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The Lincoln County Herald from Troy, Missouri • Page 2

Troy, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

EDMUND J. KI.LIS TIIKO. D. lliUKU, tDIToM AStl rCSMSIICa TlltrXSD A JANUARY SO IMS. The following symbolical ticket aad platform we cut from dm of our exchange papers: For President, GEN Kit Ah OKKKNBACKS.

For Vice President, GENERAL LOW TAXES. Plenty of money, good Times, nnd a White Man's Government. AOAIN8T Heavy Taxes. Hard Tintea aud Negro Goventnint. WaM aw He Oaa-lag Tat" Wall may tha question fee at Iced, "what are we earning to?" Nave, indeed, the peojihj of the Nation folded their arms and resigned to the keeping of a body of tyrants their liberties? Can they he-hold wlthoat alarm the wry initrnment upon which their safety is founded undermined, disregarded and thrown aside, until the fabrio of free government begins to totter and fail There are break era ahead Is thero no way to guard agiinit them? It there uo means to which we can resort to punish uaufpera, tyrants, enemies to the liberties of the people? It seems not! Tha people look for nothing from Congress but violation of their privileges 1 They enquire, what is Congress doing? and then sadly nttcr, "what are we coming to?" It is plain enough! Slavery! Wo hold up our hands in horror, when the pspers tell us Congress hss done so and so.

To morrow we think no more of it, for another out rago is perpetrated by that body which engrosses our attention. It is no nightmare of the imagioatiou! It is true! The Conttilution of our country is abuted, violated, thrown atide! The power of the people it being usurped nay, it is only the shadow that is now deluding them. The man who haa stood at the helm of the ship hss held oat bravely against the mutinous crew! lie still battles fur your liberties sgsinst these usurpers but he wants your assurance. Democrats of Lincoln county, to you we ttpcfik I Over the country the nrtuy is Wmg organized that is to overwhelm the enemies of liberties in the coming five tions. Are you to be silent? Will you not raise your voice against usurpation-nay that you will be free? Organise! Do not fold your arms and rant about hard times, oppressive taxation nnd tha ihousiind other obstacles thst are opposing you.

You see plainly from whence come there troubles. Then strike at it. i'ot your energies at work against it You can accoinpliuh nothing without work. Uproot the rank weeks' that ulioke out the fruits of your labors that consume the salt nnd substance of your earth. Do not let the palladium of your liberties be overthrown, without; at least the shadow of resistance.

Certainly, in this county, there is lesj zeal among the Democrats although two, thirds of the citizens of the county are of that faith than in any other ctuuty of the State White the Radicals a fw honest ones there may be are warming in their bosoms the serpent that is to Mtiug them to death. "What are we coming to The Sprlag Elecfleas. In a few weeks State elections will tnko plate the comiug spring, commencing with New Hampshire, March 10th, and followed by Connecticut, April Gtb. There is good reason to believe New Hampshire will so Doniooratic; for msny of the leading Republicans have already joined the Democratic ranks. Charles Libby, a member of tlio Republican State Coinmittoe, has published a long letter, in which he says "I feel that the coun try demands, and mutt have, a change of rukrt, and feeling so, I can no longer act Ktlh the Republican party, but shull give uy vote and iiiflaence in favor of the Democratic party." Assrssiaatlaa fcy Kegra Thieves.

The Jackson (Miss.) Clarion gives the' particulars of an outrage committed in county, on the 25 tU and 20th. A squad of freedmen, who had been stealing hogs, waylaid the constables, a posse of whom were searching for them wi'li a warrant for their arrest. Two white men were killed, one mortally wounded, and five severely. One negro was wounded and-arrested. Several per-mju)- are in search of the murderers.

New Law CeaeeralBg Clerks. Thu bill regulating the sslaries ol clerks of reoord iu thia State haa passed hoaset, and is now a law. It pro vidua that heresftor all 'clerks shall re-ruivo as compensation 82,500 par anuaui, which shollibe in Ilea of all fees here to for j. An exchange saya the country is sick fioutbe effect of a Copporhead bite. Vfrv, just rteavering iron wiffttr'tt t)m tka night of-the 16th instant, the aesdeov building recently erected bv Mr.

