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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 2

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TWO BLYTHEVILLE. (ARKJ COURIER NEWS WEDNKRDAY, MAY 27, mi Calendar Thursday Mrs. C. Afdtck Is hoslcss to the' Thursday Lunclicon club. The Mid-Week Bridge club Is meeting with Mrs.

O. P. Moss. Fridiy Mrs. J.

W. Shouse and Mrs. Her- Smart will cjitcrtnln tlie I-'i- flelis Sunday school class of tlie Hrsf Baptist rhurcli at 3:30 o'clock at the Sliousc home. Local Members National Honor Society Society Osceota 'Party. yuC W.

S. Uingclon entertained 12 "at 'her friends ivllh a Ucok party yesterday afternoon tit licr suburban home on the south high- wof. from her own flower made a variety ot lovely coVow for decorations tmd the "rainbow shades were seen in lilly cards. A tnlad course wns served with nnd iced Clii Entertained. Tlft 1 members of llic Tuesday CoQlfacl club and one guest, Mrs.

O. t.W-. McCiilclieon, were entrr- tailkjl by Mrs. Harry Itirby tliis Mrs. -W Leon Smith won Hie double compact, and Mrs.

McCujchcon was presented a.deck of Tho. hostess served delicious re- fresjjnieiUs. Members ol the National Honor fcoclely chapter of Ihe city I schcol. li highest scholastic honor eicup In school, are: HoUcm left to right: Charles Kftiillg, 1 Denlon, uy; Tliehna Wor- liriglon, prcstrteut; laiirlue Branson, ice preside-ill; tvaus, treasur- Top row, lefl Iglit: Virginia Terry, ivclyn Davis. Mary ummliiBS, Tommy 'homuson, sunshine Warns, Irs Inin 'ompkins, Charlinc obi son.

Miss Miller Is piyjrfc The County. Bernard Gooch. chairmar olKifce roppy sale tills year for American Legion Auxiliary thai. popplles wll Saturday al Wilson. Lux- orfli-'Dell, Manila and Lcachvillc ivlifla the nnnual sale is in pro- l- liere.

Chairman of commit. sell in tliesc towns will bi tomorrow. The goal Is to e.xcccd S2M. llu antttint contributed-last year wliicl vfS tfte largest amount) ever raiser iu this way. To HSvc Silver Tea.

Tlire be a silver tea al Hi Woman's club iifternooi Jroirt'ii imlll 5 o'clock, given yMusic Tlfe': final nllair of the sprln tcastffL-' in tliis group will mar (hojcjpse of on inlcrestiiig year i whUih-'Sevcral prelects have, bee ncciSrriiilshed. Tho proceeds fro will be used for re pairtag'Utc piano at the club hous Vrombe land League for Year. Tiler'-' Promise Lund Epwortli league'met ycslerday when officers for the following year. TJviy are: Fcliv Hill, president; L. Halseli, vice president; Miss-Mildred Cutier, secretary and treasurer; Miss Faunylyn Briscn- corresponding secretary; Miss Bertha NSiss Sunshine Mick, Mis Diilvle Bail.

Mrs. Curl Matlli- cwsTll superintendents of Mrs. Joe Neil! Htll, EJwortli Tile-Rev. II. Couclimnn presided tit 4he mcelbig attended by 20 niethbVrs.

i imruosc of the group, mado up of the students In (he school mnking the highest grades, is "to crealc Suslasm for scholai-shlp, to a desire lo render service, to promote worthy leadership, nnd to. encourage Ihe development of character in pupils'. noon an appclizlnc picnic lunch as spread. Mrs. Thurman Clemens was hos- css U) the Mew Tuesday Bridge week for nil afternoon this arty.

Ragged robins, imstiuiiunis and oses adorned Ihe hosless' home. Miss Is now visiting Mr. nnc! Mrs. Frank McGregor and Mr. and Mrs, Henry Bryant.

Mrs. Joe ICIrby. of Paragould, In the bridge games Catherine Lawier won tlie prlffi, lovclly beads. Tlie refreshmenls weie pineapple andleslick salad and a grape ice. I'u L'iniiiiliinviil Hritte Elect.

