Sunday Morning Globe from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 8
- Publication:
- Sunday Morning Globei
- Location:
- Washington, District of Columbia
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 8
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
i IJb I DIeIIUd rAanaw IYA1SitiNeeraffiAN JiW i iv wr i viVii iiiim mnniiiiti i 1 1i i 1 1i i I I It LE ya yaII II I Qr mJ 1 IP LYte KJv 11n 11nI I tj A A Ci iJ iJi ed i 1 Tu TuI i I rt rCeu ii Cinght Ceu ht In a flue log Jam Jaink 6 NE spring we got caught caughtin I Iin 1 0 in a log jam on the Sara Sarunac i pnnc I nnc River said CBaker Co uBaker i Baker of Plattsburg re reently regently I gently tt ently ntly In describing the operations of ofl noggers oggers In the Adlrondacks A log logiwung logwung logIwung iwung across tire verge of the last lastprecipice oprecipice i I precipice reclplce at High Falls and over 40 40pieces th thpieces 00 pieces became massed In a solid solidormatlon a aormatlon normation ormatlon there tht re Is the narrow gorge gorgeV gorgeWe bWe We did flot use dynamite In those days daystnd dasInll daysintl tnd nothing could be done to break breakhe breakhe he jam except to cut out the log which whichicld whichgeld geld the key to the situation situationA th thA tA A volunteer was called for aid amiEenry aidhenry ju julenry henry Martin artln was the only driver who whoiffered whofteroll whooffered offered to chop the offending log away awayi te tej i large rope was thrown across the briver river and ht held Id at either end by men mentiartln a aVlartln Vlartln lashed himself to the rope was wasIrawn wasirawn tl1 tl1Ira Irawn Ira wn to the centre of the gorge and andlowered amIlOwered andlowered lowered to the verge of the precipiceMartin precipice precipiceMartin tl1 tl1IRrtln Martin chopped there for two hours hoursluring uluring mluring luring which nil of us were in a tor torlble vrlble wIble rlble suspense and then the log logmapped logmapped to toi i mapped In two The thousands of ofIeees bleces hi hiIeces leces which were thus releDledpushed releasedpushedbY released pushed sc scy 1 1by by the great accumulation of water watervent uvent vent ent tumbling thundering and groan sng se seng ng like an avalanche over the preci prod prodvice dpice vice lct vAs viceAs As the log snapped Martin gave the thejlgnnl theJignal theltgnal jlgnnl and the rope was hauled taut a aby by the watchful men on the banks of oflie PShe She he river The logger logg swung la mid midtlr nilr ilr 11 and was pulled ashore amid the thewelcome twelcome welcome plaudits of his comrades 1 1One i One of the greatest gloate jams of the theareut tl tlrout 9reut rout North Woods was that In the theRaquette rRaquctte I Raquette River In the late seventiesrile seventies nThe mj The logs lo had been cleared cle red from Longake Long LongLake I Lake nke beyond the outlet of Cold River sind Hid were fast approaching the Ra Rajuette Yaluette fr frJ luette River falls where there Is a aIrop ti tiIrop to toI I Irop rop of 100 feet fet or more In a short dis distance dlsw disance tance There are rapids for several severalhundred severalh 4 hundred feet above the falls while whilebelow whileJelow whilebelow below there Is a sudden bead In the thejtreura theI thestream I stream as the water sweeps away with withimoother withmoother wltllsmoother smoother surface always tearing teflIlns and andgrinding andtrlndlng andgrluding grinding away the ledge of sandstone sandstonejne sandstones one ne corner cornt of which forms a shelf over Oerj cyie a aIn the stream streamIn streamIn In Its run to the top of the falls the the7ntor thewntor thewater water pusses through a gorge about about9fty aboutlfty 9fty feet high with sloping walls that thatmount thatouut thatmount mount ouut rapidly pldly to mounnou mountainous heights heightsHere heigh height heightsHere Here the logs formed a confused mass massThey massI massthey I They were Interwoven and tangled tangledand tangledI tangledlad I and the torrent rushed through andover and andover antIil il over them until It seemed sefID cd as though thoughthe thoughhe thoughthe the he rocky banks must surely be shaken shakento shakeni i I4 to their foundations foundationsThe foundaUoDRTbe foundationsThe The drivers worked for four days daysSharing daysharlng daysbaring Sharing baring the dangers alike and cleared clearedthe clOftlfdthe clearedthe the log jam without accident But the thebatteau thebutteau thebntteau batteau loaded with the tents utensils utensilsind utensilslUll utensils3m lUll 3m food for the men which whl was being beingI beingmoved tmoved I moved down the river In the rear of the theI theogsdldnotfaresowellItwasincharge togs ogs ogsdldnotfaresowell ogsdldnotfaresowellItwasincharge did not fare so well It was In charge charge3f I 3f some experienced watermen and andthe tthe I the passage of the rough water was wasalways i ialways always watched with great Interest Interestby interesti i by the loggers It began to run through throughthe I Ithe I the rapid water at the head of the thefalls i ifalls a afalls falls when the current caught It and andcarried i icarried carried It against a rock where it was wascapsized 1 1capsized capsized capslv capsizedOne 1 1One tOne One of the men In the boat wan an anxperlenced 11 sexperienced sxporfenced experienced swimmer and he told the theother thoother I I Ilthel other to place his arms about his neck neckso neckBO neckso so that he could then swim with him himto himto i ito to the shore But the water ran 1n too tooiwltt1y toocwlftly i iwlftly wlftly for the swimmer and both bothwere 1I0tl1ere bothwere were ere carried rapidly toward the falls fallsIt tollsJt fallsit It became necessary neees ary for th tilt swimmer swimmerto il to 10 disengage himself from his compan companIon comlHnlon companIon Ion who was hugging him with a adeath adBth adeath death grasp His effort at first wan WftlluDsuceetHlful warunsuccessful i iunsuccessful unsuccessful and growing desperate desperateas rrI 11 as they approached the brink of the thefalls th thtills 1 rll falls he pulled his hI companion partl partlaround partly partlyaround rUy rUytl tl around In front of him and struck him htma 1 a tremendous blow on the bend The Thearms Thefums Thearms arms relaxed their grasp about the theneck theneck i ineck neck of the struggling swimmer and andthe nnl1the andthe the unfortunate man was carried down downthe downthe lawnthe the stream while the swimmer by aviolent a nviolent aIolent violent effort barely escaped th tilt same samefate Sftmefata sam samfate fate lie reached the shore In an ex exhausted e3hnusted exhnusted hnusted condition where he was waspulled wuspulled waspulled pulled from the water by the loggers loggersThe