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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 5

Logansport, Indiana
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7MELW HINT THE BEST DRESSED MEN On our streets are seen in our hats. That is our best advertise ruenk, bat, we occasionally to call your attention to our Stylish Hats at a very moderate 'cost. New Spring Style Stiff low as $1, better ones at choieejqualmes at $2 arid DEW ENTER, The Hatter Furnisher Save This Coupon No cxlru charyj for it, but it is valuable. It bares our A names, and that will remind you of the necessity of a New 0 Spring Suit. Present this coupon with a nominal sum of money at our store and we will make to your order the suit of clothes that ever adorned your body.

TUCKER FEflRL STRBET TfULORS, MONEY TO LOAN- Personal, Kcul Estate or collatcml Security. Any Amount. Time. E. B.

Orcrshiner, 327 Fourth Street. MONEY TO LOAN! On Jtortgiutp Security lit 7 and 8 per cent. MOXBY TO JLOAN. On Morrows Security and easy Monthly payments Consult J. T.

COCKBURN. BOOHIH 2 anil 3 bpry eulldlnK. DAILY JOURNAL THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 22 McKeen's steam work Delicate Jgirls made strong Dy Zoa Phora. Yesterday was tho first day Of hap py The people all catch on to Otto 1 remarkubio offe Beu Flshur. tho druggist, will save you money on paints.

See our Madras curtains for $3 S3 Bee Hive annex. Tho best baking powder In the world Ben Fisher's drug storo. Curtain poles and trimmings com Bee Hive's annex light driving must bo a bargain. Call at Journal 'office Fancy lawn grass seed, fertilizers for lawns and Mfg. Co 414 Broadway, The biggest advance sale ever In Logansport waa the rush for "Shore Acren" yesterday.

Full line o( sash Swisses, Point de Esprit, Brussels net, also silk olives and fancy illks, at the Bee Hive's an nex. Slate KepHnger will hang paper at 15 cents a double roll. Give him a call over JLelnenoraan'a tailor shop, 504 Broadway. When so many people are taking and deriving benefit from Hood's Sarsaparilla, why don't you try it It highly recommended Tho funeral of Miss Mary Mackio was held yesterday from Si Bridget's Catholic church, and was conducted by tho Rev. Father Krceger.

Interment was mado at Mt. St. Vincent cemetery. Awarded Highest Fair. BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE.

A row Tartar Powder. Free i A.H..H..L*!.. w.wk%» 7.00. Phora brings health and happi ness. Garden and flower seeds at Krei Mfg.

41-1 Broadway. To maiden, wife or mother, Zaa Phora is a trusty friend. Prince Albert suits, full dress suits all go at Otto's at ifO 40. New line of window shades from 18 cents Hive annex. Tho Red Men will at their next meeting adopt ten new members, John Eall hunted one day at English Lake, and brought home 28 ducks.

Headquarters for paints, oils anc varnish, at Ben Fisher's drug store. Once tried always used, Ben Fisher's baking powder and extract of vanilla. The Military band will give a concert at the oj-ora house on Thursday, April 18. Prof. Wils Berry may bo secured by Ben Wallace to paint one of the clrcua man's advance care.

The Rev. H. J. Norrls will make tho address next Sunday aftarnoon at tae R. R.

Y. M. C. A. At tho North Side U.

church, Saturday and Sunday, will be hold the the third quarterly meeting. Otto Kraus returned from Chicago and finished his spring purchase. No advance. Choice of any fancy suit, $9 50. May-1th, will see the srand opening of Wallace's circus at Peru.

The attraction will hit Loganaport this season. The Elite Mandolin orchestra has contracted to piny during 'the Sunday dinner bout at the Murdook hotel during tho ensuing year. Manager Patterson has had the gallery cleaned up and is selling the first three rows at 50 cents for "Shore Acres." Tickets sold in advance, Tho singing of tho Big Four quartette was a most pleasing feature of the entertainment given at tho railroad Y. M. C.

A. rooms Wednesday night. The Rav. Smith of Gas who was recently called to the Baptist church at Royal Center, will probably accept a summons to the church at Frankfort. John Conrad's End butcher shop is being conducted by Marion Green, wbile the proprietor nurses a very sore hand which he recently gashed with a knife.

