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Okolona Messenger from Okolona, Mississippi • 7

Okolona Messengeri
Okolona, Mississippi
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1177 ii ror? malaria. An epidemic of Malaria ii sure to fol-low the wet seasou and the high water which hare prevailed all over the South. Malarial and kindred fever will develope to an alarming extent. General health conditions will be bad; every precaution should be taken. The Sjttsm Matt CspssUII, a far.

tllatf Resist Malarial Attacks. A trial of fifty years haa demonstrated that for tula emergency, Dr. Har-ter'a Iron Tonio haa no equal. Iron la the fighting element in the blood, and the kind of Iron supplied by Dr. Ilar-ter'a Iron Tonic la just, the kind the system requires to successfully combat malarial conditions.

Don't wait until you are attacked. Take It now and fortify yourself, It la an absolute safeguard and, at the same time, It la the beet tonic and Invigorant for the entire system. On the other hand, quinine disturbs the system and its cumulative poison begets greater physical troubles than those It is employed to remedy. here a bad case of chronic Malaria already exists, take DK. IIARTER'S FEVER and AGUE SPECIFIC.

It to guaranteed to cure. Price 60 cents. BUT IF YOU WILL mmw mm a tt morj tqkic Yam Won't flays malaria. Mm All dealers handle, or send to Dr. Hauter Medicine Dayton, Ohio, Houston, Ant.

1, 1901. "I have used Dr. Harter's I' .1 IV IUJ pun hi; family for over twenty-flvs years, and pan -t 1 1 A 1 a particularly valuable to wara oa malarial and other fever. J. H.

Haws, Land and Emtf ratios AgU, Frlaoo Line. (SLIM fatnattt tksf akv tullaeatil iasta4 Korea haa ordered Russia to the other aide of the Yalo River, and commands her to stop cutting Korean timber. Now, what ia Korea going to do about it if Russia refuses to atop? Ia Korea backed up by England or Japan? And will it not be as unfortunate to be eaten up by one of those countries as by the Russian bear? The Koreans do not amount to much, though. Polonious wn right about men often being proclaimed by their apparel. Men who wear petticoats about their legs and rat traps on their beads have something wrong about them, even after dne allowance is made for the customs of a country.

You Know What You Are Taking wnen you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is sin? ply Iron and Qainine in a tasteless form. Is'o Cure, No pay. Cannon Alnger, biographer and editor of Charles Lamb, once uttered this pithy saying: "You may preach like an angel, but If you can whistle on a stick people ignore your preaching and speak of yon as 'the man who can whistle on a TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the mosey if it fails to cote.

W. Grove's signature is on each box. Price 25 cents. We are ready to own that man has learned a good many things. He can make an engine that will travel at better than a mile a minute and he can hitch the lightning to a car and make it pull his load.

He can measure the distances of the stars and tell when they will arrive at a certain lo cality. There are a lot of things that he can do, but after all, man doesn't know much as compared with what there ia still to find out. Man ought to understand the causes, of rains and drouth, of winda and calms, and know how to control them. The fortunate individual who Uvea long enough in the future will know ao much more than the wisest of the present genera tion that the philosopher and scientist of this day will seem like 30 cents by comparison. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble.

Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discourages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cheerfulness soon 60 disappear when the kid-wst" neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent I that is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urinates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon It. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these Important organs. This unpleasant trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose.

Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The "mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized, it is sold by druggists, in fifty-cent and one dollar sizes. You may hare a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Bom of swamp-a. Ing ail about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr.

Kilmer Binghamton, N. be sure and rr.ssUcn this paper. Don't make any mistake, bat re- Bwnbr thA TiBrnn Ssanm.T? nnt Dr. Gilmer's Swamp-Boot, and the address, Kingbamton.New York, on every bottle. i Forty-Five Extracts from the Prairie News, a Paper Published in Okolona before a majority, 'of its present Citizenship were born.

