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The Washington Bee from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 3

Washington, District of Columbia
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I i ill i iw fil i i i iii i. mi -mmt I THIS AUTHORIZED AGENTS. )L c. Moore, advertising agent EAST WASHINGTON. -0.

Flewher. Street: WEST Turner. 117 28 st, J- L' SOUTH WASHINGTON. Northeast Mcmir nrnTsned on appll- nbltlouableadYertiBementswlUnot catl0D' tPdtt any price. All remittances bv draft, postal money order, 'Zet Money forwarded pleh6omg satthe Bender'B risk.

In 10 alE money the amount and what It is for IdincUvstaW. AU bubinesB letters, should ad- ireeteii io THE EDITOR, Washington D. 0 panLiSUEDEVEUT SATURDAY AT 11091 N. D. WERE THE BEE CAN BE HAD.

Mm WW- Street- "etWeeU 1Ml aDd oorner 16lh Mtt corner ana vaula Avenue. SouUiwest. WaddletoiTs Jewelry store 13lh and streets, n. w. House, S18 Pennsylvania Ave.

North weBt. Hyson's Barber Siiop, Uth and steets, n. w. SATURDAY. June 4th, 1887.

Subscribe for the Bee. Twenty cents per month. It will contain all the news. For sale by all newsdealers in the city rw would confer a favor WBjr leaving the amount of their subscrip tions at their houses for tne coneciur, mm thus save annoy.uice alike to patron and ollector. NOTICE Agents are not allowed to collect money due lor advertisement unless they can produce an authenicaW receipt with the editor's name attached theieto.

Money paid under any other circumstances, is done at the iek of advertisers. Agents can solicit advertisements, but are not allowed to collect the same without authority. W. Calvin Chase, editor Bishop J. M.

Brown, has arrived in the city. James II. Hayes, esq of Richmond, Va. was in the city Monday. Rev.

E. W. Williams, of Abbiville, S. returned to the city from the General Assembly that met in Mio. and left for his home Wednesday evening.

Mr. John W. Curry of the Post office depigment is confined to his bed. Mrs Prof. J.

M. Gregory, will spend the summer with her mother at Williamsport Pa. Rev. F. J.

Grimke, and wife will leave for Florida this evening. They have been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.

Lee. Mr. Charles H. Bruce, formerly of this city, now of New Orleans, La, is in the city. He is living on his farm in Good Hope, Miss Lizzie Baily of Richmond, is now in the city the guest of Mr.

and Mrs, Geo. H. Lee, at 9i5 nth at. n. w.

Miss Baily ia one of the mos-t amiable young lady 'sin Va. The Waiters Union, No. 1 will give a picnic soon. The Monticello Club is being reorganized. Mr.

A. II Jackson will leave, ior Lake George, in a tew days. Miss M. A. Fountain, will leave for the North in a few days.

Messrs. C. Maseey and G. Hoi ley will spend the Summer at my Ridge. Mr.

Howard L. Smith, corres pondent editor of the Bee has been appointed on the New York Star. Mr. J. A.

Arneaux fcmerly edi tor of the New York Enterprise isoii the New oik Sun. Persons leaving the city can have the Bee sent to them by pay ing in advance. Miss M.L.Hope, of Richmond, ui the city. She is the guest of Miss Harriett Archer, also of -Rich uiouu. Messrs.

Richard and John Chiles, erem the city this week. Thev left for Old Point, Va. Mr. Henrv Huckless. of Rich- mond, passed through this ty Monday euroute ior Newport, Mr.

Willie Winston, of Howard University, left for his home, i Richmond, Monday. To the regret of his many Hjeiida, Mr. (J. C. Balls, of No.

Liberty st, has been quite ill. -Mr. John Langlbrd, the well pmn contractor, continues to very sick, which is very touch regretted by his many fiends. Miss Hattie Fowler, ot Armenia ia ,.:,:4. pother.

Mr 1424 st. JfcSJTFS Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Brown, of are on a visit to their neiee, Mrs.

B.C. Whiting, No. 1429 st, Mr. John Quander, has been elected to represent Charles Sumner Post, G. A.

on the Hall committee. Mr. E. RichardBon, late of the Quarter master's was buried last Sabbath afternoon. Many ot his fiiends attended the funeral.