loggersrho loggersTho The other logger passed over the falls fallsand fallsnnd tailsand and under the jam of logs Ills body bodywas bodywas bodywas was recovered some time afterwariand afterwari Ilttelwnlnnll afterwartand and buried on the banks of tilt Ra Raqutttt uf 1 qutttt New ew York Commercial Adver Advertiser Advertf Adrerttser tiser tf A Fighting SchoolmasterThe Schoolmaster SchoolmasterThe SchoolmalterThe The experience of a college graduate graduatenamed graduatenamed ratltmte ratltmtenalUll 41 named Levenworth who taught for toryear foryear a ayear a year in a a little Western eltern town tOWD1a It an ex example fXi example i ample of the way In which a teacher teachersometimes tHebersowethIt teaeliesometsnces er sometimes wins the admiration of bis bispupils blsPUlllls bpupils lis pupils quite unexpectedly unexpectedlyLevenworth unexpectttdlyLevenwolth unexpectedlyLovenworth Levenworth was 8S not a teacher bnature by bynature b1nature nature or profession but as many men menhave menhae me mehave en have done he spent a year year teaching to toget toI tget no I get money enough to help himself himselfthrough hlmseJrthrougl1 himeelthrough through the law school lit was washearty a ahearty ahearty hearty clearminded elear mlnded fellow who keprather kept keptrather keptrather I rather aloof from the townspeople townspeopleThe townspeoplej townspeopleThe The local paper spoke of him as hav haytag having LV 1 I ing Uhad had promising career In col college colI ai I I lege legePart Part of this this promising career had nit ax axU aRIt It happened been spent In athletics athleticsHe AthleticsHe athleticsHe He had learned to box and wrestle wrestleand wrest wrestand restle restleanti and had won his class championship championshipIn I I In the art which from Its unfortunate unfortunateassociation unfortunateI unfortnnataseociatlon te I Al association ocSatJon with the prize ring ha hai has hasnot baaj 8 I I not so good a reputation among the thepeaceful thepeAceful th le Cpeaceful peaceful AS In Its legitimate form formdeeervee It Itdeservae IttlesetIIS deservae deservaeHis tlesetIISIUs deeerveeIlls His geheol was quiet and orderly orderlyfrom orderlyj order orderr dy ly from the start but he found it hard hardwork hardork bar barwork ud nj I work ork to get on Intimate terms with withthe wltbthe wit ltb th the twenty boyi bO under him They Theyobeyed Tlaeyooetl The Theobeyed 2ey obeyed at a dkrtutwc dl tcUlft bat did not sbo sbomuch show showmuch showmuch ow much personal frleadiblp for him One dny at recess when bon the schoolyard school schoolyard schoolyard I yard tiros was a clamor ovotaee of ot101Uffil volute the young youngmaster youngmuter youngmaster master hard a sudden lull Looking Lookingout Lookingout Lookingout out OUI the window wlndo ho saw the children childrenlined childrenlined childrenlied lined up against the fence watching ateamster nteamster nt9amster teamster who was stupidly trying to towhip towhip towhip whip wi his horse up the hill that ran ranpast mnpost ranpast past the schooj schoo The wagon was loaded load loaded lootloll heavily with garden stuff and the thehorse thehorse thehorse horse ho was doing his best to no purpose purposeSuddenly purI1081Suddenly purposeSuddenly Suddenly one of the boys went Into Intothe Intothe Intotiro the Ull street and evidently remonstrated remonstratedwith remonstrlltetlwIth remonstratedwith with wI the driver For answer he got an anugly unugly anugly ugly ug slash of the whip and reeled back backholding backholding backholding ugh holding his hands over his eyes eyesThis eyesThis eyesThis This was too much for Leveuworth LeveuworthHe Ievenw rth rthIIe He 1I4 to ran down stairs and out across the thei theIllnygroum1 theplayground playground 1111 Coolly pushing a atone atoneunder stoueuuder stoneunder under 1111 the wheel with his foot he coinmanded com commanded commanded manded ml the teamster a gaunt sinewy sinewyman sinewyman sinewyman man nu to come off his seat seatThe seatThe seatThe The fellow fe11o grew hostile at once andobeyed and andobeyed nmlobeed obeyed ob Jumping down he approached approachedthe the schoolmaster ready and aUl eager fora for fora forn fight ht and heated ntet1 to dangerous nnger angerby nngerby nngerby by his struggle with the horse horseIt horseIt horseIt It was as real oldfashioned old tashloned fightwith fight fightwith fi ht htwltl1 with wi the power of anger and excite excitement eccltement excitewent ment ml on one side and skill backed by bythose bythosc byhose those almost Infallible allies right and andjustice andjustice andjustice justice on the other otherThere other1here otheriherc There was enough left of the teams teamster teamster teamster ter to drive his horse while a dozen dozenboys dozeu1I0ys dozenboys boys 110 put their shoulders shonldC shoulder I to the wheels wheelsand wheelsnd wbeelsnnll and aD nd pushed the wagon to the top of ofthe ofthe ofthe the hillThe hill hillThe hillThe The pupil whose hoso task It was to ring ringthe ringthe ringthe the bell for the end of recess was aminute a aminute nminute minute late that day The Tbeteacher Tbeteacherwas teacher teacherwas teacherwas was late too It tool him a little time timeto timeto timeto put his clothes In order and washhis wash washhis wnsllhis his face and hand hands Meanwhile the theschool thoschool theachesl school assembled not without some somenoise somenoise somenoise noise ntJ and excitement and took their theirseats theirseats theirseats seats They were subdued nnd or orderly ordrly oreny derly de eny when Levenworth came in and andwalked ant antwalked andwalked walked Wi to his desk deskBefore deskBofore deskBefore Before he had time to be seated andas and andas ondas as If by a preconcerted signal the pu pupils puplls paits pils pI its began to applaud Discipline and andmodesty andmodesty andmodesty modesty made the teaoher try to stop stopthem stopthem stopthem them th It was useless so he smiledThen smiled smiledThen fJmlled fJmlledThen Then TI they cheered The disorder of ofthe ofthe ofhe the th he next minute was quite against the therules therules thetales rules 11 but nobody received rect hed black blackmark blackmark blackmark mark on the schoolmasters deportmentbook deportment deportmentbook cportmentbook book be ana after that to Levenworths hovenworihssurprise Levenworthssurprise Iovenworthssnrprlse surprise S1 there was a II new and warm warmfriendship warmriendship warmfriendship friendship in the bearing bt nrlng ot the boys boystoward boystoward boystoward toward him A Critical MomentSir Moment MomentSir lomftntSir Sir Edward MalefsShlftlmj Scenescarries Scenes Scenescarries Scenescarries carries the reader to Egypt at a stirring stirringtime stirrIngtime