Tnomas Welch, better known as Welch, was yesterday fined by 'Squire David Laing $1 and costs for an alleged assault and battery on Michael Fnhlbush, Mrs. John StoolmUler was attached yesterday by Sneriff Homburg, and was taken to Marlon to testify in tbe rant circuit court in the case of the Slate vsEmiry colored. The lodern Way Commends itself to the well-Informed, clo pleasantly and effectually what waa formerly done in the crudest manner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the ajstem break up colds leadaches and fereri without unpleasant the delightful Sjrnpoi WATER-WORKS TRUSTEE ACT. Senator lutlior BIlf.

of li. Senator Vail oJ Goshen. said to an Indianapolis News reporter concerning the bill abolishing water works. trustees of which he was the author: "Two years ago I Introduced a 6im ilarblllin the General Assembly at the suggestion of the citlzans of Goshen and it was The water works trustees of Goshen only ap pointed a superintendent and gave the system too little attention. They were responsible to no one and reported to no one, and when they -needed money had only to aek the council for it.

This required an investigation, and a wrangle between the two bodies generally resulted and thus it became necessary for ths city council to become familiar with the affairs of the system as if it had entire control of the water plant. As a member of the city council- I found constant trouble between the rental power from the wator works board for the running of the electric light system, which the council haa to manage. la order to make a good showing for the water works system the trustees charged the city our times as much for tho power as they should have done. The committee of the common council on streets, alleys and sidewalks will have as much business to attend to as will a committee under the new law appointed to manage the water works system. Mayor Heatwole claims he can save the city about $8,000 a year by having the water works managed by ths city council.

"The bill was first made to include cities of 30,000 population In order to reach the city of South Band, where the citizens were clamorous for the measure, and where the same troubles exist as in Goshen. Representative from South Bond, introduced in the House a similar bill at the request of his constituents. Representative Sulzer two years ago Introduced a similar bill and showed that dissatisfaction existed with water boards In different parts of the State. At the request of Senator Haggard of Lafayette, my bill was amended in the Senate so that it included cities of fourteen thousand population. "A CHILD'S NARROW ESCAPE.

llor. a Loaded PlMtol: LnokllV No One Kllli d. Wednesday afternoon an eleven. year-old boy was playing carelessly wilh a 38 calibre revolver. "As in every case of the kind in history, the small cannon went off at an Inopportune time, and the heavy ball crashed through a window at the home of Mrs.

Smith of Spear street, missing only a few the head of a little daugh ter of Wm. Brunson who happened to be in the room at ths time. Utle one that so narrowly epc-ipea death is a grandchild of Mrs Smith, and fer a time that lad; was badly frightened. The small who monkeyed with the proverbial destroyer of human was a very sorry boy after t' explosion occurred. It is lucky thai Is nothing more serious tore- cord in the matter.

Operation at Joseph Hospital. A oancer was removed yesterday 'rom the of Mrs. Thomas of Monticello, the operation being per- ormed at St. Joseph's hobpltal by Jrs. Shullz, Hetherington, Hatch and kloCann.

The developments in the lase will be watched with interest. Oenth of E. Carney. E. Carney, aged 21 yeare, oij of Solomon Carney, afternoon at one o'clock at the home 1510 Market street.

Tomorrow morning, Saturday, a brief funeral ervice will be held at 8:80 o'clock, which the remains will ba taken Crooked Creek Christian church where the funeral services will be con- ucted by the Rev. Fowler of Wabasb. A Wrwvel Hond. A gravel road will be put in from ha farm of Joseph Gray north to the own of Walton. Toe petition was esterday granted by the county roid commissioners, and Walter Osmer, D.tniel Foglesoog and were viewers.

Tine In Time. Catarrh starts in tt.e nasal passages, fleeting eyes, ears and throat, and is fact, the great enemy of the mucou- membrane. Neglected colds in the ead almost invariably precede ca- arrh, causing an excessive flow of mucus, and if the mucous discharge Bcomes interrupted the disagreable etults of catarrh will follow, such as ad breath, severe pains across fore- ead and about the eyes, a roaring nd buzzing sound in the ears and fteotlmeg a very offensive discharge. Jly'i Cream Balm, ialthe acknowleged for New Spring Ask to see the new Tariff Suits for Men, 34 to 44, 3.50 $4 and $5 The celebrated Clay Worsted Suits, Imported, worth $15 for $7,50 Boys and Childrens in proportion, Otto Kraus of Course, who else has got the nerve. lo be OTTO FREE FOR THS BE DAYS ONLY All sufferers applying at Verio's office, at the Murdoch, for four days only from date will receive advice and treatment free.

The only expense to the patients will be the actual cost of the medicine necessary to effect a cure. Toor case will be unrefully diagnosed by Veno and 1, A. Mills. M. D.

