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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 1

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The Ottawa Evening Journal it From Militia Estimates Eapenchture, on Connaught Rifle, Ranges Severely Cnbcized Lttle Progress Made Getting Items Through Lively Crou Firing Between Minuter and Liberal moved In tha mllttla eillmstes Mr, nugn uutnrie gives notice that will move for a reduction of MO. Th eatlmatss of Col. Hughs wars but vary llttl prgreas was made. There was considerable criticism as th axpandltnras on drill ha 11a. Mr.

F. B. Carvall nrltinlaed aevaralv the expenditure on the Connaught nue ranaea. no aaiu uw oiu noca-llffe ranees were excellent and tha now war unneoeaaar Uvety Crcas-rtrtaa There waa conaldarahla rmaa-flra between Col. Hughe and members of th Opposition.

An Instance of it occurred, wjton Mr. Carvell was taking POORSEAMANSHIP RESPONSIBLE FOR EMPRESS WRECK This Statetnenl of Head of Sen- nans Union of Arnerica. Beaton, Jnna "It was not woak-aess la the eonatruettM of th Empress of Ireland nod too few Ufaboata tha loaa of nearly a thousand lives la 1 th sea horror of last Friday," da-1 clared Andrew Furuseth, of San Fran-! Cisco, ureal da at at ih Seamen's Union of America, which i annum oonventioa nare. "Ever alnca tha liability of ahip own-1 era has been limited, rahmetng him. from responstbttlty In ease ef mistakes of a craw, there has been lass eoncarn about rha safaty of Mr.

arose th eon tinned. "More than half Of those who perished could save boa saved If tha craw bad been eSJclent and organised tor actios In aa eaaar- to iiaKcdvnc mmavk Take HaraSnnl'B Hail tanapoonrul in a glass a water befera retiring quiets the wt aaa and. Uaacas refrosfalng A BTCW IAPXDStX. a wloca an rwand. Flat work: nicely fron-d and foMai, alt athar nod and dried only.

The Toilet Laundry A Supply Ca, 41 1 WaUiagisa atraai, Pboaa tUL EY AT QUEBEC WITH tV ii IK-? the thtah casket -waa- wrveirntrr Menibers. th mlnUtar to task. "I am glad ta see the member for Carle ton making a exmuiuon at nimpait, aaia ColonaL "Th mlnlater sits tharo grinning Ilka a amid Mr. Carvell later. Til put a grin on th member for Carle ton baror Ivn throuch with Then waa much jU and good na-I tared rejoinder In th course of th (day.

On one occasion Mr. D. D. Mc- jirnaie oi noum nreton, ataieu 4nataad of tha Ma.00 asUmaUd by COL Hugnoa. WERE SWEETHEARTS 45 YEARS AGO, HAVE NOW BEEN MARRIED loteresung Wedding Montreal Unites 39 Children in One' Family Montreal, June By (he marriaje of Joseph Jette a pensioned fl reman, ft years of ago.

and Mrs. Bdmond Pal-letler. 11 rears old. aweethearui 4i yaara ago, thirty-nine ohlidren have bean allied Into one family. Each had married another than the first love, and had laria ami lie.

MrJette.Wa rna miner or twenty cmiaren. i-thoush all but SIX havs died, and Ma dame Palleilar hacama the mother of It. She became widow twenty-ons yesrs ago, while Mr. Jette has beea a widower for dfteaa years. About two years ago they met after long separation and In talking ovar departed limes they gradually renewed the old bond until they at length decided to accomplish what they had net; aaea aoi to ao wnan ware young.

Tastardu waa Mr. site's birthday, ao that waa a double eelebratloa tor Mm. Today la the birthday of Madame Jette, so thai yesterday waa mad vha occasion of a trip's celebration. Ma-, dame Jette waa lha mother" of Mr. Petleuer, who was for seen, yaara the' absmpioa blltlsrd ptarar of Csnaaa! If en nipped with mod era ad -verandah neroana Made by J.