Miss Hilda Holland, whose mar- iago- to Howard S. Caldwcll fot Springs will, take place June ..3, will be the sucsl of honor nl i bridge shower lo be civcii tills evening by Mrs. Sam Manatl. To Honor Slmlcnls. Members of llic National Honor society ot the city high school wlU entertain oilier members of.

the honor roll for Hie pasl year at a Friday afternoon, five o'clock, at the. school. There are 30 students who have been on the. honor roll this year, Bits of News Mostly Personal spent yesterday here wllh her sister, Mks Kalherluo Lawier, and Mrs. Tlnirmon demons.

Henry Humphreys attended lo business In Paragould yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. TlniriKon demons have us their guest Mr. demons' niece, Miss Minnie Mayer, Wilson.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold linker, of Center Ridge, will arrive today for 11 visit will) Mrs. Baker's xircnls. Before her recent marriage Mrs.

liaker was Miss Margaret Craig of llils city. She has been a ueinber of Ihe Center Ridge school faculty for two years. Mrs. A. M.

Bull and daughters. Misses Ruth and Sue, and Mrs. W. J. Pollard are In Memphis today.

Joe D. Haibaeh has returned from a business trip to of ann. R. P. Taddison Is in Memphis today for the Shrine ceremonial.

H. G. Wlekham is attending to business In Osccola tills afternoon J. L. Guard and J.

A. Waterman will go to Memphis tonlghl for the Shrine ceremonial. T. W. Davis, of Memphis, attended to business here yesterday.

Jesse II. Webb, of Memphis, was a-visitor in Ihe city Icle Shepard, George Matthews and Earnest Haynes have the leading roles, directed by Prances Parker. Miss Mary Ellen Stevens is directing Ihe choruses made up of Mary Jcim Alllick. Margaret Hol- limd, C'ccile Wolloril, Deity Roe, Sara Ixra McCulchen, Wayne Dent, Wanda Fisher. Fi'aucella Fisher, Ann Crook, Belly Brooks Cramer, Betty Babcock, Gene Miss Frances Barham, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. A. P. Harham of Osccola, who Is attending school at Llndenwood College, St. Charles, lias been awarded honorable menton by the Sigma Tau Delta sorority of which slw Is a member, in an original verse contest conducted by the sorority chapter 31 Llndomvood.

Her comixisilion, "Early Morning," apivared in a recent issue of "Linden Hark," sludont publication. 11 is ni follows: KAKLY AlOllMNG "Sunilghl glittering on the earls morning dew, Kach dew-drop one little dlamont reflecting every color of every mood, 1 like to kick, them off the grnss And find new ones nndcruenlli. Tiny ones wliich sparkle and move trying to out-gliUer the big ones And very nearly succeeding. Dul llwn the sun glides high the sky Drawing my liltie diamonds up I him. But tomorrow I shall have them once again." Mrs.

C. M. Harwell was hostess ycslerday afternoon to the literary department of the Womens Progressive Club, entertaining as gucils besides tile members, Mrs. Myra Fergus, who is visiting her da'ughlfr, Mrs. Joe Rhodes, Mrs.

Eli Myers licr daughlcr Mrs. Waller Perkins of Indianapolis, who is Mrs. Myers' yuest. Mrs. J.

W. Ertrington lead the afternoon's lesson from the club's circle members vill to invited. Circle was entertained In he church parlors with Mcsdamcs O. Klchardson, Dave Young, Cllnl Caldwcll, Cap Wiseman nnd Morrison Hostesses. A delightful oclal hour followed short busl- less scslon and delicious refresli- nciils were served.

Mis. Ell Myrs arranged tlie fiocial cnteitain- ucnl for llic afternoon. J. 13. Bunn of Osceoln who Is an officer of llic grand lodge ol Hie Male, E.

