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Los Angeles Herald from Los Angeles, California • Page 2

Los Angeles, California
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JtcvaUL FRIDAY OCT. 24, 1879. Herald Steam Printing House. The facilities of the Herald Steam Printing; House for doing Job work are not In California outside of San Franclsoo and Sacramento. Alt work entrusted to us will be executed with neatness and dispatch at the lowest living rates.

Bomb of our contemporaries are disposing 1 of tbe poor old Democrats party, and for Tilden thoy have nothing but raging and gnashing of teeth. With great deference, we beg to suggest a little of that possessing of one's soul in patience which was recommended ages ago by a wise observer of men. Tbe Democratic party will be in full life and vigor ages after ephemeral parties and their advocates have been gathered as an alms of oblivion Into tho wallet of time. It takes a little effort to gain possession of all three departments of the government of the United States. The Democratic party is now secure in the proprietorship of two ot them.

It has the equitable right to the third; and, at the next Presidential election, the right and (he possession will be united. Rome was not built In a day, and it is perhaps just as well that a certain deliberation and solemnity should mark each stage of the ceremony which dismisses tbe Republican party to the exterior darkness which to them is involved in being put out of office. Our Republican friends exhibit an extraordinary glee in having- carried Ohio and lowa. Those who remember that Ohio gave a Republican candidate for Governor 101,000 majority during the war can surely see nothing to be jubilant about in the fact that the Dutch have again taken Holland. As for lowa, should the Democratic party gain and hold power at Washington for one hundred and one consecutive years, eaoh election in that State would be marked by a tremendous Republican majority.

The Democratic party is not lookiug to Republican States for the victories which will give it complete control of the national government. There is, It is true, just now, one circumstance which distresses all true Democrats. Through an uufortunate division iv the party New York, a genuinely Democratic State, is this year liable to be made to appear Republican. Lamentable as this conjuncture is, it will apply to this year only. A Republican success in New York this year would impose on that party the inapossiDle task of carrying that State three times in thing it found itself unable to do even iv the excitement of the war.

We have the most serene confidence in the future, even though all the elections this Fall should demonstrate the fact that this is au Democratic year. In American politics tbe fashion is to "ride and tie." "One off and the other on perfectly expresses the usage." The uses of temporary adversity have beeu described as both sweet and bitter, and the Democratic party will know to profit by seeming disaster. Some of the friends of Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman should interfere to prevent his "swinging -around the circle" any further with Mr. Hayes.

In the early stages of the war tbe newspaper correspondents described Hherman as insane. We are inclined to think that they were right, and that his insanity, latent then, is now in alarming vigor. He is, not to put too fine a point upon it, making a condemned fool of himself at every convenient opportunity. Some of tbe close-mouthed containment of Gen. Grant would be of infinite benefit to this military old granny, whose tongue Is hung so accurately in the middle.

He is devoured by an incredible egotism, and in his case this offensive vice baa clearly attained its apogee. Gen. Grant remarked, upon reading-Sherman's memoirs, that he thought he, U.S.Graut, had had something to do with tbe war: but that, after the perusal of this precious volume, he doubted it. William Tecumseh is a vicious and arrogant old humbug, who ought to be retired, on half pay, to mumble and maunder at his leisure, in the private station, always providing that he can get listeners, which is a doubtful proposition. Bullion shipments from the neighborhood of Ivanpah are becoming very frequent of late.

Reports reach us from Resting Springs which would indicate that a very One mine is about to be developed In that which will be controlled aud owued by Los Angeles people. This is a favorable omen for the mining future of Southern California. Tbe day will come when there will be a perfect cordon of mining camps from Mono couuty to the Mexican line. AN unprecedented public interest baa characterized the Horticultural Pavilion exhibit this year. Never before have such crowds thronged our city as this fall, and they have come from every section of Southern California.

