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The Washington Bee from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 2

Washington, District of Columbia
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i id fi II li: -r irf if HP BliE. Published every Saturday at 1109 I street northwest, Washington, D. U. Entered sX the Postoffloe- at Washington as second-class mail matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, tin p.oov-Deryear- 52.00 Six monthB 1.00 Three months City subscribers, monthly ADVERTISING RATES: One inch, one mouth quarter column Half column On column One nch.

one year Quarter column Halfcolnnm One column .50 .20 SI 00 500 750 15 00 10 00 55 00 75 00 150 00 8 peel al notices 50 cents each. Ten lines con stitute an Inch. We disclaim ny responsibility for state ments expressed by our correspondent nelthe' do we Indorse all they say. Conespondence on living toplcB is solicited hut to have attention must be brier. Communications for publication must accompanied with the writer's name Not necessarily lor publication, but a guarantee of eoou faith.

W. CALVIN CHASB, Brooks was requested to resigu. There was a jubilee iu the city last week wheu Brooks resigned. Prof. Langston will probaly run for Congress.

Libel suits are becoming popular with editors. We need tea "thousand subscribers, can we get them Our commissioners are daisies. Clasification of teachers is wbat we wanted. Irresponsible men are opposing Dr. Purvis; says a young associate of Dr.

Purvis. We should smile. The Secretary of the Interior is well convinced that the whole colored press is opposed to Dr. Purvis. It is stated upon good authority, that Drs.

Cook or Francis, will be Tftppulntcd anrpcotia "in cbargo of the Freedmans Hospital. An endorsement from Mr. Blaine instead of Mr. Randall might tend to save the official head of the present incumbant of the Hospital, Louis says this week that Dr. Purvis gave a garden party at the Hospital to catch influence.

Such taffy is too warm for Secretary Le-mar to pull. The republicans iu the second Carolina District have divided. Two conventions have been held and two sets of candidates are in the field according to the N. C. Advocate.

There is plenty ot material for the school board to make selections from for the business department in the High school. Mr. Geo. H. Richardson, is the man to appoint.

He is a practical book keeper. Mr. Douglass has the same right to endorse Dr. Cook tor snrgeou in charge of the Freedman's Hospital, as Mr. Robert Purvis has to endorse some one for Recorder of Deeds.

What will kill a rat ought to kill a flee. The address of Prof. W. B. John son, on our first page, delivered before the Home Mission society is full of sound advice.

Prof. Johnson certainly merits what he has gained, and that is the reputation of being a good writer and speak-er. Teachers who desire to know how much Ex-trastee Brooks thought of them should call at this office and read his manuscript. We have it on exhibition. No charge to read it.

It is very interesting. There are not ten teachers who regret Mr. Brooks removal. The reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln by Recorder Frederick Douglass in this weeks issue of the Bee will be interesting reading to the young generation. It will be seen that Mr.

Douglass has devoted his days for the elevation of the race. He demanded, from Mr. Lincoln, -the same treatment for colored soldiers as the whites received. HON. B.

BRUCE. Senator Bruce will deliver the emancipation address at Greens-bursjh Indiana on August 3d; at ITranklin Pa August 5th. Our friends at G-reensburgh propose that the demonstration shall be the grandest ever made in the state of Indiana on such occasions. FOR MR. CONGER'S EYE.

We desire to call the attention of Mr. Conger to the neglect of the office to distribute the Bees in time to subscribers. The papers are in the office Friday evening and not la'er, any time, than Saturday morning. The people dou't receive their papers until Monday. Whose fault is it? FIFTY TEARS FROM NOW.

Bishop Turner says the country will be controlled b7 electricity fifty years from now. It certainly will if it is not destroyed by dynamite before that time. Fifty years from now the Irish will demand a parliament in America. Of course Congress will not object. Fifty years from now, the Irish will demand an amendment to the constitution, so that they can elect a president of their own natiouali- ty- SUBTERFUGE.

It will be seen by the letter of the District Commissioners in another column that Mr. Brooks was requested to resign. His letter in the Star several days ago was all subterfuge, lie statid that his resignation had been tendered three months ago. Does the letter of the Commissioners dated July dth bear him out? Mr. Webb saw that it was necessary to remove Mr.

