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Knoxville Weekly Chronicle from Knoxville, Tennessee • Page 3

Knoxville, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Anovbillo (LCLUchlj. wniclc, (Ldlctincsn(f jlulp 1871. It Tho "Accept Nothing Uciuocrnrr. Tho following is from the Albany (Ga. N( wa Tlio iloiiarturo of tlioXoitlicni.Dornoorn-cy from tho true fuith of tho jmrty Htiouhl inspire tho South with a lofty of Holt-respect i.iul profound U'Rurd for her own penou und material interests.

Tlio tonoof tho Northern press, towurd Mr. Davis, and through him toward the people of the South, Is ample testimony that the Democrats of tho North have no morolovo lor us than have the itepublleans, and. Hlioulil remind its of their villainous de-ceittion. duplicity, and treachery in IfiliO-l. About the only dijlurenco between a modern Northern Democrat, with tliutiuw deimrturo tdiell on his bnck, and a Northern Jlcmibllcnn, is tho diJleruneo between ins and oiits, or tweedledum and teedle-dee.

Thcreforo wo hold that It is the duty of tho South to stand linn by tho fnUIi of their fathers, adhero Immovably to tho principle of republican government, and constitutional liberty, and hay nothing till tho two factions at tho North lmvo aligned for battle and sounded tho advance. As between two opposing factions who are struggling for power and plunder ami uui, lor 1110 preservation 01 UIU uov-crnment or the liberties of the people, iud with neither of whom we canagreo, it may iiu wise in us 10 cast our joi yviui tne most powerful and Seek safety even In the tents of the wicked. Wo do not mean to turn Hepublican, but wo mean to say that w.c nave no menus at tho North exeunt for tho strength we carrv into tho contest for the loaves and ilshes that we boliovo tho I 11. 1 -wuwiwuiaif! 111 mo ioriu are as corrupt as the Republicans of the North and that when both factions at the North ntmitl upon the same platform, as now indicated, 11- is a matter ot no consequence to us wiiicn faction uocs into nower. Wo can only hope for peace by voting with tho winners.

-The Alabama Claims. WASHINGTON. June IK. Mr. rHmrlnu "eauieii, oi xew lorn, tins recent ly ueen employed ny tlio Department of rjuuu iu iirraimo tne voluminous iwiiifiW 1 hum iiiu in relation to tne iuauama claims, for presentation to the tribunal of arbitrators under tho treat of Wiislilni ton.

Pending the session of thejohit higli viiiiiuiiHaiuii mis gentleman puoiisiied a volume entitled "The nationnl nml nri- 5 vuio yiuuama qianns, and tneir Hnul and i amicanie settlement." in wliieli lie lr.ivn irom tlio records of tlio Department of Slate, a list or soventv vessels onntni-pil bv Ainoamu, tiiirty-six by the Florida. nine by tho Georcia. lirfv-six bv the Shenandoah, thirtv-four bv their tondnra. eigliteen liy tho Sumter, twenty-nine by thoTallahaRsec. and two bv the Nashville.

'tables giviiigthe claims (lied by the Uni ted States citizens. for tho losscr Of these vessels and their cariroes. bv tlio four VW-' ouib iiisb muui-ii, auuui to i ne ciui ui.i ior losses ny oilier vessels, otli-' er claims that have not yet been llled, will )robably bring tho gross amount claimed ior tne property destroyed to. at- least KUKLUX OUTItAGfi, XKAIt Arrest of Suspcctctl Parties. Deputy Marshal Sanders arrived from Murlrcesboro' Sunday morninpr witli live prisoners, arrested on a enargo ot Wliip-phiK Jane Roy, a colored woman, on tlio plantation of John Atkinson, about tliree miles from Smyrna in the old "Jef- lerson" iieignnoriiood, Tlie woman Was most brutally whlppod by a band of Ku klux on tlio night of tho 18th inbtant.

tiio people in tne vicinity wpero tnu outrage occurred are very indignant at tlio false and malignant article in the Manner, of Saturday, allcginir that Atkinson was a lladieal, and that he and other wcro tho trinity parties. The accused will have a hearing before a nited States Commissioner to-day. Col. Atkinson, who was one of the parties arrested, Avas a Confederate Colonel. We will not, like the Manner, condemn them unheard, but wo hope iho real criminals will be punished to the full extent of the law.