LaJayseat ftjkf cawniyk-ouk Be, ana Was burnt to that louruiture, coning ouu, and a one Uhick ria. wora aln horned. A KUlcils Takiag Ibe Tide-Where It wlliteadTfce. (CrfMMatw Clteinattl WABHlNuTo.t,' Jan. 14, 18G8.

There is a tide in tho affairs of parties wk-ith taken at tha flood; leads to the devil. Th Republican! in Congress have, for some time, shown a iatal facility for drift in toward that tide, but never till yestcr ilay have the struck it so squarciv Vi 'Whilt the Senate was in secret ses sion fnrelng upon the President a cabinet officer dismissed for perfidy to His employ er. the House was indulged in the novel experiment of legislating the Supremo Uourt out1 of existence, "and' one of tho metubere had eravelv renorted from a committee" a bill to 'creato tho office of military dictator over ten elates or the Onion, la give the entire control pf th'o wink of reconstruction" to the General of the Army en' officer notrcinonidble to Congress or'the people, nor known to the Constitution of the united States. This laat is a measure so utterly at variance with the theory of our Government that the wonder Is' it cuuld hare been listened to for a moment in a deliberative body organised under the. Constitution of the United slates.

And yet it came from Mr. Bingham, unquestionably the ablest lawyer on the 'Republican tide of the Hoase. and Who, two years ago, would probably have laughed at such a thing and called it the emanation of a foolish brain. Br this bill, the work of reorganising tho government of the States lately in rebellion is taken entirely out of the hands of the President, and intrusted to General Grant. Well, aupposc Genoral Grant sees fit to transcend the limits of law in the execution of theso dutioe, what caaCoogreetdoaboatit? Strange to say, nothing at all; General Grant can be neither impeached nor eourt martialrd first, because he is not a civil officer of the United States, and the second because he There ar some ettange'lifebaststenc'ies in this world.

Kverabodi La anxious to Heaven, but noiedy ltwreparedir inWhutyabautit. fy Cl lli 1A 'HI ladKfrom pe cewntry art aansitive ladjsrrom Me odlimMor a cote- "Wfy, sif. sooT, ma am, I to been msrrioJ seven i I these yesrs," and have ftlsro At IhdlanaWltV Justice of ibePescc stated thatduriagsaa-tsro asonrhtte had been (n office, fitly catet had been tried bsfore hint, fbrty-fline of whjeh lied orig- inatea in wnisxy. Juries in Kncland have some wiW- legcs not accorded to those in this country'. Iu a recent ease at C.hustar a bill of nve pounds tor liquor and cigars consumed by the jurors was allowed by tho court.

The Wall street bondholders are trying their handset 1'resideat making, and will endeavor to force a candidate of their own To cure the Radicals of the disiaso of Negrophobia, under, which their Madera are ealertta, is to aamoe them'fo taka thsirjawtrneclklno. a 3 XMisMiNeraRt The. Presidentjsid, Jn a on Saturday, that he would give 810,000, pat af his awnlpockol.iifAhe AracriWi tould hsVe seen Gen. Orant at (he Uabiast iaatiag, ques-tiotis'were" being put to him about his action in' tha' Stan tbn Matter, Ho never saw a man look moahef or. more humiliated.

"Ha ir not a big laid Johnson, "either mentally, morally physically; but beforo he had answered tho questions we put to him ho 'seemed to have Shriveled up into no bigger than ray Tha very first action of the Ohio Leg islatura to pasa a joint resolution roscindinc tha vote bv which the nreoed ing Legislature of that State ratified the sauired look and' keep house ole." It was In anticipation of this action sHWW i'Sli VIUJIIIIUI VII IIIU UttlHD VIU IUIIU duced in tho Inderal Hone df JUpreReW lapeifilit; Di'slraclUi aStlt WW Tacoaiponiantarthc Cbveland I ursnn aillir tiirtv. An Iowa editor suggests thst every nun be allowod to marry as many wives as are for 'Speut he's been unfortunate iu procuring servants. A celebrated wit waa -iskcd why he did not marry a young tady to whom he was much attached. "I know not, he replied, "except the yreat, regard we have tor eachother. It is said that an old pietura in Vi enna represents Adaa aa smoking a pipe and pUyiBK billiards a rove of treea in the garden of hden.

