf lg 4gr 4grW TAYJOE A 1 I BROWN OCHESAPEAKE XCHESAPEAKE 1 1CHESAPEAKE CHESAPEAKE OHIO RAILWAY RAILWAYSchedule RAILWAYI RAILWAYSchedule Schedule in effect September ber 38 JKI7 191 1107ZW 2 ZW I MOLD DOMINION DOI IOX EXPRESS week wtekdays wpetcIa weekdnyaStogss days cIa dnyaStogss Stops at principal posnts in In Virginia Vesti VestiHot YditraiD call callbide bide trans standard coadMr ceecknt parlor rIor ear to VIrgInia VIrgIniaHot Hot Springt whngi handled in No 15 from Gordomville Gordomvillevhich GonIooHIllebich Gordouecllleihidi vhich bich has a Ia carte parlor oi car and connects at Coy OOTington 011 011iDItoD Coyhiiston ington for Virginia qw a Hot Sidings Pullman Sleepers SleepersClifton SIftpenlUltoa SleepersCUlts Clifton Forge to LouIsville LoaintIk Cincinnati LiDcitmat1 Indianapolis IndianapolisBt Bt Louis IomA and Chicaisx CIaka Cohiago3li 4 411 MXEW LIMITED Daily DattyFrst DAUr DAUrIo DailyF Io Frst new vestibule train stops only at Gordon Gordowvttie GonIoefriIJfo Gordonciii vttie ciii Chsdot5rtL AarioU TiLu Staunton Clifton Clift Forge and andCovmgton DelVa andCocaism Covmgton Va While Sulphur Roneeverte and andUimoa aDdHiMo andHintem Uimoa HiMo 11 Va a IlUhvan sleepers r5 to Lexington Le LeMJainWr LexingtonLouIsville LeiinstenLouisville Louisville Cincinnati Indianapolis llll St Loots and andChicago aDdtJ andchicago Chicago Dining IJiaiD can a I kt earw cart stoles ODe Ooenight ODeoot OusnIt night out outUM ootUII UM 1 MF 14 LIMITED DsflySoiW DailySolidinatibsie DsflySoiWv dtrain inatibsie etaml train I oOman sleepers to Ctoemnati CtoemnatiLaxington 21udnnatlLIngton H1A Laxington and LounmOe Cempartmcnt sknpinK sknpinKoar gcar car to Virginia iqpnia Hot Storing week days DicIng cars carsa an ana wea a Ia carte service Sleepers Sleepers Cincinnati to 1 Ohieaso Ohieasonod CI eaoMId Lieagoand nod St Louis 1451 and LouIsville to Memphis ti Nash Nsnvflle Nashvilla u4t u4tI villa and Southwest SouthwestReatrvations Sentha Senthakearevatlous west west1C I Reatrvations 1C and tiek tickets Cs at Chesapeake sad Ohio OhioOmces ObOemoe Omces 513 I auisytvanm scones aMlMlej 0 Uth street streetnear MftfiI street streetuser I near and Sixth StINt SUllen SCa ea Telepaent Main Main3m MainR34 3m for PeoDsykanM leoatJh Cab Service and Del Maim XsinK MaimR sba sbafor for Ticket Ottos OttosNORFOLK 011oINORFOLK Sic SicNORFOLK NORFOLK AND WESTERN RWY RWYSCHEDULE RWYSlIIEDCLJ HWYSCHEDULE SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JULY II MOT MOTLeaves 3007Lesees Leaves 1 Washington 1 It Station on Sixth and andB uctB uctJI andIt streets streetsTM stipyta TM 7 a nt and tiJl a nu aDailyAfl Daily DailyAU All point on onNorfolk onNoefolk Norfolk and nd Western also KnoxriHe GbatUnooga GbatUnoogaand battsnoogaand and Memphis MrmptusLWdS Memphis1i15 WdS 1DDailylWaDoke DailyRoanoke Bristol Winston WinstonSatom WiDsteDSalem WinstonSalem Salem Knoxville KDon Chattanooga tanoop Nasbrilb Memphis MemphisFor yee yeenr MemphIsNew New nr 0IkaDa Tucugh IUVQP