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National Republican from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 2

Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OlillTUJJ.liI jrjjwnn Att min to ke'rnxK-AiiAiui imj- V7 -L M.J, MUBT-OH PUBLISHERS. P-HAN8COM. EDITOR. tJ iLlitlm rtlsttaf to ta. nb.crlptioaor,ir ad- mnMf Hi M.

KrSllCAM StOUtf iNlfHld la lit tmlliusta, at. "All MtanotMaauUtUouUtndMlfor M.liurnrHblUi la lta tutorial paptr, ibanU bt illmiid to tltlrMlVn. DulroW u4 Ota will (mtlT lth nblltbtrs ud tnt Idltar bj tonplvloi irith tat abort MRcitlnn. -ToMtacsroiiMaTs No nolle mb tx ttkrn maotoTaiotistomBual.attois. Waattvsr ti lo-Jenrfadfor laMrtloa nail ba Hthtatleattd by Uit atd aldit.sof lbs writer Dot ntewitrllr rat Kuiruiy 01 lit food raltb Wa snoot saftrtaks to ntcra rcjetttl comma TileaUtts.

ns VM(ii (l now wy i 19 russmorrs Mis euy tatf Yynvw. yiyjirr cmnyer MBnft. TlITJgSPATniiiiiinmmnDECEtcmR 8, ISM, -O M1BII or cnnnnini 8tptlorJm'4 BeprtsestaUvtt can hire the DaiWjNitios.l BiroBUCu daUrered rea- Wrlrt-VrOfnTitlvtt-lprMjma 'r1lE throbjh thi Beertttrr of v-cu-ift uui or mo uom of Kepre or at us jurciucxii office, 111 is rsnotrlvaola, Op.r.".orttia. yi ltle1p-td. tht sttend.oet last trecltr Tf.i'..lh.

tt0." Tbt clrilM wtrt with l.4Iti anas' (odd, aid tbt orchestra a.rrstnblaae. to i m.mmolh boaqutt of ktrlenttt- Ajwiii. Wt nttlot wits particular Vluiue.tbMt UdletUotl of Uaonlti- to snd.l -taut-, and wtl.omt bask tbt r.lra of At trnatloa wt bid aen (or ttUtbtd, ltMlf 1 HmMUM ox tbt rrtfm. nTbtrrctUDt tad bin. UrmOh.

Ml JbullM, wtrt tUttduMi tbt itcnttry of "rU utmbtrt tf bit Stetlri Oortraor Dt-aUon, Ut rottatattr Gto. Aftlla. 141. wtwoii ottorylBC tbt boxrt tmnsi ptrrt or ut tbtttrt.

Zi A iMtiuyirnMi 0r in tl r.mlH.r 111. poHIt It wltb lit formir prtrtotiu flltn. ftrtHk A. "V- -UUHV tnv rtoaillOO OMllt olgbt WAI tout ntpttti iJiftritr, tod tooit ttuent poloti to fonter ttttoai. rvTbt lAonit Mttdtllr tu yaui.

Htdtxt Rottn on ttbtmioc b-er-bswlMio, crtttly tipoa. btr Allot of tbt Uonol, (in tbt CrttitM pln.ur.totu n.n.rou. tdaUeriwbo wr. In ftttd.neo. Sttiotekt Hookot, Dslobt Or.tT Trt.t.1,!.,; llrily rrndllloii rl ih, M'" Tbt.

rt Wood, treat Bo.ton lnorttt. ttd M.B.iyrMptctto.tyof tbtoptrttl. J.w... TOUNoi of treat ttlebritr kv M.U.. 0.rl., dorlof tbt To-morrow oUbt, tpecltl tr.u pernmtlnr.

wt tt to eloettbttutoa with Lri tbt ui Mj.mnrrow, yoo Wt'tr fi-orlt- will dr. Dm. srrciitLi, tbt lolmlttblt, will rtt-per it Ororer. Tbettra on i.tnM 4 (iia ta ((uottt wUl bt limited, wt to l0 three olfbti.wbleb loilude Moiidty tod Tueider drtni "Wtlrioi for tbt Verdim" wbleb li tow In prepirttljo, wllb new tceoory, mtcblnery, tt. rniioioriciiiDPjucTieii Th6rye- Itont cntten nd nurblo monnmcnt miken tr.on.-ttrlkolnBo;i5,Dat the cltl.eniof Uif bnrg i7t coolly Ih.t the cmlomen c.n wilt for, then Article.

looj tht itriken ctn hold ont. PhUotophlctl BoetonUnt I Wtp.tid to tbt nt-tnwt I.r. Ihtreeomnumattloiuia tht lmporttnt re-pott of the Commluloner of Interntl Rerenae treonderetood, to bt tpproyed by the BecxeUry of Jlit Truiiry. They are prlnclpallyi Thtttht Ux on dleUUed tplrllt bo not re.

dnlid pne lota. 3. Thit the tax the whole tobacco product bt laid on the leaf. S. That If It be not, that the Ux on cl.ari bo laid on an ad yalorem icale.

a tax of one half of one per cenU be reTieoontaiie or merchandlM and prodocu, which amount to JH.OOO.COO.COO a jear.tnd wonld yield tSS.COO.OOOof rerenne. Canada usc.o.0 it ieu in a rut amoant. of cotl tblt year half a million fret of rero- rrMof cU ror three 'and, a half cenuaton, andbeeasie It drawe away from nt to Ctntd. UUon. of wmuwi into ipinu aod tmnx.

gled back here la frand ofonr reyenne, and bo-cauM i li tempu the frandnlent exportation to Canada of onrtobaeco in the leaf tbU year o.i,mUilon Iwo bnndrod and thlrty.ienn tbontnd doDtrt' worth-there to bt mannfac tured Into clrara and amnttled back oyer the frontier! That to tire rtyenne the builnett of tying gold and tllyer be dote br the Qorern- mint, ind not at prlrata etUbllahmenUi and that tbt pretent lleenee fee for aeiayloE be miide to large at to be prohibitory. T. That craHa petroltnm be taxed Iwo or wree i eentt a gallon, and the tax on reflnod ro- "nte or artetn cenu. on PibllcaUona be laid on tht preia-work aid binding. nr-Mrt P't'cnlarly ralle, Irom Clreat dollar and half a ton.

derlyed from real eiuta lu 1U To provide for tnmmary and Incxpen-IfoprooeeeeatoreooTer proenre forfeltnrn ofaoall lou of contraband gondl, Tht Gommleiloner Internal Berenne oe-tlmatetthtt the Eielie aa II atandi, and If not down aod Unkered by Congreae on tbe yield thrm hnMrM rollllou. a year on the pretent btila briboeosntryi that It will pay the current ex- pemett or tht nation. -t ilv ft a biwii'ii I fMWgjC n.H.,H uiuj join. fBiiaojiAu OraiiAt, Hoatcua hai been rtltiTed from tbt anauuod tf IU Otpart-ieal of alUtourl. Ttrniill.

