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Reading Times from Reading, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Reading Timesi
Reading, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JEWELRY. Unprecedented Redactions IN HIGH CLASS GOODS. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Look in our windows. Still Greater Bargains Inside. SCHLECHTERS Sixth and Penn.

DRUGGIST. Witch Hazel Skin Soap The only soap for the skin is Riegel's I Witch Hazel Skin boap, 10 CENTS CAKE. 23 CENTS BOX. This soap is warranted to be a pure vegetable soap, softens the skin and pre vents chapping. Riegel's Sure Corn Cure ioc Kid Gloves cleaned by using the Light nine Erad'cator.

Also cood to clean White slippers and belts without injury. Every box guaranteed. PRICE 25c. FOR SALE BY GHAS. H.

RIEGEL, Druggist, 16 NORTH FIFTH STREET. BggPrescriptioria a BrnwinUv. Wt BICYCLES. The 4 Celebrated Maies of Bicycles THE LIGHT THE SPALDING ud Date THE REMINGTON Wheels. Minn Rattan THE DUQUESNE A FULL LINE OF Bicycle Sundries, Bicycle Clothing.

AT VEUY LOW PRICES. HOFF 403 Penn Street. JEWELRY. The Central Point for A 111U VU II LkUkk 4 3 424 426 Penn Street. Now on display a grand cillection of Silverware, Watchss, Clocks, Diamonds and Precious Stones.

SATH3. KEEP HEALTHY BY USING THE KELLY SHOWER BATH RING Hot Watar Proof Hot kS3 Expreaa ad. 85c. 1'revcnU wetting head floor and walls. AGENTS WANTED.

Hornle'8 Water Closet i i Send for Catalogue. LVost Proof Water Closets, Actin Water Closeta, Kelly Slop ana W.nte Cock. Thos. Kelly 218 Mndison St. Chip STOVES.


Monoy to loan a currant rate. PORTER, ALE, BER, VC. Peter Barbey ooa LAGER BEER BREWERS READING, PA. Office No. 400 Court etreet, Reading.

Brewery Corner of North River an' Hockley street. TbeReadingBrewingGo Brewer of old style Lager Bser, Tlvoll and Forter, Brewery, corner 9th and Laurel Sta, JOS. P. KREMP, Ganaral Manafar. RURKHARTS 1 1 pi I 1 I A ,1 i DOCTORS HAD A Convincing Letter Prom ro woman can look fresh and fair inowomo. One TiyS 'iKSADIITQ DAILY TIMES AUD DISPATCH, REAPPIO, TENNA. GIVEN HER DP. uu aruncai support like a pessary. Artificial supports make matters worse, for they take away all the chance of the ligaments recovering their vigor and tone. Use strengthens; the liga JS? of Mrs.

Plnkham'a Admirers. who is suffering1 from displacement of that such a difficulty can be eured by flabby and refuse to hold the womb in one remedy, and that is to strengthen draw the cords back into their normal righting the position of the womb. ments nave a work to do. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is designed this purpose, and, taken in connection Wash, applied locally, will tone up If they grow place, there is their fibres and condition, thus tne uterine ments wmcn Any woman and she will lower abdomen, great fatigue of charge. All men only.

which, was it and tors I had falling and for two years I could not fuse menstruation, kidney, liver, and case was hopeless. I had taken only, and one of the Blood Purifier when I but Lydia E. especially for with her Sanative in promptly commence Vegetable Compound. Mrs. Pinkham, You tvill Ihe usually severe is dreds of or norelief felt system, strengthening the cords or liga Hold up the womb.

who suspects that she has this trouble know it bv a draccintr weis ht in the irritability of the and rectum, walking, and leucorrhrea should the use of Lydia E. Tinkham's If the ease is stubborn, write to stating freely all symptoms. receive a prompt letter of advice free letters are read and answered by wo following letter relates to an un case of displacement of the womb, cured by the Pinkham remedies. Surely convincing "Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound lilood Purifier cured me when the doe had given me up.

I had spent hun dollars searching for a cure, but found little until I began the Pinkham remedies. much to the surprise of my friends, for they all gave me up to die. Now many of my lady friends are using Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound through my recommendation, and are regaining of kidney trouble. I would advise every to Mrs.

Pinkham for aid." Mrs. Emma THE COOKBOOK. When baking sponge cakes, always have a st( oven, ami do not open the door for tlio first 20 minutes. Never dissolve snlornt us or soda in hot water. It liberates tho carbonic acid gas, and tlui.1 it loses much of Its "raising" properties.

Two things always to be remembered hen cooking oatmeal are that it should nhvays bo cooked slowly," as it then has a sweeter and better flavor, and should not bo stirred while cooking, as that tends to make it pasty. Scallops to be used for salad should he fcaldcd first in plenty of boiling salted Hater, then drained and cooled. They are served with a French dressing made with pinch of rayeimo and garnished with I'jttucc leaves. As a change from the more ordinarv Methods of utilizing chicken, cut tho moat Into neat pieces, dip cuch into a little molted butter, season with stilt and pep per, dip in beaten ejrg, then In bread crumbs, and fry until evenly browned. Serve (tarnished with water cress.

