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Springfield News-Sun from Springfield, Ohio • Page 3

Springfield, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

GLOBE ftEPUBLIQ, TTTTTRSDAY EVENING, TITLY!) 1885 61XMJR-REPUBU0. JJitlly IIAll.i IIC till I'll HMIVH1 rosTitts utvAinr, ah antuxuao bt j. dsust, axrauisLr rn Tim July list In, Wind Weather, 6. (flu. i dear Ili'TO a.

Clear p. in mi' I'nir nop. M' I'alr M'R'i ii. in 7 1 Clear mho leuiter-tutt Ml liiiniralure tame dite Id 1884, 70 ahuve. 1omteraturo of earn .1.

In Isai. rai' above. Ininpcr.ture ol same data In hum iftu. CITY MATTERS. Mr.

llntrjr 1ms returned irom FlurMn, Mrs. Clements ntul two eons, ol Cincinnati, aro (lie Riiffts ol Dr. ami Mrs. T. It.

Totter. Mrs. George llrtcon ntul Mis. Will Koilgers lelt toiluy for Clinton, lovvn, via the I'. A 0.

rnllriw.l. HeRular muster tonight of Mltrliell Tost No. 4.r, (1. A nt which lull turnout ol lomrailM Is Mrs. A.

M. Dampy, ol West fourth street, Cincinnati, Is vlslllnp; Mrs. J. D. 1'lileger, Kit High street.

Mr. Dngns, proprietur tit. Jnmes Hotel, contemplates a trip to lltirope, anil will leave New York July 25, by H. 8. City of Chicago.

Mr. KJ. Wren, wife, thlMrin antl nurse, ami Mr. James nntl Miss llriilgel Klnnane, lelt this morning In drawing-room car via N. 1'.

(J. railroad for New Yolk. Miss Cnssily, ol North Limestone street, entertains her fricnils with tlancing parly this evening, in botinr of her guests, Miss Mitchell, ol Witiotm, Minnesota. Rev. K.

I'. Hamlers, of Dajton, will occupy tho United Ilretliren pulpit, I.tigoinla, next Sunday, the putor being ntccssarilr absent at tlie bedside of his sick futher, who llvei near Fort Wayne, lnd. Uonirrciftllunul church social this evening at the resident? of Mi. and Mrs. George W.

Hastings, corner Main and Hate streets. An Interentlng programme 1m been prepared and a large attendance Ii expected. Miss Anna HUck, of South Market street, gives a dancing parly tomorrow evening, to entertain her charming young guests, Miss Nannie KeMeil, of Indianapolis, and MIfs Josie Huckinghnm, of Zintsvllle. I'apers have been lorwanleil to the Secretary of State, at Columbus, for the organlzn-tlon of a building and loin association on a plan similar to that of the society now In such successful opernlion in Ihfs city. Major C.

H. limits, of the public is isittng his old home and relatives in this city. Comrade of the 4 lib. 0. V.

and nth O. V. bine numerously itu-proved the orportunl'y to give him "the gP-" The Young Iultcs' foreign Missionary Society, of St. Paul church, will give on entertainment tonight In tho lecluic room of the church. The programme will consist of recitations by the (lilo family and music.

Kverjbody urged to come. Admission 25 cents. Tho managers of tho A. M. II.

enrap meeting nro going ahead with their preparations and expect to begin a three weeks scries next Saturday evening, on tho I'nlr (Irounds, use ot which has Win scturrd from the Trotting I'nrk Association. Judgo llawes's decision in the Agricultural Hoard injunction has not Wen received here yet, but it is expected this eveniog or tomorrow. Members or the faculty of Wittenberg Col-lego aro now making the final effort to get a subscription fund sulllcteut to finish the new Wittenberg. Tito work Is almost completed. The entire amount necessary has been secured, with the eicepllon of $1,700.

So soon as this sum is obtained work on tho building will bo resumed. Let there ben prompt response on the part of the citlrens to the call ol tho commltlee. 'Conductor Geo. W. Cogpsvvell, of tho Pan Handle, has been on the road for many years, and Is widely known as a careful oflic-ial in his department, and anything contrirj to this well established record should be received with cautious Inquiry before believing it.

Some time since church Sunday school excursion front this city went out on Mr. Cogswell's train to Yellow Springs, and after returning, somebody, whoso name was considered sufficient, wrute it complaint to this paper, which was inserted. We have heard Mr. Ceggivvell's eldo of the question and are catitficil that neither ho or any of tho railroad men were to blame for tho Inconveniences ol erow-tled excursion. This mncb is all that is necessary to bo said in defeuse of Mr.

to tho publitjthat knows him so well. That C'ltiy rigium Mutrli. The shooting match hell on the 1th of July at the fair grounds will be finished, by continuing the scores hero left, at 1'trrins Friday alternoon. A meeting ot tho Sprirgfield Shooting and Fishing Club will bo held at Slack Sou's tonight nt R. p.

and all members and those interested are rt'incsted lo be present. The prizes to bo shot for Friday aro two tuckets of fine cut nnd a e.iddy of plug tottie-co, ollered by the "Hull Dog Plug Tobacco Company," Mr. Dm. Nttkum, ageutj and three sacks of "Golden Fleece" Hour, donated to the club by Messrs. Warder Harnett.