KMirrhaa been appointed to bo'DOtulo. or tuptrlaundtnt ot mMU "dot ol Ibt N.w York owUSaxjieif hi at Wlllard'i nmei. i. vt u. a (io.t Suo" on tad art partial most laMrisltd.

r-' J- i if i in i Sherman's Movements. ItUU. U1V MIUUIUUUU Papers. Tbt Anguila Arallntl eayt that the head of Baennan'i column reached Mill on the'Sd da of December dtyt cg! The Richmond ptperi of tbe ih Initant, recelTed In Uill city, ttate that Bherman It approaching the coatt, bal they employ the ana. rotlrtnce at to tht end whereabout of hi.

nay. In dlicnnlng hit tooremenU, howeter, they unintentionally let ont the fact that the army of Sherman li morlng toward! the coatt aomt. whero between the and Ogeehee rliori. The latter empllce Into the OaaaU'w Bonnd, where there It an excellent harbor, and only a dlttance of about Artec- tnttee eonth of the city of Savannah. If the rebel Iron-cladt on the BaTannah rlrer are mf-clcntly formidable td prevent Gen.

Bherman'a erottlng II, ha may march directly for Oualeoioma, lie poeieuloa of which It equivalent to the fall of Savannah. The tliUnco from MUlen, where the Savan nah papera report him to have been on the Id lnelant, la aWt eighty mllea.If be had an uninterrupted march elace, and hai moved attheatual rate of nfloen mllea per day, he muit hare arrived lafely at the coatt before thli. RECONSTRUCTION OF. TBE CABINET. Meeting of (he Ccrncrackers oflloll Rosult of thoir Dollborations, p.elal Dtapatta to notional n.p-blltao.

nuli, Dec. 7. At a Urge meeting ofthecorncrackert of thli Influential town, held in a cornlltld to-day, raolutlont were adopted presenting the name of John TV, Jones aa the candidate of the United Btatea for a poeltlon In the Cabinet, In the event-ofde- compoilllon. Delegation! of Ilnllonlana have gone to Waihlngton (with prciesla of fi.h and game) to urge tbe appointment of Col.Jonee aa Secretary of the Interior, In the event or Judge Uiher going npon a f.rmi or ai SeereUryot the Navy, In caae Secretary TVellea ahonld accept a clerkthlp under Angnit Belmont. Ctpttln Jonea already hold! a handaomely- lalarled oflce, and bli latellltci are well pro.

vlded for, but It la believed by the corncraekera here that If Corporal Jonei could be put Into the Cabinet he would find placet for every voter In Bull, and therefore they have telegraphed thli meeting to the Aisodated Freit In order to he4 off all other atplranta to Cab- lntl placet. One MlDlitfr toBraall.mmlha Florida Mr. Jamea Wataon Wbbb. ntip Ulnl.r tbt IlraiUlan Court, haa written a moderate dla-patch to the Brazilian Government. In rni- one lent him bv tbt nr.tili-n e.

lunnoaMiii. complaining or the capture of tht Florida. Mr. Webb writeai "The Government of the United Btatei will feel regret at learning that a com. mender In the navy, without anv ln.trseilon.

or authority wbatavir, took upon hlmielf the reiponilblllty to capture one of the piratical crulieraof our rebela while ihi.u lu tboportofBahla, and tbe nnderilgued be-llerea hlmielf to be authorlaed to auore your Excellency that all the reparation which honor and Juatlco exact will be very freely offered. "Neither the United SUta. nnr Ih. alened are directly or Indirectly retponilblo for thli occurrence. It waa not ordered or author- uusa eitner oy tuo uovernmenl or tbe United Btatea or by tbe undersigned.

Thai replyldg to tbe note of your Excellency, and accepting aa facU the atatemenU of which the undentgned hat no knowledge, the underilgned very frankly, In Ml own name, and alio In behalf of hla Government, under the clrcnmiuncea already it-led, dliavona. wilt, -It Ma Florida In the watera of Brazil. In the dli-pauhei which he haa lent to Waihlngton he kai alwayi expreeied a dealre to strengthen tbe bond! of friend. hip between the two principal nation! of tbe American continent. "Such aa tha nnderalpneri h-a itn doubt, the feeling! and intention! of BratU, aa alto of the United States are, he doca not apprehend the least that tbeso aenllmenU can be dliturbed by the acta of the commander of one of our vessel! of war, or by thoie of an excited people imartlng under what they regard aa a lujurj.

"lu the pericct conviction that the Govern-mint of the United Slate, will promptly do all that li consistent with Ui proper dignity and the honor and dignity of Brazil, the undersigned asks your Excellenc) to excuse this baity note, and renew the expression of hla distinguished consideration. Jims W-tsok TYzm." The naltli ot Orobamtvlllt, The Bavannah of Dee. 1st saya It mentioned In a prevloul Issue that a force of Federala had landed on Broad river, and were advancing on the railroad In tbe direction of Orahamtvllle. Dnrlrg the night they (the rcDoie) had transported an effetllvo force to that point, which, uniting with that alroadyon the ground, marched forward on the SOih of November, under command of Gen. Gustavui Smith, of tbe Georgia Bute troops, to meet them.

Tha RipvUUm saya the Federal forces num bered 5,100 men, with II guns. Smith waa at- zacaea it a puce called Uoney Ulll, three ullea from Grahamtvllle. Tno rebels had only 1,400 muskcta and guns. The light lasted imlll dark. Wo (the rebel paper says) repulsed every attack, and finally drove the enemy't right and centre, but the left stood unmoved at the, dost of tbe action.

Tbe rebels received reinforcements, but not-wlthatandlng their boasting, admit that II was a drawn battle. Last night, November 30th, (the Tbpoollcoii seven or eight transports, loaded with were rapidly iroln. no Broad river. which givea aaanrance that the light will be renowea to-aav. ana tbat wneeier naa man.

aged Kllpatrlck with all caae. Tna conductor put a man who refuted to pay in tare on tno railroad train, near ruia- ueiu, uie oiner oay, ana tno man dropped down Into the darkness. The conductor presently found that the train had stopped on a bridge over a dry gully, and the man wai picked up at the bottom of it unite dead. The whole nnmher of rmlntnii -fHm1 New Vork up to Novinuber 30, this) year, (II monthi,) nesrly 30,000 more than for the lame period last year. Rutin rebel prltODeri.

Uul ciptnred ta In thli city ofs.tur. mornlog, and were committed to the Ath-1 peam. WMing InttUtgmar, urn ii In i i 11 i i Ti" TELEGRAPH i vo o. aw-iw ooaoi-o mm ft fNtir. Tom utn: TTti aibm' hMTT natl lr Bbrmi.i army.

It hu trritidctillv tfnrx.til.ii!! .1 wuc, ui connQtnceat- im iteamer Monterey wU take recnlir Port Hojat mill lo-motroir; -)tnmTwmmm LfiYniVn.T Tim. 9 T.a. i ttv MltcBMdalr yef47 WlJW (Ut tabSfa loitairrafiMln, TrWkl Oentral offl. crt, atnoBg frhODi(vert GtDi.OoTan aod Hot prerlonilir tfporied. Cheathtm waptdetptarr.

oaly bytbo fleetofaa or hU aorta. Tha traniDort ateamera Prima Donna. rraltit Btata and pintnrM TMUnt.v OntaaComberlaDdiiTer, were recaptured to dij by tbt nnttCarondelet. Ptm7lvanla Xttetorat Vat.