To Cure a Cold in Outs tiav. take laxative bronio quinine tablets; drug jBtsre'nud monev it it tailstncnrp,i HOSPITAL PATItMT 1 ClM ftMlK snv. mirier ftiiili in yvnth of itt 1 MitU rd from tin i Jt'ruts hful folly. My fi liypieim Mini; Ptt Is notlitftf." I cnntractil PoNoii. Alter lit in I UKitin conMuitctl ili doctor.

"I can ctlif you;" for three months i a nwnnian, winc utHtrovcd my U. Ctthliltd WW m.tiliui'h I unl in t'v'L. HpmiTk, who to rure nie for ft. 1 luiftl it. hut irrw worse I went to my (Hini phyblriaii.

tie sent nit: iu in liner riMiin lie HlUil ed In Now York. Paul I must to the hosiil wlit'rc I Htiiywl for nine mounts without relk l. My lather I(ok me to Hot prinys. ilre Htayc il rp two yt'Bis, returning fipparcntly rurert. After one year the hnle diwnsi.

Itrokf out all over aiy l.otly. I was iut in ittting ptivute hospital in Pi is, stayinu two yeiira. mill cmne out a total nok. I met Hit old school frien.i who inf .0 go and see a (Jeoulne AuvertlKtni; Dr.G.F.THEEbM 604 N. SIXTH ST.

I treet. nliiu. who cured bim and a friend ot youthful hl iis. I jeittjea niy lather 10 nt me ro. im toy wit met mrou 1 11 luiiy ilncUit.

Hp nd vised ns not to no. as llirt us iiii nuverilslni: siiycmlist. weni nv in. w. and )i ti.

I'. Til l.i'.li examined me. an no nhyslrian ever did clnhnie all iv trentment. I i need myself under hif cme. It took two years.

ut I hid now well and etrontr. married, and ihe father oi three chlldreo. Way u. MillererH to Ih. Theel.

and not listen to those ho envy him. Koon, true nnd linnest rhysleijii. It is hy re quhhi onlv, thftt I fiithliHii 11 Hint' and address ol patients. Strictest seereey L'uaranteed to nil. Hours troin ft to 3, 6 to hnurn for verv severe ml obstinate cases daily from io Wed.

and Sit, Kv'fis, 0 to itt, t) to '1 tv tinenl bv in it nhle cases. Kend five two cent t.tumiis tor Look only Itook exposini; nuacKM under iH orn siateiuenta and sworn testimonials CATARRH CATARRH Is A Local, Diseaso id i the result of i olds and sudden cli matic chantrcH. This remedy does not contain mercury or any Htier injurious unitf. ELY'S CRKAM HALM I Opens ana ciertiiH the NaMttI I'nssftfTcs, Allays nni 1 in Mam ma 1 lion. Ilea's and Protects 1 Membrane fromOnl fl U.

A Colds, KestorcH tlieUULU Ml nLMt Heiinurtor l'aste an I Jincll. Is ntileklv hiioi Im o. (Jivts relief at once. 50c at DriiKK'stsor hyniail: ntptes 1O0 hy mil li BKOTHKRH. PA Wnrron St vt MADE Ml A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURK a t.L.

iy rmun intra atltDg Mem cry, Ira potency, KleeploHnnoRt, osummI uy Abuao or other Kzoesstis and Indiscretions, 27iff quirklft nnd relit restore JLort Vitality in and fit ma a for study, Imtunera or mnrriugn. fruvnnfc IiiKnnitV And rmnumntinn if SHU ID Limn. Thltir MAP tlmtrn fmmnrlinta Imnmeaw jioQtand elTocts a rUKft where all other fail In. upon navmg tne rtetiotn Ajnx lablers. They lavecatBd thoiifinndtand nillraruyon.

Wn civ mm. tivH written ifunriinlnA tn nffivl rii nVA in each case or refund the money. Price VW I diner wchufmt or six ykumm (full trentment) for tU.60. By miil, la plain WTRper. nnon rnceiptof nrict.

Circular aJax remedy Hussruu For mleiii Tlo.linir. by JOHN B. ItARKR nnd J. II. STEIN.

These tiny Capsules arc superior U. Usara of Copaiba, Cuhcbs and Injections. (jJJDY) They euro in 48 hours tho yy same dlscascg Tvlthout ttnylncon COLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS For Delicacy, for purity, and for improvement of the complexion nothing cqnuia I'uzzoni'i 1'owdbh. ON'T U'whiteW0 displacement of the womb so badly that walk across the floor.

I also had pro stomach trouble. The doctors said my four bottles of the Vegetable Compound like a new person. I am now cured. health. It has also cured my little son suffering woman in the land to write Pasubob.v, Alanson, Mich.

