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Woodland Daily Democrat from Woodland, California • Page 3

Woodland, California
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Published Eveulnjss -Bxcept -LBAKB. EjaityJaaa CITY OFFICIAL. PAPER. TERMS: IHtly, cue paid) Dally, six 1 4.M Dally, three months 1.25 Dally, per month, by carrier 50 THB YOLO DEMOCRAT: (Weekly). Weekly, one year (postage paid) Weekly, six' months 1.26 Weekly, three months 76 TIME TABLE.

Passenger'trains are scheduled to Woodland; dally, on and after May, 3, 1905, OrbviHe. to S. F. and Sac'to 9. F.

to Oregon (via Facramento to Orovillo 12:080 Oroville to Sacramento Oregon (via Willows) to S. S. and Sac; to Orovllle "ACCdMMpDATION TRAINS. SacMo Red Bluff (via Willows) Hed Bluff (via Willows) to Bluff Sac.B: 35p "The Evening Paper publishes the dews ol TODAY; the Morning paper, nqws of Greeley. SATURDAY OCTOBER 28, 1305.

It IB announced that Henry J. Crocker and others will eater the field to do battle with the Standard Oil Company. Crocker la to be congratulated upon nerve. It takes courage of a very high order to undertake a Job like that. Huefs election commissioners are manifesting a disposition to defy the supreme court The fact Is that the gang has a hold on the public teat that nothing short of a stout hickory club can break.

If the people do not break It they deserve to be squeezed to their limit. Congressman Tawney of Minnesota has made public announcement thai conditions are not yet ripe for the ad mission of either New Mexico or Arl zona as states. As It Is only political conditions that are unripe, Mr. Taw ney's attitude Is both his Intelligence and his statesman, ship. So Miss Roosevelt broke the promise she made her aunt to visit her in Lak' county while en route home from th Orient.

The Inducement was the opportunity to make a record-breaklni trip across the continent. There I not enough glory in such an achievement to warrant her In overlooking chance to see Lake county. There is a bitter feud among th Oakland newspapers because some them want competition in the telephone business and some do not. Th situation presents so many curious ai pects that we have read both side with; much Interest, but without arrlv ing, at any conclusion. The advan tagfes and' disadvantages are obseurec by personal Senator Cunningham of New York who Is visiting In California, says Hearst's candidacy has no motive behind it except to gratify a persona sjilte against Mayor McClcIlan.

Ther never was a. time In his life, since he first began to dabble in politics that Mr. Hearst was not using his money and "hifl newspapers to satisfy some personal grudge. WHY- THIS DBUAY.T In California the need of a more Instruction in agriculture provided at-the state unlver- Ity, without uececdty of golaf hrough the regular agricultural at that Institution, led last winterrto by the ure of a bill providing for the pur- haae of a state to be conducted connection with agricultural ollege at Berkeley, but which the promoters of the act Intended loafed away from that Institution and the great- Interior valley. The measure was drafted by Superior udge Peter J.

Shields of this city, provides that this university farm nd the instruction there given shall so conducted as to meet- the needs persons who desire Instruction in grlculture, including such branches a fruit growing, dairying, poultry and took raising, and shall also bo used or experimental work in connection with the agricultural experiment sta- lon at Berkeley. The Instruction at his farm was intended to be similar that at the agricultural high school Minnesota, and was drawn with that Institution in mind. No selection has yet been made of land for the uni- erslty farm In this state. It is high time for the commission appointed, ex-offlclo, by the terms of the act, to make the selection of land for the state farm, to discharge that duty, Over seven months have passed since the act went Into effect, and although some days were spent last summer In coking at sites offered no selection las yet been made. Surely the fami- ng interests of the state are entitled to greater expedition.

If President Wheeler of the state university Is not in sympathy with this measure, 'that is no reason why he should neglect his duty, nor Is it reason why any other member of the commission should await his pleasure In the matter. The commission consists of Governor Pardee, Lleutenant-Governor Anderson, Benjamin P. Rush, President of the State Board of Agriculture; El wood Cooper, state commissioner of horticulture, and Benjamin Ide Wheeler. There are now available, under the terms of the act, for land and buildings 1100,000, and 160,000 more will be available oa January let of the coming year. No more time should be wasted in needless are being offered by us now In Real Estate, both Improved and unimproved.