ItiaaTiatnta. fw. T.ThB rl. lr(C tonyeued In tho Benata Chamber to day. Met -11J HHtob as prealdeDt, Ina CKmary or the Commonwealth vai In lToduerd.

with the rttnrnt of the election, who ma union eirciori. am reported except John WUtar Mr. McKeln offered a nreambla and reion. Uon, recltlntc the fact that Mr. WUtar waa In or-aroce.

ana nominatlnc John B. arks la hi itead. John D. Otitis waa nnanlmonily elected In place of Mr. WliUr, and conmli-aloned by the Oorernor.

i do college then proceeded to Tote for Preal-dent and Vice Prt.Ident of iTeitAd Rti. by ballot, which rainlted In a nnanimona Tote jor uncoin ana odd (on. -t mmttmmm. Frm Pi.rtirt Mom of. Fontkiil Uovios, Dec.

6. The recently taptured blockade miner iteamer Vixen ar rived hero yeaterday afternoon from the DiocKaaeneetoir wiimintnon. The vixen wai captured by the United BUtei gnntroat Rhoda uibuu, wdiiq cuaearoring run inio wii-mlnftton. ITer cirpo la a tcfj Talnablo one. cod il tiny of medlclnea.rlflei, crdnance itorci, andblaaxetaof inDerlorEnellHh mannftctur.

Intelligence reached here thli afternoon of ma capture ana deatractlon or a intler' Klmrod.and the steam tntcUziltj Freeman, at midnight lait nlKht, while an chored off tbe month of Warwick rlrer. atvm aercnteen mllea abore Newport by a party of rebela who came In a iml bt. and who. It la ialdt were a portion of tho former crew of the pirate Florida. They wen, twelre In nnmber, under command of an cfll cer weariDC the nnlfbrm of the rebel naTy.

The intlera ichooncr and the tug hid come to anchor at the point named on account of the weather being ao thick aa to render It lrapoiil-ble to proceed with lafety. The ichooner waa Ont captured, the crew being anrprlaed while In their bunVi, aod mide no realitance. Tha rebela then quietly captured the tug In the eame manner, paroling all the crew and panes. gen, among whom waa Capt. Sautelle.

in pert men dent of the military frlaon at Norfolk, after robbing them of their valuables and moat of their clothing. After placing all the prlaonera on board of a barce. bantam the hitch ra, the pirate burnt tbe eehooner ahd ittnk tho tog. Aa aooh aa Intel llgenca of the affair reached the authorities a force was sent alter the pirate, bat too late to overtake them. Tho schooner was owned by Charlea Gallagher, and the cargo was shipped by Meesrs.

Sbrlrer A of Baltimore. Trm entire loss Is estimated at abont $27,000. lotathtrn IfaVra. rrom tha Charlnton Mtreury, Nor. si LOBS OT A ITXAMXB.

The whole citT waa startled Teaterdav mnrn. luff bt the boomlnff of heavv enns In onlelr aucceaslon In the direction of the lower harbor. Later In the day It was ascertained that tho steamer Beatrice, from Naaaau, In attempting to run In had grounded during the fog on Sunday night near tbe SulilTan'e Ialand beaeh, and the enemy's guna were busy demolishing the wreck. While feeling her way Into port It seems that the Beatrice was surrounded and fired Into by the Tankee barges, which kept up a constant fire of grape and tnnaketry npon the grounded Teasel, preventing her ofileera and men from getting her afloat. In tho confnalon that pre vailed the Captain and aerentyeleht of the men succeeded In escaping to the'enlllvan's Island beach, but aa their boat glided from tbe doomed vessel the Tankee lannches were boarding her from the other side.

Nothing Is known of theWate of the remainder of tbe crew some thirty In number who remained on boardi but It la supposed that they fell la to the hands of the enemy. The Beatrice waa completely riddled dnrine tha forenoon, and Is a total loss. Wa understand that she was owned by English parties, and waa consigned to Messrs. Beech A Roat. AKBZTJUU Or DICK TATLOB.

Fram tha lavnoa.h fupubliaao, Nov 13 Uettt. Gen. Dick Tavlor. the hero of tho Trans-Mlislaalppl, arrived In this city last night, by the Gulf road, and took qnartera at the Pulaakl Home. We congratulate our cltl sens In having ao strong an arm bared In the defence of their homes.

OEOUUZITIOIC. The spirit of onranJ ration under the anlrit of the proclamation of our patriotic Mayor and Gen. Elardee waa conducted In a briik manner In this city yeaterday. The guard on the streeta were busily engaged In picking up the derelicts, and almost the entire population of the cuy fto.43 near a ninaae. were maae soldiers.

We hope the vigilance of the guard will not he relaxed until every man able to do military duty Is properly enrolled In some organisation. The time haa arrived when every ono able to assist In defence of their and repelling a ruthless and foe from further Inrnr. alons Into the noble old Commonwealth of ueorgia should rush to arms. (Fron tha Savaumah iwi, IS'ov. to.

We thooarht wood waa hlch enoturh In all local Item In the Ma.ton TtUgroph takes the rag oh in. ouau ne noucea on ine streets yesterday a one-horse wacon conulntnir i- actly ix ttleU of pbu wottl, for which the moaest sum or tuny tiouars waa demanded. Got Brown must be resolved to drive fiber-man out of the Bute of Georala bv proclama tion. The Macon Tiljraph of the 2Stb, contain a no leaa than thnto of these manifestos of his excellency Tha JLI Ulret-A Itowbt Thrown on, Paaaa Coaamlaalona Kdmuntl Klrka'a tory. Riciimo ii, Daa.

3, 1341, To IKt Editor of tht DUftucH In the New York Daily Tribtmt, of November 30, appear two or tbre I column, containing what purports to be tho a econnt of what one Edmund Klrke, aJJai J. Ii. GUmore, saw, and said, and did on the occaal. of bis recent vlalt to tha military prisons In t. cltr.

A portion of thla account appeared In the Dttpateh of the SOth nit. The statement Is not only filled with falahoods of tbe grossest character, which muit be apparent to every r- tader, bnt In every particular, save the single o. of hla being at the Ltbby, Is utterly without foundation. Tht it a In, and asirell, If not better, known to nch bv irlt than anvbodv'else. lhave conferred with JadfeOuld on tho sub ject, and he loins me in at' gmaticing It aa a snsme.esspuDiicauon in.

r. ltnuisn, Major Commanding Military frlaon. IJat of Chief The following Is a complete list of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United Btatea since the year 1789: Ualli VIJ. WUIUIIIIIUUllUUVf tCUIUCI oVtOari William Cashing, of January Oliver Ellsworth, of Connecticut, March 4, 1W. John Jay, of New York, December ID, 1800.

(Mr. Jay declined the appointment.) John Marshall, of Virgin la, January 31, 1801. AOKcru. aiaryi 10.10, Salmon P. Chase, of Obit December 6, 18(14.

A Mil haa been going at lout New Tork city for the last few daya engag log apartments advertised to let, and making advance payments on them In bills on a bank which la no longer In existence, lie received goed money lu change, and In no Instance timed to occupy the rooms. nau Tack." In Dauphlne, France, they make bread bnt once In six months, and nske It with tha refuse of tbe fields. la tbe winter It at ci becomes so hard that they cut It with an an. and soak it for twenlyfonr tours before they csn eat it, fo njjo fa r. it.

