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Los Angeles Herald from Los Angeles, California • Page 4

Los Angeles, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

gog jWva.ri. Downey City and Vicinity the We understand tbat President J. M. Monroe will not continue his connection with the Southern Paclfic College alter tbe first of June. He will probably go East where he Wilt enter upon a new field of labor.

are informed by Mr. J. H. Burba that tbe walnut crop of this valley will be a failure this season. He says it will not be worth gathering.

Mr. O. P. Passons, who also haa a large orchard, makes a similar statement. Judge Venable informs us that tbe wire-worm is playing havoc with tbe corn in the vicinity of Compton.

The cold weather is the reason of their being so destructive In tbe lowlands. As Boon as it gets warm the worms will seek cooler quarters deeper down in the earth. the Tba assessment of real and pergonal property in this section, though Dot yet completed for tills yaar, It Is thought will show do increase over last year, ou account of tbe shrinkage of values. Last year the figures were: Silver district, Norwalk, $432 962; Lot. Nletos, $301,857.

Total, $1,185,087. The following are the shipments at Downey depot for the week eudiag May 30th: 255 sacks, weighing 30.160 pounds; hogs, one oar (92), 20.0U0 pounds; merchandise, 1,745 pounds. Total pounds. merchandise, 12,740 pounds; lumber, 12,600 feet. We understand tbat tha wheat fields near the coast are looking well and promise a good yield, heading now going forward rapidly.

Mr. Isaac Carney, of this place, bas a fine field of wheat in the above neighborhood of about alzly acres, which it is thought, will average fifty bushels to the aore. Barley in that direction is aald to be yielding well. Barley and corn are now selling, we believe, lower than ever before known in this oounty. A large quantity of corn was recently sold for fifty-three cents per hundred, aacks furnished, delivered at tbe depot.

Barley bas lately been for forty cents per hundred. There la little to be made by the farmer when such prices rule. It ia time experiments were made with other crops. Corn Id some portions of our valley la still troubled with wire worms, and tbe recent heavy winds bave done some damage to growing crops, in addition to taking moisture from the ground. It ia thought more than tha usual quantity of water will beneeded this year, on account of the unwonted dryness.

So far there is plenty of water, but fears are entertained by many farmers that the supply will not be adequate to tbe demand. There is great waste in evaporation and seepage, to say nothing of the criminal waste of water by some irrigators. The Late Ike Bateman. The Bodie Mining News, noticing the death of I. C.

Bateman at the Sierra Mad re Villa, in this couuty, His life was an active one, and tbe theatre of his operations embraced every mining section of the. coast, was well buulavorably known. The most successful mining venture of his life, in fsct the one which gave his name prestige as an operator, was the manipulation of the old Buckeye and Champion mines, now the Kureka Consolidated, ln 1869. At that time be brought over some Englishmen to inspect the property, out tbey, falling to think well of It, the purchase was made by W. M.

Lent, through Bateman's advice. The Northern Belle venture, coming later, was tbe means of affording a splendid income, which continued on to the time of his death. Deceased leaves a lovely wife, a lady whom he married iv the East, and who is always a graceful hostess aud good woman. Undoubtedly the fortune left by him as tbe proceeds of more than an ordinarily active life, was large, and will suffice to render the remaining days ot those "left behind independent of want. Like most all men, Bateman had his faults, but bis hearty, kindly nature, added to an energy almost unparalleled, made him a great favorite among miners and speculators.

To such men are we indebied for the opening up of such countries as Nevada, Colorado, California aud TJtab, as, whenever it was known a mine was found, there Bateman and his friends were soon to he eeen. We tender our heartfelt and sincere sympathy to the surviving relatives of the deceased, aud trust they may find consolation in the thought that the good deeds of all men live after them, while tlie evil Our Minos Oar mining interest are again looking up. There is no doubt but that Silverado and Santiago City will be lively camps this coming Bnmmer.l Mr. M. F.

Parker, of the latter place, was in to see us a few days ago aud informs us that work on different mines was being actively engaged in. Himself and Mr. Weaver bad been on a visit to Angelea and bad seen the new electric process ef working ore fully tested. He informed us that in bis opinion tbe new process would prove a grand success. Some of tbe rock from the mine of Mills and Morgan had been tested by tbe milling process and was found to contain thirteen dollars aud fifty cents iv silver, per ton.

Some of tba same rock was tested by tbe new electric process and was found to contain forty-seven dollars per ton. Now this new process la claimed to be a much cheaper method by which to work ore than tba old way, and if it does prove a success our mining cnmps east of town will be lively. There never baa, tines tbe first tba least doubt but that there was plenty of silver ore in the localities above referred to, aud that it Would uot be long until capital be induced to iuvest and this one of the most prosper snd lively mining camps on tbe Pacific Coast. Wsunderstand that two or more oempanies are being formed extensive operations In. Sil'.

verado. We are not privileged lo t' apeak further at present, but in the I sear future will have more to say 1 apon tbli subject. But mark our words: inside of eight months SII- verado will be a lively fmnta Ana timet. OUR OWN COLUMN. 1 DAILY and weekly 1 HERALD The Leading Paper OF Southern California.

Will devote Its columns to furthering the Interests of Los Angeles elty and oounty and the Southern portion of the State. It iis the Intention ofthe publisher make THE HERALD A newspaper of the day, complete In all Its details, aud In every department Full and Reliable. The Editorial Columns will discuss all live toplosof the day, while the t. By arrangements newly effected, will be the fullest and most exhaustive to be found in any paper of tbe State, not being surpassed by those ofthe SanFranclsoo dallies. The Local Columns Will contain a complete resume oi local uappeulnss and all matters ol home Interest.

I i TEBMS i i DAILY HKHALD, by mall, 1 6 600 I I 8 months 250 I Delivered In the Cily et 25 CENTS PER WEEK. TIKE WEEKLY HERALD i TERMS: Weekly 1 year by mall Smooths ,5 100 Payable Invariably In advance Joseph D. Lynch, PUBLISHER, LEGAL. Sheriff's Sale-No. 8037.

B. Cohn, Plaintiff, i against i M. Norton, Defendant. SEVENTEEN IJI DISTRICT COUttT. Under and by virtue of an execution issued out of the District Court ot tins ttevenleutu Judicial Districted theHtato of California, in and for the couuty of Loi Angeles, and to me directed and delivered ou tlie 9th day of May, A.

for a judgment rendered in said Court on the 3d day of May, A. D. 1H79, in favor of B. Cohn, plaintiff, and against M. Norton, attendant, I have levied upon au-J shall, on THURSDAY, THE FIFTH DAY OF JUNE, A.