If: senior deacon of the Osceoia Masonic l.oilt'c, noy Waters and C. O. Hall, both mem- icrs of the Osceola Lodse, iillend- I lcra a meeting of (he Wilson lodge A Series (lie Contract Systems AltTICLi: NO. SID BY H'M. li.

Mi'KENNKV American Briilgc tliculd headed by at IKVSI queen or jack 9. Cieneiiil wlieu a Mil; weak as aco jack no bUidd) suit, you have a Ijetf.r Tlie various original or opening bid. Jfowowr. if you luilu bids under Ihe McKi'imey system) a iive-tard suit of contract bidding arc given bo- last cvenlnc and assisted in con- ferine llic entered apprentice de- on a candicliile thciv. Mrs.

Gco, Adams of Little Rock Is spending the week witli her Mrs. Original One No Trump Hills An original one 1:0 trump bid four-caiu suit, headed by at uco jack 0, ihow. lile four-c-tul suit on the fust round of Service, IIKM thews: pilcli scale count of thirteen, i twelve-, iointeen or tifleeu lor second, third, or fourtii liar.d, respectively. mother, Mrs. John White and her daughter, Mrs.

shy of the count, should be with one no trump Suit Kids of One An original suit bid one shows at ic-asi. a biddable four-card suit and two and one-half quick tricks defensive tricks. Pear), returned from a visit willi Mrs. Adams in Litlle Hock a lew days ago and Mrs. Adams accompanied Chas.

J. Unvrance Jr. uml Comity Agent S. D. Carpenter ure Little Rock today attending a meeting ot Ihe stale federation of farm bureaus Mr Lowrancc when holding y.

biddable four- elected chairman of the card suit and a five-card suit, the OM Osccoln (arm bureau. G. B. Segravcs is a biislncs-i visitor in Marion loday. R.

Jones accompanied uy lus daughter, Miss Ethel Joucs nnd ins mother-in-law, Mrs. C. E. ot Carson, arc in Houston. Texas Isaacs.

Belly Lou Joe Essary, Mary Taylor Heart Senior class of '32 of the city higi-5cnool will be headed by Al- At a meeting of the class yesterday these other were also named: Doris Sc- president; Irma Laura secretary; Alvin Huffman. treK-urer. TUfrre are 70 members In the IVanwn's Club Entertains gcAgij, Faculty Members of the graduating class of city high school, who have with a number of affairs In the commencement celebration, and liigli Jchool leachcrs were guests of iWoman's club today for a breakfast at the club housc. This ciiterlains the senior class Clarence Vollmer is ullcndlng court in Joncsboro today. Mis.

W. J. Wundcrlich and Mrs Clarence Volmer are spending lo- day in Memphis. llyinan Weinbcrg of Osceola, who recently graduated from tlie University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, visited here yesterday. Mrs.

George M. Lee Is ill at her liomc on West Ash street. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kirby, Mr.

and Mrs. Elton W. Kirby motored to Parngould last evening. Mrs. Russell Gaskins is a p.i- tient at the Memphis St.

Joseph hospital. Mrs. Howard B. Proctor is in Memphis today with Mr. Procloi who 13 ill al a hospital.

Miss Tlielma McCvirty, of Ilick- mnn, is tile hoiiscguesl of Miss Alma Gulhrie Allken this week. Miss Alma. Ailkcn line as her guest today Miss Khsc Mon lague, of Rlpley, 'I'enn. Miss Ellhea Edwards is in Mem phis loday visiting her brother Austin Mr. and Mrs.

Lntlicr Tunnel Seniors to Give Their Class Play On Thursday Nigh The annual senior play of th igh school will be pr'escnle hui'sdny evening, 8 o'clock, nt th ity auriilorlmn, Ihe form ircc short prcKluclions. Miss Lun i. Wilhclni is director nnd-Marvi business manager of the pro uction. "Sixty Miles An Hour," "Tliej lonkcy'3 anil "Keeping Him lome" are lilies of llic plays vhicli include 25 members of tlie lass nnd 30 younger children. In the play "Sixty Miles An Hour" O.

