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Reading Times du lieu suivant : Reading, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Reading Timesi
Reading, Pennsylvania
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2 WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 24. 1902. XJUJS KJSAJJJ NU GEORGE GANTZ PAYS THE FULL PENALTY Hanged for the Murder of Annie Etter He Makes a Statement in Which He Declares He Was Not in a Responsible Condition When He Committed the Crime. George Gantz, the slayer of Annie Etter, was hanged in the Berks county prison yard yesterday morning.

He was deeply penitent, but went to his death calmly, walking to the gallows HnDarently unmoved. The drop fell at 10.15. The execution differed from all others so far as the attendance was concerned. Thoro was rinp solemnity inside the orison walls but without there were eager crowds, scurrying here and there to different spots of vantage; some as close to the prison yard gate as the police would allow; othets along the driveways and seated as close to the jail as possible. women and children to the number of at least 500, congregated outside.

Some were dis cussing the murder, various opinions being given. There was general expectency. among the crowd that something might hap pen inside the prison yard that might ue heard on the outside. Some thought that Gantz might break into a fury on the scaffold. But nothing of the kind occurred and the crowd saw or heard nothing until seven minutes after eleven when the prison doors were opened and the dead body of Gantz resting in a closed coffin was carried out and placed in the unaertaKers wagon, ARRIVAL OF THE SHERIFF.

Sheriff Mogel, accompanied by Coroner Moyer and the jury arrived at the prison at 9.45 clock. A short time before that hour Sergeant Edwards and Officers Auchter, Rothermel, Kirsch man, Miller, Ludwig, Hintz, Grimmer, Lewis and Bowman marched up in a body and were stationed at different outside of the prison to keep the crowd in order. Sheriff Mogel ushered the jurymen into the Inspectors room where they remained until a short time before the execution. The juors were as follows: Frank B. Brown of Leesport; James M.

Yeager, Sixth ward; Calvin A. Miller, Fleetwood; C. R. Grim, Maxatawny; Edward Elbert, Third ward; Charles J. Lesher, Twelfth ward; George G.

Baker Cumru; David H. Baird, Hamburg; Dr. C. M. Bachman, Eighth ward; Aug.

Bartels, Ninth ward; Irwin F. Maurer, Sixth ward; Jonathan Lutz, Twelfth ward. County Commissioner Gunkel was accompanied1 by Sheriff Milnor, of Lycoming county, from whom the gallows was secured for the execution. Sheriff Thomas L. McMichael of Lancaster county, and Sheriff Weiderlick, of Lehigh county, also were present.

Some of the prison inspectors, a number of the county authorities, Rev. Dr. Brownmiller, Garrett Stevens, and four reporters constituted the balance of the spectators. GANTZ'S PREPARATIONS. Monday night the condemned man was in a disturbed frame of mind.

He did not retire to his cot untii.1.30 Tuesday morning. By his request, Rev. Dr. Brownmiller remained with him all evening, leaving at twelve o'clock. The fact is that Gantz almost broke down yesterday afternoon, but mastered himself and regained the courage which stood him in good stead until the last breath of life was taken.

He was considerably more cheerful after his spiritual adviser's visit, and chatted a little with his death watch, Moses Hoffert, who had been on guard in front of the cell door for 26 days. WatchmanJacob Becker also spoke to him for a little while. Then, as at many other times, Gantz expressed his sorrow that his young life should be cut short in so ignominous a manner. I PITY FOR THE GIRL. Whenever any reference was made by Gantz to the deed charged against him, he expressed great pity for the girl, saying that had he been in his right mind he would not have touched a hair of her head to injure her.

He greatly deplored that he had allowed drink to overpower his better judgment. RECONCILED TO FATE. He heard with interest of the efforts his counsel, Garrett Stevens, had made to secure a reprieve from Governor Stone. He was very grateful to his attorney for the trip taken to Harrisburg yesterday, and the parting between Mr. Stevens and the condemned man was quite affecting Gantz expressed sincere gratitude for all that his attorney had done for him.