DillTy DiiiiiiikiI Out, Aliout half-post (Ho o'clock last eening Captain Duffy, cl the Central engine house, started to haul a load ot kindling wood in a light spring wagon from the house to his home on tho coiner of Jefferson and Market streets, driving llto bay horsa "Dutch" to lite Wigou. Ho was driving up tho alley between Market and Center streets when the 5:30 freight on tho l.iltln Miami tame by. After ho had seen the caboose pass bo started up again and was just coming out onto the tracks when tho switch engine came pulling down a few yard behind the freight and wis upon him befoic lie could do anything. The horse gnvo a plunge nnd whirled about, upsetting the wagon, tenting the harness loose from tho shafts, and coming home to tbo engine hou liko a shot. Captain Unify was clumped out with ilia kindling wood, but was not seriously injured, though be was Bcverely cut and scratched about the right knee, the right elbow nnd the lelt fuicarui.

(M r. i iii.i, The bouse ol John l.ell Is fait hearing tomplition, 0. C. Knsley, of Springfield, spent the 1th here with his Irieuds. Joj.C.Necr will return to his home nt rranklln, Ilili week.

Illsnged mother, Aunt Sarah, will necnmprinj him. Mrs. 0. Pearson spent Friday last in Columbus, In trial In INpiIro Conway's court last Thursday between IM. M.

Hklllman and S. II. drove, Mr. 0. Ilowman and Mr.

F. 0. (loodo wcro tho attorneys, ilolkln, Jno. W. Year.t'11, Henry Itunyan, Jno.

Jones, linos MtConkey nnd Anllla West were tho jury-men. Tho verdict wnj In fnvor of tho ilelendant, S. 11, Groves. Wilbur Wnltmnn and Marlon Hcniy are lioth seriously ill nt this writing. The appearance of our town has been grent-ly Improved by the removal of the last of tho 'Old Tavern" buildings and tho old barn.

There are but one or two eyesores in the (own now, and It Is hoped that the will bo re-moved before great while, with the new buildings erected in tho put few years our town has greatly Improved fn appearance. It elves us pleasure to chrnnliln tin. rlaga on Thursday evening, Juno 2Slh, nt Plaltsburg, 0 by Itev. Mr. Wlngel, of Mr.

Jacob T. H. Shirey, formerlr lesldent ol Augusta county, but for the last six years an Ohioan, to Miss Debbla A. Darding.ol this piace. nc wi-it mem a smooth and prosperous journey over life's usually tempestuous ocean.

Mrs. II. WIngale spent part of last week in the village. Therb will be rapberrg and Ice crt am festival at Asbury chapel Tuesday night of this week. Cntnwhn M.

K. Church Dune nt Last. Those who know the history of the church will appreciate tbo statement that the finishing touch is aliout to lie given. Aliout eight curs ago the members raided a subscription for the building ol a now church. Tho work bepan and a beautiful twc-Jlory church went up to tho miters.

Just then a terrible storm passed over the town and blew it all down. Un the ruins ot the first church the present church was built. Tho people will never forget the struggle for a second subscription-, etc. When tho church was finished up to the spire their resources failed and the work slopped. This spring, notwithstanding lite pressure of lite times, tho people determined lo It.

Tho plan for the spire was drawn bv Mr. C. A. Crcagcr, of Springfield. It Is very beautiful design octagon, slnto roof, 38 feet high, from lite lop of the tower, which is forty feet, making the whole steqilo 78 feet from tho ground.

The contract was taken by the energetic and skillful Mr. Johnston, I'o ster of Springfield, who always believes In rushing matters through rapidly yet correctly, for tho sum of $375. The work Is nearly done, It will bo complete In a few tlays. We are ready to cash the whole bill and bavo money lelt in tho treasury. The peoplo of the place deserve grtnt credit for their liberal response to the call of the trustees.

Ciias, P. flow Pastor. iiuiri.usiiLi.ts. We were exceedingly glad to seo so many turn out and attend the county picnic on last Saturday. HveryLody present fcc-md lo enjoy themselves and also tho way the meeting was conducted.

We were very glad to seo our editor, Mr. C. M. Nichols, on this occasion. Mr.

Stella Grincr Is visiting nt her home. Mr. Mike Welch, a young man of near this place, was terribly beaten by some unknown person to us while at tho Fair Grounds at Springfield, Saturday. Mr. Welch Is highly respected in this vicinity, and was considered very cpulet and peaceful young Tan; therefore we extend our sympathy in his oehalf.

Miss Louie Ilges, the handsome and accomplished young lady ot near this ilttce, will leave for Canudt some time this week where she will probably remain for some time. She has our best wishes to accompany her on her journey. Itev. Mr. Symans, Mise Anna Ferrie, Miss Louie litres, Miss Sallie mid lllla Kiirg, were theguestaot Mr.

Orrin Steinharger Monday last. Miss Hattio Neer is visiting in Springfield this week. Site will go thcuco to her homo In St. Paris, Ohio-Miss Annie Hallentine, of Mad Iilvcr Valley, la lu the suburbs the guest of Mrs. Win.

Trunk. Miss Itosa Ztrkle, of near I.awrencevlllo, is iu tho suburbs the guest of Mrs. Col-well. Mr. nnd Mrs.

II. A. Domer is visiting in tho neighborhood. Mrs. Kmery Kiser entertained a number of guests at her residence last Wednesday evening by way of grand ice cream supper.

The Misses Carrie and Annie Stelnman, of near I.awreitceville, were in the suburbs the 1th tbo guests of Miss Annie Herman. Mr. Mttleman, tho wondderful nlto singer of Urbaoa, exhibited Borne ot his wondrrful alto talents at Victory School-house, Wedttet-day evening last. Iter. Mr, Iscr, of Diyton, 0., preached a powerful and touching sermon at Victory Sabbath-school Sunday last.

