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Reading Times from Reading, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Reading Timesi
Reading, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


THE Mill ELECTION, REPUBLICAN MAJORITY 5,000. Returns From II!) Tjwns Republican majorities on Nlate Ticket Hell need. Tort land, Sept. 13. Portland gives Couoer, Egberts, 2,501, Deniocatio majority, 115 against last year's Republican majority of 1G3.

The following places give Democratic ties Cape Elizabeth, 130; Deering, 00; a gain of 51; Bangor gives Huberts, a majority of 123. Two Democrats and cne Republican are elected to the Legislature. Ia 1S70 Roberts carried the city by over sii hundred. East Port eives Conner 2iSl, Roberts 1311. llelfast eives Roberts 503 end Conner 501 Democratic gain ot 210 over last year.

ISrideeton. Conner 3C2, Roberts 21)8. Auzusta elves Conner 943. Roberts 773, an elects two Republican members of the LegUla tn re. The Republicans carry Ssco by 171 majority tor Conner, and elects one democrat to the islature.

South Berwick gives Roberto a majority of 37, and elects all the Democratic candidates for the Legislature. SECOND PISfATCH 1 PORTLAND, Sept. IS. BimU'ford is cur ried by the Democrats by 197 majority f'o: Koberta. Two Democrats elected to the Legislature.

Twenty towns civ Coiner, 5,029 Roberts, Dem Ia 1874 tliebt! town Republican, and Democratic: lttpublicau nini'inty WJ against came time last year. Republican loss 331. Forty towus Hive Conner, 12,470: Rober 11,381. Last year the same lovrns gave a Itepnblican vote oi 10,11, and a Democratic vote of 8.7(10. showing l.OD li ipublioiin majority in 1875, Hiriinst in 187 1 or a kws ot'ol) per cent.

THIRD DISPATCH. roRTI.ANii. Sep. 13, n. m.

Sixty town give Conner, Republican, Rob erts, Ddinocrat, 30. List year the Kepnbli can vote was 13,357, and the Democratic vote was lO.oSo. DISPATCH. Portland, 8jpt. 13.

Witn the eieep tionof six towus whicli give sixty two Repub lican majority last year, Anurtscoggin o.iuii returns 623 majority for Coiner rjinst7(i." last year. lioth Sjnaiora, all the the county ollicers are Republicans, a of oue Republican. Lincoln county has gone Re publican by about 40 majority, paining three litpublican Representatives ar.u jusing one. The Rspublicaiu elect the Senator and Com missinner. Ii Waldo couutv, 10 out of 2tS towns givi Conner and Roberts 2,01 a gain of 181 lor the Democrats.

Probably 4 out of the Keprercntatives are elected by the latter, together with ttie Ueuators and the coanty ticket. Franklin county returns about 250 Republican majority and also a Senator and two Representatives. The Democrats eleot three Representatives. One hundred towns civs Conner 21 C20, and Riberts, Last year the Itspublicans liail Democrats, 14,228 Republican majority this year is 2, 1S2 against 4,514 last year. Ssveuteen towns in York county give Conner 115 majority, against a Republican majority last year of 737, a loss of 022.

Conner has probably carried Lie county by 150 majority against 745 last year. On hundred and twenty towus give Conner 2G.643, and Roberts 24,1111, agaiust 23,0 13 republican and 17,897 Democratic la 4 year. Seventeen out of twenty towns in Kenoibtc oouuty give Conner 4,404 ami Roberts Hancock county is veryclcsj, but is probably Democratic by about 50 majority. DISPATCH Portland, Sap. 13.

140 towns Conner 28,670: Roberts, 20,198, against, and 19,089 Democratic last year being a Republican uwjority of 2,472 against 6,505 last jeir. This indicates that the total umjotity which was over 11,000 will be this year not above There is but one Congressman to be elected namely in the 4'h District, to till the place ot llersey ileoeiful. Sufficient returns have not yet beea received to indicate the result but it will be Very close. The Republicans have probably carried 11 counties, and the Democrats 5, which will fairly represent the vote in the Semite, btiug a Democratic gain. A the Senate stood last year 28 Republic ins to A Democrats.

In the Mouse tuo Rupublicai do not seem to have lost. Mississippi Insurrection. A a Armed 11 ill of it I Tieaiou, Mini. Tho ArnilUK lu Hrir Defense. Mbmpius, Sept.

13. It is reported that two Arkansas ueproea registered them salvei as voters at, last Thursday, whereupon waniints were issued for their arrest. A constable with posse sought the negroes, and as they ran away Kvans and ISul'onl, two of the posse, fired on them. The negroes near Yreuttn, heating cf the all'iir, armed themselves anil demanded the surrender of livaus ami Ibrd or their arrest, which was promised, but no arrest was made. Aftei ward a Iargn bed of armed negroes gathered at Trenton nod threatened to hang County Treasurer Stewart and Jerry Robinson who had conic to pacify thsui.

The negroes also swore Jihiw against citizens, ami parties ot men from the surrounding towns have gone to Trenton to aul tin citizens theie. Murder, Arson, Stiicld A rather Kill HI Son, Nlioom 131a llaneuler and Hrls Htm 1111 fijrr. ACBl'RX, N. Sept. 13.

A terrible tragedy occurred in the town of Venice, iu this county, yesterday. Harris in Audrewj, fifty years or aje, went to the sleeping room of his son, aged nineteen years, who was asleep, and dealt him two murderous blows with a hatchet. The second blow crushed through the skull and probably injured the brain. He then aroused his two daughter and eh one of them through the abdamsn with a revolver, indicting a severe though not necewsrily fatal wound. The girls esoaped from the rouse aid aroused tha neighbors.