Tnbtn Boas. (Sbrperts). HER CARGO OF DEAD bTOught down-trig" LP, M'GRATH TO OPPOSE J. A. ELLIS IN WEST OTTAWA Will Be Nomina ted at Liberal Con- venbon to be Held on INDEPENDENT TALKED OF.

Mr. Auguste Lrsnieuz Spoken of as rouible Candiciate in East Riding. It nnMtiwiS il.a.ii.l. u. B.

P. McGrath 111 ba aomlnateg by the Ubaral convention on Frfday to oppose Mr. J. A. Ell la for tha Waal wiiawa aeat in provincial MgJauv turs.

Rumors are alsn "ciiran aa la. dependent Coasarvativ, will be placed in the Held, but so tar no one aaa beaa aocaptin in East Ottawa' Aid. Plnard la present the only opponent named for mcmow jar. vnampBgn. Mr.

Augusts Leanleux baa mentioned as a likely runner but I dsnitood bo ha so far declined th invitation. At a mostlng of the axeeutlre bold Isat night Mr. N. Bate tendered hla resignation as fhalrman of the Ubaral Association for East Ottawa Is view of his business clashing with tha iii(n in. nar piauorm Ot Mr.

N. W. Rowell. leader of the Opposition. A successor wilt be annalntari nura7 ana win useiy Be Mr.

C. A. MILITANTS DISTURB OPEN AIR MEETING BY LLOYD GEORGE Crlccldh. Wales. June 1 Militant ouffraiette today visited In force thai constituency ot David Lloyd George, while the chancellor efihe exchequer ine wonu nrsi inea create panic tnonf the audience but a aumimvry elected.

Thev than luraded tha main street shattering with ham-! mera many winaowa ot storea ana r-, sldencss oa their way. Eventually they encountered the poHee who ar- raaisa aan a aossn at is em. LADY CIVIL SERVANTS WILL HAVE OUTING UP THE GATINEAU Tnmorrow being th km Birth day the Woman's Branch of the Civil Herrtoe Association wm noio aa out-lag ta the head of tba falls on th Qs tines Illvsr. Dusss wUl leawoi rroos th front of th Archives Build' log. use ax direaC at a.m.

ret urn. ing bboux a sum. snirutor mioi tlon may ba aaa ay MODILIZATIONOF AERIAL FORCE OF THE BRITISH ARMY Seventy AeropUibsa and 100 Pilot Will Take Part Month' ManoeuYretv Landoa. June 1. If nVirlliattan at the aerial force of tha British army baa boon completed oa Hallabury Plain, and this morning, an that historic area, complete squadron of a Ira pa.

with ft aeroplanes and on hundred pilots, commoacad manoeuvres which will laat for. a month. These have been so arranged that aero craft far purely military purposes shall be employed la oo-oaera-Hon with troops. The aerial force will ba engaged in reoonaol taring, lha dropping af bombs and wlralaaa signalling. 4 TWENTY-THREE FROM OTTAWA AND DISTRICT Lilt of Those Who Were on the Ernpreaa From Tha Vicinity Growinf.

THIRTEEN FROM CITY. Four Mernbera of Oat Family rrom Brownaburf Peiiilied. iy mora than at Brat thought ournma tha loas-nf dear anas throughout Ottawa and district, who nave aaoeo in ina aeain hhi oi in Empress of Ireland. Additional namea appearance of th oomplete passenger ax oi tae atsnpraaa ex inuoi, wucn 'as grran out by tha F. R.

A raw af Ihi hr at tho booking offloa, which fact Is explained whan they might have Knrchaasd their tickets on the boat or Montreal. Th total from this vicinity baa now grown to SS, af which number is came from Ottawa. Foew An ItMaxag. Tram Browaaburc OaL. BSaSal the sorrowing cry for loot eaea on th Empress of Inland.