The pic-turo can hardly be older than the game of billardtt A Ra lical editor of tho brimatono sort In Meridcn, ask'a if there is no "patriot" to assassinate President Joliu-son, and suggests that auch a man "would write his name in imj eriihable letters beside that of a Washington." When such a road to plory lies plain beforo him, why doesn't the editor do It himself? He can't be afraid. haa no superior in the army, of wham a court martial can bo oruanized. This (act alone ia argument enough against Uinghams bill, in a constitutional gov ernment, based upon tho ihoorv of res ponsibiiity to the people ot the supreme power and Boat arbiter of alt official acts. Refuse to support tbe Ustirpatlout CvBgresB. The following named Radical papers refuse to support the proposed usurpa tions of the Rump Congress.

Springfield (A.a'e.) Republican. New York Kvening Post. Brooklyn Union. New York Times. Buffalo Commcrcisl Adfertiscr.

New York Commercial Adverl'uer. The Springfield Rcpublicsn lately ssid: "The first seotiou of the new rcconmruc tinn bill declares that the St-jte govern ments of the excluded States ahull not be recognized as valid either by the ex ecutive or judicial power of the United Statoe." The court has hevcral important suits beforo it hinging upon this question of the validity or the soutlieni ntate gov eruments. This net forbids tho judge front deciding those governments valid, even if they are unanimous in that opin ion. The parties on oitc bido of the huitn pending will rcjniceat this extraordiuuary in their favor: but what be comes of justice and equality, or what is the ot keeping up tho chow of a Supreme Court, which is ditcctod by a nu jority vote of CougrciiS what decisions it may nr may not muue. Rollins ana Wilkinson.

The Jefferson City correspondent of tho ot. Lotus limes says: It you will unserve, our supposed Conservative mem bers, lloonc, uud Wilkinson, of Buchanan,) on tho 17th dodgvu tho vote on the resolution ol liircb, of Scotland, approving the action of the United States benute in reinstating Stan ton in (ho 'VUr Office. Kvcry Conservative iiit'iiibcr of the House except Rollins and Wilkinson, voted in the negative. Tbcs gentlemen were conveniently absent when tho vote was taken, and tlietcloro can stand everv day, as they have stood heretofore, Kadtcal or Uonsorvattve, as best suits their '1 heir negro last winter rather favor the no tion that Ihey are desirous of being classed with the ultra ttadieais, and it rumor be true, Rollins is working hard for the Hud ical nomination for Governor. The mem berfrom Boone' has always been considered shaky, and it is arnotoriuus fact that his position in Politics is never known.

To 'day. However, you may safety put him down as a Radical, and you may rest 1.1. -II tt- auurcu urn i wiui an uny irvuiniia, he will never disgrace or deceive' his hon est constituency again. As for Wilkinson, ho lias alwava bern Radical, nnd I think it was somo mistake ol the party. thaIie was elected, UiforfuHale 61.

Tbaajas. Still trpubled with earthquakes, tltii unfortunsta and apparoutly Gnd-furaaken sterile little island ia reported now to be suffering from pestilence and famine from yellow lever, cholera und a want ot provisions, Seven millions in gold far sucu a ptato is surely a wuf to ol money, especially lwhey we can get the spacioua land-locked, deep and beaut it ul bay of Samaoaj in Dominies, for, as wo under alaud, less than, Jialf the money. Asa nsval atatjou, where'theee unpleaaapt up lifting of the sea rolls huge ships of war over the town, St. Thomas is too shaky, At a recent sale iu Georgia, a cotton gin sold for 50 centa, and plows fir five cents each. Many farms are about to be sold for di'bt, and tho whole South wili be bankrupt uolesa tho stay-law can be restored.

The Cast af Negro fjomBBent. Th aggregate expenses of the negro government is appalling. In ndditiou to thu fl.50U.000, appropriated previously, the second deficiency bill gives 057,000 more retching the enormous sum of $2,157,000 lor the expenses ct elections only, in tho Southern States. The deficiency in the Quartermaster Uenernl's department is $12,007,000, a large proportion of wliich is for the sup port oi troops in the South to keep tho whites in subjection to the negro. Ucneral Howard, the chief of the Freed men's asks for the modest sum of 110,850,205 55 to pay tha salaries of clerks, and for school books, to teach the young African idea how to shoot.