Brooks for the- good of the schc ols, which we have beeu saying for live years. Now if the Commissioners will apuoint a successor to Dr. Purvis, which we believe they will, the people will be satisfied. OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The reorganization of the trustee board and the classification of the pay of teachers by Mr.

Webb is a b'essing and a benefit to the people. No class of official have beeu s-o arrogant, insolent, domineering and tyrannical as some of the trustees in our public public schools. The advanced ideas of our supervising principals and teachers have been disregaided and ignored by a class of men who have heretofore controlled our schools. Teachers have beeu treated as seifs, while these cockepar-rowp, who have had charge of our advancement, have retarded the progress of our public institutions. The people have had no redress save iwsolence.

Favoritism ha6 reigned supreme among the pets, while the deserving have been compelled to hide ui der their legs and sneak about like so many dumb driven cittle. Now that Comnrssioner Webb has chauged the order of thingp, we predict that, our schools will stand as monuments to posterity. THE NEGROES COMPLAINT. While it id true that many discharges of Negro republican officials have been made, it is equally true that many of these have been recommended by republican chiefs, who have been trying to tody to the democratic party. We know that there are many democratic heads of bureaus who have recommended colored men for promotion.

Third Auditor Williams, is perhaps the most liberal of them all. It has been said that secretary mar cares nothing for a Negro, whether he does or does not he has certainly treated them well since he has been secret arv of the Interior. Had Mr. Blaine been elected instead of Mr. Cleveland, we are of the opinion that more discharges would have been made, although enough ate being made.

Is it not reasonable to presume that the democrat are entitled to the offices? What we contend for is this, while the Negroes are being discharged oththe recommendation of lepublican heads of bu reus let it be known, and don't put the blame al on the democrats. We still have faith in the president. PUBLIC PRINTER ROUNDS. DISPLEASED EMPLOYEES CALL ON SENATOR KENNA. A delegation representing the Democratic employees ot the public; printing iffice called by appointment Fiiday night on Se ator Kenna, chairman of the Dtmocra-tic congressional campaign committee.

The delegation was header! by A. Dwightof Louisiana, Sen. ator Kenna's attention was called to the fact that the office in question is Btill presided over by an active Republican partisan, Mr. Rounds, and that all of the best places are still in the bauds of the party friends of that officer. Democratic printeis employed in the building are treated with no consideration whatever.

Senator Xen-na was asked to use his influence to have the mat'er corrected. He received the delegation very cordiallv, and assured them of his fullest sympathy and hearty cooperation in the premises. He bel'iv said, in Deniccrats holdiug all of the officers and placesunder a Democratic administration, from highest to lowest. There is a growing belief that Mr.Rounds'official da) 8 are numbered. National Free Press.

It is well understood that the Free Press, is opposed to Mr. Rounds, and for what cause, the Bee is unable to say. The president ts aware, aud all honest people kuow that Mr. Rouuds, is the right man in the right place. This country can be searched and no better man than Mr.

Rounds can be found. Let him remain. FOE, THE EYE OF MAJOR WALKER. The alleged stealing of bouquets at the High School mmeuce-raent, which really seems to have been a case of "gone astray" rather than stolen flowers, gave one of the policeman ot the fifth precinct an opportunity to show his brutal propensities. One of the members of the Winston comonny tells me that a little colored boy employed by them to run errands was cruelly used by a policeman named Hollenberger.

The boy had received from the employes of the theatre three bouquet es that had been left on the stage after the commencement. The boy sold the flowers for a trifle. On Monday night last the policeman saw the boy near the theatre and told him that he was under arrest for stealing the flowers. The first impulse of the boy was to run away. The policeman fired his pistol at the the boy, but he kept on until be reached the theatre Into it he flew, and never stopped until he was behind the scenes, where he hoped to find friends.

There was no such good luck for him, for the burly policeman, angry at the chase be had made, caught the boy ana clubbed him in revenge. The boy cried for mercy, but he received a severe beating from the representative of the law. The uext day the law decided that there was no reason why he should be arrested, and he was discharged. I think the policeman ougt to be tried for an assault upon the boy, and I hope his pareuts will briug a suit. Exchange.

Will some reader please furnish this office with the address of the boy's parents? Ed. FREDERICK DOUGLASS. The following chapter is taken from a deeply interesting volume just published of reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln. This chapter was given to a reporter and was not written out by its author aud is therefore less polished than it otherwise would have been I do not kuow more about Mr. Lincoln thau is known by couut-less thousands of Americans who have met the man.