stirringtime time in the history of the young youngkhedlve youngkhldlve youngkhedive khedive and shows how courage won wonthe wontbe wonthe the day da for him When the moment momentcame momentcame came for the bombardment of Alex Alexandria Alexndria I andria ndria the young khedive refusedto refusedtotake refusedt refused totake to totakl take shelter on board an English man manoCwar man manof of oCwar war saying that his lot lay withis with withhis withhis I his is people peopleHe peopleHe peopleHe He was khedive In nothlujr nothlr but name namethe namethe namethe the whole power having passed Into Intothe Intothe Intotbe the hands of the th rebels and hU chances chancesof chances chancesof chancesof of escape were hardly greater than thanthose thantbose thanthose those of a martyr In a Roman arena arenabefore arenaoorore arenabefore before the wild beasts were uncaged uncagedThey unC1gedThey uncagedThey They did not send wild beasts to tearhim tear tearhim tearhim him but they did send a captain and andIlls nndhIs andhis hIs company with orders to dispatch dispatchhim dispatchhim dispatchhim him The wit and presence presence of mind mindof mindot mindof of the khedlve changed what was In Intended Intended intended tended to be the supreme tragedy of ofthe otthe ofthe the revolution Into a II comedy comedyHe comedyHe comedyHe He saw sa the band of soldiers coming comingtoward comingtoward comingtoward toward tt the palace When they ar arrived nrrived arrived rived rJ prepared for resistance and intending In Intending Intending tending tl to break In the doors theyfound they theyfound theyfound found fl the aidedecamp of the khedive khediveat at the foot of the great staircase He Hemet Hemet Hemet met them civilly nnd told them that thatthe thatthe thatthe the tl khedive was expecting them nnd nndthat nndthat andthat that he had given orders that they theyshould theyshould should at once be conductd to his Msproaence hispresence hisI presence proaenceHalf presenceHalfsobered prosenceHaltsobered Halfsobered Half sobered by the unexpected re reception reo reoceptlon recoptlon ception the soldiers mounted the grand grandstaircase grandstaircase grandstaircase staircase and were ushered into the thepresence thepresenCt thepresence presence of the man they had been sent sentto sontto sentto to murder He stood alone calm and andunhurried andil andunhurried unhurried in the centre of the greatreception great greatreception grentrecelltlon reception hall He at once addressed addressedthem addressedth addressedthem them th telling them that he knew the theerrand theerrand theerrand errand on which they had come but buttint butthat butthat that before they carried out their in instructions Instructlons ine structions be like every man con condemned condemnell cony demned to die had a right to speakTo speak speakTo speakfo To this they agreed and he pro proceeded proceeded proceeded ceeded to explain the situation with a aquiet aquIet aquiet I quiet good sense that won their At Attention attention tention He told them that In the long longrun longrlln longrun run the greater power must conquer conquerthat conquerthat that as matters stood he had the pledge pledgeof pledgeof pledgee of the English to maintain him as askhedlve a1lIthedhe askhedive khedive but that if be no longer uxlstptl ux uxIsted tJXIstI Isted they the would be likely I1kel to totnke totnkethe takethe take takethe the country for themselves and that thattherefore thattherefore thattherefore therefore from a patriotic pntrlo lc point of view viewthey viewthey llw llwthey they had better let him lireAfter lire lireAfter 110After After discussing the matterpt matter jit some somelength someleuth somelength length in this strain he proceeded proc 1lded to toplay toplay toplay play his last card lIe told the officerin officer officerIn otncerIn In charge that he would at once raise raisehim miseblm raisehim him In rank and confer on him the theorder theorder order of the Medjldle With regard re rd tc tcthe tcthe tca the soldiers who accompanied a omptlnlttd him he hewould bt btx hewould would constitute them ills personalr personal personalbodyguard persollu persolluer bodyguard at that moment as they theymight tbeylis theymight might already hare perceived that he hewas blAS hewas was AS very very much In want of soldiersy soldiers soldiersThus soldierstJ1 Thus It came about that the little littlebaud littleen littlebaud baud which had corar com to kill remained remainedto to blear bleSlr IIU JlI Munlcnl Dog UogTalking Talking of bands a showman at atBarnstaple atI Barnstaple in North Devon recently recentlyput recentlyLV recentlyput put outside his ehpw the following followingj fallowingnotice notice Come and see the Musical MusicalDog lIuslcaJDog MusicalDog Dog Admission 2d A good many manypeople manypeople manys people attracted by this thl Invitation Invitationpaid InvitationVldd invitationpaid paid the sum and entered the tentwhore tent tentQ tentwhere where a big dog wearing a huge metal metalI meta metacollar collar was crouching In a corner cornerte cornerAtter After waiting for a while the audience audiencegrew audiencea grew Impatient and called calle to the showman show showle showman man asking when the performance performancelt was as going to begin The showman showmanseemed showmansQsmd showmanseemed seemed very ery much surprised at their theirly thlhdy theiry request and exclaimed as he edged edgednj edgedud edgedt toward the entrance entranceth entranceltb Why theres tho musical dogE dogPy dogt2ey dogEy pointing to the mastiff Cant yw yer yerow yozsee see the beasts band round his neuk neukRochester niokRocllester Rochester Post PostExpress Express THE THEVARIOUS MANOW IANOWARS ARS BELl BELlVARIOUS ELL ELLVARIOUS VARIOUS USES TO WHICH IT IS ISPUT ISPUT 19 19PUT PUT ABOARD SHIP110w SHIP SHIPHow SHI SHIBow How the Boll Toll Tells the TIlDe of Par DarNautlcal ParNautical ar arNauUcal Nautical Day Data Begin and Bnd atNoon atNoonIt atNoonrt It Call All Hand Venda to Bury Uur the theDead theDealtTollln theDeadTolling DeadTolling Dead DealtTollln Tolling Bell For For ChurchStrike Church ChurchStrike Cbur hStrIke Strike eight bellsl shouted the of officar officer otfleer fleer of the deck ou one of the warships warshipsa a It few days ago and tnen one of ofithe otIthe ofthe ithe women visitors remarked Oh Ohthis Ohthis Obithis this Is charming Have you ever heard heardthe heardthe heardthe the chimes on a It navy ship The man manescort mancscort manescort escort one of the full tullot of knowledge knowledgeof of nautical knowledge kind responded respondedOh respondedOh Oh yes os Ive been a frequent frequentfsltor frequentfsltorto visitor visitorto vlsltorto to tha ships for I know go so