DAIRY AND COW. It is estimated thnt in tho Gorman em piro there arc 7,500,000 milk cov, s. All young niamniuls for a period of ono to three years suhsist entirely upon milk. In 1887 Miilliiill estimated tho nnmhrr of cattlo in tho United StutC3 ut 49,200, 000. In Holland tho average product for cows is 80 pounds of buttur and ISO pounds of cheese per annum.

The Jersey cattlo wcro imported into this country in considerable numbers early in tlio present coutury. The first imports of cattle to America were made hy Columbus in I4S)3, who brought over a bull and several cows. The Argentine Republic is tho greatest cattlo raising country In booth America having in 1887 raised 2,870,000 head. Butter is frequently mentioned ia tho Old Testament Scriptures, but the best Biblical scholars now ivgard tho Hebrew word translated butter as meaning cream Chcvreiil, tho famous French chemist, says that cow's butter is composed of stearin, margarin nnd obeiae, with small quantities of bmyrin, caproino and cup rine. Schabziegerkase is made in the canton of Glarus, Switzerland, of curd which has been fermented.

It is mixed with the mil veri.ed dried flowers of schazcrlilo and pressed in mold. Tho l)est chemical authorities slate that it is not necessary for tho cream to become sour before churning, fnvcot cremn will produce butter in large quantities as sour cream, and in many casiw better quality of butter. St. Louis Giobc Deino crat. Full DetaillGiGiyen.

A Railroad Official's Experience. R. EDWARD EDMONDS, lor.R con nected with railroad construction In Nobraska.wrltes: "My heart troubled ind pained mo for 19 years. Ehortncss of breath was the constant and most common bymptom. Intcnso.excruciatingpaln, generally fol lowed any severe exertion.

Faintnoss, hunger wltlioutany appetite, fluttering that made me clutch my breast, and palpitation that often staggered mo as if I would fall, wore frequent attacks. Again, everything would turn black if I prose from a stooping posture quickly. Sleepless nights with their Dr. Miles' prostrating unrest were numerous and I could got no rest day or night. 1 consulted leading physicians and tried advertised remedies.

They gave me no relief. One of Heart Cure Restores Health Dr. Miles' circulars doscrllcd my case so exactly that I took Dr. Miles' Now Ilcart Euro and I am now a well man. I hops very one troubled with heart disease will Dr.

Miles' romedies. If they will write ae personally, I will gladly give them full lotuilsof my experience." Low. Edmonds. I. O.

Box David City. Nubraska. Dr. Miles' Uoart Cure Is sold on guarantee fiat first bottle benefits or money refunded. A Jxinilnncr tellH'ut ti "most intelligent hns horse running on the Bayswater route.

When this flno animal sets anyone waving an umbrella or stick ns signal to at Nnwt tho driver's attention, it Instantly utops nnd actually turns its haul to watch the pawsciver taken up before it Will start again. Kqimlly leniarkable the Intelligence displayed 1 an eld Lorn: 1 elonnlnr Mr Blundill Jmi le's firm. Tiii. 1 Id horvo worked wiili "l.t:; "tic, wlii under i .1 rcl hi i.t ner. 1 ii in ed, the i i irin in i til tl'c i' imiM' it an is licit 'f be penny wise and 1 i i jjuuhu loonsii oy Duying the "just as good mixtures," "so called White Lead," or other substitutes for Pure White Lead.

In painting, the cost of labor so far exceeds the cost of material, that the best only should be used. The best is Pure White Lead (the brand shown in margin is genuine) and Pure Linseed Oil. Cnnn Br Nlool UA Put. Whlta Ud Tiniln. Col rKCC to NHily,d.

vlubl. Inlorm.tion and crd ihowiiii umplr, ol col, aim c.fdt thowtng piclurn of iw.lvc bmiK. of Oiffuenl dr.lRii. punned In mrluu, iiyln or cumbin.uoDi of litw.idrd upmi applit.iion. JOHN T.

LEWIS BROS. aj South Front Philadelphia. THE DEATH RECORD. Mr: Elisabeth Kerner, WlllUra F. Hebner, Joseph Ulten.and Uthen.

Mrn. Elizabeth Kerner, widow of John Ecrner, who died four yean ago, died of consumption on Thursday night, at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Mary Cnn ningham, 1706 Perkiomen avenne, aged 63 years. Mrs. Kerner resided in Balti more and came to Reading a month ago on a visit to ner sister for tne benefit ol her health.

She was bedfast three weeks, Deceased was born in Baltimore and re sided in that city all her life. She was a member of the Catholic denomination. Four children survive, as follows: F. MacDonald, of Baltimore; William H. MacDouald, of Snnbury; J.

S. Mac Donald, ol Baltimore, and R. O. Mac uonaiu, ol Clearfield connty, and one sister, Mrs. Mary Cunningham, of this city.

William t. V. Hebner died of con sumption on Friday morning at the resi dence ol His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil linm Hebner, 332 Carpenter street, aged 28 years, 7 months and 11 days.