Westbrook, Bob Burns. Marha Robinson, Virginia Bourland, liourland, Margaret Louise Crook, ynette Tucker. Sally Matlils. Woodrow Fisher, Mary Cummlngs, nines Downing. El wood Deen and 1.

A. Nelson arc In Ihe lend- ig pails of "The Monkey's i'a'w" which ihere will also be featured chorus with Virginia Terry, Mar- arcl Mthicr, Lillian Brlscoe, Marorie Slcwart, Otlnis Brackin, Louse Bourland and Margaret Stewart Cox take part. Tu the mini piny, "Keeping Him Ionic," llic cast of characters is rtarjoilc Martin, Frank Luckclt, 3arolyn Hall, Rulli Eleanor Tuck- Mildred Judd and Paul Burks, villi Mr. Hunt as director. In the horus of Mils production there will be: Anna Mnrgarel Dent Jenny- wren Dillahunty, Isabel Brandon Shaver, Dola Howell, Re- jecca GUIesplc, Baby Laura Crow- Mary Spain Usrcy, Jane llpetcr, Frstlr, Secoy.

For tlie specialty acts there 1 will be solo dances by Martha Robins of Htcclc, Jane and Mar- Ilia Jane Cartivrigtil, of Osceola. Henry Davis and Evcrard Wcls- burd are stage managers. study text, "Tlie English Speaking JJalions," discussing herself a. chapter on Egypl, Mrs. S.

M. Hodges discussed Australia, Mrs. J. B. Bunn, New Zealand, and Mrs.

F. P. Jacobs, India. A delicious salad course was served following the lesson. The Methodist.

Woinans -Missionary Society met circles Monday afternoon, Circle being cnter- nincil at the home of P. Crouch and Circle meeting in he church parlors. John hostesses with Mrs. Crouch were Mesdames J. D.

Smilli. Harrj Jones L. Howtou. Twenty- to attend tile graduation Mr. Jones' son, Olinda, from three members were present and enjoyed a delightful social hour arranged by Mrs.

W. L. fii-gars and followed by ttw serving of a delicious salad course. Tills meeting wus the last, circle meeting until work is resumed in September, and the members planned an online for Friday evening to be held in the grove on Highway 01 near IJasselt and lo which Dental College. Mrs.

Bultyn Nello Bcall. Mr- R. Smith and Miss Virginia SmllU are shopping in Memphis today. Waters of Ganges Siiiil In AW Life CAIXJU'lTA; Imlia, cUl' 1 Waters of the holy river, tiie Gauges, which have been tallied in nnd drunk for yc.ars by devout Hindus, In Ihe belief thai they liail blc- saving properties, are the subject of much Investigation by the School of Tropical Medicine here. Results of the experiments have caused scicnlists to aiinomn'e that there is somethiim about.

Ihe life- giving belief of the Hindus, is said that Ihere arc millions ot bac- leria in tlie water which are able 10 attack and kill germs of a large number of diseases. The b.ieteriti arc so small that scientists, had (rouble locating then: 11 is thought thai cultures ul them be obtained which will be in diseases. four-card suit is bid before the live. 'Ihe live-card suit is shown; 1 on llic faccond round. holding two biddable four- card suits.

Hie higher ranking bid first. When holding Iwo biddable five- card suits, the higher ranking suit is bid first. When holding a six-card and a five-card suit, the six-card suit is bid first, nnd llio five-card suit shown on Ihe second round. On the third round by biddinj, rebld the six-card suit. A suit, to be considered biddable, should be as strong as the folluv, 1 ing: Any six-card Any five-card suit, 'headed by an Any five-card suil headed by queen or king jack 10 ipr kin.

(Continued from page one) intj. The the inorn- was occupied it; iiv. to try liu uncase. Twenty-nine uuni- i cf tlie iury panel were .1 hi-ior; jury was jltted. Counsel for the defendant.) ench prospective juror if i'j hud ever been witii i similar The apparent shortage in the bank's funds was discovered in De- v.hen tiic bank had poraiily busiijess.