From the Prairie News of June 10, 1858. The Mobile cotton market reports sales as amounting to 4,500 bale at 11 1 2 cents for middling. Col. Dqdd, of Macon, ban received the appointment of Con sul to Havaaa, Vice Col. Blythe resigned.

We learn from the Holly fVrng. Ilerald that Mr. Marshall proprietor of the National Iluiei that place, was killed by two men named B. Q. and II.

Ma-lone, lea or twelve shots were Brea. There will be an examination and collation at Mrs. Leeper's echoolhouse, near Mr. G. W.

Thornton's residence, on the 18th inst. Exercises to commence at 8 o'clock. The pupils and teach ers of Okolona, especially, and the pnblic generally are respect fully invited to attend. The last Pontotoc Examiner contains some resolutions adopted by the patrons of the school at Oak Hill, Pontotoc county, denouncing a Mr. C.

W. McNeil, a teacher in said school, and holding him up to pnblic scorn and scrutiny, for certain acta and "violations of the moral trust re posed in him towards some of his female pupils." Pass him around. "The weather, oh the weath er!" Okolona will Justly become famous for the' rains which seem to be so fond of visiting us. We like a little rain, but not too much, and caa find something congenial to our spirit in the following, written by some rain detesting, cloud hating poet: "I bate to see the darkest aide; I bate to be complaining. But bang me If my temper stands This raining, -raining, raining: Candidates.

Today three candidates are announced -J. M. Thompson, for District Attorney; W. D. Bradford, for Circuit Judge; W.

C-McQuiston for Justice cf the Peace. AH these gentlemen are well known aa clever men and good lawyers. To the other candidates for the various offices in this county, we would say that the Prairie News having the largest circulation, of any paper in the county, is the most desirable means of letting the people know you are a candidate. Send up your announcements only five dollars in advance. Bloody Affray.

On Wednesday evening last, just on the aarival of the cars, an unfortunate affray occurred atthe depot, between two citizens of this place, Mr. Beuben Clopton and Mr. Lewis Ethridge, which resulted in the death of the former. There seems ta have been a difficulty of long standing between the parties, and on the very day Mr. Clopton bad been put under bond to keep the peace.

As we have heard. the fight began by an attack be ing made by Mr. Clopton upon Mr. Ethridge with a stick. Macon Btar.

Married. Oa Wednesday, the 26th by the Rev. T. J. Lowry, Major 8.

J. Bailey to Miss George Ann Bean, daughter of Col. A. Bean, all of this county. On the 27th by T.

B. Dal-ton, Mr. John G. Nunn to Miss Derinda Prewitt, all of this county. On the 25th by Eev.

D. Pressiy, Major A. 8. Davis to Miss Theodosia E. Goyen, all of Octibbeha county.

On the 2nd inst, by the Rev; E. Baldwin, Mr. A. W. Lampkin, of Mobile, to Miss Margaret Earner, of Noxubee county.

On the 2nd by the Rev. L. Schoolar, Mr. Andrew B. Campbell to Miss Ophelia E.

Thompson, both of Columbus, Miss. The Holly Springs Democrat invites Governor McWillie to resign. This from one of the faithful. Horrible! Forgiveness. The brave only know how to forgive, it is the most refined and generous pith of virtne human nature can arrive at.

Cowards have done good and kind actions cowards have even fought, nay, sometimes conquered, bat a coward never forgave; it is not ia his nature, the power of doing it flows only from a strength and greatness of soul, conscious of its own force sad security, and above all the little temptations of resonticg every fruitless attempt to interrupt his happiness. i Years Ago Improvements. At last something like public spirit seems to animate the stubborn, selfish, stingy people of Okolona. They are awakenjng to a sense of their duty in regard to the things which call for the loos ening of their purse strings. The conscientious grip with which they clutch the dollar is relaxing, and the' result is, changes are worked in the appearance of the places of public worship, both creditable to the members of the churches and to the town itself.