Andrews then pouiel a quantity of oil on the carpet anil set fire to the house, aud ended by oommitt'ng suicide, shooting himself through the head. The neighbors extinguished the tire and procured medical attendance for the wounded. The eon will hardly reeover. No motive for tin atrocious deed is known. Andrews had a violent and ungovernable temper.

The Red Cloud Commission. prof. Marsh Adducing Additional Kv' tlence. Washington, Sept. 13.

Tho Red Cloud Commission is hearing Mr. Roller, the beef contractor, this morning. Dr. C. C.

Cox, ho acted as special agent a ycaror so ago, will 1)3 examined next. Samuel M. Walker has been given till this evening to collect his evidence. I'rof, Marsh has named two additional witnesses whom be regards as important to his taie. Comaiiss'otier nith has a very full statement nady to read.

Tho Commission desire to linidh the evidence this week, Honey Market. NBW YORK, Kept. 13. Money easy at 1'h2. Oold lew, active and lower at Kxolmnire quiet at 4 811.

Governments dull but steady hi coupons, 123 64 coupon, lLsj; 65, 119; rew, USi; 67, 1201; new lives, 11, Urn forties, eoupon. 1178. Stocks closed active and lower and unsettled. N. V.

1043; F.rie, 17; Lake Shore, 54; Illinois Central, 974; Pittsburgh, 8fj; North Western, Preferred, 631; Rock Lland, 107J. Ullled by rremaliire IIIokI. Special to the Times and COHHHOHOCKHK, Sept. 13. Ivlwnrd Magulre, the boss quarryman at Judge Miller's stone quarry at West Spring Mill, was killed by the premature explosion of a bins', at noon to day.

European Crop Prospects. The Mttnntlon Reviewed by the Stark Lane Express. London, Sept. 13. The Mark Lane Eiqirtsi says there is little change In the wheat market.

Flour has recovered a frano in Paris and fine old wheat has risen one shilling per quarter. The French markets are unchanged. Belgium and Holland have given way in the new qualities about a shilling per quarter. In Germany and Hungary the tendency is downward. Odessa holders maintain prices in the hope of getting better ones.

It is expected that the imports will meet their necessities but as the season terminates it will be a close run. The Maryland Election. The BrifiKtriXlon Closed Heavier than rcr Many Year! rasa. WAsniSGTOK, Sept. 13.

An unusual interest has been developed in Maryland over the fall election. Registration closed in Baltimore on Saturday, and has been heavier than for a number of years past. Many persons who have been entitled to a vote for six or eight years registered for the first time. Heavy Suspension. t'n 1 1 11 re of the Lsrewt "iier Board ltalers In Am.airM.

New York, Sept. 13. The Krprm say Mallory Butterfield, the largest dealers in paper board in America, representing some fifty different mills, annonnced their suspension today. The creditors have agreed to allow the linn to continue business as usual wituout as' siguee or recsivcr. Violent Storm In Vermont.

Flfsy House umber Ioroyed." A of Llvea Lost. I'rge Monprllihr, Sept. IS. Violent storms have occurred iu this neighborhood aud great damage baa been done to the crops. A water spout destroyed fifty houses at St.

Chimase, Nino corpses have beea recovered but sixty persons are still missing. KoadlttK and Peuna. Hallway Stocfca, London, Jept. 13. A London dispatch says Pennsylvania Railroad shares have declined i per and are quoted now at 4 li.

Rsading Railroad shares have also declined li per the pme now being 504. 'I ho Birk County 1'alr. Bt'SY SCnNKS AT TUB FAIR GROUNDS ESTER' DAY KKCBIVINU ENTRIES FOB THE FAIB I.AROK NUM11BB OF BNTRIE8 BXCBLLENT FItObriilT FOR A FINE EXHIBITION. Yesterday the Fair Ground was the scene of bustle and excitement. Altnough the fair does not open until to dav, yet on Monday entries are received on the grounds, and articles ntcmiel lor exhibition are allotted positions the various departments.

Consequently thcra is always a large attendance 01 people on Monday, and goods in Urge quantities are inveyed to the 1'air Uronnd. iSotwithstaad ng the threatening weather yesterday, people commenced to arrive at an early hour. The Secretary and the different Committees were on hand at half past seven o'clock, and the taking of entries was immediately commenced which continued bnsKly tnrougnout tne day. The Committee on Room, Capt. Jacob Chairman, reported promptly, and owing to the excellent system that had been adopted, the interior of the main building; was speedily metamorphosed into a magnificent hall, with goods tastily displayed in the various departments.

As fast as the goods arrived they wete placed in position, and the long tables had con siderably filled up by evening. lu the house department, every stall was taken previous to three o'clock in the after oon, and a numujr ot applicants were tarnea way iu disappointment. In the cattle depart Qcut entries have been coming in slowly, but his branch of the Fair is expected to fill up to day so as equal to the display of any for mer year, la sheep and swine there promises to b9 a finer display than has been witnessed for sevetal years past. There will a very fine exhibition of poultry. Of the 120 coops at the command of the Society, all but thirty have boen taken.

Persons hav ii? poultry to exhibit accordingly mate pplication lor coops in good time to day. The iiiarnirns tuehsh department nave not yet den tilled, but will be supplied with trout. black bass, salmon, and other species of fish to day. The display in the plant department promises to be unusually fine, and the florists this city will vie with each other in making creditable appearance. In trait the tables were tpidly supplied, but there is still ample room tor more.

The season is early for some varic es of apples and pears, but still some very tine Elections are being exliibilel. In all the other departments there will be an excellent a y. At the time of closing the books last evening the number of eutries had swelled up to 841), which is 110 more than were entered on the lirst day last year. At the rate in which entries have been coming in, the total number will ex ceed two thousand. Eutries are being made in II the different classes in trials of speed, which lose at five o'clock this evening.