7'cnncssca Tribune, LiriTKit Fitojr Tin: VicijI'rhsident. A letter just reeelveil from Vieo President Colfax, dated Bouth iieml. kivh the doc tors allow Iii to write two or three Jetters tiny instead of 20 tir 30. llo am living here the laziest life o.is11jIl',uiu1 iooiung uncle nt tlie last dozen years, wonder now Unit tue blow did not tali earlier. Kvery liienniul congrebsionalctuj-vass I made from 70 to 100 speeches, and the interim between them was tilled tin witn public illo wttn all its exacting un ties, lectures.

My Journeys across the continent and to the Ilocky mountains, the only relaxation of the Jast hair dozen years, postponed tne evil day forme. I am going to loilow your counsel and that ot other friends hereafter, ho that I can en- joy with my family the health that Provi dence is so Kinaiy giving uacit to inc." H. H. Cox has published in the Jrivh Democrat tho last letter ho received from Vallandigliam, as follows "Dear The dry hones are rattling. J.

is hard to shako up hut he will bo HliaKen. uur mends (naming certain newspaper gentlemen) have carlca in their bones nut after awiillo tney. too. will rat tle. Tlie movement will succeed.

I am in tho McGehan case, and ail full of jnur tier just now." seems to lie Jell Davis, but wlio are the friends with caries in their bones? bonio rulilans in Indiana-at lucked a hoio occupied by four bachelor brothers, a sister and servant. Three limn of ben- were thrown into tho followed by torpedoes loaded Willi bilekshot, Halls and screws. The explosion of the torpe does lired tlie House and wuued tnu family, wirmi mo ruinaus iircn into inc noiiH'-Several of tlio inmates were fatally hurt. Tlie mfllanses.cain'd. One thousand dollalu isollired for their ilotoction.

Tin King of tlio Cunn'lbal Ifdands ipMu Iiu hni lately beitinic reformer and atiemntcil a little restrictive leglsla- tlou iiactiug a law to prohibit" tho use of as an artlolo ot lonci d) tlio guilolex i Fijians ruhentud thU luterfereuoe with their have rlwn in revolt, so tuoamx rciinV Tiiii.iiiiiiito; oompi'iieti ro tnix no nrms; lijiiiinst me lif.llhiKu fMiimlliol miilmi tlntivwwii hla in'iu ..1 in vlult Ihn ITnWrul ivllt IlllVA t(l UO J)()tllOlllHl. family Groccrloi. WHOLESALE GROCERIES. I). A.

CVltl'JiM lilt 1,4 KO.SS. Anderson County. JJnox County. CARPENTER Wholesale Grocers ax6 COiSlMISSiON MERCHANTS, Brbwn's Block, Gay Street, AVI! TAlli, THIS METHOD. OF INFORMING the i'f EustTciinrstc nml Western' stock jfnll kind of GROCERIES, 1 Comprising full Lines it COFFEES, -TEAS, SOAPS, CAXVLES, l'lQKLES, CAXDIES, P11KS1UIVED FRUITS, Tr A rrr a vn art a I M- KM .111 J-T MJJU111UJ.

runs axd en units, vjj.low WAnp. noP, j-c. bought nht tho fcJuction )pbp tfirifT. om Coffees and Teas1 CrtnnoJ bo underbid by any biher liduso in th cltr Coiiiiisioii Merchants. Wq ulflo in WHEAT, CORN, BACON ani 1 Coimti'y ini.i.tiinii;.LiDii.

II If, n.f nn.l,.t VIH. tiu Uonaignmcnu eullcitcd ana liberal Cash Ad-nceamaJe. CAItl'ENTEH ilOSS. vancea inar23-UA'w3m Jirown uny bt. CouuitlsMlon JIIcrcliaittN.

J(iS. A. JIabrv, 8r. CTunstn. Jos.

A.MiURf, Jn' MABRY, TURNER QENERAli. Ooniinissiou Mcrcliants. IV O. 44 (JAY STREET, TENNESSEE, la BACON, LARD, FLOUR, Corii.jTFneat, OatM. May, COUNTHY PRODUCE tJENHRALLY, A ntipillf lira! I IY1 tl iDrTIOfltc IJ 1LU1 tUrdl I II I I t7ll I II Lb FIELD AN'D 'GARDEN EEDS, IMaster, Cement, Salt nml Fertilizers ir Proiunt attention will be iriven to consignments nfURAIN ami COUNTRY PRODUCE, and liberal Cash Advances made on tho came.

REFER TO Taylor 17 Wall Street, Now York. R. AI. MrCLUKU, Cash. 1st Nat.

Rank. Knoxvillc. Jos. R. Cash.