It is unfortunate that the time of our horticultural display is ho fixed that ire obtain neither the benefit which would result from a full exhibit of our grapes or any display whatever of our oranges, limes and lemons. It is certainly malapropos that all our distinctive local specialties are thus left out. It would be difficult to exaggerate the charm of a horticultural exhibit lv Los Angeles so timed as to admit of decorating the Pavilion with orange houghs heavy at once with the famed blossom, the bud, the immature and tbe ripe fruit. In the future we hope to see this defect remedied, even thougli it should involve segregating the raciug and the horticultural programmes. Democrats cannot fail to remark the caressing way in which ovations to John Kelly in New York are reported.

The Republican party, aud its pliant agent, the Associated Press, are watching the efforts of this traitor to divide tlie Democratic vote in New York with a tender solicitude. We heartily hope that John Kelly will have tbe grace to go and haug himself should he successfully accomplish his Judas task. One tiling is Kelly succeed or fail his career is ended. The Republican party is not hunting for such scaly recruits. They will use this creature and then throw him contemptuously to one side.

As for the Democratic party, there is but one course with regard to Kelly unsparing ostracism. There are rumors of eugineeis of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe being at Yuma and of engineers of tho Southern Utah having made their appearance in San Bernardino couuty. Reports of this kind are very plentiful. What substance is In them remaius to be seen. LAST NIGHT'S NEWS.


San Francisco, Oct. 23. 11.10 Ophlr, 33 560 7X 310 M5x1can.34,31% 7H 200 Ex'quer. 5, 115 4 C. 20 Justice, 2.93 130 B4 B.

1752, 655 Onion, 74 Alta, 6K. 554 200 Cala, Julia. 5.61, 3'i 85 Savage, £00 Caledonia, 2.30, 1015 Con Va. 2.35 10 297 Hill, 1.25 I SO lOOChollar. 6Ti Challenge, 2.10,2 215 Potosl, 275 Lady Wshu.l.Oj, 45 A 13)4 1.10 35 Point, 3.90 470 Andes, 1.05, 1.10 85 Jacket.

490 scorpion. 6. 280 imperial, 1.10 480 Benton, 3.C0 150 Alpha, 840 Golden Gate, 2 690 950 Con Dorado, 2.60 2.70 70 Utah, 22 190 Bonanza, 1.2,, 4M Belcher, 3.i» 1.30 125 Confidence, 10 130 Occidental, 2.10 110 Andes, 1.10 EVENING P. fit. California, Con Va, Ncv, Union.73)4 Mexican, Juslice, 2.85 Scorpion, 4.90 Bullion, Exchequer, sa; Jacket, Julia, iy, Confidence, Alta, Imperial, 1.05 1.10 potoso, 6'S Andes, 1.05 1.10 Utah, 20s; Ophlr, 33 8.

EASTERN. Can Paapora New York, Oct. Twentyeight assistants iv Bellevue Hospital attempted to register to-day. It was objected to on tbe grouud that they are paupers. It is contended tiiat they give their services for board.

Decisiou Is reserved in the Supreme Court. Democratic New York, Oct. The Tribune says: The Robinson State Committee contiuuo to receive hopeful letters from the interior of the State, and seem increasing in courage. A table has been prepared from reports of visitors and local committees professing to show the condition of each party in every county. From this table members of the Committee claim a majority of over 50,000 for Robiusou iv the State, hut to get this, according to their own they require a majority of nearly 40,000 in this city.

The leaders assert that Kelly's strength has beeu greatly overestimated. A Robinson mass meeting will be held iv Madison Square Garden next Tuesday eveniug. Aeqniiifd. Newark, N. Oct.

the oase of Blair, the New York bank teller, tried for killing his coachman Armstrong, the jury after four days' deliberation found a verdict of not guilty. Cotton Hllla Biirm l. Sao Harbor, Oct. Moutauk steam oottou mills were burued this morning. Two hundred overatives are thrown out of employment.

Loss, insurance, $100,000. FOREIGN. 11l lull. a.u.F. London, Oct.

A dispatch from Constantinople' says: The Porte has news Unit the Austrians have not suppressed the revolt In Nevesinge. The Austrians lost 400 killed and wounded. The Insurgents are entrenched among the mountains. The Kurdish revolt has ceased to give signs of life. Several Kurb Chiefs are on the way to Constantinople under escort.