Four members of ne famUy, Brnast. Florence, Fred and Baatrlo Billot of that Tillage, sailed tor th old country to visit their par-anta la tha old country. Thau- arrival ban beaa looked forward hy th father and mother la London, Eng, far i ft. wa sua tae aaa uau ai ui drowning has been sent to then) by their remaining son, ueerg aisa hoc to identify tba bodies of hi bra Tnsr W. Br van.

af Kara, OnU waa aa those ta parish la tha watera af tha SL Lawraao ma imw aum-presa af Ireland. Mis Bryan waa it years ex age aaa cam uanaoa ttatth har naranta oae rear in, She had been taking a course in pnyaa-oal a altura and arul for soma time i Irons af aniahtag -oar course. This sha mtettdad da Raaland while VlSltlnX SS married slsUrs la UvsrpooL her or home, aba wa as accomplished musician a I her mother. One sad faster la that she was betrothed ta a young man af tha village of Kara. Ona rear ago, Renart suras.

and brother, and farmer for soma yaara la th vicinity af Kara, per- amdod hm parents ana aunor some ta this country which they did and located in Kara. Mr. and Mrs, Bryan passed through Ottawa on their way Quebec Identity th roanaine inerr eaua. Thoae that ar practically in the locality ciaunea oy tnssji as thalr home aral Llesa Tamnlen. of Calumet.

Jacob Tutu, of Wsk. neia. una. ana inrne irom uiddw- cliff. Jacob LvkaL Kath Brkla.

ana if owns Kusstin. Bnrvlvors rrom Ottawa Wh known St tha ticket office are; or Miss Rraa. Wadl Ivesro- UBry Scyntu and Kails Laraen. J. W.



A. E. CAUOHET. Mrs. A.

E. J. DICKSON. Mrs. or Mien It TAN.


June 1. Crushed death under a pUe of lumbar which had fallen noon them while thev wan laying yesterday, tba bodies' ef mile Auger, tho fonr-year-ola son of victor auger, aev isnin avenue. Row mount, and Armand Douses, tha ata. year-old son of Bugsns Douoet, of III NIneth venue. Rose mo ant.

trera found by tha two almost frantic fathers at th nd of a nine-hour search throughout th city for th two children, whs disappeared attar iney nu lun uwir inncn rSIia Ottawa Dairy lea Cream louBwaun patron, ssr. narnaaa but recently supplied th Dommion Ov. tmnM Offltnala with a aampta that was taatsd' Mm utk-. adtiitaratod ar below th stasidard eg RCMtrVAtV ROTICK, sui xaantrki shh Usstr nw juartara, Ut goods at atodsrau pricaa will alway thank all aid eastomarg for thalr valued patronage and respectfully sanclta a santtauana af aa aun Intake Pipe Repairs Costly." Fine Today, Warmer Wednesday vol. xxix.

No. lee. OTTAWA. TUE8DAY. JUNB 1914.

PRICE ONE CENT. FEW PERISHED BY DROWNING; MOST OF WRECK VICTIMS KILLED Thu i the Statement Made by the Undertaker Who Embalmed lh Bodies at Quebec -y MANY OF THE VICTIMS ARE YET UNIDENTIFIED Grueioine Scenes Within the Mor-, tuary Which Stirred. the Enw-ttoni of Everyone Present. it, (lushec. June 3.

Juelw still stand unive-to. hi th bier of the Km-Hrrai-. dead. Tram early morning Ml I nd the sruesutf nnnhrs prmerttion of friend nnd ihe rowa of llfelea fcrmi rr.inniiiK earn pallid upturn)! )Hnrk funeral vehicles frtirn the shop the tiiidertakMW rnm and waul all ime hnndrrd ami tn bod I fa hv -liua fnp rwen Identtflrd, but tha Ink rr.w" It.irdrr each hur. There yet -miitiM foitr sccre "unhnows." Death, lieller, ha laid them "Id Mii, an ua1 nnw.