The entries in the four year old pnrse closed at five o'clock terauy alternoon. 1 ins race nlled witn lour nines, and will be trotted at two 0 clock this f.ernoon. Exhibitors will bear in miud that entries in all the departments, including speed of horses. nil close at live o'clock this alternoon, ana one ill be receifed after that hour. Artioles perishable nature such as pastry, butter ni cut 11 iwers can be entered to day.

but will beallowed time nntil nine o'clock to morrow miner, before they need be brought on the rpiuuds. No charge for admission to the grounds will to made previous to 10 o'clock this ninrning Season aud other tickets can be purchased At the principal hotels and stores, and this had better be done in order to avoid lie irreat ruih around the ticket oflioe at Fair G. oimd. At ten o'clock this morning the Cuniru Cornet Bind will make its appear ance upon the grounds, ond enliven the occa sion with music during the day. A number of stinguishel personages will visit the air urinj the week.

tierks Cuucly Fair Excursions. The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad an nouncen another olumn of this morning's imics Attn Dispatcii that extra passenger trains will be run for the accommodation of persons attending the Berks County Fair morrow auu on innrsuay between rottstown ad this city and Lebanon and this city. The ottstown train will leave that place at n.30 111.. aud arrive here at i) 30 a. returning; ill leave the now depot at 5.15 p.

arriving l'ottstown at li.15 p. m. and connecting with II stations on Colebrookdale Railroad. The bauon train will leave that place at 8 30 arriving here at 9 40a. and returning nve Ibis city at 5 30 p.

m. arriving in Lebanon 0 10 p. m. lioth these trams will stop at all 11 stations. At the Orphans t'omt.

of administration were granted vester ly to Catharine Luburg, widow ot the late tin IjUbum. ot llambarg. Inventories of the personal property of the ate James Miilhollnnd, of Reading, John No li er, of t'entre township, John ocuick, of leetwood, John Huyett, of Cumrn town have been bled in the t'nunty Ktgister a Dice. The personal estate of Mr. Millholland amounts to over $100,000.

1 he I ourt on Saturday anointed Samuel guardian of tierson, Reily, Cornelius ml Metta liickel, children ot the late Margaret ekcl, ol Cumrn township, Ituj Iklll 4'nnnl 'oal Tonnage. Fur llio week ending Saturday, Sept 11, 1S75. roin Rrlmylklll Haven 0,760 IS dti l'url CUiilon Total for week evlmistj tills year tn.oas is ,.181,647 03 Total 18 Tosuiiie time, last year OS tending Firemen at Lebanon, A co'Xinittee of the Junior Fire Company, of his city, left on Saturday for Lebanon, to take part in the anniversary of the introduction of atcr into mat oorougn. 1 ney presented tne rseverance Compauy of that place a frame of photographs, The Beview Yesterday. REVIEW AND INSPECTION OF THE SECOND DI VI8ION, N.

BY GOV. HAHTRANFT AND STAFF THE FINEST MILITARY DISPLAY IN BEADING! FOB YEARS. Yesterday opened inauspiciously. The night previous a rain set in, and when daylight came 11 was sun raining wiiu a prospect ui cuuuuu ins? throughout the dav. About 10 o'clock, however, the clouds broke away, and the sun came out elorinuslv.

and for the nurnoses of review and parade for the rest of the day the weather could not have been liner. The Second Division of the National Guard of Pennsylvania is composed of the military in Berks, Racks, Lehigh, Northampton and Mont winery counties. As vet Bucks has no repre sentation in the Division. It is commanded by Maj Uen. William J.

Bolton, ot Nomstown with Maj. M. M. Missimer, as Assistant Adiu tant General. The 5th Brigade of the Division to which the Berks companies are attached, is commanded by Brig lieu.

Frank Reeder, of l.sston, with Capt. James J. Cope, of Laston, as Assistant Adjutant ChneraJ. The first company to arrive was the compauy from Slatington, which came in on the 7:35 a. m.

train ironi mat piaca, via tne uerics County Railroad. At 10:30 o'clock, the re mainine companies of the 4th regiment froai Hamburg, Emaus, Allentown and Kaston ar rived, and shortly the loth regiment irom Norrlstown arrived. The troops were escorted to renn Square by the Iteadmg companies, Col T. II. Good, of Allentown, having command, assisted by Mai.

Thomas K. Weber, and Ma jors G. W. Grant and D. C.

Keller, cf Gen, Bolton's stall'. Governor Hartranft ami Stall', Adjt. Gen Latta and Stall' and Brig. Gen. Rurder aad Staff arrived at the same time, Mai.

lieu. Jiolton arrived on Suudav. The line formed ou Penu Square shortly before 12 o'clock, and moved up l'enn street to the air Uround. There were eighteen companies in line, and no fiutr military display has not been witnessed for years. There were over eight hundred men on parade, exclusive of the bands and dram corps.

The Fourth Regiment was headed by the Ringgold Band and drum corps, and the ltith Remment by the Xorris town Baud and drum corps. Since the parade in May last in this city the 4th Regiment has greatly improved in drill and discipline and its ranks nave been considerably strengthened. I he ltilh KeL'iment is as line a looking body ot sol diers as have ever marched through our streets, It is Governor Hartrantt's old Regiment, and many of its members did Eplendid service in the late rebellion. Atp esent it is commanded Dy Vol. Edward Schall, ot iNornstown, ana yesterday it paraded 330 musket3.

Of the 4th Regiment it is unnecessary to speak. The Kas ton Greys still retains its superiority as the crack company of the regiment. The Blue Mountain Legion ana tne Klutington company made a decidedly creditable appearance, and both companies are composed 01 excellent ma terial. The review and inspection took plac3 on the Fair grounds within the race course enclosure. Gov.