UUitalone Vomieai umce. London, Oot. 2.JJ. Paris paper publishes au interview with Gladstone, who, replying to a question whether iv tlie event of a Liberal victory at tho next election he would place himself at the bead of alFairs, said Lords Hartington and Granville would suffice for the task. He himself would only resume olUue when forced by his fellow countrymen.

Mr. Gladstone deprecated contention with Russia about Afghanistan, and said lie believed there would not beany. India had absolutely nothiug to fear from ltusela, which has as much as she can do to hold her conquests in Turklstau. The Austro-Germau alliance, he doubtless intended as a check to Russia, hut tlie importance of such an allinnce should not bo exaggerated, as Bismarck would abandon it as readily as he had abandoned parliamentary parties which have served his purpose. Gladstone thought France and Kuglund hud made a mistake iv Turkey to resume her privileges in Egypt by the deposition of the Khedive; that it was also a mistake to exclude other European powers from sharing in Egyptian control.

England's road to India must be maintained bykeeping up her maratime supremacy. Gladstone said his recent visit to Italy satisfied him that tlie Italia Irredenta question would not prove a source of danger to the peace of Italy. He believed that the next election in Eugland would return a Liberal majority. He pointed out Lord Derby's course us au important sign of the times. Ho expressed a flattering opinion of the present position aud future prospects of Frauce, aud did not believe such episodes as the election of Humbert were of any importance.

Tlie Telegraph of Palis also reports au interview with Gladstone, who is represented saying that the present French Constitution was well framed; that the American Constitution was likewise excellent for that country, and that eiuce the civil war the American government had given repeated proofs of wisdom. English thinkers, he said, had watched witli sympathetic curiosity the spectacle of a great nation under a purely elective government. Liberal DelMuutlrnlloii. London, Oct: great Liberal demonstration takes place at Manchester at the end of the week. Among the speakers will be Lord Hartington, John Bright, Anthony J.

Mundels, William P. Aram and Peter members of Parliament. of Paris, Oct. new decrees have been presented to President Gievy for signature, dismissing Mayors for assisting at Legitimists' bauquets. Fourteen of the Mayors to be dismissed are from tbe Departments of La Veodes aud Maine.

itiiKHinu Berlin, Oct. 23 journals regard the conquest of Merv improbable before 18S0, owing to the death of camels aud scarcity of provisions. sunulan Vienna, Oct. Emperor of Austria has given to the Spanish Envoy Extraordinary bis final sanction to the marriage of the Archduchess Maria Christine to King Alfonso. Nlrllie Ileiaewed.

Brussels, Oct. miners of two of the largest collieries In the neighborhood of Mons have renewed the strike. No disturbance yet. Charles F. Tiffany was convicted of bigamy at Dearborn, aud sentenced to three years lo the penitentiary.

He was pleased With the lightness of the penalty, and remained in high Bplrits until, in answer to tlio questsou whether or not this conviction was a bar to prosecution for previous bigamies, his lawyer told him that he could be punished separately for every such offence. Then he retired to his cell aud killed himself. It was afterwards ascertained that he had three wives. A little tioy was told by his grandmother to turn down a leaf in the family Bible every time be told a lie. At the end of the week the old lady asked him how many lies he had told during the seven days.

He silently handed her tho holy book. Sbo turned over page after page, and at length said, angrily: "Why, you little brat, you've lied all the way from Genesis to Revelations aud half way through the Psalms." San Francisco Markets. Corrected every Wednesday afternoon for tbe Herald liy Spear, Meade Commission Merchants, 310 aud 318 Washington street, Ban Francisco. The quotations given below represent pf'ces obtainable for strictly "merchantable" produce. Consignments which contain foul seed, straw, or other foreign matter, or from tho size, color aud condition of the article do not come up to the standard, sell below the prices named.

Wheat when shipped in small quantities cannot be sold for full market rates. Market is improved and shows a healthful tone all along the line. feed, per cental. butter, $1J Bmall white and pea, pink, red navy, 1.50; bayo, yellow, too small yellow, large white, small white, Wheat-Shipping, SI 80 1.90; bright, clean Coast, California, c. per dozen.

per dozen; broilers, $3 50 per dozen; young, well grown roosters, per dozen; ducks, per dozen. lirst extraoted candied, comb, J. I. Point Reyes, 30; outside brands per pound. foot, fat, grain fed, of medium 3J percwt, per pouud.

per pound. per pound. 22 30, second hand, 22x36, aud hurry; light free 13c. Peaches pared, 18. Pears Apples quartered, 3c.