The largest Item is 91,500 000 for'subsistence, and the nett largest is 5800,000 for trans porti tion, and round halt million is asked lor the mcdical dcpartmcnt, whose principal business is probably among the dissolute ot both sexes. In addition to till this, the army cti mutes amount to $130,000,000, in a time of peace, tho army being mainly engaged in lorcing ruilical Maek-wlnte revolution ary government upon the South The south, bcHides having to pay her share ol this enormous taxation, is to reed to sup puitand ray the mongrel cauvcntion- alirts. If ever a people had a right to aebol ugainst tyraiinicul Government, the people of this country poscss that right. There no community ol' individual on earth so heavily taxed money is so recklessly squandered, whose rights are so flagrantly violated, whose will is so inso lently derided, as the people of tho Uni ted States. Tho whole machinery of this outragoous Krecdinen's Bureau is but an hotioneerwg invention, to enable Nor- tnern Radicals to govern the South, cud we at the North pay a double price fur every article we eat or wear or use, and tamely submit, while the radicals rivet their chains upon us and oppress and do-grade our white brethren.

Mow in one way or auothor theso out rages must und will be remedied. Either the people will prevent the expenditure ot one Hundred and ntty millions or dollar? cipondod to insnro tha dominance of the Radical party and the negro, or tbey it i. win repuuiaio me ueoi. nnttung is surer than thut. We may deprecate repudiation; we may call it bad faith, or waste our time in finedrawn theories of its disastrous tendencies, but they will not cheek the tendenoy of the masses.

If the Radieal party ia determined upon tho elevation of tho negro, not only to an equality with, but nn absolute superiority to i nc oouinern wmte, they must pay tbe pe tally, and should pay it without murmuring, t'nw hundred and fifty uillions of dollars are now yearly expended in the interest of four millions of negroes, who produco nothing, save nothing, do not even oaro their own living, but are a dead weight and tncubua upon the industry Mr. Bingham on the same in tho Federal House Represen tatives a joint resolution to declare that that amendment had become a part of the Constitution by the mere ratification of three-fourths of the "loyal States," instead or tnree-tourths or all the estates, as the Constitution requires. The action of Ohio, in rescinding it ratification may not pro-vent Congress from adopting Mr. Bingham's' resolution. But it is a very distinct notification that Ohio, a Loyal State, will not eeneede the legality of the Jaeo bin assumption nor reeogniso such action on it part a oiuding.

Quesl'ieas Put kut lot Aiswerrtf. In tha dobate on the last Reconstruc tion bill, Mr. Cary, ol Ohio, said He should like his colloogue Bing ham) in his closing argument, to answer these four quostions Fiost II Gen. Grant shall negleet or refuse to exeeute the provisions of this law, or if in its execution he shall act in an oppressive and cruel manner, to what tribunal will no be amenable for his nonfeasance or malfeasance? SecondBy tho terms of tho bill, the Petident cannot interfere. Can the Gen eral be tried by court martial, and if so, by wncte orders 7 And who shall con stitute the court? Third Not being a civil officer, can he be impeached or.

if so, by whom and before what tribunal? Fourth If he cannot be arraigned bv any earthly tribunal, is he not made an absolute despot rkiooi eiUd, BrUlnf flfb inarms 'toHUwiBe Salt' ram srlsSs meat in relation to the impending des lfthtolrirne 2ar' Tho beautiful nnd pfeiureiauo. Salt Lako with its hundred mbunteilr inlets varied and changing grand Views, with its plaoid, unruffled bosom. Ha who beholds, beholds but to admiro.i It is about 135 miles long and about 76) wiles aoroai at ita wideat. plaoo. I last informed that Mte it at drained and paarM, by' river and rivulets, tha waters of aa area of oountry af over square miles." A vsst amount ot water, and yet this hake han no What bcoom'ee' of this water Can evaporation alone dispose af it nam alto taiormeJ that tno Waters of tha lake rose last year three feet and is now oontiaaing to rise at the aVue rate.

Bbould thn continue a yoars longer beware; ye Saints of the saintly city I ye will be aw-illowed up as warn the Saints of tha'oltles 'of old, together with their that other Dead Sea l' On the sides'of-the moun talqs surrounding tha lake, at 'a' 'Vertical height of at least two' hundred feet, dis tinctly traceable, can be seen the evidences of water mark, made by the laving of waves perhaps of centuries' duration, ma King it piainiy evtuens even tie most incredulous that In'sotue former age, the lake had been nrach largtr than It now' is, possibly of twenty times Its present area. If this ft true, at it surely is, the lake, now rising, Why may it not attain its tor aaer level? What drained it? We can. not tee, nor do I believe, that reasons can- be given therefor, the came ol draining having ceased or ceasing, it will again nil up. Tho lake is generally thai low, and no living thing exists bolow tha surface of its waters, nor floats upon ita besom. As we are approaching tbe City of tho Saints, wo see in the air flying low nnd flying high, in flocks, thousands of wild eeese, tome white aa mow, othert brown, that with Interm'na-ble quacking reminds obo ol the Towor of Babel, aad the confusion of languugos there.