Hartranft and Btall', aud Adj. Gan. Latta and staff were the reviewing oSicers. 1 ue Gov ernor appeared in a plain suit of black, whilst his stall and the Ailjiilaut uenerai and stall were in full uniform. The Governor's soldierly appearance and his superb horsemanship were the theme ot general admiration.

the review and inspection lasted until o'clock. It was a thoroagh one in every re spect. The inspection was conducted by Adiu taut Genaral Latta in person. The Governor and his staff also assisted, closely scanning the men on parade, and were favorably impressed with their appearance and discipline. At the close of the inspection, the lbtn Kegi ment marched to Penn Square, and s'acked arms, and shortly after the Regiment followed and did the same thing.

Breaking ranks, the members of the companies proceeded to the hotels and Ealoons in the neighborhood to take lunch. Subsequently the Norristown Band took position on the balcony of the Key stone House and discoursed a number of excellent airs. The same Band als) serenaded Governor Hartranft at the Mansion House. The liith Begimeut left for Norristown on a special train at 7 o'clock last evening, and the visiting companies, ot I he 4th liegimant, with the exception of the Eastoa Greys, left tor their homes in the evening and late trains. The latter organization will lea7e for Eastonon the 10.30 train this morning.

Governor llartra lit and Adiutint General Latta and stall' left for Pottsvills last evening. Mortality Anionic Prominent Berks voimiiaiia. Philip Stamm, aged SO yearj, died in Ptnn township, on Sunday morning. funeral will take place from the residence of JacDb Gruber, Mt. Pleasant, tc morrow morning, and the interment wilt be made at the Bern cburoh.

Daniel Henne, the old st person in Upper Bern township, who died on Tuurs.lay of last week, aged 92 years, will bo buried to day at St. Michael's church. The deceased was born in Bern township, now I pper Bern, a few miles south of Sliartlesville. lie learned the potter trade while young, in Philadelphia, followed it for a number of years, aud became wealthy. He leaves four children.

William W. Selfridje, a prominent business man of the LMiigh Valley, died last week. He was born iu Ku'ntown, this county, 1817. He was the sou of Gen. M.

Selfridge, who ill! his family shortly alter Mr. NellrHiiio birth moved to Allentown, Libigh county, He was prspared for a collega con w. at schools in Flatbush, N. and at Conn, and entered the Freshman lrsi of Vale College in 1833, and graduated at the head of the class in 1837. He was not only at the head of his class intellectually, but physically was also at the head, and had in his possession his warrant as being "Major Bully" of the Class of '37.

Win, M. Evarts was Minor Bully" of thn same class, being the smallest man in it. Resides Mr. Evarts, Gov. Sainuol J.

Tililen, of New iork, 1 rot. Sijliuian, Gov. 1 lempont of est irsiniu, and a number others who hare nee become distinguished, were classmates of Mr. Sell'ridge. From 1S11 to 1843 be was Prothonotjry of Lehigh county.

Since then until the tioio of his illness, he had been engaged iu commercial pursuits in Philadelphia, New York and the Lehigh Vulley. About a year ago Mr, Sellnuge sintered a stroke ot paralsis, eiuee which time he has been an in valid. 1. O. S.

or A. lrientatlon. A few of the members of Washington Camp, No. 240, P. O.

S. of Douglassyilie, this county, recently presented the Camp with a splendid sinking fund box, collection basket, and handsome speirs. The presentation speech was made by Jacob II line, in behalf of the donors. It was received by Mr. Charles Heins, No.

211 oil behalf of the Camp. Both speeches were replete with good things. At the conclusion of the interesting ceremonies of presentation, a vote of thanks was extended to the donors tor their liberality. Yelo by tho Mayor. A message was recaived from the Mayor last evening iu the Select Council, vetoing tne reso lution, winch originated 111 mat nrancn, giving the Highway Cemmittee power to repair all dangerous planes at an not exceeding $50 to each.

The Mayor's reason for the veto because the appropriation to the Highway De partment is exhausted, Tho message was read and filed, which amounts to a sustaining of the veto. "Shoving llieliiecr" lu Kxoter. Several vouug men living near Stoneryille, Eieter township, were sadly taken in by two harps who visited that section last week sell ing crooked money. Oue of the men bought ,) worth ot saw dust, and the other invested '0. The reason no prosccutlou takes place before an alderman is because the persona who are swindled are ashamed to confess that they were guilty of trying to buy counterfeit money to pass it on their neighbors.

The sharps knew this, and hence their bold operations. re utlncnt It. OIH rials Invited tun ralr. to Col. Joseph L.

Stichfer. Chairman of the Committee on Reception ot the Berks County Agricultural and Horticultural Society, has extended an Invitation, in their behalf, to F. B. (iowen, President, and the ollicers of tin Philadelphia and Readiig Company to be present during the fair. Death From I.orbjaw.

Mr. Edward Coxell, who resided at No. C37 North Ninth street, this city, and had his foot crushed on the 2d on the Reading Railroad by a train of cars passing over it, after lingering In constant pain, was attacked with lockjaw ou Sunday night lat, and died yes terday. Epitome of Last Nlirhfs council Fro cecdiuus. In the select Branch a communication from the President of the Board of Health iu refer ence to filthy streets, was referred to the High wav Committee.

A communication was presented and read from M. L. Moneonierv, in reference to claim of John Hartlicb, of No. 613 North 10th street, for damages done his property by the city. He is willing to take $400 as a compro mise.

Referred to i inance Committee. Mr. Orr. from the Finance Committee, re ported a number cf bills for appropriations with a negative recommenuation. A resolution offered by Mr.