D. 1879, at twelve o'clock noon of said day, proceed, to sell at the Court Houmo door, in the City and Couuty of Loa Angeles, state of California, at public auction tn tbe highest and best bidder for cash, lv U. 8. gold coin, to satisfy said Judgment and accruing costs, all the rig tit, title and Interest of the said delenduut, M. Nortun, in aud to the following described real estate, to wit: Lot situated ln the clly aud county of Los Angeles, commencing at a point on the northwesterly iiuo of Main street, distant 170 feet soulhwcsteily from the southwesterly Jiueof Second street; thence southwesterly along said line ut Main street 1.5 feet; ihence at right angles northwesterly parallel with direct 187 leet; ihence at angles northeasterly, parallel with Main mreet, 26ieet; thence soulheasierly 107 feet to poiutof beginning.

of land, situated In said city and county, commencing at a point in northerly line of Washington street, between Main and Pedro streets, where said line Is lnterserted by tho dividing line between land of Eulogio de aud the tract of Innd conveyed Juno 13th, b4ti, by city ot Los Angelas to L.e»nurdu Cota; thence along land of EUloglo de Cells north degrees east 17 chains to a willow fence; thence along the lands formerly of f. Abila south degrees east 5.39 tlieuco along the land of Samuel Nonou south degrees west 17 chaius to said line of uublngum, and ihence along said llneof Washington street north degrees west 5 39 chaius to point of beginning, containing nine arrea of land, more or lebs, fund being the westerly one-halt' ot ihe land conveyed by Antonio Jose Kocha et nx. to M. Norton, by deed of I May 6th, 1872. ruat certain (ot in said city and i county, commencing at a point on the northwesterly line of Wilmington street distant 230 feet tour inches southwesterly from the southwesterly corner of Wll-3 mlngton and Kequena ctreets; thence southwesterly along line of Wilmington street 63 feet; theuce northwester and parallel with Hequena street 10 feet; thence at right angles northeasterly parallel with Wilmington street (ill feet; and thence at right auglcs southeasterly parallel with Kequena slr 10U leet, to the point ol commencement.

certain lot tn said cily and county, commencing at a point ou southwesterly line of Kequena street distant 150 feet, north degrees west from the southwesterly corner of Kequena and Wilmington streets; theuce south degrees west 230 leet, more or lesy, to the Zanja No. thence northerly along said zanja to the southeasterly corner of tho land of Young, and thence north degrees east 232 feot six inches along the southeasterly Hue of the lund of said Young lo the southwesterly llneof Re. quena street, and thence southeasterly along said line of Requena street 76 reel, to the point of commencnnient. 9 and 10, oi bloot of subdivision of lot 2, bloclc b), Hancock's survey, as shown by map of Kelleher A Moore, made May Bih, 1575, in tbe cily and county of Los Angeles. and block 170, of the townof Moiilon, Los Augeles oounty, Calliornia.

Olveu under my hand, at ihe city and county of Los Angeles, Miatoot California, tola Hie 13th day of 1 D. 1879. H. M. MITCHELL, By James C.

Kays, Deputy. myl4td I Assignee's Notice of Sale. In the County Court of the County of Los Angeles, State of California. ISAAC COHEN 1 vs. HIS Virtue of an order of sale issued out ot the County Courtof tbe county of Los Angeles, niati of California, in tlie matter of 1 suae Cohen, an insolvent debtor, vs.

Ills Cicditors, and to me directed and delivered, nnd duted the 81h day oi May, A. D. ln which I am directed to certain property hereinafter der scribed, 1 have taken possession of the following properly, to wit: I hat certain stock of goods, wares and merchandise, consisting of dry goods, fancy goods, dress goous of every description, hats, boots, shoes, groceries aud provisions, being in 0 thut certain sloic, sitna ed in the town of Anaheim, county of Los Angeles, Slate of California, formerly occupied and oarried ou by said Isaac Cohen, together wlih too shelving and store ln said store contained. Certain bills receivable, ln the form of open book accounts, due and owing said I. Cohen by various iv various amounts, as fullows, to-wlt: Centralis School Distrlot 19 75 Dr a) io Hilner 2 50 Burdoif 3u A Wllle 6 47 1 Conrad 1 25 url.wold 42 Wm Heddebrink 11 50 Webster, Howe Co 60 Dan Williams 2 06 Fred Klppe 25 vi Hansen 2li 41 Bach man 2 U0 KMeliose 4 9S Wm Smith 46 76 Luck 12 90 I orbu 10 15 Tim Carroll 95 RHOillman 07 78 Marcos Yorba 20 117 Dermott 18 Joe Jordan So To CGSaiilh 21 Qeorge Bauer 7 112 San Diego Gold and Silver Mining Co 65 Jose Antoulo chanquiu A 50 Slono 78 00 Uuadaiupe Homero 30 50 Ulnsscork 8 00 Frank Porter 19 10 1 Isaac Williams.

27 79 Dr Hardin- 9 18 PSaldmlbchen. E6 58 I Johu tllven 01 14 Mcgertia 129 til A de Havlla 17 18 I A Hlcttox 90 92 Mrs Kuchel 108 tij Bras 82 21 II 16-5 20 Haukstuuiey 30 20 Coocepclon SO Uavmunda Yorba 20 00 Ely Sears 40 Jose Romero 25 18 Ygnaclo Manza 2 91 Jose Antoulo, bricklayer 50 00 Dan Payne 3 19 'icurge Thuuias 4', 11 Yu Lee 10 7J Thomas Morau 80 77 A Hewitt 76 85 certain lots, pieces or parcels of laud situated, lying and being in the town of Anaheim, county and state aforesaid, described us follows, towit: Lots No. 1 and 105, ln block No. 4 of Heimuu A George Aildltiou to Auaheim. Kald proporty abovo mentioned being all of the properly of said Isaac excepting his wearing apparel and a bedroom set of mrnituro, claimed by him as exempt from execution.

Notice Is hereby given that on THE 31st DAY OF MAY, A. D. 1879, nt 10 o'clock A. or that day, at the store formerly occupied by said 1. Cohen, upon Los Angeles street, ln the town of Annhelm, county and State aforesaid, I will sell tho right, tltlo and Interest cf said Isaac Cohen, Insolvent debtor, In nud to the abovo described properly, at auction, for cash In United Stales gold ln, to be paid nttlme ol sale, to the highest nnd best bidder, to satisfy said order and nil costs of such law.