A Unking I'owiler Trick. All kinds of schemes and tricks are re-sorted to oy unprincipled persons to obtain unfair atlvantages over thefr neighbors. The latest and most dishonest of thetu thnt has come to our nollccis one by which certain raanti'acturers of baking powders have sought to prejudice consumers against the use of other brands that have an established reputation ns the best nnd purest In the market, lor the purpose of introducing their own. Their method, we aro Informed, is to heat can of baking powder of a wtll-known brand over it lamp or stove, when, If thtru is a gas given off having the odor of ammonia, the powder is condemned ns being made ol ammonia and unfit for use. The prejudices of tho unsuspecting aro thus excited against tho baking powder submitted to the so-called test, nnd the grocer who has a quantity of It on hand suffers aserious loss in consequence.

If the Intelligent consumer will stop a moment to think, she will readily perceive that this "test," it successful, proves nothing but tho supeiiority of the baking iKiwder tested. The aim ol all baking powder makers is to produce an article that shall most readily, under use, give off Its leavening gas. The powder that does Ibis with a molernle heat, at the same time evolving the largtst (pian-tity, is scientifically the best. There is probably not an article pre-pared for food that can not bo manipulated to prove that something Is wrong nbout it and when a person go into a kitchen or be-loro a housekeeper who Is not to bu presumed to understand chemical iclatlons, and performs an experiment ol even the simplest character, It is not difficult to impress one that something ttw ful Is tbo As to baking powders, we could suggest a dozen tests that would boas ridiculous in giving fa Idea of rtttir relative merits to itu mind as the ouo here mentioned. The true domestic value of a biking pow.

tier consists in ltd purity, wholcsomentsj and leavening power. It is only tbo chemist, wlih bis chemical appliances, who ran determine these qualities scientifically and oxactly. Aside from this, tho best test fur it baking powder is to try it in making bread, and sen which makis the moBt and llto liest. To this practical test all the established brands have been put, and housekeepers have very generally madu up tbelr minds which they prefer, and the tricksters will find ultimately that a brand that has been a household favorite for years will not bo dlsplnctd by reason of any tricks they may show. 'Uniaaeat Mnn In Alabama." "De crosses! man In Alabamn lives dnr," Enid the driver ns we npproachcil a waysldn home, near Selma, to ask ncioinmndn lions for tho night.

At siiper and niter it, "mine host" scowled nt every one, found fault with everything earthly, anil I was wondering If bo would not growl If thohenvinly halo didn't fit him, whrn Incidental mention lielng made of the comet of 1H82, he fitld "I didn't like Its form, Its tail should hnto been fan shaped Hut, next morning, be appeared half offended at our offering pay for his hospitality I My companion, however, mado him accept ns a present sample from his case ol goods. Six weeks later, I drew up at the snmo homo. The planter stepped llthrly from the porch, and greeted mo cordially. I could scarcely believe that this clean-complcxioned, brlght-ojed, animated fellow, and tbo morose being of a few weeks back, wcro the same. Ho iuiulrcd alter my companion of tho former visit nnd regretted ho was not with me.

"Yes," said his wife, "wo are both much Indebted lo him." 1 How?" tasked, In Burprlse. "For this wonderful change in my husband. Your friend, when lenving, handed mm a pottle or Warner safe cure. He took II, and "And now," be broke in, "from an ill-feeling, growling old War, I am healthy and so cheerful my wife declares she has fallen In lovo with me again It has made over again a thousand lovo matches, nnd keeps sweet the' tempers of tho family circlo everywhere. Copyrighted.

Used by permission of the American Hural Home. rULT.Uir MPUINdH. Olbo Humphreys has returned homo from Ann Arbor. lid. Lcavitthas come up from Cincinnati to siend a few weeks here with his parents.

Miss Saran Hagnr, one of Antloch's music teachers has got to spend the summer with friends In and about Hotton. The last exodus from the north dormitory occurred Saturday. Mrs. D. Chombers started for Dayton, Miss Kvelyn Darling, for Chicago and Miss II.

Guthrio for Mitchell, Dakota. Mls Pearl Means has returned from New York where she has been attending school. Ilefore returning she spent scvernl days with Iriends on the sen shore. The outlook for attendance at the scrnmer normal Is very good. Tho pedagogues will undoubtedly make it lively after next Monday.

Yellow Springs has a new tonsorial artist. Tho town is now well supplied in this line and we may expect to tie relieved of tho nuisance of awaiting our turn. Professor William McGinnls stopped over several days to see his friends here as he was on his way to visit relatives in Drcsicn. Ho is now Professor of Mathematics in the State Normal School at Kirksville, Mo. Tho frtutees of that institution have shown their appreciation of him by electing him for three yenra at it salary of $1,500 a year.

Civil service reform has been beautifully exemplified in the removal of Mrs. McNair, most efficient officer and a soldier's widow, from the post-office, and the a'ppointment of a Democrat in her place. Opinions have been nired pietly Ireely, and they seem unanimous that there exist no grounds for charges against Mrs. McNair. An attempt is Win? made to find out upon what grounds the removal Is based, but as yet it Is without results.

Dr. Baldwin, the man appointed, will probably make good officer, but tho suspicion ol trickery is too strong to allow Unpeople to receive any man with open nrms all In hurry. In this regard the Xcuia Ga7ette's correspondent does not truly represent the siate of the public mind. Tho glorious Fourth was celebrated on the Neff grounds In orthodox fashion. There was no speaking.

Otherwise nbout the usual program was rendered, wiib two or three ltchts by variation. We were not present, and reports of the fights aro so various that no do not venture lo repeat any ot them. No very-serious Injuries were inflicted. The greater prrt of the crowd was from Diyton. We saw enough from a distance to know that the parlor of the Neff HotiBe was thrown opon for dancing and was full, that the irrepressible small boy with fire-cracbers, tbo man with the wheel of fortune nnd the spoony young eouplo from tho country, were all there, each attracting a due amount of attention.