Erb that the or dinance be published in one English daily newspaper, and that their publication be awarded to the lowest bidder, was passed. An ordinance fixing the salary of the Health Commissioner at boOO was lost bv a tie vote, Aa ordinance making an additional appro priation to the Bo.trd cf Heailh was struck from the calendar. Mr. offered a instructing tne water isoara to ri pair me stand pipe on the commons above lerkiomeu Avenue, Passed. After the crnsideration of some other resolu lions on first reading, the Council adjourned at 0 Iu the Coalman Branch the following Select Council resolutions were acted upon AnoroDriatinp 4338 33 to na bill of Ifenrv W.

Ball. Referred to a Fpecial conrnittee for examination. To prepare plans and spec fixations for a house lor the junior ire Company. Con curred in. Appropriating J300 to pay for pavinir side walks where property holders refuse or reglect to pave the same after having been notified to do so.

Huled out of order, 011 account of the Highway Department having no iunds. Kesolution in reference to raisinc of tracks of Wilmington and Heading itailroad at Front and Spruce streets. Keterred to Committee cn Law A resolution appropriating S300 to finish lav ing water pipe in Oley street between Sixth aud Cherry, was passed. Mr. Louis Richards otlered a resolution sell ing to the Liberty Fire Company the premises now occupied by them for the sum of $1,000.

rasseu. Mr. Scull offered an ordinance making an appropriation of $10,000 to construct a sewer in Huttouwood street between Sixth and Ash. Keferreil to 1 inance Committee. The Council adjourned shortly after lOo'clock.

Aninaemcnls. GRAND OrERA HOUSE. Dupm Jjcnalht Minstrel Trovne. To night the amusement season opens at the Grand Upera House, with a grand minstrel entertain ment by Duprez Benedict's old and favorite organization. The house will no doubt b3 crowded to its utmost capacity.

The programme ia a varied and excellent one and cannot tail to please. Diagram at Ringel K'chardV book store. ACADEMY OF MCSTC. Hherrv Tu morrow Niqht. To morrow eve ning Mr.

James F. Sherry will appear at the Academvof Music, iu John Brougham's sterling comedy, entitled "Tha Rad Light or the Signal 01 Danger," supported by a superior dramatic compauy. Mr. Sherry is an actor of established reputation has played here in previous years, and will receive a cordial welcome. Diagram at Smith's book store.

tlithltr Lecture Course. The Mishler lecture course for this season promises to bs one of the finest and most entertaining that lun yet been given. The leading platform speakers will be the course, and one excellent musical enter tainment may be expected. BorlLU Conuty ljcis Abrond, The fall meeting of the Chester county fair closed last Saturday after having a more varied display iu all the departments and the large attendance. Gov.

Hartranft was there on Saturday during thejclos ng hoars, and was warmly welcomed, The number of people iu attendance was estimated at from 10,000 to 13,000. he races were a source of great attraction. In the first beat on Saturdav, for the 2:50 class, Susie Kurtz, a Berks couuiy horse, was given third money uuder protest, aud the case is to be decided in Novemer. The race was contested by a number, and was for hordes who had never beaten 2:2. ilaunah D.

winning easily iu three straight heats. Time, 2:31, aud 2:30. Arrested on a Charge cf 'iry Ae. Philip Phillippi was arrested by Detective Lyon yesterday upon the charge of burglary aud forcible eniry upon tne premises of Daniel Duffy, at No. 37 Poplar alrje1, ou the 18ih day of May ist, at 3 o'clock in the morning.

He was taxeu before Alderman who committed him to prison, the offense not being bailable. Phillippi was also arrested by Lieut. Lotz, on the charge of assault and battery with intent to ill, preferred by John 11. Johnson. A Merman Schoeuer committed liiin ia default ol 1,000 bail.

Complluiauinry Ticket. We are indebted to the Macegers of the Penn lylvauia State Agricultural Society for a com plimentary ticket to the State Fair, which takes place at Lancaster, Sept. 2 th to Oct. 1st. A lso for a ticket to the Chester Coanty West Chester, Sept.

Kih to 11th; Berks County Fair, opt. 14:11 to 1iti; l.emgli I juniy air, at Al lentown, Sept. 2 Stli to O. t. In: Sehuvlkill County Fair, at Orwigsburg, Sept.

2Sth to (let. 1st. in auk j. lb Hllllary Bali LnHt MkIiI. A grand reception ball wasniven iu honor of the visiting military who remained here last evening, at the Keystoue Opera The Kingguld Hand played the promenade music.

the grand march was given at p. m. The ance music was turnishcd by 1 ahrbach a Orchestra. The attendance was Jurge, and the osts aud their guests enjoyed a delightful eve ing. Bobbery la North Heidelberg, The spring home of William Klopp, in North Heidelberg, was entered by robbeison Saturday ielit, and a lot of sausages were stolen.

1 he robbers had broken the door lock. Mr. Klopp srtys that the locks at this spring house wete brokeu once every year lor the last 15 The Ciaine wliu the This morning the champions of Delaware.the Quickstep, of Wilmington, accompanied by large excursion, will arrive aud play the Ac tives this afternoon. There is unusual interest to see the game, and the attendance promises to be very large.

The ranie will ba called at a quarter of fonr. The Chnrcb Street Sei Iu the Select Council last nijht, Mr. Erb. from the Highway Committee, presented a plan tor a sewer at I hurjli ami Woodward streets. At the request ol tr.e UK inUrs, City Engineer Zacharias made 1 11 explanation cf of iheplan, and it was then referred to the Highway Committee to report esiiinatss and Cost.

Held for Court. A hearing took place before the Mayor last evening iu the case id the young mm accused of stabbing two of his at Chesnut 'and Maple streets, ou Saturdav night. He was held in $5W to anbwer at the November Sessions. sDiCU. COXELL On the PPh IMumud Coxoll, son of lie late James I Cox II, In the li at year of his ue.