Dated the Bth day of May, 1871). PINCUS HKKWIN. Assignee of said InssolVent estate, mttd A PHYSIOLOGICAL of Marriage! AN i-rets of Reproduction inn 1 Ip Diseases of vVrl ADvisem On ml a Private Niilura nnnnn tinni Sell Abuse, Kicemus, or Secret Diseases, witii bus' aji uiit of qm 234 1 1' I pri. Ihe nl.ore divans and of i ho Th rati! anil Lungs, Catarrh, Runt aro. Opium Habit.Ac.pricf! tOcu.

bo.ik Bent postpaid on receipt of price: li.miliiijlly illustrate. SB- BUTTS, So. UK. Bth St. St.

Louis. Mo IT V'-ATKD WATCH It S. C3.j»f>«( la the known world. fWmple iVetrh Frm AfMU, Addma. A.

Coui-TM at LEGAL. MASTER'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the United States. Ninth Circuit, tv aud lor tbe Districtof California. CAMILO MARTIN, Complainant, vs.

WILLI AM TEMPLE, Administrator with tho will annexed of the estaie of WILLIAM WORKMAN, deceased, et Defendants. In pursuance of a decree of said Circuit Court, eutered lv the above entitled cause ou the 13th day of February, 1879, whereby 1, the undersigned, Master ln Chancery of said Court, was authorized and directed to make, eonuuct and carry out the tale of the property hereinafter described. Notice is hereby given tbat on WEDNESDAY, the 16th DAY OF JULY, 1879, At 12 o'clock at tho door of the Court House, lv tbe city of Los Angeles, in the county of Los Angeles, in said district, I shull sell at puulic uuction, to tlie highest bidder, for cash in gold coin of the United states, in separate hereluafier described tho following described property, or so much (hereof as shall be necessary to pay complainant the amount due uuder said decree, with Interest and costs and accruing costs, except the portions thereof hereiuaiter particularly mentioned and described, tne said property being situated in the county of Los Augeles, State of Calilornia, district aioresaid, and particularly bounded and described as follews, to wit: lhat piece of land situated In the county of los Angeles known and described ln the public suiveys ot tlie United States of America as the south hall of the southwest quarter ol section seventeen (17) in townsuip two (2), smith range thirteen (13), west San Bernardino base and meridian, containing so acres, more or less. that tract of land situated in the county of Los Augeles known as the Rancho Potrero Grande, bounded uud described iv the patent for tho same issued by the Uni ted States Government to Juan M. Sanchez, dated July 19,1859.

recorded in Book 1 ot Patents, on page 1 and following. Records of the County ol IjOs Augeles, to which, and to the survey of the United states surveyor-General and held notes therein coutuiued, reference is hereby made for a more particular description thereof, saving and exception from the operation of said decree so much thereof as is contained and described In a certain deed made by William Workman to Margerlta Workman de Temple, dated October 2d, 1862; recorded October 3d, 1362, in book 5, page 634, Records of Los Angeles couuty. that tract of land situated lv the county of Los Angeles, being a portion of the Rancho La Pueute and being that portion conveyed to William Workman by John Rowland. by a deed of partition dated June 23d, 18 J8, recorded June 25tb, 1863, in book lv of deeds, page 39, Records of Los Angeles county, saving aud excepting therefrom all those portious thereof described aud conveyed in and by tbe followlngdeeds: deed from William Workman to Margaret Workman de Temple, dated Marcli sth, 1868, rcoorded March in book yoi deeds, page 323. deed from William Workman to Frederick Lambourn, dated September 16th, 1870, and recorded September 17th.

1870, In book 15 of deeds, page 469. Thlrd-A deed from William Workman and Peregrine Fltzhugh to ii Benin and Robert Baker, dated April Ist, 1372, and recorded Aprli 2d, 1872, in book 20 of deeds, page Hi. deed from William Workman to Joseph Workman, dated October tlth, 1870, and recorded Maroh 27th, 1873, lv book2l ol deeds, page 275. deed irom William Workman to the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, dated AtiKUSt 2uth Ws, and recorded November 20Lb, 1873, iv book 27 of deeds, page 123. And deed from William Workman to tbe Southern Railroad Company dated April Bth, 1871, and recorded May 4th, in book 29 of deeds, page 317- all ln Records ot Los Angeles county, which said excepting the portions referred to ln the six deeds last bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the centre of the old bed ot the nver Sac Gabriel on the south side of the road from Los Angeles to San Bernardino, in an irregular mound of rock from which a willow tree 7 iuches in diameter bears degrees distant 981 links; thence according to tho true mcrioiau (the magnetic variation being 13 deg 30 minutes east along the exterior boundary oi sci'i Rancho La Puente, as surveyed and patsuted the United tttates.