Sleeper Dining Can CanFor CarsFor For NorfolkLeave Washington Wa iDltOll 43 a a daily daily11J5 111 1115 a a a daily except exeej booday 3 Jt6 Po daily dflyArrive JtArme dailyAm Arrive Am Norfolk 1131 a 5 535 1 Po W46 45 Po PoFroa mFrom aFune From Station 4 daily Berry Ifcrryviile ICtrrJYiIIP Berryvilla villa Lurajr hAif Shenandoah ERie Trains TR from the UMSouthwest theSocIth theSosthuM Southwest SocIth arrive arnie Pennsylvania Station 10 a a as asand DL DLaDd taand and 11J6 mAn 111An aAS An Information Fourteenth street and New York Yorkavenue Tortarenas kaYflllht avenue Bond BoadSEABOARD Building BuildingSEABOARD iufldn1 iufldn1SEABOARD SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY RAILWAYTICKET RAILWAYTICK RAILWAYTICKET TICKET TICK OFFICE OFFIlE 1 1431 PENNA lEXS AVE AVENotice AnIiticofoolloin AVENtieeFoIlowing Notice Iiticofoolloin Following schedule not guaranteed guaranteedJ ouaraDt ouaraDtUS US A Daily UIo 1ySeaboani Seabnard Mail Through coaches coachesand coachesaDd cdsesand and Pullman sleepers to Savannah Satan and Jacksonville JacksonvilleThrough JadilollYilkThrcuP JecksoucilleThrough Through sleepers Washington to Hamlet and Ham Hamlet I1a I1a1ft 11amlet let to Atlanta aDd mn Birmingham Dining cars carsft canI earsP ft DailySeaboard Express Solid train trainwith t3iDwkJa trainwith with conches and Dd Pullman sleepers to Savannah SavannahJacksonville 5ataDDabJ SaysanalaJacksoneilk Jacksonville Ir and Dd Tampa Through sleeper to At Atlanta AtiaDta Atlanta lanta Birmingham and Memphis Dining ears earsTRANSPACIFIC earsTRANS carsTRANSPACIFIC TRANSPACIFIC TRANS PACIFIC MAILS MAILSHawaii MAILSHawaii MAILSliswaii Hawaii Guam Gua and Philippine Islands III rk 1ia1oraDcPro San SanFrancisco Sanerancieco Francisco rio riM doer here II daily at 11 3I Po up to Oc October OcObft Ic Ictobei tober 31 for dispatch by United States transport transportAustralia IprtADSttalia trnaptAustralia Australia except eice mails for West Australia New NewXealand XewIaDd NewZealand Zealand Samoan Islands Fiji Islands and 11III 11IIICIedoaia New NewCaledonia NewUalisisIs Caledonia via Vancouver IIeIIIImr and Victoria dose dosepatch ebeheft closebase heft dilly at 131 Po IlL a up to Nocember 3 for die Gt5patda dieislet patch by steamer Mtowrn MtowrnHawaii 1IiIMmaHawaii MioweitHawaii Hawaii Japan Kwrt Raves Chins and a Philippine Is Islandn 1 1ria 1leads leads via San Frandsco dose doe here hire Sally afly 111 at 131 131p 39 39Japan 30p III up to XoteaIIIt 3 fcc dhipat by Menace ItfetaecA MenaceJapan A tJ Japan Korea China bs and PhilIppine Islands 1 TBI TBISeattle TIll TIllstUe vIaSeatt1e Seattle dose ben dilly at 111 10 IL 1Ip to No November NotftIbfto Norea vember rea 7 for dispatch by steamer sten lye Mara Marap IanHawaii Macnitowsit Hawaii vIa San Franeison dose ben daily at 131 3 Po a up to November 11 for efepatcii by bysteamer 1IrItamtr hydeonser steamer Alameda AlamedaHawaii AIa1DedaHawaii Alamedalinwati Hawaii Japan Ja Korea China Sad PUlipntae Is