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Jamestown Weekly Alert from Jamestown, North Dakota • 1

Jamestown, North Dakota
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I James River Valley DAILY ALERT North Dakota Established 1879 JAMESTOWA WEEKLY ALERT metropolis of JAMESTOWN WEEKLY ALERT. Established 1878 Vol. XXXV. COLLISION A MUGBY BAD ACCIDE.I TO FAST MAIL TRAIN--TWO DEAD Rugby, N. Nov.

20th. -In a head on collision Sunday morning between a G. N. freight train and a fast mail train, Engineer Wright of the mail train was killed, also Fireman O'Leary. Express Messenger Price is not expected to live from the injuries.

Conductor Winn of the fast mail, Brakeman Riginbagh and Mail Clerks Healey and Jennings are also injured, more or less seriously. The accident occurred six miles west of Rugby early in the morning, and is due, it is said, to failure of freight train crew to attend to ders, which were to side track at Tombridge, five miles west of Rugby. The freight engineer failed to see the station signal on account of a heavy storm. The fast mail was running at 50 miles an hour speed, when it crashed into the freight engine which was demolished and the engine of the fast mail plowed its way clear thru into the first freight car behind the engine. The mail clerks in the first car had no warning.

Wrecking crews worked all night to clear the wreck. The boiler of. the fast mail engine exploded with terrific force. Many cars of the freight train were thrown in zigzag position across the track. Engineer Wright was one of the oldest engineers on the line and was the engineer of the first fast mail train.

Warrants for Train Crew Warrants were soon out for Engineer Acker and Conductor tianson of the freight train which collided with the fast The men are charged with criminal negli-1 gence in not sterping the train at Tombridge. RECOLLECTIONS OF FT. TOTTEN Major F. W. Freeze, publisher of the Daily Commercial Letter, at Milwaukee, who keeps close tab on crop conditions and other matters in this part of North Dakota, writes the Alert: "I greatly enjoyed the article on the Fort Totten reservation, in last weeks Alert and will send my copy to General Baldwin, who at one time, as captain of the 5th Regulars, was stationed there.

He is now retired, as major general at Denver, Col. But I see you omitted mention of Major W. S. Peck, who was post trader at the fort during the military regime. Frank Palmer was Indian trader.

I spent several weeks, my summer vacation in fact, at the fort during the when the fishing was excellent. Major Peck died in Denver a few years ago, but Mrs. Peck, I believe, is still living." DEATH FROM PNEUMONIA Young Man Yields to Fatal Disease After Short Illness Albert Harris of Coon Rapids, young man about 21 years of age, who has been working the past fall near New Rockford, was taken sick at the Hotel Brown, in this city, about November 12th. He was at the hotel for two or three days and became much worse and was taken to the City Hospital for treatment and died Sunday, a week later, from double pneumonia. His mother was notified and arrived today, accompanted by an uncle of the boy, who -was apparently a fine young man and whose sudden death under the circumstances, is a peculiarly sad blow to his mother and family.

The remains were taken to Iowa where funeral service and burial will be held. TOO COLD FOR DEER HUNTERS The Madsen-Procter deer hunting party have returned from the Missouri river bringing home three deer as a result of the trip. The weather was very cold and the snow on the river bottoms nearly knee deep, ins deer hunting arduous sport. The most success in getting deer is usually to climb into a tree and wait the approach of deer driven from the thick brush by beaters or hunters. Sitting in trees, however, was too cold a job.

If milder weather had prevailed it is likely that better success would have been had as deer are reported plenty. The party made a cabin in the woods headquarters and had a fine time. JAMESTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1911 Number 12 DEATH OF MRS. M. WELTER At Her Home in This City--Remains Were Taken to Perham, Minnesota The home of Michael Welter was sadly bereaved Saturday, when the wife and mother passed away.

A- bout three years ago, Mrs. Welter had a severe illness with pneumonia, from the effects of which she never recovered. Sonsumption set in and made rapid progress and for six weeks she has realized that she must leave her husband and children. Kindly neighbors and church and lodge friends have done all they could to delay the departure and 1 to make the last days comfortable. The end came Nov.

18th. Besides her own family, she leaves five brothers, three of whom have visited her recently. One of them, Mr. Jones from Texas, was with her at the end. A great deal of sympathy is felt for these friends who have lost so dear a relative.

The children are Hazel, a girl of 13 and two boys, Edward and Roy, who are younger. Her maiden name was Nellie Jones, and she was married to Mr. Welter about 14 years ago. She was 36 years of age. The funeral service was conducted at the home, on Seventh avenue south, Sunday afternoon, by the Rev.

G. W. assisted by the Congregational choir. The house was filled with friends, among whom were members of the Royal Neighbors, to which society she belonged. The Royal Neighbors accompanied the husband and brother as they went to the depot to take the remains to Perham, for burial.