as follows: HZ deg 13 chains id liuks to a willow 6 iuches in diameter, marked sta. thencoN degrees E45 chains; theuce 14 deg 69 chains lo station 4, to a rock 11 inches long, Biuches wide and 0 inches thick; thence 75deg i 248 chaius to a sycamore 24 inches In diameter, about ono chain south ofthe road leading lw San Bernardino aud marked station thenoe along the partition line described iv said deed of parlttiou betwoeu William Workman and John Rowland, Sr, 4 deg 40 chainsto the northeast comer ot the 40 acre tract of said Frederick Lambourn; thence along said tract ss 36 deg 20 chaius; 4 deg 20 chains; and 83 degrees 20 chains back to said partition line; theuce along said partition line as loliows; 4 deg 33 chains 82 links lo a stake east 393 chains, to astake iv mound ln ravine, from which stake the northern one of a group of three sycamores on tho southern edue of a mhy or wash, all of about thirty inches diameter, bears sB deg distant 401 Unas, uud the southern one oi said gioup bears 83 deg distant 418 links; the middle one of said group not being visible from the said stake; thence over ihe San Joso Hills degrees 106 chains and 60 links to the northeast corner of the tiact of land conveyed by William Workman and Peregrine Fltzhugh to Beale and Robert Baker; thence along the northern boundary line of said Bealu aud Baker tract, as follows: S3 deg 47 chains 97 Jinks to a slake marked Fltzhugh and William top of a large hill; thence 5 33 deg 40 chains and 50 links to a stake lv mound of stone marked Fltzhugh and Workman, close to a small arroyo: thence 63)4 deg 23 chains and 60 links to a big pile of rooks ou top of a hill, marked thenoe 67J4 deg 15 chains and 80 links, to a slake marked Wwm witn mound and pits, posted on summit ol a nigh und steep hill; thonce deg W45 chains 50 links to abig pile of rocks marked on the northern side and on thosoutheru side thence 87 deg 22 chains to a stake marked A on the summit ol a high hill, with mound aud cits; thence 65 deg 45 chains 95 i ink to a stake marked with pits in a mound; thence 74 75 chains to a stake marked Fltzhugh Workman, on top of a hill; theuce s6)deg 42 chains to a point lv said partition line; tbeooe along said partition line as follows: 23 deg W2O chains to station 11, at a stump of five prongs of an elder tree in the center of au arroyo, surrounded by cactus patches; thence over the plain degrees 118 chains to a stake ln a mound; Ihence 4 deg 105 chains 80 links to a stake in mound at the foot of tbe western point of the San Jose Hills, from which stake the house of William Workman bears dtg and deg the chapel bears 51 deg the mill of Jehu Rowland bears 7 degE, and his house bears deg thence deg 48 chains by links to the northern end of the division fence between the enclosures of Workman and Rowland; Ihence along said fence, 22 deg chains 50 links to an offset in' fence on the south bank ol an arroyo; thence 68 dtg W22 links to corner 01 fence; thence 22 deg 111 chains 36 links to the center of Sun Jose creek; thenco ahong the channel ot suid creek deg 7 chains; 81 deg 2 chains; deg 2 chains 60 links; N63 dog W2chains 50 links; 13 deg 2chnins; N-fiO deg 2 chains; 75 deg 2 chains 50lmks; 85deg 1 chain 50 links; 51i4 deg 9 chains 25 links tostatlon 39, whence the southeast coruer of Workman's Chapel benr-i SO dog 71 deg 3 chains 50 links; 84 deg 8 chains 50 links; N4i)degW 3 chains 5u links; 48 deg 2 chains 60 links; 7JJ4 deg W5 chains, to station 44 ln said creek, from which the fenea on the west hide of Rowland's wheat Meld ranges 11 deg 35 decrees 4 chains; 77VidegW2 chums 50 (inks; deg 3 chains GO links; deg 4 chains to station 48 lnsaldcicek; 50k deg 2 chains 46 links to station 49 In said creek; theuce leave creek and run In tho direction tho Simar-Lour Hill 15 deg 9j links to station 40; 15 deg 181 chaius to tho end of suid partition line, being a point in course twemy-four (24) orthe southern exterior boundary of said Raucho La PueDtr; the nee along tbe exterior boundary of said runcho us surveyed uud patentented by the United states as follows: deg li 5 chaius2s links to station IJSotsaid rancho, to a charred stake in mound; thonce 31 deg 160 chains to fctallon 2to post Ju mound; thence 55J4 deg chains to siatlon 27, ln the centre of the River Gabriel; at 03 chains on this course leaves hills, and to a point opposite tho dam of Iho San Jose creek, agreed upon us a point in line between the Rauchos La Puente and San Bartolo, at a rock 2 feet long, 15 Inches wide and 12 Inches thick, ou Jlne; at 61 chains crosses San Jose Creek nt the dam Or toma, 14 links wide, course 05 deg at 105.50 chains to left bnnk of tho River San Gabriel, to a rook 14 Inches long, 10 Inches wide and 8 inohes thick, on Hue, lor it witness to said station 27; fence along the centre of the River San Gabriel upstream as follows: degrees 6 chains; 5 chains; deg 5 chains; 25deg 7 chains: 9 deg E7chaJus(at 3 chains 75 links Intersects LEUAL, the south boundary of township 1, south ot the oatio llneof range li west of the Han Bernardino meridian, 14 chains 60 links west of section corner ou the south boundary of section 33): 12 chains, is' dog 7 chaius: NJO deg 5 chains; deg 0 chains; deg 3 chains; SiiOJi ueg 12 chaius; mi degE7chaiiiH, a 77M deg 6 chains; deg utf chains; 01H deg 4 chains; 48 deg 4 chains; deg 0 chains; 8 deg JO chains; ft 79dogE6chaius; ol deg 5 chains; IN OitJfi deg 5 chaius; degrees 8 chains; E3 chains 50 links; my deg chains; 64Vi deg Bchains: WH deg 8 chains; deg 0 chains; tiOJ-idegESchalns; deg 9 chains; Bohams; LS SOU deg 9 chains; 43 deg 13 chains; In A deg Ei3 chains; JST degrees 3 chains 5y links; in 34J4 deg Wll chains; iti chains, and deg, 87 chaius, more or less, to the moat westerly point iv the tractof laud conveyed by William Workman to Joseph W. Workman aforesaiu; thence along the exterior boundries of said tract, and leaving tho exterior boundaries of said Puente," as IOJJOWBJ 120 chains and links; thence peg, 77 chains and 73 llnka to station thenco 15chaius and 9tJilnWsto station 13; tnenco 15 deg. 21 chains to station 14; thence 75ueg. ol tfhains and 73 links tostation one, a point on the eustern bank of a branch of the river sau Gabriel, and distant 158 chains and 63 links south, aud chains and 4p links west from tree.

live (5) of the exterior boundary of the Government Surveyor said Kuneho "La puente;" thence along said branch deg, 14 chains tostatlon thence deg, 7 chaius and 60 links to station ihence 854 deg, Uchainsand aO links 10 station tueiice deg, 17 chains tostation tliences 7 to station ihonce along the of the river San Gabriel, 10H deg, 14 cha ns to staiion thence 32)4 deg, 9 chains to station thence deg, 5 chains to station theuce the river bed, N75 detr, W2O chah and 10 links 10 station 10, being the most westerly corner of said Joseph vv. Workman's polnton line of said Rancho "Lv Pueute," beariug.N 40J-4 deg, 27 chaius, more or less, from the cud of thebJd course said Kaucho. Thence alone the exterior line of said Ranches, deg, 9 chains, more or less, to the irregular mound oi rock alorementioned, being theptaceof begiuning. Saving and excepting irom the above a certain tractor land conveyed by William Workman to Margaret Workman de Tempie, dated March sth. 1868.