He had been ailing for over four years. He was born in Pottsville, bnt came to this city twenty two years ago and resided here ever since. Previous to his retirement four years ago he was employed as a molder at tne Mt. Penn Stove works. He was a member of Charity lodge, No.

34. A. P. A. Two brothers.

Newton and Samuel, survive. Albert, an adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Otten, 919 Walnut street, died of uropsy ana Heart lauure Thursday night, aged 3( years and 4 months. Deceased was ailing several months and confined to bed three weeks.

Besides his foster parents, his widow, Lizzie, but nochil arcn survive. He was a steel engraver and was employed by the Keading hard ware company a shop in the rear of his home. He was once employed as a pat ternmaker at tne Keading brass works. Deceased was a member of St. Paul's Catholic church.

Mrs. Matilda Hawkins, widow of Samuel Hawkins, died of dropsy at her residence in Waudnn, Thursday evening. aged 71 years, 6 months and 19 days. She had been ailing one year and was beatast since last Tuesday. Deceased whs born in lilandon and resided there all her life.

Her husband died two ycais iiuo. Sim was a member ol the Blandou Lutheran church. Four children, Na thaniel, of Temple; Zacharias and James, ol blaudon, and Airs. Daniel Dreis, sur viva, together with the following brothers and sisters: James Weisner, of Illinois Kphraim and Mrs. James Scholl, of MaoukuO'Vetn: 111.

Mrs. Peter Keen, ol Dengler's; Mrs. Samuel Seheeler, of Beading; eight grandchildren and two itat gi'iindclnldien. Mrs. Elizabeth Menard died Friday morning, of general debility, at the resi dence ol her son, Augustus, at l.eesport, aged years, a months and 10 davs.

Deceased had been in a feeble condition for some lime nnd had been bedfast one week. She was born in Alsace township. Her maiden name was Her husband died fifteen years ago. Follow ing children survive: Mrs. David Weaver, of Keading; Mrs.

Isaac Long, of Lees port; Mrs. lieruheiscl, of Camden, N. Mrs. (ieorge Green, of Ilammnnton, N. J.

Jacob, of Keading, and Augustus, with whom deceased was living; also 44 giandchildren, 55 great grandchildren and two grcat geat grandchildren. De ceased was a member of the Reformed congregation ol Geruant's church. CHURCH DIRECTORY FOR SUNDAY LUTHERAN. Tbinitt. Services to morrow at 10 3) a and SO ni.

Sunday school at 2 00 m. Gbck. Service" at 1030 a and 7 30 Sunday pchool at 1 45 ni. latechetioal class i iilgl.l cl 7 SO. St l.i kk x.

gcrvicrs at 10 a ni and 7(0 Sunday achnol at I 30 p. m. fT. John's (Ikkman. Services at 10 TO a ra inn 7 in.

Sunday school at 1 3d in. St. JAMRK Service at 10 30 a and 7 03 ra. iindav school at 1 30 ra. Youuk People'! luild 7(0 m.

ST. jasiiw', Oakland. Sunday school at 118 Sr. Matthew's. Service, at 10 30 a and 7 31 um Sunday "cliool at I 30 jm.

St. Maiik's. Service at 10 0 1 a and 730 m. mnaaj acnnoi lpm. BKKOBMKD.

Kmist. Services at 10 00 ru and 7 in. Sun lay school at 1 30 in. Young people's prayer nee Inir. 6 IR in.

Bible study Wednesday 7 30 ra j.iiecneicai aan rinay so ru. St. P.lx'k Mkuouial. Services at 1 130 a nd 7 10 i m. Sunday school at 1 30 Youna Mcu'h association and praise aervlcc atOoo pm.

nervicen in i le new imiiiiing at 10 and 7 30 m. Sunday school, infant depart ment nl 9 a ni; main achool at 1 45 m. St. Join's. Services.

German, at 1000 a 7 00 m. Sunday school at 1 3U ui Votii'ie Peo, le'a devotional meetinc at 6 00 m. Pniyer mcetintr, AVednesday, 7:10 in. I alva v. Sen ices at 10 aO a and 7 30om Sunday aclK'iil at 2 00 m.

Younfr Men's prayei mfu ijiia 9 45 a m. i K. prayer meeting 6 00 St. STEruBN's. Sunday achocl at 1 30 m.

rr ice at a ir 7 30 m. st Thkmah'. rlervioes at losua ra and 7 30 i Ki if Ii Sunday a. bool at 1 30 m. Men'.

uietlnif at 6 30 m. St. AMiKuw'a. at 10 3) a and 7 011 in. Sunday achoul at 2 m.

Devotional til if. 6 4i at. "1 iiBK'fc. ferviora at 10 00 a and at Opm. Sundav Bchnol nl 2 00 Cil whii ji.

lo'i Wcdupfulay evenillK at 730. Ouvet. Service, the lir Sunday of the month .1 oa every Sunday evenine at 730d Sunday school at 2 m. I aitii in ui h. Service at 7 00 i in.