In the evening the prop-ietor of the Yellow Springs House entertained his many guests by a brilliant display of fire-works. NltUTII HAAIVION. Mr. II. P.

Whitney and wife spent Friday and Saturday of last week at Coviugton, 0. Mrs. Joe Richards is still very sick. Some think sbo will not recover. Mr.

nii Davis raised the frame work of his now cam last Friday. Janus Helman Is doing the carpenter work. Mr. John Pierce and George Sparrow, from Springfield township, were in tin neighborhood Monday delivering some photographs made last week and making more negatives. Tbo band boys will hold a festival next Saturday evening.

Several other bands are expected to attend. The temperance meeting Tuesday evening was addressed by Itev. J. H. Davis, Tomliu' llodkiu and others, and was very interesting.

The Hoard ol Homo and Foreign missionr, M. 1'. church, closed its session yesterday afternoon. The reports showed that the foreign work In Japan is In prosperous condition, also the Home is proceeding vigorously and encouragingly. Tho appropriation for the year is $20,000, and tho session just closed was harmonious and encouragingly succe-st-ful.

Kupubllcnu Central Ciiinuilltce. There will be a meeting of the Republican Central Committee Saturday, July 11,1885, nt 2 p. at lite usual pi ce. Husitiess of importance will bo transacted, livery member is requested to be prejent. Jons W.

PiinoNs, Chairman. Jamis P. Goodwin, Secretary. LOCAL NOTICLa. A Wiilkliii; Skeleton, Mr.

II. Springer, of Mecbanitsburg, writes: "I was afflicted with lung fever and abscess of lite lungs, and reduced to a tcalk-my tktleton. Got a free Irial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consumption, which did mo so much good that I bought a dollar bottle. Alter using three bottles, found myself onco more a man, completely restored to health, with a hearty appotlto and gain in llcth of forty-eight pounds.

Call at Chas. Ludlow's Drug Store nnd get a free triul bottle ot this certain cure for all lung diseases. Large battles $1. Tliuuaamla hay So. Mr.

T. W. Alklns, Girard, writes. "I never hi si tain to recommend your Hlec trie Hitters lo my customers; they give entire sat-isfa, tlon, and are rapid sellers." lllectric-Hitters aro tho purest and U-st medicldo known, and will positively cure kidney and liver complaints. Purify the blood and regulate the bowels.

No lantily can allord to bit without them. They will save hundreds ol dollars in eloetor's bills every year. Sold at fifty cents bottle by Chas. Dudlow, llucklen'a Arulcu Naive, Tho best salve In the world for Outs Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively enres Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, Price 25c.

ier box. For tale by Charles Ludlow. DRY GOODS i CARPETS Good Calico only 3c. Goods in All Departments at Speaking Prices. CARPETS.

CARPETS. The largest stock of Carpets in the city at the lowest prices. New Carpets received every day. We solicit a call. Respeo tiill BLACK, BROTHER CO.

Til IU AN It THAT. How vain the loving darts that fly From u'en the most bewitching eye, Unless the teeth aro pure and bright And ever kept a snowy white. If jou would save jour teeth from harm, In SOZODONT you'll find lite charm. IHaimilul. nmt t'eurla.

Ilyes bright as diamonds should be supplemented by teeth white as pearls, and this latter element of beauty can be secured by using SOZODONT. II brushed In night and morning this fragrant vegetable preparation Is guaranteed to preserve the soundness of tho teeth and prevent their turning yellow. The development this season in bousc-pninting is gteen rools, and umber and primrose are the fashionable colors lor wood houses. Itf.ciiod from Dentil. William J.

Coughltn, of Somervllle, sajs: In the fall ot 1870 I was taken with bleeding of lungs followed by a severe cough. I lost my appetite and flesh, and was confined to roy bed. In 1877 1 was admitted to tho Hospital. The doctors said I had a hole in my lungs as big as a half dollai. At ono timo a report went around that I was dead.

I gave up hope, but fiiend told me of Dr. William Hall's Balsam for the Lungs. I got a bottle, when, to my surprise, I commenced to feel better, nnd today I feel better than for three years past. f-'pecial conclave tomorrow evening of Palestine Comjiandery No. 3.1, K.

at which tho Temple degree will bo conferred. Visiting Sir Knights corteously Invited. Tour IlltAlhl 1'lckeil Up. "I was a poor invalid." writes Mr. S.

T. Thornton, of Oxford, N. C. I used Hrowu's Iron Hitters, nnd think it Is a fine tonic. It has had Bitch a wondertul effect en mo that I am now able to walk about with the greatest eate." This was a ease of dreadful debility.

Other people who nro troubled as Mr. Thornton was, are reminded thnt any druggist will sll them Brown's Iron Hitters nt a dollar a bottle, and they might ns well recover their health nnd strength. A Springfield druggist recently received and filled large order from I.os Angeles, California, for Icecream powder, for making ice cream. It isn't reapers and mowers, threshers, wind mills and conventions only tl. it aro building up llto Champion City's reputation throughout tho length nnd breadth of the 1 tnd.

LOCAL NOTICES. "All's well that ends Mr. Hugh Fleming, of Holvoke, thought he was never going to get well. Chronic indigestion i was what was the matter with him. He! l.i wiru mi umujr rcmruies wiiuoutavau mat-he began to lose hope.