Isbnda Is IsTia Islinda linda vm Tia San Francisco dose hen daily at 631 631p 6WP 634p np to Nuessaber vember 11 for dispatch by steamer steaaerMoagctia tUMrJIwa steamerlitisoba Moagctia MoagctiaAostratia JIwaAIIItraUa litisobaAira1Ia Aostratia except ails far Went AustralIa New NewZealand SewZeaJnd NewHamad Zealand Samoan Islands bla Fiji Islands I Islands and New NewUatakmia Xe1ria NewMkdc Uatakmia Mkdc ha vm ria Ia San Fraadseo dose doe here daily all at at63B at63i 63B Po a up to November 17 for dttpttcli by bystcnmer brIkaJDtr bysteamer steamer hereTIc InvericJapan IIIftI1cJ hereTIcJapan Japan Korea China and 1WHppine riii i hIuM Island vIa ifeVaanonver TiaaIIOaftI vIaVataezver Vaanonver aaIIOaftI and Victoria a dote br acre daily at 131 39 IL np to Norember Xof 9 for dispatch by bysteamer bystrainer steamer Empress 1 of 01Snfly India IndiaSocially I IilB Socially addressed maib ahIe ilB for Japan I Korea Korea KoreaChiu and aadChina andCoins China via Seattle dote do here daily at 1 8 Poap mup aup up to November 21 for dferatch by steamer Iit Kaga KagaMara Kagalam KagaMacu Mara lamBUSINESS BUSINESS DIRECTORY DIRECTORYWASHINGTON DIRECTORYASIIIXGTOS DIRECTORYWASHINGTON WASHINGTON WASHINGTONPAXCY WASHINGTONFANCY ASIIIXGTOSFXCY FANCY GROCERIES GROCERIESS HENRY HENRYHO HO 3 PENNA AVE NW NWSUPBRB NWSU NWSUPERB SUPERB SU BR COFFEE W1NBS VI DS AND LIQUORS LIQUORSGROCER LIQUORSGROCEU LIQUORSGROCER GROCER GROCERa GROCEUPrivate GROCERPrivateStock a Private PrivateStock IIVAIA Stock llisky Thiskri5c 75C a guar guarA quartAmey uai i iAw Aw A Amey above eferying JAS DONNELLY DONNELLYMth DO DONNELLY141k RLLY RLLYHda Mth and I its BW II Wines Wi ned udL Luncheon SsoeWttes SsoeWttesMACHINE speesaltieMAChINE tML tMLIACIIIXE MACHINE SHOPS SHOPSG SHOPSG SHOPSG FORSBERG FO1RSBERGMACHINIST FORSBERGMACHINIST FORSBERGMACHINIST MACHINIST AND BOILER MAKER MAKERWorks YKBRW MAKERWoeks Works and whwf whert 8th and Water its sw BnaeboaW dies ttth and sts aw Phones Main Kl i and 7 7ALEXANDRIA iW iWLEXANnRIA IlLALEXANDRIA ALEXANDRIA ALEXANDRIALU3IDER ALEXANDRIALUMBER LEXANnRIALIDffiER LUMBER AND MILL IILL WORK WORKHENRY WORKHENRY WORKHENRY HENRY I FIELD FIELD co coSASH COSASH COSASH SASH DOORS FRAMBS FRAMBSLUMBER FRABSI FRAMKSLUMBER LUMBER I OF ALL LL KINDS KINDSPROPOSALS KIDSPROPOSALS KINDSPROPOSALS PROPOSALS PROPOSALSPROPOSALS PROPOSALSPROPOSALS PROPOSALSPROPOSALS PROPOSALS FOR RED BR1CKSOFFJCE BRlCKS FnCB OFBuIMhig BulWteg for National Museum Lftrary Lftra of Con Congress Con118H Coospress press Washington a October 3 il prorxMals for red bricks for this building will bo hi re received rerelent relent at this office until 2 oclock 11 on TUES TUESDAY TUESDAY TUBSDAY DAY November Traber 1907 aDd then publicly opened openedHpwineatiotts openedSptfIeatIoni ed edS Hpwineatiotts tiobs and other information faformati ll famished application BERNARD 1C It GREEN Superintend Superintendent ent of Construction oca3931aa789 oca3931aa789RUG Oc3ITh0T89RUG 18I 18IRUG RUG WEAVING