VkstvalJ cuui.ta. Thl m.jnlncerit Viirvilt will commence is esfiftmenl at Qroror'i theatre 00 tht nlthl bf Dicember ii. This snionili-m'eit wDlb'a heartllr welcomed bV altloi'erl of the mntlcal and dramatic art. This dlstln. gntshed artiste cannot he Inrpsiled In the po.

cnllarllne or character. In which ah. la announced to appear, namely "Tha Dufce'i Motto," Games," "Bel Domino," and "The Brigand." Bhe will bt sustained br an excel- lest company, a grand orchestra nnder Koplla, ahd a fall extra chortti. A llie writer or the following extract from a private letter written to a Mend In thli city, entered the service or hit country a men bay, early In the pi event contest, ai a member of the old gallant Tth Maine volunteeriadared the terrible penlnsnla campaign waa wounded at Astletam and taken ptlaoneri wai loon exchanged, and ai soon a. able rejoined hla regiment, icrvlng In the ranki during the existence of the 7ih regimen and In nearly all the many battlea Inscribed on lta burners.

When the Otb, 8th, and Tth Maine reglmcnti were consolidated Into the 1st Maine veteran volnnleert he wsi commlislosed a drat lieu-tentnt In the tame, and aa inch haa been through the glorloui luromer campaign of the gallant Bherldan. Heiaysi I have been inccessful In dodging the bsl-leti during the miny bird fought batuei tbat I have uken part In for the past three months. lam almost ashamed to think that I hare not received an 'honorable aear to remember tho summer csmpalgn of 1861 by. I had twelve men In my company for duty on the morning lih, and before night six of them were severely wounded, aod waa compelled to seud four to take care of the wounded leaving me In command of two meet This la wbit lome might cell 'getting reduced In We think, In thli army, that Ehertdan la Ms nan In the right place. The copperhead! have teen pretty well cared for.

Our reglmentwenl 193 for Lincoln, and 39 for McClelPan. I think I have great reason to feel proud that my flr.t vote wss for 'Honest Abe. ox, Tnl MtoiciiHOf ToLtuo." Such Is thtUtltotaaewromsottfronl tht pea of tLt famous Louis Ltoo, whosa mat storlei, The stiver Ship" aod Ta. Step-Dautn- trr's rortlon," so cuetnaed the readlsc world but a f.w months stoea la tha eolumos of Ihstadml. rtblt itorr aod ikatah paper, tht AVu rora nVty.

Syria, tht Jewess," Is now ruaatof thtouih tha oolumos of tht Arw Vora aod wa think wa may promlst all who road It a rich lltsrary trtat. It IS I A THIIITT BlQHTIt CUKortESI. Bceond 1.1110-, TncciDir, December 8, 1864. SENATE. Mr.

Davla care notice of hla Intention to In. troduce a Joint resolution for the restoration of peace in tno union, etc On motion of Mr. Anthony, the Senate proceeded to the election of tbe Handing committees, and ncder suspension of tbe rule he made full nominations, which were confirmed by the Bensle. The only changea from last session are' the followlngi Mr Hherman aa chairman of the Finance Committee, In place Of Mr. Feesenden, resigned, with the addition or Mr.

Henderson to that committee 1 Mr. Crimea as chairman of the Naval Committee, In plats of Mr. Dale, with Mr. Hendricks added to that committee! Mr. Lane, of Kanial.

aa chairman of the Commltteo on Agriculture, lu plsce of nr.oauDUQ.wua tar. aarweil aaaeatotue committee; Mr. Foot on the Judiciary Com-rulttee, In place of Mr. Ilowardi Mr. lisle aa chairman of the District of Columbia Committee, lu place of Mr.

Qrlmeii Mr. Davli on the Committee on Cltlmi, la place of Mr. Hen-drlcksi Mr. Lane, or Indiana, on Ihe Commit tee on Patents, In place or Mr. Shermani Mr.

Farwell on Public Bulldlnea and Grounds, in place or Mr. llendenont and Mr. Howard on tbe Committee on the Library, In place or Mr. Fessenden. Mr.

Crimea orescntod a memorial nf ih Washington Oaa Light ComDsnv oravlnr far the repeal or the amendment! to lta charter, which restricts the price of gas. Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia. jur. aiorgan presenter! a petition from Wm. C.

Bryant, Henry W. Longfellow, Horace Qreely, John A. Dlx, Gen. U. 8.

Oram, George Bancroft, and olhen, priylng the foundlnc; and support of a National Home for totally disabled eoldlera and sailors of the army and navy. Referred to the Military Committee. 1 he President pro Urn Isld before the Senate a communication from theSecretary of the Interior relating his action nnder a resolution ol the 30th of June list, tulhorlilng him to reclaim and preserve certain property of the United States. The Secretary sayi that he regarded the reaolutlon as alluding, manifestly, among other things, to the public reservation on Pennsylvania avenue, between Tth and Oth street! nest, on whlehjhe corporate authorities were then erectlnir a new and building, to take the place of the present one as a public market'housei and, therefore, he nouuea too Mayor 01 tno aiiapprobation which Coograss had thus manifested, and desired thai the further progress of the building should be suspended, which was Immedlttely done, and tho work haa not ilnce been resumed. Tho Commissioner of Fublic Buildings re-ij puit.

tu mil tnrea oiner nnni rescrvtttons are occnpled by public market houses, erected by the city, apparently without any adeiuate authority yet brought to the notice of the Departyent, In one, the Western msrket) another, the Northern Liberties market, and the third, the Nary-Yard market. uuamca inese. a numner or onumne. annear tn havo been erected by private lndlvlduals.whlch coal, Urne and wood omces, along the banks of ejrU', In the neighborhood of the Centre affK space but when erected, or hr whit authority, baa not yet been folly ascertained, but they are said to have been put up nnder tbe ssnctlon of the city, and that anneal rents are derived from them. A part ot Virginia avenue, corner of Blxth street west, has also been quite recently occupied as a lumber yard, and the Commissioner thinks still other nubile trronnda raopMinlivl for temporary purposes, without proper au- tuuai.y.

uo oecruiary aw mereiorc ai reeled the Commissioner to came the 1 amber v.rd nn Virginia avenue to be removed, and should no uiui acat utooruy pe aoown man is now ap parent lor tbe occupation of tho other places, ua nutui MiVvniBi; urucr lut iiiey do Tacaieu. The Secretary calls the attention of Conirress to the "Lone; Brld-ze" across tbe Potomac, and suggests whether It wonld not be wise and pro- ucui, i. mrcct uie oi me reus mereon (it not being designed for a railroad) to the new bridge alongside erected by the Washington, Alexandria and Georgetown Railroad Company, and to provide for the repair of the former, so aa to fit It again for ordinary travel. The communication waa read and laid on the tablu. Some further unimportant business was transacted, and the Senate adjourned till Monday.

HOUSE OF KEPRK3E.VTATIVE3. Mr. Stevens, from the Commltteo of Ways and Means, reported back the joint reaolutlon explanatory of so much of the Internal Revenue act as Imposes a tax on cigars. Mr. Brooks wished to know whether the committee proposed to make change of duties on articles manufactured of tobacco Mr.