The relatives aad frionds of tho family are rcspeotfully invited to attend the funeral from the residence of his brother, 837 North Ninth street, on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services at the house. Interment at Charles Kvans Cemetery. 1t $ew fit'crtlscntrmsi WARTEDA rilRIVlNlim) KOOM and lodmuK by a dressmaker. Anv one dom sosslng the feaaie will please atuto terms and nut'em septl ll "IV'TIMKH OFFICE.

3I.4SK 1IOOUM 1II.ANK new and fresh stock, and larger variety Hum bus ever nuou ollored hi this clly. All styles and, at the Fti BOOK STOKE. Call and see them. KMITII'H 1'eiiu Ktreet tiigu of the Big Bojk, D. Floral Establishment; So.

1001 Centre Avenne, Beading, Fa' FOUNDED IN 1858. Having enlarged our establishment, I bavo now on hand, to offer to the publio, a choice collodion of rare Exotic and Green House Plants, suitable for the conservatory or Uower bed. Also, fully prepared to furnish Cut Flowers for Churou Decoration, Weddings, cans, ruriies. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO DE3IGNS OF ALL KIND3 FOR FUNERALS. Particular attention paid to all orders from auroau.

epn iyj Septimubr 13. 1ST5. At a meeting of the Committee of the Junior rire company, jno. 1 ot iteauing, j. Sinclair, J.

liawrilher.J. l'eipher, L. Hotteustelu, were appointed a committee to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of said committee In regard to the reception given them by the rerseverance ttieam Engine and lose Compauy, No. 1, of Lebanon, on the oocasion ui tneir visii, mat piace on tne inn or September. 1875.

The committee through timlr chairman reported the following preamble and resolutions wlitch were unanimously adopted Wiikkeas, On the occasion of our recent visit to Lebanon, we were received and eiiiertaiueu Dy ine nieniDers or the Perseverance Steam Engine and Hose Company No. 1, with that fraternal disposition and liberality 01 aumi, wuicii eniities luein 10 our warmesl. grainuue; tuereiore Keaolved, That the thanks of this Commlttco are most Justly due. and thev are liereliv ex tended to said Com nan for I ho earnest. nd cordial reception gtvoa us on the occasion of our laie visit.

Jtesolivd. That the unremitting kindness and attention bestowed upon us during our stay among them will en balm the name of tho rerss jioys iu our most grateful remem brance. J. BINOLAIK. J.

PEIPHKB, J. 1SAWRIT1IER, L. HOTTENSTKIN K. MOYEK. Lebanon papers please copy.) II.

A. 4 BEADINU RAILROAD. On Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 15th and ICtli, 187.7, EXTRA PASSENGER TRAINS will be run lor tuo accommodation of persons attending the ISEKKS COI.ATY FA HI. BETWEEN POTTSTOWN AND READING.

LEAVE POTTSTOWK at 8.30 a. lassvllle 8.12 a. Monocacy 8.54 a. Blrds horo 9.00 a. Exeter 0.10 a.

Ncverslnk 0.15 a. and arrive at Heading U.30 a. m. ItKTI lt.MXU leae Rending at 6.15 p. ra and arrive at Neversink 5.35 p.

Exeter 5A1 lllrdsboro 5.50 p. Monocacy 5.55 p. ouxhissvllle 6.02 p. Pottstowu 6.15 u. connecting for all stations on Colebrookdale Hiillroad.

BETWEEN LEBANON AND READING. LEAVE LEBANON 8.30 a. Avon 8.E5 a. Prescott 8.40a. Myerstown 8.4S a.

ltiehluiid 8.f5 a. Hber.dau B.00 a. in Woiu elsdoif o.cs a. Hobesonta 8.10 a. Wor nersvllleH.23 a.

Blnainit prlue a. and arrive at Reading 9.40 a in. it ETCH Ml MU leave Reading p. and arrive at sinking Spring 5 51 p. Werners ville 5.67 p.

Robeson ia 8.03 p. Womels dm (i.tti) p. Sheridan (i.tii p. Richland p. Myerstown tf7 p.

1'rescott ti.3t p. i Avon 6 35 p. Lebanon 6.40 p. in. J.

WOOTTEN, Gen. Supt. nixa, fept. 13th, 1(15. 2t Ml MEETII6.

The first Rerublioia Mass Meetlnz of the present campjlaii wilt be hold on Tluu sfJay I.vt nins, Sept. 6, Pcun Siiunre, lu front of tho Knglo Hotel, OKK SIXTH A.l PESSf STREETS Addresses will bedeliverel by IBon. Edward RlcPhf rsou, lerk of the U. 8. House of prosemativcs, r.d illiaiu JiorRii, E.

1 Philadelphia. (sov, John I lfai'lranl'l, Elon. Slcni'y Italo, ot Krie, our lllustilc us standard bearers In the prui'iit caiupaigu, will probably be also pro sent. Let there be a grand rallr to bear the above liniiirii', oxnoueiits of Republlcaulsin. Le: there ne au ou I poll rills' ol the masses, anil of who are in favor of good govern nicutuM xeniplincd by the present fctale aiiuunisira 1011.

order cf the Republican County Commlt tco. CYRUS T. FOX, Chairman. rcpll 3. jHArioxsniH ositest.

Vncmclo.y, tll Xltli. 1 'KSTKV U. of Wilmington, Mitmiplous ur IKIaware, va. ACTlVlfl, (ii3Ulonsi of ProunylvauU. (ianie culled at 8.411 p.

m. sepll3 2t School BooKm MESUKL 850 PENN STREET. A kecpRKke given with every school book at. 650 l'enn street. To every scuoliir, purchasing school books to the amount of ONK DObLAK, or over, we linvo "something new to offer." Don't fail to buy ycur school books at MENGEL aug26 Gin fp G5U 1'euu aireeU mm.

WASTKD, Agents to canvass for a new and saleable article that is needed In every household. Apply at Planing mill, 81b. below Chestnut street. sep.u lw 1TANTEB. Eight school teachers.