Then some one told him that Mtshler's Herb Bitters was guaranteed to cure just such cases as his, and ho concluded to make another trial. He did so, Hnd now he is glad of it. For it ended well in his case, unci he is now a healthy man. About every person has some form of scrofulous poison intent in his veins. When this' develops into scrofulous sores, ulcers or erup-' tlon, or takes the form of rheumatism or or-1 gaitic the suffering that ensues is ter-i riblo bejonil description, Hence the grati-i tudo of those who diEcover, as thousands jenily do, that Ayer's Sarsapanlln will thor-' oughly eradicate this evil from the system.

Von nc Men I Mead This. The Voltaic Itrlt of Marshall, offer to send their celebrated Electro-Voltaici Holt and other Klectric Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men (youug or old) afflicted with nervous, debility, loss ot vitality and manhood, and all kiudred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other diseases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred ns thirty days trial is allowed.

Write them at once for illustrated pamphlet tree. To most children tho bare suggestion of a doseol casloroilis nauseating. Why not, then, when physio is necessary for the little ones, use Ayer's Cathartic Pills? They combine every essential and valuable principle of the cathartic medicine, and, being sugar-coaled, are easily taken. A tlreat Kl.iuverjr. Mrs, Hmiua Clark's Hair Restorer removes dandruff Irom the scalp and renders it perfectly healthy.

It will euro all diseases of the scalp, also cures neuralgia headache, nervous headache and removes pimples from the face, restores gray hair to its natural color and produces a luxuriant growth of the hair. This preparation is perfectly free from poisonous drugs. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. This Hair Hestorer Is prepared and sold by Mrs. Emma Clark, South Charleston, Clark county, Ohio, or her an-tboriiid agents.

Agents wanted. Give it a trial. Pricel per bottle. For tale by Ad. Hakbaus Druggists, 2.1 Main Btreet, and 11.

II. Wolfe, corner Market and High streets, Theo. Troupe and T. J. Casper.

When thn blood cirries its duo proportion of each of the acids, alkalies and other elements of which it Is composed, tierfcct and painless health Is tho result. Let tbo proportions la- hanged by the Imperfect working of one or more of the Ital organs, and Inllam-ntatiou, putt, weakness and disease are the result, Dr Carpenter's Calculi He-solvent at-tacks the sent of disease iu the vital organs, sj1 Amove the foreign substances (Calculi) that impede their action, thus banishing lite inflammation and restoring the organs them, selves to perlect working order, Asa conie-qtience, tho constituent elements ot the blood are soon restored to their proper proportions, and polu, liillautmation and disease vanish, Sold by J.J, Hrown, BLACK BI10. ct CO, Good Gingham only 3c. Good Brown Muslin 4c. A Helmltllo Alan Would use Kemp's Halsam for llto Throat and Lungs.

It Is curing more cnes of Coughs, Astnma, llronchltis, Croup and all Throat and Lung Troubles, thin any other medicine. The- proprietor hni authorized Dr. T. J. Casper, Druggist, to refund your money 11 after taking three-fourths ot bottle, relief a nnt l'ri, n.

41 nn T.i.,1 I sire free. A liKMAlll.K AI11ICI.K. For enterprise, push nnd desire to gel such goods as will give the trade satisfaction, Ad. Uakhaus tho Druggists, leads all competition. Wo sell Dr.

liosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, because it is the best medicina on tho market, for Coughs, Cold, Croup nnd Primary Consumption. Price dC cents nnd $1.00. Samnlcs free. Out Hour Sporti, With the opening of the tenron of outdoor sports comes the time of trouble for the poor victims of Hay Fever r.nd Itoso Cold. For them lljwers have no odor, and the summer little or no beauty.

To snuff', sneeze and wipe their weeping eyes for three or four successive mouths this is their pitiable portion. There Is no help In pca-voj ages, there Is no help in high mountain air. Hut theic is a positive cure in IIIj's Cream Halm. Try it. If you continue to suffer it is because you neglect a remedy as sure ns it is cheap nnd plcannt.

It Una Nil Smart Weed nnd Helle donna combined wills the other ingredients utod in the licst porous plasters make Carter's S. W. li. Ilai-kaclic Plasters the best in the matket. Price 2j cents.

ton piiu" Piles nro frequently prf eii I a ense cf weight In tho back, liibis an i 1 wr part of the abdomen, cacalt thi tut, suppose helms some cflectio.i ot the 1 ldueya or neighboring orgnns. At limes, symptoms of indigestion are present, tl tuhnit, ifviucfs of the stomach, i to. A moi tu.e, like per-epirntion, producing very dif u-reenble itching, after pelting vurri, is common attendant. Illiud, lil'eclmg nnd Itching Pili yield at once the of Dr. Bosanko'e Pile Itemedy, v.

I tin. a ts directly upon the parts nllieti aim rbing the Tumors, allaying the intem-e it hing, nnd effecting a permanent i tire. Price 60 cents. Soli by Ad. Bakhans Co.

T.D.KING, M.D. No. 8 West High St. irtrrna a gSSpPiSfcRJ lrn ti MW to iuirs.l "i jnauitDH'd nii wm ll SSVSr mum TlKprfr in I riot IS UiiUl.iui.wirtlllM.Jlt. C.HII!lni.A Iti.i Co tllsV Ohio.

Sol I Diaremi. SSJJt W. rtmltli. A cent. MEDICAL.

ELY'S CREAMBALM Clean sou tho Ilontl. Allays I it fl a in it Ion, llenls (ho Sores, It 8 ch the Sense of Tnstc Jk (Julck ic 1'oxlTlTe Cure. Hfty cent, at Jruniiliti; CO cent, byuiall rrgln- fered, Hend for rlrr-uLr. buuiU by may 10 KI.Vni.iiTHKItH Urucgltc, eWgo, W. Y- McMoriagle Rogers' N- Y.