Rundav school at 143 pm. Young Poo le'a meeting at i no m. Zion g. Sunday achool 1 30 ni. Conereea tlonal services, 10 15.

Mcrvm a in Weal Reading at 7 15 i. Sunday achool at 2 m. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL. t'itHlKi i.i.i.t.t envlc eH at 7 30 in. unday 2 00 m.

Wednesday evening prayer, 7 30. m. ItA a a ras. Services at 10 30 a ui and 7 30 in. rumluy achool at 2 00 in.

r. I ikK'n Service 1030 am and 00 pin. Sunday 2 0pru. BAPTIST.

First. Service at lu 30a and 7 in day school ut 2 uo in. Friday, 7 .0 in. ItKKKAN. Services at 10 in and 13.1 Bible achool at 1 30 m.

Clirietlaii Ku ieavor at 6 80 m. Wkki Kiuuinu. Mlaalon achluil Sol, (Vn. tral 2nd and Oley and Milliuoul at 2 in. Young vieu meriina; tn.

PRKBBYTKRIAN. KlHXT. 'cniifr ni 11 a III and 7 30 m. Hal bath achoc 1 at 4.s a ui. (J al 6 15 Oi.iVKT.

reai liina at 10 30 a in and 7 n. Sunday school in. OKnt 6 30 ni. Washisuton St. Sunday achool al 1 30 a prayer meeting 45 ui.

Pi eRCbinir am via a at 10 30 a ra and 7 30 m. KVANUULICAL Salkx Evangelical. German at 10 30 a m. acuoul lb a ui. hax lah preachiiig at 7 m.

h.nKNK7.KB. German at 10 00 a Rmrli.h at 00 in. Sahliat'i achoul. 1 30 ni. and aueting 6i0 in immanckl.

services 1000 a in and 7 00 in. unilay achool, 1 15 m. I' A. 6 U) Kihnt Unitku. Sunday school at 00 ami 1.

at 40 in. ICnglixli at 1030 a in ami EiirIIhIi, at 7 30 in. umack united. Services, 10 30 a and 7 30 i Sunday achool. I 45 m.

I (: a an Tbimitv livaugelical. Services 10 a in and ra, runday school 1 30 m. (1. Ultin IhhL Main lay morning of each month. St.

Matthew' Mishiom. Preachinir al loan md 7 00 m. Sunday acliool 1 30 m. Youni Keiple' Alliance at 6 15 ni. ruiaauxHirnoHE annsios.

services allOO Sunday achool at 8 m. KVANUELICAL MISSION, ncit Hlllwluv In llv Klcharda school hiilldlnu. Twelfth Imi ut and Snruee. at 10 15 a ui and 7 day achool at 1 30 m. MBTHODIST.

sr. Pkteb'. Si vice at 10 30 a ui and 7 10 15 6 30. Foiihiu.iicol Feivlces at 10 30 a iu ami 7 30 I sundav school at 2 uo in: tl at a sit hurch prayer lureltng on Wedneadav nlwtit 7 4f neivit eh at JJ 3U a in and 7 30 m. tnday ft'lioi I at 2 00 pm.

KKTHKI. A Preac hing al .0 30 a and JUpni, Sunday school at 2 in. IINIVKHSAI.1S1. C'uiihch or Op Path ku. Poaching al 10811 in nd 7 30 1 in.

Sunday achoul at 3 W) Dm. PC ate 30 pm. DMITID nRRTHRKN. Salbh. Praver meeilra'.

an, n.rm.i, 1 1 Ida m. English "3" u. Sunday school 145 I m. P. 6 Zlon'a.

German 10 HO a and 7 00 H.h. lalll at l.ool 1 4.1 urn I' mrallun at uu in. MISSION OK MOPK No 749 Cherry ilroct. Sunday hreakfa.t flea al 'clock Sundi achool al 2 tn. Even.

iig service al 7 o'clnck. ADVKNTI8T8. H'VBNTU Day. Itiglllar rvl. everv Sahhalh atunlsy) at iu 00 a and I 4i iu.

HNKNKISKKH KAI.l.. At Brenelser'a hall. A White. Harvlona t7lpm. K.enioalf.

IN COUNTY CHl'lK IIKS. K'vTRI Icia lli hold vices on Sunday al Moliraville at 10a and lcc.port nl 7 in. IKE The Foremost Athletic Trainer in America Recom mends Paine's Celerv Compound. John Graham is the foremost man in American athleties. It was he who managed the successful team Irora this country that attracted woild wide attention in the recent Olympic games at Athens.