In On. WT telaunee lownsnip: salary nu poruio. 1 )ay of examination on tlie 23d of August, at Lees port. auK tf R.H. DUNKLICSoe.

y.OdrQtnij. rilWW now well furnished rooms. (L and board, for roan and wile, No.l North tlihslreet, can bo had if applied lorsoon. Apply!) J. W.

ADAM sotS lw Korlli Hlh c'. puaflry. 11 has opened a Laundry eUabllshmenl at No. II North. Mil Ht rrot, where he will ilo lilt TI: work In his lino In the most ui ilstlc style.

lw HAM.LKK. Crystal Polish. jmething now to lighten Li'jor. An excellent article for Wadiiug or Scouring. TAINTED AVOOD OU WALLS, WINDOW GLASS AND MIUROES, TINWARE AND SILVEE, All are cleaned with less labor aud in a superior manner by using CRYSTAL POLISH I CRYSTAL POLISH MACULE, CHINA AND GL.V3SWAUE are all readily cleaned aud their appjarancs improved by using CRYSTAL Civ.

a I Folili Will remove IViic'l Crystal Polish Will remove 1 uk Stains Cryil.ii Bolish Will mako your hauls Ciyia! Polish Marks scplj 2t With a little rubbing will rcniovo alt finger laarlts from your doors and windows. GIVE IT A TKIAL. FOP. SALE BY THE SOLE AGENTS, Ho. 327 Penn Street.

GOODS SHO AS ANNOUNCED IX ALL THE DAILY PAPERS. THE CELEBRATED NEW YORK STORE, KO.T Venn Street, 13 Hovih Ii lilli Street, Will continue, during the presout week, to MESTIC DCY GOODS nt prices impossible to li RE AT STOCK, tAnv PRICES. FLE GOODS, NEW YORK STORE, 805 PENN ST, 13 AOHTH EIGHTH STREET. seplt If gTIOR SALE. House and lot of ground, 621 Laurel street.

Ternia to suit purchasers. Apply on the premises. mvs tf FOKSAI.K. The loe cream and confectionery business, at Penn street. Ap ply at the Centennial Confectionery, jwp Ol 8PENN 8TREET.

HAI.K. pair of Mulch Horsei can be bcuuht cheap. Sold for waul cf use. Inquire at 50 feun sircot, Heading, 8eptll 3t. Tt At'OB 7.i:i;.

(Joiner's Mills P. Berks oi jnru liKRKsllIUR riO.S from Ine ported suulns. sep8 tt RF. ST. Three story brick house on Ijiuirel street between 6th and (ith street.

Possession ininiediale'ly. Apply to li.FKAMvDKTTnA. Attorney at Law, seplll tf oas Court street. FOK N.tI.E.Two Htory brick house, 4 get rooms and kitchen, JSo, 1S Mi lilou 9 beri; sl.reo', belongiin; to theeMlalo of Barbara A. W'etitley, dec d.

Apply to DAislKL KITLfcK, Executor, sep.1 2w PotOtlice. jr.ioit SAI.K. Wlll be sold, at the Key a stone Houso, at public sa.o, on 8alui day, Nept. 1 1 Mi, at 1 o'clock p. a three Ktory brick house with two slory kitchen, and Inline, summer kllslicn, 1 Txitii.

sepl lot Kt). aiu KlfHINOF.BRT. SKWIJS MA'UIJ(E. Anentlrely new WIIJSON HKW1NU MACHINE, never used, with all tuo latest improvements, fur sate, at A) per oeul. below rog ul ur prices, iiiqulio at niailii tf THIS OFFICE.

p.M'RSITI'KE AT Al 'CiioW. Tuesdny, E1 Autr. 31, at 'i our regular sale of i.ew andsocind lunil furniture, chairs, tables, bureaus, wasbstandii, bedsteads, cribs, Ac. Wo huveiimrco li, I which must bo sold if wecua llnd buyers. Co augiO tf 1 Poun street.

HAI.K. The stone coltago, on IV.I,U 11, tf llfV MtVltftt contains all the modern linnroveraeats, aud is tiulKhed in nist cluss stylo lot H0 by aiO feel. Tonus eusy. Made to Mill purchaser. Apply to UKO.M.

ERM EN TROUT, Allorney at, feb30 tf 8UH Court street. rjtSA.K 6ue nun JL died and elghty niue huildius Lots, on the Deinlnuor Earui, on North Tenth aud Mulberry streets, between Kobeson street and properly of the Reading It. K. city of Heading. Terms a small amount in i9kdi ami thobul anoe in moiilhly or quarterly payments.

For fiutherlnfoi niaiion hpp'y to. UOitAi A. LtNUT, Att'y 'or IT. II. and H.

A. Muhlenberg, DX21 No SONortbWIxthst. R7AKM riit NAI.K OR KX 1 1 A 14 .1 i nlaKilitl. lull. 14 ceres Eood laud, excellent soring water, abun ulmia l.Allua MU71UI.

ounce oi iruiu Lyfw.j barn and slabling for 2 horse and 4 cows. Clood plaoo for growing trues. Together with all the stock, including 1 horse, 2 cows, lot of chickens, wagon, plow, hay, straw, Iruit, voge tiibles, Arc, linmoiliate possession. Price lor (arm and stock. Will exchange In part for a house worth about pwiQHT aug2l tf DOS Penn street.

nWIV. MIRVS COOPER'S BOARD1MI A and ay Hchool for young Indies and children will ro ocun for the fall torm Hoptomber Bth, 1S75. auy25 lm ft. JOHN, go tll all your Trlends that a (bey can buy a calf skin boot.liome Sj3 linulo, fur 8i, warranted, at seplO lw 3CHOOI. SLATKB.