People's Hank, Knoxvllle.ZI Largest Stock in the Southwest or MILL FURNISHING GOODS, THRESHERS, Reapers and Mowers SAWS AND SAW MILLS, Collins and Peacock Plows, BUCKEYE CIDER MILLS, WHIoiirTliby Grain Drills Car riages, ItuggtcN, Carts and Wagons. 43 Repairs kept on hand for Machines told. janB-tr Dentistry. RUKA. MILS 11.

M. 1UIIIU3 IIAUUIS, DENTIST KNOXVILLE.TENX. INFORM tho rublio that they aro now prejiarcd to hiral work in Alo- chanical Dentis ryiuie-rior to any herotoloru or-ferwl. Thcru boinz Brratcr demand fyr Artl-j bcial Teeth than ovcrbe- lorc, and in view of thU wp hiivofeCTireiltho richti Dr. Kttli ka Method of Vulcanite

by which plnlo in made tliin itml ivlilch irr.ntlv tlitnini.hed tiio enotim. bmnco irrlbo mouili und ninkci them decidedly tho mott coinlortamcinnu uurubio piHtes now in un: wo have proM'ii them to be far superior tuHipuM rommou 1 tut I in Pluto, 'nil ten nn llii lmpiovcd Pia'o for Filly Dollar. Hairnet. Thirty ThlfDi (uctraotod wiiliut nini by tliouMiif Kkroua O.xi loOuf (duth.wui bo taken widi ajV-ty by vorK nnu wperanorn in uentni scienoo c.chiou. hi tlio hen nau latwt yl(f, and witrruntcu to (rivo mtta- luction.

tiri'icr. Strccn, -On CI1un.l1 Lclw 'wi Gay Jirwl Stat.q.l jni-wn. nnnr.iv rtn vnn.AK rSLOOOEjl CASH )T Ulcerated thnt io uopuiij fatlirto'curc. 'It Is nrenarcd iinmsb'theure Ihe Pilos I and nothing else, and Ims cured oasus of overi.0 wirs 1' by J.aborutory, ll'J r.iuklmSlrc Baltimrfro. augV-ly and Tluvyni-'.

ALREADY OVER 22,000 Of the tin- (Vlcbratcd Stove 'FAS .11. I 0 Have been sol'J. AT Wo offer this Stove to the public as tho BE.S STOVE Ever intrtxtuetxt fri thii -CM nnl exnmino tliis Stuvc.bei'orc j-jiu liu ROOFING AND GUTTERING. All T0fk warrmitcil. Sold by IIOXSII2 OcI'UK, No.

100 l.a) Strcrl, Knoxvlllc, Triin. feW-dly CITY HOUSE FURNISHING Eniporinm. NO. 114- GAY STREKT, (Formerly Ocouldoil by Major lto.s.) COFFMAN, AVE OPENED TUB HANIJSOMEST AND I mot complete stock of (londs In thrlr lino ever bruuebt to this market. Thty koep cverythinB in tho KITCHEN DEPARTMENT From to the celebrated EXCEI.SIOlt Cook otove.

Also, rencu ana American J'reti Hare, Jrv nannoil Ware, Knive! and Conee Sllllf, biftcra Mats, Wallow, Fancy Wooden and Wiilow Ware, Fly Screens for windows, etc. Tfic Nuino 4'liiss tl IoiIm'Hm' Ui Olir Olil Sluiul. Sn. 13 iny Hired. Aluo.all kind's of HARDBAKE, PrimpJ, Steam, Water and Das Pipe and Steam.

Fitting mnnuicturcri oi Tinware, Tin Roofing, Guttcrinc and Jb Work cenornllj'. Tin Pinto. Sheet Iron, Wire and Trimmings to tho Trade. 'Aarl'rlrrn I.oir, mill SiirflMl Allcuf lull 'Olveii lo moyltJ-diinir Stoves and Tinware. JOHN MARTIN BRO.

Uiy nir umberliiiiil, KNOXVILLB, TJiXNESSEK. riUIE ATTENTION Or THE PI 1I1.1U VAUUby to tho Inrgo'Mock of TINWARK nn hand in this catahlisumcnt. t.very variety nusijie oi wwm vuu Btantiy in etoroand made to oruor. Kooliiifr unci Giittfi-incr Is mado a specialty, and oUrwork (juarantccd. "The Active!" C.m.