76, KKEi' Tllrc Hl.oon I'ork by Dr. Jayno's Alterative, and you nurne Ihe system ol many malignant elements, which, left to themselves, may develop into some scrofulous Complaint, kklii IJLease, Mercurial Affection, Sourvey or Uoltre. This Alterative by entering; into the circulation tnorouguly purges the blood, and removes any morbid tendency to disease which la the system, and at the same time sustains the strength of the patient. -A. CARD.

To all who are suffering from Ihu errors and indiscretions of youth, woakne-ss, early decay, loss of manhood, I will send a recipe that will cure you. FIIKR OH 1 This remedy wis discovered hy a missionary Amenoi. send a nHli'-add''nssed envelope to the ukv. josKt'il T. IN- AN, Station D.

Bible, House, New York City dti-ly NEW TO-DAY. WANTED. Two Hetl Hoys at the Pico House first thlngthls morning. Apply At the office. OCt 24-lt ORPHANS' FISTimT AT THE Sr.

CHARLES, OCT. 24tii AND 26TH. Tbe H.stors will give a Grand Festival on the Java meotionid iv lien of tbe usual Fair. Tbe Festival will bu made very attractive, aud tho patronage of public ll earnestly solicited. Contributions of articbM or produce will be gratefully received from tho people of tbe city aud On hi Dissolution of Co-Partnership.

The co-partnership heretofore existing under Ihe name ana stylo of "11. P. Dmkcnfeld 0.," in the city of Los Angeles, has been this day dissolved by muluut consent. B. F.

Drakenteldretaius tlie agencies of tbe following companies, viz: Commercial Union Assurance Co. of London, south British Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of New Zealand, National Fire Marine Insurance Co. of New Healand, Phentx insurance Co. of Hartford, Conunecticut, Home Insurance Co.

of New York, Insurance Co. of North America of Philadelphia, Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. of San Francisco, California Insurance Co. of San Francisco. A.

Herdman withdraws with the agencies of the following companies, viz: Imperial Fire Insurance Co. of London, London Assurance Corporation of London, Northern Assurance Co. of London, ijic-Ti Insurance Co. of Liverpool, Hartford Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Western Assurance Co.

of Toronto. B. F. DRAKENFKLD. A.

HEUDMAN, Los Angeles, OctoberSBd, 1879. oetSA-lm A Grand Complimentary Ball Will be tendered HEFFiURNAN'S BAND ON FRIDAY EVENING AT TURN VRREIN HALL. Tho inuslc will be tho latest popular nnd operatic airs. admitting Gentleman and ladles, 50c. Express copy.

PINAFORE RESERVED SEATS. ARKANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE lor Reserved Seats on FRIDAY EVENING AT THE PAVILION. The Dux Sheet will be opened at LEW 1 'S BOUK STOKE on THURSDAY at v. v. Koserved Seats on main ibor are flDcts.

each In the gallery, 25 eta. A large number of additional seats will be provided and enough ushers and policemen will bo In attendance to protect alt purchasers, DxBAUTH SBORB, President. L. M. HOLT, Secretary.

Grand Masquerade Bait TO HE GIVEN AT WASHINGTON GARDEN, ON SUNDAY EVENING, Oct. 26th, INCLUDING GRAND PERFORMANCE AND DANCING. street cars will run (ill tlie conclusion ol tbe Uauce. GOOD MUSIC will be In attendance. US-ADMISSION, for Gentlemen, LADIES' FREE, D.

V. WALDRON, Proprietor. MRS. C. ROBINHON, Manager.


Extensive warehouse accommodations for consignments oi" wagons, carriages, etc. Liberal cash advances made on all kind! merchandise. Sales made in city or country. Charges for making sales below competition. la4tt GEORGE R.

