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The Courier News du lieu suivant : Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 6

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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SIX Collegian? Pep Up Wrestling Game rs.RK.) COUKUW NEWS Round Matches of 1 Annual Spring Handicap. lo'End June 7. The, annual spring handiran of the Blyllv-'Vllli country club liar, with 05 srhedulcd to tec oif this "week in Hid flrft round cf tne men's division of- the tourney. i Pairings for thc first round have Jxen announced by Ihn lounn-, ment coaimltte; In both tlie men's division In which 43 matches h.ive i arianjed nnd the boys' Is. iori.

Pairings lor the women's torn--1 noy will bd announced soon. All first round matches must completed by the close ot play Sunday, June 71h 'Hie second round is staled lo closr on Siin- day, June thc fourth rountls by Sunday, June fifth, sixth and seventh rounds will completed by Sunilay, Jim? The tournament committee lias 'rated each player with handicap the tourney, ranging from two for golfers generally rcu- ognized as members of the llrst night to the highest rating ot 10 strokes for thc nrwcr members. 'Ilie handicap is for each nine hole. 1 of piny, 18 Match Play Eighteen holes of match ixre required foi each round of the tournament. Golfers may improve lie, on the fairway but are jibl allowed (o tea the ball except Irom thc tce-ofT.

Pairings for 4hn, first round of the tournament arc as follows: Sam Morris (7) vs. Dr. Carl Nies (10). G. E.

Keck (4) vs. W. A. Grace (10). 1 Dr.

W. M. Owens vs. Gordon Wright T. vs.

II. Mas- eey (10). E. Gee (51 vs. Paul thal (G).

Bill Pollnrd (5) vs. Paul Sch-. warlz (8). F. A.

White (10) vs. A. G. Little (10). R.

P. Kirt.hncr (4) vs. J. Van Ausdale (8). C.

M. Baxter Hi vs- E. 0. ton, 18). N.

H. Helm (8) ys. Sheldon Hall (8). Ira Crawford (10) vs. J.

B. Clark (10). II. Chappcl (B) ys. Marsh la way (5).

P. P. Jacobs (2) vs. G. G.

Cnu- dlll (6). Dr. H. fC) vs. Crawford Habli (10).

A. O. Hudson (8) vs. (10). (10) (4) Bill vs.

C. L. rUESU.Vi', 2c UIMRGB The slain-lianir style Ihai college Brlilincn. Midi as (be Rlailialora Kliiiwn almve have hclricd Irausfurm Ihe mat Rame Into one nf tlie lirnuglil to flic pro- iiunlry's licst paid in- C. Atkinson OHarnblin (8).

R. L. Bannister Untzenlch W. J. N.

Gcsell (10) vs. J. 1'. licl- land O. P.

Moss (10) vs. O. Hnrd- (10). Floyd Action (8) vs. J.

W. Driver, (10). E. Lyman (8) vs. Russell Phillips (C).

C. N. Duck (5) vs. R. N.

Ware, (4). Harvey II. Thompson (C) Vs K. W. Goodman (5).

John Waterman (8) vs. J. L. Guard Chas. E-nker (9) -re.

C. W. Afflick (8). Victory Bray (10) vs. E.

P. Bcinim (10). J. A. Leech (10) vs- E.

Elkins (10). O'Brj-unt (10) vs. R. D. Hughts (10).

C. E. Crigger, (10) vs W. P. Veasoy (10).

O. W. McCutcheon (10) vs. Win. McKenzie 110'.

Godfrey White (8) re. C- W. Vollmtr (8). W. T.

Barnett (6) vs. Byron Morse (4). Roc (4) vs. Chas. Lemons (7).

N. Tanner (5) vs. E. R. Mason OO).

Virgil Grcrn (8) vs. W. J. Peck D. S.

(10) vs. Lute Hubbard (10). Sam Grimes (3) vs- Srilt Harris (4). G. Sals G.

G. Hubbard (10). John Snydcr (9) vs. U. S.

Uran- Mackmen Cop Seventeen Gnincs; Indians Beat White Sox. What maple have the Athletics using the past three weeks. N'o knov.s what brought the lo life after a desultory start 'but. the A's ycs- tewlny won two games to chr.ik up 17 straight wins and hold their lead far in front of thc other American leagve clubs, in the National league the Giants and Cards were idle while (he Cubs won'a giuii2. Lefty Grove turned thc Yankees back with elghl hits, well scutlcr- got to John- 2 In thc first Birmingham while his mates sou nnd won 4 to gnmc of doublehearicr at Philadelphia.

Grove struck Kuth nnd Gehrig lo end threatening rallies. Johnson was the losing hurter. son (6). Jeff Roland (0) vs. J.