Stevens waa aware the Secretary of the Treasury recommended tbat tha Ux should be laid on tbe leaf, butth'e committee had come to no conclusion as to changing the duty, Mr. Brooks wanted the bill DoatDoned. and the course of hla remarks said tha only true way of assessing tha duty on cigars was by one or iwu ccm ou us1 asm. In tho course of the debate Mr. Stevens explained the joint resolution, allowing that by the decision of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, ai t.

thli tax, the Government ha. loM millions of dollars, wblcb. this act I. pro- TE l'jr flesilotfotb swarf postponed lit mMiiri af tHwfiff'tnrft tfifj Mir1si Willie Doited Btatea, feeommendlng a vote. of tarsnxi uapc.

winnow and to Uent. uosn lijr-ltie tottbtt tot tire deal ruction of tbe pirate Alabama, and the latter far the deatrnctlon of the rebel Iron-clad Albemarle. This action Aft tAAoioi la iVnl.a. uia ymi ui vVaJ(iCBsj (at htjuiicu t.j iud lTTa lo order that they maybe advanced one grade.) The Tarlotrs branches of tbe President's me. (tlge waft raMrrcd tottre.SfTTOFriaHe aUndlag I Mr.

F. Wood offered the olio Id Vcffoltt- tIon vrhlen Vas agreed to I jittoirxtj the uommittre oi ways ana Means be directed to Itmnlre Into the expedi ency of repealing the eighth section of the act entitled Aa act In addition to the several acts concerning commercial Intercourse between loyal and Insurrectionary States," ap pnjretj ioqi. This repeal the aeetlon appolotlsg coram er-fclal Mr. Sthenfck oflertu a resolution in effect denationalizing persons it ho escape to foreign conntrlte to eacana tha draft, and them. If they wish again to become cltlxenl, to apply for natural lxstlon It was referred to ina si niiary wommutee.

ado uouse aojonrnea tin Monaay. LOCAL NEWS Tna Teul or Wiisiktkld Co. This noralor at tue Military Coramtsalon, of whtaa Major O.rteral Donbltdtv Is Prtildeot. sad Cnl ioho A. Foster tu1aAdvoata.

tha eaaa of Wia- rnitiia Bit riDania. coins oBin bi mivoQ Kall.oa rsooiylvaaia avaau, was put on tilal. Tha Arm la eompoatxt of M. (taatra. Wciitnlald aod riiiiip waiitcn jncair.

rajar wiiaen, Vat snil fit tpi'lt Unntlin clcrka In that tabllabmcDt. rhtllTllih tnd tb eltrka are aharxtd with satllof gnotls to.fanJot Wort I sad otbt blockade ruaof rs, lo eonveved withia tba rDti noes aoaiopaaitpoataoiioinaaoimy. Dalor arralzaed noon the chart ther nlead not tultly, Hon. Tliomas Corwla and Wm. Lilly.

Eq appeared as ouaael for the dtftDdaate. rardon Wonley, latvtbalf of tha OoTeTDDtnt, i worn la a spy appoints 1 lo Aprlt last, byCei. Aufurihta roae to Loutoua and Fauquier eouo-tlf a rerrral times a month, wlihcooda for Motby'a Lie. which ha DiltTraire aod Waah-ni toa knowa the fl'tn of Welarnfleld Co at Odeon Halt, on raoDavlranla avaone. In whiai.

rniup waiimon la pnoaipai parnieriBoowa rnnip Wallieliiwaa iBfrnrfnaMl (a him at HlttaPah Wavl. FfODtylvaoJa wh'm he was mown aa Moaby's sutler, boufht of hira, aftar warda, a ralr of buff pan ti atxi -after he rtturoad from Moaby'a command tild Pblllp Wallaahthat waa all rtxht) tbat Moiby put them on and ooked extremal? wf II. atiaaa idih mm nw mif di at w. ii i ny in1 goods from Mm aa from any one elta. He bouxbt aoothar pair of pote for Capt.

Chapman, of Moa ba bttalion. Ha bouxht fooda aficrwarda u(oq rabel ordara) ud alto want to Wlaianfeld'a atorc. In Baltimore, where was told by Watlaah tbat he Dftbt as wall have booth the cooda at hia atore in Waahlngton, aa ha could have a-14 aa ehsj sdd'aavrd tha tianiportattoo. Alt the aterka knew him to bs Moiby'a auil.r. He xa'a a dnerlption of a battlr, the hrat he Bad seen la tbe valley, and told then the rebela had ot nor sutlers.

Ht knew JTnfte tobsa slrrkla the torr never had aDpartlsalarcnDTeraatlou withhimi knew Myer Walliebt has had aoTeriatlona with hlmt he koew what hla (witneii) buatnfiawaaihe saw him pay for tho ffooda ta Rider fc Wavlmch'a atorei knew Dontlyn.tae other claiki aakeibira about aomarooda.whea hewac loimhat tharhad not arnved. btit aa soon aitbeydll, the cider would befllle. uatiooty hc Corwidt BouTht for the flrat time of the Arm td AtiitM, and afterwarda lo Sentembcr. Tha aoda were purehaafdof Philip Wallaeh. and seat next door, to Rider fcWallaah'e Made, lnda.d,aomeaoaTl par-ebaare lajant, but did not ta 1 whither they were destined.

Philip Wallach knew tftcrwardi their deetioatien, becauiehesawtbe roo'a to Hlder It up and marked with Moaby, Cant. UountJaTi and Capt. Chapman, Capt. Falrfait He knew that there were army boola and clothing. Had a bonr nation with him about tbe roods la tbe atore.

Wltoaia wa known tribe Moaliv'a int. lrr, for MtoM him that he Carried the foidito Moabfi battalion, and that tho thing was xpt abadr. Kercr told any one that ha had tha authority of irocrii wno li atrantehat It would take lend ys toaellitoodi on oar aide, and aaspeoted that he went through tbe Itneai witness told him. and convinced Mm that he had the autbotltyof Gen. Amur to tell the roodit haa traded with Hai.brun, Newman, Rldir WaIlao Johnaoo fc Suttoa.

aod lome other, and alaola Georfetowai maay have not as yet been arrested. uroeaxaminatioa of woraleyi Ila kill that am', taavnsilti. i4aaatf ti tin h. kepttbafaatofhtsbelsra apy srerat. and only toldltamoof thoie with whom he dealt Pblllp Wallach.

after nndlni out that ha waa Motbv'a spy, waa very uxlnca to aall sooda to hlmi ha never aald to Wallaeb that he waa eon itl luted by tlia divers mant aa a spy afalnat hfoeby. ai tbat he waa burlnf sad dehtertog tbe goods to auoeecit lnaotlnrlheapyi hahadapaaalo Deeember but did not hire written authority to acll the cooda tilt April be tol I Geo. Augur that at one time he wiabcd to take out ladieii O.n. Auguyaaw tha buia and knew tbat he (witoeia) waa tra-4ag with Moabyj Gen. Aagur'a object waa to ascertain tha where aboute of Moaby Ila had not any dtailox with Myer Wallach 1 11 the laat trip, which waa made in frepfmber.

ooinmoq njafr. in ncnaii ni aaicnea Koowa Wo'alevt knowa Phllln WallirjhHntrnHttxorl Wnrm. ley to Wallach about the middle of Auiuit, la hla (wltoeta'a) atora, andtoli Walla.h that woralcr lined to buy gooda. Waa present at WleaenMd'a store In Ealtimere when Weralay bought tbe gooda there. Croas-axamlnet by Colonel Foster Did not hear Woralcr tell Wallach that the tan vthlohha waa purehaalng were for Colonel Moaby.