Early Tuesday morning, at about 5 o'clock, the condemned man awoke and dressed. 'He noticed later in the morning that the sun was shining brightly without and commented: "Well, I see my last day on earth is a fine one." A cool statement, but nothing toward the cool and unfaltering manner in which the young man passed through the ordeal yet to come. At eight o'clock a fine breakfast was brought to Gantz, consisting of oat meal, squab, cake and bread. He looked at it disinterestedly. Not a bite would he take, simply drank a little coffee and resumed that contemplative demeanor which has caused him to be Salt Rheum You may call it eczema, tetter or milk crust.

But no matter what you call it, this' skin disease which conies in patches that burn, itch, discharge a watery matter, dry and scale, owes Its existence to the presence of humors in the system. It will continue to exist, annoy, and perhaps agonize, as long as these humors remain. It is always radically and permanently cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla which expels all humors, and is positively unequalled for all cutaneous eruptions. come known among the prison officials as a model prisoner. After breakfast he was shaved by one of the prisoners, Elwood Schlaub.

LAST STATEMENT. Dr. Brownmiller arrived early and by Gantz's request took a statement for publication. It is as follows, as dictated by the condemed man: "Tell them that my last words were that I positively know nothing how it happened (the crime), and bneiw not that it happened until they (the officers) told me. It wouldn't have happened if I wouldn't have been drunk.

I am very orry for the deed and heartily repent, and face death with bright hopes of a better life." Some other private statements were made and it is said that Gantz believed that some other verdict should have been made, claiming that he did not commit the deed from malice or that it was premeditated. Furthermore, he did not believe that he had outraged the girl. For this reason his one wish was that the girl might have regained consciousness and told the real story of the occurrence. After Gantz had attired himself in his best suit, with laydown collar, link cuffs and a generally spruce appear ance, he awaited' the coming of the sheriff. MARCH TO GALLOWS.

At ten minutes past ten the cell door was opened and he stepped out, with Sheriff Mogel on one side of him and Rev. Dr. Brownmiller on the oher. The jurymen brought up the rear. I Gantz marched forward with a steady step, Rev.

Brownmiller by his side reading aloud a prayer. He briskly ascended the steps to the gallows and found the proper place to stand over the trap door without hesitation. Dr. Brownmiller followed, robed in the vestments of the Lutheran clergy. On the steps Gantz had smiled a little to himself.

Sheriff Mogel's deputies. John C. Brad ley and Jacob H. Sassaman then adjusted the handcuffs, Gantz's arms being pinioned behind him. They were carefully strapped, as were his lower limbs.

Then before the black cap was placed over his head, Dr. Brownmiller read a prayer for the dead, which the condemned man re peated after him. A benediction was then pronounced, God's mercy being pleaded for in behalf ot the unfortunate young man. HIS LAST GOOD BYE, Dr. Brownmiller then in a tremulous voice said "Well, good bye, George," and kissed him upon the cheek.

There was gratefulness in the young man's voice and face as he answered in a whisper "Good bye." He" had winced a little when the rope was tightened, but said not a word. He did not even tremble at the last moment, but stood erect and in this position continued with wonderful grit until the sheriff at 10.15 o'clock pressed the lever. It was noticed at once when the body dropped that the rope had slipped and that instead of its lodging under the left ear, It had caught him at the base of the skull. There was therefore some apprehension lest the execution would not be a success. The body gave several convulsive twitches and then was quiet.

But the heart beat on. The physicians set the spectators at their ease by reporting at 10.26 that the pulse had ceased to beat. At 10.34 they announced that life was extinct. Deputy Sassaman then remounted the gallow steps and with a sharp knife cut the rope, attendants having hold of the body. Then it was placed upon a stretcher and carried into the rear prison corridor, where the handcuffs and straps were removed and lastly the black Trap.

The appearance of the dead man was not much changed. There was no expression of pain and it is believed that he suffered little. Drs. Schmehl and Wagner made an examination and Dr. Bachman, one of the Jury, joined them at their invitation.

NECK NOT BROKEN. It was then discovered, as It had been feared, that the murderer was strangled to death. If the rope had not slipped, the doctors said, the neck would have been broken and death would have resulted quicker. There were no abrasions upon the neck, skin being only slightly dicsolored. Sheriff Milnor, who has operated the gallows himself in Lycoming county, said that the execution was very creditably done and that the slipping of a rope was an unavoidable occurrence.