One flook of' over two hundred has alignted in a field not more than one hundred feet from us, and fly not as we psss. Oh for a gtod double -barrel, well charged what havoc among them. The white variety is not so large as the brown, and I am t.ild not ao good. The brown is the tome at we have In the State of Ohio. Encouraging SjapfoBSi Wa are gratified to perceive very satis faotory indications of recuperation in the Democratic party all over tbe State, The enormous taxes with which the non-tax paying loafera of Radicalism ia ofBoe, have burdenod the eountry, ia awakening the people to a just estimato of the value ol liberty, and they are determined to be freo.

A motion was made short time ago by the Ralls County Record for a State Convention of Democrats in St. Louis on the 22d of Febi nary We aeconded that motion and huvo been waiting to hear from St. Louis. At lust we have on ad dress from a committee of her peoplo, nn invitation from the Dispatch to meet on the 221 and the contcnauce ot the limes The thing is gradually assuming a tangi ble shape, and we indulge tho hope that by tbe time that justly venerated anniversary comes round we shall bn so com pautly organized that a State meeting may be held in St. Louis, in which every "ownship in the State shall he ropreiunted by and old fashioned Jeffarsonisn Demo crat.

Keep tho ball rolling. Mo. Ledger Uteaperaace at WathlagtaB. Mack, of the Cincinnati Commercial, writes thus from Washington There never was greater need than at present for a vigorous proteoution of the war against intemperance. in nigti places Whether Senator Wilson has beonme die ooursged or disgusted I know not, but ho seems to have intirely relinquished his Christian efforts, ot year ago, to reform his Congressional brethren through the agency of his temperance society.

Ono gentleman, who was an exemplary member of the Congressional i pcriuce Society a year ago.astou'shed and appalled the boarders at Willard's, one morning last week, at abont 10 A. entering the breakfast room in his nightshirt; another was tsken homo on a handcart not many Sundays since while still I another: over' whose conversion all the I ladies were, a yesr ago, saturating 'their pocket bandkorchtets, and "carrying on in a more melo dramatic way than, any thing reenrdel of the Briek Lane Branen of the Kbenczer Tcmperanoe Society, of whiou the aider Nr. weller a second wentnr." waa such a briorht and ahinlne and energy of the white roan, who not light that gentleman (need I say that only, has to uischargo his own respond- he is a distinguished Senator from the unities, but stagger under the burdon of West?) has been for a week or mora con- mxiuun luipoacu lor uie support oi pau- nned to nis room and a diet ot ptctcied pert and vagabonds. cabbage to help him oyer a prolonged ca- Besides all this is the interost on the route, terminating iti tbe deliriums. Nor public debt the profligate waste of mon- is this all.

Would that i were. It ey in the civil departments of the Gov- not even Ilia worst: ernment the cost of the concessions As this subject is a delicate one. 1 made tq capital tha ruinous protective shall be pardoned, tfrast, for withholding tariff nf Ida it.ntil. peeled to stand without a murmur. They teehth century 'revolts aeainsi such nub will not stand it The repudiation party liclty as a vile slander.

The newspapers is daily growing stronger in numbers and are licensed tobo f4nny 'over the police nioro determined in purpose. If the court 'and to blsson, forth poor bondholders were wise they would jump John Smith's debyich as an twful exam' at any proposition which defended the pie but between a great men and hit payment of their claims until after the 'little weaknesses" the moral ''ones hang oiuntry shall have met and passed through a veil which no nrnalistle Atmodaua dare tha Iprriblo linn noi-i I vAvft'iitiatt nh lift ll nlvll. lUUWIIIMf a. inreaiciis it, ucu 11 aucn a proportion tponsible scribbler and an envenomed ca designated greenbacks ns the ourronoyin lumniafor. A particular caso (I repeat wncn it was to do paid, unc thing must that I use no names) haa become so sen be douo or the coiifequonces be submitted ous of late that an eminent Bii-hop of the to.