many of the theofficers theofficers theof of officers lcers and the chimes are ire rung beau beautifully boautitully beautatully tifully But they dont have them on onall onaU onall all the ships At that Instant the boy boyto boyto boyto to whom the order had been given givenmade givenmade givenmade made eight strokes on the ships bell belland bellnnd belland and then all was silent even the group groupof groupof groupof of visitors who had simply looked inquirmugly in inquiringly Inqulrlngly quiringly Into one anothers facesBut faces facesBut facesBut But the chimes were not referred toEight to toEight toEight Eight bells does not mean that a aship 11ship aship ship has hns that number of bells but it is isn Isa sa a nautical term for the th hour The nau nautical nauthllli nautical tical day da begins and ends at noon noonTvhon noonhen noonwhoa whoa hen eight bolls Is struck as It is isalso isalso Isnl50 also at 4 1 oclock 8 oclock and at mid midnlgbt midnlgl midnight night nlgl The bell Is struck half hourly hourlyone hOU1ifne hourlyone one ne stroke being added each half hour houruntil houruntil houruntil until eight lgbt is reached when heu the count countbegins conntbegins countbegins begins again And nd 1C one Is asked askedthe ask askedthe l1 l1tbe the time on boara bo ro a navy ship the theresponse tilerOSIonse therosponse response rOSIonse would be so many bells and andnot andnot andnot not the hour The bell Is of ordinary ordinarysize ordln11ysize ordinarysize size only but it has a sharp tone and andis andIs andis is hung just forward or abaft the fore foremast foremast foremast mast The captains orderly usually usuallywatches usuallywatchos usuallywatches watches the clock and reports to the theofficer theofficer theofficer officer of the deck what hour It Is Innumber in innumber InDumber number of bells who then orders the thehell thebell thebell bell struck But at 8 oclock In the themorning tbemorning themorning morning this rule Is varied the orderly orderlyreporting orderlyreporting orderlyreporting reporting to the officer of the dock dockEight deckElght dockEight Eight bells sir when the officer re replies reviles replies plies Report to the captain eight eighthells eightbells eightbells bells and chronometers wound The Thecaptain Thecaptain Thecaptain captain then responds Very well wellmake wcUmake wellmake make It so which the orderly reports reportsto teportsto to the officer of the deck who com commands commands commands mands the messenger boy of the thewatch theWatch thewatch watch Strike eight bells But 1C the thecaptain theaptaln thecaptain captain should chance to remain mum mumand mumarid mumanti and arid not say Make It so no onewould one onewould oneWould would hear the bell strike eight and andthe nndthe andthe the nautical day would be thrown out outof outof outof of joint jointAt jointAt tAt At noon the eight bells Is not notstruck notI notstruck struck I until the navigator has corrected correctedthe correctedthe correctedthe the clock either b3 his noonday sight sightfor sighttor sightfor for position of the ship when at seaor sea seaor seaI or from his chronometer cl chronometer ronometer If with a afleet afleet afleet fleet or at a naval station the bell mustnot must mustnot mustDot not be struck until that of the senior seniorofficer seniorofficer seniorofficer officer sounds and the messenger messengerstands messengerstands messengerstands stands by the bell with clapper In Inhand Inbana Inhand hand and as soon as the flag officers officershell ofllcersbell oflcersbell bell begins to strike the bells on the theother tbeother theother other vessels are struck When there thereIs thereIs thereIs Is a large fleet lying close together the theeffect theelrect theeffect effect Is interesting and agreeable and andone andone andone one might Imagine that chimes were werebeing werebeing werebeing being rung rungEvery rungEvery rungEvery Every navy In the world except Eng England England Eagland land follows the same custom and andEngland undEngland andEngland England only varies at the dog dogwatch dogvntch dogwatch watch from 4 to 8 oclock In the theevening theevening theevening evening In these hours the bell strikes strikesevery strikesevery strikesevery every half hour till t1110 oclock and then thenat thenat thenat at 030 one bell Is struck and so on to tothree tothree tothree three bells at 730 oclock but eight eightbells eightbells eightbells bells are sounded at 8 oclock Tradition Tradi Tradition Xradltlon tion gives this reason for this custom customBefore customBefore customBefore Before the British naval mutinies of 1707 the bells of the ships were struck struckas as in other navies But In one of those thosemutinies thosemutinies thosemutinies mutinies the signal agreed upon was wasthe wasthe wasthe the stroke of five bells 030 and andat andat andat at that hour the mutineers rose to alaytheir slay slaytheir slaytheir their officers Then when order was wasrestored wasrestored wasrestored restored throughout the navy the dogwatch dog dogwatch dogwatch watch system of bells was adopted to toallay toallay toallay allay superstition superstitionBut superstitionBut superstitionBut But the ships bell has other duties dutiesthan auUesthan dutiesthan than that of keeping the time It tolls tollson tollscn tollson on Sunday mornings for the services servicesof of the chaplain or his substitute also alsoto alsoto alsoto to call All hands to bury the dead deadand deadand deadand and It Is a fire signal when rung vig vigorously vigorously vigorously orously and then the ships crew takes takesthe takestIle takesthe the positions to which they have been beenassigned beonI beonpsslgned beanassigned assigned on the fiist day each Has been beendetailed beeniletailed 1 detailed etsled to the ship The bell is not notused notI notused I I used as a fire signal Ju an engagement engagementhowever engagementhowevcr engagementhowever however for the reason that the crewmight crew crewmight crewmight might become panlcstrlckeu and dis distracted distracted distracted tracted from the fight in such cases casesthe casesthe casesthe the lire is reported to the captain and andhe andh andhe he dispatches an officer with men to toextinguish toextinguish toextinguish extinguish it The bell Is also used ina In Ina a 1 fog and when a ship Is at anchor anchorU Is struck In threes with a short In Interval Interval interval terval between each set of strokes In Inthe Inthe Inthe the use of the bell for these several severalpurposes severalpurposes severalpurposes purposes no contusion Is caused The Thenaif TllctaU Thehalt taU hour signals are struck In pairs pairswith pairswith pairswith with a couple of seconds between eaoh eaohand anobind oaohand