The offer closes positively on Sunday, March 24th. Veno's Extraordinary Offer to Sick People. Father Bessonies of Indianapolis Recommends Veno Veno's cures in Logansport have puzzled the whole medical fraternity because he has completely cured tlie very patients they have been trying to cure for years pust. He uses certain medicine imported from Europe. His treatment is quick and permanent, and be protects his patients by giving them a guarantee with hU medicines, and in this way he has made thousands of frier.ds Ainon-r his ever-gmteful patients, who have been cured by this marvelous system of medicine.

For a few days only from date all new patients applying will receive treatment, advice and services freft until cured. Veno's record as a healer, of the sick far surpasses that of any other man, and the wonderful cures performed in Logansport show thut the Veno treatment is not only the quickest and most certain, but the cheapest and the best. Mr. I. N.

Wood, of 412 Clifton avenue, a cripple from rheumatism for years, unable to drees himself, was restored to health and full use of his hands and a ms, by the Veno remedies. Mrs. Daniel Killian, of 423 Market street, a sufferer for 27 years from a complication of complaints, who had doctored with many physicians without relief, was entirely cured by these wonderful medicines. The following cases in Injianapolis have excited the greatest comment among physicians and the public at large; Mrs, L-mra Bryant, 100 Howard street, who but two weeks ago was completely crippled and not, able to walk, is now well and does her ow housework, cured by Veno's medicines. Mrs, Foreseigner, E.

Washington street, who had been afflicted for twenty years from rheumatism, and dur. in" the last two years bad used two crutches and spent her weight in money trying to bo cured, nothing did her go until Veno's remedies were applied. She is now free from pain and walks without her crutches. Mr. Bolffs, 46 Stevens street, who was bent double with rheumatism, is now cured and working.

Veno and ctaff will remain at the Murdock for four days longer, during time advice, consultation and treatment will be free, 01. ly the actual cost of the j.e'-nss-ry to effect, a cure wiJI be clmrged. 9 a tn to p. in. daily.

Office ac the Murdock, Ladies entrance. IVck'H Bid Bor- The Atkinson Comeoy Company will' present ibai famous piece of American humor, "Peck's Boy' at the opera bouse. The boy is always a welcome visitor. This week be will be especially so for tbe reason that he has surrounded himself wilh a large assortment of novel and entertaining Ideas in the way dacces and witticisms. "All the latest and best" is the slacdard for which the strives.

The company is not only rich in Hpt-cialiy talenr, but it 13 competent to make excellent character pictures of those interesting and well-known person, the bad boy's pa his girl, the corner grocer, and all the rest of the types of e-very human nature that tbe Milwaukee humorist wove into his sketches. Every reader of the news, papsr knows tneoi all and feels an interest in them. There is always a fund of hearty laughter in their adventures. Every woman should learn about of John Shrlefer, The well known salooaist, John Shriefer, died yesterday at noon hi the home of Mrs. Kraut on Market street.

Deavh was brought on by erysipelas. The deceased was forty- four years of age and unmarried. A sister, Mrs. John Burgman. of Miami township, is the only relative living The deceased was a member of the German Oad Fellows lodge of-the city.

Will Organlzn Sunday School. A meeting will be oeld Sunday at 10:30 a March Slat by tbe congregation of the Lutheran Evangelical church of Clinton township, for the purpose of organizing a Sunday school. Ail those wiehlng to take part are invited to attend. THE FINEST LINE OF SPRING SDITIGNS To be Found in the City at CRAIG'S 428 BROADWAY Floor. Justice Block.

AlUSEIEKTg. OLA.N»S OFEKA HOOK. S. B. Patterson, Manager.

ONE NIGHT ONLY RETURN! Friday, March 22- "The SUCC8S8 of a dram UK X. Y. nsu Mr. James A Herne'n Plar Shore Acres. Presented wit!) enure Scenn'y.

Orlgnal cal mid PropTtlee. Cniiertbe direction of Honjy Miner. ItsP.ecord:-257 Nights In Tew lork City. Ill Xlghw Boston. Seat sale Ixtins TbnrWay at 9 a.

91 ctialrs 278 chairs Sh IK' chairs 75c; J33 chairs Ccbalre $9. Curtain promptly at o'cloclc. OPFKA 8. B. PATTERSON, MANAGER.

A Girt Bmdlr Hart. A liule daughter or the Rev. W. R. Wooes was severely hurt lo a fall Wednesday ofterooon, and waa thrown Into from the effects of a violent blow to her head.

She was last night said to be out of danger. of should know 3TIUI1T Monday, March THENEW Peck's Bad Boy. Introducing all the Latest XKDLEYB. ETC. ErerrUilng New and Up-To- Data.

idTAnce Sale SataMar. Firm Maor Kto, TSe.

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