Two communicating furnished rooms and board for gentlemen and wife, on second floor. Perma nent if suited. Address S. E. Bee office.

Mr. Geo. A. Browne, has returned home from school and will take his old place at his case in the Bee office. Mr.

Browne is heartily welcomed by his many friends. Miss A. MatthewB will leave ou the 20th inst. for Rehoboth Beach JDelawere where she will spend the also let her front rooom down stairs to a gentleiuam. Terms eight dollars and use of piano.

Mr, Frank Dorsey, wife and daughter, MisB Ida, were in the city last week. Mrs. K. (J. Dorsey, is the proprietress of a first class summer resort in New Jeisey, Her cottage is at Spring Lake, N.J.

They reside at No. 509 19 Philadelphia, Pa, At the commencement exercises of the state University, Louisville, the tol lowing honorary degrees were conferred: Rev. James Poindexter, Columbus, Rev. R. S.

Baptist, South Jl van ston, 111., Rev, D. A Gaddie, Louisville. D. Rev. Rufus L.

Perry, editor of the ''National Monitor," Brook- lyn, N. Ph. Hon. Geo. W.

WilliamB, Washington, L.D. The closing exercises of the Normal and Prepai atory department ot Howard University, took place in the College chapel last Wednesday eve'g. A large aud intelligent crowd greeted the graduates. The exercises were of the customary order on such occasions, being orations and essays, but they wQe well written and well deliven d. The music was good and the entire program was thoroughly enjoyable.

Especial mentiou is made of Miss Hill, the only young lady who spoke. She read an essay "Silent influences," and delivered the valedictory of her class in a manner that was highly pleasing aud creditable. Miss Biiggs and Prof. Cummings, the principals of the Normal and Preparatory departments re spectively, have every reason to feel proud of the classes that graduated lust Wednesday night. ThePresteBtant Episcopal church commission to work among the colored people, which was created bv the genera! convention of the P.

E. Church last October, met Weduesday af'ernoon at the St. Mary's MisBion Hall on Twenty-third street between G. and H. Bishop Dudley, of Kentucky acteJ ub chairman; aud Mr, J.

C. Bran-croft Davis, of this city, was secretary. Other members of the commission present were Bishop Paret of Maryland; Bishop Weed, of Flordia; Rev. Dr. J.

H. Ecclesiou, of Baltimore; Rev. C. B. Perry, of Baltimore; Rev.

J. B. Cook of Louisville, and Mr. John A. King, of New York.

The committee appointed at the first stciou of the committee sub mitted their report upon the religious condition of the colored people. Tbe south has given the greatest attention, and the committees were unanimous in recommending vigorous efforts for the religious education of the colored people of that of the country. There are many ways in which this work can be helped, an important one being helping poor congreationsto build suitable plceB of worship Thi-commiesion has entire charges of the woi of evangelizing and educating the colored people. Five bishops, five layman, and five prebyters compose the commission. SPECIAL NOTICES.

St. Paul A. M. E. church 8th bet.

D. and E. streets s. w. Rev.

C. W. Fitzhugh, pastor. Services at 11 a. m.

and p. m. Sabbath. Sunday School, 9 a. m.

J. W. Butcher Superintendent. Rev. F.

J. Grimke will preach at the 15th Presbyterian tomorrow morniug. Dr. B. W.

Arnett aud Rev. C. C. Jones of Pittsburg? will pleach at St. Paul church to morrow.

Dr. Arnett in the morning and Rev. Jones in the evening. A DESERVING MaK. John W.

Curry, an old resident of this city and the first colored letter carrier ever appointed in the city, is confined to a sick bed. This faithful public servant has the respect and confidence of the very best colored and white citizens in this city. If there is a man who deserves promotion it is Mr. Curry. It 's our -belief that Postmaster Frank Conger, has no prejudice a-gainst any man on account of his color, and in the course of time, or before his retirement from office, he will promote Mr.

Curry. The very best citizens have testified to Mr. Curry's faithfulness and attention to duty. The life of a letter carrier is a hard one, and if there is any class ot public servants who demand fair treatment we beleive it is the letter carriers. Through all kinds of weather these faithful public servants can be seen.