He (witaati) knew tbat Ine panta were for Col Moaby, became WorateT tell tint oflt. He did not tell the Juilje Advocate scvaral daya ago that MoBby'a name waa inaaaiuucu. wiineaa it a oroinerci inoKiacroi the firm of IUdr Wallach. He caw a hat and pi a me which bo knew waa Intended for Moaby, but wu uu in mat, iui ruiup waiiasat ucw n. mr.

lAirnia main intE aia iniirsw btkb un sivri. deooeagaloattwoofthe parties to convict them, the trial be separate end they acquitted. The court waa aleared, and upon reasaerotllcg it waa anooucead that tha motion waa granted, and tbat Justice Kcgla aad Patrick Doncly were acquitted. JuitucEaglawaa then sworn la shook keeper In Waliach'a atorei Mr. Rider brought Won ley lato the atora and Introduced him to Waliaoh, Worsley tught a pair of pants for ii oothtng waa aald about tha destination of tho pants) wit neiamadeoutabJlof the gooda which Wortley UUISUUsrl.

CxossKXmlncd by Judge Adrocate Hai been amploj ad fur two yearc by the flrmtreoeivea about has seen Woraley three or four tiraeij waa present the first time tbat Woraley puronaitd food 1 1 be bounbt trlmulncB. raid oloth. hataan Dirilog, eaptala of police the Capllol, teatlflcd that he knew thtiip vvaJUch. and knew him to be loyal. 1 be ease waa tbea submitted to the court.

P. la nddit ou to tho counsel shave mentioned bb emplai ed the defendants, are ex-Gov. ThoB, Ford, of ttilo, and Warden, Iiq. Divoxcxa ORAMTm. Ellaa Ollrer waa ad.

Judged by tbe District supreme Court as entitled ajuuvneiisoi uiyorce irom ine oon as oi mem moay wltn Maryaret ul'ver, on the ground that aha npmmitVit adultery with a man named New. kirk, at a houseof prostitution on York avenue, between Twcllth aod Thirteenth streets. A oeoree waa therefore granted. A decree of dlrorce a vinculo moirimtnil waa also granted to Mary hetfleidfrom her husband Jn'i. A.

Hattleld, on the ground. if adultery She waa married la 18-7 la PhlladetohtB, and llred with mono week In this city, when ha deserted her. M. Thompson, Kiq was solicitor for tha com-I'lelnant. A Mam Btibbsd.

Last night about half past nine, thte sane belonging to the schooner Bar-ri at, named Jamca Klngslow, Rlchird Hunt, aod Samuel Hunt, werettteeaed ty four other sailor, two of them white and two black, on Fourteenth street, near the csnal. a central row ensued. In which Samuel Hunt waa stabbed la three different placcB. He waa taken to the Fifth precinct sta-non-bousa and properly cared for. Tula morning ha was eonveyed to the Bahooasr.

TBI DbATT. Tbe followlnir easca wete dla. posed of to-dar by the Buaid ofunrolmenti irw mwii uauey, acoepiejj r. nanauuie, ujaicai uisaguiiyi nODCii lirowu, aO' canted. Fourth 3ub.D.tlrtrt O.

K. Ilarrla. titivBiiI dlaa. ivein sua.mtirui Jaha nniiter. ceo.

hid son Lewie Bailey, N. Day, Aaron Tueker, aecaptad) truuf moiuccr, pnysjoai oisaui)i Stiajuhq Kts Fwirjii. Wm. D. Bowey snd Ju laon Uu way were arrrstet by Sergeant Johnson, charge of stealing four barrels o( rya Hour from Charles F.

Behrens. They were oommiitea to jail ror court oy siuauee inoropion, Cahilibs nousiKsxrxsi. About twelve o'clock last nlgbt. Patrolman Maxwell, while going his rounds, found the door of a house oo the comer ol kJghth and Letreeta open. The oMeer naa ine aoor progeny urea.

A BsvxriT for the P. E. Mission Chapel will commence this afternoon at Vigilant Hall. High street-, tvlow Bridie. Ueorcatrtwn.

II will be a grand stfair and well worthy the patronage of a UIVUI JlkiVIS.l ToConomsiJiiH awd Otdxrb. A printer daairee to obtain aoaie writing, oopylog, or as an smaaaeoalc, to UU up a lew leisure hours ach evening. He writes a lair Land, and la familiar with Mas. Has been a contributor to the press for tome VSara niiat. V'itllant rala)rsnnatai srlvatii.

I Any word left at thlc otfloe, sldroned WAiTa, will regelre nvay'. aUeattoa, TT1 li ji nrairo ti' iT fr Bk r.i'VT. o'cLo1JSk vtHt. conrinuRD. A The Senate, In executive session this fore noon, confirmed the nomination of Got.

Den-n of Otto? lo Poetn. aster QaevaJfvrvttw HOT flKPOUTBD VPOVt tho Jodlelsry Cotamltteodldnot ttport back the name ol iton7Jamea BDeectlo be'Xt ioroey tfeotralof pie tfnlte'd Blitesj nencehi Is not jet confiVinect. We do not learn that this nonsctlonof tho com mitt Is In consequence of sny opposition Id the nomination. Fbuohal. Cnur Jcitics Cda'ss will hoi take his seat upon the Bench ol tbe upre Court txutu uonday naxu Majos Ota shai Jonn A.

Looab Is ta town. Hon. B. aowjr( fenator from MissOurt, arrived In town to-day AISOCIATC JCSTICX riXLA, Of the SUpTCmO Court, tfrrlf ed at Wtllards to-day. A Call iTrfok fJie Freslatevt.

The colored' free msioncrf the District were ont in procession to-day, aa this afternoon Aarched to tho Executive Mention to pay their the President, bnt he vrsr sbteik si the time. aw York toalc fJst. tha Pannla! Taleranh Llnae. ninth street and corner Facnaylvaale Tenneaoi biiii eirees. TiirainAT, DtciHiia 8-Ftarr Boast U9.iMti Coupon 'a HT it.

tot Certldestetof Indebtedness wij Gold Crte ss' Hudeou lis Heading t.t 1' Ulehtaraa Central ...10 Michigan 1ii Illinois central tisii Cierelud and PltUburs 1112 i umbetland Coal CAM Cleveland and Toledo Chicago and Hock Island unteago ana rforinweaiars. quicksilver, l)i Paor. OoLDwnr SuiTn. of tbe Oxford Unl- Teraltv, England, delivered a lectors to New York last evening upon the history of that aacfeat seat of learning. Ehwa IlAttDiaox.

the ac trees, who torved I ptrtuailst and became a medium, now finds her profit In giving meettnta la San Franctseo. Cam. Wikblow. of the steamer Kearssrtfe. 1b a "lion" at the Aitur House, Dew York.

Wat. BiALB, senior proprietor of the Boston Poif, ealebratjd toe dftlath anolreriary of hla wedding an the evening of tha Slit nit. LOCAL NEWS Trial of Db. J. B.

JCxaibt. The trial of Dr. J. Kasiby, late Burgeoo of the Board or Xn rolmeat of tho iHstrtct of Columbia, wu entered unoo thla afternoon before the court-martial of which Brig. Gen.

Brlggs, U. 8. Is freilnVnt.and Lieut. Col. Burnham, Judee Advocate.