This was the former home of the family and Mr. Welter came from there to Jamestown some eight years ago. Quantities of beautiful flowers at the funeral attested to the high esteem in which Mrs. Welter was held. NEW 'PHONE DIRECTORIES Local Commercial Manager H.

Hamilton of the Northwestern Telephone is distributing the new telephone directories for Jamestown and the vicinity and the new books are found to be a great convenience. Following the large amount of telephone work done during the past summer by the N. W. simplifying the system, installing new cables, about three-fourths of the numbers on the party lines were changed, and until the new books were in circulation there was much confusion. There has been a steady growth in the number of phones, over 1100 being installed in Jamestown at present and the number increases steadily.

Manager Hamilton requests that all the old books be destroyed as soon as the new direotories are received; changes in the numbers will be corrected upon calls, by the chief operator, until all the new books are all received. MACCABEES GIVE "SURPRISE" The members of the Maccabees gave an informal surprise Monday eve in honor of the Misses Laura and Mary Colling, who will become the brides of Max Riddle and Chas. Miller on Thanksgiving day. Both young ladies are members of the order and the affair was given at the close of the regular meeting in Henderson hall. The Misses Colling were presented wth beautiful pins of the order.

Mrs. Geo. Game, who has been a most faithful worker in the lodge since its organization, when she joined as a charter member, was given a cut glass water set. Mr. and Mrs.

Game were married 20 years the first part of the month and the occasion last night was in recognition of that anniversary. Among the amusements of the evening was a peanut contest. Mrs. Myers winning a five pound package of peanuts. Refreshments were served by the younger set of the order.

LAND SALE IN MONTANA F. H. Ray, Register of the Montana State Land Department at Helena, has issued advice that the state of Montana is to hold a sale of land in Powell county at Deer Lodge on December 15th. There will be about 11,000 acres offered to the public. For information as to tracts and appraised valuations, interested parties are asked to address Register State Helena, Montana.

Dana Wright for the nest sherif. ORGANIZING AGAINST FOOD PRODUCERS The Real Issue Which Confronts North Dakota Farmers and Business Men The following letter from Senator P. J. McCumber to the residents of North Dakota and every agricultural state, deals with a subject that demands immediate attention. The letter should be read by every farmer and business man and the subject carefully considered before the next primary election.

It is not a partisan or political question, it is a "question of bread and butter." The letter was written in response to a request for the senator's views, from H. C. Plumley of Fargo. Senator McCumber says: Washington, D. Nov.

10, 1911. I have your favor of the 30th ultimo in which you ask me to present what I ueera to be the question of. greatest interest to the agricultural. sections of the country in the coming political campaign. I gladly avail myself of the opportunity your letter affords me, of presenting to the people of our state, which is purely and wholly agricultural, and of all the agricultural states, a matter of not only grave moment to them, but also the imminency of a great and threatened danger to the agricultural interests of all the northern states.

The public speaker or writer is so prone to exaggerate the importance of whatever may be the temporary issue, and to so vehemently declare that this or that is the greatest problem the country has ever had to solve that I hesitate to use an expression 80 much misused and abused even when a mighty problem is upon us. But I feel that this thought should not deter me from giving the actual truth. therefore, state with a8 much force as is in my power that agricultural Interests of the northwest and the food producing interests of the whole country are nearing a most critical period; that it is today facing the greatest danger that it has ever had to meet; that in order to avoid that danger the people of every agricultural state should be made to comprehend its importance, should make earnest and timely effort to meet it, and should enlist the co-operation and active support of all those who represent in congress the agricultural states of the union. THE ISSUE IS, SHALL THE FARMDR, THE FOOD PRODUCER, SHARE HIS HOME MARKETS WITH THE FOOD PRODUCERS OF THE WHOLE WORLD? Shall he share this market which he has developed with no little sacrifice with the foreigner who' has sacrificed nothing for it, who pays no taxes to support our extensive school system, who is charged nothing for the higher standard of living maintained in this country, and who owes no allegiance to it in time of need? Shall he compete with the world in everything that he sells, while a customs duty is levied on most of the things that he buys? Reciprocity with Canada is dead at present. But the spirit which actuated the agreement and brought it into existence in this country is not by any means dead.

Let us not for a single moment deceive ourselves with the thought that President Taft originated the reciprocity agreement. President Taft took the necessary steps to crystalize into a law that which had grown to be a clamorous demand in all the cities of the country and which undoubtedly represented the sentiment of the majority of the people of these I allude to the demand for. cheaper food products. The 1 most elfective cry in, the world is the cry for cheap food. Rents may increase a hundred per cent; every other item of expense may advance accordingly; our city extravagances may run riot, and we will pour out our earnings to meet those demands with little complaint; but let the cost of our food advance ten per cent and an alarm cry is.

heard from one end of the country to another. If the farmer's product advances to keep pace with the higher cost of his lands rangements today at points equally distant from consuming centers, these products would command the same price whether in Canada or the States. The Canadian market price is the Liverpool market price, less cost of transportation, commission, insurance, etc. With free intercourse our prices would, of course, find the same level. Without that free intercourse, the home demand makes our prices so much higher that we do not expect any of our best milling wheat from the border states.