and if an 1n odd number Is to be sounded soundedthe soundeOtbe soundedthe the single stroke cornea comet last The toll tollng toUng toilng ng for church Is by slow strokes while whilethoee whiletboee vhllethon thoee for a fog og are In sets of three and andor aDd aDdr andor or a 1 flro they follow each other with withgreat withe withgreat great rapidity npldltyNew New York Tribune Tribunenit TribunetJJ Tribunei Tribuneflis tJJ i nit UJ Eye 1 ye Was Va a Ola GlIIII One OneA Onlle OnlleA QuoA A uun the other day went to a a Dos Boston Doston Boaton ton dentist to have a tooth extracted extractedand extracfeannd extractedand and decided take gas The doctoradralnlstered doctor doctoradministered doctor doctorat1clnlstered administered the hypnotic and the man manloon manloon mansoon loon appeared to be under Its Influence Influencebut Influence Influencebut influencebut but he continued to keep one eyfe ey open openThis openThis openThis This worried the doctor and he gave gavethe gavethe gavethe the man more gas still the eye re remained remained remained mained open Shut that eye said the thedoctor thedoctor thedoctor doctor finally losing patience Oatft Oatftsaid bantsaid nt ntsold said the flan In a drowsy voice volc vole i Its ruslass ItsSlass Itsglass glass lass I I211alo Stale Orowlne a New Hoof HoofSome DootS008 floorSome Some time ago a mule belonging belongingto belbDglnito to John Thompson a stock dealer dl1 I Air Aircldentaity ac accidentally accidentally cidentally tore Its left hind loot foot tooU3n tooU3ntlrel1 en ontlrely entirely tirely off The l6f lej was placed pll1cct1fP In a asling usling asling sling and the mule mul is now growing growinga grdwIna gndl ing ingn a new hoof It Is about bout an Inch long longIndianapolis lOll lOllIndianapolis longIndiauapolisNew Indianapolis IndiauapolisNew News 11 POINTS ON RAISING DEER DEERA A Texas Man Who Who Soya Sole It Con no DonWith Don DonVlth DonaWith With Vlth Ease and Profit ProfitO 0 A Seward has presented the FireDepartment Fire FlreDepartment FireDepartment Department of Brenham Texas Toxas with witha a pair 1 a1r of deer which the fireman will willplace wUlplace willplace place In their beautiful park Mr MrSoward MrSoward MrSeward Soward has a private park in connec connection connettlon connectlon tlon with his residence and has been beensuccessful btcnsuccessrul beensuccessful successful In raising deer for several severalyears severalyeurs severalyears years He at present has nine head beadall headall headall all fat and healthy healthyHe healtbyHe healthyHe He stated to the correspondent that thatdeer tbatdeer thatdeer deer were as little trouble to raise as assheep asshecp assheep sheep and with proper provision and andattention andattention andattention attention could be raised for the mar market market market ket just as successfully and extensive extensively ly He feeds his on common commonpralrle commonpralrlebay prairie prairiehay hay and a little shelled corn once a aday ada aday da day He further stated that they ate ateno ateno ateno no grass unless forced to eat it and andhe andhe andhe he found them useful in keeping down downall downall downall all kinds of weeds and shrubs around aroundhis aroundhis aroundhis his lot Mr Seward says further that thatthe tl1ntthe tbntthe the prevailing opinion that a fence fenceten fencetcn fenceten ten or twelve feet high is required requiredaround requiredaroun requiredaround aroun around an Inclosure to keep deer is a amistake amistake amistake mistake When captured half grown grownand grownand grownand and wild they will Jump a high fence fencebut fencebut fencebut but when they arc raised on the theplace theplace theplace place a fence four or live feet feethigh feethigh feethigh high is entirely sufficient More they theywill theywill theywill will become strongly attached to theirnntlve their theirnative theirnative native heath and It Is hard to make makethem makethom makethorn them leave It Supporting this asser assertion assertion assertion tion be said somethlmes his would wouldescape wouldescape wouldescape escape from his park through a gateIccldentally gate gateaccidentally gateacclaentally accidentally left open and in a It few fewhours feVhours fewhours hours would become so anxious to re return return return turn that they would leap eap the fence to tojet toget toet jet et back If the opening through which whichthey whIchthey whichhey they made their escape happened to holobed bo boclosed becloaed closed cloaedThe closedThe lobedThe The only trouble he has ever hadin bad badIn hat hatIn In all the years he has been raising raisingleer raisingdeer raisingleer leer was with the old stags In their theirrid theirold theirld rid ld age they become vicious not only onlytoward onlytoward onlyoward toward people but with each other as aswell aswell aswell well Several years ago one of his hisaid blsold hisld aid ld stags became so refractory that It Itwas Itwas itvas was unsafe to the home folks as well wellis weUas wellis is to the herd to keep him He there therefore therefore thereore fore ore made the hunters around Bren Brenliam Brenham Brenlam liam lam a present prt sent of him He was curried curriedto curriedto to to the woods three miles north of town townturned towoturned townurred turned loose given a good start and andtwenty andtwenty andwenty twenty or thirty hounds put on his histrack histrack hisrack track For several hours the woods woodsiround woods1round woodsiround iround town resounded with the cry cryjf cryot cryt ot jf hounds and the sound of horns and andmade andmndo andnada made the old Texan feel as If the thetvheel thewheel thevheel wheel of time had revolved backward backwardand backwardand backwardrnd and that the country In respect to tosame togame tolame same was what It used to be sixty sixtyrears sixtyyears sixtyyears years ago a Moot Point of Law LawAn LawAn LawAn An English writer gives a good exam examlie exnmpIe examale pIe ale lie of those quibbles In legal practice practicehat practicethat practicehat that hat have a sort of fascination for forcertain forcertain torertaln certain minds Some years ago while whileraveling whiletraveling whileraveling raveling on the Continent he met the theirlnclpal theprincIpal theriaeipal princIpal lawyer for the government governmentif of if one of the principalities who told toldIm toldhim toldllrn him Im of ofa a curious legal question It hadeterenee had hadeferenee hndrefiJrence eferenee to a railway station at the thelundary tbeboundary theoundary boundary lundary between twoprlnclpallties twoprlnclpalltiesSome two principalities principalitiesBome Some one standing outside the win winow window winlow dow ow of the ticket office put his hand handhrougb