STARR, to COMMISSION MERCHANT KOUTHE HALE OF and Produce, Pol at dos, Grain, Seed, Bui tor, Eggs, Cheese, Hides, Tallow, Lard, Wool, ILiy, Cattle, Nos. SOS and 310 Washington between Front uud Jlattery HAN I' 1 ANCIHC O. OW Consignments solicited and orders promptly tilled. iuhlB-ly i The Steams Ranches, ALFRED ROBINSON, Trustee, 120 Sutter San Francisco, Cal. ACRES OF LAJTDfJjWijM 1 OVJ.IJ\Jv> FOX ill JOB ittr I 1 lots to suit, suitable lor the culturi of Oranges, Lemons, Limes, Figs, Almonds, Walnuts, Peaches, Ap V' it 2 i I'-ars, Alfalfa.

Corn, llai 3 ley, Flax, Ramie, Cotton, and 1 ''vV' 1 also many thousand acres of -Jr i Natural Evergreen Pastures, 7 Suitable tor Dairying. Uood water is abundant al an I average depth ol six feet ln.ui Ihe surface. Ou almost every acre ol Is rVrStT tm.fVy this land FLCWINU ARTESIAN 3 WELLS can bo obtained, uud the a more elevated portlonscan belrri- 1 i Hr gated by the water oflhe Banta Ana 0 fHrgSBBI BWBBt I river. Most of these lands are nat- vlTl' orally moist, requiring only good 'l TO. SrtaPp eulllvationto produco orops.

I fji9 pgjMUjW' TERMS-One-fomth Cash; bal. If once it. one, two and three years, 1 i 10 per cent, interest. I will take pleasure In showing nlffCTr 1 these landsio parties seeking land, TC'T who are Invited to como and see MMUMDMOUIo ril HrL i-ftftsK this extensive tract before purclias- 1 lug elsewhere. ItwggMr, -JL- W.

R. OLDEN, Agent. Ajiaheim, county, April 16tli, 1879, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CITY OF PARIS. SPECIAL BARGAINS During Fair Week On Monday, Oct.

20, we will offer the following: Tcr Ynrd 100 pieces Roumanian ('loth, al 10 cts 110 pieces Winter Plaids, at 25 cts 100 pieces Brocaded Afghan Cloth, at 25 cts 100 pieces Colored Arrnures, at 25 cts 75 pieces Brocaded Satin de Chine, at 37i c. 50 pieces ALL WOOL 42 INCH HLACK CASHMERE, at 00 cts 50 pieces Double-width all-wool Camel's Hair, at 87J c. 50 pieces 42-IDOb all-wool Kashmyr dcs Yudes, iv all colors, 00 Silks, Silk Velvets, Satins, Velveteens, And other Trimmings to match our Dres9 Goods. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! Ladies' Reaver Cloth Cloaks, velvet and silk trimmed; Ladies' Basket Cloth Cloaks, velvet, and silk trimmed; Ladies' Matelaise Cloth Cloaks, silk anil velvet trimmed; Ladies' Drap d' Dolmans, trimmed; Ladies' English Walking Jackets, plain and corduroy-trimmed; Ladies' Mohair Ulsters; Ladies' Tweed Ulsters; MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S CHINCHILLA, BEAVER AND BASKET-CLOTH CLOAKS. Au elegant stock of Gents', Youth's and Boys' CLOTHING, Comprising all the NEW STYLES, at REDUCED RATIOS.


H. H. W. CATHERWOOD'S PHILADELPHIA Fine Old Whiskies From their agents, Dickson, De Wolf Sau Francisco; also, J. H.

Cutter's Old Bourbon and Rye Whiskies. From their agents, P. Hotuliug Francisco, by the bottle or gallon, at wholesale prices. GENUINE SOOTCH AUD lEISH WHISKY, ENGLISH ALE AND PORTER. The Sample Room Is provided with tho purest Wines, LI- FINE NEW YOKKCIUARX ENGLISH ALE ON DRAUGHT.

no. ue McDonald block, Main street, near Court. Los Angeles. tr JACOB BIRNBAUM, Merchant Tailor, No. 47 MAIN Los Angeles, Has Just opened a full nnd complete assortment French.