But I am quite williug to give my recollections of him and the impressions made by him upon my miud as to his character. My first interview with him was in the summer of 1863, soon after the Confederate States had declared their purpose to treat colored soldiers as insurgeuts, and their purpose not to treat any such soldiers as prisoners of war subject to exchange like other soldiers. My visit to Mr. Lincoln was in reference to this thieat of the Confederate States. I was at the time engaged in raising colored troops and I desired some assurances from President Lincoln that such troops should be treated as soldiers ot the United States, and when taken prisoners, exchanged like other soldiers that when any of them were hanged or enslaved the President should retaliate.

I was intro-duced to Mr. Lincoln on this occasion by Senator Pomeroy, of Kansas 1 met him at the Execu-tive Mansion. I was somewhat troubled with the thought of meeting one so au gust, auu nigh in authority especially as I had never been in the White Houte before, and had never spoken to a President of tue United States before. But my embarress-mentsoon vanished when I met the xw im. uiuwiu, vvnen en.

tered, he itaZ surroundedby a multitude of books and papers, his feet and legs were extended in front of his chair. On my approach, he slowly drew his feet in from the different parts of the room, into which they had strayed, and he began to rise, and coutiuued to rise until he looked down upon me and extended his hand aud gave me a welcome. I began with some hesitation, to tell him who I was aud what I had beeu doing, but he soon stopped me, saying iu a sharp, cordial voice. 4 'You need not tell me who you are, Mr. Douglass, I know who you are.

Mr. Lenard has told me all about you." He then invited me to take a seat beside him. Not wishing to occupy his time and attention, seeing that he was busy, I stated to him the objecc of my call at once, I said "Mr. Liucolu, I am recruiting colored troops. I have assisted iu fitting up two regiments iu Massachusetts, and am now at work in the same way iu Pennsylvania, aud I have come to say this to you sir, if you wish to make this branch of the service successful you must do four things.

"First You must give colored soldiers the same pay that you give white soldiers. "Second You must compel the Confederate States to treat colored soldiers, when taken prisoners as prisoners of war. 'Third When any colored man or soldier performs brave meritorious exploits in the field, you must enable me to say to those that I recruit that they will be promoted for such service, precisely as white men are promoted for similar service. "Fourth In case any colored soldiers are murdered in cold blood aud taken prisoners, you should retaliate in kind." To this little speech Mr. Lincoln listened with earnest attention, and with very apparent sympathy, and replied to each point in his own peculiar forcible way.

First he spoke of the opposition generally to employing negroes as soldiers at all, of the prejudice against the race, and of the advantage to colored people that would result from their being employed as soldiers iu defense of their country. He regarded such au employment as an experiment, and spoke ot the advantage it would be to the colored race if the experiment should succeed. He said that he had difficulty in getting colored mou into the United States uniform that when the purpose was fixed to employ them as soldiers, several different uniforms were proposed for them, and that it was somethiug gained when it was finally determined to clothe them like other soldiers. Now, as to the pay we had to make some concession to prejudice. There were threats that if we made soldiers of them at all white men would not enlist, would not tight beside them.

Besides, it was not believed that a negro could make a good soldier, as good a soldier as a white man, aud hence it was thought that he should not have the same pay as a white man. But said he, "I assure you Mr. Douglass, that in the end they shall have the same pay as white soldiers" As to the exebauge and general trcatmeut of colored soldiers when taken prisoners of war, he should iusist to their being entitled to all privileges of such prisoners. Mr. Lincoln admitted the justice of my demand for the promotion of colored soldiers for good conduct in the field, but on the matter of retaliation he differed from me entirely.

I shall never forget the benignant expression of his face, the tearful look of his eye, ana cue quiver in his voice, when he deprecated a resort to retaliatory measures. "Once begun," said he, "I do not know where such a measure would stop." He said he could not take men out and kill them in cold blood for what was done by others. If he could get hold of the persons who were guilty of killing the colored prisoners in cold blood, the case would be different, but he could not kill the innocent for the guilty. Before leaving Mr. Lincoln, Senator Pomeroy said "Mr.

President, Mr. Stantou is going to make Douglass Adjutant General to General Thomas and is going to send him to Mississippi to recruit." Mr. Lincoln said in answer to this: "I will sign any commission that Mr. Stanton will give Mr. Douglass." At this point wo parted.