Scott has admitted the ubstrneiion cl a iiniount of the money but the remuhider of ihe lias never IKCII uncounted io sul i'. appeared unlikely thai ironey nt the trial would result in further revelations. used The spitting fish shoots a drop of water from its mouth with such force that ii. will knock an insect or small lizard into the water for members of the respective families the lish to gobble jack 0. Any five-card suit headed by queen jack 10.

rive-card suiU headed by. queen 10 or king jack at times musl bj bid bill should not be rcbid unless supported by partner. When your hand conUiins two ami one-half quick tricks nnd tlio Miil is as v.eak ns the last, suil mentioned above, you sometimes have a better no trump bid. However, if your hand contains a biddable four-card suit and of these weak five-card suits, tlie four-acrd suit is on the first round of bidding and liio five-card biiit, on the second round. Four-card suits to b2 biddable BERKELEY.

is io become of after-dinner 1 and er.itois if ol' the Univers-ity of Califo: 1 niti's public speaking clnss grow. During (he past aboal 2000 adults have cmoilecl in tiie course and applications aiL- coming in daily. Necklets made ot large bcads were among the fashion novelties shown in London recently. Walpolc Electric Shop Fans Clciinod ami I'lione 3M Hospital Notes Andrew Jordan and Miss Mary Tierce, both of Senath. were dismissed from the lilytheville hospital loday.

RADIO REPAIRS Phono 121-122 Louis Green Julius Sliiile TliS 68 graduates were welcomcci by. Miss Cora Lee Coleman, preeident. and Bob Bums, president class, gave the response. Majr-or Ncill Reed spoke briefly. Miss loma Wilson played several piano selections, J.

E. Crilz gave a brief talk, Ernest Jones, accompanied-by Miss Margaret Merritt, rcn- defed. a voice srlccllon. The small tables were decorated the class flower, and TritVi favors. The girls received miniature parasols and "arithmetic boys'? went lo the young men.

Mdnbers the Woman's club feeyed a delicious menu in two coirses beginning at 8 o'clock 11 Clipif Given Parly. "Slit choir of the First Christian chjrch was entertained toy Mr. anj ilrs. George W. Barham List evening, with a parly.

Popular fcongs" were sung by the 15 present onfl later slrawtwrry shortcake of Elk City, have returuci home after visiting Mr. and Mr A. D. Gwyn. Mr.

and Mrs. Sam Black an Mrs. Clarence Ciiimnings, of Men phis, were here Sunday for tl baccalaureate sermon. Mrs. Cuiii- mhigs Is a sister of Miss Kula Bishop, a member of the graduating class.

Miss Flora Kellar, member nf Ihe Atwood, school facully. who is spending her vacation at iwints of Arkansas nnd Missouri. YOU A IN BUYING Another Record-breaking Saving at Penncy's! Picnic. The 68 members of the claSs 1of the city high school held a Jarswtll party yesterday wllh an ci! day outing al Musgravc Bar. Ac- coijpjrrying the students were their Misses Luna B.

Wilhclm nlitf IVances Parker, Miss Rosa M. principal, and Crawford superintendent. Tliere WHS swimming and boat favorite amusements and You jave in using KC. Use LESS iHwol riced brands. Hand Woven Peanit Toyo Hats Truly a record saving IXKMUSC iiiis Mine type of liat IKIS liccn selling for iiutcli nwrc alrcmly this season.

Several clifl'crciit brjinmcil models, banded with patent kathcr (a very smart touch) I Wack and neutral sand tones, to jvwr with suniuicr jclolhcs. 98 J. C. Penney Co. Inc DEPARTMENT STORE 220-222 Jlain Si.

HlytheviHc, Ark. Their Exquisite Beauty Will You TKeir Nelly Don Quality Convince You pfhat a summer without several of these voiles would be an utter loss. They arc tlie type Yoile dresses Nelly Don has taught you to demand. As colorful, ns sheer, as flattering chiffon, with that superfine Nelly Don Voile guaranteeing them to be as practical as the sturdiest cotton, Wearable ail day long washable all season long! .85 3.95 5.95 8.95.

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