WEAVINGOLD OLD CARPETS WOVEN WOVE INTO HANDSOME HANDSOMEfluff BANDSOYC1fWf HANDSOMEfn fluff fn rags ra drop postal NONPAREIL 123 Sth se Ieoc83et oc83et AUCTION SALES SALESWALTER SALESWALTER SALESWALTER WALTER WILLIAMS A CO Aaottaaeera AaottaaeeraChancery A AChancery A1ot45ntZ3Chancery Chancery Sale of Valuable Valuab Business BusinessProperty BusinessProperty BusinessProperty I Property on the North Side of ofPennsylvania ofPennsylvania ofPennsylvania Pennsylvania Avenue Between Between9th Between9th Between9th 9th 9th and loth and 12th and I3th I3thStreets i3thStreets 1 1Streets Streets Northwest and on the theSouth theSouth theSouth South Side of Street Between BetweenI2th Between12th Between12th 12th and 13th Streets Northwest NorthwestBy By virtue of a certain aecree decree passed in th the cause causeaf caUMel af 1 AmelIa Tracers at vir vs John Tracers Trsvenet Truenet Tracersof et at al No 214S4 avrity In the Supreme Court CourtUte tUM 1the UM District of Columbia ColIMa th tM undersigned trustee trusteewill nu nu1IiII thuteen1cm will 1cm elite for sale Ie at public auction in front of tl tlpremiss tIprtMI the thepseanleen premiss on TUESDAY THE TWEXTYXINTJl TWEXTYXINTJlDAY 1WDoTY 7ENTYNINTlLDAY I Tn TnDAY DAY OF OCTOBER MW at POUR OdO OCLCK OCLCKP KP KF toe east cesthaWcicrbI5NiIotSInaluaee3l cesthaWcicrbI5NiIotSInaluaee3larsd half of orietaal lot in squarr 379 379and 3j3ancl and also the east four feet more or less fronting frontingott frO tM ott a Pennsylvania 111 avaane and nmaia IIg tbrov through UuovikD i ta taD tDatneetothawsathalfoiaid Datneetothawsathalfoiaid street of the west half of said lot lolL lolLAnd SAnd 5 5ADd And at HALF PAST FOUR OCLOCK ON THE THESAME THESUIE THESAllE SAME DAY TUESDAY THE TWEXTYSINTM TWEXTYSINTMDAY TWEnrITUDAY TWHNTYNINTOIDAY DAY OF OCTOBER OCTOBER Sit lots tt and in th thttmkrsigMd thf thf1IIIIknigaed thundird ttmkrsigMd undird trustees vubdrrision of lots in square square2W Iq Iqsa 2W sa a as recorded in Surveyors JVxk iJ iI peg page XThe 35ItnJUnd 34The The ground in awe pmre 37S is improved by Foe 92T 92Taad 9ZIHIli 927and and 99 PeanayhaoM 1 avcaae a northwest mil and running runningthrevgh numiDrh cunningto threvgh to street 8treet and tb the ground in square IqureI squareill ill I is improved ocoi by No Nm rfn and 123 i Peaasylvanu PeaasylvanuareB lIIuIIflYUAafemte Peelvanmarcane arcane areB northwest and Nos UK HI aad 12U street streetnorthwest ttreetDortlnr streetnorthwest northwest northwestTcnas Dortlnr DortlnrTmDI northwestTena Tcnas of sale de OfiethM 1 1S of the purcbaso purcbasomoney vanhasGtBOOtJ parchasomoney money in cash onethird tItrd Cl 13 in one year and one onethird ODethird onethird third 13 in two yean from I the day da of sale eJe with witbinterest withInterest ita itaJt interest oc the deferred payments at UM rate of offire ur11Te offee fire 5 per centum ceatu per annum payable Mmlan Mmlanimftlljr MIDianm realazinselly imftlljr llr or all 11 cash at the option of the purchaser