The authorities from other counties also assured the Berks officials that the hanging was in every way well conducted. The jurymen then signed the papers of the coroner and he then left with his report which is to be presented to court. In the meantime Undertaker Seidel brought a coffin and thq body was delivered to him. It was carried out to the wagon in waiting in front of the prison. Dr.

Brownmiller was not for a moment absent, having promised the young man that be would stay by his side until deposited in the undertaker's wagon. The body was removed at 7 minutes after 11 to the home of hia. brother in law, Harry D. Miller, 321 1 2 Mulberry stret, from which place the funeral will take place' in several days. The exact time will not be made public, so as to avoid a crowd.

Whlle In prison Gantz became friendly with the watchman and attendants. Those whom he caught sight of while going from his cell to. the gallows were greeted with "good byes." Warden Newcomet re ceived a farewell in which Gantz expressed his appreciation of the kind treatment ac corded him. The event of the day was of especial interest to Mrs. Edwards, convicted xt murdering her husband.

Mrs. Emily Kantner, the death watch, is seated in front of her cell on thev second tier. The convicted woman did not seem to be affected one way or the other. GANTZ'S SIGNED STATEMENT, Last Sunday, Garrett Stevens his counsel, spent some time in the eon I (a UAJLUX LiO ZLLi 13 UIWATUH, KEAD1N THE ROOT OF THE IIATTE3 1 He Cared Himself of Serioaa stomach I Traable, by Getting Don to First Principle. A man of large affairs in one of bur prominent eastern cities by too close attention to business, too little exercise and too many club dinners.

Anally began to pay nature's tax, levied in the form of chronic stomach trouble; the failure of his digestion brought about a nervouse irritability making it Impossible to apply himself to his daily business and Anally deranging the kidneys and Mart. In his own words he says: "I consulted one Dhvsician after another and each one seemed to understand my case, but her with blows uon the head and then ac all the same they each failed to bring complished his purpose, about the return of my former diges The girl did not speak from the time tion, appetite and vigor. For two years he was struck, Gantz is said to.have told j. wem iram pinar to post, irum one sanitarium 1.0 anoiner, i gave igp sinoK ing, I quit coffee and even renounced ny daily glass or two of beer, but with out any marked improvement. 'Friends had often advised me to try a "well known proprietary medicine, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and I had often perused the newspaper advertisements of the remedy but never took any stock in advertised medicines nor could believe a Afty cent patent medicine would touch my case.

"To make a long story short I Anally bought a couple of packages at the nearest drug store and took two or three tablets after each meal and occasionally a tablet between meals, when I felt any feeling of nausea or discomfort. "I was surprised at the end of the first week to note a marked Improvement in my appetite and general health and before the two packages were gone I was certain that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets was going to cure completely and they did not disappoint me. I can eat and sleep arid enjoy my coffee and cigar and no one would suppose I had ever known the horrors of dyspepsia. "Out of friendly curiosity I wrote to the proprietors of the remedy asking for information as to what the tablets contained and they replied that the principal ingredients were aseptic pepsin (government test), malt diastase and other natural digestives, which di gest food regardless of the condition of the stomach." The root of the matter is this, the digestive elements contained in Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest the food, give the overworked stomach a chance to recuperate and the nerves and whole system receive the nourishment which can only come from food; stimulants and nerve tonics never give real strength, they give a Actitious strength, invariably followed by reaction. Every drop of blood, every nerve and tissue is manufactured from our daily food, ana if you can insure its prompt action and complete digestion by the regular use of so good and wholesome a remedy as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, you will have no need of nerve tonics and sanitariums.

Although Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have been in market only a few years yet probably every druggist in the United States, Canada and Great Britain now sells them and considers them the most popular and successful of any preparation for stomach trouble. demned man's cell. This statement was then dictated and signed by him: "At the trial I heard for the Arst time a full account of what I had done on the night of Saturday, the 26th of October last. I have always said, and still say, that I did not kill Annie Etter purposely, and until I was told by the chief of police, I did not even know that she had been hurt by me. Everybody was down on me at the time of my trial, and nobody would believe me when I said that I did not remember anything that took place on that night after we got on the car to come in from Stony Creek.