Their ItviiK rniiiinriiils tin in to till Iiivom of iim: li.tMiits vvhllo I'C'oiioiiiUm npiucfititii tlio Itiet that their (UK tr II KM! I II riiliireit ho ue of hut II ui' Tin: cjuamii nf ordinary Flavoring Ktrnc'ls. Thi'iriiwn merit- tiro their bust iidvcrtUciuc'iit. BALLS COBSETS llie OW.Y (imrr itlu Hint cnu bo rt'tuimtl by III iisjitiihimt am "a m'lir ii mil lUUIiil PtRFtCTLV SATISFACTORY In ft 'In it, uiul It. fill, Ittulo lu it v.iltty (r iilul I'lliiH. Stil I t.y nr.t-tlaM vvvrywhirv Ik viirn nf rllikb.

Iiiiltntlch. ont- IT, num. uiil, It linn li.ll'. immnua I tin box wn'bAuu buitrtt i.nioaaoa III. I Catarrh fTym aayx.

usji.1 HAY-EEVER Wimz Bleached Muslin 3c. hllKHIFFS HAI.K. IJUIISUANT to the command or an onler of ante In partition from the Uourtof Common Hi'hh of Clark county, Ohio, ami to mo illrecteil and delivered, 1 will odor for Kale at public auction on the premlaea In trie cltr of Hjirliiisllild.on Sittnrilny, II, A. I. IRKS, at 1 o'clock p.

the laud and tenement lit wild petition deerlbed, to-wlt: All Hint tract of land lying between tlio prpinlw-N heretofore conveyed to I.oulsa 1 otter by John II linker oy deed, recorded In vcilttmei 71, pogea 613 and ell, Deed Records or Clark county, Ohio, and now occupied by her anil her liithbanil, and Weatern avenue, extending finrn Maiden lane north ono litin-drnl and tlrty feet to an alley alxteen feet wide, said tract being more particularly de-acrllied an follows: Being altuated In the Halo of Ohio, county of Clark, and city of HprlliKllelil. unci beKlnnlngat the northwest corner of Maiden lane and intern avenue; Ihencu running weat along the north, line o( Maiden I line two hundred and eluhtv-nlne and aeventy-fonr oni-lnindrelliH ffi 7l-10t) feet to it utate; thence north parallel with Wehtern avenue one hundred and fifty feel ton Blxlecn foot alley; thence mat parallel wltlt Maiden lane two hundred and eighty nine and Kcventy-four one-hundretha pJ 71. lt)l leet tn Weatern avenue, thence aoittU along tlio lino of Western avenue one hundred itud fifty feet tothe place of beginning Anil, also, the following tract: HelngRltu. tiled In the county or Clark In the afnteo' Ohio and In the city of Springfield, and bounded and desoilbeil as follows: Being part of tlienorth half of tbeaoutliweKtciuiir. tt-r of aeetlon nuinlier live 5), township number four (1), range number nine of land, lying between the Mlnml rlvem; beginning at a ktone planted on a monument at the HOUlhenst corner of aatd half quarter or Keetioti iiforerald; lit onco vanning with the south Imundary line thereof north M' 30', west .11 62 lnopolei to atone; thence north IV.

east 4f 4U-1U0 pole, to a atone nn a line ot huidi conveyed to John A 1). huyder; thence wit Ii the unme sonth 78, ea.l H-lii) pole a to stone; tttenco with another of their line north east 24-100 poles to a stone on flippant boundary Hue ol quarter at mild fttjdei'H must southeasterly corner: thence lonth 1, weat 68 'Jl 1110 poles to tho place of Itogimiliig; containing eleven acres nnd one-fnurlli (U'f moreor T. lleaervlng Irom the nlnve described premises a atrip of ground thirty-three Ul) feel wide, extending iilong tlio south side thereof, for a public roaii, donated and set apart for that purpose by agreement hetwpi-n wild grantora (lleehlla lielrslnnil Mary 8. It. Turner, dated February UV).

and recorded in volume 27, pages I'Jl and fii. Deed Kecordaof Clark county, Ohio; being tho same premises conveyed to John I). Iltlkcr by Rarub 1). lieobtal and other, by deed, recorded In volume ZT, pages 430 and Ml, Deed It. corJs or Clark comity, (Ihlo: excepting and reervlng from the above described tract the tiact of land herein flrt described.

Also, excepting a tract of land con. lalning one acre, sold hy John I), linker to Susan bittltli and Luvina U. Thompson by deed, datexl Mays, lsrj, and recorded In vol. nine fill, ivnge 1J, Deed Heconla of Clark county, Ohio. Also, excepting the tract of land ronv eyed by John I), llllkor lo ulsa Fetter by deed dstcd November island recorded In volume 71, pages M3 and CiH, Dei-d ltecorda of Clark county, Ottlo.

That part of the above dtscrllxsl premUea uu tract 1, appraised That part nf the above described premises ns tract No. 2, appraised nt Terms of sale One-tbtrd cash and bnlanco In tw iutl annual paynieuts; deterred payments to bo secured by mortgage nn tlio premises Hold, And said premise will tie offered In tuo tracts, and ics a whole, and sold lu tho way which will realise tho most money. Hald nlmve described premises to be sold by order of the Conrt of Common l'leasofCinrfc count Ohio, Incase No. 77J, wherein Will-lain Illlker ct al. nre petitioners and Ueorge 1).