Why not get your share of them? 6, UWSON, Real Estate Insurance Agls, NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Notice is herebyi given that the undersigned, will receive i sealed bids at his office In. the city, of Woodland, county of Yolo, State of California, up to 6 o'clock p. on Monday, the 20th day of November, 1905, for furnishing materials for, and erecting and Instelling'ln and for the Bald city a street tank and tower, 64 feet high, of 120,000 gallons capacity, In accordance with plane and specifications therefor on file In the office of the Clerk of said city. Bids must be enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to Chas.

City Clerk, Woodlandi and Indorsed, "Bids for Tank and ar." must bo accompanied by a check payable to thai City of Woodland, and certified to by a responsible bank, for an amount of al least 10 per cent of the hid. The bidder to whom the contract IB awarded must enter Into a contracl with and give a bond to the said city of Woodland within 15 days from the date of award of said bone to be-in the penal sum of one-third of: the- contract price, and shall bo payable to the city of Woodland, ane approved by the President of the Board'of Trustees. AUCTION' SALE NOV. 2d Martin farm, property as 1 Mulfs, 1 Sta.o.d«ird-pred mare colt by son-of 2 brood buggjt.Horse, 1 "fliijr, 13 head tworyear- old-cattlerlS head yearllrig cattle, 11 ca.lves,.all beet; 8 dairy J- spring wagon, 1 surrsy, buggy, Iron roller, 1 lUn- dalV'2 wagons with rSclcs, 1 breaking 1 derrick forh, block tackle and rope; 1 mover, 2 sets'harness, 2 single plows, IS tons oat sums of and under, All suras over $20, twelve months' credit with approved security, with Interest-at 7 per cent LUNCH. GEO.

C. MARTIN, Proprietor. J. D. R.

Q. LAWSQN, Auctioneers. Said Board bids will be opened by the of Trustees on 20th day of November, 1905; the said boari reserving the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board of Trustees Dated 26th, 1905. CHAS.

W. PICKARD, n8d Clerk of the City of Woodland. PEOPLE'S Savings Bank OF SACRAMENTO, CAL, Paid depositors for the year 1901 and 1905, i per cent on TERM DEPOSITS; 3 per cent, on ORDINARY DEPOSITS. Accepts deposits in suma from One Dollar, and Upward Swantsed Capital 410,000 Paid Up Capital and Risim 350,500 Assets 1,845,500 Send draft, P. Order, or Wells Fargo Order, and we will send pass book.

Money to Loan on Real Estate. WM: BEOKMAN; GEO. W. LORENZ, Cashier. Jd3 Up against the Fall Suit Then our stocks and: convinced that the day Is past when It is necessary to pay exorbitant prlceq to the Custom Tpllor.

But if you do want one to your order, we have a first-class cutter In our tailoring department. ALEXANDER Aiirlcan Tailor and Bents' Furnisher Corner First and Main Street). IdB KRELLEHRERG SOB IMPORTERS AND DBALiBRS IN KINDS OF FURNITURE AND BEDDING Which will be sold at LQWEST RATES 1 BRIMS WARMTH, COMFORT ENJOT- MEUTTOALL, It lakes off the chill of the bedroom In the morning, the sitting room dor- Ing the day, and the bathroom at night. It.q handlness and its convenience are pleasures. Gas heaters are always ready, always steady, and always yours now.

Woodland Gas and Electric Company PHONE 781. 628 MAIN STREET. Personal Conductors Are in Charge of i Tourist Cars On The Union Pacific Best way for Women and. Children to Travel Unaccompanied. F.

Booth, Oen. Montgomery U. P. R. R.