No barrier -jflMiaiea the -bumble -MHer. 'rm the man of social position and weitlth. Mentor Smler. Wednesday there will be burial and memorial -larvlcea fnr all who remain ununewn. The mar inn band Essex, tha offlqera and ihe crew of which have already ao (bared In the trlbnia of will escort the remain to their' resting place, while the bells of rrhe citv churches will in unison toll tanst'lctlon and prayer.

Within the Mortuary. Wfthln the wall 0( the crepe drap-rit there were enacted iranea that stirred th amotion of all ho witnessed them. At noon email mescrnger boy hurried to the death freighted pier. He carried a for Frank Hamilton of 8t. John, N.B.

Adtnlttad by hla paaa to co (fin shed, where a hundred or mora workers and friend a Kara aiding In tha task of ide mi rlct Ion, the lad tiulttly act about to locate the recipient for tha messa. Brlt-, ih -blue-coat standing on guard lle-: ined to hla iiueaiion. Bllently tho sailor pointed to a body, theu marked that of Hamilton. Haataawd From Balldiag. Tho lad Mood for a moment la erl-dam awe.

Then ha threw hla me- Rorpaa tho message lay, till waa ubM4Unitr eatabllthed that a mte Uka had bean mad.Hiaf iaatead of ml Hon the remafoa ware tboaa of i NlM aat Tea med. An army of tinOrtaaera emkalm-bif Ibo bod lea daolara that nine out of every tan were killed laatoad of drowned. Tht would aoem' to explain tha fact that moat or fJthem ware round fioatlac upon th eurfaoa of 'tho water. Ctutehed to the hand of ana woman waa a lara-e portion of tha hatr of another. Around tho watat ef one man waa found a belt contain In money draft to the extant of fourteen thousand dollar and one thousand dollar hi gold; Eight thouaand dollar waa found In a atnalt leather bU a poo aaother.

On eoRln thought to oontala a man who was IdentlAod aa a member- of th arow named Crallls, turned oat to ba a woman. Again and again bava there been rival claim for the bod lee and only after tha moat careful embalming and fnvaatlgatloa bar UenUfloatioa beca anally JOSEPH GLEESON DROWNS IN RIDEAU RIVERYESTERDAY Jaeaph Oleeenn, aged aeTentean year of age, living on tha llarlar Road. Eaatvlaw, waa drowned In the Idea a River near Cummlnga Bridge at half-paat five yeaterday afternoon. Accompanied by hla two younger brother a. ha waa swimming up and down th river and suddenly was takaa with a cramp and disappeared.

Two men who happened to be paaalng saw the boy throw up hkt hand and sink. They Quickly secured a boat and towed to th scene, but war unable to find any trace of the body. A party of mnNarched the rlrar untU a lata hour, but to ao avalC Lord Mersey Is Expected to Take Part In Impiiry Ireeaad win tfkety a of Kir AetolatM Rowthiar. of tha Admiralty Court ef Qjaebeoi Hon. Res Mdjod, of the Admiralty CouM of Hew Bnn.

wtcfc: Lord Meawy. ipssajaina' (be BrlUati vvrauMtt, and Ooonra Vaaa, reprjeenUna; tha Brillfth Board of Trade. The Canadlatt appHnUamt hate wot part ta the liMtry. Ba preetd-rd at tho hatabrx taw tim Tl am Jaae or t. In addition ta Oat tmamsd.

BMneaa tbm wOl ba threw aaaUcal ai. air On at tbasa wUl be Capt. Yatea, of PHbob Edward laUmlt Ue Mb- two aave ant yet been derided aaweL Tha anveranM-tit eir IhaC CAPTAIN STATES THAT THE EMPRESS ill BE RAISED Divert Find Damage to Ship Greater Than First Supposed. Quebec jam (flDfaji The Empress of Ireland Will ba railed. An official ata lament to that affect wa Sutherland by Captain Walah here laal night.