The Episcopal church has been painted and refitted in a style that would reflect credit to a much greater number of members than it has, and is an ornament of which a larger town than Okolona might weir be proud. The Methodist church, also, has been painted and otherwise greatly improved. It is no praise to say, this town owes to Messrs. Gibson and Walker, of the Episcopal and Methodist churches, a debt of gTatitude which it can never cancel. It must indeed be a pleasure to these gentlemen to look and see the work they were most instrumental in bringing about.

The members of the various denominations were, of course, the ones who contributed the means to defray the expenses all honor to the liberal spirit which prompted this; but these clever, energetic pastors were the ones to start and keep the ball moving. We learn with pleasure the Missionary Baptist church will soon be repaired and painted. "Improvement is stamped on the wings of time." Let us have respectable looking churches and then fix up the grave yard. Never stop. It will require only a very small sum of money to enclose this "resting place of the departed," and it ought and must be done.

If we are too poor to have an iron railing, let a temporary plank fence be put up. It will keep the hogs from rooting up the graves and overturning the stones. There are always some things aboot a growing town that call for the exercise of public spirit, and if people expect to live without giving anything to improve and ornament their town, they ought to move in the woods, beyond the precincts of civilization. So say we, and so will say all who have any pride. worst of ail Experiences.

Caa anything be worse than to feel that ever minute will be your last? Soch was the experience Mrs. S. H. Fewson, Decatur, Ala. "For three she writes, "I endured insufferable pain from indigestion, stomach and bowel trouble.

Death Beemed inevitable when doctors and all remedies failed. At length I was Induced to try Electric Bitters and the result was miraculous. I improved at once and now I'm completely recovered. For Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel troubles Electric Bitters is the only medicine, only 50c. It's guaranteed by Druggist.

Story of Effectual Calling. The minister of New St. k.n-A drew's church in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, bad offered a prize to a class of young girls iu his Sunday school who would repeat from memory the whole of the Shorter Catechism, says the Scottish American. Several of them were careful and received the prize. very shortly after the minister, Mr.

Robertson, received a call from a congregation in Newfoundland, which he accepted. He was gone for three years and then came back on a visit. At the home of one of his old parishion ers he met the young girl who received the first piize now crown up into a young lady, fresh "from the Ladies' College and while she was entertaining the company with classical selections on the ptano, Mr. Robertson stopped her and said: "Now, missy, I fear that with all this you have forgot ten fie catechism. I will ask you a lew questions, what is 'effect ual calling! "Effectual call ing!" said she, hesitating but a moment.

"Why, it was the call you received from Newfoundland." Curtain. Kodol (Jives Strength by enabling the digestive organs todiz- est, assimilate and transform all of tue wholesome food that may be eaten Into the kind of blood that nourishes the nerves, feeds the tissues, hardens the muscles and recuperates the orpaas ef the entire body. Kodol DvroeDwia Cure cures Indigestion. Dyspeoeia, Catarrhof the ytomach and all stomach disorders, soia ny urnggtsra. The reason same peoole clve rood advice is that they have no nae for it themselves.

ff a Seven MZkm fcoies sold la pmt 13 Mi A. MART7V JJ OKOLONA ICE FACTORY Ob Ob Hb mm WALLER, Props. i i ili it We have purchased all the other Interests In the OKOLONA ICE FACTORY, and propse to carry on the enterprise in a businesslike manner. Ice will be delivered to all the homes any bns'nes houses in Okolona at living prices. Coupon books can be secured from II.

F. Waller, or from the driver of the Ice Waon. Any lack of good service on the part of thoee conducting the delivery should be reported to the proprietors. ORDERS solicited for the shipment of Ice in large quantities to any neighboring point. Shipments made by rsil in any amounts from 100 pounds to car load Uts Martin TBS I i 1 you have headaches, tongue is stipated, bad taste in the mouth 11 t.

fbATi enm at thpm Tt I your liver. any or all appetite and spirits I i w' J. C. Whiteside, Liven Comer Main and Olive Streets, Okolona, Mies. Everything new.