San Francisco. Buy Shoes at a Shoe Store When lift's autumn comftB.women.worn out by the burdens of motherhood, yet ihrlnk from that second "change of lile" which will banish these burdens forever. They tear change hi form, in feature, In personal attractiveness, Siu-b fears are largely warranted by the which this change produces lu many.womenv But no womanJioed Jel fears fret hof. used-VDr; Plerce's Favorite Prsscrlp- ffer not change i.In feel- tnga-, other women.v This fact II -duiiUT the in4 connection pt' the general healths with jthe I heal tii ol em Ihlne. By prMBi'vlliK and relieving system from the debilitating drains, ulcers, and Inflammation! which Its health, 'Favorite Prescription" paves the way for this natural change to come in Nature's way, without the-loss of capacity to please Just' preceding: the last presidential campaign, when there was some prospects that Murphy, Tammany might the Democratic party of New York into the hands of a man who was pay for such despicable work; in the opinion of Mr.

Hearst's chain of newspapers he was a great man. Now the same papers picture him as-a plain, ordinary barroom loafer. The appointment of Senator Marshall. Diggs to the presidency of the Sacramento Valley Development Association is a good one. Any position vacated by the late General V7.

S. Green Is necessarily a difficult one, but Senator Diggs has the ability and he has the qualifications. His home in Sacramento, bvit he has Identified himself with the Interests and the needs, of the whole valley, and he to essentially a Sacramento valley man. The senator's connection with the association is of long standing. He was a member of the executive committee Yolo county, and his Influence was strongly and beneficially felt whlln hit the state senate IB a proof of in or personal Inability to enjoy life.

"Yoar Preaoripttpn'broaa'ht aaiely through that difficult period, called 'change wriWS'Mrm. Marr Entmln- r. 3M E. Ankenr St. Portland.

Oregon. -'Ma change made a very unpleasant ills, tarbanca through my entire system. I had hot and cold flashes, sick became excited, fltutrated, nerroua and Irritable. Mjr was fitful and for days I WRS unable a fair meaL My aunt recommended try Dr. Plerce'a acrlpttoti-and It made a great changa for the Miter.

Within tiro irealu nnpleaeant feellngg had disappeared. I have a Husband and eight have the care of a large family but was able to attend to rarlJOiisP- hold duties without any difficulty and passed (be period without, any more trouble. I can recommend your Favorite Prescription' aa a grand You may willing that somebody say that their, baby ignjoit as good jours, but you don't want that baby for yonrs. Let dealers say what abont other medicines don't let Sham "Favorite It absolutely ujisaualed. Hanan Shoes Never Disappoint We are showing a tew of the nobbi- est styles ever turned out of the Hanan factory.

All the new patterns and 15.60 to 16.50. See our HANAN COMFORT SHOE in a plain, toe, genuine calfskin, at 15.50. Huaton NOTHING BUT GOOD SHOES. Id6 Armstrong BUTCHERS DEALERS IN LIVE STOCK WOODLAND, CALIFORNIA. food" bnt don't let them anything for Wliat can we say to draw your Attention receiving t.

Urge supply of Split Redwood Posts and LIVERY FASHION FEED STABLES CHAS. JOHNSON, Prop, Horses hoarded by the day, week or month. Stahle thoroughly renovated and cleaned. Turnouts. Open Dsy Night.

Give us a trial. Hatton Transfer Successors to D. Q. Piaso iDd Fvaitua MoTlsj Geneni Dray Business PHONE MAIN (Mar Skljgjis fin tit WEST VALLEY LUMBER Yard nearest depot. Woodland, Cal.

F. W. BLANCHARD, arc pltMlBB otbws ud MM P)MM SUnd In front of L. bMBtH shop. HATTON Rose Renovatory Cleaning, prssstng, dyeing, lidiee' and gents' clothing.

Umbre las recovered and repaired. Phon 6-sc. West of Byrni Woodlao Cal. tultf Oan th. While the Iron is Hot! That's'the tltoe to eather Is that's the O'dig or to repair.

Tha weather right now, and. we've got, oodsY All you have, to do la to fur- muscle Big lots of Split Redwood, rapeatakes, redwood; and osts at the Sierra luinber Co. KAUFFMAN.Manager,. Woodland Ib3 O. Phone 27I pl H.