Large asscrtmonl for sale, wholo: alo aud re co'a, Rep7 lf fp Penu street. EXTRACTS VANILLA AND LEMON. Tho very best at Btpl2 tffp McCUHUY A DURHAM 3. liOTTIili WAX. BOTTLE 1VAX.

sept'M fi Mi CllKDY A VV RHAM. jpRUi JAKfl ANI4EL1.T CtrS. For sale wholesale and retail by WHICH 4 JnlylO lf fp HQs Penn Bqnare. ai. oi ik rk openei.

Lit. JOHN OTEPUEN, Oil. WALKElt U. STEPII EN, Olllco No. 207 North KlKlli CoiikiillHtlon lii riiejinhur (Ir riiiiiii.

augl a POLISH. from white walls or painted wood woik. from your (leeks, doors or walls. soft aud smooth by using it in washing. exhibit their great stock of FOREIGN AND DO be competed with by any in this city or county.

GUI: AT BARGAINS, WOAOERPIIL SIMUTK, RET1ARKABLK BARGAIN'S. AltOO.U with steam power to let. Apply at J. H. CHEETHAM'S Plauiui! Mill, angl7 tf Cor.

Carpenter and cherry fats. "IT OBGEKS. Twothree story central roonw JLifurnlsUed or unfurnished, to let. Addreau iaarai tf TlmosOfllce. FOR RENT.

House No. HiS Che6tnut seven rooms; lent 17 per month. Apply to J. H. JAOOBf, sep9 tf 5'Jl Court stroct.

FOR RENT. The large store room, No. ISO North old street. Possession August loth. Apply to 1MAAU ADDAMH, a ugfj 1 fi' i North otli slreot.

FOR BEST. Store room and dwel ffi ling, iso. bJti Penn street, Apply to ML KOKACE A. YD NOT, au5 tf North th street. A store room and two cT JT lars.

No. i BuoUi 6th, near Penn. Possession Immediately. Inquire at Jnlyia tf 13 SOUTH SIXTH BT. FOR REWT.

Store and collar No. ar North oth street. Immediate posses slon. Inquire ofWM. KUOADa mayl8 VjlOR RENT.

The basement room, No. 6 Ms Houth oth street, under the Empire Line oitlce. Apply at marll tf 80 PENN BTKEET. A number of very desirable houses at a low be paid In month ly lusuilmeuu to accommodate poor Mien, h. AIoCU LLOCH July2t tf 614 Penu street.

SMOR RENT. A store and small dwol g. Ms ling, suitable lor a millinery store, No lOS North 5th street, old Jnil building. Apply to WM. ItWOAUii, mayl8 tf 27! North Mh Btreet.

1yR RENT. A large store room withes dwelling attached.sultable fortwolam fti Hies also a large basemeut, lociiled iu the business part ol Penn street. Call at fewfi tf 40 NOKTli SIXTH 8T. t.OK "RENT. A good two Htory brlelc dwelling bouse, newly painted, papered, rooms and attic, rtouth Hevenih street.

WILLIAM P. HAKO. seplll 7t so j.orlh (iih strett. "iAOR RiiaiT. House M.

oil l'enn street, JS; rooms, builable for a boarding house. Applto MOItACK A.YITXDT, Attorney lor Amelia lilckley, 6C p9 tf ao North Bib stiott. IOR RENT. A threo story briek gfi house, No. 4lt Walnut street, with Hi modern eouvetlenees, PoKsessiun given! Oct.

1, 187o, Also, two three story brick houses, Ncs. 87 and Sl iteed street, immediate pos sessio given. sepl L'w JACOBS. IIV1NGOOD. Jb" RENT.

Two rooms, Sd noor, No.i SJilVnu street, suitable lor oranesorK id Viuu.avlitn Itout reiwouable. Apply to GEO. M. kKMENTROTJT, Altorney at Law, ane6 tf 0" Court street. "roDttiP koill "toTTkI'.

The furiilshod JliHall 1th floor of the American House, cor. Fourth and Penn streais, oue of the a nest, and largest rooms In the oily, Is for rent. For Information apply to F. J. GROTEVENT, mar27 tfd N.

E. Cor. Eighth and Penu. WiIOkTrkNT. itoom northwest oorneitflj Ms of 6th aud Penn street, now cocunled EM.

as a shoe store. Also, a three story building lu Church, between Elm and Bnttonwood e'ju, liilodupas a Currying House. For information, apply to O'ltEILLY (., ebll No. North Sthsireet. BjVoR KES i.

A store room aud dwel ling, with private entrance, In South SJ1 6th street, Reading, No. 8. The dwellings coutalns all the modern improvements, gss, bath, ranges, 40. The store room will be rented separately If desired. The dwelllnn con talus 10 rooms.

Possession Immediately. Apply to H. CKOUKE, ay31 tf 1047 Penn street' (jVRR ENT. Lodge room on 8d floor of Ms Crouse's Iron building, four ulghts out oi the woek with the privilege of siib lettink or to letone uigtitaweek, everything fouud, at $70 per year. The room Is newly furnished thronghonfcreu very low.

Possession Immediately. Anply to HEN KY CltoUSK. marlA 1047 Penn street. (1 RAN I) OPERA. IIOUNE.

TUESDAY EVENING ONLY, KEPT. li. Twentv fonrtU Annual Tour or in rtci Gigantic Tamous minstrels. BVBMCMUUC Ol'KK Tltori'E AND Bit ASS HAND Enlarged, remodelled and Improved. Most successful, complete, powerful Troupe traveling.

Itecognlzod as the suporlors of Minst relsy. Introducing Concerts of Merit and lirilllancy. Uonorol admission ftvo Reserved seals 7IVn (1 illery nro HeUlS KOCUICcI Bt lllllgel A Kiel Kills' Book, Hloie. septU tit.

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