Kx-Gov Ohio, and G. Hlne, appeared asooun gel loi'tbeprtsener. The chargec and ape alfleatlons are aa follows i Tha flrat charge against Dt. Keaaby is, being engaged la proemiogvurittltutea for persona liable to ba drafted fnto the Military acre lea la Tlolatlnn Of the act of Congress appi trred February IS4. flrat ehrjree him with accepting Peter Alsxaadar( presented by hla brother as a aubstltute after he had been rejected whan presented by Caisldy.

Speetflsation aeooad charges hlav with aoeeptlag as Ainr.l man nraaanted be hla brother, after IS- JecUax him when preaented by Lltdell. ana.f.a him (aillh wLfrtna- dratted men who de.led aubstrtutas to his brotn- The second aharge la willful nrgteet to make a faithful and true repoit ol a person presented for the Mary service, la Ti? igrcss, approved March 18, and Feoy 4th, 'itie flrat epeslfleat.oa li Improperly rejecting Dick Caner, who waa preaiaiwa ea a reeiUttbj Hiram II. AtnoM. The seoind Bpealflcattoii Is improperly aecept-leg Dick Carter aa a recruit when preccnted by hla Speclflcatlon third Is Improperly rejecting Wells, as over age, when presented as a recruit by Arnold.

gpeclflostioa fourth Is for Improperly accepting Robert Welle, atth.uih orar age when predated by Ma brother. gpeclflflitloa fifth 1b for Improperly rejecting Robert Talt, as uoflt for military aerrtt, whan presented by Arnold. specification sixth Is for wrongfully areeptlng Washington Talt when preaeated by his brother. Specific seventh la for Improperly rejeotfag Peter Alexander aa under age when preaentad by CaBstday as a satttute. Sued tf cation eighth lc for accepting Pater Alexander, although under age, when preaeated aa a substitute by bis brother.

Specification ninth is for wilfully neglecting to make faithful inspect Ion and true report, improperly accepting and rejecting divers parsons presented for hla examination Tbe third charge 1b for conduct prejudicial ta good oder and military discipline. The first specification lo for paving Arnold iSOO aa premium money on sight men and having then credited to Mo brother. Specification second la rejecting Dick Carter. resented by Arnold, and aiterwards acceptla lm when precented by Ma brother. The thl id apecifieetitn la for rejecting Robert Welle when presented by Arnold aa accepting htm when pro sen ted by hlo brother.

Tbe fourth sneclttsatlon la ior rejecting Washington Tate when offered aa a recruit by Arnold, and after wardsacceptlng him when offered by Me brother. Tha firth sped flea t.on Is for rejecting Pater Alexander when ottered by Ciisldsy and aaceptlng him when offered by his brother. Tbe alxth specification is for presenting Wm. Johnson to the Board of Enrolment as a rterult, and afterwards examining him bb such. Tha seTeath specification la for presenting Geo.

Erfanttothe Board of Knrolment aa a recruit, arid alta'waids examining him as such. Tha eighth cptcltteation lo for referring all drafted persons deslrlog substitutes to his brother, substitute broker. The ninth BueeiScatton 1b for reicellnc a man otlerrd aa a aubstltute by L. XJnuell, and after warns accepting mm waeu presented oj ma hrnthatp. Thereby uuduliifATorlPt hla said brother, and Interfering wi tilled pifjudlelcg the public ser- Tha JuJja Advocite, alter reading tha flrat sped- nnaiiuaoi tue Uiiiuui, uku iu utuuuui tu plead.

all the chargea and specifications had been read) and tha court was cleared for da ibcratlon. Upon thadooia being reopened the defendant SleCl not guiltv to the first specification ot tho rst charge, lo tbe second specification defendant demurred, for that the name of tha colored man alleged to nave oceu rejectee; wee waa the name of tta drafted man. lor whom tha substitute was afterwards alleged to have been accepted, glreu. Counsel held tbat the aecmed not be compelled to plead, unlets tbe charge and il fta therein wreapeclally set forth. Before rendering a decision upon the point, tha court adjourned until to-morrow morning, at it U'CIUO.

Fabadi or Colo ax Major 8. Tester day the colored people had a grand turnout, the occa-elon bemr the reception a number of reprecen-tativca of mason te Lodges from Baltimore, Canada and elsewhere, 'the LodgesorthioDtatrletturned out In force, andwlih baoncro fljlog and headed by a Qoeband mid a'goodBhow. Thcfe were a number of carrliges in tha papcaislon occupied by malea aod females, while tbe pedestrian a were numerous. The turnout excited considerable interact and attention. Committed to tub Old Capitol.

John Magruder waa arrested aad committed to tha Old Capitol for uttering treasonable and disloyal Ian-sums. He declared tha oath QftaUegtanee waa nothing, and that ha would take such an oath everyday. He aald he was goiog South, and that ho had much Information for tha rebels S)l. II I Committed to tbi Old Capitol. Twenty ribels, who hare been tn Lincoln Hospital for aomo time past having been wouaded before being takea aa prlso oers were transferred from the hospital to tbe Old Capitol prison, they having recovered from their wounds.

Ckiminal Coubt Judat Ptiher.UoitiT Mil Icr, Indicted upoa the charge of perjury, waa ao- II Ul at CM. William Ferguson, charged with sssaultlnrand rsaiatlng an Ulcer, was convicted and fined gt' -i AmnisTBD. Bartholomew Murphy, the man who kept tha chanty wher drugged l.quor waa aold to tbe aoldler, Peter Collins, whose death wa stated In our columns yeaterday, haa bea anes ted bytb military authorities upon the charge of Dciog coaaeroea euoiaistenog tn iuu- liquor to CoIIUb. Lo8TCn.LT. Yesterday afternoon, Officer Cruok, of lb Seventa preciact, found a email bay irnravu uraiu wuiBiiiii auimi waa takea in charge by til offloer and returned to I his parents, who reiloe near the Western Market, palled from the Confederate) Confereee for dla wm killed a.fpw.

days tlnce, la Jiorthj iaw, ueja laco'ti in itf'aertdenUl dltcoBi7e 'of era Alabama, dt we oi one'bf Lu own pistols. inebU for soowtlmb past bean scmeertlig with the Tankage, and-was not long since In Naahylllea Ilia Tankeej friends had presented hlui with a pair of pis toll, which beVoTTj upon his person. One of them droppad to the ground and went off, the ball peaeu-aUng his bowels and coming ont at his back, can slug death. Mr. Cobb was fov-merlT a member of tha United Btatea Conxreas.

Though a man of moderate) he wss a shrewd anA adroit poUUcUn, snd succeeded la winning the confidence of his Immediate 'extent which nothing could Ihske, andln his various contests be defeated some oi tna aDieaimen Aiaoama naa proaucea. A VamwrnY tnTcnUon is churn which makes batter from cream In ona minute snd a half of churning, and from sweet milk In four orffvaralautea. bpkoUl NOTICES. be l-lal seetlsgot Ooaaciis Wo, 1 and flaw Ualou Hall this evening, at 7K o'clock. BuBUeeaof Import anes requires a full attendkaea.

Per order, if are Tarn trwaht lava To Narvona SulTerere. A gentleman snreo of Wervoua Debility. Ineoaa-pcteuty. Premature Decay, and Youthful Error, traetea ut aeairs to ttvaeiii oiovr, win my to mrnuD to an who neeo ii, t'ree enarge a recto and dlreetiona lor making thaelvplei remedy need In his ease. Suffer era wfablag to profit by tha bad experience, and pos-eese a etire and valuable remedy, can do so by ad-SYeaalng him at oaea at his plaee nf bualness Tna ftaetpe and fell Information of vital impottanoal-will be cheerfully sent by return of mall.