I have tried to think what took place that night, but I can't do it. "Since I have been here I have realized what an awful thing it must have been, and I have been very, very sorry that things went the way they did, for I never thought even for an instant of doing anything to injure the poor girl. That was the Arst time we had ever been out together. foreive everyone for the parts they have had to take in this case, and hope that I may be forgiven. The only place where I think a mistake was made was in the chief of police's testimony.

I never knew what took place and I can't believe that I told him what he said I did. 'I have been kindly treated while here in nrison and have nothing to complain of. Of course, no one wants to die in this manner, yet it is the punishment which the law makes for a thing of this kind." GANTZ'S CRIME. The murderous assault for which George Gantz paid the death penalty, occurred on Saturday night, October 26, 1901. The unfortunate young girl whom he fatally wounded while in a drunken rage, was Annie Etter, 15 year old daughter of David Etter, at 428 Pearl street.

She had left home that afternoon at 6.30 o'clock to visit relatives at 135 Poplar street. Shortly before 8 o'clock she left the latter place and was thought to have returned home, but she subsequently met Gantz by appointment and they went together to Stony Creek. i About 11 p. m. the couple returned to town, walked down Sixth street and then down Franklin to Pearl.

Their actions were noticed by a number of people who testified at the trial that the girl seemed to want to escape from Gantz, but that by pulling her by the arm and coaxing her, she finally accompanied him. She wanted to walk down Sixth street to Bingaman, but Gantz finally got her started down Franklin then compelled her to turn into Pearl street with him. He had been drinking heavily and several times had almost fallen while walking by the girl's side. About 100 feet from Franklin street, on Pearl, they arrived at a stable and there Gantz is said to have made a proposal to the girl which she opposed. He then forced her into tha shed, beat her on the head with a board until she became unconscious and then outraged her, after which he took flight.

People living in that vicinity heard the girl's moans and notified the police department. Officer Benjamin Rhoda was sent to the scene, and was accompanied by Mahlon Bortz, an electric light in spector. In the shed they found the girl lying senseless, her head lying in a pool of blood. Her clothing were disarranged. Bortz then hurried away for a stretcner and the girl was carried to ppHce station.

Here it was seen that her condition was very serious and she was quickly removed to the Reading hospital. It was 12.45 o'clock when the patient was admitted. She was bleeding from her right nostril and right ear. An examination revealed that she had fracture In the vault of her skull, a transverse acture over the head, lead ins from temple to temple. front of the skull was depressed.

At 8 a. m. an 'operation was performed, piece of bone was removed from the temple, clots from the brain and the depressed portion of the skull raised. She did not regain consciousness, but died at 12.35 Sunday noon. The fatal injuries bore signs that they were inflicted with a board and the bruises on the face are supposed to have been caused by Gantz's In the meantiniesr Gantz was arrested and locked up ah police station.

Chief Miller, questioned' him regarding the affair ana Gantz is said to have made a confes sion to the effect that the girl had resisted him, but that he managed to get her into the stable, then picked up a board, felled je chief District Attorney Rothermel was pres ent when the statement was made to Chief Miller by Gantz. The trial came up in court at the December sessions. On Saturday, Dec. 14, the Jury was selected. It required a full day to do it.

Sixty seven names were considered, these being chosen: George T. Hawkins, colored, Ninth ward; Fred. Shilling, molder, Cumru; Solomon Stafford, farmer. Cumru: J. V.

Shank weiler, storekeeper, Hereford; John A. Hiester, boat builder, First ward; John M. Rhoads, pipe cutter, Eighth ward; John Trexler, cabinetmaker, Longswamp; Adam S. Fisher, carpenter, Sinking Spring; J. K.

Groman, 134 Schuylkill avene; Thomas C. Darrah, tax collector, Eleventh ward; George Melnholtz, contractor, Tenth ward; Howard C. Strauss, justice of the peace, Maidencreek. The case was opened for the prosecution by Harry P. Keiser, who related the, story of the crime, which was substantiated by witnesses.