They either bring you good or bad news, business of importance or whatever the case may be. To the letter carriers the people are indebted. It is hoped that Mr. Curry may recover speedily and resume his duties at the city Post office. THE NATIONAL DRILL.

THE WASHINGTON CADETS HONORED. CUTS OF THE GALLANT OFFICEhS VIRGINIA COMPANIES PROUD OF THEIR COLORED COMPANIES, The great drill is over. The tents has been folded and the gal laut gay and sometimes giddy lads in their blue, green and gray suits have betaken themselves homeward, some to the surprising strains of Dixie while others marched homeward to the tune of Yankee Doodle. The empty hotel corridors and the deserted streets, and the absence of the curious crowds to throng the public buildings and often to store in big-eyed and open mouthed wonder at colored ladies aud gentlemen employed there all testify that the drill is over. Camp Washington is even more lonely and deserted than the city.

The monument still rises to the proud height of 550 feet but no tents now cluster around its base. The once green and beautiful plot of grass that stretched off in all directions from the base is now bruised yellow aud unattractive. The stately soldiers, the thousands of spectators of all ages, sizes and conditions of-repair aie seen no more; nor is there heard the ringing cheer, the sharp command, the ground of arms, the music of the bands nor the noise of the peanut and lemonade spectators. All is once more quiet along the Potomac. It has not been six mouths since the brilliant young Grady was orating about the peace and harmony and brotherly love that existed between the co ored and white people of the south, but it has not been six weeks since that same new south sent up a united and determined howl at the prospect of southern gentlemen of the best families being compelled to sleep in similar tents, march and drill on the same ground with "niggers." The two companies who withdrew last Wednesday week from the street parade are doubtless sick if not ashamed of their action.

It is a little strange that men who have picked cotton with Negroes, played marbles with Negroes, fought over a hoe cake with Negroes, gone in swimming with Negroes and often even nursed at a Negro mammys breast should raise such a howl about walking with them in a military parade. If they were consis-tant they would never go on the streets- of their native cities, for they are both in front and behiud Negroes there, they ought not to go to glory, for there will be plenty of colored folks in the mansion next door. They cannot get rid of him by emigrating to parts unknown for as the psalmist says, then I take the wings of the morning aud fly to the utmost parts of the earth he will be there. No, all this pretended and rediculous prejudice to color is unnatural and unreal. No class of people love the Negro like southern whites they have him everywhere, in their carriages, at their tables, in their stores, kitchens, laundries, sick rooms, churches and every other conceivable place, not because they cannot get Irish or Germans for the places but, because they will not have them.

Apropos the general assembly of Southern Presbyterians met in St. Louis on the 26th of May and during the discussion of a uuiou with the northern Presbyterian church, Rev. C.K. Vaugh, of Lexiugtou, opposed it, laying particular stress upon the color line. He bestrayed his fears in the following sentence uAfter a time you will see the eloquent black gentlemen offer his arm to your white girls and she will gratefully accept it." The colored Cadets, the Attucks Guard and theT State Guard the former of Washington and the oth- er Mo from Virginia acquitted themselves much better-on dress parade than in the prize drill.

Of the three companies the Cadets of this city made an especially find appearance. Whenever they appeared in view on -Governors day their appearance was the signal for long and hearty cheering and whv the southerners would not march behind them is uuknown unless they were iealous of the ringing cheers their black rivals received. We present in this issue an excellent cut of the gallant commander of the Cadets, CAPT. ARTHUR BROOKS, together with a cut of a member of each of the companies. CADETS ATTUCKS GUARD: STATE GUARD; NOTES The Virginia companies were proud of their colored troops and unanimously expressed themselves as ing glad they brought them.

The election of Prof. Geo. W. Cook, to fill the chair of mathematics in Howard University, is a deserved promotion of a worthy young man. Prof.