recorded March sth, 1868, ln bonk 9 ol deeds, page 323, and hounded und descrlbtd as follows: Beginning at the mouth ot the mill race, where It is taken out Of the creek of wuter that runs over and through the Puente Rancho, Los Augeles couuty, and which said mill race supplies the mill of William Workman, lateiy built in and upon tho Pueute Rancho; theuce tho bed of said creek to said mill, and on In continuation down said bed, the distance of one thousand yards below the suid mill; thence northwesterly, out from said creek, one thousand (1,000) yards; thence northeasterly aud parallel to said creek, to a point ln front of the mouth 01 the said mill race; thence southerly down 10 the creek and mouth of mill race aforesaid, be the coutents more or less. Saving and excepting, also, a certain tract of laud coveyed by William Workman to the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, by a deed dated August 2Jth, 1873, aud re- 1 corded In book 27 ol deeds, page 3, and described as loliows: A strip or tract of land, one hundred (100) ft et wide, lying equally on each side of the located line or the Sjutheru Pacific Railroad Company's railroad, where the is located through the tractor subdivision ofthe "La Pueute Rancho," in the county of Los Angeles, State of California.and well known us the "Workman 'tract," and being more particularly described as follows, to-wii: Commencing for tne same at a point on the centre line ofthe tsouinern Pacific Railroad, where said oontre line intersects the northwestern line of said Workman Tract at the crossingof tho San Gabriel river, and immediately north of county road and running thence easterly, along said centre line of said Southern Pacific Railroad, near to said county road, and entirely through said Workman Tract to the eastern boundnrv lino thereof, at a point north of ihe bed of sau Jose Creek, embiuei rig a at rip of land filly (50) leet wide on each side ol said centreline, for a distance of twenty thousand (ilO.OUO) feet, more or less, containing an area of forty-six and two-tomhs (16 2-10) acres, more or less. Saving and excei'TlNO, ftiao, ail that traatof land conveyed by William Workman to ihe Southern Pacific Railroad Company by a cerlalu deed djted April £th, 1674, recorded May 4th, 1874, in book of page 317, Records of Angelea county, and dtscilbed as follows: All that certain lot, pieceor parcel of laud situate, lying and being In said county of Los Angeles, aud bounded and particularly described as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at a stake ft deg 43mmutps, JfiftUl feel from tlie northwest corner of brick church; thence 43 deg'23 mm 536 feet toastske; thence 46 deg 37 mm 397J-6 feet to a i- take; 1 hence 22 deg 2o mm, 574 feet to a stake; thence 46 deg 37 mm 602J4 feet to the poiutof beginning, containing (exclusive of the riaht of way 100 teet wide extending through the same) five acres of land, more or lass, beiug a portion of the La Puente Rancho. The total area of the tract hereiu designated and described as "Third," after excepting the several portions lnoutioued and described in the six lastabove referred to, is 17,967 acies, be the same more or less, that tract of land situated ln the county ot Los Angeles known as tho 'Raucho do Felipe or granted April 18th, IMS, by Plo Pico to aiidfrorge Moililo.and containing 201281-JOJ acres more or less, whose thlo was confirmed by the United States Land Commissioners October lrtih, 1853,10 the papers iv tho case betore that tribunal. No 432, and to tlie records and field notes of surveys iv the ofltco of the United States Surveyor-General in San Francisco, reference is hereby made lor a more particular description.

that tract of land situated in the county of Los Angeles, known as the Rancho 'La lor which a patent was issued by the States Government 10 F. p. Temple and Juan M. Sanchez, dated February 13th, 1872, to which, and to the plat and Held notes of survey therein contained is hereby made for a more particular desorlpiion, contu'ning 2363 75-100 acres. ail those pieces, parcels, or lotH of land sitnftted in the City of Los Angeles, county ot Los Angeles, State of California, hounded and particularly described as follows, to-wlt: such part or portion remaining unsold and now owned by the said P.

P. Temple or William Workman in that pioce, peroel or lot of land situated in tbe said of Los Angeles, bounded by First, Second. Main and spring strens, and known and designated as Block Number one (1) on the map or surveyor the City of Los Angeles, made by Lieutenant E.o. C. Ord ln IS4O.

piece, parcel or lot of laud situated In the City of Los Angeles, bounded and described ns follows: Commenclngon the northwesterly line of Spring street, at a where the same Is Intersected by the somberly line of land of Hamilton; run thence north deg wost, 145 feet and 9 inches; thence deg west, along tho south easterly line of New High street, 239 feel nud lo Inches; thenco southeasterly 187 leet to the northwesterly lino ol Spring Street: and thence along said lino of Spring street, 240 feet und 9 irrehes to the pointof commencement. that piece, lot of land situated ln thesufd City of Los Angeles, hounded and described as follows: Hounded on thesoutheast by Main street; on the southwest by Marketslreet; on the northwest by Spring street, and on tlie northeast by ihe square open space at the junction of Main and Spring streets, said property being commonly known as the "Temple Block." Auy ol the parties to the foregoing entitled suit may become purchasers at any such sale. Dated at Han Francisco, May 12, 1873. L. S.

B. MA WYE it. myl2-CO-l Master In Chancory, IN THE COUNTY COURT Of the County of JVia Angeles, State of California. GEORGE O. TIFFANY va.

IIIS OREO ITURS. PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THE Hon. Albert.M. Stephens, Judgool the County Court of Los Angeles counly notice is hereby given to tlie creditors ol tlie to appear before the said Judge al the Court Room ol said Court, ln tlie Court House, In the city and county of Los Angeles, on the sth DAY OF JUNE, 1679, At 10 o'clock, ot that day, then and there to show cause, If any here by, uhy the prayer of said petitioner should not be granted; that a cession of his estate be made and a discharge Irom all debts bo hnd, as by staLule provided. All proceedings against said insolvent flro stayed.

Witness myhund nnd the teal of said Court, this atth day of April. A. 1879 iseal.l A. W. Clork iiy E.

11. iiwkn, Deputy Clerk. Per day, at borne Ss.rapfea worth si, free. Snsio.tA Povtiand. Me.

marlld LEGAL, mortgage Sale. frank Friedman, piaiutifl, vs. w. E. Rogers, Dietrict Court.

Under and by virtue of a decree of foreclnsure and order of sale eulcred Ju tho District Court of the 17 Judicial District ot the State ot California, in and for tbe county of Los Angeles, ou tbo 13ih day of May, A. D. 1879, and a writ of execution for tho oniorcement of Judgment requiring sale ol property under foreclosure ot mortgago, issued oat Of tbe aforesaid District Court, annexed to said decree, nnd dated the 17ih day of D. 1379, In the above entitled aetlou and ln favor of Frank Fried' mau, plaintiff, and against W. Rogers, defendant, a certified copy of which said decree of foreclosure, duly attested under tbe seal of said Court on the 17th day of May, A 1870, and delivered tome, together wilh the writ aunexod therelo on tbo day of May, A.