Fina Teams, Single and Double, with or without driver. Calls for Hacks promptly attended to. Special attention given to boarding stock. Traveling men will find it to their interest to call aud see me. Have a magnificent Hearse and am prepared to attend Funerals promptly fat reasonable rates.

Selling horses and mules a specialty. J. 6. YrHlTESIDM. Soui No appetite, loss of strength, nervou ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh ot the stomach are ail due to indigestion, Kodol cures indigestion.

This new discovery repr sents the natural Juices of digestion as the) exist in a healthy stomach, combined will Use greatest known tonic and reconstructivt properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does no only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach trouble by cleansing, purifying, sweetening an strengthening the mucous membranes lininf the stomach. Mr. S. S.

Ball, 0 Renswood. W. I wi troubled with tour stomach lor twerrty yetr Kodol cured and aa bow ualnc It In Ru! tor baby." Kodol Digests WhatYoa Eat Boiiks only. 1 .00 SIm hoMlrt 2 rime tha trta aua. which, sella tor 60 cants.

Prepared by O. DaWITT CHlCAG $15 to $18 a Week salary tor an Intelligent man or woman tneauh town. Permanent position. SO cents per hour for spare time Manufacturer, box 78, Huisdelpbla Uvuwl 04 hat you eat. 9 Decs tils rcccrJ taded vLi every To Cure a CcI'J in Gza Bay montbi.

TL-3 'tw Ea. TV ALLaVIt Hi Hi tb Hi Hi Hi yi if ii sl i1 il Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Your appetite is poor, vmir' heart "flutters." coated, bad breath, bowel3 coa i i i is a I natural vegetable remedy, containing no mineral or narcotic poisons. It will correct symptoms, make your health, good. At druggists, 50 cents. and Laic stile dr.

try ISV.DISGOM FOR THAT COLO. TAKE riO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat Croup and Whooping uongh. NO CURE. flO PAY.

IVtea 80c. and $1. TRIAL EOTTUS FRUi. COOS CROPS IN KANSAS. Eaoaas is again experiencing a rood crop of corn, wheat and oats.

Notwithstanding that land values are advancing; very rapidly and are sure to be doable their present value in less than two v-ars. we have succeeded in sponrinj the ssrency for a number of fine farms and ranches in Southern Kansas, the "garden spot of the state," which we will be able to offer very reasonable for a few weeks. Oar little booklet, Riving foil descriptions and particulars, will be mailed free upon application. Address, Tns Knsas Keautt Box 600, Oiwego, Kas cf nzrll to yc Tc Crt, cf Cr eve's Cures C'j Is Two Eiy. jm every SjCyT Okolona Professional nl hmm Mca rsoruRiosat mix.

W. D. "RAZEE, ATTOHMBY AT LAW. Odleenpatalra rer ixfcuflicB. Okolona.

M'a. IH prartloa Id all tha oouna of Federal and Stat T. l. BUCHANAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW.

flee next door to tb Okolona Bankinar Corouanjr. Okolona. Mis. Practice to and State court rixasciAL. B.J.

IISLI. T. t. aaiMLITT. t.

H. SHtlt, rr4del, Lttikter. Aist. lathuf. OKOLONA BANKING CO.

CAPITAL Stock Transacts a awa t.anklnur buaint-as. lomstic and Jorelra Ex haoi bouirht and sold. Lafat Uwil aorew door burglar proof sale uiud. Thl bank carries burrlar ioauraace, and 1 one of the safest depositories In the state. CRT aoons aud cujthimo.