BEAN Phone 438 of Furniture Mm in Framing- and; Uplolstflfing UNDERTAKING IN ALL BRANCHES Given prompt attention Corner of Third and Main Streets Bonanza Plows and Oliver's Goods There is nothing as good as the genuine; we have all kinds of SHEARS AND EXTRAS, Cleveland Cyclery ERNEST HORTOH, Proprietor il have purchased the interest of Jack In the above cyclery aiid am sole proprietor. I have secured from San Francisco nn Expert Gunsmith Locksmith is prepared to do repairing of all hinds on firearms, bicycles, type- vjrlters; cash reglaterB, locks, In a workmanlike manner. Full line of Bicycles and Sundries stantly on Hand. Main Slreel, near College. Telephone Main 45 Repairing neatly done by Expert Workman 'DBERil.

DIRECTORS AWEMBJLMERS Phone- 41 Woodland, Cal. idJ- BANE OF YOLO, WOOOLAHD, Capital Paid Up Burplua 160,000 W. W. BROWNELL President R. W.

Vice-Prealdent W. BUSH. Manager and Cashier L. Aselalant Cashier Bank of California 3aja Nat. Bank D.O.

Mills Co. Sacramento Van Norden Trust Co New York First National Bank Chicago 1(13 If you have a Wilson Heater you can keep warm, Call and see our line of sportinggoods. They ave strictly up to date. Gem and Pacific Seed Soweri $13.50. Phone 56.

MURRAY 2b3 Eureka Disc Harrow! disc Imrrow miinufactured. it is compact, the lightest draft of all; Has Bolld weight boxes; has patent scrapers operated by the foot of the driver on hla sent. The draft la direct nSTnivn He ly machlne equipped with ROLLER BEARING STANDARDS. The bumpers revolve In the same dl- 0n ea tl (l 1 1 8 that rolta against each CHRIS, SIEBER CO, MAIN STREET, WOODLAND, CALIFORNIA WESTERN HOTEL SACRAMENTO, CAL. BEST HOTEL IN THE CITY nail Modern Iloaie In the center of buiincss.

and la In all Board and Si to II.SO pw dity, J5c, fm bm to aad tram til MORRISON i PROPS. Also draw ou the principal eltlee of Europe. A general banking business transacted. IbS that is first-class in the JEWELEY LINE can be seen at EWEBT'S The Dubarry Vest Fob The latest for ladies. Set sand the celebrated White Side Jewelry The best made.

First-class WATCH and CHRONOGRAPH Repairing WTGkAVIHG Exchange Market J. O. CHALMERS, Proprietor. BUTCHER! DEALER IN LiVE STOCK, ETC. KHEBH F18H WEDNESDAYS AffD Meats dellvtred to all parts of the city of charge.

Give ug a ea.ll at Coward Hawkna. balldlng. Main street, between and Third. Food Choppers A food chopper is 'Something no home is complete without. The thing is to get the food chopper that docs the work that saves money time, and that oneisRollman's Food Chopper.

It is small and compact requiring less space. It is -easili'cleaned. The cutters are steel and can be replaced at nominal cost if lost. It the work without waste of material, etc. Russell Day, 433 MAIN STREET, PHONE 851 IT'S NO FAKE.

IT'S NO JOKE. POS FIRE OR LIFE 1HSDRAKCE OK Wood 605 Main Woodland, Cal We mean business. We are going to give you your money's worth. If you wish to patronize THE BEST PLACE IN TOWN We want your business and we are going to offer you enough. Inducement so you cannot afford to miss the bargains we offer We have made arrangements with the BEST AJIT GALLERY IN YOLO COUNTY to supply us with photos.everyona guaranteed to please you, so that we can make you a beautiful present without eoet to you.

We will have samples at the store, so that you tan just what you can get Come In and see for yourself. It nothing to look, Phone 746 W. BENDER 2dZ Phone 746 RKFRB8BNT8 BEST AND StRONO4 EST COMPANIEa CITY KOKSMAYER CO. THB ONLTiCOLD STORAGE IN THH CITY. Bufaton Gold Weather Hams and Mighty good these cold mornings, evenings, matter.

Well, we've got 'em, and you will find too. for Johnston Special a a good as any on the market and a great deal better thka somo. CUnED ey ly U8 nd are 8tricU) SDOA CURED EASTERN receive regularly Mich week shlpmant of these goods. Shows that wa are selling them, aad that like them. Try 'em and you'll like 'em tax Johniton Grocers, 841..

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