I met Mr. Lincoln several times after this interview, I was once invited by him to take tea with him at the Soldiers Home. On one occasion while visiting him at the White House, he showed me a letter he was writing to Horace Gree-ly, iu reply to some of Greeley's criticisms against protracting the war. He seemed to feel very keenly the reproaches heaped upon, him for not bringing the war to a spee dy conclusion, and he was charged ZZZ with making it au Abolition war expressed his desire to end the war as soon as possible. While I was talking with him Governor Buckingham seut in his card, and I was amused by his telliug the messenger, as well as by the way he expressed it, "to tell Gov.

Backing-ham to wait, I want to have a long talk with my friend Dong-lass." He used those words, I said, Mr. Lincoln I will retire. "Oh no, no, vou shalL not, I want Governor Buckingham to wait," and he did wait for at least a half hour. When he came in I was introduced by Mr. Lincoln to Governor Buckingham aud the Governor did not seem to take it amiss at all that he had been required to wait.

I was present at the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln, the 4th of March 1865. I felt then that there was murder in the air, and I kept close to his carriage on the way to the Capitol, for I felt that I might see him fall that day. It was a vague presentiment. At that time the Confederate cause was ou its last legs, as it were, aud there was deep feeling.

I could feel it in the atmosphere here. I did not know exactly what it was, but I just felt as if he might be shot on his way to the Capitol. I cannot refer to any incident, in fact to any expression that I heard, it was simply a presentiment that Lincoln might fall that day. I got right iu front of the east portico of the Capitol, listened to his inaugural address, and witnessed his being sworn iu by Chief Justice Chase. When he came on the steps he was accompanied by Vice-President Johnson.

In looking out the crowd he saw me standing near by, aud I could see he was pointing me out to Andrew Johnson. Mr. Johnson, without knowing perhaps that I saw the movement, looked quite annoyed that his attention should be called in that direction. So I got a peep into his soul. As soou as he saw me looking at him, suddenly he assumed rather au amicable expression of countenance.

I felt that, whatever else the man might be, he was no friend to my people. I heard Mr. Lincoln deliver this wonderful address. It was very short but he auswered all the objections raised to his prolonging the war in one sentence it was a remarkable senteuce. "Fondly do we hope, profoundly do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war shall soon pass away yet if God wills it continue until all the wealth piled up by two hundred years of bondage shall have been wasted, and each drop of blood drawn by the lash shall have been paid for by one drawn by the sword, we must still say, as was said three" thousand years ago, the judgments of the L'rd are true aud righteous altogether." For the first time in my life, and I suppose the first time iu any colored man's life I attended the reception of President Lincoln on the eveuiug of the inauguration.

As I approached the door I was seized by two policemen and forbiddeu to enter. I said to them that they were mistaken entirely in what they were doing, that it Mr. Lincolu knew that i was at the door he would order my admission, and I bolted in by them. Ou the inside I was takeu charge of by two other policemen, to be conducted as I supposed to the Presuleut, but instead of that they were conducting me out the window ou a plauk. "Oh" said this will not do, gen-tlemeu, and as a gentleman was passing in I said to him, "Just say to Mr.

Lincoln that Fred Douglass is at the door." He rushed in to President Lincoln, and almost in less than a half a minute I was iu-vited into the East Room of the White House. A perfect sea of beauty and elegance, too it was. The ladies were in very fine attire, aud Mrs. Lincoln was stauding there. I could.

not have been more thau ten feet from him when Mr. Lincoln saw mo his countenance lighted-up, aud he said in a voice which was heard all around "Here comes my friend Douglass." As I appra jhed him he reached out his hand, and gave me a cordial shake aud said, "Douglass. I saw you in the crowd to day listeuiug to my inangurai address. There is no man's opinion that I value more thau yours what do you think of it? I said "Mr. Lincoln, I cannot stop here to talk with you, as there are thousands waiting to shake you by the hand but he said agaiu "What did you think of it?" I said Mr.

Lincolu, it was a sacred effort, and theu I walked off. I am glad you liked it, he said. That was the last time I saw him to speak with him. In all my interviews with Mr. Lincoln I was impressed with his entire freedom from popular prejudice against the colored race.