Garrett Stevens, opened for the de fense the following' morning (Tuesday). There were witnesses to testify that Gantz was an epileptic and that whenever he re ceived any drink he was not his same self. When the testimony was all In, the prosecution had nothing to offer In re buttal. Mr. Stevens addressed the jury with a tremor in his voice.

"I come before you today almost brokenhearted," said he, "We have worked day and night to gather our testimony and had it arranged. But now, as though we were some plague stricken body, they have fallen away from us. Even the father of the boy has re mained away. He on whom the son should rely has rendered himself a fit subject for pity. The father who has no greater love for his son than to leave him face the greatest of perils alone, is not a fit lather." On December 17 the jury brought in a verdict finding Gantz guilty of murder in the first degree.

He was sentenced on April 26, 1902, to be hanged. The death warrant was signed by Gover nor sstone on July 11, and received by sneriff Mogel an the 18th inst. The whole proceedings dazed the youthful murderer. He resented the statements made by Chief Miller, claiming that he' was not fairly dealt with and that he knew of no admissions. In fact, Gantz to his very best friends since then has said that the whole affair at the shed and afterward was a blank to him and that he did not realize the awful nature of the crime charged against him until he was in the court room and heard the stories of the witnesses.

CANADA'S EXPANDING TRADE. Statement Made Public Shows Surpris ingly Large Increase. Special to The Times. Ottawa, Sept. 23 A statement just made public by the customs de partment shows that Canada's trade with foreign countries is expanding with surprising rapidity.

The figures show that the total trade of the Dominion during the last fiscal year exceeded $400,000,000. The Dominion's greatest trade year hitherto was 1890, but this last year doubled. The great bulk of the trade is with Great Britain and the United States, the third best customer being Germany. BRITT VS. CLIFFORD.

Will Furnish Wind up of Boxing Show of the Acme Athletic Club. Special to The Times. Oakland, Cai, Sept. 23. "Jimmy" Britt and "Jack" Clifford are tfi furnish the wind up at boxing show of the Acme Athletic Club.

Both have been training faithfully since the match was made and appear to be in condition to put up an interesting bout. Epilepsy I weakens the body and degrades the mind. It saps the nervous strength that the source of tril health, and perverts the functions 'of every organ. Because of its stubborn nature, it is often called incurable. This is not true.

There is one medicine that never fails to check the nervous spasms and give new strength to the entire system. Our baby boy had epileptic spurns and the physicians were unable to do anything to help him. We heard of Dr. Miles' Nervine, and from the time he took the first dose he never had another attack," Mrs. J.

Penner, 459 N. Meridian Ave, Anderson, Ind. Dr.NilesV Nervine allays nervous irritation, stops spasms, restores digestion and mental vigor. Sold by druggists on guarantee. Dr.

Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1902. I HER il MD THE SATISFACTORY RESULTS TO WHICH IT LED. The Story a Mra. Cooper Told It to a Be porter After Her Becovery.

"It all Came about through the advice of my husband," said Mrs. Sadie Cooper, of No. 329 Main street, Auburn, Me intensely with, inflamma tion oi the stomach for four weeks. she continued. "I had a naturally weak siomacn ana in, December, 1897, it began to' trouble me more than usual.

1 could not bear least pressure on it wunout reeling a terrible faintness, and I had so much gas in it that it caused pains to go all through the upper part of my body. When I got up quickly my head would feel so dizzy that I would have to lie down again and then rise There was a poor circula tion of the blood and for days at a time I was obliged to lie down nearly all the while. I was under a doctor's care for about four weeks. I felt slightly better just while taking his medicine, but It leic no lasting Denent. "My husband, who had taken them himself with good results, at last induced me to try Dr.

Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. So in January, 1898, I began taking them and in two weeks I was able to notice a decided gain. kept on taking them for three months when I hhd entirely recovered. I am glad to say that I have never suf fered with the trouble since." The pills which cured Mrs. Cooper are an unfailing specific for all diseases arising from disorders of the blood and nerves.