Meager as are our crops this year, the loss that would follow a free trade arrangement in wheat, barley, flax and oats will be manifest when we compute this difference in prices on the 1911 crops of two border states alone, North Dakota and Minnesota; thus: North Dakota Kind of. Bushels Dir. in Grain Raised Price Loss 64,447,000 14 9,022,580 Parley 18,360,000 30 5,508,000 Flax ....14,000,000 15 2,100,000 (Estimated) 40,863,000 7 2,860,410 19,190,090 Minnesota 62,953,000 14 8,813,420 Barley .24,273,000 30 7,281,900 5,000,000 15 752,000 (Estimated) Oats 61,765,000 7 4.323,550 Total. .21,170,670 Grand total loss to these two states on these four crops alone, for the year, if we were on a free trade basis with Canada, would be 860. And if this properly measures our loss from free trade with one competing country only, and on grain only, we can form some idea of the vastness of the loss had we free trade with every country in the world in every food product.

Few people appreciate the amount of food stuffs we import into the country. Even with a high protection against most of that which is imported, we imported during the year ending June 30, 1911: Food 863,205,418 We exported in the same $1,095,957,754 With only this slight excess of exports over imports of food products, with protection we may properly pause to contemplate where the balance of trade would be with no protection whatever. Democrats and Republicans Should Agree There should be no differences between the adherents of the two great political parties from agricultural states, who believe in a fair deal for the agriculturalist in respect to the maintenance of a proper duty on agricultural products. Because, while the faithful democrat may not believe in any protection to any industry, he does believe in a tariff for revenue, and he knows that such a tariff will be levied, that such tariff 1g always a protection to some degree, the greater the duty the greater the protection. And as this duty will always be levied on those things which the agriculturalist must buy, it ought in justice to be levied with the same degree of protection on what he must sell.

I say without fear of any contradition that the poorest paid labor in the United States always has been and still is the labor bestowed in bringing into existence a food product; that the cheapest articles purchased in the markets of the country today, when measured by the a- mount of intelligent human energy necessary to produce them, are the raw products as they leave the farmer's hands. It is a palpable injustice therefore to enact any legislation that will decrease the earnings of this poorest paid labor while maintaining the standard of other labor. I go a step farther and declare that so far as legislation can produce it, it is our duty to enact and maintain laws that will increase the farm earnings until the tiller of the soil reaps as great a reward for an equal number of hours labor as the equally intelligent skilled laborel or business man of the cities. Causes of Higher Cost of Living There are several causes for the higher cost of living. They may be summarized as follows: 1.

The great increase in our circulating medium, due for the most part, to the ever increasing gold output. In 1895 our per capita circulation was in 1911 It has (Continued on nest page, Column 1) DEATH OF W. E. DODGE WELL KNOWN ATTORNEY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND FORMER JAMESTOWN RESIDENT DIED SUNDAY and the higher wages he pays for labor, consternation seems to seize the average city mind. The Canadian people defeated the I reciprocity arrangement entered into between the representatives of this this country and the Dominion of Canada, an agreement which would soon have enabled them to swamp our northwestern country with the free food product of the kind produced in the northwestern states.

They defeated it, not because they did not recognize that our market would be 1 great benefit to the agricultural class of Canada, but because they believed its final result would be the absorbtion of Canada by its greater neighbor. It was the spirit of Canadian Nationalism that won over the desire for a mere commercial advantage. But the action of Canada ohas nt abated the agitation in this country against present food prices an agitation which ignores the real causes and seeks to hold the food producer responsible for them. The great question which now confronts the American food producer is not, shall the Canadian food product come into this country free, but shall we permit the whole world's product, including that of Canada, to pass our custom houses without the payment of a cent of duty? Let no one deceive himself with the idea that this question will not have to be met and met soon. Those who complain of the prices paid for food for the most part fail to comprehend that the farmer receives but a meager share of the A- mount paid by them.

I do not think the farmer receives four cents for the food which constitutes an average meal. After the food product has left the farmer's hands it increases in price from a hundred to several thousand per cent by the time it reaches the consumer. That portion of our population who know nothing about raising food products, but who eat them three times a do not generally appreciate this condition, and they are therefore persistently demanding that our own food producers shall compete with the food producers of the world. Will We Be Injured? There is no use of any one, democrat or republican, attempting to delude either himself or the public with the idea that free trade in food products will not harm us. It will harm us, and greatly harm us.