J. P. Len C. L. Blakcrr.ore (1C) vs.

G. Barnes (10). C. R. Babccck (G) vs.

Jamc. Driver (8). C. A. Cunningham (10) vs.

B. Pioctor (8). Uoy Wise vs. Fred Flee man (10). C.

Cavitt (2) vs. Oooch (4). Buster Driver V3. J. S.

Bol lard (7). B. A. Lynch (2) (2). Rescoe Crafton (10) vs.

E. Thoma.i (4). Jnniof Leo Lintzenich (4) vs Rcbe Baxter (8). M. Baxter, (0) vs.

U. Branson, (6). Byron Morse, (C) vs. Jam Guard (6). There art 400 miles of rewers mdMi, the whole drainage system, reprcsonting a capital outlay Fight OnTonight At Armory Throe, six round bouts with a lo- rnl tey nppearing in each light will open tile fistic pastime here, this summer at thc Armory lo- nighl.

Ijicideiilnlly it will be the Ihsl cunl the IMW national guard imllcMng. Arch Lindsey nnd Jnclt Craig will divide the referee's job it was announced today by Joe Craig, promoter. Don "One Hound" Ilurton, who meets Hilly Uyrd of Tumpa, Pla. I Philadelphia in the u'iiul-un bout, finished off Wasliluglon his training nig Mnyj New York rilnnchnrd. lanky light heavy, will Detroit THEY STAND Snnlliem W.

20 12 New OrlCiins 20 17 Memphis 20 19 Atlanta Ill 20 Chattanooga 18 20 Nashville- Miller Rock Mobile 15 18 17 20 1G 20 25 Pel .54 .511 .474 .47 .45 .444 .375 BRUSHING UP SPOUTS meet the tough toy known favorably to loeal fight fnns ns "Sandy Ridge." In another Ccju'laud, brother of Freddie, tackles Kid six rounder, Sum tin; famous Pilchard of Slccle, Mo. four Touiut bouts the show. In Ihe second game the Macks Jumped off (o aiv cnrly start by cring nine inns in thc Initial nlngs. The final score was 101 Jimmy Foxx hit a homer in second game while Cochranc nd Chapman counseled for thc rcuit In the first tilt. Malmffey is the winning liurler In the scc- id game.

The Cleveland Indians won over Chicago While Snx- 7 lo Wes i crrell relieved Ihulltn to retire; Sox in the ninth after two! ins had been scored, iludlin re- ived credit for the victory and liomas for tlie loss. Morgan of ic Indhni hit a homrr. Th; Chicago Ctirjs made their its count yesterday to beat the iltsburgh Pirates. The score was lo C. The Pirates counied first ut the Cubs came back and look ic lead.

Mcore hit a home rim or Chicago. Swxlland was the! inning hurler. Hormby nnd Stc- hcnson continued to be guns i the Cub attack. Kremcr was the csing hurler. Tlie Wnshinston-ncston pame in 10 American league ut.

as STARS MW ART AVhcre slic.uld Ihr wrists lie broken in llic Huvc you ever sren some colf- ers break a'- Ihe start of ihr-li- backs-i-ina? It is done not with the best results. Breaking the wrtrUs too quickly will hlnrter Ihe pivot to a large Religious Debate in Italy Comes to Blows VENICE, I UP)-Prnleftants nnd' cxtrat Tnc WTists sl ould LIFE TO mm Gladiators Giv Fans Tin-ills With Rouyh Tactics Mat. EDITOR'S NO'I'K: Tills is the secimil of a siries of six articles on modern Hre.sllin?, revcallnc llih fit tin: revival, Ihe mrMmdx uf the nut game anil invr.stigiilhr; (lit- iluct cf the niLifilirs as (hey are niiu- Ijrhiff ItV WH.l.IA.M KIIACCIIKR NI'A Service Spurts NEW YOKK. May pros- pcrlty of wrestling limy traced Ihetlly to tlie collapse of boxing hat resulted from an epidemic of "onls and unsatisfactory fights. Hut there is another source farther back than that, traced lo Dartmouth tackle, Gus Suniienljerg, who brought to Ihe a new kind of onslaught in the Hying lackle.

Three years ago, Iwfore $70,000 iiouse In ISoston, Gus nnd lib flying tackle rendered Champion Hlrnng- ler U-wis liors de combat. The young nthletc irom Ihe Michigan iron and lumber country "carried Hie ball" across the country and back again on an end rim that netted hundreds of thousands of dollars. Sonnenbcrg wns accused of faking practices. It was charged he wrestled Don Kololf half a dozen times in different cities, with Kol- oll advertised under different names. Gus did not deny it, but toll! newspaper men that he had nnt known promoters were changing Kolofl's name.