purchaserthe purchuerthe jmrciuaaerthedeterredpsymeutstohelntheproeshsocynales the thedeterredpsymeutstohelntheproeshsocynales deferred payments pa to be in the promissory notes notesof DOtesof 5 5of of the purchaser and secured sorer by deed of trust on the ther thereal thereal real sl estate sold ODe thousand tIaoa ad dollars shall be hs re required requed meqoired quired as a each deposit on each parcel of property propertyfronting IrOpertfrWIti pcopertyfronting frWIti fronting on Pencsrlvania avenue in said squares as assoon U100I1 am500i soon as the sum is bid off and five 1 hundred dol dollars dollara dcilava lars on the street 5 property All CMneyancicg CMneyancicgand CIODenndnaDd asnceyascngand and recording shall IbaJL aballbe be paid for by the theIt purchaser purchaserIf purshasersIf If the terms of sate ale be not complied with within witUnthirty withinthlrt withinthirty thirty thlrt 30 SOS days t1 after the day of sale the txustm txustmreeerre UUlttMm uuatsosreseree reeerre the right to cause the real estate fas refer reference nlere refercace ence to which coca cars falters snail apply to be resold resoldat moldet mesodat at the risk aDd east of Ute defaulting purchaser purchaserpoo purc purthaseraiim uer uerpou aiim poo each terms sad after suck previous notice of of8Mb olIMM ofnenk 8Mb resale as the trustees may deem proper properPiaU properPbts prosperlists lists of the stew property can be obtained from fromeither fromel freoneither either of the trustee or auctioneers on application applicationGEORGE applkat1oaGEOIlGJi apgiicatlocGEORGE GEORGE HAMILTON HAMILTONGantary HAMILTONOUmUnT HAXlLTOBatIdbz6 Gantary Bufldtna BufldtnaJ BuDdth 5 HOLDSWORTII GORDON GORDON3M GOJtDONi 3M iH i st at nw nwEDWARD nwEDWARD sawEDWARD EDWARD A A NEWMAN NBWMANFaadaJl NEWMANPandaS BWML BWMLleIIItWJ FaadaJl Bnfldinz BnfldinzCHARLES BddtazOHARLDB BuildthjGHARLE8 CHARLES STANLEY STANLEYS 6 Beet Lexington Luia st 1 Bltbnort Mi MiTrustees 345Till UTnIteeJ Trustees TrusteesTHH TnIteeJTIlK Till ABOVE BOYB BALE IS POSTPONED UNTIL UNTILTHURSDAY UNTILTHURSDAY tiiTILTHURSDAY THURSDAY Norembtr 7 WIT Jute sa boun and andcsiat andBY aufL aufBY csiat BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES TRUSTEESADAM IRUSTmsM3dSds TRUSTIESocfild84s M3dSds M3dSdsADAJt ocfild84sADAM ADAM A A WBSCHLEB AuctIoneer AnetloaiecCHANCERY A ACHAICBRy AuctIoneerCHANCEILY CHANCERY SALE OF 0 OFTALUABLE VALUABLE IMPROVED IMPROVEDRKAL IKPROVEDRRAL IMPROVEDREAL REAL ESTATE list fi SBARNY STREET STREETBROOKLAND STREETltOOKLADD STREETBI000KLAND BROOKLAND ltOOKLADD CBy cBr CBy By vIrtue of a decree of the Supreme Su ft1118 Court othe of ofUte ofthe the District of Columbia passed in Equity tr Cause CiusaNo CauseNo CauseNo No 2U39 a the undersigned uadeci trustees trust will sell lellpaWic at atpublic atIe public Ie auction in front of the premises pr on FRI FRIDAY FRIDY FR FRDAT DAY the Ilk day of November CMM8ber A A IS 111 at etoclock 5 5oeloek 5odock oclock 10 IB DL the followingdescribed