handthrough handhrough through anll an robbed the till tllllnside Inside Theloundary The Theloundary Theboundary loundary line lay between where the thehlef tbethIef theblat thIef stood and the till so that he was wasictually wasactually as asactually actually in on one territory terrlt ry while the theTime tbecrime therime Time was committed in the other otherlere otherHere otherlore Here was a nice nut for the gentlemen gentlemenearned gentlemenlearned gentlemenearned earned in the law to crack Which of ofbe ofthe ofhe the be principalities should undertake the theirosecutlon theprosecution therosecutlon prosecution irosecutlon of the culprit culpritAt culpritAt culpritAt At It they tbeywent went in good earnest andbe and andhe andthe the he arguments on either side were wereong wer werlong wereong long ong and vehement till the whole case caseyas casewas casevas was embalmed in many volumes At Atast Atlast Atnet last net one side yielded so far as to say sayWe sayWe sayWe We will permit you as an act ofourtesy of ofcourtesy ofcourtesy courtesy to prosecute while at the thetame tbesame thename tame time reserving all our sovereign sovereignights sovereignrights sovereignrights rights rightsAt rightsAt ightsAt At this point of the recital I asked askedAnd askclJAnd askedAnd And how did the prosecution end endAh endAhl endAht Ah Ahl that is quite another matter matterlaid mattersaid matterlald laid my friend There was no prose prosecution prosecution proseutlon cution utlon we were only arranging what whatwe whatwe whatwe we should do whoa we caught the rob robber robber I ber but we never caught him himYouths himYouths hlmYouths Youths Companion CompanionIrotectlnff Compftnlonlrotectlnl CompanionProtecting Protecting Game in Mlnneiota MinaesotaIn MlnneiotaIn InDeiota InDeiotaIn In Outing Leonldns Hubbard Jr Jrhas Jrhas Jrhas has a notable article on game con conditions conditIons conlltions ditions in Minnesota which will also alsobe alsobe be be read with Interest by sportsmen In Inother Inother Intber other tber States Mr Hubbard says saysThe saysTbe saysThe The Ingenuity displayed by shiphers ship shippers shippelS hers of game is really of a high order orderQuail orderQuail orderwall Quail grouse and prairie chickens can canot cannot canlot not ot be sold lawfully In Minnesota MinnesotaBut 1IlnnesotaBut MinnesotaBut But they have been shipped from me meState tlleState roeState State In a dozen Illegal ways Oncen Once Onceconsignment I Ia a consignment of rabbits was exam examined e3amIned examned ined by the officials and it was found foundthat foundthat foundhat that hat each rabbit had been opened and andsewed andsewed andsewed sewed up again after a quail had been beenplaced beecplaced beenlaced placed laced inside Likewise quail andther and andother andother other ther forbidden birds were found inpane In Incans Incans cans labeled condensed milk In bales balesof bnlesof balest of hay and in bedding beddingMr beddingMr beddingMr Mr Hubbard hopes that some sort sortof sortof sortf of co cooperation operatfon by the Government Governmentcan can an be arranged which will prevent preventgame preventgnme preventlame game slaughter by the Indians There Thereare Thereare ThereIre are a number of reservations enotlons In Min Minnesota Minnesota Mmnlesota nesota From these the braves are arostealing ar arsteaUng areItealing stealing at all seasons to kill game gameIndians gameIndIans gamefndlans Indians are hard men to keep track trackof trackof trackf of and their Influence is bad for set settlors settlers setlore tlors lore are reluctant to obey laws whenIndians whenfndiaus when whenIndians Indians violate them with impunity impunityMere Impunityere impunityhere Mere ere Opinion OplulonThe OpinionThe OpinionThe The millennium will have arrived arrivedhen arrintlwhen arrivedwhen when hen street railway companies begin beginecelvlng beirnreceiving beginecelving receiving conscience money from peo people peopie peoie pie ie who rode without paying their theirfares theIrttlres theirarea fares faresAfter ttlresAlter area areaAfter After a girl has ba oeon referred refelFoo to In Inprint Inprint Inrlnt print rlnt as a boauty beaut It Is pretty hard to toget toget tolet get her to return to thOold the old belief that thatlift thatllte thatIre lift la a dreary waste wasteWhen wasteWhen WASteWhen When a woman begins to have hl1 ve ndouble ndouble alouble double chin she ceases to hate to rec recognize reaoinlze reegnlze ognize her grandchildren In public publicThe publlcThe publicThe The rich old man who had only 10a 10 10in 10In in a his pocket when he was married marriedalways ml1rrledttlways marriedIlways always thinks his daughter deserves deservessomething deservesQomethlng deservesiomething something much better than her hermother hermother hernether mother got9blcago got Chicago RecordHerald 1 wTi ENTIFJCi ENTIFJCiNDV5TFJ GNDUSTF NDUSTF NDV5TFJ I IFrench i iFrench French scientific Journals report that tnatt small room renews Us air through thewalls the thetvalls walls in an hour with twentyfive de deTees le lefrees frees Tees difference between the outdoor outdoorand outdoorand and Inner temperature temperatureAn An automobile truck Is now em employed emloyel1 employed ployed for moving Iron safes It has hastwo hastwo hastwo two propelling motors and a third all elevates allates olerates rates ates the safe to Its place In the build building buildlng buildlug lug It requires three men and six sixand sIxnnd sixand and a half minutes to place a safe on onB ona seventh floor Formerly It required requiredeight requiredeight qulreJ qulreJeight eight men two and a It half hours hoursIt hoursIt hoursIt It Is reported from Vienna that aresident a aresident aresident resident of that place named August AugustMatitsch AugustMatltsch AugustMatltach Matitsch has devised a lacemaklng lacemaklngmachine lacemaklnsmachIne lacemakingmachine machine which Is said to produce lace lacewhich lacewhich lacewhich which Is Indistinguishable from the thehandmade thebandmade thehandmade handmade article Many attempts attemptshave nttemptshnve attemptshave have we believe been made to con construct construct construct struct such a machine but heretofore heretoforewithout heretoforewithout heretoforewithout without success It Is now believed believedhowever believedhowever believedhowever however that a machine has been de devised devIsed devised vised which will be practically suc successful successful suecesstul cessful and will supersede hand labor laborIn laborIn laborin In this work workOne workne workOne One One ne of the German electrical papers papersrecently pa1orllrt papersrecently recently rt cently described an electrical plant plantIn pbu plantin tIn In Norway for the