Illlker pt al, are defeitdanta. WILLIAM JJ. BAKKIt, Sheriff, Clark County, Ohio. Oscau T. Mautin, Attorney.

SlIDUIFl-S BALK. 1)UR4UANT tothe command. of an execution issued from the Court of Common 1 lea. of Clark County, Ohio, and to mo directed and delivered, I will ofler for sale at nubile auction, at Ibe south door of the Court House ol said county, In the city of Sirlnglleld, Ohio, oni Saturday, 11, A. I.

1KH.1, At one o'clock p. in. the following described mort-l g.gpil to-wlt: Minuted In the county of Clsrk, State of Ohio, and cltr of bpriDgtleld, and described as to-wlt: lielng lot No. 1,111, as thetsmels numbered and designate 1 on Win. S.

Thompson's addition to said city of prlnglleld, and fronting tDVi feet ou the west side of Norlh Yellow he riugs street stiJ extending back 101 feet to an alley. eald above described premises appraised at fJ.CKI id above described psemlses to be sold by order of Court of Common Pleas of Clark county, on llie JuJgiiient and order of sale of Jacob Hells, rroM-ioiltloncr Incase No. 7,302, wherein Christian Mjer plalntttt and Everett J. Made et al. ura defendants.

'leriusof sale Cash. William R. Hikkb, 8 terltl Clark County, Ohio. J. YVakkkn Kstt'xa, Attorney, BANKINU.

Maverick National Bank, Boston, yi.tx.HH. Capital, $400,000 Surplus, $400,000 AccouiiU ItdiisTS, Ha niters anil Mercantile firm recrhetl, aud Imalnrna connected with bnk- itw no) kited l.ot tluu torresjvon.lent, City Hank, A Si. i'OTTLH. I'rea. W.

Wokk, BAKERY. YOU WILL FIND NOW IJ3 EAST MAIN STREET, Where You Will Kind NICE AND FRESH GOODS In Abundance. l'AKTIES SOCIALS A SPECIALTY. Ui. Call and see lie Handsomest lee Cream Tartar In the Stale.

PATENTS. PAUL, A. STALEY, Attorney and Expert IN PATENT OASES. SOLUM OH OP PATENTS. Iioom Arcndo Xluliaiiitf.

LOBENHERZ BAKERY RAILWAY TIME TABLE BBS 3LjI3STE. OlerelsinJ, Oolnmbns, Olnrlnnntl svnit In. rtlnnnpolls tinlltriT. UKKAT CENTKAL TCLNK KOU1K. Hetween tho BAST AND rbrotijrh cars, with oonncctloms In Union Iiepot.

Onlj direct line tU Cleveland, Itultslo tnd III Sf falls to New York and few Kniland. Ulrect connections for all Houthern, HoittliwetU em and iVestorn points, either war ofCtacln-ustl, Indianapolis or Bt. touts. Fast Time, New and running through the most wt'-lar part of the oountrj; posseulog every appliance for speed and comfort known to be service able. The Best Mead-Bed anil the Safest Head la lh.

West. Tickets br this popular rout lor ami. at all regular ticket offloea. A. J.

SMITH, General Passenger Acent. Cleveland, Ohio. CCC. I. HALLWAY.

Tr.liu Lsivs Qolif Xut. NlfUt KxpreM Hill a Uel. IXil. 7:60 N. Y.4 lUwtoii Kxpreas fV.miu Cluelnnutl A Y.Vul Line.

ru (Jlevelmi 1 'ani 1,1 ue. tVJipm IriltiLo.rsOolsg Huts. Midnight Expreni a.S" a Cincinnati and Ht. Louis Llm a BtirlnnBeld A Cincinnati 8:15 urn Ulnclunatl Kant Line 12. ll r-outhern Kipreee J.lipm Dayton, Cln.

Ei, in Hp'fd. Cln. Aocum, Hunelay only. Iiajton, Springfield and Iiol. Accom.H.

7:10 la Trilm Arrlvi Tnm Colli. Midnight Ezprees 12-3am Diyton, Hpg. and IH-1. Aecom ni N. A iHxilon Kxprew 0.60 in Ulu.

AHprlugUeld Expreew Cleveland Kaet Lino. 3.35 rm Hprlngflelil Aocom. Cln. A N. Y.

Kant Uneu. 8pM. A Cln. Sunday only. Iflipn Tritu Anltt Irta Itit.

Night 2:23 a Clntl and St Louis Llm "10 a in Cincinnati FaM Southern Kxpretw. 8:15 pm Columbus, Deluware A Dayton Ac. 7:10 These trains ate the only onew running on Sunday. Train leaving at 950 a. rn.

has through sleeping oar to lioston and Kovr York with out change. The train leaving at 3:85 has parlor ear to Cleveland, ounuectlug with tne through sleeper to New York: and Ilo-tcn. Truln leaving Sprlngflelcl nt VIO has uleener lo New Yolk williout change. All trains run uy Central standard Time which Is a minutes slower than Springfield time. II.

Kniuut, Ticket Agent, Arcade Depot, HOUTE. TUE GREAT THROUGH ROUTE BETWEEN THE EAST, WEST, NORTH AND RUNNING 3 thou tmmi ihiiis 3 rail each way, wmi Elegant New Stylo Woodruff Sleepers, And Combination Sleeping and Reclining Chair Cars on Night Trains And Elegant Modern (Caches on Day iratns. Steel Kails, Miller riattoriiwand Couplers, Air Jlrakes ami all Modern Improvement Shortest Uli.1 Most Desirable ltontc He tltMii tho and West. Through Tickets unit Itagguge Checks to nil l'rluclpist I'oluts. Particular ndrantsses orlered to Western Emigrants.