D. 1879, whereby am commanded lo sell Mt public auction, to the hlL'hestand besL bidder for cash. In U. s. gold coin, he following and iv said decree described real estate.

All that certain tractor parcel o( land, lylug and being situated in the city of Los of Los of Cnliiorniu.and particularly known and desribed as loliows, viz: Commencing a-, tho southeast corner of Hope and Court House streets, nnd running ihencesouth degrers west along the east line ot nope street 120 feet; thenco south QMS degrees east4S3-lO feet; thence north '2V4 degrees oast ISO leet to south lino of Court House street; thence north degrees west alone south line of Court House street 48 3-10 feet, to place of beginning. Public notice is hereby given that, on FIUEfAY, THE. 18th DAY OF I JUNE, A. D. 1879, At 12 of clock M.

or said day, 1 will proceed to sell at tho Court House door, in the City a id County or Los Angeles, State of Calilo nia, at public auction to the highest ai host bidder for cash ia United Statei gold coin, to satisfy said decree for prine lal nnd Interest, attorney's fees costs nd all accruing costs, all the above descr bed nal estate. Olv under my hand, nt the city and count of Lot Angeles, State of California, his the 21st day of May, D. 1879. 11. M.

MU'CIJELL. 8 he riff. By J. C. KAYS, Deputy, rViORTGAUE SALS.

No. 41)92. George 8, Keller uguinst Jose Uubio, Juuna Uaroaa lie itubio, wile, George Dong, assignee in bankruptcy Of F. IV. F.

Temple, Individually and as surviving partner of 'Temple Workman, bankrupts, J.J. Campbell, 8. Hellman, Yee Hop, Dew Bang, Francisco Aranjo, Kublo, and Eugene Meyer, Constant Meyer and Naihun Kahn, composing thu firm of Eugene Meyer and Company, and as such doing business, District Court. UNDER AND JIY VIRTUE OF A decree of foreclosure and order ol sata entered ln the District Court of the Seventeenth Judicial District ofthe state of Calitornla, In nnd for the county of Dos Angeles, on the lttli day ol May, A. D.

1879. and a writ oi execution for the enforcement of Judgment, requiring sale ol propcity under foreclosure of mortgage, Issued out ofthe aforesaid District Court, annexed to said decree and doled the Hlh day ol May, A. D. 1879, In the above entitled action, and In favor of George S. Keller, plaintiff, and against Jose Kublo, Juana Marona de Itubio, his wile, (J.

E. ong, assignee iv bankruptcy of F. I. F. 'Pimple individually una ns surviving partner of Temple Workman, bankrupts, J.J.

Campbell, S. Huiluian, Yee Hop, Dew Sang, Francisco Aranjo, Andres Rubio nnd Eugeue Meyer, Constant Meyer aud Nathan Kahn, composing tho firm of Eugene Meyer and Company, and as such doing busiuess, delendauts, a certified copy of which said decree of foreclosure, duly attested uuder seal of said court on tbe 14th day of May, A. D. 1879, and delivered to me, together with the wrltaunexed thereto, on the said last mentioned day, whereby I am commanded lo sell at publio auction, to tlie highest and best, bidder, lor cash iv V. H.

gold coin, the following and iv said decree described real estate, to-wlt: 'That cerlaln piece or parcei of land situate in the county ol Los Angeles, Slate ol California, bounded and describe! us follows, to-wlt: Commencing at point ou the northwesterly line or Alanieiln street, where it is intersected by the northern line or Section lliteen township two CI), south range la W. S. B. M.l thence westerly along said northern lino of said section 15 and the northern line of ctiou IN, township'J south range west S. B.

twenty-one (-JIJ chains more or Jess to tho northeast coruerof the land now or formerly of Coronel; thence at right angles southerly along tho lineol said laud of coronel twenty-rive (25) chains to a poini; thence at right angles easterly twenty-one (21) chains, a little more or less, to the said northwesterly llneof Alameda street, and thence northerly along said line of Alameda street twentylive (26) chums, a little more or less, to the point of commencement, being a part ofthe nortue ist. quarter of section 18 and of northwest quarter of section 15, township 2 south, range 11 west s. B. Mm containing cv ucres, more or less. Tubllc notice is hereby given that on FRIDAY, THE 6th DAY OK JUNE, A.

D. 1579, At twelve o'clock noon of said day, I will proceed to sell at the Court Houso door, iv tho City and County of Los Angeles, State of California, at public auction, to highest and best biddor, for cash in United States gold coin, tc satisfy said decree for principal and interest, attorney's fees, costs, and all accruing all tho abovo described real estate. Given under my liund, at the city and ceunty of i.os Angeles, state of California, this the Dili day of Hay, A. 1). 1879 H.

M. MITCUKLL, Sheriff. By James U. Kavs, Deputy. inylSid Mortgage aaio.

No. 4,817. H. D. Barrows, as Guardian of Alloe W.

Barrows, a minor, Juslico, A. Carey, I. Feltermau and J. 11, Grlfflth, Defendants. UNDER AND Bt VIRTUE OF a ilecrce of foreclosure and order of sale enlcred In the District Court or the Seventeenth Judicial District of the State of California, lv and for Hie county of Los Angeles, on the day of May, A.

D. 1879, and a writ of execution lor 'he enforcement of Judgment requiring sale of properly under foreclosure of mortgage issuoii out of the aforesaid Distrlut. court, annexed to said decree and dated tlio.27lh'day of May, A. D. 1879, in the above entitled action and in invor ol H.

11. Barrows, as gunedlnnnl Alice W. harrows, a minor, Plainllir, anil njainst William Justice, J. A. Carey, I.

Fetterman nnd J. M. Grllhlh, dclenclaiils, a oertifled copy of which said decree of foreclosure, duly attested under the seal of said court on the 28th day of May, A. D. 1870, and delivered to me, together with the writ annexed the 271h day of May, A.