manufacture of turf turfcoal turtcoal turfcoal coal It is stated that about fifty tons tonsof tonsof tonsof of turf are treated dally The plant plantconsists plantconsists plantconsists consists of twelve retorts or furnaces furnacesIn In which the heat Is produced electrically electri electrically Olectrlcully cally Turf which has previously beeu beeupressed beeulrossed beenpressed pressed lrossed to free It from the greater greaterparts reatet reatetparts ntor ntorparts parts of Its moisture is distilled in inthese Inthese inthese these furnaces producing a 1 number of ofbyproducts Qtbyproducts 4fbyproducts byproducts as well as a very pure turf turfcharcoal turfcharcoal turfcharcoal charcoal which whichmay may be used as a sub substitute substltute substatute statute for charcoal of wood or for pit pitcoal lIltcoal pitcoal coal The byprQducts are a gas suit suitable suitable suitable able for heater purposes a tar residue residuefrom residuefrom residuefrom from which ammonium sulphate and andmetbylacohol andmethylncohol andmethylacohol metbylacohol are obtained a gas oil oiland 01 01and oiland and some parafflne parafflneAn paraffineAn paratfneAn An ingenious device is now success successfully successfully successfully fully used in France by which the thespeed thes thespeed speed ed of a train may be seen at nnj nnjmoment nnJmoment anymoment moment by the engineer It consist consistof consistot consistsof of a centrifugal pump driven by oneof one oneof oneof of the locomotive nxles which send sendwater sendwater sendewater water from the tender Into a small cy cylinder cyIInder cytinder tinder There the water raises a pis piston piston plston ton against the pressure of a spring springand springand springIlnd and moves up or down in proportion proportionto to the speed of the train An automatic auto automatic automatlc matic registering device records the thevarying thevaryIng thevarying varying speed so that Its rate may be beread berend beread read at any moment by the tbi engine enginedriver enginedriver enginedriver driver or engineer as we call him in inthis Inthis Inthis this country This device is also a asafety nsarety asafety safety appliance for when th thl this speed speedrises spetdrises speedrises rises above a fixed limit the piston acts actsupon actsupon actsupon upon a lever which throws on the airbrakes air airbrakes airIJrakes brakes brakesThe brakesThe The fireresisting qualities ot con concrete eonCrete crete when enforced with steel as asused allused asused used in modern factory constructionwere construction constructionwere constructlonwere were recently tested in a It fire occurring occurringIn In a large New Jersey manufacturing manufacturingplant manufacturingplant manufacturingplant plant The walls which were four fourstories fourstories fourstories stories high and triO feet long wire wirebuilt Wlrebuilt werebuilt built entirely of concrete strengthcued strength strengthened strengthened ened by embedded emb dded steel the floors and andcolumns andcolumns columns being of similar construction constructionThe constructionThe constructionThe The fire started In a wooden elevator elevatorshaft elevatorshatt elevatorshaft shaft and burned this and a few fewwooden tewwooden fewwooden wooden stairways and the roof butowing but butowing lIutowing owing to the absence of Inflammable Inflammablematerial In inflammablematerial ammable ammablematerial material it never became a very hot hotflre botfire hotfire fire With the exception of the destruction de destruction tIestructlon struction of a panel or two In the jthefloors JluJJrs thefiiors floors JJrs where particularly heavy loads loadswere landswele loadswere were concentrated nnd the burning ot otthe atthe ofthe the roof which was entirely of wood woodno woodn no damage was done to the he building buildingHow bul1t11ngHow buildinghow How Convict Kill Time TimeIt TIlDeIt TimeIt It Is at once Interesting and pathetic patheticto to go through the cells of the Eastern EasternPenitentiary EasternPenitentiary EasternPenitentiary Penitentiary and to note the object objectwhich objectwhich objectwhich which with tedious pains the prison prisoners prisoners prisonera ers have made to while the time away awayHere awayIsere awayHere Here a mantel will be hung with a alambrequin alambrequIn alambrequin lambrequin elaborately fringed the thefine thefine thefine fine knots and delicate patterns of the thethreads thethreads thethreads threads comparing with the work ofthe of ofthe ottbe the French laceumkers The lambre lambrequin lombrequln lambrequln quln is of an odd blue hue and the thevisitor thevisItor thevisitor visitor Is told that it is made of an old oldpair oldpnlr oldpair pair of prison trousers On a little littlegilt 1Itt1 1Itt1gilt littlegilt gilt brllckeUs bracket Is a small stuffed animal animalThe animalIlle animalThe The bracket so delicately turned Is of ofnewspapers otl1wspapcrs ofnewspapers newspapers pasted together and gilded gildedaud gilded1ud gildedand and the animal Is a rat caught In a ahome 11home ahome home made trap tra stuffed with rags ragsand ragsaUll ragsand and with pieces of chewing gum col colored colored collored ored with Ith shoe blacking for its eyes eyesA eyesA res resA A wall Is completely covered with a areally areally ureally really artistic decoration of reeds ou ouwhich on onwhich onwhich which are perched at least 200 birds birdseach bltdsenc4 birdseneb each accurately colored and drawn drawnThere drawnThere llLwn llLwnThore There arc also numberless checker checkerboards cb checkerboards cker ckerboards boards and sets of chessmen that In Inthe Inthe inthe the delicacy of their Inlay work and inthe in inthe Intho the Intricacy of their carving would dohonor do dohonor dobOllor honor to the th craftsmen of the Orient OrientPhiladelphia OrlentPhiladelphia OrientPhllndelphia Philadelphia Record RecordThe Recordrhe RecordThe The Disadvantages of Uornliin UornliinIt lIemJamIt irerobmIt It would be a good thing If lu ourpublic our ourpublic ourpublic public schools courses in heroism to toteach toteach toteach teach our boys aud girls that after afterall aCterall afterall all while heroism is a fine thing and a agreat Rgreat agreat great thing It is a It most uncomforta uncomfortable uncomfortable uncomfortable ble thing and that possibly on thewhole the thewhole thewllole whole the best and most lasting work workthat workthat workthat that is accomplished In life comes co es from froma a steady application of ones best on energies onorglus onorgies orgies to a noble purpose meeting with withhonest withhonest withhonest honest and patient effort the theemergen theemergencles emergen emergencies Glee and vexations of dally life and andholding