Formerly trainer for Columbia college. then for Princeton and finally for Harvard university. Mr. Graham had much to do with raising the standard of collegiate sports. A small army ol gentlemen have been guided by mm since ne leu Harvard and took his present position.

superintendent of the famous gymnasium of the Boston athletic association. Three of his proteges. White, Brewer and McCarthy, have won the New England championship at the mile, quarter mile nnd five mile run. He has trained Weeks of the Brown university, one of the best college splinters in the country. Many another student ol wnat makes men and women strong has used and has recommended Paine's celery compound as the best known remedy for those who are weak nnd dispirited, the overworked and enfeebled persons who are most concerned in the general awakening of interest in outdoor exercise and indoor attention to the proper rules of health.

It was Ihe ablest protessor oi medicine and surgery in the college, that giant among men, Prof. I'd ward K. Phelps, M. Fuddler. Will Go to Work.

The puddlers of the E. G. Brooke iron company, liuusiioro, will go to work next Monday at a ton. The helpers will get 22 1 cents a heat. On November 14.

the price of puddling was re duced by the company from $2 75 lo $2.25. The puddlers refused to accept the latter rate, and have been idle ever since. Thursday night tney Held a meet ng and decided to resume. About 150 men will go to work. To Cure a Cold In One Uy, take laxative bromo quinine rug gists ireHtiidimTneyititJ BEAUTIFUL Soft, White Hands with Shapely Nails, Luxuriant Hair with Clean, Wholesome Scalp, produced by CtiTict RA SOAr, tlio most effective skin purifying and beautifying soap in the world, as well as purest ami sweetest, for toilet, bath, and nursery.

The only preventive of Inflammation and clogging of the Pores. Boap It wild throughout the world. Pomi Dbco ad Che, Sole Boston, U. 8. A.

ff "How to Purify and Uctuttfj th Skin, Scalp, nd Hair," mailed free. BABY liercd by tonciia Hbmkdiuj. nr ai DEATHS. SI.r.ClEI Ir. KI! Slegel.

In till, citv, on the loth, aged 00 years, 3 mouths ami 17 days. The relative, mid friends of the fn i lly, also lodges ol which he was a member, are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, without fur ther notice, from his late residence, 14C5 Perkl omen avenue, on Monday, March 13th, at 11 a. m. Services at the house. Interment at Charles Evan cemetery.

KOCH On Monday, the 8th tnst Mir. Mary Kttn Koch (nee Inters), aged 71 years anil 22 days. The relatives nnd friends of the family are resKctfully Invited to attend her funeral, from her lute residence, 1C2 Penn street, at II o'clock a. Monday. Services Bt house.

Interment at Charles Evans cemetery. HAHHI.EK In lower Heidelberg, on Ihe 7th in.t,, William Hiissler, aged 63 years und II days. Kuueral from his lute riwldciicp. in laiwcr Hcldclbcry.oii Saturday morning nt 0 30 o'clock. WANTED.

1 1 A NTKl Oood liicvcle nssiMiililci none neeil apply who cannot give liest uf fcr encca as cxH rt hands excliiMlvely in that dc imrtiiicut. Apply lo "Itrown," American hotel, Saturday evening nt o'clia k. 1)OSITION wnntcil by flrt rlnss engineer. Kcfercnco. Addrcs, Engineer.

WANTBD. BY A YOCNO MAN2H YEAHS old, laisition a. stenographer ami tyiie writer. Address, Hox 170, Koycrsfonl, l'a. WANTKD Sltiintlonnaflrstora hiind lirend, tntke mid prctKcl Imker.

Has 9 years' cxiicrlenre nnd can give refercini Address West regit stmt, VITANTRD Washing to take limn or go out 7 ny mo uuy; nlsn clcnnlnir of anv kind. Apply lHUOlIKSlNUT Iu rear. ITANTED Bya middle aged lady situation 7 7 at general iioiine work In small family. Apply. mo i rui nc.

flCNTKR HENNINOEH. JL1 FUNSXAb iUttBOTOH, Fboaa 1.5U. fana lira SKIh (pleural THE I '5: ms L.I.. of Dartmouth college, who after years of patient investigation and study, assisted by all that was best in the progress of medical science at home and abroad, first discovered the wonderful formula ol Paine's celery compound. There was no doubt ol the interest that would be awakened at once by the announcement of any discovery hy Prof.

Phelps. The formula from the first was furnished to the best physicians, and forthwith this remarkable Paine's celery compound was personally used and professionally prescribed hy them. The result of the closest investigation might have been expected. It soon required a considerable industry to piodtice the remedy, and rapidly but steadily, without ceasing, the demand for Paine's celery compound has increased, until today there is no other remedy that in comparison begins to hold half the public attention that it holds. In untold number of cases where every other remedy has been tried and failed, Paine's celery compound has attained the wisln for results, making the weak strong, purifying the blood, rebuilding the woniimt nervous tissue, curing chronic sickness, proving a never failing and permanent relief for rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney diseases and disorders of the liver, all dne to the impairment of the person's nervous system, the consequent impoverishment of the blood and the breaking down in consequence of When Mr.