Nngro suffrage, negro conventions, Methodist Church hts been sent for, and negro Statos and negro dominance must haa eome all the way from-Philadelphia do aurrsmiereu, or me bonds which now to see wbat he can do in the way of re ropreient the natlon'a indnbteduats. will forming the eminent tinner. Strange not be worth the paper they are printed work for a bishop, whoie office is, on. We know enough of tha temper of ought to he, tn sdmlnister, instead cf to ina peopiatc, know that. St.

liOttii TUttes rriuMt, spiritual eeniolation. Tohacca Faclerj ilosetl. A detective of the Revenue department was in our oitv on Friday last, and closed tho Tobacoo Factory or Dr. Pollard. It stoma thst some where up the river, this astute individual discovered a box of the weed marked with what he at once con ceivod to be a false brand, and no sooner touud, than the head of the suspicious article was knocked out, and in haste to the city came Mr.

Dotcctivo, bearing with him this oridence of the guilt of soma body. Dr l'ollnrd w.ia in the oountry, at his the Key ot the factory with him. 1 he factory whs taken possession of, and turned over for safe keep ing to a gentleman in this city, to await future developments. Llr. t'ollanl regsrds the whole transaction as high handed one, without warrant or tne shadow ol ovidenco to authorize such a proceeding, lie is able to establish.

Ularksville cntincl, Jan. 23. Tbe Appraachlig Fight Betweon Ca- bura aad McCoole. Mcloolo and Coburn have been visi ting Louisvillo, The Courier says there is a bettor feeling between tho two men, and that Uoburn determined to make short and terrible havoo with McCoolo. It tays 'The coming fight between Coburn and Miko McCoolo will, wo aro certain, prove the most desperate that has oocurrtd in.

this eountry or Eu rope. They will both enter tho, ring to win or die, and th contest turns on trencth against science. Joe. Coburn it oonceded by the noted pugilists of tho countrv to be the most scientjno man in ,1 the world, or mat inc wona naa aver teen." 1 Badlcak aai Rebels. A' Radical paper saya "the Republiean party prevented the Southern Rebels from destroying the union.

xes, tno naai eals prevented tha Rebels from destroy- ins it themselves, sea ataies uuve neen driven out of the Union by the Radicals. The. Rebels tried to get these States out ol tno Union, but failed. Tha Radioals, determined to beat tho Rebels at their own game, tried to get the States out and succeeded. When a Radical aaya, there fore, that 'the Uepubitoan party prevented tha Southern, Rebels from destroying tbe Union," he means that the Rcpublicanr are entitled to oredit for doing wbat the Rebels failed to do.

Tha Rebels tried to break up tho Union, and failed. The Radicals tritd to brttk it an and suc ceeded. iihi iiiiiii Ohio Conference, committed tutelde by appears that he had" been contemplating thwtatf AeF4ttlg nis ainDtr.iOroax.ia-.BiaiiViiarent to hiai lean after, warm, and cut him down. He had handkerchief, then -yamped off the manger. He it tappurioft Lava been insane.

'I, 1 1 KflLi QW) PaaUgraplr iays Mr. Meyer, began, to dir awalUthli ania ligttd thaviags tnrown iq(fl tegular dapiaefaa took and the femaa rpsfli a-tsttber ef set in height tha wfllU iato wbich tnewater.pegaa jtars.U with trioleate, until, there ware. sums siataaa 'faat in depth thle tha-gea continas, tp, wjili wL. such ilelenaa, that JW of a' huge caldron fierealy boil-iog. and i.iucrioda of.about.ihMa mIb apir, greater, iuUf gaa.itluua i i I i r- tipp Tho waer Jt(iauddy tad covered with foam, linch of lightsd aaav-ings thrown in will immediately cautt tha gas, and loaf-, to take fire.

he Okkaloota naYcltiaansitaa tha particulars -of, accident which occurred a. few dayt ago pear, Two aqps'of j'M. Menatr, nine-aua eirycu years, put a iOavy cliafgc of powdor iu a stumn to produco tin upd applied a.slow match 'Tho powder not igniting, as expected, they approached the spot a second timo and to. effect their object by blowing upon the fire. A lor-rifio explosion followed, and 'rightfut to relate, tho head of, the, ncqrekt, lad waa norrmiy mangled, his left tog torn from his body, and he fell to the gr.ouud lifelers corps.