Ktnrn euurnntecd to have th larscst Oven and bestliaWngfaciliticunl Hny Cool Cook Stove in the Unl ed Btates. Tlio Improvements te-cured by patcntl) coiuist mainly, ot tho Coal leeder iiro ijjck, XJumpinir uraic, uronius oraw rnncement for Ashes, avoiding Dust and Dirt. Till i i rknn ACllve is iiurau.u huu gay:" Tho larso variety of sines of the "Lady (Ja) aQ'onls thcua nt all prices, comprising the largest Grit-class Bloves inado in tho cat. together nun me cueapcai, nw warn ubuuvc tho "Lady Oay" are the Patent Hot Air Vluo. the Extra Largo Oven nnd 1'ire Chamber, the of with beauty of de'ifn and fine finish.

ftS. Uill und examine these Stoves before buvinii any other. mayl7-dly JOHN MARTlh 11RO. J. 11.


Air. James Gaincy tins 1st returned from tho est. where hy has purchased nl tho latest improved machinery for making Comics, Wlnduw Caps and ornaments of nny architectural do Ign, nt less than Nashville, Louisville and Cincinnati prices. Reference A. C.

Bruce, Architect. Knoxville. mny.o-dom Hoots nml Sliocs. INQUIRE FOH BOOTS AKW SHOES, MADE OUT OF THE Uli.iT OF LEATHER OF styles especially nd.ipted to U.e Woiitlierii Tnuli'. Manufaciured Exclu-Ivoly Merchant- AT WHOLESALE.

Ai.ii.'oms ivAiiiiASTBi). ilaVtfaflury in SIcUlIKK'is 0 A tTHKEl 1 TRANCISl'O "k'' CO june lu-wfsuwly 'miv'aKir. nousk T.TAVINfj ASsrjfEll THE PROPiaKTORSIliV I I 1.. ..1 ...1 nunrn I he IruVCllnil Hub- Ho thnt 1 tlmll di vole lny wholatiuio the model lloicl of Kirnxvil c. My, rooms tiro largo nnd well Tcntililled mid elrgniilly; furnished.

My ta doi willhosunnlici with. the best. Iho market aflurds. Glvo mo a call. (16W Bath Rooms GRUV.ER.Proprictor, inoy W-dliu Ilukory.

Bakery and Confectionery OK PETER KERN, KNXOVILLE, TENN. i i AVIXO MAuir.r.XTilKSIVi: PUbrAUATIONS 1 tlio innnutncture and sale nf CANNKD FRUITS, Kit ESI I CRACKKHS, CONFECTIONERIES every Wml, thaumli tnMx iin thicu; In hjj IrnigiH'd annnuncef that tin can line in any quantity, andal Ilia Lowest Wholesale jes1, i i i Dciiler thrntiirhoiit UnittTennea.en urn imrticnlnrlv Invited to uxniuino etock before imrcbasinir. In other eiticj. Ilia Machinery! Confectioners Afftflrrtt-fliiMl ho t.ifi offor nrticlM in lila line ctiod nml clicni ns they can bo fuuml anywhere. ORDERS PROMPTLY PILLED.

His Retail Department Contains evco'thlne pertaining to first'Clars City uoniectionery, ana ne defies competition. ttSuCallnnd examine, and be convinced. i. Kr.n.i, Most Shlo Mnrkrt I'll, may2J-wly. Advcrtiscmi'iits.

illarslial'N WII.I, Slir.I, FOR CASH AT THE COURT 1 HOUSE lu the city of Knoxvillc, tho 8th lav of Julv. 1H71. one Imtd horou wunii and brown mare: and nlso oiitho samo day.nt tho house of Cof- lln. on Ony street, Knoxvillc, 33 Kauun ni iii'iuieti apirus, more or less, touca tit the pronerjy oi riiagerani nnu others, lur violation oi me vniicu a ates internal ltcven 'n l.iiw 2. is.i.

i t. Aria. 8. juncSI Clianccry Court Kn'oxviilp. No.

Win'. A. Htjndi'rson 1). Swan It, Rich Nd son fox. Murn Kelly nna uarauei iianulcs, 01 tno county, 01 butler, TcnncffDO! THKMSULVE3.