1579, whereby 1 am commanded to sell nt public amotion, to the highest and best bidder. Ipl cash in U. s. gold nnd silver coin, the following and in said decree described real estate, towlt: All that real properly, situated county oi i os Augeles, State ot" California, bounded and described as nlows, to-wlt: Commencing ntapost th it marks the division lino between Hie lands oTKcnlamin Harris and said grantor: Ihence running in an easterly dir'ction 28 00 chains to the land of McCook; thence In a southerly direction 172.1-100 cbiilus loa post: thence in a westerly direction 23 00 chains to a post; theuce In a norihoily direction 17 21-100 chains to the point beginning, containing e.i-10,1 acres, nnd being a portion of tho Rancho Coyoles. Public notice Is given thai on FRIDAY, THE 20TU DAY OF JUNE, A.

D. 1879, At 12 o'clock m. of said day, proceed to sell, at the Court itouse door, In the city and Los Angeles, State of Calilornla. at public auction lo tlie highest anil best bidder for cash in United States gold ooln, to satisfy said decree for principal, interest, altnrneys' fees, costs and all accruing costs.all the above described real estate. Given under my hand, ut the olty and couuty of Los Angeles, stale of Califor.

nia, this Ihe 27th day ol May, a. D. 1879. a. M.

MITCIiELL, Sheriff. By J. C. Knj s. Deputy.

m2Btd LEQAL. SUMMONS. IN the District Court of the SeCiteenth I Judicial District ofthe State of Callfor- II la, in und for thecounty of Los Angeles, farmers' and Merchants' Bank or Los Angeles, Plalulifls, against John Mc- Elrath Defendants. Action broughtln tliu District of tlie Kevcnteenth Judicial District ofthe Statu ol Calllornia.ln and for the County of Los the complaint filed In said County of Los Angeles, ln the office ot the Clerk of said District. Court.

The People or the State of California, send greeting to John Mcfcllratli, F. K. Haskell, John Towtisley, k. I. Hereford.

Jacob Lower, D. C. Wilson, H. D. harrows and W.C.

Kurrey, composing the nrmot Barrows, Furrey ana li. Newmark, M. J. Newmark, K. Cohu aud M.

A. Newmark, composing the Urm of H. Newiuark A Defendants. You are hereby required to appear in an action brought airiilnst you tfy the above named Plaintiff iv the District Court of the Seventeenth Judicial District of the State ol California, In and for the Couuty of Los Angeles, and to answer Ihe complaint tiled therein, within ten days (exclusive of Ihe day of service) aftoi tho service'on you of this summons scved within tins county; or.tfservcd out of his county, but in ibis District, within twenty days; otherwise, whnln forty days Judgment by default will bo taken against you according to 1 lie prayer of said complaint. The said action Is broughL to obtain a decree of this court for lie loreclosure a certain mortgage described in tbe said complaint, and executed by tho said John McMrnth ou tliu 20th day of A.

D. 1877, lo secure the payment ot ucertaln promissory note for tlie sum of gold coin, with interest thereon from date at the rate of percent, per month, payablo every three months ln advance, and aisos nercent.on the prluclpul and Interest found duo for attorneys'fees; tbat the conveyed by said mortgage may be hold, and the proceeds applied to the payment of said sum or $3700 gold ooln, with Interest as aforesaid; also, 5 per cont. on the principal and Interest found due for fees; tbat a reuelver bo appointed to take charge of the mortgaged premises and to icceive tho rents and profits thereoi'during the pendency ol this aolion, and costs of suit; and in case such proceeds ure not sufficient to pay the same, then to obtain an execution against said John McKlratu ror the balance remaining due; and also that the said defendants and all persont claiming by, through or under them, or either ot them, may be barred and foreclosed of all right, title, olalra, lieu, equity of redemption and interest ln and to said mortgaged premises, and tor other and further relief. Reference is had to complaint for particulars. And you are hereby notified that If you fail lo appear and answer the said complaint as above required, thesald plaintiff will apply to the Court tor the reliof demanded ln the said complaint.

Given under my hand anil the seal of the District Court of the Seventeenth Judicial Dlstrictof the State of Caifornla, in and for the county ofl.os Angeles, this 20th day of March, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seveuty-nluo. A. W. POTTS, Clerk. By A.

RIMPAU, Deputy Clerk. m2-3m NOTICE OF EXECUTOR'S SALS OF HEAL ESI'ATE AT PRIVATE SALE. Notloe Is hereby given that In pursuance of an order of the Probate Court thecounty ot Los Angeles, state or California, made on too 21st day of May, in the matter ot the estate of Manuel Manrlquez, deceased, the undersigned, the executor of the last will of said wl So private sale, to the Mgh ist biduer, for cash In gold coin of tt uited States, and subject to continuation by said Probae court. OR AFTER THE I6th DAY OF JUNE, 1879, Either iv one pa col or In subdivisions, as the undersigned, executor, shall iv his judgment deem most beneficial to suid estate, all the right, litis, interest and estate of the said Manuel Manrlquez, the time or his death, und all the right, title aud Interest that tbe safdesiate has, by operation of law or otherwise acquired olher than or in addition to thai of the said deceased at tho time of his death, in and to all those certain lots, pieces aud parcels of land situate, lying and being in the said county of Los Angeles, Sialc or California, and bouuded uud described as follows, to wit: of sec. 6, Township 8 S.

ot Range 7 U. H. M. SK. of Sec.

32. and lot 2 of Sec 32, township 7 S. of Range 7 s. B. ln all 117 37-luO acris of land, Terirsand conditions of lv gold of the United states.

Deed at expense ot purchaser. Bids or oners may be made at any time after the first publication of this notice and berore making the sale. Ail oilers and bids must bo ln willing and lclt wllh or directed lo Mr. Frank ltiverln, tat San Juan Ciplstrano, Los Angeles counly, or delivered to him personally V. RIVEKIN, hxeeutor or tl.e last will of Manuel Mumlquez, deceasod.

my29td Mortgage sale. No. 6S6S. District Court of ibe Seventeenth Judicial Angeles County Bank, Plaintiff, vs. Henry H.GHM el Defendants Under and by virtue of a decree of foreclosure and orderof sale entered ln the District Court ot ihe Seventeenth Judicial District of the state ol California, ln and for he county of Los the tU day of May, A.

1879, and a writ ot execution for the pnibrceiuent of judgment, requiring ssleof property undor foreclosure of mortgage, Issued out of the aforesaid District Court, annexed to said decree and dated the 23d day of May, A. I). 1879. in tlie above entitled action and ln favor oi Lis Angeles County Bank, plaintiff, and against Henry 11. unci.