Among the many diseases they nave curea are locomotor ataxia, par tial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciati ca, neuralgia, rneumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of the grip, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions and ail forms of weakness either in male or female. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are sold by all dealers, or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price, fifty cents a box; six boxes for two dollars and a half, by addressing Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N.

T. SPECIAL OFFICERS RIDE ON BUFFALO STRIKERS HAVE HELD UP THE TRAIN AT MAHANOT CITY AND HAVE SEARCHED THE CARS FOR NON UNION MEN. The recent attempts at holding up the Buffalo express, on the Reading railway, while going through the coal regions, have led the officials to take precautions against further attacks on this train, and when it pulled Into the Pottstown station early yesterday morning it wag noticed that there were a number of special officers of the company on board. Within the past three days this train, which is known as No. 11 on the schedule, has been stopped by the strikers at Mahanoy City ana Mahanoy Plane while a committee went through the cars in a search for nonunion men.

1 Passengers who were sleeping in their seats were awakened and asked their names and occupation. The committees even went into the sleeping cars, where they threw the occupants into a state of terror. The train was delayed half an hour at Mahanoy Plane before the searchers satisfied them selves that there were no deputies or strike breakers aboard. Last night the conductor on the Buffalo" was George Boas, who alter nates with John Ivory. The train crew stated that there was more or less dis order on the train every morning while on its way through the coal regions and that drunken crowds get on at Port Clinton and Tamaqua and annoy the passengers.

Special officers will be carried along with the train until the disorder ceases, and the rowdies who create disturbances on the train will be prosecuted. Shortly after the strike began this train was taken off the schedule, as the railway officials feared trouble would follow. The "run" with No. 11 is considered the worst on the Reading road bT experienced railroad men, and as it reaches the coal regions early in the morning, just before daylight, the op portunities for boarding it unobserved were many. BLAZE IN A KITCHEN.

Shortly before 5 o'clock Tuesday morning fire was discovered in the summer kitchen in the rear of B. Y. Shearer's home, 146 North Fifth street. The fire was discovered by a servant, who has her room on the second floor, adjoining thie kitchen. She was awakened by the smell of smoke, which was entering her room through an open window.

She at once hastened down stairs to invstigate, and seeing that there was fire, she awakened the family. Mr. Shearer responded at once. He opened the kitchen door, and1 a tongue of flame leaped out. (He at once raised the cry of fire and an alarm was sent in from box 39, Fifth and Washington streets.

The companies were soon at the scene, and extinguished the flames. They confined the Are to the kitchen and the portico of the house. Mr. Shearer estimates his loss between $300 and $400, covered by insurance. Ho the Are originated is a mystery as no fire had been used in the stove for ovier a week.

REDUCED RATES TO PORTLAND, MAINE. Via Pennsylvania Railroad, Account Meeting Woman's Christian Temperance Union. On account' of the meeting of the Wo man's Christian Temperance Union at Portland, October 15 to 23, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Portland from all stations on its lines, from October 13 to 17, inclusive, at reduced rates. These tickets will be' good for return passage from October 15 to 24. If ticket be deposited with agent of terminal lines at Portland before noon of October 16, and 50 cents paid at time of deposit, the return lirnit will be extended to October 13.

Apply to Ticket Agents for specific rates and other information. KUTZTOWN FAIR NEXT WEEK. The Kutztown Fair will be next week, September 30 to October 3. The prospects are that this will be the ban ner fair of all ever held there. There will be band concerts and new features very day.

Concert by the Ringgold Band on Thursday and by the full 4l lentown Band on Friday. TKE SOCIALISTS THREE MEETINGS FOR PENN SQUARE ARE BOOKED THIS On Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week thjj Socialist Labor party will held meetings on Penn Square at 8 the. evening. The principal speaker will 'be Frank Jordan, of Indianapolis, who has been cnsecu uy me Pennsylvania state committee to organize in this state until election day. Although Mr.

Jordan is a young man only about 25. years of age, he is reputed to be one of the best Socialist speakers in America. Until a few days ago he has been agitating among the striking ooal.miners, having been with them since shortly after the outbreak of the strike. Said Percy Vize, one of the local Socialists, to the Times: "Last fall Mr Jordan was stumping New England. At this time, owing to the assassination of President McKinley, much antagonism existed against Socialism, which some confounded with anarchy, and Mr Jordan was arrested 16 times.