J. RUBEL A CO. DRT-GOOD3. Clothlnr. Kat Shoe, as wholesale and retail.

Bit throe room stflre, carrrlna- the largest suitk In KortheaaS Mlsaliisippl. Ladles have always been able to find In our store just what they deaire to purchase, because we are aiwavs up with the styles, and yet the latest. E. 8. ELLIOTT A SON, DBT 60008.

aothtnr, Boota and Shoes, HaU. etc. Our prices, quality of Roots j. 7. muvi.j.

nj lair dnallng and honest business methods, we al- -j hjij vu uuiuidk ousbonier wnen ue haa once favored us with his trade. Okolona. a L. ROSENBAUNI, THE DBT-GOOD9 PH1NCE. still offers tbe nil 1 in thm ttrt iy A-.

it foods to select from in Okolona. Ladles' fine urs goons, ana complete Shoe Department. Best stock of Clothing- In the city, and prices to please aLl careful buyers. etOCIRIEs. w.

r. coxheb. w. h. raaasov.

CONNER A PEARSON. GROCERIES and Produce. Okolona, Mlaa. Stock fresh and always cared for. Prices that aatlafy our customer and that will suit alt.

Try our apeclal brands of Flour. Head miarter; for fine Coffee, including the famous French Market brand. russrrcai. R. W.

CHANDLER, TjlURNITCRE and Undertaking, Stock larner BelghbortDg town, and kept fully up-to-date. Flue line of wall paper and decoration supplies Undertaking aud Embalming with modern equipment. corroa. NEWBURCER COTTON CO. BUYERS and Importer of Cotton.

Highest price paid for staples. District offices at Okolona; branch office aterery station on M. O. Kail road from Baldwin toiUeon, The seller makes a mistake If be doesn't see us. HODIB JOLLY.

ID. ATKISSOIT. JOLLY ATKINSON, TOY ALL Cotton Yard. Okolona, offer the farmeas the best of accommodations tills season, and ask them to come to tbeir large prick barn and be convinced. As good place for teams as at any livery table.

A. CRICHTON, COTTOK YAHD. doing bustnet at the old stand, just south ot Main street. Good accommodation for men and storage for cotton, accurate weights, and fair treatment to all of our patron. MCACTOBIES.

J. H. OWENS, SHOEMAKER, Okolona. Miss. Repairing vi uu aina uone neatly and anu at low irif rind him in hi tent oa West Mala street.

FRED. J. CULVER, piQAB FACTOHV. Attkes a better Scent cigar than is offered In this market from any other factory, and belle vbs he 1 Justified In appealing to the smoking public to patron-Im home Industry. Try the 1.

U. O. K. Cigar. You will like it.

Only the best of stock used. C. L. RUSSELL, rPHK JEWELER, Invites those neaping re-X pairs In bis line, to remember that he has an experienced man at the bench ever ready to give them prompt service. Thoae who experience any discomfort with the spectacles they ar using, should see Mr.

RuaseiL C. WHITESIDE. DEERINO Harvester and Farming tnple-menta. Guaranteed the best and cheapest on the world's markets to-day. See Mr.

Whiteside, at a la Livery Barn in Okoloia. If you are thinking about farming implement. Gent's Furnishing MAN, 3 Tupelo, 3 VZZ TT0LD8 the confidence of all the 3 XI good drewera in this seetion of the state. He carries only the be.t grades of goods and." quality con- --J anl'-red, makes the lowest prices. When In Tupelo call and see him, 8rd north of poxtoirice.

on Spring tet gT1 111 make you clothes that ht. illiiiiiiauiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiili ST1.V1A walk aa. SUIWARO TBOMPSOS WALKER a THOMPSON, THE PIONEER BARBERS. SOLICIT your patronage, and guarantee aa earnest endeavor to mve satisfaction. Be sure of the place, third doors east of tbe po.

oBJoe south side Mam St, Okolona, Misa Hot and Cold Baths. Porcelain Tub, eiiic nrTr)' noynL PILLO TO; lo i Hi; 6fiwi. wiHi I Oosisk. hrr wt wr A tr 141, 1- I kit 4 SM-kaMff ft w.i-sfc 1 ftUu Uiw Mm4n vw i a. lot.

I la rc, I I'. 1 1- 1.

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