Divan who bsvs gon down around tha sunken steamer nave eatablloiiad that bar amafei are arcaior man at Drat supposed. In tha hold or tha Empress there la uored among other things eighty thouaand dollar la allvar bullion. It wea beiaj Mtlpped to London from Cobalt. DISASTER WILL MEAN A GENERAL RISE IN RATES Opinion That the Governmeot Will Contribute Coil of IntunuKc, ESTIMATED CLAIMS TO BE $1,500,000 Suggetbon That Seats on Upper Decks Should be ImmedUtely CooYertibk Into Raft. linden.

Jnna I tr-int i Ifih newapapara eommantlnc on the RmpreaM of Ireland dlaaatar continue lo follow tho Una Indicated by tha prwa on aaturoay, namely, thni even with tho moat modern ao- pliancei and oompletaat preoautlona man la not yet matter of the aaa. It 1 obvtotia thouxh dlaaatar will havo an eatramaly dapreaaUw afteot on Canadian underwrituc SubatantlaJ nwreaalona ware recent I mitn. llaed with ngard to tha premium and cnndltlofta, bat the Uteat loaa Will raiult In a bi.p. iakm. na ax.

lAwrene lfr la that -the Dominion (ImfM. ment win now contribute towarda tha ooat of Insurance to olTaot tha lower charcaa on tha New Tork and other vuuiyeuna routea. in eatimatea lira win iHuiisnr uaima en ino n.f.n. over the dlaaater will total Il.ue oa Several prominent trarallera point out that both tha rilanln aH la parfactly oalm leaa and hdrecata that tha II nan' unur atek-eiiett 'lii-Firrt lino Mara Virginian will act as substitute for the Empress of Ireland. Raiiina- arranged for June 11 Several news-pa pera express special appreciation of i csuimj aim reaoinoaa anown the C.P.H.

In th present mergncy. Pitiful scenes are still being witnessed at th Liverpool offlces, 1he number of callers la hardly percept! Ny leas, for although the fate of Ibo majority of th paaaengar and crew 1 definitely known, relatives still flock omcee in too Mpactauon of ra ef Some kind ihalr mIhiu One of loam has beaa la the bulM- eince sTiaay, FISHERMEN THREE HOURS IN WATER BEFORE AID CAME Wen Known P. Conductor ''and Hi Guide Have Narrow Escape on lake Scugof. Alsxandar HaTfaaln for many yaara a eoaductor on tha Ottawa-Toronto run of roe C.P.R.. who 1 well know locally, and Thomas Jacket, a guide, clang to Jt overturned boat and an uni ivr ierea amurs, ana eseaptl float from drowning In lake Ki-umi Bi Undaay, OaL, on Friday afternoon.

Their boat oapaiaed, wba, HeNcaly wa attempting to land a twenty-eight pound maaklnoaga and after bain LfssGuad, McNealy landed tha big Hah. w-iy ia iue uunmn, Jtcneaiy. IB coupaay w4tn hla guide, sat oat on a fishing ax pep HI on. and whan trotting across the lake, about ball a mile from ahor. hooked rb Ma 'lunea.

Whan attempting to land the nan one of the nan Is reported to have leanid arsr ram aia si ooat ausins; it to r- turn. McNealy eluor to the avertBraed boat for three hour, and the guide I drifted about oa an oar for a similar: time. The pair ware almost exhausted wasn ptoKeo up oy passing aansrman. DOG RUSHES INTO FIRE TO SAVE CHILDREN. BUT Quebec, jufto I.

ollawing tha ploaloa of a gas line stove In. homo of their par eats at Throe Rivera yasteraay at supper urn, two children af Oetava Oaellat were burned to death before tha vary eyee of thoir bolpwa aarvnta. A dog balonglBg the family raahod tat tha blase to aavo the tota. Dec pnnaaea wiut unm. ronnm kxhibition.