Cook roughed through school and has fought his way forward ever since. It is gratifying to see young men qualifying themselves to teach in their Alma Mata and it is pleasing to note the recognition the trustees are giving them. Meantime it is hoped that Prof. Hugh Brown merits as Professor of Germau and Physics will be considered. Satchell.

f-tp- THE CLOSING SCENE CAMP. AT The closing scenes at camp Geo, Washington, were ones of pleasure as well as military discipline. The visitors were greeted on all sides by the soldiers packing and loading their baggage for home. Many pleasant good-bye's were exchanged, by both white and colored. Co.

"A Washington Cadet Corp, received its portion, especially from Capt, Hackett, (Meager Guards, of Rhode Island) aud other individuals. The a-wardiug of prizes caused many surprises, however among the lucky one's, our home Companies were well remembered, uWashiug-tou Light Infantry Corp," Co. and the "National Rifles." One of the most laughable incidents of the day happened about 2 o'clock p. m. A short while after Gen.

Sheridan's arrival, about nineteen or twenty reporters, were standing ready to cross the dead line in search of news, when they were politely informed by a police officer, that they could go no further, though after a short counsel the officer informed all with the yellow ribbon that they could go beyond the line, this beiug over another gentleman rather stout aud tall, and wearing a full mustache, came through the line, the officer again demanded halt, but being informed that he was the chairman of the executive committee and District Commissioner, S. E. Wheatley, he was allowed to pass on. MORE LAWYERS. Congregational Church was filled last Monday night with the friends of the graduating law class of '87 of Howard University.

Krause's oichestra furnished the music, and at 7 :45, as the audience entered the church, an overture, "Silver Cross," was played. At the close the class entered and took the seats assigned them on the platform. The form of Rev. W. W.

Patton, D. D. L. L. was the first to be seen, and he was followed by the law faculty and the class, which comprised only four.

Prayer was offered by the Rev. Frank J. Grimke. Hon. Edward Lander, Judge R.

Bond and B. F. Leigh-ton, were announced as the committee for awarding prizes. Mr. William Biruey made an excellent address to the graduates.

President Patton conferred the diplomas on the graduates, William H. H. Hart, A. whose thesis was "National Divorce Law Peter J. Bacon, A.

thesis "Ig norance of Law John H. Lawsou, A. thesis, "Consideration in Contracts," aud Ferdiuand De So to Lee, thesis, "Insanity as a Following this course the selection, "Awakening of Spring," Mr. Wm. H.

H. Hart delivered the" valedictory address. During the performance of selections from "Nanon7' the committee on prizes made known their choice, aud the honors fell on Mr. W. H.

H. Hart, who received a Utile package from President Patton and it was whispered around that it contained $50. The orchestra rendered Titi's "Serenade" and the exercises were brought to a close by the benediction being pronounced. The graduates received many bouqets from their friends, and the commencement was looked upon as a very successful one. THE GRAND ARMY.

PROF. JOHNSON' ADDRESS. Last Sunday afternqon Morton Po3t, No. 4, G. A.

was present at the second Baptist Church, aud litened to a logical and eloquent historical memorial sermon by the Rev. W. Bidhop Johnson, pastor of the church. The sermon was delivered to an immense audience, aud drew forth com" ments from the Rev. Waring, of Berean Bap ist Church, Col.

Geo. M. Arnold and Maj. C. B.

Fisher, of Grand Army circles. Kev. Johnson referred to the causes of the war, aud discussed the relations of the colored soldier to the triumph of our national armies. He said the white soldier will be praised for defending his liberty, but the colored soldier will be praised because having no liberty, he purchased it by his own blood in the great struggle of justice a-gainst oppression. The colored soldier unlocked his own and set his fellow bondmen free.

He said that Providence had all to do with the emancipation, and referred to the ami-slavery workers as instruments in God's hands. God had oidained that the hand which drove the oxen and the mule, should drive the pen in office and countitmg room, and sway the sceptre of power in positions of honor and trust. We eannot do justice to this a-ble effort of the giited and eloquent divine. After the sermon Miss Waring rendered a very touching solo, in her inimitable way and $20.00 was contributed for the new building. Rev.

Johnson deserves great ciedit for the successs of the occasion. Rev. Frank J. Grimke and wife were entetained by Mrs. Chase IaBt Wednesday evening.