Land and luurist Tickets to all polat reached by any line. l'aiieiiger trains leaiu Springfield, from Unfon Depot ss tioing East, 6 03 a.m., a.53 a. 5:25 n. ni. 9:13 n.

doing West, 3:20 a. 11:35 a. in. Cjoing Norlh, 2.35 a. in 10:00 a.

ui 6:20 p. ni. Uoln? South, C). S. K.

it, a. 5:3.. n. m. Trains arrive: 1-rom 10a.

11:15 a. p. m. 1-rom Wc.t,2 10 ni 0. 15 a.

M) n. in. From 1:50 a. 'u p. in.

1-ioiu South in. tl. K. Iltiiiilrrniiii, II. H.

Hronitou. lien'l Manager. Ilen'l liisel Agt, U. II. Agont, 8prii.Kllcld, O.

Ohio Southern Division, Trains Arrive from Jackson and.Waihlnglo.i t. Sprlngl'ld It it. Time, No. I (enept Sunday) p. m.

1:30 p. rn No. a (except bundaj) 10:10 a. m. 5:50.

a. Trslas Dssart for Jiclnon and WiihlngDa bpringf'ld K. K. lime. Time, No.

2 (except Sunday) 11 :45 a. m. 10.30 m. No. 4 (except Sunday) 5:55 p.

ru. 6.S5 p. ui N. Y. 1-.

St O. KAILWAY. Trslas Lsas ols- Last K.E. Time, No. 2 accomm.

dailr, except Sundar 4.50 D.m. No. 4, N. Y. Limited dalljr ru.

No, 8, New York Express p. ni, Trslas Lisvt going Wait, R.B. Time. No. Cln.

Express dally No. 5, St. E. Eimiled Express dally. m.

No. 4 leaving here at a. hi. arrives In New York the next tuoriiliig at 11:00 a. m.

24 huurs through tu New ork without rhange of cars. For tickets lo all points North, South, East and West and further information, call on J. I). I'm kiikr, Agent; ottico In St. James Hotel, Free hacks (rum city to deot for all passenger going east 10 miles or beyond.

Leave order for hack at ticket otlice one hour before departure of train. TilE 31tl3A.T PAft HANDLE ROUTE! (J. ii St. L. Hallway.

l. M. Dhisiiiii Siiriiit'llclil Branch. No. 1.

Fast Line. o. 11. IICBl Express, No. 7.

Western Express. No. fi. Pepartltg. Limited Express.

LT-Pprln'- f1Id Lv. l. spr'gs Ar. Xenla Ar. Ar.

Column's Ar.Cincln. Ar. Louisr'le t7.10am 1.15pm 4.3Cpu 5 00pm C.2onm 7.5'Jpm 7.45pm l.uuam 8.35pm 9.30pia l.i.'am ll.iciaui 7.5Vatu ll.UiUm S.I'j.liu 10.00am 11.20pm 10.30am Z15pm l.oupm No. 9, Ijstern Express, leaves Springfield 8.40 a. Yellow springs 9 01 a.m.

Arrive Xeula HO (I V.w w. UIIUIUUll.llilVO, III. No. 6. no.

o. 6. No. i. Arriving.

Ijiatom local Day Col'bus Express Express. Express. Express. Lv, I.oulav'le 7.25am 2f0pm Lv. Cilu 7.2o4L! 2.pia 7.15pm Lv.

t'olumb's 12.55pnt Ly. s.Wam 4 15pm t8.60pm tl SOpra Et. Xenia. 5.4uptu 10.15pm 2.40pm Ar. Y.

bnr'gs 9.5Sam CWpin 10.31pm 8.0eipm Ar. I0.2uaiu C.30mu ic.65pm 8.30pm No. 10. Accouintodation. Iasva.

Xonl. a. m. Arrire Yellow springs 0.15 i. in.) Spring-held 7.00 a.

rn. Dally. tlHy except Sunday. Train No. 1 makes Immediate connections at Xenla for Washington U.

11., Chltllcolhe, Cincinnati and Columbus, No9 Is the Fast Eastern Express, making immediate connections at Xenia for I'liuburg, Ilarri.burg, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, ltoston, all Eastern and New England points. Also through car service for Cleveland. No. II makes dlect connections at Xenia for Cincinnati, Louisville and points South; through trains for Men-mond, lualanapoils, Ht. Louis and joints West.

No. 5 Is the famous Limited Express and makes direct connections at Xenia lor Columbus, Hits burg, Ilarrlsburg, Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia, New York, lloston, all Eastern aui New Englsnd inputs, also Immediate connection (or Cleveland, llutlalo, Niagara Falls, Albany and Syracuse, No, 7, Fast Line. Western and Houthern Express, making Immediate connection, at Xenia tor Cincinnati, Louisville, CliaJtsnooia Nashville, Memphis, and New Orleans, and for Itichmond, Chicago, and point lu the North and Northwest; Indianapolis, Bt. Louis, Kansas lily atid points In the West and Southwest. All trains run ou Central time, which Is 25 minutes slower than city time.

Tickets sold and baggage checked to all KilnU In the United States, and reliable Information, can he obtained at the office of the Company's Agent, this city. 1'arUcular Information as to time of train eonnsa-ttons, rates, cheerfully furnished. Call cm J.M.HINKH.City Ticks Agent. AH. MeCUEA.

osanagsr. E. Fobd, Usntrsl FaiMUgsr AgstU. Liiiiir iS Kr33833RHnK 55TeSP? mT" wim t'i- 4 ji-m -win i sMi i isy.n.iiiijiiMiji.'ni'i' i A jutes' TZZFzmm.

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