Graham, writing" Jan. 18, 1807, said: "I have used Paine's celery compound to my benefit, and I have no doubt that any person undergoing great physical nnd mental strain would und of great service. For students especially it ought to be of great value When so prominent, a student of bodily health who has no equal, nnless, perhaps, one mentions Dr. Sargent, of Harvard, with whose methods Mr. Graham became well acquainted at Harvard when Mr.

Gra ham says bluntly that niter his expert ence he believes others wo Id findPaine's celery compound of great service, what man or woman out of perfect health can afford to neglect his well considered and expert advice! There is no doubt that Paine's celery compound cleans the blood of eczema, salt rheum and such humors, not only in the spring, that is so favorable a time, but at any time during the year, so thor oughly that notbing lurtneris ever near a ol them. Paine's celery compound has been tested, tried, scrutinized and heartily approved by so many impartial physi cians and men and whose word in any matter would not be questioned for a moment, that one must be stub born minded indeed who prefers to mopo around half sick instead of verifying these positive, straightforward state ments. Men and Manufacturers. DEPARTMENT THE LATEST PRODUCTIONS until o'clock p.m. Wednesdays ptiDue.

strangers and others are cor or address THE PHILADELPHIA BOURSE. The Great General ExchaDge of Philadelphia, IS THE RECOGNIZED Headquarters for Merchants, Business The EXHIBITION imams a permanent display Oh Oi' IHE MILL, THE I ORGE, THE FURNACE, OR THE I lie Builder, the Plumber, the Furnisher, or the Manufacturer cannot afford to ignore the opportunities here furnished (or information and suepestion OPEN DAILY irom.lo clock a. ni. iinui im ciock p. tn.

free tome dially un ited. 1'or lnlorination, apply EMIL P. ALBRECHT, Sec'y HATS. Uneasy is The Head of the man who nn 'll IUtin; hat. To get the propel hind ul you must buy of the mitt rel.jblo hatter in Kernliug.

l'nt yi our hnnds and see how niuoli bt.wter we can suit you than anyone else. J.C.BROWN, Penn 4th door above 6th. 'hl I EfStJf KGiYaL PILI PILLS i wi'i. Tula 1 1. ilmd'ratJl HifitntM Mn A'.

Mill fi p. fcr iitiiniw( anf 18 Mi tu ul Local rorUbr CUrno T. Stabbt, T31Piia some particular organ. PHILADELPHIA BOURSE. Manager ol Exhib.

Dept. OPTICIAN. fl PERFECT EYE. J2 fc SCHOOL CHILDREN, If you full tn the eye test tliut is being ruiiductcd iu your school, come to us and ne will correct your trouble. JNO.

F. BEYERLE GliADUATE OPTICIAN, 761 Penn Street. Credit given if desired. FLORIST. Cut Flowertt, Rosea and Carna tions.

All kinds ol plants and floral design. HOSfflN St OILBS, 87 NOHTB TENTH BT. JT 171 FOR RENT. ROOMS FOR RENT for business purposes, in Pearson building, Alt) Penn street. Elevator and steam heat.

A ppl to tiEOItUKA. HKCKMAN, Agent, No. 5112 Washington street. I70R RENT A store, soutlieast corner Ninth and Chestnut. Kuitahle for hutchershopor regtaurant.

Apply 142 South Ninth street. FOR RENT Four front rooms. Applv at 430 ELM STREET. HOB RENT, A three story brick dwellin 1 with modern coiivulllences. No.

41 South Third street. Inquire on premises or of I. O. FETTER, Executor, 823 North Ninth street. FACTORY FOR RENT CHEAP.

6,000 feet ot floor space, elevator, and SO horse, power team boiler. Apply to Reading Confectionery EIGHTH AND SPRING 8T8. FOR RENT. A suitable factory for most any business, in the rear of 637 SOUTH SIXTH ST. FOR RENT.

A three story factory building with boiler, engine and shafting all ready to run. Elevator. Apply 123 S. 4TH ST. FOR RENT.

A number of new two story 6 and 7 roomed brick dwelling houses, centrally located. Kent $'JO0, $9 50 and $10 50. Possession at once. APPLY TO FRED. STEPHAN! Real Estate Agent, 242 NORTH NINTH STREET.

Notice to Property Owners We make a specialty of renting houses and collecting. We have the largest rent list in tho city and consequently the most applicants. Now ready for April 1st. FRED. H.

WITMAN Real Estate, Rents, Loans and Insurance, 88 North Sixth Street. Samuel N. Pottelger. Attorney. FOR SALE.

SALE Stock and fixtures of shoe store, 1 wi.ii an cMAOitsneu paying Dusiucss. Bur gain iorquicK nnver. Applv CORNER TKN'l AND ELM STS, OK BALE. A 8 story brick dwelling, No. 44 South Third street, with modern conven lenc ences, must be sold.

Only one fourth of our chase money need he paid. Inquire on premises or of I. O. FETTER, Executor, 821 North Ninth stroet. FOR SALE A HALL SAKE FOR S35.