The friends of Miss E. Holmes regret to know that she left Thurs day for her home in Newport R.I. Rev. Z. T.

Pearsall, of the Alabama Advocate, is ia thejjeity-He is at 1735 I st n. w. Rev. Pearsall has many admirers and friends who feel it a pleasure to welcome his return, G. U.

O. OF t. EDITED BY R. LEWIS. For the benefit of th Grand United Order of Odd Fellows in the District of Columbia, shall publish weekly such matter that will be a benefit to the organization-'.

All matter for thii column must be in not latter than Thursdays of each week. G. U. O. of O.

F. Executive committee of District Lodge No: 20. Richard H. Lewis, District Master A. T.

Brown, D. S. W. Watson, D. Eli W.

Jackson, D. Thomas Mr. Chiistian Branhan, formerly of this city, but now of Boston, Mil ss is here visiting friends, for a few weeks. He is a member of Boston Lodge, of the G. U.

O. ot O. F. James C. MaCrummili Lodge, No.

1437, held a very pleasant meeting last week, with Bro. J. W. Butcher, in the chair. Bro.

Rice, a member of 1437, has returned to the city and was present at the meeting of the Jamea, C. MaCrummili Lodge and delivered an address. Remarks were also made by several others, who also -expressed their satisfaction with, the Lodge and seemed to enjoy the occasion. The executive committee of District Lodge No. 20, will visit Ma Crnmmill Lodge Friday eve'g, June 11.

It is expected that the Lodge will be in full bloom with a full house. An invitation is extended to all the members of the Order to be present, as a good time is expected. The speakers are as follows Bros. James W. Butcher, W.

Howard, Albert Johuson, Ed. Johnson, Louis Hill, Wm, Joyce, R. Taylor, Chapman Walker, Rica aud others. The executive committee of District Lodge No. 20, will visit Un-.

ion Friendship Lodge, No. 891, and Columbia Lodge, No. 1376, Tuea- day, June 7. Mr. W.

C. Whiting, will leavt the city, June 15. The hall building committee. ris progressing nicely. The Chicago "Conservator" has the following In the Grand Lodge --f Odd Fellows of Missouri, on th 17th, the Grand Master recommend-ed that in the future no one engaged in the sale of intoxicating' liquors as a beverage be admitted to nieoibership.

Mrs. N. Montgomery, wife of Mr. Moutgromery, U. mail agent on route fromCharleBtonS.C.

to Jacksonville, and a resident of Charleston S. C. has been visiting the national drill, the guest of Mrs. A. P.

Albert nee Boaeman, 1209 W. st. n. w. THE CADETS PICNIC.

The picnic by the Wellington Cadets at Browns Park Monday was attened by over 500 people. Prof. Krause's music disappointed chairman Dabney. He had engaged the music, but unfortunately the leader had another engagement at the congregational church. How eveV Capt.

Dabneytfecured the orches--ter after about 200 people leaving. Capt. Dabney has been charged with being opposed to colored music. This charge is untrue, no one is mote favorable to colored enterprises than Capt. Dabney.

WHAT DID IT MEAN? Mr. W. Barker, one of the Criminal Court jurors informed Mr. Lipscomb, assistant district attorney, that he was a man and he wanted to know his reason tor being excused continually from the jury, He stated that he was informed hatiivlr. Jbarker was stubborn in the jury r-om.

Mr Barker told him that the next time it was done be would ask the court to excuse him entirely from the jury. Lipscomb turned paie. When will the time come when the colored man will be treated with respect by the District Attorney? It was but a few days ago that the president pardoned Cephus Jone3 from the peniten tiary cause it was ascertained that he was convicted on insufficient evidence. Mr. Baiker is one of the few men who weigh te3timoney or evidence before he gives his vote for the conviction of any man.

Qelds ara scarce, but tbM wte writ Stinson mahra free, fall Infonoalloa abotrt irerk vMaa they can do. and lire wUJ 97 them from 15 to S26 par Ut. Son tora aaraadorerSSOinadar. ovoM. -iiolred.

Yob ara cUrted fraa. Thoaavbaatart at Alii (si Jrrfflfi x. a 1 1 vn.rlr-' 4 m-ata..

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