andholding andholding holding true to the middle course coursewhich coursewhlcl1 coursewhich which assures a urlS success without bring bringing bringIng bringlug ing notoriety A flxeO purpose to dowell do dowell dowell well that which one jas ins ts to do will willIn wlllIn willin In the end bring laurels of more per permanent pormanent parmonent manent value to the world at large largeand largeaUlI largeand and to the unheralded hand that thatachieves thatachIeves thatachieves achieves its ItS purpose than those which whichare wl1lcltI1re whichare are even worthily bestowed upon the thebrow thebrow thebrow brow of him who avails himself of an anunusual anunusual anunusual unusual chance In an abnormal fash fashIon fashJonBar11e1s tashionHarperA Ion JonBar11e1s Harpers Weekly Weeklyc RRY SIDt SIDtThe The Modern lod 1D Financier FlnanolerIt SinanolorIt FinancierIt It 13 is a a pl pleasant Qsant place this tbi earthIm earth earthIm eartbIm Im glad gld ll1d I chanced to try it itIt itIt itIt It can cost more than it is worth worthAnd wortliJl wortliJlAnd worthsAnd And so I guess Ill buy it itWashington itWl1sl itWashington Washington Wl1sl ingtoQ Star StarThe StarTho StarThe The Idea IdeaFather IdeaFatherUMnrle kFathorMarie Father FatherUMnrle Marie I wish you Would Wouldask wouldIIsk wouldask ask that young young Perkins why he doesnt doesntgo doesntgo doesaigo go home homeearller earlier earlierjust enrllerDaughterWhat II I IDaugbterWhat DaughterWhat an Idea papat papatjust papa papaJust just as If he doesnt knovPuck knovPuckBI know Puck Pucknit nit BI Hill BUIYour HI1IYour HillYour Your young nephew William ap appears appears pears to think thh he knows now8 much more morthan morfthan morethan than he really does icnow icnowuYes know knowYes a aYes uYes Yes he Is a Bill that Is stuck up upbut upbut upbut but not a Bill that Is fpostedBostop fpostedBostopTranscript i5postedBostonTranscript posted Boston BostonTranscript Transcript A Deadlock When are you com coming tog down downEr downErwhen downErwhen Er Erwhen when are you goln away awayNew a awayNew way I INew New York Journal I Truth Cliimcca CuulIeWl1l1amThe ChaaceeWllllamThe CliimccaWilliam Wl1l1amThe William The Idea of his calling his hisbook blsbook hisbook book an historical novel It dqesnt dqesntagree dQesntagree dqesntagree agree with history even In the slightest slightestparticular sllghtestparticular tparticular particular particularFrederick particularFrederick particularFrederick Frederick And so may quite quitetrue quit quittrueBoston quitetrueBoston true trueBoston Boston Transcript TranscriptA A Dollcato Point PointIt PointIt PointIt It seems to make Scaddlugtons wife wifeas wifens wifeas as mad as a hornet every time heboasts he haboasts heboasts boasts that he began at the foot and andworked 11Mworked andworked worked his way up upWell upWell upWell Well he started In as a bootblackou bootblack bootblackou ootblackou ou know knovOhlcago Chicago RecordHerald RecordHeraldNo Rec RecordHeraldNo rdHerald rdHeraldNo No Sympathy SrmpalhyThere SrmpalhyThereI There ThereI 011 I am going lng to marry your daughter daughtersir daughtersIr daughtersir sir said the positive young man to tothe tothe tothe the father fatherWell fatherWell fatherWell Well you dont need to come come to me mofor mefor mefor for sympathy replied the father I Ihave IMve IIui have Iui troubles of my own ownOhlo Ohio State StateJournal StateJournal StateA Journal I IOur A Careful Opinion OpinionOur OplntonOur OpinionJournal Our party has a great future said saidthe saidthe saidthe the political enthusiast enthusiastWell eothuslastWell enthusiastWell Well answered the pessimist pessimistThere pessimIstThere pessimistThere There Isnt any doubt about its fu fature future futare ture being nil right as to quantity quantityBut quantItyBut quantityBut But I dont know about the quality qualityVashington qunlltynshlngton qualityWashmngton Vashington Star StarA StarA StarA A Jnitlflable Conolnilon ConolnilonI I dont think a prince is uny better betterthan bettexthan betterthan than the average a veragl man said th some somewhat somewbat somewhat what violent statesmanWell statesman statesmanWell stltesmanWell Well If your opinion oJ the th average averageman averagenm averagenap man Isnt any better bett than that which whichyou whlhyou I Iyou you express of the prince you must mustbe mustbe mustbe be a very misanthropic person personWashington pllscnWashlngton peracuWnshington Washington Star StarThe StarTho StarThe The Truthful DebtorLongSay Debtor DebtorLong DebtorLongSnyt Long LongSnyt Say Short Id like to have liavethat uavethat havethat that 10 you borrowed of me three threemonths threlmonths threemonths months ago agoShort ngoSlIortSorry agoShortSorry Short SlIortSorry Sorry old man but I cant cantgive cantglve cantgive give it to you at the present writing writingLong writing1ongBut writingLongBut Long 1ongBut But you said you wanted IK IKfor I Itor ibfor for a little while only onlyShort onlyShortWell onlyShort Short ShortWell Short Well I gay gave It to you youstraight youstraight youstraight straight I didnt keep It half an hour hourChicago hourJ hourJOhlcago hourChicago Chicago News NewsHit NeT NewsIsis sRII Hit Descendant DescendantIt DeseendantflIt DeecendantaIt flIt It IB a shame remarked remark the Duch Duchess Duchess Duchess I ess of Broadacres to see you thus thussquander thUi1squander thussquander i squander your noble patrimony patrimonyA A truce to complaints I said the theDuke theDuke theDuke Duke Will I not leave my title tc tcmy tcmy tcmy my descendants If they are in need needlet needIlt needlet let them marry heiresses heiressesAnd hehess08And heiressesAnd And In a bold hand he he appended his bissignature hissIgnature hissignature signature to another mortgage mortgageBrook mortgageBrookIyn Brook Brooklyn lyn Life Accommodating iDo Do you serve lobsters here hereYes here Yes sin What will you haveLife haver haverLife have haveLife Life 4 Hal na Been DeenAn BeenAn BeenAn An Englishman went Into a restau restaurant restaurant restanrant rant in a New England town and was wasserved wasserved wasserved served for his first coarse with a deli doltcaey delicacy dellcacy cacy unknown to him So he asked askedthe askedthe askedthe the waiter what it was and nndthe the waiter waiterreplied walterrepUed waiterreplied replied repliedIts repUedIts repliedIts Its bean soup sir whereupon whereuponthe the Englishman In high indignation indignationresponded indignationresponded Indlgintlonresponded responded respondedI I dont care what Its been I want wantto wantto wantto to know what It Is Philadelphia PblladelphitrTimes PhiladelphiaTimes PhllatlelphlXlmes Times a ua.
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