APPLY TO WM. STERRETT. Times Office. I.10K SALE. Vaiuuhle property for business and dwelling, centrally located.

Inquire at THE PENNSYLVANIA TRUST CO. Penn Street Business Establishment FOR SALE. Stotk, good will and fixtures with a fine profitable trade. A splendid opportunity and opening for the right people. Parties meaning business apply for terms and particulars to Mengel Mengel, Successors to Geo.

P. Zieber, Insurance, Loans and Real Estate 6o South Sixth St. specTaLnotics HQS I the Court of Common Picas for the I SjCounty of Berks, of HO March VfOTICE is hereby given that an application 1 will be made to said Court on Monday, April 5th, at 10 a. under Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled ''An act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 2Dth, 1874, and the supplements thieto, for a charter of an intended cnriiorntinn to be called St. Joseph's Hospital, the character and object whereof is to maintain and manage a hospital for the reception, core and medical and surgical trentment of the sick and injured, and for this purpose to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, beiierlts and privileges of said Act of Assembly and its supplements.

The proposed charter is now on file iu the office of the Protlionotnrv. STEVENS STEVENS, Solicitors, EXECUTORS' NOTICK In estate of Anna Maria Von Neida, late of Reading, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of the above mimed decedent have been granted to the undersigned. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and all persons having claims against the estate will present them for settlement to THE 1'ENX i YLVAN'I TRUST 536 Penn Street, Executors. In the Court of Common Pleas of Berks) Countv, Of No.

42, March term, 1S97 VTOTICE is hereby given that an application ll will be made to the said Court on the 15th day of March. IW. at 10 a. under the Act of Assembly or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "Ail Art lo lirovide forthe iucornct ration and Regulation of certain CorKnitions," approved April 29, 1S7I, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called The Reading Medical Librnrv Association, the character and object whereof is for tile establishment and maintaining of a joint library for the advancement of u.ii,iiin ir.w.wi. edge in the prnfe sions of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and veterinary medicine, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privilege of the said Act ol Assembly and its supplements.

The proiosed charter ia now on file in the Prothouotary'a oftice. A. STRUNK, Solicitor. BUILDISG AND SAVING ASSOCIATION. Subscribe for shares in the SAFE DEPOSIT 15.

S. ASS'N. Commencing March. IS97. Dues.

Si no cation fee, 35c. Over 3.00 shares have bee subscribed for. Asset, about ISRAEL II. ROtHEK.MKL, President.

531 Court Street HAMILTON GODFREY. Secretary. iH7 Penn Street, professional Dr. Mary mod. shickt, oh.

emma o. cleaver, nm 581 ELM STREET. Offlee Hours: 8 10 3, 7 8 p. ni. Diseases of women and children.

Consultation In English and German. R. W. J. HAIN.

4 NORTH SIXTH SREET. Practice restricted to RVK throat, Office hours: 9a. m. toJpntand 8 top. m.

D. O. KLINE, M. FIFTH AND CHESTNUT (301 South Mb), General Dractico. and surgical disease of women and children.

F.MARKS, M. 48 NOkTIJ KTKTn OTtirV OAlce hours: 7 to a. 12 to 9 ot women. 8 to 8 p. in.

Medical. QOR. THOS. A. STHASSER, u.

I HA, THROAT AND NERVOUS DISEASES A SPECIALTY. 4rRefractlou of lha Kv .11., Glaaac. Spectacles and eye fiirnl.he. at lown4 tsu prices from tn 'JI4 I'KNN HT DENTISTS. WH.

80H0LL, D. D. 8., C. R. SCHOLL, D.

D. S. SECOND NATIONAL HAXtf piTrr.ntvn dl 518 Penn Square. 8th Boor, lake ejtvatui. umce noiirs: 8 a.

m. to p. m. DB A. HERR, DENTIST, NO.

If NORTH NINTH STKKET. Hold Crown and Bridge ork a spclltT. Ff, LEWIS, 1). I. 1KNTI8T, 58 PENN STREET, Kcauiug, Pa.

Cheapest Dentist in Reading! Whole seta of teeth, ti and 11.75, gu ean come In teeth the 5jTTErvi( and H.i5, guaranteed. People from a dlxtem ean come In the morning and gel a new net of teeth lha same day. Teeth eitrectln imH. ally without naln us ot nr. H.

F. Johnson's Itallsedalrand aaa. tvery morning. Any can take It, young or old. lall and be eonvlneeri.

Permanentlv Ica atea. DR. H. L. JOHNSON, 35 South Sixth St.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. wtd io surjscriDc UKNT1ST. lot a good morning 1 1 per, get Ihe Reading Times 18 South firth Reading, Pa. I Job ABrECIALTY. I A Fre.oo, FIodm an A All kind, of lob work nneaiihe Icwttpo.

and 1'aner Hnnir.r lb i rati al the Kortb Stitb Bt, lliBMjob OBea. keading, ra.

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