The other brother is still alive, with an eye 9ut and an arm broken. The only ourq (or Radical funqlicism, wHh all ita nqgro equality, nqnsciiee. Democratic truth, backed up by Dcraocratio majorities. Radical errors cau be bent cured by Democratic truth. Radical extravagance and misrule, can only bo corrected, by destroying that Democracy is the only hope of tha country ageinst the deadly upas of Rad icalism Deualiu i'r In Circlevillq, 0., a woman brought some butter to" a store keeper to exchaugo for coffee.

The clerk weighed 'the butter and dashed it into the bin, when it burst open and out rolled a big stouc. The without saying anything to the woman, deposited the stone in tho coffco and rolled it up in the' paper. She paid for it and departed, and ut advices had not returned to rectify tho irregularity. Washington, Jan. 22.

Tho second Confrencc Committee on the bill to repeal the tax on cuttou, have agreed to report to their respective Houses thst the bill, uh passed, by the, Ilouso, shall be adopted with tha Senate amendment taking thn tariff off of coarse India cotton. This is inuccordance with tha instructions which tho Snnuto gave to the committet. Tho Washington Star assorts that, at Geo. Grtnt held the War department by order of his superior officer, tha President ns Commander in Chief of the army and navy, his surrender ot the orhee to Stanton, without any order to do so from the President, was violation of the articles of war, and subjects Gen. Grant to court martial.

The Fort Scott Press "learnt from a reliable somen'' that Mr. Joy, President of the Michigan Central Railroad, has said that, whenever the couutiet along tha lino of Neosho railroad will issue their bonds in favor of this road, in sixty days thereafter ha will furnish, the ready money to build the road." Sevcntyifive families now living irr Binghampton, Broome county, N. and its' vicinity; aro about to emigrate to-the West. They intend to tale with them the machinery for a taw ond grist mill, and other convenient machinery, tvne nnd'bresi far a small weekly anp nil tho sgrlculturalThiplcsacntt neces sary for the piopecr. A Bangor (Me.1 correspondent tavs that there hat not been a winter for mtnv years, not even 'daring tho war, in which thero was so Buttering tor the want of food And fuel in that city aa thero is' at tho present timo.

This is caused by a'laek'of employment and tha high price of provisions. Cel. Chlvlif tea's ABiellaas. The Ouincv Herald tavt that Col. Ohivington.

formetly a Methodist minis Itr preaching in that city, and notorious all over the omtPd wnria lu oorwwuoo with tha so called "Cbiviogton Indian for anion ha waa.ditnonorably dismissed from the. service, has turned up hii crieinal oalliaic as a NetUoetst minis ter and ia now located in Nebraska City. Ha has featlullv DUnitMd It asems. One ton was drowned In tho Platte River. a grand-son was provum at Denver City his wife died very auddeaiy ut a oamn.

meeting, and it is renorted that one of hit dnugbtert was lately drowned atenoinu from a ferry boat, lie has been rerv uofortunate linot the mas sacre, alsp, having lost tbe accumulation of years. C. Tarry, df nutv postmaster of St Paul, Informs the Pioneer that vhen lie came into office, eighteen vears aai. there were four post-offices in St. Paul, Fort Snelling, St.

Anthony, and Stillwater. 3iow thcrar For nearly thirty yetrs the Liberty (Mist.) has been published weekly by Mr. A. W. Forsythe.

For nearly twelve years it lias been earrled on and pnnted by members of hit family a son ana 'two uaugntert. 1 a 1 Lord Baoon beautifully said "If a' man bo, graeibos utito atrangort, it shows he is a citizen of tb' world. and hit heart is no island rat off from other but 0 eootiaent that rwoa them." The average cost of delivering letters by 1 In, New York it four tailli eaoh in Rotten and Chicago, it it five Willeeach iu Philadelphia Louis, six mills eaoh in Cleveland; seren mills eachin Baltimora, Wcihragtoa aadCin-einuati, nine wills each. There is now railroad, communication from York to, the Rooky Mountsinn, a (Visjance pf.ntarly miles, U'uportry 'bridge having boen completed across tjip Wjisouri xiyer tt Omaha. Almost every young lady is public spir ited enough to Irivo her fstliort homo uicd ns a court houte,.

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