John tf. Ntrunk, Robert Turnbul I aud s. J. Lynch, defendants, a certified copy of which said decreV offoreclosure, duly attested under the seal uf said court on ihe 23d day or May, A. D.

1879, aud delivered to me, together wllh the' writ annexed thereto, on the said last mentioned day, whereby I am commanded to sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder tor cash In United states gold coin, the following and in said decree described real estate, to-wit: Commencing at the SE. cornerof the larger tract sot apart or allotted in Hie partition ol the Raucho Clenega to Henry and ruuuing thence nlong the eastern boundary of said allotment three hundred and twenty-six rods to the Ballona road; thence along said road westerly ono hundred ana elgbty-two roils to tho west boundary of said allotment; thenco southerly along said boundary thioe hundred and fifty-three rods to the corner or said allotment; thence easterly In a direct line to Ihe place of beginning, containing three hundred and twenty-two ucres, more or less; It being intended hereby to convey ail of the lands of said Olrd lying southerly of the Ballona road, reference being made to decree iv partition of sahl Rancho Clenega, ease No. lltil. District Court. Public notice Is hereby given that ou THURSDAY, THK 19m DAY OF JUNE, A.

D. 1870, At 12 o'clock 1 will proceed to sell, at the Court House door, In the city and county of Los Angeles, Statoof California, at public auction, to the highest nnd best bidder, for e.ish in U. S. gold cdv, to satisfy said decree tor principal, Interest, attorney's fees, costs and ail accruing costs, all the above described roal estate. Given under my band, at the city and county or Los Angeles, State or California, this tho 28th day of May, A.

1879. 11. M. MITCHELL, Sheriff. By JAMES 0, KAI Deputy.

in 29 td Notice to Creditors. EST A Tl5 OF LYDIA WEST, Deceased. Pursuant to an order oi Ihe Probate Court of Los Angeles county, notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims ataluat the said deceased, lo exhibit and present the same, wllh tlie necessary vnucheis, to the undersigned, administrator ol said ectate, nt his office and place of business, in the lurnltme Dotter Brndlev, No Main street, Los Angeles olty, State of calliorii 11, according lo law, within four mom lis n-tcr Ihe publication of tills notice. Loa Angeles, April 10, 1879. W.

LORD, of the ei-tate of ydla West, deceased. aI6 4w VICKERY, Augusta Maine. sept2wly LINES OF TRAVEL. WM PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP COMPANY! PERKINS AOUNtS SAN FRANCISCO. San Francisco and Loaf Angeles Exoress Line.

Bohedn 10. Coming South Doing North ll A ii STEAM Kits 2.3 tf a 5 a Apl. 30 May 2 May 4 May 0 Ancon May 5 7 11 10 12 14 it) Ancon 16 17 19 HI 20 22 24 211 Ancon 2i 27 29 81 80 Juno 1 June 3 June 5 Ancon June 4 6 A 10 0 11 15 Both steamships call at Port Hariord (SanLuisOblspo)and Santa Barbara. aari'asseugers lor Han Franeis.o take the train lor Wilmington that leaves Los Angeles at 3.4io'olock Los Angeles time. Los Angeles and San Diego Till STEAMEHS Orizaba and Senator Leave sau ledro for San Diego May 2, 7, 12, 17,22, Sft, Jnno 1 and 6.

Passengers take the train that leaves Loa Angeles Wilmington at 3.44 p. Angeles time. Rates ot Fare from Los Angeles. (Payable In Gold.) Cabin. Steerage.

To sau Francisco $16 Ou 00 To Port Harford 12 00 9 00 To Santa Barbara 8 PO 6 00 Sau Diego 8 00 6 00 Flans of steamers' cabins at agent's where berths may he secured. FOR WAY The steamer Constantino leaves Sau Buenaventura aiul Santa Barbara for San Francisco every Saturday, calling at way ports. Freight steamers leave Han Francisco tor San Diego and way ports about every ten days, ll s'octe, etc. For Passage or Freight as bove, ut for tiukets to and from Eastern Cities and Principal European Ports. Apply to H.

McLELLAN, Local Agent, Office, No. 66J Main street, over the Commercial Bank, Se P. fi COMMENCING MONDAY, May And until lurther nottee, uoats Will leave LOS ANGULKS as follows: 9, A. M. 1..

A. sL Ft iUU it. Local Passenger Train to Santa Monica- a. W.QRA. passengei iUU train fo Wilmington.

(Arrives at 9:10 A. M.l in.or A. San Francisco IU.Ow 'through Freight and Third- Class Accommodation train (Arrives at 11 55 a. I.IC P. Francisco Ex.lo press train, connecting iv Lathrop with the Atlantic Kxnress train ol the Central Paclflo Railroad.

(Arrives 1:55 P. 2 P. Express, connecting at Yuma with dally stages for Prescott with Colorado River steamers, aud with dally trains of the Southern Pacific Railroad ot Arizona for Casa Grande (182 miles east from Yuma) and end or track. Dally stages for Phoenix, Prescott, Florence and 'lucson. (Arrives It): 15 a.

I. Passenger train to Wilmington. (Arrives 2:20 p. M.l Passonger H.UU train to Santa Ana, connecting with stages for Han Diego. (Arrives 8:59 A.

4.10. Sundays L. A AI. R. Passenger train 10 SantaMonlca.

(Arrives 3:25 P. H. Sundays this train wilt leave Santa Monica at 4:20 p. m. and Loa Angeles at 5:40 P.

M. TICKET OFFICES 1 No. 1 SPRING Telegraph Office; Commercial St. R. R.

Depot; DEPOT OFFICE S. P. It. R. A.

N. TOWNE, General Superintendent. T. H. OOODMAN, Geueral Passenger and Ticket Ag't.

E. E. HEWITT, Assistant Los Angeles. l- HALL'S HEPATIC KING LIVER REMEDY! A CONCENTRATED TONIC AND ANTI-BILIOUS EXTEACT, raxPAniD from Mandrake, Culver's Root, Dandelion, Calisaya, Butternut, Calamus, etc EXPRESSLY FOR AFFECTIONS OP THE Liver, and Irregularities of the Stomach. Bowels, snd Kidneys.


It acts directly upon tho LIVER Am KIDNEYS, operatesflhoroughly without nausea, anil leaves the Stomuch acd Bowels iv a healthy condition. i Guaranteed free from Mercury, Aloea and all hurtful matter. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. iG.dxn. AMfffW Int atooloteij TO IB VI I I IVnlcut II I IVI I myJHJm,.

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