Encltsh and American CIIATINGS.SUITINGS and TROUs- KINGS, and cordially invites Ills friends and the public generally to favor Uiin with a call. Bta-Styllsh Goods, Best Fits and the Most Keasonnble Prices may always be relied on, oclo-8m J. BIRNBAtI.M. LODGING HOUSE, CENTRALLY LOCATED, TO LET I aSltf T. E.

ROWAN, Downey Blook. FOR IF I IB Thoroughbred Runners (All entered in tho coming races) BE SOLD, WITH OR WITHOUT THEIR ENGAGEMENTS. 1. MAID OF THE MIST; sire Eva Coombs. 2.

EILEEN ALANAH; lUII sister of tho Maul. 3. TOMASITA: by Hub Sard, dam Little Agues. 4. TWO TWO-YEAR-OLDS; by Wild Idle.

'I he dam of one was of tho other Eva coombs. TheADOVfl stock was bred and raised by CAPT, GKOttGR A. JOHNoON, and they nro at the Kace Track now. Can be teen by calling on their tiatuer. Mr.

slicehiin. h'JB-i 020 LOS ANGELES LABOR EXCHANGE Employment Office. OFFICE, NO. 36 COMMERCIAL ST. Partial wislilns help or ofany kind can be furnished with tueni by applying at.

this oflice. COUNTRY OUDETtS By mail promptly attended to. 011-lm 11. ADLER. EEVOLVEH BOWM UVI id NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.

THE PROGRESS STORE, 120 Main Cardona Block. GRAND OPENING Of an Entire New Stock of Fall and Winter Goods. Special Selections. The Latest Style 9 of Men's, YotltlH and Boys Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoos, India Rubber Ware, UMBRELLAH, BIiATVKETS And a variety of other goods in our line. In addition, we have the largest and best selection of SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR BE FOUND lIN HIS MAIiKE T.

tSTWe obtain our goods from the best manufacturers in (lie country and ON A CASH BASIS. lam thorefore fully able and determined NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD By any otlipr house iv our line In the city. People iv need of anything in our line will surely find it to their interest to see our goods before purchasing elsewhere. WE MEAN BUSINESS, Ami our prices are made as LOW DOWN a 9 can bo found In any establishment iv the State of California. H.

SUSSKIND, Cardona Block, 120 Main St. GRAND FALL OPENING AT THE CAPITOL STORE Immense Quantities of Desirable New Coods Just Received Direct from tlie leading manufacturers of the Eastern States and Etnope. We call particular attention to our Dress Coods in Handsome Materials. NEW SILKS In all shades! NEW VELVETS In all shades! Black and Colored Silks, Velvets and Satins, for trimming, AT NEW YORK PRICES. SS pieces of Heavy Black and Colored CASHMERES, at 50 cts.

a yard. 20 pieces of NEW-STYLE WATERPROOFS at 80 cts. a yard. ITV FANCY GOODS We aro showing a choice variety of New Ribbons, New Embroideries, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Elegant Jet Fringe and French Lace; also, a large assortment of Ladies' and Children's Hose in Endless Variety. Ladies' and Children's Cloaks, lIET ALL STYLES JLIzTU PRICES tST Largest Stock of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS in the city.

Blankets, Quilts, Curtains, Curtain Laces, Sheetings, Flannels and all classes of Domestic Goods. also call particular attention to our Fall and Winter Stock of Geuts' aud Children's Clothing and Furnishing Goods. REMEMBER, The Capitol Store, FAIR! FAIR! Great Reduction in Prices Will Take Place Friday, October 3d. From this time until further notice, QUINCY HALL CLOTHING HOUSE Will sell their entire stock of Fine Gents' and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Coods At Greatly Reduced Prices, to make room for their Eastern Importation of Coods. QUIKTCY HALL, HARRIS, Proprietor, MAIN 63 Downey Block, opposite Commercial.

00.1 asdas Reward Ilollor the above reward for luforwatlou leading to the conviction of the party or parties who attempted to steal about one thousand head of sheep from the Laguna Raneho last nljbt. ROBERT 8. BAKER. 1 1679. 4.

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