THEIR ASS6CIATE3 AND 1 successors: havo filid in tho Chancery Court nt KnoxvlllO. a pctitir for a Charter of Incorporation. under the net of the General Assembly, entitled "An Actto nutliorito Iho Uiuncery Courts or this htato to grant Letters of Incorporation," pa sod January 111th, 1871, said corporation (i lie known ns "TIIK KNOX VILLK, SUvIERVIIiLK AND BItf PIGKON NAR ROW GAUGE RAILROAD." Iho objects of tho corporation prayed for ore, tbo construction, couipment and operating of a Nnrrnw Gaugo Railroad Irom Knoxvillu laugo llallroau Irom Knoxvillu tori ho iirivileiro to extend the soma by 11 to Hcvlerville. with HE rineon to in- terscct with tho estern horth Carolina Railroad, nt roine point on Dig l'lgcon or thereabouts, as 11 survey may jirovo btst. '1 his is, therefore, to notify nil ierons who havo nny objections, to appear bcTon, tho Chinccry Court at Knoxvillo on tho third Mondnv nf Seutember next, and show eauso why Letters of Incorporation should not issue, or this petnion will no proceeileil wi'n ox parte.

And that copy of this order bo publUhcd for thirty days in tho Knoxvillc Chion cle. A truo ropy Attest it- PATTERPOX. jnnel, 1S71-51W Clerk and Mnstor. Chancery Court, Scvicrvillc. John Bird, Adm'r, vs.

Mary Ann rd, ot nl. BILL AND CR033 BILL. TN THIS CAUSE IT APPEARING FROM C0M-i 1 PLAINANX'S bill, which is sworn to, and from the respondent, Asa Derrick's answer and rross bill thrre- to, that tuo ucienuant, ueorgo non-resiuem 1 I I 1 1 mil Qiniv. eu 1114L iuu viuiiiiiii iiivuui not bo served upon him: It is tocrcioro omcreii mat ubiicnllon 00 inauo ior lour successive wccks in tno Weekly Chronicle, a nowspapcr pubished 111 the city of Knoxville, State of Tennossee, notifying sold defendant to appear at the nQica of tho Clerk and Master at the Court llouso in beviervnie on. tne nrst Afrmiluv nt Opliibpr next and make dofune to said bill nml cross bill, or tbe same will bo taken fur confessed nnd the cause as to him set for hearing ex parte.

This Rthdnynf June, 1871. DP.OASS. Juncllwlt Clerk and Master of tho Chancery Court. Circuit Court, MA Jiullclnl Circuit. JEFFERSON COUNTY.

TENNESSEE. DoliaLoni vs.Columbns Lone Petition for divorce. TN THIS CAUSE IT APPEARING FROM THE i alienations in tho petition, which is sworn to, thnt fhn Hefpnilant. Columbus I one is a non resident of the State of nnossce, so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him It is tnerclore oraerca by IbeCUrK tna' publication mane nir lour successive weeks in the Knoxvillo Weekly Chronicle, noli- fvinK said defendant In appear beloro tne Jume 01 tne imrt to ho hebl lor the cnunlv of JelTerson. at tho court house in Dandridice, on tho first Monday of Auirnst next, tnen anil tncro to picau.

answer, uemur. or otherwise make defense to said petition, or the snmo will be taken as contessed nml set uown ior ncaring ex pnrto as to him. Juno 1ST1. jel7dhVJt S. S.

McCUISTION. Clerk. Circuit Court, Jd Judlclnl Circuit. JEFFERSON COUNTY. TENNESSEE Joseph J.

W. Dolins $. ElUabcth Bolins Petition for uivorce. TN THIS CAUSE IT APPEARING FROM THE 1 allegations In tho petition, which is sworn 10, mat thedolendant. Elitabuih Rutin a non resident or Ihe State of Tennessee fo that the ordinary process o' law cannot be served on hr It Is Ihertforo i.rilcrtd by tho Clerk that publlon mido for four succom-sire weeks in tho Knvfll Meekly Cbrpulelo, 110 t-lying ai I defendant appear bvf ro the 1 Judge or tlio i ircult Court to be h-ld fur tho county of ft.

rsjn. tbo co irt houso in DamlrfdKo, on tho first Jlondsyof AuBustn ihcn and thoro lo plond. answer, demur, orotherw seiunkodefcnso to said pet tlon.or thosamo will bo taken ns oonfes-en nnd set down for hearing ex pnrro nr to hor. JunolS.lMl. JclTil tw It S.