Aa aahlMUoa af Oil Ptiminn k. tha ealobrated ArOat John Colin rorne win iat vwca tnis wars on 1 en a eh Oo.B Art Hooma, parag Mr. Porboa ha a largo collect ton of I nalBttnaw of Kaaltah ana i ecenery. and alao a. taw portralu of Moaor the apeak of th House aod Mr.

rorbeo ha Just ra a sketching tear ta tbo Oatlneaa Hill at II -MH Lab. Thee plcluea Willi ARRIVAL OF THE "HEARSE SHIP" LADY GR lLuIij Qu-bw, Jtme 2 (By 8Uff RprtenU dawn waa breakinn. 'The city aJept. Slowly up the St. Law, renee came tha "bearae Lady Grey, freighted with bet cargo of dead.

On the docks of lower (juebee grief-atncken men and women had watched and waited for her coming; through the long honra of the night Acting aa a guard and convoy of the funaral vessel steamed Hi Majesty's armored cruiser Essex By seven o'clock they Were welt within the harbor, and as tb bells of the his tone Basilica solemnly summoned the faithful to early mass, the Earl Grey moored Into the pier which had been converted into an improvised morgue. Upon her decks were tiers of black coffins guarded by a corps of provincial prAice, and one- hundred British marines. On the dock there waa gathered scores of newspaper men from all over the continent, moving picture operators, Salvation Army officers, medical men, coroners, undertakers, police, sombre clad ministers and black robed priests. Scores of city policemen guarded the roped cordon threw ont around the pier to keep back tha erer-increasing throng of morbidly curious men and women. Within the pier shed friends and relatives of the dead had congregated.

of them were weeping and sobbing without restraint To the sailors of the King 'a navy--bluejaeketa from the Essex there fell the task of bringing ashore the 188 coffins. The remains of those 188 souls who found anchorage Across the Bar. Silent, reverent, efficient, speaking no word and performing their task with machine-Uke precision, they awakened profound gratitude and. Over the aide of the ahip the crepe covered coffins came In a aeeminiily ijaaidlmwi psoaaswiQBs.hoaai tbe Bt6alerer4f-t1yr Brilratt-WrraY J-. As each coffin waa placed upon one of the long rows of bliugtrirmiferrstood at ittention, saluted, and'-TKa'doiinlf7 order returned for their next Bruesome burden, For one hour and tan minutes the SDectatora stood in silence.

A hush of death, broken onlv hr tha rtamenTgtiomi of theends oftherost; war upon thaplaee; At1 last IMPERIAL GOVT. WILL ASSIST THE COURT OF INQUIRY Bill to Appoint Special Cormnis- sion Passed in Commons To-day. SENATE REPRESENTATION. Hon. Mr.

Perley Will Diacuu Tfnsl Question While In I Fpglarid, i Tha premier announced in tha Tom. I mona tfci morning that the aorera-1 meat bad reoervad Information that I tha Imperial govarnment waa mw. ed to assist la tha coaatttutloa of a1 aa aisastar to Thai bill to authorise the nmin; tent of a special ootmnlaaloa into th dlsaator was paaoad by tha House; Hon. J. D.

Haaan informed Blr Wilfrid lAnrlsr that It bad not yt been deolded whether the oommlselon would meat In Moat real ar Quebec The data would depend on the eonatiltatlon With the rspressntaU of Mia Brttlah The premier in reply to a question Hon. Rodolnha Lemteux aald Hon. Oaorg H. Parlay waa going to England to discus genet representation and to look into tha question of a aite for tha now Canadian offices. would also discuss other matters.

Sir W4ltrld Leurler "Nat sawnl af-falraf' Mr. Borden rA my right Hon. friend I so Inter eat ed naval affaire, i may assure him that If na-ceaalty arise he -will discus that also." The Premier abM ft was tha Intention of tha Government to introduce a rests. ut ion ragarotng awnaie Taprs' To rtaseaw Kartak Crow. Hm.

1 D. Hasan said tha desert. meat of naval affairs was in com-municallon with Capt, Bart lett, of th lll-Uted Kartak. at Michael's, Alaakm. who staled that the only Ma sai available for taking oft the party! oa wranget ihsm wwm aw ma wo-breakere of th oasts government or tha American revenue vasi which Slled these watera.