Auaress iunn an. Ke. SO Nassau street. New Tork. P.

Nerrona anfferere of both aexee will Bad thla lsfarmstlon lavalnabla. deSSmdtw are All Paraaii Untie te the Draft lm tha stlghth aad Ninth anb-dlstiiete (Georgetown) will meet at tha Coatom Uonse, on Consress street, above Bridge, on MONDAY EVENING next, the isth instant, at half past 7 o'eUelk, for tha purpoea Ol 10 ruling aran iiuiup a. uw rm tOeratawa. far the Daneflt ofiha P. K.

Mission Chapel Is now in protre-t at Mgllant Hall, High street, below Bridge, to which tho generous puWle are Open afternoon and Sight, dcMt rf-Bearlst siovrt rreet tbe appemrmwe efgrtry hair by using" Labia's It will aurery rtetore faded hair to new life, create new hair upon bald heads, aad make th old look youthful, aad the young more beautiful. Itexbalee tha rare aad Indescribably datlelouo perfume ol a thousand exotic flower. Contains no oil or alcohol, aad will not aoll tha moil delicate fabric. It la just wnat ladies neeo. tfTrie OooTtfCBStcma aad Kxperleac of iIiiLitijPiihllihsvl for tha baa a fit.

and aa a CAVTioa to tovwomxw and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Prematura Decay of htan-h'Maat. A aunntvlnr al the a am tltoe thi hcaii or ssLP-cvaa. By ona who haa eured himself aRarundargolag eonalderabla quackery. By enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope, si ogle copies may be had of th author. HAflAta.a a aTAirt.

au-i dee Mm Brooklyn, Kings N. Y. ITt-Orvltavjiaf ATaUr Th MsaWBisTesra of tharrotaetant Orphan Asylum, taeonueciionwlth the Ladles of th different Churohee of this city, will holdaTalrfor th benefit of tha Asylum, to eommenca on FRIDAY EVENING December 9. at Odd fellows' nail, on aevantn aireet. noxa-u Pereoai raqutiiag tha serrteca of aa axperieneed Short-band Writer In preparing important papers, may hear of one by applying In th Editorial room or this oOea.

aea7tf JUT Flrat MTariJo Th aubaorl'ra toth Natiosax. BxruBLicAH lath first Ward. who ismb nerlaaud bT former eariiorc. and who Jealro to continue, will pleaa leave their ordara at th Book and Periodical store of EDWARD WAITE, 1T7K Pannsyleaola avenue, between Seventeenth tnd Eighteenth streets, and they will ba served proarytly and regularly. norl-tf Ltxxi, direct to NEW TORE, BOSTON, and all Important points.

Washington Offices i RErOR-UCAN BUILDING, lt Ninth street, (west side,) corner Pennsrlvacda Avenue aad Sixth street, nnder National Hotel, and (comer fifteenth and streets, opposite TrsaaurT building. febia-tf Maaarer WaahUuton District. tf Th rraela FraiMjIpnuiil Toilet rOWDIRl This widely and Justly celebrated ar.Uste, which is nisd throughout Europe, snd constdei ed a NECEII1TT IN THE TOILET OF EVEU LAD now for the first time Introduced to the LADIES OF AMERICA. ritANOlPANNI FOWDEIt tl hi. rl railed for removing Chaps, Blotches, Pimples, (fss, and other Impurities of tha skin, rendering SOFT, CLEAR, SMOOTH, snd BEAU-TIPDL.

rRAN3IPANNI POWDKR la used to rvaov TAN and FRECKLES, glvtog FRESHNESS to Ihe COMPLEXION ana a neauoy hue to the Skin, wit yOTHF DL SOFTNESS. FRANGIPANNI i. hs i(ti ut EnrBB iprinki on the inside of Kid Gloves, enabling drawn on and off with eaaa and peOUng their being soiled by perspiration. Arte withdrawn it laavea the land amoh, aolt and white, with a delicate freshness and pet fume. TRANGIPANNI POWDER Is used to remOTO all roughness aad tha heads, arma aad fae.

It softens Corns, a nd other cutaneous excrescences. price 35 ecnfs aad so tenti, according to sits ot naaVafa. gj- seat ny man on receipt oi pnec. For sal by WILCOX St Sol Agents, novlS-tm. Ill Water street, New Tork.

Masanfaetwrere Btoek ef Watches, loceets, chains, bracelets, nmOJ, PINS, MASONIC EMBLEMS, GOLD rENH and CASES, together with a lull assortment of Fine Jewelry, will be sold at retail for the next sixty days. Certifies tea naming the different articles are put la envelopea and aealed, and cent without regard to choice On certificate, tell tor you what you can have for $1, wilt be aent for 3o cents, five certificates for tl, eleren for tblrty-for 5. After seeing th article. If It does net gtv perfect satUfaatlon, you can return It aod get th moaey. Great loduoemeats are offoted to agentc.

Wa afao manufacture Badcea for every division and eorpe In the army. We will send a sample (pure silver) with your ana combes handaomely engrared thereon, on the receipt of SI 60i together with our wholeaale Illustrated circular to agnta. S. M. WAR) at noivaun i'' rtinii.

ana ffarvnua. beiitl sU. nrt a-nl M-tntit---MW and reliable treatment-U Reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIA- iiurt-ens nau in sea-eu i- rreaof eharg. Address, Dr. J.

SKILtlN HOUGH ton. Howard Aaaoolatlon. No. I South Ninth atreet. Phil adelDhia, P.

JF'JF 10 1-fi, Wis DcpAaTHxaT. Abjotaht Gekx sal's Orricx, i WAsaiae-ro, December 1M4. Captain William H. How. ABstatant Adjutant General of Volunteers, heretofore published aa UKrint (.

wnnaratail from BUCh. charge, he having had proper nuiheilty tor hl abetnea. rE. D.TOWNSEND. dees ASilatant Afljutam ueerai.

Of riCIAL.J HxADo.AXTiai Abut or tws Usitid Statss, 1- tna Field. ViaaisiA, Nov. 13, ISIi. Special OrJera, No. Extract.) The following orders aia republished for the Information and guidance of atl concerned: Hereafter deaertera from th Confederate army, who deliver ttaemsBlves up loth United Statee forces, will, en taking an oath that they wilt not cala take up arms during the present rebellion, a furnished aubslstence and free transportation their homea, If tha same are within tbe Hues of Federal occupation.

If their homes are notwltbla such lines, they will be furnished subsistence and free transportation to any point In the Northern statra. All Seeerter who take the oath of allrgtane will, If they desire it, be given employment in tha Quartermaater's and other Departments of tha army, and the same remuneration paid them as le given to civilian employees for similar aeiTtcec. Forced military outy, or service endangering them to sapture by toe Confederate forces, will not ba exacted from such as glv themselves up to th United States military authorities. Deserters who bring horses or mules Into our lines with them will, on delivering the sane to the Quartet mae tet's receive lo money the highest price auah horaea and mult are worth. By command of lieutenant General Gbant.

T. S. DOWERS, noTls-K Adjutant General, 1.

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