Bonnenbcrg. understand, was champion of what might be called tiie "American League" of wrestling, the Bowser-Saudow group' with strongholds in Boston, Kansas City and along the Pacific Const. Meanwhile the National League of wrestling, centered in New York and controlled by Jack Cnrlcy. a promoter for 40 years, was advancing the claims alternately ot Hans Stcinkc, Richard Shlkat and Jim Londos. Curley, insisting that Soiinc-nberg "couldn't wrestle a lick," challenged him to meet anyone of a dozen of his pachyderms, offering 553,000 if the man Gus chose should not he able to throw him twice in three minutes.

The challenge was not answered. Sonncnberg. working the charm of his flying tackle upon crowds from coast to coast, was reaping rich rewards, other collegians began to follow Ills lead. It, was but a short lime until wrestling was crowded with young men from the colleges who brought to the mat gifts of swift, fierce action learned on the gridiron. Wrestlers of all the the Independents, such ns Al Haft's man at Columbus, John the furious tactics of Gus the Goat.

This stirring action went over big with the crowds The "airplane slam," consisting of whirling the victim over one's head and flinging him with a crash to the canvns. was added to the repertoire and soon became favorite stunt of the grinders. The Influx of college men eonlin- until lodny there arc more than 30 collegians on the big circuits, ninny of them wrestling three and four nights a week. The latest recruits nre Joe Savol- rti. the former Notre Dame fullback, who 1m been "playing" for the Bowser-Sandow booking firm antl Len Macnluso, the Colgate All- America choice.

Upon tliesc college men such old wrestling entrepreneurs as Monster Curley look with a Jaundiced eye. and with the comment "they can't wrestle, but it ts gecting so that any from a college football field can pack house." i 1.1 Tllc blg colie ee shot of the cur- Kaitl Prevents Night ley herd at the moment Is Rav Ball 'Game at Osccola tco1 1 rro thc iv "siiy of cai- oau uame ai formn A 0 i hcr OI1 tne Cllil "Illy Bartush, the former game between the CAllforuh University of Illinois lineman Nile Owls, who carry their own Other collegians who now hold Ih'hiin? system with Ihcm. and the lucrative positions In the Owrula Indians. semi-pro club, lengues of wrestling are- Tiny lioe" scheduled lo be played at buck. Haskell: McMlllen Uni" SPENDS 75oo EACH NEA6.

fcR RXMZ AKD OF HlMSEi-F T( American I.rafrns W. L. Chicago Cleveland St. Louis Hoslon National I St. Louis New York lic.slon Chicago Pittsburgh Philadelphia Brooklyn 15 Cincinnati 7 24 20 10 17 14 14 12 11 W.

18 in 17 14 15 15 .501 .447 .424 .692 .673 .500 .409 .441 .233 GAMES TODAY Snuthcni I.cngue Mobile al Memphis. ISirmlngham nt Atlanta. New Orleans nt Little Rock, Only games scheduled. American t.eacur: Chicago at Cleveland. Detroit nl St.

Ixjuis. Washington at Boston. New York at Philadelphia. League Pittsburgh at Chicago. SI.

Ixiuis at Cincinnati. Only gamer, scheduled. Southern Leaders Take Shifrfcsl In Spotlight Debut at Atlanta Park. II Ml lalholics came lo blows In Ihe hurch of San Canclano here dur-^rd be- by two Passic.uijt fathers. which sustained the doc- rines of the Catholic church, while the other for rhetorical pur- merits of ccckcd until part c.f the lucksvvinv- is reached.

It is nn eid lo Mi? r.traiirht left arm and forced to call the contest off Ou'j; had previously defeated Indians in a night game at ruthcrsville. Sunday number of Methodists and ad horcnU to thc Waldeslan Church, drawn by the announcement of the debate were mingled with the usual catholic congregation. One of them, excited by the of the P.urioniM«, sought to Intervene in earnest on behalf of the tightness of thc faith, but thc congregation shouted him down, nricl followed in the course of which Protestants and Cntholic-s exchanged a number of insults and blows in the name of religion. Tlie commonweallli of Anslralta produces a'uout one-fourth of Ihe i world's surjpjy of wool. List night wns called oil versity of Illinois: Dori of wet grounds.

Michigan; Hank Brudcr. Northwest A heavy downpour during the tl.iv Ray Richards. Nebraska- Bib- made a muddy lake of the i ber McCoy. Holy Cross: Sun Jen promoters of the w-rv! nings. Hnskell: Boyle 00111111" bin Wll( Oklahoma- Oeorge Zaharlos.

Colorado and Ohio State: Herb Freeman. Coltesr of the City of New York; Earl Me- Kcariy. Oklahoma A. Everett Marshall, Denver Unlvers'ty PI n- i Pathcr Lum kIn Georgia Tech Shoes UlCS in New York Paul Harper, Southern Methodist 1 Lloyd Burdlck, University of mil TWOCKTON. noIs: A1 Morclli.