This instead of having a deterring effect upon him, has simply added to the vigor and enthusiasm of his agitation, "On October 1st three other agitators will start stumping in this state for the Socialist Labor party. They are William Adams, of Wilmerding, our candidate for Governor; H. A. Goff Sr and Selig Schulberg. both Of Pit tshiirp" Mr.

Adams will be in Reading on Oc iuuer inn. "We are makine a hetter this year than we ever did before. Our membership is increasing and everything Is in good shape. We feel ouite certain of polling a big increase in our vote. 'On Sunday evenine Mr.

an will address a hall meeting. Just which hall will be used has not been definitely decided. An effort Will then be made to increase the membership of the local section. Mr. Jordan will visit Pottstown, and on Tuesday he returns to Reading.

On Wednesday he goes to Philadelphia." REAL ESTATE" SALES. Mengel Mengel report the follow 1031 Penn street, three storv hrir dwelling, 25 by 270 feet, property of the estate of Daniel A. Yoder, deceased, to Enoch T. Painter, for $12,700, 324 South Seventh, street, two story brick dwelling, 16 by 100 feet, property of Sallie Coldren, to Ludwig Kerber. for $1,500.

1253 North Tenth street, two storv brick dwelling, 16 by 100 feet, property of J. Alfred Moll, to Sylvester W. Ma Dry, for $1,280. 830 Church street, two story brick dwelling, 16 py 90 feet, property of Henry L. Clouser, to Harry L.

Witman, for $1,400. 210 Oley street, two story brick dwell ing, 40 by 110 feet, property of the estate of Ed. Smith, deceased, to Foster S. iehl, for $2,750. REPAIR PERMITS.

The following repair permits were taken out: J. G. Yarnell for 415 North Ninth street, for use of street; Contractor Geo. for general repairs at 1008 Penn street, owned by Mrs. D.

K. Keller; Charles F. Heflman, for use of street at 115 North Ninth street; Contractor E. H. Beard for the Reading Foundry one story storage house on Perry street be tween Weiser and RItter streets.

FIRST WARD VACANCY. William Mannerback. real estate agent, South Fifth street, has secured a number of signatures to a petition requesting the tJovernor to appoint him alderman for t(ie First ward for the unexpired term of the late Alderman Stout. Friends of Peter Texter are urging him to become a candidate for the appointment. In Austria 70,000 men have won a nine hour workday.

The men were on strike nine months. ITCHING HUMOURS Complete External and Internal Treatment, One Dollar. CUTICURA The set, consisting of Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften thethick encd cuticle, Cuticura Oint inslanf ly allay itciing, irritation, lard inflammation and soothe1 aid heal, and Cuii cura Resdvtnt Pills, to cof land cleanse! the blood, andeipel humour tcims. A Single Set, price $1, is oien sufficient to cure the most fcrur ing, disfiguring skin, seal), and blood humours, rashes, ithhgs, and irritations, with loss iair, when all else fails. MILLIONS ISE CtmcuRA 8oap, assisted by Soticura Ointment, the great skin cure, ff preserv.

ing, purifying, and beautifying tl skin, for clrtinsing the scalp of crusts, scalt aiirt dan dmB, and the stopping ot falllri hnlr, for srftening, whitening, and eoothind, rough, aid tore hands, for baby rashti itotiings, smi dialings, and for all tiie purf of the lollet, bath, and nursery. MlflionM Women use Cuticura Soap In the form baths for annoying irritations, Inflnnimatif, and ex. corlatlons, or too free or olfeni(e perspir. ation, In the form ot washes ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanatll. antiseptic purposes which readily UKgeneinselTes to women, especlilly mothers.

CUTICURA MI80LVEK PILLS (Chocolate Coated odour, less, economical substitute for celebrated liquid CtTTiouiiA lassoi." vr, asjill as for all othor blood pnriMrs amoirj'jg Put up in pocket price SoMthratf I iw. 1 ChirHr lim. rr fisuo at rpi si 11S.V iiJ?.

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