S. McCUISTION. Clerk. Original Attachment. Jiiltn Jonca vs J.

C. Raymond, alius J. II Hurley. IT AI'HEARIKlI Fltojf AFFIDAVIT FILED IN thiseiKa that dclondant. J.

0. Raymond, alios J. II. Hurley, so nbs50i(Ji rconrcals hi 1 tell that uracils cniiDut be serrod uk liiin It is Ihcrelore ordBreS lillitfilinii Im iiiniln four eonitoriitive weekfi. nott tyinif laid defoudsnj.

to unpoor boi'ora Jiiiroiuon, of tho Peace, In Knoxville. Kno courjly.nn tho, uill uay 01 JH-eeiiiucr. isi, 10 answer .1 i.icii nnd th 11 suit JU 1M If lirmiKlit niutint. Iiim nn tab ol dnv -of Juno. 71' hi' nt jn iho law direwls.

or tlio saina will jtaktu.lprconfeWidnndsetfor trial ex ns to h'm. It'is furilierotdercil that Iho plainliif huvo this notice publl'hrd in the A'noxvlllo O1111OXICI.K. This ikldayof R. D. JQUROLJION, junii-4w lill julylfl Justice ot tho' Pvuce.

Sub-'ibo (or iho CllltoxiCLK, William Rule, If. 0. M. t. JIcUroaKey, 11.

AI. (, iirds. of the county of Knox Jess Sto 110,4. 11 y. iv amuat ett.

JO in E. ill or. anil Tobacco. to a Mi! M'CLUNC BETTERTONS, M'holcsalo Dealers In Liquors, Tobaccos, Cigars, A Nil FANCY GROCKRIES, Manufacturers of tho Crtuliralctl KuiiliiKStarnml EiircIiiilliUprs, $)lo Agent) for Isldor Bush A Celebrated CntnSvlMi "Wliiow, Grnio JJit-toi'w, Which has bocn highly rccommcndeil for Mr.DloinAl. PcnrnsKa.

Always on hand good assortment of li( Roocrtson County, Eureka Ryo. I i Eureka Uourboni 1,1 i i- Domestic Ryo. Aiiit' Illwlllloil "SliurK On Corn itiiiiiy. Apple, liii (lingcrt Cherry, Blackberry, Grape, i And French BrandloJ, '0 nlwavs kernairondfl.uinrlmf.nlnr MATCHES, OYSTERS, Crackers. jnecse.

Blacking, Paper Twine. Flasks. Fancy and Wood Pipes, Placing Cards. Wood Pepper Wrapping Paper HarUlasscs, Bar Soaps, Brandy Peaches, Catup, I Corks. liar liottles, Deiniiohns, will sell any of tho nbovo Goods as Low as can be bought in any of tho Northern or Western Markets.

mar5-diwtf" lry fJootlH, Pi DICKINSON Cor. fllaln antlCaj XI AVE IN STORE AN ELE0ANT STOCK OF JL Goods Spring and Summer Trade DRESS GOODS, In Orcat Variity, Black and Colored Dress Silks, siiiics, filack and lVltitc Iron Crcuatliues, Chinese Grass Cloths, New Patfs White Turkcd Sklrllnirs, Valencennes und Laco Sets Collars and Cufli. Ladies' Ready Made White Lawn And Bull Linen Drcssos, Drawers, Corset Covers, Ac. Children' White Embroidered Pique Dresses, Summer Shawls. xl Anu" Black Lama Points." A Lame Sjock of Cafrjetings and Curtain Goods, MATTINGS, Hugs and Oil Clotlis, WAlili PAPERS, PANEL PAPERS, i OI3NTRE PAPERS, RoRDERS, MUDALLION and SIDELIGHT PAPER.

FRENCH CHINA WARE, "SVliito GrMlllitO "Wtll'O, GLASS WARE, VASES, A Splendid Stock of CLOTHING AND Gents' Furnishing Goods, SHIRTS, COLLARS, CRAVATS, Youtlis' anil Chlltlren'n All of the above Goods ofisred at remarkahlv Low Prices far cash. mavi-diw3to. We Have Met the Enemy, They are Ours! and Tho Old Fogy Sjslcm of Credit and High Trices has Gone to the Wall! MASON LAMBRIGHT, Opposite Lninnr llouar, KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE, Arc now offcrinsr splendid drives in DJtESS GOODS, DOMESTICS, EMBROIDERIES, NOTIONS, RIBBONS, dc, dc. Eullinc a Standard Print at 10c. Sellln? a Standard Cotton ut ISo.

In Dress (Joods. Notions. Embroideries and Trimmings, tho MiTCiiKitr is FiuciirruLj Wo extend a sneclal Invitation to all ts call nnd ex amine our slock, nnd bo convinced wo havo tho ClIUAJUCST STOCK First Class Goods i ii. Ill-IK 1 unrffi-tfljt IN THE CITY. JIASOX 500 BUSHELS HAIR, Fun SklK 1IT tNIPHOLS.


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