land nd ndpremi6es andpremIses ad adpremises premises situate IB the tis city of Washinston in ths thsDistrict thsDi5trict theDistrict District of Columbia aDd designated as sad betas betaslot efll efllJot beinglot lot numbered four 4 block thirtytwo JZ square 3qUreJm squareSOE 3032 ia BrooUand District of Columbia said lot lotbetas lotbe lotbeing betas be 5 ro feet front by IS 1 feet deep the Mae tJ tJrecorded beng bengrecorded qreconIed recorded im Count County Book number pag pa page 118 of the thsrseoros thereeor therecords rseoros records in the oee alice of the Surveyor of the District Districtof of Columbia together with the improvements con cocBisttnff conI consisthag Bisttnff of nlnerooea DlDeroomfnuDe frame dwelling d1le11 and outbuildings outbuildlEBST oatbWJdi oatbWJdiTerns outbuildingsTacrss Terns nzt of tale Oaethird of rf the pnreiuse purobs money moneyto mOil mOilto moneyto to be paid in cash cub and the balance ia two equal equalinstallments equalialtaJlm eqnalInstallments installments tl payable in one and two Tears with witiinterest 1flt4faterelt withInterest interest at per centum per annum U1D1JIII payable seou seouanaBsQ 1eJILl1y aemaennafly anaBsQ aennafly l1y from Uy of sale secured by deed of trust trustcixw tnutU110ll tzist115am cixw the property sold eoId or all cash cub at the option otbe tItbe ef efthe tbe porcoaser panb purchaser A deposit of 100 will be required u1 othe rUte fthe the purchaser at the tias tIme of sale AH conveyaneiEZ conveyaneiEZI eoaanclI eoaanclIreoonhDf conveyarsdrgrecording I recordia recording and sourtal fees at the cost of tbe pur purchajer pr prdaL pichaser chaser daL Terms of sale to be complied with vritisa vritisafifteen with1ifteeB with withfifteen fifteen days da from day of sale otherwise the trustees trusteesreserve trusteesr trusteesreserve reserve the right to resell tbs property at the riic riicand ri riand I Ialld and east of the defaulting defaul IIg pmcbaMr after five Gy days dtrsadrertiseiaeot daysadvertisement TS TSadfertisemmt advertisement of such resale in same newspaper newspaperpwMlsasd BenpaperpWIIIIMd newspaperibed pwMlsasd ibed to tie city of Wassungtoe CfRANK CPRA CPRANK PRA fRANK ELDER ELDERH ELDERS st at aw awA uwA wA A A LEFTWICH SINCLAIR SINCLAIRColumbian SCiCLAIRCoIUJabiaa SLNcIAIRColombian Columbian Building BuildingocS45t BuiJdiDCTrmtfts Buildingcr21451 ocS45t cr21451LOCAL Trustees TrusteesLOCAL TrmtftsLOOAL LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET MABKETPrices MARKETPriees MARKETPrices Prices owned arc anBUTTEItD wholesale wholesaleBUTTER wholesaleBUIYERDeaad BUTTER BUTTEItD Demand aottv motive and mufc market streamer streamerCreamery lt1onerfaacJ stiogeecreamery Creamery fancy SKisJI do Western na ftrsts 6 t1 25a a 31 5 do seconos MCIIID SaJC prom fancy 3137 3137do 3Iardo 00a27do do fair to pood 2mS dairy choios Bull do docood doDOlI dogood good Mt 1IdI storepacked fresh fl1ll JSaSI 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