Tha waters about rrangel Island would sot be navigable untU tho end Jury or th be-glanlag of August. Mr. Hasnn aald the government was sow to oom-monleatloa with tha Russian and American pmnnra rarnuasT Bnasuahawaa Anlhmcft Coal: Bg1 IS. fa, stove, chestnut lit; I to. par ton dlsuanat for cash sad Immedl- doUvery.

Pboa ai ISoCoUi ia sfaak i Opposition Will Move That $3,000,000 be Cut HUERTA IS SAID TO BE READY TO SUBMIT POWER TO PRESIDENT He Doira. Frae ui UJ Elto- boai July i. But Objccb ApfMinliiKiit oi a Proviuoaal Prmdent MEDIATION CRISIS AT AN ACUTE STAGE CarranzA Mutt Suspend All Hos Uitwa in Order, to Havs His RcpreaenUtives Received at the Niagara musa City, Juns t. Tha views of Presldsat Hnarta with regard ta th seuiemeat ta which th Niagara Falla naana ennfereoea la Stwiiins tta efforts have never yit boon de- nad. hut.

umiHll iAU to tha president, be has proposed that tho elections fur president, vice-president, senators, deputies and stats governor should be bald on July I neat, no decreed by oongrass. II 1 desirous that these elections shall be rrs and absolutely legal, th Can-: atltutlonaltsu having th right to ex arc Ua ta supervision in those portions at tho republic now contra Ilea by the government, and th govern- ment agents the same right to supervise th returns in those part of tho country now In Uw hands of th Constitutionalists. Huerta. accord lna to tha ansae authority, has made solemn pro ml sea uaua over wo executive power ta tha president thus elected. He objects to tha appointment of- a new vroviaienal nraaldant bacauaa this would oa use impairment, ot tha tuu- iobi sovereignty.

It Is further resorted that Hnarta'a proposals lor th asttlamant of tbo aitneuitlea between Mexico And tho United mates mcluda the admission of reproaentatlvu of th Constitutionalists ta conference at NUgara s'alla ta ardor thai quest Ions anec(-1 mg Maxloo may be dlscusasd and sallied Between Mexicans exclusively. KUsara Falla June 1 (Hall and Junpirn). Th crisis in tha medU- iran priNweainsn net ween Hex tea and tho United bMa-ies is at an scale at as a Tba three nouth American diplomat a and the American SelHataa hawal reached aa abaolqte deadlock, and ne- lunnar win a aon on oitnar i aide before solution to tha latest i dirfieuity baa bean found. mmmn awwoay aujni ana an Sour nng of Oenarai Carraosa td the modlattoa Would Ilk, t. h.T, UMM m.

It. An- Hliunw. W.un mi. bun. ot mud to mor.

t. tb on dtwtend lut tut thni tMlr portion Hprtlw oroZ U. mdUtor. iTu iSi uiV u' i dSf Not tntta CuruM mm, n-: th. or ut FIREMEN OF HULL tUMMtiNDED BY TH -OTTAWA FIRE CHEF I r.i- biec xnamer at Hull Fir department, received a latter to-day from Chief Oraham af Ottawa, com-I nnlng work or hi engine and me a 1 CMbMN strert last Today's '(Cliere Minister tkt Cnywnkc Wat ptafMt.

nvni of solrmn IA. OHatM lint, Iht tlhtr is) wry mrl "off ku gamt. Mo kept making U14 dirt flf and wondering why he mufed kil ikctt. Bu opponent, an mad no remarke for a while. Fimatlg tkt tmttor tiatetman mekwtrad mtgktf twat whteh mr-necked tkt Ml hnt ekelUrad hit cht.

"Ortat Dm what did I hitr etxitintd tkt MMMtr. 'Tko OtrntelM of Vtnada," raid the Mr. frttg. swan pTVant-urdtloa. 7 'if BestStonll He.

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