Boston College: shoo company of this c'tv Joclc a ins. University of Vlr- has lost its biggest order. Blnla; Paul Jones. Rice Institute; Kot Ihe business depression hut Mlddlekauft, University o' the recent death of James Fiurh Flort(I Dr Hnlph Wilson. Unl- uho lias tried pr.irtfrallv New York wns resiwnsiblr.

jVersily of Pennsylvania, and Al Pi- rvrrv sujpv.linii but (a r.n finch, Negro, stood fi-ri CT ottl. Boston College. seven inches in helshr. Souuenberg's title passed to an- ITHUSimt FOR Yr.xiis I 613 pounds, and wore other collegian. Don George, in ALI.EGAX lUPi bout at Ixss Angeles.

Understand ne years as a nulisii-i Tl ns l- 1 1 of made fcr lllis wss the Sniidow-nowser title i. Finch were snort :r.easi;v- not rccognfzed by the Pennsylvania In? 1G indies long, sis nll New York athletic commls- wide, and with a sole men- slons. Chalicnges from Curley couched in terms cajoling, failed to win match for the Curley champion, Jim Latinos, with Don George Then the title pissed bick to where It came Slranjler Ixiwis. And the shouting from Man- TOMOIlliOW: Can you cure for ,1 slice body turn to wait point in ihe Wearer of oize nh er Is tile diMincllon of 1 n-flo this month celebr.itrd his eth anniversary us cf the Allcgan of (Jdfit weekly newspapcTa iii southern Michigan. ieur Cut ley's crowd abrupl- y.

The Strangler was that leadleck wns just as young ns ever. TOMORROW: Villnin anil CInivn Remtfhber One Yrar Aso ToUiy Goose Cioslin and Joe fourth tollers in th? lineup of tiie Washington Senators, established an American r.ccrd JDKPS and Ouiltord, U. B. geltcrs. won two vic- tales apiece on the third day of flny in Ihe British Amatfiir chani- piousliips fit, Mini-field.

Scotland. Tell Years St. Cardinals beat tin Phila- Athletics 4 to 0 in an exhibition game. Tiie Atlanta Crackers and by hitting hcme runs on Ihe' Ivips to the plate in rnch SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, (lli'l Key Pittmnn. one of (he foremost leaders favoring an international silver confarencn'aiH olhrr steps designed (o bring back the silver industry to ri healthy slate, made a tnellral error here.

Pittnmi handed out Uro a dollar enrh. In 1,5:1, cil dollar bills. riirmiiielnm Barons started night fourth and fifth The i Read Courier News w-mt adi '-elial! off nt Atlanta last night I Ihe Srmthern leaders defeated the Crax, 5 to 4. The game was a free hitting contest with (he Crackers getting 15 blows to the Enrolls 10 but they were unable to hunch them successfully against Touchstone, delayed the game in the second when they ixmred out on thc field when Johnny Dobbs. ngcr.

and an umpire argument. The Memphis-Mobile gnmc and Ihe Little Rock-New Orleans game were postponed because of rain. Crax, Man- were in an PHILADELPHIA. American women order American men to do things for them that no French woman would think of suggesting to her husband according to Mile. Marguerite liaoulx.

"I felt embarrassed when I saw- women ordering their men the vivacious French fashion expert declared, "ft is always, Charlie, close the or 'Pick up 'In France It is different. Tlie petite mademoiselle or the grande inndame would never tlr.rc to tell monsieur whnt lo least in public. "Thc French women nlwnys let the man Ihink ho is the boss: they would not think of telling him before other persons what is right to do. Hut I like the way you American women act." Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday R1TZ THEATER Tiiosdflv-Wednesday Thursday Mi.uhfy Stars of 'Cuckoos' and 'Half Shot' Courier News Want Ails Pav There's only one Budweiser and nothing like it llcadinir thc I'iirnde in Slam-Bang Circus of Nonsense uaaMWH Courier News Wnnt Ads Pay. half an inch thick.

One of thc strangest wills record Is that of M. iV ituier, who had 11 engraved er. of cno of his clinks, A Towering Men Whn Were ir.b'.y-H llcln nn an Empire Alarknl with ind Willed lo Devil! WHEE Dorothy Leo Ralf Hai'oMc Hmvlaiul Nataiiic With World's Ort.itest Array of Nuts, nnd Dames rlc I.uvr nin-rled bv Also Comedy and Short Kii'iiarti Dix ironc Dunne Ksk'lle Taylor Heading Cast of ive Arlisls WKS Also Comedy and ami :50:. 10 2rK will -10c. rnniini; "IRON AI.AN".

Coining JIarv Piekford in "CRACKKU NL'TS".

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