Ho was the first great man that I talked with in the United States freely, who iu no single instance reminded me of the difference between himself and myself, ot the difference of color, and I thought that all the more remarkable because he came from a state where there were black I account partially for his kindness to me because of the similarity with which I had fought my way up, we both afarfinrr ah Mia Inwaaf- latter. mnsf, aav t. Vj f.ha.t. whonoTrot. rf.

he was in a verv sfinnno yyj ujuyq hpurn nf fhndA afnrtno Vm. I usei t0 roTnlTllvT, nPnno eP stories beimr told to me by Gen? al Grant. I had called on him and hesaid: "Douglass, stay here! want to tell you about a little hi dent. When I came to Washin ton first, one of the first things it coin said to me was, "Grant, hay yon ever read the book by Orpfo ns C. Kerr? 'Well no, I never did- said I.

Mr. Lincoln said: v0' ought to read it, it is a very esting book. I have had a go deal of satisfaction reading tW book. There is one poem there that describes a meeting of the am. mals.

The substance of it beinj that the animals and a dragon, ot some dreadful thing, was near and had to be conquered, aud it a question as to who would under. take the job. By and by a monkpr stepped forward and proposed fo do the work up. The monkey said he thought he could do it if could get an inch or two more put on his tail. The assemblage voted him a few inches more to his tail and he weut out and tried his hand.

He was unsuccessful and returned stating that he wanted a few more inches put to his tail. The request was granted and he went again. His second effort was a failure. He asked that more inches be put to his tail and he would try a third time. At last, said Gen.

Grant. it got through my head what Lin- coin was aiming at, as applying to ray wanting more men, and finally I said "Mr. Lincoln, I dont want any more inches put on my tail." it was a nit at Mcuieitan, ana Ueu. Grant told me the story with a good deal ot gusto. I sot the book afterward and read the lines of Or pheus U.

Keer. There was one thing concerning uincom uuac i was impressed witb aud that was that a statement his was an argument more convinc mg thau any amount of logic. He had a happy faculty of stating a piupusiuuu, ui cjiauug it so taac if needed no argument. It was rough kiud of reasoning, but went right to the point. Then, too, there was another feeling that I had with refereuce to him, and that was that while I felt in his presence I was in the presence of a very great man, as great as the greatest, I felt as though I could go and put my hand on him if I wanted to, ftr pnt my hand on his shoulder.

Ot course I did not do -it, but I felt that I could. I felt as though I was iu the'presence of a big broth-er, and that there was a safety in his atmosphere. It was often said during the war that Mrs. Lincoln did not sympathize fully with her husband in his anti-slavery feeling, but I never believed this concerning her and I have good reason for being convinced in my impression of her by the fact that, when Mr. Lincoln died and she was about leaving the' White House, she selected his fa vorite walking cane and said know of uo one that wonld appreci ate this more than Fred.

Douglass." She seut it to me atBochester, aud I have it in my house to-day, and expect to keep it there as long as I live. Frederick Douglass. LXNC0LH HALI. This Hall si located on Camp Hil! 00 feet above the sea level, within 10 minutes walk from Harper's Fer ry Depot, aud only two hours ride from Washington, D. C.

Pure water, cool mountain breezes, pleasant shades, free from malaria and uu-molested by mosquitoes. This Hall has had a two story porch built at the east end, the fourth story finished and has been nicely painted outside. Fishing, Hunting, Bathing, and Craquet are some of the auius-ments. Table furuished from fresh country produce. Board 84 per week.

Any time less than a week, 60 cents, per day. Dinner 40 Small children half fare. Give 3 days notice prior to House opens July 1st W. H.BELL, Pro prietor. Box 56 Harpers Ferry, W.

Va. SUMMER BOARD. Lincoln Loudon, County June 11th 1886 To the Ladies aud Gentlemen of Washington city. I take pleas ure in informing you that Air S. J.

Murry, living in the village of Lincolu is now prepared to take boarders Any person desirug to spend a few mouths in the country, will find it to their interest to visit this village. Pure water, a lovely yard for croquet plaving. conveui ent to the Post office, aTsotoatine Livery stable, and in fact every convenience that we can wish for in the country. For particulars address Mrs. S.

J. Murry, Lincoln Loudon County Va. an old Arm- References raiHired. WMMk. IBUlllfc iM I i 'sr.

SiUksfi- ti mz..

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