No informed man could have failed to observe the effect of the reciprocity contest upon the market price of our cereals. During the many months the subject was under discussion before the American congress the markets responded to every prophecy of success or failure of the project. Whenever its passage looked encouraging, our grain prices went down; whenever its prospects tooked doubtful, prices went up. When the 61st Congress adjourned without its passage, grain prices took A great leap upwards and when it became certain that it would pass the 62nd Congress, our prices declined and continued to decline, although we had a very poor crop in the great wheat states, until the day succeeding the Canadian. It reached its lowest point the day preceding.

Then came the word that the Canadian electors had declined our proposal. Within two days wheat advanced six cents per bushel; barley, already very high, from five to ten cents per bushel; and since that day both have steadily advanced. With a shortage of wheat crop in Minnesota and the Dakotas and a large crop in the Canadian northwest, our northwestern markets would easily have been glutted in case the reciprocal arrangement had been carried into effect. On Oct. 31, this year the ence in the price of grain between Fort Williams and Duluth, one as favorably situated as the other, was wheat 14 cents, barley averaged a- bout 30 cents, oats 7 cents, Mar 15 cents.

Had we full reciprocal ar- The former well-known resident of Jamestown, W. E. Dodge, who has resided for the past twenty years at Minneapolis, died Sunday, Nov. 19th at his home in that, city. Mr.

Dodge was one of the best known attorneys in the northwest, having resided at Jamestown, Fargo and the twin cities. He came to North Dakota from Vermont, when a young man, residing for a time at Fargo. He afterwards moved to Jamestown and formed a law partnership with A. A. Allen, which existed for a number of years with offices in the Doolittle block, under the firm name of Allen and Dodge.

Mr. Dodge married, and two children were born to the family, a son and daughter, the latter of whom is living, the son having died in the west a couple of years ago. During their early residence in Jamestown Mr. Dodge's father also resided here. While a resident of this city he devoted his entire time to the practice of law, altho he held the office of city attorney, and represented this county in the council of the territorial legislature of 1887.

He was employed as attorney for the N. P. at Fargo when Chief Counsel Clough presided over the legal affairs of the company, and when Mr. Clough associated himself with the Great Northern road, Mr. was promoted and went to St.

Paul to reside. He afterwards became assistant counsel of the Great Northern during the period when M. 1 D. Grover was chief counsel for the road. He remained in this position for several years and moved to Minneapolis, after having terminated his.

connection with the railroad com-. pany. He had practiced law in Minneapolis for a number of In addition to his immediate family he leaves a sister who formerly resided in Jamestown, now Mrs. T. H.

Bowditch of Wahpeton. Mr. Dodge was ill four months previous to his death. He WAS born May 11th, 1857 at Lowell, Vermont. He had his early school education at the St.

Johnsburg Academy, and began the study of law with W. W. Grout, a former member of congress at Barton, Vt. He was admitted to the bar in 1880. His daughter, Mrs.

Harvey L. Wilcox, resides at 2315 Dupont Avenue, Minneapolis. He has a brother, Fred Dodge, at Aberdeen. The funeral occurred Tuesday from Lakewood Chapel, Rev. M.

D. Shutter of the Church of the Redeemer officiating. JURY LIST DECEMBER List of District Court Jurors Drawn: For Next Term of Court The following list of jurors have been drawn for the December term of the District Court, beginning December 11. Geo. Rulon, Edward Joos, Wm.

Frazier, Peter Ostrand, W. H. Philbrick, Thos. Thornton, Geo. W.

Kurtz, John Cumber, Frank Whelan, Ed Jaskouski, Sidney Ahlers, J. T. Eager, Ed 8. Larson, R. W.

Feehan, J. W. Swigart, Andrew Bystrom, Christian Klundt, Paul Lulai, E. L. Morris, Frank Wright, Carl Christopher, Dan Hamilton, Frank Colby, Gus Hennemann, Fred McRea, N.

T. Lein, F. B. Webber, Anton Frederickson, W. J.

Phelps, Wm. Kavanagh, Wm. Maloy, 1 L. L. Chambertain, C.

W. Austin, Thos. Hendrickson, W. F. Foye, Henry Dornemran, August Klose, Martin M.

Olson, Fred Bischoff, Arthur Roberts. CARRIED SWAG IN WOODEN LEG Sioux Falls, 8. Nov. authorities of Fall River county, following the robbery of a saloon at Edgmont, captured a man with a wooden leg, and in a cunningly made receptacle in the leg was found quantity of the quarters, dimes and silver dollars which had been stolen from the saloon. In the receptacle were coins to the aggregate value of about $40.

Another suspect was arrested at Ardmore and had in his possession the remainder of the stolen money, the two evidently having committed the robbery in company and then divided the "swag.".

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